1 /**
2  *
3  *   Copyright (c) 2005-2021 by Pierre-Henri WUILLEMIN(_at_LIP6) & Christophe GONZALES(_at_AMU)
4  *   info_at_agrum_dot_org
5  *
6  *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  *  (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  *  along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  *
19  */
22 #ifndef __CREDAL_NET__H__
23 #define __CREDAL_NET__H__
25 /**
26  * @file
27  * @brief Class representing Credal Networks
28  * @author Matthieu HOURBRACQ and Pierre-Henri WUILLEMIN(_at_LIP6)
29  */
31 #include <agrum/agrum.h>
33 #include <iostream>
34 #include <vector>
36 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
37 #  include <unistd.h>
38 #else
39 #  include <agrum/tools/core/mvsc/unistd.h>
40 #endif
42 //#include <sys/wait.h>
43 #include <algorithm>
44 #include <cstdlib>
45 #include <fcntl.h>
46 #include <fstream>
47 #include <set>
48 #include <sstream>
49 #include <string>
50 #include <sys/stat.h>
52 #include <utility>   /// c++11 stuff, like declval ( decltype from prototype without a default constructor )
54 #include <agrum/tools/core/math/math_utils.h>
55 #include <agrum/BN/BayesNet.h>
56 #include <agrum/BN/io/BIF/BIFReader.h>
57 #include <agrum/BN/io/BIF/BIFWriter.h>
58 #include <agrum/tools/core/exceptions.h>
60 #include <agrum/tools/core/math/pow.h>   // custom pow functions with integers, faster implementation
61 #include <agrum/tools/core/math/rational.h>   // custom decimal to rational
63 #include <agrum/CN/polytope/LrsWrapper.h>
65 #include <agrum/tools/core/OMPThreads.h>
67 // 64 bits for windows (long is 32 bits)
68 #ifdef _MSC_VER
69 typedef __int64          int64_t;
70 typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
71 #else
72 #  include <stdint.h>
73 #endif
75 namespace gum {
76   namespace credal {
78     /**
79      * @class CredalNet
80      * @headerfile credalNet.h <agrum/CN/credalNet.h>
81      * @brief Class template representing a Credal Network.
82      * @ingroup cn_group
83      * @tparam GUM_SCALAR A floating type ( float, GUM_SCALAR, long GUM_SCALAR
84      * ... ).
85      * @author Matthieu HOURBRACQ and Pierre-Henri WUILLEMIN(_at_LIP6)
86      */
87     template < typename GUM_SCALAR >
88     class CredalNet {
89       public:
90       /** @brief NodeType to speed-up computations in some algorithms */
91       enum class NodeType : char
92       {
93         Precise,
94         Credal,
95         Vacuous,
96         Indic
97       };
99       /// @name Constructors / Destructors
100       /// @{
102       /**
103        * Constructor used to create a CredalNet step by step, i.e. node by node,
104        * arc
105        * by arc, manually filling potentials.
106        */
107       CredalNet();
109       /**
110        * Constructor for interval defined credal network which takes 2 BayesNet
111        * file path. One can also provide a single BayesNet to perturb it's
112        * probability distributions into credal sets according to another BayesNet
113        * containing the amount cases, for each node, of each parent
114        * instantiation met during learning, i.e. \f$ p(X = 0 \mid pa(X) = j) =
115        * N_{pa(X) = j} \f$.
116        *
117        * @param src_min_num The path to a BayesNet which contains lower
118        *probabilities.
119        * @param src_max_den The ( optional ) path to a BayesNet which contains
120        *upper probabilities.
121        */
122       CredalNet(const std::string& src_min_num, const std::string& src_max_den = "");
124       /**
125        * Constructor for interval defined credal network which takes 2 BayesNet.
126        * One can also provide a single BayesNet in order to perturb it's
127        * probability distributions into credal sets according to another BayesNet
128        * containing the number of cases, for each node, of each parent
129        * instantiation met during learning, i.e. \f$ p(X = 0 \mid pa(X) = j) =
130        * N_{pa(X) = j} \f$.
131        *
132        * @param src_min_num The BayesNet which contains lower probabilities.
133        * @param src_max_den The ( optional ) BayesNet which contains upper
134        *probabilities.
