1 /* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *                    *** Smooth Mach Dynamics ***
4  *
5  * This file is part of the MACHDYN package for LAMMPS.
6  * Copyright (2014) Georg C. Ganzenmueller, georg.ganzenmueller@emi.fhg.de
7  * Fraunhofer Ernst-Mach Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, EMI,
8  * Eckerstrasse 4, D-79104 Freiburg i.Br, Germany.
9  *
10  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12 #ifndef SMD_MATH_H
13 #define SMD_MATH_H
15 #include <Eigen/Eigen>
16 #include <iostream>
18 namespace SMD_Math {
LimitDoubleMagnitude(double & x,const double limit)19 static inline void LimitDoubleMagnitude(double &x, const double limit)
20 {
21   /*
22          * if |x| exceeds limit, set x to limit with the sign of x
23          */
24   if (fabs(x) > limit) {    // limit delVdotDelR to a fraction of speed of sound
25     x = limit * copysign(1.0, x);
26   }
27 }
29 /*
30  * deviator of a tensor
31  */
Deviator(const Eigen::Matrix3d M)32 static inline Eigen::Matrix3d Deviator(const Eigen::Matrix3d M)
33 {
34   Eigen::Matrix3d eye;
35   eye.setIdentity();
36   eye *= M.trace() / 3.0;
37   return M - eye;
38 }
40 /*
41  * Polar Decomposition M = R * T
42  * where R is a rotation and T a pure translation/stretch matrix.
43  *
44  * The decomposition is achieved using SVD, i.e. M = U S V^T,
45  * where U = R V and S is diagonal.
46  *
47  *
48  * For any physically admissible deformation gradient, the determinant of R must equal +1.
49  * However, scenerios can arise, where the particles interpenetrate and cause inversion, leading to a determinant of R equal to -1.
50  * In this case, the inversion direction is heuristically identified with the eigenvector of the smallest entry of S, which should work for most cases.
51  * The sign of this corresponding eigenvalue is flipped, the original matrix M is recomputed using the flipped S, and the rotation and translation matrices are
52  * obtained again from an SVD. The rotation should proper now, i.e., det(R) = +1.
53  */
PolDec(Eigen::Matrix3d M,Eigen::Matrix3d & R,Eigen::Matrix3d & T,bool scaleF)55 static inline bool PolDec(Eigen::Matrix3d M, Eigen::Matrix3d &R, Eigen::Matrix3d &T, bool scaleF)
56 {
58   Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix3d> svd(
59       M, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);    // SVD(A) = U S V*
60   Eigen::Vector3d S_eigenvalues = svd.singularValues();
61   Eigen::Matrix3d S = svd.singularValues().asDiagonal();
62   Eigen::Matrix3d U = svd.matrixU();
63   Eigen::Matrix3d V = svd.matrixV();
64   Eigen::Matrix3d eye;
65   eye.setIdentity();
67   // now do polar decomposition into M = R * T, where R is rotation
68   // and T is translation matrix
69   R = U * V.transpose();
70   T = V * S * V.transpose();
72   if (R.determinant() < 0.0) {    // this is an improper rotation
73     // identify the smallest entry in S and flip its sign
74     int imin;
75     S_eigenvalues.minCoeff(&imin);
76     S(imin, imin) *= -1.0;
78     R = M * V * S.inverse() * V.transpose();    // recompute R using flipped stretch eigenvalues
79   }
81   /*
82          * scale S to avoid small principal strains
83          */
85   if (scaleF) {
86     double min = 0.3;    // 0.3^2 = 0.09, should suffice for most problems
87     double max = 2.0;
88     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
89       if (S(i, i) < min) {
90         S(i, i) = min;
91       } else if (S(i, i) > max) {
92         S(i, i) = max;
93       }
94     }
95     T = V * S * V.transpose();
96   }
98   if (R.determinant() > 0.0) {
99     return true;
100   } else {
101     return false;
102   }
103 }
105 /*
106  * Pseudo-inverse via SVD
107  */
pseudo_inverse_SVD(Eigen::Matrix3d & M)109 static inline void pseudo_inverse_SVD(Eigen::Matrix3d &M)
110 {
112   Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix3d> svd(
113       M,
114       Eigen::
115           ComputeFullU);    // one Eigevector base is sufficient because matrix is square and symmetric
117   Eigen::Vector3d singularValuesInv;
118   Eigen::Vector3d singularValues = svd.singularValues();
120   double pinvtoler =
121       1.0e-16;    // 2d machining example goes unstable if this value is increased (1.0e-16).
