1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2018 projectchrono.org
5 // All right reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Author: Radu Serban
13 // =============================================================================
14 //
15 // RoboSimian model classes.
16 //
17 // For a description of this robot, see:
18 //  Satzinger B.W., Lau C., Byl M., Byl K. (2016)
19 //  Experimental Results for Dexterous Quadruped Locomotion Planning with RoboSimian.
20 //  In: Hsieh M., Khatib O., Kumar V. (eds) Experimental Robotics.
21 //  Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, vol 109. Springer, Cham.
22 //  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23778-7_3
23 //
24 // =============================================================================
26 #ifndef ROBOSIMIAN_H
27 #define ROBOSIMIAN_H
29 #include <array>
30 #include <fstream>
31 #include <string>
32 #include <unordered_map>
33 #include <vector>
35 #include "chrono/assets/ChColor.h"
36 #include "chrono/physics/ChLinkMotorRotation.h"
37 #include "chrono/physics/ChSystem.h"
39 #include "chrono_models/ChApiModels.h"
41 namespace chrono {
43 /// Namespace with classes for the RoboSimian model.
44 namespace robosimian {
46 /// @addtogroup robot_models_robosimian
47 /// @{
49 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 // Various definitions
51 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 /// RoboSimian limb identifiers.
54 enum LimbID {
55     FR = 0,  ///< front right
56     RR = 1,  ///< rear right
57     RL = 2,  ///< rear left
58     FL = 3   ///< front left
59 };
61 /// Visualization type for a RoboSimian part.
62 enum class VisualizationType {
63     NONE,       ///< no visualization
64     COLLISION,  ///< render primitive collision shapes
65     MESH        ///< render meshes
66 };
68 /// RoboSimian collision families.
69 namespace CollisionFamily {
70 enum Enum {
71     LIMB_FR = 1,  ///< front-right limb
72     LIMB_RR = 2,  ///< rear-right limb
73     LIMB_RL = 3,  ///< rear-left limb
74     LIMB_FL = 4,  ///< front-left limb
75     CHASSIS = 5,  ///< chassis (torso)
76     SLED = 6,     ///< sled
77     WHEEL_DD = 7  ///< direct-drive wheels
78 };
79 }
81 /// RoboSimian collision flags (specify which part carries collision shapes).
82 namespace CollisionFlags {
83 enum Enum {
84     NONE = 0,          ///< no collision shapes on any body
85     CHASSIS = 1 << 0,  ///< chassis (torso)
86     SLED = 1 << 1,     ///< sled
87     LIMBS = 1 << 2,    ///< all limb bodies (excluding final wheels)
88     WHEELS = 1 << 3,   ///< all wheels
89     ALL = 0xFFFF       ///< collision enabled on all bodies
90 };
91 }
93 /// RoboSimian actuation modes.
94 enum class ActuationMode {
95     ANGLE,  ///< prescribe time-series for joint angle
96     SPEED   ///< prescribe time-series for joint angular speed
97 };
99 /// RoboSimian locomotion modes.
100 enum class LocomotionMode {
101     WALK,      ///< walking
102     SCULL,     ///< crawl/slide on the sled
103     INCHWORM,  ///< inchworm-type movement
104     DRIVE      ///< driving
105 };
107 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 // Definition of a part (body + collision shapes + visualization assets)
109 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 struct CH_MODELS_API BoxShape {
BoxShapeBoxShape112     BoxShape(const chrono::ChVector<>& pos, const chrono::ChQuaternion<>& rot, const chrono::ChVector<>& dims)
113         : m_pos(pos), m_rot(rot), m_dims(dims) {}
114     chrono::ChVector<> m_pos;
115     chrono::ChQuaternion<> m_rot;
116     chrono::ChVector<> m_dims;
117 };
119 struct CH_MODELS_API SphereShape {
SphereShapeSphereShape120     SphereShape(const chrono::ChVector<>& pos, double radius) : m_pos(pos), m_radius(radius) {}
121     chrono::ChVector<> m_pos;
122     double m_radius;
123 };
125 struct CH_MODELS_API CylinderShape {
CylinderShapeCylinderShape126     CylinderShape(const chrono::ChVector<>& pos, const chrono::ChQuaternion<>& rot, double radius, double length)
127         : m_pos(pos), m_rot(rot), m_radius(radius), m_length(length) {}
128     chrono::ChVector<> m_pos;
129     chrono::ChQuaternion<> m_rot;
130     double m_radius;
131     double m_length;
132 };
134 struct CH_MODELS_API MeshShape {
135     enum class Type { CONVEX_HULL, TRIANGLE_SOUP, NODE_CLOUD };
MeshShapeMeshShape136     MeshShape(const chrono::ChVector<>& pos, const chrono::ChQuaternion<>& rot, const std::string& name, Type type)
137         : m_pos(pos), m_rot(rot), m_name(name), m_type(type) {}
138     chrono::ChVector<> m_pos;
139     chrono::ChQuaternion<> m_rot;
140     std::string m_name;
141     Type m_type;
142 };
144 /// RoboSimian part.