135        */
136       CredalNet(const BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR >& src_min_num,
137                 const BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR >& src_max_den = BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR >());
139       /**
140        * Destructor.
141        */
142       ~CredalNet();
144       /// @}
146       /// @name Credal network creation
147       /// @{
149       /**
150        * @brief Adds a discrete node into the network
151        * @param name The name of the discrete variable to be added
152        * @param card The cardinality of the variable
153        * @return The \c NodeId of the variable in the network
154        */
155       NodeId addVariable(const std::string& name, const Size& card);
157       /**
158        * @brief Adds an arc between two nodes.
159        * @param tail The \c NodeId of the tail node
160        * @param head The \c NodeId of the head node
161        */
162       void addArc(const NodeId& tail, const NodeId& head);
164       /**
165        * @brief %Set the vertices of the credal sets ( all of the conditionals )
166        *of a
167        *given node
168        * @param id The \c NodeId of the node
169        * @param cpt The vertices of every credal set ( for each instantiation of
170        *the
171        *parents )
172        *
173        * @warning : Does not change the \c BayesNet (s) associated to this
174        *credal net !
175        *
176        * First dimension is instantiation position ( from 0 to K - 1 ).
177        * Second is the credal set vertice index
178        * Third is the vertex
179        */
180       void setCPTs(const NodeId&                                                  id,
181                    const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > > >& cpt);
183       /**
184        * @brief %Set the vertices of one credal set of a given node ( any
185        *instantiation index )
186        * @param id The \c NodeId of the node
187        * @param entry The index of the instantiation ( from 0 to K - 1 )
188        *excluding
189        *the given node ( only the parents are used to compute the index of the
190        *credal
191        *set )
192        * @param cpt The vertices of every credal set ( for each instantiation of
193        *the
194        *parents )
195        *
196        * Use this with either \c LRSWrapper or \c LpInterface to get the
197        *vertices of
198        *a credal set represented by linear constraints.
199        * @warning : Does not change the \c BayesNet (s) associated to this
200        *credal net
201        *!
202        */
203       void
204          setCPT(const NodeId& id, Size& entry, const std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > >& cpt);
206       /**
207        * @brief %Set the vertices of one credal set of a given node ( any
208        *instantiation )
209        * @param id The \c NodeId of the node
210        * @param ins The \c Instantiation ( only the parents matter to find the
211        *credal
212        *set index )
213        * @param cpt The vertices of every credal set ( for each instantiation of
214        *the
215        *parents )
216        *
217        * Use this with either \c LRSWrapper or \c LpInterface to get the
218        *vertices of a credal set represented by linear constraints.
219        * @warning : Does not change the \c BayesNet (s) associated to this
220        *credal net
221        *!
222        *
223        * @note we forget the master ref of \c ins to check variable order in the
224        *instantiation ( to get index ), therefor we pass it by value
225        */
226       void setCPT(const NodeId&                                   id,
227                   Instantiation                                   ins,
228                   const std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > >& cpt);
230       /**
231        * @brief %Set the interval constraints of the credal sets of a given node
232        *(all instantiations )
233        * @param id The \c NodeId of the node
234        * @param lower The lower value for each probability in correct order
235        * @param upper The upper value for each probability in correct order
236        *
237        * You need to call intervalToCredal when done filling all constraints.
238        *
239        * @warning : DOES change the \c BayesNet (s) associated to this credal
240        *net !
241        * @note we forget the master ref of \c ins to check variable order in the
242        *instantiation ( to get index ), therefore we pass it by value
243        */
244       void fillConstraints(const NodeId&                    id,
245                            const std::vector< GUM_SCALAR >& lower,
246                            const std::vector< GUM_SCALAR >& upper);
248       /**
249        * @brief %Set the interval constraints of a credal set of a given node (
250        *from an instantiation index )
251        * @param id The \c NodeId of the node
252        * @param entry The index of the instantiation excluding the given node (
253        * only the parents are used to compute the index of the credal set )
254        * @param lower The lower value for each probability in correct order
255        * @param upper The upper value for each probability in correct order
256        *
257        * You need to call intervalToCredal when done filling all constraints.
