3! ==============================================================================
4! MODULE interpolation
5! ==============================================================================
6! Cubic spline interpolation utilities
7! ==============================================================================
8! Public types in this module:
9!   spline_t     : derived type to hold spline info of a function
10! Public parameters, variables and arrays in this module:
11!   none
12! Public procedures provided by this module:
13!   generate_spline : generate spline interpolation info of a function
14!   evaluate_spline : evaluate a function at given point(s) using splines
15! ==============================================================================
16! SUBROUTINE generate_spline( dat, x, y, n, dydx1, dydxn, d2ydx2, stat )
17!   Generate data required to interpolate a 1D function with cubic splines
18! Required input:
19!   real(dp) x(n)  : independent variable at each point
20!   real(dp) y(n)  : function values at each point
21!   integer  n     : number of points
22! Optional input:
23!   real(dp) dydx1 : dy/dx at x(1) (if not present, assumes d2y/dx2=0 at x(1))
24!   real(dp) dydxn : dy/dx at x(n) (if not present, assumes d2y/dx2=0 at x(n))
25! Output:
26!   type(spline_t) dat : spline info of function y(x)
27! Optional output:
28!   real(dp) d2ydx2(n) : d2y/dx2 at mesh points
29!   integer  stat      : error status
30! Behaviour:
31!   If dydx1 and/or dydxn are not present, assumes d2y/dx2=0 at x(1) and/or x(n)
32!   Returns with stat=-1 if mesh is not monotonic, without any other output
33!   Returns with stat=-2 if n<2, without any other output
34! Algorithm:
35!   Computes d2y/dx2 at each point, to make y(x) and dy/dx continuous.
36!   The x values are analyzed to check if the mesh is linear, logarithmic,
37!   or general. This is used by evaluate_spline to find the mesh interval at
38!   which the evaluation points lie.
39! Ref: "Numerical Recipes", W.H. Press et al, Cambridge U.P.
40! ==============================================================================
41! SUBROUTINE evaluate_spline( dat, x, y )
42!   Evaluate function at given point(s) using spline data info
43! Input:
44!   type(spline_t) dat  : spline info of function y(x), from generate_spline
45!   real(dp)       x(:) : point(s) at which function must be evaluated
46! Output:
47!   real(dp)       y(:) : value of function at given point(s)
48! Behaviour:
49!   Single- and multiple-point evaluators are overloaded with the same name,
50!   so that x and y may be also scalar values
51!   Stops with an error message if any point x is out of the interp. interval
52! ==============================================================================
53! subroutine clean_spline(dat)
54!   type(spline_t), intent(inout) :: dat
55! Behavior:
56!     Deallocates the array components and resets %n to zero
57! end subroutine clean_spline
58! ==============================================================================
59! SUBROUTINE spline( x, y, n, dydx1, dydxn, d2ydx2 )
60!   Included for compatibility with Numerical Recipes interface
61! Input:
62!   real(dp) x(n)      ! mesh points
63!   real(dp) y(n)      ! function value at mesh points
64!   integer  n         ! number of mesh points
65!   real(dp) dydx1     ! dy/dx at x(1). If >1.e30, assumes d2y/dx2=0 at x(1)
66!   real(dp) dydxn     ! dy/dx at x(n). If >1.e30, assumes d2y/dx2=0 at x(n)
67! Output:
68!   real(dp) d2ydx2(n) ! d2y/dx2 at mesh points
69! ==============================================================================
70! SUBROUTINE spline( dx, y, n, dydx1, dydxn, d2ydx2 )
71!   Included for compatibility with interface used in siesta
72! Input:
73!   real(dp) dx        ! mesh interval of a uniform mesh starting at x=0
74!   real(dp) y(n)      ! function value at mesh points
75!   integer  n         ! number of mesh points
