1\chapter{HF, SOPPA, and MCSCF molecular properties, \abacus}\label{ch:abacus}
3\section{Directives for evaluation of HF, SOPPA, MCSCF, DFT, as well as HFsrDFT and MC-srDFT molecular properties}
6  The following directives may be included in the input to \aba.
7They are organized according to the program section (module) names
8in which they can appear. Not all options are availabe for all wave function choices.
10\subsection{General: \Sec{*PROPERTIES}}\label{subsec:abacus}
12This module controls the main features of the HF, SOPPA, and MCSCF property calculations,
13that is, which properties is to be calculated.
14In addition it includes
15directives affecting the performance of several of the program
17This includes HF and MCSCF molecular gradients and Hessians.
18It should be noted, however, that the specification of what
19kind of walk (minimization\index{geometry optimization}, location of
20transition states\index{transition state}, dynamical
21walks\index{dynamics}) is given in the \Sec{WALK} or \Sec{OPTIMIZE}
22submodules in the general input  module. See also Chapter~\ref{ch:geometrywalks}.
24See Chapter~\ref{ch:CC} for specification of CC property calculations.
26Note that \resp\ (Chapter~\ref{ch:response})
27is the most general part of the code for calculating
28many different electronic linear, quadratic, or cubic molecular
29response properties based on SCF, MCSCF, or CI wave functions or Kohn--Sham DFT.
30Some of these SCF/MCSCF properties can also be requested
31from the \Sec{*PROPERTIES} input modules described here.
32NOTE: for such properties you should request them either here or
33in \Sec{*RESPONSE}, otherwise you will calculate them twice!
34Usually the output is nicest here in
35the \Sec{*PROPERTIES} module ({\it e.g.\/} collected in tables and in
36often used units, most properties are only given in atomic
37units in \resp), and nuclear contributions are included if relevant.
38No nuclear contributions are added in \resp .
39Some specific properties, especially those involving nuclear derivatives,
40can only be calculated via \Sec{*PROPERTIES}.
41Other properties, for example quadratic and cubic molecular response functions
42can only be calculated in the \Sec{*RESPONSE} module.
47\item[\Key{ALPHA}] Invokes the calculation of frequency dependent
49Combined with the keyword \Key{SOPPA} or \Key{SOPPA(CCSD)}
50it invokes a SOPPA\index{SOPPA} or SOPPA(CCSD)
51\index{SOPPA(CCSD)} calculation of the frequency dependent polarizability.
53\item[\Key{CAVORG}]\verb| |\newline
54\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) (CAVORG(ICOOR), ICOOR = 1, 3)|
56Reads the origin to be used for the cavity\index{cavity!origin}\index{reaction field}
57during a solvent calculation. By default this is chosen to be the
58center of mass\index{center of mass}. Should by used with care, as it
59has to correspond to the center used in the evaluation of the
60undifferentiated solvent integrals in the {\her} section, see Chapter~\ref{sec:oneinp}.
62\item[\Key{CTOCD}] Starts the calculation of the magnetic properties with the
63CTOCD-DZ\index{CTOCD-DZ} method (Ref.~\cite{paololazz1,paololazz2,ctocd}). This sets also
64automatically the .NOLOND option since the CTOCD-DZ formalism is gauge
65independent for Nuclear Magnetic Shieldings. The default gauge origin is chosen to be
66the center of mass.  \Key{CTOCD} and \Key{SOPPA} or \Key{SOPPA(CCSD)} can be combined to
67perform CTOCD calculations at the SOPPA\index{SOPPA} or SOPPA(CCSD)\index{SOPPA(CCSD)} level.
69\item[\Key{DIPGRA}] Invokes the calculation of dipole moment
70gradients\index{dipole gradient}\index{atomic polar tensor}\index{APT}
71(commonly known also as Atomic Polar Tensors
72(APTs)) as described in Ref.~\cite{tuhhjajpjjcp84}. If combined with a
73request for \Key{VIBANA} this will generate IR intensities\index{IR
76\item[\Key{DIPORG}]\verb| |\newline
77\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) (DIPORG(ICOOR), ICOOR = 1, 3)|
79Reads in a user defined dipole origin\index{dipole origin}\index{origin!dipole, second order, quadrupole, third order}
80in \bohr{}. It is also used for second order (.SECMOM), quadrupole (.QUADRU),
81and third order (.THIRDM) moments.  This may affect properties in
82which changes in the dipole origin\index{dipole origin} is canceled by
83similar changes in the nuclear part.
84It should also be used with care, as the same dipole
85origin must be used during the integral evaluation sections, in
86particular if one is doing numerical
87differentiation with respect to electric field perturbations. For such
88finite-field calculations\index{finite field}, we refer to Chapter
89\ref{ch:finite}, which deals with finite field calculations. It is
90primarily used for debugging.
92\item[\Key{ECD}] Invokes the calculation of Electronic Circular
93Dichroism (ECD)\index{electronic circular dichroism}\index{ECD} as
94described in Ref.~\cite{klbaehkrthjopjtca90,mpkrthcpl388}. This
95necessitates the specification of the number electronic
96excitations\index{electronic excitation} in
97each symmetry, given in the \Sec{EXCITA} module. The reader is
98referred to the section where the calculation of ECD is described in
99more detail (Sec.~\ref{sec:ecd}).
101\item[\Key{EXCITA}] Invokes the calculation of electronic
102excitation\index{electronic excitation}\index{excitation energy}
103energies as residues of linear response functions\index{linear response}\index{response!linear}\index{single residue}
104as described by Olsen and J\o rgensen \cite{jopjjcp82}. It also
105calculates closely related properties like transition
106moments\index{transition moments}\index{rotatory strength} and
107rotatory strengths. Combined with the
108keyword \Key{SOPPA} or \Key{SOPPA(CCSD)} it invokes a SOPPA\index{SOPPA}
109or SOPPA(CCSD)\index{SOPPA(CCSD)} calculation of electronic
110excitation energies and transition moments.
113\item[\Key{EXPFCK}] Invokes the simultaneous calculation of
114two-electron expectation values and derivative Fock-matrices. This is
115default in direct and parallel runs in order to save memory. In
116ordinary calculations the total CPU time will increase as a result of
117invoking this option.
119\item[\Key{EXPGRA}] Calculates the gradient of the orbital
120  exponents. This can be used to optimize the exponents in an
121  uncontracted basis set, if combined with a suitable script for
122  predicting new orbital exponents based on this gradient.
123  It has been used for the optimization of polarization consistent basis
124  sets~\cite{fjjcp115}.
126\item[\Key{GAUGEO}]\verb| |\newline
127\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) (GAGORG(ICOOR), ICOOR = 1, 3)|
129Reads in a user defined gauge origin\index{gauge origin} and overwrites
130both the \Key{NOCMC} option, as well as the default value of
131center-of-mass coordinates. Note that an unsymmetric position of the
132gauge origin will lead to wrong results in calculations employing
133symmetry, as the program will not be able to detect that such a choice
134of gauge origin breaks the symmetry of the molecule.
135(NOTE: a specification of \verb|.GAUGEO| in the \verb|**INTEGRALS| section
136is \emph{not} used in this section, the \verb|**PROPERTIES| section.)
139Tells the program to use the Hellman--Feynman approximation when
140calculating the molecular gradients and
141Hessians~\cite{hhbook,rpfpr56,vbthwkkrmp96}---that is, all
142contributions to the molecular gradient and Hessians from
143differentiation of the orbitals are ignored. Requires large basis sets
144in order to give reliable results, but does not require any
145differentiated two-electron integrals.
147%\item[\Key{HYPER}]\verb| |\newline
149%Indicates that a quadratic response calculation is to be performed.
151\item[\Key{INPTES}] Checks the input in the \Sec{*PROPERTIES} input
152  section and then stops.
155\item[\Key{LINEAR}] Invokes the linear coupling model for estimation
156of Franck-Condon factors~\cite{optphavckrcp260}. In this model, the
157gradient of an excited state is combined with the ground-state
158vibrational frequencies and normal modes to provide vibronic coupling
159constants. Requires that the DALTON.HES for the ground electronic
160state is available, and that the keyword \verb|.VIBANA| also is
163\item[\Key{LOCALI}] Invokes the generation of localized molecular
164orbitals, which are then used in the analysis of second order
165properties / linear response functions in terms of localized occupied
166and virtual molecular orbitals. Currently only Mulliken localized
167occupied orbitals or Foster-Boys~\cite{Boyloc} localized occupied and
168virtual orbitals can be generated. Naturally, the generation of
169localized molecular orbitals requires that the use of point group
170symmetry is turned off.
173\item[\Key{MAGNET}] Invokes the calculation of the molecular
174magnetizability\index{magnetizability} (commonly known as magnetic
175susceptibility) as
176described in Ref.~\cite{krthklbpjhjajjcp99} and the rotational {\em g}
177tensor (see keyword \Key{MOLGFA})\index{rotational g tensor}.  By
178default this is done
179using London orbitals\index{London orbitals} in order to
180ensure fast basis set convergence as shown in
181Ref.~\cite{krthklbpjhjajjcp99}. The use of London
182orbitals can be disabled by the keyword \Key{NOLOND}.
184Furthermore, the natural connection\index{natural connection}
185(Ref.~\cite{joklbkrthpjtca90,krthjopjklbcpl235}) is the default in order to ensure
186numerically stable results. The natural
187connection can be turned off by the keyword \Key{NODIFC}, in which case
188the symmetric connection\index{symmetric connection} will be used.
190The gauge origin\index{gauge origin} is chosen to be the center of
191mass\index{center of mass} of the molecule.
192This origin can be changed by the two keywords \Key{GAUGEO} and
193\Key{NOCMC}. This will of course not affect the total magnetizability,
194only the magnitude of the dia- and paramagnetic terms.
196Combined with the keyword \Key{SOPPA} or \Key{SOPPA(CCSD)} it invokes a SOPPA\index{SOPPA}
197or SOPPA(CCSD)\index{SOPPA(CCSD)} calculation of the magnetizability and the rotational
198{\em g} tensor (Ref.~\cite{spascpl260}). London orbitals are automatically disabled in
199SOPPA\index{SOPPA} or SOPPA(CCSD)\index{SOPPA(CCSD)} calculations.
201\Key{MAGNET} in combination with the keyword \Key{CTOCD}\index{CTOCD-DZ} invokes a
202calculation without the use of London orbitals both with the CTOCD-DZ method
203(Ref~\cite{paololazz1,paololazz2}) and with the common origin method.
204Changing the default value of the gauge origin could give wrong results!
206%\item[\Key{MCD}] Requests the calculation of Magnetic Circular
209\item[\Key{MOLGFA}] Invokes the calculation of the rotational
210{\em g} tensor\index{rotational g tensor} as described in
211Ref.~\cite{jgkrthjcp105} and the molecular
212magnetizability\index{magnetizability} (see keyword \Key{MAGNET}). By
213default this is done
214using London orbitals\index{London orbitals}  and the
215natural connection\index{natural connection}. The use of London
216orbitals can be turned off by the keyword \Key{NOLOND}.
218By definition the gauge origin\index{gauge origin} of the molecular
219g-factor is to be the
220center of mass\index{center of mass} of the molecule, and although the
221gauge origin can be
222changed through the keywords \verb|.NOCMC | and \verb|.GAUGEO|, this
223is not recommended, and may give erroneous results.
225Note that if the isotopic constitution of the molecule is such that
226the vibrational wave function has lower symmetry than the electronic
227wave function, care must be taken to ensure the symmetry corresponds
228to the symmetry of the nuclear framework. The automatic symmetry
229detection routines will in general ensure that this is the case.
231Combined with the keyword \Key{SOPPA} or \Key{SOPPA(CCSD)} it invokes a SOPPA\index{SOPPA}
232or SOPPA(CCSD)\index{SOPPA(CCSD)} calculation of the magnetizability and the
233rotational {\em g} tensor (Ref.~\cite{spascpl260}). London orbitals are automatically
234disabled in SOPPA\index{SOPPA} or SOPPA(CCSD)\index{SOPPA(CCSD)} calculations.
