1 #define USE_FC_LEN_T 1
2 #include <stddef.h>
3 #include <R.h>
4 #include <math.h>
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <stdlib.h>
7 #include <limits.h>
9 static int min_JM (int *, int *);
10 static int max_JM (int *, int *);
12 static void rowcentre_JM (double *, int, int);
13 static void colstandard_JM (double *, int, int);
14 static void rowstd_JM (double *, int, int, int);
15 static void transpose_mat_JM (double *, int *, int *, double *);
16 static void mmult_JM (double *, int, int, double *, int, int, double *);
17 static void orthog_mat_JM (double *, int, double *);
18 static void gramsch_JM (double *, int, int, int);
19 static void svd_JM (double *, int *, int *, double *, double *, double *);
21 static void Symm_logcosh_JM (double *, int, double *, int, int, double, double *, double *);
22 static void Symm_exp_JM (double *, int, double *, int, int, double, double *, double *);
23 static void Def_logcosh_JM (double *, int, double *, int, int, double, double *);
24 static void Def_exp_JM (double *, int, double *, int, int, double, double *);
25 static void calc_A_JM(double*, double*, double*, int*, int*, int*, double*, double*);
26 static void calc_K_JM(double*, int*, int*, double*);
28 #include <R_ext/Lapack.h>
30 static void
rowcentre_JM(double * ans,int n,int p)31 rowcentre_JM (double *ans, int n, int p)
32 {
33 /*  mean centres nxp matrix ans */
34     double tmp;
35     int i, j;
36     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
37 	tmp = 0;
38 	for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
39 	    tmp = tmp + ((double) ans[p * i + j]) / p;
40 	}
41 	for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
42 	    ans[p * i + j] -= (double) tmp;
43 	}
44     }
45 }
47 static void
colstandard_JM(double * ans,int n,int p)48 colstandard_JM (double *ans, int n, int p)
49 {
50 /*  transform columns of nxp matrix ans to have zero mean and unit variance */
51     double tmp[2];
52     double tmp1;
53     int i, j;
54     for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
55 	tmp[0] = 0;
56 	tmp[1] = 0;
58 	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
59 	    tmp[0] += (double) ans[p * j + i];
60 	    tmp[1] += ((double) ans[p * j + i]) * ((double) ans[p * j + i]);
61 	}
63 	tmp[0] = tmp[0] / n;
64 	tmp1 = (tmp[1] - n * (tmp[0]) * (tmp[0])) / (n - 1);
66 	tmp[1] = sqrt (tmp1);
67 	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
68 	    ans[p * j + i] =
69 		(double) ((((double) ans[p * j + i]) - tmp[0]) / tmp[1]);
70 	}
71     }
72 }
75 static void
svd_JM(double * mat,int * n,int * p,double * u,double * d,double * v)76 svd_JM (double *mat, int *n, int *p, double *u, double *d, double *v)
77 {
79     /*  calculates svd decomposition of nxp matrix mat */
80     /*    mat is a pointer to an nxp array of doubles */
81     /*    n is a pointer to an integer specifying the no. of rows of mat */
82     /*    p is a pointer to an integer specifying the no. of cols of mat */
83     /*    u is a pointer to a double array of dimension (n,n) */
84     /*    d is a pointer to a double array of dimension min(n,p) */
85     /*    v is a pointer to a double array of dimension (p,p) */
88     int info, *iwork, lwork, a, b;
89     size_t iwork_size, ilwork, nn = *n, pp = *p, mm;
90     double *work, *mat1, *u1, *v1;
91     char jobz = 'A';
93     mm = min_JM(n,p);
94     iwork_size = 8 * (size_t) mm;
96     a = max_JM(n,p);
97     b = 4 * mm * mm + 4 * mm;
98     ilwork = 3 * mm * mm + max_JM(&a, &b);
99     if (ilwork > INT_MAX)
100 	error("svd on %d x %d exceeds Fortran indexing limits");
102     work = Calloc (ilwork, double);