258        *
259        * @warning : DOES change the \c BayesNet (s) associated to this credal
260        *net !
261        * @note we forget the master ref of \c ins to check variable order in the
262        *instantiation ( to get index ), therefore we pass it by value
263        */
264       void fillConstraint(const NodeId&                    id,
265                           const Idx&                       entry,
266                           const std::vector< GUM_SCALAR >& lower,
267                           const std::vector< GUM_SCALAR >& upper);
269       /**
270        * @brief %Set the interval constraints of a credal sets of a given node (
271        *from
272        *an instantiation )
273        * @param id The \c NodeId of the node
274        * @param ins The \c Instantiation
275        * @param lower The lower value for each probability in correct order
276        * @param upper The upper value for each probability in correct order
277        *
278        * You need to call intervalToCredal when done filling all constraints.
279        *
280        * @warning : DOES change the \c BayesNet (s) associated to this credal
281        *net !
282        * @note we forget the master ref of \c ins to check variable order in the
283        *instantiation ( to get index ), therefor we pass it by value
284        */
285       void fillConstraint(const NodeId&                    id,
286                           Instantiation                    ins,
287                           const std::vector< GUM_SCALAR >& lower,
288                           const std::vector< GUM_SCALAR >& upper);
290       /**
291        * @brief %Get an \c Instantiation from a node id, usefull to fill the
292        * constraints of the network
293        * @param id The \c NodeId we want an instantiation from
294        * @return The instantiation
295        */
296       Instantiation instantiation(const NodeId& id);
298       /**
299        * @brief %Get the cardinality of a node
300        * @param id The \c NodeId of the node
301        * @return The cardinality of the node
302        */
303       Size domainSize(const NodeId& id);
305       /// @}
307       /// @name Public manipulation methods
308       /// @{
310       /**
311        * Perturbates the BayesNet provided as input for this CredalNet by
312        *generating intervals instead of point probabilities and then computes each
313        *vertex of each credal set.
314        *
315        * The perturbations are done according to the number of cases met for
316        *each node and each of it's parent instantiation, i.e. \f$ \epsilon =
317        *\beta^{ln(N_{pa(X) = j} + 1)} \f$ is the imprecision introduced which
318        *leads to \f$ \underline{p}(X = i \mid pa(X) = j) = (1 - \epsilon) p(X = i
319        *\mid pa(X) = j) \f$ and \f$ \overline{p}(X = i \mid pa(X) = j)
320        *=\underline{p}(X =i \mid pa(X) = j) + \epsilon \f$. Use this method when
321        *using a single BayesNet storing counts of events with \c oneNet set to \c
322        *TRUE or when using two BayesNet, one with lower probabilities and one with
323        *upper probabilities, with \c oneNet set to \c FALSE.
324        *
325        * @param beta The beta used to perturbate the network. \f$ 0 \leq \beta
326        *\leq 1 \f$.
327        * @param oneNet Boolean used as a flag. %Set to \c TRUE if one BayesNet
328        * if provided with counts, to \c FALSE if two BayesNet are provided; one
329        *with probabilities (the lower net) and one with denominators over the first
330        *modalities (the upper net).
331        * @param keepZeroes Boolean used as a flag as whether or not -
332        *respectively \c TRUE or \c FALSE - we keep zeroes as zeroes. Default is \c
333        *FALSE, i.e. zeroes are not kept.
334        */
335       void bnToCredal(const GUM_SCALAR beta, const bool oneNet, const bool keepZeroes = false);
337       /**
338        * @deprecated Use intervalToCredal ( lrsWrapper with no input / output
339        *files needed ).
340        *
341        * Computes the vertices of each credal set according to their interval
342        *definition (uses lrs).
343        *
344        * Use this method when using a single BayesNet storing counts of events.
345        */
346       void intervalToCredalWithFiles();
348       /**
349        * Computes the vertices of each credal set according to their interval
350        *definition (uses lrs).
351        *
352        * Use this method when using two BayesNet, one with lower probabilities
353        *and one with upper probabilities.
354        */
355       void intervalToCredal();
357       /**
358        * Normalize counts of a BayesNet storing counts of each events such that
359        *no probability is 0.
360        *
361        * Use this method when using a single BayesNet storing counts of events.
