1 /*
2    CheMPS2: a spin-adapted implementation of DMRG for ab initio quantum chemistry
3    Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Sebastian Wouters
5    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8    (at your option) any later version.
10    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    GNU General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 */
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <string>
23 #include <math.h>
24 #include <algorithm>
25 #include <sys/stat.h>
26 #include <assert.h>
28 #include "CASSCF.h"
29 #include "Lapack.h"
30 #include "DMRGSCFrotations.h"
31 #include "EdmistonRuedenberg.h"
32 #include "Davidson.h"
33 #include "FCI.h"
34 #include "MPIchemps2.h"
36 using std::string;
37 using std::ifstream;
38 using std::cout;
39 using std::endl;
40 using std::max;
delete_file(const string filename)42 void CheMPS2::CASSCF::delete_file( const string filename ){
44    struct stat file_info;
45    const int thestat = stat( filename.c_str(), &file_info );
46    if ( thestat == 0 ){
47       const string temp = "rm " + filename;
48       int info = system( temp.c_str() );
49       cout << "Info on system( " << temp << " ) = " << info << endl;
50    } else {
51       cout << "No file " << filename << " found." << endl;
52    }
54 }
solve(const int Nelectrons,const int TwoS,const int Irrep,ConvergenceScheme * OptScheme,const int rootNum,DMRGSCFoptions * scf_options)56 double CheMPS2::CASSCF::solve( const int Nelectrons, const int TwoS, const int Irrep, ConvergenceScheme * OptScheme, const int rootNum, DMRGSCFoptions * scf_options ){
59       const bool am_i_master = ( MPIchemps2::mpi_rank() == MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
60    #else
61       const bool am_i_master = true;
62    #endif
64    const int num_elec = Nelectrons - 2 * iHandler->getNOCCsum();
65    assert( num_elec >= 0 );
66    assert(( OptScheme != NULL ) || ( rootNum == 1 ));
68    // Convergence variables
69    double gradNorm = 1.0;
70    double updateNorm = 1.0;
71    double * gradient = NULL;
72    if ( am_i_master ){
73       gradient = new double[ unitary->getNumVariablesX() ];
74       for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < unitary->getNumVariablesX(); cnt++ ){ gradient[ cnt ] = 0.0; }
75    }
76    double * diis_vec = NULL;
77    double Energy = 1e8;
79    // The CheMPS2::Problem for the inner DMRG calculation
80    Hamiltonian * HamDMRG = new Hamiltonian( nOrbDMRG, SymmInfo.getGroupNumber(), iHandler->getIrrepOfEachDMRGorbital() );
81    Problem * Prob = new Problem( HamDMRG, TwoS, num_elec, Irrep );
82    Prob->SetupReorderD2h(); // Doesn't matter if the group isn't D2h, Prob checks it.
84    // Determine the maximum NORB( irrep ) and the max_block_size for the ERI orbital rotation
85    const int maxlinsize      = iHandler->getNORBmax();
86    const long long fullsize  = ((long long) maxlinsize ) * ((long long) maxlinsize ) * ((long long) maxlinsize ) * ((long long) maxlinsize );
87    const string tmp_filename = tmp_folder + "/" + CheMPS2::DMRGSCF_eri_storage_name;
88    const int dmrgsize_power4 = nOrbDMRG * nOrbDMRG * nOrbDMRG * nOrbDMRG;
89    // For ( ERI rotation, update unitary, block diagonalize, orbital localization )
90    DMRGSCFintegrals * theRotatedTEI = new DMRGSCFintegrals( iHandler );
91    DMRGSCFwtilde * wmattilde = new DMRGSCFwtilde( iHandler );
92    const int temp_work_size = (( fullsize > CheMPS2::DMRGSCF_max_mem_eri_tfo ) ? CheMPS2::DMRGSCF_max_mem_eri_tfo : fullsize );
93    const int work_mem_size = max( max( temp_work_size , maxlinsize * maxlinsize * 4 ) , dmrgsize_power4 );
94    double * mem1 = new double[ work_mem_size ];
95    double * mem2 = new double[ work_mem_size ];
97    // Only MASTER process has Edmiston-Ruedenberg active space localizer
98    EdmistonRuedenberg * theLocalizer = NULL;
99    if (( scf_options->getWhichActiveSpace() >= 2 ) && ( am_i_master )){ theLocalizer = new EdmistonRuedenberg( HamDMRG->getVmat(), iHandler->getGroupNumber() ); }
101    // Load unitary from disk
102    if ( scf_options->getStoreUnitary() ){
103       if ( am_i_master ){
104          struct stat file_info;
105          int master_stat = stat( (scf_options->getUnitaryStorageName()).c_str(), &file_info );
106          if ( master_stat == 0 ){ unitary->loadU( scf_options->getUnitaryStorageName() ); }
107       }
108       #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
109       unitary->broadcast( MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ); // Unitary was set to the identity at construction
110       #endif
111    }
113    // Only master has DIIS; load DIIS from disk
114    DIIS * diis = NULL;
115    if (( scf_options->getDoDIIS() ) && ( scf_options->getStoreDIIS() ) && ( am_i_master )){
116       struct stat file_info;
117       int master_stat = stat( (scf_options->getDIISStorageName()).c_str(), &file_info );
118       if ( master_stat == 0 ){
119          const int diis_vec_size = iHandler->getROTparamsize();
120          diis = new DIIS( diis_vec_size, unitary->getNumVariablesX(), scf_options->getNumDIISVecs() );
121          diis->loadDIIS( scf_options->getDIISStorageName() );
122          diis_vec = new double[ diis_vec_size ];
123       }
124    }
126    int nIterations = 0;
128    /*******************************
129    ***   Actual DMRGSCF loops   ***
130    *******************************/
131    while (( gradNorm > scf_options->getGradientThreshold() ) && ( nIterations < scf_options->getMaxIterations() )){
133       nIterations++;
135       // Update the unitary transformation
136       if (( unitary->getNumVariablesX() > 0 ) && ( am_i_master )){
138          unitary->updateUnitary( mem1, mem2, gradient, true, true ); //multiply = compact = true
140          if (( scf_options->getDoDIIS() ) && ( updateNorm <= scf_options->getDIISGradientBranch() )){
141             if ( scf_options->getWhichActiveSpace() == 1 ){
142                cout << "DMRGSCF::solve : DIIS has started. Active space not rotated to NOs anymore!" << endl;
143             }
144             if ( scf_options->getWhichActiveSpace() == 2 ){
145                cout << "DMRGSCF::solve : DIIS has started. Active space not rotated to localized orbitals anymore!" << endl;
146             }
147             if ( scf_options->getWhichActiveSpace() == 3 ){
148                cout << "DMRGSCF::solve : DIIS has started. Active space not ordered according to the Fiedler vector of the exchange matrix anymore!" << endl;
149             }
150             if ( diis == NULL ){
151                const int diis_vec_size = iHandler->getROTparamsize();
152                diis = new DIIS( diis_vec_size, unitary->getNumVariablesX(), scf_options->getNumDIISVecs() );
153                diis_vec = new double[ diis_vec_size ];
154                unitary->makeSureAllBlocksDetOne( mem1, mem2 );
155             }
156             unitary->getLog( diis_vec, mem1, mem2 );
157             diis->appendNew( gradient, diis_vec );
158             diis->calculateParam( diis_vec );
159             unitary->updateUnitary( mem1, mem2, diis_vec, false, false ); //multiply = compact = false
