1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 Copyright 2014 Deniz Gunceler, Ravishankar Sundararaman
4 This file is part of JDFTx.
6 JDFTx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 JDFTx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with JDFTx.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 #include <electronic/Dump.h>
21 #include <electronic/Everything.h>
22 #include <electronic/ColumnBundle.h>
23 #include <electronic/ColumnBundleTransform.h>
24 #include <electronic/Dump_internal.h>
25 #include <core/WignerSeitz.h>
26 #include <core/Operators.h>
27 #include <core/Units.h>
28 #include <core/LatticeUtils.h>
30 //---------------------- Excitations -----------------------------------------------
dumpExcitations(const Everything & e,const char * filename)32 void dumpExcitations(const Everything& e, const char* filename)
33 {
34 	const GridInfo& g = e.gInfo;
36 	struct excitation
37 	{	int q,o,u;
38 		double dE;
39 		double dreal, dimag, dnorm;
41 		excitation(int q, int o, int u, double dE, double dreal, double dimag, double dnorm): q(q), o(o), u(u), dE(dE), dreal(dreal), dimag(dimag), dnorm(dnorm){};
43 		inline bool operator<(const excitation& other) const {return dE<other.dE;}
44 		void print(FILE* fp) const { fprintf(fp, "%5i %3i %3i %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e\n", q, o, u, dE, dreal, dimag, dnorm); }
45 	};
46 	std::vector<excitation> excitations;
48 	double maxHOMO=-DBL_MAX, minLUMO=DBL_MAX; // maximum (minimum) of all HOMOs (LUMOs) in all qnums
49 	int maxHOMOq=0, minLUMOq=0, maxHOMOn=0, minLUMOn=0; //Indices and energies for the indirect gap
51 	//Select relevant eigenvals:
52 	std::vector<diagMatrix> eigsQP;
53 	if(e.exCorr.orbitalDep && e.dump.count(std::make_pair(DumpFreq_End, DumpOrbitalDep)))
54 	{	//Search for an eigenvalsQP file:
55 		string fname = e.dump.getFilename("eigenvalsQP");
56 		FILE* fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "r");
57 		if(fp)
58 		{	fclose(fp);
59 			eigsQP.resize(e.eInfo.nStates);
60 			e.eInfo.read(eigsQP, fname.c_str());
61 		}
62 	}
63 	const std::vector<diagMatrix>& eigs = eigsQP.size() ? eigsQP : e.eVars.Hsub_eigs;
65 	// Integral kernel's for Fermi's golden rule
66 	VectorField r;
67 	{	nullToZero(r, g);
68 		logSuspend();
69 		WignerSeitz ws(e.gInfo.R);
70 		logResume();
71 		const vector3<>& x0 = e.coulombParams.embedCenter; //origin
73 		vector3<double*> rData(r.data());
74 		matrix3<> invS = inv(Diag(vector3<>(e.gInfo.S)));
75 		vector3<int> iv;
76 		size_t i = 0;
77 		for(iv[0]=0; iv[0]<e.gInfo.S[0]; iv[0]++)
78 		for(iv[1]=0; iv[1]<e.gInfo.S[1]; iv[1]++)
79 		for(iv[2]=0; iv[2]<e.gInfo.S[2]; iv[2]++)
80 		{	vector3<> x = x0 + ws.restrict(invS*iv - x0); //lattice coordinates wrapped to WS centered on x0
81 			storeVector(e.gInfo.R*x, rData, i++);
82 		}
83 	}
85 	//Find and cache all excitations in system (between same qnums)
86 	bool insufficientBands = false;
87 	for(int q=e.eInfo.qStart; q<e.eInfo.qStop; q++)
88 	{	//Find local HOMO and check band sufficiency:
89 		int HOMO = e.eInfo.findHOMO(q);
90 		if(HOMO+1>=e.eInfo.nBands) { insufficientBands=true; break; }
92 		//Update global HOMO and LUMO of current process:
93 		if(eigs[q][HOMO]   > maxHOMO) { maxHOMOq = q; maxHOMOn = HOMO;   maxHOMO = eigs[q][HOMO];   }
