1 /* this sets up the vectors to call Fastcap's ComputePsi */
2 /* It will be called twice for each coordinate direction.  Once for real
3    and once for imaginary */
5 #include "induct.h"
7 /* Vs will contain the result,  Im is the 'q',  Size is the size of vectors. */
8 /* This will alter Im.  Im = Precond*Im */
SetupComputePsi(Vs,sys,Im,size,chglist,w,R,indsys)9 SetupComputePsi(Vs, sys, Im, size, chglist, w, R, indsys)
10 CX *Vs, *Im;
11 int size;
12 ssystem *sys;
13 charge *chglist;
14 double w;  /* radian frequency */
15 double *R;  /* resistance vector */
16 SYS *indsys;
17 {
18   extern double dirtime;
19   double *q, *p;
20   static CX *Ib = NULL, *Vb = NULL, *Vdirect = NULL, *ctemp;
21   int branches;
22   CX temp;
23   MELEMENT *mtemp;
24   charge *chg;
25   int i, j;
26   double rtemp;
27   MELEMENT **Mtrans, **Mlist;
28   double maxdiff,pdiff;
29   int maxindx;
30   int ind_opcnt_mult = 0, ind_opcnt_real = 0;
32   branches = indsys->num_fils;
33   Mtrans = indsys->Mtrans;
34   Mlist = indsys->Mlist;
36   if (Ib == NULL) {
37     Ib = (CX *)MattAlloc(branches, sizeof(CX));
38     Vb = (CX *)MattAlloc(branches, sizeof(CX));
39     ctemp = (CX *)MattAlloc(size, sizeof(CX));
40 #ifndef NODEBUG
41     Vdirect = (CX *)MattAlloc(branches, sizeof(CX));
42 #endif
43   }
45   for(i = 0; i < branches; i++)
46     Vb[i] = CXZERO;
48   q = sys->q;
49   p = sys->p;
50   ASSERT(size == indsys->num_mesh);
52   if (indsys->precond_type == LOC) {
53     multPrecond(indsys->Precond, Im, ctemp, size);
54     for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
55       Im[i] = ctemp[i];
56   }
57   else if (indsys->precond_type == SPARSE)
58     spSolve(indsys->sparMatrix, Im, Im);
60   /* do  Ib = Mtrans*Im */
61   for(i = 0; i < branches; i++) {
62     Ib[i] = CXZERO;
63     for(mtemp = Mtrans[i]; mtemp != NULL; mtemp = mtemp->mnext) {
64       if (mtemp->sign == 1)
65 	cx_add(Ib[i], Ib[i], Im[mtemp->filindex]);
66       else
67 	cx_sub(Ib[i], Ib[i], Im[mtemp->filindex]);
68     }
69   }
71   /* Evaluate M*L*Mt*Im = M*L*Ib using the multipole algorithm */
73   /* Do all of the non-direct parts first */
74   sys->DirectEval = FALSE;
75   for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {  /* for each of the coordinate directions */
77     /* do the real part */
78     for(chg = chglist; chg != NULL; chg = chg->next) {
79       /* fill the pseudo-charge vector */
80       q[chg->index] = Ib[chg->fil->filnumber].real*chg->fil->lenvect[i];
81 #if OPCNT == ON
82       ind_opcnt_mult++;
83 #endif
85     }
86     computePsi(sys, q, p, branches, chglist);
87     for(chg = chglist; chg != NULL; chg = chg->next) {
88       /* add potential due to i direction */
89       Vb[chg->fil->filnumber].real += p[chg->index]*chg->fil->lenvect[i]*MUOVER4PI;
90 #if OPCNT == ON
91       ind_opcnt_mult++;
92 #endif
93     }
95     /* do the imaginary part */
96     for(chg = chglist; chg != NULL; chg = chg->next) {
97       /* fill the pseudo-charge vector */
98       q[chg->index] = Ib[chg->fil->filnumber].imag*chg->fil->lenvect[i];
99 #if OPCNT == ON
100       ind_opcnt_mult++;
101 #endif
102     }
103     computePsi(sys, q, p, branches, chglist);
104     for(chg = chglist; chg != NULL; chg = chg->next) {
105       /* add potential due to i direction */
106       Vb[chg->fil->filnumber].imag += p[chg->index]*chg->fil->lenvect[i]*MUOVER4PI;
107 #if OPCNT == ON
108       ind_opcnt_mult++;
109 #endif
110     }
112   }
114   /* do the direct parts */
115   sys->DirectEval = TRUE;
117   /* do the real part of the Direct part */
118   for(i = 1; i <= branches; i++)
119     p[i] = 0;
120   for(chg = chglist; chg != NULL; chg = chg->next)
121     /* fill the pseudo-charge vector */
122     q[chg->index] = Ib[chg->fil->filnumber].real;
124   /* starttimer; */
125   mulDirect(sys);
126   mulEval(sys);
127   /* stoptimer; */
128   dirtime += dtime;
130   for(chg = chglist; chg != NULL; chg = chg->next) {
131     /* add potential due to i direction */
132     Vb[chg->fil->filnumber].real += p[chg->index];
133   }
135   /* do the imaginary part of the Direct part */
136   for(i = 1; i <= branches; i++)
137     p[i] = 0;
138   for(chg = chglist; chg != NULL; chg = chg->next)
139     /* fill the pseudo-charge vector */