362        * Lagrange normalization. This call is irreversible and modify counts
363        *stored by \c  _src_bn_.
364        *
365        * Doest not performs computations of the parameters but keeps normalized
366        *counts of events only. Call \c idmLearning to compute the probabilities
367        *(with any parameter value).
368        */
369       void lagrangeNormalization();
371       /**
372        * Learns parameters from a BayesNet storing counts of events.
373        *
374        * Use this method when using a single BayesNet storing counts of events.
375        * IDM model if \c s > 0, standard point probability if \c s = 0 (default
376        *value if none precised).
377        * @param s The IDM parameter.
378        * @param keepZeroes Boolean used as a flag as whether or not -
379        *respectively \c TRUE or \c FALSE - we keep zeroes as zeroes. Default is \c
380        *FALSE, i.e. zeroes are not kept.
381        */
382       void idmLearning(const Idx s = 0, const bool keepZeroes = false);
384       /**
385        * Approximate binarization. Each bit has a lower and upper probability
386        * which is the lowest - resp. highest - over all vertices of the credal set.
387        * Enlarge the original credal sets and may induce huge imprecision.
388        *
389        * @warning Enlarge the original credal sets and therefore induce huge
390        *imprecision by propagation. Not recommended, use MCSampling or something
391        *else
392        *instead.
393        */
394       void approximatedBinarization();
396       /// @}
398       // other utility member methods
399       // PH void saveCNet ( const std::string &cn_path ) const;
400       // PH void loadCNet ( const std::string &src_cn_path );
402       /**
403        * If this CredalNet was built over a perturbed BayesNet, one can save the
404        *intervals as two BayesNet.
405        *
406        * @param min_path The path to save the BayesNet which contains the lower
407        *probabilities of each node X, i.e. \f$ \underline{p}(X = i \mid pa(X) =
408        *j)
409        *\f$.
410        * @param max_path The path to save the BayesNet which contains the upper
411        *probabilities of each node X, i.e. \f$ \overline{p}(X = i \mid pa(X) =
412        *j)
413        *\f$.
414        */
415       void saveBNsMinMax(const std::string& min_path, const std::string& max_path) const;
417       // PH void vacants ( int &result ) const;
418       // PH void notVacants ( int &result ) const;
419       // PH void averageVertices ( GUM_SCALAR &result ) const;
421       /**
422        * @return Returns the string representation of this CredalNet, i.e. it's
423        * CPTs
424        * (which also represent arcs).
425        */
426       std::string toString() const;
427       // PH void toPNG ( const std::string &png_path ) const;
429       /**
430        * Used with binary networks to speed-up L2U inference.
431        *
432        * Store the lower and upper probabilities of each node X over the "true"
433        *modality, i.e. respectively \f$ \underline{p}(X = 1 \mid pa(X) = j) \f$
434        *and
435        *\f$ \overline{p}(X = 1 \mid pa(X) = j) \f$.
436        */
437       void computeBinaryCPTMinMax();   // REDO THIS IN PRIVATE !!!
439       /// @name Getters and setters
440       /// @{
441       /**
442        * @return Returns a constant reference to the original BayesNet (used as
443        * a
444        * DAG, it's CPTs does not matter).
445        */
446       const BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR >& src_bn() const;
448       /**
449        * @return Returs a constant reference to the actual BayesNet (used as a
450        * DAG,
451        * it's CPTs does not matter).
452        */
453       const BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR >& current_bn() const;
455       /**
456        * @return Returns a constant reference to the ( up-to-date ) CredalNet
457        * CPTs.
458        */
459       const NodeProperty< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > > > >&
460          credalNet_currentCpt() const;
462       /**
463        * @return Returns a constant reference to the ( up-to-date ) CredalNet
464        * CPTs.
465        */
466       const NodeProperty< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > > > >&
467          credalNet_srcCpt() const;
469       /**
470        * @param id The constant reference to the choosen NodeId
471        * @return Returns the type of the choosen node in the ( up-to-date )
472        * CredalNet
473        *  _current_bn_ if any,  _src_bn_ otherwise.
474        */
475       NodeType currentNodeType(const NodeId& id) const;
477       /**
478        * @param id The constant reference to the choosen NodeId
479        * @return Returns the type of the choosen node in the ( up-to-date )
480        * CredalNet
481        * in  _src_bn_.
