1 package jspecview.export;
3 import java.io.BufferedReader;
5 import org.jmol.api.GenericFileInterface;
7 import javajs.util.OC;
8 import javajs.util.Lst;
9 import javajs.util.PT;
12 import jspecview.api.ExportInterface;
13 import jspecview.api.JSVExporter;
14 import jspecview.api.JSVFileHelper;
15 import jspecview.api.JSVPanel;
16 import jspecview.common.ExportType;
17 import jspecview.common.Spectrum;
18 import jspecview.common.JSVFileManager;
19 import jspecview.common.JSViewer;
20 import jspecview.common.PanelData;
21 import jspecview.common.PrintLayout;
22 import jspecview.common.Annotation.AType;
24 public class Exporter implements ExportInterface {
26 	static final String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
Exporter()28 	public Exporter() {
29 		// for reflection; called directly only from MainFrame
30 	}
32 	@Override
write(JSViewer viewer, Lst<String> tokens, boolean forInkscape)33 	public String write(JSViewer viewer, Lst<String> tokens, boolean forInkscape) {
34 		// MainFrame or applet WRITE command
35 		if (tokens == null)
36 			return printPDF(viewer, null, false);
38 		String type = null;
39 		String fileName = null;
40 		ExportType eType;
41 		OC out;
42 		JSVPanel jsvp = viewer.selectedPanel;
43 		try {
44 			switch (tokens.size()) {
45 			default:
46 				return "WRITE what?";
47 			case 1:
48 				fileName = PT.trimQuotes(tokens.get(0));
49 				if (fileName.indexOf(".") >= 0)
50 					type = "XY";
51 				if (jsvp == null)
52 					return null;
53 				eType = ExportType.getType(fileName);
54 				switch (eType) {
55 				case PDF:
56 				case PNG:
57 				case JPG:
58 					return exportTheSpectrum(viewer, eType, null, null, -1, -1, null, false);
59 				default:
60 					// select a spectrum
61 					viewer.fileHelper.setFileChooser(eType);
62 					String[] items = getExportableItems(viewer, eType.equals(ExportType.SOURCE));
63 					int index = (items == null ? -1 : viewer.getOptionFromDialog(items, "Export", "Choose a spectrum to export"));
64 					if (index == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
65 						return null;
66 					GenericFileInterface file = viewer.fileHelper.getFile(getSuggestedFileName(viewer, eType), jsvp, true);
67 					if (file == null)
68 						return null;
69 					out = viewer.getOutputChannel(file.getFullPath(), false);
70 			    String msg = exportSpectrumOrImage(viewer, eType, index, out);
71 			    boolean isOK = msg.startsWith("OK");
72 			    if (isOK)
73 			    	viewer.si.siUpdateRecentMenus(file.getFullPath());
74 			    out.closeChannel();
75 			    return msg;
76 				}
77 			case 2:
78 				type = tokens.get(0).toUpperCase();
79 				fileName = PT.trimQuotes(tokens.get(1));
80 				break;
81 			}
82 			String ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)
83 					.toUpperCase();
84 			if (ext.equals("BASE64")) {
85 				fileName = ";base64,";
86 			} else if (ext.equals("JDX")) {
87 				if (type == null)
88 					type = "XY";
89 			} else if (ExportType.isExportMode(ext)) {
90 				type = ext;
91 			} else if (ExportType.isExportMode(type)) {
92 				fileName += "." + type;
93 			}
94 			eType = ExportType.getType(type);
95 			if (forInkscape && eType == ExportType.SVG)
96 				eType = ExportType.SVGI;
98 			out = viewer.getOutputChannel(fileName, false);
99 			return exportSpectrumOrImage(viewer, eType, -1, out);
100 		} catch (Exception e) {
101 			System.out.println(e);
102 			return null;
103 		}
104 	}
106   /**
107    *
108    * This export method will clip the data based on the current display
109    *
110    * @param viewer
111    * @param eType
112    * @param index
113    * @param out
114    * @return  status line message
115    */
