1 /****************************************************************
2 Copyright 1990, 1992 - 1996 by AT&T, Lucent Technologies and Bellcore.
4 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
5 and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
6 granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
7 copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
8 permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
9 documentation, and that the names of AT&T, Bell Laboratories,
10 Lucent or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in
11 advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
12 software without specific, written prior permission.
14 AT&T, Lucent and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to
15 this software, including all implied warranties of
16 merchantability and fitness.  In no event shall AT&T, Lucent or
17 Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential
18 damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use,
19 data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or
20 other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the
21 use or performance of this software.
22 ****************************************************************/
24 #include "defs.h"
25 #include "tokdefs.h"
26 #include "p1defs.h"
29 #undef EOF_CHAR
30 #else
31 #ifndef EOF_CHAR
32 #define EOF_CHAR 26	/* ASCII control-Z */
33 #endif
34 #endif
36 #define BLANK	' '
37 #define MYQUOTE (2)
38 #define SEOF 0
40 /* card types */
42 #define STEOF 1
43 #define STINITIAL 2
44 #define STCONTINUE 3
46 /* lex states */
48 #define NEWSTMT	1
49 #define FIRSTTOKEN	2
50 #define OTHERTOKEN	3
51 #define RETEOS	4
54 LOCAL int stkey;	/* Type of the current statement (DO, END, IF, etc) */
55 static int needwkey;
56 ftnint yystno;
57 flag intonly;
58 extern int new_dcl;
59 LOCAL long int stno;
60 LOCAL long int nxtstno;	/* Statement label */
61 LOCAL int parlev;	/* Parentheses level */
62 LOCAL int parseen;
63 LOCAL int expcom;
64 LOCAL int expeql;
65 LOCAL char *nextch;
66 LOCAL char *lastch;
67 LOCAL char *nextcd 	= NULL;
68 LOCAL char *endcd;
69 LOCAL long prevlin;
70 LOCAL long thislin;
71 LOCAL int code;		/* Card type; INITIAL, CONTINUE or EOF */
72 LOCAL int lexstate	= NEWSTMT;
73 LOCAL char *sbuf;	/* Main buffer for Fortran source input. */
74 LOCAL char *send;	/* Was = sbuf+20*66 with sbuf[1390]. */
75 LOCAL int maxcont;
76 LOCAL int nincl	= 0;	/* Current number of include files */
77 LOCAL long firstline;
78 LOCAL char *laststb, *stb0;
79 extern int addftnsrc;
80 static char **linestart;
81 LOCAL int ncont;
82 LOCAL char comstart[Table_size];
83 #define USC (unsigned char *)
85 static char anum_buf[Table_size];
86 #define isalnum_(x) anum_buf[x]
87 #define isalpha_(x) (anum_buf[x] == 1)
89 #define COMMENT_BUF_STORE 4088
91 typedef struct comment_buf {
92 	struct comment_buf *next;
93 	char *last;
94 	char buf[COMMENT_BUF_STORE];
95 	} comment_buf;
96 static comment_buf *cbfirst, *cbcur;
97 static char *cbinit, *cbnext, *cblast;
98 static void flush_comments Argdcl((void));
99 extern flag use_bs;
100 static char *lastfile = "??", *lastfile0 = "?";
101 static char fbuf[P1_FILENAME_MAX];
102 static long lastline;
103 static void putlineno(Void);
106 /* Comment buffering data
108 	Comments are kept in a list until the statement before them has
109    been parsed.  This list is implemented with the above comment_buf
110    structure and the pointers cbnext and cblast.
112 	The comments are stored with terminating NULL, and no other
113    intervening space.  The last few bytes of each block are likely to
114    remain unused.
115 */
117 /* struct Inclfile   holds the state information for each include file */
118 struct Inclfile
119 {
120 	struct Inclfile *inclnext;
121 	FILEP inclfp;
122 	char *inclname;
123 	int incllno;
124 	char *incllinp;
125 	int incllen;
126 	int inclcode;
127 	ftnint inclstno;
128 };
130 LOCAL struct Inclfile *inclp	=  NULL;
131 struct Keylist {
132 	char *keyname;
133 	int keyval;
134 	char notinf66;
135 };
136 struct Punctlist {
137 	char punchar;
138 	int punval;
139 };
140 struct Fmtlist {
141 	char fmtchar;
142 	int fmtval;
143 };
144 struct Dotlist {
145 	char *dotname;
146 	int dotval;
147 	};
148 LOCAL struct Keylist *keystart[26], *keyend[26];
151 */
153 static struct Punctlist puncts[ ] =
154 {
155 	'(', SLPAR,
156 	')', SRPAR,
157 	'=', SEQUALS,
158 	',', SCOMMA,
159 	'+', SPLUS,
160 	'-', SMINUS,
161 	'*', SSTAR,
162 	'/', SSLASH,
163 	'$', SCURRENCY,
164 	':', SCOLON,
165 	'<', SLT,
166 	'>', SGT,
167 	0, 0 };
169 LOCAL struct Dotlist  dots[ ] =
170 {
171 	"and.", SAND,
172 	    "or.", SOR,
173 	    "not.", SNOT,
174 	    "true.", STRUE,
175 	    "false.", SFALSE,
176 	    "eq.", SEQ,
177 	    "ne.", SNE,
178 	    "lt.", SLT,
179 	    "le.", SLE,
180 	    "gt.", SGT,
181 	    "ge.", SGE,
182 	    "neqv.", SNEQV,
183 	    "eqv.", SEQV,
184 	    0, 0 };
186 LOCAL struct Keylist  keys[ ] =
187 {
188 	{ "assign",  SASSIGN  },
189 	{ "automatic",  SAUTOMATIC, YES  },
190 	{ "backspace",  SBACKSPACE  },
191 	{ "blockdata",  SBLOCK  },
192 	{ "byte",	SBYTE	},
193 	{ "call",  SCALL  },
194 	{ "character",  SCHARACTER, YES  },
195 	{ "close",  SCLOSE, YES  },
196 	{ "common",  SCOMMON  },