145 /// A robot part encapsulates a Chrono body with its collision and visualization shapes.
146 class CH_MODELS_API RS_Part {
147   public:
148     RS_Part(const std::string& name, std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> mat, chrono::ChSystem* system);
~RS_Part()149     virtual ~RS_Part() {}
GetName()151     const std::string& GetName() const { return m_name; }
SetName(const std::string & name)152     void SetName(const std::string& name) { m_name = name; }
153     void SetVisualizationType(VisualizationType vis);
GetBody()155     std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChBodyAuxRef> GetBody() const { return m_body; }
GetPos()156     const chrono::ChVector<>& GetPos() const { return m_body->GetFrame_REF_to_abs().GetPos(); }
GetRot()157     const chrono::ChQuaternion<>& GetRot() const { return m_body->GetFrame_REF_to_abs().GetRot(); }
159   protected:
160     void AddVisualizationAssets(VisualizationType vis);
161     void AddCollisionShapes();
163     std::string m_name;                            ///< subsystem name
164     std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChBodyAuxRef> m_body;  ///< rigid body
165     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> m_mat;      ///< contact material (shared among all shapes)
166     std::vector<BoxShape> m_boxes;                 ///< set of collision boxes
167     std::vector<SphereShape> m_spheres;            ///< set of collision spheres
168     std::vector<CylinderShape> m_cylinders;        ///< set of collision cylinders
169     std::vector<MeshShape> m_meshes;               ///< set of collision meshes
170     std::string m_mesh_name;                       ///< visualization mesh name
171     chrono::ChVector<> m_offset;                   ///< offset for visualization mesh
172     chrono::ChColor m_color;                       ///< visualization asset color
174     friend class RoboSimian;
175     friend class RS_Limb;
176 };
178 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 // Robot chassis (torso)
180 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
182 /// RoboSimian chassis (torso).
183 class CH_MODELS_API RS_Chassis : public RS_Part {
184   public:
185     RS_Chassis(const std::string& name, bool fixed, std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> mat, chrono::ChSystem* system);
~RS_Chassis()186     ~RS_Chassis() {}
188     /// Initialize the chassis at the specified (absolute) position.
189     void Initialize(const chrono::ChCoordsys<>& pos);
191     /// Enable/disable collision for the sled (Default: false).
192     void SetCollide(bool state);
194   private:
195     /// Translate the chassis by the specified value.
196     void Translate(const chrono::ChVector<>& shift);
198     bool m_collide;  ///< true if collision enabled
200     friend class RoboSimian;
201 };
203 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 // Robot sled (fixed to chassis)
205 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 /// RoboSimian sled (attached to chassis).
208 class CH_MODELS_API RS_Sled : public RS_Part {
209   public:
210     RS_Sled(const std::string& name, std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> mat, chrono::ChSystem* system);
~RS_Sled()211     ~RS_Sled() {}
213     /// Initialize the sled at the specified position (relative to the chassis).
214     void Initialize(std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChBodyAuxRef> chassis,  ///< chassis body
215                     const chrono::ChVector<>& xyz,                  ///< location (relative to chassis)
216                     const chrono::ChVector<>& rpy                   ///< roll-pitch-yaw (relative to chassis)
217     );
219     /// Enable/disable collision for the sled (default: true).
220     void SetCollide(bool state);
222   private:
223     /// Translate the sled by the specified value.