94 		if(eigs[q][HOMO+1] < minLUMO) { minLUMOq = q; minLUMOn = HOMO+1; minLUMO = eigs[q][HOMO+1]; }
96 		for(int o=HOMO; o>=0; o--)
97 		{	for(int u=(HOMO+1); u<e.eInfo.nBands; u++)
98 			{	vector3<> dreal, dimag, dnorm;
99 				for(int iDir=0; iDir<3; iDir++)
100 				{	complex xi = integral(I(e.eVars.C[q].getColumn(u,0)) * r[iDir] * I(e.eVars.C[q].getColumn(o,0)));
101 					dreal[iDir] = xi.real();
102 					dimag[iDir] = xi.imag();
103 					dnorm[iDir] = xi.abs();
104 				}
105 				double dE = eigs[q][u]-eigs[q][o]; //Excitation energy
106 				excitations.push_back(excitation(q, o, u, dE, dreal.length_squared(), dimag.length_squared(), dnorm.length_squared()));
107 			}
108 		}
109 	}
110 	mpiWorld->allReduce(insufficientBands, MPIUtil::ReduceLOr);
111 	if(insufficientBands)
112 	{	logPrintf("Insufficient bands to calculate excited states!\n");
113 		logPrintf("Increase the number of bands (elec-n-bands) and try again!\n");
114 		return;
115 	}
117 	//Transmit results to head process:
118 	if(mpiWorld->isHead())
119 	{	excitations.reserve(excitations.size() * mpiWorld->nProcesses());
120 		for(int jProcess=1; jProcess<mpiWorld->nProcesses(); jProcess++)
121 		{	//Receive data:
122 			size_t nExcitations; mpiWorld->recv(nExcitations, jProcess, 0);
123 			std::vector<int> msgInt(4 + nExcitations*3);
124 			std::vector<double> msgDbl(2 + nExcitations*4);
125 			mpiWorld->recvData(msgInt, jProcess, 1);
126 			mpiWorld->recvData(msgDbl, jProcess, 2);
127 			//Unpack:
128 			std::vector<int>::const_iterator intPtr = msgInt.begin();
129 			std::vector<double>::const_iterator dblPtr = msgDbl.begin();
130 			//--- globals:
131 			int j_maxHOMOq = *(intPtr++); int j_maxHOMOn = *(intPtr++); double j_maxHOMO = *(dblPtr++);
132 			int j_minLUMOq = *(intPtr++); int j_minLUMOn = *(intPtr++); double j_minLUMO = *(dblPtr++);
133 			if(j_maxHOMO > maxHOMO) { maxHOMOq=j_maxHOMOq; maxHOMOn=j_maxHOMOn; maxHOMO=j_maxHOMO; }
134 			if(j_minLUMO < minLUMO) { minLUMOq=j_minLUMOq; minLUMOn=j_minLUMOn; minLUMO=j_minLUMO; }
135 			//--- excitation array:
136 			for(size_t iExcitation=0; iExcitation<nExcitations; iExcitation++)
137 			{	int q = *(intPtr++); int o = *(intPtr++); int u = *(intPtr++);
138 				double dE = *(dblPtr++);
139 				double dreal = *(dblPtr++); double dimag = *(dblPtr++); double dnorm = *(dblPtr++);
140 				excitations.push_back(excitation(q, o, u, dE, dreal, dimag, dnorm));
141 			}
142 		}
143 	}
144 	else
145 	{	//Pack data:
146 		std::vector<int> msgInt; std::vector<double> msgDbl;
147 		size_t nExcitations = excitations.size();
148 		msgInt.reserve(4 + nExcitations*3);
149 		msgDbl.reserve(2 + nExcitations*4);
150 		msgInt.push_back(maxHOMOq); msgInt.push_back(maxHOMOn); msgDbl.push_back(maxHOMO);
151 		msgInt.push_back(minLUMOq); msgInt.push_back(minLUMOn); msgDbl.push_back(minLUMO);
152 		for(const excitation& e: excitations)
153 		{	msgInt.push_back(e.q); msgInt.push_back(e.o); msgInt.push_back(e.u);
154 			msgDbl.push_back(e.dE);
155 			msgDbl.push_back(e.dreal); msgDbl.push_back(e.dimag); msgDbl.push_back(e.dnorm);
156 		}
157 		//Send data:
158 		mpiWorld->send(nExcitations, 0, 0);
159 		mpiWorld->sendData(msgInt, 0, 1);
160 		mpiWorld->sendData(msgDbl, 0, 2);
161 	}
