2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2019  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \brief methods of pw_env that have dependence on qs_env
8!> \par History
9!>      10.2002 created [fawzi]
10!>      JGH (22-Feb-03) PW grid options added
11!>      04.2003 added rs grid pools [fawzi]
12!>      02.2004 added commensurate grids
13!> \author Fawzi Mohamed
14! **************************************************************************************************
15MODULE pw_env_methods
16   USE ao_util,                         ONLY: exp_radius
17   USE basis_set_types,                 ONLY: get_gto_basis_set,&
18                                              gto_basis_set_type
19   USE cell_types,                      ONLY: cell_type
20   USE cp_control_types,                ONLY: dft_control_type
21   USE cp_log_handling,                 ONLY: cp_get_default_logger,&
22                                              cp_logger_type
23   USE cp_output_handling,              ONLY: cp_p_file,&
24                                              cp_print_key_finished_output,&
25                                              cp_print_key_should_output,&
26                                              cp_print_key_unit_nr
27   USE cp_para_types,                   ONLY: cp_para_env_type
28   USE cp_realspace_grid_init,          ONLY: init_input_type
29   USE cube_utils,                      ONLY: destroy_cube_info,&
30                                              init_cube_info,&
31                                              return_cube_max_iradius
32   USE d3_poly,                         ONLY: init_d3_poly_module
33   USE dct,                             ONLY: neumannX,&
34                                              neumannXY,&
35                                              neumannXYZ,&
36                                              neumannXZ,&
37                                              neumannY,&
38                                              neumannYZ,&
39                                              neumannZ,&
40                                              setup_dct_pw_grids
41   USE dielectric_types,                ONLY: derivative_cd3,&
42                                              derivative_cd5,&
43                                              derivative_cd7,&
44                                              rho_dependent
45   USE gaussian_gridlevels,             ONLY: destroy_gaussian_gridlevel,&
46                                              gaussian_gridlevel,&
47                                              init_gaussian_gridlevel
48   USE input_constants,                 ONLY: xc_vdw_fun_nonloc
49   USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_get_ival,&
50                                              section_vals_get,&
51                                              section_vals_get_subs_vals,&
52                                              section_vals_type,&
53                                              section_vals_val_get
54   USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
55   USE lgrid_types,                     ONLY: lgrid_create,&
56                                              lgrid_release
57   USE ps_implicit_types,               ONLY: MIXED_BC,&
58                                              MIXED_PERIODIC_BC,&
59                                              NEUMANN_BC,&
60                                              PERIODIC_BC
61   USE ps_wavelet_types,                ONLY: WAVELET0D,&
62                                              WAVELET2D,&
63                                              WAVELET3D
64   USE pw_env_types,                    ONLY: pw_env_type
65   USE pw_grid_info,                    ONLY: pw_grid_init_setup
66   USE pw_grid_types,                   ONLY: FULLSPACE,&
67                                              HALFSPACE,&
68                                              pw_grid_type
69   USE pw_grids,                        ONLY: do_pw_grid_blocked_false,&
70                                              pw_grid_change,&
71                                              pw_grid_create,&
72                                              pw_grid_release,&
73                                              pw_grid_setup
74   USE pw_poisson_methods,              ONLY: pw_poisson_set
75   USE pw_poisson_read_input,           ONLY: pw_poisson_read_parameters
76   USE pw_poisson_types,                ONLY: &
77        pw_poisson_analytic, pw_poisson_create, pw_poisson_implicit, pw_poisson_mt, &
78        pw_poisson_multipole, pw_poisson_none, pw_poisson_parameter_type, pw_poisson_periodic, &
79        pw_poisson_wavelet
80   USE pw_pool_types,                   ONLY: pw_pool_create,&
81                                              pw_pool_p_type,&
82                                              pw_pool_release,&
83                                              pw_pool_retain,&
84                                              pw_pools_dealloc
85   USE qs_dispersion_types,             ONLY: qs_dispersion_type
86   USE qs_environment_types,            ONLY: get_qs_env,&
87                                              qs_environment_type
88   USE qs_kind_types,                   ONLY: get_qs_kind,&
89                                              qs_kind_type
90   USE qs_rho0_types,                   ONLY: get_rho0_mpole,&
91                                              rho0_mpole_type
92   USE realspace_grid_types,            ONLY: &
93        realspace_grid_desc_p_type, realspace_grid_desc_type, realspace_grid_input_type, &
94        realspace_grid_p_type, realspace_grid_type, rs_grid_create, rs_grid_create_descriptor, &
95        rs_grid_print, rs_grid_release, rs_grid_release_descriptor
96   USE xc_input_constants,              ONLY: &
97        xc_deriv_collocate, xc_deriv_nn10_smooth, xc_deriv_nn50_smooth, xc_deriv_pw, &
98        xc_deriv_spline2, xc_deriv_spline2_smooth, xc_deriv_spline3, xc_deriv_spline3_smooth, &
99        xc_rho_nn10, xc_rho_nn50, xc_rho_no_smooth, xc_rho_spline2_smooth, xc_rho_spline3_smooth
100#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
105   LOGICAL, PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: debug_this_module = .TRUE.
106   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'pw_env_methods'
108   PUBLIC :: pw_env_create, pw_env_rebuild
112! **************************************************************************************************
113!> \brief creates a pw_env, if qs_env is given calls pw_env_rebuild
114!> \param pw_env the pw_env that gets created
115!> \par History
116!>      10.2002 created [fawzi]
117!> \author Fawzi Mohamed
118! **************************************************************************************************
119   SUBROUTINE pw_env_create(pw_env)
120      TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER                         :: pw_env
122      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pw_env_create', routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
124      INTEGER                                            :: handle
126      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
128      CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(pw_env))
129      ALLOCATE (pw_env)
130      NULLIFY (pw_env%pw_pools, pw_env%gridlevel_info, pw_env%poisson_env, &
131               pw_env%cube_info, pw_env%rs_descs, pw_env%rs_grids, &
132               pw_env%xc_pw_pool, pw_env%vdw_pw_pool, pw_env%lgrid, &
133               pw_env%interp_section)
134      pw_env%auxbas_grid = -1
135      pw_env%ref_count = 1
137      CALL timestop(handle)
139   END SUBROUTINE pw_env_create
141! **************************************************************************************************
142!> \brief rebuilds the pw_env data (necessary if cell or cutoffs change)
143!> \param pw_env the environment to rebuild
144!> \param qs_env the qs_env where to get the cell, cutoffs,...
