1"""Deals with the socket communication between the PIMD and driver code.
3Copyright (C) 2013, Joshua More and Michele Ceriotti
5This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8(at your option) any later version.
10This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13GNU General Public License for more details.
15You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16along with this program. If not, see <http.//www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19Deals with creating the socket, transmitting and receiving data, accepting and
20removing different driver routines and the parallelization of the force
24   Status: Simple class to keep track of the status, uses bitwise or to give
25      combinations of different status options.
26   DriverSocket: Class to deal with communication between a client and
27      the driver code.
28   InterfaceSocket: Host server class. Deals with distribution of all the jobs
29      between the different client servers.
32   Message: Sends a header string through the socket.
35   Disconnected: Raised if client has been disconnected.
36   InvalidStatus: Raised if client has the wrong status. Shouldn't have to be
37      used if the structure of the program is correct.
40__all__ = ['InterfaceSocket']
42import numpy as np
43import sys, os
44import socket, select, threading, signal, string, time
45from ipi.utils.depend import depstrip
46from ipi.utils.messages import verbosity, warning, info
47from ipi.utils.softexit import softexit
50HDRLEN = 12
52TIMEOUT = 5.0
56def Message(mystr):
57   """Returns a header of standard length HDRLEN."""
59   return string.ljust(string.upper(mystr), HDRLEN)
62class Disconnected(Exception):
63   """Disconnected: Raised if client has been disconnected."""
65   pass
67class InvalidSize(Exception):
68   """Disconnected: Raised if client returns forces with inconsistent number of atoms."""
70   pass
72class InvalidStatus(Exception):
73   """InvalidStatus: Raised if client has the wrong status.
75   Shouldn't have to be used if the structure of the program is correct.
76   """
78   pass
80class Status:
81   """Simple class used to keep track of the status of the client.
83   Uses bitwise or to give combinations of different status options.
84   i.e. Status.Up | Status.Ready would be understood to mean that the client
85   was connected and ready to receive the position and cell data.
87   Attributes:
88      Disconnected: Flag for if the client has disconnected.
89      Up: Flag for if the client is running.
90      Ready: Flag for if the client has ready to receive position and cell data.
91      NeedsInit: Flag for if the client is ready to receive forcefield
92         parameters.
93      HasData: Flag for if the client is ready to send force data.
94      Busy: Flag for if the client is busy.
95      Timeout: Flag for if the connection has timed out.
96   """
98   Disconnected = 0
99   Up = 1
100   Ready = 2
101   NeedsInit = 4
102   HasData = 8
103   Busy = 16
104   Timeout = 32
107class DriverSocket(socket.socket):
108   """Deals with communication between the client and driver code.
110   Deals with sending and receiving the data from the driver code. Keeps track
111   of the status of the driver. Initializes the driver forcefield, sends the
112   position and cell data, and receives the force data.
114   Attributes:
115      _buf: A string buffer to hold the reply from the driver.
116      status: Keeps track of the status of the driver.
117      lastreq: The ID of the last request processed by the client.
118      locked: Flag to mark if the client has been working consistently on one image.
119   """
121   def __init__(self, socket):
122      """Initializes DriverSocket.
124      Args:
125         socket: A socket through which the communication should be done.
126      """
128      super(DriverSocket,self).__init__(_sock=socket)
129      self._buf = np.zeros(0,np.byte)
130      self.peername = self.getpeername()
131      self.status = Status.Up
132      self.waitstatus = False
133      self.lastreq = None
134      self.locked = False
136   def shutdown(self, how=socket.SHUT_RDWR):
138      self.sendall(Message("exit"))
139      self.status = Status.Disconnected
140      super(DriverSocket,self).shutdown(how)
142   def poll(self):
143      """Waits for driver status."""
145      self.status = Status.Disconnected  # sets disconnected as failsafe status, in case _getstatus fails and exceptions are ignored upstream
146      self.status = self._getstatus()
148   def _getstatus(self):
149      """Gets driver status.
151      Returns:
152         An integer labelling the status via bitwise or of the relevant members
153         of Status.