197 	{ "complex",  SCOMPLEX  },
198 	{ "continue",  SCONTINUE  },
199 	{ "data",  SDATA  },
200 	{ "dimension",  SDIMENSION  },
201 	{ "doubleprecision",  SDOUBLE  },
202 	{ "doublecomplex", SDCOMPLEX, YES  },
203 	{ "elseif",  SELSEIF, YES  },
204 	{ "else",  SELSE, YES  },
205 	{ "endfile",  SENDFILE  },
206 	{ "endif",  SENDIF, YES  },
207 	{ "enddo", SENDDO, YES },
208 	{ "end",  SEND  },
209 	{ "entry",  SENTRY, YES  },
210 	{ "equivalence",  SEQUIV  },
211 	{ "external",  SEXTERNAL  },
212 	{ "format",  SFORMAT  },
213 	{ "function",  SFUNCTION  },
214 	{ "goto",  SGOTO  },
215 	{ "implicit",  SIMPLICIT, YES  },
216 	{ "include",  SINCLUDE, YES  },
217 	{ "inquire",  SINQUIRE, YES  },
218 	{ "intrinsic",  SINTRINSIC, YES  },
219 	{ "integer",  SINTEGER  },
220 	{ "logical",  SLOGICAL  },
221 	{ "namelist", SNAMELIST, YES },
222 	{ "none", SUNDEFINED, YES },
223 	{ "open",  SOPEN, YES  },
224 	{ "parameter",  SPARAM, YES  },
225 	{ "pause",  SPAUSE  },
226 	{ "print",  SPRINT  },
227 	{ "program",  SPROGRAM, YES  },
228 	{ "punch",  SPUNCH, YES  },
229 	{ "read",  SREAD  },
230 	{ "real",  SREAL  },
231 	{ "return",  SRETURN  },
232 	{ "rewind",  SREWIND  },
233 	{ "save",  SSAVE, YES  },
234 	{ "static",  SSTATIC, YES  },
235 	{ "stop",  SSTOP  },
236 	{ "subroutine",  SSUBROUTINE  },
237 	{ "then",  STHEN, YES  },
238 	{ "undefined", SUNDEFINED, YES  },
239 	{ "while", SWHILE, YES  },
240 	{ "write",  SWRITE  },
241 	{ 0, 0 }
242 };
244 static void analyz Argdcl((void));
245 static void crunch Argdcl((void));
246 static int getcd Argdcl((char*, int));
247 static int getcds Argdcl((void));
248 static int getkwd Argdcl((void));
249 static int gettok Argdcl((void));
250 static void store_comment Argdcl((char*));
251 LOCAL char *stbuf[3];
253  int
254 #ifdef KR_headers
inilex(name)255 inilex(name)
256 	char *name;
257 #else
258 inilex(char *name)
259 #endif
260 {
261 	stbuf[0] = Alloc(3*P1_STMTBUFSIZE);
262 	stbuf[1] = stbuf[0] + P1_STMTBUFSIZE;
263 	stbuf[2] = stbuf[1] + P1_STMTBUFSIZE;
264 	nincl = 0;
265 	inclp = NULL;
266 	doinclude(name);
267 	lexstate = NEWSTMT;
268 	return(NO);
269 }
273 /* throw away the rest of the current line */
274  void
flline(Void)275 flline(Void)
276 {
277 	lexstate = RETEOS;
278 }
282  char *
283 #ifdef KR_headers
lexline(n)284 lexline(n)
285 	int *n;
286 #else
287 lexline(int *n)
288 #endif
289 {
290 	*n = (lastch - nextch) + 1;
291 	return(nextch);
292 }
297  void
298 #ifdef KR_headers
doinclude(name)299 doinclude(name)
300 	char *name;
301 #else
302 doinclude(char *name)
303 #endif
304 {
305 	FILEP fp;
306 	struct Inclfile *t;
307 	char *name0, *lastslash, *s, *s0, *temp;
308 	int j, k;
309 	chainp I;
310 	extern chainp Iargs;
312 	err_lineno = -1;
313 	if(inclp)
314 	{
315 		inclp->incllno = thislin;
316 		inclp->inclcode = code;
317 		inclp->inclstno = nxtstno;
318 		if(nextcd && (j = endcd - nextcd) > 0)
319 			inclp->incllinp = copyn(inclp->incllen = j, nextcd);
320 		else
321 			inclp->incllinp = 0;
322 	}
323 	nextcd = NULL;
325 	if(++nincl >= MAXINCLUDES)
326 		Fatal("includes nested too deep");
327 	if(name[0] == '\0')
328 		fp = stdin;
329 	else if(name[0] == '/' || inclp == NULL
330 #ifdef MSDOS
331 		|| name[0] == '\\'
332 		|| name[1] == ':'
333 #endif
334 		)
335 		fp = fopen(name, textread);
336 	else {
337 		lastslash = NULL;
338 		s = s0 = inclp->inclname;
339 #ifdef MSDOS
340 		if (s[1] == ':')
341 			lastslash = s + 1;
342 #endif
343 		for(; *s ; ++s)
344 			if(*s == '/'
345 #ifdef MSDOS
346 			|| *s == '\\'
347 #endif
348 			)
349 				lastslash = s;
350 		name0 = name;
351 		if(lastslash) {
352 			k = lastslash - s0 + 1;
353 			temp = Alloc(k + strlen(name) + 1);
354 			strncpy(temp, s0, k);
355 			strcpy(temp+k, name);
356 			name = temp;
357 			}
358 		fp = fopen(name, textread);
359 		if (!fp && (I = Iargs)) {
360 			k = strlen(name0) + 2;
361 			for(; I; I = I->nextp) {
362 				j = strlen(s = I->datap);
363 				name = Alloc(j + k);
364 				strcpy(name, s);
365 				switch(s[j-1]) {
366 					case '/':
367 #ifdef MSDOS
368 					case ':':
369 					case '\\':
370 #endif
371 						break;
372 					default:
373 						name[j++] = '/';
374 					}
375 				strcpy(name+j, name0);
376 				if (fp = fopen(name, textread)) {
377 					free(name0);
378 					goto havefp;
379 					}
380 				free(name);
381 				name = name0;
382 				}
383 			}
384 		}
385 	if (fp)
386 	{
387  havefp:
388 		t = inclp;
389 		inclp = ALLOC(Inclfile);
390 		inclp->inclnext = t;
391 		prevlin = thislin = 0;
392 		infname = inclp->inclname = name;
393 		infile = inclp->inclfp = fp;
394 		lastline = 0;
395 		putlineno();
396 		lastline = 0;
397 	}
398 	else
399 	{
400 		fprintf(diagfile, "Cannot open file %s\n", name);
401 		done(1);
402 	}
403 }
408  LOCAL int
popinclude(Void)409 popinclude(Void)
410 {
411 	struct Inclfile *t;
412 	register char *p;
413 	register int k;
415 	if(infile != stdin)
416 		clf(&infile, infname, 1);	/* Close the input file */
417 	free(infname);
419 	--nincl;
420 	err_lineno = -1;
421 	t = inclp->inclnext;
422 	free( (charptr) inclp);
423 	inclp = t;
424 	if(inclp == NULL) {
425 		infname = 0;
426 		return(NO);
427 		}
429 	infile = inclp->inclfp;
430 	infname = inclp->inclname;
431 	lineno = prevlin = thislin = inclp->incllno;
