1 // ATC headers
2 #include "ATC_Method.h"
3 #include "LammpsInterface.h"
4 #include "FE_Engine.h"
5 #include "Array.h"
6 #include "Array2D.h"
7 #include "ATC_Error.h"
8 #include "Function.h"
9 #include "PrescribedDataManager.h"
10 #include "TimeIntegrator.h"
11 #include "PhysicsModel.h"
12 #include "PerAtomQuantityLibrary.h"
13 #include "TransferLibrary.h"
14 #include "KernelFunction.h"
15 #include "Utility.h"
16 #include "FieldManager.h"
18 #include <fstream>
19 #include <sstream>
20 #include <iostream>
22 using ATC_Utility::sgn;
23 using ATC_Utility::to_string;
24 using ATC_Utility::is_dbl;
26 using std::stringstream;
27 using std::ifstream;
28 using std::ofstream;
29 using std::string;
30 using std::map;
31 using std::set;
32 using std::vector;
33 using std::pair;
35 namespace ATC {
ATC_Method(string groupName,double ** & perAtomArray,LAMMPS_NS::Fix * thisFix)37   ATC_Method::ATC_Method(string groupName, double ** & perAtomArray, LAMMPS_NS::Fix * thisFix) :
38     nodalAtomicVolume_(NULL),
39     needReset_(true),
40     lammpsInterface_(LammpsInterface::instance()),
41     interscaleManager_(this),
42     timeFilterManager_(this),
43     integrateInternalAtoms_(false),
44     atomTimeIntegrator_(NULL),
45     ghostManager_(this),
46     feEngine_(NULL),
47     initialized_(false),
48     meshDataInitialized_(false),
49     localStep_(0),
50     sizeComm_(8), // 3 positions + 1 material id * 2 for output
51     atomCoarseGrainingPositions_(NULL),
52     atomGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_(NULL),
53     atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_(NULL),
54     atomReferencePositions_(NULL),
55     nsd_(lammpsInterface_->dimension()),
56     xref_(NULL),
57     readXref_(false),
58     needXrefProcessorGhosts_(false),
59     trackDisplacement_(false),
60     needsAtomToElementMap_(true),
61     atomElement_(NULL),
62     atomGhostElement_(NULL),
63     internalElementSet_(""),
64     atomMasses_(NULL),
65     atomPositions_(NULL),
66     atomVelocities_(NULL),
67     atomForces_(NULL),
68     parallelConsistency_(true),
69     outputNow_(false),
70     outputTime_(true),
71     outputFrequency_(0),
72     sampleFrequency_(0),
73     sampleCounter_(0),
74     peScale_(1./(lammpsInterface_->mvv2e())),
75     keScale_(1.),
76     scalarFlag_(0),
77     vectorFlag_(0),
78     sizeVector_(0),
79     scalarVectorFreq_(0),
80     sizePerAtomCols_(4),
81     perAtomOutput_(NULL),
82     perAtomArray_(perAtomArray),
83     extScalar_(0),
84     extVector_(0),
85     extList_(NULL),
86     thermoEnergyFlag_(0),
87     atomVolume_(NULL),
88     atomicWeightsWriteFlag_(false),
89     atomicWeightsWriteFrequency_(0),
90     atomWeightType_(LATTICE),
91     domainDecomposition_(REPLICATED_MEMORY),
92     groupbit_(0),
93     groupbitGhost_(0),
94     needProcGhost_(false),
95     groupTag_(groupName),
96     nLocal_(0),
97     nLocalTotal_(0),
98     nLocalGhost_(0),
99     atomToElementMapType_(LAGRANGIAN),
100     atomToElementMapFrequency_(0),
101     regionID_(-1),
102     mdMassNormalization_(false),
103     kernelBased_(false),
104     kernelOnTheFly_(false),
105     kernelFunction_(NULL),
106     bondOnTheFly_(false),
107     accumulant_(NULL),
108     accumulantMol_(NULL),
109     accumulantMolGrad_(NULL),
110     accumulantWeights_(NULL),
111     accumulantInverseVolumes_(&invNodeVolumes_),
112     accumulantBandwidth_(0),
113     useRestart_(false),
114     hasRefPE_(false),
115     setRefPE_(false),
116     setRefPEvalue_(false),
117     refPEvalue_(0.),
118     readRefPE_(false),
119     nodalRefPotentialEnergy_(NULL),
120     simTime_(0.0),
121     stepCounter_(0)
122   {
123     lammpsInterface_->print_msg_once("version "+version());
124     lammpsInterface_->set_fix_pointer(thisFix);
125     interscaleManager_.set_lammps_data_prefix();
126     grow_arrays(lammpsInterface_->nmax());
127     feEngine_ = new FE_Engine(lammpsInterface_->world());
130     lammpsInterface_->create_compute_pe_peratom();
131   }
~ATC_Method()133   ATC_Method::~ATC_Method()
134   {
135     lammpsInterface_->destroy_2d_double_array(xref_);
136     lammpsInterface_->destroy_2d_double_array(perAtomOutput_);
137     if (atomTimeIntegrator_) delete atomTimeIntegrator_;
138     if (feEngine_) delete feEngine_;
139   }
141   //--------------------------------------------------
142   // pack_fields
143   //   bundle all allocated field matrices into a list
144   //   for output needs
145   //--------------------------------------------------
pack_fields(RESTART_LIST & data)146   void ATC_Method::pack_fields(RESTART_LIST & data)
147   {