76!   real(dp) dydx1     ! dy/dx at x(1). If >1.e30, assumes d2y/dx2=0 at x(1)
77!   real(dp) dydxn     ! dy/dx at x(n). If >1.e30, assumes d2y/dx2=0 at x(n)
78! Output:
79!   real(dp) d2ydx2(n) ! d2y/dx2 at mesh points
80! ==============================================================================
81! SUBROUTINE splint( xi, yi, d2ydx2, n, x, y, dydx )
82!   Included for compatibility with Numerical Recipes interface
83! Input:
84!   real(dp) xi(n)     ! mesh points
85!   real(dp) yi(n)     ! function value at mesh points
86!   real(dp) d2ydx2(n) ! second derivative at mesh points
87!   integer  n         ! number of mesh points
88!   real(dp) x         ! point at which function is needed
89! Output:
90!   real(dp) y         ! function value at point x
91!   real(dp) dydx      ! function derivative at point x
92! ==============================================================================
93! SUBROUTINE splint( dx, yi, d2ydx2, n, x, y, dydx )
94!   Included for compatibility with interface used in siesta
95! Input:
96!   real(dp) dx        ! mesh interval of a uniform mesh starting at x=0
97!   real(dp) yi(n)     ! function value at mesh points
98!   real(dp) d2ydx2(n) ! second derivative at mesh points
99!   integer  n         ! number of mesh points
100!   real(dp) x         ! point at which function is needed
101! Output:
102!   real(dp) y         ! function value at point x
103!   real(dp) dydx      ! function derivative at point x
104! ==============================================================================
106!   Lagrange interpolation
107! Input:
108!   real*8  XA(N) : x values of the function y(x) to interpolate
109!   real*8  YA(N) : y values of the function y(x) to interpolate
110!   integer N     : Number of data points
111!   real*8  X     : x value at which the interpolation is desired
112! Output:
113!   real*8  Y     : interpolated value of y(x) at X
114!   real*8  DYDX  : interpolated derivative dy/dx at X
115!                   Notice: this argument has a different meaning
116!                   in the Numerical Recipes' polint subroutine
117! Ref:
118!   W.H.Press et al, Numerical Recipes, Cambridge U.P.
119! ==============================================================================
120! Written by J.M.Soler and A.Garcia. May.2015
121! ==============================================================================
123! This module calls an external subroutine 'die', with interface
125!     interface
126!      subroutine die(str)
127!      character(len=*), intent(in)  :: str
128!      end subroutine die
129!     end interface
131MODULE interpolation
133  implicit none
135  integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(10,100)
138PUBLIC :: &
139  spline_t,        &! derived type to hold spline info of a function
140  generate_spline, &! generate spline info
141  evaluate_spline, &! evaluate a function at given point(s)
142  clean_spline,    &! deallocate the components of a spline_t object
143  spline,          &! compatible with Numerical Recipes interface
144  splint,          &! compatible with Numerical Recipes interface
145  polint            ! Lagrange polynomial interpolation
147PRIVATE ! nothing is declared public beyond this point
149! Derived type to hold spline info of a function
150type spline_t
151  private
152  character(len=3):: mesh          ! mesh type ('lin'|'log'|'gen')
153  real(dp)        :: xmin          ! x(1)-xtol
154  real(dp)        :: xmax          ! x(n)+xtol
155  real(dp)        :: x1            ! x(1)
156  real(dp)        :: dx            ! linear mesh interval
157  real(dp)        :: a,b           ! log-mesh parameters x(k)=b*[exp(a*(k-1))-1]
158  integer         :: n             ! number of points
159  real(dp),allocatable:: x(:)      ! mesh points
160  real(dp),allocatable:: y(:)      ! function value at mesh points
