1 /*****************************************************************************
2    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
3    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
4    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
5 ******************************************************************************/
7 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 /*
9   This program creates AFNI "bucket" type datasets.
11   File:    3dbucket.c
12   Author:  R. W. Cox
13   Date:    17 December 1997
16   Mod:     Changes to implement "-glueto" command option.
17            Also, modified output to preserve sub-brick labels.
18   Author:  B. D. Ward
19   Date:    04 February 1998
21   Mod:     If more than one input dataset, copy command line history from the
22            first input dataset to the output bucket dataset.
23   Date:    14 March 2002
25   Mod:     When verifying view type extension for -glueto dataset, scan
26            from the end (in case there are extra '+' characters).
27   Author:  R. C. Reynolds
28   Date:    30 October 2003
30 */
31 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #define PROGRAM_NAME "3dbucket"                      /* name of this program */
35 #define LAST_MOD_DATE "30 October 2003"          /* date of last program mod */
37 #include "mrilib.h"
39 /*-------------------------- global data --------------------------*/
41 static THD_3dim_dataset_array * BUCK_dsar  = NULL ;
42 static RwcPointer_array        * BUCK_subv  = NULL ;
43 static int                      BUCK_nvox  = -1 ;
44 static int                      BUCK_dry   = 0 ;
45 static int                      BUCK_verb  = 0 ;
46 static int                      BUCK_type  = -1 ;
47 static int                      BUCK_glue  = 0 ;
48 static int                      BUCK_ccode = COMPRESS_NONE ; /* 16 Mar 2010 */
50 static char BUCK_output_prefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX] = "buck" ;
51 static char BUCK_session[THD_MAX_NAME]         = "./"   ;
53 #define NSUBV(id)   ( ((int *)BUCK_subv->ar[(id)])[0]      )
54 #define SUBV(id,jj) ( ((int *)BUCK_subv->ar[(id)])[(jj)+1] )
55 #define DSUB(id)    DSET_IN_3DARR(BUCK_dsar,(id))
57 /*--------------------------- prototypes ---------------------------*/
59 void BUCK_read_opts( int , char ** ) ;
60 void BUCK_Syntax(int) ;
61 int * BUCK_get_subv( int , char * ) ;
63 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
64    read the arguments, load the global variables
65 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BUCK_read_opts(int argc,char * argv[])67 void BUCK_read_opts( int argc , char * argv[] )
68 {
69    int nopt = 1 , ii ;
70    char dname[THD_MAX_NAME] ;
71    char subv[THD_MAX_NAME] ;
72    char *cpt ;
73    THD_3dim_dataset *dset , *fset=NULL ;
74    int *svar ;
75    char *str;
76    int ok, ilen, nlen;
78    INIT_3DARR(BUCK_dsar) ;
79    INIT_XTARR(BUCK_subv) ;
81    while( nopt < argc ){
82       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-help") == 0 ||
83           strcmp(argv[nopt],"-h") == 0) {
84             BUCK_Syntax(strlen(argv[nopt])>3?2:1) ;
85          exit(0);
86       }
87       /**** -prefix prefix ****/
89       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix",6) == 0 ||
90           strncmp(argv[nopt],"-output",6) == 0   ){
91            if (BUCK_glue){
92             fprintf(stderr,"-prefix and -glueto options are not compatible\n");
93             exit(1) ;
94          }
95          nopt++ ;
96          if( nopt >= argc ){
97             fprintf(stderr,"need argument after -prefix!\n") ; exit(1) ;
98          }
99          MCW_strncpy( BUCK_output_prefix , argv[nopt++] , THD_MAX_PREFIX ) ;
100          continue ;
101       }
103       /**** -session directory ****/
105       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-session",6) == 0 ){
106          if (BUCK_glue){
107             fprintf(stderr,
108                     "-session and -glueto options are not compatible\n");
109             exit(1) ;
110          }
111          nopt++ ;
112          if( nopt >= argc ){
113             fprintf(stderr,"need argument after -session!\n") ; exit(1) ;
114          }