103     iwork = Calloc (iwork_size, int);
104     mat1 = Calloc (nn * pp, double);
105     u1 = Calloc (nn * nn, double);
106     v1 = Calloc (pp * pp, double);
108     transpose_mat_JM (mat, n, p, mat1);
110     lwork = ilwork;
111     F77_CALL (dgesdd) (&jobz, n, p, mat1, n, d, u1, n, v1, p, work,
112 		       &lwork, iwork, &info FCONE);
114     transpose_mat_JM (u1, n, n, u);
115     transpose_mat_JM (v1, p, p, v);
117     Free (mat1);
118     Free (u1);
119     Free (v1);
120     Free (work);
121     Free (iwork);
122 }
125 static void
transpose_mat_JM(double * mat,int * n,int * p,double * ans)126 transpose_mat_JM (double *mat, int *n, int *p, double *ans)
127 {
128 /*    transpose nxp matrix mat */
129     int i, j;
131     for (i = 0; i < *n; i++) {
132 	for (j = 0; j < *p; j++) {
133 	    *(ans + j * (*n) + i) = *(mat + i * (*p) + j);
134 	}
135     }
136 }
min_JM(int * a,int * b)139 static int min_JM (int *a, int *b)
140 {
141 /*  find minimum of a and b */
142     int ans;
144     ans = *b;
145     if (*a < *b) ans = *a;
147     return ans;
148 }
max_JM(int * a,int * b)150 static int max_JM (int *a, int *b)
151 {
152 /*  find maximum of a and b */
154     int ans;
156     ans = *b;
157     if (*a > *b) ans = *a;
159     return ans;
160 }
163 static void
mmult_JM(double * A,int n,int p,double * B,int q,int r,double * C)164 mmult_JM (double *A, int n, int p, double *B, int q, int r, double *C)
165 {
166 /*    matrix multiplication using FORTRAN BLAS routine SGEMM */
167 /*    A is (n*p) and B is (q*r), A*B returned to C  */
169     double alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0;
170     int M, K, N;
171     char transA = 'N', transB = 'N';
173     if (p != q) {
174 	error ("Error, matrices not suitable\nfor multiplication");
175     } else {
176 	M = n;
177 	K = p;
178 	N = r;
179 	F77_CALL (dgemm) (&transA, &transB, &N, &M, &K, &alpha, B, &N,
180 			  A, &K, &beta, C, &N FCONE FCONE);
181     }
182 }
184 static void
orthog_mat_JM(double * mat,int e,double * orthog)185 orthog_mat_JM (double *mat, int e, double *orthog)
186 {
187 	/* take Wmat, (e*e), and return orthogonalized version to orthog_W */
188 	double *u, *v, *d, *temp;
189 	int i;
190 	size_t ee = e;
193 	u = Calloc (ee * ee, double);
194 	d = Calloc (ee, double);
195 	v = Calloc (ee * ee, double);
196 	temp = Calloc (ee * ee, double);
198 	svd_JM (mat, &e, &e, u, d, v);
199 	for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
200 		temp[i * e + i] = 1 / (d[i]);
201 	}
203 	mmult_JM (u, e, e, temp, e, e, v);
204 	transpose_mat_JM (u, &e, &e, temp);
205 	mmult_JM (v, e, e, temp, e, e, u);
206 	mmult_JM (u, e, e, mat, e, e, orthog);
209 	Free (u);
210 	Free (v);
211 	Free (d);
212 	Free (temp);
214 }
216 static void
Symm_logcosh_JM(double * w_init,int e,double * data,int f,int p,double alpha,double * w_final,double * Tol)217 Symm_logcosh_JM (double *w_init, int e, double *data, int f, int p, double alpha, double *w_final, double *Tol)
218 {
220 	/* Function that carries out Symmetric ICA using a logcosh approximation to the neg. entropy function */
222 	double *mat1, *mat2, *mat3, *mat4, *mat5, *mat6;
223 	int i, j;
224 	double mean;
226 	if (e != f) {
227 		error ("error in Symm_logcosh_JM, dims dont match");
228 	}
229 	else {
230 		size_t es = (size_t)e * (size_t)e;
231 		size_t ep = (size_t)e * (size_t)p;
232 		mat1 = Calloc (ep, double);
233 		mat2 = Calloc (ep, double);
234 		mat3 = Calloc (es, double);
235 		mat4 = Calloc (es, double);
236 		mat5 = Calloc (es, double);
237 		mat6 = Calloc (es, double);
239 		mmult_JM (w_init, e, e, data, e, p, mat1);
242 		for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