160          }
161       }
162       if (( am_i_master ) && ( scf_options->getStoreUnitary() ) && ( gradNorm != 1.0 )){ unitary->saveU( scf_options->getUnitaryStorageName() ); }
163       if (( am_i_master ) && ( scf_options->getStoreDIIS() ) && ( updateNorm != 1.0 ) && ( diis != NULL )){ diis->saveDIIS( scf_options->getDIISStorageName() ); }
164       int master_diis = (( diis != NULL ) ? 1 : 0 );
165       #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
166       MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_int( &master_diis, 1, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
167       unitary->broadcast( MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
168       #endif
170       // Fill HamDMRG
171       buildTmatrix();
172       buildQmatOCC();
173       fillConstAndTmatDMRG( HamDMRG );
174       if ( am_i_master ){
175          DMRGSCFrotations::rotate( VMAT_ORIG, HamDMRG->getVmat(), NULL, 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', iHandler, unitary, mem1, mem2, work_mem_size, tmp_filename );
176       }
177       #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
178       HamDMRG->getVmat()->broadcast( MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
179       #endif
181       // Localize the active space and reorder the orbitals within each irrep based on the exchange matrix
182       if (( scf_options->getWhichActiveSpace() == 2 ) && ( master_diis == 0 )){ // When the DIIS has started: stop
183          if ( am_i_master ){
184             theLocalizer->Optimize(mem1, mem2, scf_options->getStartLocRandom());
185             theLocalizer->FiedlerExchange(maxlinsize, mem1, mem2);
186             fillLocalizedOrbitalRotations(theLocalizer->getUnitary(), iHandler, mem1);
187             unitary->rotateActiveSpaceVectors(mem1, mem2);
188          }
189          #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
190          unitary->broadcast( MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
191          #endif
192          buildTmatrix(); //With an updated unitary, the Qocc, Tmat, and HamDMRG objects need to be updated as well.
193          buildQmatOCC();
194          fillConstAndTmatDMRG( HamDMRG );
195          if ( am_i_master ){
196             DMRGSCFrotations::rotate( VMAT_ORIG, HamDMRG->getVmat(), NULL, 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', iHandler, unitary, mem1, mem2, work_mem_size, tmp_filename );
197             cout << "DMRGSCF::solve : Rotated the active space to localized orbitals, sorted according to the exchange matrix." << endl;
198          }
199          #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
200          HamDMRG->getVmat()->broadcast( MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
201          #endif
202       }
204       // Reorder the orbitals based on the Fiedler vector of the exchange matrix
205       if (( scf_options->getWhichActiveSpace() == 3 ) && ( master_diis == 0 )){ // When the DIIS has started: stop
206          int * dmrg2ham = new int[ nOrbDMRG ];
207          if ( am_i_master ){
208             theLocalizer->FiedlerGlobal( dmrg2ham );
209          }
210          #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
211          MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_int( dmrg2ham, nOrbDMRG, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
212          #endif
213          Prob->setup_reorder_custom( dmrg2ham );
214          delete [] dmrg2ham;
215       }
217       if (( OptScheme == NULL ) && ( rootNum == 1 )){ // Do FCI, and calculate the 2DM
219          if ( am_i_master ){
220             const int nalpha = ( num_elec + TwoS ) / 2;
221             const int nbeta  = ( num_elec - TwoS ) / 2;
222             const double workmem = 1000.0; // 1GB
223             const int verbose = 2;
224             CheMPS2::FCI * theFCI = new CheMPS2::FCI( HamDMRG, nalpha, nbeta, Irrep, workmem, verbose );
225             double * inoutput = new double[ theFCI->getVecLength(0) ];
226             theFCI->ClearVector( theFCI->getVecLength(0), inoutput );
227             inoutput[ theFCI->LowestEnergyDeterminant() ] = 1.0;
228             Energy = theFCI->GSDavidson( inoutput );
229             theFCI->Fill2RDM( inoutput, DMRG2DM );
230             delete theFCI;
231             delete [] inoutput;
232          }
233          #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
234          MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_double( &Energy, 1, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
235          MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_double( DMRG2DM, dmrgsize_power4, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
236          #endif
238       } else { // Do the DMRG sweeps, and calculate the 2DM
240          assert( OptScheme != NULL );
241          for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < dmrgsize_power4; cnt++ ){ DMRG2DM[ cnt ] = 0.0; } // Clear the 2-RDM ( to allow for state-averaged calculations )
242          DMRG * theDMRG = new DMRG( Prob, OptScheme, CheMPS2::DMRG_storeMpsOnDisk, tmp_folder );
243          for ( int state = 0; state < rootNum; state++ ){
244             if ( state > 0 ){ theDMRG->newExcitation( fabs( Energy ) ); }
245             Energy = theDMRG->Solve();
246             if ( scf_options->getStateAveraging() ){ // When SA-DMRGSCF: 2DM += current 2DM
247                theDMRG->calc2DMandCorrelations();
248                copy2DMover( theDMRG->get2DM(), nOrbDMRG, DMRG2DM );
249             }
250             if (( state == 0 ) && ( rootNum > 1 )){ theDMRG->activateExcitations( rootNum - 1 ); }
251          }
252          if ( !( scf_options->getStateAveraging() )){ // When SS-DMRGSCF: 2DM += last 2DM
253             theDMRG->calc2DMandCorrelations();
254             copy2DMover( theDMRG->get2DM(), nOrbDMRG, DMRG2DM );
255          }
256          if (( scf_options->getDumpCorrelations() ) && ( am_i_master )){ theDMRG->getCorrelations()->Print(); }
257          if (CheMPS2::DMRG_storeMpsOnDisk){        theDMRG->deleteStoredMPS();       }
258          if (CheMPS2::DMRG_storeRenormOptrOnDisk){ theDMRG->deleteStoredOperators(); }
259          delete theDMRG;
260          if (( scf_options->getStateAveraging() ) && ( rootNum > 1 )){
261             const double averagingfactor = 1.0 / rootNum;
262             for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < dmrgsize_power4; cnt++ ){ DMRG2DM[ cnt ] *= averagingfactor; }
263          }
265       }
266       setDMRG1DM( num_elec, nOrbDMRG, DMRG1DM, DMRG2DM );
268       // Possibly rotate the active space to the natural orbitals
269       if (( scf_options->getWhichActiveSpace() == 1 ) && ( master_diis == 0 )){ // When the DIIS has started: stop
270          copy_active( DMRG1DM, theQmatWORK, iHandler, true );
271          block_diagonalize( 'A', theQmatWORK, unitary, mem1, mem2, iHandler, true, DMRG2DM, NULL, NULL ); // Unitary is updated and DMRG2DM rotated
272          setDMRG1DM( num_elec, nOrbDMRG, DMRG1DM, DMRG2DM );
273          buildTmatrix(); // With an updated unitary, the Qocc and Tmat matrices need to be updated as well.
