1#if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
2#include "config.h"
5MODULE m_atomXC
7  implicit none
9  PUBLIC:: atomXC  ! Exchange and correlation of a spherical density
11  PRIVATE ! Nothing is declared public beyond this point
15!< Finds total exchange-correlation energy and potential for a
16! spherical electron density distribution.
18! This version implements the Local (spin) Density Approximation and
19! the Generalized-Gradient-Aproximation with the 'explicit mesh
20! functional' approach of White & Bird, PRB 50, 4954 (1994).
21! Gradients are 'defined' by numerical derivatives, using 2*nn+1 mesh
22!   points, where nn is a parameter defined below
23! Ref: L.C.Balbas et al, PRB 64, 165110 (2001)
24! Written by J.M.Soler using algorithms developed by
25!   L.C.Balbas, J.L.Martins and J.M.Soler, Dec.1996
26! Van der Waals functional added by J.M.Soler, Jul.2008, as explained in
27!   G.Roman-Perez and J.M.Soler, PRL 103, 096102 (2009)
28! ************************* INPUT ***********************************
29! INTEGER irel         : Relativistic exchange? (0=>no, 1=>yes)
30! INTEGER nr           : Number of radial mesh points
31! INTEGER maxr         : Physical first dimension of Dens and Vxc
32! REAL*8  rmesh(nr)    : Radial mesh points. Must be nr.le.maxr
33! INTEGER nSpin        : nSpin=1 => unpolarized; nSpin=2 => polarized
34! REAL*8  Dens(maxr,nSpin) : Total (nSpin=1) or spin (nSpin=2) electron
35!                            density at mesh points
36! ************************* OUTPUT **********************************
37! REAL*8  Ex              : Total exchange energy
38! REAL*8  Ec              : Total correlation energy
39! REAL*8  Dx              : IntegralOf( rho * (eps_x - v_x) )
40! REAL*8  Dc              : IntegralOf( rho * (eps_c - v_c) )
41! REAL*8  Vxc(maxr,nSpin) : (Spin) exch-corr potential
42! ************************ UNITS ************************************
43! Distances in atomic units (Bohr).
44! Densities in atomic units (electrons/Bohr**3)
45! Energy unit depending of parameter Eunit below (currently Rydberg)
48subroutine atomXC( irel, nr, maxr, rmesh, nSpin, Dens, Ex, Ec, Dx, Dc, Vxc )
50! Module routines
51  use alloc,   only: alloc_default ! Sets (re)allocation defaults
52  use alloc,   only: de_alloc      ! Deallocates arrays
53  use mesh1d,  only: derivative    ! Performs numerical derivative
54  use sys,     only: die           ! Termination routine
55  use xcmod,   only: getXC         ! Returns the XC functional to be used
56  use m_ggaxc, only: ggaxc         ! General GGA XC routine
57  use mesh1d,  only: interpolation=>interpolation_local ! Interpolation routine
58  use m_ldaxc, only: ldaxc         ! General LDA XC routine
59!  use m_filter,only: kcPhi         ! Finds planewave cutoff of a radial func.
