1 /**
2  *
3  *   Copyright (c) 2005-2021 by Pierre-Henri WUILLEMIN(_at_LIP6) & Christophe GONZALES(_at_AMU)
4  *   info_at_agrum_dot_org
5  *
6  *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  *  (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  *  along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  *
19  */
22 /** @file
23  * @brief the base class for estimating parameters of CPTs
24  *
25  * @author Christophe GONZALES(_at_AMU) and Pierre-Henri WUILLEMIN(_at_LIP6)
26  */
30 #include <type_traits>
32 #include <agrum/agrum.h>
33 #include <agrum/tools/database/databaseTable.h>
34 #include <agrum/BN/learning/aprioris/apriori.h>
35 #include <agrum/tools/stattests/recordCounter.h>
36 #include <agrum/tools/multidim/potential.h>
38 namespace gum {
40   namespace learning {
43     /** @class ParamEstimator
44      * @brief The base class for estimating parameters of CPTs
45      * @headerfile paramEstimator.h <agrum/BN/learning/paramUtils/paramEstimator.h>
46      * @ingroup learning_param_utils
47      */
48     template < template < typename > class ALLOC = std::allocator >
49     class ParamEstimator {
50       public:
51       /// type for the allocators passed in arguments of methods
52       using allocator_type = ALLOC< NodeId >;
54       // ##########################################################################
55       /// @name Constructors / Destructors
56       // ##########################################################################
57       /// @{
59       /// default constructor
60       /** @param parser the parser used to parse the database
61        * @param external_apriori An apriori that we add to the computation
62        * of the score
63        * @param score_internal_apriori The apriori within the score used
64        * to learn the data structure (might be a NoApriori)
65        * @param ranges a set of pairs {(X1,Y1),...,(Xn,Yn)} of database's rows
66        * indices. The countings are then performed only on the union of the
67        * rows [Xi,Yi), i in {1,...,n}. This is useful, e.g, when performing
68        * cross validation tasks, in which part of the database should be ignored.
69        * An empty set of ranges is equivalent to an interval [X,Y) ranging over
70        * the whole database.
71        * @param nodeId2Columns a mapping from the ids of the nodes in the
72        * graphical model to the corresponding column in the DatabaseTable
73        * parsed by the parser. This enables estimating from a database in
74        * which variable A corresponds to the 2nd column the parameters of a BN
75        * in which variable A has a NodeId of 5. An empty nodeId2Columns
76        * bijection means that the mapping is an identity, i.e., the value of a
77        * NodeId is equal to the index of the column in the DatabaseTable.
78        * @param alloc the allocator used to allocate the structures within the
79        * Score.
80        * @warning If nodeId2columns is not empty, then only the scores over the
81        * ids belonging to this bijection can be computed: applying method
82        * score() over other ids will raise exception NotFound. */
83       ParamEstimator(const DBRowGeneratorParser< ALLOC >& parser,
84                      const Apriori< ALLOC >&              external_apriori,
85                      const Apriori< ALLOC >&              _score_internal_apriori,
86                      const std::vector< std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t >,
87                                         ALLOC< std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > > >& ranges,
88                      const Bijection< NodeId, std::size_t, ALLOC< std::size_t > >& nodeId2columns
89                      = Bijection< NodeId, std::size_t, ALLOC< std::size_t > >(),
90                      const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type());
92       /// default constructor
93       /** @param parser the parser used to parse the database
94        * @param external_apriori An apriori that we add to the computation
95        * of the score
96        * @param score_internal_apriori The apriori within the score used
97        * to learn the data structure (might be a NoApriori)
98        * @param nodeId2Columns a mapping from the ids of the nodes in the
99        * graphical model to the corresponding column in the DatabaseTable
100        * parsed by the parser. This enables estimating from a database in
101        * which variable A corresponds to the 2nd column the parameters of a BN
102        * in which variable A has a NodeId of 5. An empty nodeId2Columns
103        * bijection means that the mapping is an identity, i.e., the value of a
104        * NodeId is equal to the index of the column in the DatabaseTable.
