1 /*****************************************************************************
2    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
3    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
4    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
5 ******************************************************************************/
7 #include "mrilib.h"
9 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
10 /*!  Routine to substitute one brick array for another in a 3D dataset.
11      - dset  = dataset to be edited
12      - ival  = index of sub-brick to be replaced
13      - ftype = datum type of substitute array
14      - fim   = array of substitute data -- it may be NULL.  If it is not NULL,
15                then should contain mri_datum_size(ftype) * nxx*nyy*nzz bytes.
16               * If it is NULL, then space will be calloc-ed.
17               * Do NOT free this memory after this function - the
18                 data in the dataset IS this memory, not a copy of it!
20    Notes:
21      - The original brick (an MRI_IMAGE within an MRI_IMARR) is deleted
22        from memory.  A new brick is put in its place.
23      - This can only be done on a brick that is malloc-ed, not mmap-ed!
24      - The brick_bytes and total_bytes field of the datablock are
25        patched, but the brick_fac field is NOT changed here.
26 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
EDIT_substitute_brick(THD_3dim_dataset * dset,int ival,int ftype,void * fim)28 void EDIT_substitute_brick(THD_3dim_dataset *dset, int ival, int ftype,void *fim)
29 {
30    THD_datablock *dblk ;
31    MRI_IMAGE *newim , *oldim ;
32    int nullfim = (fim==NULL) ;
33    int64_t nbytes ;
35 ENTRY("EDIT_substitute_brick") ;
37    /**-- Sanity Checks --**/
39    if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) )                   EXRETURN; /* error! */
40    if( dset->dblk->brick == NULL )                      EXRETURN; /* ditto! */
41    if( dset->dblk->malloc_type != DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC )EXRETURN; /* ditto! */
42    if( ival >= dset->dblk->nvals || ival < 0 )          EXRETURN; /* ditto! */
43    if( ftype < 0 || ftype > LAST_MRI_TYPE )             EXRETURN; /* ditto! */
45    oldim = DSET_BRICK(dset,ival) ; if( oldim == NULL )  EXRETURN; /* ditto! */
47    newim  = mri_empty_conforming( oldim , ftype ) ;      /* new sub-brick */
48    nbytes = (int64_t)newim->nvox
49                * (int64_t)newim->pixel_size ;            /* how big it is */
50    mri_free( oldim ) ;                                   /* kill old one  */
52    if( nullfim ){                                        /* if needed, */
53      fim = calloc( 1,nbytes ) ;                          /* make array */
54      if( fim == NULL )
55        ERROR_exit("malloc (out of memory) error for dataset sub-brick #%d",ival) ;
56    }
57    mri_fix_data_pointer( fim , newim ) ;                 /* attach new data */
58    DSET_BRICK(dset,ival) = newim ;                       /* put in dataset  */
60    /** change the byte count for this sub-brick and the total dataset **/
62    dset->dblk->total_bytes      += (nbytes - dset->dblk->brick_bytes[ival]) ;
63    dset->dblk->brick_bytes[ival] = nbytes ;
65    DSET_CRUSH_BSTAT(dset,ival) ;
67    THD_patch_dxyz_one(dset,ival) ;  /* 05 Jun 2007 */
69    EXRETURN ;
70 }
72 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
73 /*! Similar to EDIT_substitute_brick(), but allows the data type to be
74     converted/scaled.  The brick_fac field will be set.  [18 Sep 2006]
76     Free fim after the function returns UNLESS ftype == stype
77 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
EDIT_substscale_brick(THD_3dim_dataset * dset,int ival,int ftype,void * fim,int stype,float fac)79 void EDIT_substscale_brick(THD_3dim_dataset *dset, int ival,
80                            int ftype,void *fim , int stype,float fac )
81 {
82    float *far ;
83    double *dar;
84    int ii,nvox ;
86 ENTRY("EDIT_substscale_brick") ;
88    /**-- Sanity Checks --**/
90    if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) )                   EXRETURN; /* error! */