236\item[\Key{MOLGRA}] Invokes the calculation of the analytical
237molecular gradient as \index{molecular gradient}described in Ref.~\cite{tuhjahjajpjjcp84}.
239\item[\Key{MOLHES}] Invokes the calculation of the analytical
240molecular Hessian\index{molecular Hessian} and gradient\index{molecular gradient} as
241described in Ref.~\cite{tuhjahjajpjjcp84}.
243\item[\Key{NACME}] Invokes the calculation of first-order non-adiabatic
244coupling\index{non-adiabatic coupling matrix element} matrix elements as
245described in Ref.~\cite{klbpjhjajjothjcp97}.
246The keyword \Key{EXCITA} in this section,
247the keywords \Key{FNAC} and \Key{NEXCIT} in section \Sec{EXCITA},
248and the keyword \Key{SKIP} in section \Sec{TROINV}
249must also be specified to get the first-order non-adiabatic coupling matrix elements.
251% -- Feb. 2014 hjaaj: the NACMEs can still be calculated in the RESPONS module
252% I think (not tested), but it is much easier to do it under **PROPERTIES,
253% where it has been implemented to calculate vibrational g factors (.VIB_G)
255%Presently, complete non-adiabatic
256% coupling matrix elements cannot be obtained from this keyword alone,
257% but has to be combined with subsequent calculations in the
258% \resp\ program.
260\item[\Key{NMR}] Invokes the calculation of both parameters
261entering the NMR spin-Hamiltonian, that is nuclear
262shieldings\index{nuclear shielding} and
263indirect nuclear spin-spin coupling\index{spin-spin coupling}
264constants. The reader is referred to the
265description of the two keywords \Key{SHIELD} and \Key{SPIN-S}.
267\item[\Key{NOCMC}] This keyword sets the gauge
268origin\index{gauge origin}  to the origin of the Cartesian Coordinate system,
269that is (0,0,0). This keyword is automatically invoked in case of VCD
270and OECD calculations.
272\item[\Key{NODARW}] Turns off the calculation of the Darwin
273correction\index{Darwin correction}. By default the two major relativistic
274corrections to the energy in the Breit-Pauli approximation, the
275mass-velocity\index{mass-velocity correction} and Darwin
276corrections, are calculated
279\item[\Key{NODIFC}] Disables the use of the natural
280connection\index{natural connection}, and
281the symmetric connection\index{symmetric connection} is used instead. The
282natural connection and
283its differences as compared to the symmetric connection is described
284in Ref.~\cite{joklbkrthpjtca90,krthjopjklbcpl235}.
286As the symmetric connection may give numerically inaccurate results,
287it's use is not recommended for other than comparisons with other
290\item[\Key{NOHESS}] Turns off the calculation of the analytical
291molecular Hessian\index{Hessian}. This option overrides any request for the
292calculation of molecular Hessians.
294\item[\Key{NOLOND}] Turns off the use of London atomic
295orbitals\index{London orbitals} in
296the calculation of molecular magnetic properties. The gauge origin is
297by default then chosen to be the center of mass. This can be altered
298by the keywords \Key{NOCMC} and \Key{GAUGEO}.
300\item[\Key{NOMASV}] Turns off the calculation of the
301mass-velocity\index{mass-velocity correction}
302correction. By default the two major relativistic corrections to the
303energy  in the Breit-Pauli approximation, the mass-velocity and Darwin
304corrections\index{Darwin correction}, are calculated
307\item[\Key{NQCC}] Calculates the nuclear quadrupole moment
308coupling constants\index{nuclear quadrupole coupling}\index{NQCC}.
310\item[\Key{NUMHES}] In VROA or Raman intensity calculations, use the
311  numerical molecular Hessian calculated from the analytical molecular gradients instead
312  of a fully analytical molecular Hessian calculation in the final
313  geometry.
315\item[\Key{OECD}] Invokes the calculation of Oriented Electronic Circular Dichroism
316(OECD)\index{ECD!oriented}\index{electronic circular dichroism!oriented}\index{OECD}\index{oriented electronic circular dichroism}
317as described in Ref.~\cite{tbpaehcpl246}. This
318necessitates the specification of the number of electronic
319excitations\index{electronic excitation} in
320each symmetry, given in the \Sec{EXCITA} module.
321Note that OECD can only be calculated at the mathematical origin
322and the \Key{NOCMC} option is automatically turned on.
323The reader is referred to Sec.~\ref{sec:ecd} for more details.
325\item[\Key{OPTROT}] Requests the calculation of the optical rotation
326of a molecule~\cite{thkrklbpjjofd99,plpmp91}.
327By default the optical rotation is calculated
328both with and without the use of London orbitals
329(using the length gauge formulation).
330Note that in the
331formalism used in \dalton , this quantity vanishes in the static
332limit, and frequencies need to be set in the \verb|*ABALNR| input
333module. See also the description in Chapter~\ref{sec:optrot}.
335\item[\Key{OR}] Requests the calculation of the optical rotation
336of a molecule using the manifestly origin invariant ``modified''
337velocity gauge formulation\cite{Pedersen:ORMVE}.
338See also the description in Chapter~\ref{sec:optrot}.
340\item[\Key{PHASEO}]\verb| |\newline
341\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) (ORIGIN(ICOOR), ICOOR = 1, 3)|
343Changes the origin of the phase-factors entering the London atomic orbitals.
344This will change the value of all of the contributions to
345the different magnetic field dependent properties when using London
346atomic orbitals, but the total magnetic properties will remain
347unchanged. To be used for debugging purposes only.
349\item[\Key{POLARI}] Invokes the calculation of frequency-independent
350polarizabilities\index{polarizability}. See the keyword \Key{ALPHA} in
351this input section for the calculation of frequency-dependent polarizabilities.
353\item[\Key{POPANA}] Invokes a population analysis\index{population analysis}\index{dipole gradient} based on the
354dipole gradient as first introduced by Cioslowski \cite{jcjacs111}.
355This flag also invokes the \Key{DIPGRA} flag and the \Key{POLARI} flags.
356Note that the charges obtained in this approach is not without conceptual problems (as are the Mulliken charges)~\cite{hskrpoajcp120}.
358\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |
360\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) IPRDEF|
362Set default print level for the calculation.  Read one
363more line containing print level. Default print level is the
364value of \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
366\item[\Key{QUADRU}] Calculates the molecular quadrupole
367moment\index{quadrupole moments}\index{moments!total quadrupole}.
368This includes both the electronic and nuclear contributions to the
369quadrupole moments. These will printed separately only if a print
370level of 2 or higher has been chosen. Note that the quadrupole moment is
371defined according to Buckingham \cite{adbacp12}. The quadrupole moment
372is printed in the molecular input orientation as well as being
373transformed to the principal moments of inertia coordinate system.
375\item[\Key{RAMAN}] Calculates Raman intensities\index{Raman intensity}, as described in
376Ref.~\cite{thkrklbpjjofd99}. This property needs a lot of settings
377in order to perform correctly, and the reader is therefore referred to
378Section~\ref{sec:vroa}, where the calculation of this property is described in more detail.
380\item[\Key{REPS}] \verb| |\newline
381\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) NREPS|\newline
382\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) (IDOSYM(I),I = 1, NREPS)|
384Consider perturbations of selected symmetries only.  Read one more
385line specifying how many symmetries, then one line listing the
386desired symmetries. This option is currently only implemented
387for geometric perturbations.
389%\item[\Key{RESTART}] Restart in the property evaluation section. This
390%keyword is currently disabled.
392\item[\Key{SELECT}]\verb| |
394\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) NPERT|\newline
395\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) (IPOINT(I),I=1,NPERT)|
397Select which nuclear geometric perturbations are to be considered.
398Read one more line specifying how many perturbations, then on a
399new line the list of perturbations to be considered. By default,
400all perturbations are to be considered, but by invoking this keyword,
401only those perturbations specified in the sequence will be considered.
403The perturbation ordering follows the ordering of the symmetrized
404nuclear coordinates. This ordering can be obtained by setting the
405print level in the \verb|*MOLBAS| module to 11 or higher.
407\item[\Key{SECMOM}] Calculates the 9 cartesian molecular second order
408moments\index{second order moments}\index{moments!total second order}.
409This includes both the electronic and nuclear contribution to the
410second order moment. These will printed separately only if a print
411level of 2 or higher has been chosen.
413\item[\Key{SHIELD}] Invokes the calculation of nuclear
414shielding\index{nuclear shielding} constants. By default this is done
415using London orbitals\index{London orbitals} in order to
416ensure fast basis set convergence as shown in
417Ref.~\cite{kwjfhppjacs112,krthrkpjklbhjajjcp100}. The use of London
418orbitals can be disabled by the keyword \verb|.NOLOND|.
420Furthermore, the natural connection\index{natural connection}
421(Ref.~\cite{joklbkrthpjtca90,krthjopjklbcpl235}) is the default in order to ensure
422numerically stable results as well as physically interpretable
423results for the paramagnetic and diamagnetic terms. The natural
424connection can be turned off by the keyword \verb|.NODIFC| in which
425case the symmetric connection\index{symmetric connection} is used instead.
427The gauge origin\index{gauge origin} is by default chosen to be the center of
428mass\index{center of mass} of the molecule.
429This origin can be changed by the two keywords \verb|.NOCMC | and \verb|.GAUGEO|
430(NOTE: specification of \verb|.GAUGEO| in the \verb|**INTEGRALS| section
431is \emph{not} used in this section, the \verb|**PROPERTIES| section).
432This choice of gauge origin will not affect
433the final shieldings if London orbitals are used, only the size of the
434dia- and paramagnetic contributions.
436Combined with the keyword \Key{SOPPA} or \Key{SOPPA(CCSD)} it invokes a SOPPA\index{SOPPA}
437or SOPPA(CCSD)\index{SOPPA(CCSD)} calculation of the Nuclear Magnetic Shieldings
438(Ref.~\cite{paololazz1,paololazz2,ctocd}). London orbitals are automatically disabled in
440calculations. Gauge origin independent SOPPA or SOPPA(CCSD) calculations of Nuclear
441Magnetic Shieldings can be carried out with the CTOCD-DZ method\index{CTOCD-DZ}
442(see Refs.~\cite{paololazz1,paololazz2,ctocd}) using the keyword \Key{CTOCD}.
444In combination with the keyword \Key{CTOCD}\index{CTOCD-DZ} this invokes a calculation of the
445Nuclear Magnetic Shieldings without the use of London orbitals but with both
446the CTOCD-DZ method (Ref.~\cite{paololazz1,paololazz2,ctocd}) and with the common
447origin method. For the CTOCD-DZ method the Nuclear Magnetic Shieldings are given in
448the output file for both the origin at the center of mass and at the respective atoms.
449Changing the default value of the gauge origin could give wrong results!
451\item[\Key{SOPPA}] Indicates that the requested molecular properties
452be calculated using the second-order polarization-propagator
453approximation~\cite{mjpekdtehjajjojcp}.\index{SOPPA} This requires that
454the MP2 energy and wave function have been calculated. London orbitals
455can not be used together with the SOPPA approximation. For details on
456how to invoke an atomic integral direct SOPPA calculation
457\cite{spas037} see chapters \ref{sec:AOsoppa} and \ref{sec:soppa}.
459\item[\Key{SOPPA(CCSD)}] Indicates that the requested molecular properties
460be calculated using the Second-Order Polarization-Propagator
461Approximation with Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles
463This requires that the CCSD energy and wave function have been
464calculated. London orbitals can not be used together with the
465SOPPA(CCSD) approximation. For details on how to invoke an atomic
466integral direct SOPPA(CCSD) calculation \cite{spas037, spas089} see
467chapters \ref{sec:AOsoppa}
468 and \ref{sec:soppa}.
470\item[\Key{SPIN-R}] Invokes the calculation of
471spin-rotation\index{spin-rotation constant}
472constants as described in Ref.~\cite{jgkrthjcp105}. By default this is
473done using London orbitals\index{London orbitals}  and the
474natural connection\index{natural connection}. The use of London
475orbitals can be turned off by the keyword \verb|.NOLOND|.
477By definition the gauge origin\index{gauge origin} of the
478spin-rotation constant is to be the
479center of mass\index{center of mass} of the molecule, and although the
480gauge origin can be
481changed through the keywords \verb|.NOCMC | and \verb|.GAUGEO|, this
482is not recommended, and may give erroneous results.
