1 /* quantize.c - Histograms and quantization for gifsicle.
2    Copyright (C) 1997-9 Eddie Kohler, eddietwo@lcs.mit.edu
3    This file is part of gifsicle.
5    Gifsicle is free software. It is distributed under the GNU Public License,
6    version 2 or later; you can copy, distribute, or alter it at will, as long
7    as this notice is kept intact and this source code is made available. There
8    is no warranty, express or implied. */
10 #include "config.h"
11 #include "gifsicle.h"
12 #include <assert.h>
13 #include <string.h>
15 typedef struct Gif_Histogram {
16   Gif_Color *c;
17   int n;
18   int cap;
19 } Gif_Histogram;
21 static void add_histogram_color(Gif_Color *, Gif_Histogram *, unsigned long);
23 static void
init_histogram(Gif_Histogram * new_hist,Gif_Histogram * old_hist)24 init_histogram(Gif_Histogram *new_hist, Gif_Histogram *old_hist)
25 {
26   int new_cap = (old_hist ? old_hist->cap * 2 : 1024);
27   Gif_Color *nc = Gif_NewArray(Gif_Color, new_cap);
28   int i;
29   new_hist->c = nc;
30   new_hist->n = 0;
31   new_hist->cap = new_cap;
32   for (i = 0; i < new_cap; i++)
33     new_hist->c[i].haspixel = 0;
34   if (old_hist)
35     for (i = 0; i < old_hist->cap; i++)
36       if (old_hist->c[i].haspixel)
37 	add_histogram_color(&old_hist->c[i], new_hist, old_hist->c[i].pixel);
38 }
40 static void
delete_histogram(Gif_Histogram * hist)41 delete_histogram(Gif_Histogram *hist)
42 {
43   Gif_DeleteArray(hist->c);
44 }
46 static void
add_histogram_color(Gif_Color * color,Gif_Histogram * hist,unsigned long count)47 add_histogram_color(Gif_Color *color, Gif_Histogram *hist, unsigned long count)
48 {
49   Gif_Color *hc = hist->c;
50   int hcap = hist->cap - 1;
51   int i = (((color->red & 0xF0) << 4) | (color->green & 0xF0)
52 	   | (color->blue >> 4)) & hcap;
53   int hash2 = ((((color->red & 0x0F) << 8) | ((color->green & 0x0F) << 4)
54 		| (color->blue & 0x0F)) & hcap) | 1;
56   for (; hc[i].haspixel; i = (i + hash2) & hcap)
57     if (hc[i].red == color->red && hc[i].green == color->green
58 	&& hc[i].blue == color->blue) {
59       hc[i].pixel += count;
60       color->haspixel = 1;
61       color->pixel = i;
62       return;
63     }
65   if (hist->n > ((hist->cap * 7) >> 3)) {
66     Gif_Histogram new_hist;
67     init_histogram(&new_hist, hist);
68     delete_histogram(hist);
69     *hist = new_hist;
70     hc = hist->c;		/* 31.Aug.1999 - bug fix from Steven Marthouse
71 				   <comments@vrml3d.com> */
72   }
74   hist->n++;
75   hc[i] = *color;
76   hc[i].haspixel = 1;
77   hc[i].pixel = count;
78   color->haspixel = 1;
79   color->pixel = i;
80 }
82 static int
popularity_sort_compare(const void * va,const void * vb)83 popularity_sort_compare(const void *va, const void *vb)
84 {
85   const Gif_Color *a = (const Gif_Color *)va;
86   const Gif_Color *b = (const Gif_Color *)vb;
87   return b->pixel - a->pixel;
88 }
90 static int
pixel_sort_compare(const void * va,const void * vb)91 pixel_sort_compare(const void *va, const void *vb)
92 {
93   const Gif_Color *a = (const Gif_Color *)va;
94   const Gif_Color *b = (const Gif_Color *)vb;
95   return a->pixel - b->pixel;
96 }
99 Gif_Color *
histogram(Gif_Stream * gfs,int * nhist_store)100 histogram(Gif_Stream *gfs, int *nhist_store)
101 {
102   Gif_Histogram hist;
103   Gif_Color *linear;
104   Gif_Color transparent_color;
105   unsigned long ntransparent = 0;
106   unsigned long nbackground = 0;
107   int x, y, i;
109   unmark_colors(gfs->global);
110   for (i = 0; i < gfs->nimages; i++)
111     unmark_colors(gfs->images[i]->local);
113   init_histogram(&hist, 0);
115   /* Count pixels. Be careful about values which are outside the range of the
116      colormap. */
117   for (i = 0; i < gfs->nimages; i++) {
118     Gif_Image *gfi = gfs->images[i];
119     Gif_Colormap *gfcm = gfi->local ? gfi->local : gfs->global;
120     u_int32_t count[256];
121     Gif_Color *col;
122     int ncol;
123     int transparent = gfi->transparent;
124     if (!gfcm) continue;
126     /* sweep over the image data, counting pixels */
127     for (x = 0; x < 256; x++)
128       count[x] = 0;
129     for (y = 0; y < gfi->height; y++) {
130       byte *data = gfi->img[y];
131       for (x = 0; x < gfi->width; x++, data++)
132 	count[*data]++;
133     }
135     /* add counted colors to global histogram */