145!> \param external_para_env ...
146!> \par History
147!>      10.2002 created [fawzi]
148!> \author Fawzi Mohamed
149! **************************************************************************************************
150   SUBROUTINE pw_env_rebuild(pw_env, qs_env, external_para_env)
151      TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER                         :: pw_env
152      TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
153      TYPE(cp_para_env_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER          :: external_para_env
155      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'pw_env_rebuild', routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
157      CHARACTER(LEN=3)                                   :: string
158      INTEGER :: blocked_id, blocked_id_input, boundary_condition, grid_span, handle, i, &
159         igrid_level, iounit, ncommensurate, ngrid_level, xc_deriv_method_id, xc_smooth_method_id
160      INTEGER, DIMENSION(2)                              :: distribution_layout
161      INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)                              :: higher_grid_layout
162      LOGICAL                                            :: efg_present, linres_present, odd, &
163                                                            set_vdw_pool, should_output, &
164                                                            smooth_required, spherical, uf_grid, &
165                                                            use_ref_cell
166      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: cutilev, max_rpgf0_s, rel_cutoff, zet0
167      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: radius
168      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: cutoff
169      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell, cell_ref, my_cell
170      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
171      TYPE(cp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
172      TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
173      TYPE(pw_grid_type), POINTER :: dct_pw_grid, mt_super_ref_grid, old_pw_grid, pw_grid, &
174         super_ref_grid, vdw_grid, vdw_ref_grid, xc_super_ref_grid
175      TYPE(pw_poisson_parameter_type)                    :: poisson_params
176      TYPE(pw_pool_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER        :: pw_pools
177      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
178      TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
179      TYPE(realspace_grid_desc_p_type), DIMENSION(:), &
180         POINTER                                         :: rs_descs
181      TYPE(realspace_grid_input_type)                    :: input_settings
182      TYPE(realspace_grid_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: rs_grids
183      TYPE(rho0_mpole_type), POINTER                     :: rho0_mpole
184      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: efg_section, input, linres_section, &
185                                                            poisson_section, print_section, &
186                                                            rs_grid_section, xc_section
188      ! a very small safety factor might be needed for roundoff issues
189      ! e.g. radius being computed here as 12.998 (13) and 13.002 (14) during the collocation
190      ! the latter can happen due to the lower precision in the computation of the radius in collocate
191      ! parallel cost of rs_pw_transfer goes as safety_factor**3 so it is worthwhile keeping it tight
192      ! Edit: Safety Factor was unused
194      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
196      !
197      !
198      ! Part one, deallocate old data if needed
199      !
200      !
201      NULLIFY (cutoff, cell, pw_grid, old_pw_grid, dft_control, qs_kind_set, &
202               pw_pools, rho0_mpole, rs_descs, para_env, cell_ref, vdw_ref_grid, &
203               mt_super_ref_grid, input, poisson_section, xc_super_ref_grid, &
204               dct_pw_grid, vdw_grid, super_ref_grid, my_cell, rs_grids, dispersion_env)
206      CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, &
207                      dft_control=dft_control, &
208                      qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set, &
209                      cell_ref=cell_ref, &
210                      cell=cell, &
211                      para_env=para_env, &
212                      input=input, &
213                      dispersion_env=dispersion_env)
215      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(pw_env))
216      CPASSERT(pw_env%ref_count > 0)
217      CALL pw_pool_release(pw_env%vdw_pw_pool)
218      CALL pw_pool_release(pw_env%xc_pw_pool)
219      CALL pw_pools_dealloc(pw_env%pw_pools)
220      IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_env%rs_descs)) THEN
221         DO i = 1, SIZE(pw_env%rs_descs)
222            CALL rs_grid_release_descriptor(pw_env%rs_descs(i)%rs_desc)
223         END DO
224         DEALLOCATE (pw_env%rs_descs)
225      END IF
226      IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_env%rs_grids)) THEN
227         DO i = 1, SIZE(pw_env%rs_grids)
228            CALL rs_grid_release(pw_env%rs_grids(i)%rs_grid)
229         END DO
230         DEALLOCATE (pw_env%rs_grids)
231      END IF
232      CALL lgrid_release(pw_env%lgrid)
233      IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_env%gridlevel_info)) THEN
234         CALL destroy_gaussian_gridlevel(pw_env%gridlevel_info)
235      ELSE
236         ALLOCATE (pw_env%gridlevel_info)
237      END IF
238      IF (dft_control%qs_control%gapw) THEN
239         CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, rho0_mpole=rho0_mpole)
240         CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(rho0_mpole))
241         CALL get_rho0_mpole(rho0_mpole=rho0_mpole, &
242                             zet0_h=zet0, max_rpgf0_s=max_rpgf0_s)
243      END IF
245      IF (ASSOCIATED(pw_env%cube_info)) THEN
246         DO igrid_level = 1, SIZE(pw_env%cube_info)
247            CALL destroy_cube_info(pw_env%cube_info(igrid_level))
248         END DO
249         DEALLOCATE (pw_env%cube_info)
250      END IF
251      NULLIFY (pw_env%pw_pools, pw_env%cube_info)
253      !
254      !
255      ! Part two, setup the pw_grids
256      !
257      !
259      IF (PRESENT(external_para_env)) THEN
260         para_env => external_para_env
261         CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(para_env))
262      ENDIF
263      ! interpolation section
264      pw_env%interp_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "DFT%MGRID%INTERPOLATOR")
266      CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, use_ref_cell=use_ref_cell)
267      IF (use_ref_cell) THEN
268         my_cell => cell_ref
269      ELSE
270         my_cell => cell
271      END IF
272      rel_cutoff = dft_control%qs_control%relative_cutoff
273      cutoff => dft_control%qs_control%e_cutoff
274      CALL section_vals_val_get(input, "DFT%XC%XC_GRID%USE_FINER_GRID", l_val=uf_grid)
275      ngrid_level = SIZE(cutoff)
277      ! init gridlevel_info XXXXXXXXX setup mapping to the effective cutoff ?
