1 /*
2  *  This file is part of Healpix_cxx.
3  *
4  *  Healpix_cxx is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  *  (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  *  Healpix_cxx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  *  along with Healpix_cxx; if not, write to the Free Software
16  *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
17  *
18  *  For more information about HEALPix, see http://healpix.sourceforge.net
19  */
21 /*
22  *  Healpix_cxx is being developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik
23  *  and financially supported by the Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt
24  *  (DLR).
25  */
27 /*! \file healpix_base.h
28  *  Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Max-Planck-Society
29  *  \author Martin Reinecke
30  */
32 #ifndef HEALPIX_BASE_H
33 #define HEALPIX_BASE_H
35 #include <vector>
36 #include "healpix_tables.h"
37 #include "pointing.h"
38 #include "arr.h"
39 #include "rangeset.h"
41 template<typename I> struct Orderhelper__ {};
42 template<> struct Orderhelper__<int> {enum{omax=13};};
43 template<> struct Orderhelper__<int64> {enum{omax=29};};
45 /*! Functionality related to the HEALPix pixelisation. */
46 template<typename I> class T_Healpix_Base: public Healpix_Tables
47   {
48   protected:
49     /*! The order of the map; -1 for nonhierarchical map. */
50     int order_;
51     /*! The N_side parameter of the map; 0 if not allocated. */
52     I nside_;
53     I npface_, ncap_, npix_;
54     double fact1_, fact2_;
55     /*! The map's ordering scheme. */
56     Healpix_Ordering_Scheme scheme_;
58     /*! Returns the number of the next ring to the north of \a z=cos(theta).
59         It may return 0; in this case \a z lies north of all rings. */
60     inline I ring_above (double z) const;
61     void in_ring (I iz, double phi0, double dphi, rangeset<I> &pixset) const;
63     template<typename I2> void query_multidisc (const arr<vec3> &norm,
64       const arr<double> &rad, int fact, rangeset<I2> &pixset) const;
66     void query_multidisc_general (const arr<vec3> &norm, const arr<double> &rad,
67       bool inclusive, const std::vector<int> &cmds, rangeset<I> &pixset) const;
69     void query_strip_internal (double theta1, double theta2, bool inclusive,
70       rangeset<I> &pixset) const;
72     inline I spread_bits (int v) const;
73     inline int compress_bits (I v) const;
75     I xyf2nest(int ix, int iy, int face_num) const;
76     void nest2xyf(I pix, int &ix, int &iy, int &face_num) const;
77     I xyf2ring(int ix, int iy, int face_num) const;
78     void ring2xyf(I pix, int &ix, int &iy, int &face_num) const;
80     I loc2pix (double z, double phi, double sth, bool have_sth) const;
81     void pix2loc (I pix, double &z, double &phi, double &sth, bool &have_sth)
82       const;
84     void xyf2loc(double x, double y, int face, double &z, double &ph,
85       double &sth, bool &have_sth) const;
87     I nest_peano_helper (I pix, int dir) const;
89     typedef I (T_Healpix_Base::*swapfunc)(I pix) const;
91   public:
92     enum {order_max=Orderhelper__<I>::omax};
94     /*! Calculates the map order from its \a N_side parameter.
95         Returns -1 if \a nside is not a power of 2.
96         \param nside the \a N_side parameter */
97     static int nside2order (I nside);
98     /*! Calculates the \a N_side parameter from the number of pixels.