432 	code = inclp->inclcode;
433 	stno = nxtstno = inclp->inclstno;
434 	if(inclp->incllinp)
435 	{
436 		lastline = 0;
437 		putlineno();
438 		lastline = lineno;
439 		endcd = nextcd = sbuf;
440 		k = inclp->incllen;
441 		p = inclp->incllinp;
442 		while(--k >= 0)
443 			*endcd++ = *p++;
444 		free( (charptr) (inclp->incllinp) );
445 	}
446 	else
447 		nextcd = NULL;
448 	return(YES);
449 }
452  void
453 #ifdef KR_headers
p1_line_number(line_number)454 p1_line_number(line_number)
455 	long line_number;
456 #else
457 p1_line_number(long line_number)
458 #endif
459 {
460 	if (lastfile != lastfile0) {
461 		p1puts(P1_FILENAME, fbuf);
462 		lastfile0 = lastfile;
463 		}
464 	fprintf(pass1_file, "%d: %ld\n", P1_SET_LINE, line_number);
465 	}
467  static void
putlineno(Void)468 putlineno(Void)
469 {
470 	extern int gflag;
471 	register char *s0, *s1;
473 	if (gflag) {
474 		if (lastline)
475 			p1_line_number(lastline);
476 		lastline = firstline;
477 		if (lastfile != infname)
478 			if (lastfile = infname) {
479 				strncpy(fbuf, lastfile, sizeof(fbuf));
480 				fbuf[sizeof(fbuf)-1] = 0;
481 				}
482 			else
483 				fbuf[0] = 0;
484 		}
485 	if (addftnsrc) {
486 		if (laststb && *laststb) {
487 			for(s1 = laststb; *s1; s1++) {
488 				for(s0 = s1; *s1 != '\n'; s1++)
489 					if (*s1 == '*' && s1[1] == '/')
490 						*s1 = '+';
491 				*s1 = 0;
492 				p1puts(P1_FORTRAN, s0);
493 				}
494 			*laststb = 0;	/* prevent trouble after EOF */
495 			}
496 		laststb = stb0;
497 		}
498 	}
500  int
yylex(Void)501 yylex(Void)
502 {
503 	static int  tokno;
504 	int retval;
506 	switch(lexstate)
507 	{
508 	case NEWSTMT :	/* need a new statement */
509 		retval = getcds();
510 		putlineno();
511 		if(retval == STEOF) {
512 			retval = SEOF;
513 			break;
514 		} /* if getcds() == STEOF */
515 		crunch();
516 		tokno = 0;
517 		lexstate = FIRSTTOKEN;
518 		yystno = stno;
519 		stno = nxtstno;
520 		toklen = 0;
521 		retval = SLABEL;
522 		break;
524 first:
525 	case FIRSTTOKEN :	/* first step on a statement */
526 		analyz();
527 		lexstate = OTHERTOKEN;
528 		tokno = 1;
529 		retval = stkey;
530 		break;
532 	case OTHERTOKEN :	/* return next token */
533 		if(nextch > lastch)
534 			goto reteos;
535 		++tokno;
536 		if( (stkey==SLOGIF || stkey==SELSEIF) && parlev==0 && tokno>3)
537 			goto first;
539 		if(stkey==SASSIGN && tokno==3 && nextch<lastch &&
540 		    nextch[0]=='t' && nextch[1]=='o')
541 		{
542 			nextch+=2;
543 			retval = STO;
544 			break;
545 		}
546 		retval = gettok();
547 		break;
549 reteos:
550 	case RETEOS:
551 		lexstate = NEWSTMT;
552 		retval = SEOS;
553 		break;
554 	default:
555 		fatali("impossible lexstate %d", lexstate);
556 		break;
557 	}
559 	if (retval == SEOF)
560 	    flush_comments ();
562 	return retval;
563 }
565  LOCAL void
contmax(Void)566 contmax(Void)
567 {
568 	lineno = thislin;
569 	many("continuation lines", 'C', maxcontin);
570 	}
572 /* Get Cards.
574    Returns STEOF or STINITIAL, never STCONTINUE.  Any continuation cards get
575 merged into one long card (hence the size of the buffer named   sbuf)   */
577  LOCAL int
getcds(Void)578 getcds(Void)
579 {
580 	register char *p, *q;
582 	flush_comments ();
583 top:
584 	if(nextcd == NULL)
585 	{
586 		code = getcd( nextcd = sbuf, 1 );
587 		stno = nxtstno;
588 		prevlin = thislin;
589 	}
590 	if(code == STEOF)
591 		if( popinclude() )
592 			goto top;
593 		else
594 			return(STEOF);
596 	if(code == STCONTINUE)
597 	{
598 		lineno = thislin;
599 		nextcd = NULL;
600 		goto top;
601 	}
603 /* Get rid of unused space at the head of the buffer */
605 	if(nextcd > sbuf)
606 	{
607 		q = nextcd;
608 		p = sbuf;
609 		while(q < endcd)
610 			*p++ = *q++;
611 		endcd = p;
612 	}
614 /* Be aware that the input (i.e. the string at the address   nextcd)   is NOT
615    NULL-terminated */
617 /* This loop merges all continuations into one long statement, AND puts the next
618    card to be read at the end of the buffer (i.e. it stores the look-ahead card
619    when there's room) */
621 	ncont = 0;
622 	for(;;) {
623 		nextcd = endcd;
624 		if (ncont >= maxcont || nextcd+66 > send)
625 			contmax();
626 		linestart[ncont++] = nextcd;
627 		if ((code = getcd(nextcd,0)) != STCONTINUE)
628 			break;
629 		if (ncont == 20 && noextflag) {
630 			lineno = thislin;
631 			errext("more than 19 continuation lines");
632 			}
633 		}
634 	nextch = sbuf;
635 	lastch = nextcd - 1;
637 	lineno = prevlin;
638 	prevlin = thislin;
639 	return(STINITIAL);
640 }
642  static void
643 #ifdef KR_headers
bang(a,b,c,d,e)644 bang(a, b, c, d, e)
645 	char *a;
646 	char *b;
647 	char *c;
648 	register char *d;
649 	register char *e;
650 #else
651 bang(char *a, char *b, char *c, register char *d, register char *e)
652 #endif
653 		/* save ! comments */
654 {
655 	char buf[COMMENT_BUFFER_SIZE + 1];
656 	register char *p, *pe;
658 	p = buf;
659 	pe = buf + COMMENT_BUFFER_SIZE;
660 	*pe = 0;
661 	while(a < b)
662 		if (!(*p++ = *a++))
663 			p[-1] = 0;
664 	if (b < c)
665 		*p++ = '\t';
666 	while(d < e) {
667 		if (!(*p++ = *d++))
668 			p[-1] = ' ';
669 		if (p == pe) {
670 			store_comment(buf);
671 			p = buf;
672 			}
673 		}
674 	if (p > buf) {
675 		while(--p >= buf && *p == ' ');
676 		p[1] = 0;
677 		store_comment(buf);