exportSpectrumOrImage(JSViewer viewer, ExportType eType, int index, OC out)116   private String exportSpectrumOrImage(JSViewer viewer, ExportType eType,
117                                               int index, OC out) {
118     Spectrum spec;
119     PanelData pd = viewer.pd();
120     if (index < 0 && (index = pd.getCurrentSpectrumIndex()) < 0)
121       return "Error exporting spectrum: No spectrum selected";
122     spec = pd.getSpectrumAt(index);
123     int startIndex = pd.getStartingPointIndex(index);
124     int endIndex = pd.getEndingPointIndex(index);
125     String msg = null;
126     try {
127     	boolean asBase64 = out.isBase64();
128     	msg = exportTheSpectrum(viewer, eType, out, spec, startIndex, endIndex, pd, asBase64);
129     	if (asBase64)
130     		return msg;
131     	if (msg.startsWith("OK"))
132     		return "OK - Exported " + eType.name() + ": " + out.getFileName() + msg.substring(2);
133     } catch (Exception ioe) {
134       msg = ioe.toString();
135     }
136     return "Error exporting " + out.getFileName() + ": " + msg;
137   }
139 	@Override
exportTheSpectrum(JSViewer viewer, ExportType mode, OC out, Spectrum spec, int startIndex, int endIndex, PanelData pd, boolean asBase64)140 	public String exportTheSpectrum(JSViewer viewer, ExportType mode,
141 			OC out, Spectrum spec, int startIndex, int endIndex,
142 			PanelData pd, boolean asBase64) throws Exception {
143 		JSVPanel jsvp = viewer.selectedPanel;
144 		String type = mode.name();
145 		switch (mode) {
146 		case AML:
147 		case CML:
148 		case SVG:
149 		case SVGI:
150 			break;
151 		case DIF:
152 		case DIFDUP:
153 		case FIX:
154 		case PAC:
155 		case SQZ:
156 		case XY:
157 			type = "JDX";
158 			break;
159 		case JPG:
160 		case PNG:
161 			if (jsvp == null)
162 				return null;
163 			viewer.fileHelper.setFileChooser(mode);
164 			String name = getSuggestedFileName(viewer, mode);
165 			GenericFileInterface file = viewer.fileHelper.getFile(name, jsvp, true);
166 			if (file == null)
167 				return null;
168 			return jsvp.saveImage(type.toLowerCase(), file, out);
169 		case PDF:
170 			return printPDF(viewer, "PDF", asBase64);
171 		case SOURCE:
172 			if (jsvp == null)
173 				return null;
174 		  String data = jsvp.getPanelData().getSpectrum().getInlineData();
175 		  if (data != null) {
176 			  out.append(data);
177 			  out.closeChannel();
178   	    return "OK " + out.getByteCount() + " bytes";
179 		  }
180 			String path = jsvp.getPanelData().getSpectrum().getFilePath();
181 			return fileCopy(path, out);
182 		case UNK:
183 			return null;
184 		}
185 		return ((JSVExporter) JSViewer.getInterface("jspecview.export."
186 				+ type.toUpperCase() + "Exporter")).exportTheSpectrum(viewer, mode,
187 				out, spec, startIndex, endIndex, null, false);
188 	}
190 	@SuppressWarnings("resource")
printPDF(JSViewer viewer, String pdfFileName, boolean isBase64)191 	private String printPDF(JSViewer viewer, String pdfFileName, boolean isBase64) {
193 		boolean isJob = (pdfFileName == null || pdfFileName.length() == 0);
194 		if (!isBase64 && !viewer.si.isSigned())
195 			return "Error: Applet must be signed for the PRINT command.";
196 		PanelData pd = viewer.pd();
197 		if (pd == null)
198 			return null;
199 		boolean useDialog = false;
200 		PrintLayout pl;
201 		/**
202 		 * @j2sNative
203 		 *
204 		 * useDialog = false;
205 		 *
206 		 */
207 		{
208 			pd.closeAllDialogsExcept(AType.NONE);
209 			useDialog = true;
210 		}
211     pl = viewer.getDialogPrint(isJob);
212 		if (pl == null)
213 			return null;
214     if (!useDialog)
215 			pl.asPDF = true; // JavaScript only
216 		if (isJob && pl.asPDF) {
217 			isJob = false;
218 			pdfFileName = "PDF";
