1 /*
2    CheMPS2: a spin-adapted implementation of DMRG for ab initio quantum chemistry
3    Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Sebastian Wouters
5    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8    (at your option) any later version.
10    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    GNU General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 */
20 #include <math.h>
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <sstream>
25 #include <sys/stat.h>
26 #include <sys/time.h>
27 #include <assert.h>
28 #include <unistd.h>
30 #include "DMRG.h"
31 #include "MPIchemps2.h"
33 using std::cout;
34 using std::endl;
DMRG(Problem * ProbIn,ConvergenceScheme * OptSchemeIn,const bool makechkpt,const string tmpfolder,int * occupancies)36 CheMPS2::DMRG::DMRG( Problem * ProbIn, ConvergenceScheme * OptSchemeIn, const bool makechkpt, const string tmpfolder, int * occupancies ){
39       if ( MPIchemps2::mpi_rank() == MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ){ PrintLicense(); }
40    #else
41       PrintLicense();
42    #endif
44    assert( ProbIn->checkConsistency() );
45    Prob = ProbIn;
46    L = Prob->gL();
47    Prob->construct_mxelem();
48    OptScheme = OptSchemeIn;
49    thePID = getpid(); //PID is unique for each MPI process
50    nStates = 1;
52    Ltensors  = new TensorL ** [ L - 1 ];
53    F0tensors = new TensorF0 *** [ L - 1 ];
54    F1tensors = new TensorF1 *** [ L - 1 ];
55    S0tensors = new TensorS0 *** [ L - 1 ];
56    S1tensors = new TensorS1 *** [ L - 1 ];
57    Atensors  = new TensorOperator *** [ L - 1 ];
58    Btensors  = new TensorOperator *** [ L - 1 ];
59    Ctensors  = new TensorOperator *** [ L - 1 ];
60    Dtensors  = new TensorOperator *** [ L - 1 ];
61    Qtensors  = new TensorQ ** [ L - 1 ];
62    Xtensors  = new TensorX * [ L - 1 ];
63    isAllocated = new int[ L - 1 ]; // 0 not allocated; 1 moving right; 2 moving left
65    tensor_3rdm_a_J0_doublet = NULL;
66    tensor_3rdm_a_J1_doublet = NULL;
67    tensor_3rdm_a_J1_quartet = NULL;
68    tensor_3rdm_b_J0_doublet = NULL;
69    tensor_3rdm_b_J1_doublet = NULL;
70    tensor_3rdm_b_J1_quartet = NULL;
71    tensor_3rdm_c_J0_doublet = NULL;
72    tensor_3rdm_c_J1_doublet = NULL;
73    tensor_3rdm_c_J1_quartet = NULL;
74    tensor_3rdm_d_J0_doublet = NULL;
75    tensor_3rdm_d_J1_doublet = NULL;
76    tensor_3rdm_d_J1_quartet = NULL;
78    Gtensors = NULL;
79    Ytensors = NULL;
80    Ztensors = NULL;
81    Ktensors = NULL;
82    Mtensors = NULL;
84    for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < L - 1; cnt++ ){ isAllocated[ cnt ] = 0; }
85    for ( int timecnt = 0; timecnt < CHEMPS2_TIME_VECLENGTH; timecnt++ ){ timings[ timecnt ] = 0.0; }
86    num_double_write_disk = 0;
87    num_double_read_disk  = 0;
89    the2DM  = NULL;
90    the3DM  = NULL;
91    theCorr = NULL;
92    Exc_activated = false;
93    makecheckpoints = makechkpt;
94    tempfolder = tmpfolder;
96    setupBookkeeperAndMPS( occupancies );
97    PreSolve();
99 }
setupBookkeeperAndMPS(int * occupancies)101 void CheMPS2::DMRG::setupBookkeeperAndMPS( int * occupancies ){
103    denBK = new SyBookkeeper( Prob, OptScheme->get_D( 0 ) );
104    assert( denBK->IsPossible() );
106    std::stringstream sstream;
107    sstream << CheMPS2::DMRG_MPS_storage_prefix << nStates-1 << ".h5";
108    MPSstoragename.assign( sstream.str() );
109    struct stat stFileInfo;
110    int intStat = stat( MPSstoragename.c_str(), &stFileInfo );
111    loadedMPS = (( makecheckpoints ) && ( intStat==0 )) ? true : false;
113    assert( MPIchemps2::all_booleans_equal( loadedMPS ) );
114    #endif
116    if ( loadedMPS ){ loadDIM( MPSstoragename, denBK ); }
118    // Convert occupancies from HAM to DMRG orbitals