163 	//Process and print excitations:
164 	if(!mpiWorld->isHead()) return;
166 	FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "w");
167 	if(!fp) die_alone("Error opening %s for writing.\n", filename);
169 	std::sort(excitations.begin(), excitations.end());
170 	const excitation& opt = excitations.front();
171 	fprintf(fp, "Using %s eigenvalues.      HOMO: %.5f   LUMO: %.5f  \n", eigsQP.size() ? "discontinuity-corrected QP" : "KS", maxHOMO, minLUMO);
172 	fprintf(fp, "Optical (direct) gap: %.5e (from n = %i to %i in qnum = %i)\n", opt.dE, opt.o, opt.u, opt.q);
173 	fprintf(fp, "Indirect gap: %.5e (from (%i, %i) to (%i, %i))\n\n", minLUMO-maxHOMO, maxHOMOq, maxHOMOn, minLUMOq, minLUMOn);
175 	fprintf(fp, "Optical excitation energies and corresponding electric dipole transition strengths\n");
176 	fprintf(fp, "qnum   i   f      dE        |<psi1|r|psi2>|^2 (real, imag, norm)\n");
177 	for(const excitation& e: excitations) e.print(fp);
178 	fclose(fp);
179 }
181 //---------------------------- FCI ------------------------------------
183 //Split doublet index i12 that ends on N^2 or N(N+1)/2 depending on sym = false or true, into i1 and i2
splitDoubletIndex(size_t i12,size_t N,bool sym,size_t & i1,size_t & i2)184 inline void splitDoubletIndex(size_t i12, size_t N, bool sym, size_t& i1, size_t& i2)
185 {	if(sym) //N(N+1)/2 case
186 	{	i1 = 0; while((i1+1)*(i1+2)<=2*i12) i1++;
187 		i2 = i12 - (i1*(i1+1))/2;
188 	}
189 	else //N^2 case
190 	{	i1 = i12 / N;
191 		i2 = i12 - i1 * N;
192 	}
193 }
dumpFCI(const Everything & e,const char * filename)195 void dumpFCI(const Everything& e, const char* filename)
196 {	static StopWatch watch("dumpFCI"); watch.start();
198 	const size_t nBands = e.eInfo.nBands;
199 	const int nStates = e.eInfo.nStates;
200 	const int nOrbitals = nBands * nStates;
201 	const int nSpinor = e.eInfo.spinorLength();
202 	const double Kcut = 1e-8; //threshold for non-zero matrix element
204 	FILE* fp = NULL;
205 	if(mpiWorld->isHead())
206 	{	fp = fopen(filename, "w");
207 		if(!fp) die_alone("Error opening %s for writing.\n", filename);
209 		//Write header:
210 		fprintf(fp, " &FCI\n  NORB=%d,\n  NELEC=%d,\n  MS2=%d,\n  UHF=TRUE,\n  ORBSYM= ",
211 			nOrbitals, int(round(e.eInfo.nElectrons)), int(round(fabs(e.eInfo.Minitial))) );
212 		for(int i=0; i<nOrbitals; i++)
213 			fprintf(fp, "0, ");
214 		fprintf(fp, "\n  ISYM=1,\n  NPROP= 1 1 1,\n  PROPBITLEN= 15\n &END\n");
215 	}
217 	//Coulomb integrals:
218 	#define GETwfns(a) \
219 		ColumnBundle Ctmp##a; \
220 		if(not e.eInfo.isMine(q##a)) \
221 			Ctmp##a.init(nBands, e.basis[q##a].nbasis*nSpinor, &(e.basis[q##a]), &(e.eInfo.qnums[q##a]), isGpuEnabled()); \
222 		const ColumnBundle& C##a = e.eInfo.isMine(q##a) ? e.eVars.C[q##a] : Ctmp##a; \
223 		mpiWorld->bcastData((ColumnBundle&)C##a, e.eInfo.whose(q##a));
224 	#define UPDATE_conjIpsi(a) \
225 		for(int s=0; s<nSpinor; s++) \
226 			conjIpsi##a[s] = conj(I(C##a.getColumn(i##a,s)));
227 	#define UPDATE_nPair(a,b, dk) \
228 		{	complexScalarField nPair; \
229 			for(int s=0; s<nSpinor; s++) \
230 				nPair += conjIpsi##a[s] * I(C##b.getColumn(i##b,s)); \
231 			if((dk).length_squared() > symmThresholdSq) \
232 				multiplyBlochPhase(nPair, dk); /*correct for k-wrapping upto reciprocal lattice vector*/ \