136     col = gfcm->col;
137     ncol = gfcm->ncol;
138     for (x = 0; x < ncol; x++)
139       if (count[x] && x != transparent) {
140 	if (col[x].haspixel)
141 	  hist.c[ col[x].pixel ].pixel += count[x];
142 	else
143 	  add_histogram_color(&col[x], &hist, count[x]);
144       }
145     if (transparent >= 0) {
146       if (ntransparent == 0) transparent_color = col[transparent];
147       ntransparent += count[transparent];
148     }
150     /* if this image has background disposal, count its size towards the
151        background's pixel count */
152     if (gfi->disposal == GIF_DISPOSAL_BACKGROUND)
153       nbackground += gfi->width * gfi->height;
154   }
156   /* account for background by adding it to `ntransparent' or the histogram */
157   if (gfs->images[0]->transparent < 0 && gfs->global
158       && gfs->background < gfs->global->ncol)
159     add_histogram_color(&gfs->global->col[gfs->background], &hist, nbackground);
160   else
161     ntransparent += nbackground;
163   /* now, make the linear histogram from the hashed histogram */
164   linear = Gif_NewArray(Gif_Color, hist.n + 1);
165   i = 0;
167   /* Put all transparent pixels in histogram slot 0. Transparent pixels are
168      marked by haspixel == 255. */
169   if (ntransparent) {
170     linear[0] = transparent_color;
171     linear[0].haspixel = 255;
172     linear[0].pixel = ntransparent;
173     i++;
174   }
176   /* put hash histogram colors into linear histogram */
177   for (x = 0; x < hist.cap; x++)
178     if (hist.c[x].haspixel)
179       linear[i++] = hist.c[x];
181   delete_histogram(&hist);
182   *nhist_store = i;
183   return linear;
184 }
187 #undef min
188 #undef max
189 #define min(a, b)	((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
190 #define max(a, b)	((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
192 static int
red_sort_compare(const void * va,const void * vb)193 red_sort_compare(const void *va, const void *vb)
194 {
195   const Gif_Color *a = (const Gif_Color *)va;
196   const Gif_Color *b = (const Gif_Color *)vb;
197   return a->red - b->red;
198 }
200 static int
green_sort_compare(const void * va,const void * vb)201 green_sort_compare(const void *va, const void *vb)
202 {
203   const Gif_Color *a = (const Gif_Color *)va;
204   const Gif_Color *b = (const Gif_Color *)vb;
205   return a->green - b->green;
206 }
208 static int
blue_sort_compare(const void * va,const void * vb)209 blue_sort_compare(const void *va, const void *vb)
210 {
211   const Gif_Color *a = (const Gif_Color *)va;
212   const Gif_Color *b = (const Gif_Color *)vb;
213   return a->blue - b->blue;
214 }
217 static void
assert_hist_transparency(Gif_Color * hist,int nhist)218 assert_hist_transparency(Gif_Color *hist, int nhist)
219 {
220   int i;
221   for (i = 1; i < nhist; i++)
222     assert(hist[i].haspixel != 255);
223 }
226 /* COLORMAP FUNCTIONS return a palette (a vector of Gif_Colors). The
227    pixel fields are undefined; the haspixel fields are all 0. */
229 typedef struct {
230   int first;
231   int count;
232   u_int32_t pixel;
233 } adaptive_slot;
235 Gif_Colormap *
colormap_median_cut(Gif_Color * hist,int nhist,int adapt_size)236 colormap_median_cut(Gif_Color *hist, int nhist, int adapt_size)
237 {
238   adaptive_slot *slots = Gif_NewArray(adaptive_slot, adapt_size);
239   Gif_Colormap *gfcm = Gif_NewFullColormap(adapt_size, 256);
240   Gif_Color *adapt = gfcm->col;
241   int nadapt;
242   int i, j;
244   /* This code was written with reference to ppmquant by Jef Poskanzer, part
245      of the pbmplus package. */
247   if (adapt_size < 2 || adapt_size > 256)
248     fatal_error("adaptive palette size must be between 2 and 256");
249   if (adapt_size >= nhist) {
250     warning("trivial adaptive palette (only %d colors in source)", nhist);
251     adapt_size = nhist;
252   }
254   /* 0. remove any transparent color from consideration; reduce adaptive
255      palette size to accommodate transparency if it looks like that'll be
256      necessary */
257   assert_hist_transparency(hist, nhist);
258   if (adapt_size > 2 && adapt_size < nhist && hist[0].haspixel == 255
259       && nhist <= 265)
260     adapt_size--;
261   if (hist[0].haspixel == 255) {
262     hist[0] = hist[nhist - 1];
263     nhist--;
264   }
266   /* 1. set up the first slot, containing all pixels. */