482        */
483       NodeType nodeType(const NodeId& id) const;
485       /**
486        * @return Returns a constant reference to the lowest perturbation of the
487        * BayesNet provided as input for this CredalNet.
488        */
489       const GUM_SCALAR& epsilonMin() const;
491       /**
492        * @return Returns a constant reference to the highest perturbation of the
493        * BayesNet provided as input for this CredalNet.
494        */
495       const GUM_SCALAR& epsilonMax() const;
497       /**
498        * @return Returns a constant reference to the average perturbation of the
499        * BayesNet provided as input for this CredalNet.
500        */
501       const GUM_SCALAR& epsilonMean() const;
503       /**
504        * @return Returns \c TRUE if this CredalNet is separately and interval
505        * specified, \c FALSE otherwise.
506        */
507       const bool isSeparatelySpecified() const;
509       /**
510        * @return Returns \c TRUE if this CredalNet has called
511        * computeBinaryCPTMinMax() to speed-up inference with binary networks and
512        * L2U. This needs to be reworked as it is too easy to forget to call it and
513        * it can't be called within the inference engine (constness).
514        */
515       const bool hasComputedBinaryCPTMinMax() const;
517       /**
518        * Used with binary networks to speed-up L2U inference.
519        *
520        * @return Returns a constant reference to the lower probabilities of each
521        *node
522        *X over the "true" modality, i.e. \f$ \underline{p}(X = 1 \mid pa(X) = j)
523        *\f$.
524        */
525       const std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > >& get_binaryCPT_min() const;
527       /**
528        * Used with binary networks to speed-up L2U inference.
529        *
530        * @return Returns a constant reference to the upper probabilities of each
531        *node
532        *X over the "true" modality, i.e. \f$ \overline{p}(X = 1 \mid pa(X) = j)
533        *\f$.
534        */
535       const std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > >& get_binaryCPT_max() const;
537       // PH const std::vector< std::vector< NodeId > > & var_bits() const;
539       /// @}
541       protected:
542       private:
543       /** @brief 1e6 by default, used by  _fracC_ as precision. */
544       GUM_SCALAR _precisionC_;   // = 1e6;
545       /** @brief 5 by default, used by  _fracC_ as number of decimals. */
546       GUM_SCALAR _deltaC_;   // = 5;
548       /** @brief The lowest perturbation of the BayesNet provided as input for
549        * this
550        * CredalNet. */
551       GUM_SCALAR _epsilonMin_;
552       /** @brief The highest perturbation of the BayesNet provided as input for
553        * this
554        * CredalNet. */
555       GUM_SCALAR _epsilonMax_;
556       /** @brief The average perturbation of the BayesNet provided as input for
557        * this
558        * CredalNet. */
559       GUM_SCALAR _epsilonMoy_;
561       /** @brief Value under which a decimal number is considered to be zero
562        * when
563        * computing redundant vertices. */
564       GUM_SCALAR _epsRedund_;   //= 1e-6;
566       /** @brief Value under which a decimal number is considered to be zero
567        * when
568        * using  _farey_. */
569       GUM_SCALAR _epsF_;   // = 1e-6;
570       /** @brief Highest possible denominator allowed when using  _farey_. A
571        * value too
572        * high may lead to lrs being unable to find vertices. */
573       GUM_SCALAR _denMax_;   // = 1e6; // beware LRS
575       /** @brief Precision used by  _frac_. */
576       GUM_SCALAR _precision_;   // = 1e6; // beware LRS
578       /** @brief \c TRUE if this CredalNet is separately and interval specified,
579        * \c
580        * FALSE otherwise. */
581       bool _separatelySpecified_;
583       /** @brief Original BayesNet (used as a DAG). Is never modified. */
584       BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR > _src_bn_;
586       /** @brief BayesNet used to store lower probabilities. */
587       BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR > _src_bn_min_;
588       /** @brief BayesNet used to store upper probabilities. */
589       BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR > _src_bn_max_;
591       /** @brief Up-to-date BayesNet (used as a DAG). */
592       BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR >* _current_bn_;   // = nullptr;
594       /** @brief This CredalNet original CPTs. */
595       NodeProperty< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > > > > _credalNet_src_cpt_;
597       /** @brief This CredalNet up-to-date CPTs. */
598       NodeProperty< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > > > >*
599          _credalNet_current_cpt_;   // =  nullptr;
601       /** @deprecated @brief Corresponding bits of each variable. */
602       NodeProperty< std::vector< NodeId > > _var_bits_;
604       /** @brief The NodeType of each node from the ORIGINAL network. */
605       NodeProperty< NodeType > _original_nodeType_;
606       /** @brief The NodeType of each node from the up-to-date network. */
607       NodeProperty< NodeType >* _current_nodeType_;   // = nullptr;
609       /** @brief Used by L2U, to know if lower and upper probabilities over the
610        * second modality has been stored in order to speed-up the algorithm. */
611       bool _hasComputedBinaryCPTMinMax_;
612       /**
613        * @brief Used with binary networks to speed-up L2U inference. Store the
614        * lower
615        * probabilities of each node X over the "true" modality, i.e. \f$
616        * \underline{p}(X = 1 \mid pa(X) = j) \f$.