115          MCW_strncpy( BUCK_session , argv[nopt++] , THD_MAX_NAME ) ;
116          continue ;
117       }
119       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-dry",3) == 0 ){
120          BUCK_dry = BUCK_verb = 1 ;
121          nopt++ ; continue ;
122       }
124       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-fbuc",4) == 0 ){
125          BUCK_type = HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ;
126          nopt++ ; continue ;
127       }
129       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-abuc",4) == 0 ){
130          BUCK_type = HEAD_ANAT_TYPE ;
131          nopt++ ; continue ;
132       }
134       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-verb",5) == 0 ){
135          BUCK_verb = 1 ;
136          nopt++ ; continue ;
137       }
139       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-glueto",5) == 0 ||
140           strncmp(argv[nopt],"-aglueto",5) == 0){  /* ZSS April 16 2010 */
141          if( strncmp(BUCK_output_prefix, "buck", 5) != 0 ){
142             fprintf(stderr,
143                  "-prefix, -glueto, and -aglueto options are not compatible\n");
144             exit(1) ;
145          }
146          if( strncmp(BUCK_session, "./", 5) != 0 ){
147             fprintf(stderr,
148                  "-session, -glueto, and -aglueto options are not compatible\n");
149             exit(1) ;
150          }
151          nopt++ ;
152          if( nopt >= argc ){
153             fprintf(stderr,"need argument after -glueto or -aglueto!\n") ;
154             exit(1) ;
155          }
156          if (strncmp(argv[nopt-1],"-aglueto",5) == 0) { /* ZSS April 16 2010 */
157             THD_3dim_dataset *ddd = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] );
158             if( !ISVALID_DSET(ddd) ){
159               /* treat as -prefix */
160               MCW_strncpy( BUCK_output_prefix , argv[nopt++] , THD_MAX_PREFIX ) ;
161               continue ;
162             }  else {
163                /* go on as standard -glueto option */
164             }
165          }
166          BUCK_glue = 1 ;
168 	    /*----- Verify that file name ends in View Type -----*/
169 	    ok = 1;
170 	    nlen = strlen(argv[nopt]);
171 	    if (nlen <= 5) ok = 0;
173 	    if (ok)
174 	      {
175    #if 0                              /* old code - scan from end, instead */
177 	        for (ilen = 0;  ilen < nlen;  ilen++)
178 	          {
179 		    str = argv[nopt] + ilen;
180 		    if (str[0] == '+') break;
181 	          }
182 	        if (ilen == nlen)  ok = 0;
183    #endif
185 	        /* scan from end for view type extension, require one char */
186 	        /*                                     30 Oct 2003 [rickr] */
187 	        for (ilen = nlen - 1; ilen > 0; ilen--)
188 	          {
189 		    str = argv[nopt] + ilen;
190 		    if (str[0] == '+') break;
191 	          }
192 	        if (ilen == 0)  ok = 0;
193 	      }
195 	    if (ok)
196 	      {
197 	        str = argv[nopt] + ilen + 1;
199 	        for (ii=FIRST_VIEW_TYPE ; ii <= LAST_VIEW_TYPE ; ii++)
200 	          if (! strncmp(str,VIEW_codestr[ii],4)) break ;
202 	        if( ii > LAST_VIEW_TYPE )  ok = 0;
203 	      }
205 	    if (! ok)
206 	      {
207 	        fprintf(stderr,
208 	        "File name must end in +orig, +acpc, or +tlrc after -glueto\n"
209            "(consider: 3dbucket -prefix dsetA -overwrite dsetA dsetB ...)\n");
210 	        exit(1);
211 	      }
213 	    /*----- Remove View Type from string to make output prefix -----*/
214             MCW_strncpy( BUCK_output_prefix , argv[nopt] , ilen+1) ;
216 	    /*----- Note: no "continue" statement here.  File name will now
217 	      be processed as an input dataset -----*/
218       }
220       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-aglueto",5) == 0 ){
221          if( strncmp(BUCK_output_prefix, "buck", 5) != 0 ){
222             fprintf(stderr,"-prefix and -aglueto options are not compatible.\n"
223                  "Make sure you do not have two -agluto options on command.\n");
224             exit(1) ;
225          }
226          if( strncmp(BUCK_session, "./", 5) != 0 ){
227             fprintf(stderr,
228                     "-session and -aglueto options are not compatible\n");
