1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2004-2011 Ondra Kamenik
3  * Copyright © 2019 Dynare Team
4  *
5  * This file is part of Dynare.
6  *
7  * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with Dynare.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
21 #include <sstream>
22 #include <fstream>
24 #include "dynare3.hh"
25 #include "dynare_exception.hh"
26 #include "planner_builder.hh"
27 #include "forw_subst_builder.hh"
29 #include "utils/cc/exception.hh"
30 #include "parser/cc/parser_exception.hh"
31 #include "parser/cc/atom_substitutions.hh"
32 #include "../tl/cc/tl_exception.hh"
33 #include "../kord/kord_exception.hh"
35 /**************************************************************************************/
36 /*       DynareNameList class                                                         */
37 /**************************************************************************************/
38 std::vector<int>
selectIndices(const std::vector<std::string> & ns) const39 DynareNameList::selectIndices(const std::vector<std::string> &ns) const
40 {
41   std::vector<int> res;
42   for (const auto &n : ns)
43     {
44       int j = 0;
45       while (j < getNum() && n != getName(j))
46         j++;
47       if (j == getNum())
48         throw DynareException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
49                               std::string("Couldn't find name for ") + n
50                               +" in DynareNameList::selectIndices");
51       res.push_back(j);
52     }
53   return res;
54 }
56 /**************************************************************************************/
57 /*       Dynare class                                                                 */
58 /**************************************************************************************/
Dynare(const std::string & modname,int ord,double sstol,Journal & jr)60 Dynare::Dynare(const std::string &modname, int ord, double sstol, Journal &jr)
61   : journal(jr), md(1), ss_tol(sstol)
62 {
63   std::ifstream f{modname};
64   if (f.fail())
65     throw DynareException(__FILE__, __LINE__, std::string{"Could not open model file "}+modname);
67   std::ostringstream buffer;
68   buffer << f.rdbuf();
69   std::string contents{buffer.str()};
71   try
72     {
73       model = std::make_unique<ogdyn::DynareParser>(contents, ord);
74     }
75   catch (const ogp::ParserException &pe)
76     {
77       // Compute line and column, given the offset in the file
78       int line = 1;
79       int col = 0;
80       size_t i = 0;
81       while (i < contents.length() && i < static_cast<size_t>(pe.offset()))
82         {
83           if (contents[i] == '\n')
84             {
85               line++;
86               col = 0;
87             }
88           i++;
89           col++;
90         }
91       throw DynareException(pe.message(), modname, line, col);
92     }
93   ysteady = std::make_unique<Vector>(model->getAtoms().ny());
94   dnl = std::make_unique<DynareNameList>(*this);
95   denl = std::make_unique<DynareExogNameList>(*this);
96   dsnl = std::make_unique<DynareStateNameList>(*this, *dnl, *denl);
97   fe = std::make_unique<ogp::FormulaEvaluator>(model->getParser());
98   fde = std::make_unique<ogp::FormulaDerEvaluator>(model->getParser());
99   writeModelInfo(journal);
100 }
Dynare(const std::vector<std::string> & endo,const std::vector<std::string> & exo,const std::vector<std::string> & par,const std::string & equations,int ord,double sstol,Journal & jr)102 Dynare::Dynare(const std::vector<std::string> &endo,
103                const std::vector<std::string> &exo,
104                const std::vector<std::string> &par,
105                const std::string &equations, int ord,