91    if( dset->dblk->brick == NULL )                      EXRETURN; /* ditto! */
92    if( dset->dblk->malloc_type != DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC )EXRETURN; /* ditto! */
93    if( ival >= dset->dblk->nvals || ival < 0 )          EXRETURN; /* ditto! */
94    if( ftype < 0 || ftype > LAST_MRI_TYPE )             EXRETURN; /* ditto! */
96    /** the trivial operation? **/
98    if( stype < 0 || stype > LAST_MRI_TYPE || stype == ftype ){
99      EDIT_substitute_brick( dset,ival,ftype,fim ) ;
100      EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( dset,ival,0.0f ) ;
101      EXRETURN ;
102    }
103    if( fim == NULL ){
104      EDIT_substitute_brick( dset,ival,stype,NULL ) ;
105      EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( dset,ival,0.0f ) ;
106      EXRETURN ;
107    }
109    /** at this time, can only scale float inputs to shorts or bytes **/
111    if( ftype != MRI_float && ftype != MRI_double ){ /* ZSS Dec 2010 */
112      ERROR_message("EDIT_substscale_brick: non-float and non-double input! "
113                    "(%d %d %d)", ftype, stype, MRI_short);
114      EXRETURN;
115    }
116    if( stype != MRI_short && stype != MRI_byte ){
117      ERROR_message("EDIT_substscale_brick: non-short/byte output!"); EXRETURN;
118    }
120    if (ftype == MRI_float) {
121       far = (float *)fim ; nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
123       /** compute factor, if not supplied by user **/
125       if( fac <= 0.0f ){
126         float bot,top , abot,atop,mmm ; int isin ;
127         bot = top = far[0] ;
128         for( ii=1 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
129                if( far[ii] < bot ) bot = far[ii] ;
130           else if( far[ii] > top ) top = far[ii] ;
131         }
132         abot = fabsf(bot); atop = fabsf(top); mmm = MAX(abot,atop);
133         if( mmm == 0.0f ){  /** data values are all zero! **/
134           fac = 1.0f ;
135         } else if( stype == MRI_short ){
136           isin = is_integral_data( nvox , MRI_float , far ) ;
137           fac = (isin && mmm <= 32767.0f) ? 1.0f : 32767.0f / mmm ;
138         } else if( stype == MRI_byte ){
139           if( bot < 0.0f ){
140             for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( far[ii] < 0.0f ) far[ii] = 0.0f ;
141           }
142           if( top > 0.0f ){
143             isin = is_integral_data( nvox , MRI_float , far ) ;
144             fac = (isin && top <= 255.0f) ? 1.0f : 255.0f / top ;
145           } else {
146             WARNING_message("EDIT_substscale_brick: "
147                             "no positive data for -> byte");
148             fac = 1.0f ;
149           }
150         }
151       }
153       /*-- now do the scaling and substitution --*/
155       if( stype == MRI_short ){
157         short *sar = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short)*nvox) ;
158         float val ;
159         if( fac == 1.0f ){
160           STATUS("storing to shorts") ;
161           for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
162             sar[ii] = SHORTIZE(far[ii]) ;
163           }
164         } else {
165           STATUS("scaling to shorts") ;
166           for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
167             val = fac*far[ii] ; sar[ii] = SHORTIZE(val) ;
168           }
169         }
170         STATUS("putting into dataset") ;
171         EDIT_substitute_brick( dset,ival,MRI_short,sar ) ;
172         fac = (fac==1.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f/fac ;
173         STATUS("setting scale factor") ;
174         EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( dset,ival,fac ) ;
176         EDIT_misfit_report( DSET_FILECODE(dset), ival,
177                             nvox , fac , sar , far  ) ;
179       } else if( stype == MRI_byte ){
181         byte *bar = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*nvox) ;
182         float val ;
183         if( fac == 1.0f ){
184           for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) bar[ii] = BYTEIZE(far[ii]) ;
185         } else {
186           for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