119    if (( occupancies != NULL ) && ( Prob->gReorder() )){
120       int * tmp_cpy_occ = new int[ L ];
121       for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < L; cnt++ ){ tmp_cpy_occ[ cnt ] = occupancies[ cnt ]; }
122       for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < L; cnt++ ){ occupancies[ cnt ] = tmp_cpy_occ[ Prob->gf2( cnt ) ]; }
123       delete [] tmp_cpy_occ;
124    }
126    // Set to ROHF dimensions
127    /*if (( !loadedMPS ) && ( occupancies != NULL )){
128       int left_n  = 0;
129       int left_i  = 0;
130       int left_2s = 0;
131       for ( int site = 0; site < denBK->gL(); site++ ){
132          for ( int N = denBK->gNmin( site ); N <= denBK->gNmax( site ); N++ ){
133             for ( int TwoS = denBK->gTwoSmin( site, N ); TwoS <= denBK->gTwoSmax( site, N ); TwoS+=2 ){
134                for ( int Irrep = 0; Irrep < denBK->getNumberOfIrreps(); Irrep++ ){
135                   denBK->SetDim( site, N, TwoS, Irrep, 0 );
136                }
137             }
138          }
139          denBK->SetDim( site, left_n, left_2s, left_i, 1 );
140          left_n  = left_n + occupancies[ site ];
141          left_i  = (( occupancies[ site ] == 1 ) ? Irreps::directProd( left_i, Prob->gIrrep( site ) ) : left_i );
142          left_2s = (( occupancies[ site ] == 1 ) ? ( left_2s + 1 ) : left_2s );
143       }
144       assert( left_n  == Prob->gN() );
145       assert( left_i  == Prob->gIrrep() );
146       assert( left_2s == Prob->gTwoS() );
147    }*/
149    MPS = new TensorT * [ L ];
150    for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < L; cnt++ ){ MPS[ cnt ] = new TensorT( cnt, denBK ); }
152    if ( loadedMPS ){
153       bool isConverged;
154       loadMPS( MPSstoragename, MPS, &isConverged );
155       #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
156       if ( MPIchemps2::mpi_rank() == MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER )
157       #endif
158       { cout << "Loaded MPS " << MPSstoragename << " converged y/n? : " << isConverged << endl; }
159    } else {
160       #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
161          const bool am_i_master = ( MPIchemps2::mpi_rank() == MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
162       #else
163          const bool am_i_master = true;
164       #endif
165       if ( occupancies == NULL ){
166          for ( int site = 0; site < L; site++ ){
167             if ( am_i_master ){ MPS[ site ]->random(); }
168             left_normalize( MPS[ site ], NULL );
169          }
170       } else {
171          assert( Prob->check_rohf_occ( occupancies ) ); // Check compatibility
172          int left_n  = 0;
173          int left_i  = 0;
174          int left_2s = 0;
175          for ( int site = 0; site < L; site++ ){
176             const int right_n  = left_n + occupancies[ site ];
177             const int right_i  = (( occupancies[ site ] == 1 ) ? Irreps::directProd( left_i, Prob->gIrrep( site ) ) : left_i );
178             const int right_2s = (( occupancies[ site ] == 1 ) ? ( left_2s + 1 ) : left_2s );
179             const int dimL = denBK->gCurrentDim( site,      left_n,  left_2s,  left_i );
180             const int dimR = denBK->gCurrentDim( site + 1, right_n, right_2s, right_i );
181             assert( dimL > 0 );
182             assert( dimR > 0 );
183             if ( am_i_master ){
184                MPS[ site ]->random();
185                for ( int NL = right_n - 2; NL <= right_n; NL++ ){
186                   const int DS = (( right_n == NL + 1 ) ? 1 : 0 );
187                   const int IL = (( right_n == NL + 1 ) ? Irreps::directProd( right_i, Prob->gIrrep( site ) ) : right_i );
188                   for ( int TwoSL = right_2s - DS; TwoSL <= right_2s + DS; TwoSL+=2 ){