678 		}
679 	}
682 /* getcd - Get next input card
684 	This function reads the next input card from global file pointer   infile.
685 It assumes that   b   points to currently empty storage somewhere in  sbuf  */
687  LOCAL int
688 #ifdef KR_headers
getcd(b,nocont)689 getcd(b, nocont)
690 	register char *b;
691 	int nocont;
692 #else
693 getcd(register char *b, int nocont)
694 #endif
695 {
696 	register int c;
697 	register char *p, *bend;
698 	int speclin;		/* Special line - true when the line is allowed
699 				   to have more than 66 characters (e.g. the
700 				   "&" shorthand for continuation, use of a "\t"
701 				   to skip part of the label columns) */
702 	static char a[6];	/* Statement label buffer */
703 	static char *aend	= a+6;
704 	static char *stb, *stbend;
705 	static int nst;
706 	char *atend, *endcd0;
707 	extern int warn72;
708 	char buf72[24];
709 	int amp, i;
710 	char storage[COMMENT_BUFFER_SIZE + 1];
711 	char *pointer;
712 	long L;
714 top:
715 	endcd = b;
716 	bend = b+66;
717 	amp = speclin = NO;
718 	atend = aend;
720 /* Handle the continuation shorthand of "&" in the first column, which stands
721    for "     x" */
723 	if( (c = getc(infile)) == '&')
724 	{
725 		a[0] = c;
726 		a[1] = 0;
727 		a[5] = 'x';
728 		amp = speclin = YES;
729 		bend = send;
730 		p = aend;
731 	}
733 /* Handle the Comment cards (a 'C', 'c', '*', or '!' in the first column). */
735 	else if(comstart[c & (Table_size-1)])
736 	{
737 		if (feof (infile)
738 #ifdef EOF_CHAR
739 			 || c == EOF_CHAR
740 #endif
741 					)
742 		    return STEOF;
744 		if (c == '#') {
745 			*endcd++ = c;
746 			while((c = getc(infile)) != '\n')
747 				if (c == EOF)
748 					return STEOF;
749 				else if (endcd < bend)
750 					*endcd++ = c;
751 			++thislin;
752 			*endcd = 0;
753 			if (b[1] == ' ')
754 				p = b + 2;
755 			else if (!strncmp(b,"#line ",6))
756 				p = b + 6;
757 			else {
758  bad_cpp:
759 				errstr("Bad # line: \"%s\"", b);
760 				goto top;
761 				}
762 			if (*p < '1' || *p > '9')
763 				goto bad_cpp;
764 			L = *p - '0';
765 			while((c = *++p) >= '0' && c <= '9')
766 				L = 10*L + c - '0';
767 			if (c != ' ' || *++p != '"')
768 				goto bad_cpp;
769 			bend = p;
770 			while(*++p != '"')
771 				if (!*p)
772 					goto bad_cpp;
773 			*p = 0;
774 			i = p - bend++;
775 			thislin = L - 1;
776 			if (!infname || strcmp(infname, bend)) {
777 				if (infname)
778 					free(infname);
779 				lastfile = 0;
780 				infname = Alloc(i);
781 				strcpy(infname, bend);
782 				if (inclp)
783 					inclp->inclname = infname;
784 				}
785 			goto top;
786 			}
788 		storage[COMMENT_BUFFER_SIZE] = c = '\0';
789 		pointer = storage;
790 		while( !feof (infile) && (*pointer++ = c = getc(infile)) != '\n') {
792 /* Handle obscure end of file conditions on many machines */
794 			if (feof (infile) && (c == '\377' || c == EOF)) {
795 			    pointer--;
796 			    break;
797 			} /* if (feof (infile)) */
799 			if (c == '\0')
800 				*(pointer - 1) = ' ';
802 			if (pointer == &storage[COMMENT_BUFFER_SIZE]) {
803 				store_comment (storage);
804 				pointer = storage;
805 			} /* if (pointer == BUFFER_SIZE) */
806 		} /* while */
808 		if (pointer > storage) {
809 		    if (c == '\n')
811 /* Get rid of the newline */
813 			pointer[-1] = 0;
814 		    else
815 			*pointer = 0;
817 		    store_comment (storage);
818 		} /* if */
820 		if (feof (infile))
821 		    if (c != '\n')	/* To allow the line index to
822 					   increment correctly */
823 			return STEOF;
825 		++thislin;
826 		goto top;
827 	}
829 	else if(c != EOF)
830 	{
832 /* Load buffer   a   with the statement label */
834 		/* a tab in columns 1-6 skips to column 7 */
835 		ungetc(c, infile);
836 		for(p=a; p<aend && (c=getc(infile)) != '\n' && c!=EOF; )
837 			if(c == '\t')
839 /* The tab character translates into blank characters in the statement label */
841 			{
842 				atend = p;
843 				while(p < aend)
844 					*p++ = BLANK;
845 				speclin = YES;
846 				bend = send;
847 			}
848 			else
849 				*p++ = c;
850 	}
852 /* By now we've read either a continuation character or the statement label
853    field */
855 	if(c == EOF)
856 		return(STEOF);
858 /* The next 'if' block handles lines that have fewer than 7 characters */
860 	if(c == '\n')
861 	{
862 		while(p < aend)
863 			*p++ = BLANK;
865 /* Blank out the buffer on lines which are not longer than 66 characters */
867 		endcd0 = endcd;
868 		if( ! speclin )
869 			while(endcd < bend)
870 				*endcd++ = BLANK;
871 	}
872 	else	{	/* read body of line */
873 		if (warn72 & 2) {
874 			speclin = YES;
875 			bend = send;
876 			}
877 		while( endcd<bend && (c=getc(infile)) != '\n' && c!=EOF )
878 			*endcd++ = c;
879 		if(c == EOF)
880 			return(STEOF);
882 /* Drop any extra characters on the input card; this usually means those after
883    column 72 */
885 		if(c != '\n')
886 		{
887 			i = 0;
888 			while( (c=getc(infile)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
889 				if (i < 23)
890 					buf72[i++] = c;
891 			if (warn72 && i && !speclin) {
892 				buf72[i] = 0;
893 				if (i >= 23)
894 					strcpy(buf72+20, "...");
895 				lineno = thislin + 1;
896 				errstr("text after column 72: %s", buf72);
897 				}
898 			if(c == EOF)
899 				return(STEOF);
900 		}
902 		endcd0 = endcd;
903 		if( ! speclin )
904 			while(endcd < bend)
905 				*endcd++ = BLANK;
906 	}
908 /* The flow of control usually gets to this line (unless an earlier RETURN has
909    been taken) */
911 	++thislin;
913 	/* Fortran 77 specifies that a 0 in column 6 */
914 	/* does not signify continuation */
916 	if( !isspace(a[5]) && a[5]!='0') {
917 		if (!amp)
918 			for(p = a; p < aend;)
919 				if (*p++ == '!' && p != aend)
920 					goto initcheck;
921 		if (addftnsrc && stb) {
922 			if (stbend > stb + 7) { /* otherwise forget col 1-6 */
923 				/* kludge around funny p1gets behavior */
924 				*stb++ = '$';
925 				if (amp)
926 					*stb++ = '&';
927 				else
928 					for(p = a; p < atend;)
929 						*stb++ = *p++;
930 				}
931 			if (endcd0 - b > stbend - stb) {
932 				if (stb > stbend)
933 					stb = stbend;
934 				endcd0 = b + (stbend - stb);
935 				}
936 			for(p = b; p < endcd0;)
937 				*stb++ = *p++;
938 			*stb++ = '\n';
939 			*stb = 0;
940 			}
941 		if (nocont) {
942 			lineno = thislin;
943 			errstr("illegal continuation card (starts \"%.6s\")",a);
944 			}
945 		else if (!amp && strncmp(a,"     ",5)) {
946 			lineno = thislin;
947 			errstr("labeled continuation line (starts \"%.6s\")",a);
948 			}
949 		return(STCONTINUE);
950 		}
951 initcheck:
952 	for(p=a; p<atend; ++p)
953 		if( !isspace(*p) ) {
954 			if (*p++ != '!')
