1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 Copyright 2011 Ravishankar Sundararaman
4 This file is part of JDFTx.
6 JDFTx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 JDFTx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with JDFTx.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 #include <commands/command.h>
21 #include <electronic/Everything.h>
22 #include <electronic/ColumnBundle.h>
23 #include <electronic/Polarizability.h>
24 #include <electronic/ElectronScattering.h>
25 #include <electronic/Vibrations.h>
26 #include <electronic/Dump_internal.h>
27 #include <electronic/DumpBGW_internal.h>
28 #include <core/Units.h>
30 struct CommandDumpOnly : public Command
31 {
CommandDumpOnlyCommandDumpOnly32 	CommandDumpOnly() : Command("dump-only", "jdftx/Output")
33 	{
35 			"Bypass all minimization, perform a single energy evaluation at\n"
36 			"the initial state, and process dump commands at the end state.\n"
37 			"Useful for post-processing a converged calculation.";
39 		forbid("fix-electron-potential");
40 		forbid("fix-electron-density");
41 	}
processCommandDumpOnly43 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
44 	{	e.cntrl.dumpOnly = true;
45 	}
printStatusCommandDumpOnly47 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
48 	{
49 	}
50 }
51 commandDumpOnly;
53 //Variables allowed at dump frequency Init
54 EnumStringMap<DumpVariable> varInitMap
55 (	DumpNone, "None",
56 	DumpIonicPositions, "IonicPositions",
57 	DumpLattice, "Lattice",
58 	DumpCoreDensity, "CoreDensity",
59 	DumpVlocps, "Vlocps",
60 	DumpSymmetries, "Symmetries",
61 	DumpKpoints, "Kpoints",
62 	DumpGvectors, "Gvectors"
63 );
65 EnumStringMap<DumpFrequency> freqMap
66 (	DumpFreq_End, "End",
67 	DumpFreq_Init, "Init",
68 	DumpFreq_Ionic, "Ionic",
69 	DumpFreq_Gummel, "Gummel",
70 	DumpFreq_Fluid, "Fluid",
71 	DumpFreq_Electronic, "Electronic"
72 );
73 EnumStringMap<DumpFrequency> freqDescMap
74 (	DumpFreq_End, "Dump specified vars at the end of the calculation",
75 	DumpFreq_Init, "Dump specified vars from " + varInitMap.optionList() + " after initialization (even in dry run)",
76 	DumpFreq_Ionic, "Dump specified vars every (few) ionic / lattice step(s)",
77 	DumpFreq_Gummel, "Dump specified vars every (few) fluid+electron minimize of the gummel loop",
78 	DumpFreq_Fluid, "Dump specified vars every (few) fluid step(s)",
79 	DumpFreq_Electronic, "Dump specified vars every (few) electronic step(s)"
80 );
83 EnumStringMap<DumpVariable> varMap
84 (	DumpNone, "None",
85 	DumpState, "State",
86 	DumpIonicPositions, "IonicPositions",
87 	DumpForces, "Forces",
88 	DumpLattice, "Lattice",
89 	DumpIonicDensity, "IonicDensity",
90 	DumpElecDensity, "ElecDensity",
91 	DumpElecDensityAccum, "ElecDensityAccum",
92 	DumpCoreDensity, "CoreDensity",
93 	DumpKEdensity, "KEdensity",
94 	DumpFluidDensity, "FluidDensity",
95 	DumpDvac, "Dvac",
96 	DumpDfluid, "Dfluid",
97 	DumpDtot, "Dtot",
98 	DumpVcavity, "Vcavity",
99 	DumpVfluidTot, "VfluidTot",
100 	DumpVlocps, "Vlocps",
101 	DumpVscloc, "Vscloc",
102 	DumpBandEigs, "BandEigs",
103 	DumpBandProjections, "BandProjections",
104 	DumpEigStats, "EigStats",
105 	DumpFillings, "Fillings",
106 	DumpRhoAtom, "RhoAtom",
107 	DumpBandUnfold, "BandUnfold",
108 	DumpEcomponents, "Ecomponents",
109 	DumpExcCompare, "ExcCompare",
110 	DumpBoundCharge, "BoundCharge",
111 	DumpSolvationRadii, "SolvationRadii",
112 	DumpQMC, "QMC",
113 	DumpOcean, "Ocean",
114 	DumpBGW, "BGW",
115 	DumpRealSpaceWfns, "RealSpaceWfns",
116 	DumpFluidDebug, "FluidDebug",
117 	DumpSlabEpsilon, "SlabEpsilon",
118 	DumpBulkEpsilon, "BulkEpsilon",
119 	DumpChargedDefect, "ChargedDefect",
120 	DumpDOS, "DOS",
121 	DumpSIC, "SelfInteractionCorrection",
122 	DumpDipole, "Dipole",
123 	DumpStress, "Stress",
124 	DumpExcitations, "Excitations",
125 	DumpFCI, "FCI",
126 	DumpSpin, "Spin",
127 	DumpMomenta, "Momenta",
128 	DumpVelocities, "Velocities",
129 	DumpFermiVelocity, "FermiVelocity",
130 	DumpSymmetries, "Symmetries",
131 	DumpKpoints, "Kpoints",
132 	DumpGvectors, "Gvectors",
133 	DumpOrbitalDep, "OrbitalDep",
134 	DumpXCanalysis, "XCanalysis",
135 	DumpEresolvedDensity, "EresolvedDensity",
136 	DumpFermiDensity, "FermiDensity"
137 );
138 EnumStringMap<DumpVariable> varDescMap
139 (	DumpNone,           "Dump nothing",
140 	DumpState,          "All variables needed to restart calculation: wavefunction and fluid state/fillings if any",
141 	DumpIonicPositions, "Ionic positions in the same format (and coordinate system) as the input file",
142 	DumpForces,         "Forces on the ions in the coordinate system selected by command forces-output-coords",
143 	DumpLattice,        "Lattice vectors in the same format as the input file",
144 	DumpIonicDensity,   "Nuclear charge density (with gaussians)",
145 	DumpElecDensity,    "Electronic densities (n or nup,ndn)",
146 	DumpElecDensityAccum, "Electronic densities (n or nup,ndn) accumulated over MD trajectory",
147 	DumpCoreDensity,    "Total core electron density (from partial core corrections)",
148 	DumpKEdensity,      "Kinetic energy density of the valence electrons",
149 	DumpFluidDensity,   "Fluid densities (NO,NH,nWater for explicit fluids, cavity function for PCMs)",
150 	DumpDvac,           "Electrostatic potential due to explicit system alone",
151 	DumpDfluid,         "Electrostatic potential due to fluid alone",
152 	DumpDtot,           "Total electrostatic potential",
153 	DumpVcavity,        "Fluid cavitation potential on the electron density that determines the cavity",