243 			for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
244 				mat1[i * p + j] = tanh (alpha * mat1[i * p + j]);
245 			}
246 		}
247 		transpose_mat_JM (data, &e, &p, mat2);
248 		for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
249 			for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
250 				mat2[i * p + j] = (mat2[i * p + j]) / p;
251 			}
252 		}
253 		mmult_JM (mat1, e, p, mat2, p, e, mat3);
254 		for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
255 			for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
256 				mat1[i * p + j] =
257 					(alpha * (1 - (mat1[i * p + j]) * (mat1[i * p + j])));
258 			}
259 		}
261 		for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
262 			mean = 0;
263 			for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
264 				mean += ((mat1[i * p + j]) / p);
265 			}
266 			mat4[i * e + i] = mean;
267 		}
268 		mmult_JM (mat4, e, e, w_init, e, e, mat5);
269 		for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
270 			for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
271 				mat4[i * e + j] = (mat3[i * e + j] - mat5[i * e + j]);
272 			}
273 		}
275 		transpose_mat_JM (w_init, &e, &e, mat6);
276 		orthog_mat_JM (mat4, e, w_final);
279 		mmult_JM (w_final, e, e, mat6, e, e, mat5);
280 		mean = 0;
281 		for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
282 			if (fabs (1 - fabs (mat5[i * e + i])) > mean) {
283 				mean = (fabs (1 - fabs (mat5[i * e + i])));
284 			}
285 		}
286 		*Tol = mean;
287 		Free (mat1);
288 		Free (mat2);
289 		Free (mat3);
290 		Free (mat4);
291 		Free (mat5);
292 		Free (mat6);
293 	}
294 }
296 static void
Def_logcosh_JM(double * w_init,int e,double * data,int f,int p,double alpha,double * w_final)297 Def_logcosh_JM (double *w_init, int e, double *data, int f, int p, double alpha, double *w_final)
298 {
299 /* Function that carries out Deflation ICA using an logcosh approximation to the neg. entropy function */
301 	double *mat1, *mat2, *mat3, *mat4;
302 	int i, j;
303 	double mean;
305 	if (e != f) {
306 		error ("error in Def_logcosh_JM, dims dont match");
307 	}
308 	else {
309 		mat1 = Calloc (p, double);
310 		mat2 = Calloc ((size_t)e * (size_t)p, double);
311 		mat3 = Calloc (e, double);
312 		mat4 = Calloc (e, double);
314 		mmult_JM (w_init, 1, e, data, e, p, mat1);
317 		for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
318 			mat1[i] = tanh (alpha * mat1[i]);
319 		}
320 		transpose_mat_JM (data, &e, &p, mat2);
321 		for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
322 			for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
323 				mat2[i * p + j] = (mat2[i * p + j]) / p;
324 			}
325 		}
327 		mmult_JM (mat1, 1, p, mat2, p, e, mat3);
328 		for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
329 			mat1[i] = (alpha * (1 - (mat1[i]) * (mat1[i])));
330 		}
332 		mean = 0;
333 		for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
334 			mean += ((mat1[j]) / p);
335 		}
336 		for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
337 			mat4[i] = (w_init[i]) * mean;
338 		}
339 		for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
340 			w_final[i] = (mat3[i] - mat4[i]);
341 		}
343 		Free (mat1);
344 		Free (mat2);
345 		Free (mat3);
346 		Free (mat4);
348 	}
349 }
351 static void
Symm_exp_JM(double * w_init,int e,double * data,int f,int p,double alpha,double * w_final,double * Tol)352 Symm_exp_JM (double *w_init, int e, double *data, int f, int p, double alpha, double *w_final, double *Tol)
353 		{
354     /* Function that carries out Symmetric ICA using a exponential approximation to the neg. entropy function */