229             exit(1) ;
230          }
231          BUCK_glue = 1 ;
232          nopt++ ;
233          if( nopt >= argc ){
234             fprintf(stderr,"need argument after -glueto!\n") ; exit(1) ;
235          }
237 	    /*----- Verify that file name ends in View Type -----*/
238 	    ok = 1;
239 	    nlen = strlen(argv[nopt]);
240 	    if (nlen <= 5) ok = 0;
242 	    if (ok)
243 	      {
244    #if 0                              /* old code - scan from end, instead */
246 	        for (ilen = 0;  ilen < nlen;  ilen++)
247 	          {
248 		    str = argv[nopt] + ilen;
249 		    if (str[0] == '+') break;
250 	          }
251 	        if (ilen == nlen)  ok = 0;
252    #endif
254 	        /* scan from end for view type extension, require one char */
255 	        /*                                     30 Oct 2003 [rickr] */
256 	        for (ilen = nlen - 1; ilen > 0; ilen--)
257 	          {
258 		    str = argv[nopt] + ilen;
259 		    if (str[0] == '+') break;
260 	          }
261 	        if (ilen == 0)  ok = 0;
262 	      }
264 	    if (ok)
265 	      {
266 	        str = argv[nopt] + ilen + 1;
268 	        for (ii=FIRST_VIEW_TYPE ; ii <= LAST_VIEW_TYPE ; ii++)
269 	          if (! strncmp(str,VIEW_codestr[ii],4)) break ;
271 	        if( ii > LAST_VIEW_TYPE )  ok = 0;
272 	      }
274 	    if (! ok)
275 	      {
276 	        fprintf(stderr,
277 	        "File name must end in +orig, +acpc, or +tlrc after -glueto\n"
278            "(consider: 3dbucket -prefix dsetA -overwrite dsetA dsetB ...)\n");
279 	        exit(1);
280 	      }
282 	    /*----- Remove View Type from string to make output prefix -----*/
283             MCW_strncpy( BUCK_output_prefix , argv[nopt] , ilen+1) ;
285 	    /*----- Note: no "continue" statement here.  File name will now
286 	      be processed as an input dataset -----*/
287       }
289       if( argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
290          fprintf(stderr,"Unknown option: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ;
291          suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]);
292          exit(1) ;
293       }
295       /**** read dataset ****/
297       cpt = strstr(argv[nopt],"[") ;
298       if( cpt == NULL ){
299          if (strlen(argv[nopt]) > THD_MAX_NAME-1) {
300             ERROR_exit( "Too long a filename for '%s'\n"
301                            "Maximum limit is %d\n", argv[nopt], THD_MAX_NAME-1);
302          }
303          strcpy(dname,argv[nopt]) ;
304          subv[0] = '\0' ;  /* make sure subv is reset ZSS Nov. 2010*/
305       } else if( cpt == argv[nopt] ){
306          fprintf(stderr,"illegal dataset specifier: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ;
307          exit(1) ;
308       } else {
309          ii = cpt - argv[nopt] ;
310          if (ii > THD_MAX_NAME-1) {
311             ERROR_exit( "Too long a filename for '%s'\n"
312                         "Maximum character limit is %d, have %d\\n",
313                         argv[nopt], THD_MAX_NAME-1, ii);
314          }
315          if (strlen(argv[nopt])-ii > THD_MAX_NAME-1) {
316             ERROR_exit( "Too long a sub-brick selection for '%s'\n"
317                         "Maximum limit is %d, have %d\n"
318                   "Consider using '[1dcat FF.1D]' or '[count ...]' methods\n"
319                   "for sub-brick selection. See 3dTcat -help for details.\n",
320                         argv[nopt], THD_MAX_NAME-1, strlen(argv[nopt])-ii);
321          }
322          memcpy(dname,argv[nopt],ii) ; dname[ii] = '\0' ;
323          strcpy(subv,cpt) ;
324       }
325       nopt++ ;
327       dset = THD_open_one_dataset( dname ) ;
328       /* akin to 3dTcat, handle failure in open_one
329          (todo: remove open_one from these programs)    18 Apr 2016 [rickr] */
330       if ( dset == NULL ) {
331          dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt-1] ) ;
332          subv[0] = '\0'; /* use selectors via THD_O_D */
333          if( dset && BUCK_verb )
334             INFO_message("failure w/open_one_dset, success w/open_dset");
335       }
336       if( dset == NULL ){
337          fprintf(stderr,"can't open dataset %s\n",dname) ; exit(1) ;
338       }