161  real(dp),allocatable:: d2ydx2(:) ! 2nd derivative at mesh points
162end type
164! Overloaded spline generators and evaluators
165interface generate_spline
166  module procedure generate_spline_master    ! new interface
167  module procedure generate_spline_x  ! Numerical Recipes interface
168  module procedure generate_spline_dx ! older interface
169end interface generate_spline
170interface evaluate_spline
171  module procedure evaluate_spline    ! evaluate function at single point
172  module procedure evaluate_spline_n  ! evaluate function at multiple points
173  module procedure evaluate_spline_x  ! Numerical Recipes interface
174  module procedure evaluate_spline_dx ! siesta interface
175end interface evaluate_spline
176interface spline
177  module procedure generate_spline_x  ! Numerical Recipes interface
178  module procedure generate_spline_dx ! siesta interface
179end interface spline
180interface splint
181  module procedure evaluate_spline_x  ! Numerical Recipes interface
182  module procedure evaluate_spline_dx ! siesta interface
183end interface splint
185! Internal module parameters
186real(dp),parameter:: dydxMax = 0.99e30_dp  ! max. dy/dx at x(1) and x(n)
187real(dp),parameter:: tol = 1.e-6_dp   ! tolerance for 'within range' condition
193SUBROUTINE generate_spline_master( dat, x, y, n, dydx1, dydxn, d2ydx2, store, stat )
195! Generate data for cubic spline interpolation of a function
197implicit none
198type(spline_t),   intent(out):: dat    ! spline interpolation info
199integer,          intent(in) :: n      ! number of mesh points
200real(dp),         intent(in) :: x(n)   ! independent variable at mesh points
201real(dp),         intent(in) :: y(n)   ! function value at mesh points
202real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: dydx1  ! dy/dx at x(1)
203real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: dydxn  ! dy/dx at x(n)
204real(dp),optional,intent(out):: d2ydx2(n) ! d2y/dx2 at mesh points
205logical, optional, intent(in):: store  ! Store data in the spline object
206integer, optional,intent(out):: stat   ! error status:
207                                       !  (-1 if nonmonotonic mesh)
208                                       !  (-2 if n < 2)
210! Internal variables and arrays
211character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'generate_spline_master '
212real(dp):: a, b, dx, dx1, dx2, dxn, dxm, dxp, dy1, dyn, dym, dyp, &
213           p, s, u(n), v(n), xtol, ypp(n)
214integer :: flag, k
215character(len=3):: meshType
217! Check that mesh is monotonic
218if (n<2) then
219  flag = -2   ! single-point
220elseif (n>2 .and. any( (x(2:n-1)-x(1:n-2)) * (x(3:n)-x(2:n-1)) <= 0.0_dp )) then
221  flag = -1   ! non-monotonic mesh
223  flag = 0
225if (present(stat)) stat = flag
226if (flag<0) return
228! Find if mesh is linear (a=0) or logarithmic
229!   x(k)=x(1)+b*[exp(a*(k-1))-1] => (x(k+1)-x(k))/(x(k)-x(k-1))=exp(a)
230if (n<3) then
231  meshType = 'lin'
232  dx = x(2)-x(1)
234  a = log( (x(3)-x(2)) / (x(2)-x(1)) )
235  if (all(abs( (x(3:n)-x(2:n-1))/(x(2:n-1)-x(1:n-2))-exp(a) ) < 1.e-12_dp)) then
236    if (abs(a)<1.e-12_dp) then
237      meshType = 'lin'
238      dx = x(2)-x(1)
239    else  ! try x(k) = x(1) + b*[exp(a*(k-1))-1]
240      meshType = 'log'
241      b = (x(2)-x(1)) / (exp(a)-1._dp)
242    endif
243  else
244    meshType = 'gen'
245  endif
248! Set boundary conditions at end points
249if (present(dydx1)) then
250    dx1 = x(2)-x(1)
251    dy1 = y(2)-y(1)
252    v(1) = -0.5_dp
253    u(1) = (3.0_dp/dx1)*(dy1/dx1-dydx1)
255    v(1) = 0._dp
256    u(1) = 0._dp
258if (present(dydxn)) then
259    dxn = x(n)-x(n-1)
260    dyn = y(n)-y(n-1)
261    v(n) = 0.5_dp
262    u(n) = (3.0_dp/dxn)*(dydxn-dyn/dxn)
264    v(n) = 0.0_dp
265    u(n) = 0.0_dp
268! Decomposition loop of the tridiagonal equations
269do k = 2,n-1
270    dxm = x(k)-x(k-1)
271    dym = y(k)-y(k-1)