356 double *mat1, *mat2, *mat3, *mat4, *mat5, *mat0, *mat6;
357 int i, j;
358 double mean;
360 if (e != f) {
361     error ("error in Symm_exp_JM, dims dont match");
362 }
363 else {
364     size_t ep = (size_t)e * (size_t)p;
365     size_t ee = (size_t)e * (size_t)e;
366     mat0 = Calloc (ep, double);
367     mat1 = Calloc (ep, double);
368     mat2 = Calloc (ep, double);
369     mat3 = Calloc (ee, double);
370     mat4 = Calloc (ee, double);
371     mat5 = Calloc (ee, double);
372     mat6 = Calloc (ee, double);
373     mmult_JM (w_init, e, e, data, e, p, mat1);
374     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
375 	for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
376 	    mat0[i * p + j] =
377 		(mat1[i * p + j]) * exp (-0.5 * (mat1[i * p + j]) *
378 					 (mat1[i * p + j]));
379 	}
380     }
381     transpose_mat_JM (data, &e, &p, mat2);
382     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
383 	for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
384 	    mat2[i * p + j] = (mat2[i * p + j]) / p;
385 	}
386     }
387     mmult_JM (mat0, e, p, mat2, p, e, mat3);
388     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
389 	for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
390 	    mat1[i * p + j] =
391 		((1 - (mat1[i * p + j]) * (mat1[i * p + j])) *
392 		 exp (-0.5 * (mat1 [i * p + j]) * (mat1 [i * p + j])));
393 	}
394     }
396     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
397 	mean = 0;
398 	for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
399 	    mean += ((mat1[i * p + j]) / p);
400 	}
401 	mat4[i * e + i] = mean;
402     }
403     mmult_JM (mat4, e, e, w_init, e, e, mat5);
404     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
405 	for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
406 	    mat4[i * e + j] = (mat3[i * e + j] - mat5[i * e + j]);
407 	}
408     }
410     transpose_mat_JM (w_init, &e, &e, mat6);
411     orthog_mat_JM (mat4, e, w_final);
413     mmult_JM (w_final, e, e, mat6, e, e, mat5);
414     mean = 0;
415     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
416 	if (fabs (1 - fabs (mat5[i * e + i])) > mean) {
417 	    mean = (fabs (1 - fabs (mat5[i * e + i])));
418 	}
419     }
420     *Tol = mean;
421     Free (mat1);
422     Free (mat2);
423     Free (mat3);
424     Free (mat4);
425     Free (mat5);
426     Free (mat0);
427     Free (mat6);
428 }
429 }
431 static void
Def_exp_JM(double * w_init,int e,double * data,int f,int p,double alpha,double * w_final)432 Def_exp_JM (double *w_init, int e, double *data, int f, int p, double alpha, double *w_final)
433 {
434     /* Function that carries out Deflation ICA using an exponential approximation to the neg. entropy function */
436 double *mat1, *mat2, *mat3, *mat4;
437 int i, j;
438 double mean;
440 if (e != f) {
441     error ("error in Def_exp_JM, dims dont match");
442 }
443 else {
444     mat1 = Calloc (p, double);
445     mat2 = Calloc ((size_t)e * (size_t)p, double);
446     mat3 = Calloc (e, double);
447     mat4 = Calloc (e, double);
449     mmult_JM (w_init, 1, e, data, e, p, mat1);
451     for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
452 	mat1[i] = ((mat1[i]) * exp (-0.5 * (mat1[i]) * (mat1[i])));
453     }
455     transpose_mat_JM (data, &e, &p, mat2);
456     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
457 	for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
458 	    mat2[i * p + j] = (mat2[i * p + j]) / p;
459 	}
460     }
462     mmult_JM (mat1, 1, p, mat2, p, e, mat3);
464     mmult_JM (w_init, 1, e, data, e, p, mat1);
465     for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
466 	mat1[i] =
467 	    ((1 -
