1 /*****************************************************************************
2    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
3    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
4    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
5 ******************************************************************************/
7 #include "thd_shear3d.h"
9 /*-- prototypes for funcs at end of file --*/
11 static void rotate_stdin_points( THD_dfvec3, THD_dmat33, int,THD_dfvec3 ) ;
13 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
15 #define MATVEC_DICOM 1
16 #define MATVEC_ORDER 2
18 static int verb=0 ;
20 /*-- 19 Jun 2001 stuff --*/
22 #define MODE_DFILE   1
23 #define MODE_1DFILE  2
24 MRI_IMAGE * get_dfile_params( char * fname , int mode ) ;
26 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])28 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
29 {
30    THD_3dim_dataset * dset=NULL ;
31    char * new_prefix = "rota" , * cpt ;
32    float dx=0 , dy=0 , dz=0 ;
33    int   ax1=0,ax2=1,ax3=2 , adx,ady,adz ;
34    char  cdx='\0',cdy='\0',cdz='\0' ;
35    float th1=0.0,th2=0.0,th3=0.0 ;
36    int iopt , nvox , rotarg=-1 , dcode=-1 , ival,nval , ihand ;
37    float * fvol ;
38    double cputim=0.0 ;
39    int clipit=1 ;  /* 11 Apr 2000 and 16 Apr 2002 */
40    float cbot=0.0,ctop=0.0 ;
42    int matvec=0 ;    /* 19 July 2000 */
43    THD_dmat33 rmat , pp,ppt ;
44    THD_dfvec3 tvec ;
46    int dopoints=0 , doorigin=0 ;    /* 21 Nov 2000 */
47    double xo=0.0 , yo=0.0 , zo=0.0 ;
49    THD_3dim_dataset *rotpar_dset=NULL , *gridpar_dset=NULL ;  /* 07 Feb 2001 */
51    int zpad=0 ;      /* 05 Feb 2001 */
53    char *dname=NULL ;  /* 19 Jun 2001 */
54    int   dmode=0 ;
55    MRI_IMAGE *dim=NULL ;
56    float     *dar=NULL ;
57    int       ndar=0    ;
58    int       skipit=0  ;
60    /*-------------------------------*/
62    LOAD_DIAG_DMAT(rmat,1.0,1.0,1.0) ;
63    memset(&tvec, 0, sizeof(THD_dfvec3));
64    /*-- read command line arguments --*/
66    if( argc < 2 || strncmp(argv[1],"-help",4) == 0 ){
67       printf(
68        "Usage: 3drotate [options] dataset\n"
69        "Rotates and/or translates all bricks from an AFNI dataset.\n"
70        "'dataset' may contain a sub-brick selector list.\n"
71        "\n"
72        "GENERIC OPTIONS:\n"
73        "  -prefix fname    = Sets the output dataset prefix name to be 'fname'\n"
74        "  -verbose         = Prints out progress reports (to stderr)\n"
75        "\n"
77        "-------------------------------------------\n"
78        "*** METHOD 1 = direct specification:\n"
79        "At most one of these shift options can be used:\n"
80        "  -ashift dx dy dz = Shifts the dataset 'dx' mm in the x-direction, etc.,\n"
81        "                       AFTER rotation.\n"
82        "  -bshift dx dy dz = Shifts the dataset 'dx' mm in the x-direction, etc.,\n"
83        "                       BEFORE rotation.\n"
84        "    The shift distances by default are along the (x,y,z) axes of the dataset\n"
85        "    storage directions (see the output of '3dinfo dataset').  To specify them\n"
86        "    anatomically, you can suffix a distance with one of the symbols\n"
87        "    'R', 'L', 'A', 'P', 'I', and 'S', meaning 'Right', 'Left', 'Anterior',\n"
88        "    'Posterior', 'Inferior', and 'Superior', respectively.\n"
89        "\n"
90        "  -rotate th1 th2 th3\n"
91        "    Specifies the 3D rotation to be composed of 3 planar rotations:\n"
92        "       1) 'th1' degrees about the 1st axis,           followed by\n"
93        "       2) 'th2' degrees about the (rotated) 2nd axis, followed by\n"
94        "       3) 'th3' degrees about the (doubly rotated) 3rd axis.\n"
95        "    Which axes are used for these rotations is specified by placing\n"
96        "    one of the symbols 'R', 'L', 'A', 'P', 'I', and 'S' at the end\n"
97        "    of each angle (e.g., '10.7A').  These symbols denote rotation\n"
98        "    about the 'Right-to-Left', 'Left-to-Right', 'Anterior-to-Posterior',\n"
99        "    'Posterior-to-Anterior', 'Inferior-to-Superior', and\n"
100        "    'Superior-to-Inferior' axes, respectively.  A positive rotation is\n"
101        "    defined by the right-hand rule.\n"
102        "\n"
103        "*** METHOD 2 = copy from output of 3dvolreg:\n"
104        "  -rotparent rset\n"
105        "    Specifies that the rotation and translation should be taken from the\n"
106        "    first 3dvolreg transformation found in the header of dataset 'rset'.\n"
107        "  -gridparent gset\n"
108        "    Specifies that the output dataset of 3drotate should be shifted to\n"
109        "    match the grid of dataset 'gset'.  Can only be used with -rotparent.\n"
110        "    This dataset should be one this is properly aligned with 'rset' when\n"
111        "    overlaid in AFNI.\n"
112        "  * If -rotparent is used, then don't use -matvec, -rotate, or -[ab]shift.\n"
113        "  * If 'gset' has a different number of slices than the input dataset,\n"
114        "    then the output dataset will be zero-padded in the slice direction\n"
115        "    to match 'gset'.\n"
116        "  * These options are intended to be used to align datasets between sessions:\n"
117        "     S1 = SPGR from session 1    E1 = EPI from session 1\n"
118        "     S2 = SPGR from session 2    E2 = EPI from session 2\n"
119        " 3dvolreg -twopass -twodup -base S1+orig -prefix S2reg S2+orig\n"
120        " 3drotate -rotparent S2reg+orig -gridparent E1+orig -prefix E2reg E2+orig\n"
121        "     The result will have E2reg rotated from E2 in the same way that S2reg\n"
122        "     was from S2, and also shifted/padded (as needed) to overlap with E1.\n"
123        "\n"
124        "*** METHOD 3 = give the transformation matrix/vector directly:\n"
125        "  -matvec_dicom mfile\n"
126        "  -matvec_order mfile\n"
127        "    Specifies that the rotation and translation should be read from file\n"
128        "    'mfile', which should be in the format\n"
129        "           u11 u12 u13 v1\n"
130        "           u21 u22 u23 v2\n"
131        "           u31 u32 u33 u3\n"
132        "    where each 'uij' and 'vi' is a number.  The 3x3 matrix [uij] is the\n"
133        "    orthogonal matrix of the rotation, and the 3-vector [vi] is the -ashift\n"
134        "    vector of the translation.\n"
135        "\n"
136        "*** METHOD 4 = copy the transformation from 3dTagalign:\n"
137        "  -matvec_dset mset\n"