106                double sstol, Journal &jr)
107   : journal(jr), md(1), ss_tol(sstol)
108 {
109   try
110     {
111       model = std::make_unique<ogdyn::DynareSPModel>(endo, exo, par, equations, ord);
112     }
113   catch (const ogp::ParserException &pe)
114     {
115       throw DynareException(pe.message(), pe.offset());
116     }
117   ysteady = std::make_unique<Vector>(model->getAtoms().ny());
118   dnl = std::make_unique<DynareNameList>(*this);
119   denl = std::make_unique<DynareExogNameList>(*this);
120   dsnl = std::make_unique<DynareStateNameList>(*this, *dnl, *denl);
121   fe = std::make_unique<ogp::FormulaEvaluator>(model->getParser());
122   fde = std::make_unique<ogp::FormulaDerEvaluator>(model->getParser());
123   writeModelInfo(journal);
124 }
Dynare(const Dynare & dynare)126 Dynare::Dynare(const Dynare &dynare)
127   : journal(dynare.journal), md(dynare.md), ss_tol(dynare.ss_tol)
128 {
129   model = dynare.model->clone();
130   ysteady = std::make_unique<Vector>(*(dynare.ysteady));
131   dnl = std::make_unique<DynareNameList>(*this);
132   denl = std::make_unique<DynareExogNameList>(*this);
133   dsnl = std::make_unique<DynareStateNameList>(*this, *dnl, *denl);
134   fe = std::make_unique<ogp::FormulaEvaluator>(model->getParser());
135   fde = std::make_unique<ogp::FormulaDerEvaluator>(model->getParser());
136 }
138 void
writeMat(mat_t * fd,const std::string & prefix) const139 Dynare::writeMat(mat_t *fd, const std::string &prefix) const
140 {
141   getAllEndoNames().writeMat(fd, prefix + "_vars");
142   getAllEndoNames().writeMatIndices(fd, prefix);
143   getStateNames().writeMat(fd, prefix + "_state_vars");
144   getExogNames().writeMat(fd, prefix + "_shocks");
145   getExogNames().writeMatIndices(fd, prefix);
146   model->getVcov().writeMat(fd, prefix + "_vcov_exo");
147   TwoDMatrix aux(1, 1);
148   aux.get(0, 0) = nstat();
149   aux.writeMat(fd, prefix + "_nstat");
150   aux.get(0, 0) = npred();
151   aux.writeMat(fd, prefix + "_npred");
152   aux.get(0, 0) = nboth();
153   aux.writeMat(fd, prefix + "_nboth");
154   aux.get(0, 0) = nforw();
155   aux.writeMat(fd, prefix + "_nforw");
156 }
158 void
writeDump(const std::string & basename) const159 Dynare::writeDump(const std::string &basename) const
160 {
161   std::string fname(basename + ".dump");
162   std::ofstream out(fname);
163   model->dump_model(out);
164   out.close();
165 }
167 void
solveDeterministicSteady(Vector & steady)168 Dynare::solveDeterministicSteady(Vector &steady)
169 {
170   JournalRecordPair pa(journal);
171   pa << "Non-linear solver for deterministic steady state" << endrec;
172   steady = const_cast<const Vector &>(model->getInit());
173   DynareVectorFunction dvf(*this);
174   DynareJacobian dj(*this);
175   ogu::NLSolver nls(dvf, dj, 500, ss_tol, journal);
176   int iter;
177   if (!nls.solve(steady, iter))
178     throw DynareException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
179                           "Could not obtain convergence in non-linear solver");
180 }
182 // Evaluate system at given yₜ=yₜ₊₁=yₜ₋₁, and given shocks xₜ
183 void
evaluateSystem(Vector & out,const ConstVector & yy,const Vector & xx)184 Dynare::evaluateSystem(Vector &out, const ConstVector &yy, const Vector &xx)
185 {
186   ConstVector yym(yy, nstat(), nys());
187   ConstVector yyp(yy, nstat()+npred(), nyss());
188   evaluateSystem(out, yym, yy, yyp, xx);
189 }
191 /* Evaluate system at given y*ₜ₋₁, yₜ, y**ₜ₊₁ and at exogenous xₜ, all three
192    vectors yym, yy, and yyp have the respective lengths of y*ₜ₋₁, yₜ, y**ₜ₊₁ */
193 void
evaluateSystem(Vector & out,const ConstVector & yym,const ConstVector & yy,const ConstVector & yyp,const Vector & xx)194 Dynare::evaluateSystem(Vector &out, const ConstVector &yym, const ConstVector &yy,
