2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2020  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \brief contains miscellaneous subroutines used in the Monte Carlo runs,mostly
8!>      geared towards changes in coordinates
9!> \author MJM
10! **************************************************************************************************
11MODULE mc_coordinates
12   USE cell_types,                      ONLY: cell_type,&
13                                              get_cell
14   USE cp_subsys_types,                 ONLY: cp_subsys_get,&
15                                              cp_subsys_type
16   USE force_env_methods,               ONLY: force_env_calc_energy_force
17   USE force_env_types,                 ONLY: force_env_get,&
18                                              force_env_type
19   USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
20   USE mathconstants,                   ONLY: pi
21   USE mc_types,                        ONLY: get_mc_molecule_info,&
22                                              get_mc_par,&
23                                              mc_molecule_info_type,&
24                                              mc_simpar_type
25   USE message_passing,                 ONLY: mp_bcast
26   USE molecule_types,                  ONLY: molecule_type
27   USE parallel_rng_types,              ONLY: rng_stream_type
28   USE particle_list_types,             ONLY: particle_list_type
29   USE physcon,                         ONLY: angstrom
30#include "../../base/base_uses.f90"
36   PRIVATE :: generate_avbmc_insertion
38   PUBLIC :: generate_cbmc_swap_config, &
39             get_center_of_mass, mc_coordinate_fold, &
40             find_mc_test_molecule, &
41             create_discrete_array, &
42             check_for_overlap, &
43             rotate_molecule, &
44             cluster_search
46   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'mc_coordinates'
50! **************************************************************************************************
51!> \brief looks for overlaps (intermolecular distances less than rmin)
52!> \param force_env the force environment containing the coordinates
53!> \param nchains the number of molecules of each type in the box
54!> \param nunits the number of interaction sites for each molecule
55!> \param loverlap returns .TRUE. if atoms overlap
56!> \param mol_type an array that indicates the type of each molecule
57!> \param cell_length the length of the box...if none is specified,
58!>                     it uses the cell found in the force_env
59!> \param molecule_number if present, just look for overlaps with this
60!>            molecule
62!>      Suitable for parallel use.
63!> \author MJM
64! **************************************************************************************************
65   SUBROUTINE check_for_overlap(force_env, nchains, nunits, loverlap, mol_type, &
66                                cell_length, molecule_number)
68      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
69      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: nchains, nunits
70      LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT)                               :: loverlap
71      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: mol_type
72      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3), INTENT(IN), &
73         OPTIONAL                                        :: cell_length
74      INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: molecule_number
76      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'check_for_overlap', &
77         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
79      INTEGER                                            :: handle, imol, iunit, jmol, jstart, &
80                                                            junit, nend, nstart, nunit, nunits_i, &
81                                                            nunits_j
82      LOGICAL                                            :: lall
83      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: dist, rmin
84      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)     :: r
85      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3)                      :: abc, box_length, RIJ
86      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
87      TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER                      :: oldsys
88      TYPE(particle_list_type), POINTER                  :: particles
90! begin the timing of the subroutine
92      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
94      NULLIFY (oldsys, particles)
96! initialize some stuff
97      loverlap = .FALSE.
98      rmin = 3.57106767_dp ! 1 angstrom squared
100! get the particle coordinates and the cell length
101      CALL force_env_get(force_env, cell=cell, subsys=oldsys)
102      CALL get_cell(cell, abc=abc)
103      CALL cp_subsys_get(oldsys, particles=particles)
105      ALLOCATE (r(1:3, 1:MAXVAL(nunits), 1:SUM(nchains)))
107      IF (PRESENT(cell_length)) THEN
108         box_length(1:3) = cell_length(1:3)
109      ELSE
110         box_length(1:3) = abc(1:3)
111      ENDIF
113! put the coordinates into an easier matrix to manipulate
114      junit = 0
115      DO imol = 1, SUM(nchains)
116         nunit = nunits(mol_type(imol))
117         DO iunit = 1, nunit
118            junit = junit + 1
119            r(1:3, iunit, imol) = particles%els(junit)%r(1:3)
120         ENDDO
121      ENDDO
123! now let's find the LJ energy between all the oxygens and
124! the charge interactions
125      lall = .TRUE.
126      jstart = 1
127      IF (PRESENT(molecule_number)) THEN
128         lall = .FALSE.
129         nstart = molecule_number
130         nend = molecule_number
131      ELSE
132         nstart = 1
133         nend = SUM(nchains(:))
134      ENDIF
135      DO imol = nstart, nend
136         IF (lall) jstart = imol + 1
137         nunits_i = nunits(mol_type(imol))
138         DO jmol = jstart, SUM(nchains(:))
139            IF (imol == jmol) CYCLE
140            nunits_j = nunits(mol_type(jmol))
142            DO iunit = 1, nunits_i
143               DO junit = 1, nunits_j
144! find the minimum image distance
145                  RIJ(1) = r(1, iunit, imol) - r(1, junit, jmol) - &
146                           box_length(1)*ANINT( &
147                           (r(1, iunit, imol) - r(1, junit, jmol))/box_length(1))
148                  RIJ(2) = r(2, iunit, imol) - r(2, junit, jmol) - &
149                           box_length(2)*ANINT( &
150                           (r(2, iunit, imol) - r(2, junit, jmol))/box_length(2))
151                  RIJ(3) = r(3, iunit, imol) - r(3, junit, jmol) - &
152                           box_length(3)*ANINT( &
153                           (r(3, iunit, imol) - r(3, junit, jmol))/box_length(3))
155                  dist = RIJ(1)**2 + RIJ(2)**2 + RIJ(3)**2
157                  IF (dist < rmin) THEN
158                     loverlap = .TRUE.
