1 /* Ergo, version 3.8, a program for linear scaling electronic structure
2  * calculations.
3  * Copyright (C) 2019 Elias Rudberg, Emanuel H. Rubensson, Pawel Salek,
4  * and Anastasia Kruchinina.
5  *
6  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  *
19  * Primary academic reference:
20  * Ergo: An open-source program for linear-scaling electronic structure
21  * calculations,
22  * Elias Rudberg, Emanuel H. Rubensson, Pawel Salek, and Anastasia
23  * Kruchinina,
24  * SoftwareX 7, 107 (2018),
25  * <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2018.03.005>
26  *
27  * For further information about Ergo, see <http://www.ergoscf.org>.
28  */
30 /** @file boys_function_test.cc Tests the Boys function evaluation
31     accuracy. */
33 #include <stdio.h>
34 #include <unistd.h>
35 #include <memory>
36 #include <limits>
37 #include <vector>
39 #include "integral_info.h"
40 #include "matInclude.h"
41 #include "template_blas_common.h"
42 #include "config.h" // Needed to get the PRECISION_SINGLE macro
rand_0_to_1()44 static ergo_real rand_0_to_1() {
45   int randomint = rand();
46   ergo_real x = (ergo_real)randomint;
47   return x / RAND_MAX;
48 }
rand_1_to_10()50 static ergo_real rand_1_to_10() {
51   ergo_real rand_0_to_9 = rand_0_to_1() * 9;
52   ergo_real result = rand_0_to_9 + 1;
53   return result;
54 }
BoysFuncAccurate(int n,ergo_real x,const IntegralInfo & integralInfo)56 static ergo_real BoysFuncAccurate(int n, ergo_real x, const IntegralInfo & integralInfo) {
57   int noOfIntegrationIntervals = 40;
58   ergo_real machine_epsilon = mat::getMachineEpsilon<ergo_real>();
59   ergo_real diffLimit = template_blas_sqrt(template_blas_get_num_limit_min<ergo_real>());
60   ergo_real reldiffLimit = template_blas_pow(machine_epsilon, (ergo_real)0.75);
61   const int NMAX = 30;
62   ergo_real list[NMAX];
63   for(int i = 0; i < NMAX; i++) {
64     list[i] = integralInfo.BoysFunction_expensive(n, x, noOfIntegrationIntervals);
65     assert(list[i] >= 0);
66     if(i >= 2) {
67       // Check if difference between different results is small
68       ergo_real diff1 = template_blas_fabs(list[i-0]-list[i-1]);
69       ergo_real diff2 = template_blas_fabs(list[i-1]-list[i-2]);
70       if(diff1 < diffLimit && diff2 < diffLimit)
71 	return list[i];
72       ergo_real reldiff1 = diff1 / list[i];
73       ergo_real reldiff2 = diff2 / list[i];
74       if(reldiff1 < reldiffLimit && reldiff2 < reldiffLimit)
75 	return list[i];
76     }
77     noOfIntegrationIntervals *= 2;
78   }
79   printf("ERROR in BoysFuncAccurate(): failed to get accurate result.\n");
80   return 0;
81 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])83 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
84   IntegralInfo integralInfo(true);
85   integralInfo.init();
86   ergo_real machine_epsilon = mat::getMachineEpsilon<ergo_real>();
87   ergo_real num_limit_min = template_blas_get_num_limit_min<ergo_real>();
88   ergo_real min_value_for_meaningful_reldiff = template_blas_sqrt(num_limit_min);
89   printf("boys_function_test start, machine_epsilon = %g\n", (double)machine_epsilon);
90   // Different things to test: try different values of n and different values of x.
91   // Define constant POW_OF_10_LIMIT that determines the range of sizes of x-values that are tested.
93   const int POW_OF_10_LIMIT = 4;
94 #else
95   const int POW_OF_10_LIMIT = 10;
96 #endif
97   int saved_n = -1;
98   ergo_real saved_x = 0;
99   ergo_real saved_absdiff = 0;
100   ergo_real saved_value = 0;
101   ergo_real saved_refvalue = 0;
102   ergo_real maxreldiff = 0;
103   // Try all values of n from 0 up to BOYS_N_MAX-1
104   printf("Testing Boys function accuracy for 0 <= n <= %d\n", BOYS_N_MAX-1);
105   for(int n = 0; n < BOYS_N_MAX; n++) {
106     // Try different order of magnitude of x-values
107     for(int i = -POW_OF_10_LIMIT; i < POW_OF_10_LIMIT; i++) {
108       ergo_real x_base = template_blas_pow((ergo_real)10, (ergo_real)i);
109       const int nTests = 10;
110       for(int k = 0; k < nTests; k++) {
111 	// Get random x-value around x_base
112 	ergo_real x = x_base * rand_1_to_10();
113 	// Compare computed Boys func values for that x-value
114 	ergo_real boysFuncResultRef = BoysFuncAccurate(n, x, integralInfo);
115 	ergo_real boysFuncResult = integralInfo.BoysFunction(n, x);
116 	ergo_real absdiff = template_blas_fabs(boysFuncResult - boysFuncResultRef);
117 	ergo_real reldiff = 0;
118 	if(template_blas_fabs(boysFuncResultRef) > min_value_for_meaningful_reldiff)
119 	  reldiff = absdiff / template_blas_fabs(boysFuncResultRef);
120 	else {
121 	  // boysFuncResultRef is extremely small. In this case we just check that absdiff is extremely small also
122 	  if(absdiff > 2*min_value_for_meaningful_reldiff)
123 	    reldiff = 1;
124 	}
125 	if(reldiff > maxreldiff) {
126 	  maxreldiff = reldiff;
127 	  saved_n = n;
128 	  saved_x = x;
129 	  saved_absdiff = absdiff;
130 	  saved_refvalue = boysFuncResultRef;
131 	  saved_value = boysFuncResult;
132 	}
133       }
134     }
135   }
136   printf("maxreldiff = %g\n", (double)maxreldiff);
137   printf("saved_n = %d\n", saved_n);
138   printf("saved_x = %g\n", (double)saved_x);
139   printf("saved_absdiff = %g\n", (double)saved_absdiff);
140   printf("saved_refvalue = %g\n", (double)saved_refvalue);
141   printf("saved_value    = %g\n", (double)saved_value);
142   ergo_real tolerance = template_blas_pow(machine_epsilon, (ergo_real)0.75);
143   if(maxreldiff > tolerance) {
144     printf("Error in boys_function_test: (maxreldiff > tolerance). tolerance= %g\n", (double)tolerance);
145     return -1;
146   }
147   printf("boys_function_test finished OK (maxreldiff was below tolerance %g).\n", (double)tolerance);
148   return 0;
149 }