339       THD_force_malloc_type( dset->dblk , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ) ;
341       if( BUCK_type < 0 ) BUCK_type = dset->type ;
343       BUCK_ccode = COMPRESS_filecode(dset->dblk->diskptr->brick_name) ;
344          /* 16 Mar 2010 */
346       ii = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy * dset->daxes->nzz ;
347       if( BUCK_nvox < 0 ){
348         BUCK_nvox = ii ; fset = dset ;
349       } else if( ii != BUCK_nvox ){
350         ERROR_exit("Dataset %s differs in size from first one",dname);
351       } else if( !EQUIV_GRIDS(dset,fset) ){
352         WARNING_message("Dataset %s grid differs from first one",dname) ;
353       }
354       ADDTO_3DARR(BUCK_dsar,dset) ;
355       if (subv == NULL || subv[0] == '\0') { /* lazy way for 3dbucket special */
356          svar = BUCK_get_subv( DSET_NVALS(dset) , subv ) ; /* ZSS Dec 09 */
357       } else {
358          svar = MCW_get_thd_intlist (dset, subv);          /* ZSS Dec 09 */
359       }
360       if( svar == NULL || svar[0] <= 0 ){
361          fprintf(stderr,"can't decipher index codes from %s%s\n",dname,subv) ;
362          exit(1) ;
363       }
364       ADDTO_XTARR(BUCK_subv,svar) ;
366    }  /* end of loop over command line arguments */
368    if( argc < 2) {
369       ERROR_message("Too few options");
370       BUCK_Syntax(0) ;
371       exit(1);
372    }
373    return ;
374 }
376 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BUCK_get_subv(int nvals,char * str)378 int * BUCK_get_subv( int nvals , char * str )
379 {
380    int * subv = NULL ;
381    int ii , ipos , nout , slen ;
382    int ibot,itop,istep , nused ;
383    char * cpt ;
385    /* Meaningless input? */
387    if( nvals < 1 ) return NULL ;
389    /* No selection list ==> select it all */
391    if( str == NULL || str[0] == '\0' ){
392       subv = (int *) RwcMalloc( sizeof(int) * (nvals+1) ) ;
393       subv[0] = nvals ;
394       for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) subv[ii+1] = ii ;
395       return subv ;
396    }
398    /* skip initial '[' */
400    subv    = (int *) RwcMalloc( sizeof(int) * 2 ) ;
401    subv[0] = nout = 0 ;
403    ipos = 0 ;
404    if( str[ipos] == '[' ) ipos++ ;
406    /*** loop through each sub-selector until end of input ***/
408    slen = strlen(str) ;
409    while( ipos < slen && str[ipos] != ']' ){
411       /** get starting value **/
413       if( str[ipos] == '$' ){  /* special case */
414          ibot = nvals-1 ; ipos++ ;
415       } else {                 /* decode an integer */
416          ibot = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
417          if( ibot < 0 ){ myRwcFree(subv) ; return NULL ; }
418          if( ibot >= nvals ) ibot = nvals-1 ;
419          nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
420          if( ibot == 0 && nused == 0 ){ myRwcFree(subv) ; return NULL ; }
421          ipos += nused ;
422       }
424       /** if that's it for this sub-selector, add one value to list **/
426       if( str[ipos] == ',' || str[ipos] == '\0' || str[ipos] == ']' ){
427          nout++ ;
428          subv = (int *) RwcRealloc( (char *)subv , sizeof(int) * (nout+1) ) ;
429          subv[0]    = nout ;
430          subv[nout] = ibot ;
431          ipos++ ; continue ;  /* re-start loop at next sub-selector */
432       }
434       /** otherwise, must have '..' or '-' as next inputs **/
436       if( str[ipos] == '-' ){
437          ipos++ ;
438       } else if( str[ipos] == '.' && str[ipos+1] == '.' ){
439          ipos++ ; ipos++ ;
440       } else {
441          myRwcFree(subv) ; return NULL ;
442       }
444       /** get ending value for loop now **/
446       if( str[ipos] == '$' ){  /* special case */
447          itop = nvals-1 ; ipos++ ;
448       } else {                 /* decode an integer */
449          itop = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
450          if( itop < 0 ){ myRwcFree(subv) ; return NULL ; }
451          if( itop >= nvals ) itop = nvals-1 ;
452          nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
453          if( itop == 0 && nused == 0 ){ myRwcFree(subv) ; return NULL ; }
454          ipos += nused ;
455       }
457       /** set default loop step **/