272    dxp = x(k+1)-x(k)
273    dyp = y(k+1)-y(k)
274    s = dxm / (dxm+dxp)
275    p = s*v(k-1) + 2.0_dp
276    v(k) = (s-1.0_dp)/p
277    u(k) = ( 6.0_dp*(dyp/dxp-dym/dxm)/(dxm+dxp) - s*u(k-1) )/p
280! Backsubstitution loop of the tridiagonal equations
281ypp(n) = (u(n)-v(n)*u(n-1)) / (v(n)*v(n-1)+1.0_dp)
282do k = n-1,1,-1
283  ypp(k) = v(k)*ypp(k+1) + u(k)
286! Store output, if requested
287if (present(d2ydx2)) d2ydx2 = ypp
289if ( present(store) ) then
290  if ( .not. store ) return
291end if
293! Store spline info in output variable
294allocate(dat%x(n), dat%y(n), dat%d2ydx2(n))
296dx = (x(n)-x(1))/(n-1)
297xtol = abs(dx)*tol
298dat%mesh = meshType
299dat%xmin = min(x(1),x(n)) - xtol
300dat%xmax = max(x(1),x(n)) + xtol
301dat%x1 = x(1)
302dat%dx = dx
303dat%a = a
304if (dat%mesh == 'log') dat%b = b
305dat%n = n
306dat%x(:) = x(:)
307dat%y(:) = y(:)
308dat%d2ydx2(:) = ypp(:)
310end subroutine generate_spline_master
314SUBROUTINE evaluate_spline( dat, x, y, dydx ) ! Evaluate function at one point
316implicit none
317type(spline_t),   intent(in) :: dat  ! info for spline interpolation of y(x)
318real(dp),         intent(in) :: x    ! point at which function is needed
319real(dp),         intent(out):: y    ! function value at point x
320real(dp),optional,intent(out):: dydx ! function derivative at point x
322! Internal variables
323integer :: kh, kl
324real(dp):: xh, xl
326! Find mesh interval of point x
327call find_interval( dat, dat%x, x, kl, kh, xl, xh )
329! Find interpolation within given interval
330call interpolate_interval( xl, xh, dat%y(kl), dat%y(kh), &
331                           dat%d2ydx2(kl), dat%d2ydx2(kh), x, y, dydx )
333END SUBROUTINE evaluate_spline
337SUBROUTINE find_interval( dat, xi, x, kl, kh, xl, xh )
339! Find interpolation interval
341implicit none
342type(spline_t),   intent(in) :: dat   ! spline info
343real(dp),         intent(in) :: xi(:) ! mesh points
344real(dp),         intent(in) :: x     ! point at which function is needed
345integer,          intent(out):: kl    ! lower interval index
346integer,          intent(out):: kh    ! higher interval index
347real(dp),         intent(out):: xl    ! lower interval mesh point
348real(dp),         intent(out):: xh    ! higher interval mesh point
350! Internal variables
351character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'evaluate_spline/find_interval '
352real(dp)::  a, b, dx, h, x1, xmin, xmax, xtol
353integer ::  k, n
355! Get some parameters
356xmin = dat%xmin
357xmax = dat%xmax
358n = size(xi)
360! Check that point is within interpolation range
361if (x<dat%xmin .or. x>dat%xmax) &
362  call die(myName//'ERROR: x out of range')
364! Find mesh interval of point x
365select case(dat%mesh)
366case('lin')      ! linear mesh
367  x1 = dat%x1
368  dx = dat%dx
369  kl = 1+floor((x-x1)/dx)
370  kl = min(n-1,max(1,kl))
371  kh = kl+1
372  xl = x1+(kl-1)*dx
373  xh = x1+(kh-1)*dx
374case ('log')     ! logarithmic mesh
375  x1 = dat%x1
376  a  = dat%a
377  b  = dat%b
378  kl = 1+floor(log(1+(x-x1)/b)/a)
379  kl = min(n-1,max(1,kl))
380  kh = kl+1
381  xl = x1+b*(exp((kl-1)*a)-1)
382  xh = x1+b*(exp((kh-1)*a)-1)
383case('gen')      ! general mesh => use bisection
384  kl = 1
385  kh = n
386  do while(kh-kl>1)
387    k = (kh+kl)/2
388    if (xi(k)>x) then
389      kh = k
390    else
391      kl = k
392    endif
393  enddo
394  xl = xi(kl)
395  xh = xi(kh)
396case default
397  call die(myName//'ERROR: unknown mesh type')
398end select
400END SUBROUTINE find_interval
404SUBROUTINE interpolate_interval( xl, xh, yl, yh, d2ydx2l, d2ydx2h, x, y, dydx )
406! Evaluate function at point x, within a given interval
408implicit none
409real(dp),         intent(in) :: xl      ! lower interval point
410real(dp),         intent(in) :: xh      ! higher interval point
411real(dp),         intent(in) :: yl      ! function value at xl
412real(dp),         intent(in) :: yh      ! function value at xh
