3from __future__ import print_function
4import pickle
5import os,shutil, string, re
6import sys
7import logging, time
8import types
9sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
10from collections import defaultdict
11from gmakegen import *
13import inspect
14thisscriptdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
16import testparse
17import example_template
22There are 2 modes of running tests: Normal builds and run from prefix of
23install.  They affect where to find things:
26Case 1.  Normal builds:
28     +---------------------+----------------------------------+
29     | PETSC_DIR           | <git dir>                        |
30     +---------------------+----------------------------------+
31     | PETSC_ARCH          | arch-foo                         |
32     +---------------------+----------------------------------+
33     | PETSC_LIBDIR        | PETSC_DIR/PETSC_ARCH/lib         |
34     +---------------------+----------------------------------+
35     | PETSC_EXAMPLESDIR   | PETSC_DIR/src                    |
36     +---------------------+----------------------------------+
37     | PETSC_TESTDIR       | PETSC_DIR/PETSC_ARCH/tests       |
38     +---------------------+----------------------------------+
39     | PETSC_GMAKEFILETEST | PETSC_DIR/gmakefile.test         |
40     +---------------------+----------------------------------+
41     | PETSC_GMAKEGENTEST  | PETSC_DIR/config/gmakegentest.py |
42     +---------------------+----------------------------------+
45Case 2.  From install dir:
47     +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
48     | PETSC_DIR           | <prefix dir>                                          |
49     +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
50     | PETSC_ARCH          | ''                                                    |
51     +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
52     | PETSC_LIBDIR        | PETSC_DIR/PETSC_ARCH/lib                              |
53     +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
54     | PETSC_EXAMPLESDIR   | PETSC_DIR/share/petsc/examples/src                    |
55     +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
56     | PETSC_TESTDIR       | PETSC_DIR/PETSC_ARCH/tests                            |
57     +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
58     | PETSC_GMAKEFILETEST | PETSC_DIR/share/petsc/examples/gmakefile.test         |
59     +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
60     | PETSC_GMAKEGENTEST  | PETSC_DIR/share/petsc/examples/config/gmakegentest.py |
61     +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
65def install_files(source, destdir):
66  """Install file or directory 'source' to 'destdir'.  Does not preserve
67  mode (permissions).
68  """
69  if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
70    os.makedirs(destdir)
71  if os.path.isdir(source):
72    for name in os.listdir(source):
73      install_files(os.path.join(source, name), os.path.join(destdir, os.path.basename(source)))
74  else:
75    shutil.copyfile(source, os.path.join(destdir, os.path.basename(source)))
77def nameSpace(srcfile,srcdir):
78  """
79  Because the scripts have a non-unique naming, the pretty-printing
80  needs to convey the srcdir and srcfile.  There are two ways of doing this.
81  """
82  if srcfile.startswith('run'): srcfile=re.sub('^run','',srcfile)
83  prefix=srcdir.replace("/","_")+"-"
84  nameString=prefix+srcfile
85  return nameString
87class generateExamples(Petsc):
88  """
89    gmakegen.py has basic structure for finding the files, writing out
90      the dependencies, etc.
91  """
92  def __init__(self,petsc_dir=None, petsc_arch=None, pkg_dir=None, pkg_arch=None, pkg_name=None, pkg_pkgs=None, testdir='tests', verbose=False, single_ex=False, srcdir=None, check=False):
93    super(generateExamples, self).__init__(petsc_dir=petsc_dir, petsc_arch=petsc_arch, pkg_dir=pkg_dir, pkg_arch=pkg_arch, pkg_name=pkg_name, pkg_pkgs=pkg_pkgs, verbose=verbose)
95    self.single_ex=single_ex
96    self.srcdir=srcdir
97    self.check_output=check
99    # Set locations to handle movement
100    self.inInstallDir=self.getInInstallDir(thisscriptdir)
102    if self.inInstallDir:
103      # Case 2 discussed above
104      # set PETSC_ARCH to install directory to allow script to work in both
105      dirlist=thisscriptdir.split(os.path.sep)
106      installdir=os.path.sep.join(dirlist[0:len(dirlist)-4])
107      self.arch_dir=installdir
108      if self.srcdir is None:
109        self.srcdir=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(thisscriptdir),'src')
110    else:
111      if petsc_arch == '':
112        raise RuntimeError('PETSC_ARCH must be set when running from build directory')
113      # Case 1 discussed above
114      self.arch_dir=os.path.join(self.petsc_dir,self.petsc_arch)
115      if self.srcdir is None:
116        self.srcdir=os.path.join(self.petsc_dir,'src')
118    self.testroot_dir=os.path.abspath(testdir)
120    self.verbose=verbose
121    # Whether to write out a useful debugging
122    self.summarize=True if verbose else False
124    # For help in setting the requirements
125    self.precision_types="single double __float128 int32".split()
126    self.integer_types="int32 int64 long32 long64".split()
127    self.languages="fortran cuda hip sycl cxx cpp".split()    # Always requires C so do not list
129    # Things that are not test
130    self.buildkeys=testparse.buildkeys
132    # Adding a dictionary for storing sources, objects, and tests
133    # to make building the dependency tree easier
134    self.sources={}
135    self.objects={}
136    self.tests={}
137    for pkg in self.pkg_pkgs:
138      self.sources[pkg]={}
139      self.objects[pkg]=[]
140      self.tests[pkg]={}
141      for lang in LANGS:
142        self.sources[pkg][lang]={}
143        self.sources[pkg][lang]['srcs']=[]
144        self.tests[pkg][lang]={}
146    if not os.path.isdir(self.testroot_dir): os.makedirs(self.testroot_dir)
148    self.indent="   "
149    if self.verbose: print('Finishing the constructor')
150    return
152  def srcrelpath(self,rdir):
153    """
154    Get relative path to source directory
155    """
156    return os.path.relpath(rdir,self.srcdir)
158  def getInInstallDir(self,thisscriptdir):
159    """
160    When petsc is installed then this file in installed in:
161         <PREFIX>/share/petsc/examples/config/gmakegentest.py
162    otherwise the path is:
163         <PETSC_DIR>/config/gmakegentest.py
164    We use this difference to determine if we are in installdir
165    """
166    dirlist=thisscriptdir.split(os.path.sep)
167    if len(dirlist)>4:
168      lastfour=os.path.sep.join(dirlist[len(dirlist)-4:])
169      if lastfour==os.path.join('share','petsc','examples','config'):
170        return True
171      else:
172        return False
173    else:
174      return False
176  def getLanguage(self,srcfile):
177    """