138        "    Specifies that the rotation and translation should be read from\n"
139        "    the .HEAD file of dataset 'mset', which was created by program\n"
140        "    3dTagalign.\n"
141        "  * If -matvec_dicom is used, the matrix and vector are given in Dicom\n"
142        "     coordinate order (+x=L, +y=P, +z=S).  This is the option to use\n"
143        "     if mfile is generated using 3dTagalign -matvec mfile.\n"
144        "  * If -matvec_order is used, the matrix and vector are given in the\n"
145        "     coordinate order of the dataset axes, whatever they may be.\n"
146        "  * You can't mix -matvec_* options with -rotate and -*shift.\n"
147        "\n"
148        "*** METHOD 5 = input rotation+shift parameters from an ASCII file:\n"
149        "  -dfile dname  *OR*  -1Dfile dname\n"
150        "    With these methods, the movement parameters for each sub-brick\n"
151        "    of the input dataset are read from the file 'dname'.  This file\n"
152        "    should consist of columns of numbers in ASCII format.  Six (6)\n"
153        "    numbers are read from each line of the input file.  If the\n"
154        "    '-dfile' option is used, each line of the input should be at\n"
155        "    least 7 numbers, and be of the form\n"
156        "      ignored roll pitch yaw dS dL dP\n"
157        "    If the '-1Dfile' option is used, then each line of the input\n"
158        "    should be at least 6 numbers, and be of the form\n"
159        "      roll pitch yaw dS dL dP\n"
160        "          (These are the forms output by the '-dfile' and\n"
161        "           '-1Dfile' options of program 3dvolreg; see that\n"
162        "           program's -help output for the hideous details.)\n"
163        "    The n-th sub-brick of the input dataset will be transformed\n"
164        "    using the parameters from the n-th line of the dname file.\n"
165        "    If the dname file doesn't contain as many lines as the\n"
166        "    input dataset has sub-bricks, then the last dname line will\n"
167        "    be used for all subsequent sub-bricks.  Excess columns or\n"
168        "    rows will be ignored.\n"
169        "  N.B.: Rotation is always about the center of the volume.\n"
170        "          If the parameters are derived from a 3dvolreg run\n"
171        "          on a dataset with a different center in xyz-space,\n"
172        "          the results may not be what you want!\n"
173        "  N.B.: You can't use -dfile/-1Dfile with -points (infra).\n"
174        "\n"
175        "POINTS OPTIONS (instead of datasets):\n"
176        "------------------------------------\n"
177        " -points\n"
178        " -origin xo yo zo\n"
179        "   These options specify that instead of rotating a dataset, you will\n"
180        "   be rotating a set of (x,y,z) points.  The points are read from stdin.\n"
181        "   * If -origin is given, the point (xo,yo,zo) is used as the center for\n"
182        "     the rotation.\n"
183        "   * If -origin is NOT given, and a dataset is given at the end of the\n"
184        "     command line, then the center of the dataset brick is used as\n"
185        "     (xo,yo,zo).  The dataset will NOT be rotated if -points is given.\n"
186        "   * If -origin is NOT given, and NO dataset is given at the end of the\n"
187        "     command line, then xo=yo=zo=0 is assumed.  You probably don't\n"
188        "     want this.\n"
189        "   * (x,y,z) points are read from stdin as 3 ASCII-formatted numbers per\n"
190        "     line, as in 3dUndump.  Any succeeding numbers on input lines will\n"
191        "     be copied to the output, which will be written to stdout.\n"
192        "   * The input (x,y,z) coordinates are taken in the same order as the\n"
193        "     axes of the input dataset.  If there is no input dataset, then\n"
194        "       negative x = R  positive x = L  }\n"
195        "       negative y = A  positive y = P  } e.g., the DICOM order\n"
196        "       negative z = I  positive z = S  }\n"
197        "     One way to dump some (x,y,z) coordinates from a dataset is:\n"
198        "\n"
199        "      3dmaskdump -mask something+tlrc -o xyzfilename -noijk\n"
200        "                 '3dcalc( -a dset+tlrc -expr x -datum float )'\n"
201        "                 '3dcalc( -a dset+tlrc -expr y -datum float )'\n"
202        "                 '3dcalc( -a dset+tlrc -expr z -datum float )'\n"
203        "\n"
204        "     (All of this should be on one command line.)\n"
205        "============================================================================\n"
206        "\n"
207        "Example: 3drotate -prefix Elvis -bshift 10S 0 0 -rotate 30R 0 0 Sinatra+orig\n"
208        "\n"
209        "This will shift the input 10 mm in the superior direction, followed by a 30\n"
210        "degree rotation about the Right-to-Left axis (i.e., nod the head forward).\n"
211        "\n"
212        "============================================================================\n"
213        "Algorithm: The rotation+shift is decomposed into 4 1D shearing operations\n"
214        "           (a 3D generalization of Paeth's algorithm).  The interpolation\n"
215        "           (i.e., resampling) method used for these shears can be controlled\n"
216        "           by the following options:\n"
217        "\n"
218        " -Fourier = Use a Fourier method (the default: most accurate; slowest).\n"
219        " -NN      = Use the nearest neighbor method.\n"
220        " -linear  = Use linear (1st order polynomial) interpolation (least accurate).\n"
221        " -cubic   = Use the cubic (3rd order) Lagrange polynomial method.\n"
222        " -quintic = Use the quintic (5th order) Lagrange polynomial method.\n"
223        " -heptic  = Use the heptic (7th order) Lagrange polynomial method.\n"
224        "\n"
225        " -Fourier_nopad = Use the Fourier method WITHOUT padding\n"
226        "                * If you don't mind - or even want - the wraparound effect\n"
227        "                * Works best if dataset grid size is a power of 2, possibly\n"
228        "                  times powers of 3 and 5, in all directions being altered.\n"
229        "                * The main use would seem to be to un-wraparound poorly\n"
230        "                  reconstructed images, by using a shift; for example:\n"
231        "                   3drotate -ashift 30A 0 0 -Fourier_nopad -prefix Anew A+orig\n"
232        "                * This option is also available in the Nudge Dataset plugin.\n"