189                      const int dimL2 = denBK->gCurrentDim( site, NL, TwoSL, IL );
190                      if ( dimL2 > 0 ){
191                         double * space = MPS[ site ]->gStorage( NL, TwoSL, IL, right_n, right_2s, right_i );
192                         for ( int row = 0; row < dimL2; row++ ){ space[ row + dimL2 * 0 ] = 0.0; }
193                         if (( NL == left_n ) && ( TwoSL == left_2s ) && ( IL == left_i )){ space[ 0 + dimL * 0  ] = 42; }
194                      }
195                   }
196                }
197             }
198             left_normalize( MPS[ site ], NULL );
199             left_n  = right_n;
200             left_i  = right_i;
201             left_2s = right_2s;
202          }
203          assert( left_n  == Prob->gN() );
204          assert( left_i  == Prob->gIrrep() );
205          assert( left_2s == Prob->gTwoS() );
206       }
207    }
209 }
~DMRG()211 CheMPS2::DMRG::~DMRG(){
213    if ( the2DM  != NULL ){ delete the2DM;  }
214    if ( the3DM  != NULL ){ delete the3DM;  }
215    if ( theCorr != NULL ){ delete theCorr; }
217    deleteAllBoundaryOperators();
219    delete [] Ltensors;
220    delete [] F0tensors;
221    delete [] F1tensors;
222    delete [] S0tensors;
223    delete [] S1tensors;
224    delete [] Atensors;
225    delete [] Btensors;
226    delete [] Ctensors;
227    delete [] Dtensors;
228    delete [] Qtensors;
229    delete [] Xtensors;
230    delete [] isAllocated;
232    for ( int site = 0; site < L; site++ ){ delete MPS[ site ]; }
233    delete [] MPS;
235    if ( Exc_activated ){
236       delete [] Exc_Eshifts;
237       for ( int state = 0; state < nStates - 1; state++ ){
238          #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION
239          if ( MPIchemps2::owner_specific_excitation( L, state ) == MPIchemps2::mpi_rank() )
240          #endif
241          {
242             for ( int orb = 0; orb < L; orb++ ){ delete Exc_MPSs[ state ][ orb ]; }
243             delete [] Exc_MPSs[ state ];
244             delete Exc_BKs[ state ];
245             delete [] Exc_Overlaps[ state ]; // The rest is allocated and deleted at DMRGoperators.cpp
246          }
247       }
248       delete [] Exc_MPSs;
249       delete [] Exc_BKs;
250       delete [] Exc_Overlaps;
251    }
253    delete denBK;
255 }
PreSolve()257 void CheMPS2::DMRG::PreSolve(){
259    deleteAllBoundaryOperators();
261    for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < L - 2; cnt++ ){ updateMovingRightSafeFirstTime( cnt ); }
263    TotalMinEnergy = 1e8;
264    MaxDiscWeightLastSweep = 0.0;
266 }
Solve()268 double CheMPS2::DMRG::Solve(){
270    bool change = ( TotalMinEnergy < 1e8 ) ? true : false; // 1 sweep from right to left: fixed virtual dimensions
272    double Energy = 0.0;
275       const bool am_i_master = ( MPIchemps2::mpi_rank() == MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER );
276    #else
277       const bool am_i_master = true;
278    #endif
280    for ( int instruction = 0; instruction < OptScheme->get_number(); instruction++ ){
282       int nIterations = 0;
283       double EnergyPrevious = Energy + 10 * OptScheme->get_energy_conv( instruction ); // Guarantees that there's always at least 1 left-right sweep
285       while (( fabs( Energy - EnergyPrevious ) > OptScheme->get_energy_conv( instruction ) ) && ( nIterations < OptScheme->get_max_sweeps( instruction ) )){
287          for ( int timecnt = 0; timecnt < CHEMPS2_TIME_VECLENGTH; timecnt++ ){ timings[ timecnt ] = 0.0; }
288          num_double_write_disk = 0;
289          num_double_read_disk  = 0;
290          struct timeval start, end;
291          EnergyPrevious = Energy;
292          gettimeofday( &start, NULL );