178    Based on the source, determine associated language as found in gmakegen.LANGS
179    Can we just return srcext[1:\] now?
180    """
181    langReq=None
182    srcext = getlangext(srcfile)
183    if srcext in ".F90".split(): langReq="F90"
184    if srcext in ".F".split(): langReq="F"
185    if srcext in ".cxx".split(): langReq="cxx"
186    if srcext in ".kokkos.cxx".split(): langReq="kokkos_cxx"
187    if srcext in ".cpp".split(): langReq="cpp"
188    if srcext == ".cu": langReq="cu"
189    if srcext == ".c": langReq="c"
190    #if not langReq: print("ERROR: ", srcext, srcfile)
191    return langReq
193  def _getAltList(self,output_file,srcdir):
194    ''' Calculate AltList based on output file-- see
195       src/snes/tutorials/output/ex22*.out
196    '''
197    altlist=[output_file]
198    basefile = getlangsplit(output_file)
199    for i in range(1,9):
200      altroot=basefile+"_alt"
201      if i > 1: altroot=altroot+"_"+str(i)
202      af=altroot+".out"
203      srcaf=os.path.join(srcdir,af)
204      fullaf=os.path.join(self.petsc_dir,srcaf)
205      if os.path.isfile(fullaf): altlist.append(srcaf)
207    return altlist
210  def _getLoopVars(self,inDict,testname, isSubtest=False):
211    """
212    Given: 'args: -bs {{1 2 3 4 5}} -pc_type {{cholesky sor}} -ksp_monitor'
213    Return:
214      inDict['args']: -ksp_monitor
215      inDict['subargs']: -bs ${bs} -pc_type ${pc_type}
216      loopVars['subargs']['varlist']=['bs' 'pc_type']   # Don't worry about OrderedDict
217      loopVars['subargs']['bs']=[["bs"],["1 2 3 4 5"]]
218      loopVars['subargs']['pc_type']=[["pc_type"],["cholesky sor"]]
219    subst should be passed in instead of inDict
220    """
221    loopVars={}; newargs=[]
222    lsuffix='+'
223    argregex = re.compile(' (?=-[a-zA-Z])')
224    from testparse import parseLoopArgs
225    for key in inDict:
226      if key in ('SKIP', 'regexes'):
227        continue
228      akey=('subargs' if key=='args' else key)  # what to assign
229      if akey not in inDict: inDict[akey]=''
230      if akey == 'nsize' and not inDict['nsize'].startswith('{{'):
231        # Always generate a loop over nsize, even if there is only one value
232        inDict['nsize'] = '{{' + inDict['nsize'] + '}}'
233      keystr = str(inDict[key])
234      varlist = []
235      for varset in argregex.split(keystr):
236        if not varset.strip(): continue
237        if '{{' in varset:
238          keyvar,lvars,ftype=parseLoopArgs(varset)
239          if akey not in loopVars: loopVars[akey]={}
240          varlist.append(keyvar)
241          loopVars[akey][keyvar]=[keyvar,lvars]
242          if akey=='nsize':
243            if len(lvars.split()) > 1:
244              lsuffix += akey +'-${i' + keyvar + '}'
245          else:
246            inDict[akey] += ' -'+keyvar+' ${i' + keyvar + '}'
247            lsuffix+=keyvar+'-${i' + keyvar + '}_'
248        else:
249          if key=='args':
250            newargs.append(varset.strip())
251        if varlist:
252          loopVars[akey]['varlist']=varlist
254    # For subtests, args are always substituted in (not top level)
255    if isSubtest:
256      inDict['subargs'] += " "+" ".join(newargs)
257      inDict['args']=''
258      if 'label_suffix' in inDict:
259        inDict['label_suffix']+=lsuffix.rstrip('+').rstrip('_')
260      else:
261        inDict['label_suffix']=lsuffix.rstrip('+').rstrip('_')
262    else:
263      if loopVars:
264        inDict['args'] = ' '.join(newargs)
265        inDict['label_suffix']=lsuffix.rstrip('+').rstrip('_')
266    return loopVars
268  def getArgLabel(self,testDict):
269    """
270    In all of the arguments in the test dictionary, create a simple
271    string for searching within the makefile system.  For simplicity in
272    search, remove "-", for strings, etc.