233        "\n"
234        " -clipit  = Clip results to input brick range [now the default].\n"
235        " -noclip  = Don't clip results to input brick range.\n"
236        "\n"
237        " -zpad n  = Zeropad around the edges by 'n' voxels during rotations\n"
238        "              (these edge values will be stripped off in the output)\n"
239        "        N.B.: Unlike to3d, in this program '-zpad' adds zeros in\n"
240        "               all directions.\n"
241        "        N.B.: The environment variable AFNI_ROTA_ZPAD can be used\n"
242        "               to set a nonzero default value for this parameter.\n"
243       ) ;
245       printf("\n" MASTER_SHORTHELP_STRING ) ;
246       PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
247    }
249    mainENTRY("3drotate main"); machdep(); PRINT_VERSION("3drotate"); AUTHOR("RW Cox");
251    /*-- 20 Apr 2001: addto the arglist, if user wants to [RWCox] --*/
253    { int new_argc ; char ** new_argv ;
254      addto_args( argc , argv , &new_argc , &new_argv ) ;
255      if( new_argv != NULL ){ argc = new_argc ; argv = new_argv ; }
256    }
258    AFNI_logger("3drotate",argc,argv) ;
260 #define ERREX(str) (fprintf(stderr,"*** %s\n",str),exit(1))
262    iopt = 1 ;
263    while( iopt < argc && argv[iopt][0] == '-' ){
265       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-zpad",5) == 0 ){     /* 05 Feb 2001 */
266          if( zpad > 0 )
267             fprintf(stderr,"+++ WARNING: second -zpad option!\n") ;
268          zpad = (int) strtod( argv[++iopt] , NULL ) ;
269          if( zpad < 0 ){
270             fprintf(stderr,"*** ERROR: Can't use -zpad %d\n",zpad) ;
271             exit(1) ;
272          }
273          THD_rota_setpad(zpad,zpad,zpad) ;
274          iopt++ ; continue ;
275       }
277       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-points",7) == 0 ){   /* 21 Nov 2000 */
278         dopoints = 1 ;
279         iopt++ ; continue ;
280       }
282       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-origin",7) == 0 ){   /* 21 Nov 2000 */
283         xo = strtod( argv[++iopt] , NULL ) ;
284         yo = strtod( argv[++iopt] , NULL ) ;
285         zo = strtod( argv[++iopt] , NULL ) ;
286         doorigin = 1 ;
287         iopt++ ; continue ;
288       }
290       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-rotpar",7) == 0 ){  /* 07 Feb 2001 */
292          ATR_float *atr ;
294          if( rotpar_dset != NULL )
295             ERREX("*** Can't use 2 -rotparent options!") ;
296          if( matvec )
297             ERREX("*** Can't combine -rotparent with -matvec!") ;
298          if( dcode > 0 || rotarg > 0 )
299             ERREX("*** Can't use -rotparent with -shift or -rotate options!") ;
300          if( dname != NULL )
301             ERREX("*** Can't use -rotparent with -dfile or -1Dfile options!") ;
303          rotpar_dset = THD_open_one_dataset( argv[++iopt] ) ;
304          if( rotpar_dset == NULL )
305             ERREX("*** Can't open -rotparent dataset!\n") ;
306          THD_make_cardinal(rotpar_dset); /* deoblique   21 Oct, 2011 [rickr] */
308          atr = THD_find_float_atr( rotpar_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_MATVEC_000000" ) ;
309          if( atr == NULL || atr->nfl < 12 )
310             ERREX("*** -rotparent dataset doesn't have VOLREG attributes!?") ;
312          iopt++ ; continue ;
313       }
315       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-gridpar",7) == 0 ){  /* 07 Feb 2001 */
317          if( gridpar_dset != NULL )
318             ERREX("*** Can't use -2 -gridparent options!") ;
320          gridpar_dset = THD_open_one_dataset( argv[++iopt] ) ;
321          if( gridpar_dset == NULL )
322             ERREX("*** Can't open -gridparent dataset!\n") ;
323          THD_make_cardinal(gridpar_dset); /* deoblique   21 Oct, 2011 [rickr] */
325          iopt++ ; continue ;
326       }
328       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-matvec_",8) == 0 ){  /* 19 Jul 2000 */
330          MRI_IMAGE *matim ; float *matar , sum ;
332          if( matvec )
333            ERREX("*** Can't use 2 -matvec options!") ;
334          if( dcode > 0 || rotarg > 0 )
335            ERREX("*** Can't use -matvec with -shift or -rotate options!") ;
336          if( rotpar_dset != NULL )
337            ERREX("*** Can't use -matvec with -rotparent option!") ;
338          if( dname != NULL )
339            ERREX("*** Can't use -matvec with -dfile or -1Dfile options!") ;
341          if( strcmp(argv[iopt],"-matvec_order") == 0 ) matvec = MATVEC_ORDER ;
342          else                                          matvec = MATVEC_DICOM ;
344          if( strcmp(argv[iopt],"-matvec_dset") == 0){   /* 20 July 2000 */
345             THD_3dim_dataset * mvset ; ATR_float * atr ;
347             mvset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++iopt] ) ;
348             if( mvset == NULL ) ERREX("*** Can't read -matvec_dset dataset!") ;
349             THD_make_cardinal(mvset); /* deoblique   21 Oct, 2011 [rickr] */
350             atr = THD_find_float_atr( mvset->dblk , "TAGALIGN_MATVEC" ) ;
351             if( atr == NULL || atr->nfl < 12 )
352               ERREX("*** -matvec_dset doesn't have matrix+vector in .HEAD!") ;
353             matar = atr->fl ;
354             LOAD_DMAT(rmat,matar[0],matar[1],matar[2],
355                            matar[4],matar[5],matar[6],
356                            matar[8],matar[9],matar[10] ) ;
357             LOAD_DFVEC3(tvec,matar[3],matar[7],matar[11]) ;
358             DSET_delete(mvset) ;
359          } else {
360             matim = mri_read_ascii( argv[++iopt] ) ;
361             if( matim == NULL ) ERREX("Can't read -matvec file!") ;
362             if( matim->nx != 4 || matim->ny != 3 ) ERREX("-matvec file not 4x3!") ;
364             matar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(matim) ;
365             LOAD_DMAT(rmat,matar[0],matar[1],matar[2],
366                           matar[4],matar[5],matar[6],
367                           matar[8],matar[9],matar[10] ) ;
368             LOAD_DFVEC3(tvec,matar[3],matar[7],matar[11]) ;
370             mri_free(matim) ;
371          }
373          /* check if matrix is approximately orthogonal */
374          /* [will be orthogonalized in rot_to_shear_matvec() in thd_shear3d.c] */
376          pp = TRANSPOSE_DMAT(rmat) ; pp = DMAT_MUL(pp,rmat) ;
377          sum = fabs(pp.mat[0][0]-1.0)+fabs(pp.mat[1][0])    +fabs(pp.mat[2][0])