267   {
268     u_int32_t total = 0;
269     for (i = 0; i < nhist; i++)
270       total += hist[i].pixel;
271     slots[0].first = 0;
272     slots[0].count = nhist;
273     slots[0].pixel = total;
274     qsort(hist, nhist, sizeof(Gif_Color), pixel_sort_compare);
275   }
277   /* 2. split slots until we have enough. */
278   for (nadapt = 1; nadapt < adapt_size; nadapt++) {
279     adaptive_slot *split = 0;
280     Gif_Color minc, maxc, *slice;
282     /* 2.1. pick the slot to split. */
283     {
284       u_int32_t split_pixel = 0;
285       for (i = 0; i < nadapt; i++)
286 	if (slots[i].count >= 2 && slots[i].pixel > split_pixel) {
287 	  split = &slots[i];
288 	  split_pixel = slots[i].pixel;
289 	}
290       if (!split)
291 	break;
292     }
293     slice = &hist[split->first];
295     /* 2.2. find its extent. */
296     {
297       Gif_Color *trav = slice;
298       minc = maxc = *trav;
299       for (i = 1, trav++; i < split->count; i++, trav++) {
300 	minc.red = min(minc.red, trav->red);
301 	maxc.red = max(maxc.red, trav->red);
302 	minc.green = min(minc.green, trav->green);
303 	maxc.green = max(maxc.green, trav->green);
304 	minc.blue = min(minc.blue, trav->blue);
305 	maxc.blue = max(maxc.blue, trav->blue);
306       }
307     }
309     /* 2.3. decide how to split it. use the luminance method. also sort the
310        colors. */
311     {
312       double red_diff = 0.299 * (maxc.red - minc.red);
313       double green_diff = 0.587 * (maxc.green - minc.green);
314       double blue_diff = 0.114 * (maxc.blue - minc.blue);
315       if (red_diff >= green_diff && red_diff >= blue_diff)
316 	qsort(slice, split->count, sizeof(Gif_Color), red_sort_compare);
317       else if (green_diff >= blue_diff)
318 	qsort(slice, split->count, sizeof(Gif_Color), green_sort_compare);
319       else
320 	qsort(slice, split->count, sizeof(Gif_Color), blue_sort_compare);
321     }
323     /* 2.4. decide where to split the slot and split it there. */
324     {
325       u_int32_t half_pixels = split->pixel / 2;
326       u_int32_t pixel_accum = slice[0].pixel;
327       u_int32_t diff1, diff2;
328       for (i = 1; i < split->count - 1 && pixel_accum < half_pixels; i++)
329 	pixel_accum += slice[i].pixel;
331       /* We know the area before the split has more pixels than the area
332          after, possibly by a large margin (bad news). If it would shrink the
333          margin, change the split. */
334       diff1 = 2*pixel_accum - split->pixel;
335       diff2 = split->pixel - 2*(pixel_accum - slice[i-1].pixel);
336       if (diff2 < diff1 && i > 1) {
337 	i--;
338 	pixel_accum -= slice[i].pixel;
339       }
341       slots[nadapt].first = split->first + i;
342       slots[nadapt].count = split->count - i;
343       slots[nadapt].pixel = split->pixel - pixel_accum;
344       split->count = i;
345       split->pixel = pixel_accum;
346     }
347   }
349   /* 3. make the new palette by choosing one color from each slot. */
350   for (i = 0; i < nadapt; i++) {
351     double red_total = 0, green_total = 0, blue_total = 0;
352     Gif_Color *slice = &hist[ slots[i].first ];
353     for (j = 0; j < slots[i].count; j++) {
354       red_total += slice[j].red * slice[j].pixel;
355       green_total += slice[j].green * slice[j].pixel;
356       blue_total += slice[j].blue * slice[j].pixel;
357     }
358     adapt[i].red = (byte)(red_total / slots[i].pixel);
359     adapt[i].green = (byte)(green_total / slots[i].pixel);
360     adapt[i].blue = (byte)(blue_total / slots[i].pixel);
361     adapt[i].haspixel = 0;
362   }
364   Gif_DeleteArray(slots);
365   gfcm->ncol = nadapt;
366   return gfcm;
367 }
371 static Gif_Colormap *
colormap_diversity(Gif_Color * hist,int nhist,int adapt_size,int blend)372 colormap_diversity(Gif_Color *hist, int nhist, int adapt_size, int blend)
373 {
374   u_int32_t *min_dist = Gif_NewArray(u_int32_t, nhist);
375   int *closest = Gif_NewArray(int, nhist);
376   Gif_Colormap *gfcm = Gif_NewFullColormap(adapt_size, 256);
377   Gif_Color *adapt = gfcm->col;
378   int nadapt = 0;
379   int i, j, match = 0;
381   /* This code was uses XV's modified diversity algorithm, and was written
382      with reference to XV's implementation of that algorithm by John Bradley
383      <bradley@cis.upenn.edu> and Tom Lane <Tom.Lane@g.gp.cs.cmu.edu>. */