273    Also, concatenate the arg commands
274    For now, ignore nsize -- seems hard to search for anyway
275    """
276    # Collect all of the args associated with a test
277    argStr=("" if 'args' not in testDict else testDict['args'])
278    if 'subtests' in testDict:
279      for stest in testDict["subtests"]:
280         sd=testDict[stest]
281         argStr=argStr+("" if 'args' not in sd else sd['args'])
283    # Now go through and cleanup
284    argStr=re.sub('{{(.*?)}}',"",argStr)
285    argStr=re.sub('-'," ",argStr)
286    for digit in string.digits: argStr=re.sub(digit," ",argStr)
287    argStr=re.sub("\.","",argStr)
288    argStr=re.sub(",","",argStr)
289    argStr=re.sub('\+',' ',argStr)
290    argStr=re.sub(' +',' ',argStr)  # Remove repeated white space
291    return argStr.strip()
293  def addToSources(self,exfile,rpath,srcDict):
294    """
295      Put into data structure that allows easy generation of makefile
296    """
297    pkg=rpath.split(os.path.sep)[0]
298    relpfile=os.path.join(rpath,exfile)
299    lang=self.getLanguage(exfile)
300    if not lang: return
301    if pkg not in self.sources: return
302    self.sources[pkg][lang]['srcs'].append(relpfile)
303    self.sources[pkg][lang][relpfile] = []
304    if 'depends' in srcDict:
305      depSrcList=srcDict['depends'].split()
306      for depSrc in depSrcList:
307        depObj = getlangsplit(depSrc)+'.o'
308        self.sources[pkg][lang][relpfile].append(os.path.join(rpath,depObj))
310    # In gmakefile, ${TESTDIR} var specifies the object compilation
311    testsdir=rpath+"/"
312    objfile="${TESTDIR}/"+testsdir+getlangsplit(exfile)+'.o'
313    self.objects[pkg].append(objfile)
314    return
316  def addToTests(self,test,rpath,exfile,execname,testDict):
317    """
318      Put into data structure that allows easy generation of makefile
319      Organized by languages to allow testing of languages
320    """
321    pkg=rpath.split("/")[0]
322    nmtest=os.path.join(rpath,test)
323    lang=self.getLanguage(exfile)
324    if not lang: return
325    if pkg not in self.tests: return
326    self.tests[pkg][lang][nmtest]={}
327    self.tests[pkg][lang][nmtest]['exfile']=os.path.join(rpath,exfile)
328    self.tests[pkg][lang][nmtest]['exec']=execname
329    self.tests[pkg][lang][nmtest]['argLabel']=self.getArgLabel(testDict)
330    return
332  def getExecname(self,exfile,rpath):
333    """
334      Generate bash script using template found next to this file.
335      This file is read in at constructor time to avoid file I/O
336    """
337    if self.single_ex:
338      execname=rpath.split("/")[1]+"-ex"
339    else:
340      execname=getlangsplit(exfile)
341    return execname
343  def getSubstVars(self,testDict,rpath,testname):
344    """
345      Create a dictionary with all of the variables that get substituted
346      into the template commands found in example_template.py
347    """
348    subst={}
350    # Handle defaults of testparse.acceptedkeys (e.g., ignores subtests)
351    if 'nsize' not in testDict: testDict['nsize'] = '1'
352    if 'timeoutfactor' not in testDict: testDict['timeoutfactor']="1"
353    for ak in testparse.acceptedkeys:
354      if ak=='test': continue
355      subst[ak]=(testDict[ak] if ak in testDict else '')
357    # Now do other variables
358    subst['execname']=testDict['execname']
359    subst['error']=''
360    if 'filter' in testDict:
361      if testDict['filter'].startswith("Error:"):
362        subst['error']="Error"
363        subst['filter']=testDict['filter'].lstrip("Error:")
364      else:
365        subst['filter']=testDict['filter']
367    # Others
368    subst['subargs']=''  # Default.  For variables override
369    subst['srcdir']=os.path.join(self.srcdir, rpath)
370    subst['label_suffix']=''
371    subst['comments']="\n#".join(subst['comments'].split("\n"))
372    if subst['comments']: subst['comments']="#"+subst['comments']
373    subst['exec']="../"+subst['execname']
374    subst['testroot']=self.testroot_dir
375    subst['testname']=testname
376    dp = self.conf.get('DATAFILESPATH','')
377    subst['datafilespath_line'] = 'DATAFILESPATH=${DATAFILESPATH:-"'+dp+'"}'
379    # This is used to label some matrices
380    subst['petsc_index_size']=str(self.conf['PETSC_INDEX_SIZE'])
381    subst['petsc_scalar_size']=str(self.conf['PETSC_SCALAR_SIZE'])
383    #Conf vars
384    if self.petsc_arch.find('valgrind')>=0:
385      subst['mpiexec']='petsc_mpiexec_valgrind ' + self.conf['MPIEXEC']
386    else:
387      subst['mpiexec']=self.conf['MPIEXEC']
388    subst['pkg_name']=self.pkg_name
389    subst['pkg_dir']=self.pkg_dir
390    subst['pkg_arch']=self.petsc_arch
391    subst['CONFIG_DIR']=thisscriptdir
392    subst['PETSC_BINDIR']=os.path.join(self.petsc_dir,'lib','petsc','bin')
393    subst['diff']=self.conf['DIFF']
394    subst['rm']=self.conf['RM']
395    subst['grep']=self.conf['GREP']
396    subst['petsc_lib_dir']=self.conf['PETSC_LIB_DIR']
397    subst['wpetsc_dir']=self.conf['wPETSC_DIR']
399    # Output file is special because of subtests override
400    defroot = testparse.getDefaultOutputFileRoot(testname)
401    if 'output_file' not in testDict:
402      subst['output_file']="output/"+defroot+".out"
403    subst['redirect_file']=defroot+".tmp"
404    subst['label']=nameSpace(defroot,self.srcrelpath(subst['srcdir']))
406    # Add in the full path here.