224     void Translate(const chrono::ChVector<>& shift);
226     bool m_collide;  ///< true if collision enabled
228     friend class RoboSimian;
229 };
231 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 // Direct-drive robot wheels (not used in current model)
233 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 /// RoboSimian direct-drive wheel.
236 /// Note that this part is not used in the current model.
237 class CH_MODELS_API RS_WheelDD : public RS_Part {
238   public:
239     RS_WheelDD(const std::string& name, int id, std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> mat, chrono::ChSystem* system);
~RS_WheelDD()240     ~RS_WheelDD() {}
242     /// Initialize the direct-drive wheel at the specified position (relative to the chassis).
243     void Initialize(std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChBodyAuxRef> chassis,  ///< chassis body
244                     const chrono::ChVector<>& xyz,                  ///< location (relative to chassis)
245                     const chrono::ChVector<>& rpy                   ///< roll-pitch-yaw (relative to chassis)
246     );
247 };
249 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 // Robot limb components
251 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
253 /// RoboSimian link.
254 /// A robot link encapsulates information for a body in a robot limb.
255 class CH_MODELS_API Link {
256   public:
Link(const std::string & mesh_name,const chrono::ChVector<> & offset,const chrono::ChColor & color,double mass,const chrono::ChVector<> & com,const chrono::ChVector<> & inertia_xx,const chrono::ChVector<> & inertia_xy,const std::vector<CylinderShape> & shapes)257     Link(const std::string& mesh_name,             ///< name of associated mesh
258          const chrono::ChVector<>& offset,         ///< mesh offset
259          const chrono::ChColor& color,             ///< mesh color
260          double mass,                              ///< link mass
261          const chrono::ChVector<>& com,            ///< location of COM
262          const chrono::ChVector<>& inertia_xx,     ///< moments of inertia
263          const chrono::ChVector<>& inertia_xy,     ///< products of inertia
264          const std::vector<CylinderShape>& shapes  ///< list of collision shapes
265          )
266         : m_mesh_name(mesh_name),
267           m_offset(offset),
268           m_color(color),
269           m_mass(mass),
270           m_com(com),
271           m_inertia_xx(inertia_xx),
272           m_inertia_xy(inertia_xy),
273           m_shapes(shapes) {}
275   private:
276     std::string m_mesh_name;
277     chrono::ChVector<> m_offset;
278     chrono::ChColor m_color;
279     double m_mass;
280     chrono::ChVector<> m_com;
281     chrono::ChVector<> m_inertia_xx;
282     chrono::ChVector<> m_inertia_xy;
283     std::vector<CylinderShape> m_shapes;
285     friend class RS_Limb;
286 };
288 struct CH_MODELS_API LinkData {
LinkDataLinkData289     LinkData(std::string myname, Link mylink, bool inc) : name(myname), link(mylink), include(inc) {}
290     ////LinkData(LinkData&&) {}
292     std::string name;
293     Link link;
294     bool include;
295 };
297 struct CH_MODELS_API JointData {
298     std::string name;
299     std::string linkA;
300     std::string linkB;
301     bool fixed;
302     chrono::ChVector<> xyz;
303     chrono::ChVector<> rpy;
304     chrono::ChVector<> axis;
305 };
307 /// RoboSimian limb.
308 /// A robot limb represents a multibody chain composed of robot links and joints.
309 class CH_MODELS_API RS_Limb {
310   public:
311     RS_Limb(const std::string& name,                       ///< limb name
312             LimbID id,                                     ///< limb ID
313             const LinkData data[],                         ///< data for limb links
314             std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> wheel_mat,  ///< contact material for the limb wheel
315             std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> link_mat,   ///< contact material for the limb links
316             chrono::ChSystem* system                       ///< containing system
317     );
~RS_Limb()318     ~RS_Limb() {}
320     /// Initialize the limb at the specified position (relative to the chassis).
321     void Initialize(std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChBodyAuxRef> chassis,  ///< chassis body
322                     const chrono::ChVector<>& xyz,                  ///< location (relative to chassis)
323                     const chrono::ChVector<>& rpy,                  ///< roll-pitch-yaw (relative to chassis)
324                     CollisionFamily::Enum collision_family,         ///< collision family
325                     ActuationMode wheel_mode                        ///< motor type for wheel actuation
326     );
328     /// Set visualization type for all limb links.