385   if (adapt_size < 2 || adapt_size > 256)
386     fatal_error("adaptive palette size must be between 2 and 256");
387   if (adapt_size > nhist) {
388     warning("trivial adaptive palette (only %d colors in source)", nhist);
389     adapt_size = nhist;
390   }
392   /* 0. remove any transparent color from consideration; reduce adaptive
393      palette size to accommodate transparency if it looks like that'll be
394      necessary */
395   assert_hist_transparency(hist, nhist);
396   /* It will be necessary to accommodate transparency if (1) there is
397      transparency in the image; (2) the adaptive palette isn't trivial; and
398      (3) there are a small number of colors in the image (arbitrary constant:
399      <= 265), so it's likely that most images will use most of the slots, so
400      it's likely there won't be unused slots. */
401   if (adapt_size > 2 && adapt_size < nhist && hist[0].haspixel == 255
402       && nhist <= 265)
403     adapt_size--;
404   if (hist[0].haspixel == 255) {
405     hist[0] = hist[nhist - 1];
406     nhist--;
407   }
409   /* blending has bad effects when there are very few colors */
410   if (adapt_size < 4)
411     blend = 0;
413   /* 1. initialize min_dist and sort the colors in order of popularity. */
414   for (i = 0; i < nhist; i++)
415     min_dist[i] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
417   qsort(hist, nhist, sizeof(Gif_Color), popularity_sort_compare);
419   /* 2. choose colors one at a time */
420   for (nadapt = 0; nadapt < adapt_size; nadapt++) {
421     int chosen = 0;
423     /* 2.1. choose the color to be added */
424     if (nadapt == 0 || (nadapt >= 10 && nadapt % 2 == 0)) {
425       /* 2.1a. choose based on popularity from unchosen colors; we've sorted
426 	 them on popularity, so just choose the first in the list */
427       for (; chosen < nhist; chosen++)
428 	if (min_dist[chosen])
429 	  break;
431     } else {
432       /* 2.1b. choose based on diversity from unchosen colors */
433       u_int32_t chosen_dist = 0;
434       for (i = 0; i < nhist; i++)
435 	if (min_dist[i] > chosen_dist) {
436 	  chosen = i;
437 	  chosen_dist = min_dist[i];
438 	}
439     }
441     /* 2.2. add the color */
442     min_dist[chosen] = 0;
443     closest[chosen] = nadapt;
445     /* 2.3. adjust the min_dist array */
446     {
447       int red = hist[chosen].red, green = hist[chosen].green,
448 	blue = hist[chosen].blue;
449       Gif_Color *h = hist;
450       for (i = 0; i < nhist; i++, h++)
451 	if (min_dist[i]) {
452 	  u_int32_t dist = (h->red - red) * (h->red - red)
453 	    + (h->green - green) * (h->green - green)
454 	    + (h->blue - blue) * (h->blue - blue);
455 	  if (dist < min_dist[i]) {
456 	    min_dist[i] = dist;
457 	    closest[i] = nadapt;
458 	  }
459 	}
460     }
461   }
463   /* 3. make the new palette by choosing one color from each slot. */
464   if (!blend) {
465     for (i = 0; i < nadapt; i++) {
466       for (j = 0; j < nhist; j++)
467 	if (closest[j] == i && !min_dist[j])
468 	  match = j;
469       adapt[i] = hist[match];
470       adapt[i].haspixel = 0;
471     }
473   } else {
474     for (i = 0; i < nadapt; i++) {
475       double red_total = 0, green_total = 0, blue_total = 0;
476       u_int32_t pixel_total = 0, mismatch_pixel_total = 0;
477       for (j = 0; j < nhist; j++)
478 	if (closest[j] == i) {
479 	  u_int32_t pixel = hist[j].pixel;
480 	  red_total += hist[j].red * pixel;
481 	  green_total += hist[j].green * pixel;
482 	  blue_total += hist[j].blue * pixel;
483 	  pixel_total += pixel;
484 	  if (min_dist[j])
485 	    mismatch_pixel_total += pixel;
486 	  else
487 	    match = j;
488 	}
489       /* Only blend if total number of mismatched pixels exceeds total number
490 	 of matched pixels by a large margin. */
491       if (3 * mismatch_pixel_total <= 2 * pixel_total)
492 	adapt[i] = hist[match];
493       else {
494 	/* Favor, by a smallish amount, the color the plain diversity
495            algorithm would pick. */
496 	u_int32_t pixel = hist[match].pixel * 2;
497 	red_total += hist[match].red * pixel;
498 	green_total += hist[match].green * pixel;
499 	blue_total += hist[match].blue * pixel;
500 	pixel_total += pixel;
501 	adapt[i].red = (byte)(red_total / pixel_total);
502 	adapt[i].green = (byte)(green_total / pixel_total);