407    subst['output_file']=os.path.join(subst['srcdir'],subst['output_file'])
409    subst['regexes']={}
410    for subkey in subst:
411      if subkey=='regexes': continue
412      if not isinstance(subst[subkey],str): continue
413      patt="@"+subkey.upper()+"@"
414      subst['regexes'][subkey]=re.compile(patt)
416    return subst
418  def _substVars(self,subst,origStr):
419    """
420      Substitute variables
421    """
422    Str=origStr
423    for subkey in subst:
424      if subkey=='regexes': continue
425      if not isinstance(subst[subkey],str): continue
426      if subkey.upper() not in Str: continue
427      Str=subst['regexes'][subkey].sub(lambda x: subst[subkey],Str)
428    return Str
430  def getCmds(self,subst,i, debug=False):
431    """
432      Generate bash script using template found next to this file.
433      This file is read in at constructor time to avoid file I/O
434    """
435    nindnt=i # the start and has to be consistent with below
436    cmdindnt=self.indent*nindnt
437    cmdLines=""
439    # MPI is the default -- but we have a few odd commands
440    if not subst['command']:
441      cmd=cmdindnt+self._substVars(subst,example_template.mpitest)
442    else:
443      cmd=cmdindnt+self._substVars(subst,example_template.commandtest)
444    cmdLines+=cmd+"\n"+cmdindnt+"res=$?\n\n"
446    cmdLines+=cmdindnt+'if test $res = 0; then\n'
447    diffindnt=self.indent*(nindnt+1)
449    # Do some checks on existence of output_file and alt files
450    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.petsc_dir,subst['output_file'])):
451      if not subst['TODO']:
452        print("Warning: "+subst['output_file']+" not found.")
453    altlist=self._getAltList(subst['output_file'], subst['srcdir'])
455    # altlist always has output_file
456    if len(altlist)==1:
457      cmd=diffindnt+self._substVars(subst,example_template.difftest)
458    else:
459      if debug: print("Found alt files: ",altlist)
460      # Have to do it by hand a bit because of variable number of alt files
461      rf=subst['redirect_file']
462      cmd=diffindnt+example_template.difftest.split('@')[0]
463      for i in range(len(altlist)):
464        af=altlist[i]
465        cmd+=af+' '+rf
466        if i!=len(altlist)-1:
467          cmd+=' > diff-${testname}-'+str(i)+'.out 2> diff-${testname}-'+str(i)+'.out'
468          cmd+=' || ${diff_exe} '
469        else:
470          cmd+='" diff-${testname}.out diff-${testname}.out diff-${label}'
471          cmd+=subst['label_suffix']+' ""'  # Quotes are painful
472    cmdLines+=cmd+"\n"
473    cmdLines+=cmdindnt+'else\n'
474    cmdLines+=diffindnt+'petsc_report_tapoutput "" ${label} "SKIP Command failed so no diff"\n'
475    cmdLines+=cmdindnt+'fi\n'
476    return cmdLines
478  def _writeTodoSkip(self,fh,tors,reasons,footer):
479    """
480    Write out the TODO and SKIP lines in the file
481    The TODO or SKIP variable, tors, should be lower case
482    """
483    TORS=tors.upper()
484    template=eval("example_template."+tors+"line")
485    tsStr=re.sub("@"+TORS+"COMMENT@",', '.join(reasons),template)
486    tab = ''
487    if reasons:
488      fh.write('if ! $force; then\n')
489      tab = tab + '    '
490    if reasons == ["Requires DATAFILESPATH"]:
491      # The only reason not to run is DATAFILESPATH, which we check at run-time
492      fh.write(tab + 'if test -z "${DATAFILESPATH}"; then\n')
493      tab = tab + '    '
494    if reasons:
495      fh.write(tab+tsStr+"\n" + tab + "total=1; "+tors+"=1\n")
496      fh.write(tab+footer+"\n")
497      fh.write(tab+"exit\n")
498    if reasons == ["Requires DATAFILESPATH"]:
499      fh.write('    fi\n')
500    if reasons:
501      fh.write('fi\n')
502    fh.write('\n\n')
503    return
505  def getLoopVarsHead(self,loopVars,i,usedVars={}):
506    """
507    Generate a nicely indented string with the format loops
508    Here is what the data structure looks like
509      loopVars['subargs']['varlist']=['bs' 'pc_type']   # Don't worry about OrderedDict
510      loopVars['subargs']['bs']=["i","1 2 3 4 5"]
511      loopVars['subargs']['pc_type']=["j","cholesky sor"]
512    """
513    outstr=''; indnt=self.indent
515    for key in loopVars:
516      for var in loopVars[key]['varlist']:
517        varval=loopVars[key][var]
518        outstr += "{0}_in=${{{0}:-{1}}}\n".format(*varval)
519    outstr += "\n\n"
521    for key in loopVars:
522      for var in loopVars[key]['varlist']:
523        varval=loopVars[key][var]
524        outstr += indnt * i + "for i{0} in ${{{0}_in}}; do\n".format(*varval)
525        i = i + 1
526    return (outstr,i)
528  def getLoopVarsFoot(self,loopVars,i):
529    outstr=''; indnt=self.indent
530    for key in loopVars:
531      for var in loopVars[key]['varlist']:
532        i = i - 1
533        outstr += indnt * i + "done\n"
534    return (outstr,i)
536  def genRunScript(self,testname,root,isRun,srcDict):
537    """
538      Generate bash script using template found next to this file.
539      This file is read in at constructor time to avoid file I/O
540    """
541    # runscript_dir directory has to be consistent with gmakefile
542    testDict=srcDict[testname]
543    rpath=self.srcrelpath(root)
544    runscript_dir=os.path.join(self.testroot_dir,rpath)
545    if not os.path.isdir(runscript_dir): os.makedirs(runscript_dir)
546    with open(os.path.join(runscript_dir,testname+".sh"),"w") as fh:
548      # Get variables to go into shell scripts.  last time testDict used
549      subst=self.getSubstVars(testDict,rpath,testname)
550      loopVars = self._getLoopVars(subst,testname)  # Alters subst as well
551      if 'subtests' in testDict:
552        # The subtests inherit inDict, so we don't need top-level loops.