329     void SetVisualizationType(VisualizationType vis);
331     /// Enable/disable collision on all links, except final wheel (default: false).
332     void SetCollideLinks(bool state);
334     /// Enable/disable collision for final wheel (default: true).
335     void SetCollideWheel(bool state);
337     /// Get the total mass of this limb.
338     double GetMass() const;
340     /// Get a handle to the wheel body.
GetWheelBody()341     std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChBodyAuxRef> GetWheelBody() const { return m_wheel->GetBody(); }
343     /// Get location of the wheel body.
GetWheelPos()344     const chrono::ChVector<>& GetWheelPos() const { return m_wheel->GetPos(); }
346     /// Get angular velocity of the wheel body (expressed in local coordinates).
GetWheelAngVelocity()347     chrono::ChVector<> GetWheelAngVelocity() const { return m_wheel->GetBody()->GetWvel_loc(); }
349     /// Get wheel angle.
GetWheelAngle()350     double GetWheelAngle() const { return m_wheel_motor->GetMotorRot(); }
352     /// Get wheel angular speed.
GetWheelOmega()353     double GetWheelOmega() const { return m_wheel_motor->GetMotorRot_dt(); }
355     /// Get angle for specified motor.
356     /// Motors are named "joint1", "joint2", ... , "joint8", starting at the chassis.
357     double GetMotorAngle(const std::string& motor_name) const;
359     /// Get angular speed for specified motor.
360     /// Motors are named "joint1", "joint2", ... , "joint8", starting at the chassis.
361     double GetMotorOmega(const std::string& motor_name) const;
363     /// Get actuator reaction torque [Nm] for specified motor.
364     /// Motors are named "joint1", "joint2", ... , "joint8", starting at the chassis.
365     double GetMotorTorque(const std::string& motor_name) const;
367     /// Get angles for all 8 limb motors.
368     std::array<double, 8> GetMotorAngles();
370     /// Get angular velocities for all 8 limb motors.
371     std::array<double, 8> GetMotorOmegas();
373     /// Get actuator torques for all 8 limb motors.
374     std::array<double, 8> GetMotorTorques();
376     /// Get current motor actuations.
377     void GetMotorActuations(std::array<double, 8>& angles, std::array<double, 8>& speeds);
379     /// Set activation for given motor at current time.
380     void Activate(const std::string& motor_name, double time, double val);
382     /// Set activations for all motors at current time.
383     void Activate(double time, const std::array<double, 8>& vals);
385   private:
386     /// Translate the limb bodies by the specified value.
387     void Translate(const chrono::ChVector<>& shift);
389     std::string m_name;
390     std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<RS_Part>> m_links;
391     std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChLink>> m_joints;
392     std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChLinkMotorRotation>> m_motors;
393     std::shared_ptr<RS_Part> m_wheel;
394     std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChLinkMotorRotation> m_wheel_motor;
396     bool m_collide_links;  ///< collide flag for all links (except final wheel)
397     bool m_collide_wheel;  ///< collide flag for the final wheel
399     friend class RoboSimian;
400 };
402 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
403 // Definition of the RoboSimian robot
404 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 class ContactManager;
407 class ContactMaterial;
408 class RS_Driver;
410 /// RoboSimian robot model.
411 /// The robot model consists of a chassis (torso) with an attached sled and four limbs (legs).
412 class CH_MODELS_API RoboSimian {
413   public:
414     /// Construct a RoboSimian with an implicit Chrono system.
415     RoboSimian(chrono::ChContactMethod contact_method,  ///< contact formulation (SMC or NSC)
416                bool has_sled = false,                   ///< true if robot has sled body attached to chassis
417                bool fixed = false                       ///< true if robot chassis fixed to ground
418     );
420     /// Construct a RoboSimian within the specified Chrono system.
421     RoboSimian(chrono::ChSystem* system,  ///< containing system
422                bool has_sled = false,     ///< true if robot has sled body attached to chassis
423                bool fixed = false         ///< true if robot chassis fixed to ground
424     );
426     ~RoboSimian();
428     /// Get the containing system.
