1 import java.awt.*;
2 import java.awt.event.*;
3 import javax.swing.*;
5 import java.util.*;
6 import java.io.*;
8 import devisor2.grid.GUI.framework.*;
9 import devisor2.grid.options.*;
10 import devisor2.grid.GUI.help.*;
11 import devisor2.foundation.elements.*;
12 import devisor2.foundation.boundary.*;
13 import devisor2.foundation.base.*;
14 import devisor2.grid.GUI.dialogs.*;
15 import devisor2.grid.backend.undo.*;
17 /**
18  *  This is the startup program for the DeViSoRGriD 2 application.
19  *  In order to work properly, before initializing any GUI, the options
20  *  and locale are loaded and linked to a new ControlCenter object.
21  *  From there, they can be accessed anytime at runtime. <br>
22  *  <br>
23  *  But before that, the saved options are loaded, according to the
24  *  following search hierarchy (switching to the next step whenever loading
25  *  errors occur): <br>
26  *  (1) if the user specifies the path to his devisor2settings file
27  *      as first argument when executing this class, the given file is loaded
28  *      and used to create the Options instance. <br>
29  *      Example: <code>java devisorgrid myoptions.conf<\code><br>
30  *  (2) the default options file <code>.devisorgrid<\code> or
31  *      <code> devisorgrid.conf<\code> is loaded.<br>
32  *  (4) the build-in default values are used, using the current directory
33  *      as DEVISORHOME. <br>
34  *  <br>
35  *  Thus, a valid Options instance is created, especially with a valid
36  *  DEVISORHOME path. <br>
37  *  <br>
38  *  After that, the ControlCenter instance (which holds global variables)
39  *  is created, thus instanciating the ResourceBundle. To stay conform with
40  *  the java styleguide, which options instance to load depends on the
41  *  language settings of your operating system. See there for details. <br>
42  *  <br>
43  *  Finally, the MainFrame instance is created and displayed, and
44  *  the user can start to work.<br>
45  *  <br>
46  *  @see everything else, especially the java tutorial on localization support
47  *       and the ControlCenter and MainFrame classes.
48  *
49  *  @author Dominik Goeddeke
50  *  @version beta, search hierarchy not implemented
51  */
53 public class devisorgrid
54 {
56     private static Options options;
main(String[] args)59     public static void main (String[] args)
60     {
61 	long start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
62 	System.out.println ("Starting the DeViSoRGriD2 application ...");
63 	System.out.println ("Version: "+InfoDialog.version_level1+"."+InfoDialog.version_level2+"."+InfoDialog.version_level3+" of "+InfoDialog.release_date);
64 	System.out.println ("Please stand by while loading Options ...");
65 	boolean optionssuccess = false;
66 	// options from command line
67 	if (args.length > 0)
68 	{
69 	    options = new Options ();
70 	    try
71 	    {
72 		options.load (args[0]);
73 		optionssuccess = true;
74 	    }
75 	    catch (Exception ex1)
76 	    {
77 		System.out.println ("Error while loading the given Options file!");
78 	    }
80 	}
81 	// users conf file
82 	if (!optionssuccess)
83 	{
84 	    String os = System.getProperty ("os.name").toUpperCase();
85 	    if (os.indexOf ("WIN") != -1)
86 	    {
87 		options = new Options ();
88 		try
89 		{
90 		    System.out.println (System.getProperty ("user.home")+System.getProperty ("file.separator")+"devisorgrid.conf");
91 		    options.load (System.getProperty ("user.home")+System.getProperty ("file.separator")+"devisorgrid.conf");
92 		    optionssuccess = true;
93 		}
94 		catch (Exception ex)
95 		{
96 		    System.out.println ("Could not load user specific options file!");
97 		}
98 	    }
99 	    else
100 	    {
101 		options = new Options ();
102 		try
103 		{
104 		    options.load (System.getProperty ("user.home")+System.getProperty ("file.separator")+".devisorgrid");
105 		    optionssuccess = true;
106 		}
107 		catch (Exception ex)
108 		{
109 		    System.out.println ("Using factory defaults. Please check paths in OptionsDialog!");
110 		}
111 	    }
112 	}
113 	// factory options
114 	if (!optionssuccess)
115 	{
116 	    options = new Options ();
117 	    options.resetToDefaults ();