553        loopVars = {}
555      #Handle runfiles
556      for lfile in subst.get('localrunfiles','').split():
557        install_files(os.path.join(root, lfile),
558                      os.path.join(runscript_dir, os.path.dirname(lfile)))
559      # Check subtests for local runfiles
560      for stest in subst.get("subtests",[]):
561        for lfile in testDict[stest].get('localrunfiles','').split():
562          install_files(os.path.join(root, lfile),
563                        os.path.join(runscript_dir, os.path.dirname(lfile)))
565      # Now substitute the key variables into the header and footer
566      header=self._substVars(subst,example_template.header)
567      # The header is done twice to enable @...@ in header
568      header=self._substVars(subst,header)
569      footer=re.sub('@TESTROOT@',subst['testroot'],example_template.footer)
571      # Start writing the file
572      fh.write(header+"\n")
574      # If there is a TODO or a SKIP then we do it before writing out the
575      # rest of the command (which is useful for working on the test)
576      # SKIP and TODO can be for the source file or for the runs
577      self._writeTodoSkip(fh,'todo',[s for s in [srcDict.get('TODO',''), testDict.get('TODO','')] if s],footer)
578      self._writeTodoSkip(fh,'skip',srcDict.get('SKIP',[]) + testDict.get('SKIP',[]),footer)
580      j=0  # for indentation
582      if loopVars:
583        (loopHead,j) = self.getLoopVarsHead(loopVars,j)
584        if (loopHead): fh.write(loopHead+"\n")
586      # Subtests are special
587      allLoopVars=list(loopVars.keys())
588      if 'subtests' in testDict:
589        substP=subst   # Subtests can inherit args but be careful
590        k=0  # for label suffixes
591        for stest in testDict["subtests"]:
592          subst=substP.copy()
593          subst.update(testDict[stest])
594          subst['label_suffix']='+'+string.ascii_letters[k]; k+=1
595          sLoopVars = self._getLoopVars(subst,testname,isSubtest=True)
596          if sLoopVars:
597            (sLoopHead,j) = self.getLoopVarsHead(sLoopVars,j,allLoopVars)
598            allLoopVars+=list(sLoopVars.keys())
599            fh.write(sLoopHead+"\n")
600          fh.write(self.getCmds(subst,j)+"\n")
601          if sLoopVars:
602            (sLoopFoot,j) = self.getLoopVarsFoot(sLoopVars,j)
603            fh.write(sLoopFoot+"\n")
604      else:
605        fh.write(self.getCmds(subst,j)+"\n")
607      if loopVars:
608        (loopFoot,j) = self.getLoopVarsFoot(loopVars,j)
609        fh.write(loopFoot+"\n")
611      fh.write(footer+"\n")
613    os.chmod(os.path.join(runscript_dir,testname+".sh"),0o755)
614    #if '10_9' in testname: sys.exit()
615    return
617  def  genScriptsAndInfo(self,exfile,root,srcDict):
618    """
619    Generate scripts from the source file, determine if built, etc.
620     For every test in the exfile with info in the srcDict:
621      1. Determine if it needs to be run for this arch
622      2. Generate the script
623      3. Generate the data needed to write out the makefile in a
624         convenient way
625     All tests are *always* run, but some may be SKIP'd per the TAP standard
626    """
627    debug=False
628    rpath=self.srcrelpath(root)
629    execname=self.getExecname(exfile,rpath)
630    isBuilt=self._isBuilt(exfile,srcDict)
631    for test in srcDict:
632      if test in self.buildkeys: continue
633      if debug: print(nameSpace(exfile,root), test)
634      srcDict[test]['execname']=execname   # Convenience in generating scripts
635      isRun=self._isRun(srcDict[test])
636      self.genRunScript(test,root,isRun,srcDict)
637      srcDict[test]['isrun']=isRun
638      self.addToTests(test,rpath,exfile,execname,srcDict[test])
640    # This adds to datastructure for building deps
641    if isBuilt: self.addToSources(exfile,rpath,srcDict)
642    return
644  def _isBuilt(self,exfile,srcDict):
645    """
646    Determine if this file should be built.
647    """
648    # Get the language based on file extension
649    srcDict['SKIP'] = []
650    lang=self.getLanguage(exfile)
651    if (lang=="F" or lang=="F90"):
652      if not self.have_fortran:
653        srcDict["SKIP"].append("Fortran required for this test")
654      elif lang=="F90" and 'PETSC_USING_F90FREEFORM' not in self.conf:
655        srcDict["SKIP"].append("Fortran f90freeform required for this test")
656    if lang=="cu" and 'PETSC_HAVE_CUDA' not in self.conf:
657      srcDict["SKIP"].append("CUDA required for this test")
658    if lang=="hip" and 'PETSC_HAVE_HIP' not in self.conf:
659      srcDict["SKIP"].append("HIP required for this test")
660    if lang=="sycl" and 'PETSC_HAVE_SYCL' not in self.conf:
661      srcDict["SKIP"].append("SYCL required for this test")
662    if lang=="kokkos_cxx" and 'PETSC_HAVE_KOKKOS' not in self.conf:
663      srcDict["SKIP"].append("KOKKOS required for this test")
664    if lang=="cxx" and 'PETSC_HAVE_CXX' not in self.conf:
665      srcDict["SKIP"].append("C++ required for this test")
666    if lang=="cpp" and 'PETSC_HAVE_CXX' not in self.conf:
667      srcDict["SKIP"].append("C++ required for this test")
669    # Deprecated source files
670    if srcDict.get("TODO"):
671      return False
673    # isRun can work with srcDict to handle the requires
674    if "requires" in srcDict:
675      if srcDict["requires"]:
676        return self._isRun(srcDict)
678    return srcDict['SKIP'] == []
681  def _isRun(self,testDict, debug=False):
682    """
683    Based on the requirements listed in the src file and the petscconf.h
684    info, determine whether this test should be run or not.