459       istep = (ibot <= itop) ? 1 : -1 ;
461       /** check if we have a non-default loop step **/
463       if( str[ipos] == '(' ){  /* decode an integer */
464          ipos++ ;
465          istep = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
466          if( istep == 0 ){ myRwcFree(subv) ; return NULL ; }
467          nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
468          ipos += nused ;
469          if( str[ipos] == ')' ) ipos++ ;
470       }
472       /** add values to output **/
474       for( ii=ibot ; (ii-itop)*istep <= 0 ; ii += istep ){
475          nout++ ;
476          subv = (int *) RwcRealloc( (char *)subv , sizeof(int) * (nout+1) ) ;
477          subv[0]    = nout ;
478          subv[nout] = ii ;
479       }
481       /** check if we have a comma to skip over **/
483       if( str[ipos] == ',' ) ipos++ ;
485    }  /* end of loop through selector string */
487    return subv ;
488 }
490 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BUCK_Syntax(int detail)492 void BUCK_Syntax(int detail)
493 {
494    printf(
495     "Concatenate sub-bricks from input datasets into one big 'bucket' dataset. ~1~\n"
496     "Usage: 3dbucket options\n"
497     "where the options are: ~1~\n"
498    ) ;
500    printf(
501  "     -prefix pname = Use 'pname' for the output dataset prefix name.\n"
502  " OR  -output pname     [default='buck']\n"
503  "\n"
504  "     -session dir  = Use 'dir' for the output dataset session directory.\n"
505  "                       [default='./'=current working directory]\n"
506  "     -glueto fname = Append bricks to the end of the 'fname' dataset.\n"
507  "                       This command is an alternative to the -prefix \n"
508  "                       and -session commands.\n"
509  "                     * Note that fname should include the view, as in\n"
510  "                         3dbucket -glueto newset+orig oldset+orig'[7]'\n"
511  "     -aglueto fname= If fname dset does not exist, create it (like -prefix).\n"
512  "                     Otherwise append to fname (like -glueto).\n"
513  "                     This option is useful when appending in a loop.\n"
514  "                     * As with -glueto, fname should include the view, e.g.\n"
515  "                         3dbucket -aglueto newset+orig oldset+orig'[7]'\n"
516  "     -dry          = Execute a 'dry run'; that is, only print out\n"
517  "                       what would be done.  This is useful when\n"
518  "                       combining sub-bricks from multiple inputs.\n"
519  "     -verb         = Print out some verbose output as the program\n"
520  "                       proceeds (-dry implies -verb).\n"
521  "     -fbuc         = Create a functional bucket.\n"
522  "     -abuc         = Create an anatomical bucket.  If neither of\n"
523  "                       these options is given, the output type is\n"
524  "                       determined from the first input type.\n"
525  "\n"
526  "Command line arguments after the above are taken as input datasets.\n"
527  "A dataset is specified using one of these forms:\n"
528  "   'prefix+view', 'prefix+view.HEAD', or 'prefix+view.BRIK'.\n"
529  "You can also add a sub-brick selection list after the end of the\n"
530  "dataset name.  This allows only a subset of the sub-bricks to be\n"
531  "included into the output (by default, all of the input dataset\n"
532  "is copied into the output).  A sub-brick selection list looks like\n"
533  "one of the following forms:\n"
534  "  fred+orig[5]                     ==> use only sub-brick #5\n"
535  "  fred+orig[5,9,17]                ==> use #5, #9, and #17\n"
536  "  fred+orig[5..8]     or [5-8]     ==> use #5, #6, #7, and #8\n"
537  "  fred+orig[5..13(2)] or [5-13(2)] ==> use #5, #7, #9, #11, and #13\n"
538  "Sub-brick indexes start at 0.  You can use the character '$'\n"
539  "to indicate the last sub-brick in a dataset; for example, you\n"
540  "can select every third sub-brick by using the selection list\n"
541  "  fred+orig[0..$(3)]\n"
542  "\n"
543  "Notes: ~1~\n"
544  "N.B.: The sub-bricks are output in the order specified, which may\n"
545  " not be the order in the original datasets.  For example, using\n"