154 	DumpVfluidTot,      "Total contribution of fluid to the electron potential",
155 	DumpVlocps,         "Local part of pseudopotentials",
156 	DumpVscloc,         "Self-consistent potential",
157 	DumpBandEigs,       "Band Eigenvalues",
158 	DumpBandProjections,"Projections of each band state against each atomic orbital",
159 	DumpEigStats,       "Band eigenvalue statistics: HOMO, LUMO, min, max and Fermi level",
160 	DumpFillings,       "Fillings",
161 	DumpRhoAtom,        "Atomic-orbital projected density matrices (only for species with +U enabled)",
162 	DumpBandUnfold,     "Unfold band structure from supercell to unit cell (see command band-unfold)",
163 	DumpEcomponents,    "Components of the energy",
164 	DumpBoundCharge,    "Bound charge in the fluid",
165 	DumpSolvationRadii, "Effective solvation radii based on fluid bound charge distribution",
166 	DumpQMC,            "Blip'd orbitals and potential for CASINO \\cite Katie-QMC",
167 	DumpOcean,          "Wave functions for Ocean code",
168 	DumpBGW,            "G-space wavefunctions, density and potential for Berkeley GW (requires HDF5 support)",
169 	DumpRealSpaceWfns,  "Real-space wavefunctions (one column per file)",
170 	DumpExcCompare,     "Energies for other exchange-correlation functionals (see command elec-ex-corr-compare)",
171 	DumpFluidDebug,     "Fluid specific debug output if any ",
172 	DumpSlabEpsilon,    "Local dielectric function of a slab (see command slab-epsilon) ",
173 	DumpBulkEpsilon,    "Dielectric constant of a periodic solid (see command bulk-epsilon) ",
174 	DumpChargedDefect,  "Calculate energy correction for charged defect (see command charged-defect) ",
175 	DumpDOS,            "Density of States (see command density-of-states)",
176 	DumpSIC,            "Calculates Perdew-Zunger self-interaction corrected Kohn-Sham eigenvalues",
177 	DumpDipole,         "Dipole moment of explicit charges (ionic and electronic)",
178 	DumpStress,         "Dumps dE/dR_ij where R_ij is the i'th component of the j'th lattice vector",
179 	DumpExcitations,    "Dumps dipole moments and transition strength (electric-dipole) of excitations",
180 	DumpFCI,            "Output Coulomb matrix elements in FCIDUMP format",
181 	DumpSpin,           "Spin matrix elements from non-collinear calculations in a binary file (indices outer to inner: state, cartesian direction, band1, band2)",
182 	DumpMomenta,        "Momentum matrix elements in a binary file (indices outer to inner: state, cartesian direction, band1, band2)",
183 	DumpVelocities,     "Diagonal momentum/velocity matrix elements in a binary file  (indices outer to inner: state, band, cartesian direction)",
184 	DumpFermiVelocity,  "Fermi velocity, density of states at Fermi level and related quantities",
185 	DumpSymmetries,     "List of symmetry matrices (in covariant lattice coordinates)",
186 	DumpKpoints,        "List of reduced k-points in calculation, and mapping to the unreduced k-point mesh",
187 	DumpGvectors,       "List of G vectors in reciprocal lattice basis, for each k-point",
188 	DumpOrbitalDep,     "Custom output from orbital-dependent functionals (eg. quasi-particle energies, discontinuity potential)",
189 	DumpXCanalysis,     "Debug VW KE density, single-particle-ness and spin-polarzied Hartree potential",
190 	DumpEresolvedDensity, "Electron density from bands within specified energy ranges",
191 	DumpFermiDensity,	"Electron density from fermi-derivative at specified energy"
192 );
194 struct CommandDump : public Command
195 {
CommandDumpCommandDump196 	CommandDump() : Command("dump", "jdftx/Output")
197 	{
198 		format = "<freq> <var> <var> ...";
200 			"<freq> is one of:"
201 			+ addDescriptions(freqMap.optionList(), linkDescription(freqMap, freqDescMap))
202 			+ "\n\nand each <var> is one of:"
203 			+ addDescriptions(varMap.optionList(), linkDescription(varMap, varDescMap))
204 			+ "\n\nList of dumped variables from multiple instances will be accumulated for each <freq>."
205 			"\nUse command dump-interval to dump at regular intervals instead of every iteration.";
206 		allowMultiple = true;
207 		hasDefault = true;
208 	}
processCommandDump210 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
211 	{	DumpFrequency freq;
212 		pl.get(freq, DumpFreq_Delim, freqMap, "freq");
213 		//Handle the default call
214 		if(freq==DumpFreq_Delim)
215 		{	e.dump.insert(std::make_pair(DumpFreq_End,DumpState));
216 			return;
217 		}
218 		//For any real dump frequency:
219 		while(true)
220 		{	DumpVariable var;
221 			pl.get(var, DumpDelim, freq==DumpFreq_Init ? varInitMap : varMap, "var");
222 			if(var==DumpDelim) break; //will happen at end of command line
223 			e.dump.insert(std::make_pair(freq,var));
224 			//Check for unsupported features:
225 			#ifndef HDF5_ENABLED
226 			if(var==DumpBGW) throw string("BerkeleyGW interface requires HDF5 support (CMake option EnableHDF5)\n");
227 			#endif
228 		}
229 	}
printStatusCommandDump231 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
232 	{	//Coealesce dump outputs for each frequency into a single command
233 		std::multimap<DumpFrequency,DumpVariable> dumpMap(e.dump.begin(), e.dump.end());
234 		typedef std::multimap<DumpFrequency,DumpVariable>::iterator Iter;
235 		Iter i = dumpMap.begin();
236 		int iDump=0;
237 		while(i!=dumpMap.end())
238 		{	if(iDump==iRep) logPrintf("%s", freqMap.getString(i->first));
239 			std::pair<Iter,Iter> range = dumpMap.equal_range(i->first);
240 			for(i=range.first; i!=range.second; i++)
241 				if(iDump==iRep) logPrintf(" %s", varMap.getString(i->second));
242 			iDump++;
243 		}