278      !                     XXXXXXXXX the cutoff array here is more a 'wish-list'
279      !                     XXXXXXXXX same holds for radius
280      print_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, &
281                                                  "PRINT%GRID_INFORMATION")
282      CALL init_gaussian_gridlevel(pw_env%gridlevel_info, &
283                                   ngrid_levels=ngrid_level, cutoff=cutoff, rel_cutoff=rel_cutoff, &
284                                   print_section=print_section)
285      ! init pw_grids and pools
286      ALLOCATE (pw_pools(ngrid_level))
288      IF (dft_control%qs_control%commensurate_mgrids) THEN
289         ncommensurate = ngrid_level
290      ELSE
291         ncommensurate = 0
292      ENDIF
293      !
294      ! If Tuckerman is present let's perform the set-up of the super-reference-grid
295      !
296      cutilev = cutoff(1)
297      IF (dft_control%qs_control%pw_grid_opt%spherical) THEN
298         grid_span = HALFSPACE
299         spherical = .TRUE.
300      ELSE IF (dft_control%qs_control%pw_grid_opt%fullspace) THEN
301         grid_span = FULLSPACE
302         spherical = .FALSE.
303      ELSE
304         grid_span = HALFSPACE
305         spherical = .FALSE.
306      END IF
308      CALL setup_super_ref_grid(super_ref_grid, mt_super_ref_grid, &
309                                xc_super_ref_grid, cutilev, grid_span, spherical, my_cell, para_env, &
310                                qs_env%input, ncommensurate, uf_grid=uf_grid, &
311                                print_section=print_section)
312      old_pw_grid => super_ref_grid
313      IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(mt_super_ref_grid)) vdw_ref_grid => super_ref_grid
314      !
315      ! Setup of the multi-grid pw_grid and pw_pools
316      !
317      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
318      iounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, '', extension='.Log')
320      IF (dft_control%qs_control%pw_grid_opt%spherical) THEN
321         grid_span = HALFSPACE
322         spherical = .TRUE.
323         odd = .TRUE.
324      ELSE IF (dft_control%qs_control%pw_grid_opt%fullspace) THEN
325         grid_span = FULLSPACE
326         spherical = .FALSE.
327         odd = .FALSE.
328      ELSE
329         grid_span = HALFSPACE
330         spherical = .FALSE.
331         odd = .TRUE.
332      END IF
334      ! use input suggestion for blocked
335      blocked_id_input = dft_control%qs_control%pw_grid_opt%blocked
337      ! methods that require smoothing or nearest neighbor have to use a plane distributed setup
338      ! find the xc properties (FIXME this could miss other xc sections that operate on the grid ...)
339      CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, input=input)
340      xc_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "DFT%XC")
341      xc_deriv_method_id = section_get_ival(xc_section, "XC_GRID%XC_DERIV")
342      xc_smooth_method_id = section_get_ival(xc_section, "XC_GRID%XC_SMOOTH_RHO")
343      smooth_required = .FALSE.
344      SELECT CASE (xc_deriv_method_id)
345      CASE (xc_deriv_pw, xc_deriv_collocate, xc_deriv_spline3, xc_deriv_spline2)
346         smooth_required = smooth_required .OR. .FALSE.
347      CASE (xc_deriv_spline2_smooth, &
348            xc_deriv_spline3_smooth, xc_deriv_nn10_smooth, xc_deriv_nn50_smooth)
349         smooth_required = smooth_required .OR. .TRUE.
351         CPABORT("")
352      END SELECT
353      SELECT CASE (xc_smooth_method_id)
354      CASE (xc_rho_no_smooth)
355         smooth_required = smooth_required .OR. .FALSE.
356      CASE (xc_rho_spline2_smooth, xc_rho_spline3_smooth, xc_rho_nn10, xc_rho_nn50)
357         smooth_required = smooth_required .OR. .TRUE.
359         CPABORT("")
360      END SELECT
361      ! EPR, NMR, EFG can require splines. If the linres/EFG section is present we assume
362      ! it could be on and splines might be used (not quite sure if this is due to their use of splines or something else)
363      linres_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals=input, &
364                                                   subsection_name="PROPERTIES%LINRES")
365      CALL section_vals_get(linres_section, explicit=linres_present)
366      IF (linres_present) THEN
367         smooth_required = smooth_required .OR. .TRUE.
368      ENDIF
370      efg_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(section_vals=input, &
371                                                subsection_name="DFT%PRINT%ELECTRIC_FIELD_GRADIENT")
372      CALL section_vals_get(efg_section, explicit=efg_present)
373      IF (efg_present) THEN
374         smooth_required = smooth_required .OR. .TRUE.