233 			n##a##b = J(nPair); \
234 		}
235 	#define UPDATE_12 \
236 		{	complexScalarFieldTilde n12; \
237 			UPDATE_nPair(1,2, vector3<>()) \
238 			Kn12 = O((*e.coulombWfns)(n12, dk21, 0.)); \
239 		}
240 	#define UPDATE_34 \
241 		UPDATE_nPair(3,4, dk43-dk21)
243 	//--- Quadruple loop over k-spin indices such that 12 and 34 have same spin indices
244 	for(int q1=0; q1<nStates; q1++)
245 	{	GETwfns(1)
246 		for(int q2=0; q2<=q1; q2++) if(e.eInfo.qnums[q1].spin == e.eInfo.qnums[q2].spin)
247 		{	GETwfns(2)
248 			vector3<> dk21 = e.eInfo.qnums[q2].k - e.eInfo.qnums[q1].k;
249 			for(int q3=0; q3<nStates; q3++)
250 			{	GETwfns(3)
251 				for(int q4=0; q4<=q3; q4++) if(e.eInfo.qnums[q3].spin == e.eInfo.qnums[q4].spin)
252 				{	vector3<> dk43 = e.eInfo.qnums[q4].k - e.eInfo.qnums[q3].k;
253 					if(circDistanceSquared(dk21, dk43) > symmThresholdSq) continue; //momentum conservation
254 					GETwfns(4)
256 					//Split band quadruplets over MPI:
257 					size_t N12 = (q1==q2 ? (nBands*(nBands+1))/2 : nBands*nBands);
258 					size_t N34 = (q3==q4 ? (nBands*(nBands+1))/2 : nBands*nBands);
259 					size_t N1234 = N12 * N34;
260 					size_t i1234start=0, i1234stop=0;
261 					TaskDivision(N1234, mpiWorld).myRange(i1234start, i1234stop);
263 					//Initial indices on this process:
264 					size_t i1234 = i1234start; //quaruplet index
265 					size_t i12 = i1234 / N34; //12 doublet index
266 					size_t i34 = i1234 - i12*N34; //34 doublet index
267 					size_t i1, i2, i3, i4; //individual band indices
268 					splitDoubletIndex(i12, nBands, q1==q2, i1, i2);
269 					splitDoubletIndex(i34, nBands, q3==q4, i3, i4);
271 					//Initialize wavefunctions, pair densities for initial indices:
272 					std::vector<complexScalarField> conjIpsi1(nSpinor), conjIpsi3(nSpinor);
273 					complexScalarFieldTilde Kn12, n34;
274 					//--- 12 pair
275 					UPDATE_conjIpsi(1)
276 					UPDATE_12
277 					//--- 34 pair
278 					UPDATE_conjIpsi(3)
279 					UPDATE_34
281 					//Loop over band quadruplets for this process:
282 					ostringstream oss; //buffer containing output from this process
283 					while(i1234 < i1234stop)
284 					{
285 						complex K1234 = dot(Kn12, n34);
286 						if(K1234.abs() > Kcut)
287 						{	if(fabs(K1234.imag()) > Kcut)
288 								oss << "( " << K1234.real() << ", " << K1234.imag() << ") "; //complex element
289 							else
290 								oss << K1234.real() << ' '; //real element
291 							oss << i1*nStates+q1+1 << ' '
292 								<< i2*nStates+q2+1 << ' '
293 								<< i3*nStates+q3+1 << ' '
294 								<< i4*nStates+q4+1 << '\n';
295 						}
297 						i1234++; if(i1234==i1234stop) break;
298 						i4++;
299 						if(i4==(q3==q4 ? i3+1 : nBands))
300 						{	i4=0;
301 							i3++;
302 							if(i3==nBands)
303 							{	i3=0;
304 								i2++;
305 								if(i2==(q1==q2 ? i1+1 : nBands))
306 								{	i2=0;
307 									i1++;
308 									UPDATE_conjIpsi(1)
309 								}
310 								UPDATE_12
311 							}
312 							UPDATE_conjIpsi(3)
313 						}
314 						UPDATE_34
315 					}
317 					//Write matrix elements from HEAD:
318 					if(mpiWorld->isHead())
319 					{	fputs(oss.str().c_str(), fp); //local data
320 						oss.clear();
321 						for(int jProcess=1; jProcess<mpiWorld->nProcesses(); jProcess++)