413real(dp),         intent(in) :: d2ydx2l ! d2y/dx2 at at xl
414real(dp),         intent(in) :: d2ydx2h ! d2y/dx2 at at xh
415real(dp),         intent(in) :: x       ! point at which function is needed
416real(dp),         intent(out):: y       ! function value at point x
417real(dp),optional,intent(out):: dydx    ! function derivative at point x
419! Internal variables
420real(dp)::  A, B, dAdx, dBdx, dx
422! Find interpolated value
423dx = xh-xl
424A = (xh-x)/dx
425B = (x-xl)/dx
426y = A*yl + B*yh + ( (A**3-A)*d2ydx2l + (B**3-B)*d2ydx2h ) * (dx**2)/6.0_dp
428! Find interpolated derivative
429if (present(dydx)) then
430  dAdx = -1._dp/dx
431  dBdx = +1._dp/dx
432  dydx = dAdx*yl + dBdx*yh + ( dAdx*(3*A**2-1._dp)*d2ydx2l + &
433                               dBdx*(3*B**2-1._dp)*d2ydx2h ) * (dx**2)/6.0_dp
436END SUBROUTINE interpolate_interval
440SUBROUTINE evaluate_spline_n( dat, x, y, dydx )
442! Evaluate a function at several points
444implicit none
445type(spline_t),   intent(in) :: dat     ! info for spline interpolation of y(x)
446real(dp),         intent(in) :: x(:)    ! point at which function is needed
447real(dp),         intent(out):: y(:)    ! function value at point x
448real(dp),optional,intent(out):: dydx(:) ! function derivative at point x
450integer:: ix, nx
452nx = size(x)
453do ix = 1,nx
454  call evaluate_spline( dat, x(ix), y(ix), dydx(ix) )
457END SUBROUTINE evaluate_spline_n
461SUBROUTINE generate_spline_x( x, y, n, dydx1, dydxn, d2ydx2 )
463! Included for compatibility with an older interface
465implicit none
466integer, intent(in) :: n         ! number of mesh points
467real(dp),intent(in) :: x(n)      ! mesh of independent variable
468real(dp),intent(in) :: y(n)      ! function value at mesh points
469real(dp),intent(in) :: dydx1     ! dy/dx at x(1)
470real(dp),intent(in) :: dydxn     ! dy/dx at x(n)
471real(dp),intent(out):: d2ydx2(n) ! d2y/dx2 at mesh points
473! Internal variables
474integer :: stat
475type(spline_t):: dat
477! Generate spline dat
478if (dydx1>dydxMax .and. dydxn>dydxMax) then
479  call generate_spline_master( dat, x, y, n, d2ydx2=d2ydx2, store=.false., stat=stat)
480elseif (dydxn>dydxMax) then
481  call generate_spline_master( dat, x, y, n, dydx1=dydx1, d2ydx2=d2ydx2, store=.false., stat=stat)
482elseif (dydx1>dydxMax) then
483  call generate_spline_master( dat, x, y, n, dydxn=dydxn, d2ydx2=d2ydx2, store=.false., stat=stat)
485  call generate_spline_master( dat, x, y, n, dydx1, dydxn, d2ydx2=d2ydx2, store=.false., stat=stat)
488! If the status is faulty the resulting d2y/dx2 will be
489! forcefully set to 0
490! Then the user has to do something differently
491if ( stat /= 0 ) d2ydx2(:) = 0._dp
493! Deallocate arrays in the spline data-structure
494call clean_spline(dat)
496END SUBROUTINE generate_spline_x
500SUBROUTINE generate_spline_dx( dx, y, n, dydx1, dydxn, d2ydx2 )
502! Included for compatibility with an older interface
504implicit none
505integer, intent(in) :: n         ! number of mesh points
506real(dp),intent(in) :: dx        ! mesh interval
507real(dp),intent(in) :: y(n)      ! function value at mesh points
508real(dp),intent(in) :: dydx1     ! dy/dx at x(1)
509real(dp),intent(in) :: dydxn     ! dy/dx at x(n)
510real(dp),intent(out):: d2ydx2(n) ! d2y/dx2 at mesh points
512! Internal variables
513integer :: ix
514real(dp):: x(n)
516! Generate spline data
517x = (/( (ix-1)*dx, ix=1,n )/)
518call generate_spline_x( x, y, n, dydx1, dydxn, d2ydx2 )
520END SUBROUTINE generate_spline_dx
524SUBROUTINE evaluate_spline_x( xi, yi, d2ydx2, n, x, y, dydx )
526! Included for compatibility with an older interface
528implicit none
529integer,          intent(in) :: n         ! number of mesh points
530real(dp),         intent(in) :: xi(n)     ! mesh of independent variable
531real(dp),         intent(in) :: yi(n)     ! function value at mesh points