955 				goto initline;
956 			bang(p, atend, aend, b, endcd);
957 			goto top;
958 			}
959 	for(p = b ; p<endcd ; ++p)
960 		if( !isspace(*p) ) {
961 			if (*p++ != '!')
962 				goto initline;
963 			bang(a, a, a, p, endcd);
964 			goto top;
965 			}
967 /* Skip over blank cards by reading the next one right away */
969 	goto top;
971 initline:
972 	if (!lastline)
973 		lastline = thislin;
974 	if (addftnsrc) {
975 		nst = (nst+1)%3;
976 		if (!laststb && stb0)
977 			laststb = stb0;
978 		stb0 = stb = stbuf[nst];
979 		*stb++ = '$';	/* kludge around funny p1gets behavior */
980 		stbend = stb + sizeof(stbuf[0])-2;
981 		for(p = a; p < atend;)
982 			*stb++ = *p++;
983 		if (atend < aend)
984 			*stb++ = '\t';
985 		for(p = b; p < endcd0;)
986 			*stb++ = *p++;
987 		*stb++ = '\n';
988 		*stb = 0;
989 		}
991 /* Set   nxtstno   equal to the integer value of the statement label */
993 	nxtstno = 0;
994 	bend = a + 5;
995 	for(p = a ; p < bend ; ++p)
996 		if( !isspace(*p) )
997 			if(isdigit(*p))
998 				nxtstno = 10*nxtstno + (*p - '0');
999 			else if (*p == '!') {
1000 				if (!addftnsrc)
1001 					bang(p+1,atend,aend,b,endcd);
1002 				endcd = b;
1003 				break;
1004 				}
1005 			else	{
1006 				lineno = thislin;
1007 				errstr(
1008 				"nondigit in statement label field \"%.5s\"", a);
1009 				nxtstno = 0;
1010 				break;
1011 			}
1012 	firstline = thislin;
1013 	return(STINITIAL);
1014 }
1016  LOCAL void
1017 #ifdef KR_headers
adjtoklen(newlen)1018 adjtoklen(newlen)
1019 	int newlen;
1020 #else
1021 adjtoklen(int newlen)
1022 #endif
1023 {
1024 	while(maxtoklen < newlen)
1025 		maxtoklen = 2*maxtoklen + 2;
1026 	if (token = (char *)realloc(token, maxtoklen))
1027 		return;
1028 	fprintf(stderr, "adjtoklen: realloc(%d) failure!\n", maxtoklen);
1029 	exit(2);
1030 	}
1032 /* crunch -- deletes all space characters, folds the backslash chars and
1033    Hollerith strings, quotes the Fortran strings */
1035  LOCAL void
crunch(Void)1036 crunch(Void)
1037 {
1038 	register char *i, *j, *j0, *j1, *prvstr;
1039 	int k, ten, nh, nh0, quote;
1041 	/* i is the next input character to be looked at
1042 	   j is the next output character */
1044 	new_dcl = needwkey = parlev = parseen = 0;
1045 	expcom = 0;	/* exposed ','s */
1046 	expeql = 0;	/* exposed equal signs */
1047 	j = sbuf;
1048 	prvstr = sbuf;
1049 	k = 0;
1050 	for(i=sbuf ; i<=lastch ; ++i)
1051 	{
1052 		if(isspace(*i) )
1053 			continue;
1054 		if (*i == '!') {
1055 			while(i >= linestart[k])
1056 				if (++k >= maxcont)
1057 					contmax();
1058 			j0 = linestart[k];
1059 			if (!addftnsrc)
1060 				bang(sbuf,sbuf,sbuf,i+1,j0);
1061 			i = j0-1;
1062 			continue;
1063 			}
1065 /* Keep everything in a quoted string */
1067 		if(*i=='\'' ||  *i=='"')
1068 		{
1069 			int len = 0;
1071 			quote = *i;
1072 			*j = MYQUOTE; /* special marker */
1073 			for(;;)
1074 			{
1075 				if(++i > lastch)
1076 				{
1077 					err("unbalanced quotes; closing quote supplied");
1078 					if (j >= lastch)
1079 						j = lastch - 1;
1080 					break;
1081 				}
1082 				if(*i == quote)
1083 					if(i<lastch && i[1]==quote) ++i;
1084 					else break;
1085 				else if(*i=='\\' && i<lastch && use_bs) {
1086 					++i;
1087 					*i = escapes[*(unsigned char *)i];
1088 					}
1089 				*++j = *i;
1090 				len++;
1091 			} /* for (;;) */
1093 			if ((len = j - sbuf) > maxtoklen)
1094 				adjtoklen(len);
1095 			j[1] = MYQUOTE;
1096 			j += 2;
1097 			prvstr = j;
1098 		}
1099 		else if( (*i=='h' || *i=='H')  && j>prvstr)	/* test for Hollerith strings */
1100 		{
1101 			j0 = j - 1;
1102 			if( ! isdigit(*j0)) goto copychar;
1103 			nh = *j0 - '0';
1104 			ten = 10;
1105 			j1 = prvstr;
1106 			if (j1+4 < j)
1107 				j1 = j-4;
1108 			for(;;) {
1109 				if (j0-- <= j1)
1110 					goto copychar;
1111 				if( ! isdigit(*j0 ) ) break;
1112 				nh += ten * (*j0-'0');
1113 				ten*=10;
1114 				}
1115 			/* a hollerith must be preceded by a punctuation mark.