468 	      (mat1[i]) * (mat1[i])) * exp (-.5 * (mat1[i]) * (mat1[i])));
469     }
470     mean = 0;
471     for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
472 	mean += ((mat1[j]) / p);
473     }
474     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
475 	mat4[i] = (w_init[i]) * mean;
476     }
477     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
478 	w_final[i] = (mat3[i] - mat4[i]);
479     }
482     Free (mat1);
483     Free (mat2);
484     Free (mat3);
485     Free (mat4);
487 }
488 }
490 static void
gramsch_JM(double * ww,int n,int m,int k)491 gramsch_JM (double *ww, int n, int m, int k)
492 {
493 int ip, jp;
494 double tmp;
495 /* do Gram-Schmidt on row k of (n*m) matrix ww */
496 k -= 1;
497 if (k > n) {
498     error ("Error in gramsch");
499 }
500 else {
501     for (ip = 0; ip < k; ip++) {
502 	tmp = 0;
503 	for (jp = 0; jp < m; jp++) {
504 	    tmp += ((ww[m * ip + jp]) * (ww[m * k + jp]));
505 	}
506 	for (jp = 0; jp < m; jp++) {
507 	    ww[m * k + jp] = (ww[m * k + jp] - ((ww[m * ip + jp]) * tmp));
508 	}
509     }
510 }
511 }
513 static void
rowstd_JM(double * ww,int n,int m,int k)514 rowstd_JM (double *ww, int n, int m, int k)
515 {
516 /* for ww (n*m), make ||ww[k, ]|| equal 1 */
517 double tmp = 0;
518 int i;
519 k -= 1;
520 if (k > n) {
521     error ("Error in rowstd");
522 }
523 else {
524     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
525 	tmp += ((ww[k * m + i]) * (ww[k * m + i]));
526     }
527     tmp = sqrt (tmp);
528     for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
529 	ww[k * m + i] = ((ww[k * m + i]) / tmp);
530     }
531 }
532 }
535 static void
calc_K_JM(double * x,int * n,int * p,double * K)536 calc_K_JM(double *x, int *n, int *p, double *K)
537 {
538     int i, j;
539     double *xxt, *xt, *u, *d, *v, *temp1, *temp2;
540     size_t nn = *n, pp = *p;
542     xxt = Calloc (nn * nn, double);
543     xt = Calloc (nn * pp, double);
545     /* transpose x matrix */
546     transpose_mat_JM (x, n, p, xt);
548     /* calculate sample covariance matrix xxt */
549     mmult_JM (x, *n, *p, xt, *p, *n, xxt);
550     for (i = 0; i < *n; i++) {
551 	for (j = 0; j < *n; j++) {
552 	    xxt[*n * i + j] = xxt[*n * i + j] / *p;
553 	}
554     }
555     Free (xt);
557     /* calculate svd decomposition of xxt */
558     u = Calloc (nn * nn, double);
559     d = Calloc (nn, double);
560     v = Calloc (nn * nn, double);
562     svd_JM (xxt, n, n, u, d, v);
564     /* calculate K matrix*/
565     temp1 = Calloc (nn * nn, double);
566     temp2 = Calloc (nn * nn, double);
568     for (i = 0; i < *n; i++) {
569 	temp1[*n * i + i] = 1 / sqrt (d[i]);
570     }
572     transpose_mat_JM (u, n, n, temp2);
573     mmult_JM (temp1, *n, *n, temp2, *n, *n, K);
575     Free (temp1);
576     Free (temp2);
577     Free(xxt);
578     Free(u);
579     Free(d);
580     Free(v);
581 }
583 static void
calc_A_JM(double * w,double * k,double * data,int * e,int * n,int * p,double * A,double * unmixed_data)584 calc_A_JM(double *w, double *k, double *data,
585 	  int *e, int *n, int *p, double *A, double *unmixed_data)
586 {
587     /* calculate un-mixing matrix A */
588     int i;
589     double *um, *umt, *umumt, *uu, *dd, *vv, *temp1, *temp2, *temp3;
590     size_t nn = *n, ee = *e;
592     um = Calloc (ee * nn, double);
593     umt = Calloc (nn * ee, double);
595     mmult_JM (w, *e, *e, k, *e, *n, um);
596     mmult_JM (um, *e, *n, data, *n, *p, unmixed_data);
597     transpose_mat_JM (um, e, n, umt);
599     umumt = Calloc (ee * ee, double);
600     mmult_JM (um, *e, *n, umt, *n, *e, umumt);
602     uu = Calloc (ee * ee, double);