375      ENDIF
377      DO igrid_level = 1, ngrid_level
378         CALL pw_grid_create(pw_grid, para_env%group)
380         cutilev = cutoff(igrid_level)
382         ! the whole of QS seems to work fine with either blocked/non-blocked distribution in g-space
383         ! the default choice should be made free
384         blocked_id = blocked_id_input
386         distribution_layout = dft_control%qs_control%pw_grid_opt%distribution_layout
388         ! qmmm does not support a ray distribution
389         ! FIXME ... check if a plane distributed lower grid is sufficient
390         IF (qs_env%qmmm) THEN
391            distribution_layout = (/para_env%num_pe, 1/)
392         ENDIF
394         ! If splines are required
395         ! FIXME.... should only be true for the highest grid
396         IF (smooth_required) THEN
397            distribution_layout = (/para_env%num_pe, 1/)
398         ENDIF
400         IF (igrid_level == 1) THEN
401            IF (ASSOCIATED(old_pw_grid)) THEN
402               CALL pw_grid_setup(my_cell%hmat, pw_grid, grid_span=grid_span, &
403                                  cutoff=cutilev, &
404                                  spherical=spherical, odd=odd, fft_usage=.TRUE., &
405                                  ncommensurate=ncommensurate, icommensurate=igrid_level, &
406                                  blocked=do_pw_grid_blocked_false, &
407                                  ref_grid=old_pw_grid, &
408                                  rs_dims=distribution_layout, &
409                                  iounit=iounit)
410               old_pw_grid => pw_grid
411            ELSE
412               CALL pw_grid_setup(my_cell%hmat, pw_grid, grid_span=grid_span, &
413                                  cutoff=cutilev, &
414                                  spherical=spherical, odd=odd, fft_usage=.TRUE., &
415                                  ncommensurate=ncommensurate, icommensurate=igrid_level, &
416                                  blocked=blocked_id, &
417                                  rs_dims=distribution_layout, &
418                                  iounit=iounit)
419               old_pw_grid => pw_grid
420            END IF
421         ELSE
422            CALL pw_grid_setup(my_cell%hmat, pw_grid, grid_span=grid_span, &
423                               cutoff=cutilev, &
424                               spherical=spherical, odd=odd, fft_usage=.TRUE., &
425                               ncommensurate=ncommensurate, icommensurate=igrid_level, &
426                               blocked=do_pw_grid_blocked_false, &
427                               ref_grid=old_pw_grid, &
428                               rs_dims=distribution_layout, &
429                               iounit=iounit)
430         END IF
432         ! init pw_pools
433         NULLIFY (pw_pools(igrid_level)%pool)
434         CALL pw_pool_create(pw_pools(igrid_level)%pool, pw_grid=pw_grid)
436         CALL pw_grid_release(pw_grid)
438      END DO
440      pw_env%pw_pools => pw_pools
442      ! init auxbas_grid
443      DO i = 1, ngrid_level
444         IF (cutoff(i) == dft_control%qs_control%cutoff) pw_env%auxbas_grid = i
445      END DO
447      ! init xc_pool
448      IF (ASSOCIATED(xc_super_ref_grid)) THEN
449         CALL pw_pool_create(pw_env%xc_pw_pool, &
450                             pw_grid=xc_super_ref_grid)
451         CALL pw_grid_release(xc_super_ref_grid)
452      ELSE
453         pw_env%xc_pw_pool => pw_pools(pw_env%auxbas_grid)%pool
454         CALL pw_pool_retain(pw_env%xc_pw_pool)
455      END IF
457      ! init vdw_pool
458      set_vdw_pool = .FALSE.
459      IF (ASSOCIATED(dispersion_env)) THEN
460         IF (dispersion_env%type == xc_vdw_fun_nonloc) THEN
461            IF (dispersion_env%pw_cutoff > 0._dp) set_vdw_pool = .TRUE.
462         END IF
463      END IF
464      IF (set_vdw_pool) THEN
465         CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(old_pw_grid))
466         IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(vdw_ref_grid)) vdw_ref_grid => old_pw_grid
467         CALL pw_grid_create(vdw_grid, para_env%group)
468         IF (iounit > 0) WRITE (iounit, "(/,T2,A)") "PW_GRID| Grid for non-local vdW functional"
469         CALL pw_grid_setup(my_cell%hmat, vdw_grid, grid_span=grid_span, &
470                            cutoff=dispersion_env%pw_cutoff, &
471                            spherical=spherical, odd=odd, fft_usage=.TRUE., &
472                            ncommensurate=0, icommensurate=0, &
473                            blocked=do_pw_grid_blocked_false, &
474                            ref_grid=vdw_ref_grid, &
475                            rs_dims=distribution_layout, &
476                            iounit=iounit)
477         CALL pw_pool_create(pw_env%vdw_pw_pool, pw_grid=vdw_grid)
478         CALL pw_grid_release(vdw_grid)
479      ELSE
480         pw_env%vdw_pw_pool => pw_pools(pw_env%auxbas_grid)%pool
481         CALL pw_pool_retain(pw_env%vdw_pw_pool)
482      END IF
484      CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iounit, logger, print_section, '')
486      ! complete init of the poisson_env
487      IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(pw_env%poisson_env)) THEN
488         CALL pw_poisson_create(pw_env%poisson_env)
489      END IF
490      poisson_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "DFT%POISSON")
492      CALL pw_poisson_read_parameters(poisson_section, poisson_params)
493      CALL pw_poisson_set(pw_env%poisson_env, cell_hmat=my_cell%hmat, pw_pools=pw_env%pw_pools, &
494                          parameters=poisson_params, mt_super_ref_pw_grid=mt_super_ref_grid, &
495                          dct_pw_grid=dct_pw_grid, use_level=pw_env%auxbas_grid)
496      CALL pw_grid_release(mt_super_ref_grid)
497      CALL pw_grid_release(dct_pw_grid)
499! If reference cell is present, then use pw_grid_change to keep bounds constant...
500! do not re-init the Gaussian grid level (fix the gridlevel on which the pgf should go.
