1 /*****************************************************************************
2    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
3    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
4    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
5 ******************************************************************************/
7 #include "mrilib.h"
9 #define UMIN 4
11 #define TOCX   1
12 #define FROMCX 2
main(int argc,char * argv[])14 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
15 {
16    MRI_IMAGE *inim , *outim ;
17    int ii , jj , nx,nfft=0,ny , nopt,nby2 , ignore=0,nxi , use=0 ;
18    complex *cxar ;
19    float *iar , *oar , *far ;
20    int nodetrend=0 , cxop=0 ;     /* 29 Nov 1999 */
21    int hilbert=0 ;                /* 09 Dec 1999 */
23    /*-- help? --*/
25    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
26      printf("\n"
27             "Usage: 1dfft [options] infile outfile\n"
28             "where infile is an AFNI *.1D file (ASCII list of numbers arranged\n"
29             "in columns); outfile will be a similar file, with the absolute\n"
30             "value of the FFT of the input columns.  The length of the file\n"
31             "will be 1+(FFT length)/2.\n"
32             "\n"
33             "Options:\n"
34             "  -ignore sss = Skip the first 'sss' lines in the input file.\n"
35             "                [default = no skipping]\n"
36             "  -use uuu    = Use only 'uuu' lines of the input file.\n"
37             "                [default = use them all, Frank]\n"
38             "  -nfft nnn   = Set FFT length to 'nnn'.\n"
39             "                [default = length of data (# of lines used)]\n"
40             "  -tocx       = Save Re and Im parts of transform in 2 columns.\n"
41             "  -fromcx     = Convert 2 column complex input into 1 column\n"
42             "                  real output.\n"
43             "                [-fromcx will not work if the original]\n"
44             "                [data FFT length was an odd number! :(]\n"
45             "  -hilbert    = When -fromcx is used, the inverse FFT will\n"
46             "                  do the Hilbert transform instead.\n"
47             "  -nodetrend  = Skip the detrending of the input.\n"
48             "\n"
49             "Nota Bene:\n"
50             " * Each input time series has any quadratic trend of the\n"
51             "     form 'a+b*t+c*t*t' removed before the FFT, where 't'\n"
52             "     is the line number.\n"
53 #if 0
54             " * The FFT length will be a power-of-2 times at most one\n"
55             "     factor of 3 and one factor of 5.  The smallest such\n"
56             "     length >= to the specified FFT length will be used.\n"
57 #else
58             " * The FFT length can be any positive even integer, but\n"
59             "   the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm will be slower if\n"
60             "   any prime factors of the FFT length are large (say > 997)\n"
61             "   Unless you are applying this program to VERY long files,\n"
62             "   this slowdown will probably not be appreciable.\n"
63 #endif
64             " * If the FFT length is longer than the file length, the\n"
65             "     data is zero-padded to make up the difference.\n"
66             " * Do NOT call the output of this program the Power Spectrum!\n"
67             "     That is something else entirely.\n"
68             " * If 'outfile' is '-' (or missing), the output appears on stdout.\n"
69            ) ;
70       PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
71    }
73    machdep() ;
75    if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_USE_FFTN") ) csfft_force_fftn(1) ;
77    nopt = 1 ;
78    while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
80       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-nodetrend",6) == 0 ){ /* 29 Nov 1999 */
81          nodetrend++ ;
82          nopt++ ; continue ;
83       }
85       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-hilbert") == 0 ){      /* 09 Dec 1999 */
86          hilbert = 1 ;
87          nopt++ ; continue ;
88       }
90       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-tocx") == 0 ){         /* 29 Nov 1999 */
91          cxop = TOCX ;
92          nopt++ ; continue ;
93       }
95       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-fromcx") == 0 ){       /* 29 Nov 1999 */
96          cxop = FROMCX ;
97          nopt++ ; continue ;
98       }
100       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-nfft") == 0 ){
101          if( ++nopt >= argc ){
102             fprintf(stderr,"** Need argument after -nfft!\n");exit(1);
103          }
104          nfft = strtol( argv[nopt] , NULL , 10 ) ;
105          nopt++ ; continue ;
106       }
108       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-ignore") == 0 ){
109          if( ++nopt >= argc ){
110             fprintf(stderr,"** Need argument after -ignore!\n");exit(1);
111          }
112          ignore = strtol( argv[nopt] , NULL , 10 ) ;
113          if( ignore < 0 ){
114             fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal value after -ignore!\n");exit(1);
115          }
116          nopt++ ; continue ;
117       }
119       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-use") == 0 ){
120          if( ++nopt >= argc ){
121             fprintf(stderr,"** Need argument after -use!\n");exit(1);
122          }
123          use = strtol( argv[nopt] , NULL , 10 ) ;
124          if( use < UMIN ){