685    """
686    indent="  "
688    if 'SKIP' not in testDict:
689      testDict['SKIP'] = []
690    # MPI requirements
691    if 'MPI_IS_MPIUNI' in self.conf:
692      if testDict.get('nsize', '1') != '1':
693        testDict['SKIP'].append("Parallel test with serial build")
695      # The requirements for the test are the sum of all the run subtests
696      if 'subtests' in testDict:
697        if 'requires' not in testDict: testDict['requires']=""
698        for stest in testDict['subtests']:
699          if 'requires' in testDict[stest]:
700            testDict['requires']+=" "+testDict[stest]['requires']
701          if testDict[stest].get('nsize', '1') != '1':
702            testDict['SKIP'].append("Parallel test with serial build")
703            break
705    # Now go through all requirements
706    if 'requires' in testDict:
707      for requirement in testDict['requires'].split():
708        requirement=requirement.strip()
709        if not requirement: continue
710        if debug: print(indent+"Requirement: ", requirement)
711        isNull=False
712        if requirement.startswith("!"):
713          requirement=requirement[1:]; isNull=True
714        # Precision requirement for reals
715        if requirement in self.precision_types:
716          if self.conf['PETSC_PRECISION']==requirement:
717            if isNull:
718              testDict['SKIP'].append("not "+requirement+" required")
719              continue
720            continue  # Success
721          elif not isNull:
722            testDict['SKIP'].append(requirement+" required")
723            continue
724        # Precision requirement for ints
725        if requirement in self.integer_types:
726          if requirement=="int32":
727            if self.conf['PETSC_SIZEOF_INT']==4:
728              if isNull:
729                testDict['SKIP'].append("not int32 required")
730                continue
731              continue  # Success
732            elif not isNull:
733              testDict['SKIP'].append("int32 required")
734              continue
735          if requirement=="int64":
736            if self.conf['PETSC_SIZEOF_INT']==8:
737              if isNull:
738                testDict['SKIP'].append("NOT int64 required")
739                continue
740              continue  # Success
741            elif not isNull:
742              testDict['SKIP'].append("int64 required")
743              continue
744          if requirement.startswith("long"):
745            reqsize = int(requirement[4:])//8
746            longsize = int(self.conf['PETSC_SIZEOF_LONG'].strip())
747            if longsize==reqsize:
748              if isNull:
749                testDict['SKIP'].append("not %s required" % requirement)
750                continue
751              continue  # Success
752            elif not isNull:
753              testDict['SKIP'].append("%s required" % requirement)
754              continue
755        # Datafilespath
756        if requirement=="datafilespath" and not isNull:
757          testDict['SKIP'].append("Requires DATAFILESPATH")
758          continue
759        # Defines -- not sure I have comments matching
760        if "define(" in requirement.lower():
761          reqdef=requirement.split("(")[1].split(")")[0]
762          if reqdef in self.conf:
763            if isNull:
764              testDict['SKIP'].append("Null requirement not met: "+requirement)
765              continue
766            continue  # Success
767          elif not isNull:
768            testDict['SKIP'].append("Required: "+requirement)
769            continue
771        # Rest should be packages that we can just get from conf
772        if requirement in ["complex","debug"]:
773          petscconfvar="PETSC_USE_"+requirement.upper()
774          pkgconfvar=self.pkg_name.upper()+"_USE_"+requirement.upper()
775        else:
776          petscconfvar="PETSC_HAVE_"+requirement.upper()
777          pkgconfvar=self.pkg_name.upper()+'_HAVE_'+requirement.upper()
778        petsccv = self.conf.get(petscconfvar)
779        pkgcv = self.conf.get(pkgconfvar)
781        if petsccv or pkgcv:
782          if isNull:
783            if petsccv:
784              testDict['SKIP'].append("Not "+petscconfvar+" requirement not met")
785              continue
786            else:
787              testDict['SKIP'].append("Not "+pkgconfvar+" requirement not met")
788              continue
789          continue  # Success
790        elif not isNull:
791          if not petsccv and not pkgcv:
792            if debug: print("requirement not found: ", requirement)
793            if self.pkg_name == 'petsc':
794              testDict['SKIP'].append(petscconfvar+" requirement not met")
795            else:
796              testDict['SKIP'].append(petscconfvar+" or "+pkgconfvar+" requirement not met")
797            continue
798    return testDict['SKIP'] == []
800  def  checkOutput(self,exfile,root,srcDict):
801    """
802     Check and make sure the output files are in the output directory
803    """
804    debug=False
805    rpath=self.srcrelpath(root)
806    for test in srcDict:
807      if test in self.buildkeys: continue
808      if debug: print(rpath, exfile, test)
809      if 'output_file' in srcDict[test]:
810        output_file=srcDict[test]['output_file']
811      else:
812        defroot = testparse.getDefaultOutputFileRoot(test)
813        if 'TODO' in srcDict[test]: continue
814        output_file="output/"+defroot+".out"
816      fullout=os.path.join(root,output_file)
817      if debug: print("---> ",fullout)
818      if not os.path.exists(fullout):
819        self.missing_files.append(fullout)
821    return
823  def genPetscTests_summarize(self,dataDict):
824    """
825    Required method to state what happened
826    """
827    if not self.summarize: return
828    indent="   "
829    fhname=os.path.join(self.testroot_dir,'GenPetscTests_summarize.txt')
830    with open(fhname, "w") as fh:
831      for root in dataDict:
832        relroot=self.srcrelpath(root)
833        pkg=relroot.split("/")[1]
834        fh.write(relroot+"\n")
835        allSrcs=[]
836        for lang in LANGS: allSrcs+=self.sources[pkg][lang]['srcs']