99         \param npix the number of pixels */
100     static I npix2nside (I npix);
101     /*! Constructs an unallocated object. */
102     T_Healpix_Base ();
103     /*! Constructs an object with a given \a order and the ordering
104         scheme \a scheme. */
105     T_Healpix_Base (int order, Healpix_Ordering_Scheme scheme)
106       { Set (order, scheme); }
107     /*! Constructs an object with a given \a nside and the ordering
108         scheme \a scheme. The \a nside_dummy parameter must be set to
109         SET_NSIDE. */
110     T_Healpix_Base (I nside, Healpix_Ordering_Scheme scheme, const nside_dummy)
111       { SetNside (nside, scheme); }
113     /*! Adjusts the object to \a order and \a scheme. */
114     void Set (int order, Healpix_Ordering_Scheme scheme);
115     /*! Adjusts the object to \a nside and \a scheme. */
116     void SetNside (I nside, Healpix_Ordering_Scheme scheme);
118     /*! Returns the z-coordinate of the ring \a ring. This also works
119         for the (not really existing) rings 0 and 4*nside. */
120     double ring2z (I ring) const;
121     /*! Returns the number of the ring in which \a pix lies. */
122     I pix2ring (I pix) const;
124     I xyf2pix(int ix, int iy, int face_num) const
125       {
126       return (scheme_==RING) ?
127         xyf2ring(ix,iy,face_num) : xyf2nest(ix,iy,face_num);
128       }
129     void pix2xyf(I pix, int &ix, int &iy, int &face_num) const
130       {
131       (scheme_==RING) ?
132         ring2xyf(pix,ix,iy,face_num) : nest2xyf(pix,ix,iy,face_num);
133       }
135     /*! Translates a pixel number from NEST to RING. */
136     I nest2ring (I pix) const;
137     /*! Translates a pixel number from RING to NEST. */
138     I ring2nest (I pix) const;
139     /*! Translates a pixel number from NEST to its Peano index. */
140     I nest2peano (I pix) const;
141     /*! Translates a pixel number from its Peano index to NEST. */
142     I peano2nest (I pix) const;
144     /*! Returns the number of the pixel which contains the angular coordinates
145         (\a z:=cos(theta), \a phi).
146         \note This method is inaccurate near the poles at high resolutions. */
147     I zphi2pix (double z, double phi) const
148       { return loc2pix(z,phi,0.,false); }
150     /*! Returns the number of the pixel which contains the angular coordinates
151         \a ang. */
152     I ang2pix (const pointing &ang) const
153       {
154       const double pi_=3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197;
155       planck_assert((ang.theta>=0)&&(ang.theta<=pi_),"invalid theta value");
156       return ((ang.theta<0.01) || (ang.theta > 3.14159-0.01)) ?
157         loc2pix(cos(ang.theta),ang.phi,sin(ang.theta),true) :
158         loc2pix(cos(ang.theta),ang.phi,0.,false);
159       }
160     /*! Returns the number of the pixel which contains the vector \a vec
161         (\a vec is normalized if necessary). */
162     I vec2pix (const vec3 &vec) const
163       {
164       double xl = 1./vec.Length();
165       double phi = safe_atan2(vec.y,vec.x);
166       double nz = vec.z*xl;
167       if (std::abs(nz)>0.99)
168         return loc2pix (nz,phi,sqrt(vec.x*vec.x+vec.y*vec.y)*xl,true);
169       else
170         return loc2pix (nz,phi,0,false);
171       }
173     /*! Returns the angular coordinates (\a z:=cos(theta), \a phi) of the center
174         of the pixel with number \a pix.
175         \note This method is inaccurate near the poles at high resolutions. */
176     void pix2zphi (I pix, double &z, double &phi) const
177       {
178       bool dum_b;
179       double dum_d;
180       pix2loc(pix,z,phi,dum_d,dum_b);
181       }
183     /*! Returns the angular coordinates of the center of the pixel with
184         number \a pix. */
185     pointing pix2ang (I pix) const
186       {
187       double z, phi, sth;
188       bool have_sth;
189       pix2loc (pix,z,phi,sth,have_sth);
190       return have_sth ? pointing(atan2(sth,z),phi) : pointing(acos(z),phi);
191       }
192     /*! Returns the vector to the center of the pixel with number \a pix. */
193     vec3 pix2vec (I pix) const
194       {
195       double z, phi, sth;
196       bool have_sth;
197       pix2loc (pix,z,phi,sth,have_sth);
198       if (have_sth)
199         return vec3(sth*cos(phi),sth*sin(phi),z);
200       else
201         {
202         vec3 res;
203         res.set_z_phi (z, phi);
204         return res;
205         }
206       }
207     /*! Returns the pixel number for this T_Healpix_Base corresponding to the
208         pixel number \a pix in \a b.