502      IF (use_ref_cell) THEN
503         DO igrid_level = 1, SIZE(pw_pools)
504            CALL pw_grid_change(cell%hmat, pw_pools(igrid_level)%pool%pw_grid)
505         ENDDO
506         IF (set_vdw_pool) CALL pw_grid_change(cell%hmat, pw_env%vdw_pw_pool%pw_grid)
507         CALL pw_poisson_read_parameters(poisson_section, poisson_params)
508         CALL pw_poisson_set(pw_env%poisson_env, cell_hmat=cell%hmat, pw_pools=pw_env%pw_pools, &
509                             parameters=poisson_params, mt_super_ref_pw_grid=mt_super_ref_grid, &
510                             dct_pw_grid=dct_pw_grid, use_level=pw_env%auxbas_grid)
511      END IF
513      IF ((poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%boundary_condition .EQ. MIXED_PERIODIC_BC) .OR. &
514          (poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%boundary_condition .EQ. MIXED_BC)) THEN
515         pw_env%poisson_env%parameters%dbc_params%do_dbc_cube = &
516            BTEST(cp_print_key_should_output(logger%iter_info, input, &
517                                             "DFT%PRINT%IMPLICIT_PSOLVER%DIRICHLET_BC_CUBE"), cp_p_file)
518      END IF
519      ! setup dct_pw_grid (an extended pw_grid) for Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT)
520      IF ((poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%boundary_condition .EQ. NEUMANN_BC) .OR. &
521          (poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%boundary_condition .EQ. MIXED_BC)) THEN
522         CALL setup_dct_pw_grids(pw_env%poisson_env%pw_pools(pw_env%poisson_env%pw_level)%pool%pw_grid, &
523                                 my_cell%hmat, poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%neumann_directions, &
524                                 pw_env%poisson_env%dct_pw_grid)
525      END IF
526      ! setup real space grid for finite difference derivatives of dielectric constant function
527      IF (poisson_params%has_dielectric .AND. &
528          ((poisson_params%dielectric_params%derivative_method .EQ. derivative_cd3) .OR. &
529           (poisson_params%dielectric_params%derivative_method .EQ. derivative_cd5) .OR. &
530           (poisson_params%dielectric_params%derivative_method .EQ. derivative_cd7))) THEN
532         SELECT CASE (poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%boundary_condition)
534            CALL setup_diel_rs_grid(pw_env%poisson_env%diel_rs_grid, &
535                                    poisson_params%dielectric_params%derivative_method, input, &
536                                    pw_env%poisson_env%dct_pw_grid)
538            CALL setup_diel_rs_grid(pw_env%poisson_env%diel_rs_grid, &
539                                    poisson_params%dielectric_params%derivative_method, input, &
540                                    pw_env%poisson_env%pw_pools(pw_env%poisson_env%pw_level)%pool%pw_grid)
541         END SELECT
543      END IF
547!    determine the maximum radii for mapped gaussians, needed to
548!    set up distributed rs grids
552      ALLOCATE (radius(ngrid_level))
554      CALL compute_max_radius(radius, pw_env, qs_env)
558!    set up the rs_grids and the cubes, requires 'radius' to be set up correctly
561      ALLOCATE (rs_descs(ngrid_level))
563      ALLOCATE (rs_grids(ngrid_level))
565      ALLOCATE (pw_env%cube_info(ngrid_level))
566      higher_grid_layout = (/-1, -1, -1/)
568      DO igrid_level = 1, ngrid_level
569         pw_grid => pw_pools(igrid_level)%pool%pw_grid
571         CALL init_d3_poly_module() ! a fairly arbitrary but sufficient spot to do this
572         CALL init_cube_info(pw_env%cube_info(igrid_level), &
573                             pw_grid%dr(:), pw_grid%dh(:, :), pw_grid%dh_inv(:, :), pw_grid%orthorhombic, &
574                             radius(igrid_level))
576         rs_grid_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "DFT%MGRID%RS_GRID")
578         CALL init_input_type(input_settings, nsmax=2*MAX(1, return_cube_max_iradius(pw_env%cube_info(igrid_level))) + 1, &
579                              rs_grid_section=rs_grid_section, ilevel=igrid_level, &
580                              higher_grid_layout=higher_grid_layout)
582         NULLIFY (rs_descs(igrid_level)%rs_desc)
583         CALL rs_grid_create_descriptor(rs_descs(igrid_level)%rs_desc, pw_grid, input_settings)
585         IF (rs_descs(igrid_level)%rs_desc%distributed) higher_grid_layout = rs_descs(igrid_level)%rs_desc%group_dim
587         NULLIFY (rs_grids(igrid_level)%rs_grid)
588         CALL rs_grid_create(rs_grids(igrid_level)%rs_grid, rs_descs(igrid_level)%rs_desc)
589      END DO
590      pw_env%rs_descs => rs_descs
591      pw_env%rs_grids => rs_grids
593      DEALLOCATE (radius)
595      ! Initialise the lgrids which may be used by OpenMP threads in QS routines
596      ! (but don't yet allocate the lgrid, in case we don't need it)
597      CALL lgrid_create(pw_env%lgrid, pw_env%rs_descs)
599      ! Print grid information
601      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
602      iounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, '', &
603                                    extension='.Log')
604      IF (iounit > 0) THEN
605         SELECT CASE (poisson_params%solver)
606         CASE (pw_poisson_periodic)
607            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(/,T2,A,T51,A30)") &
608               "POISSON| Solver", "PERIODIC"
609         CASE (pw_poisson_analytic)
610            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(/,T2,A,T51,A30)") &
611               "POISSON| Solver", "ANALYTIC"
612         CASE (pw_poisson_mt)
613            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(/,T2,A,T51,A30)") &
614               "POISSON| Solver", ADJUSTR("Martyna-Tuckerman (MT)")
615            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,F10.3,/,T2,A,T71,F10.1)") &
616               "POISSON| MT| Alpha", poisson_params%mt_alpha, &
617               "POISSON| MT| Relative cutoff", poisson_params%mt_rel_cutoff
618         CASE (pw_poisson_multipole)
619            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(/,T2,A,T51,A30)") &
620               "POISSON| Solver", "MULTIPOLE (Bloechl)"
621         CASE (pw_poisson_wavelet)
622            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(/,T2,A,T51,A30)") &
623               "POISSON| Solver", "WAVELET"
624            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,I10)") &
625               "POISSON| Wavelet| Scaling function", poisson_params%wavelet_scf_type
626            SELECT CASE (poisson_params%wavelet_method)
627            CASE (WAVELET0D)
628               WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") &
629                  "POISSON| Periodicity", "NONE"
630            CASE (WAVELET2D)
631               WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") &
632                  "POISSON| Periodicity", "XZ"
633            CASE (WAVELET3D)
634               WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") &
635                  "POISSON| Periodicity", "XYZ"
636            CASE DEFAULT
637               CPABORT("Invalid periodicity for wavelet solver selected")
638            END SELECT
639         CASE (pw_poisson_implicit)
640            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(/,T2,A,T51,A30)") &
641               "POISSON| Solver", "IMPLICIT (GENERALIZED)"
642            boundary_condition = poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%boundary_condition
643            SELECT CASE (boundary_condition)
644            CASE (PERIODIC_BC)
645               WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") &
646                  "POISSON| Boundary Condition", "PERIODIC"
647            CASE (NEUMANN_BC, MIXED_BC)
648               IF (boundary_condition .EQ. NEUMANN_BC) THEN
649                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") &
650                     "POISSON| Boundary Condition", "NEUMANN"
651               ELSE
652                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") &
653                     "POISSON| Boundary Condition", "MIXED"
654               END IF
655               SELECT CASE (poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%neumann_directions)
656               CASE (neumannXYZ)
657                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| homogeneous Neumann directions", "X, Y, Z"
658                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| periodic directions", "NONE"
659               CASE (neumannXY)
660                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| homogeneous Neumann directions", "X, Y"
661                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| periodic directions", "Z"
662               CASE (neumannXZ)
663                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| homogeneous Neumann directions", "X, Z"
664                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| periodic directions", "Y"
665               CASE (neumannYZ)
666                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| homogeneous Neumann directions", "Y, Z"
667                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| periodic directions", "X"
668               CASE (neumannX)
669                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| homogeneous Neumann directions", "X"
670                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| periodic directions", "Y, Z"
671               CASE (neumannY)
672                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| homogeneous Neumann directions", "Y"
673                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| periodic directions", "X, Z"
674               CASE (neumannZ)
675                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| homogeneous Neumann directions", "Z"
676                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") "POISSON| periodic directions", "X, Y"