219 		}
220 		JSVPanel jsvp = viewer.selectedPanel;
221 		if (!isBase64 && !isJob) {
222 			JSVFileHelper helper = viewer.fileHelper;
223 			helper.setFileChooser(ExportType.PDF);
224 			if (pdfFileName.equals("?") || pdfFileName.equalsIgnoreCase("PDF"))
225 				pdfFileName = getSuggestedFileName(viewer, ExportType.PDF);
226 			GenericFileInterface file = helper.getFile(pdfFileName, jsvp, true);
227 			if (file == null)
228 				return null;
229 			if (!viewer.isJS)
230 				viewer.setProperty("directoryLastExportedFile",
231 						helper.setDirLastExported(file.getParentAsFile().getFullPath()));
232 			pdfFileName = file.getFullPath();
233 		}
234 		String s = null;
235 		try {
236 			OC out = (isJob ? null :
237 				isBase64 ? new OC().setParams(null,  ";base64,", false, null)
238 						: viewer.getOutputChannel(pdfFileName, true));
239 			String printJobTitle = pd.getPrintJobTitle(true);
240 			if (pl.showTitle) {
241 				printJobTitle = jsvp.getInput("Title?", "Title for Printing",
242 						printJobTitle);
243 				if (printJobTitle == null)
244 					return null;
245 			}
246 			jsvp.printPanel(pl, out, printJobTitle);
247 			s = out.toString();
248 		} catch (Exception e) {
249 			jsvp.showMessage(e.toString(), "File Error");
250 		}
251 		return s;
252 	}
getExportableItems(JSViewer viewer, boolean isSameType)254 	private String[] getExportableItems(JSViewer viewer,
255 			boolean isSameType) {
256 		PanelData pd = viewer.pd();
257 		boolean isView = viewer.currentSource.isView;
258 		// From popup menu click SaveAs or Export
259 		// if JSVPanel has more than one spectrum...Choose which one to export
260 		int nSpectra = pd.getNumberOfSpectraInCurrentSet();
261 		if (nSpectra == 1 || !isView && isSameType
262 				|| pd.getCurrentSpectrumIndex() >= 0)
263 			return null;
264 		String[] items = new String[nSpectra];
265 		for (int i = 0; i < nSpectra; i++)
266 			items[i] = pd.getSpectrumAt(i).getTitle();
267 		return items;
268 	}
getSuggestedFileName(JSViewer viewer, ExportType imode)270 	private String getSuggestedFileName(JSViewer viewer, ExportType imode) {
271 		PanelData pd = viewer.pd();
272     String sourcePath = pd.getSpectrum().getFilePath();
273     String newName = JSVFileManager.getTagName(sourcePath);
274     if (newName.startsWith("$"))
275     	newName = newName.substring(1);
276     int pt = newName.lastIndexOf(".");
277     String name = (pt < 0 ? newName : newName.substring(0, pt));
278     String ext = ".jdx";
279     boolean isPrint = false;
280     switch (imode) {
281     case XY:
282     case FIX:
283     case PAC:
284     case SQZ:
285     case DIF:
286     case DIFDUP:
287     case SOURCE:
288     	if (!(name.endsWith("_" + imode)))
289     		name += "_" + imode;
290       ext = ".jdx";
291       break;
292     case AML:
293     	ext = ".xml";
294     	break;
295     case JPG:
296     case PNG:
297     case PDF:
298     	isPrint = true;
299 			//$FALL-THROUGH$
300 		default:
301       ext = "." + imode.toString().toLowerCase();
302     }
303     if (viewer.currentSource.isView)
304     	name = pd.getPrintJobTitle(isPrint);
305     name += ext;
306     return name;
307 	}
fileCopy(String name, OC out)309   private static String fileCopy(String name, OC out) {
310     try {
311       BufferedReader br = JSVFileManager.getBufferedReaderFromName(name,
312           null);
313       String line = null;
314       while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
315         out.append(line);
316         out.append(newLine);
317       }
318       out.closeChannel();
319       return "OK " + out.getByteCount() + " bytes";
320     } catch (Exception e) {
321       return e.toString();
322     }
323   }
326 }