1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkQuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator_h
19 #define itkQuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator_h
21 #include "itkMapContainer.h"
23 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 #define itkQEDefineFrontIteratorMethodsMacro(MeshTypeArg)                       \
25   /* Dual definition placed before others because of .NET that cannot */        \
26   /* cope with definition of FrontIterator (that further hides the    */        \
27   /* definition of the template).                                     */        \
28   using QEDualType = typename MeshTypeArg::QEDual;                              \
29   using QEPrimalType = typename MeshTypeArg::QEPrimal;                          \
30   using FrontDualIterator = QuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator< MeshTypeArg,             \
31                                           QEDualType >;                         \
32   using ConstFrontDualIterator = QuadEdgeMeshConstFrontIterator< MeshTypeArg,   \
33                                           QEDualType >;                         \
34   using FrontIterator = QuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator< MeshTypeArg, QEPrimalType >; \
35   using ConstFrontIterator = QuadEdgeMeshConstFrontIterator< MeshTypeArg,       \
36                                           QEPrimalType >;                       \
37                                                                                 \
38   virtual FrontIterator BeginFront(QEPrimalType * seed = (QEPrimalType *)0)     \
39     {                                                                           \
40     return ( FrontIterator(this, true, seed) );                                 \
41     }                                                                           \
42                                                                                 \
43   virtual ConstFrontIterator BeginFront(QEPrimalType * seed) const              \
44         { return ( ConstFrontIterator(this, true, seed) ); }                    \
45                                                                                 \
46   virtual FrontIterator EndFront()                                              \
47     {                                                                           \
48     return ( FrontIterator(this, false) );                                      \
49     }                                                                           \
50                                                                                 \
51   virtual ConstFrontIterator EndFront() const                                   \
52         { return ( ConstFrontIterator(this, false) ); }                         \
53                                                                                 \
54   virtual FrontDualIterator BeginDualFront(QEDualType * seed = (QEDualType *)0) \
55     {                                                                           \
56     return ( FrontDualIterator(this, true, seed) );                             \
57     }                                                                           \
58                                                                                 \
59   virtual ConstFrontDualIterator BeginDualFront(QEDualType * seed) const        \
60         { return ( ConstFrontDualIterator(this, true, seed) ); }                \
61                                                                                 \
62   virtual FrontDualIterator EndDualFront()                                      \
63     {                                                                           \
64     return ( FrontDualIterator(this, false) );                                  \
65     }                                                                           \
66                                                                                 \
67   virtual ConstFrontDualIterator EndDualFront() const                           \
68         { return ( ConstFrontDualIterator(this, false) ); }
70 namespace itk
71 {
72 /**
73  * \class QuadEdgeMeshFrontBaseIterator
74  *
75  * \brief Front iterator on Mesh class
76  *
77  * Like topological and geometrical operators, it iterates on edges.
78  * Unlike them, this iterator is not local, nor cyclic. Starting from a
79  * given seed, it will create a front that propagates on the surface.
80  * Depending on the weight associated which each edge, and on the type of the
81  * seed (primal or dual) it can be used for frint propagation algorithm,
82  * distance tree computation or other Djikstra like algorithms.
83  * \ingroup ITKQuadEdgeMesh
84  */
85 template< typename TMesh, typename TQE >
86 class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT QuadEdgeMeshFrontBaseIterator
87 {
88 public:
89   // Hierarchy type alias & values.
90   using Self = QuadEdgeMeshFrontBaseIterator;
92   // Template types
93   using MeshType = TMesh;
94   using QEType = TQE;
96 protected:
97   // Mesh types
98   using CoordRepType = typename MeshType::CoordRepType;
99   // QE types
100   using QEOriginType = typename QEType::OriginRefType;
102   /**
103    * \class FrontAtom
104    *
105    * \brief Atomic information associated to each edge of the front.
106    *
107    * Note that when sorting this list, the sorting criteria is the
108    * Cost attribute.
109    * \ingroup ITKQuadEdgeMesh
110    */
111   class FrontAtom
112   {
113 public:
114     FrontAtom(QEType *e = (QEType *)0, const CoordRepType c = 0):
m_Edge(e)115       m_Edge(e), m_Cost(c)
116     {}
117     virtual ~FrontAtom() = default;
118     FrontAtom & operator=(const FrontAtom & r)
119     { m_Edge = r.m_Edge; m_Cost = r.m_Cost; return *this; }
120     bool operator==(const FrontAtom & r) const
121     { return ( m_Edge == r.m_Edge ); }
122     bool operator!=(const FrontAtom & r) const
123     { return ( m_Edge != r.m_Edge ); }
124     bool operator<(const FrontAtom & r) const
125     { return ( m_Cost < r.m_Cost ); }
127 public:
128     QEType *     m_Edge;
129     CoordRepType m_Cost;
130   };
132   /** The active front is simply a list of edges that can be sorted on
133    *  the sort attribute FrontAtom
134    */
135   using FrontType = std::list< FrontAtom >;
136   using FrontTypeIterator = typename FrontType::iterator;
137   using FrontTypePointer = FrontType *;
139   /** Whether an Origin (i.e. a vertex or a face since we either deal with
140    *  primal or dual edges) was already visited.
