1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkShapePriorMAPCostFunction_hxx
19 #define itkShapePriorMAPCostFunction_hxx
21 #include "itkShapePriorMAPCostFunction.h"
23 namespace itk
24 {
25 /**
26  * Constructor
27  */
28 template< typename TFeatureImage, typename TOutputPixel >
29 ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
ShapePriorMAPCostFunction()30 ::ShapePriorMAPCostFunction()
31 {
32   m_GaussianFunction = GaussianKernelFunction<double>::New();
33   m_ShapeParameterMeans = ArrayType(1);
34   m_ShapeParameterMeans.Fill(0.0);
35   m_ShapeParameterStandardDeviations = ArrayType(1);
36   m_ShapeParameterStandardDeviations.Fill(0.0);
37   m_Weights.Fill(1.0);
38 }
40 /**
41  * PrintSelf
42  */
43 template< typename TFeatureImage, typename TOutputPixel >
44 void
45 ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
PrintSelf(std::ostream & os,Indent indent) const46 ::PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const
47 {
48   Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
49   os << indent << "ShapeParameterMeans: " << m_ShapeParameterMeans << std::endl;
50   os << indent << "ShapeParameterStandardDeviations:  ";
51   os << m_ShapeParameterStandardDeviations  << std::endl;
52   os << indent << "Weights: " << m_Weights << std::endl;
53 }
55 /**
56  *
57  */
58 template< typename TFeatureImage, typename TOutputPixel >
59 typename ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
60 ::MeasureType
61 ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
ComputeLogInsideTerm(const ParametersType & parameters) const62 ::ComputeLogInsideTerm(const ParametersType & parameters) const
63 {
64   this->m_ShapeFunction->SetParameters(parameters);
66   typename NodeContainerType::ConstIterator iter = this->GetActiveRegion()->Begin();
67   typename NodeContainerType::ConstIterator end  = this->GetActiveRegion()->End();
69   MeasureType counter = 0.0;
71   // count the number of pixels inside the current contour but outside the
72   // current shape
73   while ( iter != end )
74     {
75     NodeType node = iter.Value();
76     typename ShapeFunctionType::PointType point;
78     this->GetFeatureImage()->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(node.GetIndex(), point);
80     if ( node.GetValue() <= 0.0 )
81       {
82       double value = this->m_ShapeFunction->Evaluate(point);
83       if ( value > 0.0 )
84         {
85         counter += 1.0;
86         }
87       else if ( value > -1.0 )
88         {
89         counter += ( 1.0 + value );
90         }
91       }
93     ++iter;
94     }
96   MeasureType output = counter * m_Weights[0];
97   return output;
98 }
100 /**
101  *
102  */
103 template< typename TFeatureImage, typename TOutputPixel >
104 typename ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
105 ::MeasureType
106 ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
ComputeLogShapePriorTerm(const ParametersType & parameters) const107 ::ComputeLogShapePriorTerm(const ParametersType & parameters) const
108 {
109   // assume the shape parameters is from a independent gaussian distributions
110   MeasureType measure = 0.0;
112   for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < this->m_ShapeFunction->GetNumberOfShapeParameters(); j++ )
113     {
114     measure += itk::Math::sqr( ( parameters[j] - m_ShapeParameterMeans[j] )
115                              / m_ShapeParameterStandardDeviations[j] );
116     }
117   measure *= m_Weights[2];
118   return measure;
119 }
121 /**
122  *
123  */
124 template< typename TFeatureImage, typename TOutputPixel >
125 typename ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
126 ::MeasureType
127 ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
ComputeLogGradientTerm(const ParametersType & parameters) const128 ::ComputeLogGradientTerm(const ParametersType & parameters) const
129 {
130   this->m_ShapeFunction->SetParameters(parameters);
132   typename NodeContainerType::ConstIterator iter = this->GetActiveRegion()->Begin();
133   typename NodeContainerType::ConstIterator end  = this->GetActiveRegion()->End();
134   MeasureType sum = 0.0;
136   // Assume that ( 1 - FeatureImage ) approximates a Gaussian (zero mean, unit
137   // variance)
138   // along the normal of the evolving contour.
139   // The GradientTerm is then given by a Laplacian of the goodness of fit of
140   // the Gaussian.
141   while ( iter != end )
142     {
143     NodeType node = iter.Value();
144     typename ShapeFunctionType::PointType point;
146     this->GetFeatureImage()->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(node.GetIndex(), point);
148     sum += itk::Math::sqr( m_GaussianFunction->Evaluate( this->m_ShapeFunction->Evaluate(point) )
149                          - 1.0 + this->GetFeatureImage()->GetPixel( node.GetIndex() ) );
151     ++iter;
152     }
154   sum *= m_Weights[1];
155 //  std::cout << sum << " ";
156   return sum;
157 }
159 /**
160  *
161  */
162 template< typename TFeatureImage, typename TOutputPixel >
163 typename ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
164 ::MeasureType
165 ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
ComputeLogPosePriorTerm(const ParametersType & itkNotUsed (parameters)) const166 ::ComputeLogPosePriorTerm( const ParametersType & itkNotUsed(parameters) ) const
167 {
168   return 0.0;
169 }
171 /**
172  *
173  */
174 template< typename TFeatureImage, typename TOutputPixel >
175 void
176 ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
Initialize()177 ::Initialize()
178 {
179   this->Superclass::Initialize();
181   // check if the mean and variances array are of the right size
182   if ( m_ShapeParameterMeans.Size() <
183        this->m_ShapeFunction->GetNumberOfShapeParameters() )
184     {
185     itkExceptionMacro(<< "ShapeParameterMeans does not have at least "
186                       << this->m_ShapeFunction->GetNumberOfShapeParameters()
187                       << " number of elements.");
188     }
190   if ( m_ShapeParameterStandardDeviations.Size() <
191        this->m_ShapeFunction->GetNumberOfShapeParameters() )
192     {
193     itkExceptionMacro(<< "ShapeParameterStandardDeviations does not have at least "
194                       << this->m_ShapeFunction->GetNumberOfShapeParameters()
195                       << " number of elements.");
196     }
197 }
198 } // end namespace itk
200 #endif