GetSystem()429     chrono::ChSystem* GetSystem() { return m_system; }
431     /// Set actuation type for wheel motors (default: SPEED).
SetMotorActuationMode(ActuationMode mode)432     void SetMotorActuationMode(ActuationMode mode) { m_wheel_mode = mode; }
434     /// Set collision flags for the various subsystems.
435     /// By default, collision is enabled for the sled and wheels only.
436     /// The 'flags' argument can be any of the CollisionFlag enums, or a combination thereof (using bit-wise operators).
437     void SetCollide(int flags);
439     /// Set coefficients of friction for sled-terrain and wheel-terrain contacts.
440     /// Default values: 0.8.
441     void SetFrictionCoefficients(float sled_friction, float wheel_friction);
443     /// Attach a driver system.
444     void SetDriver(std::shared_ptr<RS_Driver> driver);
446     /// Set visualization type for chassis subsystem.
447     void SetVisualizationTypeChassis(VisualizationType vis);
448     /// Set visualization type for sled subsystem.
449     void SetVisualizationTypeSled(VisualizationType vis);
450     /// Set visualization type for all limb subsystems.
451     void SetVisualizationTypeLimbs(VisualizationType vis);
452     /// Set visualization type for thr specified limb subsystem.
453     void SetVisualizationTypeLimb(LimbID id, VisualizationType vis);
454     /// Set visualization type for all wheel subsystem.
455     void SetVisualizationTypeWheels(VisualizationType vis);
457     /// Set output directory.
458     void SetOutputDirectory(const std::string& outdir, const std::string& root = "results");
460     /// Get the total mass of the robot.
461     double GetMass() const;
463     /// Get a handle to the robot's chassis subsystem.
GetChassis()464     std::shared_ptr<RS_Chassis> GetChassis() const { return m_chassis; }
466     /// Get a handle to the robot's chassis body.
GetChassisBody()467     std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChBodyAuxRef> GetChassisBody() const { return m_chassis->GetBody(); }
469     /// Get location of the chassis body.
GetChassisPos()470     const chrono::ChVector<>& GetChassisPos() const { return m_chassis->GetPos(); }
472     /// Get orientation of the chassis body.
GetChassisRot()473     const chrono::ChQuaternion<>& GetChassisRot() const { return m_chassis->GetRot(); }
475     /// Get a handle to the robot's sled subsystem.
GetSled()476     std::shared_ptr<RS_Sled> GetSled() const { return m_sled; }
478     /// Get a handle to the robot's sled body.
GetSledBody()479     std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChBodyAuxRef> GetSledBody() const { return m_sled->GetBody(); }
481     /// Get a handle to the robot's specified limb subsystem.
GetLimb(LimbID id)482     std::shared_ptr<RS_Limb> GetLimb(LimbID id) const { return m_limbs[id]; }
484     /// Get a handle to the wheel body for the specified limb.
GetWheelBody(LimbID id)485     std::shared_ptr<chrono::ChBodyAuxRef> GetWheelBody(LimbID id) const { return m_limbs[id]->GetWheelBody(); }
487     /// Get location of the wheel body for the specified limb.
GetWheelPos(LimbID id)488     const chrono::ChVector<>& GetWheelPos(LimbID id) const { return m_limbs[id]->GetWheelPos(); }
490     /// Get angular velocity of the wheel body for the specified limb (expressed in local coordinates).
GetWheelAngVelocity(LimbID id)491     chrono::ChVector<> GetWheelAngVelocity(LimbID id) const { return m_limbs[id]->GetWheelAngVelocity(); }
493     /// Get wheel angle for the specified limb.
GetWheelAngle(LimbID id)494     double GetWheelAngle(LimbID id) const { return m_limbs[id]->GetWheelAngle(); }
496     /// Get wheel angular speed for the specified limb.
GetWheelOmega(LimbID id)497     double GetWheelOmega(LimbID id) const { return m_limbs[id]->GetWheelOmega(); }
499     /// Get angles for all 8 limb motors.
GetMotorAngles(LimbID id)500     std::array<double, 8> GetMotorAngles(LimbID id) { return m_limbs[id]->GetMotorAngles(); }
502     /// Get angular velocities for all 8 limb motors.