122   for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
123     if (singularValues(row) > pinvtoler) {
124       singularValuesInv(row) = 1.0 / singularValues(row);
125     } else {
126       singularValuesInv(row) = 0.0;
127     }
128   }
130   M = svd.matrixU() * singularValuesInv.asDiagonal() * svd.matrixU().transpose();
131 }
133 /*
134  * test if two matrices are equal
135  */
TestMatricesEqual(Eigen::Matrix3d A,Eigen::Matrix3d B,double eps)136 static inline double TestMatricesEqual(Eigen::Matrix3d A, Eigen::Matrix3d B, double eps)
137 {
138   Eigen::Matrix3d diff;
139   diff = A - B;
140   double norm = diff.norm();
141   if (norm > eps) {
142     std::cout << "Matrices A and B are not equal! The L2-norm difference is: " << norm << "\n"
143               << "Here is matrix A:\n"
144               << A << "\n"
145               << "Here is matrix B:\n"
146               << B << std::endl;
147   }
148   return norm;
149 }
151 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
152  Limit eigenvalues of a matrix to upper and lower bounds.
153  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
LimitEigenvalues(Eigen::Matrix3d S,double limitEigenvalue)155 static inline Eigen::Matrix3d LimitEigenvalues(Eigen::Matrix3d S, double limitEigenvalue)
156 {
158   /*
159          * compute Eigenvalues of matrix S
160          */
161   Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> es;
162   es.compute(S);
164   double max_eigenvalue = es.eigenvalues().maxCoeff();
165   double min_eigenvalue = es.eigenvalues().minCoeff();
166   double amax_eigenvalue = fabs(max_eigenvalue);
167   double amin_eigenvalue = fabs(min_eigenvalue);
169   if ((amax_eigenvalue > limitEigenvalue) || (amin_eigenvalue > limitEigenvalue)) {
170     if (amax_eigenvalue > amin_eigenvalue) {    // need to scale with max_eigenvalue
171       double scale = amax_eigenvalue / limitEigenvalue;
172       Eigen::Matrix3d V = es.eigenvectors();
173       Eigen::Matrix3d S_diag = V.inverse() * S * V;    // diagonalized input matrix
174       S_diag /= scale;
175       Eigen::Matrix3d S_scaled = V * S_diag * V.inverse();    // undiagonalize matrix
176       return S_scaled;
177     } else {    // need to scale using min_eigenvalue
178       double scale = amin_eigenvalue / limitEigenvalue;
179       Eigen::Matrix3d V = es.eigenvectors();
180       Eigen::Matrix3d S_diag = V.inverse() * S * V;    // diagonalized input matrix
181       S_diag /= scale;
182       Eigen::Matrix3d S_scaled = V * S_diag * V.inverse();    // undiagonalize matrix
183       return S_scaled;
184     }
185   } else {    // limiting does not apply
186     return S;
187   }
188 }
LimitMinMaxEigenvalues(Eigen::Matrix3d & S,double min,double max)190 static inline bool LimitMinMaxEigenvalues(Eigen::Matrix3d &S, double min, double max)
191 {
193   /*
194          * compute Eigenvalues of matrix S
195          */
196   Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> es;
197   es.compute(S);
199   if ((es.eigenvalues().maxCoeff() > max) || (es.eigenvalues().minCoeff() < min)) {
200     Eigen::Matrix3d S_diag = es.eigenvalues().asDiagonal();
201     Eigen::Matrix3d V = es.eigenvectors();
202     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
203       if (S_diag(i, i) < min) {
204         //printf("limiting eigenvalue %f --> %f\n", S_diag(i, i), min);
205         //printf("these are the eigenvalues of U: %f %f %f\n", es.eigenvalues()(0), es.eigenvalues()(1), es.eigenvalues()(2));