159                     DEALLOCATE (r)
161                     CALL timestop(handle)
162                     RETURN
163                  ENDIF
165               ENDDO
166            ENDDO
167         ENDDO
168      ENDDO
170      DEALLOCATE (r)
172! end the timing
173      CALL timestop(handle)
175   END SUBROUTINE check_for_overlap
177! **************************************************************************************************
178!> \brief calculates the center of mass of a given molecule
179!> \param coordinates the coordinates of the atoms in the molecule
180!> \param natom the number of atoms in the molecule
181!> \param center_of_mass the coordinates of the center of mass
182!> \param mass the mass of the atoms in the molecule
184!>    Designed for parallel use.
185!> \author MJM
186! **************************************************************************************************
187   SUBROUTINE get_center_of_mass(coordinates, natom, center_of_mass, &
188                                 mass)
190      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)         :: coordinates
191      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: natom
192      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3), INTENT(OUT)         :: center_of_mass
193      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)            :: mass
195      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'get_center_of_mass', &
196         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
198      INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, iatom
199      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: total_mass
201! begin the timing of the subroutine
203      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
205      total_mass = SUM(mass(1:natom))
206      center_of_mass(:) = 0.0E0_dp
208      DO iatom = 1, natom
209         DO i = 1, 3
210            center_of_mass(i) = center_of_mass(i) + &
211                                mass(iatom)*coordinates(i, iatom)
212         ENDDO
213      ENDDO
215      center_of_mass(1:3) = center_of_mass(1:3)/total_mass
217! end the timing
218      CALL timestop(handle)
220   END SUBROUTINE get_center_of_mass
222! **************************************************************************************************
223!> \brief folds all the coordinates into the center simulation box using
224!>      a center of mass cutoff
225!> \param coordinates the coordinates of the atoms in the system
226!> \param nchains_tot the total number of molecules in the box
227!> \param mol_type an array that indicates the type of every molecule in the box
228!> \param mass the mass of every atom for all molecule types
229!> \param nunits the number of interaction sites for each molecule type
230!> \param box_length an array for the lengths of the simulation box sides
232!>      Designed for parallel use.
233!> \author MJM
234! **************************************************************************************************
235   SUBROUTINE mc_coordinate_fold(coordinates, nchains_tot, mol_type, mass, nunits, box_length)
237      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT)      :: coordinates
238      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: nchains_tot
239      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: mol_type
240      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)         :: mass
241      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: nunits
242      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3), INTENT(IN)          :: box_length
244      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mc_coordinate_fold', &
245         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
247      INTEGER                                            :: end_atom, handle, iatom, imolecule, &
248                                                            jatom, molecule_type, natoms, &
249                                                            start_atom
250      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3)                      :: center_of_mass
252! begin the timing of the subroutine
254      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
256! loop over all molecules
257      end_atom = 0
258      DO imolecule = 1, nchains_tot
259         molecule_type = mol_type(imolecule)
260         natoms = nunits(molecule_type)
261         start_atom = end_atom + 1
262         end_atom = start_atom + natoms - 1
263         CALL get_center_of_mass(coordinates(:, start_atom:end_atom), &
264                                 natoms, center_of_mass(:), mass(:, molecule_type))
265         DO iatom = 1, natoms
266            jatom = iatom + start_atom - 1
267            coordinates(1, jatom) = coordinates(1, jatom) - &
268                                    box_length(1)*FLOOR(center_of_mass(1)/box_length(1))
269            coordinates(2, jatom) = coordinates(2, jatom) - &
270                                    box_length(2)*FLOOR(center_of_mass(2)/box_length(2))
271            coordinates(3, jatom) = coordinates(3, jatom) - &
272                                    box_length(3)*FLOOR(center_of_mass(3)/box_length(2))
273         ENDDO
275      ENDDO
277! end the timing
278      CALL timestop(handle)
280   END SUBROUTINE mc_coordinate_fold
282! **************************************************************************************************
283!> \brief takes the last molecule in a force environment and moves it around
284!>      to different center of mass positions and orientations, selecting one
285!>      based on the rosenbluth weight
286!> \param force_env the force environment containing the coordinates
287!> \param BETA the value of 1/kT for this simulations, in a.u.
288!> \param max_val ...
289!> \param min_val ...
290!> \param exp_max_val ...
291!> \param exp_min_val ...
292!> \param nswapmoves the number of desired trial configurations
293!> \param rosenbluth_weight the Rosenbluth weight for this set of configs
294!> \param start_atom the atom number that the molecule to be swapped starts on
295!> \param natoms_tot the total number of interaction sites in the box
296!> \param nunits the number of interaction sites for every molecule_type
297!> \param nunits_mol ...
298!> \param mass the mass for every interaction site of every molecule type
299!> \param loverlap the flag that indicates if all of the configs have an
300!>                  atomic overlap
301!> \param choosen_energy the energy of the chosen config
302!> \param old_energy the energy that we subtract from all of the trial
303!>        energies to prevent numerical overflows
304!> \param ionode indicates if we're on the main CPU
305!> \param lremove is this the Rosenbluth weight for a removal box?