503 	adapt[i].blue = (byte)(blue_total / pixel_total);
504       }
505       adapt[i].haspixel = 0;
506     }
507   }
509   Gif_DeleteArray(min_dist);
510   Gif_DeleteArray(closest);
511   gfcm->ncol = nadapt;
512   return gfcm;
513 }
516 Gif_Colormap *
colormap_blend_diversity(Gif_Color * hist,int nhist,int adapt_size)517 colormap_blend_diversity(Gif_Color *hist, int nhist, int adapt_size)
518 {
519   return colormap_diversity(hist, nhist, adapt_size, 1);
520 }
522 Gif_Colormap *
colormap_flat_diversity(Gif_Color * hist,int nhist,int adapt_size)523 colormap_flat_diversity(Gif_Color *hist, int nhist, int adapt_size)
524 {
525   return colormap_diversity(hist, nhist, adapt_size, 0);
526 }
529 struct color_hash_item {
530   byte red;
531   byte green;
532   byte blue;
533   u_int32_t pixel;
534   color_hash_item *next;
535 };
536 #define COLOR_HASH_SIZE 20023
537 #define COLOR_HASH_CODE(r, g, b)	((u_int32_t)(r * 33023 + g * 30013 + b * 27011) % COLOR_HASH_SIZE)
540 /*****
541  * color_hash_item allocation and deallocation
542  **/
544 static color_hash_item *hash_item_alloc_list;
545 static int hash_item_alloc_left;
546 #define HASH_ITEM_ALLOC_AMOUNT 512
548 static color_hash_item **
new_color_hash(void)549 new_color_hash(void)
550 {
551   int i;
552   color_hash_item **hash = Gif_NewArray(color_hash_item *, COLOR_HASH_SIZE);
553   for (i = 0; i < COLOR_HASH_SIZE; i++)
554     hash[i] = 0;
555   return hash;
556 }
559 static color_hash_item *
new_color_hash_item(byte red,byte green,byte blue)560 new_color_hash_item(byte red, byte green, byte blue)
561 {
562   color_hash_item *chi;
563   if (hash_item_alloc_left <= 0) {
564     color_hash_item *new_alloc =
565       Gif_NewArray(color_hash_item, HASH_ITEM_ALLOC_AMOUNT);
566     new_alloc[HASH_ITEM_ALLOC_AMOUNT-1].next = hash_item_alloc_list;
567     hash_item_alloc_list = new_alloc;
568     hash_item_alloc_left = HASH_ITEM_ALLOC_AMOUNT - 1;
569   }
571   --hash_item_alloc_left;
572   chi = &hash_item_alloc_list[hash_item_alloc_left];
573   chi->red = red;
574   chi->green = green;
575   chi->blue = blue;
576   chi->next = 0;
577   return chi;
578 }
580 static void
free_all_color_hash_items(void)581 free_all_color_hash_items(void)
582 {
583   while (hash_item_alloc_list) {
584     color_hash_item *next =
585       hash_item_alloc_list[HASH_ITEM_ALLOC_AMOUNT - 1].next;
586     Gif_DeleteArray(hash_item_alloc_list);
587     hash_item_alloc_list = next;
588   }
589   hash_item_alloc_left = 0;
590 }
593 static int
hash_color(int red,int green,int blue,color_hash_item ** hash,Gif_Colormap * new_cm)594 hash_color(int red, int green, int blue,
595 	   color_hash_item **hash, Gif_Colormap *new_cm)
596 {
597   u_int32_t hash_code = COLOR_HASH_CODE(red, green, blue);
598   color_hash_item *prev = 0, *trav;
600   /* Is new_cm grayscale? We cache the answer here. */
601   static Gif_Colormap *cached_new_cm;
602   static int new_cm_grayscale;
604   for (trav = hash[hash_code]; trav; prev = trav, trav = trav->next)
605     if (trav->red == red && trav->green == green && trav->blue == blue)
606       return trav->pixel;
608   trav = new_color_hash_item(red, green, blue);
609   if (prev)
610     prev->next = trav;
611   else
612     hash[hash_code] = trav;
614   /* calculate whether new_cm is grayscale */
615   if (new_cm != cached_new_cm) {
616     int i;
617     Gif_Color *col = new_cm->col;
618     cached_new_cm = new_cm;
619     new_cm_grayscale = 1;
620     for (i = 0; i < new_cm->ncol && new_cm_grayscale; i++)
621       if (col[i].red != col[i].green || col[i].green != col[i].blue
622 	  || col[i].blue != col[i].red)
623 	new_cm_grayscale = 0;
624   }
626   /* find the closest color in the new colormap */
627   {
628     Gif_Color *col = new_cm->col;
629     int ncol = new_cm->ncol, i, found;
630     u_int32_t min_dist = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
632     if (new_cm_grayscale) {
633       /* If the new colormap is 100% grayscale, then use distance in luminance
634 	 space instead of distance in RGB space. The weights for the R,G,B
635 	 components in luminance space are 0.299,0.587,0.114. We calculate a
636 	 gray value for the input color first and compare that against the
637 	 available grays in the colormap. Thanks to Christian Kumpf,
638 	 <kumpf@igd.fhg.de>, for providing a patch.