837        for exfile in dataDict[root]:
838          # Basic  information
839          rfile=os.path.join(relroot,exfile)
840          builtStatus=(" Is built" if rfile in allSrcs else " Is NOT built")
841          fh.write(indent+exfile+indent*4+builtStatus+"\n")
842          for test in dataDict[root][exfile]:
843            if test in self.buildkeys: continue
844            line=indent*2+test
845            fh.write(line+"\n")
846            # Looks nice to have the keys in order
847            #for key in dataDict[root][exfile][test]:
848            for key in "isrun abstracted nsize args requires script".split():
849              if key not in dataDict[root][exfile][test]: continue
850              line=indent*3+key+": "+str(dataDict[root][exfile][test][key])
851              fh.write(line+"\n")
852            fh.write("\n")
853          fh.write("\n")
854        fh.write("\n")
855    return
857  def genPetscTests(self,root,dirs,files,dataDict):
858    """
859     Go through and parse the source files in the directory to generate
860     the examples based on the metadata contained in the source files
861    """
862    debug=False
863    # Use examplesAnalyze to get what the makefles think are sources
864    #self.examplesAnalyze(root,dirs,files,anlzDict)
866    dataDict[root]={}
868    for exfile in files:
869      #TST: Until we replace files, still leaving the orginals as is
870      #if not exfile.startswith("new_"+"ex"): continue
871      #if not exfile.startswith("ex"): continue
873      # Ignore emacs and other temporary files
874      if exfile.startswith("."): continue
875      if exfile.startswith("#"): continue
876      if exfile.endswith("~"): continue
877      # Only parse source files
878      ext=getlangext(exfile).lstrip('.').replace('.','_')
879      if ext not in LANGS: continue
881      # Convenience
882      fullex=os.path.join(root,exfile)
883      if self.verbose: print('   --> '+fullex)
884      dataDict[root].update(testparse.parseTestFile(fullex,0))
885      if exfile in dataDict[root]:
886        if not self.check_output:
887          self.genScriptsAndInfo(exfile,root,dataDict[root][exfile])
888        else:
889          self.checkOutput(exfile,root,dataDict[root][exfile])
891    return
893  def walktree(self,top):
894    """
895    Walk a directory tree, starting from 'top'
896    """
897    if self.check_output:
898      print("Checking for missing output files")
899      self.missing_files=[]
901    # Goal of action is to fill this dictionary
902    dataDict={}
903    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=True):
904      dirs.sort()
905      files.sort()
906      if "/tests" not in root and "/tutorials" not in root: continue
907      if "dSYM" in root: continue
908      if "tutorials"+os.sep+"build" in root: continue
909      if os.path.basename(root.rstrip("/")) == 'output': continue
910      if self.verbose: print(root)
911      self.genPetscTests(root,dirs,files,dataDict)
913    # If checking output, report results
914    if self.check_output:
915      if self.missing_files:
916        for file in set(self.missing_files):  # set uniqifies
917          print(file)
918        sys.exit(1)
920    # Now summarize this dictionary
921    if self.verbose: self.genPetscTests_summarize(dataDict)
922    return dataDict
924  def gen_gnumake(self, fd):
925    """
926     Overwrite of the method in the base PETSc class
927    """
928    def write(stem, srcs):
929      for lang in LANGS:
930        if srcs[lang]['srcs']:
931          fd.write('%(stem)s.%(lang)s := %(srcs)s\n' % dict(stem=stem, lang=lang.replace('_','.'), srcs=' '.join(srcs[lang]['srcs'])))
932    for pkg in self.pkg_pkgs:
933        srcs = self.gen_pkg(pkg)
934        write('testsrcs-' + pkg, srcs)
935        # Handle dependencies
936        for lang in LANGS:
937            for exfile in srcs[lang]['srcs']:
938                if exfile in srcs[lang]:
939                    ex='$(TESTDIR)/'+getlangsplit(exfile)
940                    exfo=ex+'.o'
941                    deps = [os.path.join('$(TESTDIR)', dep) for dep in srcs[lang][exfile]]
942                    if deps:
943                        # The executable literally depends on the object file because it is linked
944                        fd.write(ex   +": " + " ".join(deps) +'\n')
945                        # The object file containing 'main' does not normally depend on other object
946                        # files, but it does when it includes their modules.  This dependency is
947                        # overly blunt and could be reduced to only depend on object files for
948                        # modules that are used, like "*f90aux.o".
949                        fd.write(exfo +": " + " ".join(deps) +'\n')
951    return self.gendeps
953  def gen_pkg(self, pkg):
954    """
955     Overwrite of the method in the base PETSc class
956    """
957    return self.sources[pkg]
959  def write_gnumake(self, dataDict, output=None):
960    """
961     Write out something similar to files from gmakegen.py
963     Test depends on script which also depends on source
964     file, but since I don't have a good way generating
965     acting on a single file (oops) just depend on
966     executable which in turn will depend on src file
967    """
968    # Different options for how to set up the targets
969    compileExecsFirst=False
971    # Open file
972    with open(output, 'w') as fd:
973      # Write out the sources
974      gendeps = self.gen_gnumake(fd)
976      # Write out the tests and execname targets
977      fd.write("\n#Tests and executables\n")    # Delimiter
979      for pkg in self.pkg_pkgs:
980        # These grab the ones that are built
981        for lang in LANGS:
982          testdeps=[]
983          for ftest in self.tests[pkg][lang]:
984            test=os.path.basename(ftest)
985            basedir=os.path.dirname(ftest)
986            testdeps.append(nameSpace(test,basedir))
987          fd.write("test-"+pkg+"."+lang.replace('_','.')+" := "+' '.join(testdeps)+"\n")
988          fd.write('test-%s.%s : $(test-%s.%s)\n' % (pkg, lang.replace('_','.'), pkg, lang.replace('_','.')))