322 						{	string buf; mpiWorld->recv(buf, jProcess, 0);
323 							fputs(buf.c_str(), fp); //data from other processes
324 						}
325 						fflush(fp);
326 					}
327 					else mpiWorld->send(oss.str(), 0, 0);
328 				}
329 			}
330 		}
331 	}
332 	#undef GETwfns
333 	#undef UPDATE_conjIpsi
334 	#undef UPDATE_nPair
335 	#undef UPDATE_12
336 	#undef UPDATE_34
338 	//Compute and collect one-particle matrix elements / eigenvalues:
339 	std::vector<matrix> H0(nStates);
340 	std::vector<diagMatrix> E(nStates);
341 	for(int q=e.eInfo.qStart; q<e.eInfo.qStop; q++)
342 	{
343 		const ColumnBundle& Cq = e.eVars.C[q];
344 		ScalarFieldArray Vloc(e.eInfo.nDensities); nullToZero(Vloc, e.gInfo);
345 		for(unsigned s=0; s<Vloc.size(); s++)
346 			if(s<2) Vloc[s] = Jdag(O(e.iInfo.Vlocps));
347 		ColumnBundle H0Cq = Idag_DiagV_I(Cq, Vloc) - 0.5*L(Cq); //local PS and KE
348 		{	//Add nonlocal PS contribution:
349 			std::vector<matrix> HVdagCq(e.iInfo.species.size());
350 			e.iInfo.EnlAndGrad(e.eInfo.qnums[q], e.eVars.F[q], e.eVars.VdagC[q], HVdagCq);
351 			e.iInfo.projectGrad(HVdagCq, Cq, H0Cq); //HCq += (nonlocalPS projectors) * Cq
352 		}
353 		H0[q] = Cq ^ H0Cq; //matrix elements of KE + net pseudopotential
354 		E[q] = e.eVars.Hsub_eigs[q];
356 		if(not mpiWorld->isHead())
357 		{	mpiWorld->sendData(E[q], 0, q);
358 			mpiWorld->sendData(H0[q], 0, q);
359 		}
360 	}
361 	if(mpiWorld->isHead())
362 	{	for(int q=0; q<nStates; q++)
363 			if(!e.eInfo.isMine(q))
364 			{	H0[q].init(nBands, nBands);
365 				E[q].resize(nBands);
366 				mpiWorld->recvData(E[q], e.eInfo.whose(q), q);
367 				mpiWorld->recvData(H0[q], e.eInfo.whose(q), q);
368 			}
369 	}
371 	//Output one-particle matrix elements / eigenvalues:
372 	if(mpiWorld->isHead())
373 	{	//One-particle
374 		for(int q=0; q<nStates; q++)
375 			for(size_t b1=0; b1<nBands; b1++)
376 				for(size_t b2=0; b2<=b1; b2++)
377 				{	complex M = H0[q](b1,b2);
378 					if(M.abs() > Kcut)
379 					{	if(fabs(M.imag()) > Kcut)
380 							fprintf(fp, "( %lg, %lg )", M.real(), M.imag()); //complex element
381 						else
382 							fprintf(fp, "%lg", M.real()); //real element
383 						fprintf(fp, " %lu %lu 0 0\n", b1*nStates+q+1, b2*nStates+q+1);
384 					}
385 				}
386 		//Eigenvalues
387 		for(int q=0; q<nStates; q++)
388 			for(size_t b=0; b<nBands; b++)
389 				fprintf(fp, "%lg %lu 0 0 0\n", E[q][b], b*nStates+q+1);
390 		//Ewald energy
391 		double Eewald = e.ener.E["Eewald"];
392 		if(fabs(Eewald) > Kcut)
393 			fprintf(fp, "%lg 0 0 0 0\n", Eewald);
394 		fclose(fp);
395 	}
396 	watch.stop();
397 }
399 //---------------------------- Moments ------------------------------------
dumpMoment(const Everything & e,const char * filename)401 void dumpMoment(const Everything& e, const char* filename)
402 {	logSuspend();
403 	WignerSeitz ws(e.gInfo.R);
404 	logResume();
405 	const vector3<>& x0 = e.coulombParams.embedCenter; //origin
407 	//Compute electronic moment in lattice coordinates:
408 	vector3<> elecMoment;
409 	ScalarField n = e.eVars.get_nTot();
410 	double* nData = n->data();
411 	matrix3<> invS = inv(Diag(vector3<>(e.gInfo.S)));
412 	vector3<int> iv;
413 	for(iv[0]=0; iv[0]<e.gInfo.S[0]; iv[0]++)
414 	for(iv[1]=0; iv[1]<e.gInfo.S[1]; iv[1]++)
415 	for(iv[2]=0; iv[2]<e.gInfo.S[2]; iv[2]++)