677               CASE DEFAULT
678                  CPABORT("Invalid combination of Neumann and periodic conditions.")
679               END SELECT
680            CASE (MIXED_PERIODIC_BC)
681               WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") &
682                  "POISSON| Boundary Condition", "PERIODIC & DIRICHLET"
683            CASE DEFAULT
684               CPABORT("Invalid boundary conditions for the implicit (generalized) poisson solver.")
685            END SELECT
686            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,I10)") &
687               "POISSON| Maximum number of iterations", poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%max_iter
688            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,ES30.2)") &
689               "POISSON| Convergence threshold", poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%tol
690            IF (poisson_params%dielectric_params%dielec_functiontype .EQ. rho_dependent) THEN
691               WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,F30.2)") &
692                  "POISSON| Dielectric Constant", poisson_params%dielectric_params%eps0
693            ELSE
694               WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T31,F9.2)", ADVANCE='NO') &
695                  "POISSON| Dielectric Constants", poisson_params%dielectric_params%eps0
696               DO i = 1, poisson_params%dielectric_params%n_aa_cuboidal
697                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(F9.2)", ADVANCE='NO') &
698                     poisson_params%dielectric_params%aa_cuboidal_eps(i)
699               END DO
700               DO i = 1, poisson_params%dielectric_params%n_xaa_annular
701                  WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(F9.2)", ADVANCE='NO') &
702                     poisson_params%dielectric_params%xaa_annular_eps(i)
703               END DO
704               WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT='(A1,/)')
705            END IF
706            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,ES30.2)") &
707               "POISSON| Relaxation parameter", poisson_params%ps_implicit_params%omega
708         CASE (pw_poisson_none)
709            WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(/,T2,A,T51,A30)") &
710               "POISSON| Solver", "NONE"
711         CASE default
712            CPABORT("Invalid Poisson solver selected")
713         END SELECT
714         IF ((poisson_params%solver .NE. pw_poisson_wavelet) .AND. &
715             (poisson_params%solver .NE. pw_poisson_implicit)) THEN
716            IF (SUM(poisson_params%periodic(1:3)) == 0) THEN
717               WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") &
718                  "POISSON| Periodicity", "NONE"
719            ELSE
720               string = ""
721               IF (poisson_params%periodic(1) == 1) string = TRIM(string)//"X"
722               IF (poisson_params%periodic(2) == 1) string = TRIM(string)//"Y"
723               IF (poisson_params%periodic(3) == 1) string = TRIM(string)//"Z"
724               WRITE (UNIT=iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T51,A30)") &
725                  "POISSON| Periodicity", string
726            END IF
727         END IF
728      END IF
729      should_output = BTEST(cp_print_key_should_output(logger%iter_info, &
730                                                       print_section, ''), cp_p_file)
731      IF (should_output) THEN
732         DO igrid_level = 1, ngrid_level
733            CALL rs_grid_print(rs_grids(igrid_level)%rs_grid, iounit)
734         END DO
735      END IF
736      CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iounit, logger, print_section, "")
738      CALL timestop(handle)
740   END SUBROUTINE pw_env_rebuild
742! **************************************************************************************************
743!> \brief computes the maximum radius
744!> \param radius ...
745!> \param pw_env ...
746!> \param qs_env ...
747!> \par History
748!>      10.2010 refactored [Joost VandeVondele]
749!> \author Joost VandeVondele
750! **************************************************************************************************
751   SUBROUTINE compute_max_radius(radius, pw_env, qs_env)
752      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT)           :: radius
753      TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER                         :: pw_env
754      TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
756      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'compute_max_radius', &
757         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
759         pbas = (/"ORB     ", "AUX_FIT ", "MAO     ", "HARRIS  "/)
760      CHARACTER(LEN=8), DIMENSION(8), PARAMETER :: sbas = (/"ORB     ", "AUX     ", "RI_AUX  ", &
761         "MAO     ", "HARRIS  ", "RI_HXC  ", "RI_K    ", "LRI_AUX "/)
762      REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER                           :: safety_factor = 1.015_dp
764      INTEGER :: handle, ibasis_set_type, igrid_level, igrid_zet0_s, ikind, ipgf, iset, ishell, &
765         jkind, jpgf, jset, jshell, la, lb, lgrid_level, ngrid_level, nkind, nseta, nsetb
766      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: npgfa, npgfb, nshella, nshellb
767      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: lshella, lshellb
768      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: alpha, core_charge, eps_gvg, eps_rho, &
769                                                            max_rpgf0_s, maxradius, zet0, zetp
770      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: zeta, zetb
771      TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
772      TYPE(gto_basis_set_type), POINTER                  :: orb_basis_set
773      TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
774      TYPE(qs_kind_type), POINTER                        :: qs_kind
775      TYPE(rho0_mpole_type), POINTER                     :: rho0_mpole
777      ! a very small safety factor might be needed for roundoff issues
778      ! e.g. radius being computed here as 12.998 (13) and 13.002 (14) during the collocation
779      ! the latter can happen due to the lower precision in the computation of the radius in collocate
780      ! parallel cost of rs_pw_transfer goes as safety_factor**3 so it is worthwhile keeping it tight
782      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
783      NULLIFY (dft_control, qs_kind_set, rho0_mpole)
785      CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set, dft_control=dft_control)
787      eps_rho = dft_control%qs_control%eps_rho_rspace
788      eps_gvg = dft_control%qs_control%eps_gvg_rspace