274          buildQmatOCC();
275          if ( am_i_master ){ cout << "DMRGSCF::solve : Rotated the active space to natural orbitals, sorted according to the NOON." << endl; }
276       }
278       if (( nIterations == scf_options->getMaxIterations() ) && ( am_i_master ) && ( scf_options->getStoreUnitary() )){
279          unitary->saveU( scf_options->getUnitaryStorageName() );
280       }
282       // Calculate the matrix elements needed to calculate the gradient and hessian
283       buildQmatACT();
284       if ( am_i_master ){
285          DMRGSCFrotations::rotate( VMAT_ORIG, NULL, theRotatedTEI, 'C', 'C', 'F', 'F', iHandler, unitary, mem1, mem2, work_mem_size, tmp_filename );
286          DMRGSCFrotations::rotate( VMAT_ORIG, NULL, theRotatedTEI, 'C', 'V', 'C', 'V', iHandler, unitary, mem1, mem2, work_mem_size, tmp_filename );
287          buildFmat(  theFmatrix, theTmatrix, theQmatOCC, theQmatACT, iHandler, theRotatedTEI, DMRG2DM, DMRG1DM );
288          buildWtilde( wmattilde, theTmatrix, theQmatOCC, theQmatACT, iHandler, theRotatedTEI, DMRG2DM, DMRG1DM );
289          augmentedHessianNR( theFmatrix, wmattilde, iHandler, unitary, gradient, &updateNorm, &gradNorm ); // On return the gradient contains the update
290       }
291       #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
292       MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_double( &updateNorm, 1, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
293       MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_double( &gradNorm,   1, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
294       #endif
296    }
298    delete [] mem1;
299    delete [] mem2;
300    delete theRotatedTEI;
301    delete wmattilde;
302    if ( am_i_master ){ delete_file( tmp_filename ); }
304    delete Prob;
305    delete HamDMRG;
306    if ( gradient != NULL ){ delete [] gradient; }
307    if ( diis_vec != NULL ){ delete [] diis_vec; }
308    if ( diis != NULL ){ delete diis; }
309    if ( theLocalizer != NULL ){ delete theLocalizer; }
311    successful_solve = true;
312    return Energy;
314 }
augmentedHessianNR(DMRGSCFmatrix * localFmat,DMRGSCFwtilde * localwtilde,const DMRGSCFindices * localIdx,const DMRGSCFunitary * localUmat,double * theupdate,double * updateNorm,double * gradNorm)316 void CheMPS2::CASSCF::augmentedHessianNR( DMRGSCFmatrix * localFmat, DMRGSCFwtilde * localwtilde, const DMRGSCFindices * localIdx, const DMRGSCFunitary * localUmat, double * theupdate, double * updateNorm, double * gradNorm ){
318    /* A good read to understand
319             (1) how the augmented Hessian arises from a rational function optimization
320             (2) where the parameter lambda in Eq. (22) of Yanai, IJQC 109, 2178-2190 (2009) comes from
321             (3) why the smallest algebraic eigenvalue + corresponding eigenvector should be retained for minimizations
322       Banerjee, Adams, Simons, Shepard, "Search for stationary points on surfaces",
323       J. Phys. Chem. 1985, volume 89, pages 52-57, doi:10.1021/j100247a015  */
325    //Calculate the gradient
326    const int x_linearlength = localUmat->getNumVariablesX();
327    gradNorm[ 0 ] = construct_gradient( localFmat, localIdx, theupdate );
329    //Find the lowest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of the augmented hessian
330    {
331       Davidson deBoskabouter( x_linearlength + 1, CheMPS2::DAVIDSON_NUM_VEC,
332                                                   CheMPS2::DAVIDSON_NUM_VEC_KEEP,
333                                                   CheMPS2::DAVIDSON_FCI_RTOL,
334                                                   CheMPS2::DAVIDSON_PRECOND_CUTOFF, false ); // No debug printing
335       double ** whichpointers = new double*[ 2 ];
336       char instruction = deBoskabouter.FetchInstruction( whichpointers );
337       assert( instruction == 'A' );
338       diag_hessian( localFmat, localwtilde, localIdx, whichpointers[ 1 ] );
339       whichpointers[ 1 ][ x_linearlength ] = 0.0;
340       for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < x_linearlength; cnt++ ){ // Initial guess = [ -gradient / diag(hessian) , 1 ]
341          const double denom = ( whichpointers[ 1 ][ cnt ] > CheMPS2::DAVIDSON_PRECOND_CUTOFF ) ? whichpointers[ 1 ][ cnt ] : CheMPS2::DAVIDSON_PRECOND_CUTOFF;
342          whichpointers[ 0 ][ cnt ] = - theupdate[ cnt ] / denom;
343       }
344       whichpointers[ 0 ][ x_linearlength ] = 1.0;
345       instruction = deBoskabouter.FetchInstruction( whichpointers );
346       while ( instruction == 'B' ){
347          augmented_hessian( localFmat, localwtilde, localIdx, whichpointers[ 0 ], whichpointers[ 1 ], theupdate, x_linearlength );
348          instruction = deBoskabouter.FetchInstruction( whichpointers );
349       }
350       assert( instruction == 'C' );
351       double scalar = 1.0 / whichpointers[ 0 ][ x_linearlength ];
352       cout << "DMRGSCF::augmentedHessianNR : Augmented Hessian update found with " << deBoskabouter.GetNumMultiplications() << " Davidson iterations." << endl;
353       if ( CheMPS2::DMRGSCF_debugPrint ){
354          cout << "DMRGSCF::augmentedHessianNR : Lowest eigenvalue = " << whichpointers[ 1 ][ 0 ] << endl;
355          cout << "DMRGSCF::augmentedHessianNR : The last number of the eigenvector (which will be rescaled to one) = " << scalar << endl;
356       }
357       for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < x_linearlength; cnt++ ){ theupdate[ cnt ] = scalar * whichpointers[ 0 ][ cnt ]; }
358       delete [] whichpointers;
359    }
361    //Calculate the update norm
362    updateNorm[ 0 ] = 0.0;
363    for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < x_linearlength; cnt++ ){ updateNorm[ 0 ] += theupdate[ cnt ] * theupdate[ cnt ]; }
364    updateNorm[ 0 ] = sqrt( updateNorm[ 0 ] );
365    cout << "DMRGSCF::augmentedHessianNR : Norm of the update = " << updateNorm[ 0 ] << endl;
367 }
construct_gradient(DMRGSCFmatrix * Fmatrix,const DMRGSCFindices * idx,double * gradient)369 double CheMPS2::CASSCF::construct_gradient( DMRGSCFmatrix * Fmatrix, const DMRGSCFindices * idx, double * gradient ){
371    const int n_irreps = idx->getNirreps();
373    int jump = 0;
374    for ( int irrep = 0; irrep < n_irreps; irrep++ ){
376       const int NORB = idx->getNORB( irrep );
377       const int NOCC = idx->getNOCC( irrep );
378       const int NACT = idx->getNDMRG( irrep );
379       const int NVIR = idx->getNVIRT( irrep );
380       const int N_OA = NOCC + NACT;
381       double * FMAT  = Fmatrix->getBlock( irrep );
383       // Type 0: act-occ
384       for ( int occ = 0; occ < NOCC; occ++ ){
385          for ( int act = 0; act < NACT; act++ ){
386             gradient[ jump + act + NACT * occ ] = 2 * ( FMAT[ NOCC + act + NORB * occ ] - FMAT[ occ + NORB * ( NOCC + act ) ] );
387          }
388       }
389       jump += NOCC * NACT;
391       // Type 1: vir-act
392       for ( int act = 0; act < NACT; act++ ){
393          for ( int vir = 0; vir < NVIR; vir++ ){