603     dd = Calloc (ee, double);
604     vv = Calloc (ee * ee, double);
605     svd_JM (umumt, e, e, uu, dd, vv);
607     temp1 = Calloc (ee * ee, double);
608     for (i = 0; i < *e; i++) {
609 	temp1[*e * i + i] = 1 / (dd[i]);
610     }
612     temp2 = Calloc (ee * ee, double);
613     temp3 = Calloc (ee * ee, double);
614     transpose_mat_JM (vv, e, e, temp3);
615     mmult_JM (temp3, *e, *e, temp1, *e, *e, temp2);
616     transpose_mat_JM (uu, e, e, vv);
617     mmult_JM (temp2, *e, *e, vv, *e, *e, uu);
619     mmult_JM (umt, *n, *e, uu, *e, *e, A);
621     Free(um);
622     Free(umt);
623     Free(umumt);
624     Free(uu);
625     Free(dd);
626     Free(vv);
627     Free(temp1);
628     Free(temp2);
629     Free(temp3);
631 }
633 static void
icainc_JM(double * data_matrix,double * w_matrix,int * nn,int * pp,int * ee,double * alpha,int * rowflag,int * colflag,int * funflag,int * maxit,double * lim,int * defflag,int * verbose,double * data_pre,double * Kmat1,double * w_final,double * ansa,double * ansx2)634 icainc_JM (double *data_matrix, double *w_matrix, int *nn, int *pp, int *ee,
635 	double *alpha, int *rowflag, int *colflag, int *funflag, int *maxit,
636 	double *lim, int *defflag, int *verbose, double *data_pre, double *Kmat1,
637 	double *w_final, double *ansa, double *ansx2)
638 {
640     /* main ICA function */
642     int i, j, k;
643     size_t n = *nn, p = *pp, e = *ee;
644     double tol;
645     double *temp_w1, *temp_w2;
646     double *data1, *Kmat, *temp1, *w_init;
648     /* make a copy of the data matrix*/
649     data1 = Calloc (n * p, double);
650     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
651 	for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
652 	    data_pre[i * p + j] = data_matrix[i * p + j];
653 	}
654     }
656     /* row center data matrix if required*/
657     if (*rowflag == 1) {
658 	rowcentre_JM (data_pre, n, p);
659 	if (*verbose == 1)
660 	    Rprintf ("Centering\n");
661     }
663     /* standardize columns of data matrix if required*/
664     if (*colflag == 1) {
665 	colstandard_JM (data_pre, n, p);
666 	Rprintf("colstandard\n");
667     }
669     /* calculate pre-whitening matrix Kmat */
670     if (*verbose == 1)	Rprintf ("Whitening\n");
671     Kmat = Calloc (n * n, double);
672     calc_K_JM(data_pre, nn, pp, Kmat);
674     /* pre-whiten data and reduce dimension from size n to size e */
676     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
677 	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
678 	    Kmat1[i * n + j] = Kmat[i * n + j];
679 	}
680     }
681     mmult_JM (Kmat1, e, n, data_pre, n, p, data1);
683     /* calculate initial (orthogonal) unmixing matrix w */
684     temp1 = Calloc (e * e, double);
685     w_init = Calloc (e * e, double);
686     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
687 	for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
688 	    temp1[i * e + j] = w_matrix[i * e + j];
689 	}
690     }
691     orthog_mat_JM (temp1, e, w_init);
693     /* Main ICA code */
694     if (*defflag == 0) {
695 	if (*funflag == 1) {
696 	    if (*verbose == 1)
697 		Rprintf("Symmetric FastICA using logcosh approx. to neg-entropy function\n");
699 	    i = 1;
700 	    Symm_logcosh_JM (w_init, e, data1, e, p, *alpha, w_final, &tol);
701 	    if (*verbose == 1)
702 		Rprintf ("Iteration %d tol=%f\n", i, tol);
703 	    i = 2;
705 	    while ((tol > (*lim)) && (i < (*maxit))) {
706 		Symm_logcosh_JM (w_final, e, data1, e, p, *alpha, w_final, &tol);
707 		if (*verbose == 1)
708 		    Rprintf ("Iteration %d tol=%f\n", i, tol);
709 		i += 1;
710 	    }
711 	}
713 	if (*funflag == 2) {
714 	    if (*verbose == 1)