141    */
142   using IsVisitedContainerType = MapContainer< QEOriginType, bool >;
143   using IsVisitedPointerType = typename IsVisitedContainerType::Pointer;
145 public:
146   /** Object creation methods. */
147   QuadEdgeMeshFrontBaseIterator(MeshType *mesh  = (MeshType *)nullptr,
148                                 bool start = true,
149                                 QEType *seed  = (QEType *)nullptr);
150   virtual ~QuadEdgeMeshFrontBaseIterator();
152   Self & operator=(const Self & r)
153   {
154     if(this != &r)
155       {
156       m_Mesh  = r.m_Mesh;
157       m_Start = r.m_Start;
158       m_Seed  = r.m_Seed;
159       m_Front = r.m_Front;
160       m_IsPointVisited = r.m_IsPointVisited;
161       m_CurrentEdge = r.m_CurrentEdge;
162       }
163     return ( *this );
164   }
166   // Iteration methods.
167   bool operator==(Self & r)
168   {
169     return ( m_Start == r.m_Start );
170   }
172   bool operator==(const Self & r) const
173   {
174     return ( m_Start == r.m_Start );
175   }
177   bool operator!=(Self & r)
178   {
179     return ( !( this->operator==(r) ) );
180   }
182   bool operator!=(const Self & r) const
183   {
184     return ( !( this->operator==(r) ) );
185   }
187   Self & operator++();
189   Self & operator++(int) { return ( this->operator++() ); }
GetMesh()191   MeshType * GetMesh() const { return this->m_Mesh; }
193 protected:
194   /** Find a default seed by taking any edge (with proper type) in
195    *  the current mesh.
196    */
197   QEType * FindDefaultSeed();
199   /** The default cost associated to an edge is simply 1. This corresponds
200    *  to the "topological metric" i.e. all edges have unit length.
201    */
GetCost(QEType * edge)202   virtual CoordRepType GetCost(QEType *edge){ (void)edge; return ( 1 ); }
204 protected:
205   /** Mesh on which we propagate the front */
206   MeshType *m_Mesh;
207   /** Initial seed of the front */
208   QEType *m_Seed;
209   /** Whether the iterator is active */
210   bool m_Start;
211   /** The active front */
212   FrontTypePointer m_Front;
213   /** The already visited points */
214   IsVisitedPointerType m_IsPointVisited;
215   /** The current edge at this stage of iteration */
216   QEType *m_CurrentEdge;
217 };
219 /**
220  * \class QuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator
221  *
222  * \brief Non const quad edge front iterator.
223  * \ingroup ITKQuadEdgeMesh
224  */
225 template< typename TMesh, typename TQE >
226 class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT QuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator:
227   public QuadEdgeMeshFrontBaseIterator< TMesh, TQE  >
228 {
229 public:
230   /** Hierarchy type alias and values. */
231   using Self = QuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator;
232   using Superclass = QuadEdgeMeshFrontBaseIterator< TMesh, TQE >;
233   using MeshType = typename Superclass::MeshType;
234   using QEType = typename Superclass::QEType;
236 public:
237   /** Object creation methods. */
238   QuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator(MeshType *mesh = (MeshType *)0,
239                             bool start = true,
240                             QEType *seed  = (QEType *)nullptr):
Superclass(mesh,start,seed)241     Superclass(mesh, start, seed) {}
242   ~QuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator() override = default;
Value()243   QEType * Value() { return ( this->m_CurrentEdge ); }
244 };
246 /**
247  * \class QuadEdgeMeshConstFrontIterator
248  *
249  * \brief Const quad edge mesh front iterator.
250  * \ingroup ITKQuadEdgeMesh
251  */
252 template< typename TMesh, typename TQE = typename TMesh::QEType >
253 class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT QuadEdgeMeshConstFrontIterator:
254   public QuadEdgeMeshFrontBaseIterator< TMesh, TQE >
255 {
256 public:
257   /** Hierarchy type alias & values. */
258   using Self = QuadEdgeMeshConstFrontIterator;
259   using Superclass = QuadEdgeMeshFrontBaseIterator< TMesh, TQE >;
260   using QEType = typename Superclass::QEType;
261   using MeshType = typename Superclass::MeshType;
262   using NoConstType = QuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator< MeshType, QEType >;
264 public:
265   /** Object creation methods. */
266   QuadEdgeMeshConstFrontIterator(const MeshType *mesh = (MeshType *)0,
267                                  bool start = true,
268                                  QEType *seed  = (QEType *)nullptr)
269   {
270     (void)mesh;
271     (void)start;
272     (void)seed;
273   }
275   /** \todo do we need here a    : Superclass( mesh, start, seed ) { } */
276   ~QuadEdgeMeshConstFrontIterator() override = default;
277   Self & operator=(const NoConstType & r)
278   {
279     this->m_Mesh  = r.GetMesh();
280     return ( *this );
281   }
Value()283   const QEType * Value() const { return ( this->m_CurrentEdge ); }
284 };
285 }
287 #include "itkQuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator.hxx"
289 #endif