105        * @param alloc the allocator used to allocate the structures within the
106        * Score.
107        * @warning If nodeId2columns is not empty, then only the scores over the
108        * ids belonging to this bijection can be computed: applying method
109        * score() over other ids will raise exception NotFound. */
110       ParamEstimator(const DBRowGeneratorParser< ALLOC >& parser,
111                      const Apriori< ALLOC >&              external_apriori,
112                      const Apriori< ALLOC >&              _score_internal_apriori,
113                      const Bijection< NodeId, std::size_t, ALLOC< std::size_t > >& nodeId2columns
114                      = Bijection< NodeId, std::size_t, ALLOC< std::size_t > >(),
115                      const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type());
117       /// copy constructor
118       ParamEstimator(const ParamEstimator< ALLOC >& from);
120       /// copy constructor with a given allocator
121       ParamEstimator(const ParamEstimator< ALLOC >& from, const allocator_type& alloc);
123       /// move constructor
124       ParamEstimator(ParamEstimator< ALLOC >&& from);
126       /// move constructor with a given allocator
127       ParamEstimator(ParamEstimator< ALLOC >&& from, const allocator_type& alloc);
129       /// virtual copy constructor
130       virtual ParamEstimator< ALLOC >* clone() const = 0;
132       /// virtual copy constructor with a given allocator
133       virtual ParamEstimator< ALLOC >* clone(const allocator_type& alloc) const = 0;
135       /// destructor
136       virtual ~ParamEstimator();
138       /// @}
141       // ##########################################################################
142       /// @name Accessors / Modifiers
143       // ##########################################################################
144       /// @{
146       /// clears all the data structures from memory
147       virtual void clear();
149       /// changes the max number of threads used to parse the database
150       virtual void setMaxNbThreads(std::size_t nb) const;
152       /// returns the number of threads used to parse the database
153       virtual std::size_t nbThreads() const;
155       /** @brief changes the number min of rows a thread should process in a
156        * multithreading context
157        *
158        * When computing score, several threads are used by record counters to
159        * perform countings on the rows of the database, the MinNbRowsPerThread
160        * method indicates how many rows each thread should at least process.
161        * This is used to compute the number of threads actually run. This number
162        * is equal to the min between the max number of threads allowed and the
163        * number of records in the database divided by nb. */
164       virtual void setMinNbRowsPerThread(const std::size_t nb) const;
166       /// returns the minimum of rows that each thread should process
167       virtual std::size_t minNbRowsPerThread() const;
169       /// sets new ranges to perform the countings used by the parameter estimator
170       /** @param ranges a set of pairs {(X1,Y1),...,(Xn,Yn)} of database's rows
171        * indices. The countings are then performed only on the union of the
172        * rows [Xi,Yi), i in {1,...,n}. This is useful, e.g, when performing
173        * cross validation tasks, in which part of the database should be ignored.
