1 #include <math.h>
3 #include "vdwxc.h"
5 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 #include "config.h"
7 #endif
9 #include "vdw_core.h"
12 /* We need to implement:
14    * PBE R exchange
15    * GGA-RPW86 exchange
16    * Langreth-Vosko thing with interpolation to GGA-RPW86-X
17    * LDA-PW correlation
19  */
vdwxc_lda_correlation(int Ng,double * rho_g,double * eps_g,double * dedn_g)21 void vdwxc_lda_correlation(int Ng, double* rho_g, double* eps_g, double* dedn_g)
22 {
23     double
24         C0I = 0.238732414637843,
25         gamma = 0.031091,
26         alpha1 = 0.21370,
27         beta1 = 7.5957,
28         beta2 = 3.5876,
29         beta3 = 1.6382,
30         beta4 = 0.49294;  // defined also in vdwxc.h... use them from there.
32     int i;
33     for(i=0; i < Ng; i++) {
34         double rtrs = pow(C0I / (*rho_g), 1.0 / 6.0);
35         double rs = rtrs * rtrs;
36         double Q0 = -2.0 * gamma * (1.0 + alpha1 * rtrs * rtrs);
37         double Q1 = 2.0 * gamma * rtrs *
38             (beta1 + rtrs * (beta2 + rtrs * (beta3 + rtrs * beta4)));
39         double G1 = Q0 * log(1.0 + 1.0 / Q1);
41         double dQ1drs = gamma * (beta1 / rtrs + 2.0 * beta2 +
42                                  rtrs * (3.0 * beta3 + 4.0 * beta4 * rtrs));
43         double dGdrs = -2.0 * gamma * alpha1 * G1 / Q0 - Q0
44             * dQ1drs / (Q1 * (Q1 + 1.0));
46         //double ec = G1;
47         //double decdrs_0 = dGdrs;
48         *eps_g += (*rho_g) * G1;
49         *dedn_g += G1 - rs * dGdrs / 3.0;
51         rho_g++;
52         eps_g++;
53         dedn_g++;
54     }
55 }
58 // sigma = || grad rho ||^2
vdwxc_cx_semilocal_exchange(int Ng,double * rho_g,double * sigma_g,double * eps_g,double * dedn_g,double * dedsigma_g)59 void vdwxc_cx_semilocal_exchange(int Ng, double* rho_g, double* sigma_g,
60                                  double* eps_g, double* dedn_g, double* dedsigma_g)
61 {
62     //double tol = 1e-20;
64     double alp = 0.021789;
65     double beta = 1.15;
66     double a = 1.851;
67     double b = 17.33;
68     double c = 0.163;
69     double mu_LM = 0.09434;
70     double s_prefactor = 6.18733545256027;
71     double Ax = -0.738558766382022; // = -3./4. * (3./pi)**(1./3)
73     int i;
74     for(i=0; i < Ng; i++) {
75         double grad_rho = sqrt(*sigma_g);
77         // eventually we need s to power 12.  Clip to avoid overflow
78         // (We have individual tolerances on both rho and grho, but
79         // they are not sufficient to guarantee this)
80         double rho_pow_1_3 = pow(*rho_g, 1.0 / 3.0);
81         double rho_pow_4_3 = (*rho_g) * rho_pow_1_3;
82         double s_1 = grad_rho / (s_prefactor * rho_pow_4_3);
83         s_1 = s_1 < 0.0 ? 0.0 : (s_1 > 1e20 ? 1e20 : s_1);
84         double s_2 = s_1 * s_1;
85         double s_3 = s_2 * s_1;
86         double s_4 = s_3 * s_1;
87         double s_5 = s_4 * s_1;
88         double s_6 = s_5 * s_1;
90         double fs_rPW86 = pow(1.0 + a * s_2 + b * s_4 + c * s_6, 1. / 15.);
92         double fs = (1.0 + mu_LM * s_2) / (1.0 + alp * s_6)
93             + alp * s_6 / (beta + alp * s_6) * fs_rPW86;
95         // the energy density for the exchange.
96         *eps_g += Ax * rho_pow_4_3 * fs;
98         double df_rPW86_ds = (1. / (15. * pow(fs_rPW86, 14.0))) *
99             (2.0 * a * s_1 + 4.0 * b * s_3 + 6.0 * c * s_5);
101         double tmp = 1. + alp * s_6;
102         double df_ds = 1. / (tmp * tmp)
103             * (2.0 * mu_LM * s_1 * (1. + alp * s_6)
104                - 6.0 * alp * s_5 * (1. + mu_LM * s_2))
105             + alp * s_6 / (beta + alp * s_6) * df_rPW86_ds
106             + 6.0 * alp * s_5 * fs_rPW86 / (beta + alp * s_6)
107             * (1. - alp * s_6 / (beta + alp * s_6));
109         // de/dn.  This is the partial derivative of sx wrt. n, for s constant
110         *dedn_g += Ax * (4.0 / 3.0) *
111             (rho_pow_1_3 * fs - grad_rho * df_ds / (s_prefactor * (*rho_g)));
112         // de/d(nabla n).  The other partial derivative
113         *dedsigma_g += 0.5 * Ax * df_ds / (s_prefactor * grad_rho);
114         // (We may or may not understand what that grad_rho is doing here.)
115         rho_g++;
116         sigma_g++;
117         eps_g++;
118         dedn_g++;
119         dedsigma_g++;
120     }
121 }
vdwxc_add_cx_exchange(vdwxc_data data,double * rho_g,double * sigma_g,double * eps_g,double * dedn_g,double * dedsigma_g)123 void vdwxc_add_cx_exchange(vdwxc_data data, double* rho_g, double* sigma_g,
124                            double* eps_g, double* dedn_g, double* dedsigma_g)
125 {
126     vdwxc_cx_semilocal_exchange(data->Ng, rho_g, sigma_g, eps_g, dedn_g, dedsigma_g);
127 }