60  use m_radfft,only: radfft        ! Radial fast Fourier transform
61  use alloc,   only: re_alloc      ! Reallocates arrays
62  use mesh1d,  only: set_mesh      ! Sets a one-dimensional mesh
63  use mesh1d,  only: set_interpolation  ! Sets the interpolation method
64  use m_vdwxc, only: vdw_decusp    ! Cusp correction to VDW energy
65  use m_vdwxc, only: vdw_localxc   ! Local LDA/GGA xc apropriate for vdW flavour
66  use m_vdwxc, only: vdw_get_qmesh ! Returns q-mesh for VDW integrals
67  use m_vdwxc, only: vdw_phi       ! Returns VDW functional kernel
68  use m_vdwxc, only: vdw_set_kcut  ! Fixes k-cutoff in VDW integrals
69  use m_vdwxc, only: vdw_theta     ! Returns VDW theta function
71! Module types and variables
72  use precision, only: dp          ! Double precision real type
73  use alloc,   only: allocDefaults ! Derived type for allocation defaults
74  use gridxc_config, only: myNode => gridxc_myNode
76#ifdef DEBUG_XC
77!  use m_vdwxc, only: qofrho        ! Returns q(rho,grad_rho)
79  use debugXC, only: udebug        ! Output file unit for debug info
80  use debugXC, only: setDebugOutputUnit  ! Sets udebug
81#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
83#ifdef HAVE_LIBXC
84  use xc_f90_types_m
85  use xc_f90_lib_m
86#endif /* HAVE_LIBXC */
88  implicit none
90! Argument types and dimensions
91  integer, intent(in) :: irel       ! Relativistic exchange? (0=>no, 1=>yes)
92  integer, intent(in) :: maxr       ! First dimension of arrays dens and Vxc
93  integer, intent(in) :: nr               ! Number of radial mesh points
94  integer, intent(in) :: nSpin            ! Number of spin components
95  real(dp),intent(in) :: Dens(maxr,nSpin) ! (spin) Density at mesh points
96  real(dp),intent(in) :: rmesh(nr)        ! Radial mesh points
97  real(dp),intent(out):: Ex               ! Total exchange energy
98  real(dp),intent(out):: Ec               ! Total correlation energy
99  real(dp),intent(out):: Dx               ! IntegralOf(rho*(eps_x-v_x))
100  real(dp),intent(out):: Dc               ! IntegralOf(rho*(eps_c-v_c))
101  real(dp),intent(out):: Vxc(maxr,nSpin)  ! (spin) xc potential
103! Subroutine name
104  character(len=*),parameter :: myName = 'atomXC '
105  character(len=*),parameter :: errHead = myName//'ERROR: '
107! Fix energy unit:  Eunit=1.0 => Hartrees,
108!                   Eunit=0.5 => Rydbergs,
109!                   Eunit=0.03674903 => eV
110  real(dp),  parameter   :: Eunit = 0.5_dp
112! Fix order of the numerical derivatives: used radial points = 2*nn+1
113  integer, parameter :: nn = 5
115! Fix number of points for radial FFTs (VDW only)
116  integer, parameter :: nk = 512
118! Fix the interpolation method to change to the uniform FFT mesh (VDW only)
119  character(len=*),parameter:: interp_method = 'lagrange' !('lagrange'|'spline')
121! Fix kin. energy leak to find the planewave cutoff of the radial density (VDW)
122!  real(dp), parameter :: EtolKc = 0.003_dp ! Ry
124! Fix limits to the planewave cutoff of the radial density (VDW only)
125  real(dp), parameter :: kcMin  = 20._dp   ! Bohr^-1
126  real(dp), parameter :: kcMax  = 50._dp   ! Bohr^-1
127  real(dp), parameter :: Dmin   = 1.e-9_dp ! Min density when estimating kc
128  real(dp), parameter :: Dcut   = 1.e-9_dp ! Min density for nonzero Vxc
130! Fix the maximum number of functionals to be combined
131  integer, parameter :: maxFunc = 10
133! Max number of spin components
134  integer, parameter :: maxSpin = 4
136! Local variables and arrays
137  logical :: &
138    GGA, GGAfunc, VDW, VDWfunc
139  integer :: &
140    ik, in, in1, in2, iq, ir, is, ix, jn, ndSpin, nf, nq, nXCfunc
141  real(dp) :: &
142    dEcdD(maxSpin), dEcdGD(3,maxSpin), dEcuspdD(maxSpin), &