484In the current implementation, symmetry dependent nuclei cannot be
485used during the calculation of spin-rotation constants.
487\item[\Key{SPIN-S}] Invokes the calculation of indirect nuclear
488spin-spin coupling\index{spin-spin coupling} constants. By default all
489spin-spin couplings
490between nuclei with naturally occurring isotopes with abundance more
491than 1\% and non-zero spin will be calculated, as well as all the different
492contributions (Fermi contact, dia- and paramagnetic spin-orbit and
493spin-dipole)\index{Fermi contact}\index{spin-dipole}\index{paramagnetic spin-orbit}\index{diamagnetic spin-orbit}. The implementation is described in
495Consider to also use the \Key{TDA TR} to avoid triplet instabilities,
496especially for HF and DFT calculations.
498As this is a very time consuming property, it is recommended to
499consult the chapter describing the calculation of NMR-parameters
500(Ch.~\ref{ch:magnetic}). The main control of which
501contributions and which nuclei to calculate spin-spin couplings
502between is done in the \verb|*SPIN-S| module.
504\item[\Key{TDA SI}] Use the Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA) for
505those singlet response properties which are calculated using the general response module.
506The keyword does not affect the
507nuclear derivative response equations needed for analytical evaluation
508of the molecular Hessian and for dipole and quadrupole moment nuclear derivatives.
510\item[\Key{TDA TR}] Use the Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA) for
511triplet response properties.
513\item[\Key{THIRDM}] Calculates the 27 cartesian molecular third order
514moments\index{third order moments}\index{moments!third order}.
515This includes both the electronic and nuclear contribution to the
516third order moments. These will printed separately only if a print
517level of 2 or higher has been chosen.
519\item[\Key{VCD}] Invokes the calculation of Vibrational Circular
520Dichroism (VCD)\index{VCD}\index{vibrational circular dichroism}
521according to the implementation described in
522Ref.~\cite{klbpjthkrhjajjcp98}.  By default this is done using London
523orbitals\index{London orbitals} in order to
524ensure fast basis set convergence as shown in
525Ref.~\cite{klbpjthkrhjajjcp100}. The use of London
526orbitals can be disabled by the keyword \verb|.NOLOND|.
528Furthermore, the natural connection\index{natural connection}
529(Ref.~\cite{joklbkrthpjtca90,krthjopjklbcpl235}) is default in order to ensure
530numerically stable results. The natural
531connection can be turned off by the keyword \verb|.NODIFC| in which
532case the symmetric connection\index{symmetric connection} will be used.
534%The gauge origin\index{gauge origin} is chosen to be the center of
535%mass\index{center of mass} of the molecule.
536%This origin can be changed by the two keywords \verb|.GAUGEO| and
537%\verb|.NOCMC |. This will of course not affect the final VCD results,
538%only the size of the contributing terms.
540In the current implementation, the keyword \Key{NOCMC} will be set
541true in calculations of Vibrational Circular Dichroism, that is, the
542coordinate system origin will be used as gauge origin. Changing this
543default value will give incorrect results for VCD.
545Note that in the current release, VCD is not implemented for Density
546functional theory calculations, and the program will stop if VCD is
547requested for a DFT calculation.
549%\item[\Key{VERDET}] Requests the calculation of Verdet
550%constants~\cite{mjpjarkrthcpl222}. London orbitals can not be used in
551%these calculations.
553\item[\Key{VIB\_G}] Invokes the calculation of the vibrational g factor,\index{vibrational g factor}
554i.e. the non-adiabatic correction to the moment of inertia tensor for
555molecular vibrations.\index{non-adiabatic corrections}\index{moment of
556inertia tensor!non-adiabatic corrections}
557This keyword has to be combined with the keyword \Key{SKIP} in the section \Sec{TROINV}.
559\item[\Key{VIBANA}] Invokes a vibrational analysis\index{vibrational analysis} in the current
560geometry. This will generate the vibrational frequencies in the
561current point. If combined with \verb|.DIPGRA| the IR intensities
562will be calculated as well\index{IR intensity}.
564\item[\Key{VROA}] Invokes the calculation of Vibrational Raman
565Optical Activity\index{Raman optical activity}\index{ROA}, as
566described in Ref.~\cite{thkrklbpjjofd99}. This
567property needs a lot of settings in order to perform correctly, and
568the reader is therefore referred to Section~\ref{sec:vroa}, where the
569calculation of this property is described in more detail.
571\item[\Key{WRTINT}] Forces the magnetic first-derivate two-electron
572integrals to be written to disc. This is default in MCSCF
573calculations, but not for SCF runs. This file can be very large, and
574it is not recommended to use this option for ordinary SCF runs.
578\subsection{Calculation of Atomic Axial Tensors (AATs):
581Directives for controlling the calculation of Atomic Axial
582Tensors\index{atomic axial tensor}\index{AAT},
583needed when calculating Vibrational Circular Dichroism
584(VCD)\index{vibrational circular dichroism}\index{VCD}.
587\item[\Key{INTPRI}]\verb| |\newline
588\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) INTPRI|
590Set the print level in the calculation of the necessary differentiated
591integrals when calculating Atomic Axial Tensors\index{atomic axial tensor}\index{AAT}. Read one more line
592containing print level. Default value is value of \verb|IPRDEF|
593from the general input module. The print level of the rest of the
594calculation of Atomic Axial Tensors are controlled by the keyword
595\verb|.PRINT |.
597\item[\Key{NODBDR}] Skip contributions originating from first
598half-differentiated overlap\index{overlap!half-differentiated}
599integrals with respect to both nuclear
600distortions as well as magnetic field. This will give wrong results
601for VCD\index{VCD}\index{vibrational circular dichroism}. Mainly for debugging purposes.
603\item[\Key{NODDY}] Checks the calculation of the electronic part of
604the Atomic Axial Tensors\index{atomic axial tensor}\index{AAT} by calculating these both in the ordinary
605fashion as well as by a noddy routine. The program will not
606perform a comparison, and will not abort if differences is found.
607Mainly for debugging purposes.
609\item[\Key{NOELC}] Skip the calculation of the pure electronic
610contribution to the Atomic Axial Tensors\index{atomic axial tensor}\index{AAT}. This will give wrong results
611for VCD\index{VCD}\index{vibrational circular dichroism}. Mainly for debugging purposes.
613\item[\Key{NONUC}] Skip the calculation of the pure nuclear
614contribution to the Atomic Axial Tensors\index{atomic axial tensor}\index{AAT}. This will give wrong results
615for VCD. Mainly for debugging purposes.
617\item[\Key{NOSEC}] Skip the calculation of second order orbital
618contributions to the Atomic Axial Tensors\index{atomic axial tensor}\index{AAT}. This will give wrong
619results for VCD\index{VCD}\index{vibrational circular dichroism}. Mainly for debugging purposes.
621\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
622\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRINT|
624Set print level in the calculation of Atomic Axial Tensors\index{atomic axial tensor}\index{AAT} (this does
625not include the print level in the integral calculation, which are
626controlled by the keyword \verb|.INTPRI|). Read one
627more line containing print level. Default value is the value of
628\verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
630\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skips the calculation of Atomic Axial Tensors\index{atomic axial tensor}\index{AAT}.
631This will give wrong results for VCD\index{VCD}\index{vibrational circular dichroism}, but may be of interest for
632debugging purposes.
634\item[\Key{STOP}] Stops the entire calculation after finishing the
635calculation of the Atomic Axial Tensors\index{atomic axial tensor}\index{AAT}. Mainly for debugging purposes.
638\subsection{Freguency-dependent linear response calculations: \Sec{ABALNR}}\label{sec:abalnr}
640Directives to control the calculation of frequency dependent linear
641response\index{linear response}\index{response!linear}
643%At present these directives only affect the
644%calculation of frequency dependent linear response functions appearing
645%in connection with Vibrational Raman Optical Activity
646%(ROA)\index{Raman optical activity}\index{ROA}.
650\item[\Key{FREQUE}]\verb| |\newline
651\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) NFRVAL|\newline
652\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) (FRVAL(I), I = 1, NFRVAL)|
654Set the number of frequencies as well as the
655frequency\index{frequency!linear response} at which the
656frequency-dependent linear response equations are to be evaluated.
657Read one more line containing the number of frequencies to be
658calculated, and another line reading these frequencies. The
659frequencies are to be entered in atomic units. By default only the
660static case is evaluated.
661The \Key{FREQUE} keyword may be combined with the wave length input
662\Key{WAVELE} (see below).
664\item[\Key{DAMPING}]\verb| |\newline
665\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) ABS_DAMP|
667Sets the lifetime of the excited states if absorption is also included
668in the calculation of the linear response functions as described in
669Ref.~\cite{pndmbhjajjojcp115,pnkrthjcp120}. The default is that no
670absorption is included in the calculation. The lifetime is given in
671atomic units. By default the algorithm with symmetrized trial vectors is
672used \cite{kauczor:2011}.
674\item[\Key{OLDCPP}]\verb| |\newline
675If absorption is included in the calculation of the linear response
676functions, the complex polarization propagator
677solver \cite{pndmbhjajjojcp123,pndmbhjajjojcp115}
678is used to solve damped response equations. \Key{OLDCPP} requires that
679\Key{DAMPING} is specified.
681\item[\Key{MAX IT}]\verb| |\newline
682\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MAXITE|
684Set the maximum number of micro iterations in the iterative solution of
685the frequency-dependent linear response functions. Read one more line
686containing maximum number of micro iterations. Default value is
689\item[\Key{MAXPHP}]\verb| |\newline
690\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MXPHP|
692Set the maximum dimension for the sub-block of the configuration
693Hessian that will be explicitly inverted. Read one more line
694containing maximum dimension. Default value is~0.
696\item[\Key{MAXRED}]\verb| |\newline
697\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MXRM|
699Set the maximum dimension of the reduced space to which new basis
700vectors are added as described in Ref.~\cite{tuhjahjajpjjcp84}. Read
701one more line containing maximum dimension. Default value is~400.
703\item[\Key{OPTORB}] Use optimal orbital trial vectors\index{optimal orbital trial vector} in the
704iterative solution of the frequency-depen\-dent linear
705response\index{linear response}\index{response!linear}
706equations. These are generated as described in
707Ref.~\cite{tuhjahjajpjjcp84} by solving the orbital response equation
708exact, keeping the configuration part fixed.
710\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
711\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRLNR|
713Set the print level in the calculation of frequency-dependent linear
714response properties. Read one more line containing the print level.
715The default value is the value of \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input
718\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the calculation of the frequency-dependent
719response functions. This will give wrong results for ROA. Mainly for
720debugging purposes.
722\item[\Key{STOP}] Stops the program after finishing the
723calculation of the frequency-dependent linear response equations. Mainly
724for debugging purposes.
726\item[\Key{THRESH}]\verb| |\newline
727\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) THCLNR|
729Set the convergence threshold for the solution
730of the frequency dependent response equations. Read one more line
731containing the convergence threshold~(D12.6). The default value is
734\item[\Key{WAVELE}]\verb| |\newline
735\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) NWVLEN|\newline
736\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) (WVLEN(I), I = 1, NWVLEN)|
738Set the number of wave lengths as well as the wave
739lengths\index{wave lengths!linear response} at which the
740frequency-dependent linear response equations are to be evaluated.
741Read one more line containing the number of wave lengths to be
742calculated, and another line reading these wave lengths. The
743wave lengths are to be entered in units of nanometers (nm).
744By default only the
745static case (infinite wavelength, zero frequency) is evaluated.
746The \Key{WAVELE} keyword may be combined with the frequency input
747\Key{FREQUE} (see above).
750\subsection{Dipole moment and dipole gradient contributions:
753Directives controlling the calculation of contributions to the
754dipole gradient\index{dipole gradient} appear in the \verb|*DIPCTL| section.
757\item[\Key{NODC}] Neglect contributions to traces from
758inactive one-electron density matrix. This will give wrong results for
759the dipole gradient. Mainly for debugging purposes.
