1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2016 projectchrono.org
5 // All right reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Nic Olsen
13 // =============================================================================
15 #pragma once
17 #include "chrono_distributed/ChApiDistributed.h"
19 #include "chrono/collision/ChCollisionModelChrono.h"
21 namespace chrono {
22 namespace collision {
24 /// @addtogroup distributed_collision
25 /// @{
27 /// This class adds the ability to track the axis-aligned bounding box for the entire model
28 /// so that an entire body can be classified by which sub-domains it intersects.
29 class CH_DISTR_API ChCollisionModelDistributed : public ChCollisionModelChrono {
30   public:
31     ChCollisionModelDistributed();
32     virtual ~ChCollisionModelDistributed();
34     /// Delete all inserted geometry.
35     virtual int ClearModel() override;
37     /// Adds a box collision shape to the model and calculates the model's new AABB
38     virtual bool AddBox(std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> material,  ///< Contact material
39                         double hx,                                    ///< Half-dimension in X direction
40                         double hy,                                    ///< Half-dimension in Y direction
41                         double hz,                                    ///< Half-dimension in Z direction
42                         const ChVector<>& pos = ChVector<>(),         ///< Box center location
43                         const ChMatrix33<>& rot = ChMatrix33<>(1)     ///< Box orientation
44                         ) override;
46     /// Adds a sphere collision shape to the model and calculates the model's new AABB
47     virtual bool AddSphere(std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> material,  ///< Contact material
48                            double radius,                                ///< Sphere radius
49                            const ChVector<>& pos = ChVector<>()          ///< Sphere center location
50                            ) override;
52     /// Adds a triangle collision shape to the model
53     virtual bool AddTriangle(std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> material,  ///< Contact material
54                              ChVector<> A,                                 ///< Vertex of triangle
55                              ChVector<> B,                                 ///< Vertex of triangle
56                              ChVector<> C,                                 ///< Vertex of triangle
57                              const ChVector<>& pos = ChVector<>(),         ///< Triangle position
58                              const ChMatrix33<>& rot = ChMatrix33<>(1)     ///< Triangle orientation
59                              ) override;
61     /// Gets the axis-aligned bounding box for the entire model
62     /// Only valid at beginning of simulation
63     virtual void GetAABB(ChVector<>& bbmin, ChVector<>& bbmax) const override;
65     std::vector<real3> shape_aabb_max;  ///< Upper AABB corners for each shape in model
66     std::vector<real3> shape_aabb_min;  ///< Lower AABB corners for each shape in model
68   protected:
69     ChVector<double> aabb_max;  ///< Upper corner of model AABB
70     ChVector<double> aabb_min;  ///< Lower corner of model AABB
72     bool aabb_valid;  ///< Indicates that the bounding box has been computed
73 };
75 /// @} distributed_collision
77 }  // namespace collision
78 }  // namespace chrono