125             fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal value after -use!\n");exit(1);
126          }
127          nopt++ ; continue ;
128       }
130       fprintf(stderr,"** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ; exit(1) ;
131    }
133    if( nopt >= argc ){
134       fprintf(stderr,"** Need input filenames!\n");exit(1);
135    }
137    if( argc > nopt+1 && !THD_filename_ok(argv[nopt+1]) ){
138      fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal output filename!\n"); exit(1);
139    }
140    if( argc > nopt+1 && strcmp(argv[nopt+1],"-") != 0 && THD_is_file(argv[nopt+1]) ){
141      fprintf(stderr,"** Output file already exists!\n"); exit(1);
142    }
144    if( hilbert && cxop != FROMCX ){
145       fprintf(stderr,"** -hilbert is illegal without -fromcx!\n"); exit(1);
146    }
148    /* read input file */
150    inim = mri_read_1D( argv[nopt] ) ;
151    if( inim == NULL ){
152       fprintf(stderr,"** Can't read input file!\n"); exit(1);
153    }
155    nx = inim->nx ; ny = inim->ny ;
156    nxi = nx - ignore ;
157    if( use > 0 ){
158       if( use > nxi ){
159          fprintf(stderr,
160                  "** Not enough data in file for ignore=%d and use=%d\n",
161                  ignore , use ) ;
162          exit(1) ;
163       }
164       nxi = use ;
165    } else if( nxi < UMIN ){
166       fprintf(stderr,"** Input file has too few rows!\n"); exit(1);
167    }
169    /*- 29 Nov 1999: complex operations are finicky -*/
171    switch( cxop ){
172       case TOCX:
173          if( ny != 1 ){
174             fprintf(stderr,
175                     "** -tocx option only works on 1 column files!\n") ;
176             exit(1) ;
177          }
178       break ;
180       case FROMCX:
181          if( ny != 2 ){
182             fprintf(stderr,
183                     "** -fromcx option only works on 2 column files!\n") ;
184             exit(1) ;
185          }
186          if( nx != nxi ){
187             fprintf(stderr,
188                    "** -fromcx option doesn't allow -ignore or -use!\n") ;
189             exit(1) ;
190          }
191          jj = csfft_nextup_even( 2*(nx-1) ) ;
192          if( jj != 2*(nx-1) ){
193             fprintf(stderr,
194                     "** -fromcx only works with certain file lengths!\n") ;
195             exit(1) ;
196          }
197       break ;
198    }
200    /* 29 Nov 1999: two possible paths */
202    if( cxop != FROMCX ){                     /* real input */
203       if( nfft < nxi ) nfft = nxi ;
204       /* nfft = csfft_nextup_even(nfft) ; */
205       fprintf(stderr,"++ 1dfft length = %d\n",nfft) ;
206       nby2 = nfft/2 ;
208       cxar = (complex *) malloc( sizeof(complex) * nfft ) ;
209       if( cxop == TOCX )
210          outim = mri_new( nby2+1 , 2 , MRI_float ) ;   /* complex output */
211       else
212          outim = mri_new( nby2+1 , ny , MRI_float ) ;  /* abs() output */
214       iar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(inim) ;
215       oar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(outim) ;
217       for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){
218          far = iar + jj*nx ;
219          if( !nodetrend ){
220             float f0,f1,f2 ;
221             THD_quadratic_detrend( nxi , far+ignore , &f0,&f1,&f2 ) ;
222 #if 0
223             fprintf(stderr,"++ quadratic trend: %g + %g * i + %g * i*i\n"
224                            "                    mid = %g  end = %g\n" ,
225                     f0,f1,f2 , f0+0.5*nxi*f1+0.25*nxi*nxi*f2 ,
226                                f0+(nxi-1)*f1+(nxi-1)*(nxi-1)*f2 ) ;
227 #endif
228          }
229          for( ii=0 ; ii < nxi ; ii++ ){
230             cxar[ii].r = far[ii+ignore]; cxar[ii].i = 0.0;
231          }
232          for( ii=nxi ; ii < nfft ; ii++ ){ cxar[ii].r = cxar[ii].i = 0.0; }
233          csfft_cox( -1 , nfft , cxar ) ;
234          far = oar + jj*(nby2+1) ;
235          if( cxop == TOCX )
236             for( ii=0 ; ii <= nby2 ; ii++ ){ far[ii]          = cxar[ii].r ;
237                                              far[ii+(nby2+1)] = cxar[ii].i ; }
238          else
239             for( ii=0 ; ii <= nby2 ; ii++ ){ far[ii] = CABS(cxar[ii]) ; }
240       }
242    } else {   /* complex input */
243       nfft = 2*(nx-1) ;
244       nby2 = nfft/2 ;
245       fprintf(stderr,"++ FFT length = %d\n",nfft) ;
246       cxar = (complex *) malloc( sizeof(complex) * nfft ) ;
248       outim = mri_new( nfft , 1 , MRI_float ) ;
250       iar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(inim) ;
251       oar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(outim) ;
253       cxar[0].r    = iar[0]    ; cxar[0].i    = 0.0 ;
254       cxar[nby2].r = iar[nx-1] ; cxar[nby2].i = 0.0 ;
255       for( ii=1 ; ii < nby2 ; ii++ ){
256          cxar[ii].r      = iar[ii] ; cxar[ii].i      =  iar[ii+nx] ;
257          cxar[nfft-ii].r = iar[ii] ; cxar[nfft-ii].i = -iar[ii+nx] ;
258       }
260       if( hilbert ){
261          float val ;
262          cxar[0].r = cxar[0].i = cxar[nby2].r = cxar[nby2].i = 0.0 ;
263          for( ii=1 ; ii < nby2 ; ii++ ){
264             val = cxar[ii].r      ; cxar[ii].r      = -cxar[ii].i ;
265                                     cxar[ii].i      =  val ;
266             val = cxar[nfft-ii].r ; cxar[nfft-ii].r =  cxar[nfft-ii].i ;
267                                     cxar[nfft-ii].i = -val ;
268          }
269       }
270       csfft_cox( 1 , nfft , cxar ) ;
271       for( ii=0 ; ii < nfft ; ii++ ) oar[ii] = cxar[ii].r / nfft ;
272    }
274    mri_write_1D( (argc > nopt+1) ? argv[nopt+1] : "-" , outim ) ;
275    exit(0) ;
276 }