640 	 Note on the calculation of `gray': Using the factors 306, 601, and
641 	 117 (proportional to 0.299,0.587,0.114) we get a scaled gray value
642 	 between 0 and 255 * 1024. */
643       int gray = 306 * red + 601 * green + 117 * blue;
644       for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
645 	if (col[i].haspixel != 255) {
646 	  int in_gray = 1024 * col[i].red;
647 	  u_int32_t dist = abs(gray - in_gray);
648 	  if (dist < min_dist) {
649 	    min_dist = dist;
650 	    found = i;
651 	  }
652 	}
654     } else {
655       /* Use straight-line Euclidean distance in RGB space */
656       for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
657 	if (col[i].haspixel != 255) {
658 	  u_int32_t dist = (red - col[i].red) * (red - col[i].red)
659 	    + (green - col[i].green) * (green - col[i].green)
660 	    + (blue - col[i].blue) * (blue - col[i].blue);
661 	  if (dist < min_dist) {
662 	    min_dist = dist;
663 	    found = i;
664 	  }
665 	}
666     }
668     trav->pixel = found;
669     return found;
670   }
671 }
674 void
colormap_image_posterize(Gif_Image * gfi,byte * new_data,Gif_Colormap * old_cm,Gif_Colormap * new_cm,color_hash_item ** hash,u_int32_t * histogram)675 colormap_image_posterize(Gif_Image *gfi, byte *new_data,
676 			 Gif_Colormap *old_cm, Gif_Colormap *new_cm,
677 			 color_hash_item **hash, u_int32_t *histogram)
678 {
679   int ncol = old_cm->ncol;
680   Gif_Color *col = old_cm->col;
681   int map[256];
682   int i, j;
683   int transparent = gfi->transparent;
685   /* find closest colors in new colormap */
686   for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
687     if (col[i].haspixel)
688       map[i] = col[i].pixel;
689     else {
690       map[i] = col[i].pixel =
691 	hash_color(col[i].red, col[i].green, col[i].blue, hash, new_cm);
692       col[i].haspixel = 1;
693     }
695   /* map image */
696   for (j = 0; j < gfi->height; j++) {
697     byte *data = gfi->img[j];
698     for (i = 0; i < gfi->width; i++, data++, new_data++)
699       if (*data != transparent) {
700 	*new_data = map[*data];
701 	histogram[*new_data]++;
702       }
703   }
704 }
707 #define DITHER_SCALE	1024
709 #define N_RANDOM_VALUES	512
711 void
colormap_image_floyd_steinberg(Gif_Image * gfi,byte * all_new_data,Gif_Colormap * old_cm,Gif_Colormap * new_cm,color_hash_item ** hash,u_int32_t * histogram)712 colormap_image_floyd_steinberg(Gif_Image *gfi, byte *all_new_data,
713 			       Gif_Colormap *old_cm, Gif_Colormap *new_cm,
714 			       color_hash_item **hash, u_int32_t *histogram)
715 {
716   static int32_t *random_values = 0;
718   int width = gfi->width;
719   int dither_direction = 0;
720   int transparent = gfi->transparent;
721   int i, j;
722   int32_t *r_err, *g_err, *b_err, *r_err1, *g_err1, *b_err1;
723   Gif_Color *col = old_cm->col;
724   Gif_Color *new_col = new_cm->col;
726   /* This code was written with reference to ppmquant by Jef Poskanzer, part
727      of the pbmplus package. */
729   /* Initialize Floyd-Steinberg error vectors to small random values, so we
730      don't get artifacts on the top row */
731   r_err = Gif_NewArray(int32_t, width + 2);
732   g_err = Gif_NewArray(int32_t, width + 2);
733   b_err = Gif_NewArray(int32_t, width + 2);
734   r_err1 = Gif_NewArray(int32_t, width + 2);
735   g_err1 = Gif_NewArray(int32_t, width + 2);
736   b_err1 = Gif_NewArray(int32_t, width + 2);
737   /* Use the same random values on each call in an attempt to minimize
738      "jumping dithering" effects on animations */
739   if (!random_values) {
740     random_values = Gif_NewArray(int32_t, N_RANDOM_VALUES);
741     for (i = 0; i < N_RANDOM_VALUES; i++)
742       random_values[i] = RANDOM() % (DITHER_SCALE_M1 * 2) - DITHER_SCALE_M1;
743   }
744   for (i = 0; i < gfi->width + 2; i++) {
745     int j = (i + gfi->left) * 3;
746     r_err[i] = random_values[ (j + 0) % N_RANDOM_VALUES ];
747     g_err[i] = random_values[ (j + 1) % N_RANDOM_VALUES ];
748     b_err[i] = random_values[ (j + 2) % N_RANDOM_VALUES ];
749   }
750   /* *_err1 initialized below */
752   /* Do the image! */
753   for (j = 0; j < gfi->height; j++) {
754     int d0, d1, d2, d3;		/* used for error diffusion */
755     byte *data, *new_data;
756     int x;
758     if (dither_direction) {
759       x = width - 1;
760       d0 = 0, d1 = 2, d2 = 1, d3 = 0;
761     } else {
762       x = 0;
763       d0 = 2, d1 = 0, d2 = 1, d3 = 2;
764     }
765     data = &gfi->img[j][x];
766     new_data = all_new_data + j * width + x;
768     for (i = 0; i < width + 2; i++)
769       r_err1[i] = g_err1[i] = b_err1[i] = 0;
771     /* Do a single row */
772     while (x >= 0 && x < width) {
773       int e, use_r, use_g, use_b;
775       /* the transparent color never gets adjusted */
776       if (*data == transparent)
777 	goto next;
779       /* use Floyd-Steinberg errors to adjust actual color */
780       use_r = col[*data].red + r_err[x+1] / DITHER_SCALE;
781       use_g = col[*data].green + g_err[x+1] / DITHER_SCALE;
782       use_b = col[*data].blue + b_err[x+1] / DITHER_SCALE;
783       use_r = max(use_r, 0);  use_r = min(use_r, 255);
784       use_g = max(use_g, 0);  use_g = min(use_g, 255);
785       use_b = max(use_b, 0);  use_b = min(use_b, 255);
787       *new_data = hash_color(use_r, use_g, use_b, hash, new_cm);
788       histogram[*new_data]++;
790       /* calculate and propagate the error between desired and selected color.