416 	{	vector3<> x = x0 + ws.restrict(invS*iv - x0); //lattice coordinates wrapped to WS centered on x0
417 		elecMoment += x * (*(nData)++); //collect in lattice coordinates
418 	}
419 	elecMoment *= e.gInfo.dV; //integration weight
421 	//Compute ionic moment in lattice coordinates:
422 	vector3<> ionMoment;
423 	for(auto sp: e.iInfo.species)
424 		for(vector3<> pos: sp->atpos)
425 		{	vector3<> x = x0 + ws.restrict(pos - x0); //wrap atom position to WS centered on x0
426 			ionMoment -= sp->Z * x;
427 		}
429 	//Zero contributions in periodic directions:
430 	for(int iDir=0; iDir<3; iDir++)
431 		if(not e.coulombParams.isTruncated()[iDir])
432 		{	elecMoment[iDir] = 0.;
433 			ionMoment[iDir] = 0.;
434 		}
436 	//Convert to Cartesian and compute total:
437 	elecMoment = e.gInfo.R * elecMoment;
438 	ionMoment = e.gInfo.R * ionMoment;
439 	vector3<> totalMoment = elecMoment + ionMoment;
441 	//Output:
442 	FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "w");
443 	if(!fp) die("Error opening %s for writing.\n", filename);
444 	fprintf(fp, "#Contribution %4s %12s %12s\n", "x", "y", "z");
445 	fprintf(fp, "%10s %12.6lf %12.6lf %12.6lf\n", "Electronic", elecMoment[0], elecMoment[1], elecMoment[2]);
446 	fprintf(fp, "%10s %12.6lf %12.6lf %12.6lf\n", "Ionic", ionMoment[0], ionMoment[1], ionMoment[2]);
447 	fprintf(fp, "%10s %12.6lf %12.6lf %12.6lf\n", "Total", totalMoment[0], totalMoment[1], totalMoment[2]);
448 	fclose(fp);
449 }
452 //---------------------------- XC analysis --------------------------------
454 namespace XC_Analysis
455 {
456 	static const double cutoff = 1e-8;
regularize(int i,vector3<> r,double * tau)458 	void regularize(int i, vector3<> r, double* tau)
459 	{	tau[i] = (tau[i]<cutoff ? 0. : tau[i]);
460 	}
spness_kernel(int i,vector3<> r,double * tauW,double * tau,double * spness)461 	void spness_kernel(int i, vector3<> r, double* tauW, double* tau, double* spness)
462 	{	spness[i] = (tau[i]>cutoff ? tauW[i]/tau[i] : 1.);
463 	}
tauWeizsacker(const Everything & e)465 	ScalarFieldArray tauWeizsacker(const Everything& e)
466 	{	ScalarFieldArray tauW(e.eVars.n.size());
467 		for(size_t j=0; j<e.eVars.n.size(); j++)
468 			tauW[j] = (1./8.)*lengthSquared(gradient(e.eVars.n[j]))*pow(e.eVars.n[j], -1);
469 		return tauW;
470 	}
spness(const Everything & e)472 	ScalarFieldArray spness(const Everything& e)
473 	{
474 			const auto& tau = (e.exCorr.needsKEdensity() ? e.eVars.tau : e.eVars.KEdensity());
476 			ScalarFieldArray tauW = tauWeizsacker(e);
477 			ScalarFieldArray spness(e.eVars.n.size()); nullToZero(spness, e.gInfo);
478 			for(size_t j=0; j<e.eVars.n.size(); j++)
479 			{	applyFunc_r(e.gInfo, regularize, tau[j]->data());
480 				applyFunc_r(e.gInfo, regularize, tauW[j]->data());
481 				//spness[j] = tauW[j]*pow(tau[j], -1);
482 				applyFunc_r(e.gInfo, spness_kernel, tauW[j]->data(), tau[j]->data(), spness[j]->data());
483 			}
485 			return spness;
486 	}
sHartree(const Everything & e)488 	ScalarFieldArray sHartree(const Everything& e)
489 	{
490 		ScalarFieldArray sVh(e.eVars.n.size());
491 		ScalarFieldTildeArray nTilde = J(e.eVars.n);
492 		for(size_t s=0; s<e.eVars.n.size(); s++)
493 			sVh[s] = I((*(e.coulomb))(nTilde[s]));
495 		return sVh;
496 	}
497 }