244 	}
245 }
246 commandDump;
249 struct CommandDumpInterval : public Command
250 {
CommandDumpIntervalCommandDumpInterval251 	CommandDumpInterval() : Command("dump-interval", "jdftx/Output")
252 	{
253 		format = "<freq> <interval>";
255 			"Dump every <interval> iterations of type <freq>=Ionic|Electronic|Fluid|Gummel.\n"
256 			"Without this command, the behavior defaults to <interval>=1 for each <freq>.\n"
257 			"(See command dump for more details)";
258 		allowMultiple = true;
259 	}
processCommandDumpInterval261 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
262 	{	//get the frequency:
263 		DumpFrequency freq;
264 		pl.get(freq, DumpFreq_Delim, freqMap, "freq", true);
265 		if(freq==DumpFreq_End || freq==DumpFreq_Init)
266 			throw string("<freq> must be one of Ionic|Electronic|Fluid|Gummel");
267 		if(e.dump.interval.find(freq) != e.dump.interval.end())
268 			throw string("dump-interval has been specified multiple times for <freq>=") + freqMap.getString(freq);
269 		//get the interval:
270 		int interval;
271 		pl.get(interval, 1, "interval", true);
272 		if(interval<1)
273 			throw string("<interval> must be a positive integer");
274 		//Set the interval
275 		e.dump.interval[freq] = interval;
276 	}
printStatusCommandDumpInterval278 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
279 	{	std::map<DumpFrequency,int>::const_iterator iter = e.dump.interval.begin();
280 		for(int i=0; i<iRep; i++) iter++; //access the iRep'th entry of interval
281 		logPrintf("%s %d", freqMap.getString(iter->first), iter->second);
282 	}
283 }
284 commandDumpInterval;
287 struct CommandDumpName : public Command
288 {
CommandDumpNameCommandDumpName289 	CommandDumpName() : Command("dump-name", "jdftx/Output")
290 	{
291 		format = "<format> [<freq1> <format1>] [<freq2> <format2>] ...";
293 			"Control the filename pattern for dump output, where <format> is an\n"
294 			"arbitrary format string that will be substituted according to:\n"
295 			"+ $VAR   -> name of the variable being dumped (this must be present)\n"
296 			"+ $ITER  -> iteration number of relevant dump frequency\n"
297 			"+ $INPUT -> base name of input file, or 'stdin'\n"
298 			"+ $STAMP -> time-stamp at the start of dump\n"
299 			"\n"
300 			"Optionally, a different <format> could be specified for some dump frequencies.";
301 		hasDefault = true;
302 	}
processCommandDumpName304 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
305 	{	pl.get(e.dump.format, string("$INPUT.$VAR"), "format");
306 		if(e.dump.format.find("$VAR")==string::npos)
307 			throw "<format> = " + e.dump.format + " doesn't contain the pattern $VAR";
308 		//Check for additional specifictaions:
309 		while(true)
310 		{	DumpFrequency freq; pl.get(freq, DumpFreq_Delim, freqMap, "<freqN>");
311 			if(freq==DumpFreq_Delim) break; //no more freq's
312 			string format; pl.get(format, string(), "<formatN>", true);
313 			if(format.find("$VAR")==string::npos)
314 				throw "<format> = " + format + " doesn't contain the pattern $VAR";
315 			e.dump.formatFreq[freq] = format;
316 		}
317 	}
printStatusCommandDumpName319 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
320 	{	logPrintf("%s", e.dump.format.c_str());
321 		for(auto entry: e.dump.formatFreq)
322 			logPrintf(" \\\n\t%s %s", freqMap.getString(entry.first), entry.second.c_str());
323 	}
324 }
325 commandDumpName;
328 EnumStringMap<Polarizability::EigenBasis> polarizabilityMap
329 (	Polarizability::NonInteracting, "NonInteracting",
330 	Polarizability::External, "External",
331 	Polarizability::Total, "Total"
332 );
334 struct CommandPolarizability : public Command
335 {
CommandPolarizabilityCommandPolarizability336     CommandPolarizability() : Command("polarizability", "jdftx/Output")
337 	{
338 		format = "<eigenBasis>=" + polarizabilityMap.optionList() + " [<Ecut>=0] [<nEigs>=0]";
339 		comments = "Output polarizability matrix in specified eigenBasis";
341 		forbid("electron-scattering"); //both are major operations that are given permission to destroy Everything if necessary
342 	}
processCommandPolarizability344 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
345 	{	e.dump.polarizability = std::make_shared<Polarizability>();
346 		pl.get(e.dump.polarizability->eigenBasis, Polarizability::NonInteracting, polarizabilityMap, "eigenBasis");
347 		pl.get(e.dump.polarizability->Ecut, 0., "Ecut");
348 		pl.get(e.dump.polarizability->nEigs, 0, "nEigs");
349 		e.dump.insert(std::make_pair(DumpFreq_End, DumpPolarizability));
350 	}
printStatusCommandPolarizability352 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
353 	{	logPrintf("%s %lg %d", polarizabilityMap.getString(e.dump.polarizability->eigenBasis),
354 			e.dump.polarizability->Ecut, e.dump.polarizability->nEigs);
355 	}
356 }
357 commandPolarizability;
360 enum ElectronScatteringMember
361 {	ESM_eta,
362 	ESM_Ecut,
363 	ESM_fCut,
364 	ESM_omegaMax,
365 	ESM_RPA,
366 	ESM_slabResponse,
367 	ESM_EcutTransverse,
368 	ESM_delim
369 };
370 EnumStringMap<ElectronScatteringMember> esmMap
371 (	ESM_eta, "eta",
372 	ESM_Ecut, "Ecut",
373 	ESM_fCut, "fCut",
374 	ESM_omegaMax, "omegaMax",
375 	ESM_RPA, "RPA",
376 	ESM_slabResponse, "slabResponse",
377 	ESM_EcutTransverse, "EcutTransverse"
378 );
380 struct CommandElectronScattering : public Command
381 {
CommandElectronScatteringCommandElectronScattering382     CommandElectronScattering() : Command("electron-scattering", "jdftx/Output")
383 	{
384 		format = "<key1> <value1> ...";
385 		comments = "Calculate electron-electron scattering rates (expensive!)\n"