378               +fabs(pp.mat[0][1])    +fabs(pp.mat[1][1]-1.0)+fabs(pp.mat[2][1])
379               +fabs(pp.mat[0][2])    +fabs(pp.mat[1][2])    +fabs(pp.mat[2][2]-1.0);
380          if( sum > 0.01 ) ERREX("-matvec matrix not orthogonal!") ;
382          iopt++ ; continue ;
383       }
385       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-clipit",4) == 0 ){  /* 11 Apr 2000 */
386          fprintf(stderr,"++ Notice: -clipit is now the default\n") ;
387          clipit = 1 ;
388          iopt++ ; continue ;
389       }
391       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-noclip",4) == 0 ){  /* 16 Apr 2002 */
392          clipit = 0 ;
393          iopt++ ; continue ;
394       }
396       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-prefix",4) == 0 ){
397          new_prefix = argv[++iopt] ;
398          iopt++ ; continue ;
399       }
401       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-verbose",5) == 0 ){
402          verb = 1 ;
403          iopt++ ; continue ;
404       }
406       if( strcmp(argv[iopt],"-Fourier_nopad") == 0 ){   /* 13 May 2003 */
407          THD_rota_method( MRI_FOURIER_NOPAD ) ;
408          iopt++ ; continue ;
409       }
410       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-Fourier",4) == 0 || strncmp(argv[iopt],"-fourier",4) == 0 ){
411          THD_rota_method( MRI_FOURIER ) ;
412          iopt++ ; continue ;
413       }
415       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-cubic",4) == 0 || strncmp(argv[iopt],"-Cubic",4) == 0 ){
416          THD_rota_method( MRI_CUBIC ) ;
417          iopt++ ; continue ;
418       }
420       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-quintic",4) == 0 || strncmp(argv[iopt],"-Quintic",4) == 0 ){
421          THD_rota_method( MRI_QUINTIC ) ;
422          iopt++ ; continue ;
423       }
425       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-heptic",4) == 0 || strncmp(argv[iopt],"-Heptic",4) == 0 ){
426          THD_rota_method( MRI_HEPTIC ) ;
427          iopt++ ; continue ;
428       }
430       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-linear",4) == 0 || strncmp(argv[iopt],"-Linear",4) == 0 ){
431          THD_rota_method( MRI_LINEAR ) ; clipit = 0 ;
432          iopt++ ; continue ;
433       }
435       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-nn",3) == 0 || strncmp(argv[iopt],"-NN",4) == 0 ){
436          THD_rota_method( MRI_NN ) ; clipit = 0 ;
437          iopt++ ; continue ;
438       }
440       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-ashift",4) == 0 ){
441          if( matvec    ) ERREX("*** Can't use -ashift with -matvec!") ;
442          if( dcode > 0 ){fprintf(stderr,"*** Can't use 2 shift options!\n");exit(1);}
443          if( rotpar_dset != NULL )
444             ERREX("*** Can't use -ashift with -rotparent!") ;
445          if( dname != NULL )
446             ERREX("*** Can't use -ashift with -dfile or -1Dfile options!") ;
447          dx = strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ; cdx = *cpt ;
448          dy = strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ; cdy = *cpt ;
449          dz = strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ; cdz = *cpt ;
450          dcode = DELTA_AFTER ;
451          iopt++ ; continue ;
452       }
454       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-bshift",4) == 0 ){
455          if( matvec    ) ERREX("*** Can't use -bshift with -matvec!") ;
456          if( dcode > 0 ){fprintf(stderr,"*** Can't use 2 shift options!\n");exit(1);}
457          if( rotpar_dset != NULL )
458             ERREX("*** Can't use -bshift with -rotparent!") ;
459          if( dname != NULL )
460             ERREX("*** Can't use -bshift with -dfile or -1Dfile options!") ;
461          dx = strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ; cdx = *cpt ;
462          dy = strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ; cdy = *cpt ;
463          dz = strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ; cdz = *cpt ;
464          dcode = DELTA_BEFORE ;
465          iopt++ ; continue ;
466       }
468 #if 0
469       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-cshift",4) == 0 ){
470          if( dcode > 0 ){fprintf(stderr,"*** Can't use 2 shift options!\n");exit(1);}
471          dx = strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ; cdx = *cpt ;
472          dy = strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ; cdy = *cpt ;
473          dz = strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ; cdz = *cpt ;
474          dcode = DELTA_FIXED ;
475          iopt++ ; continue ;
476       }
477 #endif
479       if( strncmp(argv[iopt],"-rotate",4) == 0 ){
480          if( matvec     ) ERREX("*** Can't use -rotate with -matvec!") ;
481          if( rotarg > 0 ) ERREX("*** Can't have 2 -rotate options!\n") ;
482          if( rotpar_dset != NULL )
483             ERREX("*** Can't use -rotate with -rotparent!") ;
484          if( dname != NULL )
485             ERREX("*** Can't use -rotate with -dfile or -1Dfile options!") ;
486          rotarg = iopt ;  /* save and process later */
487          iopt += 4 ; continue ;
488       }
490       /*-- 19 Jun 2001 --*/
492       if( strcmp(argv[iopt],"-dfile")==0 || strcmp(argv[iopt],"-1Dfile")==0 ){
494          if( dname != NULL )
495             ERREX("*** Can't use 2 -dfile/-1Dfile options!") ;
496          if( matvec )
497             ERREX("*** Can't combine -dfile/-1Dfile with -matvec!") ;
498          if( dcode > 0 || rotarg > 0 )
499             ERREX("*** Can't use -dfile/-1Dfile with -shift or -rotate options!") ;
500          if( rotpar_dset != NULL )
501             ERREX("*** Can't use -dfile/-1Dfile with -rotparent!") ;
503               if( strcmp(argv[iopt],"-dfile") ==0 ) dmode = MODE_DFILE  ;
504          else if( strcmp(argv[iopt],"-1Dfile")==0 ) dmode = MODE_1DFILE ;
506          dname = argv[++iopt] ;
508          dim = get_dfile_params( dname , dmode ) ;
509          if( dim == NULL )
510             ERREX("*** Error with -dfile or -1Dfile!") ;
512          dar  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(dim) ; /* 6 x ndar array */
513          ndar = dim->ny ;
514          iopt++ ; continue ;
515       }
517       fprintf(stderr,"*** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[iopt]) ; exit(1) ;
518    }
520    /*-- check for legal combinations --*/
522    if( gridpar_dset != NULL && rotpar_dset == NULL ){
523       fprintf(stderr,"+++ WARNING: -gridparent means nothing without -rotparent!\n");