761\item[\Key{NODV}] Neglect contributions to traces from
762active one-electron density matrix. This will give wrong results for the
763dipole gradient. Mainly for debugging purposes.
765\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
766\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRINT|
768Set print level in the calculation of the dipole gradient\index{dipole gradient}.  Read one more
769line containing print level. The default
770is the variable \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
772\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the calculation of dipole gradient.
774%\item[\Key{TEST}] Test dipole moments and dipole
775%reorthonormalization(?) through a dummy routine. This test routine is
776%currently only implemented for the symmetric connection, and must thus
777%only be used together with the \verb|.NODIFC| keyword.
779\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the program after finishing the calculation
780of the dipole gradient. Mainly for debugging purposes.
783%hjaaj: do not document *END OF as this is an obsolete keyword,
784%       only kept for backwards compatibility /July 2005
785%\subsection{End of input: \Sec{END OF}}
787%The last directive in the input can be \verb|*END OF|.
789\subsection{Calculation of excitation energies: \Sec{EXCITA}}
792Directives to control the calculations of electronic
793transition\index{electronic excitation}
794properties and excitation energies\index{excitation energy} appear in
795the \verb|*EXCITA| input module.
796For SCF\index{SCF}\index{HF}\index{Hartree--Fock} wave
797functions the properties are calculated using the
798random phase approximation (RPA) and for MCSCF\index{MCSCF}
799wave functions the multiconfigurational (MC-RPA) is used.
800In the case of Kohn--Sham DFT, time-dependent linear response theory
801is used in the adiabatic approximation to the functional kernel.
803Implemented electronic transition properties are at the moment:
806\item Excitation Energies
807\index{electronic excitation}\index{excitation energy!electronic}.
808These are always calculated when
809invoking the \verb|.EXCITA| keyword in the general input module.
810\item Oscillator Strengths\index{oscillator strength} which determine
811intensities in visible and UV absorption.
812\item Rotatory Strengths\index{rotatory strength} which determine
813Electronic Circular Dichroism\index{electronic circular dichroism}\index{ECD}
818\item[\Key{DIPSTR}] Calculates the dipole strengths\index{dipole strength},
819that is, the dipole oscillator strengths\index{oscillator strength}
820which determine the visible and UV absorption, using the dipole length form.
822\item[\Key{FNAC}] Calculate first-order non-adiabatic coupling
823matrix\index{non-adiabatic coupling matrix element} elements
824from the reference state to the states requested with \Key{NEXCIT}.
825The keyword \Key{NACME} in the parent section to \Sec{EXCITA}
826and the keyword \Key{SKIP} in section \Sec{TROINV}
827must also be specified to get the coupling elements.
830\item[\Key{INTPRI}]\verb| |\newline
831\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) IPRINT|
833Set the print level in the calculation of the necessary differentiated
834integrals when calculating the linear response functions. Read one
835more line containing print level. Default value is the value of
836\verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module. The print level of the
837rest of the calculation of electronic excitation energies are
838controlled by the keyword \verb|.PRINT |.
840\item[\Key{MAX IT}]\verb| |\newline
841\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MAXITE|
843Set the maximum number of micro iterations in the iterative
844solution of the linear response equations. Read
845one more line containing maximum number of micro iterations.
846Default value is 60.
848\item[\Key{MAXPHP}]\verb| |\newline
849\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MXPHP|
851Set the maximum dimension for the sub-block of the configuration
852Hessian that will be explicitly inverted. Read one more line
853containing maximum dimension. Default value is~0.
855\item[\Key{MAXRED}]\verb| |\newline
856\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MXRM|
858Set the maximum dimension of the reduced space to which new basis
859vectors are added as described in Ref.~\cite{tuhjahjajpjjcp84}. Read
860one more line containing maximum dimension. Default value is~400.
862\item[\Key{NEXCIT}]\verb| |\newline
863\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) (NEXCIT(I), I= 1,NSYM)|
865Set the number of excitation energies\index{excitation energy} to be
866calculated in each
867symmetry. Read one more line containing the number of excitations in
868each of the irreducible representations of the molecular point group.
869The default is not to calculate one excitation energy in each of the
870irreducible representations.
872\item[\Key{OPTORB}] Use optimal orbital trial vectors\index{optimal
873orbital trial vector} in the
874iterative solution of the eigenvalue equations
875in order to speed up the calculation.
876Only relevant for MCSCF.
877These are generated by solving the orbital response equation
878exact, keeping the configuration part fixed as described in
881\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
882\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPREXE|
884Set the print level in the calculation of electronic excitation
885energies. Read one more line containing the print level.
886The default value is the \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
888\item[\Key{ROTVEL}] Calculate rotational strengths\index{electronic
889circular dichroism}\index{ECD} in Electronic
890Circular Dichroism (ECD) without using London orbitals.
892\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the calculation of electronic excitation
893energies. This will give wrong results for ECD.
894Mainly for debugging purposes.
896\item[\Key{STOP}] Stops the program after finishing the
897calculation of the eigenvalue equations.
898Mainly for debugging purposes.
900\item[\Key{SUMRUL}] Calculate oscillator strength sum rules from
901the calculated excitation energies and dipole oscillator strengths.
902Accurate results require to calculate all excitation energies supported
903by the one-electron basis set.
905\item[\Key{THRESH}]\verb| |\newline
906\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) THREXC|
908Set the convergence threshold for the solution
909of the linear response equations. Read one more line
910containing the convergence threshold. The default value is
914\index{excitation energies!triplet}
915Indicates that it is triplet excitation energies that is to be
916calculated instead of the default singlet excitation energies.
919\subsection{One-electron expectation values:
922Directive that control the calculation of one-electron expectation
923values appear in the \verb|*EXPECT| input module. Notice, however,
924that the directives controlling the calculation of one-electron
925expectation values needed for the molecular gradient and Hessian
926appear in the \verb|*ONEINT| section.
929\item[\Key{ALL CO}] Indicates that all components of the expectation
930  value contributions to the nuclear
931shielding\index{nuclear shielding} or indirect spin--spin
932  coupling\index{diamagnetic spin-orbit}
933  tensors are to be calculated at the
934same time. This is the
935default for ordinary calculations. However, in direct and parallel
936calculations on large molecules this may give too large memory
937requirements, and instead only the components of one symmetry-independent
938nucleus are calculated at a time. However, by invoking
939this keyword, all components are calculated simultaneously even in
940direct/parallel calculations.
942\item[\Key{DIASUS}] Invokes the calculation of the one-electron
943contribution to the magnetizability\index{magnetizability} expectation
944value. By default this
945is done using London atomic\index{London orbitals} orbitals. Default
946value is \verb|TRUE| if
947magnetizability has been requested in the general input module,
948otherwise \verb|FALSE|.
950\item[\Key{ELFGRA}] Invokes the calculation of the electronic
951contribution to the nuclear quadrupole moment coupling
952tensor\index{nuclear quadrupole coupling}\index{NQCC} (that
953is, the electric field
954\index{electric field!gradient}
955gradient). Default value is \verb|TRUE| if
956nuclear quadrupole coupling constants have been requested in the
957general input module, otherwise \verb|FALSE|.
959\item[\Key{NODC}] Do not calculate contributions from the inactive
960one-electron density matrix. This will give wrong results for the
961one-electron expectation values. Mainly for debugging purposes.
963\item[\Key{NODV}] Do not calculate contributions from the active
964one-electron density matrix. This will give wrong results for the
965one-electron expectation values. Mainly for debugging purposes.
967\item[\Key{NEFIEL}] Invokes the evaluation of the electric
968field at the individual nuclei\index{electric field!at nucleus}. Default
969value is \verb|TRUE| if
970spin-rotation\index{spin-rotation constant} constants have been
971requested in the general input
972module, otherwise \verb|FALSE|. In the current implementation,
973symmetry dependent nuclei cannot be used when calculating this property.
975\item[\Key{POINTS}]\verb| |\newline
976\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) NPOINT|
978Set the number of integration points to be used in the Gaussian
979quadrature\index{Gaussian quadrature}
980when evaluating  the diamagnetic spin-orbit\index{diamagnetic
981spin-orbit} integrals. Default value is 40.
983\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
984\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MPRINT|
986Set print level in the calculation of one-electron expectation values.
987Read one more line containing print level. Default value is the
988value of \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
990\item[\Key{QUADRU}] Calculates the electronic contribution to the
991molecular (traceless) quadrupole moments\index{quadrupole
992moments}\index{moments!electronic quadrupole}. Default value is \verb|TRUE|
993if molecular quadrupole moment has been requested in the general input
994module, otherwise \verb|FALSE|.
996\item[\Key{SHIELD}] Invokes the calculation of the one-electron
997contribution to the nuclear shielding\index{nuclear shielding}
998expectation values. By default
999this is done using London atomic\index{London orbitals}
1000orbitals. Default value is
1001\verb|TRUE| if nuclear shieldings have been requested in the general
1002input module, otherwise \verb|FALSE|.
1004\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the calculation of one-electron expectation
1005values. This may give wrong final results for some properties. Mainly
1006for debugging purposes.
1008\item[\Key{SPIN-S}] Invokes the calculation of the diamagnetic
1009spin-orbital\index{diamagnetic spin-orbit} integral, which is the
1010diamagnetic contribution to
1011indirect nuclear spin-spin coupling\index{spin-spin coupling}
1012constants. Default value is
1013\verb|TRUE| if spin-spin couplings have been requested in the general
1014input module, otherwise \verb|FALSE|.
1016\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the entire calculation after finishing the
1017calculation of one-electron expectation values. Mainly for debugging
1022%\subsection{Floating orbitals: \Sec{FLOAT}}\label{sec:float}
1024%Directives that control the calculation when using floating orbitals
1025%as described by Helgaker and Alml{\"o}f \cite{thjajcp89} appear in
1026%the \verb|*FLOAT| input module.
1029%\item{\verb|.PRINT |}\verb| |\newline
1030%\verb|READ (LUCMD,'(I5)') IPRINT|
1032%Set the print level in the calculation of floating orbital
1033%contributions. Read one more line containing the print level~(I5).
1034%Default print level is the \verb|IPRDEF| variable from the general
1035%input module.
1037%\item{\verb|.RESPON|} Print the response contributions from
1038%the floating orbitals.
1040%\item{\verb|.SKIP  |} Skip the calculation of specific terms
1041%contributing when using floating orbitals. This may give wrong results
1042%when using floating orbitals. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1044%\item{\verb|.STOP  |} Stop the calculation after calculating the
1045%response contributions from the floating orbitals. Mainly for
1046%debugging purposes.
1049\subsection{Geometry analysis: \Sec{GEOANA}}
1051Directives controlling the calculation and printing of bond angles\index{bond distance}\index{bond angle}\index{dihedral angle}\index{geometry!bond distance}\index{geometry!bond angle}\index{geometry!dihedral angle}
1052and dihedral angles appear in the \verb|*GEOANA| section. The program will also define atoms
1053to be bonded to each other depending on their bond distance. For all atoms
1054defined to be bonded to each other, the bond distance and bond angles
1055will be printed.
1058\item[\Key{ANGLES}]\verb| |\newline
1059\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) NANG|\newline
1060\verb|DO  I = 1, NANG|\newline
1061\verb|   READ (LUCMD,*) (IANG(J,I), J = 1,3)|\newline
1062\verb|END DO|
1064Calculate and print
1065bond angles\index{bond angle}\index{geometry!bond angle}. Read one
1066more line specifying the number of angles, and then read \verb|NANG|
1067lines containing triplets $A,B,C$ of atom labels, each
1068specifying a particular bond angle~$\angle ABC$. Notice that in the
1069current version of the program there is an upper limit of 20 bond
1070angles that will be printed. The rest will be ignored. We also note
1071that program always will print the angles between atoms defined to be
1072bonded to each other on the basis of the van der Waals\index{van der
1073Waals radius} radii of the atoms.