386 			"and output contribution to imaginary part of electron self-energy\n"
387 			"(calculated effectively using full-frequency G0W0).\n"
388 			"\n"
389 			"The following key-value pairs can appear in any order:\n"
390 			"\n+ eta <eta>\n\n"
391 			"   <eta> in Eh specifies frequency grid resolution (required)\n"
392 			"\n+ Ecut <Ecut>\n\n"
393 			"   <Ecut> in Eh specifies energy cut-off for dielectric matrices.\n"
394 			"   (If zero, the wavefunction cutoff from elec-cutoff is used instead.)\n"
395 			"\n+ fCut <fCut>\n\n"
396 			"   <fCut> specifies threshold for considering states fully occupied or\n"
397 			"   unoccupied in optimizing sums over states (default: 1e-6)\n"
398 			"\n+ omegaMax <omegaMax>\n\n"
399 			"   <omegaMax> in Eh is the maximum energy transfer to account for\n"
400 			"   and hence the maximum frequency in dielectric function frequency grid.\n"
401 			"   (if zero, autodetermine from available eigenvalues)\n"
402 			"\n+ RPA yes|no\n\n"
403 			"   If yes, use RPA response that ignores XC contribution. (default: no).\n"
404 			"\n+ slabResponse yes|no\n\n"
405 			"   Whether to output slab-normal-direction susceptibility instead.\n"
406 			"   This needs slab geometry in coulomb-interaction, and will bypass the\n"
407 			"   actual electron-electron scattering calculation and output.\n"
408 			"\n+ EcutTransverse <EcutTransverse>\n\n"
409 			"   <EcutTransverse> in Eh specifies energy cut-off for dielectric matrix in.\n"
410 			"   directions trasverse to the slab normal; only valid when slabResponse = yes.\n"
411 			"   (If zero, use the same value as Ecut above.)";
413 		require("coulomb-interaction");
414 		forbid("polarizability"); //both are major operations that are given permission to destroy Everything if necessary
415 	}
processCommandElectronScattering417 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
418 	{	e.dump.electronScattering = std::make_shared<ElectronScattering>();
419 		e.dump.insert(std::make_pair(DumpFreq_End, DumpElectronScattering));
420 		ElectronScattering& es = *(e.dump.electronScattering);
421 		while(true)
422 		{	ElectronScatteringMember key;
423 			pl.get(key, ESM_delim, esmMap, "key");
424 			if(key == ESM_delim) break; //end of input
425 			switch(key)
426 			{	case ESM_eta: pl.get(es.eta, 0., "eta", true); break;
427 				case ESM_Ecut: pl.get(es.Ecut, 0., "Ecut", true); break;
428 				case ESM_fCut: pl.get(es.fCut, 0., "fCut", true); break;
429 				case ESM_omegaMax: pl.get(es.omegaMax, 0., "omegaMax", true); break;
430 				case ESM_RPA: pl.get(es.RPA, false, boolMap, "RPA", true); break;
431 				case ESM_slabResponse: pl.get(es.slabResponse, false, boolMap, "slabResponse", true); break;
432 				case ESM_EcutTransverse: pl.get(es.EcutTransverse, 0., "EcutTransverse", true); break;
433 				case ESM_delim: break; //never encountered; to suppress compiler warning
434 			}
435 		}
436 		if(es.slabResponse)
437 		{	if(e.coulombParams.geometry != CoulombParams::Slab)
438 				throw string("slabResponse = yes requires slab geometry in coulomb-interaction");
439 		}
440 		else
441 		{	if(es.EcutTransverse) throw string("Cannot specify EcutTransverse when slabResponse = no");
442 		}
443 		if(es.eta <= 0.) throw string("Must specify frequency grid resolution eta > 0.");
444 	}
printStatusCommandElectronScattering446 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
447 	{	const ElectronScattering& es = *(e.dump.electronScattering);
448 		logPrintf(" \\\n\teta      %lg", es.eta);
449 		logPrintf(" \\\n\tEcut     %lg", es.Ecut);
450 		logPrintf(" \\\n\tfCut     %lg", es.fCut);
451 		logPrintf(" \\\n\tomegaMax %lg", es.omegaMax);
452 		logPrintf(" \\\n\tRPA      %s", boolMap.getString(es.RPA));
453 		logPrintf(" \\\n\tslabResponse %s", boolMap.getString(es.slabResponse));
454 		if(es.slabResponse) logPrintf(" \\\n\tEcutTransverse %lg", es.EcutTransverse);
455 	}
456 }
457 commandElectronScattering;
460 struct CommandPolarizabilityKdiff : public Command
461 {
CommandPolarizabilityKdiffCommandPolarizabilityKdiff462     CommandPolarizabilityKdiff() : Command("polarizability-kdiff", "jdftx/Output")
463 	{
464 		format = "<dk0> <dk1> <dk2> [<dkFilenamePattern>]";
465 		comments = "Select k-point difference (in reciprocal lattice coords) for polarizability output.\n"
466 			"\n"
467 			"<dkFilenamePattern> may be specified to read offset band structure calcualations when <dk>\n"
468 			"does not belong to the k-point mesh. This string should be a filename pattern containing\n"
469 			"$VAR (to be replaced by eigenvals and wfns) and $q (to be replaced by state index)";
471 		require("polarizability");
472 	}
processCommandPolarizabilityKdiff474 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
475 	{	pl.get(e.dump.polarizability->dk[0], 0., "dk0", true);
476 		pl.get(e.dump.polarizability->dk[1], 0., "dk1", true);
477 		pl.get(e.dump.polarizability->dk[2], 0., "dk2", true);
478 		//Optional filename for offset states:
479 		string& dkFilenamePattern = e.dump.polarizability->dkFilenamePattern;
480 		pl.get(dkFilenamePattern, string(), "dkFilenamePattern");
481 		if(dkFilenamePattern.length())
482 		{	if(dkFilenamePattern.find("$VAR")==string::npos) throw "<dkFilenamePattern> = " + dkFilenamePattern + " doesn't contain the pattern $VAR";
483 			if(dkFilenamePattern.find("$q")==string::npos) throw "<dkFilenamePattern> = " + dkFilenamePattern + " doesn't contain the pattern $q";
484 		}
485 	}
printStatusCommandPolarizabilityKdiff487 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