500 //-------------------------- Solvation radii ----------------------------------
set_rInv(size_t iStart,size_t iStop,const vector3<int> & S,const matrix3<> & RTR,const WignerSeitz * ws,double * rInv)502 inline void set_rInv(size_t iStart, size_t iStop, const vector3<int>& S, const matrix3<>& RTR, const WignerSeitz* ws, double* rInv)
503 {	vector3<> invS; for(int k=0; k<3; k++) invS[k] = 1./S[k];
504 	matrix3<> meshMetric = Diag(invS) * RTR * Diag(invS);
505 	const double rWidth = 1.;
506 	THREAD_rLoop(
507 		double r = sqrt(meshMetric.metric_length_squared(ws->restrict(iv, S, invS)));
508 		if(r < rWidth) //Polynomial with f',f" zero at origin and f,f',f" matched at rWidth
509 		{	double t = r/rWidth;
510 			rInv[i] = (1./rWidth) * (1. + 0.5*(1.+t*t*t*(-2.+t)) + (1./12)*(1.+t*t*t*(-4.+t*3.))*2. );
511 		}
512 		else rInv[i] = 1./r;
513 	)
514 }
dumpRsol(ScalarField nbound,string fname)516 void Dump::dumpRsol(ScalarField nbound, string fname)
517 {
518 	//Compute normalization factor for the partition:
519 	int nAtomsTot = 0; for(const auto& sp: e->iInfo.species) nAtomsTot += sp->atpos.size();
520 	const double nFloor = 1e-5/nAtomsTot; //lower cap on densities to prevent Nyquist noise in low density regions
521 	ScalarField nAtomicTot;
522 	for(const auto& sp: e->iInfo.species)
523 	{	RadialFunctionG nRadial;
524 		logSuspend(); sp->getAtom_nRadial(0,0, nRadial, true); logResume();
525 		for(unsigned atom=0; atom<sp->atpos.size(); atom++)
526 		{	ScalarField nAtomic = radialFunction(e->gInfo, nRadial, sp->atpos[atom]);
527 			double nMin, nMax; callPref(eblas_capMinMax)(e->gInfo.nr, nAtomic->dataPref(), nMin, nMax, nFloor);
528 			nAtomicTot += nAtomic;
529 		}
530 	}
531 	ScalarField nboundByAtomic = (nbound*nbound) * inv(nAtomicTot);
533 	ScalarField rInv0(ScalarFieldData::alloc(e->gInfo));
534 	{	logSuspend(); WignerSeitz ws(e->gInfo.R); logResume();
535 		threadLaunch(set_rInv, e->gInfo.nr, e->gInfo.S, e->gInfo.RTR, &ws, rInv0->data());
536 	}
538 	//Compute bound charge 1/r and 1/r^2 expectation values weighted by atom-density partition:
539 	FILE* fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w");
540 	fprintf(fp, "#Species   rMean +/- rSigma [bohrs]   (rMean +/- rSigma [Angstrom])   sqrt(Int|nbound^2|) in partition\n");
541 	for(const auto& sp: e->iInfo.species)
542 	{	RadialFunctionG nRadial;
543 		logSuspend(); sp->getAtom_nRadial(0,0, nRadial, true); logResume();
544 		for(unsigned atom=0; atom<sp->atpos.size(); atom++)
545 		{	ScalarField w = radialFunction(e->gInfo, nRadial, sp->atpos[atom]) * nboundByAtomic;
546 			//Get r centered at current atom:
547 			ScalarFieldTilde trans; nullToZero(trans, e->gInfo); initTranslation(trans, e->gInfo.R*sp->atpos[atom]);
548 			ScalarField rInv = I(trans * J(rInv0));
549 			//Compute moments:
550 			double wNorm = integral(w);
551 			double rInvMean = integral(w * rInv) / wNorm;
552 			double rInvSqMean = integral(w * rInv * rInv) / wNorm;
553 			double rInvSigma = sqrt(rInvSqMean - rInvMean*rInvMean);
554 			double rMean = 1./rInvMean;
555 			double rSigma = rInvSigma / (rInvMean*rInvMean);
556 			//Print stats:
557 			fprintf(fp, "Rsol %s    %.2lf +/- %.2lf    ( %.2lf +/- %.2lf A )   Qrms: %.1le\n", sp->name.c_str(),
558 				rMean, rSigma, rMean/Angstrom, rSigma/Angstrom, sqrt(wNorm));