546  "  fred+orig[0..$(2),1..$(2)]\n"
547  " will cause the sub-bricks in fred+orig to be output into the\n"
548  " new dataset in an interleaved fashion.  Using\n"
549  "  fred+orig[$..0]\n"
550  " will reverse the order of the sub-bricks in the output.\n"
551  "\n"
552  "N.B.: Bucket datasets have multiple sub-bricks, but do NOT have\n"
553  " a time dimension.  You can input sub-bricks from a 3D+time dataset\n"
554  " into a bucket dataset.  You can use the '3dinfo' program to see\n"
555  " how many sub-bricks a 3D+time or a bucket dataset contains.\n"
556  "\n"
557  "N.B.: The '$', '(', ')', '[', and ']' characters are special to\n"
558  " the shell, so you will have to escape them.  This is most easily\n"
559  " done by putting the entire dataset plus selection list inside\n"
560  " single quotes, as in 'fred+orig[5..7,9]'.\n"
561  "\n"
562  "N.B.: In non-bucket functional datasets (like the 'fico' datasets\n"
563  " output by FIM, or the 'fitt' datasets output by 3dttest), sub-brick\n"
564  " [0] is the 'intensity' and sub-brick [1] is the statistical parameter\n"
565  " used as a threshold.  Thus, to create a bucket dataset using the\n"
566  " intensity from dataset A and the threshold from dataset B, and\n"
567  " calling the output dataset C, you would type\n"
568  "    3dbucket -prefix C -fbuc 'A+orig[0]' -fbuc 'B+orig[1]'\n"
569  "\n"
570  "WARNING: ~1~\n"
571  "         Using this program, it is possible to create a dataset that\n"
572  "         has different basic datum types for different sub-bricks\n"
573  "         (e.g., shorts for brick 0, floats for brick 1).\n"
574  "         Do NOT do this!  Very few AFNI programs will work correctly\n"
575  "         with such datasets!\n"
576    ) ;
578    PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; return ;
579 }
581 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])583 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
584 {
585    int ninp , ids , nv , iv,jv,kv , ivout , new_nvals , have_fdr = 0, nfdr = 0 ;
586    THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset=NULL , * dset ;
587    char buf[256] ;
588    double angle;
590    /*----- identify program -----*/
591 #if 0
592    printf ("\n\nProgram %s \n", PROGRAM_NAME);
593    printf ("Last revision: %s \n\n", LAST_MOD_DATE);
594 #endif
596    /*** read input options ***/
599    mainENTRY("3dbucket main"); machdep(); PRINT_VERSION("3dbucket") ;
600    set_obliquity_report(0); /* silence obliquity */
602    /*-- 20 Apr 2001: addto the arglist, if user wants to [RWCox] --*/
604    { int new_argc ; char ** new_argv ;
605      addto_args( argc , argv , &new_argc , &new_argv ) ;
606      if( new_argv != NULL ){ argc = new_argc ; argv = new_argv ; }
607    }
609    AFNI_logger("3dbucket",argc,argv) ;
611    BUCK_read_opts( argc , argv ) ;
613    /*** create new dataset (empty) ***/
614    ninp = BUCK_dsar->num ;
615    if( ninp < 1 ){
616       fprintf(stderr,"*** No input datasets?\n") ; exit(1) ;
617    }
619    new_nvals = 0 ;
620    for( ids=0 ; ids < ninp ; ids++ ) new_nvals += NSUBV(ids) ;
622    if( BUCK_verb ) printf("-verb: output will have %d sub-bricks\n",new_nvals) ;
624    new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( DSUB(0) ) ;
626    /* 23 May 2005: check for axis consistency */
627    /* 06 Feb 2008: and see if there are fdrcurves to perpetuate */
629    if( DSUB(0)->dblk->brick_fdrcurve ) have_fdr = 1 ;
630    for( iv=1 ; iv < ninp ; iv++ ){
631      if( !EQUIV_DATAXES(new_dset->daxes,DSUB(iv)->daxes) )
632        fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: %s grid mismatch with %s\n",
633                DSET_BRIKNAME(DSUB(0)) , DSET_BRIKNAME(DSUB(iv)) ) ;
634      if( DSUB(iv)->dblk->brick_fdrcurve ) have_fdr = 1 ;
635      /* allow for small angle differences   22 May 2015 [rickr] */
636      angle = dset_obliquity_angle_diff(new_dset, DSUB(iv), OBLIQ_ANGLE_THRESH);
637      if (angle > 0.0) {
638        WARNING_message(
639           "dataset %s has an obliquity difference of %f degress with %s\n",
640           new_dset ,
641           angle, DSUB(iv) );
642      }
643    }
645    /*  if( ninp == 1 ) */   tross_Copy_History( DSUB(0) , new_dset ) ;