617        */
618       typename std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > > _binCptMin_;
620       /**
621        * @brief Used with binary networks to speed-up L2U inference. Store the
622        * upper
623        * probabilities of each node X over the "true" modality, i.e. \f$
624        * \overline{p}(X = 1 \mid pa(X) = j) \f$.
625        */
626       typename std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > > _binCptMax_;
628       /** @brief %Set the NodeType of each node */
629       void _sort_varType_();
631       /**
632        * @deprecated
633        * @param var_cpt The reference to a node CPT which may need a Decision
634        * Node.
635        * @return Returns the cardinality of the Decision Node.
636        */
637       int _find_dNode_card_(
638          const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > > >& var_cpt) const;
640       /**
641        * Computes the vertices of each credal set according to their interval
642        *definition (does not use lrs). Only works with credal sets defined such
643        *that
644        *when one modality reach it's upper probability, all others are at their
645        *lowest.
646        *
647        * Called by bnToCredal and idmLearning.
648        */
649       void _intervalToCredal_();
651       /** @brief Initialize private constant variables after the Constructor has
652        * been
653        * called */
654       void _initParams_();
656       /** @brief Initialize private BayesNet variables after the Constructor has
657        * been
658        * called */
659       void _initCNNets_(const std::string& src_min_num, const std::string& src_max_den);
661       /** @brief Initialize private BayesNet variables after the Constructor has
662        * been
663        * called */
664       void _initCNNets_(const BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR >& src_min_num,
665                         const BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR >& src_max_den);
667       /**
668        * @deprecated
669        * @warning May be useless since the BayesNet copy constructor seems to
670        *now
671        *work well (parent order is preserved).
672        *
673        * Copy the up-to-date BayesNet associated with this CredalNet. Since all
674        *we
675        *care about is the DAG, only arcs are copied. Because the order with
676        *which
677        *arcs are created is important, the function iterates over the CPTs
678        *variables
679        *to be sure parent order stays the same from a net to it's copy.
680        *
681        * @param bn_dest The reference to the new copy
682        */
683       void _bnCopy_(BayesNet< GUM_SCALAR >& bn_dest);
685       // void  _H2Vcdd_ ( const std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > > & h_rep,
686       // std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > > & v_rep ) const;
687       /**
688        * @deprecated one should use the LrsWrapper class
689        * Computes the V-representation of a credal set, i.e. it's vertices, from
690        *it's
691        *H-representation, i.e. the hyper-plan inequalities. Uses lrs.
692        *
693        * @param h_rep A constant reference to the H-representation of a credal
694        *set.
695        * @param v_rep A reference to the V-representation of the same credal
696        *set.
697        */
698       void _H2Vlrs_(const std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > >& h_rep,
699                     std::vector< std::vector< GUM_SCALAR > >&       v_rep) const;
701     };   // CredalNet
705     extern template class CredalNet< double >;
706 #endif
708   }   // namespace credal
709 }   // namespace gum
711 #include <agrum/CN/credalNet_tpl.h>
713 #endif   //  __CREDAL_NET__H__