790      IF (dft_control%qs_control%gapw) THEN
791         CALL get_qs_env(qs_env=qs_env, rho0_mpole=rho0_mpole)
792         CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(rho0_mpole))
793         CALL get_rho0_mpole(rho0_mpole=rho0_mpole, zet0_h=zet0, max_rpgf0_s=max_rpgf0_s)
794      END IF
796      ngrid_level = SIZE(radius)
797      nkind = SIZE(qs_kind_set)
799      ! Find the grid level suitable for rho0_soft
800      IF (dft_control%qs_control%gapw) THEN
801         igrid_zet0_s = gaussian_gridlevel(pw_env%gridlevel_info, 2.0_dp*zet0)
802         rho0_mpole%igrid_zet0_s = igrid_zet0_s
803      ELSE
804         igrid_zet0_s = 0
805      END IF
807      ! try to predict the maximum radius of the gaussians to be mapped on the grid
808      ! up to now, it is not yet very good
809      radius = 0.0_dp
810      DO igrid_level = 1, ngrid_level
812         maxradius = 0.0_dp
813         ! Take into account the radius of the soft compensation charge rho0_soft1
814         IF (dft_control%qs_control%gapw) THEN
815            IF (igrid_zet0_s == igrid_level) maxradius = MAX(maxradius, max_rpgf0_s)
816         END IF
818         ! this is to be sure that the core charge is mapped ok
819         ! right now, the core is mapped on the auxiliary basis,
820         ! this should, at a give point be changed
821         ! so that also for the core a multigrid is used
822         DO ikind = 1, nkind
823            CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind_set(ikind), &
824                             alpha_core_charge=alpha, ccore_charge=core_charge)
825            IF (alpha > 0.0_dp .AND. core_charge .NE. 0.0_dp) THEN
826               maxradius = MAX(maxradius, exp_radius(0, alpha, eps_rho, core_charge))
827               ! forces
828               maxradius = MAX(maxradius, exp_radius(1, alpha, eps_rho, core_charge))
829            ENDIF
830         END DO
832         ! loop over basis sets that are used in grid collocation directly (no product)
833         ! e.g. for calculating a wavefunction or a RI density
834         DO ibasis_set_type = 1, SIZE(sbas)
835            DO ikind = 1, nkind
836               qs_kind => qs_kind_set(ikind)
837               NULLIFY (orb_basis_set)
838               CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind=qs_kind, &
839                                basis_set=orb_basis_set, basis_type=sbas(ibasis_set_type))
840               IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(orb_basis_set)) CYCLE
841               CALL get_gto_basis_set(gto_basis_set=orb_basis_set, &
842                                      npgf=npgfa, nset=nseta, zet=zeta, l=lshella, nshell=nshella)
843               DO iset = 1, nseta
844                  DO ipgf = 1, npgfa(iset)
845                     DO ishell = 1, nshella(iset)
846                        zetp = zeta(ipgf, iset)
847                        la = lshella(ishell, iset)
848                        lgrid_level = gaussian_gridlevel(pw_env%gridlevel_info, zetp)
849                        IF (lgrid_level .EQ. igrid_level) THEN
850                           maxradius = MAX(maxradius, exp_radius(la, zetp, eps_rho, 1.0_dp))
851                        ENDIF
852                     END DO
853                  END DO
854               END DO
855            END DO
856         END DO
857         ! loop over basis sets that are used in product function grid collocation
858         DO ibasis_set_type = 1, SIZE(pbas)
859            DO ikind = 1, nkind
860               qs_kind => qs_kind_set(ikind)
861               NULLIFY (orb_basis_set)
862               CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind=qs_kind, &
863                                basis_set=orb_basis_set, basis_type=pbas(ibasis_set_type))
864               IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(orb_basis_set)) CYCLE
865               CALL get_gto_basis_set(gto_basis_set=orb_basis_set, &
866                                      npgf=npgfa, nset=nseta, zet=zeta, l=lshella, nshell=nshella)
868               DO jkind = 1, nkind
869                  qs_kind => qs_kind_set(jkind)
870                  CALL get_qs_kind(qs_kind=qs_kind, &
871                                   basis_set=orb_basis_set, basis_type=pbas(ibasis_set_type))
872                  IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(orb_basis_set)) CYCLE
873                  CALL get_gto_basis_set(gto_basis_set=orb_basis_set, &
874                                         npgf=npgfb, nset=nsetb, zet=zetb, l=lshellb, nshell=nshellb)
875                  DO iset = 1, nseta
876                  DO ipgf = 1, npgfa(iset)
877                  DO ishell = 1, nshella(iset)
878                     la = lshella(ishell, iset)
879                     DO jset = 1, nsetb
880                     DO jpgf = 1, npgfb(jset)
881                     DO jshell = 1, nshellb(jset)
882                        zetp = zeta(ipgf, iset) + zetb(jpgf, jset)
883                        lb = lshellb(jshell, jset) + la
884                        lgrid_level = gaussian_gridlevel(pw_env%gridlevel_info, zetp)
885                        IF (lgrid_level .EQ. igrid_level) THEN
886                           ! density (scale is at most 2)
887                           maxradius = MAX(maxradius, exp_radius(lb, zetp, eps_rho, 2.0_dp))
888                           ! tau, properties?
889                           maxradius = MAX(maxradius, exp_radius(lb + 1, zetp, eps_rho, 2.0_dp))
890                           ! potential
891                           maxradius = MAX(maxradius, exp_radius(lb, zetp, eps_gvg, 2.0_dp))
892                           ! forces
893                           maxradius = MAX(maxradius, exp_radius(lb + 1, zetp, eps_gvg, 2.0_dp))
894                        ENDIF
895                     END DO
896                     END DO
897                     END DO
898                  END DO
899                  END DO
900                  END DO
901               END DO
902            END DO
903         END DO
905         ! this is a bit of hack, but takes into account numerics and rounding
906         maxradius = maxradius*safety_factor
907         radius(igrid_level) = maxradius
908      END DO
910      CALL timestop(handle)
912   END SUBROUTINE compute_max_radius
914! **************************************************************************************************
915!> \brief Initialize the super-reference grid for Tuckerman or xc
916!> \param super_ref_pw_grid ...
917!> \param mt_super_ref_pw_grid ...
918!> \param xc_super_ref_pw_grid ...
919!> \param cutilev ...
920!> \param grid_span ...
921!> \param spherical ...
922!> \param cell_ref ...
923!> \param para_env ...
924!> \param input ...
925!> \param my_ncommensurate ...