1116    '*' is possible only as repetition factor in a data statement
1117    not, in particular, in character*2h
1118 */
1120 			if( !(*j0=='*'&&sbuf[0]=='d') && *j0!='/'
1121 			&& *j0!='(' && *j0!=',' && *j0!='=' && *j0!='.')
1122 				goto copychar;
1123 			nh0 = nh;
1124 			if(i+nh > lastch)
1125 			{
1126 				erri("%dH too big", nh);
1127 				nh = lastch - i;
1128 				nh0 = -1;
1129 			}
1130 			if (nh > maxtoklen)
1131 				adjtoklen(nh);
1132 			j0[1] = MYQUOTE; /* special marker */
1133 			j = j0 + 1;
1134 			while(nh-- > 0)
1135 			{
1136 				if (++i > lastch) {
1137  hol_overflow:
1138 					if (nh0 >= 0)
1139 					  erri("escapes make %dH too big",
1140 						nh0);
1141 					break;
1142 					}
1143 				if(*i == '\\' && use_bs) {
1144 					if (++i > lastch)
1145 						goto hol_overflow;
1146 					*i = escapes[*(unsigned char *)i];
1147 					}
1148 				*++j = *i;
1149 			}
1150 			j[1] = MYQUOTE;
1151 			j+=2;
1152 			prvstr = j;
1153 		}
1154 		else	{
1155 			if(*i == '(') parseen = ++parlev;
1156 			else if(*i == ')') --parlev;
1157 			else if(parlev == 0)
1158 				if(*i == '=') expeql = 1;
1159 				else if(*i == ',') expcom = 1;
1160 copychar:		/*not a string or space -- copy, shifting case if necessary */
1161 			if(shiftcase && isupper(*i))
1162 				*j++ = tolower(*i);
1163 			else	*j++ = *i;
1164 		}
1165 	}
1166 	lastch = j - 1;
1167 	nextch = sbuf;
1168 }
1170  LOCAL void
analyz(Void)1171 analyz(Void)
1172 {
1173 	register char *i;
1175 	if(parlev != 0)
1176 	{
1177 		err("unbalanced parentheses, statement skipped");
1178 		stkey = SUNKNOWN;
1179 		lastch = sbuf - 1; /* prevent double error msg */
1180 		return;
1181 	}
1182 	if(nextch+2<=lastch && nextch[0]=='i' && nextch[1]=='f' && nextch[2]=='(')
1183 	{
1184 		/* assignment or if statement -- look at character after balancing paren */
1185 		parlev = 1;
1186 		for(i=nextch+3 ; i<=lastch; ++i)
1187 			if(*i == (MYQUOTE))
1188 			{
1189 				while(*++i != MYQUOTE)
1190 					;
1191 			}
1192 			else if(*i == '(')
1193 				++parlev;
1194 			else if(*i == ')')
1195 			{
1196 				if(--parlev == 0)
1197 					break;
1198 			}
1199 		if(i >= lastch)
1200 			stkey = SLOGIF;
1201 		else if(i[1] == '=')
1202 			stkey = SLET;
1203 		else if( isdigit(i[1]) )
1204 			stkey = SARITHIF;
1205 		else	stkey = SLOGIF;
1206 		if(stkey != SLET)
1207 			nextch += 2;
1208 	}
1209 	else if(expeql) /* may be an assignment */
1210 	{
1211 		if(expcom && nextch<lastch &&
1212 		    nextch[0]=='d' && nextch[1]=='o')
1213 		{
1214 			stkey = SDO;
1215 			nextch += 2;
1216 		}
1217 		else	stkey = SLET;
1218 	}
1219 	else if (parseen && nextch + 7 < lastch
1220 			&& nextch[2] != 'u' /* screen out "double..." early */
1221 			&& nextch[0] == 'd' && nextch[1] == 'o'
1222 			&& ((nextch[2] >= '0' && nextch[2] <= '9')
1223 				|| nextch[2] == ','
1224 				|| nextch[2] == 'w'))
1225 		{
1226 		stkey = SDO;
1227 		nextch += 2;
1228 		needwkey = 1;
1229 		}
1230 	/* otherwise search for keyword */
1231 	else	{
1232 		stkey = getkwd();
1233 		if(stkey==SGOTO && lastch>=nextch)
1234 			if(nextch[0]=='(')
1235 				stkey = SCOMPGOTO;
1236 			else if(isalpha_(* USC nextch))
1237 				stkey = SASGOTO;
1238 	}
1239 	parlev = 0;
1240 }
1244  LOCAL int
getkwd(Void)1245 getkwd(Void)
1246 {
1247 	register char *i, *j;
1248 	register struct Keylist *pk, *pend;
1249 	int k;
1251 	if(! isalpha_(* USC nextch) )
1252 		return(SUNKNOWN);
1253 	k = letter(nextch[0]);
1254 	if(pk = keystart[k])
1255 		for(pend = keyend[k] ; pk<=pend ; ++pk )
1256 		{
1257 			i = pk->keyname;
1258 			j = nextch;
1259 			while(*++i==*++j && *i!='\0')
1260 				;
1261 			if(*i=='\0' && j<=lastch+1)
1262 			{
1263 				nextch = j;
1264 				if(no66flag && pk->notinf66)
1265 					errstr("Not a Fortran 66 keyword: %s",
1266 					    pk->keyname);
1267 				return(pk->keyval);
1268 			}
1269 		}
1270 	return(SUNKNOWN);
1271 }
1273  void
initkey(Void)1274 initkey(Void)
1275 {
1276 	register struct Keylist *p;
1277 	register int i,j;
1278 	register char *s;
1280 	for(i = 0 ; i<26 ; ++i)
1281 		keystart[i] = NULL;
1283 	for(p = keys ; p->keyname ; ++p) {
1284 		j = letter(p->keyname[0]);