306!> \param mol_type an array that contains the molecule type for every atom in the box
307!> \param nchains the number of molecules of each type in this box
308!> \param source the MPI source value, for broadcasts
309!> \param group the MPI group value, for broadcasts
310!> \param rng_stream the random number stream that we draw from
311!> \param avbmc_atom ...
312!> \param rmin ...
313!> \param rmax ...
314!> \param move_type ...
315!> \param target_atom ...
316!> \par Optional Avbmc Flags
317!>      - avbmc_atom: the atom number that serves for the target atom in each
318!>        molecule (1 is the first atom in the molecule, etc.)
319!>      - rmin: the minimum AVBMC radius for the shell around the target
320!>      - rmax: the maximum AVBMC radius for the shell around the target
321!>      - move_type: generate configs in the "in" or "out" volume
322!>      - target_atom: the number of the avbmc atom in the target molecule
323!> \par
324!>      Suitable for parallel.
325!> \author MJM
326! **************************************************************************************************
327   SUBROUTINE generate_cbmc_swap_config(force_env, BETA, max_val, min_val, exp_max_val, &
328                                        exp_min_val, nswapmoves, rosenbluth_weight, start_atom, natoms_tot, nunits, nunits_mol, &
329                                        mass, loverlap, choosen_energy, old_energy, ionode, lremove, mol_type, nchains, source, &
330                                        group, rng_stream, avbmc_atom, rmin, rmax, move_type, target_atom)
332      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
333      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                          :: BETA, max_val, min_val, exp_max_val, &
334                                                            exp_min_val
335      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: nswapmoves
336      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(OUT)                         :: rosenbluth_weight
337      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: start_atom, natoms_tot
338      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: nunits
339      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: nunits_mol
340      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(1:nunits_mol), INTENT(IN)      :: mass
341      LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT)                               :: loverlap
342      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(OUT)                         :: choosen_energy
343      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                          :: old_energy
344      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: ionode, lremove
345      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: mol_type, nchains
346      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: source, group
347      TYPE(rng_stream_type), INTENT(INOUT)               :: rng_stream
348      INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: avbmc_atom
349      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                :: rmin, rmax
350      CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL             :: move_type
351      INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: target_atom
353      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'generate_cbmc_swap_config', &
354         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
356      INTEGER                                            :: atom_number, choosen, end_atom, handle, &
357                                                            i, iatom, imolecule, imove, &
358                                                            molecule_number
359      LOGICAL                                            :: all_overlaps
360      LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: loverlap_array
361      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: bias_energy, exponent, rand, &
362                                                            total_running_weight
363      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: boltz_weights, trial_energy
364      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: r_old
365      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)     :: r
366      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3)                      :: abc, center_of_mass, diff, r_insert
367      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
368      TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER                      :: oldsys
369      TYPE(particle_list_type), POINTER                  :: particles
371! begin the timing of the subroutine
373      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
375      NULLIFY (oldsys)
376! get the particle coordinates and the cell length
377      CALL force_env_get(force_env, cell=cell, subsys=oldsys)
378      CALL get_cell(cell, abc=abc)
379      CALL cp_subsys_get(oldsys, particles=particles)
381! do some checking to make sure we have all the data we need
382      IF (PRESENT(avbmc_atom)) THEN
383         IF (.NOT. PRESENT(rmin) .OR. .NOT. PRESENT(rmax) .OR. &
384             .NOT. PRESENT(move_type) .OR. .NOT. PRESENT(target_atom)) THEN
385            CPABORT('AVBMC swap move is missing information!')
386         ENDIF
387      ENDIF
389      ALLOCATE (r_old(1:3, 1:natoms_tot))
390      ALLOCATE (r(1:3, 1:natoms_tot, 1:nswapmoves))
391      ALLOCATE (trial_energy(1:nswapmoves))
392      ALLOCATE (boltz_weights(1:nswapmoves))
393      ALLOCATE (loverlap_array(1:nswapmoves))
395! initialize the arrays that need it
396      loverlap_array(:) = .FALSE.
397      loverlap = .FALSE.