143    dExdD(maxSpin), dExdGD(3,maxSpin), dEdDaux(maxSpin),  &
144    dEcuspdGD(3,maxSpin), dVcdD(maxSpin,maxSpin), dVxdD(maxSpin,maxSpin)
145  real(dp) :: &
146    dGdm(-nn:nn), d2ydx2, dk, dr, Dtot, &
147    Eaux, Ecut, epsC, epsCusp, epsNL, epsX, f1, f2, &
148    k(0:nk), kc, kmax, pi, r(0:nk), rmax, x0, xm, xp, y0, ym, yp, &
149    XCweightC(maxFunc), XCweightX(maxFunc)
150  character(len=20):: &
151    XCauth(maxFunc), XCfunc(maxFunc)
153  real(dp), pointer :: &
154    D(:,:)=>null(), dGDdD(:,:)=>null(), drdm(:)=>null(), dVol(:)=>null(), &
155    GD(:,:,:)=>null()
156  real(dp), pointer:: &
157    dphidk(:,:)=>null(), dtdgd(:,:,:)=>null(), dtdd(:,:)=>null(), &
158    phi(:,:)=>null(), tk(:,:)=>null(), tr(:,:)=>null(), &
159    uk(:,:)=>null(), ur(:,:)=>null()
160  type(allocDefaults):: &
161    prevAllocDefaults
162#ifdef DEBUG_XC
163!  real(dp):: q, dqdrho, dqdgrho(3)
164!  real(dp):: epsCtmp, dEcdDtmp(nSpin), dEcdGDtmp(3,nSpin)
165!   integer:: fileUnit
166!   logical:: fileOpened
167!   character(len=32):: fileName
168#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
170#ifdef HAVE_LIBXC
171      type(xc_f90_pointer_t), allocatable :: xc_func(:), xc_info(:)
172      logical, allocatable                :: is_libxc(:)
173      integer :: xc_ispin, xc_id, iostat
176#ifdef DEBUG_XC
177  call setDebugOutputUnit(myNode)   ! Initialize udebug variable
178#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
180! Check dimension of arrays Dens and Vxc
181  if (maxr<nr) call die(errHead//'maxr<nr')
183! Find number of diagonal spin components
184  ndSpin = min( nSpin, 2 )
186! Get the functional(s) to be used
187  call getXC( nXCfunc, XCfunc, XCauth, XCweightX, XCweightC )
189  ! Set GGA and VDW switches
190  GGA = .false.
191  VDW = .false.
192  do nf = 1,nXCfunc
193    if ( XCfunc(nf).eq.'VDW' .or. XCfunc(nf).eq.'vdw') then
194      VDW = .true.
195      GGA = .true.
196    else if ( XCfunc(nf).eq.'GGA' .or. XCfunc(nf).eq.'gga') then
197      GGA = .true.
198    else if ( XCfunc(nf).ne.'LDA' .and. XCfunc(nf).ne.'lda' .and. &
199              XCfunc(nf).ne.'LSD' .and. XCfunc(nf).ne.'lsd' ) then
200      call die(errHead//'Unknown functional '//XCfunc(nf))
201    endif
202  enddo ! nf
204  ! Set the possible libxc objects to avoid call overhead in grid
205#ifdef HAVE_LIBXC
206  allocate(is_libxc(nXCfunc))
207  is_libxc(:) = .false.
208  allocate(xc_func(nXCfunc), xc_info(nXCfunc))
211  do nf = 1,nXCfunc
212      if ( XCauth(nf)(1:5) == 'LIBXC') then
213#ifdef HAVE_LIBXC
214      read(XCauth(nf)(7:10),iostat=iostat,fmt=*) xc_id
215      if (iostat /= 0) call die("Bad libxc code in " // XCauth(nf))
216        IF (nspin == 1) THEN
217          xc_ispin = XC_UNPOLARIZED
218        ELSE
219          xc_ispin = XC_POLARIZED
220        ENDIF
222#include "xc_version.h"
223#if    XC_MAJOR_VERSION >= 4
224        if ((irel == 1) .and. (xc_id == 1)) then
225           ! Change LDA_X to LDA_X_REL (532)
226           ! This was introduced in libXC v4
227           xc_id = 532
228        endif
229        call xc_f90_func_init(xc_func(nf), xc_info(nf), xc_id, xc_ispin)
231        call xc_f90_func_init(xc_func(nf), xc_info(nf), xc_id, xc_ispin)
232        if ((irel == 1) .and. (xc_id == 1)) then
233          ! To set the relativistic flag we need to call this
234          ! general function, and include the default 4/3 factor
235          ! that gives standard exchange (implicit in the above
236          ! initialization call)
237           call xc_f90_lda_x_set_par(xc_func(nf), 4.0_dp/3.0_dp,   &
238                                    XC_RELATIVISTIC, 0.0_dp)
239        endif
241        is_libxc(nf) = .true.