1285 		if(keystart[j] == NULL)
1286 			keystart[j] = p;
1287 		keyend[j] = p;
1288 		}
1289 	i = (maxcontin + 2) * 66;
1290 	sbuf = (char *)ckalloc(i + 70);
1291 	send = sbuf + i;
1292 	maxcont = maxcontin + 1;
1293 	linestart = (char **)ckalloc(maxcont*sizeof(char*));
1294 	comstart['c'] = comstart['C'] = comstart['*'] = comstart['!'] =
1295 	comstart['#'] = 1;
1296 #ifdef EOF_CHAR
1297 	comstart[EOF_CHAR] = 1;
1298 #endif
1299 	s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
1300 	while(i = *s++)
1301 		anum_buf[i] = 1;
1302 	s = "0123456789";
1303 	while(i = *s++)
1304 		anum_buf[i] = 2;
1305 	}
1307  LOCAL int
1308 #ifdef KR_headers
hexcheck(key)1309 hexcheck(key)
1310 	int key;
1311 #else
1312 hexcheck(int key)
1313 #endif
1314 {
1315 	register int radix;
1316 	register char *p;
1317 	char *kind;
1319 	switch(key) {
1320 		case 'z':
1321 		case 'Z':
1322 		case 'x':
1323 		case 'X':
1324 			radix = 16;
1325 			key = SHEXCON;
1326 			kind = "hexadecimal";
1327 			break;
1328 		case 'o':
1329 		case 'O':
1330 			radix = 8;
1331 			key = SOCTCON;
1332 			kind = "octal";
1333 			break;
1334 		case 'b':
1335 		case 'B':
1336 			radix = 2;
1337 			key = SBITCON;
1338 			kind = "binary";
1339 			break;
1340 		default:
1341 			err("bad bit identifier");
1342 			return(SNAME);
1343 		}
1344 	for(p = token; *p; p++)
1345 		if (hextoi(*p) >= radix) {
1346 			errstr("invalid %s character", kind);
1347 			break;
1348 			}
1349 	return key;
1350 	}
1352 /* gettok -- moves the right amount of text from   nextch   into the   token
1353    buffer.   token   initially contains garbage (leftovers from the prev token) */
1355  LOCAL int
gettok(Void)1356 gettok(Void)
1357 {
1358 	int havdot, havexp, havdbl;
1359 	int radix, val;
1360 	struct Punctlist *pp;
1361 	struct Dotlist *pd;
1362 	register int ch;
1363 	static char	Exp_mi[] = "X**-Y treated as X**(-Y)",
1364 			Exp_pl[] = "X**+Y treated as X**(+Y)";
1366 	char *i, *j, *n1, *p;
1368 	ch = * USC nextch;
1369 	if(ch == (MYQUOTE))
1370 	{
1371 		++nextch;
1372 		p = token;
1373 		while(*nextch != MYQUOTE)
1374 			*p++ = *nextch++;
1375 		toklen = p - token;
1376 		*p = 0;
1377 		/* allow octal, binary, hex constants of the form 'abc'x (etc.) */
1378 		if (++nextch <= lastch && isalpha_(val = * USC nextch)) {
1379 			++nextch;
1380 			return hexcheck(val);
1381 			}
1382 		return (SHOLLERITH);
1383 	}
1385 	if(needkwd)
1386 	{
1387 		needkwd = 0;
1388 		return( getkwd() );
1389 	}
1391 	for(pp=puncts; pp->punchar; ++pp)
1392 		if(ch == pp->punchar) {
1393 			val = pp->punval;
1394 			if (++nextch <= lastch)
1395 			    switch(ch) {
1396 				case '/':
1397 					switch(*nextch) {
1398 					  case '/':
1399 						nextch++;
1400 						val = SCONCAT;
1401 						break;
1402 					  case '=':
1403 						goto sne;
1404 					  default:
1405 						if (new_dcl && parlev == 0)
1406 							val = SSLASHD;
1407 					  }
1408 					return val;
1409 				case '*':
1410 					if (*nextch == '*') {
1411 						nextch++;
1412 						if (noextflag
1413 						 && nextch <= lastch)
1414 						 	switch(*nextch) {
1415 							  case '-':
1416 								errext(Exp_mi);
1417 								break;
1418 							  case '+':
1419 								errext(Exp_pl);
1420 								}
1421 						return SPOWER;
1422 						}
1423 					break;
1424 				case '<':
1425 					switch(*nextch) {
1426 					  case '=':
1427 						nextch++;
1428 						val = SLE;
1429 						break;
1430 					  case '>':
1431  sne:
1432 						nextch++;
1433 						val = SNE;
1434 					  }
1435 					goto extchk;
1436 				case '=':
1437 					if (*nextch == '=') {
1438 						nextch++;
1439 						val = SEQ;
1440 						goto extchk;
1441 						}
1442 					break;
1443 				case '>':
1444 					if (*nextch == '=') {
1445 						nextch++;
1446 						val = SGE;
1447 						}
1448  extchk:
1449 					NOEXT("Fortran 8x comparison operator");
1450 					return val;
1451 				}
1452 			else if (ch == '/' && new_dcl && parlev == 0)
1453 				return SSLASHD;
1454 			switch(val) {
1455 				case SLPAR:
1456 					++parlev;
1457 					break;
1458 				case SRPAR:
1459 					--parlev;
1460 				}
1461 			return(val);
1462 			}
1463 	if(ch == '.')