532real(dp),         intent(in) :: d2ydx2(n) ! function value at point x
533real(dp),         intent(in) :: x         ! point at which function is needed
534real(dp),         intent(out):: y         ! function value at point x
535real(dp),optional,intent(out):: dydx      ! function derivative at point x
537integer :: kh, kl
538real(dp):: xh, xl, xtol
539type(spline_t):: dat
541! Find mesh interval of point x (warning: no check that x is within range)
542dat%mesh = 'gen'
543dat%x1 = xi(1)
544dat%dx = (xi(n)-xi(1))/(n-1)
545xtol = abs(dat%dx)*tol
546dat%xmin = min(xi(1),xi(n)) - xtol
547dat%xmax = max(xi(1),xi(n)) + xtol
548call find_interval( dat, xi, x, kl, kh, xl, xh )
550! Find interpolation within given interval
551call interpolate_interval( xl, xh, yi(kl), yi(kh), &
552                           d2ydx2(kl), d2ydx2(kh), x, y, dydx )
554END SUBROUTINE evaluate_spline_x
558SUBROUTINE evaluate_spline_dx( dx, yi, d2ydx2, n, x, y, dydx )
560! Included for compatibility with an older interface
562implicit none
563integer,          intent(in) :: n         ! number of mesh points
564real(dp),         intent(in) :: dx        ! mesh interval
565real(dp),         intent(in) :: yi(n)     ! function value at mesh points
566real(dp),         intent(in) :: d2ydx2(n) ! function value at point x
567real(dp),         intent(in) :: x         ! point at which function is needed
568real(dp),         intent(out):: y         ! function value at point x
569real(dp),optional,intent(out):: dydx      ! function derivative at point x
571integer :: kh, kl
572real(dp):: xh, xl, xmax, xtol
574! Check that point is within interpolation range
575xmax = (n-1)*dx
576xtol = dx*tol
577if (x<-xtol .or. x>xmax+xtol) &
578  call die('evaluate_spline ERROR: x out of range')
580! Find mesh interval of point x (warning: no check that x is within range)
581kl = 1+floor(x/dx)
582kl = min(n-1,max(1,kl))
583kh = kl+1
584xl = (kl-1)*dx
585xh = (kh-1)*dx
587! Find interpolation within given interval
588call interpolate_interval( xl, xh, yi(kl), yi(kh), &
589                           d2ydx2(kl), d2ydx2(kh), x, y, dydx )
591END SUBROUTINE evaluate_spline_dx
595SUBROUTINE polint( xi, yi, n, x, y, dydx )  ! Lagrange interpolation
597  implicit none
598  integer, intent(in) :: n     ! number of mesh points
599  real(dp),intent(in) :: xi(*) ! mesh points
600  real(dp),intent(in) :: yi(*) ! function values at mesh points
601  real(dp),intent(in) :: x     ! point at which function is required
602  real(dp),intent(out):: y     ! function value at point x
603  real(dp),intent(out):: dydx  ! function derivative at point x
605  integer :: i0, m, nm
606  real(dp):: c(n), d(n), e(n), dcdx(n), dddx(n), dedx(n), dx1(n), dx2(n), dxi(n)
608! Neville's algorithm, as described in NR
609  c = yi(1:n)
610  d = yi(1:n)
611  dcdx = 0._dp
612  dddx = 0._dp
613  dydx = 0._dp
614  i0 = n/2
615  y = yi(i0)
616  do m = 1,n-1               ! loop on increasing polynomial order
617    nm = n-m
618    dxi(1:nm) = xi(1:nm)-xi(m+1:n)
619    if (any(dxi(1:nm)==0.0_dp)) &
620      call die('polint: ERROR: two mesh points are equal')
621    dx1(1:nm) = xi(1:nm)-x
622    dx2(1:nm) = xi(m+1:n)-x
623    e(1:nm) = (c(2:nm+1)-d(1:nm))/dxi(1:nm)
624    c(1:nm) = dx1(1:nm)*e(1:nm)
625    d(1:nm) = dx2(1:nm)*e(1:nm)
626    dedx(1:nm) = (dcdx(2:nm+1) - dddx(1:nm)) / dxi(1:nm)
627    dcdx(1:nm) = - e(1:nm) + dx1(1:nm)*dedx(1:nm)
628    dddx(1:nm) = - e(1:nm) + dx2(1:nm)*dedx(1:nm)
629    i0 = i0-1
630    if (2*i0 < nm) then
631      i0 = i0+1
632      y = y+c(i0)
633      dydx = dydx+dcdx(i0)
634    else
635      y = y+d(i0)
636      dydx = dydx+dddx(i0)
637    endif
638  end do
642subroutine clean_spline(dat)
643type(spline_t), intent(inout) :: dat
645integer :: n
647n = dat%n
648if (allocated(dat%x)) then
649   deallocate(dat%x, dat%y, dat%d2ydx2)
651dat%n = 0
652end subroutine clean_spline
654END MODULE interpolation