394             gradient[ jump + vir + NVIR * act ] = 2 * ( FMAT[ N_OA + vir + NORB * ( NOCC + act ) ] - FMAT[ NOCC + act + NORB * ( N_OA + vir ) ] );
395          }
396       }
397       jump += NACT * NVIR;
399       // Type 2: vir-occ
400       for ( int occ = 0; occ < NOCC; occ++ ){
401          for ( int vir = 0; vir < NVIR; vir++ ){
402             gradient[ jump + vir + NVIR * occ ] = 2 * ( FMAT[ N_OA + vir + NORB * occ ] - FMAT[ occ + NORB * ( N_OA + vir ) ] );
403          }
404       }
405       jump += NOCC * NVIR;
406    }
408    double gradient_norm = 0.0;
409    for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < jump; cnt++ ){ gradient_norm += gradient[ cnt ] * gradient[ cnt ]; }
410    gradient_norm = sqrt( gradient_norm );
411    cout << "DMRGSCF::construct_gradient : Norm of the gradient = " << gradient_norm << endl;
412    return gradient_norm;
414 }
augmented_hessian(DMRGSCFmatrix * Fmatrix,DMRGSCFwtilde * Wtilde,const DMRGSCFindices * idx,double * origin,double * target,double * gradient,const int linsize)416 void CheMPS2::CASSCF::augmented_hessian( DMRGSCFmatrix * Fmatrix, DMRGSCFwtilde * Wtilde, const DMRGSCFindices * idx, double * origin, double * target, double * gradient, const int linsize ){
418    for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < linsize; cnt++ ){
419       target[ cnt ] = gradient[ cnt ] * origin[ linsize ];
420    }
421    add_hessian( Fmatrix, Wtilde, idx, origin, target );
422    target[ linsize ] = 0.0;
423    for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < linsize; cnt++ ){
424       target[ linsize ] += gradient[ cnt ] * origin[ cnt ];
425    }
427 }
diag_hessian(DMRGSCFmatrix * Fmatrix,const DMRGSCFwtilde * Wtilde,const DMRGSCFindices * idx,double * diagonal)429 void CheMPS2::CASSCF::diag_hessian( DMRGSCFmatrix * Fmatrix, const DMRGSCFwtilde * Wtilde, const DMRGSCFindices * idx, double * diagonal ){
431    const int n_irreps = idx->getNirreps();
433    int jump = 0;
434    for ( int irrep = 0; irrep < n_irreps; irrep++ ){
436       const int NORB = idx->getNORB( irrep );
437       const int NOCC = idx->getNOCC( irrep );
438       const int NACT = idx->getNDMRG( irrep );
439       const int NVIR = idx->getNVIRT( irrep );
440       const int N_OA = NOCC + NACT;
441       double * FMAT = Fmatrix->getBlock( irrep );
443       for ( int occ = 0; occ < NOCC; occ++ ){
444          const double F_occ = FMAT[ occ * ( NORB + 1 ) ];
445          for ( int act = 0; act < NACT; act++ ){
446             const double F_act = FMAT[ ( NOCC + act ) * ( NORB + 1 ) ];
447             diagonal[ jump + act + NACT * occ ] = - 2 * ( F_occ + F_act ) + ( Wtilde->get( irrep, irrep, NOCC + act, occ, NOCC + act, occ )
448                                                                             - Wtilde->get( irrep, irrep, NOCC + act, occ, occ, NOCC + act )
449                                                                             - Wtilde->get( irrep, irrep, occ, NOCC + act, NOCC + act, occ )
450                                                                             + Wtilde->get( irrep, irrep, occ, NOCC + act, occ, NOCC + act ) );
451          }
452       }
453       jump += NOCC * NACT;
455       for ( int act = 0; act < NACT; act++ ){
456          const double F_act = FMAT[ ( NOCC + act ) * ( NORB + 1 ) ];
457          for ( int vir = 0; vir < NVIR; vir++ ){
458             const double F_vir = FMAT[ ( N_OA + vir ) * ( NORB + 1 ) ];
459             diagonal[ jump + vir + NVIR * act ] = - 2 * ( F_act + F_vir ) + Wtilde->get( irrep, irrep, NOCC + act, N_OA + vir, NOCC + act, N_OA + vir );
460          }
461       }
462       jump += NACT * NVIR;
464       for ( int occ = 0; occ < NOCC; occ++ ){
465          const double F_occ = FMAT[ occ * ( NORB + 1 ) ];
466          for ( int vir = 0; vir < NVIR; vir++ ){
467             const double F_vir = FMAT[ ( N_OA + vir ) * ( NORB + 1 ) ];
468             diagonal[ jump + vir + NVIR * occ ] = - 2 * ( F_occ + F_vir ) + Wtilde->get( irrep, irrep, occ, N_OA + vir, occ, N_OA + vir );
469          }
470       }
471       jump += NOCC * NVIR;
472    }
474 }
add_hessian(DMRGSCFmatrix * Fmatrix,DMRGSCFwtilde * Wtilde,const DMRGSCFindices * idx,double * origin,double * target)476 void CheMPS2::CASSCF::add_hessian( DMRGSCFmatrix * Fmatrix, DMRGSCFwtilde * Wtilde, const DMRGSCFindices * idx, double * origin, double * target ){
478    const int n_irreps = idx->getNirreps();
480    int jump = 0;
481    for ( int irrep = 0; irrep < n_irreps; irrep++ ){
483       const int NORB = idx->getNORB( irrep );
484       const int NOCC = idx->getNOCC( irrep );
485       const int NACT = idx->getNDMRG( irrep );
486       const int NVIR = idx->getNVIRT( irrep );
487       const int N_OA = NOCC + NACT;
488       double * FMAT = Fmatrix->getBlock( irrep );
489       const int ptr_AO = jump;
490       const int ptr_VA = jump + NACT * NOCC;
491       const int ptr_VO = jump + NACT * NOCC + NVIR * NACT;
493       // OpenMP parallelism via dgemm_
495       DGEMM_WRAP( +1.0, 'T', 'N', origin + ptr_VA,           FMAT + N_OA,        target + ptr_AO, NACT, NOCC, NVIR, NVIR, NORB, NACT );
496       DGEMM_WRAP( +1.0, 'T', 'T', origin + ptr_VA,           FMAT + NORB * N_OA, target + ptr_AO, NACT, NOCC, NVIR, NVIR, NORB, NACT );
497       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'N', origin + ptr_AO,           FMAT,               target + ptr_AO, NACT, NOCC, NOCC, NACT, NORB, NACT );
498       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'T', origin + ptr_AO,           FMAT,               target + ptr_AO, NACT, NOCC, NOCC, NACT, NORB, NACT );
499       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'N', FMAT + NOCC + NORB * NOCC, origin + ptr_AO,    target + ptr_AO, NACT, NOCC, NACT, NORB, NACT, NACT );
500       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'T', 'N', FMAT + NOCC + NORB * NOCC, origin + ptr_AO,    target + ptr_AO, NACT, NOCC, NACT, NORB, NACT, NACT );
501       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'N', FMAT + NOCC + NORB * N_OA, origin + ptr_VO,    target + ptr_AO, NACT, NOCC, NVIR, NORB, NVIR, NACT );
502       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'T', 'N', FMAT + N_OA + NORB * NOCC, origin + ptr_VO,    target + ptr_AO, NACT, NOCC, NVIR, NORB, NVIR, NACT );
504       DGEMM_WRAP( +1.0, 'N', 'T', FMAT + N_OA,               origin + ptr_AO,           target + ptr_VA, NVIR, NACT, NOCC, NORB, NACT, NVIR );
505       DGEMM_WRAP( +1.0, 'T', 'T', FMAT + NORB * N_OA,        origin + ptr_AO,           target + ptr_VA, NVIR, NACT, NOCC, NORB, NACT, NVIR );
506       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'N', origin + ptr_VO,           FMAT + NORB * NOCC,        target + ptr_VA, NVIR, NACT, NOCC, NVIR, NORB, NVIR );
507       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'T', origin + ptr_VO,           FMAT + NOCC,               target + ptr_VA, NVIR, NACT, NOCC, NVIR, NORB, NVIR );
508       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'N', origin + ptr_VA,           FMAT + NOCC + NORB * NOCC, target + ptr_VA, NVIR, NACT, NACT, NVIR, NORB, NVIR );