148     map<FieldName,int>::const_iterator field;
149     for (field = fieldSizes_.begin(); field!=fieldSizes_.end(); field++) {
150       FieldName thisField = field->first;
151       string fieldName = field_to_string(thisField);
152       string matrixName;
153       // copy all fields from ATC_Method.h
154       matrixName = "fields_" + fieldName;
155       data[matrixName] = & fields_[thisField].set_quantity();
156       matrixName = "dot_fields_" + fieldName;
157       data[matrixName] = & dot_fields_[thisField].set_quantity();
158       matrixName = "ddot_fields_" + fieldName;
159       data[matrixName] = & ddot_fields_[thisField].set_quantity();
160       matrixName = "dddot_fields_" + fieldName;
161       data[matrixName] = & dddot_fields_[thisField].set_quantity();
162       matrixName = "NodalAtomicFieldsRoc_" + fieldName;
163       data[matrixName] = & nodalAtomicFieldsRoc_[thisField].set_quantity();
164     }
165   }
167   //--------------------------------------------------
168   // write_restart_file
169   //   bundle matrices that need to be saved and call
170   //   fe_engine to write the file
171   //--------------------------------------------------
write_restart_data(string fileName,RESTART_LIST & data)172   void ATC_Method::write_restart_data(string fileName, RESTART_LIST & data)
173   {
174     pack_fields(data);
175     feEngine_->write_restart_file(fileName,&data);
176   }
178   //--------------------------------------------------
179   // read_restart_file
180   //   bundle matrices that need to be saved and call
181   //   fe_engine to write the file
182   //--------------------------------------------------
read_restart_data(string fileName,RESTART_LIST & data)183   void ATC_Method::read_restart_data(string fileName, RESTART_LIST & data)
184   {
185     pack_fields(data);
186     feEngine_->read_restart_file(fileName,&data);
187   }
189   //--------------------------------------------------
190   // Interactions with LAMMPS fix commands
191   // parse input command and pass on to finite element engine
192   //   or physics specific transfers if necessary
193   //   revert to physics-specific transfer if no command matches input
194   // first keyword is unique to particular class
195   // base class keyword matching must apply to ALL physics
196   // order:  derived, base, owned objects
197   //--------------------------------------------------
modify(int narg,char ** arg)198   bool ATC_Method::modify(int narg, char **arg)
199   {
200     int argIdx=0;
201     bool match = false;
203     // gateways to other modules e.g. extrinsic, control, mesh
204     // pass off to fe engine
205     if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"mesh")==0) {
206       match = feEngine_->modify(narg, arg);
207       if (feEngine_->has_mesh()  && !meshDataInitialized_)
208         this->initialize_mesh_data();
209     }
210     // pass off to time filter
211     else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"filter")==0) {
212       argIdx++;
213       match = timeFilterManager_.modify(narg-argIdx,&arg[argIdx]);
215         // consistentInitialization_ = false;
216     }
217     // pass off to kernel function manager
218     else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"kernel")==0) {
219       argIdx++;
221       if (kernelFunction_) {
222         //delete kernelFunction_;
223         //resetKernelFunction_ = true;
224       }
225       kernelFunction_ = KernelFunctionMgr::instance()->function(&arg[argIdx],narg-argIdx);
226       if (kernelFunction_) match = true;
227       else ATC_Error("no matching kernel found");
228       feEngine_->set_kernel(kernelFunction_);
230       accumulantMol_=&kernelAccumulantMol_; // KKM add
231       accumulantMolGrad_=&kernelAccumulantMolGrad_; // KKM add
232     }
233     // pass off to ghost manager
234     else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"boundary_dynamics")==0) {
235       argIdx++;
236       match = ghostManager_.modify(narg-argIdx,&arg[argIdx]);
237     }
239     // parsing handled here
240     else {
241       if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"parallel_consistency")==0) {
242         argIdx++;
243         //if (!kernelFunction_)          { throw ATC_Error("on_the_fly requires a kernel function"); }
244         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"off")==0) parallelConsistency_ = false;
245         else                              parallelConsistency_ = true;
246         match = true;
247       }
248      /*! \page man_hardy_on_the_fly fix_modify AtC on_the_fly
249         \section syntax