174        * An empty set of ranges is equivalent to an interval [X,Y) ranging over
175        * the whole database. */
176       template < template < typename > class XALLOC >
177       void setRanges(
178          const std::vector< std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t >,
179                             XALLOC< std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > > >& new_ranges);
181       /// reset the ranges to the one range corresponding to the whole database
182       void clearRanges();
184       /// returns the current ranges
185       const std::vector< std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t >,
186                          ALLOC< std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > > >&
187          ranges() const;
189       /// returns the CPT's parameters corresponding to a given target node
190       std::vector< double, ALLOC< double > > parameters(const NodeId target_node);
192       /// returns the CPT's parameters corresponding to a given nodeset
193       /** The vector contains the parameters of an n-dimensional CPT. The
194        * distribution of the dimensions of the CPT within the vector is as
195        * follows:
196        * first, there is the target node, then the conditioning nodes (in the
197        * order in which they were specified). */
198       virtual std::vector< double, ALLOC< double > >
199          parameters(const NodeId                                  target_node,
200                     const std::vector< NodeId, ALLOC< NodeId > >& conditioning_nodes)
201          = 0;
203       /// sets the CPT's parameters corresponding to a given Potential
204       /** The potential is assumed to be a conditional probability, the first
205        * variable of its variablesSequence() being the target variable, the
206        * other ones being on the right side of the conditioning bar. */
207       template < typename GUM_SCALAR >
208       void setParameters(const NodeId                                  target_node,
209                          const std::vector< NodeId, ALLOC< NodeId > >& conditioning_nodes,
210                          Potential< GUM_SCALAR >&                      pot);
212       /// returns the mapping from ids to column positions in the database
213       /** @warning An empty nodeId2Columns bijection means that the mapping is
214        * an identity, i.e., the value of a NodeId is equal to the index of the
215        * column in the DatabaseTable. */
216       const Bijection< NodeId, std::size_t, ALLOC< std::size_t > >& nodeId2Columns() const;
218       /// returns the database on which we perform the counts
219       const DatabaseTable< ALLOC >& database() const;
221       /// assign a new Bayes net to all the counter's generators depending on a BN
222       /** Typically, generators based on EM or K-means depend on a model to
223        * compute correctly their outputs. Method setBayesNet enables to
224        * update their BN model. */
225       template < typename GUM_SCALAR >
226       void setBayesNet(const BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR >& new_bn);
228       /// returns the allocator used by the score
229       allocator_type getAllocator() const;
231       /// @}
233       protected:
234       /// an external a priori
235       Apriori< ALLOC >* external_apriori_{nullptr};
237       /** @brief if a score was used for learning the structure of the PGM, this
238        * is the a priori internal to the score */
239       Apriori< ALLOC >* score_internal_apriori_{nullptr};
241       /// the record counter used to parse the database
242       RecordCounter< ALLOC > counter_;
244       /// an empty vector of nodes, used for empty conditioning
245       const std::vector< NodeId, ALLOC< NodeId > > empty_nodevect_;
248       /// copy operator
249       ParamEstimator< ALLOC >& operator=(const ParamEstimator< ALLOC >& from);
251       /// move operator
252       ParamEstimator< ALLOC >& operator=(ParamEstimator< ALLOC >&& from);
254       private:
257       /** @brief check the coherency between the parameters passed to
258        * the setParameters functions */
259       template < typename GUM_SCALAR >
260       void _checkParameters_(const NodeId                                  target_node,
261                              const std::vector< NodeId, ALLOC< NodeId > >& conditioning_nodes,
262                              Potential< GUM_SCALAR >&                      pot);
264       // sets the CPT's parameters corresponding to a given Potential
265       // when the potential belongs to a BayesNet<GUM_SCALAR> when
266       // GUM_SCALAR is different from a double
267       template < typename GUM_SCALAR >
268       typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same< GUM_SCALAR, double >::value, void >::type
269          _setParameters_(const NodeId                                  target_node,
270                          const std::vector< NodeId, ALLOC< NodeId > >& conditioning_nodes,
271                          Potential< GUM_SCALAR >&                      pot);
273       // sets the CPT's parameters corresponding to a given Potential
274       // when the potential belongs to a BayesNet<GUM_SCALAR> when
275       // GUM_SCALAR is equal to double (the code is optimized for doubles)
276       template < typename GUM_SCALAR >
277       typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< GUM_SCALAR, double >::value, void >::type
278          _setParameters_(const NodeId                                  target_node,
279                          const std::vector< NodeId, ALLOC< NodeId > >& conditioning_nodes,
280                          Potential< GUM_SCALAR >&                      pot);
283     };
285   } /* namespace learning */
287 } /* namespace gum */
289 /// include the template implementation
290 #include <agrum/BN/learning/paramUtils/paramEstimator_tpl.h>