559 		}
560 	}
561 	fclose(fp);
562 }
dumpUnfold()564 void Dump::dumpUnfold()
565 {	const GridInfo& gInfo = e->gInfo;
566 	const ElecInfo& eInfo = e->eInfo;
567 	//Header
568 	//--- unit cell grid:
569 	const matrix3<int>& M = Munfold;
570 	matrix3<> invM = inv(matrix3<>(M));
571 	int nUnits = abs(det(M));
572 	GridInfo gInfoUnit;
573 	gInfoUnit.R = gInfo.R * invM;
574 	gInfoUnit.Gmax = sqrt(2*e->cntrl.Ecut); //Ecut = 0.5 Gmax^2
575 	logSuspend();
576 	gInfoUnit.initialize();
577 	logResume();
578 	//--- list of unit cell k-points for each supercell k:
579 	std::vector<std::vector<vector3<>>> kUnit(eInfo.nStates);
580 	for(int q=0; q<eInfo.nStates; q++)
581 	{	PeriodicLookup<vector3<>> plook(kUnit[q], gInfoUnit.GGT, nUnits);
582 		for(const vector3<int>& iG: e->basis[q].iGarr)
583 		{	vector3<> k = (eInfo.qnums[q].k + iG) * invM; //corresponding unit cell k
584 			for(int iDir=0; iDir<3; iDir++) k[iDir] -= ceil(-0.5+k[iDir]); //wrap to (-0.5,0.5]
585 			if(plook.find(k) == string::npos) //not encountered yet
586 			{	plook.addPoint(kUnit[q].size(), k); //update periodic look-up table
587 				kUnit[q].push_back(k);
588 				if(int(kUnit[q].size())==nUnits) break; //all unit cell k for this supercell k found
589 			}
590 		}
591 		std::sort(kUnit[q].begin(), kUnit[q].end());
592 	}
593 	//--- write header:
594 	string fname = getFilename("bandUnfoldHeader");
595 	logPrintf("Dumping '%s' ... ", fname.c_str()); logFlush();
596 	if(mpiWorld->isHead())
597 	{	FILE* fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w");
598 		for(int q=0; q<eInfo.nStates; q++)
599 		{	fprintf(fp, "Supercell kpoint ");
600 			eInfo.kpointPrint(fp, q, true);
601 			fprintf(fp, "\n");
602 			for(vector3<>& k:  kUnit[q])
603 				fprintf(fp, "%+.7f %+.7f %+.7f\n", k[0], k[1], k[2]);
604 			fprintf(fp, "\n");
605 		}
606 		fclose(fp);
607 	}
608 	logPrintf("done\n"); logFlush();
609 	//Weights of each unit cell k:
610 	fname = getFilename("bandUnfold");
611 	logPrintf("Dumping '%s' ... ", fname.c_str()); logFlush();
612 	std::vector<diagMatrix> unitWeights(eInfo.nStates);
613 	for(int q=eInfo.qStart; q<eInfo.qStop; q++)
614 	{	unitWeights[q].reserve(nUnits * eInfo.nBands);
615 		for(const vector3<>& k: kUnit[q])
616 		{	//Create basis and qnum for unit cell k:
617 			Basis basisUnit;
618 			logSuspend();
619 			basisUnit.setup(gInfoUnit, e->iInfo, e->cntrl.Ecut, k);
620 			logResume();
621 			QuantumNumber qnumUnit; qnumUnit.k = k;
622 			//Setup wave function transformation:
623 			int nSpinor = eInfo.spinorLength();
624 			ColumnBundleTransform cbt(k, basisUnit, eInfo.qnums[q].k, e->basis[q], nSpinor, SpaceGroupOp(), +1, M);
625 			//Extract unit cell wavefunctions:
626 			const ColumnBundle& C = e->eVars.C[q];
627 			ColumnBundle OC = O(C);
628 			ColumnBundle Cunit(1, basisUnit.nbasis*nSpinor, &basisUnit, &qnumUnit, isGpuEnabled());
629 			ColumnBundle OCunit = Cunit.similar();
630 			for(int b=0; b<eInfo.nBands; b++)
631 			{	Cunit.zero(); cbt.gatherAxpy(1., C,b, Cunit,0);
632 				OCunit.zero(); cbt.gatherAxpy(1., OC,b, OCunit,0);
633 				unitWeights[q].push_back(trace(Cunit^OCunit).real());
634 			}
635 		}
636 	}
637 	eInfo.write(unitWeights, fname.c_str(), nUnits*eInfo.nBands);
638 	logPrintf("done\n"); logFlush();
639 }