398      boltz_weights(:) = 0.0_dp
399      trial_energy(:) = 0.0_dp
400      r(:, :, :) = 0.0_dp
401      choosen_energy = 0.0_dp
402      rosenbluth_weight = 0.0_dp
404! save the positions of the molecules
405      DO imove = 1, nswapmoves
406         DO iatom = 1, natoms_tot
407            r(1:3, iatom, imove) = particles%els(iatom)%r(1:3)
408         ENDDO
409      ENDDO
411! save the remove coordinates
412      DO iatom = 1, natoms_tot
413         r_old(1:3, iatom) = r(1:3, iatom, 1)
414      ENDDO
416! figure out the numbers of the first and last atoms in the molecule
417      end_atom = start_atom + nunits_mol - 1
418! figure out which molecule number we're on
419      molecule_number = 0
420      atom_number = 1
421      DO imolecule = 1, SUM(nchains(:))
422         IF (atom_number == start_atom) THEN
423            molecule_number = imolecule
424            EXIT
425         ENDIF
426         atom_number = atom_number + nunits(mol_type(imolecule))
427      ENDDO
428      IF (molecule_number == 0) CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
429                                              'CBMC swap move cannot find which molecule number it needs')
431      IF (lremove) THEN
432         CALL check_for_overlap(force_env, nchains, nunits, loverlap_array(1), &
433                                mol_type)
434         CALL mp_bcast(loverlap_array(1), source, group)
436         IF (loverlap_array(1)) THEN
437            IF (ionode) THEN
438               WRITE (*, *) start_atom, end_atom, natoms_tot
439               DO iatom = 1, natoms_tot
440                  WRITE (*, *) r(1:3, iatom, 1)
441               ENDDO
442            ENDIF
443            CPABORT('CBMC swap move found an overlap in the old config')
444         ENDIF
445      ENDIF
447      DO imove = 1, nswapmoves
449! drop into serial
450         IF (ionode) THEN
452            IF (PRESENT(avbmc_atom)) THEN
453! find an AVBMC insertion point
454               CALL generate_avbmc_insertion(rmin, rmax, &
455                                             r_old(1:3, target_atom), &
456                                             move_type, r_insert(:), abc(:), rng_stream)
458               DO i = 1, 3
459                  diff(i) = r_insert(i) - r_old(i, start_atom + avbmc_atom - 1)
460               ENDDO
462            ELSE
463! find a new insertion point somewhere in the box
464               DO i = 1, 3
465                  rand = rng_stream%next()
466                  r_insert(i) = rand*abc(i)
467               ENDDO
469! find the center of mass of the insertion molecule
470               CALL get_center_of_mass(r(:, start_atom:end_atom, imove), nunits_mol, &
471                                       center_of_mass(:), mass(:))
473! move the molecule to the insertion point
475               DO i = 1, 3
476                  diff(i) = r_insert(i) - center_of_mass(i)
477               ENDDO
479            ENDIF
481            DO iatom = start_atom, end_atom
482               r(1:3, iatom, imove) = r(1:3, iatom, imove) + diff(1:3)
483            ENDDO
485! rotate the molecule...this routine is only made for serial use
486            CALL rotate_molecule(r(:, start_atom:end_atom, imove), mass(:), &
487                                 nunits_mol, rng_stream)
489            IF (imove == 1 .AND. lremove) THEN
490               DO iatom = 1, natoms_tot
491                  r(1:3, iatom, 1) = r_old(1:3, iatom)
492               ENDDO
493            ENDIF
495         ENDIF
497         CALL mp_bcast(r(:, :, imove), source, group)
499! calculate the energy and boltzman weight of the config
500         DO iatom = start_atom, end_atom
501            particles%els(iatom)%r(1:3) = r(1:3, iatom, imove)
502         ENDDO
504         CALL check_for_overlap(force_env, nchains, nunits, loverlap_array(imove), &
505                                mol_type, molecule_number=molecule_number)
506         IF (loverlap_array(imove)) THEN
507            boltz_weights(imove) = 0.0_dp
508            CYCLE
509         ENDIF
511         CALL force_env_calc_energy_force(force_env, calc_force=.FALSE.)
512         CALL force_env_get(force_env, &
513                            potential_energy=bias_energy)
515         trial_energy(imove) = (bias_energy - old_energy)
516         exponent = -BETA*trial_energy(imove)
518         IF (exponent .GT. exp_max_val) THEN
519            boltz_weights(imove) = max_val
520         ELSEIF (exponent .LT. exp_min_val) THEN
521            boltz_weights(imove) = min_val
522         ELSE
523            boltz_weights(imove) = EXP(exponent)
524         ENDIF
526      ENDDO
528! now we need to pick a configuration based on the Rosenbluth weight,
529! which is just the sum of the Boltzmann weights
530      rosenbluth_weight = SUM(boltz_weights(:))
531      IF (rosenbluth_weight .EQ. 0.0_dp .AND. lremove) THEN
532! should never have 0.0 for an old weight...causes a divide by zero
533! in the acceptance rule
534         IF (ionode) THEN
535            WRITE (*, *) boltz_weights(1:nswapmoves)
536            WRITE (*, *) start_atom, end_atom, lremove
537            WRITE (*, *) loverlap_array(1:nswapmoves)
538            WRITE (*, *) natoms_tot
539            WRITE (*, *)
540            DO iatom = 1, natoms_tot
541               WRITE (*, *) r(1:3, iatom, 1)*angstrom
542            ENDDO
543         ENDIF
544         CPABORT('CBMC swap move found a bad old weight')
545      ENDIF
546      all_overlaps = .TRUE.
547      total_running_weight = 0.0E0_dp
548      choosen = 0
549      IF (ionode) THEN
550         rand = rng_stream%next()
551!         CALL random_number(rand)
552      ENDIF
553      CALL mp_bcast(rand, source, group)
554      DO imove = 1, nswapmoves
555         IF (loverlap_array(imove)) CYCLE
556         all_overlaps = .FALSE.
557         total_running_weight = total_running_weight + boltz_weights(imove)
558         IF (total_running_weight .GE. rand*rosenbluth_weight) THEN
559            choosen = imove
560            EXIT
561         ENDIF
562      ENDDO
564      IF (all_overlaps) THEN
565         loverlap = .TRUE.
567! if this is an old configuration, we always choose the first one...