243        call die("Libxc not compiled in. Cannot handle "// trim(XCauth(nf)))
244#endif /* HAVE_LIBXC */
245     endif
246  enddo ! nf
248! Set routine name for allocations
249!  call alloc_default( old=prevAllocDefaults, routine=myName )
251! Allocate temporary arrays
252  call re_alloc( D,       1,nSpin, 1,nr, myName//'D' )
253  call re_alloc( dGDdD,    -nn,nn, 1,nr, myName//'dGDdD' )
254  call re_alloc( drdm,             1,nr, myName//'drdm'  )
255  call re_alloc( dVol,             1,nr, myName//'dVol'  )
256  call re_alloc( GD, 1,3, 1,nSpin, 1,nr, myName//'GD' )
258! Find some parameters for the FFT mesh
259  pi = 4.0_dp * atan(1.0_dp)
260  rmax = rmesh(nr)
261  dr = rmax / nk
262  kmax = pi / dr
263  dk = kmax / nk
265! Find density and gradient of density at mesh points
266  do ir = 1,nr
268    ! Find interval of neighbour points to calculate derivatives
269    in1 = max(  1, ir-nn ) - ir
270    in2 = min( nr, ir+nn ) - ir
272    ! Find weights of numerical derivation, dGdm = d(dF(n)/dn)/dF_m,
273    ! from Lagrange interpolation formula:
274    ! F(n) = Sum_m F_m * Prod_{j/=m} (n-j)/(m-j)
275    ! dF(n)/dn = Sum_m F_m * Prod_{j/=m,j/=n} (n-j) / Prod_{j/=m} (m-j)
276    do in = in1,in2
277      if (in==0) then
278        dGdm(in) = 0
279        do jn = in1,in2
280          if (jn/=0) dGdm(in) = dGdm(in) + 1._dp / (0 - jn)
281        enddo
282      else
283        f1 = 1
284        f2 = 1
285        do jn = in1,in2
286          if (jn/=in .and. jn/=0) f1 = f1 * (0  - jn)
287          if (jn/=in)             f2 = f2 * (in - jn)
288        enddo
289        dGdm(in) = f1 / f2
290      endif
291    enddo
293    ! Find dr(m)/dm
294    drdm(ir) = 0.0_dp
295    do in = in1,in2
296      drdm(ir) = drdm(ir) + rmesh(ir+in) * dGdm(in)
297    enddo
299    ! Find differential of volume. Use trapezoidal integration rule
300    dVol(ir) = 4.0_dp * pi * rmesh(ir)**2 * drdm(ir)
301    if (ir==1 .or. ir==nr) dVol(ir) = 0.5_dp*dVol(ir)
303    ! Find the weights for the derivative d(gradF(n))/d(F(m)), of
304    ! the gradient at point n with respect to the value at point m
305    ! dGDdD = d((dD(r)/dr)(n)/dD_m = d( (dD(n)/dn) / (dr(n)/dn) ) / dD_m
306    !       = d(dD(n)/dn)/dD_m / (dr(n)/dn)
307    if (GGA) then
308      do in = in1,in2
309        dGDdD(in,ir) = dGdm(in) / drdm(ir)
310      enddo
311    endif
313    ! Find density and gradient of density at this point
314    do is = 1,nSpin
315      D(is,ir) = Dens(ir,is)
316    enddo
317    if (GGA) then