1464 		if(nextch >= lastch) goto badchar;
1465 		else if(isdigit(nextch[1])) goto numconst;
1466 		else	{
1467 			for(pd=dots ; (j=pd->dotname) ; ++pd)
1468 			{
1469 				for(i=nextch+1 ; i<=lastch ; ++i)
1470 					if(*i != *j) break;
1471 					else if(*i != '.') ++j;
1472 					else	{
1473 						nextch = i+1;
1474 						return(pd->dotval);
1475 					}
1476 			}
1477 			goto badchar;
1478 		}
1479 	if( isalpha_(ch) )
1480 	{
1481 		p = token;
1482 		*p++ = *nextch++;
1483 		while(nextch<=lastch)
1484 			if( isalnum_(* USC nextch) )
1485 				*p++ = *nextch++;
1486 			else break;
1487 		toklen = p - token;
1488 		*p = 0;
1489 		if (needwkey) {
1490 			needwkey = 0;
1491 			if (toklen == 5
1492 				&& nextch <= lastch && *nextch == '(' /*)*/
1493 				&& !strcmp(token,"while"))
1494 			return(SWHILE);
1495 			}
1496 		if(inioctl && nextch<=lastch && *nextch=='=')
1497 		{
1498 			++nextch;
1499 			return(SNAMEEQ);
1500 		}
1501 		if(toklen>8 && eqn(8,token,"function")
1502 		&& isalpha_(* USC (token+8)) &&
1503 		    nextch<lastch && nextch[0]=='(' &&
1504 		    (nextch[1]==')' || isalpha_(* USC (nextch+1))) )
1505 		{
1506 			nextch -= (toklen - 8);
1507 			return(SFUNCTION);
1508 		}
1510 		if(toklen > MAXNAMELEN)
1511 		{
1512 			char buff[MAXNAMELEN+50];
1513 			sprintf(buff, toklen >= MAXNAMELEN+10
1514 				? "name %.*s... too long, truncated to %.*s"
1515 				: "name %s too long, truncated to %.*s",
1516 				MAXNAMELEN+6, token, MAXNAMELEN, token);
1517 			err(buff);
1518 			toklen = MAXNAMELEN;
1519 			token[MAXNAMELEN] = '\0';
1520 		}
1521 		if(toklen==1 && *nextch==MYQUOTE) {
1522 			val = token[0];
1523 			++nextch;
1524 			for(p = token ; *nextch!=MYQUOTE ; )
1525 				*p++ = *nextch++;
1526 			++nextch;
1527 			toklen = p - token;
1528 			*p = 0;
1529 			return hexcheck(val);
1530 		}
1531 		return(SNAME);
1532 	}
1534 	if (isdigit(ch)) {
1536 		/* Check for NAG's special hex constant */
1538 		if (nextch[1] == '#' && nextch < lastch
1539 		||  nextch[2] == '#' && isdigit(nextch[1])
1540 				     && lastch - nextch >= 2) {
1542 		    radix = atoi (nextch);
1543 		    if (*++nextch != '#')
1544 			nextch++;
1545 		    if (radix != 2 && radix != 8 && radix != 16) {
1546 		        erri("invalid base %d for constant, defaulting to hex",
1547 				radix);
1548 			radix = 16;
1549 		    } /* if */
1550 		    if (++nextch > lastch)
1551 			goto badchar;
1552 		    for (p = token; hextoi(*nextch) < radix;) {
1553 			*p++ = *nextch++;
1554 			if (nextch > lastch)
1555 				break;
1556 			}
1557 		    toklen = p - token;
1558 		    *p = 0;
1559 		    return (radix == 16) ? SHEXCON : ((radix == 8) ? SOCTCON :
1560 			    SBITCON);
1561 		    }
1562 		}
1563 	else
1564 		goto badchar;
1565 numconst:
1566 	havdot = NO;
1567 	havexp = NO;
1568 	havdbl = NO;
1569 	for(n1 = nextch ; nextch<=lastch ; ++nextch)
1570 	{
1571 		if(*nextch == '.')
1572 			if(havdot) break;
1573 			else if(nextch+2<=lastch && isalpha_(* USC (nextch+1))
1574 			    && isalpha_(* USC (nextch+2)))
1575 				break;
1576 			else	havdot = YES;
1577 		else if( !intonly && (*nextch=='d' || *nextch=='e') )
1578 		{
1579 			p = nextch;
1580 			havexp = YES;
1581 			if(*nextch == 'd')
1582 				havdbl = YES;
1583 			if(nextch<lastch)
1584 				if(nextch[1]=='+' || nextch[1]=='-')
1585 					++nextch;
1586 			if( ! isdigit(*++nextch) )
1587 			{
1588 				nextch = p;
1589 				havdbl = havexp = NO;
1590 				break;
1591 			}
1592 			for(++nextch ;
1593 			    nextch<=lastch && isdigit(* USC nextch);
1594 			    ++nextch);
1595 			break;
1596 		}
1597 		else if( ! isdigit(* USC nextch) )
1598 			break;
1599 	}
1600 	p = token;
1601 	i = n1;
1602 	while(i < nextch)
1603 		*p++ = *i++;
1604 	toklen = p - token;
1605 	*p = 0;
1606 	if(havdbl) return(SDCON);
1607 	if(havdot || havexp) return(SRCON);
1608 	return(SICON);
1609 badchar:
1610 	sbuf[0] = *nextch++;
1611 	return(SUNKNOWN);
1612 }
1614 /* Comment buffering code */
1616  static void
1617 #ifdef KR_headers
store_comment(str)1618 store_comment(str)
1619 	char *str;
1620 #else
1621 store_comment(char *str)
1622 #endif
1623 {
1624 	int len;
1625 	comment_buf *ncb;
1627 	if (nextcd == sbuf) {
1628 		flush_comments();
1629 		p1_comment(str);
1630 		return;
1631 		}
1632 	len = strlen(str) + 1;
1633 	if (cbnext + len > cblast) {
1634 		if (!cbcur || !(ncb = cbcur->next)) {
1635 			ncb = (comment_buf *) Alloc(sizeof(comment_buf));
1636 			if (cbcur) {
1637 				cbcur->last = cbnext;
1638 				cbcur->next = ncb;
1639 				}
1640 			else {
1641 				cbfirst = ncb;
1642 				cbinit = ncb->buf;
1643 				}
1644 			ncb->next = 0;
1645 			}
1646 		cbcur = ncb;
1647 		cbnext = ncb->buf;
1648 		cblast = cbnext + COMMENT_BUF_STORE;
1649 		}
1650 	strcpy(cbnext, str);
1651 	cbnext += len;
1652 	}
1654  static void
flush_comments(Void)1655 flush_comments(Void)
1656 {
1657 	register char *s, *s1;
1658 	register comment_buf *cb;
1659 	if (cbnext == cbinit)
1660 		return;
1661 	cbcur->last = cbnext;
1662 	for(cb = cbfirst;; cb = cb->next) {
1663 		for(s = cb->buf; s < cb->last; s = s1) {
1664 			/* compute s1 = new s value first, since */
1665 			/* p1_comment may insert nulls into s */
1666 			s1 = s + strlen(s) + 1;
1667 			p1_comment(s);
1668 			}
1669 		if (cb == cbcur)
1670 			break;
1671 		}
1672 	cbcur = cbfirst;
1673 	cbnext = cbinit;
1674 	cblast = cbnext + COMMENT_BUF_STORE;
1675 	}
1677  void
unclassifiable(Void)1678 unclassifiable(Void)
1679 {
1680 	register char *s, *se;
1682 	s = sbuf;
1683 	se = lastch;
1684 	if (se < sbuf)
1685 		return;
1686 	lastch = s - 1;
1687 	if (++se - s > 10)
1688 		se = s + 10;
1689 	for(; s < se; s++)
1690 		if (*s == MYQUOTE) {
1691 			se = s;
1692 			break;
1693 			}
1694 	*se = 0;
1695 	errstr("unclassifiable statement (starts \"%s\")", sbuf);
1696 	}