791 	 Assume that, with a large scale (1024), we don't need to worry about
792 	 image artifacts caused by error accumulation (the fact that the
793 	 error terms might not sum to the error). */
794       e = (use_r - new_col[*new_data].red) * DITHER_SCALE;
795       if (e) {
796 	r_err [x+d0] += (e * 7) / 16;
797 	r_err1[x+d1] += (e * 3) / 16;
798 	r_err1[x+d2] += (e * 5) / 16;
799 	r_err1[x+d3] += e / 16;
800       }
802       e = (use_g - new_col[*new_data].green) * DITHER_SCALE;
803       if (e) {
804 	g_err [x+d0] += (e * 7) / 16;
805 	g_err1[x+d1] += (e * 3) / 16;
806 	g_err1[x+d2] += (e * 5) / 16;
807 	g_err1[x+d3] += e / 16;
808       }
810       e = (use_b - new_col[*new_data].blue) * DITHER_SCALE;
811       if (e) {
812 	b_err [x+d0] += (e * 7) / 16;
813 	b_err1[x+d1] += (e * 3) / 16;
814 	b_err1[x+d2] += (e * 5) / 16;
815 	b_err1[x+d3] += e / 16;
816       }
818      next:
819       if (dither_direction)
820 	x--, data--, new_data--;
821       else
822 	x++, data++, new_data++;
823     }
824     /* Did a single row */
826     /* change dithering directions */
827     {
828       int32_t *temp;
829       temp = r_err; r_err = r_err1; r_err1 = temp;
830       temp = g_err; g_err = g_err1; g_err1 = temp;
831       temp = b_err; b_err = b_err1; b_err1 = temp;
832       dither_direction = !dither_direction;
833     }
834   }
836   /* delete temporary storage */
837   Gif_DeleteArray(r_err);
838   Gif_DeleteArray(g_err);
839   Gif_DeleteArray(b_err);
840   Gif_DeleteArray(r_err1);
841   Gif_DeleteArray(g_err1);
842   Gif_DeleteArray(b_err1);
843 }
846 /* return value 1 means run the image_changer again */
847 static int
try_assign_transparency(Gif_Image * gfi,Gif_Colormap * old_cm,byte * new_data,Gif_Colormap * new_cm,int * new_ncol,u_int32_t * histogram)848 try_assign_transparency(Gif_Image *gfi, Gif_Colormap *old_cm, byte *new_data,
849 			Gif_Colormap *new_cm, int *new_ncol,
850 			u_int32_t *histogram)
851 {
852   u_int32_t min_used;
853   int i, j;
854   int transparent = gfi->transparent;
855   int new_transparent = -1;
856   Gif_Color transp_value;
858   if (transparent < 0)
859     return 0;
861   if (old_cm)
862     transp_value = old_cm->col[transparent];
864   /* look for an unused pixel in the existing colormap; prefer the same color
865      we had */
866   for (i = 0; i < *new_ncol; i++)
867     if (histogram[i] == 0 && GIF_COLOREQ(&transp_value, &new_cm->col[i])) {
868       new_transparent = i;
869       goto found;
870     }
871   for (i = 0; i < *new_ncol; i++)
872     if (histogram[i] == 0) {
873       new_transparent = i;
874       goto found;
875     }
877   /* try to expand the colormap */
878   if (*new_ncol < 256) {
879     assert(*new_ncol < new_cm->capacity);
880     new_transparent = *new_ncol;
881     new_cm->col[new_transparent] = transp_value;
882     (*new_ncol)++;
883     goto found;
884   }
886   /* not found: mark the least-frequently-used color as the new transparent
887      color and return 1 (meaning `dither again') */
888   assert(*new_ncol == 256);
889   min_used = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
890   for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
891     if (histogram[i] < min_used) {
892       new_transparent = i;
893       min_used = histogram[i];
894     }
895   new_cm->col[new_transparent].haspixel = 255; /* mark it unusable */
896   return 1;
898  found:
899   for (j = 0; j < gfi->height; j++) {
900     byte *data = gfi->img[j];
901     for (i = 0; i < gfi->width; i++, data++, new_data++)
902       if (*data == transparent)
903 	*new_data = new_transparent;
904   }
906   gfi->transparent = new_transparent;
907   return 0;
908 }
910 void
colormap_stream(Gif_Stream * gfs,Gif_Colormap * new_cm,colormap_image_func image_changer)911 colormap_stream(Gif_Stream *gfs, Gif_Colormap *new_cm,
912 		colormap_image_func image_changer)
913 {
914   color_hash_item **hash = new_color_hash();
915   int background_transparent = gfs->images[0]->transparent >= 0;
916   Gif_Color *new_col = new_cm->col;
917   int new_ncol = new_cm->ncol;
918   int imagei, j;
919   int compress_new_cm = 1;
921   /* make sure colormap has enough space */
922   if (new_cm->capacity < 256) {
923     Gif_Color *x = Gif_NewArray(Gif_Color, 256);
924     memcpy(x, new_col, sizeof(Gif_Color) * new_ncol);