187             val = fac*far[ii] ; bar[ii] = BYTEIZE(val) ;
188           }
189         }
190         EDIT_substitute_brick( dset,ival,MRI_byte,bar ) ;
191         fac = (fac==1.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f/fac ;
192         EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( dset,ival,fac ) ;
193       }
194    } else if (ftype == MRI_double) {   /* ZSS Dec 2010 */
195       dar = (double *)fim ; nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
197       /** compute factor, if not supplied by user **/
199       if( fac <= 0.0f ){
200         double bot,top , abot,atop,mmm ; int isin ;
201         bot = top = dar[0] ;
202         for( ii=1 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
203                if( dar[ii] < bot ) bot = dar[ii] ;
204           else if( dar[ii] > top ) top = dar[ii] ;
205         }
206         abot = fabs(bot); atop = fabs(top); mmm = MAX(abot,atop);
207         if( mmm == 0.0f ){  /** data values are all zero! **/
208           fac = 1.0f ;
209         } else if( stype == MRI_short ){
210           isin = is_integral_data( nvox , MRI_double , dar ) ;
211           fac = (isin && mmm <= 32767.0f) ? 1.0f : 32767.0f / mmm ;
212         } else if( stype == MRI_byte ){
213           if( bot < 0.0f ){
214             for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( dar[ii] < 0.0f ) dar[ii] = 0.0f ;
215           }
216           if( top > 0.0f ){
217             isin = is_integral_data( nvox , MRI_double , dar ) ;
218             fac = (isin && top <= 255.0f) ? 1.0f : 255.0f / top ;
219           } else {
220             WARNING_message("EDIT_substscale_brick: "
221                             "no positive data for -> byte");
222             fac = 1.0f ;
223           }
224         }
225       }
227       /*-- now do the scaling and substitution --*/
229       if( stype == MRI_short ){
231         short *sar = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short)*nvox) ;
232         double val ;
233         if( fac == 1.0f ){
234           STATUS("storing to shorts") ;
235           for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
236             sar[ii] = SHORTIZE(dar[ii]) ;
237           }
238         } else {
239           STATUS("scaling to shorts") ;
240           for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
241             val = fac*dar[ii] ; sar[ii] = SHORTIZE(val) ;
242           }
243         }
244         STATUS("putting into dataset") ;
245         EDIT_substitute_brick( dset,ival,MRI_short,sar ) ;
246         fac = (fac==1.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f/fac ;
247         STATUS("setting scale factor") ;
248         EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( dset,ival,fac ) ;
250         /* Skip the misfit report. None exists for double
251         input at the moment.
252          EDIT_misfit_report( ) ;*/
254       } else if( stype == MRI_byte ){
256         byte *bar = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*nvox) ;
257         double val ;
258         if( fac == 1.0f ){
259           for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) bar[ii] = BYTEIZE(dar[ii]) ;
260         } else {
261           for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
262             val = fac*dar[ii] ; bar[ii] = BYTEIZE(val) ;
263           }
264         }
265         EDIT_substitute_brick( dset,ival,MRI_byte,bar ) ;
266         fac = (fac==1.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f/fac ;
267         EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( dset,ival,fac ) ;
268       }
269    }
271    EXRETURN ;
272 }
274 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
275 static char EDIT_index_prefix = '#' ;
EDIT_set_index_prefix(char c)276 void EDIT_set_index_prefix(char c){ EDIT_index_prefix = c ;
277 #if 0
278   INFO_message("EDIT_set_index_prefix('%c') --> %c",c,EDIT_get_index_prefix() ) ;
279 #endif
280    } /* 11 Jul 2019 */
EDIT_get_index_prefix(void)282 char EDIT_get_index_prefix(void)  { return EDIT_index_prefix ; } /* 11 Jul 2019 */
283 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/