488 	{	for(int i=0; i<3; i++) logPrintf("%lg ", e.dump.polarizability->dk[i]);
489 		logPrintf("%s", e.dump.polarizability->dkFilenamePattern.c_str());
490 	}
491 }
492 commandPolarizabilityKdiff;
495 struct CommandDumpEresolvedDensity : public Command
496 {
CommandDumpEresolvedDensityCommandDumpEresolvedDensity497     CommandDumpEresolvedDensity() : Command("dump-Eresolved-density", "jdftx/Output")
498 	{
499 		format = "<Emin> <Emax>";
501 			"Output electron density from bands within a specified energy range\n"
502 			"[Emin,Emax] (in Eh).\n"
503 			"\n"
504 			"When issued multiple times, the outputs will be\n"
505 			"numbered sequenetially EresolvedDensity.0 etc.\n"
506 			"This automatically invokes dump at End; dumping at\n"
507 			"other frequencies may be requested using the dump command.";
509 		allowMultiple = true;
510 	}
processCommandDumpEresolvedDensity512 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
513 	{	double Emin, Emax;
514 		pl.get(Emin, 0., "Emin", true);
515 		pl.get(Emax, 0., "Emax", true);
516 		if(Emin >= Emax) throw string("Emin must be < Emax");
517 		e.dump.densityErange.push_back(std::make_pair(Emin, Emax));
518 		e.dump.insert(std::make_pair(DumpFreq_End, DumpEresolvedDensity));
519 	}
printStatusCommandDumpEresolvedDensity521 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
522 	{	const auto& Erange = e.dump.densityErange[iRep];
523 		logPrintf("%lg %lg", Erange.first, Erange.second);
524 	}
525 }
526 commandDumpEresolvedDensity;
528 struct CommandDumpFermiDensity : public Command
529 {
CommandDumpFermiDensityCommandDumpFermiDensity530     CommandDumpFermiDensity() : Command("dump-fermi-density", "jdftx/Output")
531 	{
532 		format = "[<muLevel>]";
534 			"Output electron density calculated from derivative of smearing\n"
535 			"function evaluated at desired chemical potential <muLevel>.\n"
536 			"If unspecified, calculated chemical potential will be used.\n"
537 			"\n"
538 			"When issued multiple times, the outputs will be\n"
539 			"numbered sequenetially FermiDensity.0 etc.\n"
540 			"This automatically invokes dump at End; dumping at\n"
541 			"other frequencies may be requested using the dump command.";
543 		allowMultiple = true;
544 		require("elec-smearing"); //require smearing
545 	}
processCommandDumpFermiDensity547 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
548 	{	double muLevel;
549 		pl.get(muLevel, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(), "muLevel", false);
550 		e.dump.fermiDensityLevels.push_back(muLevel);
551 		e.dump.insert(std::make_pair(DumpFreq_End, DumpFermiDensity));
552 	}
printStatusCommandDumpFermiDensity554 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
555 	{	const auto& muLevel = e.dump.fermiDensityLevels[iRep];
556 		logPrintf("%lg", muLevel);
557 	}
558 }
559 commandDumpFermiDensity;
562 //---------- Vibrations ------------------------
564 //An enum corresponding to members of class Vibrations
565 enum VibrationsMember
566 {	VM_dr,
567 	VM_centralDiff,
568 	VM_useConstraints,
569 	VM_translationSym,
570 	VM_rotationSym,
571 	VM_omegaMin,
572 	VM_T,
573 	VM_omegaResolution,
574 	VM_Delim
575 };
577 EnumStringMap<VibrationsMember> vibMap
578 (	VM_dr, "dr",
579 	VM_centralDiff, "centralDiff",
580 	VM_useConstraints, "useConstraints",
581 	VM_translationSym, "translationSym",
582 	VM_rotationSym, "rotationSym",
583 	VM_omegaMin, "omegaMin",
584 	VM_T, "T",
585 	VM_omegaResolution, "omegaResolution"
586 );
588 struct CommandVibrations : public Command
589 {
CommandVibrationsCommandVibrations590     CommandVibrations() : Command("vibrations", "jdftx/Output")
591 	{
592 		format = "<key1> <args1> ...";
594 			"Calculate vibrational modes of the system using a finite difference method.\n"
595 			"Note that this command should typically be issued in a run with converged ionic\n"
596 			"positions; ionic (and lattice) minimization are bypassed by the vibrations module.\n"
597 			"\n"
598 			"Any number of the following subcommands and their arguments may follow:\n"
599 			"+ dr <dr>: perturbation amplitude in bohrs for force matrix calculation (default: 0.01).\n"
600 			"+ centralDiff yes|no: use a central difference formula for the second derivative\n"
601 			"   to achieve higher accuracy at twice the cost (default: no)\n"
602 			"+ useConstraints yes|no: restrict modes of motion as specified by move flags\n"
603 			"   and constraints in the ion command (default: no)\n"
604 			"+ translationSym yes|no: whether to assume overall translation symmetry (default yes).\n"
605 			"   Can be turned off to get vibrational levels in an external potential.\n"
606 			"+ rotationSym yes|no: project out rotational modes (default no). Improves reliability for\n"
607 			"   molecular calculations. Valid only for geometries with an unambiguous center of mass.\n"
608 			"+ omegaMin <omegaMin>: frequency cutoff (in Eh) for free energy calculation (default: 2e-4)\n"
609 			"+ T <T>: temperature (in Kelvin) for free energy calculation (default: 298)\n"
610 			"+ omegaResolution <omegaResolution>: resolution for detecting and reporting degeneracies\n"
611 			"   in modes (default: 1e-4). Does not affect free energies and all modes are still printed.\n"
612 			"\n"
613 			"Note that for a periodic system with k-points, wave functions may be incompatible\n"
614 			"with and without the vibrations command due to symmetry-breaking by the perturbations.\n"
615 			"To avoid this, perform electronic optimization (without initial-state) in the\n"
616 			"vibration calculation itself, or consider using the phonon code instead."
