1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 //- Class:       NOWPACOptimizer
10 //- Description: Implementation code for the NOWPACOptimizer class
11 //- Owner:       Mike Eldred
13 #include "DakotaModel.hpp"
14 #include "DakotaResponse.hpp"
15 #include "NOWPACOptimizer.hpp"
16 #include "PostProcessModels.hpp"
17 #include "ProblemDescDB.hpp"
18 #include "ParallelLibrary.hpp"
20 static const char rcsId[]="@(#) $Id: NOWPACOptimizer.cpp 7029 2010-10-22 00:17:02Z mseldre $";
22 namespace Dakota {
NOWPACOptimizer(ProblemDescDB & problem_db,Model & model)25 NOWPACOptimizer::NOWPACOptimizer(ProblemDescDB& problem_db, Model& model):
26   Optimizer(problem_db, model, std::shared_ptr<TraitsBase>(new NOWPACTraits())),
27   nowpacSolver(numContinuousVars, "nowpac_diagnostics.dat"),
28   nowpacEvaluator(iteratedModel)
29 {
30   nowpacEvaluator.allocate_constraints();
31   nowpacSolver.set_blackbox(nowpacEvaluator,
32 			    nowpacEvaluator.num_ineq_constraints());
33   initialize_options();
34 }
NOWPACOptimizer(Model & model)37 NOWPACOptimizer::NOWPACOptimizer(Model& model):
38   Optimizer(MIT_NOWPAC, model, std::shared_ptr<TraitsBase>(new NOWPACTraits())),
39   nowpacSolver(numContinuousVars, "nowpac_diagnostics.dat"),
40   nowpacEvaluator(iteratedModel)
41 {
42   nowpacEvaluator.allocate_constraints();
43   nowpacSolver.set_blackbox(nowpacEvaluator,
44 			    nowpacEvaluator.num_ineq_constraints());
45   initialize_options();
46 }
~NOWPACOptimizer()49 NOWPACOptimizer::~NOWPACOptimizer()
50 { }
initialize_options()53 void NOWPACOptimizer::initialize_options()
54 {
55   // Refer to bit bucket docs: https://bitbucket.org/fmaugust/nowpac
57   // Optional: note that we are overridding NOWPAC defaults with Dakota defaults
58   // May want to leave NOWPAC defaults in place if there is no user spec.
59   nowpacSolver.set_option("eta_1",
60     probDescDB.get_real("method.trust_region.contract_threshold") );
61   nowpacSolver.set_option("eta_2",
62     probDescDB.get_real("method.trust_region.expand_threshold") );
63   // Criticality measures:
64   //nowpacSolver.set_option("eps_c"                         , 1e-6 );
65   //nowpacSolver.set_option("mu"                            , 1e1  );
66   // Upper bound on poisedness constant augmented with distance penalty:
67   //nowpacSolver.set_option("geometry_threshold"            , 5e2  );
68   nowpacSolver.set_option("gamma_inc",
69     probDescDB.get_real("method.trust_region.expansion_factor") );
70   nowpacSolver.set_option("gamma",
71     probDescDB.get_real("method.trust_region.contraction_factor") );
72   // Reduction factors:
73   //nowpacSolver.set_option("omega"                         , 0.8  );
74   //nowpacSolver.set_option("theta"                         , 0.8  );
75   // Inner boundary path constant: (default should be good and will be adapted)
76   //if (nowpacEvaluator.num_ineq_constraints() > 0)
77   //  nowpacSolver.set_option("eps_b"                       , 1e1  );
79   // NOWPAC output verbosity is 0 (least) to 3 (most)
80   nowpacSolver.set_option("verbose", std::min(outputLevel, (short)3) );
82   //nowpacSolver.set_max_trustregion( 1e0 ); // scale dependent
84   // This option activates SNOWPAC which turns on 3 features:
85   // (a) links TR size to noise returned from evaluator
86   // (b) feasibility restoration (on but not active in deterministic mode)
87   // (c) outer Gaussian process approximation (smooths noisy evaluations)
88   bool stochastic = (methodName == MIT_SNOWPAC);
89   nowpacSolver.set_option("stochastic_optimization", stochastic);
90   // This is tied to the other BlackBoxBaseClass::evaluate() fn redefinition.