209         \note \a b.Nside()\%Nside() must be 0. */
210     I pixel_import (I pix, const T_Healpix_Base &b) const
211       {
212       I ratio = b.nside_/nside_;
213       planck_assert(nside_*ratio==b.nside_,"bad nside ratio");
214       int x, y, f;
215       b.pix2xyf(pix, x, y, f);
216       x/=ratio; y/=ratio;
217       return xyf2pix(x, y, f);
218       }
220     template<typename I2> void query_disc_internal (pointing ptg, double radius,
221       int fact, rangeset<I2> &pixset) const;
223     /*! Returns the range set of all pixels whose centers lie within the disk
224         defined by \a dir and \a radius.
225         \param dir the angular coordinates of the disk center
226         \param radius the radius (in radians) of the disk
227         \param pixset a \a rangeset object containing the indices of all pixels
228            whose centers lie inside the disk
229         \note This method is more efficient in the RING scheme. */
230     void query_disc (pointing ptg, double radius, rangeset<I> &pixset) const;
231     /*! Returns the range set of all pixels whose centers lie within the disk
232         defined by \a dir and \a radius.
233         \param dir the angular coordinates of the disk center
234         \param radius the radius (in radians) of the disk
235         \note This method is more efficient in the RING scheme. */
236     rangeset<I> query_disc (pointing ptg, double radius) const
237       {
238       rangeset<I> res;
239       query_disc(ptg, radius, res);
240       return res;
241       }
242     /*! Returns the range set of all pixels which overlap with the disk
243         defined by \a dir and \a radius.
244         \param dir the angular coordinates of the disk center
245         \param radius the radius (in radians) of the disk
246         \param pixset a \a rangeset object containing the indices of all pixels
247            overlapping with the disk.
248         \param fact The overlapping test will be done at the resolution
249            \a fact*nside. For NESTED ordering, \a fact must be a power of 2,
250            else it can be any positive integer. A typical choice would be 4.
251         \note This method may return some pixels which don't overlap with
252            the disk at all. The higher \a fact is chosen, the fewer false
253            positives are returned, at the cost of increased run time.
254         \note This method is more efficient in the RING scheme. */
255     void query_disc_inclusive (pointing ptg, double radius, rangeset<I> &pixset,
256       int fact=1) const;
257     /*! Returns the range set of all pixels which overlap with the disk
258         defined by \a dir and \a radius.
259         \param dir the angular coordinates of the disk center
260         \param radius the radius (in radians) of the disk
261         \param fact The overlapping test will be done at the resolution
262            \a fact*nside. For NESTED ordering, \a fact must be a power of 2,
263            else it can be any positive integer. A typical choice would be 4.
264         \note This method may return some pixels which don't overlap with
265            the disk at all. The higher \a fact is chosen, the fewer false
266            positives are returned, at the cost of increased run time.
267         \note This method is more efficient in the RING scheme. */
268     rangeset<I> query_disc_inclusive (pointing ptg, double radius,
269       int fact=1) const
270       {
271       rangeset<I> res;
272       query_disc_inclusive(ptg, radius, res, fact);
273       return res;
274       }
276     /*! \deprecated Please use the version based on \a rangeset */
277     void query_disc (const pointing &dir, double radius,
278       std::vector<I> &listpix) const
279       {
280       rangeset<I> pixset;
281       query_disc(dir,radius,pixset);
282       pixset.toVector(listpix);
283       }
284     /*! \deprecated Please use the version based on \a rangeset */
285     void query_disc_inclusive (const pointing &dir, double radius,
286       std::vector<I> &listpix, int fact=1) const
287       {
288       rangeset<I> pixset;
289       query_disc_inclusive(dir,radius,pixset,fact);
290       pixset.toVector(listpix);
291       }
293     template<typename I2> void query_polygon_internal
294       (const std::vector<pointing> &vertex, int fact,
295       rangeset<I2> &pixset) const;
297     /*! Returns a range set of pixels whose centers lie within the convex
298         polygon defined by the \a vertex array.