568! this should never be the case, but I'm testing something
569         IF (lremove) THEN
570            IF (ionode) THEN
571               WRITE (*, *) boltz_weights(1:nswapmoves)
572               WRITE (*, *) start_atom, end_atom, lremove
573               WRITE (*, *) loverlap_array(1:nswapmoves)
574               DO iatom = 1, natoms_tot
575                  WRITE (*, *) r(1:3, iatom, 1)
576               ENDDO
577            ENDIF
578            CPABORT('CBMC swap move found all overlaps for the remove config')
579         ENDIF
581         DEALLOCATE (r_old)
582         DEALLOCATE (r)
583         DEALLOCATE (trial_energy)
584         DEALLOCATE (boltz_weights)
585         DEALLOCATE (loverlap_array)
586         CALL timestop(handle)
587         RETURN
588      ENDIF
590! make sure a configuration was chosen
591      IF (choosen == 0) &
592         CPABORT('CBMC swap move failed to select config')
594! if this is an old configuration, we always choose the first one
595      IF (lremove) choosen = 1
597! set the energy for the configuration
598      choosen_energy = trial_energy(choosen)
600! copy the coordinates to the force environment
601      DO iatom = 1, natoms_tot
602         particles%els(iatom)%r(1:3) = r(1:3, iatom, choosen)
603      ENDDO
605      DEALLOCATE (r_old)
606      DEALLOCATE (r)
607      DEALLOCATE (trial_energy)
608      DEALLOCATE (boltz_weights)
609      DEALLOCATE (loverlap_array)
611! end the timing
612      CALL timestop(handle)
614   END SUBROUTINE generate_cbmc_swap_config
616! **************************************************************************************************
617!> \brief rotates a molecule randomly around the center of mass,
618!>      sequentially in x, y, and z directions
619!> \param r the coordinates of the molecule to rotate
620!> \param mass the mass of all the atoms in the molecule
621!> \param natoms the number of atoms in the molecule
622!> \param rng_stream the stream we pull random numbers from
624!>    Use only in serial.
625!> \author MJM
626! **************************************************************************************************
627   SUBROUTINE rotate_molecule(r, mass, natoms, rng_stream)
629      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: natoms
630      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:natoms), INTENT(IN)     :: mass
631      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3, 1:natoms), &
632         INTENT(INOUT)                                   :: r
633      TYPE(rng_stream_type), INTENT(INOUT)               :: rng_stream
635      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'rotate_molecule', &
636         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
638      INTEGER                                            :: handle, iunit
639      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: cosdg, dgamma, rand, rx, rxnew, ry, &
640                                                            rynew, rz, rznew, sindg
641      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3)                      :: center_of_mass
643! begin the timing of the subroutine
645      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
647! find the center of mass of the molecule
648      CALL get_center_of_mass(r(:, :), natoms, center_of_mass(:), mass(:))
650! call a random number to figure out how far we're moving
651      rand = rng_stream%next()
652      dgamma = pi*(rand - 0.5E0_dp)*2.0E0_dp
654! *** set up the rotation matrix ***
656      cosdg = COS(dgamma)
657      sindg = SIN(dgamma)
661      DO iunit = 1, natoms
662         ry = r(2, iunit) - center_of_mass(2)
663         rz = r(3, iunit) - center_of_mass(3)
664         rynew = cosdg*ry + sindg*rz
665         rznew = cosdg*rz - sindg*ry
667         r(2, iunit) = rynew + center_of_mass(2)
668         r(3, iunit) = rznew + center_of_mass(3)
670      ENDDO
674      DO iunit = 1, natoms
675         rx = r(1, iunit) - center_of_mass(1)
676         rz = r(3, iunit) - center_of_mass(3)
677         rxnew = cosdg*rx + sindg*rz
678         rznew = cosdg*rz - sindg*rx
680         r(1, iunit) = rxnew + center_of_mass(1)
681         r(3, iunit) = rznew + center_of_mass(3)
683      ENDDO
687      DO iunit = 1, natoms
688         rx = r(1, iunit) - center_of_mass(1)
689         ry = r(2, iunit) - center_of_mass(2)
690         rxnew = cosdg*rx + sindg*ry
691         rynew = cosdg*ry - sindg*rx
693         r(1, iunit) = rxnew + center_of_mass(1)
694         r(2, iunit) = rynew + center_of_mass(2)
696      ENDDO
698! end the timing
699      CALL timestop(handle)
701   END SUBROUTINE rotate_molecule
703! **************************************************************************************************
704!> \brief selects a molecule at random to perform a MC move on...you can specify
705!>      the box the molecule should be in, its type, both, or neither
706!> \param mc_molecule_info the structure that contains some global molecule data
707!> \param start_atom the number of the first atom in the chosen molecule in relation
708!>        to the force_env it's in
709!> \param box_number the box the chosen molecule is in
710!> \param molecule_type the type of molecule the chosen molecule is
711!> \param rng_stream the stream we pull random numbers from
712!> \param box if present, tells the routine which box to grab a molecule from
713!> \param molecule_type_old if present, tells the routine which molecule type to select from
714!> \author MJM
715! **************************************************************************************************
716   SUBROUTINE find_mc_test_molecule(mc_molecule_info, start_atom, &
717                                    box_number, molecule_type, rng_stream, box, molecule_type_old)
719      TYPE(mc_molecule_info_type), POINTER               :: mc_molecule_info