118 	    options.set (Options.general_devisorhome, System.getProperty ("devisorgrid.home"));
119 	}
120 	System.out.println ("Options loaded in " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-start) + "ms.");
121 	// control center
122 	start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
123 	System.out.println ("Loading ControlCenter ...");
124 	start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
125 	ControlCenter cc = new ControlCenter (options);
126 	System.out.println ("ControlCenter loaded in " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-start) + "ms.");
127 	// help frame
128 	System.out.println ("Loading the help system ...");
129 	try
130 	{
131 	    cc.help = new HelpFrame (cc.op.get(Options.general_helpfile));
132 	}
133 	catch (IOException ex)
134 	{
135 	    System.out.println ("Could not load help file!");
136 	    System.out.print ("Make sure the following file exists: ");
137 	    System.out.println (cc.op.get(Options.general_helpfile));
138 	}
139 	try
140 	{
141 	    cc.faq = new FAQFrame (cc.op.get(Options.general_faqfile));
142 	}
143 	catch (IOException ex)
144 	{
145 	    System.out.println ("Could not load faq file!");
146 	    System.out.print ("Make sure the following file exists: ");
147 	    System.out.println (cc.op.get(Options.general_faqfile));
148 	}
149 	System.out.println ("Help loaded in " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-start) + "ms.");
150 	System.out.println ("Creating the GUI and starting up the MainFrame ...");
151 	start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
152 	MainFrame frame = new MainFrame ();
153 	cc.gc.setMainFrame(frame,cc);
154 	frame.pack ();
155 	// last but not least, update DrawControl
156 	cc.dc.screen_width = frame.getToolkit().getScreenSize().getSize().width;
157 	cc.dc.screen_height = frame.getToolkit().getScreenSize().getSize().height;
158 	// ok thats it
159 	cc.dm = new DialogManager (frame);
160 	cc.um = new UndoManager (frame);
161 	frame.getMainActionListener().restoreStartUpMode ();
162 	cc.gc.setMainFrame(frame,cc);
164         frame.getDrawingArea().redraw_enabled=true;
166 	cc.dc.world_x1=-1*100000;
167 	cc.dc.world_y1=-1*100000;
168 	cc.dc.world_x2= 1*100000;
169 	cc.dc.world_y2= 1*100000;
171 	cc.dc.act_x1=cc.dc.world_x1;
172 	cc.dc.act_x2=cc.dc.world_x2;
173 	cc.dc.act_y1=cc.dc.world_y1;
174 	cc.dc.act_y2=cc.dc.world_y2;
176 	cc.gc.setTransformation();
178 	cc.d.centerDomain();
180 	frame.show ();
182 	cc.dm.initDialogs ();
183 	cc.gc.gtk.updateBoundaryCombos();
184 	cc.dc.tolerance = cc.gc.SingleFromScreenToWorld(cc.dc.tolerance);
185 	System.out.println ("MainFrame is up after " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-start) + "ms.");
188         ReadmeFrame.initialize(cc.gc.mf, "README", "waiting for godot...");
190         int revlevel = 2;
191 	String revfile = System.getProperty("user.home")+System.getProperty("file.separator")+".dgm";
193 	int cf=DomainIO.checkFile(revfile);
194 	if (cf==0)
195 	{
197           ReadmeFrame.showDialog ();
199 	  try
200 	  {
201     	    FileOutputStream writeFile = new FileOutputStream(revfile);
202     	    DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream( writeFile );
203 	    out.writeBytes(revlevel+"");
204 	    out.close();
205 	  }
206 	  catch (IOException ex)
207 	  {
208 	  }
209 	}
210 	else
211 	{
212     	  try
213     	  {
214     	    BufferedReader in;
215     	    StreamTokenizer eingabe;
217             in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(revfile));
219             eingabe = new StreamTokenizer(in);
221             eingabe.ordinaryChar('/');
222             eingabe.slashSlashComments(true);
223             eingabe.slashStarComments(true);
224             eingabe.parseNumbers();
226             int erg=eingabe.nextToken();
228 	    int number=(int)eingabe.nval;
230 	    in.close();
232 	    if (number<revlevel)
233 	    {
234               ReadmeFrame.showDialog ();
235     	      FileOutputStream writeFile = new FileOutputStream(revfile);
236     	      DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream( writeFile );
237 	      out.writeBytes(revlevel+"");
238 	      out.close();
239 	    }
240 	  }
241 	  catch (IOException ex)
242 	  {
243 	  }
244 	}
245     }
247 }