318      do is = 1,nSpin
319        GD(1:3,is,ir) = 0.0_dp
320        do in = in1,in2
321          GD(3,is,ir) = GD(3,is,ir) + dGDdD(in,ir) * Dens(ir+in,is)
322        enddo
323      enddo
324    endif ! GGA
326  end do ! ir
328! Van der Waals initializations
329  if (VDW) then
331    ! Allocate VdW arrays
332    call vdw_get_qmesh( nq )
333    call re_alloc( dtdd,         1,nq, 1,nSpin, myName//'dtdd'  )
334    call re_alloc( dtdgd,   1,3, 1,nq, 1,nSpin, myName//'dtdgd' )
335    call re_alloc( dphidk, 1,nq, 1,nq,          myName//'dphidk')
336    call re_alloc( phi,    1,nq, 1,nq,          myName//'phi'   )
337    call re_alloc( tk,     0,nk, 1,nq,          myName//'tk'    )
338    call re_alloc( tr,     1,nr, 1,nq,          myName//'tr'    )
339    call re_alloc( uk,     0,nk, 1,nq,          myName//'uk'    )
340    call re_alloc( ur,     1,nr, 1,nq,          myName//'ur'    )
342    ! Find planewave cutoff of density
343!    kc = kcPhi( 0, nr, rmesh(:), sum(dens(:,1:ndSpin),2), EtolKc )
344!    kc = min( kc, kcmax )
345#ifdef DEBUG_XC
346!   write(udebug,'(a,f12.6)') myName//'kc =', kc
347#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
349    ! Estimate the planewave cutoff of the density
350    Ecut = 0
351    do ir = 2,nr-1
352      Dtot = sum(dens(ir,1:ndSpin))
353      if (Dtot < Dmin) cycle
354      xm = rmesh(ir-1)
355      x0 = rmesh(ir)
356      xp = rmesh(ir+1)
357      ym = rmesh(ir-1)*sum(dens(ir-1,1:ndSpin))
358      y0 = rmesh(ir)  *sum(dens(ir  ,1:ndSpin))
359      yp = rmesh(ir+1)*sum(dens(ir+1,1:ndSpin))
360      d2ydx2 = ( (yp-y0)/(xp-x0) - (y0-ym)/(x0-xm) ) * 2 / (xp-xm)
361      Ecut = max( Ecut, abs(d2ydx2/y0) )
362    end do ! ir
363    kc = sqrt(Ecut)
364    kc = max( kc, kcMin )
365    kc = min( kc, kcMax )
366#ifdef DEBUG_XC
367!   write(udebug,'(a,f12.6)') myName//'kc =', kc
368#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
370    ! Set mesh cutoff to filter VdW kernel
371    call vdw_set_kcut( kc )
373    ! Find expansion of theta(q(ir))
374    do ir = 1,nr
375      call vdw_theta( nSpin, D(:,ir), GD(:,:,ir), tr(ir,1:nq), dtdd, dtdgd )
376    end do ! ir
378    ! Find uniform meshes for FFTs
379    forall(ir=0:nk) r(ir) = ir*dr
380    forall(ik=0:nk) k(ik) = ik*dk
382    ! Find theta_iq(r) in a uniform radial mesh
383    call set_interpolation( interp_method )
384    call set_mesh( nr, rmesh )  ! 'From' mesh of tr array
385    do iq = 1,nq
386      tk(0:nk,iq) = interpolation( nk+1, r(0:nk), nr, tr(1:nr,iq) )