91   if (stochastic) {
92     // SNOWPAC picks random points in the trust region to improve the
93     // distribution of the Gaussian Process regression
94     int random_seed = probDescDB.get_int("method.random_seed");
95     if (random_seed) // default for no user spec is zero
96       nowpacSolver.set_option("seed",                random_seed);
97     //else SNOWPAC uses a machine generated seed and is non-repeatable
98     const int adaptionSteps = 5*numContinuousVars;
99     nowpacSolver.set_option("GP_adaption_factor", adaptionSteps );
100     nowpacSolver.set_option("use_analytic_smoothing", false);
101   }
103   // Maximum number of total accepted steps
104   nowpacSolver.set_option("max_nb_accepted_steps", maxIterations);// inf default
105   // Within special context of meta-iteration like MG/Opt, ensure that we
106   // have at least 2 successful steps
107   //if (subIteratorFlag && ...)
108   //  nowpacSolver.set_option("max_nb_accepted_steps", 2    );
110   // This is also a termination criterion, but not one of the required ones.
111   // NOWPAC stops if the Frobenius norm of the Hessian blows up, indicating
112   // that the optimizer is now in the noise.
113   //nowpacSolver.set_option("noise_termination"             , false);
114   // This is not tied to  the other BlackBoxBaseClass::evaluate() function
115   // redefinition, but rather is tied to the Hessian of the computed local
116   // surrogate.  Generally, this is only advisable in the deterministic
117   // optimization case.  There are additional parameters associated with
118   // termination from noise-detection (e.g., consecutive iterations...)
120   // Required:
121   // Must specify one or more stopping criteria: min TR size or maxFnEvals
123   nowpacSolver.set_max_number_evaluations(maxFunctionEvals); // default is +inf
125   // NOWPAC trust region controls are not relative to global bounds; rather,
126   // they are absolute values for a hyper-sphere of constant dimensional radius.
127   // Therefore, we present a scaled problem to NOWPAC as consistent with these
128   // trust region controls (see use of {un,}scale() within this file).
129   const RealVector& tr_init
130     = probDescDB.get_rv("method.trust_region.initial_size");
131   size_t num_factors = tr_init.length();
132   Real   min_factor  = probDescDB.get_real("method.trust_region.minimum_size"),
133           tr_factor  = (num_factors) ? tr_init[0] : 0.5;
134   if (num_factors > 1)
135     Cerr << "\nWarning: ignoring trailing trust_region initial_size content "
136 	 << "for NOWPACOptimizer.\n" << std::endl;
137   // domain is [0,1]; default max radius is 1; {init,min}_radius are required
138   // NOWPAC inputs (no defaults) --> use Dakota defaults for {init,min}_radius
139   if (min_factor < 0.)        min_factor = 0.; // Dakota default is 1.e-6
140   if (tr_factor < min_factor) tr_factor  = min_factor;
141   else if (tr_factor > 1.)    tr_factor  = 1.;
142   nowpacSolver.set_trustregion(tr_factor, min_factor);
143   //nowpacSolver.set_trustregion(tr_factor); // if only initial
145   // Scale the design variables since the TR size controls are absolute, not
146   // relative.  Based on the default max TR size of 1., scale to [0,1].
147   RealArray l_bnds, u_bnds; size_t num_v = iteratedModel.cv();
148   l_bnds.assign(num_v, -1.); u_bnds.assign(num_v, 1.);
149   nowpacSolver.set_lower_bounds(l_bnds);
150   nowpacSolver.set_upper_bounds(u_bnds);
152   // NOTES from 7/29/15 discussion:
153   // For Lagrangian minimization within MG/Opt:
154   // Option 1. Minimize L s.t. dummy constraints on objective + all constraints
155   //   --> NOWPAC will still carry them along, even though inactive, and allow
156   //       retrieval of optimal values and derivatives.