1075\item[\Key{DIHEDR}]\verb| |\newline
1076\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) NDIHED|\newline
1077\verb|DO  I = 1, NDIHED|\newline
1078\verb|   READ (LUCMD,*) (IDIHED(J,I), J = 1,4)|\newline
1079\verb|END DO|
1081Calculate and print dihedral\index{dihedral angle}\index{geometry!dihedral angle}
1082(torsional) angles.  Read one more line specifying the number of angles,
1083and then read \verb|NDIHED| lines containing quadruplets $A,B,C,D$ of atom
1084labels.  The angle computed is that between the planes~$ABC$
1085and $BCD$. Notice that in the current version of the program there is
1086an upper limit of 20 dihedral angles that will be printed. The rest
1087will be ignored.
1089\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the geometry analysis, with the exceptions
1090mentioned in the introduction to this section. This is the default
1091value, but it is overwritten by the keywords \verb|.ANGLES| and
1095\subsection{Right-hand sides for geometry response equations: \Sec{RHSIDE}}
1097Directives affecting the construction of the right-hand
1098sides~(RHS)\index{property gradient}\index{right-hand side}---that is,
1099wave function gradient terms---for the geometric derivative response
1100calculations as well as some matrices needed for reorthonormalization
1101contributions appear in the \verb|*RHSIDE| section.
1104\item[\Key{ALLCOM}] Requests that all paramagnetic
1105spin-orbit\index{paramagnetic spin-orbit}
1106right-hand sides are to be calculated in one batch, and not for each
1107symmetry-independent center at a time which is the default. This will
1108slightly speed up the calculation, at the cost of significantly larger
1109memory requirements.
1111\item[\Key{FCKPRI}]\verb| |\newline
1112\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRFCK|
1114Set print level for the calculation of derivative Fock matrices.  Read
1115one more line specifying print level. The default  is the value of
1116\verb|IPRDEF| in the general input module.
1118\item[\Key{FCKSKI}] Skip the derivative Fock matrix contributions
1119to the right-hand sides. This will give wrong results for all
1120properties depending on right hand sides. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1122\item[\Key{FCKTES}] Test the Fock matrices. Mainly for debugging
1125\item[\Key{FSTTES}] Test one-index transformation of derivative
1126Fock matrices.
1128\item[\Key{GDHAM}] Write out differentiated Hamiltonian and
1129differentiated Fock matrices to file for use in post-\dalton\ programs.
1131\item[\Key{GDYPRI}]\verb| |\newline
1132\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRGDY|
1134Set print level for the calculation of the Y-matrix appearing in the
1135reorthonormalization terms, as for instance in
1136Ref.~\cite{tuhjahjajpjjcp84}. Default  is the value of \verb|IPRALL|
1137defined by the \verb|.PRINT | keyword. If
1138this has not been specified, the default is the value of \verb|IPRDEF|
1139from the general input section.
1141\item[\Key{GDYSKI}] Skip the calculation of the lowest-order
1142reorthonormalization contributions to the second-order molecular
1143properties. This will give wrong results for these properties. Mainly
1144for debugging purposes.
1146\item[\Key{INTPRI}]\verb| |\newline
1149Set print level for the derivative integral calculation for a particular shell
1150quadruplet.  Read one more line containing print level and the four
1151shell indices.  The print level is changed from the default
1152for this quadruplet only. Default value is the value of \verb|IPRDEF|
1153from the general input module. Note that the print level of all shell
1154quadruplets can be changed by the keyword \verb|.PRINT |.
1156\item[\Key{INTSKI}] Skip the calculation of derivative integrals.
1157This will give wrong results for the total molecular Hessian. Mainly
1158for debugging purposes.
1160\item[\Key{NODC}] Do not calculate contributions from the inactive
1161one-electron density matrix. This will give wrong results for the
1162total molecular property. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1164\item[\Key{NODDY}] Test the orbital part of the right-hand side.
1165The run will not be aborted. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1167\item[\Key{NODPTR}] The transformation of the two-electron density
1168matrix is back-transformed to atomic orbital basis using a
1169noddy-routine for comparison.
1171\item[\Key{NODV}] Do not calculate contributions from the active
1172one-electron density matrix. This will give wrong results for the
1173molecular property. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1175\item[\Key{NOFD}] Do not calculate the contribution from the
1176differentiated Fock-matrices to the total right-hand side. This will
1177give wrong results for the requested molecular property. Mainly for
1178debugging purposes.
1180\item[\Key{NOFS}] Do not calculate the contribution to the total
1181right-hand side from the one-index transformed Fock-matrices with the
1182differentiated connection matrix. This will give wrong results for
1183the requested molecular property. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1185\item[\Key{NOH1}] Do not calculate the contribution from the
1186one-electron terms to the total right-hand side. This will give wrong
1187results for the requested property. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1189\item[\Key{NOH2}] Do not calculate the contribution from the
1190two-electron terms to the total right-hand side. This will give wrong
1191results for the requested molecular property. Mainly for debugging
1194\item[\Key{NOORTH}] Do not calculate the orbital reorthonormalization
1195contribution (the one-index transformed contributions) to the total
1196right-hand side. This will give wrong results for the requested
1197molecular property. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1199\item[\Key{NOPV}] Do not calculate contributions from the two-electron
1200density matrix. This will give wrong results for the requested
1201molecular property. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1203\item[\Key{NOSSF}] Do not calculate the contribution to the total
1204right-hand side from the double-one-index
1205transformation between the differentiated connection matrix and the
1206Fock-matrix. This option will only affect the calculation of the molecular
1207Hessian, and will give a wrong result for this. Mainly for debugging
1210\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
1211\verb|READ (LUCMD,) IPRALL|
1213Set print levels.  Read one more line containing the print level for
1214this part of the calculation.  This will be the default print
1215level in the calculation of differentiated two-electron integrals,
1216differentiated Fock-matrices, derivative
1217overlap matrices, two-electron density and derivative integral
1218transformation, as well as in the construction of the right-hand sides.
1219To set the print level in each of these parts individually, see the
1220keywords \verb|.FCKPRI|, \verb|.GDYPRI|, \verb|.INTPRI|,
1221\verb|.PTRPRI| and \verb|.TRAPRI|.
1223\item[\Key{PTRPRI}]\verb| |\newline
1224\verb|READ (LUCMD,) IPRTRA|
1226Set print level for the  two-electron densities transformation. Read
1227one more line containing print level.
1228Default value is the value of  \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input
1229module. Note also that this print level is also controlled by the keyword
1230\verb|.PRINT |.
1232\item[\Key{PTRSKI}] Skip transformation of active two-electron
1233density matrix. This will give wrong results for the total
1234second-order molecular property. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1236\item[\Key{RETURN}] Stop after the shell quadruplet specified
1237under \verb|.INTPRI| above. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1239\item[\Key{SDRPRI}]\verb| |\newline
1240\verb|READ (LUCMD,) IPRSDR|
1242Set the print level in the calculation of the differentiated connection
1243matrix. Read one more line containing the print level. Default
1244value is the value given by the keyword \verb|.PRINT |. If this
1245keyword has not been given, the default is the value of \verb|IPRDEF|
1246given in the general input module.
1248\item[\Key{SDRSKI}] Do not calculate the differentiated connection
1249matrices. This will give wrong results for properties calculated with
1250perturbation dependent basis sets. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1252\item[\Key{SDRTES}] The differentiated connection matrices will be
1253transformed and printed in atomic orbital basis. Mainly for debugging
1256\item[\Key{SIRPR4}]\verb| |\newline
1257\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) IPRI4|
1259\sir\  ``output unit~4'' print level.  Read one more line specifying
1260print level. Default is~0.
1262\item[\Key{SIRPR6}]\verb| |\newline
1263\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) IPRI6|
1265\sir\ ``output unit~6'' print level.  Read one more line specifying
1266print level. Default is~0.
1268\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the calculation of right-hand sides. This
1269will give wrong values for the requested second-order properties.
1270Mainly for debugging purposes.
1272\item[\Key{SORPRI}]\verb| |\newline
1273\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRSOR|
1275Set print level for the two-electron density matrix sorting. Read one
1276more line containing print level. Default value is the value of
1277\verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
1279\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the entire calculation after finishing
1280the construction of the right-hand side. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1282\item[\Key{TIME}] Provide detailed timing breakdown for the
1283two-electron integral calculation.
1285\item[\Key{TRAPRI}]\verb| |\newline
1286\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRTRA|
1288Set print level for the derivative integrals transformation.  Read one more
1289line specifying print level. Default is the value of
1290\verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module. Notice that the default print
1291level is also affect by the keyword \verb|.PRINT |.
1293\item[\Key{TRASKI}] Skip transformation of derivative integrals.
1294Mainly for debugging purposes.
1296\item[\Key{TRATES}] Testing of derivative integral
1297transformation. The calculation will not be aborted. Mainly for
1298debugging purposes.
1301\subsection{Linear response for static singlet property operators:
1304Directives to control the calculation of frequency-independent linear
1305response functions\index{linear response}\index{response!linear}. At
1306present these directives only affect the
1307calculation of frequency-independent linear response functions appearing
1308in connection with singlet, magnetic imaginary perturbations.
1311\item[\Key{MAX IT}]\verb| |\newline
1312\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MAXITE|
1314Set the maximum number of micro iterations in the iterative solution of
1315the frequency independent linear response functions. Read one more line
1316containing maximum number of micro iterations. Default value is
1319\item[\Key{MAXPHP}]\verb| |\newline
1320\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MXPHP|
1322Set the maximum dimension of the sub-block of the configuration
1323Hessian that will be explicitly inverted. Read one more line
1324containing maximum dimension. Default value is~0.
1326\item[\Key{MAXRED}]\verb| |\newline
1327\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MXRM|
1329Set the maximum dimension of the reduced space to which new basis
1330vectors are added as described in Ref.~\cite{tuhjahjajpjjcp84}. Read
1331one more line containing maximum dimension. Default value is~400.
1333\item[\Key{OPTORB}] Use optimal orbital trial vectors in
1334the\index{optimal orbital trial vector}
1335iterative solution of the frequency-inde\-pen\-dent linear response
1336equations. These are generate by solving the orbital response equation
1337exact, keeping the configuration part fixed as described in
1340\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
1341\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRCLC|
1343Set the print level in the solution of the magnetic
1344frequency-independent linear response equations. Read one more line
1345containing print level. Default is the value of \verb|IPRDEF| in
1346the general input module.
1348\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the calculation of the frequency-independent
1349response functions. This will give wrong results for shielding,
1350magnetizabilities, optical rotation, VCD, VROA and spin-spin coupling constants\index{nuclear
1351shielding}\index{spin-spin coupling}\index{magnetizability}\index{optical rotation}\index{vcd}\index{vroa}. Mainly for
1352debugging purposes.
1354\item[\Key{STOP}] Stops the program after finishing the
1355calculation of the frequency-independent linear response equations. Mainly
1356for debugging purposes.
1358\item[\Key{THRESH}]\verb| |\newline
1359\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) THRCLC|
1361Set the convergence threshold for the solution
1362of the frequency-independent response equations. Read one more line
1363containing the convergence threshold. The default value is
1364$1.0\cdot10^{-4}$ for calculations which cannot take advantage of Sellers
1365formula for quadratic errors in the response
1366property~\cite{hsijqc30}, and $2.0\cdot10^{-3}$ for those calculations
1367that can.
1370\subsection{Localization of molecular orbitals: \Sec{LOCALI}}\label{sec:locali}
1372Directives to control the generation of localized orbitals for the use
1373in the analysis of second order / linear response properties in
1374localized molecular orbitals. At present these directives only affect
1375the calculation of spin-spin coupling constants. Naturally, the
1376generation of localized molecular orbitals requires that the use of
1377point group symmetry is turned off.
1380\item [\Key{FOSBOY}] The occupied molecular orbitals are localized with
1381the Foster-Boys localization procedure~\cite{Boyloc}. It requires the
1382\Key{SOSOCC} keyword in the \Sec{SPIN-S} section.
1384\item [\Key{FBOCIN}]\verb| |\newline
1385 \verb|READ (LUCMD, * ) NO2LOC|\newline
1386 \verb|READ (LUCMD, * ) ( NTOC2L(I), I = 1, NO2LOC)|\newline
1387All occupied molecular orbitals are localized with the Foster-Boys
1388localization procedure~\cite{Boyloc}. Afterwards \verb|NO2LOC| occupied
1389orbitals are delocalized again. \verb|NTOC2L|  are the indices of the
1390occupied orbitals which are delocalized again.