299         \param vertex array containing the vertices of the polygon.
300         \param pixset a \a rangeset object containing the indices of all pixels
301            whose centers lie inside the polygon
302         \note This method is more efficient in the RING scheme. */
303     void query_polygon (const std::vector<pointing> &vertex,
304       rangeset<I> &pixset) const;
305     /*! Returns a range set of pixels whose centers lie within the convex
306         polygon defined by the \a vertex array.
307         \param vertex array containing the vertices of the polygon.
308         \note This method is more efficient in the RING scheme. */
309     rangeset<I> query_polygon (const std::vector<pointing> &vertex) const
310       {
311       rangeset<I> res;
312       query_polygon(vertex, res);
313       return res;
314       }
316     /*! Returns a range set of pixels which overlap with the convex
317         polygon defined by the \a vertex array.
318         \param vertex array containing the vertices of the polygon.
319         \param pixset a \a rangeset object containing the indices of all pixels
320            overlapping with the polygon.
321         \param fact The overlapping test will be done at the resolution
322            \a fact*nside. For NESTED ordering, \a fact must be a power of 2,
323            else it can be any positive integer. A typical choice would be 4.
324         \note This method may return some pixels which don't overlap with
325            the polygon at all. The higher \a fact is chosen, the fewer false
326            positives are returned, at the cost of increased run time.
327         \note This method is more efficient in the RING scheme. */
328     void query_polygon_inclusive (const std::vector<pointing> &vertex,
329       rangeset<I> &pixset, int fact=1) const;
330     /*! Returns a range set of pixels which overlap with the convex
331         polygon defined by the \a vertex array.
332         \param vertex array containing the vertices of the polygon.
333         \param fact The overlapping test will be done at the resolution
334            \a fact*nside. For NESTED ordering, \a fact must be a power of 2,
335            else it can be any positive integer. A typical choice would be 4.
336         \note This method may return some pixels which don't overlap with
337            the polygon at all. The higher \a fact is chosen, the fewer false
338            positives are returned, at the cost of increased run time.
339         \note This method is more efficient in the RING scheme. */
340     rangeset<I> query_polygon_inclusive (const std::vector<pointing> &vertex,
341       int fact=1) const
342       {
343       rangeset<I> res;
344       query_polygon_inclusive(vertex, res, fact);
345       return res;
346       }
348     /*! Returns a range set of pixels whose centers lie within the colatitude
349         range defined by \a theta1 and \a theta2 (if \a inclusive==false), or
350         which overlap with this region (if \a inclusive==true). If
351         \a theta1<theta2, the region between both angles is considered,
352         otherwise the regions \a 0<theta<theta2 and \a theta1<theta<pi.
353         \param theta1 first colatitude
354         \param theta2 second colatitude
355         \param inclusive if \a false, return the exact set of pixels whose
356            pixels centers lie within the region; if \a true, return all pixels
357            that overlap with the region. */
358     void query_strip (double theta1, double theta2, bool inclusive,
359       rangeset<I> &pixset) const;
360     /*! Returns a range set of pixels whose centers lie within the colatitude
361         range defined by \a theta1 and \a theta2 (if \a inclusive==false), or
362         which overlap with this region (if \a inclusive==true). If
363         \a theta1<theta2, the region between both angles is considered,
364         otherwise the regions \a 0<theta<theta2 and \a theta1<theta<pi.
365         \param theta1 first colatitude
366         \param theta2 second colatitude
367         \param inclusive if \a false, return the exact set of pixels whose
368            pixels centers lie within the region; if \a true, return all pixels
369            that overlap with the region. */
370     rangeset<I> query_strip (double theta1, double theta2, bool inclusive) const
371       {
372       rangeset<I> res;
373       query_strip(theta1, theta2, inclusive, res);
374       return res;
375       }
377     /*! Returns useful information about a given ring of the map.
378         \param ring the ring number (the number of the first ring is 1)
379         \param startpix the number of the first pixel in the ring
380                (NOTE: this is always given in the RING numbering scheme!)