154      """
156      if not self.waitstatus:
157         try:
158            readable, writable, errored = select.select([], [self], [])
159            if self in writable:
160               self.sendall(Message("status"))
161               self.waitstatus = True
162         except:
163            return Status.Disconnected
165      try:
166         reply = self.recv(HDRLEN)
167         self.waitstatus = False # got status reply
168      except socket.timeout:
169         warning(" @SOCKET:   Timeout in status recv!", verbosity.debug )
170         return Status.Up | Status.Busy | Status.Timeout
171      except:
172         return Status.Disconnected
174      if not len(reply) == HDRLEN:
175         return Status.Disconnected
176      elif reply == Message("ready"):
177         return Status.Up | Status.Ready
178      elif reply == Message("needinit"):
179         return Status.Up | Status.NeedsInit
180      elif reply == Message("havedata"):
181         return Status.Up | Status.HasData
182      else:
183         warning(" @SOCKET:    Unrecognized reply: " + str(reply), verbosity.low )
184         return Status.Up
186   def recvall(self, dest):
187      """Gets the potential energy, force and virial from the driver.
189      Args:
190         dest: Object to be read into.
192      Raises:
193         Disconnected: Raised if client is disconnected.
195      Returns:
196         The data read from the socket to be read into dest.
197      """
199      blen = dest.itemsize*dest.size
200      if (blen > len(self._buf)):
201         self._buf.resize(blen)
202      bpos = 0
203      ntimeout = 0
205      while bpos < blen:
206         timeout = False
208#   pre-2.5 version.
209         try:
210            bpart = ""
211            bpart = self.recv(blen - bpos)
212            if len(bpart) == 0: raise socket.timeout  # There is a problem if this returns no data
213            self._buf[bpos:bpos + len(bpart)] = np.fromstring(bpart, np.byte)
214         except socket.timeout:
215            warning(" @SOCKET:   Timeout in status recvall, trying again!", verbosity.low)
216            timeout = True
217            ntimeout += 1
218            if ntimeout > NTIMEOUT:
219               warning(" @SOCKET:  Couldn't receive within %5d attempts. Time to give up!" % (NTIMEOUT), verbosity.low)
220               raise Disconnected()
221            pass
222         if (not timeout and bpart == 0):
223            raise Disconnected()
224         bpos += len(bpart)
226#   post-2.5 version: slightly more compact for modern python versions
227#         try:
228#            bpart = 1
229#            bpart = self.recv_into(self._buf[bpos:], blen-bpos)
230#         except socket.timeout:
231#            print " @SOCKET:   Timeout in status recvall, trying again!"
232#            timeout = True
233#            pass
234#         if (not timeout and bpart == 0):
235#            raise Disconnected()
236#         bpos += bpart
237#TODO this Disconnected() exception currently just causes the program to hang.
238#This should do something more graceful
240      if np.isscalar(dest):
241         return np.fromstring(self._buf[0:blen], dest.dtype)[0]
242      else:
243         return np.fromstring(self._buf[0:blen], dest.dtype).reshape(dest.shape)
245   def initialize(self, rid, pars):
246      """Sends the initialization string to the driver.
248      Args:
249         rid: The index of the request, i.e. the replica that
250            the force calculation is for.
251         pars: The parameter string to be sent to the driver.
253      Raises:
254         InvalidStatus: Raised if the status is not NeedsInit.
255      """
257      if self.status & Status.NeedsInit:
258         try:
259            self.sendall(Message("init"))
260            self.sendall(np.int32(rid))
261            self.sendall(np.int32(len(pars)))
262            self.sendall(pars)
263         except:
264            self.poll()
265            return
266      else:
267         raise InvalidStatus("Status in init was " + self.status)
269   def sendpos(self, pos, cell):
270      """Sends the position and cell data to the driver.
272      Args:
273         pos: An array containing the atom positions.
274         cell: A cell object giving the system box.
276      Raises:
277         InvalidStatus: Raised if the status is not Ready.
278      """
280      if (self.status & Status.Ready):
281         try:
282            self.sendall(Message("posdata"))
283            self.sendall(cell.h, 9*8)
284            self.sendall(cell.ih, 9*8)
285            self.sendall(np.int32(len(pos)/3))
286            self.sendall(pos, len(pos)*8)
287         except:
288            self.poll()
289            return
290      else:
291         raise InvalidStatus("Status in sendpos was " + self.status)
293   def getforce(self):
294      """Gets the potential energy, force and virial from the driver.