990          # test targets
991          for ftest in self.tests[pkg][lang]:
992            test=os.path.basename(ftest)
993            basedir=os.path.dirname(ftest)
994            testdir="${TESTDIR}/"+basedir+"/"
995            nmtest=nameSpace(test,basedir)
996            rundir=os.path.join(testdir,test)
997            script=test+".sh"
999            # Deps
1000            exfile=self.tests[pkg][lang][ftest]['exfile']
1001            fullex=os.path.join(self.srcdir,exfile)
1002            localexec=self.tests[pkg][lang][ftest]['exec']
1003            execname=os.path.join(testdir,localexec)
1004            fullscript=os.path.join(testdir,script)
1005            tmpfile=os.path.join(testdir,test,test+".tmp")
1007            # *.counts depends on the script and either executable (will
1008            # be run) or the example source file (SKIP or TODO)
1009            fd.write('%s.counts : %s %s'
1010                % (os.path.join('$(TESTDIR)/counts', nmtest),
1011                   fullscript,
1012                   execname if exfile in self.sources[pkg][lang]['srcs'] else fullex)
1013                )
1014            if exfile in self.sources[pkg][lang]:
1015              for dep in self.sources[pkg][lang][exfile]:
1016                fd.write(' %s' % os.path.join('$(TESTDIR)',dep))
1017            fd.write('\n')
1019            # Now write the args:
1020            fd.write(nmtest+"_ARGS := '"+self.tests[pkg][lang][ftest]['argLabel']+"'\n")
1022    return
1024  def write_db(self, dataDict, testdir):
1025    """
1026     Write out the dataDict into a pickle file
1027    """
1028    with open(os.path.join(testdir,'datatest.pkl'), 'wb') as fd:
1029      pickle.dump(dataDict,fd)
1030    return
1032def main(petsc_dir=None, petsc_arch=None, pkg_dir=None, pkg_arch=None,
1033         pkg_name=None, pkg_pkgs=None, verbose=False, single_ex=False,
1034         srcdir=None, testdir=None, check=False):
1035    # Allow petsc_arch to have both petsc_dir and petsc_arch for convenience
1036    testdir=os.path.normpath(testdir)
1037    if petsc_arch:
1038        petsc_arch=petsc_arch.rstrip(os.path.sep)
1039        if len(petsc_arch.split(os.path.sep))>1:
1040            petsc_dir,petsc_arch=os.path.split(petsc_arch)
1041    output = os.path.join(testdir, 'testfiles')
1043    pEx=generateExamples(petsc_dir=petsc_dir, petsc_arch=petsc_arch,
1044                         pkg_dir=pkg_dir, pkg_arch=pkg_arch, pkg_name=pkg_name, pkg_pkgs=pkg_pkgs,
1045                         verbose=verbose, single_ex=single_ex, srcdir=srcdir,
1046                         testdir=testdir,check=check)
1047    dataDict=pEx.walktree(os.path.join(pEx.srcdir))
1048    if not pEx.check_output:
1049        pEx.write_gnumake(dataDict, output)
1050        pEx.write_db(dataDict, testdir)
1052if __name__ == '__main__':
1053    import optparse
1054    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
1055    parser.add_option('--verbose', help='Show mismatches between makefiles and the filesystem', action='store_true', default=False)
1056    parser.add_option('--petsc-dir', help='Set PETSC_DIR different from environment', default=os.environ.get('PETSC_DIR'))
1057    parser.add_option('--petsc-arch', help='Set PETSC_ARCH different from environment', default=os.environ.get('PETSC_ARCH'))
1058    parser.add_option('--srcdir', help='Set location of sources different from PETSC_DIR/src', default=None)
1059    parser.add_option('-s', '--single_executable', dest='single_executable', action="store_false", help='Whether there should be single executable per src subdir.  Default is false')
1060    parser.add_option('-t', '--testdir', dest='testdir',  help='Test directory [$PETSC_ARCH/tests]')
1061    parser.add_option('-c', '--check-output', dest='check_output', action="store_true",
1062                      help='Check whether output files are in output director')
1063    parser.add_option('--pkg-dir', help='Set the directory of the package (different from PETSc) you want to generate the makefile rules for', default=None)
1064    parser.add_option('--pkg-name', help='Set the name of the package you want to generate the makefile rules for', default=None)
1065    parser.add_option('--pkg-arch', help='Set the package arch name you want to generate the makefile rules for', default=None)
1066    parser.add_option('--pkg-pkgs', help='Set the package folders (comma separated list, different from the usual sys,vec,mat etc) you want to generate the makefile rules for', default=None)
1068    opts, extra_args = parser.parse_args()
1069    if extra_args:
1070        import sys
1071        sys.stderr.write('Unknown arguments: %s\n' % ' '.join(extra_args))
1072        exit(1)
1073    if opts.testdir is None:
1074      opts.testdir = os.path.join(opts.petsc_arch, 'tests')
1076    main(petsc_dir=opts.petsc_dir, petsc_arch=opts.petsc_arch,
1077         pkg_dir=opts.pkg_dir,pkg_arch=opts.pkg_arch,pkg_name=opts.pkg_name,pkg_pkgs=opts.pkg_pkgs,
1078         verbose=opts.verbose,
1079         single_ex=opts.single_executable, srcdir=opts.srcdir,
1080         testdir=opts.testdir, check=opts.check_output)