387    end do
389#ifdef DEBUG_XC
390!    ! Write density
391!    open(1,file='d.out')
392!    do ir = 1,nr
393!      write(1,'(3f15.9)') rmesh(ir), D(:,ir)
394!    end do
395!    close(1)
396!    ! Write q(rho,grad_rho)
397!    open(1,file='q.out')
398!    do ir = 1,nr
399!      call qofrho( sum(d(:,ir)), sum(gd(:,:,ir),2), q, dqdrho, dqdgrho )
400!      write(1,'(3f15.9)') rmesh(ir), q
401!    end do
402!    close(1)
403!    ! Write theta
404!    open(1,file='trmesh.out')
405!    do ir = 1,nr
406!      write(1,'(30f15.9)') rmesh(ir), tr(ir,1:nq)
407!    end do
408!    close(1)
409!    open(1,file='tr.out')
410!    do ir = 0,nk
411!      write(1,'(30f15.9)') r(ir), tk(ir,1:nq)
412!    end do
413!    close(1)
414#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
416    ! Fourier-transform theta_iq(r) for each iq
417    do iq = 1,nq
418      call radfft( 0, nk, rmax, tk(0:nk,iq), tk(0:nk,iq) )
419    end do ! iq
421    ! Find u_iq(r) = Sum_iq' Int_dr' phi_iq_iq'(r,r')*theta_iq'(r')
422    ! by convolution in reciprocal space
423    do ik = 0,nk
424      ! Find Fourier transform of VdW kernel phi_iq_iq'(r,r')
425      call vdw_phi( k(ik), phi, dphidk )
426      ! Find Fourier transform of u_iq(r)
427      uk(ik,1:nq) = matmul( tk(ik,1:nq), phi(1:nq,1:nq) )
428    end do ! ik
430    ! Inverse Fourier transform of u_iq(r) for each iq
431    do iq = 1,nq
432      call radfft( 0, nk, kmax, uk(0:nk,iq), uk(0:nk,iq) )
433    end do ! iq
435    ! Find u_iq(r) in the original radial mesh
436    call set_mesh( nk+1, xmin=0._dp, xmax=rmax )  ! 'From' mesh of uk array
437    do iq = 1,nq
438      ur(1:nr,iq) = interpolation( nr, rmesh(1:nr), nk+1, uk(0:nk,iq) )
439    end do ! iq
441#ifdef DEBUG_XC
442!    ! Write u
443!    open(1,file='ur.out')
444!    do ir = 0,nk
445!      write(1,'(30f15.9)') r(ir), uk(ir,1:nq)
446!    end do
447!    close(1)
448!    open(1,file='urmesh.out')
449!    do ir = 1,nr
450!      write(1,'(30f15.9)') rmesh(ir), ur(ir,1:nq)
451!    end do
452!    close(1)
453#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
455  end if ! (VDW)
457! Initialize output
458  Ex = 0.0_dp
459  Ec = 0.0_dp
460  Dx = 0.0_dp
461  Dc = 0.0_dp
462  Vxc(1:nr,1:nSpin) = 0.0_dp
464! Loop over mesh points
465  do ir = 1,nr
467    ! Find interval of neighbour points to calculate derivatives
468    in1 = max(  1, ir-nn ) - ir
469    in2 = min( nr, ir+nn ) - ir
471    ! Loop over exchange-correlation functions
472    do nf = 1,nXCfunc
473      ! Is this a GGA or VDW?