206         S_diag(i, i) = min;
207       } else if (S_diag(i, i) > max) {
208         //printf("limiting eigenvalue %f --> %f\n", S_diag(i, i), max);
209         S_diag(i, i) = max;
210       }
211     }
212     S = V * S_diag * V.inverse();    // undiagonalize matrix
213     return true;
214   } else {
215     return false;
216   }
217 }
reconstruct_rank_deficient_shape_matrix(Eigen::Matrix3d & K)219 static inline void reconstruct_rank_deficient_shape_matrix(Eigen::Matrix3d &K)
220 {
222   Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix3d> svd(K, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
223   Eigen::Vector3d singularValues = svd.singularValues();
225   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
226     if (singularValues(i) < 1.0e-8) { singularValues(i) = 1.0; }
227   }
229   //              int imin;
230   //              double minev = singularValues.minCoeff(&imin);
231   //
232   //              printf("min eigenvalue=%f has index %d\n", minev, imin);
233   //              Vector3d singularVec = U.col(0).cross(U.col(1));
234   //              cout << "the eigenvalues are " << endl << singularValues << endl;
235   //              cout << "the singular vector is " << endl << singularVec << endl;
236   //
237   //              // reconstruct original K
238   //
239   //              singularValues(2) = 1.0;
241   K = svd.matrixU() * singularValues.asDiagonal() * svd.matrixV().transpose();
242   //cout << "the reconstructed K is " << endl << K << endl;
243   //exit(1);
244 }
246 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
247  helper functions for crack_exclude
248  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
IsOnSegment(double xi,double yi,double xj,double yj,double xk,double yk)249 static inline bool IsOnSegment(double xi, double yi, double xj, double yj, double xk, double yk)
250 {
251   return (xi <= xk || xj <= xk) && (xk <= xi || xk <= xj) && (yi <= yk || yj <= yk) &&
252       (yk <= yi || yk <= yj);
253 }
ComputeDirection(double xi,double yi,double xj,double yj,double xk,double yk)255 static inline char ComputeDirection(double xi, double yi, double xj, double yj, double xk,
256                                     double yk)
257 {
258   double a = (xk - xi) * (yj - yi);
259   double b = (xj - xi) * (yk - yi);
260   return a < b ? -1.0 : a > b ? 1.0 : 0;
261 }
263 /** Do line segments (x1, y1)--(x2, y2) and (x3, y3)--(x4, y4) intersect? */
DoLineSegmentsIntersect(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2,double x3,double y3,double x4,double y4)264 static inline bool DoLineSegmentsIntersect(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3,
265                                            double y3, double x4, double y4)
266 {
267   char d1 = ComputeDirection(x3, y3, x4, y4, x1, y1);
268   char d2 = ComputeDirection(x3, y3, x4, y4, x2, y2);
269   char d3 = ComputeDirection(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
270   char d4 = ComputeDirection(x1, y1, x2, y2, x4, y4);
271   return (((d1 > 0 && d2 < 0) || (d1 < 0 && d2 > 0)) &&
272           ((d3 > 0 && d4 < 0) || (d3 < 0 && d4 > 0))) ||
273       (d1 == 0 && IsOnSegment(x3, y3, x4, y4, x1, y1)) ||
274       (d2 == 0 && IsOnSegment(x3, y3, x4, y4, x2, y2)) ||
275       (d3 == 0 && IsOnSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)) ||
276       (d4 == 0 && IsOnSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2, x4, y4));
277 }
279 }    // namespace SMD_Math
281 #endif /* SMD_MATH_H_ */