1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2016 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Hammad Mazhar
13 // =============================================================================
14 // Constraint utility functions
15 // =============================================================================
17 #include "chrono_multicore/constraints/ChConstraintUtils.h"
19 namespace chrono {
21 using namespace collision;
Orthogonalize(const real3 & Vx,real3 & Vy,real3 & Vz)24 void Orthogonalize(const real3& Vx, real3& Vy, real3& Vz) {
25     real3 mVsingular = real3(0, 1, 0);
26     Vz = Cross(Vx, mVsingular);
27     real mzlen = Length(Vz);
28     // was near singularity? change singularity reference vector!
29     if (mzlen < real(0.0001)) {
30         mVsingular = real3(1, 0, 0);
31         Vz = Cross(Vx, mVsingular);
32         mzlen = Length(Vz);
33     }
34     Vz = Vz / mzlen;
35     Vy = Cross(Vz, Vx);
36 }
Compute_Jacobian(const quaternion & quat,const real3 & U,const real3 & V,const real3 & W,const real3 & point,real3 & T1,real3 & T2,real3 & T3)39 void Compute_Jacobian(const quaternion& quat,
40                       const real3& U,
41                       const real3& V,
42                       const real3& W,
43                       const real3& point,
44                       real3& T1,
45                       real3& T2,
46                       real3& T3) {
47     quaternion quaternion_conjugate = ~quat;
48     real3 sbar = Rotate(point, quaternion_conjugate);
50     T1 = Cross(Rotate(U, quaternion_conjugate), sbar);
51     T2 = Cross(Rotate(V, quaternion_conjugate), sbar);
52     T3 = Cross(Rotate(W, quaternion_conjugate), sbar);
53 }
Compute_Jacobian_Rolling(const quaternion & quat,const real3 & U,const real3 & V,const real3 & W,real3 & T1,real3 & T2,real3 & T3)56 void Compute_Jacobian_Rolling(const quaternion& quat,
57                               const real3& U,
58                               const real3& V,
59                               const real3& W,
60                               real3& T1,
61                               real3& T2,
62                               real3& T3) {
63     quaternion quaternion_conjugate = ~quat;
65     T1 = Rotate(U, quaternion_conjugate);
66     T2 = Rotate(V, quaternion_conjugate);
67     T3 = Rotate(W, quaternion_conjugate);
68 }
Cone_generalized_rigid(real & gamma_n,real & gamma_u,real & gamma_v,real mu)71 bool Cone_generalized_rigid(real& gamma_n, real& gamma_u, real& gamma_v, real mu) {
72     real f_tang = sqrt(gamma_u * gamma_u + gamma_v * gamma_v);
74     // inside upper cone? keep untouched!
75     if (f_tang < (mu * gamma_n)) {
76         return false;
77     }
79     // inside lower cone? reset  normal,u,v to zero!
80     if ((f_tang) < -(1 / mu) * gamma_n || (fabs(gamma_n) < 10e-15)) {
81         gamma_n = 0;
82         gamma_u = 0;
83         gamma_v = 0;
84         return false;
85     }
87     // remaining case: project orthogonally to generator segment of upper cone
88     gamma_n = (f_tang * mu + gamma_n) / (mu * mu + 1);
89     real tproj_div_t = (gamma_n * mu) / f_tang;
90     gamma_u *= tproj_div_t;
91     gamma_v *= tproj_div_t;
93     return true;
94 }
Cone_single_rigid(real & gamma_n,real & gamma_s,real mu)97 bool Cone_single_rigid(real& gamma_n, real& gamma_s, real mu) {
98     real f_tang = fabs(gamma_s);
100     // inside upper cone? keep untouched!
101     if (f_tang < (mu * gamma_n)) {
102         return false;
103     }
105     // inside lower cone? reset  normal,u,v to zero!