509       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'T', origin + ptr_VA,           FMAT + NOCC + NORB * NOCC, target + ptr_VA, NVIR, NACT, NACT, NVIR, NORB, NVIR );
510       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'N', FMAT + N_OA + NORB * N_OA, origin + ptr_VA,           target + ptr_VA, NVIR, NACT, NVIR, NORB, NVIR, NVIR );
511       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'T', 'N', FMAT + N_OA + NORB * N_OA, origin + ptr_VA,           target + ptr_VA, NVIR, NACT, NVIR, NORB, NVIR, NVIR );
513       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'N', origin + ptr_VO,           FMAT,               target + ptr_VO, NVIR, NOCC, NOCC, NVIR, NORB, NVIR );
514       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'T', origin + ptr_VO,           FMAT,               target + ptr_VO, NVIR, NOCC, NOCC, NVIR, NORB, NVIR );
515       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'N', origin + ptr_VA,           FMAT + NOCC,        target + ptr_VO, NVIR, NOCC, NACT, NVIR, NORB, NVIR );
516       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'T', origin + ptr_VA,           FMAT + NORB * NOCC, target + ptr_VO, NVIR, NOCC, NACT, NVIR, NORB, NVIR );
517       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'N', FMAT + N_OA + NORB * N_OA, origin + ptr_VO,    target + ptr_VO, NVIR, NOCC, NVIR, NORB, NVIR, NVIR );
518       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'T', 'N', FMAT + N_OA + NORB * N_OA, origin + ptr_VO,    target + ptr_VO, NVIR, NOCC, NVIR, NORB, NVIR, NVIR );
519       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'N', 'N', FMAT + N_OA + NORB * NOCC, origin + ptr_AO,    target + ptr_VO, NVIR, NOCC, NACT, NORB, NACT, NVIR );
520       DGEMM_WRAP( -1.0, 'T', 'N', FMAT + NOCC + NORB * N_OA, origin + ptr_AO,    target + ptr_VO, NVIR, NOCC, NACT, NORB, NACT, NVIR );
522       jump += NACT * NOCC + NVIR * NACT + NVIR * NOCC;
523    }
525    #pragma omp parallel
526    {
528       int jump_row = 0;
529       for ( int irrep_row = 0; irrep_row < n_irreps; irrep_row++ ){
531          const int NORB_row = idx->getNORB( irrep_row );
532          const int NOCC_row = idx->getNOCC( irrep_row );
533          const int NACT_row = idx->getNDMRG( irrep_row );
534          const int NVIR_row = idx->getNVIRT( irrep_row );
535          const int N_OA_row = NOCC_row + NACT_row;
536          double * resAO = target + jump_row;
537          double * resVA = resAO  + NACT_row * NOCC_row;
538          double * resVO = resVA  + NVIR_row * NACT_row;
540          int jump_col = 0;
541          for ( int irrep_col = 0; irrep_col < n_irreps; irrep_col++ ){
543             const int NOCC_col = idx->getNOCC( irrep_col );
544             const int NACT_col = idx->getNDMRG( irrep_col );
545             const int NVIR_col = idx->getNVIRT( irrep_col );
546             const int N_OA_col = NOCC_col + NACT_col;
547             double * vecAO = origin + jump_col;
548             double * vecVA = vecAO  + NACT_col * NOCC_col;
549             double * vecVO = vecVA  + NVIR_col * NACT_col;
551             #pragma omp for schedule(static)
552             for ( int act_row = 0; act_row < NACT_row; act_row++ ){
553                for ( int occ_col = 0; occ_col < NOCC_col; occ_col++ ){
554                   double * mat = Wtilde->getBlock( irrep_row, irrep_col, NOCC_row + act_row, occ_col );
555                   DGEMV_WRAP( -1.0, mat +            NORB_row * NOCC_col, resAO + act_row,            vecAO + NACT_col * occ_col, NOCC_row, NACT_col, NORB_row, NACT_row, 1 );
556                   DGEMV_WRAP( -1.0, mat +            NORB_row * N_OA_col, resAO + act_row,            vecVO + NVIR_col * occ_col, NOCC_row, NVIR_col, NORB_row, NACT_row, 1 );
557                   DGEMV_WRAP(  1.0, mat + N_OA_row + NORB_row * NOCC_col, resVA + NVIR_row * act_row, vecAO + NACT_col * occ_col, NVIR_row, NACT_col, NORB_row, 1,        1 );
558                   DGEMV_WRAP(  1.0, mat + N_OA_row + NORB_row * N_OA_col, resVA + NVIR_row * act_row, vecVO + NVIR_col * occ_col, NVIR_row, NVIR_col, NORB_row, 1,        1 );
559                }
560                for ( int act_col = 0; act_col < NACT_col; act_col++ ){
561                   double * mat = Wtilde->getBlock( irrep_row, irrep_col, NOCC_row + act_row, NOCC_col + act_col );
562                   DGEMV_WRAP(  1.0, mat,                                  resAO + act_row,            vecAO + act_col,            NOCC_row, NOCC_col, NORB_row, NACT_row, NACT_col );
563                   DGEMV_WRAP( -1.0, mat            + NORB_row * N_OA_col, resAO + act_row,            vecVA + NVIR_col * act_col, NOCC_row, NVIR_col, NORB_row, NACT_row, 1        );
564                   DGEMV_WRAP( -1.0, mat + N_OA_row,                       resVA + NVIR_row * act_row, vecAO + act_col,            NVIR_row, NOCC_col, NORB_row, 1,        NACT_col );
565                   DGEMV_WRAP(  1.0, mat + N_OA_row + NORB_row * N_OA_col, resVA + NVIR_row * act_row, vecVA + NVIR_col * act_col, NVIR_row, NVIR_col, NORB_row, 1,        1        );
566                }
567             }
569             #pragma omp for schedule(static)
570             for ( int occ_row = 0; occ_row < NOCC_row; occ_row++ ){
571                for ( int occ_col = 0; occ_col < NOCC_col; occ_col++ ){
572                   double * mat = Wtilde->getBlock( irrep_row, irrep_col, occ_row, occ_col );
573                   DGEMV_WRAP( 1.0, mat + NOCC_row + NORB_row * NOCC_col, resAO + NACT_row * occ_row, vecAO + NACT_col * occ_col, NACT_row, NACT_col, NORB_row, 1, 1 );
574                   DGEMV_WRAP( 1.0, mat + NOCC_row + NORB_row * N_OA_col, resAO + NACT_row * occ_row, vecVO + NVIR_col * occ_col, NACT_row, NVIR_col, NORB_row, 1, 1 );
575                   DGEMV_WRAP( 1.0, mat + N_OA_row + NORB_row * NOCC_col, resVO + NVIR_row * occ_row, vecAO + NACT_col * occ_col, NVIR_row, NACT_col, NORB_row, 1, 1 );
576                   DGEMV_WRAP( 1.0, mat + N_OA_row + NORB_row * N_OA_col, resVO + NVIR_row * occ_row, vecVO + NVIR_col * occ_col, NVIR_row, NVIR_col, NORB_row, 1, 1 );
577                }
578                for ( int act_col = 0; act_col < NACT_col; act_col++ ){
579                   double * mat = Wtilde->getBlock( irrep_row, irrep_col, occ_row, NOCC_col + act_col );
580                   DGEMV_WRAP( -1.0, mat + NOCC_row,                       resAO + NACT_row * occ_row, vecAO + act_col,            NACT_row, NOCC_col, NORB_row, 1, NACT_col );
581                   DGEMV_WRAP(  1.0, mat + NOCC_row + NORB_row * N_OA_col, resAO + NACT_row * occ_row, vecVA + NVIR_col * act_col, NACT_row, NVIR_col, NORB_row, 1, 1        );
582                   DGEMV_WRAP( -1.0, mat + N_OA_row,                       resVO + NVIR_row * occ_row, vecAO + act_col,            NVIR_row, NOCC_col, NORB_row, 1, NACT_col );
583                   DGEMV_WRAP(  1.0, mat + N_OA_row + NORB_row * N_OA_col, resVO + NVIR_row * occ_row, vecVA + NVIR_col * act_col, NVIR_row, NVIR_col, NORB_row, 1, 1        );
584                }
585             }
586             jump_col += NACT_col * NOCC_col + NVIR_col * NACT_col + NVIR_col * NOCC_col;