250         fix_modify AtC on_the_fly <bond | kernel> <optional on | off> \n        - bond | kernel (keyword) = specifies on-the-fly calculation of bond or
251 kernel         matrix elements \n
252         - on | off (keyword) =  activate or discontinue on-the-fly mode \n
253         \section examples
254         <TT> fix_modify AtC on_the_fly bond on </TT> \n        <TT> fix_modify AtC on_the_fly kernel </TT> \n
255         <TT> fix_modify AtC on_the_fly kernel off </TT> \n
256         \section description
257         Overrides normal mode of pre-calculating and storing bond pair-to-node a
258 nd
259         kernel atom-to-node matrices. If activated, will calculate elements of t
260 hese
261         matrices during repeated calls of field computations (i.e. "on-the-fly") and not store them for
262         future use.   \n        on flag is optional - if omitted, on_the_fly will be activated for the s
263 pecified
264         matrix. Can be deactivated using off flag. \n
265         \section restrictions
266         Must be used with the hardy/field type of AtC fix
267         ( see \ref man_fix_atc )
268         \section related
269         \section default
270         By default, on-the-fly calculation is not active (i.e. off). However, code does a memory allocation check to determine if it can store all needed bond and kernel matrix ele ments. If this allocation fails, on-the-fly is activated. \n
271       */
273       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"on_the_fly")==0) {
274         argIdx++;
275         //if (!kernelFunction_)          { throw ATC_Error("on_the_fly requires a kernel function"); }
276         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"bond")==0) {
277           argIdx++;
278           bondOnTheFly_ = true;
279           if (narg > argIdx && strcmp(arg[argIdx],"off")==0) bondOnTheFly_ = false;
280         }
281         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"kernel")==0) {
282           argIdx++;
283           kernelOnTheFly_ = true;
284           if (narg > argIdx && strcmp(arg[argIdx],"off")==0) kernelOnTheFly_ = false;
285         }
286         else { throw ATC_Error("unsupported on_the_fly type"); }
287         match = true;
288       }
290       /*! \page man_output fix_modify AtC output
291         \section syntax
292         fix_modify AtC output <filename_prefix> <frequency>
293         [text | full_text | binary | vector_components | tensor_components ]
294         fix_modify AtC output index [step | time ]
295         - filename_prefix (string) = prefix for data files
296         - frequency (integer) = frequency of output in time-steps
297         - options (keyword/s): \n
298         text = creates text output of index, step and nodal variable values for unique nodes \n
299         full_text = creates text output index, nodal id, step, nodal coordinates and nodal variable values for unique and image nodes \n
300         binary = creates binary Ensight output \n
301         vector_components = outputs vectors as scalar components \n
302         tensor_components = outputs tensor as scalar components
303         (use this for Paraview)\n
305         \section examples
306         <TT> fix_modify AtC output heatFE 100 </TT> \n
307         <TT> fix_modify AtC output hardyFE 1 text tensor_components </TT> \n
308         <TT> fix_modify AtC output hardyFE 10 text binary tensor_components </TT> \n
309         <TT> fix_modify AtC output index step </TT> \n
310         \section description
311         Creates text and/or binary (Ensight, "gold" format) output of nodal/mesh data
312         which is transfer/physics specific. Output indexed by step or time is possible.
313         \section restrictions
314         \section related
315         see \ref man_fix_atc
316         \section default
317         no default format
318         output indexed by time
319       */
320       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"output")==0) {
321         argIdx++;
322       /*! \page man_output_nodeset fix_modify AtC output nodeset
323         \section syntax
324         fix_modify AtC output nodeset <nodeset_name> <operation>
325         - nodeset_name (string) = name of nodeset to be operated on
326         - operation (keyword/s): \n
327         sum = creates nodal sum over nodes in specified nodeset \n
328         \section examples
329         <TT> fix_modify AtC output nodeset nset1 sum </TT> \n
330         \section description
331         Performs operation over the nodes belonging to specified nodeset
332         and outputs resulting variable values to GLOBALS file.