296      Raises:
297         InvalidStatus: Raised if the status is not HasData.
298         Disconnected: Raised if the driver has disconnected.
300      Returns:
301         A list of the form [potential, force, virial, extra].
302      """
304      if (self.status & Status.HasData):
305         self.sendall(Message("getforce"));
306         reply = ""
307         while True:
308            try:
309               reply = self.recv(HDRLEN)
310            except socket.timeout:
311               warning(" @SOCKET:   Timeout in getforce, trying again!", verbosity.low)
312               continue
313            if reply == Message("forceready"):
314               break
315            else:
316               warning(" @SOCKET:   Unexpected getforce reply: %s" % (reply), verbosity.low)
317            if reply == "":
318               raise Disconnected()
319      else:
320         raise InvalidStatus("Status in getforce was " + self.status)
322      mu = np.float64()
323      mu = self.recvall(mu)
325      mlen = np.int32()
326      mlen = self.recvall(mlen)
327      mf = np.zeros(3*mlen,np.float64)
328      mf = self.recvall(mf)
330      mvir = np.zeros((3,3),np.float64)
331      mvir = self.recvall(mvir)
333      #! Machinery to return a string as an "extra" field. Comment if you are using a old patched driver that does not return anything!
334      mlen = np.int32()
335      mlen = self.recvall(mlen)
336      if mlen > 0 :
337         mxtra = np.zeros(mlen,np.character)
338         mxtra = self.recvall(mxtra)
339         mxtra = "".join(mxtra)
340      else:
341         mxtra = ""
343      #!TODO must set up a machinery to intercept the "extra" return field
344      return [mu, mf, mvir, mxtra]
347class InterfaceSocket(object):
348   """Host server class.
350   Deals with distribution of all the jobs between the different client servers
351   and both initially and as clients either finish or are disconnected.
352   Deals with cleaning up after all calculations are done. Also deals with the
353   threading mechanism, and cleaning up if the interface is killed.
355   Attributes:
356      address: A string giving the name of the host network.
357      port: An integer giving the port the socket will be using.
358      slots: An integer giving the maximum allowed backlog of queued clients.
359      mode: A string giving the type of socket used.
360      latency: A float giving the number of seconds the interface will wait
361         before updating the client list.
362      timeout: A float giving a timeout limit for considering a calculation dead
363         and dropping the connection.
364      dopbc: A boolean which decides whether or not to fold the bead positions
365         back into the unit cell before passing them to the client code.
366      server: The socket used for data transmition.
367      clients: A list of the driver clients connected to the server.
368      requests: A list of all the jobs required in the current PIMD step.
369      jobs: A list of all the jobs currently running.
370      _poll_thread: The thread the poll loop is running on.
371      _prev_kill: Holds the signals to be sent to clean up the main thread
372         when a kill signal is sent.
373      _poll_true: A boolean giving whether the thread is alive.
374      _poll_iter: An integer used to decide whether or not to check for
375         client connections. It is used as a counter, once it becomes higher
376         than the pre-defined number of steps between checks the socket will
377         update the list of clients and then be reset to zero.
378   """
380   def __init__(self, address="localhost", port=31415, slots=4, mode="unix", latency=1e-3, timeout=1.0, dopbc=True):
381      """Initializes interface.
383      Args:
384         address: An optional string giving the name of the host server.
385            Defaults to 'localhost'.
386         port: An optional integer giving the port number. Defaults to 31415.
387         slots: An optional integer giving the maximum allowed backlog of
388            queueing clients. Defaults to 4.
389         mode: An optional string giving the type of socket. Defaults to 'unix'.
390         latency: An optional float giving the time in seconds the socket will
391            wait before updating the client list. Defaults to 1e-3.
392         timeout: Length of time waiting for data from a client before we assume
393            the connection is dead and disconnect the client.
394         dopbc: A boolean which decides whether or not to fold the bead positions
395            back into the unit cell before passing them to the client code.
397      Raises:
398         NameError: Raised if mode is not 'unix' or 'inet'.
399      """
401      self.address = address
402      self.port = port
403      self.slots = slots
404      self.mode = mode
405      self.latency = latency
406      self.timeout = timeout
407      self.dopbc = dopbc
408      self._poll_thread = None
409      self._prev_kill = {}
410      self._poll_true = False
411      self._poll_iter = 0
413   def open(self):
414      """Creates a new socket.
416      Used so that we can create a interface object without having to also
417      create the associated socket object.
418      """
420      if self.mode == "unix":
421         self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
422         try:
423            self.server.bind("/tmp/ipi_" + self.address)
424            info("Created unix socket with address " + self.address, verbosity.medium)
425         except:
426            raise ValueError("Error opening unix socket. Check if a file " + ("/tmp/ipi_" + self.address) + " exists, and remove it if unused.")