587          }
588          jump_row += NACT_row * NOCC_row + NVIR_row * NACT_row + NVIR_row * NOCC_row;
589       }
590    }
592 }
DGEMM_WRAP(double prefactor,char transA,char transB,double * A,double * B,double * C,int m,int n,int k,int lda,int ldb,int ldc)594 void CheMPS2::CASSCF::DGEMM_WRAP( double prefactor, char transA, char transB, double * A, double * B, double * C, int m, int n, int k, int lda, int ldb, int ldc ){
596    if ( m * k * n == 0 ){ return; }
597    double add = 1.0;
598    dgemm_( &transA, &transB, &m, &n, &k, &prefactor, A, &lda, B, &ldb, &add, C, &ldc );
600 }
DGEMV_WRAP(double prefactor,double * matrix,double * result,double * vector,int rowdim,int coldim,int ldmat,int incres,int incvec)602 void CheMPS2::CASSCF::DGEMV_WRAP( double prefactor, double * matrix, double * result, double * vector, int rowdim, int coldim, int ldmat, int incres, int incvec ){
604    if ( rowdim * coldim == 0 ){ return; }
605    char notrans = 'N';
606    double add = 1.0;
607    dgemv_( &notrans, &rowdim, &coldim, &prefactor, matrix, &ldmat, vector, &incvec, &add, result, &incres );
609 }
buildWtilde(DMRGSCFwtilde * localwtilde,const DMRGSCFmatrix * localTmat,const DMRGSCFmatrix * localJKocc,const DMRGSCFmatrix * localJKact,const DMRGSCFindices * localIdx,const DMRGSCFintegrals * theInts,double * local2DM,double * local1DM)611 void CheMPS2::CASSCF::buildWtilde(DMRGSCFwtilde * localwtilde, const DMRGSCFmatrix * localTmat, const DMRGSCFmatrix * localJKocc, const DMRGSCFmatrix * localJKact, const DMRGSCFindices * localIdx, const DMRGSCFintegrals * theInts, double * local2DM, double * local1DM){
613    localwtilde->clear();
614    const int numIrreps  = localIdx->getNirreps();
615    const int totOrbDMRG = localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( numIrreps );
616    for (int irrep_pq = 0; irrep_pq < numIrreps; irrep_pq++){
618       const int NumOCCpq  = localIdx->getNOCC(  irrep_pq );
619       const int NumDMRGpq = localIdx->getNDMRG( irrep_pq );
620       const int NumORBpq  = localIdx->getNORB(  irrep_pq );
621       const int NumCOREpq = NumOCCpq + NumDMRGpq;
623       //If irrep_pq == irrep_rs and P == R occupied --> QS only active or virtual
624       #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
625       for (int relindexP = 0; relindexP < NumOCCpq; relindexP++){
626          double * subblock = localwtilde->getBlock( irrep_pq, irrep_pq, relindexP, relindexP);
627          for (int relindexS = NumOCCpq; relindexS < NumORBpq; relindexS++){
628             for (int relindexQ = NumOCCpq; relindexQ < NumORBpq; relindexQ++){
629                subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] += 4 * ( localTmat->get( irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS)
630                                                                    + localJKocc->get(irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS)
631                                                                    + localJKact->get(irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS) );
632             }
633          }
634       }
636       //If irrep_pq == irrep_rs and P,R active --> QS only occupied or virtual
637       #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
638       for (int combined = 0; combined < NumDMRGpq*NumDMRGpq; combined++){
640          const int relindexP  = NumOCCpq + ( combined % NumDMRGpq );
641          const int relindexR  = NumOCCpq + ( combined / NumDMRGpq );
642          double * subblock    = localwtilde->getBlock( irrep_pq, irrep_pq, relindexP, relindexR );
643          const int DMRGindexP = relindexP - NumOCCpq + localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_pq );
644          const int DMRGindexR = relindexR - NumOCCpq + localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_pq );
645          const double OneDMvalue = local1DM[ DMRGindexP + totOrbDMRG * DMRGindexR ];
647          for (int relindexS = 0; relindexS < NumOCCpq; relindexS++){
648             for (int relindexQ = 0; relindexQ < NumOCCpq; relindexQ++){
649                subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] += 2 * OneDMvalue * ( localTmat->get( irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS)
650                                                                                 + localJKocc->get(irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS) );
651             }
652             for (int relindexQ = NumCOREpq; relindexQ < NumORBpq; relindexQ++){
653                subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] += 2 * OneDMvalue * ( localTmat->get( irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS)
654                                                                                 + localJKocc->get(irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS) );
655             }
656          }
657          for (int relindexS = NumCOREpq; relindexS < NumORBpq; relindexS++){
658             for (int relindexQ = 0; relindexQ < NumOCCpq; relindexQ++){
659                subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] += 2 * OneDMvalue * ( localTmat->get( irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS)
660                                                                                 + localJKocc->get(irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS) );
661             }
662             for (int relindexQ = NumCOREpq; relindexQ < NumORBpq; relindexQ++){
663                subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] += 2 * OneDMvalue * ( localTmat->get( irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS)
664                                                                                 + localJKocc->get(irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS) );
665             }
666          }
667       }
669       for (int irrep_rs = 0; irrep_rs < numIrreps; irrep_rs++){
671          const int NumOCCrs  = localIdx->getNOCC(  irrep_rs );
672          const int NumDMRGrs = localIdx->getNDMRG( irrep_rs );
673          const int NumORBrs  = localIdx->getNORB(  irrep_rs );
674          const int NumCORErs = NumOCCrs + NumDMRGrs;
675          const int productirrep = Irreps::directProd( irrep_pq, irrep_rs );
677          // P and R occupied --> QS only active or virtual
678          #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
679          for (int combined = 0; combined < NumOCCpq*NumOCCrs; combined++){
681             const int relindexP = combined % NumOCCpq;
682             const int relindexR = combined / NumOCCpq;
683             double * subblock   = localwtilde->getBlock( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, relindexP, relindexR);
685             for (int relindexS = NumOCCrs; relindexS < NumORBrs; relindexS++){
686                for (int relindexQ = NumOCCpq; relindexQ < NumORBpq; relindexQ++){
687                   subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] +=
688                       4 * ( 4 * theInts->FourIndexAPI(irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_pq, irrep_rs, relindexQ, relindexS, relindexP, relindexR)