195                        const ConstVector &yyp, const Vector &xx)
196 {
197   ogdyn::DynareAtomValues dav(model->getAtoms(), model->getParams(), yym, yy, yyp, xx);
198   DynareEvalLoader del(model->getAtoms(), out);
199   fe->eval(dav, del);
200 }
202 void
calcDerivatives(const Vector & yy,const Vector & xx)203 Dynare::calcDerivatives(const Vector &yy, const Vector &xx)
204 {
205   ConstVector yym(yy, nstat(), nys());
206   ConstVector yyp(yy, nstat()+npred(), nyss());
207   ogdyn::DynareAtomValues dav(model->getAtoms(), model->getParams(), yym, yy, yyp, xx);
208   DynareDerEvalLoader ddel(model->getAtoms(), md, model->getOrder());
209   for (int iord = 1; iord <= model->getOrder(); iord++)
210     fde->eval(dav, ddel, iord);
211 }
213 void
calcDerivativesAtSteady()214 Dynare::calcDerivativesAtSteady()
215 {
216   Vector xx(nexog());
217   xx.zeros();
218   calcDerivatives(*ysteady, xx);
219 }
221 void
writeModelInfo(Journal & jr) const222 Dynare::writeModelInfo(Journal &jr) const
223 {
224   // write info on variables
225   {
226     JournalRecordPair rp(journal);
227     rp << "Information on variables" << endrec;
228     JournalRecord rec1(journal);
229     rec1 << "Number of endogenous:            " << ny() << endrec;
230     JournalRecord rec2(journal);
231     rec2 << "Number of exogenous:             " << nexog() << endrec;
232     JournalRecord rec3(journal);
233     rec3 << "Number of static:                " << nstat() << endrec;
234     JournalRecord rec4(journal);
235     rec4 << "Number of predetermined:         " << npred()+nboth() << endrec;
236     JournalRecord rec5(journal);
237     rec5 << "Number of forward looking:       " << nforw()+nboth() << endrec;
238     JournalRecord rec6(journal);
239     rec6 << "Number of both:                  " << nboth() << endrec;
240   }
242   // write info on planner variables
243   const ogdyn::PlannerInfo *pinfo = model->get_planner_info();
244   if (pinfo)
245     {
246       JournalRecordPair rp(journal);
247       rp << "Information on planner variables" << endrec;
248       JournalRecord rec1(journal);
249       rec1 << "Number of Lagrange multipliers:  " << pinfo->num_lagrange_mults << endrec;
250       JournalRecord rec2(journal);
251       rec2 << "Number of auxiliary variables:   " << pinfo->num_aux_variables << endrec;
252       JournalRecord rec3(journal);
253       rec3 << "Number of new terms in the tree: " << pinfo->num_new_terms << endrec;
254     }
256   // write info on forward substitutions
257   const ogdyn::ForwSubstInfo *finfo = model->get_forw_subst_info();
258   if (finfo)
259     {
260       JournalRecordPair rp(journal);
261       rp << "Information on forward substitutions" << endrec;
262       JournalRecord rec1(journal);
263       rec1 << "Number of affected equations:    " << finfo->num_affected_equations << endrec;
264       JournalRecord rec2(journal);
265       rec2 << "Number of substituted terms:     " << finfo->num_subst_terms << endrec;
266       JournalRecord rec3(journal);
267       rec3 << "Number of auxiliary variables:   " << finfo->num_aux_variables << endrec;
268       JournalRecord rec4(journal);
269       rec4 << "Number of new terms in the tree: " << finfo->num_new_terms << endrec;
270     }
272   // write info on substitutions
273   const ogp::SubstInfo *sinfo = model->get_subst_info();
274   if (sinfo)
275     {
276       JournalRecordPair rp(journal);
277       rp << "Information on substitutions" << endrec;
278       JournalRecord rec1(journal);
279       rec1 << "Number of substitutions:         " << sinfo->num_substs << endrec;
280     }
281 }
DynareNameList(const Dynare & dynare)283 DynareNameList::DynareNameList(const Dynare &dynare)
284 {