524       DSET_delete( gridpar_dset ) ;
525       gridpar_dset = NULL ;
526    }
528    if( gridpar_dset != NULL && dopoints ){
529       fprintf(stderr,"+++ WARNING: -gridparent means nothing with -points!\n") ;
530       DSET_delete( gridpar_dset ) ;
531       gridpar_dset = NULL ;
532    }
534    if( doorigin && !dopoints ){
535       fprintf(stderr,"+++ WARNING: -origin means nothing without -points!\n") ;
536    }
538    if( dar != NULL && dopoints )
539      ERREX("*** Can't combine -dfile/-1Dfile with -points!") ;
541    if( matvec==0 && dcode<0 && rotarg<0 && rotpar_dset==NULL && dar==NULL )
542      ERREX("Don't you want to do anything [no -rotate,-shift,-matvec,-rotparent,-dfile]?");
544    /** read input dataset */
546    if( iopt >= argc && !dopoints ) ERREX("*** No input dataset?") ;
548    if( iopt < argc ){
549       dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iopt] ) ;
550       if( dset == NULL ){
551          fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot open dataset %s!\n",argv[iopt]); exit(1);
552       }
553       THD_make_cardinal(dset); /* deoblique   21 Oct, 2011 [rickr] */
554    } else {
555       dset = EDIT_empty_copy(NULL) ;  /* 21 Nov 2000: need a fake dataset */
556       if( !doorigin )
557          fprintf(stderr,"+++ WARNING: no -origin and no input dataset on command line!\n") ;
558    }
560    if( dopoints && !doorigin ){
561       xo = dset->daxes->xxorg + 0.5*(dset->daxes->nxx - 1)*dset->daxes->xxdel ;
562       yo = dset->daxes->yyorg + 0.5*(dset->daxes->nyy - 1)*dset->daxes->yydel ;
563       zo = dset->daxes->zzorg + 0.5*(dset->daxes->nzz - 1)*dset->daxes->zzdel ;
564       fprintf(stderr,"+++ Using -origin %g %g %g\n",xo,yo,zo) ;
565    }
567    /* now can process rotation arguments */
569    ihand = THD_handedness(dset) ;
571    if( rotarg > 0 ){
572       int neg ;
573       iopt = rotarg ;
575       th1 = (PI/180.0) * strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ;
576       switch( *cpt ){
577          default: ERROR_exit("Illegal code after th1 in -rotate\n");
579          case '\0': case 'x': case 'X': ax1 = 0 ; neg = 0 ; break ;
580                     case 'y': case 'Y': ax1 = 1 ; neg = 0 ; break ;
581                     case 'z': case 'Z': ax1 = 2 ; neg = 0 ; break ;
583          case 'A': case 'P':
584          case 'R': case 'L':
585          case 'I': case 'S': ax1 = THD_axcode(dset,*cpt) ;
586                              neg = (ax1 < 0) ;
587                              ax1 = abs(ax1) - 1 ; break ;
588       }
589       if( neg ) th1 = -th1 ;
591       th2 = (PI/180.0) * strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ;
592       switch( *cpt ){
593          default: ERROR_exit("Illegal code after th2 in -rotate\n");
595                     case 'x': case 'X': ax2 = 0 ; break ;
596          case '\0': case 'y': case 'Y': ax2 = 1 ; break ;
597                     case 'z': case 'Z': ax2 = 2 ; break ;
599          case 'A': case 'P':
600          case 'R': case 'L':
601          case 'I': case 'S': ax2 = THD_axcode(dset,*cpt) ;
602                              neg = (ax2 < 0) ;
603                              ax2 = abs(ax2) - 1 ; break ;
604       }
605       if( neg ) th2 = -th2 ;
607       th3 = (PI/180.0) * strtod( argv[++iopt] , &cpt ) ;
608       switch( *cpt ){
609          default: ERROR_exit("Illegal code after th3 in -rotate\n");
611                     case 'x': case 'X': ax3 = 0 ; break ;
612                     case 'y': case 'Y': ax3 = 1 ; break ;
613          case '\0': case 'z': case 'Z': ax3 = 2 ; break ;
615          case 'A': case 'P':
616          case 'R': case 'L':
617          case 'I': case 'S': ax3 = THD_axcode(dset,*cpt) ;
618                              neg = (ax3 < 0) ;
619                              ax3 = abs(ax3) - 1 ; break ;
620       }
621       if( neg ) th3 = -th3 ;
623       if( th1 == 0.0 && th2 == 0.0 && th3 == 0.0 )
624         INFO_message("All angles after -rotate are 0!") ;
626       if( ax1 < 0 || ax1 > 2 || ax2 < 0 || ax2 > 2 || ax3 < 0 || ax3 > 2 )
627         ERROR_exit("Can't understand axes codes in -rotate!") ;
629       if( ihand < 0 ){ th1 = -th1 ; th2 = -th2 ; th3 = -th3 ; }
631 #if 0
632 fprintf(stderr,"ihand=%d th1=%g th2=%g th3=%g\n",ihand,th1,th2,th3);
633 fprintf(stderr,"ax1=%d ax2=%d ax3=%d\n",ax1,ax2,ax3) ;
634 #endif
636       /* notice the minus signs on the angles ------+ */
637       /*                          |        |        | */
638       if( dopoints )          /*  V        V        V */
639         rmat = rot_to_matrix( ax1,-th1,ax2,-th2,ax3,-th3 ) ; /* 21 Nov 2000 */
640    }
642    /* may need to process shift arguments as well */
644    if( dcode > 0 && (cdx != '\0' || cdy != '\0' || cdz != '\0') ){
645      float qdx=0 , qdy=0 , qdz=0 ;
647      adx = THD_axcode(dset,cdx) ;
648      if( adx > -99 || dx != 0.0 ){      /* 29 Jan 2001: skip if purely 0 */
649        switch( adx ){
650          case  1: qdx = -dx ; break ;
651          default:
652          case -1: qdx =  dx ; break ;
653          case  2: qdy = -dx ; break ;
654          case -2: qdy =  dx ; break ;
655          case  3: qdz = -dx ; break ;
656          case -3: qdz =  dx ; break ;
657        }
658      }
660      ady = THD_axcode(dset,cdy) ;
661      if( ady > -99 || dy != 0.0 ){      /* 29 Jan 2001 */
662        switch( ady ){
663          case  1: qdx = -dy ; break ;
664          case -1: qdx =  dy ; break ;
665          case  2: qdy = -dy ; break ;
666          default:
667          case -2: qdy =  dy ; break ;
668          case  3: qdz = -dy ; break ;
669          case -3: qdz =  dy ; break ;
670        }
671      }
673      adz = THD_axcode(dset,cdz) ;
674      if( adz > -99 || dz != 0.0 ){      /* 29 Jan 2001 */
675        switch( adz ){
676          case  1: qdx = -dz ; break ;
677          case -1: qdx =  dz ; break ;
678          case  2: qdy = -dz ; break ;
679          case -2: qdy =  dz ; break ;
680          case  3: qdz = -dz ; break ;
681          default:
682          case -3: qdz =  dz ; break ;
683        }
684      }
686      if( verb )
687        fprintf(stderr,"++ Shifting parameters:\n"
688                       "++   direction codes: adx=%d ady=%d adz=%d\n"
689                       "++   input values:     dx=%g  dy=%g  dz=%g\n"
690                       "++   output values:   qdx=%g qdy=%g qdz=%g\n" ,
691                adx,ady,adz , dx,dy,dz , qdx,qdy,qdz ) ;
693      dx = qdx ; dy = qdy ; dz = qdz ;
694    }
696    /*- 19 July 2000: now can deal with -matvec_dicom case -*/