715 		Rprintf("Symmetric FastICA using exponential approx. to neg-entropy function\n");
717 	    i = 1;
718 	    Symm_exp_JM (w_init, e, data1, e, p, *alpha, w_final, &tol);
719 	    if (*verbose == 1) Rprintf ("Iteration %d tol=%f\n", i, tol);
721 	    i = 2;
722 	    while ((tol > (*lim)) && (i < (*maxit))) {
723 		Symm_exp_JM (w_final, e, data1, e, p, *alpha, w_final, &tol);
724 		if (*verbose == 1) Rprintf ("Iteration %d tol=%f\n", i, tol);
725 		i += 1;
726 	    }
727 	}
728     }
730     if (*defflag == 1) {
731 	temp_w1 = Calloc (e, double);
732 	temp_w2 = Calloc (e, double);
734 	if (*funflag == 1) {
735 	    if (*verbose == 1)
736 		Rprintf ("Deflation FastICA using logcosh approx. to neg-entropy function\n");
738 	    for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
739 		k = 0;
740 		gramsch_JM (w_init, e, e, i + 1);
741 		rowstd_JM (w_init, e, e, i + 1);
742 		tol = 1;
744 		while ((tol > (*lim)) && (k < (*maxit))) {
745 		    for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
746 			temp_w1[j] = w_init[i * e + j];
747 		    }
748 		    Def_logcosh_JM (temp_w1, e, data1, e, p, *alpha, temp_w2);
749 		    for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
750 			w_init[i * e + j] = temp_w2[j];
751 		    }
752 		    gramsch_JM (w_init, e, e, i + 1);
753 		    rowstd_JM (w_init, e, e, i + 1);
754 		    tol = 0;
755 		    for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
756 			tol += ((temp_w1[j]) * (w_init[i * e + j]));
757 		    }
758 		    tol = (fabs (fabs (tol) - 1));
759 		    k += 1;
760 		}
762 		if (*verbose == 1)
763 		    Rprintf ("Component %d needed %d iterations tol=%f\n",
764 			     i + 1, k, tol);
766 	    }
767 	}
768 	if (*funflag == 2) {
770 	    if (*verbose == 1)
771 		Rprintf ("Deflation FastICA using exponential approx. to neg-entropy function\n");
773 	    for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
774 		k = 0;
775 		gramsch_JM (w_init, e, e, i + 1);
776 		rowstd_JM (w_init, e, e, i + 1);
777 		tol = 1;
779 		while ((tol > (*lim)) && (k < (*maxit))) {
780 		    for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
781 			temp_w1[j] = w_init[i * e + j];
782 		    }
783 		    Def_exp_JM (temp_w1, e, data1, e, p, *alpha, temp_w2);
784 		    for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
785 			w_init[i * e + j] = temp_w2[j];
786 		    }
787 		    gramsch_JM (w_init, e, e, i + 1);
788 		    rowstd_JM (w_init, e, e, i + 1);
789 		    tol = 0;
790 		    for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
791 			tol += ((temp_w1[j]) * (w_init[i * e + j]));
792 		    }
793 		    tol = (fabs (fabs (tol) - 1));
794 		    k += 1;
795 		}
797 		if (*verbose == 1)
798 		    Rprintf ("Component %d needed %d iterations tol=%f\n",
799 			     i + 1, k, tol);
801 	    }
802 	}
803 	for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
804 	    for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
805 		w_final[i * e + j] = w_init[i * e + j];
806 	    }
807 	}
808 	Free (temp_w1);
809 	Free (temp_w2);
810     }
812     /* calculate mixing matrix ansa */
813     calc_A_JM(w_final, Kmat1, data_pre, ee, nn, pp, ansa, ansx2);
815     Free (data1);
816     Free (Kmat);
817     Free (temp1);
818     Free (w_init);
819 }
821 #include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
823 static const R_CMethodDef CEntries[] = {
824     {"icainc_JM", (DL_FUNC) &icainc_JM, 18},
825     {NULL, NULL, 0}
826 };
829 void
R_init_fastICA(DllInfo * dll)830 R_init_fastICA(DllInfo *dll)
831 {
832     R_registerRoutines(dll, CEntries, NULL, NULL, NULL);
833     R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);
834 }