1Blender_py & chrono usage
4These scripts allow to use blender to render the POVRAY output of a chrono simulation.
6## Tool description
7#### Structure
8This tools is composed of 3 Python scripts
91. reader.py : this script interprets the POVRAY output generated by Chrono simulation and outputs a list of lists of data
102. blend_pproc_render.py : this is the main script, that based on the information provided by _reader.py_ builds a scene and creates images
112. blender_postprocess_launcher.py: this is the sctipts that has to be launched and, ideally, the only one the user should edit. After setting the renderin options, it calls the bl_render functio from blend_pproc_render.py
13#### Requirements
15This tool only requires blender-py (bpy). If you already have Blender, use its Pytohn interpreter.
16If not, you can install blender-py with  [pip](https://pypi.org/project/bpy/) .
17In addition, numpy is required.
19## Usage
20#### Setup
21Set the options in _blender_postprocess_launcher.py_ :
221. meshes_prefixes : list of strings. Paths to meshes folders.
232. out_dir : where to output the generated images.
242. datadir : where the .dat files generated by chrono are
253. res : images resolution: 'LOW', 'MID', 'HIGH' Images in HIGH defnition take a while to generate.
264. camera_mode : 'Follow' 'Fixed' 'Lookat'.
275. use_sky : if True, uses a Blender default sky
286. camera_pos : position of the camera. Not used in 'Follow' mode.
297. targ_bodyid / targ_shapetypeid / targ_name / in 'Follow' and 'Lookat' mode the target os found using these information. The tatget is a shape on a body. targ_bodyid is the ID of the body, targ_shapetypeid is the type of shape (5 for meshes), targ_name is the name if the target mesh (used only if targ_shapetypeid=5)
308. camera_dist : only used in 'Follow' mode. The distance, in the body local frame, of the camera from the target.
318. light_loc / light_energy location and intensity of the light energy.
33#### Launch
34Once the variables in _blender_postprocess_launcher.py_ are set, just launch it remembering to use the Pytohn interpreter that has blender-py installed.
36## Limitations and future features
37#### Current Limitiations
381. The code does not leverage multiprocessing (HD render are time consuming)
392. No default terrain
403. NO support for granular and FSI
414. Textures cannot be added to meshes
43#### Coming soon
44(1) will be addressed very soon, and (2) and (3) will follow shortly.