333         \section restrictions
334         \section related
335         see \ref man_fix_atc
336         \section default
337         none
338       */
339         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"nodeset")==0) {
340           argIdx++;
341           string nset = arg[argIdx++];
342           if       (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"sum")==0) {
343             argIdx++;
344             string field = arg[argIdx];
345             pair < string, FieldName >  id(nset,string_to_field(field));
346             nsetData_[id] = NODESET_SUM;
347             match = true;
348           }
349           else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"average")==0) {
350             argIdx++;
351             string field = arg[argIdx];
352             pair < string, FieldName >  id(nset,string_to_field(field));
353             nsetData_[id] = NODESET_AVERAGE;
354             match = true;
355           }
356         }
359       /*! \page man_boundary_integral fix_modify AtC output boundary_integral
360         \section syntax
361         fix_modify AtC output boundary_integral [field] faceset [name]
362         - field (string) : name of hardy field
363         - name (string)  : name of faceset
364         \section examples
365         <TT> fix_modify AtC output boundary_integral stress faceset loop1 </TT> \n
366         \section description
367         Calculates a surface integral of the given field dotted with the
368         outward normal of the faces and puts output in the "GLOBALS" file
369         \section restrictions
370         Must be used with the hardy/field type of AtC fix
371         ( see \ref man_fix_atc )
372         \section related
373         \section default
374         none
375       */
377       /*! \page man_contour_integral fix_modify AtC output contour_integral
378         \section syntax
379         fix_modify AtC output contour_integral [field] faceset [name] <axis [x | y | z
380 ]>
381         - field (string) : name of hardy field
382         - name (string)  : name of faceset
383         - axis (string)  : x or y or z
384         \section examples
385         <TT> fix_modify AtC output contour_integral stress faceset loop1 </TT> \n
386         \section description
387         Calculates a surface integral of the given field dotted with the
388         outward normal of the faces and puts output in the "GLOBALS" file
389         \section restrictions
390         Must be used with the hardy/field type of AtC fix
391         ( see \ref man_fix_atc )
392         \section related
393         \section default
394         none
395       */
397         else if ( (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"boundary_integral")==0)
398                || (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"contour_integral")==0) ) {
399           FacesetIntegralType type = BOUNDARY_INTEGRAL;
400           if  (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"contour_integral")==0)
401                               type = CONTOUR_INTEGRAL;
402           argIdx++;
403           string field(arg[argIdx++]);
404           if(strcmp(arg[argIdx],"faceset")==0) {
405             argIdx++;
406             string name(arg[argIdx++]);
407             pair <string,string> pair_name(name,field);
408             fsetData_[pair_name] = type;
409             match = true;
410           }
411         } // end "boundary_integral" || "contour_integral"
413       /*! \page man_output_elementset fix_modify AtC output elementset
414         \section syntax
415         fix_modify AtC output volume_integral <eset_name> <field> {`
416         - set_name (string) = name of elementset to be integrated over
417         - fieldname (string) = name of field to integrate
418         csum = creates nodal sum over nodes in specified nodeset \n
419         \section examples
420         <TT> fix_modify AtC output eset1 mass_density </TT> \n
421         \section description
422         Performs volume integration of specified field over elementset
423         and outputs resulting variable values to GLOBALS file.