474      if (XCfunc(nf).eq.'VDW' .or. XCfunc(nf).eq.'vdw') then
475        VDWfunc = .true.
476        GGAfunc = .true.
477      else if (XCfunc(nf).eq.'GGA' .or. XCfunc(nf).eq.'gga') then
478        VDWfunc = .false.
479        GGAfunc = .true.
480      else
481        VDWfunc = .false.
482        GGAfunc = .false.
483      endif
485      ! Find exchange and correlation energy densities and their
486      ! derivatives with respect to density and density gradient
487      if (VDWfunc) then
489        ! Local exchange-corr. part from the apropriate LDA/GGA functional
490        call vdw_localxc( irel, nSpin, D(:,ir), GD(:,:,ir), epsX, epsC, &
491                          dExdD, dEcdD, dExdGD, dEcdGD )
493#ifdef DEBUG_XC
494!        ! Select only non local correlation energy and potential
495!        epsX = 0
496!        epsC = 0
497!        dExdD = 0
498!        dEcdD = 0
499!        dExdGD = 0
500!        dEcdGD = 0
501#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
503        ! Local cusp correction to nonlocal VdW energy integral
504        call vdw_decusp( nSpin, D(:,ir), GD(:,:,ir), &
505                         epsCusp, dEcuspdD, dEcuspdGD )
507#ifdef DEBUG_XC
508!        ! Select only non local correlation energy and potential
509!        epsCusp = 0
510!        dEcuspdD = 0
511!        dEcuspdGD = 0
512#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
514        ! Find expansion of theta(q(r)) for VdW
515        call vdw_theta( nSpin, D(:,ir), GD(:,:,ir), tr(ir,1:nq), dtdd, dtdgd )
517        ! Add nonlocal VdW energy contribution and its derivatives
518        Dtot = sum(D(1:ndSpin,ir))
519        epsNL = epsCusp + 0.5_dp*sum(ur(ir,1:nq)*tr(ir,1:nq))/(Dtot+tiny(Dtot))
520        epsC = epsC + epsNL
521        do is = 1,nSpin
522          dEcdD(is) = dEcdD(is) + dEcuspdD(is) &
523                    + sum(ur(ir,1:nq)*dtdd(1:nq,is))
524          do ix = 1,3
525            dEcdGD(ix,is) = dEcdGD(ix,is) + dEcuspdGD(ix,is) &
526                          + sum(ur(ir,1:nq)*dtdgd(ix,1:nq,is))
527          end do ! ix
528        end do ! is
530      else if (GGAfunc) then
531        call ggaxc( XCauth(nf), irel, nSpin, D(:,ir), GD(:,:,ir),  &
532                    epsX, epsC, dExdD, dEcdD, dExdGD, dEcdGD       &
533#ifdef HAVE_LIBXC
534                    , is_libxc(nf), xc_func(nf), xc_info(nf) )
536                    )
539#ifdef DEBUG_XC
540!        call ldaxc( 'PW92', irel, nSpin, D(:,ir), Eaux, epsC,  &
541!                    dEdDaux, dEcdD, dVxdD, dVcdD )
542!        call ggaxc( XCauth(nf), irel, nSpin, D(:,ir), GD(:,:,ir),  &
543!                    epsX, epsCtmp, dExdD, dEcdDtmp, dExdGD, dEcdGDtmp )
544#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
545      else
546        call ldaxc( XCauth(nf), irel, nSpin, D(:,ir), epsX, epsC, &
547                    dExdD, dEcdD, dVxdD, dVcdD                    &
548#ifdef HAVE_LIBXC
549                    , is_libxc(nf), xc_func(nf), xc_info(nf) )
551                    )
553      endif
555      ! Scale terms by weights
556      epsX = epsX*XCweightX(nf)
557      epsC = epsC*XCweightC(nf)
558      dExdD(1:nSpin) = dExdD(1:nSpin)*XCweightX(nf)
559      dEcdD(1:nSpin) = dEcdD(1:nSpin)*XCweightC(nf)
560      if (GGAfunc) then
561        dExdGD(1:3,1:nSpin) = dExdGD(1:3,1:nSpin)*XCweightX(nf)