285   for (int i = 0; i < dynare.ny(); i++)
286     {
287       int j = dynare.model->getAtoms().y2outer_endo()[i];
288       const std::string &name = dynare.model->getAtoms().get_endovars()[j];
289       names.push_back(name);
290     }
291 }
DynareStateNameList(const Dynare & dynare,const DynareNameList & dnl,const DynareExogNameList & denl)293 DynareStateNameList::DynareStateNameList(const Dynare &dynare, const DynareNameList &dnl,
294                                          const DynareExogNameList &denl)
295 {
296   for (int i = 0; i < dynare.nys(); i++)
297     names.push_back(dnl.getName(i+dynare.nstat()));
298   for (int i = 0; i < dynare.nexog(); i++)
299     names.push_back(denl.getName(i));
300 }
DynareExogNameList(const Dynare & dynare)302 DynareExogNameList::DynareExogNameList(const Dynare &dynare)
303 {
304   for (int i = 0; i < dynare.nexog(); i++)
305     {
306       int j = dynare.model->getAtoms().y2outer_exo()[i];
307       const std::string &name = dynare.model->getAtoms().get_exovars()[j];
308       names.push_back(name);
309     }
310 }
DynareEvalLoader(const ogp::FineAtoms & a,Vector & out)312 DynareEvalLoader::DynareEvalLoader(const ogp::FineAtoms &a, Vector &out)
313   : Vector(out)
314 {
315   if (a.ny() != out.length())
316     throw DynareException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Wrong length of out vector in DynareEvalLoader constructor");
317 }
319 /* This clears the container of model derivatives and initializes it inserting
320    empty sparse tensors up to the given order. */
DynareDerEvalLoader(const ogp::FineAtoms & a,TensorContainer<FSSparseTensor> & mod_ders,int order)321 DynareDerEvalLoader::DynareDerEvalLoader(const ogp::FineAtoms &a,
322                                          TensorContainer<FSSparseTensor> &mod_ders,
323                                          int order)
324   : atoms(a), md(mod_ders)
325 {
326   md.clear();
327   for (int iord = 1; iord <= order; iord++)
328     {
329       auto t = std::make_unique<FSSparseTensor>(iord, atoms.ny()+atoms.nys()+atoms.nyss()+atoms.nexo(), atoms.ny());
330       md.insert(std::move(t));
331     }
332 }
334 void
load(int i,int iord,const int * vars,double res)335 DynareDerEvalLoader::load(int i, int iord, const int *vars, double res)
336 {
337   FSSparseTensor &t = md.get(Symmetry{iord});
338   IntSequence s(iord, 0);
339   for (int j = 0; j < iord; j++)
340     s[j] = atoms.get_pos_of_all(vars[j]);
341   t.insert(s, i, res);
342 }
DynareJacobian(Dynare & dyn)344 DynareJacobian::DynareJacobian(Dynare &dyn)
345   : Jacobian(dyn.ny()), d(dyn)
346 {
347   zeros();
348 }
350 void
eval(const Vector & yy)351 DynareJacobian::eval(const Vector &yy)
352 {
353   ogdyn::DynareSteadyAtomValues
354     dav(d.getModel().getAtoms(), d.getModel().getParams(), yy);
355   zeros();
356   d.fde->eval(dav, *this, 1);
357 }
359 void
load(int i,int iord,const int * vars,double res)360 DynareJacobian::load(int i, int iord, const int *vars, double res)
361 {
362   if (iord != 1)
363     throw DynareException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
364                           "Derivative order different from order=1 in DynareJacobian::load");
366   int t = vars[0];
367   int j = d.getModel().getAtoms().get_pos_of_all(t);
368   if (j < d.nyss())
369     get(i, j+d.nstat()+d.npred()) += res;
370   else if (j < d.nyss()+d.ny())
371     get(i, j-d.nyss()) += res;
372   else if (j < d.nyss()+d.ny()+d.nys())
373     get(i, j-d.nyss()-d.ny()+d.nstat()) += res;
374 }
376 void
eval(const ConstVector & in,Vector & out)377 DynareVectorFunction::eval(const ConstVector &in, Vector &out)
378 {
379   check_for_eval(in, out);
380   Vector xx(d.nexog());
381   xx.zeros();
382   d.evaluateSystem(out, in, xx);
383 }