424         \section restrictions
425         \section related
426         see \ref man_fix_atc
427         \section default
428         none
429       */
431         else if ( (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"volume_integral")==0) ) {
432           argIdx++;
433           string name(arg[argIdx++]);
434           string field(arg[argIdx++]);
435           pair <string,FieldName> pair_name(name,string_to_field(field));
436           if (++argIdx < narg) { // keyword average
437             esetData_[pair_name] = ELEMENTSET_AVERAGE;
438           }
439           else {
440             esetData_[pair_name] = ELEMENTSET_TOTAL;
441           }
442           match = true;
443         }
445         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"now")==0) {
446           argIdx++;
447           double dt = 1.0;
448           if (argIdx < narg) {
449             dt = atof(arg[argIdx++]);
450           }
451           update_time(dt);
452           update_step();
453           outputNow_ = true;
454           this->output();
455           outputNow_ = false;
456           match = true;
457         }
458         else
459           if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"index")==0) {
460             argIdx++;
461             if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"step")==0) { outputTime_ = false; }
462             else                               { outputTime_ = true; }
463           match = true;
464         }
465         else {
466           outputPrefix_ = arg[argIdx++];
467           outputFrequency_ = atoi(arg[argIdx++]);
468           bool ensight_output = false, full_text_output = false;
469           bool text_output = false, vect_comp = false, tensor_comp = false;
470           int rank = lammpsInterface_->comm_rank();
471           for (int i = argIdx; i<narg; ++i) {
472             if      (strcmp(arg[i],"full_text")==0) full_text_output = true;
473             else if (strcmp(arg[i],"text")==0)           text_output = true;
474             else if (strcmp(arg[i],"binary")==0)      ensight_output = true;
475             else if (strcmp(arg[i],"vector_components")==0) vect_comp = true;
476             else if (strcmp(arg[i],"tensor_components")==0) tensor_comp = true;
477             else { throw ATC_Error(" output: unknown keyword ");  }
478           }
479           if (outputFrequency_>0) {
480             set<int> otypes;
481             if (full_text_output || text_output) {
482               lammpsInterface_->print_msg_once("Warning : text output can create _LARGE_ files");
483             }
484             if (full_text_output) otypes.insert(FULL_GNUPLOT);
485             if (text_output)      otypes.insert(GNUPLOT);
486             if (ensight_output)   otypes.insert(ENSIGHT);
487             if (ntracked() > 0) {
488                string fstem = field_to_string(SPECIES_CONCENTRATION);
489                string istem = field_to_intrinsic_name(SPECIES_CONCENTRATION);
490                vector<string> tnames = tracked_names();
491                vector<string> fnames;
492                vector<string> inames;
493                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tnames.size(); i++) {
494                  fnames.push_back(fstem+tnames[i]);
495                  inames.push_back(istem+tnames[i]);
496                }
497                feEngine_->add_field_names(fstem,fnames);
498                feEngine_->add_field_names(istem,inames);
499             }
500             feEngine_->initialize_output(rank,outputPrefix_,otypes);
501             if (vect_comp)
502               feEngine_->output_manager()
503                 ->set_option(OUTPUT_VECTOR_COMPONENTS,true);
504             if (tensor_comp)
505               feEngine_->output_manager()
506                 ->set_option(OUTPUT_TENSOR_COMPONENTS,true);
507           }
508           match = true;
509         }
510       }
511     // add a species for tracking
512     /*! \page man_add_species fix_modify AtC add_species
513       \section syntax
514       fix_modify_AtC add_species <TAG> <group|type> <ID> \n
515       - <TAG> = tag for tracking a species \n
516       - group|type = LAMMPS defined group or type of atoms \n
517       - <ID> = name of group or type number \n
518       \section examples
519       <TT> fix_modify AtC add_species gold type 1 </TT> \n
520       <TT> group GOLDGROUP type 1 </TT> \n
521       <TT> fix_modify AtC add_species gold group GOLDGROUP </TT>
522       \section description
523       Associates a tag with all atoms of a specified type or within a specified group. \n
524       \section restrictions
525       \section related
526       \section default
527       No defaults for this command.
528     */
529     else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"add_species")==0) {
530       argIdx++;
531       string speciesTag = arg[argIdx];
532       string tag = arg[argIdx];
533       argIdx++;
534       if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"group")==0) {
535         if (narg-argIdx == 2) {
536           string name = arg[++argIdx];
537           int id = lammpsInterface_->group_bit(name);
538           groupList_.push_back(id);
539           groupNames_.push_back(tag);
540         }
541         else {
542           while (++argIdx < narg) {
543             string name = arg[argIdx];
544             int id = lammpsInterface_->group_bit(name);
545             string tag = speciesTag+"-"+name;
546             groupList_.push_back(id);
547             groupNames_.push_back(tag);
548           }
549         }
550       }
551       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"type")==0) {
552         if (narg-argIdx == 2) {
553           int id = atoi(arg[++argIdx]);
554           typeList_.push_back(id);
555           typeNames_.push_back(tag);
556         }
557         else {
558           while (++argIdx < narg) {
559             int id = atoi(arg[argIdx]);
560             string tag = speciesTag+"_"+to_string(id);
561             typeList_.push_back(id);
562             typeNames_.push_back(tag);
563           }
564         }
565       }
566       else {
567         throw ATC_Error("ATC_Method: add_species only handles groups or types"); }
568       match = true;