428      elif self.mode == "inet":
429         self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
430         self.server.bind((self.address,self.port))
431         info("Created inet socket with address " + self.address + " and port number " + str(self.port), verbosity.medium)
432      else:
433         raise NameError("InterfaceSocket mode " + self.mode + " is not implemented (should be unix/inet)")
435      self.server.listen(self.slots)
436      self.server.settimeout(SERVERTIMEOUT)
437      self.clients = []
438      self.requests = []
439      self.jobs = []
441   def close(self):
442      """Closes down the socket."""
444      info(" @SOCKET: Shutting down the driver interface.", verbosity.low )
446      for c in self.clients[:]:
447         if (c.status & Status.Up):
448            c.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
450      self.server.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
451      self.server.close()
452      if self.mode == "unix":
453         os.unlink("/tmp/ipi_" + self.address)
455   def queue(self, atoms, cell, pars=None, reqid=0):
456      """Adds a request.
458      Note that the pars dictionary need to be sent as a string of a
459      standard format so that the initialization of the driver can be done.
461      Args:
462         atoms: An Atoms object giving the atom positions.
463         cell: A Cell object giving the system box.
464         pars: An optional dictionary giving the parameters to be sent to the
465            driver for initialization. Defaults to {}.
466         reqid: An optional integer that identifies requests of the same type,
467            e.g. the bead index
469      Returns:
470         A list giving the status of the request of the form {'atoms': Atoms
471         object giving the atom positions, 'cell': Cell object giving the
472         system box, 'pars': parameter string, 'result': holds the result as a
473         list once the computation is done, 'status': a string labelling the
474         status, 'id': the id of the request, usually the bead number, 'start':
475         the starting time for the calculation, used to check for timeouts.}.
476      """
478      par_str = " "
480      if not pars is None:
481         for k,v in pars.items():
482            par_str += k + " : " + str(v) + " , "
483      else:
484         par_str = " "
486      # APPLY PBC -- this is useful for codes such as LAMMPS that don't do full PBC when computing distances
487      pbcpos = depstrip(atoms.q).copy()
488      if self.dopbc:
489         cell.array_pbc(pbcpos)
491      newreq = {"pos": pbcpos, "cell": cell, "pars": par_str,
492                "result": None, "status": "Queued", "id": reqid,
493                "start": -1 }
495      self.requests.append(newreq)
496      return newreq
498   def release(self, request):
499      """Empties the list of requests once finished.
501      Args:
502         request: A list of requests that are done.
503      """
505      if request in self.requests:
506         self.requests.remove(request)
508   def pool_update(self):
509      """Deals with keeping the pool of client drivers up-to-date during a
510      force calculation step.
512      Deals with maintaining the client list. Clients that have
513      disconnected are removed and their jobs removed from the list of
514      running jobs and new clients are connected to the server.
515      """
517      for c in self.clients[:]:
518         if not (c.status & Status.Up):
519            try:
520               warning(" @SOCKET:   Client " + str(c.peername) +" died or got unresponsive(C). Removing from the list.", verbosity.low)
521               c.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
522               c.close()
523            except:
524               pass
525            c.status = Status.Disconnected
526            self.clients.remove(c)
527            for [k,j] in self.jobs[:]:
528               if j is c:
529                  self.jobs = [ w for w in self.jobs if not ( w[0] is k and w[1] is j ) ] # removes pair in a robust way
530                  #self.jobs.remove([k,j])
531                  k["status"] = "Queued"
532                  k["start"] = -1
534      keepsearch = True
535      while keepsearch:
536         readable, writable, errored = select.select([self.server], [], [], 0.0)
537         if self.server in readable:
538            client, address = self.server.accept()
539            client.settimeout(TIMEOUT)
540            driver = DriverSocket(client)
541            info(" @SOCKET:   Client asked for connection from "+ str( address ) +". Now hand-shaking.", verbosity.low)
542            driver.poll()
543            if (driver.status | Status.Up):
544               self.clients.append(driver)
545               info(" @SOCKET:   Handshaking was successful. Added to the client list.", verbosity.low)
546            else:
547               warning(" @SOCKET:   Handshaking failed. Dropping connection.", verbosity.low)
548               client.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
549               client.close()
550         else:
551            keepsearch = False
553   def pool_distribute(self):
554      """Deals with keeping the list of jobs up-to-date during a force
555      calculation step.
557      Deals with maintaining the jobs list. Gets data from drivers that have
558      finished their calculation and removes that job from the list of running
559      jobs, adds jobs to free clients and initializes the forcefields of new
560      clients.