925     Gif_DeleteArray(new_col);
926     new_cm->col = new_col = x;
927     new_cm->capacity = 256;
928   }
929   assert(new_cm->capacity >= 256);
931   /* new_col[j].pixel == number of pixels with color j in the new image. */
932   for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
933     new_col[j].pixel = 0;
935   for (imagei = 0; imagei < gfs->nimages; imagei++) {
936     Gif_Image *gfi = gfs->images[imagei];
937     Gif_Colormap *gfcm = gfi->local ? gfi->local : gfs->global;
939     if (gfcm) {
940       /* If there was an old colormap, change the image data */
941       byte *new_data = Gif_NewArray(byte, gfi->width * gfi->height);
942       u_int32_t histogram[256];
943       unmark_colors(new_cm);
944       unmark_colors(gfcm);
946       do {
947 	for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) histogram[j] = 0;
948 	image_changer(gfi, new_data, gfcm, new_cm, hash, histogram);
949       } while (try_assign_transparency(gfi, gfcm, new_data, new_cm, &new_ncol,
950 				       histogram));
952       Gif_ReleaseUncompressedImage(gfi);
953       Gif_SetUncompressedImage(gfi, new_data, Gif_DeleteArrayFunc, 0);
955       /* update count of used colors */
956       for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
957 	new_col[j].pixel += histogram[j];
958       if (gfi->transparent >= 0)
959 	/* we don't have data on the number of used colors for transparency
960 	   so fudge it. */
961 	new_col[gfi->transparent].pixel += gfi->width * gfi->height / 8;
963     } else {
964       /* Can't compress new_cm afterwards if we didn't actively change colors
965 	 over */
966       compress_new_cm = 0;
967     }
969     if (gfi->local) {
970       Gif_DeleteColormap(gfi->local);
971       gfi->local = 0;
972     }
973   }
975   /* Set new_cm->ncol from new_ncol. We didn't update new_cm->ncol before so
976      the closest-color algorithms wouldn't see any new transparent colors.
977      That way added transparent colors were only used for transparency. */
978   new_cm->ncol = new_ncol;
980   /* change the background. I hate the background by now */
981   if (background_transparent)
982     gfs->background = gfs->images[0]->transparent;
983   else if (gfs->global && gfs->background < gfs->global->ncol) {
984     Gif_Color *c = &gfs->global->col[ gfs->background ];
985     gfs->background = hash_color(c->red, c->green, c->blue, hash, new_cm);
986     new_col[gfs->background].pixel++;
987   }
989   Gif_DeleteColormap(gfs->global);
991   /* We may have used only a subset of the colors in new_cm. We try to store
992      only that subset, just as if we'd piped the output of `gifsicle
993      --use-colormap=X' through `gifsicle' another time. */
994   gfs->global = Gif_CopyColormap(new_cm);
995   if (compress_new_cm) {
996     /* only bother to recompress if we'll get anything out of it */
997     compress_new_cm = 0;
998     for (j = 0; j < new_cm->ncol - 1; j++)
999       if (new_col[j].pixel == 0 || new_col[j].pixel < new_col[j+1].pixel) {
1000 	compress_new_cm = 1;
1001 	break;
1002       }
1003   }
1005   if (compress_new_cm) {
1006     int map[256];
1008     /* Gif_CopyColormap copies the `pixel' values as well */
1009     new_col = gfs->global->col;
1010     for (j = 0; j < new_cm->ncol; j++)
1011       new_col[j].haspixel = j;
1013     /* sort based on popularity */
1014     qsort(new_col, new_cm->ncol, sizeof(Gif_Color), popularity_sort_compare);
1016     /* set up the map and reduce the number of colors */
1017     for (j = 0; j < new_cm->ncol; j++)
1018       map[ new_col[j].haspixel ] = j;
1019     for (j = 0; j < new_cm->ncol; j++)
1020       if (!new_col[j].pixel) {
1021 	gfs->global->ncol = j;
1022 	break;
1023       }
1025     /* map the image data, transparencies, and background */
1026     gfs->background = map[gfs->background];
1027     for (imagei = 0; imagei < gfs->nimages; imagei++) {
1028       Gif_Image *gfi = gfs->images[imagei];
1029       u_int32_t size;
1030       byte *data = gfi->image_data;
1031       for (size = gfi->width * gfi->height; size > 0; size--, data++)
1032 	*data = map[*data];
1033       if (gfi->transparent >= 0)
1034 	gfi->transparent = map[gfi->transparent];
1035     }
1036   }
1038   /* free storage */
1039   free_all_color_hash_items();
1040   Gif_DeleteArray(hash);
1041 }