157   //   --> This will require additional logic in the BBEvaluator in terms of
158   //       alternate subproblem formulation
159   //   --> allow infeasibility in meta-algorithm
160   // Option 2. If meta-algorithm should enforce feasibility. can change
161   //   --> sub-problem to min L s.t. g <= 0.  No need for dummy constraints
162   //       assuming we back out grad f from grad L, grad g, lambda.
163 }
166 //void NOWPACOptimizer::initialize_run()
167 //{
168 //  Optimizer::initialize_run();
169 //}
core_run()172 void NOWPACOptimizer::core_run()
173 {
174   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
175   // Set bound constraints at run time to catch late updates
176   nowpacEvaluator.set_unscaled_bounds(iteratedModel.continuous_lower_bounds(),
177 				      iteratedModel.continuous_upper_bounds());
179   // allocate arrays passed to optimization solver
180   RealArray x_star; RealArray obj_star;
181   nowpacEvaluator.scale(iteratedModel.continuous_variables(), x_star);
182   // create data object for nowpac output ( required for warm start )
183   BlackBoxData bb_data(numFunctions, numContinuousVars);
185   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
186   // start optimization (on output: bbdata contains data that allows warmstart
187   // and enables post-processing to get model values, gradients and hessians)
188   nowpacSolver.optimize(x_star, obj_star, bb_data);
189   if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
190     // create post-processing object to compute surrogate models
191     PostProcessModels<> PPD( bb_data );
192     Cout << "\n----------------------------------------"
193 	 << "\nSolution returned from nowpacSolver:\n  optimal value = "
194 	 << obj_star[0] << "\n  optimal point =\n" << x_star
195 	 << "\nData from PostProcessModels:\n"
196 	 << "  tr size = " << PPD.get_trustregion() << '\n';
197     // model value    = c + g'(x-x_c) + (x-x_c)'H(x-x_c) / 2
198     // model gradient = g + H (x-x_c)
199     // model Hessian  = H
200     for ( int i = 0; i < numFunctions; ++i)
201       Cout <<    "\n  model number "  << i+1
202 	   <<    "\n  value    = "    << PPD.get_c(i, x_star)
203 	   <<    "\n  gradient = [\n" << PPD.get_g(i, x_star)
204 	   << "  ]\n  hessian  = [\n" << PPD.get_H(i) << "  ]\n";
205     Cout << "----------------------------------------" << std::endl;
206   }
208   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
209   // Publish optimal variables
210   RealVector c_vars = bestVariablesArray.front().continuous_variables_view();
211   nowpacEvaluator.unscale(x_star, c_vars);
212   // Publish optimal response
213   if (!localObjectiveRecast) {
214     RealVector best_fns(numFunctions);
215     const BoolDeque& max_sense = iteratedModel.primary_response_fn_sense();
216     best_fns[0] = (!max_sense.empty() && max_sense[0]) ? -obj_star[0] : obj_star[0];
218     // objective and mapped nonlinear inequalities returned from optimize()
219     const SizetList& nln_ineq_map_indices
220       = nowpacEvaluator.nonlinear_inequality_mapping_indices();
221     const RealList&  nln_ineq_map_mult
222       = nowpacEvaluator.nonlinear_inequality_mapping_multipliers();
223     const RealList&  nln_ineq_map_offsets
224       = nowpacEvaluator.nonlinear_inequality_mapping_offsets();
225     StLCIter i_iter; RLCIter m_iter, o_iter;
226     size_t cntr = 0;//numEqConstraints;
227     for (i_iter  = nln_ineq_map_indices.begin(),
228 	 m_iter  = nln_ineq_map_mult.begin(),
229 	 o_iter  = nln_ineq_map_offsets.begin();
230 	 i_iter != nln_ineq_map_indices.end(); ++i_iter, ++m_iter, ++o_iter)
231       best_fns[(*i_iter)+1] = (obj_star[++cntr] - (*o_iter))/(*m_iter);
232     /*
233     size_t i, offset = iteratedModel.num_nonlinear_ineq_constraints() + 1,
234       num_nln_eq = iteratedModel.num_nonlinear_eq_constraints();
235     const RealVector& nln_eq_targets
236       = iteratedModel.nonlinear_eq_constraint_targets();
237     for (i=0; i<num_nln_eq; i++)
238       best_fns[i+offset] = fn_star[++cntr] + nln_eq_targets[i];
239     */
241     bestResponseArray.front().function_values(best_fns);
242   }
243   // else local_objective_recast_retrieve() used in Optimizer::post_run()
244 }
allocate_constraints()247 void NOWPACBlackBoxEvaluator::allocate_constraints()
248 {
249   // NOWPAC handles 1-sided inequalities <= 0.  Equalities cannot be mapped to
250   // two oppositely-signed inequalities due to the interior path requirement.
