1 /* $RCSfile$
2  * $Author: hansonr $
3  * $Date: 2006-03-15 07:52:29 -0600 (Wed, 15 Mar 2006) $
4  * $Revision: 4614 $
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2003-2005  Miguel, Jmol Development, www.jmol.org
7  *
8  * Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net
9  *
10  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
12  *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
13  *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
19  *
20  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21  *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22  *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
23  */
25 package org.jmol.adapter.readers.more;
27 import javajs.util.Lst;
29 import org.jmol.adapter.smarter.Atom;
30 import org.jmol.util.Logger;
32 /**
33  * A reader for Amber Molecular Dynamics topology files --
34  * requires subsequent COORD "xxxx.mdcrd" file
35  *
36  *<p>
37  * <a href=''>
38  *
39  * </a>
40  *
41  * PDB note:
42  *
43  * Note that topology format does not include chain designations,
44  * chain terminator, chain designator, or element symbol.
45  *
46  * Chains based on numbering reset just labeled A B C D .... Z a b c d .... z
47  * Element symbols based on reasoned guess and properties of hetero groups
48  *
49  * In principal we could use average atomic mass.
50  *
51  *
52  *<p>
53  */
55 public class MdTopReader extends ForceFieldReader {
57   private int nAtoms = 0;
58   private int ac = 0;
60   @Override
initializeReader()61   protected void initializeReader() throws Exception {
62     setIsPDB();
63     setUserAtomTypes();
64   }
66   @Override
checkLine()67   protected boolean checkLine() throws Exception {
68     if (line.indexOf("%FLAG ") != 0)
69       return true;
70     line = line.substring(6).trim();
71     if (line.equals("POINTERS"))
72       getPointers();
73     else if (line.equals("ATOM_NAME"))
74       getAtomNames();
75     else if (line.equals("CHARGE"))
76       getCharges();
77     else if (line.equals("RESIDUE_LABEL"))
78       getResidueLabels();
79     else if (line.equals("RESIDUE_POINTER"))
80       getResiduePointers();
81     else if (line.equals("AMBER_ATOM_TYPE"))
82       getAtomTypes();
83     else if (line.equals("MASS"))
84       getMasses();
85     return false;
86   }
88   @Override
finalizeSubclassReader()89   protected void finalizeSubclassReader() throws Exception {
90     finalizeReaderASCR();
91     Atom[] atoms = asc.atoms;
92     Atom atom;
93     for (int i = 0; i < ac; i++) {
94       atom = atoms[i];
95       atom.isHetero = vwr.getJBR().isHetero(atom.group3);
96       String atomType = atomTypes[i];
97       if (!getElementSymbol(atom, atomType))
98         atom.elementSymbol = deducePdbElementSymbol(atom.isHetero,
99             atom.atomName, atom.group3);
100     }
101     Atom[] atoms2 = null;
102     if (filter == null) {
103       nAtoms = ac;
104     } else {
105       atoms2 = new Atom[atoms.length];
106       nAtoms = 0;
107       for (int i = 0; i < ac; i++)
108         if (filterAtom(atoms[i], i))
109           atoms2[nAtoms++] = atoms[i];
110     }
111     for (int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < ac; i++) {
112       if (filter == null || bsFilter.get(i)) {
113         if (k % 100 == 0)
114           j++;
115         setAtomCoordXYZ(atoms[i], (i % 100) * 2, j * 2, 0);
116       }
117     }
118     if (atoms2 != null) {
119       discardPreviousAtoms();
120       for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++)
121         asc.addAtom(atoms2[i]);
122     }
123     Logger.info("Total number of atoms used=" + nAtoms);
124     setModelPDB(true);
125     htParams.put("defaultType", "mdcrd");
126   }
getDataBlock()128   private String[] getDataBlock() throws Exception {
129     Lst<String> vdata = new  Lst<String>();
130     // for these purposes, we just read the first length
131     discardLinesUntilContains("FORMAT");
132     int n = getFortranFormatLengths(line.substring(line.indexOf("("))).get(0).intValue();
133     int i = 0;
134     int len = 0;
135     while (true) {
136       if (i >= len) {
137         if (rd() == null)
138           break;
139         i = 0;
140         len = line.length();
141         if (len == 0 || line.indexOf("FLAG") >= 0)
142           break;
143       }
144       vdata.addLast(line.substring(i, i + n).trim());
145       i += n;
146     }
147     return vdata.toArray(new String[vdata.size()]);
148   }
150   /*
152                 NPHIH,  MPHIA,  NHPARM, NPARM,  NEXT,   NRES,
153                 NBONA,  NTHETA, NPHIA,  NUMBND, NUMANG, NPTRA,
154                 NATYP,  NPHB,   IFPERT, NBPER,  NGPER,  NDPER,
155                 MBPER,  MGPER,  MDPER,  IFBOX,  NMXRS,  IFCAP
156     NATOM  : total number of atoms
157     NTYPES : total number of distinct atom types
