1 #ifndef __CS_TIME_PLOT_H__
2 #define __CS_TIME_PLOT_H__
4 /*============================================================================
5  * Time_Plot helper structures
6  *============================================================================*/
8 /*
9   This file is part of Code_Saturne, a general-purpose CFD tool.
11   Copyright (C) 1998-2021 EDF S.A.
13   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
15   Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
16   version.
18   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
20   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
21   details.
23   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
24   this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
25   Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
26 */
28 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31  *  Local headers
32  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #include "cs_base.h"
36 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
40 /*============================================================================
41  * Macro definitions
42  *============================================================================*/
44 /*============================================================================
45  * Type definitions
46  *============================================================================*/
48 typedef struct _cs_time_plot_t  cs_time_plot_t;
50 /*============================================================================
51  * Local type definitions
52  *============================================================================*/
54 /* Type of 1D plot file format */
56 typedef enum {
57   CS_TIME_PLOT_DAT,  /* .dat file (usable by Qtplot or Grace) */
58   CS_TIME_PLOT_CSV   /* .csv file (readable by ParaView or spreadsheat) */
59 } cs_time_plot_format_t;
61 /*============================================================================
62  *  Global variables
63  *============================================================================*/
65 /*=============================================================================
66  * Public function prototypes for Fortran API
67  *============================================================================*/
69 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
70  * Create a writer for time plot structure-type data.
71  *
72  * This subroutine should only be called by one rank for a given data series.
73  *
74  * subroutine tpsini (tplnum, tplnam, tplpre, tplfmt, idtvar,
75  * *****************
76  *                    nprb,   lstprb, xyzprb, lnam,   lpre)
77  *
78  * integer          tplnum      : <-- : number of plot to create (> 0)
79  * character        tplnam      : <-- : name of associated plot
80  * character        tplpre      : <-- : prefix for associated file
81  * integer          tplfmt      : <-- : associated format
82  *                                      (1: dat, 2: csv, 3: both)
83  * integer          idtvar      : <-- : calculation time dependency
84  * integer          nstru       : <-- : number of structures
85  * double precision xmstru      : <-- : mass matrixes
86  * double precision xcstru      : <-- : damping matrixes
87  * double precision xkstru      : <-- : stiffness matrixes
88  * integer          lnam        : <-- : name length
89  * integer          lpre        : <-- : prefix length
90  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
92 void CS_PROCF (tpsini, TPSINI)
93 (
94  const int       *tplnum,
95  const char      *tplnam,
96  const char      *tplpre,
97  const int       *tplfmt,
98  const int       *idtvar,
99  const int       *nstru,
100  const cs_real_t *xmstru,
101  const cs_real_t *xcstru,
102  const cs_real_t *xkstru,
103  const int       *lnam,
104  const int       *lpre
105  CS_ARGF_SUPP_CHAINE              /*     (possible 'length' arguments added
106                                          by many Fortran compilers) */
107 );
109 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
110  * Finalize a writer for time plot data.
111  *
112  * This subroutine should only be called by one rank for a given data series.
113  *
114  * subroutine tplend (tplnum)
115  * *****************
116  *
117  * integer          tplnum      : <-- : number of plot to create (> 0)
118  * integer          tplfmt      : <-- : associated format
119  *                                      (1: dat, 2: csv, 3: both)
120  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
122 void CS_PROCF (tplend, TPLEND)
123 (
124  const int       *tplnum,
125  const int       *tplfmt
126 );
128 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
129  * Write time plot values.
130  *
131  * subroutine tplwri (tplnum, tplfmt, nprb, ntcabs, ttcabs, valprb)
132  * *****************
133  *
134  * integer          tplnum      : <-- : number of associated plot (> 0)
135  * integer          tplfmt      : <-- : associated format
136  *                                      (1: dat, 2: csv, 3: both)
137  * integer          nprb        : <-- : number of probes
138  * integer          ntcabs      : <-- : current time step number
139  * double precision ttcabs      : <-- : current time value
140  * double precision valprb      : <-- : probe values
141  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
143 void CS_PROCF (tplwri, TPLWRI)
144 (
145  const int       *tplnum,
146  const int       *tplfmt,
147  const int       *nprb,
148  const int       *ntcabs,
149  const cs_real_t *ttcabs,
150  const cs_real_t *valprb
151 );
153 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
154  * Return the number of time plots accessible through the Fortran API
155  *
156  * This subroutine will only return the number of time plots defined by the
157  * local rank
158  *
159  * subroutine tplnbr (ntpl)
160  * *****************
161  *
162  * integer          ntpl        : --> : number of time plots defined
163  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
165 void CS_PROCF (tplnbr, TPLNBR)
166 (
167  int       *ntpl
168 );
170 /*=============================================================================
171  * Public function prototypes
172  *============================================================================*/
174 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
175  * Initialize a plot file writer for probe-type plots
176  *
177  * This function should only be called by one rank for a given data series.