617 			;
618 		forbid("fix-electron-density");
619 		forbid("fix-electron-potential");
620 	}
processCommandVibrations622 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
623 	{	e.vibrations = std::make_shared<Vibrations>();
624 		while(true)
625 		{	VibrationsMember key;
626 			pl.get(key, VM_Delim, vibMap, "key");
627 			switch(key)
628 			{	case VM_dr: pl.get(e.vibrations->dr, 0.01, "dr", true); break;
629 				case VM_centralDiff: pl.get(e.vibrations->centralDiff, false, boolMap, "centralDiff", true); break;
630 				case VM_useConstraints: pl.get(e.vibrations->useConstraints, false, boolMap, "useConstraints", true); break;
631 				case VM_translationSym: pl.get(e.vibrations->translationSym, true, boolMap, "translationSym", true); break;
632 				case VM_rotationSym: pl.get(e.vibrations->rotationSym, false, boolMap, "rotationSym", true); break;
633 				case VM_omegaMin: pl.get(e.vibrations->omegaMin, 2e-4, "omegaMin", true); break;
634 				case VM_T: pl.get(e.vibrations->T, 298., "T", true); e.vibrations->T *= Kelvin; break;
635 				case VM_omegaResolution: pl.get(e.vibrations->omegaResolution, 1e-4, "omegaResolution", true); break;
636 				case VM_Delim: return; //end of input
637 			}
638 		}
640 	}
printStatusCommandVibrations642 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
643 	{	logPrintf("\\\n\tdr %g", e.vibrations->dr);
644 		logPrintf("\\\n\tcentralDiff %s", boolMap.getString(e.vibrations->centralDiff));
645 		logPrintf("\\\n\tuseConstraints %s", boolMap.getString(e.vibrations->useConstraints));
646 		logPrintf("\\\n\ttranslationSym %s", boolMap.getString(e.vibrations->translationSym));
647 		logPrintf("\\\n\trotationSym %s", boolMap.getString(e.vibrations->rotationSym));
648 		logPrintf("\\\n\tomegaMin %g", e.vibrations->omegaMin);
649 		logPrintf("\\\n\tT %g", e.vibrations->T/Kelvin);
650 		logPrintf("\\\n\tomegaResolution %g", e.vibrations->omegaResolution);
651 	}
652 }
653 commandVibrations;
655 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
657 struct CommandSlabEpsilon : public Command
658 {
CommandSlabEpsilonCommandSlabEpsilon659 	CommandSlabEpsilon() : Command("slab-epsilon", "jdftx/Output")
660 	{
661 		format = "<DtotFile> <sigma> [<Ex>=0] [<Ey>=0] [<Ez>=0]";
663 			"Calculate dielectric function of a slab given the electrostatic potential\n"
664 			"output from another calculation on same system with a different electric field.\n"
665 			"+ <DtotFile> contains the electrostatic potential from the other calculation\n"
666 			"+ <sigma> in bohrs specifies gaussian smoothing in output\n"
667 			"+ optional <Ex>,<Ey>,Ez> specify the electric-field applied\n"
668 			"  in the calculation that generated <DtotFile>.";
670 		require("coulomb-truncation-embed");
671 	}
processCommandSlabEpsilon673 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
674 	{	if(e.coulombParams.geometry != CoulombParams::Slab)
675 			throw string("coulomb-interaction must be in Slab mode");
676 		e.dump.slabEpsilon = std::make_shared<SlabEpsilon>();
677 		SlabEpsilon& se = *(e.dump.slabEpsilon);
678 		pl.get(se.dtotFname, string(), "DtotFile", true);
679 		pl.get(se.sigma, 0., "sigma", true);
680 		pl.get(se.Efield[0], 0., "Ex");
681 		pl.get(se.Efield[1], 0., "Ey");
682 		pl.get(se.Efield[2], 0., "Ez");
683 		if(!(se.Efield-e.coulombParams.Efield).length_squared())
684 			throw(string("Applied electric fields in reference and present calculations are equal"));
685 		e.dump.insert(std::make_pair(DumpFreq_End, DumpSlabEpsilon)); //dump at end by default
686 	}
printStatusCommandSlabEpsilon688 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
689 	{	const SlabEpsilon& se = *(e.dump.slabEpsilon);
690 		logPrintf("%s %lg %lg %lg %lg", se.dtotFname.c_str(), se.sigma, se.Efield[0], se.Efield[1], se.Efield[2]);
691 	}
692 }
693 commandSlabEpsilon;
695 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
697 struct CommandBulkEpsilon : public Command
698 {
CommandBulkEpsilonCommandBulkEpsilon699 	CommandBulkEpsilon() : Command("bulk-epsilon", "jdftx/Output")
700 	{
701 		format = "<DtotFile> [<Ex>=0] [<Ey>=0] [<Ez>=0]";
703 			"Calculate dielectric constant of a bulk material given the electrostatic potential\n"
704 			"output from another calculation on same system with a different electric field.\n"
705 			"+ <DtotFile> contains the electrostatic potential from the other calculation\n"
706 			"+ optional <Ex>,<Ey>,Ez> specify the electric-field applied\n"
707 			"  in the calculation that generated <DtotFile>.\n"
708 			"It is recommended to apply field only to one reciprocal lattice direction,\n"
709 			"and use a supercell of the material along that direction.";
711 		require("electric-field");
712 	}
processCommandBulkEpsilon714 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
715 	{	if(e.coulombParams.geometry != CoulombParams::Periodic)
716 			throw string("coulomb-interaction must be in Periodic mode");
717 		e.dump.bulkEpsilon = std::make_shared<BulkEpsilon>();
718 		BulkEpsilon& be = *(e.dump.bulkEpsilon);
719 		pl.get(be.dtotFname, string(), "DtotFile", true);
720 		pl.get(be.Efield[0], 0., "Ex");
721 		pl.get(be.Efield[1], 0., "Ey");
722 		pl.get(be.Efield[2], 0., "Ez");
723 		if(!(be.Efield-e.coulombParams.Efield).length_squared())
724 			throw(string("Applied electric fields in reference and present calculations are equal"));
725 		e.dump.insert(std::make_pair(DumpFreq_End, DumpBulkEpsilon)); //dump at end by default
726 	}
printStatusCommandBulkEpsilon728 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
729 	{	const BulkEpsilon& be = *(e.dump.bulkEpsilon);
730 		logPrintf("%s %lg %lg %lg", be.dtotFname.c_str(), be.Efield[0], be.Efield[1], be.Efield[2]);
731 	}
732 }
733 commandBulkEpsilon;
735 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
737 extern EnumStringMap<int> truncationDirMap;
739 struct CommandChargedDefectCorrection : public Command
740 {
CommandChargedDefectCorrectionCommandChargedDefectCorrection741 	CommandChargedDefectCorrection() : Command("charged-defect-correction", "jdftx/Output")
742 	{
743 		format = "[Slab <dir>=100|010|001] <DtotFile> <bulkEps>|<slabEpsFile> <rMin> <rSigma>";
745 			"Calculate energy correction for bulk or surface charged defects \\cite ElectrostaticPotential\n"