158     NBONH  : number of bonds containing hydrogen
159     MBONA  : number of bonds not containing hydrogen
160     NTHETH : number of angles containing hydrogen
161     MTHETA : number of angles not containing hydrogen
162     NPHIH  : number of dihedrals containing hydrogen
163     MPHIA  : number of dihedrals not containing hydrogen
164     NHPARM : currently not used
165     NPARM  : currently not used
166     NEXT   : number of excluded atoms
167     NRES   : number of residues
168     NBONA  : MBONA + number of constraint bonds
169     NTHETA : MTHETA + number of constraint angles
170     NPHIA  : MPHIA + number of constraint dihedrals
171     NUMBND : number of unique bond types
172     NUMANG : number of unique angle types
173     NPTRA  : number of unique dihedral types
174     NATYP  : number of atom types in parameter file, see SOLTY below
175     NPHB   : number of distinct 10-12 hydrogen bond pair types
176     IFPERT : set to 1 if perturbation info is to be read in
177     NBPER  : number of bonds to be perturbed
178     NGPER  : number of angles to be perturbed
179     NDPER  : number of dihedrals to be perturbed
180     MBPER  : number of bonds with atoms completely in perturbed group
181     MGPER  : number of angles with atoms completely in perturbed group
182     MDPER  : number of dihedrals with atoms completely in perturbed groups
183     IFBOX  : set to 1 if standard periodic box, 2 when truncated octahedral
184     NMXRS  : number of atoms in the largest residue
185     IFCAP  : set to 1 if the CAP option from edit was specified
188   %FORMAT(10I8)
189      37300      16   29669    6234   12927    6917   28267    6499       0       0
190      87674    9013    6234    6917    6499      47     101      41      31       1
191          0       0       0       0       0       0       0       1      24       0
192          0
194   0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
195   01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
197      */
getPointers()198     private void getPointers() throws Exception {
199       String[] tokens = getDataBlock();
200       ac = parseIntStr(tokens[0]);
201       boolean isPeriodic = (tokens[27].charAt(0) != '0');
202       if (isPeriodic) {
203         Logger.info("Periodic type: " + tokens[27]);
204         htParams.put("isPeriodic", Boolean.TRUE);
205       }
206       Logger.info("Total number of atoms read=" + ac);
207       htParams.put("templateAtomCount", Integer.valueOf(ac));
208       for (int i = 0; i < ac; i++)
209         asc.addAtom(new Atom());
210     }
212   private String[] atomTypes;
getAtomTypes()213   private void getAtomTypes() throws Exception {
214     atomTypes = getDataBlock();
215   }
217   /*
219 %FORMAT(5E16.8)
220   5.66713530E-01  4.24397367E+00  4.24397367E+00  4.24397367E+00  4.68313110E-01
221   1.87871913E+00  3.43490355E+00  3.88134990E-01 -6.77869560E+00  1.72565181E+00
222   1.72565181E+00  1.72565181E+00 -7.05203010E-01  3.66268230E-01  3.66268230E-01
224    */
getCharges()225   private void getCharges() throws Exception {
226     String[] data = getDataBlock();
227     if (data.length != ac)
228       return;
229     Atom[] atoms = asc.atoms;
230     for (int i = ac; --i >= 0;)
231       atoms[i].partialCharge = parseFloatStr(data[i]);
232   }
getResiduePointers()234   private void getResiduePointers() throws Exception {
235     String[] resPtrs = getDataBlock();
236     Logger.info("Total number of residues=" + resPtrs.length);
237     int pt1 = ac;
238     int pt2;
239     Atom[] atoms = asc.atoms;
240     for (int i = resPtrs.length; --i >= 0;) {
241       int ptr = pt2 = parseIntStr(resPtrs[i]) - 1;
242       while (ptr < pt1) {
243         if (group3s != null)
244           atoms[ptr].group3 = group3s[i];
245         atoms[ptr++].sequenceNumber = i + 1;
246       }
247       pt1 = pt2;
248     }
249   }
251   String[] group3s;
getResidueLabels()253   private void getResidueLabels() throws Exception {
254     group3s = getDataBlock();
255   }
257   /*
259   %FORMAT(20a4)
260   N   H1  H2  H3  CA  HA  CB  HB  CG2 HG21HG22HG23CG1 HG12HG13CD1 HD11HD12HD13C
261   O   N   H   CA  HA  CB  HB2 HB3 SG  HG  C   O   N   H   CA  HA  CB  HB  CG1 HG11
262   HG12HG13CG2 HG21HG22HG23C   O   N   H   CA  HA  CB  HB2 HB3 CG  CD1 HD1 CE1 HE1
263   CZ  OH  HH  CE2 HE2 CD2 HD2 C   O   N   H   CA  HA  CB  HB  CG1 HG11HG12HG13CG2
264   */
getAtomNames()266   private void getAtomNames() throws Exception {
267     String[] names = getDataBlock();
268     Atom[] atoms = asc.atoms;
269     for (int i = 0; i < ac; i++)
270       atoms[i].atomName = names[i];
271   }
getMasses()273   private void getMasses() throws Exception {
274     /*    float[] data = new float[ac];
275         readLine();
276         getTokensFloat(getDataBlock(), data, ac);
277     */
278   }
281 }