251   // Hard error for now...
252   bool constraint_err = false;
253   if (iteratedModel.num_nonlinear_eq_constraints()) {
254     Cerr << "Error: NOWPAC does not support nonlinear equality constraints."
255 	 << std::endl;
256     constraint_err = true;
257   }
258   if (iteratedModel.num_linear_eq_constraints()) {
259     Cerr << "Error: NOWPAC does not support linear equality constraints."
260 	 << std::endl;
261     constraint_err = true;
262   }
263   if (constraint_err)
264     abort_handler(METHOD_ERROR);
266   nonlinIneqConMappingIndices.clear();
267   nonlinIneqConMappingMultipliers.clear();
268   nonlinIneqConMappingOffsets.clear();
270   linIneqConMappingIndices.clear();
271   linIneqConMappingMultipliers.clear();
272   linIneqConMappingOffsets.clear();
274   // Compute number of 1-sided inequalities to pass to NOWPAC and the mappings
275   // (indices, multipliers, offsets) between DAKOTA and NOWPAC constraints.
276   numNowpacIneqConstr = 0;
277   size_t i, num_nln_ineq = iteratedModel.num_nonlinear_ineq_constraints();
278   const RealVector& nln_ineq_lwr_bnds
279     = iteratedModel.nonlinear_ineq_constraint_lower_bounds();
280   const RealVector& nln_ineq_upr_bnds
281     = iteratedModel.nonlinear_ineq_constraint_upper_bounds();
282   for (i=0; i<num_nln_ineq; i++) {
283     if (nln_ineq_lwr_bnds[i] > -BIG_REAL_BOUND) {
284       ++numNowpacIneqConstr;
285       // nln_ineq_lower_bnd - dakota_constraint <= 0
286       nonlinIneqConMappingIndices.push_back(i);
287       nonlinIneqConMappingMultipliers.push_back(-1.);
288       nonlinIneqConMappingOffsets.push_back(nln_ineq_lwr_bnds[i]);
289     }
290     if (nln_ineq_upr_bnds[i] <  BIG_REAL_BOUND) {
291       ++numNowpacIneqConstr;
292       // dakota_constraint - nln_ineq_upper_bnd <= 0
293       nonlinIneqConMappingIndices.push_back(i);
294       nonlinIneqConMappingMultipliers.push_back(1.);
295       nonlinIneqConMappingOffsets.push_back(-nln_ineq_upr_bnds[i]);
296     }
297   }
298   size_t num_lin_ineq = iteratedModel.num_linear_ineq_constraints();
299   const RealVector& lin_ineq_lwr_bnds
300     = iteratedModel.linear_ineq_constraint_lower_bounds();
301   const RealVector& lin_ineq_upr_bnds
302     = iteratedModel.linear_ineq_constraint_upper_bounds();
303   for (i=0; i<num_lin_ineq; i++) {
304     if (lin_ineq_lwr_bnds[i] > -BIG_REAL_BOUND) {
305       ++numNowpacIneqConstr;
306       // lin_ineq_lower_bnd - Ax <= 0
307       linIneqConMappingIndices.push_back(i);
308       linIneqConMappingMultipliers.push_back(-1.);
309       linIneqConMappingOffsets.push_back(lin_ineq_lwr_bnds[i]);
310     }
311     if (lin_ineq_upr_bnds[i] <  BIG_REAL_BOUND) {
312       ++numNowpacIneqConstr;
313       // Ax - lin_ineq_upper_bnd <= 0
314       linIneqConMappingIndices.push_back(i);
315       linIneqConMappingMultipliers.push_back(1.);
316       linIneqConMappingOffsets.push_back(-lin_ineq_upr_bnds[i]);
317     }
318   }
319 }
322 void NOWPACBlackBoxEvaluator::