646    tross_Make_History( "3dbucket" , argc,argv , new_dset ) ;
648    EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
649                       ADN_prefix        , BUCK_output_prefix ,
650                       ADN_directory_name, BUCK_session ,
651                       ADN_type          , BUCK_type ,
652                       ADN_func_type     , ISANATTYPE(BUCK_type) ? ANAT_BUCK_TYPE
653                                                                 : FUNC_BUCK_TYPE,
654                       ADN_ntt           , 0 ,
655                       ADN_nvals         , new_nvals ,
656                     ADN_none ) ;
658    /* can't re-write existing dataset, unless glueing is used */
660    if (! BUCK_glue){
661      if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset)) ){
662        fprintf(stderr,"*** Fatal error: file %s already exists!\n",
663                DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset) ) ;
664        exit(1) ;
665      }
666    } else {   /* if glueing is used, make the 'new'
667                  dataset have the same idcode as the old one */
669       new_dset->idcode = DSUB(0) -> idcode ;  /* copy the struct */
670    }
672    THD_force_malloc_type( new_dset->dblk , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ) ;
674    /* if there are fdr curves, allocate space    06 Feb 2008 [rickr] */
675    if( have_fdr ){
676       new_dset->dblk->brick_fdrcurve = (floatvec **)calloc(sizeof(floatvec *),
677                                                            new_nvals) ;
678       if( !new_dset->dblk->brick_fdrcurve ){
679          fprintf(stderr,"** failed to alloc %d fdrcurves\n",new_nvals);
680          exit(1);
681       }
682       if( BUCK_verb ) printf("-verb: adding fdrcurve list\n");
684       new_dset->dblk->brick_mdfcurve = (floatvec **)calloc(sizeof(floatvec *),
685                          /* 22 Oct 2008 */                 new_nvals) ;
686    }
688    /*** loop over input datasets ***/
690    if( ninp > 1 ) myRwcFree( new_dset->keywords ) ;
692    ivout = 0 ;
693    for( ids=0 ; ids < ninp ; ids++ ){
694       dset = DSUB(ids) ;
695       nv   = NSUBV(ids) ;
697       if( ! BUCK_dry ){
698          DSET_load(dset) ;  CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset) ;
699       }
700       /** loop over sub-bricks to output **/
702       for( iv=0 ; iv < nv ; iv++ ){
703          jv = SUBV(ids,iv) ;                /* which sub-brick to use */
705          if( ! BUCK_dry ){
706             EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , ivout ,
707                                    DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,jv) , DSET_ARRAY(dset,jv) ) ;
709             /*----- preserve label when one exists --- Modified March 2010 ZSS*/
710             if (DSET_HAS_LABEL(dset, jv) )
711               sprintf (buf, "%s", DSET_BRICK_LABEL(dset,jv));
712             else
713               sprintf(buf,"%.12s[%d]",DSET_PREFIX(dset),jv) ;
714             EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_brick_label_one+ivout, buf , ADN_none ) ;
716 #if 0
717             sprintf(buf,"%s[%d]",DSET_FILECODE(dset),jv) ;
718             EDIT_dset_items(
719               new_dset, ADN_brick_keywords_replace_one+ivout, buf, ADN_none ) ;
720 #endif
722             EDIT_dset_items(
723               new_dset ,
724                 ADN_brick_fac_one            +ivout, DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,jv),
725 #if 0
726                 ADN_brick_keywords_append_one+ivout, DSET_BRICK_KEYWORDS(dset,jv) ,
727 #endif
728               ADN_none ) ;
730             /** possibly write statistical parameters for this sub-brick **/
732             kv = DSET_BRICK_STATCODE(dset,jv) ;
734             if( FUNC_IS_STAT(kv) ){ /* input sub-brick has stat params */
736                int npar = FUNC_need_stat_aux[kv] , lv ;
737                float * par = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * (npar+2) ) ;
738                float * sax = DSET_BRICK_STATAUX(dset,jv) ;
739                par[0] = kv ;
740                par[1] = npar ;
741                for( lv=0 ; lv < npar ; lv++ )
742                   par[lv+2] = (sax != NULL) ? sax[lv] : 0.0 ;