106     if ((f_tang) < -(1 / mu) * gamma_n || (fabs(gamma_n) < 10e-15)) {
107         gamma_n = 0;
108         gamma_s = 0;
109         return false;
110     }
112     // remaining case: project orthogonally to generator segment of upper cone
113     gamma_n = (f_tang * mu + gamma_n) / (mu * mu + 1);
114     real tproj_div_t = (gamma_n * mu) / f_tang;
115     gamma_s *= tproj_div_t;
117     return true;
118 }
AppendRigidFluidBoundary(const real contact_mu,const uint num_fluid_bodies,const uint body_offset,const uint start_boundary,ChMulticoreDataManager * data_manager)121 void AppendRigidFluidBoundary(const real contact_mu,
122                               const uint num_fluid_bodies,
123                               const uint body_offset,
124                               const uint start_boundary,
125                               ChMulticoreDataManager* data_manager) {
126     CompressedMatrix<real>& D_T = data_manager->host_data.D_T;
127     uint num_rigid_fluid_contacts = data_manager->cd_data->num_rigid_fluid_contacts;
128     if (num_rigid_fluid_contacts > 0) {
129         custom_vector<int>& neighbor_rigid_fluid = data_manager->cd_data->neighbor_rigid_fluid;
130         custom_vector<int>& contact_counts = data_manager->cd_data->c_counts_rigid_fluid;
132         Loop_Over_Rigid_Neighbors(                                                         //
133             int rigid = neighbor_rigid_fluid[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i];  //
134             AppendRow6(D_T, start_boundary + index + 0, rigid * 6, 0);                     //
135             AppendRow3(D_T, start_boundary + index + 0, body_offset + p * 3, 0);           //
136             D_T.finalize(start_boundary + index + 0);                                      //
137         );
138         if (contact_mu != 0) {
139             Loop_Over_Rigid_Neighbors(                                                                               //
140                 int rigid = neighbor_rigid_fluid[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i];                        //
141                 AppendRow6(D_T, start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 0, rigid * 6, 0);            //
142                 AppendRow3(D_T, start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 0, body_offset + p * 3, 0);  //
143                 D_T.finalize(start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 0);                             //
144                 AppendRow6(D_T, start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 1, rigid * 6, 0);            //
145                 AppendRow3(D_T, start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 1, body_offset + p * 3, 0);  //
146                 D_T.finalize(start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 1);                             //
147             );
148         }
149     }
150 }
ProjectRigidFluidBoundary(const real contact_mu,const real contact_cohesion,const uint num_fluid_bodies,const uint start_boundary,real * gamma,ChMulticoreDataManager * data_manager)153 void ProjectRigidFluidBoundary(const real contact_mu,
154                                const real contact_cohesion,
155                                const uint num_fluid_bodies,
156                                const uint start_boundary,
157                                real* gamma,
158                                ChMulticoreDataManager* data_manager) {
159     custom_vector<int>& neighbor_rigid_fluid = data_manager->cd_data->neighbor_rigid_fluid;
160     custom_vector<int>& contact_counts = data_manager->cd_data->c_counts_rigid_fluid;
161     uint num_rigid_fluid_contacts = data_manager->cd_data->num_rigid_fluid_contacts;
163     if (contact_mu == 0) {
164 #pragma omp parallel for
165         Loop_Over_Rigid_Neighbors(
166             // rigid stored in first index
167             int rigid = neighbor_rigid_fluid[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i];                             //
168             float rigid_coh = data_manager->host_data.cohesion[rigid];                                                //
169             real cohesion = data_manager->composition_strategy->CombineCohesion(rigid_coh, (float)contact_cohesion);  //
170             real3 gam;                                                                                                //
171             gam.x = gamma[start_boundary + index];                                                                    //
172             gam.x += cohesion;                                                                                        //
173             gam.x = gam.x < 0 ? 0 : gam.x - cohesion;                                                                 //
174             gamma[start_boundary + index] = gam.x;                                                                    //
175         );
176     } else {
177 #pragma omp parallel for
178         Loop_Over_Rigid_Neighbors(
179             // rigid stored in first index
180             int rigid = neighbor_rigid_fluid[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i];                             //
181             float rigid_coh = data_manager->host_data.cohesion[rigid];                                                //
182             float rigid_mu = data_manager->host_data.sliding_friction[rigid];                                         //
183             real cohesion = data_manager->composition_strategy->CombineCohesion(rigid_coh, (float)contact_cohesion);  //
184             real friction = data_manager->composition_strategy->CombineFriction(rigid_mu, (float)contact_mu);         //
186             real3 gam;                                                                 //
187             gam.x = gamma[start_boundary + index];                                     //
188             gam.y = gamma[start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 0];  //
189             gam.z = gamma[start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 1];  //
191             gam.x += cohesion;
193             if (friction == 0) {
194                 gam.x = gam.x < 0 ? 0 : gam.x - cohesion;
195                 gam.y = gam.z = 0;
197                 gamma[start_boundary + index] = gam.x;
198                 gamma[start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 0] = gam.y;
199                 gamma[start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 1] = gam.z;
200                 continue;
201             }
203             Cone_generalized_rigid(gam.x, gam.y, gam.z, friction);
205             gamma[start_boundary + index] = gam.x - cohesion;
206             gamma[start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 0] = gam.y;
207             gamma[start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 1] = gam.z;);
208     }
209 }
211 //// TODO: This uses the same compliance value, for all interactions.