293          Energy = sweepleft( change, instruction, am_i_master ); // Only relevant call in this block of code
294          gettimeofday( &end, NULL );
295          double elapsed = ( end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + 1e-6 * ( end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec );
296          if ( am_i_master ){
297             cout << "******************************************************************" << endl;
298             cout << "***  Information on left sweep " << nIterations << " of instruction " << instruction << ":" << endl;
299             cout << "***     Elapsed wall time        = " << elapsed << " seconds" << endl;
300             cout << "***       |--> S.join            = " << timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_S_JOIN  ] << " seconds" << endl;
301             cout << "***       |--> S.solve           = " << timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_S_SOLVE ] << " seconds" << endl;
302             cout << "***       |--> S.split           = " << timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_S_SPLIT ] << " seconds" << endl;
303             print_tensor_update_performance();
304             cout << "***     Minimum energy           = " << LastMinEnergy << endl;
305             cout << "***     Maximum discarded weight = " << MaxDiscWeightLastSweep << endl;
306          }
307          if ( Exc_activated ){ calc_overlaps( false ); }
308          if ( am_i_master ){
309             cout << "******************************************************************" << endl;
310          }
311          change = true; //rest of sweeps: variable virtual dimensions
312          for ( int timecnt = 0; timecnt < CHEMPS2_TIME_VECLENGTH; timecnt++ ){ timings[ timecnt ] = 0.0; }
313          num_double_write_disk = 0;
314          num_double_read_disk  = 0;
315          gettimeofday( &start, NULL );
316          Energy = sweepright( change, instruction, am_i_master ); // Only relevant call in this block of code
317          gettimeofday( &end, NULL );
318          elapsed = ( end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + 1e-6 * ( end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec );
319          if ( am_i_master ){
320             cout << "******************************************************************" << endl;
321             cout << "***  Information on right sweep " << nIterations << " of instruction " << instruction << ":" << endl;
322             cout << "***     Elapsed wall time        = " << elapsed << " seconds" << endl;
323             cout << "***       |--> S.join            = " << timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_S_JOIN  ] << " seconds" << endl;
324             cout << "***       |--> S.solve           = " << timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_S_SOLVE ] << " seconds" << endl;
325             cout << "***       |--> S.split           = " << timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_S_SPLIT ] << " seconds" << endl;
326             print_tensor_update_performance();
327             cout << "***     Minimum energy           = " << LastMinEnergy << endl;
328             cout << "***     Maximum discarded weight = " << MaxDiscWeightLastSweep << endl;
329             cout << "***     Energy difference with respect to previous leftright sweep = " << fabs(Energy-EnergyPrevious) << endl;
330          }
331          if ( Exc_activated ){ calc_overlaps( true ); }
332          if ( am_i_master ){
333             cout << "******************************************************************" << endl;
334             if ( makecheckpoints ){ saveMPS( MPSstoragename, MPS, denBK, false ); } // Only the master proc makes MPS checkpoints !!