720      INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)                               :: start_atom, box_number, molecule_type
721      TYPE(rng_stream_type), INTENT(INOUT)               :: rng_stream
722      INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: box, molecule_type_old
724      CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'find_mc_test_molecule', &
725         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
727      INTEGER                                            :: handle, ibox, imol_type, imolecule, &
728                                                            jbox, molecule_number, nchains_tot, &
729                                                            start_mol
730      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: mol_type, nunits
731      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: nchains
732      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: rand
734! begin the timing of the subroutine
736      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
738      NULLIFY (nunits, mol_type, nchains)
739      CALL get_mc_molecule_info(mc_molecule_info, nchains=nchains, nunits=nunits, &
740                                mol_type=mol_type)
742! initialize the outgoing variables
743      start_atom = 0
744      box_number = 0
745      molecule_type = 0
747      IF (PRESENT(box) .AND. PRESENT(molecule_type_old)) THEN
748! only need to find the atom number the molecule starts on
749         rand = rng_stream%next()
750         molecule_number = CEILING(rand*REAL(nchains(molecule_type_old, box), KIND=dp))
752         start_mol = 1
753         DO jbox = 1, box - 1
754            start_mol = start_mol + SUM(nchains(:, jbox))
755         ENDDO
757! adjust to take into account molecules of other types in the box
758         DO imol_type = 1, molecule_type_old - 1
759            molecule_number = molecule_number + nchains(imol_type, box)
760         ENDDO
762         start_atom = 1
763         DO imolecule = 1, molecule_number - 1
764            start_atom = start_atom + nunits(mol_type(start_mol + imolecule - 1))
765         ENDDO
767      ELSEIF (PRESENT(box)) THEN
768! any molecule in box...need to find molecule type and start atom
769         rand = rng_stream%next()
770         molecule_number = CEILING(rand*REAL(SUM(nchains(:, box)), KIND=dp))
772         start_mol = 1
773         DO jbox = 1, box - 1
774            start_mol = start_mol + SUM(nchains(:, jbox))
775         ENDDO
777         molecule_type = mol_type(start_mol + molecule_number - 1)
779! now the starting atom
780         start_atom = 1
781         DO imolecule = 1, molecule_number - 1
782            start_atom = start_atom + nunits(mol_type(start_mol + imolecule - 1))
783         ENDDO
785      ELSEIF (PRESENT(molecule_type_old)) THEN
786! any molecule of type molecule_type_old...need to find box number and start atom
787         rand = rng_stream%next()
788         molecule_number = CEILING(rand*REAL(SUM(nchains(molecule_type_old, :)), KIND=dp))
790! find which box it's in
791         nchains_tot = 0
792         DO ibox = 1, SIZE(nchains(molecule_type_old, :))
793            IF (molecule_number .LE. nchains(molecule_type_old, ibox)) THEN
794               box_number = ibox
795               EXIT
796            ENDIF
797            molecule_number = molecule_number - nchains(molecule_type_old, ibox)
798         ENDDO
800         start_mol = 1
801         DO jbox = 1, box_number - 1
802            start_mol = start_mol + SUM(nchains(:, jbox))
803         ENDDO
805! now find the starting atom number
806         DO imol_type = 1, molecule_type_old - 1
807            molecule_number = molecule_number + nchains(imol_type, box_number)
808         ENDDO
809         start_atom = 1
810         DO imolecule = 1, molecule_number - 1
811            start_atom = start_atom + nunits(mol_type(start_mol + imolecule - 1))
812         ENDDO
814      ELSE
815! no restrictions...need to find all pieces of data
816         nchains_tot = 0
817         DO ibox = 1, SIZE(nchains(1, :))
818            nchains_tot = nchains_tot + SUM(nchains(:, ibox))
819         ENDDO
820         rand = rng_stream%next()
821         molecule_number = CEILING(rand*REAL(nchains_tot, KIND=dp))
823         molecule_type = mol_type(molecule_number)
825! now which box it's in
826         DO ibox = 1, SUM(nchains(1, :))
827            IF (molecule_number .LE. SUM(nchains(:, ibox))) THEN
828               box_number = ibox
829               EXIT
830            ENDIF
831            molecule_number = molecule_number - SUM(nchains(:, ibox))
832         ENDDO
834! now find the starting atom number
835         start_mol = 1
836         DO jbox = 1, box_number - 1
837            start_mol = start_mol + SUM(nchains(:, jbox))
838         ENDDO
839         start_atom = 1
840         DO imolecule = 1, molecule_number - 1
841            start_atom = start_atom + nunits(mol_type(start_mol + imolecule - 1))
842         ENDDO
844      ENDIF
846! make sure things are good
847      IF (PRESENT(box)) box_number = box
848      IF (PRESENT(molecule_type_old)) molecule_type = molecule_type_old
850      CPASSERT(start_atom /= 0)
851      CPASSERT(box_number /= 0)
852      CPASSERT(molecule_type /= 0)
854! end the timing
855      CALL timestop(handle)
857   END SUBROUTINE find_mc_test_molecule
859! **************************************************************************************************
860!> \brief generates an array that tells us which sides of the simulation
861!>      cell we can increase or decrease using a discrete volume move
862!> \param cell the lengths of the sides of the cell
863!> \param discrete_array the array that indicates which sides we can move
864!> \param step_size the size of the discrete volume move
866!>    Suitable for parallel.