561      """
563      for c in self.clients:
564         if c.status == Status.Disconnected : # client disconnected. force a pool_update
565            self._poll_iter = UPDATEFREQ
566            return
567         if not c.status & ( Status.Ready | Status.NeedsInit ):
568            c.poll()
570      for [r,c] in self.jobs[:]:
571         if c.status & Status.HasData:
572            try:
573               r["result"] = c.getforce()
574               if len(r["result"][1]) != len(r["pos"]):
575                  raise InvalidSize
576            except Disconnected:
577               c.status = Status.Disconnected
578               continue
579            except InvalidSize:
580              warning(" @SOCKET:   Client returned an inconsistent number of forces. Will mark as disconnected and try to carry on.", verbosity.low)
581              c.status = Status.Disconnected
582              continue
583            except:
584              warning(" @SOCKET:   Client got in a awkward state during getforce. Will mark as disconnected and try to carry on.", verbosity.low)
585              c.status = Status.Disconnected
586              continue
587            c.poll()
588            while c.status & Status.Busy: # waits, but check if we got stuck.
589               if self.timeout > 0 and r["start"] > 0 and time.time() - r["start"] > self.timeout:
590                  warning(" @SOCKET:  Timeout! HASDATA for bead " + str(r["id"]) + " has been running for " + str(time.time() - r["start"]) + " sec.", verbosity.low)
591                  warning(" @SOCKET:   Client " + str(c.peername) + " died or got unresponsive(A). Disconnecting.", verbosity.low)
592                  try:
593                     c.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
594                  except:
595                     pass
596                  c.close()
597                  c.status = Status.Disconnected
598                  continue
599               c.poll()
600            if not (c.status & Status.Up):
601               warning(" @SOCKET:   Client died a horrible death while getting forces. Will try to cleanup.", verbosity.low)
602               continue
603            r["status"] = "Done"
604            c.lastreq = r["id"] # saves the ID of the request that the client has just processed
605            self.jobs = [ w for w in self.jobs if not ( w[0] is r and w[1] is c ) ] # removes pair in a robust way
607         if self.timeout > 0 and c.status != Status.Disconnected and r["start"] > 0 and time.time() - r["start"] > self.timeout:
608            warning(" @SOCKET:  Timeout! Request for bead " + str( r["id"]) + " has been running for " + str(time.time() - r["start"]) + " sec.", verbosity.low)
609            warning(" @SOCKET:   Client " + str(c.peername) + " died or got unresponsive(B). Disconnecting.",verbosity.low)
610            try:
611               c.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
612            except socket.error:
613               e = sys.exc_info()
614               warning(" @SOCKET:  could not shut down cleanly the socket. %s: %s in file '%s' on line %d" % (e[0].__name__, e[1], os.path.basename(e[2].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename), e[2].tb_lineno), verbosity.low )
615            c.close()
616            c.poll()
617            c.status = Status.Disconnected
619      freec = self.clients[:]
620      for [r2, c] in self.jobs:
621         freec.remove(c)
623      pendr = self.requests[:]
624      pendr = [ r for r in self.requests if r["status"] == "Queued" ]
626      for fc in freec[:]:
627         matched = False
628         # first, makes sure that the client is REALLY free
629         if not (fc.status & Status.Up):
630            self.clients.remove(fc)   # if fc is in freec it can't be associated with a job (we just checked for that above)
631            continue
632         if fc.status & Status.HasData:
633            continue
634         if not (fc.status & (Status.Ready | Status.NeedsInit | Status.Busy) ):
635            warning(" @SOCKET: Client " + str(fc.peername) + " is in an unexpected status " + str(fc.status) + " at (1). Will try to keep calm and carry on.", verbosity.low)
636            continue
637         for match_ids in ( "match", "none", "free", "any" ):
638            for r in pendr[:]:
639               if match_ids == "match" and not fc.lastreq is r["id"]:
640                  continue
641               elif match_ids == "none" and not fc.lastreq is None:
642                  continue
643               elif match_ids == "free" and fc.locked:
644                  continue
646               info(" @SOCKET: Assigning [%5s] request id %4s to client with last-id %4s (% 3d/% 3d : %s)" % (match_ids,  str(r["id"]),  str(fc.lastreq), self.clients.index(fc), len(self.clients), str(fc.peername) ), verbosity.high )
648               while fc.status & Status.Busy:
649                  fc.poll()
650               if fc.status & Status.NeedsInit:
651                  fc.initialize(r["id"], r["pars"])
652                  fc.poll()
653                  while fc.status & Status.Busy: # waits for initialization to finish. hopefully this is fast
654                     fc.poll()
655               if fc.status & Status.Ready:
656                  fc.sendpos(r["pos"], r["cell"])
657                  r["status"] = "Running"
658                  r["start"] = time.time() # sets start time for the request
659                  fc.poll()
660                  self.jobs.append([r,fc])
661                  fc.locked =  (fc.lastreq is r["id"])
662                  matched = True
663                  # removes r from the list of pending jobs
664                  pendr = [nr for nr in pendr if (not nr is r)]
665                  break
666               else:
667                  warning(" @SOCKET: Client " + str(fc.peername) + " is in an unexpected status " + str(fc.status) + " at (2). Will try to keep calm and carry on.", verbosity.low)
668            if matched:
669               break # doesn't do a second (or third) round if it managed
670                     # to assign the job
672   def _kill_handler(self, signal, frame):
673      """Deals with handling a kill call gracefully.