381         \param ringpix the number of pixels in the ring
382         \param costheta the cosine of the colatitude of the ring
383         \param sintheta the sine of the colatitude of the ring
384         \param shifted if \a true, the center of the first pixel is not at
385                \a phi=0 */
386     void get_ring_info (I ring, I &startpix, I &ringpix,
387       double &costheta, double &sintheta, bool &shifted) const;
388     /*! Returns useful information about a given ring of the map.
389         \param ring the ring number (the number of the first ring is 1)
390         \param startpix the number of the first pixel in the ring
391                (NOTE: this is always given in the RING numbering scheme!)
392         \param ringpix the number of pixels in the ring
393         \param theta the colatitude (in radians) of the ring
394         \param shifted if \a true, the center of the first pixel is not at
395                \a phi=0 */
396     void get_ring_info2 (I ring, I &startpix, I &ringpix,
397       double &theta, bool &shifted) const;
398     /*! Returns useful information about a given ring of the map.
399         \param ring the ring number (the number of the first ring is 1)
400         \param startpix the number of the first pixel in the ring
401                (NOTE: this is always given in the RING numbering scheme!)
402         \param ringpix the number of pixels in the ring
403         \param shifted if \a true, the center of the first pixel is not at
404                \a phi=0 */
405     void get_ring_info_small (I ring, I &startpix, I &ringpix,
406         bool &shifted) const;
407     /*! Returns the neighboring pixels of \a pix in \a result.
408         On exit, \a result contains (in this order)
409         the pixel numbers of the SW, W, NW, N, NE, E, SE and S neighbor
410         of \a pix. If a neighbor does not exist (this can only be the case
411         for the W, N, E and S neighbors), its entry is set to -1.
413         \note This method works in both RING and NEST schemes, but is
414           considerably faster in the NEST scheme. */
415     void neighbors (I pix, fix_arr<I,8> &result) const;
416     /*! Returns interpolation information for the direction \a ptg.
417         The surrounding pixels are returned in \a pix, their corresponding
418         weights in \a wgt.
419         \note This method works in both RING and NEST schemes, but is
420           considerably faster in the RING scheme. */
421     void get_interpol (const pointing &ptg, fix_arr<I,4> &pix,
422                        fix_arr<double,4> &wgt) const;
424     /*! Returns the order parameter of the object. */
425     int Order() const { return order_; }
426     /*! Returns the \a N_side parameter of the object. */
427     I Nside() const { return nside_; }
428     /*! Returns the number of pixels of the object. */
429     I Npix() const { return npix_; }
430     /*! Returns the ordering scheme of the object. */
431     Healpix_Ordering_Scheme Scheme() const { return scheme_; }
433     /*! Returns \a true, if both objects have the same nside and scheme,
434         else \a false. */
435     bool conformable (const T_Healpix_Base &other) const
436       { return ((nside_==other.nside_) && (scheme_==other.scheme_)); }
438     /*! Swaps the contents of two Healpix_Base objects. */
439     void swap (T_Healpix_Base &other);
441     /*! Returns the maximum angular distance (in radian) between any pixel
442         center and its corners. */
443     double max_pixrad() const;
445     /*! Returns the maximum angular distance (in radian) between any pixel
446         center and its corners in a given ring. */
447     double max_pixrad(I ring) const;
449     /*! Returns a set of points along the boundary of the given pixel.
450         \a step=1 gives 4 points on the corners. The first point corresponds
451         to the northernmost corner, the subsequent points follow the pixel
452         boundary through west, south and east corners.
453         \param pix pixel index number
454         \param step the number of returned points is 4*step. */
455     void boundaries (I pix, tsize step, std::vector<vec3> &out) const;
457     arr<int> swap_cycles() const;
458   };
460 /*! T_Healpix_Base for Nside up to 2^13. */
461 typedef T_Healpix_Base<int> Healpix_Base;
462 /*! T_Healpix_Base for Nside up to 2^29. */
463 typedef T_Healpix_Base<int64> Healpix_Base2;
465 #endif