178  *
179  * parameters:
180  *   plot_name        <-- plot (variable) name
181  *   file_prefix      <-- file name prefix
182  *   format           <-- associated file format
183  *   use_iteration    <-- should we use the iteration number instead of the
184  *                        physical time ?
185  *   flush_wtime      <-- elapsed time interval between file flushes
186  *                        (if < 0, no forced flush)
187  *   n_buffer_steps   <-- number of time steps in output buffer if
188  *                        file is not to be kept open
189  *   n_probes         <-- number of probes associated with this plot
190  *   probe_list       <-- numbers (1 to n) of probes if filtered, or NULL
191  *   probe_coords     <-- probe coordinates, or NULL
192  *   probe_names      <-- probe names, or NULL
193  *
194  * returns:
195  *   pointer to new time plot writer
196  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
198 cs_time_plot_t *
199 cs_time_plot_init_probe(const char             *plot_name,
200                         const char             *file_prefix,
201                         cs_time_plot_format_t   format,
202                         bool                    use_iteration,
203                         double                  flush_wtime,
204                         int                     n_buffer_steps,
205                         int                     n_probes,
206                         const int              *probe_list,
207                         const cs_real_t         probe_coords[],
208                         const char             *probe_names[]);
210 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
211  * Initialize a plot file writer for structure-type plots
212  *
213  * This function should only be called by one rank for a given data series.
214  *
215  * parameters:
216  *   plot_name          <-- plot (variable) name
217  *   file_prefix        <-- file name prefix
218  *   format             <-- associated file format
219  *   use_iteration      <-- should we use the iteration number instead of the
220  *                          physical time ?
221  *   flush_wtime        <-- elapsed time interval between file flushes
222  *                          (if < 0, no forced flush)
223  *   n_buffer_steps     <-- number of time steps in output buffer if
224  *                          file is not to be kept open
225  *   n_structures       <-- number of structures associated with this plot
226  *   mass_matrixes      <-- mass matrix coefficients (3x3 blocks)
227  *   damping_matrixes   <-- damping matrix coefficients (3x3 blocks)
228  *   stiffness_matrixes <-- stiffness matrix coefficients (3x3 blocks)
229  *
230  * returns:
231  *   pointer to new time plot writer
232  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
234 cs_time_plot_t *
235 cs_time_plot_init_struct(const char             *plot_name,
236                          const char             *file_prefix,
237                          cs_time_plot_format_t   format,
238                          bool                    use_iteration,
239                          double                  flush_wtime,
240                          int                     n_buffer_steps,
241                          int                     n_structures,
242                          const cs_real_t         mass_matrixes[],
243                          const cs_real_t         damping_matrixes[],
244                          const cs_real_t         stiffness_matrixes[]);
246 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
247  * Finalize time plot writer for a given variable
248  *
249  * This function should only be called by one rank for a given data series.
250  *
251  * parameters:
252  *   p <-> time plot values file handler
253  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
255 void
256 cs_time_plot_finalize(cs_time_plot_t  **p);
258 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
259  * Write time plot values
260  *
261  * This function should only be called by one rank for a given data series.
262  *
263  * parameters:
264  *   p      <-- pointer to associated plot structure
265  *   tn     <-- associated time step number
266  *   t      <-- associated time value
267  *   n_vals <-- number of associated time values
268  *   vals   <-- associated time values
269  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
271 void
272 cs_time_plot_vals_write(cs_time_plot_t  *p,
273                         int              tn,
274                         double           t,
275                         int              n_vals,
276                         const cs_real_t  vals[]);
278 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
279  * Flush buffered values to file if applicable
280  *
281  * parameters:
282  *   p <-> time plot values file handler
283  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
285 void
286 cs_time_plot_flush(cs_time_plot_t  *p);
288 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
289  * flush all time plots
290  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
292 void
293 cs_time_plot_flush_all(void);
295 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
296  * Set time plot file writer flush behavior defaults.
297  *
298  * parameters:
299  *   flush_wtime     <-- elapsed time interval between file flushes;
300  *                       if < 0, no forced flush
301  *   n_buffer_steps  <-- number of time steps in output buffer if
302  *                       file is not to be kept open
303  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
305 void
306 cs_time_plot_set_flush_default(float  flush_wtime,
307                                int    n_buffer_steps);
309 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
310  * Return time plot file writer flush behavior defaults.
311  *
312  * parameters:
313  *   flush_wtime     --> elapsed time interval between file flushes;
314  *                       if < 0, no forced flush (NULL if not queried)
315  *   n_buffer_steps  <-- number of time steps in output buffer if
316  *                       file is not to be kept open (NULL if not queried)
317  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
319 void
320 cs_time_plot_get_flush_default(float  *flush_wtime,
321                                int    *n_buffer_steps);
323 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
327 #endif /* __CS_PROBE_H__ */