212 ////       Consider using a combination law.
ComplianceRigidFluidBoundary(const real contact_mu,const real contact_compliance,const real alpha,const uint start_boundary,ChMulticoreDataManager * data_manager)214 void ComplianceRigidFluidBoundary(const real contact_mu,
215                                   const real contact_compliance,
216                                   const real alpha,
217                                   const uint start_boundary,
218                                   ChMulticoreDataManager* data_manager) {
219     DynamicVector<real>& E = data_manager->host_data.E;
220     uint num_rigid_fluid_contacts = data_manager->cd_data->num_rigid_fluid_contacts;
221     real inv_h = 1 / data_manager->settings.step_size;
222     real inv_hpa = 1 / (data_manager->settings.step_size + alpha);
223     real inv_hhpa = inv_h * inv_hpa;
224     real com = 0;
225     if (alpha) {
226         com = inv_hhpa * contact_compliance;
227     }
228     if (num_rigid_fluid_contacts > 0) {
229         if (contact_mu == 0) {
230 #pragma omp parallel for
231             for (int index = 0; index < (signed)num_rigid_fluid_contacts; index++) {
232                 E[start_boundary + index + 0] = com;
233             }
234         } else {
235 #pragma omp parallel for
236             for (int index = 0; index < (signed)num_rigid_fluid_contacts; index++) {
237                 E[start_boundary + index + 0] = com;
238                 E[start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 0] = 0;
239                 E[start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 1] = 0;
240             }
241         }
242     }
243 }
CorrectionRigidFluidBoundary(const real contact_mu,const real contact_cohesion,const real alpha,const real contact_recovery_speed,const uint num_fluid_bodies,const uint start_boundary,ChMulticoreDataManager * data_manager)246 void CorrectionRigidFluidBoundary(const real contact_mu,
247                                   const real contact_cohesion,
248                                   const real alpha,
249                                   const real contact_recovery_speed,
250                                   const uint num_fluid_bodies,
251                                   const uint start_boundary,
252                                   ChMulticoreDataManager* data_manager) {
253     real inv_hpa = 1 / (data_manager->settings.step_size + alpha);
255     DynamicVector<real>& b = data_manager->host_data.b;
256     custom_vector<real>& dpth_rigid_fluid = data_manager->cd_data->dpth_rigid_fluid;
257     uint num_rigid_fluid_contacts = data_manager->cd_data->num_rigid_fluid_contacts;
259     if (num_rigid_fluid_contacts > 0) {
260         custom_vector<int>& contact_counts = data_manager->cd_data->c_counts_rigid_fluid;
262         if (contact_mu == 0) {
263 #pragma omp parallel for
264             Loop_Over_Rigid_Neighbors(real depth = dpth_rigid_fluid[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i];  //
265                                       real bi = 0;                                                                //
266                                       if (contact_cohesion != 0) { depth = Min(depth, 0); }                       //
267                                       bi = std::max(inv_hpa * depth, -contact_recovery_speed);                    //
268                                       b[start_boundary + index + 0] = bi;                                         //
269             );
270         } else {
271 #pragma omp parallel for
272             Loop_Over_Rigid_Neighbors(real depth = dpth_rigid_fluid[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i];  //
273                                       real bi = 0;                                                                //
274                                       if (contact_cohesion != 0) { depth = Min(depth, 0); }                       //
275                                       bi = std::max(inv_hpa * depth, -contact_recovery_speed);                    //
276                                       b[start_boundary + index + 0] = bi;                                         //