GetMotorOmegas(LimbID id)503     std::array<double, 8> GetMotorOmegas(LimbID id) { return m_limbs[id]->GetMotorOmegas(); }
505     /// Get actuator torques for all 8 limb motors.
GetMotorTorques(LimbID id)506     std::array<double, 8> GetMotorTorques(LimbID id) { return m_limbs[id]->GetMotorTorques(); }
508     /// Access the chassis contact material.
GetChassisContactMaterial()509     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> GetChassisContactMaterial() { return m_chassis_material; }
511     /// Access the sled contact material.
GetSledContactMaterial()512     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> GetSledContactMaterial() { return m_sled_material; }
514     /// Access the wheel contact material. Note that this material is shared by all wheels.
GetWheelContactMaterial()515     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> GetWheelContactMaterial() { return m_wheel_material; }
517     /// Access the wheelDD contact material. Note that this material is shared by all DD wheels.
GetWheelDDContactMaterial()518     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> GetWheelDDContactMaterial() { return m_wheelDD_material; }
520     /// Access the link contact material. Note that this material is shared by all non-wheel links.
GetLinkContactMaterial()521     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> GetLinkContactMaterial() { return m_link_material; }
523     /// Initialize the robot at the specified chassis position and orientation.
524     void Initialize(const chrono::ChCoordsys<>& pos);
526     /// Directly activate the specified motor on the specified limb.
527     void Activate(LimbID id, const std::string& motor_name, double time, double val);
529     /// Advance dynamics of underlying system.
530     /// If a driver system is specified, apply motor actuations at current time.
531     void DoStepDynamics(double step);
533     /// Translate all robot bodies by the specified value.
534     void Translate(const chrono::ChVector<>& shift);
536     /// Output current data.
537     void Output();
539     /// Report current contacts for all robot parts.
540     void ReportContacts();
542   private:
543     void Create(bool has_sled, bool fixed);
545     chrono::ChSystem* m_system;  ///< pointer to the Chrono system
546     bool m_owns_system;          ///< true if system created at construction
548     std::shared_ptr<RS_Chassis> m_chassis;          ///< robot chassis
549     std::shared_ptr<RS_Sled> m_sled;                ///< optional sled attached to chassis
550     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RS_Limb>> m_limbs;  ///< robot limbs
551     ////std::shared_ptr<RS_WheelDD> m_wheel_left;       ///< left DD wheel
552     ////std::shared_ptr<RS_WheelDD> m_wheel_right;      ///< right DD wheel
554     ActuationMode m_wheel_mode;  ///< type of actuation for wheel motor
556     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> m_chassis_material;  ///< chassis contact material
557     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> m_sled_material;     ///< sled contact material
558     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> m_wheel_material;    ///< wheel contact material (shared across limbs)
559     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> m_link_material;     ///< link contact material (shared across limbs)
560     std::shared_ptr<ChMaterialSurface> m_wheelDD_material;  ///< wheelDD contact material (shared across limbs)
562     float m_wheel_friction;  ///< coefficient of friction wheel-terrain (used in material_override)
563     float m_sled_friction;   ///< coefficient of friction sled-terrain (used in material_override)
565     std::shared_ptr<RS_Driver> m_driver;   ///< robot driver system
566     ContactManager* m_contact_reporter;    ///< contact reporting callback class
567     ContactMaterial* m_material_override;  ///< contact material override callback class
569     std::string m_outdir;     ///< path of output directory
570     std::string m_root;       ///< prefix of output filenames
571     std::ofstream m_outf[4];  ///< output file streams (one per limb)
573     friend class ContactMaterial;
574 };
576 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
577 // RoboSimian driver classes
578 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
580 typedef std::array<std::array<double, 8>, 4> Actuation;
582 /// Driver for the RoboSimian robot.
583 class CH_MODELS_API RS_Driver {
584   public:
585     /// Driving phases.
586     enum Phase { POSE, HOLD, START, CYCLE, STOP };
588     RS_Driver(const std::string& filename_start,  ///< name of file with joint actuations for start phase
589               const std::string& filename_cycle,  ///< name of file with joint actuations for cycle phase
590               const std::string& filename_stop,   ///< name of file with joint actuations for stop phase
591               bool repeat = false                 ///< true if cycle phase is looped
592     );
594     ~RS_Driver();
596     /// Specify time intervals to assume and then hold the initial pose.