evaluate(RealArray const & x,RealArray & vals,void * param)323 evaluate(RealArray const &x, RealArray &vals, void *param)
324 {
325   // NOWPACOptimizer enforces an embedded scaling: incoming x is scaled on [0,1]
326   // -->  unscale for posting to iteratedModel
327   RealVector& c_vars
328     = iteratedModel.current_variables().continuous_variables_view();
329   unscale(x, c_vars);
331   iteratedModel.evaluate(); // no ASV control, use default
333   const RealVector& dakota_fns
334     = iteratedModel.current_response().function_values();
335   // If no mappings...
336   //copy_data(dakota_fns, vals);
338   // apply optimization sense mapping.  Note: Any MOO/NLS recasting is
339   // responsible for setting the scalar min/max sense within the recast.
340   const BoolDeque& max_sense = iteratedModel.primary_response_fn_sense();
341   Real obj_fn = dakota_fns[0];
342   vals[0] = (!max_sense.empty() && max_sense[0]) ? -obj_fn : obj_fn;
344   // apply nonlinear inequality constraint mappings
345   StLIter i_iter; RLIter m_iter, o_iter; size_t cntr = 0;
346   for (i_iter  = nonlinIneqConMappingIndices.begin(),
347        m_iter  = nonlinIneqConMappingMultipliers.begin(),
348        o_iter  = nonlinIneqConMappingOffsets.begin();
349        i_iter != nonlinIneqConMappingIndices.end();
350        ++i_iter, ++m_iter, ++o_iter)   // nonlinear ineq
351     vals[++cntr] = (*o_iter) + (*m_iter) * dakota_fns[(*i_iter)+1];
353   // apply linear inequality constraint mappings
354   const RealMatrix& lin_ineq_coeffs
355     = iteratedModel.linear_ineq_constraint_coeffs();
356   size_t j, num_cv = x.size();
357   for (i_iter  = linIneqConMappingIndices.begin(),
358        m_iter  = linIneqConMappingMultipliers.begin(),
359        o_iter  = linIneqConMappingOffsets.begin();
360        i_iter != linIneqConMappingIndices.end();
361        ++i_iter, ++m_iter, ++o_iter) { // linear ineq
362     size_t index = *i_iter;
363     Real Ax = 0.;
364     for (j=0; j<num_cv; ++j)
365       Ax += lin_ineq_coeffs(index,j) * x[j];
366     vals[++cntr] = (*o_iter) + (*m_iter) * Ax;
367   }
368 }
369 // TO DO: asynchronous evaluate_nowait()/synchronize()
372 void NOWPACBlackBoxEvaluator::
evaluate(RealArray const & x,RealArray & vals,RealArray & noise,void * param)373 evaluate(RealArray const &x, RealArray &vals, RealArray &noise, void *param)
374 {
375   // NOWPACOptimizer enforces an embedded scaling: incoming x is scaled on [0,1]
376   // -->  unscale for posting to iteratedModel
377   RealVector& c_vars
378     = iteratedModel.current_variables().continuous_variables_view();
379   unscale(x, c_vars);
381   iteratedModel.evaluate(); // no ASV control, use default
383   const RealVector& dakota_fns
384     = iteratedModel.current_response().function_values();
385   // NonD implements std error estimates for selected QoI statistics (see, e.g.,
386   // Harting et al. for MC error estimates).  NestedModel implements
387   // sub-iterator mappings for both fn vals & std errors.