277                                       b[start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 0] = 0;           //
278                                       b[start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 1] = 0;           //
279             );
280         }
281     }
282 }
BuildRigidFluidBoundary(const real contact_mu,const uint num_fluid_bodies,const uint body_offset,const uint start_boundary,ChMulticoreDataManager * data_manager)285 void BuildRigidFluidBoundary(const real contact_mu,
286                              const uint num_fluid_bodies,
287                              const uint body_offset,
288                              const uint start_boundary,
289                              ChMulticoreDataManager* data_manager) {
290     uint num_rigid_fluid_contacts = data_manager->cd_data->num_rigid_fluid_contacts;
291     if (num_rigid_fluid_contacts > 0) {
292         CompressedMatrix<real>& D_T = data_manager->host_data.D_T;
293         custom_vector<real3>& pos_rigid = data_manager->host_data.pos_rigid;
294         custom_vector<quaternion>& rot_rigid = data_manager->host_data.rot_rigid;
296         custom_vector<real3>& cpta = data_manager->cd_data->cpta_rigid_fluid;
297         custom_vector<real3>& norm = data_manager->cd_data->norm_rigid_fluid;
298         custom_vector<int>& neighbor_rigid_fluid = data_manager->cd_data->neighbor_rigid_fluid;
299         custom_vector<int>& contact_counts = data_manager->cd_data->c_counts_rigid_fluid;
301         if (contact_mu == 0) {
302 #pragma omp parallel for
303             Loop_Over_Rigid_Neighbors(
304                 int rigid = neighbor_rigid_fluid[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i];  //
305                 const real3& U = norm[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i];             //
306                 real3 V;                                                                       //
307                 real3 W;                                                                       //
308                 Orthogonalize(U, V, W);                                                        //
309                 real3 T1; real3 T2; real3 T3;                                                  //
310                 Compute_Jacobian(rot_rigid[rigid], U, V, W,
311                                  cpta[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i] - pos_rigid[rigid], T1, T2, T3);
313                 SetRow6Check(D_T, start_boundary + index + 0, rigid * 6, -U, T1);
314                 SetRow3Check(D_T, start_boundary + index + 0, body_offset + p * 3, U););
315         } else {
316 #pragma omp parallel for
317             Loop_Over_Rigid_Neighbors(
318                 int rigid = neighbor_rigid_fluid[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i];  //
319                 const real3& U = norm[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i];             //
320                 real3 V;                                                                       //
321                 real3 W;                                                                       //
322                 Orthogonalize(U, V, W);                                                        //
323                 real3 T1; real3 T2; real3 T3;                                                  //
324                 Compute_Jacobian(rot_rigid[rigid], U, V, W,
325                                  cpta[p * ChNarrowphase::max_rigid_neighbors + i] - pos_rigid[rigid], T1, T2, T3);
327                 SetRow6Check(D_T, start_boundary + index + 0, rigid * 6, -U, T1);
328                 SetRow6Check(D_T, start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 0, rigid * 6, -V, T2);
329                 SetRow6Check(D_T, start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 1, rigid * 6, -W, T3);
331                 SetRow3Check(D_T, start_boundary + index + 0, body_offset + p * 3, U);
332                 SetRow3Check(D_T, start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 0, body_offset + p * 3, V);
333                 SetRow3Check(D_T, start_boundary + num_rigid_fluid_contacts + index * 2 + 1, body_offset + p * 3, W););
334         }
335     }
336 }
338 }  // end namespace chrono