698    if( matvec == MATVEC_DICOM ){           /* convert matrix/vector  */
699      pp   = DBLE_mat_to_dicomm( dset ) ;   /* to dataset coord order */
700      ppt  = TRANSPOSE_DMAT(pp);            /* from the DICOM order!  */
701      rmat = DMAT_MUL(ppt,rmat); rmat = DMAT_MUL(rmat,pp);
702      tvec = DMATVEC(ppt,tvec);
703    }
705    /*-- 07 Feb 2001: deal with -rotparent and -gridparent case
706                      [very similar to -matvec_dicom, actually] --*/
708    if( gridpar_dset != NULL ){
709       int mm , nz_gp , nz_ds ;
711       /* check for compatibility! */
713       mm = THD_dataset_mismatch( gridpar_dset , dset ) ;
714       if( mm & (MISMATCH_DELTA | MISMATCH_ORIENT) ){
715          fprintf(stderr,"*** Fatal Error:\n"
716                         "*** -gridparent dataset and input dataset don't\n"
717                         "*** match in grid spacing and/or orientation!\n"  ) ;
718          exit(1) ;
719       }
721       if( DSET_NX(gridpar_dset) != DSET_NX(dset) ||
722           DSET_NY(gridpar_dset) != DSET_NY(dset)   ){
724          fprintf(stderr,"*** Fatal Error:\n"
725                         "*** -gridparent and input datasets\n"
726                         "*** don't match in x,y dimensions!\n" ) ;
727          exit(1) ;
728       }
730       /* check for zero padding */
732       nz_gp = DSET_NZ(gridpar_dset) ; nz_ds = DSET_NZ(dset) ;
734       if( nz_gp < nz_ds ){
735          fprintf(stderr,"*** Fatal Error:\n"
736                         "*** -gridparent has fewer slices than input dataset!\n") ;
737          exit(1) ;
738       }
740       if( nz_gp > nz_ds ){
741          int npad1 = (nz_gp - nz_ds) / 2 ;
742          int npad2 = (nz_gp - nz_ds) - npad1 ;
743          int add_I=0, add_S=0, add_A=0, add_P=0, add_L=0, add_R=0 ;
744          THD_3dim_dataset * pset ;
745          char *sp1=NULL,*sp2=NULL ;
747          /* where to add slices? and how many? */
749          switch( dset->daxes->zzorient ){
750             case ORI_R2L_TYPE:
751             case ORI_L2R_TYPE: add_R=npad1; add_L=npad2; sp1="R"; sp2="L"; break;
753             case ORI_P2A_TYPE:
754             case ORI_A2P_TYPE: add_A=npad1; add_P=npad2; sp1="A"; sp2="P"; break;
756             case ORI_I2S_TYPE:
757             case ORI_S2I_TYPE: add_I=npad1; add_S=npad2; sp1="I"; sp2="S"; break;
758          }
760          /* add them on */
762          if( verb )
763             fprintf(stderr,"+++ Zero padding to match -gridparent: -%s %d  -%s %d\n",
764                     sp1,npad1,sp2,npad2 ) ;
766          pset = THD_zeropad( dset,
767                              add_I,add_S,add_A,add_P,add_L,add_R,
768                              "Elvis" , ZPAD_PURGE ) ;
770          if( pset == NULL ){
771             fprintf(stderr,"*** Fatal Error:\n"
772                            "*** Can't properly zeropad input dataset!\n" ) ;
773             exit(1) ;
774          }
776          /* toss input datset, replace with padded one */
778          DSET_delete(dset) ; dset = pset ;
779       }
780    }
782    if( rotpar_dset != NULL ){  /* compute transformation from -rotparent */
783       ATR_float * atr ;
784       float * matar , sum ;
785       THD_fvec3 fv ;
786       THD_dfvec3 dv,ev,qv , cv_e2, cv_e1, cv_s1, cv_s2 ;
788       /* load transformation from rotparent */
790       atr = THD_find_float_atr( rotpar_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_MATVEC_000000" ) ;
791       matar = atr->fl ;
792       LOAD_DMAT(rmat,matar[0],matar[1],matar[2],
793                      matar[4],matar[5],matar[6],
794                      matar[8],matar[9],matar[10] ) ;
795       LOAD_DFVEC3(tvec,matar[3],matar[7],matar[11]) ;
797       /* check if matrix is orthogonal */
799       pp = TRANSPOSE_DMAT(rmat) ; pp = DMAT_MUL(pp,rmat) ;
800       sum = fabs(pp.mat[0][0]-1.0)+fabs(pp.mat[1][0])    +fabs(pp.mat[2][0])
801            +fabs(pp.mat[0][1])    +fabs(pp.mat[1][1]-1.0)+fabs(pp.mat[2][1])
802            +fabs(pp.mat[0][2])    +fabs(pp.mat[1][2])    +fabs(pp.mat[2][2]-1.0);
803       if( sum > 0.01 ) ERREX("-rotparent matrix not orthogonal!") ;
805       /* must alter shift [tvec] to allow for differing
806          coordinates in the rotparent, gridparent, and input datasets */
808       /* cv_e2 = center of input dataset [Dicom coordinates] */
810       fv = THD_dataset_center( dset ) ;       /* dataset coords  */
811       FVEC3_TO_DFVEC3( fv , cv_e2 ) ;         /* convert to double */
813       /* cv_e1 = center of gridparent */
815       if( gridpar_dset != NULL ){
816          fv = THD_dataset_center( gridpar_dset ) ;
817          FVEC3_TO_DFVEC3( fv , cv_e1 ) ;
818       } else {
819          cv_e1 = cv_e2 ;  /* what else to do? */
820       }
822       /* cv_s2 = center of rotation in rotparent */
824       atr = THD_find_float_atr( rotpar_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_CENTER_OLD" ) ;
825       LOAD_DFVEC3( cv_s2 , atr->fl[0] , atr->fl[1] , atr->fl[2] ) ;
827       /* cv_s1 = center of base dataset for rotparent */
829       atr = THD_find_float_atr( rotpar_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_CENTER_BASE" ) ;
830       LOAD_DFVEC3( cv_s1 , atr->fl[0] , atr->fl[1] , atr->fl[2] ) ;
832       /* compute extra shift due to difference in
833          center of rotation between rotparent and input dataset,
834          then add in shifts caused by -twodup for rotparent and input */
836       dv = SUB_DFVEC3( cv_e2 , cv_s2 ) ;
837       ev = DMATVEC( rmat , dv ) ;         /* R[E2-S2]         */
839       dv = ev ;  /* vestige of a stupid bug, since fixed */
841       ev = SUB_DFVEC3( cv_e1 , cv_s1 ) ;  /* E1-S1            */
843       qv = SUB_DFVEC3( dv , ev ) ;        /* R[E2-S2] + S1-E1 */
845       tvec = ADD_DFVEC3( tvec , qv ) ;    /* shifted translation vector */
847       /* convert transformation from Dicom to dataset coords */
849       pp   = DBLE_mat_to_dicomm( dset ) ;
850       ppt  = TRANSPOSE_DMAT(pp);
851       rmat = DMAT_MUL(ppt,rmat); rmat = DMAT_MUL(rmat,pp); tvec = DMATVEC(ppt,tvec);
853       /* modify origin of output dataset to match -gridparent */
855       if( gridpar_dset != NULL ){
856          dset->daxes->xxorg = gridpar_dset->daxes->xxorg ;
857          dset->daxes->yyorg = gridpar_dset->daxes->yyorg ;
858          dset->daxes->zzorg = gridpar_dset->daxes->zzorg ;
860          /* 12 Feb 2001: adjust origin of time-offsets as well */
862          if( dset->taxis != NULL && dset->taxis->nsl > 0 ){
863             dset->taxis->zorg_sl = dset->daxes->zzorg ;