1392\item [\Key{FBOOCC}]\verb| |\newline
1393 \verb|READ (LUCMD, * )NO2LOC|\newline
1394 \verb|READ (LUCMD, * ) ( NTOC2L(I), I = 1, NO2LOC )|\newline
1395A subset of occupied molecular orbitals are localized with the
1396Foster-Boys localization procedure~\cite{Boyloc}. \verb|NO2LOC|
1397occupied molecular orbitals are not localized. \verb|NTOC2L|  are the
1398indices of the occupied orbitals which are not localized, but remain in
1399canonical form.
1401\item [\Key{FBOVIR}] The whole set of virtual molecular orbitals is localized with
1402the Foster-Boys localization procedure~\cite{Boyloc}. The virtual
1403orbitals are paired with occupied orbitals. First one virtual orbital
1404is paired with each occupied orbital. Afterwards additional sets of
1405localized virtual orbitals are generated which are again paired with
1406one occupied orbital each and which are orthogonalized to the already
1407existing localized virtual orbitals. This is repeated until all virtual
1408orbital are localized and paired to occupied orbitals. It requires the
1409\Key{SOSOCC} keyword in the \Sec{SPIN-S} section and the \Key{FOSBOY},
1410\Key{FBOCIN} or \Key{FBOOCC} keyword in the \Sec{LOCALI} section.
1413\item [\Key{FBSETV}]\verb| |\newline
1414 \verb|READ (LUCMD, *) NFBSET|\newline
1415\verb|NFBSET| sets of virtual orbitals are localized with the
1416Foster-Boys localization procedure~\cite{Boyloc}. A set of virtual
1417orbitals consists of as many virtual orbitals as there are occupied
1418orbitals. It requires the \Key{SOSOCC} keyword in the \Sec{SPIN-S}
1419section and the \Key{FOSBOY}, \Key{FBOCIN} or \Key{FBOOCC} keyword in
1420the \Sec{LOCALI} section.
1422\item [\Key{FBSTVO}]\verb| |\newline
1423 \verb|READ(LUCMD, * ) NFBSET, NV2LOC|\newline
1424 \verb|READ(LUCMD, * ) ( NOCVI(I), I = 1, NV2LOC ) |\newline
1425Similar to \Key{FBSETV}, but localizes only \verb|NFBSET| sets of
1426virtual orbitals for a subset of \verb|NV2LOC| occupied orbitals. In
1427total \verb|NFBSET*NV2LOC| localized virtual orbitals will be
1428generated. \verb|NOCVI| are the indices of the occupied orbitals with
1429which the virtual orbitals are paired. It requires the \Key{SOSOCC}
1430keyword in the \Sec{SPIN-S} section and the \Key{FOSBOY}, \Key{FBOCIN}
1431or \Key{FBOOCC} keyword in the \Sec{LOCALI} section.
1433\item [\Key{LABOCC}]\verb| |\newline
1434 \verb|READ (LUCMD, * ) NOCLAB|\newline
1435 \verb|READ (LUCMD, * ) (TABOCL(I), I = 1, NOCLAB )|\newline
1436Allows one to add some labels to the occupied orbitals which are
1437localized. Up to 20 labels of up to 8 characters can be added. It
1438requires the \Key{FOSBOY}, \Key{FBOCIN} or \Key{FBOOCC}
1439keyword in the \Sec{LOCALI} section.
1441\item [\Key{LABVIR}]\verb| |\newline
1442 \verb|READ (LUCMD, * ) NVILAB|\newline
1443 \verb|READ (LUCMD, * ) ( TABVIL(I), I = 1, NVILAB )|\newline
1444Allows one to add some labels to the virtual orbitals which are
1445localized. Up to 20 labels of up to 8 characters can be added. It
1446requires the \Key{FBOVIR}, \Key{FBSETV} or \Key{FBSTVO} keyword in the
1447\Sec{LOCALI} section.
1453\subsection{Nuclear contributions: \Sec{NUCREP}}
1455Directives affecting the nuclear contribution to the molecular
1456gradient\index{molecular gradient} and molecular Hessian\index{molecular Hessian}
1457calculation appear in the
1458\verb|*NUCREP| section.
1460\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
1461\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRINT|
1463Set the print level in the calculation of the nuclear contributions.
1464Read one more line containing print level. Default value is the
1465value of \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
1467\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the calculation of the nuclear
1468contribution. This will give wrong
1469results for the total molecular gradient and Hessian. Mainly for
1470debugging purposes.
1472\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the program after finishing the calculation
1473of the nuclear contributions. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1476\subsection{One-electron integrals: \Sec{ONEINT}}
1478Directives affecting the calculation of one-electron integral contributions in the
1479calculation of molecular gradients\index{molecular gradient} and molecular
1480Hessians\index{molecular Hessian} appear in the \verb|*ONEINT| section.
1483\item[\Key{NCLONE}] Calculate only the classical contributions to the
1484nuclear-attraction integrals.
1486\item[\Key{NODC}] Do not calculate contributions from the inactive
1487one-electron density matrix. This will give wrong results for the
1488total molecular gradient and
1489Hessian\index{molecular gradient}\index{molecular Hessian}. Mainly for debugging
1492\item[\Key{NODV}] Do not calculate contributions from the active
1493one-electron density matrix. This will give wrong results for the
1494total molecular gradient and Hessian\index{molecular gradient}\index{molecular Hessian}. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1496\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
1497\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRINT|
1499Set print level in the calculation of one-electron contributions to
1500the molecular gradient and Hessian\index{molecular gradient}\index{molecular Hessian}.  Read one more line containing
1501print level. Default value is the value of \verb|IPRDEF| from the
1502general input module.
1504\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the calculation of one-electron integral
1505contributions to the molecular gradient and Hessian\index{molecular gradient}\index{molecular Hessian}. This will give
1506wrong total results for these properties. Mainly for debugging
1509\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the entire calculation after the
1510one-electron integral contributions to the molecular gradients and
1511Hessians has been evaluated\index{molecular gradient}\index{molecular Hessian}. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1514\subsection{Relaxation contribution to geometric Hessian: \Sec{RELAX}}
1516Directives controlling the calculation of the relaxation
1517contributions ({\it i.e.\/} those from the response terms) to the different
1518second-order molecular properties, appear in the \verb|*RELAX| section.
1520\item[\Key{NOSELL}] Do not use Sellers' method \cite{hsijqc30}. This method
1521ensures that the error in the relaxation Hessian is quadratic in the
1522error of the response equation solution, rather than linear. Mainly
1523for debugging purposes.
1525\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
1526\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRINT|
1528Set the print level in the calculation of the relaxation
1529contributions.  Read one more line containing print level.
1530Default value is the value of \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input
1533\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the calculation of the relaxation
1534contributions.  This does not skip the solution of the response
1535equations. This will give wrong results for a large number of
1536second-order molecular properties. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1538\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the entire calculation after the
1539calculation of the relaxation contributions to the requested
1540properties. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1542\item[\Key{SYMTES}] Calculate both the $ij$ and $ji$ elements of
1543the relaxation Hessian to verify its Hermiticity or anti-Hermiticity
1544(depending on the property being calculated). Mainly for debugging
1548\subsection{Reorthonormalization contributions to geometric Hessian: \Sec{REORT}}
1550Directives affecting the calculation of reorthonormalization
1551contributions to the geometric Hessian appear in the \verb|*REORT |
1554\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
1555\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRINT|
1557Set print level in the calculation of the lowest-order
1558reorthonormalization contributions to the molecular Hessian.  Read one
1559more line containing print level. Default value is the value of
1560\verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
1562\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the calculation of the reorthonormalization
1563contributions to the molecular Hessian. This will give wrong results
1564for this property. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1566\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the entire calculation after finishing the
1567calculation of the reorthonormalization contributions to the molecular
1568Hessian. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1571\subsection{Response calculations for geometric Hessian: \Sec{RESPON}}
1574Directives affecting the response (coupled-perturbed MCSCF)
1575calculation of geometric perturbations appear in the \verb|*RESPON| section.
1577\item[\Key{D1DIAG}] Neglect diagonal elements of the orbital
1578Hessian when generating trial vectors. Mainly for debugging
1581\item[\Key{DONEXT}] Force the use of optimal orbital
1582trial\index{optimal orbital trial vector} vectors in
1583the solution of the geometric response equations as described in
1584Ref.~\cite{tuhjahjajpjjcp84}. This is done by solving the orbital part
1585exact while keeping the configuration part fixed.
1587\item[\Key{MAX IT}]\verb| |\newline
1588\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MAXNR|
1590Maximum number of iterations to be used when solving the geometric
1591response equations.  Read one more line specifying value.
1592Default value is~60.
1594\item[\Key{MAXRED}]\verb| |\newline
1595\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MAXRED|
1597Set the maximum dimension of the reduced space to which new basis
1598vectors are added as described in Ref.~\cite{tuhjahjajpjjcp84}. Read
1599one more line containing maximum dimension. Default value is the
1600maximum of 400 and 25 times the number of symmetry-independent nuclei.
1602\item[\Key{MAXSIM}]\verb| |\newline
1603\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MAXSIM|
1605Maximum number of geometric perturbations to solve simultaneously in a
1606given symmetry.  Read one more line specifying value.  Default
1609\item[\Key{MCHESS}] Explicitly calculate electronic Hessian and
1610test its symmetry. Does not abort the calculation. Mainly for
1611debugging purposes.
1613\item[\Key{NEWRD}] Forces the solution vectors to be written to a
1614new file. This will also imply that \verb|.NOTRIA| will be set to
1615\verb|TRUE|, that is, that no previous solution vectors will be used
1616as trial vectors.
1618\item[\Key{NOAVER}] Use an approximation to the orbital Hessian
1619diagonal when generating trial vectors.
1621\item[\Key{NONEXT}] Do not use optimal orbital
1622trial\index{optimal orbital trial vector} vectors.
1624\item[\Key{NOTRIA}] Do not use old solutions as trial vectors, even
1625though they may exist.
1627\item[\Key{NRREST}] Restart geometric response calculation using old
1628solution vectors.
1630\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
1631\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRINT|
1633Set the print level during the solution of the geometric response
1634equations.  Read one more line containing print level. Default
1635value is the value of \verb|IPRDEF| in the general input module.
1637\item[\Key{RDVECS}]\verb| |\newline
1638\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) NRDT|\newline
1639\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) (NRDCO(I), I = 1, NRDT)|
1641Solve for specific geometric perturbations only.  Read
1642one more line specifying number to solve for and then another
1643line specifying their sequence numbers. This may give wrong results
1644for some components of the molecular Hessian. Mainly for debugging
1647\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the solution of the geometric response
1648equations. This will give wrong results for the geometric Hessian.
1649Mainly for debugging purposes.
1651\item[\Key{THRESH}]\verb| |\newline
1652\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) THRNR|
1654Threshold for convergence of the geometric response
1655equations.  Read one more line specifying value.  Default
1656value is~10$^{-3}$.
1658\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the entire calculation after solving all
1659the geometric  response equations. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1662\subsection{Second-order polarization propagator approximation:
1665Directives controling the calculation of molecular properties
1666using the second-order polarization propagator approximation, and
1667whether the MO (default) or AO based implementation is used.
1668The two implementations are desribed in Chapter~\ref{ch:soppa},
1669as well as some additional requirements for the AO based approach,
1670see Section~\ref{sec:AOsoppa}.
1673\item[\Key{HIRPA}] Use the higher-order RPA Polarization Propagator
1674  Approximation.
1676\item[\Key{SOPW4}] Requests that the W4 term in the SOPPA expressions
1677  are calculated explicitly.
1679\item[\Key{DIRECT}] Requests that the specified SOPPA or
1680SOPPA(CCSD) calculation is run using the AO-based implementation.
1681This is synonymous to \Key{AOSOP} or \Key{AOSOC}, depending on whether
1682\Key{SOPPA} or \Key{SOPPA(CCSD)} was used in \Sec{*PROPERTIES}.
1683This is possible for the
1684calculation of electronic singlet excitation energies with corresponding
1685oscillator and rotatory strengths, triplet excitation energies and
1686singlet type linear response functions.
