1 /**
2  *
3  *   Copyright (c) 2005-2021 by Pierre-Henri WUILLEMIN(_at_LIP6) & Christophe GONZALES(_at_AMU)
4  *   info_at_agrum_dot_org
5  *
6  *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  *  (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  *  along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  *
19  */
26 #include <agrum/agrum.h>
27 #include <algorithm>
28 #include <utility>
30 #include <agrum/tools/core/signal/signaler.h>
32 #include <agrum/tools/graphs/graphElements.h>
34 namespace gum {
36   /** @class EdgeGraphPart
37    * @brief Classes for undirected edge sets
38    *
39    * \ingroup graph_group
40    *
41    * @author Pierre-Henri WUILLEMIN(_at_LIP6) & Christophe GONZALES(_at_AMU)
42    *
43    * @par Usage example:
44    * @code
45    * EdgeGraphPart edges1,edges2;
46    *
47    * // insert elements into edges1
48    * edges1.addEdge( 2,3 );
49    * Edge edge( 5,3 );
50    * edges1.addEdge( 5,3 );
51    *
52    * // copy edges1 into edges2
53    * edges2=edges1;
54    * std::cerr<<"edges2:"<<edges2.toString()<<std::endl;
55    *
56    * // remove some elements from edges1
57    * edges1.eraseEdge( Edge (2,3) );
58    * edges1.eraseEdge( edge );
59    *
60    * if ( edges1.empty() ) std::cerr<<" edges1 is empty"<<std::endl;
61    *
62    * // checks whether a given edge exists
63    * if ( edges2.exists( edge ) )
64    *   std::cerr << "set contains " << edge << endl;
65    *
66    * if ( edges2.exists( 5,3 ) )
67    *   std::cerr << "set contains " << edge << endl;
68    *
69    * std::cerr<<edges2.toString()<<std::endl;
70    * std::cerr<<edges2.neighbours( 5 )<<std::endl;
71    * @endcode
72    */
74   class EdgeGraphPart {
75     public:
76     typedef EdgeSetIterator EdgeIterator;
78     Signaler2< NodeId, NodeId > onEdgeAdded;
79     Signaler2< NodeId, NodeId > onEdgeDeleted;
81     // ############################################################################
82     /// @name Constructors / Destructors
83     // ############################################################################
84     /// @{
86     /// default constructor
87     /** @param edges_size the size of the hash table used to store all the edges
88      * @param edges_resize_policy the resizing policy of this hash table */
89     explicit EdgeGraphPart(Size edges_size          = HashTableConst::default_size,
90                            bool edges_resize_policy = true);
92     /// copy constructor
93     /** @param s the EdgeGraphPart to copy */
94     EdgeGraphPart(const EdgeGraphPart& s);
96     /// destructor
97     virtual ~EdgeGraphPart();
99     /// @}
101     // ############################################################################
102     /// @name Operators
103     // ############################################################################
104     /// @{
106     /// copy operator
107     /** @param s the EdgeGraphPart to copy */
108     EdgeGraphPart& operator=(const EdgeGraphPart& s);
110     /// tests whether two EdgeGraphParts contain the same edges
111     /** @param p the EdgeGraphPart that we compare with this */
112     bool operator==(const EdgeGraphPart& p) const;
114     ///  tests whether two EdgeGraphParts contain different edges
115     /** @param p the EdgeGraphPart that we compare with this */
116     bool operator!=(const EdgeGraphPart& p) const;
118     /// @}
120     // ############################################################################
121     /// @name Accessors/Modifiers
122     // ############################################################################
123     /// @{
125     /// insert a new edge into the EdgeGraphPart
126     /** @param n1 the id of one extremity of the new edge to be inserted
127      * @param n2 the id of the other extremity of the new edge to be inserted
128      * @warning if the edge already exists, nothing is done. In particular, no
129      * exception is raised. */
130     virtual void addEdge(const NodeId n1, const NodeId n2);
132     /// removes an edge from the EdgeGraphPart
133     /** @param edge the edge to be removed
134      * @warning if the edge does not exist, nothing is done. In particular, no
135      * exception is thrown. However, the signal onEdgeDeleted is fired
136      * only if a node is effectively removed. */
137     virtual void eraseEdge(const Edge& edge);
139     /// indicates whether a given edge exists
140     /** @param edge the edge we test whether or not it belongs to the
141      * EdgeGraphPart */
142     bool existsEdge(const Edge& edge) const;
144     /// indicates whether a given edge exists
145     /** @param n1 the id of one extremity of the edge we test the existence in
146      * the EdgeGraphPart
147      * @param n2 the id of the other extremity of the edge we test the existence
148      * in the EdgeGraphPart */
149     bool existsEdge(const NodeId n1, const NodeId n2) const;
151     /// indicates wether the EdgeGraphPart contains any edge
152     bool emptyEdges() const;
154     /// removes all the edges from the EdgeGraphPart
155     virtual void clearEdges();
157     /// indicates the number of edges stored within the EdgeGraphPart
158     Size sizeEdges() const;
160     /// returns the set of edges stored within the EdgeGraphPart
161     const EdgeSet& edges() const;
163     /// returns the set of node neighbours to a given node
164     /** Note that the set of nodes returned may be empty if no edge within the
165      * EdgeGraphPart is adjacent the given node.