335          }
337          nIterations++;
339       }
341       if ( am_i_master ){
342          cout << "***  Information on completed instruction " << instruction << ":" << endl;
343          cout << "***     The reduced virtual dimension DSU(2)               = " << OptScheme->get_D(instruction) << endl;
344          cout << "***     The total number of reduced MPS variables          = " << get_num_mps_var() << endl;
345          cout << "***     Minimum energy encountered during all instructions = " << TotalMinEnergy << endl;
346          cout << "***     Minimum energy encountered during the last sweep   = " << LastMinEnergy << endl;
347          cout << "***     Maximum discarded weight during the last sweep     = " << MaxDiscWeightLastSweep << endl;
348          cout << "******************************************************************" << endl;
349       }
351    }
353    return TotalMinEnergy;
355 }
sweepleft(const bool change,const int instruction,const bool am_i_master)357 double CheMPS2::DMRG::sweepleft( const bool change, const int instruction, const bool am_i_master ){
359    double Energy = 0.0;
360    const double noise_level = fabs( OptScheme->get_noise_prefactor( instruction ) ) * MaxDiscWeightLastSweep;
361    const double dvdson_rtol = OptScheme->get_dvdson_rtol( instruction );
362    const int vir_dimension  = OptScheme->get_D( instruction );
363    MaxDiscWeightLastSweep = 0.0;
364    LastMinEnergy = 1e8;
366    for ( int index = L - 2; index > 0; index-- ){
368       Energy = solve_site( index, dvdson_rtol, noise_level, vir_dimension, am_i_master, false, change );
369       if ( Energy < TotalMinEnergy ){ TotalMinEnergy = Energy; }
370       if ( Energy < LastMinEnergy  ){  LastMinEnergy = Energy; }
371       if ( am_i_master ){
372          cout << "Energy at sites (" << index << ", " << index + 1 << ") is " << Energy << endl;
373       }
375       // Prepare for next step
376       struct timeval start, end;
377       gettimeofday( &start, NULL );
378       updateMovingLeftSafe( index );
379       gettimeofday( &end, NULL );
380       timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_TENS_TOTAL ] += ( end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + 1e-6 * ( end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec );
382    }
384    return Energy;
386 }
sweepright(const bool change,const int instruction,const bool am_i_master)388 double CheMPS2::DMRG::sweepright( const bool change, const int instruction, const bool am_i_master ){
390    double Energy = 0.0;
391    const double noise_level = fabs( OptScheme->get_noise_prefactor( instruction ) ) * MaxDiscWeightLastSweep;
392    const double dvdson_rtol = OptScheme->get_dvdson_rtol( instruction );
393    const int vir_dimension  = OptScheme->get_D( instruction );
394    MaxDiscWeightLastSweep = 0.0;
395    LastMinEnergy = 1e8;
397    for ( int index = 0; index < L - 2; index++ ){
399       Energy = solve_site( index, dvdson_rtol, noise_level, vir_dimension, am_i_master, true, change );
400       if ( Energy < TotalMinEnergy ){ TotalMinEnergy = Energy; }
401       if ( Energy < LastMinEnergy  ){  LastMinEnergy = Energy; }
402       if ( am_i_master ){
403          cout << "Energy at sites (" << index << ", " << index + 1 << ") is " << Energy << endl;
404       }
406       // Prepare for next step
407       struct timeval start, end;
408       gettimeofday( &start, NULL );
409       updateMovingRightSafe( index );
410       gettimeofday( &end, NULL );
411       timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_TENS_TOTAL ] += ( end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + 1e-6 * ( end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec );
413    }
415    return Energy;
417 }
solve_site(const int index,const double dvdson_rtol,const double noise_level,const int virtual_dimension,const bool am_i_master,const bool moving_right,const bool change)419 double CheMPS2::DMRG::solve_site( const int index, const double dvdson_rtol, const double noise_level, const int virtual_dimension, const bool am_i_master, const bool moving_right, const bool change ){
421    struct timeval start, end;
423    // Construct two-site object S. Each MPI process joins the MPS tensors. Before a matrix-vector multiplication the vector is broadcasted anyway.