675      Prevents any of the threads becoming zombies, by intercepting a
676      kill signal using the standard python function signal.signal() and
677      then closing the socket and the spawned threads before closing the main
678      thread. Called when signals SIG_INT and SIG_TERM are received.
680      Args:
681         signal: An integer giving the signal number of the signal received
682            from the socket.
683         frame: Current stack frame.
684      """
686      warning(" @SOCKET:   Kill signal. Trying to make a clean exit.", verbosity.low)
687      self.end_thread()
689      softexit.trigger(" @SOCKET: Kill signal received")
691      try:
692         self.__del__()
693      except:
694         pass
695      if signal in self._prev_kill:
696         self._prev_kill[signal](signal, frame)
698   def _poll_loop(self):
699      """The main thread loop.
701      Runs until either the program finishes or a kill call is sent. Updates
702      the pool of clients every UPDATEFREQ loops and loops every latency
703      seconds until _poll_true becomes false.
704      """
706      info(" @SOCKET: Starting the polling thread main loop.", verbosity.low)
707      self._poll_iter = UPDATEFREQ
708      while self._poll_true:
709         time.sleep(self.latency)
710         # makes sure to remove the last dead client as soon as possible -- and to get clients if we are dry
711         if self._poll_iter >= UPDATEFREQ or len(self.clients)==0 or (len(self.clients) > 0 and not(self.clients[0].status & Status.Up)):
712            self.pool_update()
713            self._poll_iter = 0
714         self._poll_iter += 1
715         self.pool_distribute()
717         if os.path.exists("EXIT"): # softexit
718            info(" @SOCKET: Soft exit request from file EXIT. Flushing job queue.", verbosity.low)
719            # releases all pending requests
720            for r in self.requests:
721               r["status"] = "Exit"
722            for c in self.clients:
723               try:
724                  c.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
725                  c.close()
726               except:
727                  pass
728            # flush it all down the drain
729            self.clients = []
730            self.jobs = []
731      self._poll_thread = None
733   def started(self):
734      """Returns a boolean specifying whether the thread has started yet."""
736      return (not self._poll_thread is None)
738   def start_thread(self):
739      """Spawns a new thread.
741      Splits the main program into two threads, one that runs the polling loop
742      which updates the client list, and one which gets the data. Also sets up
743      the machinery to deal with a kill call, in the case of a Ctrl-C or
744      similar signal the signal is intercepted by the _kill_handler function,
745      which cleans up the spawned thread before closing the main thread.
747      Raises:
748         NameError: Raised if the polling thread already exists.
749      """
751      self.open()
752      if not self._poll_thread is None:
753         raise NameError("Polling thread already started")
754      self._poll_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._poll_loop, name="poll_" + self.address)
755      self._poll_thread.daemon = True
756      self._prev_kill[signal.SIGINT] = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._kill_handler)
757      self._prev_kill[signal.SIGTERM] = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._kill_handler)
758      self._poll_true = True
759      self._poll_thread.start()
761   def end_thread(self):
762      """Closes the spawned thread.
764      Deals with cleaning up the spawned thread cleanly. First sets
765      _poll_true to false to indicate that the poll_loop should be exited, then
766      closes the spawned thread and removes it.
767      """
769      self._poll_true = False
770      if not self._poll_thread is None:
771         self._poll_thread.join()
772      self._poll_thread = None
773      self.close()