864          }
865       }
867       matvec = MATVEC_ORDER ;  /* flag that transform comes from rmat/tvec */
868    }
870    /*-- 21 Nov 2000: read (x,y,z) points from stdin, process them, quit --*/
872    if( dopoints ){
873      THD_dfvec3 xyzorg ;
874      if( !matvec ) LOAD_DFVEC3( tvec , dx,dy,dz ) ;
875      if( dcode < 0 ) dcode = DELTA_AFTER ;
876      LOAD_DFVEC3(xyzorg,xo,yo,zo) ;
877      rotate_stdin_points( xyzorg , rmat , dcode,tvec ) ;  /* at end of file */
878      exit(0) ;
879    }
881    /*-- 12 Feb 2001: adjust time-offsets for slice direction shifts --*/
883    if( dset->taxis != NULL && dset->taxis->nsl > 0 ){
884      int ndz ;
885      int kk,jj , nsl = dset->taxis->nsl ;
887      if( matvec )
888        ndz = (int) rint( tvec.xyz[2] / fabs(dset->daxes->zzdel) ) ; /* shift */
889      else
890        ndz = (int) rint( dz / fabs(dset->daxes->xxdel) ) ;
892      if( ndz != 0 ){
893        float * tsl = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nsl) ;
894        for( kk=0 ; kk < nsl ; kk ++ ){
895          jj = kk - ndz ;
896          if( jj < 0 || jj >= nsl ) tsl[kk] = 0.0 ;
897          else                      tsl[kk] = dset->taxis->toff_sl[jj] ;
898        }
899        EDIT_dset_items( dset , ADN_toff_sl , tsl , ADN_none ) ;
900        free(tsl) ;
901        if( verb )
902          fprintf(stderr,"+++ adjusting time-offsets by %d slices\n",ndz) ;
903      }
904    }
906    /*- read dataset, prepare to process it, write back out (with new name) -*/
908    DSET_mallocize(dset) ;
909    DSET_load(dset) ;
910    dset->dblk->diskptr->storage_mode = STORAGE_BY_BRICK ; /* 14 Jan 2004 */
912    dset->idcode = MCW_new_idcode() ;  /* 08 Jun 1999 - is a new dataset */
913    EDIT_dset_items( dset ,
914                        ADN_prefix , new_prefix ,
915                        ADN_label1 , new_prefix ,
916                     ADN_none ) ;
917    if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) ){
918      fprintf(stderr,
919              "** ERROR: Output file %s already exists -- cannot continue!\n",
920              dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name ) ;
921      exit(1) ;
922    }
924    /* old history is already in the dataset */
926    tross_Make_History( "3drotate" , argc,argv , dset ) ;
928    nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
929    fvol = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox ) ;
931    nval = DSET_NVALS(dset) ;
932    if( verb ){
933      fprintf(stderr,"+++ %d sub-bricks: ",nval) ;
934      cputim = COX_cpu_time() ;
935    }
937    /* 03 May 2005: save rotation center */
939    { THD_fvec3 cv ;
940      cv = THD_dataset_center( dset ) ;
941      THD_set_float_atr( dset->dblk , "ROTATE_CENTER_OLD"  , 3 , cv.xyz ) ;
942      THD_set_float_atr( dset->dblk , "ROTATE_CENTER_BASE" , 3 , cv.xyz ) ;
943    }
945    /*-- loop over all sub-bricks: copy into fvol, rotate fvol, copy back --*/
947    for( ival=0 ; ival < nval ; ival++ ){
949      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"%d",ival) ;
951      EDIT_coerce_type( nvox ,
952                        DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ival),DSET_ARRAY(dset,ival) ,
953                        MRI_float,fvol ) ;
955      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,".") ;
957      if( clipit ){                                 /* 11 Apr 2000 */
958        register int ii ; register float bb,tt ;
959        bb = tt = fvol[0] ;
960        for( ii=1 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
961                if( fvol[ii] < bb ) bb = fvol[ii] ;
962           else if( fvol[ii] > tt ) tt = fvol[ii] ;
963        }
964        cbot = bb ; ctop = tt ;
965      }
967      /* 19 Jun 2001: get matrix/vector from rot params in file */
969      skipit = 0 ;
970      if( dar != NULL ){
971        THD_dvecmat dvm ; char rotcom[256] ; int jj=ival ;
972        static int ndar_over=0 ;
974        if( jj >= ndar ){
975          jj = ndar-1 ;
976          if( ndar_over == 0 )
977            WARNING_message("from brick %d on, using last line (%d) from %s\n",
978                            jj , ndar-1 , dname ) ;
979          ndar_over++ ;
980        }
982        sprintf(rotcom,"-rotate %.4fI %.4fR %.4fA -ashift %.4fS %.4fL %.4fP",
983                dar[0+6*jj] , dar[1+6*jj] , dar[2+6*jj] ,
984                dar[3+6*jj] , dar[4+6*jj] , dar[5+6*jj]  ) ;
986        dvm = THD_rotcom_to_matvec( dset , rotcom ) ; /* thd_rotangles.c */
988        rmat = dvm.mm ; tvec = dvm.vv ; matvec = MATVEC_ORDER ;
990        skipit = (dar[0+6*jj]==0.0 && dar[1+6*jj]==0.0 && dar[2+6*jj]==0.0 &&
991                  dar[3+6*jj]==0.0 && dar[4+6*jj]==0.0 && dar[5+6*jj]==0.0  );
993        if( !skipit ){
994          skipit = ( fabs(rmat.mat[0][0]-1.0) < 0.00001 ) &&
995                   ( fabs(rmat.mat[1][1]-1.0) < 0.00001 ) &&
996                   ( fabs(rmat.mat[2][2]-1.0) < 0.00001 ) &&
997                   ( fabs(tvec.xyz[0])        < 0.001   ) &&
998                   ( fabs(tvec.xyz[1])        < 0.001   ) &&
999                   ( fabs(tvec.xyz[2])        < 0.001   )    ;
1000        }
1002        if( skipit ) fprintf(stderr,"[Matrix near identity, skipping]");
1003      }
1005      /** carry out the rotation **/
1007      if( !skipit ){
1008       if( matvec ){
1009        THD_rota_vol_matvec( DSET_NX(dset) , DSET_NY(dset) , DSET_NZ(dset) ,
1010                             fabs(DSET_DX(dset)) ,
1011                              fabs(DSET_DY(dset)) ,
1012                               fabs(DSET_DZ(dset)) ,
1013                             fvol , rmat , tvec ) ;
1014       } else {
1015        THD_rota_vol( DSET_NX(dset) , DSET_NY(dset) , DSET_NZ(dset) ,
1016                      fabs(DSET_DX(dset)),
1017                       fabs(DSET_DY(dset)),
1018                        fabs(DSET_DZ(dset)), fvol ,
1019                      ax1,th1, ax2,th2, ax3,th3, dcode,dx,dy,dz ) ;
1021        /* 02 May 2005: save matrix+vector for recording below */
1023        rmat = rot_to_matrix( ax1,-th1,ax2,-th2,ax3,-th3 ) ;
1024        LOAD_DFVEC3( tvec , dx,dy,dz ) ;
1025        if( dcode == DELTA_BEFORE ) tvec = DMATVEC(rmat,tvec) ;
1026       }
1027      }
1029      /** 02 May 2005: record operation in header **/
1031      { float matar[12] ;
1032        THD_dmat33 drmat ;
1033        THD_dfvec3 dvec ;
1034        char anam[64] ;
1036        /* must transform [rmat,tvec] from dataset to DICOM coords */
1037        /* (the inverse of the DICOM to dataset transforms earlier) */