388   const RealVector& errors = iteratedModel.error_estimates();
390   // apply optimization sense mapping.  Note: Any MOO/NLS recasting is
391   // responsible for setting the scalar min/max sense within the recast.
392   const BoolDeque& max_sense = iteratedModel.primary_response_fn_sense();
393   Real obj_fn = dakota_fns[0], mult;
394   size_t index, cntr = 0;
395   vals[cntr]  = (!max_sense.empty() && max_sense[0]) ? -obj_fn : obj_fn;
396   noise[cntr] = 2. * errors[0]; // for now; TO DO: mapping of noise for MOO/NLS...
397   ++cntr;
399   // apply nonlinear inequality constraint mappings
400   StLIter i_iter; RLIter m_iter, o_iter;
401   for (i_iter  = nonlinIneqConMappingIndices.begin(),
402        m_iter  = nonlinIneqConMappingMultipliers.begin(),
403        o_iter  = nonlinIneqConMappingOffsets.begin();
404        i_iter != nonlinIneqConMappingIndices.end();
405        ++i_iter, ++m_iter, ++o_iter, ++cntr) {  // nonlinear ineq
406     index       = (*i_iter)+1; // offset single objective
407     mult        = (*m_iter);
408     vals[cntr]  = (*o_iter) + mult * dakota_fns[index];
409     noise[cntr] = 2. * std::abs(mult) * errors[index];
410   }
412   // apply linear inequality constraint mappings
413   const RealMatrix& lin_ineq_coeffs
414     = iteratedModel.linear_ineq_constraint_coeffs();
415   size_t j, num_cv = x.size();
416   for (i_iter  = linIneqConMappingIndices.begin(),
417        m_iter  = linIneqConMappingMultipliers.begin(),
418        o_iter  = linIneqConMappingOffsets.begin();
419        i_iter != linIneqConMappingIndices.end();
420        ++i_iter, ++m_iter, ++o_iter, ++cntr) { // linear ineq
421     size_t index = *i_iter;
422     Real Ax = 0.;
423     for (j=0; j<num_cv; ++j)
424       Ax += lin_ineq_coeffs(index,j) * x[j];
425     vals[cntr]  = (*o_iter) + (*m_iter) * Ax;
426     noise[cntr] = 0.; // no error in linear case
427   }
428 }
evaluate_samples(std::vector<double> const & samples,const unsigned int index,std::vector<double> const & x)430 double NOWPACBlackBoxEvaluator::evaluate_samples ( std::vector<double> const &samples, const unsigned int index, std::vector<double> const &x){
431 	//TO DO implement if smoothing works at some point.
432 	return -1;
433 }
434 // TO DO: asynchronous evaluate_nowait()/synchronize()
new_NOWPACOptimizer(ProblemDescDB & problem_db,Model & model)438 NOWPACOptimizer* new_NOWPACOptimizer(ProblemDescDB& problem_db, Model& model)
439 {
440 #ifdef DAKOTA_DYNLIB
441   not_available("NOWPAC");
442   return 0;
443 #else
444   return new NOWPACOptimizer(problem_db, model);
445 #endif // DAKOTA_DYNLIB
446 }
new_NOWPACOptimizer(Model & model)448 NOWPACOptimizer* new_NOWPACOptimizer(Model& model)
449 {
450 #ifdef DAKOTA_DYNLIB
451   not_available("NOWPAC");
452   return 0;
453 #else
454   return new NOWPACOptimizer(model);
455 #endif // DAKOTA_DYNLIB
456 }
459 } // namespace Dakota