424    gettimeofday( &start, NULL );
425    Sobject * denS = new Sobject( index, denBK );
426    denS->Join( MPS[ index ], MPS[ index + 1 ] );
427    gettimeofday( &end, NULL );
428    timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_S_JOIN ] += ( end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + 1e-6 * ( end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec );
430    // Feed everything to the solver. Each MPI process returns the correct energy. Only MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER has the correct denS solution.
431    gettimeofday( &start, NULL );
432    Heff Solver( denBK, Prob, dvdson_rtol );
433    double ** VeffTilde = NULL;
434    if ( Exc_activated ){ VeffTilde = prepare_excitations( denS ); }
435    double Energy = Solver.SolveDAVIDSON( denS, Ltensors, Atensors, Btensors, Ctensors, Dtensors, S0tensors, S1tensors, F0tensors, F1tensors, Qtensors, Xtensors, nStates - 1, VeffTilde );
436    Energy += Prob->gEconst();
437    if ( Exc_activated ){ cleanup_excitations( VeffTilde ); }
438    gettimeofday( &end, NULL );
439    timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_S_SOLVE ] += ( end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + 1e-6 * ( end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec );
441    // Decompose the S-object. MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER decomposes denS. Each MPI process returns the correct discWeight. Each MPI process has the new MPS tensors set.
442    gettimeofday( &start, NULL );
443    if (( noise_level > 0.0 ) && ( am_i_master )){ denS->addNoise( noise_level ); }
444    const double discWeight = denS->Split( MPS[ index ], MPS[ index + 1 ], virtual_dimension, moving_right, change );
445    delete denS;
446    if ( discWeight > MaxDiscWeightLastSweep ){ MaxDiscWeightLastSweep = discWeight; }
447    gettimeofday( &end, NULL );
448    timings[ CHEMPS2_TIME_S_SPLIT ] += ( end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + 1e-6 * ( end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec );
450    return Energy;
452 }
get_num_mps_var() const454 int CheMPS2::DMRG::get_num_mps_var() const{
456    int num_var = 0;
457    for ( int site = 0; site < L; site++ ){
458       num_var += MPS[ site ]->gKappa2index( MPS[ site ]->gNKappa() );
459    }
460    return num_var;
462 }
activateExcitations(const int maxExcIn)464 void CheMPS2::DMRG::activateExcitations( const int maxExcIn ){
466    Exc_activated = true;
467    maxExc = maxExcIn;
468    Exc_Eshifts = new double[ maxExc ];
469    Exc_MPSs = new TensorT ** [ maxExc ];
470    Exc_BKs = new SyBookkeeper * [ maxExc ];
471    Exc_Overlaps = new TensorO ** [ maxExc ];
473 }
newExcitation(const double EshiftIn)475 void CheMPS2::DMRG::newExcitation( const double EshiftIn ){
477    assert( Exc_activated );
478    assert( nStates - 1 < maxExc );
480    if ( the2DM  != NULL ){ delete the2DM;  the2DM  = NULL; }
481    if ( the3DM  != NULL ){ delete the3DM;  the3DM  = NULL; }
482    if ( theCorr != NULL ){ delete theCorr; theCorr = NULL; }
483    deleteAllBoundaryOperators();
485    Exc_Eshifts[ nStates - 1 ] = EshiftIn;
487    if ( MPIchemps2::owner_specific_excitation( L, nStates - 1 ) == MPIchemps2::mpi_rank() ){
488    #endif
489       Exc_MPSs[ nStates - 1 ] = MPS;
490       Exc_BKs[ nStates - 1 ] = denBK;
491       Exc_Overlaps[ nStates - 1 ] = new TensorO*[ L - 1 ];
493    } else {
494       for ( int site = 0; site < L; site++ ){ delete MPS[ site ]; }
495       delete [] MPS;
496       delete denBK;
497    }
498    #endif
500    nStates++;
502    setupBookkeeperAndMPS();
503    PreSolve();
505 }