746 			"The correction is calculated assuming the defects to be model\n"
747 			"charges specified using command charged-defect.\n"
748 			"\n"
749 			"By default, the defect is assumed bulk for coulomb-interaction Periodic\n"
750 			"and surface for coulomb-interaction Slab.  However, for the Periodic case,\n"
751 			"the optional [Slab <dir>] overrides this to calculate surface defects\n"
752 			"without truncated Coulomb potentials.  Note that coulomb-truncation-embed\n"
753 			"must be specified when using truncated coulomb potentials in Slab mode.\n"
754 			"In Periodic mode, the correction assumes a slab centered at the origin\n"
755 			"(i.e. analogous to using xCenter 0 0 0 in the truncated mode).\n"
756 			"\n"
757 			"<DtotFile> contains the electrostatic potential from a reference\n"
758 			"neutral calculation with similar geometry (lattice vectors and grid\n"
759 			"must match exactly).\n"
760 			"\n"
761 			"For bulk defect calculations, <bulkEps> is the bulk dielectric constant.\n"
762 			"\n"
763 			"For surface defect calculations, <slabEpsFile> specifies a dielectric\n"
764 			"profile calculated using command slab-epsilon in a similar geometry\n"
765 			"(the number of points along the slab normal direction must match exactly).\n"
766 			"Optionally, the <slabEpsFile> may contain an additional column for the\n"
767 			"in-plane response (which is not computed by command slab-epsilon),\n"
768 			"in which case an anisotropic dielectric model is used.\n"
769 			"\n"
770 			"<rMin> specifies the distance away from the defect center to use in\n"
771 			"the determination of the alignment potential, with rSigma specifying an\n"
772 			"error function turn-on distance. The code wil generate a text file with\n"
773 			"the spherically averaged model and DFT electrostatic potentials, which\n"
774 			"can be used to check the calculated alignment and refine rMin and rSigma.";
776 		require("latt-scale");
777 		require("coords-type");
778 		require("coulomb-interaction");
779 	}
processCommandChargedDefectCorrection781 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
782 	{	e.dump.chargedDefect = std::make_shared<ChargedDefect>();
783 		ChargedDefect& cd = *(e.dump.chargedDefect);
784 		//Check for geometry override:
785 		cd.geometry = e.coulombParams.geometry;
786 		cd.iDir = e.coulombParams.iDir;
787 		string slabSpec;
788 		pl.get(slabSpec, string(), "Slab|DtotFile", true);
789 		if(slabSpec == "Slab")
790 		{	if(cd.geometry != CoulombParams::Periodic)
791 				throw string("Slab geometry override should only be specified for coulomb-interaction Periodic");
792 			cd.geometry = CoulombParams::Slab;
793 			pl.get(cd.iDir, 0, truncationDirMap, "dir", true);
794 		}
795 		else pl.rewind();
796 		//Ref potential:
797 		pl.get(cd.dtotFname, string(), "DtotFile", true);
798 		//Dielectric function (and add citation depending on geometry):
799 		switch(cd.geometry)
800 		{	case CoulombParams::Periodic:
801 			{	pl.get(cd.bulkEps, 1., "bulkEps", true);
802 				Citations::add("Correction scheme for charged bulk defects",
803 					"C Freysoldt, J Neugebauer and C. van de Walle, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 016402 (2009)");
804 				break;
805 			}
806 			case CoulombParams::Slab:
807 			{	pl.get(cd.slabEpsFname, string(), "slabEpsFile", true);
808 				Citations::add("Correction scheme for charged surface defects",
809 					"H Komsa and A Pasquarello, Alfredo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 095505 (2013)");
810 				break;
811 			}
812 			default: throw string("coulomb-interaction must be either Slab or Periodic");
813 		}
814 		//Alignment potential ranges:
815 		pl.get(cd.rMin, 0., "rMin", true);
816 		pl.get(cd.rSigma, 0., "rSigma", true);
817 		e.dump.insert(std::make_pair(DumpFreq_End, DumpChargedDefect)); //dump at end by default
818 	}
printStatusCommandChargedDefectCorrection820 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
821 	{	const ChargedDefect& cd = *(e.dump.chargedDefect);
822 		if(cd.geometry != e.coulombParams.geometry)
823 			logPrintf("Slab %s ", truncationDirMap.getString(cd.iDir));
824 		logPrintf("%s ", cd.dtotFname.c_str());
825 		switch(cd.geometry)
826 		{	case CoulombParams::Periodic: logPrintf("%lg", cd.bulkEps); break;
827 			case CoulombParams::Slab: logPrintf("%s", cd.slabEpsFname.c_str()); break;
828 			default:; //should never be encountered
829 		}
830 		logPrintf(" %lg %lg", cd.rMin, cd.rSigma);
831 	}
832 }
833 CommandChargedDefectCorrection;
835 struct CommandChargedDefect : public Command
836 {
CommandChargedDefectCommandChargedDefect837 	CommandChargedDefect() : Command("charged-defect", "jdftx/Output")
838 	{
839 		format = "<x0> <x1> <x2> <q> <sigma>";
841 			"Specify model charge distribution(s) for charged-defect-correction.\n"
842 			"Issue the command once for each defect in the calculation cell.\n"
843 			"The defect charge density will be modeled by a Gaussian of width\n"
844 			"<sigma> with net electron count <q> located at <x0>,<x1>,<x2>\n"
845 			"(in the coordinate system specified by coords-type). The Gaussian must\n"
846 			"be resolvable on the plane-wave grid; recommend rSigma >= 1 bohr.";
848 		require("charged-defect-correction");
849 		allowMultiple = true;
850 	}
processCommandChargedDefect852 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
853 	{	ChargedDefect::Center cdc;
854 		//Position:
855 		vector3<> pos;
856 		pl.get(pos[0], 0., "x0", true);
857 		pl.get(pos[1], 0., "x1", true);
858 		pl.get(pos[2], 0., "x2", true);
859 		cdc.pos = (e.iInfo.coordsType==CoordsLattice) ? pos : inv(e.gInfo.R)*pos;
860 		//Charge and width:
861 		pl.get(cdc.q, 0., "q", true);
862 		pl.get(cdc.sigma, 0., "sigma", true);
863 		e.dump.chargedDefect->center.push_back(cdc);
864 	}
printStatusCommandChargedDefect866 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
867 	{	const ChargedDefect::Center& cdc = e.dump.chargedDefect->center[iRep];
868 		vector3<> pos = (e.iInfo.coordsType==CoordsLattice) ? cdc.pos : e.gInfo.R*cdc.pos;
869 		logPrintf("%lg %lg %lg  %+lg %lg", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], cdc.q, cdc.sigma);
870 	}
871 }
872 commandChargedDefect;
874 struct CommandPotentialSubtraction : public Command
875 {
