1debug: Input string:
3 mol pqr ion.pqr
6elec name elec
8dime 33 33 33
9grid 0.500 0.500 0.500
10# nlev 4
11gcent mol 1
12ion charge 1.000 conc 0.150 radius 2.000
13ion charge -1.000 conc 0.150 radius 2.000
14pdie 2.000
15sdie 78.540
16srad 1.400
17swin 0.300
18temp 298.150
19sdens 10.000
20mol 1
21chgm spl2
23bcfl sdh
24srfm spl2
25calcenergy total
26calcforce total
29apolar name npolar
30bconc 0.0
31press 0.0
32dpos 0.2
33mol 1
34srfm sacc
35grid 0.2 0.2 0.2
36gamma 0.105
37srad 1.400
38swin 0.300
39temp 298.150
40sdens 10.000
41calcenergy total
42calcforce comps
48Parsed input string.
49Preparing to run 2 PBE calculations.
52  Setting up problem...
53  Using cubic spline charge discretization.
54  Grid dimensions: 33 x 33 x 33
55  Grid spacings: 0.500 x 0.500 x 0.500
56  Grid lengths: 16.000 x 16.000 x 16.000
57  Grid center: (4.681, 3.930, -0.620)
58  Multigrid levels: 4
59  Molecule ID: 1
60  Linearized traditional PBE
61  Single Debye-Huckel sphere boundary conditions
62  2 ion species (0.150 M ionic strength):
63    2.000 A-radius, 1.000 e-charge, 0.150 M concentration
64    2.000 A-radius, -1.000 e-charge, 0.150 M concentration
65  Solute dielectric: 2.000
66  Solvent dielectric: 78.540
67  Using spline-based surface definition;window = 0.300
68  Temperature:  298.150 K
69  Electrostatic energies will be calculated
70  Net solvent forces will be calculated
74Final memory usage:  0.001 MB total, 8.547 MB high water
75Reading parameter file apbs-forces-tot.in
76 Reading PQR file ...
77Mol. dimensions:    6.386   4.868   5.895
78 Grid dime not specified, calculating ...
79 Grid values:
80fglen:   26.386  24.868  25.895
81cglen:   26.386  24.868  25.895
82dime:   33  33  33
83grid:    0.500   0.500   0.500
84Required memory (in MB):      6.854
85 PQR file (x, y, z, charge, radius):
86   1   3.555   3.970  -0.000  -0.416   1.824
87   2   2.733   4.556  -0.000   0.272   0.600
88   3   4.853   4.614  -0.000   0.034   1.908
89   4   5.408   4.316   0.890   0.082   1.387
90   5   5.661   4.221  -1.232  -0.182   1.908
91   6   5.123   4.521  -2.131   0.060   1.487
92   7   6.630   4.719  -1.206   0.060   1.487
93   8   5.809   3.141  -1.241   0.060   1.487
94 i_param:
95calc_type   0
96nlev   4
97cmeth   1
98ccmeth   1
99fcmeth   1
100chgm   1
101nonlin   0
102bcfl   1
103srfm   2
104calcenergy   1
105calcforce   1
106wpot   0
107wchg   0
108wsmol   0
109wkappa   0
110wdiel   0
111watompot   0
112rpot   0
1130   0
114calcnpforce   2
115calcnpenergy   1
116nion   2
117rchg   0
118rkappa   0
119rdiel   0
120 r_param:
121pdie   2.000
122 main.f: apbs return code:            0
123esenergy (kJ/mol):   150.87575187
124npenergy (kJ/mol):    22.80602401
125esenergy (kcal/mol):    36.06017001
126npenergy (kcal/mol):     5.45077054
127 main: Total force on molecule kJ/(mol/A)
128qf    -58.07701165   40.45922947   57.50773299
129ib      0.00014582    0.00025737   -0.00002647
130db      9.74780014   -2.44894324   -1.03462148
131pol   -48.32906569   38.01054360   56.47308504
132apol   43.94102579   24.67825906  -15.48817878
133tot    -4.38803990   62.68880266   40.98490626