1688\item[\Key{DCRPA}] Requests an atomic orbital based RPA(D)
1689calculation. An RPA calculation will also be performed.
1690RPA(D) is currently available for the calculation of
1691electronic singlet and triplet excitation energies.
1692The necessary M{\o}ller-Plesset correlation
1693coefficients have to be requested by the \Key{CC} keyword in the
1694\Sec{*WAVE FUNCTIONS} input module combined with the \Key{MP2} and
1695\Key{AO-SOPPA} keywords in the \Sec{CC INPUT} section of the \Sec{*WAVE
1696FUNCTIONS} input module.
1698\item[\Key{AOSOP}] Requests an atomic orbital based SOPPA
1699calculation. This is possible for the calculation of
1700electronic singlet and triplet excitation energies and singlet type linear
1701response functions.
1702The necessary M{\o}ller-Plesset correlation
1703coefficients have to be requested by the \Key{CC} keyword in the
1704\Sec{*WAVE FUNCTIONS} input module combined with the \Key{MP2} and
1705\Key{AO-SOPPA} keywords in the \Sec{CC INPUT} section of the \Sec{*WAVE
1706FUNCTIONS} input module.
1708\item[\Key{AOSOC}] Requests an atomic orbital based SOPPA(CCSD)
1709calculation. This is possible for the calculation of
1710electronic singlet and triplet excitation energies and singlet type
1711linear response functions.
1712The necessary CCSD amplitudes have to be requested by the \Key{CC} keyword
1713in the \Sec{*WAVE FUNCTIONS} input module combined with the \Key{CCSD} and
1714\Key{AO-SOPPA} keywords in the \Sec{CC INPUT} section of the \Sec{*WAVE
1715FUNCTIONS} input module.
1717\item[\Key{AOCC2}] Requests an atomic orbital based SOPPA(CC2)
1718calculation. This is possible for the calculation of
1719electronic singlet and triplet excitation energies and singlet type
1720linear response functions.
1721The necessary CC2 amplitudes have to be requested by the \Key{CC} keyword
1722in the \Sec{*WAVE FUNCTIONS} input module combined with the \Key{CC2} and
1723\Key{AO-SOPPA} keywords in the \Sec{CC INPUT} section of the \Sec{*WAVE
1724FUNCTIONS} input module.
1726\item[\Key{AOHRP}] Requests an atomic orbital based higher-order RPA
1727calculation. This is possible for the calculation of
1728electronic singlet and triplet excitation energies and singlet type
1729linear response functions.
1731\item[\Key{AORPA}] Requests a RPA calculating run using the AO-based
1732SOPPA implementation. This can be useful for calculation of excitation
1733energies, since a subsequent calculation at a higher level of theory will
1734use the converged RPA vectors as a starting guess.
1736\item[\Key{SOPCHK}] Request that the $E[2]$ and $S[2]$ matrices are
1737calculated explicitly and written to the output. This is only for
1738debugging purposes of the atomic integral direct implementation.
1740\item[\Key{NSAVMX}]\verb| |\newline
1741\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) NSAVMX|
1743Number of optimal trial vectors, which are kept in the solution of the
1744eigenvalue problem in the atomic integral direct implementation. The
1745default is 3. Increasing the number might reduce the number of
1746iterations necessary for solving the eigenvalue problem, but increases
1747the disk space requirements.
1749\item[\Key{NEXCI2}]\verb| |\newline
1750\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) (NEXCI2(I),I=1,NSYM)|
1752Allows in the atomic integral direct implementation to converge the
1753highest \verb|NEXCI2(I)| excitation energies in symmetry \verb|I| with
1754a larger threshold than the other excitation energies. The larger
1755threshold is given with the keyword \Key{THREX2}.
1757\item[\Key{THREX2}]\verb| |\newline
1758\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) THREX2|
1760Specifies in the atomic integral direct implementation the threshold to
1761which the highest excitation energies are to be converged. The number
1762of excitation energies for which this applies is chosen with the
1763keyword \Key{NEXCI2}.
1767\subsection{Indirect nuclear spin-spin couplings:
1770This input module controls the calculation of which indirect nuclear
1771spin-spin coupling constants and what contributions to the total
1772spin-spin coupling constants that are to be calculated.
1775\item[\Key{ABUNDA}]\verb| |\newline
1776\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) ABUND|
1778Set the natural abundance\index{abundance!spin-spin} threshold in percent
1779for discarding couplings between certain nuclei.
1780By default all isotopes in the molecule with a natural
1781abundance above this limit will be included in the list of nuclei for which
1782spin-spin coupling constants will be calculated. Read one more line
1783containing the abundance threshold in percent. The default value is~1.0 ({\it i.e.\/} 1\%),
1784which includes both protons and $^{13}$C nuclei.
1786\item[\Key{COUPLING NUCLEUS}]\verb| |\newline
1787\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) NUCSPI|\newline
1788\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) (IPOINT(IS), IS=1,NUCSPI)|
1790Calculates all coupling constants in a molecule to a selected number
1791of nuclei only. The first number \verb|NUCSPI| is the number of nuclei
1792to which couplings shall be calculated, and the next line reads in
1793the number of the symmetry-independent nucleus as given in the
1794\molinp\ file.
1796\item[\Key{ISOTOP}]\verb| |\newline
1797\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) (ISOTPS(IS), IS=1, NATOMS)|
1799Calculate the indirect spin--spin coupling constants for a given
1800isotopic constitution of the molecule. The next line reads the isotope
1801number for each of the atoms in the molecule (including also
1802symmetry-dependent molecules). The isotopic number for each atom is
1803given in terms of the occurrence in the list of natural abundance of
1804the isotopes for the given atom, {\it i.e.\/} the most abundant
1805isotope is number 1, the second-most abundant is number 2 and so on.
1807\item[\Key{NODSO}] Do not calculate diamagnetic
1808spin-orbit\index{diamagnetic spin-orbit}
1809contributions to the total indirect spin-spin
1810coupling\index{spin-spin coupling} constants. This
1811will give wrong results for the total spin-spin couplings.
1813\item[\Key{NOFC}] Do not calculate the Fermi
1814contact\index{Fermi contact} contribution
1815to the total indirect spin-spin coupling\index{spin-spin coupling}
1816constants. This will give
1817wrong results for the total spin-spin couplings.
1819\item[\Key{NOPSO}] Do not calculate the paramagnetic
1820spin-orbit\index{paramagnetic spin-orbit} contribution to the indirect
1821spin-spin coupling\index{spin-spin coupling} constants. This will
1822give wrong results for the total spin-spin couplings.
1824\item[\Key{NOSD}] Do not calculate the spin-dipole\index{spin-dipole}
1825contribution to
1826the total indirect spin-spin coupling\index{spin-spin coupling}
1827constants. This will give wrong
1828results for the total spin-spin couplings.
1830\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
1831\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) ISPPRI|
1833Set the print level in the output of the final results from the
1834spin-spin coupling constants. In order to get all individual tensor
1835components (in a.u.), a print level of at least~5 is needed. Read one
1836more line containing the print level. Default value is the value
1837of \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
1839\item[\Key{SD+FC}] Do not split the
1840spin-dipole\index{spin-dipole}\index{Fermi contact} and Fermi
1841contact contributions in the calculations.
1843\item[\Key{SDxFC ONLY}]
1845Will only calculate the spin
1846dipole--Fermi\index{spin-dipole}\index{Fermi contact} contact cross
1847term, and the
1848Fermi contact--Fermi contact contribution for the triplet
1849responses. The first of these two terms only contribute to the
1850anisotropy, and one may in this way obtain the most important triplet
1851contributions to the isotropic and
1852anisotropic\index{spin-spin coupling}\index{spin-spin anisotropy}
1853spin-spin couplings by only solving one instead of seven response
1854equations for each nucleus.
1856\item[\Key{SELECT}]\verb| |\newline
1857\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) NPERT|\newline
1858\verb|READ (LUCMD, *) (IPOINT(I), I = 1, NPERT)|
1860Select which symmetry-independent nuclei for which
1861indirect nuclear spin-spin couplings is to be calculated. This option
1862will override any
1863selection based on natural abundance (the \verb|.ABUNDA| keyword), and
1864at least one isotope of the nuclei requested will be evaluated (even
1865though the most abundant isotope with a non-zero spin has a lower
1866natural abundance
1867than the abundance threshold). Read one more line containing the
1868number of nuclei selected, and another line with their number (sorted after
1869the input order). By default, all nuclei with an isotope with non-zero spin
1870and with a natural abundance larger than the threshold will be included in
1871the list of nuclei for which indirect spin-spin couplings will be
1874\item [\Key{SOS}]
1875Analysis of the spin-spin coupling constants in terms of pairs of
1876occupied and virtual orbitals \cite{spas079,spas086}. This implies that
1877the coupling constants are calculated as sum over all excited states,
1878which means that it is only possible in combination with Hartree-Fock
1879wavefunctions (RPA) or with density functional theory. The occupied and
1880virtual orbitals can be canonical Hartree-Fock or Kohn-Sham orbitals or
1881can be localized with the \Key{LOCALI} keyword in the \Sec{*PROPERTIES}
1884\item [\Key{SOSOCC}]
1885Analysis of the spin-spin coupling constants in terms of pairs of
1886occupied orbitals \cite{spas079,spas086}. This implies that the
1887coupling constants are calculated as sum over all excited states, which
1888means that it is only possible in combination with Hartree-Fock
1889wavefunctions (RPA) or with density functional theory. The occupied
1890orbitals can be canonical Hartree-Fock or Kohn-Sham orbitals or can be
1891localized with the \Key{LOCALI} keyword in the \Sec{*PROPERTIES}
1894\item [\Key{SOSOCS}]\verb| |\newline
1895  \verb|READ (LUCMD,*) NSTATI, NSTATF, NITRST|\newline
1896Similar to \Key{SOSOCC} but here only a window of states is included in
1897the sum over all excited states. The first and last state to be
1898included are specified by \verb|NSTATI| and \verb|NSTATF|, while one
1899can specifies with \verb|NITRST| for how many states at a time the
1900accumulated coupling constants will be printed. The occupied orbitals
1901can be canonical Hartree-Fock or Kohn-Sham orbitals or can be localized
1902with the \Key{LOCALI} keyword in the \Sec{*PROPERTIES} section.
1904\item [\Key{SINGST}]\verb| |\newline
1905 \verb|READ (LUCMD, *) NSTATS|\newline
1906Only the contributions from the \verb|NSTATS| lowest singlet states are
1907included in the analysis of spin-spin coupling constants in terms of
1908pairs of occupied orbitals \cite{spas079,spas086}.
1910\item [\Key{TRIPST}]\verb| |\newline
1911 \verb|READ (LUCMD, *) NSTATT|\newline
1912 Only the contributions from the \verb|NSTATT| lowest triplet states are
1913 included in the analysis of spin-spin coupling constants in terms of
1914pairs of occupied orbitals \cite{spas079,spas086}.
1917\subsection{Translational and rotational invariance:
1920Directives affecting the use of translational and rotational
1921invariance\index{translational invariance}\index{rotational invariance}~\cite{trarot}
1922appear in the \verb|*TROINV| section.
1924\item[\Key{COMPAR}] Use both translational and
1925 rotational\index{translational invariance}\index{rotational invariance} symmetry
1926 and check the molecular Hessian against the Hessian obtained
1927without the use of translational and rotational invariance. This is
1928default in a calculation of vibrational circular dichroism
1929(VCD)\index{vibrational circular dichroism}\index{VCD}.
1931\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
1932\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRINT|
1934Set print level for the setting up and use of translational and
1935rotational invariance.  Read one more line containing print
1936level. Default value is the value of \verb|IPRDEF| from the
1937general input module.
1939\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the setting up and use of translational
1940and rotational invariance\index{translational invariance}\index{rotational invariance}.
1942\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the entire calculation after the setup of
1943translational and rotational invariance\index{translational invariance}\index{rotational invariance}. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1945\item[\Key{THRESH}]\verb| |\newline
1946\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) THRESH|
1948Threshold defining linear dependence among
1949supposedly independent coordinates.  Read one more line specifying
1950value.  Default is~0.1.