744                EDIT_dset_items(new_dset ,
745                                 ADN_brick_stataux_one+ivout , par ,
746                                ADN_none ) ;
747                free(par) ;
749             /* 2: if the input dataset has statistical parameters */
751             } else if( ISFUNC(dset)                        &&   /* dset has stat */
752                        FUNC_IS_STAT(dset->func_type)       &&   /* params        */
753                        jv == FUNC_ival_thr[dset->func_type]  ){ /* thr sub-brick */
755                int npar , lv ;
756                float * par , * sax ;
757                kv  = dset->func_type ;
758                npar = FUNC_need_stat_aux[kv] ;
759                par  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * (npar+2) ) ;
760                sax  = dset->stat_aux ;
761                par[0] = kv ;
762                par[1] = npar ;
763                for( lv=0 ; lv < npar ; lv++ )
764                   par[lv+2] = (sax != NULL) ? sax[lv] : 0.0 ;
766                EDIT_dset_items(new_dset ,
767                                 ADN_brick_stataux_one+ivout , par ,
768                                ADN_none ) ;
769                free(par) ;
770             }
772             /** append any fdrcurve **/
773             if( have_fdr ){
774                /* fixed iv->jv (ick!), noticed by dglen  16 Mar 2010 [rickr] */
775                if(dset->dblk->brick_fdrcurve && dset->dblk->brick_fdrcurve[jv]){
776                   COPY_floatvec(new_dset->dblk->brick_fdrcurve[ivout],
777                                     dset->dblk->brick_fdrcurve[jv]) ;
778                   nfdr++;
779                }
780                else new_dset->dblk->brick_fdrcurve[ivout] = NULL ;
782                if(dset->dblk->brick_mdfcurve && dset->dblk->brick_mdfcurve[jv]){
783                   COPY_floatvec(new_dset->dblk->brick_mdfcurve[ivout],
784                                     dset->dblk->brick_mdfcurve[jv]) ;
785                }
786                else new_dset->dblk->brick_mdfcurve[ivout] = NULL ;
787             }
789             /** print a message? **/
791             if( BUCK_verb ) printf("-verb: copied %s[%d] into %s[%d]\n" ,
792                                    DSET_FILECODE(dset) , jv ,
793                                    DSET_FILECODE(new_dset) , ivout ) ;
794          } else {
795             printf("-dry: would copy %s[%d] into %s[%d]\n" ,
796                     DSET_FILECODE(dset) , jv ,
797                     DSET_FILECODE(new_dset) , ivout ) ;
798          }
800          ivout++ ;
801       }
803       /** loop over all bricks in input dataset and
804           unload them if they aren't going into the output
805           (not required, but is done to economize on memory) **/
807       if( ! BUCK_dry && nv < DSET_NVALS(dset) ){
809          for( kv=0 ; kv < DSET_NVALS(dset) ; kv++ ){  /* all input sub-bricks */
810             for( iv=0 ; iv < nv ; iv++ ){             /* all output sub-bricks */
811                jv = SUBV(ids,iv) ;
812                if( jv == kv ) break ;                 /* input matches output */
813             }
814             if( iv == nv ){
815                mri_free( DSET_BRICK(dset,kv) ) ;
816 #if 0
817                if( BUCK_verb ) printf("-verb: unloaded unused %s[%d]\n" ,
818                                       DSET_FILECODE(dset) , kv ) ;
819 #endif
820             }
821          }
822       }
824    } /* end of loop over input datasets */
826    if( ! BUCK_dry ){
827       if( BUCK_verb ){
828          if( have_fdr ) fprintf(stderr,"-verb: added %d of %d fdr curves\n",
829                                 nfdr, new_nvals);
830          fprintf(stderr,"-verb: loading statistics\n") ;
831       }
832       THD_load_statistics( new_dset ) ;
833       if( BUCK_glue ) putenv("AFNI_DECONFLICT=OVERWRITE") ;
834       if( BUCK_glue && BUCK_ccode >= 0 )
835         THD_set_write_compression(BUCK_ccode) ; /* 16 Mar 2010 */
836       if ( ! THD_write_3dim_dataset( NULL,NULL , new_dset , True ) )
837          exit(1) ;
838       if( BUCK_verb ) fprintf(stderr,"-verb: wrote output: %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset)) ;
839    }
841    exit(0) ;
842 }