140     q[chg->index] = Ib[chg->fil->filnumber].imag;
142   /* starttimer; */
143   mulDirect(sys);
144   mulEval(sys);
145   /* stoptimer; */
146   dirtime += dtime;
148   for(chg = chglist; chg != NULL; chg = chg->next) {
149     /* add potential due to i direction */
150     Vb[chg->fil->filnumber].imag += p[chg->index];
151   }
153   /* do Vs = M*Vb*jw */
154   for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
155     Vs[i] = CXZERO;
156     for(mtemp = Mlist[i]; mtemp != NULL; mtemp = mtemp->mnext)
157       if (mtemp->sign == 1)
158 	cx_add(Vs[i], Vs[i], Vb[mtemp->filindex]);
159       else
160 	cx_sub(Vs[i], Vs[i], Vb[mtemp->filindex]);
162     /* multiply by jw */
163     rtemp = -Vs[i].imag*w;
164     Vs[i].imag = Vs[i].real*w;
165     Vs[i].real = rtemp;
166   }
168   /* add in M*R*Mt*Im = M*R*Ib */
169   for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
170     for(mtemp = Mlist[i]; mtemp != NULL; mtemp = mtemp->mnext) {
171      cx_scalar_mult(temp, mtemp->sign*R[mtemp->filindex], Ib[mtemp->filindex]);
172      cx_add(Vs[i], Vs[i], temp);
173 #if OPCNT == ON
174       ind_opcnt_mult+=2;
175       ind_opcnt_real+=2;
176 #endif
177     }
178   }
180 #if OPCNT == ON
181   printf("Inductance (mesh to branch) mults: %d\n",ind_opcnt_mult);
182   printf("Just doing MRMtIm: %d\n",ind_opcnt_real);
183    printops();
184   exit(0);
185 #endif
187 #ifdef NODEBUG
188   /* for debugging, compare to direct Vb = ZM Ib */
189   realmatCXvec(Vdirect, indsys->Z, Ib, branches);
190   maxdiff = 0;
191   maxindx = 0;
192   for(i = 0; i < branches; i++) {
193     if (cx_abs(Vb[i]) > 1e-23) {
194       cx_sub(temp, Vdirect[i], Vb[i]);
195       pdiff = cx_abs(temp )/cx_abs(Vb[i]) ;
196     }
197     else
198       pdiff = cx_abs(Vb[i]);
200     if (pdiff > maxdiff) {
201       maxdiff = pdiff;
202       maxindx = i;
203     }
204   }
205   if (maxdiff < .3)
206     printf("maxdiff: %g  Vb[%d]=%g  Vdirect[%d]=%g\n",
207 	   maxdiff,maxindx,cx_abs(Vb[maxindx]),maxindx,cx_abs(Vdirect[maxindx]));
208   else
209     printf("***maxdiff: %g  Vb[%d]=%g  Vdirect[%d]=%g***\n",
210 	   maxdiff,maxindx,cx_abs(Vb[maxindx]),maxindx,cx_abs(Vdirect[maxindx]));
213 #endif
214 }
realmatCXvec(y,A,x,size)216 realmatCXvec(y, A, x, size)
217 CX *y, *x;
218 double **A;
219 int size;
220 {
221   int i, j;
222   CX temp;
224   for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
225     y[i] = CXZERO;
226     for(j = 0; j < size; j++) {
227       cx_scalar_mult(temp, A[i][j], x[j]);
228       cx_add(y[i], y[i], temp);
229     }
230   }
231 }
233 /* this function fixes Eval matrices which are computed directly */
234 /* This is necessary since direct mutual terms are not componentwise,
235    but the multipole routines are called once for each component direction.
236    Basically, componentwise multiplication will cause the elements
237    to be multiplied by the dot product of the fil->lenvect vectors of
238    the two filaments.  This will divide that product out.  Also, MUOVER4PI
239    must also be divided out
240 */
fixEvalDirect(qchgs,numqchgs,is_dummy,pchgs,numpchgs,mat)242 fixEvalDirect(qchgs, numqchgs, is_dummy, pchgs, numpchgs, mat)
243 charge **qchgs, **pchgs;
244 int numqchgs, numpchgs;
245 int *is_dummy;
246 double **mat;
247 {
248   int i,j, k;
249   double dotprod, magi, magj;
250   double *lenvecti, *lenvectj;
251   static double eps = EPS;
253   for(i = 0; i < numpchgs; i++) {
254     lenvecti = pchgs[i]->fil->lenvect;
255     magi = 0;
256     for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
257       magi += lenvecti[k]*lenvecti[k];
258     for(j = 0; j < numqchgs; j++) {
259       lenvectj = qchgs[j]->fil->lenvect;
260       magj = dotprod = 0;
261       for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
262 	magj += lenvectj[k]*lenvectj[k];
263 	dotprod += lenvecti[k]*lenvectj[k];
264       }
265       if (fabs(dotprod)/sqrt(magi*magj) > EPS) /* filaments aren't perpendicular */
266 	mat[i][j] = mat[i][j]/(dotprod*MUOVER4PI);
267       else { /* if they are, mat[i][j] == 0.0, hopefully */
268 	if (mat[i][j] != 0.0)
269 	  printf("Warning: dot product = %lg < EPS, but mat[i][j] = %lg\n",dotprod, mat[i][j]);
270       }
271     }
272   }
273 }