1953\subsection{Linear response for static triplet property operators:
1956Directives controlling the set-up of right-hand sides for triplet
1957perturbing operators (for instance the Fermi contact and spin-dipole
1958operators entering the nuclear spin-spin coupling
1959constants)\index{spin-dipole}\index{Fermi contact}\index{spin-spin coupling},
1960as well as when solving the triplet response equations appear in the
1961\verb|*TRPRSP| input module.
1964\item[\Key{INTPRI}]\verb| |\newline
1965\verb|READ (LUCMD ,*) INTPRI|
1967Set the print level in the calculation of the atomic integrals
1968contributing to the different triplet operator right-hand sides. Read
1969one more line containing the print level. Default is the value
1970of \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
1972\item[\Key{MAX IT}]\verb| |\newline
1973\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MAXTRP|
1975Set the maximum number of micro iterations in the iterative solution of
1976the triplet response equations. Read one more line containing the
1977maximum number of iterations. Default is~60.
1979\item[\Key{MAXPHP}]\verb| |\newline
1980\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MXPHP|
1982Set the maximum dimension for the sub-block of the configuration
1983Hessian that will be explicitly inverted. Read one more line
1984containing maximum dimension. Default value is~0.
1986\item[\Key{MAXRED}]\verb| |\newline
1987\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) MXRM|
1989Set the maximum dimension of the reduced space to which new basis
1990vectors are added as described in Ref.~\cite{tuhjahjajpjjcp84}. Read
1991one more line containing maximum dimension. Default value is~400.
1993\item[\Key{NORHS}] Skip the construction of the right-hand sides
1994for triplet perturbations. As this by necessity implies that all
1995right-hand sides and solution vectors are zero, this option is
1996equivalent to \verb|.SKIP  |. This will furthermore give wrong results
1997for the total spin-spin\index{spin-spin coupling} couplings. Mainly for debugging purposes.
1999\item[\Key{NORSP}] Skip the solution of the triplet response
2000equations. This will give wrong results for the total spin-spin
2001couplings\index{spin-spin coupling}. Mainly for debugging purposes.
2003\item[\Key{OPTORB}] Optimal orbital
2004trial\index{optimal orbital trial vector} vectors used in the
2005solution of the triplet response equations. These are generate by
2006solving the orbital response equation
2007exact, keeping the configuration part fixed as described in
2010\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
2011\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRTRP|
2013Set the print level during the setting up of triplet operator
2014right-hand sides and in the solution of the response equations for
2015the triplet perturbation operators. Read one more line containing the
2016print level. Default is the value of \verb|IPRDEF| from the
2017general input module.
2019\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the construction of triplet right-hand
2020sides as well as the solution of the response equations for
2021the triplet perturbation operators. This will give wrong results for
2022the indirect nuclear spin-spin\index{spin-spin coupling}
2023couplings. Mainly for debugging
2026\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the entire calculation after generating the
2027triplet right-hand sides, and solution of the triplet response
2028equations. Mainly for debugging purposes.
2030\item[\Key{THRESH}]\verb| |\newline
2031\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) THRTRP|
2033Set the threshold for convergence in the solution of the triplet
2034response equations. Read one more line containing the
2035threshold. Default is~$1\cdot10^{-4}$.
2038\subsection{Two-electron contributions: \Sec{TWOEXP}}
2040Directives affecting the calculation of two-electron derivative
2041integral contributions to the molecular gradient\index{molecular gradient} and
2042Hessian\index{molecular Hessian} appear in
2043the \verb|*TWOEXP| section.
2046\item[\Key{DIRTST}] Test the direct calculation of Fock matrices and
2047integral distributions. Mainly for debugging purposes.
2049\item[\Key{FIRST}] Compute first derivative integrals but not
2050second derivatives. This is default if only molecular gradients and
2051not the molecular Hessian has been requested.
2053\item[\Key{INTPRI}]\verb| |\newline
2056Set print level for the derivative integral calculation for a particular shell
2057quadruplet.  Read one more line containing print level and the four
2058shell indices.  The print level is changed from the default
2059for this quadruplet only. Default value is the value of \verb|IPRDEF|
2060from the general input module. Note that the print level of all shell
2061quadruplets can be changed by the keyword \verb|.PRINT |.
2063\item[\Key{INTSKI}] Skip the calculation of derivative integrals.
2064This will give wrong results for the total molecular gradients and
2065Hessians. Mainly for debugging purposes.
2067\item[\Key{NOCONT}] Do not contract derivative integrals
2068(program back-transforms density matrices to the primitive Gaussian
2069basis instead).
2071\item[\Key{NODC}] Do not calculate contributions from the inactive
2072one-electron density matrix. This will give wrong results for the
2073total molecular gradient and Hessian. Mainly for debugging purposes.
2075\item[\Key{NODV}] Do not calculate contributions from the active
2076one-electron density matrix. This will give wrong results for the
2077total molecular gradient and Hessian. Mainly for debugging purposes.
2079\item[\Key{NOPV}] Do not calculate contributions from the two-electron
2080density matrix. This will give wrong results for the total molecular
2081gradient and Hessian. Mainly for debugging purposes.
2083\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
2084\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRALL|
2086Set print levels.  Read one more line containing the print level for
2087this part of the calculation.  This will be the default print
2088level in the two-electron density matrix transformation, the
2089symmetry-orbital two-electron density matrix sorting, as well as the
2090print level in the integral derivative evaluation. To set the print
2091level in each of these parts individually, see the keywords
2092\verb|.INTPRI|, \verb|.PTRPRI|, \verb|.SORPRI|.
2094\item[\Key{PTRNOD}] The transformation of the two-electron density
2095matrix is back-transformed to the atomic orbital basis using a
2096noddy-routine for comparison.
2098\item[\Key{PTRPRI}]\verb| |\newline
2099\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRPRT|
2101Set print level for the two-electron density matrix transformation.
2102Read one more line containing print level. Default value is the
2103value of  \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module. Note also that
2104this print level is controlled by the keyword \verb|.PRINT |.
2106\item[\Key{PTRSKI}] Skip transformation of active two-electron
2107density matrix. This will give wrong results for the total molecular
2108Hessian. Mainly for debugging purposes.
2110\item[\Key{RETURN}] Stop after the shell quadruplet specified
2111under \verb|.INTPRI| above. Mainly for debugging purposes.
2113\item[\Key{SORPRI}]\verb| |\newline
2114\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) IPRSOR|
2116Set print level for the two-electron density matrix sorting. Read one
2117more line containing print level. Default value is the value of
2118\verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module. Note also that this print
2119level is controlled by the keyword \verb|.PRINT |.
2121\item[\Key{SORSKI}] Skip sorting of symmetry-orbital two-electron
2122density matrix. This will give wrong results for the total molecular
2123Hessian. Mainly for debugging purposes.
2125\item[\Key{SECOND}] Compute both first and second derivative
2126integrals. This is default when calculating molecular Hessians.
2128\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip all two-electron derivative integral
2129and two-electron density matrix processing.
2131\item[\Key{STOP}] Stop the the entire calculation after finishing
2132the calculation of the two-electron derivative integrals. Mainly for
2133debugging purposes.
2135\item[\Key{TIME}] Provide detailed timing breakdown for the
2136two-electron integral calculation.
2139\subsection{Vibrational analysis: \Sec{VIBANA}}
2142Directives controlling the calculation of harmonic
2143vibrational\index{vibrational analysis}
2144frequencies appear in the \verb|*VIBANA| section, as well as properties
2145depending on a normal coordinate analysis or vibrational frequencies.
2146Such properties include in the present version of the program:
2147Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD), Raman intensities, Raman
2148Optical Activity (ROA), and vibrational averaging.\index{vibrational circular
2149dichroism}\index{VCD}\index{Raman intensity}\index{IR
2150intensity}\index{Raman optical activity}\index{ROA}\index{effective
2151geometries}\index{r$_e$ geometries}\index{vibrationally averaged properties}
2154%\item[\Key{INTERN}] Use internal coordinates for the vibrational
2155%analysis.  This has no effect on vibrational analyses performed at
2156%stationary points, but is asserted to provide more reliable
2157%results at non-stationary points.  Read more lines (see below) to
2158%specify the internal coordinates, variables are \verb|TYPE|,
2159%\verb|A|, \verb|B|, \verb|C|, \verb|D|, \verb|COEF|,
2160%\verb|SCAL|~(1X,A4,4I5,2F10.5). Currently this option is not bug-free,
2161%and it's use is not to be recommended.
2163%\item[\bf TYPE] This has the value \verb*|    | if this line continues
2164%a linear combination of primitive internal coordinates.  Otherwise
2165%the possible values are
2167%\item[\bf STRE] Bond stretch
2168%\item[\bf INVR] Reciprocal of bond stretch
2169%\item[\bf BEND] Angle bend
2170%\item[\bf OUT ] Angle between bond and plane
2171%\item[\bf TORS] Torsional angle
2172%\item[\bf LIN1] First of a collinear bending pair
2173%\item[\bf LIN2] Second of a collinear bend
2175%\item[\bf A-D ] Atom numbers specifying the internal coordinates.
2176%Note that for an angle bend the angle is $\angle ACB$, including
2177%collinear bends!  Also, the out-of-plane mode is the angle between
2178%$AC$ and $BCD$??  Finally , in the collinear bend case the
2179%collinear angle is $\angle ACB$, and $D$ is used to specify a
2180%plane such that the first bend is in the plane~$ABD$.
2181%\item[\bf COEF] Coefficient of this primitive internal coordinate in
2182%the current linear combination.  Default is~1.
2183%\item[\bf SCAL] Overall scale factor for this linear combination
2184%(specify on first line only).  Default is~1.
2187\item[\Key{HESFIL}] Read the molecular Hessian\index{Hessian} from the file
2188\verb|DALTON.HES|. This file may have been made in an earlier
2189calculation using the keyword \Key{HESPUN}, or constructed from a
2190calculation with the GaussianXX program and converted to \dalton\
2191format using the \verb|FChk2HES.f| program. Useful in VCD and VROA
2192analyses\index{VCD}\index{ROA}\index{vibrational circular
2193dichroism}\index{Raman optical activity}.
2195\item[\Key{HESPUN}] Write the molecular Hessian\index{Hessian} to the file
2196\verb|DALTON.HES| for use as a starting Hessian in
2197first-order\index{first-order optimization} geometry
2198optimizations (see keyword \Key{HESFIL} in the \Sec{OPTIMIZE} input
2199module), or for later use in a vibrational analysis (see keyword
2200\Key{HESFIL} in this input module)\index{vibrational analysis}.
2202%\item[\Key{NOCID}] Do not calculate the Circular Intensity
2203%Differentials\index{circular intensity differential}\index{CID} (CIDs)
2204%as defined by Barron~\cite{barronbook}, but
2205%instead print the chirality\index{chirality number} numbers defined by
2206%Hug~\cite{whc48} in
2207%calculation of vibrational Raman Optical Activity
2208%(VROA)\index{ROA}\index{Raman optical activity}.
2214DO 305 ICOUNT = 1, NISOTP
2215   READ (LUCMD,*) (ISOTP(ICOUNT,N), N = 1, NATM)
2216END DO
2219Read in the number of different isotopically\index{isotopic
2220constitution} substituted species
2221\verb|NISOTP| for which we are to do a vibrational analysis. The
2222isotopic species containing only the most abundant isotopes is always
2225\verb|NATM| is the total number of atoms in the molecules (see
2226discussion in Section~\ref{sec:vibfreq}). For each isotopic species,
2227the isotope for each atom in the molecule is read in. A 1 denotes the
2228most abundant isotope, a 2 the second-most abundant isotope and so on.
2230\item[\Key{PRINT}]\verb| |\newline
2231\verb|READ (LUCMD,*) PRINT|
2233Set the print level in the vibrational\index{vibrational analysis}
2234analysis of the molecule.  Read
2235one more line containing print level. Default value is the value
2236of \verb|IPRDEF| from the general input module.
2238\item[\Key{SKIP}] Skip the analysis of the vibrational frequencies
2239and normal modes of the molecule.
2242%%% Local Variables:
2243%%% mode: latex
2244%%% TeX-master: "Master"
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