689                               - theInts->FourIndexAPI(irrep_pq, irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_rs, relindexQ, relindexP, relindexS, relindexR)
690                               - theInts->FourIndexAPI(irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_rs, irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS, relindexR, relindexP) );
691                }
692             }
693          } // End combined P and R occupied
695          // P and R active --> QS only occupied or virtual
696          #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
697          for (int combined = 0; combined < NumDMRGpq*NumDMRGrs; combined++){
699             const int relindexP  = NumOCCpq + ( combined % NumDMRGpq );
700             const int relindexR  = NumOCCrs + ( combined / NumDMRGpq );
701             double * subblock    = localwtilde->getBlock( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, relindexP, relindexR );
702             const int DMRGindexP = relindexP - NumOCCpq + localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_pq );
703             const int DMRGindexR = relindexR - NumOCCrs + localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_rs );
705             for (int irrep_alpha = 0; irrep_alpha < numIrreps; irrep_alpha++){
707                const int irrep_beta   = Irreps::directProd( irrep_alpha, productirrep );
708                const int NumDMRGalpha = localIdx->getNDMRG( irrep_alpha );
709                const int NumDMRGbeta  = localIdx->getNDMRG( irrep_beta  );
711                for (int alpha = 0; alpha < NumDMRGalpha; alpha++){
713                   const int DMRGalpha = localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_alpha ) + alpha;
714                   const int relalpha  = localIdx->getNOCC( irrep_alpha ) + alpha;
716                   for (int beta = 0; beta < NumDMRGbeta; beta++){
718                      const int DMRGbeta = localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_beta ) + beta;
719                      const int relbeta  = localIdx->getNOCC( irrep_beta ) + beta;
721                      const double TwoDMvalue1  = local2DM[ DMRGindexR + totOrbDMRG * ( DMRGalpha + totOrbDMRG * ( DMRGindexP + totOrbDMRG * DMRGbeta ) ) ];
722                      const double TwoDMvalue23 = local2DM[ DMRGindexR + totOrbDMRG * ( DMRGalpha + totOrbDMRG * ( DMRGbeta + totOrbDMRG * DMRGindexP ) ) ]
723                                                + local2DM[ DMRGindexR + totOrbDMRG * ( DMRGindexP + totOrbDMRG * ( DMRGbeta + totOrbDMRG * DMRGalpha ) ) ];
725                      for (int relindexS = 0; relindexS < NumOCCrs; relindexS++){
726                         for (int relindexQ = 0; relindexQ < NumOCCpq; relindexQ++){
727                            subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] +=
728                               2 * ( TwoDMvalue1  * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_alpha, irrep_rs, irrep_beta, relindexQ, relalpha, relindexS, relbeta)
729                                   + TwoDMvalue23 * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_alpha, irrep_beta, relindexQ, relindexS, relalpha, relbeta) );
730                         }
731                         for (int relindexQ = NumCOREpq; relindexQ < NumORBpq; relindexQ++){
732                            subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] +=
733                               2 * ( TwoDMvalue1  * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_alpha, irrep_rs, irrep_beta, relindexQ, relalpha, relindexS, relbeta)
734                                   + TwoDMvalue23 * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_alpha, irrep_beta, relindexQ, relindexS, relalpha, relbeta) );
735                         }
736                      }
737                      for (int relindexS = NumCORErs; relindexS < NumORBrs; relindexS++){
738                         for (int relindexQ = 0; relindexQ < NumOCCpq; relindexQ++){
739                            subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] +=
740                               2 * ( TwoDMvalue1  * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_alpha, irrep_rs, irrep_beta, relindexQ, relalpha, relindexS, relbeta)
741                                   + TwoDMvalue23 * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_alpha, irrep_beta, relindexQ, relindexS, relalpha, relbeta) );
742                         }
743                         for (int relindexQ = NumCOREpq; relindexQ < NumORBpq; relindexQ++){
744                            subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] +=
745                               2 * ( TwoDMvalue1  * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_alpha, irrep_rs, irrep_beta, relindexQ, relalpha, relindexS, relbeta)
746                                   + TwoDMvalue23 * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_alpha, irrep_beta, relindexQ, relindexS, relalpha, relbeta) );
747                         }
748                      }
749                   }
750                }
751             }
752          } // End combined P and R active
754          // P active and R occupied  -->  Q occupied or virtual  //  S active or virtual
755          #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
756          for (int combined = 0; combined < NumDMRGpq*NumOCCrs; combined++){
758             const int relindexP  = NumOCCpq + ( combined % NumDMRGpq );
759             const int relindexR  = combined / NumDMRGpq;
760             double * subblock    = localwtilde->getBlock( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, relindexP, relindexR );
761             const int DMRGindexP = relindexP - NumOCCpq + localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_pq );
763             for (int alpha = 0; alpha < NumDMRGpq; alpha++){
765                const int DMRGalpha     = localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_pq ) + alpha;
766                const int relalpha      = localIdx->getNOCC( irrep_pq ) + alpha;
767                const double OneDMvalue = local1DM[ DMRGalpha + totOrbDMRG * DMRGindexP ];
769                for (int relindexS = NumOCCrs; relindexS < NumORBrs; relindexS++){
770                   for (int relindexQ = 0; relindexQ < NumOCCpq; relindexQ++){
771                      subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] += 2 * OneDMvalue *
772                          ( 4 * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_pq, irrep_rs, relindexQ, relindexS, relalpha, relindexR)
773                              - theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_rs, relindexQ, relalpha, relindexS, relindexR)
774                              - theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_rs, irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS, relindexR, relalpha) );
775                   }
776                   for (int relindexQ = NumCOREpq; relindexQ < NumORBpq; relindexQ++){