926!> \param uf_grid ...
927!> \param print_section ...
928!> \author 03-2005 Teodoro Laino [teo]
929!> \note
930!>      move somewere else?
931! **************************************************************************************************
932   SUBROUTINE setup_super_ref_grid(super_ref_pw_grid, mt_super_ref_pw_grid, &
933                                   xc_super_ref_pw_grid, cutilev, grid_span, spherical, &
934                                   cell_ref, para_env, input, my_ncommensurate, uf_grid, print_section)
935      TYPE(pw_grid_type), POINTER                        :: super_ref_pw_grid, mt_super_ref_pw_grid, &
936                                                            xc_super_ref_pw_grid
937      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                          :: cutilev
938      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: grid_span
939      LOGICAL, INTENT(in)                                :: spherical
940      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell_ref
941      TYPE(cp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
942      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: input
943      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: my_ncommensurate
944      LOGICAL, INTENT(in)                                :: uf_grid
945      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: print_section
947      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'setup_super_ref_grid', &
948         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
950      INTEGER                                            :: iounit, my_val, nn(3), no(3)
951      LOGICAL                                            :: mt_s_grid
952      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: mt_rel_cutoff, my_cutilev
953      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
954      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: poisson_section
956      NULLIFY (poisson_section)
957      CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(mt_super_ref_pw_grid))
958      CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(xc_super_ref_pw_grid))
959      CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(super_ref_pw_grid))
960      poisson_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "DFT%POISSON")
961      CALL section_vals_val_get(poisson_section, "POISSON_SOLVER", i_val=my_val)
962      !
963      ! Check if grids will be the same... In this case we don't use a super-reference grid
964      !
965      mt_s_grid = .FALSE.
966      IF (my_val == pw_poisson_mt) THEN
967         CALL section_vals_val_get(poisson_section, "MT%REL_CUTOFF", &
968                                   r_val=mt_rel_cutoff)
969         IF (mt_rel_cutoff > 1._dp) mt_s_grid = .TRUE.
970      END IF
972      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
973      iounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, "", &
974                                    extension=".Log")
976      IF (uf_grid) THEN
977         CALL pw_grid_create(xc_super_ref_pw_grid, para_env%group)
978         CALL pw_grid_setup(cell_ref%hmat, xc_super_ref_pw_grid, grid_span=grid_span, &
979                            cutoff=4._dp*cutilev, spherical=spherical, odd=.FALSE., fft_usage=.TRUE., &
980                            ncommensurate=my_ncommensurate, icommensurate=1, &
981                            blocked=do_pw_grid_blocked_false, rs_dims=(/para_env%num_pe, 1/), &
982                            iounit=iounit)
983         super_ref_pw_grid => xc_super_ref_pw_grid
984      END IF
985      IF (mt_s_grid) THEN
986         CALL pw_grid_create(mt_super_ref_pw_grid, para_env%group)
988         IF (ASSOCIATED(xc_super_ref_pw_grid)) THEN
989            CPABORT("special grid for mt and fine xc grid not compatible")
990         ELSE
991            my_cutilev = cutilev*mt_rel_cutoff
993            no = pw_grid_init_setup(cell_ref%hmat, cutoff=cutilev, spherical=spherical, &
994                                    odd=.FALSE., fft_usage=.TRUE., ncommensurate=0, icommensurate=1)
995            nn = pw_grid_init_setup(cell_ref%hmat, cutoff=my_cutilev, spherical=spherical, &
996                                    odd=.FALSE., fft_usage=.TRUE., ncommensurate=0, icommensurate=1)
998            ! bug appears for nn==no, also in old versions
999            CPASSERT(ALL(nn > no))
1000            CALL pw_grid_setup(cell_ref%hmat, mt_super_ref_pw_grid, &
1001                               cutoff=my_cutilev, spherical=spherical, fft_usage=.TRUE., &
1002                               blocked=do_pw_grid_blocked_false, rs_dims=(/para_env%num_pe, 1/), &
1003                               iounit=iounit)
1004            super_ref_pw_grid => mt_super_ref_pw_grid
1005         END IF
1006      END IF
1007      CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iounit, logger, print_section, &
1008                                        "")
1009   END SUBROUTINE setup_super_ref_grid
1011! **************************************************************************************************
1012!> \brief   sets up a real-space grid for finite difference derivative of dielectric
1013!>          constant function
1014!> \param diel_rs_grid real space grid to be created
1015!> \param method preferred finite difference derivative method
1016!> \param input input file
1017!> \param pw_grid plane-wave grid
1018!> \par History
1019!>       12.2014 created [Hossein Bani-Hashemian]
1020!> \author Mohammad Hossein Bani-Hashemian
1021! **************************************************************************************************
1022   SUBROUTINE setup_diel_rs_grid(diel_rs_grid, method, input, pw_grid)
1024      TYPE(realspace_grid_type), POINTER                 :: diel_rs_grid
1025      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: method
1026      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: input
1027      TYPE(pw_grid_type), POINTER                        :: pw_grid
1029      CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'setup_diel_rs_grid', &
1030         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1032      INTEGER                                            :: border_points, handle
1033      TYPE(realspace_grid_desc_type), POINTER            :: rs_desc
1034      TYPE(realspace_grid_input_type)                    :: input_settings
1035      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: rs_grid_section
1037      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
1039      NULLIFY (rs_desc)
1040      rs_grid_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "DFT%MGRID%RS_GRID")
1041      SELECT CASE (method)
1042      CASE (derivative_cd3)
1043         border_points = 1
1044      CASE (derivative_cd5)
1045         border_points = 2
1046      CASE (derivative_cd7)
1047         border_points = 3
1048      END SELECT
1049      CALL init_input_type(input_settings, 2*border_points + 1, rs_grid_section, &
1050                           1, (/-1, -1, -1/))
1051      CALL rs_grid_create_descriptor(rs_desc, pw_grid, input_settings, &
1052                                     border_points=border_points)
1053      CALL rs_grid_create(diel_rs_grid, rs_desc)
1054!   CALL rs_grid_print(diel_rs_grid,6)
1055      CALL rs_grid_release_descriptor(rs_desc)
1057      CALL timestop(handle)
1059   END SUBROUTINE setup_diel_rs_grid
1061END MODULE pw_env_methods