1039        pp    = DBLE_mat_to_dicomm(dset) ; ppt = TRANSPOSE_DMAT(pp) ;
1040        drmat = DMAT_MUL(pp,rmat) ; drmat = DMAT_MUL(drmat,ppt);
1041        dvec  = DMATVEC (pp,tvec) ;
1043        UNLOAD_DMAT(drmat,matar[0],matar[1],matar[2],
1044                          matar[4],matar[5],matar[6],
1045                          matar[8],matar[9],matar[10] ) ;
1046        UNLOAD_DFVEC3(dvec,matar[3],matar[7],matar[11]) ;
1047        sprintf(anam,"ROTATE_MATVEC_%06d",ival) ;
1048        THD_set_float_atr( dset->dblk , anam , 12 , matar ) ;
1049      }
1051      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,".") ;
1053      if( clipit ){                                 /* 11 Apr 2000 */
1054        register int ii ; register float bb,tt ;
1055        bb = cbot ; tt = ctop ;
1056        for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
1057               if( fvol[ii] < bb ) fvol[ii] = bb ;
1058          else if( fvol[ii] > tt ) fvol[ii] = tt ;
1059        }
1060      }
1062      EDIT_coerce_type( nvox , MRI_float,fvol ,
1063                               DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ival),DSET_ARRAY(dset,ival) ) ;
1065    } /* end of loop over sub-bricks */
1067    if( verb ){
1068      cputim = COX_cpu_time() - cputim ;
1069      fprintf(stderr,"\n+++ CPU time=%10.3g s" , cputim) ;
1070      if( nval > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"  [= %10.3g s/sub-brick]" , cputim/nval) ;
1071      fprintf(stderr,"\n+++ Writing dataset to disk in %s", DSET_BRIKNAME(dset) ) ;
1072    }
1074    dset->dblk->master_nvals = 0 ;  /* 11 Apr 2000 hack */
1075    DSET_write(dset) ;
1076    if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
1077    exit(0) ;
1078 }
1080 /*=================================================================================*/
1082 #include <ctype.h>
1084 #define NBUF 1024  /* line buffer size */
1086 #define DUPOUT(n) fprintf(fpout,"%s",linbuf+n)
rotate_stdin_points(THD_dfvec3 xyzorg,THD_dmat33 rmat,int dcode,THD_dfvec3 tvec)1088 static void rotate_stdin_points( THD_dfvec3 xyzorg, THD_dmat33 rmat,
1089                                                     int dcode, THD_dfvec3 tvec )
1090 {
1091    char linbuf[NBUF] , *cp ;
1092    FILE *fpin=stdin , *fpout=stdout ;
1093    int ii , kk , nbuf , ll , nn , ld ;
1094    double xx,yy,zz ;
1095    THD_dfvec3 xyz ;
1097    if( verb ){
1098       DUMP_DMAT33("Rotation",rmat) ;
1099    }
1101    /** rmat = DMAT_INV(rmat) ; **/
1103    /*-- loop over input lines --*/
1105    ll = ld = 0 ;
1106    while(1){
1107       ll++ ;                                    /* line count */
1108       cp = afni_fgets( linbuf , NBUF , fpin ) ; /* read the line */
1109       if( cp == NULL ) break ;                  /* end of file => end of loop */
1110       kk = strlen(linbuf) ;
1111       if( kk == 0 ) continue ;                  /* empty line => get next line */
1113       /* find 1st nonblank */
1115       for( ii=0 ; ii < kk && isspace(linbuf[ii]) ; ii++ ) ;     /* nada */
1116       if( ii == kk ||                                           /* all blanks */
1117           (linbuf[ii] == '/' && linbuf[ii+1] == '/') ){         /* or comment */
1119          DUPOUT(0) ; continue ;
1120       }
1122       /* scan line for data */
1124       nn = sscanf(linbuf+ii , "%lf%lf%lf%n" , &xx,&yy,&zz,&nbuf ) ;
1125       if( nn < 3 ){
1126          fprintf(stderr,"+++ WARNING: input line %d was incomplete\n",ll) ;
1127          continue ;
1128       }
1129       nbuf += ii ;  /* position of next character after zz */
1131       /* process vector */
1133       LOAD_DFVEC3(xyz , xx,yy,zz) ;
1134       xyz = SUB_DFVEC3(xyz,xyzorg) ;
1135       if( dcode == DELTA_BEFORE ) xyz = ADD_DFVEC3(xyz,tvec) ;
1136       xyz = DMATVEC(rmat,xyz) ;
1137       if( dcode == DELTA_AFTER ) xyz = ADD_DFVEC3(xyz,tvec) ;
1138       xyz = ADD_DFVEC3(xyz,xyzorg) ;
1140       fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g%s",xyz.xyz[0],xyz.xyz[1],xyz.xyz[2],linbuf+nbuf) ;
1141       ld++ ;
1143    } /* end of loop over input lines */
1145    if( verb )
1146       fprintf(stderr,"-points: read %d lines, wrote %d lines\n",ll-1,ld) ;
1147 }
1149 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1150    19 Jun 2001:
1151      Get a 6 x N image of the rotation parameters
1152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
get_dfile_params(char * fname,int mode)1154 MRI_IMAGE * get_dfile_params( char * fname , int mode )
1155 {
1156    MRI_IMAGE *outim , *flim ;
1157    float     *oar   , *far ;
1158    int nx,ny , ii,jj ;
1160    if( fname == NULL || fname[0] == '\0' ) return NULL ;
1162    flim = mri_read_ascii( fname ) ;
1163    if( flim == NULL ) return NULL ;
1165    nx = flim->nx ; ny = flim->ny ; far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim) ;
1167    if( mode == MODE_DFILE ){  /* skip 1st element of each row */
1168       if( nx < 7 ){
1169          fprintf(stderr,"** -dfile %s has too few columns!\n",fname) ;
1170          mri_free(flim) ; return NULL ;
1171       }
1172       outim = mri_new( 6 , ny , MRI_float ) ;
1173       oar   = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(outim) ;
1175       for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){
1176          oar[0+6*jj] = far[1+nx*jj] ;
1177          oar[1+6*jj] = far[2+nx*jj] ;
1178          oar[2+6*jj] = far[3+nx*jj] ;
1179          oar[3+6*jj] = far[4+nx*jj] ;
1180          oar[4+6*jj] = far[5+nx*jj] ;
1181          oar[5+6*jj] = far[6+nx*jj] ;
1182       }
1184       mri_free(flim) ;
1186    } else if( mode == MODE_1DFILE ){  /* first 6 elements of each row */
1188       if( nx < 6 ){
1189          fprintf(stderr,"** -1Dfile %s has too few columns!\n",fname) ;
1190          mri_free(flim) ; return NULL ;
1191       } else if( nx == 6 ){
1192          outim = flim ;
1193       } else {
1194          outim = mri_new( 6 , ny , MRI_float ) ;
1195          oar   = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(outim) ;
1196          for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){
1197             oar[0+6*jj] = far[0+nx*jj] ;
1198             oar[1+6*jj] = far[1+nx*jj] ;
1199             oar[2+6*jj] = far[2+nx*jj] ;
1200             oar[3+6*jj] = far[3+nx*jj] ;
1201             oar[4+6*jj] = far[4+nx*jj] ;
1202             oar[5+6*jj] = far[5+nx*jj] ;
1203          }
1204          mri_free(flim) ;
1205       }
1207    } else {
1208       fprintf(stderr,"** get_dfile_params: illegal mode=%d\n",mode) ;
1209       mri_free(flim) ; return NULL ;
1210    }
1212    return outim ;
1213 }