777                      subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] += 2 * OneDMvalue *
778                          ( 4 * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_pq, irrep_rs, relindexQ, relindexS, relalpha, relindexR)
779                              - theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_rs, relindexQ, relalpha, relindexS, relindexR)
780                              - theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_rs, irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS, relindexR, relalpha) );
781                   }
782                }
783             }
784          } // End combined P active and R occupied
786          // P occupied and R active  -->  Q active or virtual  //  S occupied or virtual
787          #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
788          for (int combined = 0; combined < NumOCCpq*NumDMRGrs; combined++){
790             const int relindexP  = combined % NumOCCpq;
791             const int relindexR  = NumOCCrs + ( combined / NumOCCpq );
792             double * subblock    = localwtilde->getBlock( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, relindexP, relindexR );
793             const int DMRGindexR = relindexR - NumOCCrs + localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_rs );
795             for (int beta = 0; beta < NumDMRGrs; beta++){
797                const int DMRGbeta      = localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_rs ) + beta;
798                const int relbeta       = localIdx->getNOCC( irrep_rs ) + beta;
799                const double OneDMvalue = local1DM[ DMRGindexR + totOrbDMRG * DMRGbeta ];
801                for (int relindexQ = NumOCCpq; relindexQ < NumORBpq; relindexQ++){
802                   for (int relindexS = 0; relindexS < NumOCCrs; relindexS++){
803                      subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] += 2 * OneDMvalue *
804                          ( 4 * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_pq, irrep_rs, relindexQ, relindexS, relindexP, relbeta)
805                              - theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_rs, relindexQ, relindexP, relindexS, relbeta)
806                              - theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_rs, irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS, relbeta, relindexP) );
807                   }
808                   for (int relindexS = NumCORErs; relindexS < NumORBrs; relindexS++){
809                      subblock[ relindexQ + NumORBpq * relindexS ] += 2 * OneDMvalue *
810                          ( 4 * theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_pq, irrep_rs, relindexQ, relindexS, relindexP, relbeta)
811                              - theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_rs, relindexQ, relindexP, relindexS, relbeta)
812                              - theInts->FourIndexAPI( irrep_pq, irrep_rs, irrep_rs, irrep_pq, relindexQ, relindexS, relbeta, relindexP) );
813                   }
814                }
815             }
816          } // End combined P occupied and R active
818       }
819    }
821 }
buildFmat(DMRGSCFmatrix * localFmat,const DMRGSCFmatrix * localTmat,const DMRGSCFmatrix * localJKocc,const DMRGSCFmatrix * localJKact,const DMRGSCFindices * localIdx,const DMRGSCFintegrals * theInts,double * local2DM,double * local1DM)823 void CheMPS2::CASSCF::buildFmat(DMRGSCFmatrix * localFmat, const DMRGSCFmatrix * localTmat, const DMRGSCFmatrix * localJKocc, const DMRGSCFmatrix * localJKact, const DMRGSCFindices * localIdx, const DMRGSCFintegrals * theInts, double * local2DM, double * local1DM){
825    localFmat->clear();
826    const int numIrreps  = localIdx->getNirreps();
827    const int totOrbDMRG = localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( numIrreps );
828    for (int irrep_pq = 0; irrep_pq < numIrreps; irrep_pq++){
830       const int NumORB  = localIdx->getNORB(  irrep_pq );
831       const int NumOCC  = localIdx->getNOCC(  irrep_pq );
832       const int NumDMRG = localIdx->getNDMRG( irrep_pq );
833       const int NumOCCDMRG = NumOCC + NumDMRG;
835       #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
836       for (int p = 0; p < NumOCC; p++){
837          for (int q = 0; q < NumORB; q++){
838             localFmat->set( irrep_pq, p, q, 2 * ( localTmat->get(  irrep_pq, q, p )
839                                                 + localJKocc->get( irrep_pq, q, p )
840                                                 + localJKact->get( irrep_pq, q, p ) ) );
841          }
842       }
844       #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
845       for (int p = NumOCC; p < NumOCCDMRG; p++){
846          const int DMRGindex_p = p - NumOCC + localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_pq );
848          //One-body terms --> matrix multiplication?
849          for (int r = NumOCC; r < NumOCCDMRG; r++){
850             const double OneDMvalue = local1DM[ DMRGindex_p + totOrbDMRG * ( DMRGindex_p + r - p ) ];
851             for (int q = 0; q < NumORB; q++){
852                localFmat->getBlock(irrep_pq)[ p + NumORB * q ] += OneDMvalue * ( localTmat->get( irrep_pq, q, r ) + localJKocc->get( irrep_pq, q, r) );
853             }
854          }
856          //Two-body terms --> matrix multiplication possible?
857          for (int irrep_r = 0; irrep_r < numIrreps; irrep_r++){
858             const int irrep_product = Irreps::directProd(irrep_pq, irrep_r);
859             for (int irrep_s = 0; irrep_s < numIrreps; irrep_s++){
860                const int irrep_t = Irreps::directProd(irrep_product, irrep_s);
861                for (int r = localIdx->getNOCC(irrep_r); r < localIdx->getNOCC(irrep_r) + localIdx->getNDMRG(irrep_r); r++){
862                   const int DMRGindex_r = r - localIdx->getNOCC( irrep_r ) + localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_r );
863                   for (int s = localIdx->getNOCC(irrep_s); s < localIdx->getNOCC(irrep_s) + localIdx->getNDMRG(irrep_s); s++){
864                      const int DMRGindex_s = s - localIdx->getNOCC( irrep_s ) + localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_s );
865                      for (int t = localIdx->getNOCC(irrep_t); t < localIdx->getNOCC(irrep_t) + localIdx->getNDMRG(irrep_t); t++){
866                         const int DMRGindex_t = t - localIdx->getNOCC( irrep_t ) + localIdx->getDMRGcumulative( irrep_t );
867                         const double TwoDMvalue = local2DM[ DMRGindex_p + totOrbDMRG * ( DMRGindex_r + totOrbDMRG * ( DMRGindex_s + totOrbDMRG * DMRGindex_t ) ) ];
868                         for (int q = 0; q < NumORB; q++){
869                            localFmat->getBlock(irrep_pq)[ p + NumORB * q ] += TwoDMvalue * theInts->FourIndexAPI(irrep_pq, irrep_r, irrep_s, irrep_t, q, r, s, t);
870                         }
871                      }
872                   }
873                }
874             }
875          }
876       }
877    }
879 }