CommandPotentialSubtractionCommandPotentialSubtraction876 	CommandPotentialSubtraction() : Command("potential-subtraction", "jdftx/Output")
877 	{	format = "<subtract>=yes|no";
879 			"Whether to subtract neutral atom potentials in dumped potentials (Dtot and Dvac).\n"
880 			"This subtraction produces much smoother potentials and is enabled by default \\cite ElectrostaticPotential.";
881 	}
processCommandPotentialSubtraction883 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
884 	{	pl.get(e.dump.potentialSubtraction, true, boolMap, "subtract");
885 	}
printStatusCommandPotentialSubtraction887 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
888 	{	logPrintf("%s", boolMap.getString(e.dump.potentialSubtraction));
889 	}
890 }
891 commandPotentialSubtraction;
894 struct CommandBandUnfold : public Command
895 {
CommandBandUnfoldCommandBandUnfold896 	CommandBandUnfold() : Command("band-unfold", "jdftx/Output")
897 	{
898 		format = " \\\n\t<M00> <M01> <M02> \\\n\t<M10> <M11> <M12> \\\n\t<M20> <M21> <M22>";
900 			"Unfold band structure from a supercell calculation to a unit cell\n"
901 			"with lattice vectors Runit, defined by the integer matrix M such\n"
902 			"that current lattice vectors R = Runit * M.";
903 	}
processCommandBandUnfold905 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
906 	{	matrix3<int>& M = e.dump.Munfold;
907 		for(int j=0; j<3; j++) for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
908 		{	ostringstream oss; oss << "s" << j << k;
909 			pl.get(M(j,k), 0, oss.str(), true);
910 		}
911 		e.dump.insert(std::make_pair(DumpFreq_End, DumpBandUnfold));
912 	}
printStatusCommandBandUnfold914 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
915 	{	for (int j=0; j < 3; j++)
916 		{	logPrintf(" \\\n\t");
917 			for(int k=0; k<3; k++) logPrintf("%d ",e.dump.Munfold(j,k));
918 		}
919 	}
920 }
921 commandBandUnfold;
924 enum BGWparamsMember
925 {	BGWpm_nBandsDense,
926 	BGWpm_blockSize,
927 	BGWpm_clusterSize,
928 	BGWpm_EcutChiFluid,
929 	BGWpm_elecOnly,
930 	BGWpm_q0,
931 	BGWpm_freqReMax_eV,
932 	BGWpm_freqReStep_eV,
933 	BGWpm_freqBroaden_eV,
934 	BGWpm_freqNimag,
935 	BGWpm_freqPlasma,
936 	BGWpm_Delim
937 };
938 EnumStringMap<BGWparamsMember> bgwpmMap
939 (	BGWpm_nBandsDense, "nBandsDense",
940 	BGWpm_blockSize, "blockSize",
941 	BGWpm_clusterSize, "clusterSize",
942 	BGWpm_EcutChiFluid, "EcutChiFluid",
943 	BGWpm_elecOnly, "elecOnly",
944 	BGWpm_q0, "q0",
945 	BGWpm_freqReMax_eV, "freqReMax_eV",
946 	BGWpm_freqReStep_eV, "freqReStep_eV",
947 	BGWpm_freqBroaden_eV, "freqBroaden_eV",
948 	BGWpm_freqNimag, "freqNimag",
949 	BGWpm_freqPlasma, "freqPlasma"
950 );
951 EnumStringMap<BGWparamsMember> bgwpmDescMap
952 (	BGWpm_nBandsDense, "If non-zero, use a dense ScaLAPACK solver to calculate more bands",
953 	BGWpm_blockSize, "Block size for ScaLAPACK diagonalization (default: 32)",
954 	BGWpm_clusterSize, "Maximum eigenvalue cluster size to allocate extra ScaLAPACK workspace for (default: 10)",
955 	BGWpm_EcutChiFluid, "KE cutoff in hartrees for fluid polarizability output (default: 0; set non-zero to enable)",
956 	BGWpm_elecOnly, "Whether fluid polarizability output should only include electronic response (default: true)",
957 	BGWpm_q0, "Zero wavevector replacement to be used for polarizability output (default: (0,0,0))",
958 	BGWpm_freqReMax_eV, "Maximum real frequency in eV (default: 30.)",
959 	BGWpm_freqReStep_eV, "Real frequency grid spacing in eV (default: 1.)",
960 	BGWpm_freqBroaden_eV, "Broadening (imaginary part) of real frequency grid in eV (default: 0.1)",
961 	BGWpm_freqNimag, "Number of imaginary frequencies (default: 25)",
962 	BGWpm_freqPlasma, "Plasma frequency in Hartrees used in GW imaginary frequency grid (default: 1.), set to zero for RPA frequency grid"
963 );
965 struct CommandBGWparams : public Command
966 {
CommandBGWparamsCommandBGWparams967 	CommandBGWparams() : Command("bgw-params", "jdftx/Output")
968 	{
969 		format = "<key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ...";
970 		comments = "Control BGW output. Possible keys and value types are:"
971 			+ addDescriptions(bgwpmMap.optionList(), linkDescription(bgwpmMap, bgwpmDescMap))
972 			+ "\n\nAny number of these key-value pairs may be specified in any order.";
973 	}
processCommandBGWparams975 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
976 	{	e.dump.bgwParams = std::make_shared<BGWparams>();
977 		BGWparams& bgwp = *(e.dump.bgwParams);
978 		while(true)
979 		{	BGWparamsMember key;
980 			pl.get(key, BGWpm_Delim, bgwpmMap, "key");
981 			#define READ_AND_CHECK(param, op, val) \
982 				case BGWpm_##param: \
983 					pl.get(bgwp.param, val, #param, true); \
984 					if(!(bgwp.param op val)) throw string(#param " must be " #op " " #val); \
985 					break;
986 			switch(key)
987 			{	READ_AND_CHECK(nBandsDense, >=, 0)
988 				READ_AND_CHECK(blockSize, >, 0)
989 				READ_AND_CHECK(clusterSize, >, 0)
990 				READ_AND_CHECK(EcutChiFluid, >=, 0.)
991 				case BGWpm_elecOnly:
992 					pl.get(bgwp.elecOnly, true, boolMap, "elecOnly", true);
993 					break;
994 				case BGWpm_q0:
995 					for(int dir=0; dir<3; dir++)
996 						pl.get(bgwp.q0[dir], 0., "q0", true);
997 					break;
998 				READ_AND_CHECK(freqReMax_eV, >, 0.)
999 				READ_AND_CHECK(freqReStep_eV, >, 0.)
1000 				READ_AND_CHECK(freqBroaden_eV, >, 0.)
1001 				READ_AND_CHECK(freqNimag, >, 0)
1002 				READ_AND_CHECK(freqPlasma, >=, 0.)
1003 				case BGWpm_Delim: return; //end of input
1004 			}
1005 			#undef READ_AND_CHECK
1006 		}
1007 	}
printStatusCommandBGWparams1009 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
1010 	{	assert(e.dump.bgwParams);
1011 		const BGWparams& bgwp = *(e.dump.bgwParams);
1012 		#define PRINT(param, format) logPrintf(" \\\n\t" #param " " format, bgwp.param);
1013 		PRINT(nBandsDense, "%d")
1014 		PRINT(blockSize, "%d")
1015 		PRINT(clusterSize, "%d")
1016 		PRINT(EcutChiFluid, "%lg")
1017 		logPrintf(" \\\n\telecOnly %s", boolMap.getString(bgwp.elecOnly));
1018 		logPrintf(" \\\n\tq0 %lg %lg %lg", bgwp.q0[0], bgwp.q0[1], bgwp.q0[2]);
1019 		PRINT(freqReMax_eV, "%lg")
1020 		PRINT(freqReStep_eV, "%lg")
1021 		PRINT(freqBroaden_eV, "%lg")
1022 		PRINT(freqNimag, "%d")
1023 		PRINT(freqPlasma, "%lg")
1024 		#undef PRINT
1025 	}
1026 }
1027 commandBGWparams;