597     void SetTimeOffsets(double time_pose, double time_hold);
599     /// Return the current limb motor actuations.
GetActuation()600     Actuation GetActuation() { return m_actuations; }
602     /// Directly feed actuations to the motors.
SetActuation(Actuation ext_act)603     void SetActuation(Actuation ext_act) { m_actuations = ext_act; }
605     /// Set the driving mode to accept external inputs.
SetDrivingMode(bool drivemode)606     void SetDrivingMode(bool drivemode) { driven = drivemode; }
608     /// Set the motor type (setpoint/torque).
UseTorqueMotors(bool use_tm)609     void UseTorqueMotors(bool use_tm) { torque_actuated = use_tm; }
611     /// Return the current phase
GetCurrentPhase()612     std::string GetCurrentPhase() const { return m_phase_names[m_phase]; }
614     /// Class to be used as callback interface for user-defined actions at phase changes.
615     class CH_MODELS_API PhaseChangeCallback {
616       public:
~PhaseChangeCallback()617         virtual ~PhaseChangeCallback() {}
618         /// Function called on each phase change.
619         virtual void OnPhaseChange(RS_Driver::Phase old_phase, RS_Driver::Phase new_phase) = 0;
620     };
622     /// Register a phase-change callback object.
RegisterPhaseChangeCallback(PhaseChangeCallback * callback)623     void RegisterPhaseChangeCallback(PhaseChangeCallback* callback) { m_callback = callback; }
625   private:
626     void Update(double time);
627     void LoadDataLine(double& time, Actuation& activations);
629     std::ifstream m_ifs_start;        ///< input file stream for start phase
630     std::ifstream m_ifs_cycle;        ///< input file stream for cycle phase
631     std::ifstream m_ifs_stop;         ///< input file stream for stop phase
632     std::ifstream* m_ifs;             ///< active input file stream
633     double m_time_pose;               ///< time interval to assume initial pose
634     double m_time_hold;               ///< time interval to hold initial pose
635     double m_offset;                  ///< current time offset in input files
636     bool m_repeat;                    ///< repeat cycle
637     Phase m_phase;                    ///< current phase
638     double m_time_1;                  ///< time for cached actuations
639     double m_time_2;                  ///< time for cached actuations
640     Actuation m_actuations_1;         ///< cached actuations (before)
641     Actuation m_actuations_2;         ///< cached actuations (after)
642     Actuation m_actuations;           ///< current actuations
643     PhaseChangeCallback* m_callback;  ///< user callback for phase change
644     bool driven = false;           ///< true if the driver is expecting external inputs instead of reading from a file
645     bool torque_actuated = false;  ///< true if using torque actuation instead of setpoints
647     static const std::string m_phase_names[5];  ///< names of various driver phases
649     friend class RoboSimian;
650 };
652 /// Robot driver callback to keep track of average speed and distance between phase changes.
653 class CH_MODELS_API RS_DriverCallback : public RS_Driver::PhaseChangeCallback {
654   public:
RS_DriverCallback(RoboSimian * robot)655     RS_DriverCallback(RoboSimian* robot) : m_start_x(0), m_start_time(0), m_robot(robot) {}
656     virtual void OnPhaseChange(RS_Driver::Phase old_phase, RS_Driver::Phase new_phase) override;
658     /// Get distance traveled from last phase change.
GetDistance()659     double GetDistance() const { return m_robot->GetChassisPos().x() - m_start_x; }
660     /// Get time elapsed since last phase change.
GetDuration()661     double GetDuration() const { return m_robot->GetSystem()->GetChTime() - m_start_time; }
662     /// Get average robot speed since last phase change.
GetAvgSpeed()663     double GetAvgSpeed() const { return GetDistance() / GetDuration(); }
665     double m_start_x;     ///< location at start of current phase
666     double m_start_time;  ///< time at start of current phase
668   private:
669     RoboSimian* m_robot;
670 };
672 /// @} robot_models_robosimian
674 }  // namespace robosimian
675 }  // namespace chrono
676 #endif