867!> \author MJM
868! **************************************************************************************************
869   SUBROUTINE create_discrete_array(cell, discrete_array, step_size)
871! 1 is for increase, 2 is for decrease
872! 1 is for "yes, we can do the move", 0 is for no
874      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(1:3), INTENT(IN)               :: cell
875      INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:3, 1:2), INTENT(OUT)          :: discrete_array
876      REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)                               :: step_size
878      INTEGER                                            :: iside
879      REAL(dp)                                           :: high_value, length1, length2, low_value
881      discrete_array(:, :) = 0
883      length1 = ABS(cell(1) - cell(2))
884      length2 = ABS(cell(2) - cell(3))
886! now let's figure out all the different cases
887      IF (length1 .LT. 0.01_dp*step_size .AND. &
888          length2 .LT. 0.01_dp*step_size) THEN
889! all sides are equal, so we can move up or down
890         discrete_array(1:3, 1) = 1
891         discrete_array(1:3, 2) = 1
892      ELSE
894! find the low value and the high value
895         high_value = -1.0_dp
896         low_value = cell(1)*cell(2)*cell(3)
897         DO iside = 1, 3
898            IF (cell(iside) .LT. low_value) low_value = cell(iside)
899            IF (cell(iside) .GT. high_value) high_value = cell(iside)
900         ENDDO
901         DO iside = 1, 3
902! now we see if the value is a high value or a low value...it can only be
903! one of the two
904            IF (ABS(cell(iside) - low_value) .LT. 0.01_dp*step_size) THEN
905! low value, we can only increase the cell size
906               discrete_array(iside, 1) = 1
907               discrete_array(iside, 2) = 0
908            ELSE
909! high value, we can only decrease the cell size
910               discrete_array(iside, 1) = 0
911               discrete_array(iside, 2) = 1
912            ENDIF
913         ENDDO
914      ENDIF
916   END SUBROUTINE create_discrete_array
918! **************************************************************************************************
919!> \brief generates an insertion point in either the "in" or the "out" volume
920!>      of a target atom, where the "in" volume is a shell with inner radius
921!>       rmin and outer radius rmax
922!> \param rmin the minimum AVBMC radius for the shell around the target
923!> \param rmax the maximum AVBMC radius for the shell around the target
924!> \param r_target the coordinates of the target atom
925!> \param move_type generate configs in the "in" or "out" volume
926!> \param r_insert the output insertion site
927!> \param abc the lengths of the sides of the simulation box
928!> \param rng_stream the random number stream that we draw from
930!>      Use only in serial.
931!> \author MJM
932! **************************************************************************************************
933   SUBROUTINE generate_avbmc_insertion(rmin, rmax, r_target, &
934                                       move_type, r_insert, abc, rng_stream)
936      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                          :: rmin, rmax
937      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3), INTENT(IN)          :: r_target
938      CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)                       :: move_type
939      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3), INTENT(OUT)         :: r_insert
940      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3), INTENT(IN)          :: abc
941      TYPE(rng_stream_type), INTENT(INOUT)               :: rng_stream
943      INTEGER                                            :: i
944      REAL(dp)                                           :: dist, eta_1, eta_2, eta_sq, rand
945      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(1:3)                           :: RIJ
947      r_insert(1:3) = 0.0_dp
949      IF (move_type == 'in') THEN
950! generate a random unit vector, from Allen and Tildesley
951         DO
952            eta_1 = rng_stream%next()
953            eta_2 = rng_stream%next()
954            eta_sq = eta_1**2 + eta_2**2
955            IF (eta_sq .LT. 1.0_dp) THEN
956               r_insert(1) = 2.0_dp*eta_1*SQRT(1.0_dp - eta_sq)
957               r_insert(2) = 2.0_dp*eta_2*SQRT(1.0_dp - eta_sq)
958               r_insert(3) = 1.0_dp - 2.0_dp*eta_sq
959               EXIT
960            ENDIF
961         ENDDO
963! now scale that vector to be within the "in" region
964         rand = rng_stream%next()
965         r_insert(1:3) = r_insert(1:3)*(rand*(rmax**3 - rmin**3) + rmin**3)** &
966                         (1.0_dp/3.0_dp)
968         r_insert(1:3) = r_target(1:3) + r_insert(1:3)
969      ELSE
971! find a new insertion point somewhere in the box
972         DO
973            DO i = 1, 3
974               rand = rng_stream%next()
975               r_insert(i) = rand*abc(i)
976            ENDDO
978! make sure it's not in the "in" region
979            RIJ(1) = r_insert(1) - r_target(1) - abc(1)* &
980                     ANINT((r_insert(1) - r_target(1))/abc(1))
981            RIJ(2) = r_insert(2) - r_target(2) - abc(2)* &
982                     ANINT((r_insert(2) - r_target(2))/abc(2))
983            RIJ(3) = r_insert(3) - r_target(3) - abc(3)* &
984                     ANINT((r_insert(3) - r_target(3))/abc(3))
986            dist = RIJ(1)**2 + RIJ(2)**2 + RIJ(3)**2
988            IF (dist .LT. rmin**2 .OR. dist .GT. rmax**2) THEN
989               EXIT
990            ENDIF
992         ENDDO
993      ENDIF
995   END SUBROUTINE generate_avbmc_insertion
997! *****************************************************************************
998! **************************************************************************************************
999!> \brief determine the number of cluster present in the given configuration
1000!>   based on the rclus value
1001!> \param mc_par the mc parameters for the force env
1002!> \param force_env the force environment containing the coordinates
1003!> \param cluster ...
1004!> \param nchains the number of molecules of each type in the box
1005!> \param nunits the number of interaction sites for each molecule
1006!> \param mol_type an array that indicates the type of each molecule
1007!> \param total_clus ...
1008!> \par
1009!>    Original Multiparticle/Cluster Translation paper:
1010!> Orkoulas, Gerassimos, and Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos. Free energy and
1011!> phase equilibria for the restricted primitive model of ionic fluids from Monte
1012!> Carlo simulations. J. Chem. Phys. 1994,101.2,1452-1459.