562        dEcdGD(1:3,1:nSpin) = dEcdGD(1:3,1:nSpin)*XCweightC(nf)
563      endif
565      ! Add contributions to exchange-correlation energy and its
566      ! derivatives with respect to density at all points
567      do is = 1,nSpin
568        Ex = Ex + dVol(ir)*D(is,ir)*epsX
569        Ec = Ec + dVol(ir)*D(is,ir)*epsC
570        Dx = Dx + dVol(ir)*D(is,ir)*(epsX - dExdD(is))
571        Dc = Dc + dVol(ir)*D(is,ir)*(epsC - dEcdD(is))
572        Vxc(ir,is) = Vxc(ir,is) + dVol(ir)*(dExdD(is) + dEcdD(is))
573        if (GGAfunc) then
574          do in = in1,in2
575            Dx= Dx - dVol(ir)*D(is,ir+in)*dExdGD(3,is)*dGDdD(in,ir)
576            Dc= Dc - dVol(ir)*D(is,ir+in)*dEcdGD(3,is)*dGDdD(in,ir)
577            Vxc(ir+in,is) = Vxc(ir+in,is) + &
578              dVol(ir)*(dExdGD(3,is) + dEcdGD(3,is))*dGDdD(in,ir)
579          enddo ! in
580        endif ! (GGAfunc)
581      enddo ! is
583    enddo ! nf
585  enddo ! ir
587#ifdef HAVE_LIBXC
588  do nf = 1,nXCfunc
589     if (is_libxc(nf)) then
590        call xc_f90_func_end(xc_func(nf))
591     endif
592  enddo
593  deallocate(xc_func,xc_info,is_libxc)
596! Divide by volume element to obtain the potential (per electron)
597  do is = 1,nSpin
598    ! Avoid ir=1 => r=0 => dVol=0
599    Vxc(2:nr,is) = Vxc(2:nr,is) / dVol(2:nr)
600    ! Extrapolate to the origin from first two points, requiring dVxc/di=0
601    Vxc(1,is) = (4*Vxc(2,is) - Vxc(3,is)) / 3
602  enddo ! is
604! Make Vxc=0 if VDWfunctl and Dens<Dcut, to avoid singularities
605  if (VDW) then
606    do ir = 1,nr
607      Dtot = sum(Dens(ir,1:ndSpin))
608      if (Dtot<Dcut) Vxc(ir,:) = 0
609    end do
610  end if ! (VDWfunctl)
612! Divide by energy unit
613  Ex = Ex / Eunit
614  Ec = Ec / Eunit
615  Dx = Dx / Eunit
616  Dc = Dc / Eunit
617  Vxc(1:nr,1:nSpin) = Vxc(1:nr,1:nSpin) / Eunit
619#ifdef DEBUG_XC
620!    ! Write potential
621!    open(1,file='v.out')
622!    do ir = 1,nr
623!      write(1,'(3f15.9)') rmesh(ir), Vxc(ir,1:nSpin)
624!    end do
625!    close(1)
626#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
628! Deallocate VDW-related arrays
629  if (VDW) then
630    call de_alloc( ur,       myName//'ur' )
631    call de_alloc( uk,       myName//'uk' )
632    call de_alloc( tr,       myName//'tr' )
633    call de_alloc( tk,       myName//'tk' )
634    call de_alloc( phi,      myName//'phi' )
635    call de_alloc( dphidk,   myName//'dphidk' )
636    call de_alloc( dtdgd,    myName//'dtdgd' )
637    call de_alloc( dtdd,     myName//'dtdd' )
638  endif ! (VDW)
640! Deallocate temporary arrays
641  call de_alloc( GD,    myName//'GD' )
642  call de_alloc( dVol,  myName//'dVol' )
643  call de_alloc( drdm,  myName//'drdm' )
644  call de_alloc( dGDdD, myName//'dGDdD' )
645  call de_alloc( D,     myName//'D' )
647! Restore previous allocation defaults
648!  call alloc_default( restore=prevAllocDefaults )
650#ifdef DEBUG_XC
651!  fileUnit = 57
652!  fileName = 'atomxc.vxc'
653!  inquire(file=fileName,opened=fileOpened)
654!  if (.not.fileOpened) open(unit=fileUnit,file=fileName)
655!  write(fileUnit,*) nr, nSpin
656!  do ir = 1,nr
657!    write(fileUnit,'(5e15.6)') &
658!      rmesh(ir), Dens(ir,1:nSpin), Vxc(ir,1:nSpin)
659!  end do
660#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
662end subroutine atomXC
664END MODULE m_atomXC