166      * @param id the node to which the edges are adjacent */
167     const NodeSet& neighbours(const NodeId id) const;
169     /// erase all the edges adjacent to a given node
170     /** @param id the node the adjacent edges of which will be removed
171      * @warning if no edge is adjacent to id, nothing is done. In particular, no
172      * exception is thrown.
173      * @warning although this method is not virtual, it calls method
174      * eraseEdge( const Edge& edge ) and, as such, has a "virtual" behaviour */
175     void eraseNeighbours(const NodeId id);
177     /// same function as eraseNeighbours but without any virtual call to an
178     /// erase
179     /** @param id the node whose ingoing arcs will be removed */
180     void unvirtualizedEraseNeighbours(const NodeId id);
182     /// to friendly display the content of the EdgeGraphPart
183     std::string toString() const;
185     /** @brief a method to create a hashMap of VAL from a set of edges
186      * (using for every edge, say x, the VAL f(x))
187      * @param f a function assigning a VAL to any edge
188      * @param size an optional parameter enabling to fine-tune the returned
189      * Property. Roughly speaking, it is a good practice to have a size equal to
190      * half the number of edges. If you do not specify this parameter, the
191      * method
192      * will assign it for you. */
193     template < typename VAL >
194     EdgeProperty< VAL > edgesProperty(VAL (*f)(const Edge&), Size size = 0) const;
196     /** @brief a method to create a hashMap of VAL from a set of edges
197      * (using for every edge, say x, the VAL a)
198      * @param a the default value assigned to each edge in the returned Property
199      * @param size an optional parameter enabling to fine-tune the returned
200      * Property. Roughly speaking, it is a good practice to have a size equal to
201      * half the number of edges. If you do not specify this parameter, the
202      * method
203      * will assign it for you. */
204     template < typename VAL >
205     EdgeProperty< VAL > edgesProperty(const VAL& a, Size size = 0) const;
207     /** @brief a method to create a list of VAL from a set of edges
208      * (using for every edge, say x, the VAL f(x))
209      * @param f a function assigning a VAL to any edge */
210     template < typename VAL >
211     List< VAL > listMapEdges(VAL (*f)(const Edge&)) const;
213     /// returns a possible path from node1 to node2 in the edge set
214     /** @param node1 the id from which the path begins
215      * @param node2 the id to which the path ends
216      * @throw NotFound exception is raised if no path can be found between the
217      * two nodes */
218     const std::vector< NodeId > undirectedPath(const NodeId node1, const NodeId node2) const;
219     /**
220      * return true if n1 and n2 are connected (by an undirected path) in the graph.
221      * @param n1 NodeId
222      * @param n2 NodeId
223      * @return bool
224      */
225     bool hasUndirectedPath(const NodeId n1, const NodeId n2) const;
227     /**
228      * return true if n1 and n2 are connected (by an undirected path not using the
229      * nodes of except) in the graph.
230      * @param n1 NodeId
231      * @param n2 NodeId
232      * @param except NodeSet
233      * @warning n1 in except has no repercussion. However n2 in except naturally
234      * leads to 'false'
235      * @return bool
236      */
237     bool hasUndirectedPath(const NodeId n1, const NodeId n2, const NodeSet& except) const;
238     /**
239      * return true if n1 and n2 are connected (by an undirected path not using the
240      * nodes of except) in the graph.
241      * @param n1 NodeSet
242      * @param n2 NodeSet
243      * @param except NodeSet
244      * @return bool
245      */
246     bool hasUndirectedPath(const NodeSet& n1, const NodeSet& n2, const NodeSet& except) const;
247     /// @}
249     private:
250     /// the set of all the edges contained within the EdgeGraphPart
251     EdgeSet _edges_;
253     /// for each node, the set of its adjacent edges
254     mutable NodeProperty< NodeSet* > _neighbours_;
256     /** @brief when the EdgeGraphPart contains no edge adjacent to a given node,
257      * this function adds an empty set entry to  _neighbours_[id]
258      * @param id the node whose  _neighbours_[id] is checked */
259     void _checkNeighbours_(const NodeId id) const;
260   };
262   /// for friendly displaying the content of an edge set
263   std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const EdgeGraphPart&);
265 } /* namespace gum */
267 #ifndef GUM_NO_INLINE
268 #  include <agrum/tools/graphs/parts/edgeGraphPart_inl.h>
269 #endif   // GUM_NOINLINE
271 #include <agrum/tools/graphs/parts/edgeGraphPart_tpl.h>
273 #endif   // GUM_EDGEGRAPHPART_H