1013!> \author Himanshu Goel
1014! **************************************************************************************************
1016   SUBROUTINE cluster_search(mc_par, force_env, cluster, nchains, nunits, mol_type, total_clus)
1018      TYPE(mc_simpar_type), POINTER                      :: mc_par
1019      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
1020      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT)            :: cluster
1021      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)                  :: nchains, nunits, mol_type
1022      INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT)                             :: total_clus
1024      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'cluster_search', routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1026      INTEGER                                            :: counter, handle, imol, iunit, jmol, &
1027                                                            junit, nend, nstart, nunit, nunits_i, &
1028                                                            nunits_j
1029      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: clusmat, decision
1030      LOGICAL                                            :: lclus
1031      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: dx, dy, dz, rclus, rclussquare, rsquare
1032      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: xcoord, ycoord, zcoord
1033      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)     :: r
1034      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(1:3)                      :: abc
1035      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
1036      TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER                      :: oldsys
1037      TYPE(particle_list_type), POINTER                  :: particles
1039! begin the timing of the subroutine
1041      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
1043      NULLIFY (oldsys, particles)
1045! Getting Particle Coordinates
1047      CALL force_env_get(force_env, cell=cell, subsys=oldsys)
1048      CALL get_cell(cell, abc=abc)
1049      CALL cp_subsys_get(oldsys, particles=particles)
1050      CALL get_mc_par(mc_par, rclus=rclus)
1052      ALLOCATE (r(1:3, 1:MAXVAL(nunits), 1:SUM(nchains)))
1054! Arranging particles coordinates into an easier matrix
1055      nend = SUM(nchains(:))
1056      junit = 0
1057      DO imol = 1, nend
1058         nunit = nunits(mol_type(imol))
1059         DO iunit = 1, nunit
1060            junit = junit + 1
1061            r(1:3, iunit, imol) = particles%els(junit)%r(1:3)
1062         ENDDO
1063      ENDDO
1065      counter = 0
1067! Allocating the size of matrix and decision matrix
1068      ALLOCATE (clusmat(nend), decision(nend))
1071      DO imol = 1, nend
1072         decision(imol) = 0
1073         clusmat(imol) = 0
1074      END DO
1076      rclussquare = rclus*rclus
1077! Starting the cluster count loop
1078      DO WHILE (SUM(decision) .LT. nend)
1079         DO nstart = 1, nend
1080            IF (clusmat(nstart) .EQ. 0) THEN
1081               counter = counter + 1
1082               clusmat(nstart) = counter
1083               EXIT
1084            END IF
1085         END DO
1087         lclus = .TRUE.
1088         DO WHILE (lclus .EQV. .TRUE.)
1089            DO imol = 1, nend
1090               nunits_i = nunits(mol_type(imol))
1091! Allocating the xcoord,ycoord,zcoord based upon the size of molecule nunits
1092               lclus = .FALSE.
1093               IF (clusmat(imol) .EQ. counter .AND. decision(imol) .EQ. 0) THEN
1094                  ALLOCATE (xcoord(nunits_i), ycoord(nunits_i), zcoord(nunits_i))
1095                  decision(imol) = 1
1096                  lclus = .TRUE.
1097                  DO iunit = 1, nunits_i
1098                     xcoord(iunit) = r(1, iunit, imol)
1099                     ycoord(iunit) = r(2, iunit, imol)
1100                     zcoord(iunit) = r(3, iunit, imol)
1101                  END DO
1102                  EXIT
1103               END IF
1104            END DO
1105            IF (lclus .EQV. .TRUE.) THEN
1106               DO jmol = 1, nend
1107                  nunits_j = nunits(mol_type(jmol))
1108                  IF (clusmat(jmol) .EQ. 0 .AND. decision(jmol) .EQ. 0) THEN
1109!Calculating the distance between atoms
1110                     DO iunit = 1, nunits_i
1111                        DO junit = 1, nunits_j
1112                           dx = xcoord(iunit) - r(1, junit, jmol)
1113                           dy = ycoord(iunit) - r(2, junit, jmol)
1114                           dz = zcoord(iunit) - r(3, junit, jmol)
1115                           dx = dx - abc(1)*ANINT(dx/abc(1))
1116                           dy = dy - abc(2)*ANINT(dy/abc(2))
1117                           dz = dz - abc(3)*ANINT(dz/abc(3))
1118                           rsquare = (dx*dx) + (dy*dy) + (dz*dz)
1119!Checking the distance based on rclus square(rclussq)
1120                           IF (rsquare .LT. rclussquare) THEN
1121                              clusmat(jmol) = counter
1122                           END IF
1123                        END DO
1124                     END DO
1125                  END IF
1126               END DO
1127               DEALLOCATE (xcoord, ycoord, zcoord)
1128            END IF
1129         END DO
1130      END DO
1132!Putting cluster information in a cluster matrix
1133      total_clus = counter
1135      DO imol = 1, counter
1136         DO jmol = 1, nend
1137            IF (imol .EQ. clusmat(jmol)) THEN
1138               cluster(imol, jmol) = jmol
1139            END IF
1140         END DO
1141      END DO
1142      DEALLOCATE (r)
1143      DEALLOCATE (decision)
1144      DEALLOCATE (clusmat)
1146! end the timing
1147      CALL timestop(handle)
1149   END SUBROUTINE cluster_search
1151END MODULE mc_coordinates