569     }
571     // remove species from tracking
573     /*! \page man_remove_species fix_modify AtC remove_species
574       \section syntax
575       fix_modify_AtC delete_species <TAG> \n
577       - <TAG> = tag for tracking a species \n
578       \section examples
579       <TT> fix_modify AtC remove_species gold </TT> \n
580       \section description
581       Removes tag designated for tracking a specified species. \n
582       \section restrictions
583       \section related
584       \section default
585       No defaults for this command.
586     */
587     else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"delete_species")==0) {
588       argIdx++;
589       string tag = arg[argIdx++];
590       if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"group")==0) {
591         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < groupList_.size(); j++) {
592           if (tag == groupNames_[j]) {
593             groupList_.erase(groupList_.begin()+j);
594             groupNames_.erase(groupNames_.begin()+j);
595             break;
596           }
597         }
598       }
599       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"type")==0) {
600         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < typeList_.size(); j++) {
601           if (tag == typeNames_[j]) {
602             typeList_.erase(typeList_.begin()+j);
603             typeNames_.erase(typeNames_.begin()+j);
604             break;
605           }
606         }
607       }
608       else {
609         throw ATC_Error("ATC_Method: delete_species only handles groups or types"); }
610       match = true;
612     }
614     // add a molecule for tracking
615     /*! \page man_add_molecule fix_modify AtC add_molecule
616       \section syntax
617       fix_modify_AtC add_molecule <small|large> <TAG> <GROUP_NAME> \n
619       - small|large = can be small if molecule size < cutoff radius, must be large otherwise \n
620       - <TAG> = tag for tracking a species \n
621       - <GROUP_NAME> = name of group that tracking will be applied to \n
622       \section examples
623       <TT> group WATERGROUP type 1 2 </TT> \n
624       <TT> fix_modify AtC add_molecule small water WATERGROUP </TT> \n
625       \section description
626       Associates a tag with all molecules corresponding to a specified group. \n
627       \section restrictions
628       \section related
629       \section default
630       No defaults for this command.
631     */
632     else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"add_molecule")==0) {
633       argIdx++;
634       MolSize size;
635       if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"small")==0) {
636         size = MOL_SMALL;
637         //needXrefProcessorGhosts_ = true;
638         needProcGhost_ = true;
639       }
640       else
641         throw ATC_Error("ATC_CouplingMass:  Bad molecule size in add_molecule");
642       argIdx++;
643       string moleculeTag = arg[argIdx];
645       argIdx++;
646       int groupBit = lammpsInterface_->group_bit(arg[argIdx]);
647       moleculeIds_[moleculeTag] = pair<MolSize,int>(size,groupBit);
648       match = true;
649     }
651     // remove molecule from tracking
652     /*! \page man_remove_molecule fix_modify AtC remove_molecule
653       \section syntax
654       fix_modify_AtC remove_molecule <TAG> \n
656       - <TAG> = tag for tracking a molecule type \n
657       \section examples
658       <TT> fix_modify AtC remove_molecule water </TT> \n
659       \section description
660       Removes tag designated for tracking a specified set of molecules. \n
661       \section restrictions
662       \section related
663       \section default
664       No defaults for this command.
665     */
666     else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"remove_molecule")==0) {
667       argIdx++;
668       string moleculeTag = arg[argIdx];
669       moleculeIds_.erase(moleculeTag);
671       taggedDensMan_.erase(moleculeTag);
672     }
674       /*! \page man_boundary fix_modify AtC boundary
675         \section syntax
676         fix_modify AtC boundary type <atom-type-id>
677         - <atom-type-id> = type id for atoms that represent a ficticious
678         boundary internal to the FE mesh
679         \section examples
680         <TT> fix_modify AtC boundary type ghost_atoms </TT>
681         \section description
682         Command to define the atoms that represent the ficticious
683         boundary internal to the FE mesh. For fully overlapped MD/FE
684         domains with periodic boundary conditions no boundary atoms should
685         be defined.
686         \section restrictions
687         \section default
688         none
689       */
690       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"boundary")==0) {
691         argIdx++;
692         groupTagGhost_ = arg[argIdx++];
693         match = true;
694       }
696       /*! \page man_internal_atom_integrate fix_modify AtC internal_atom_integrate
697         \section syntax
698         fix_modify AtC internal_atom_integrate <on | off>
699         <TT> fix_modify AtC internal_atom_integrate on </TT>
700         \section description
701         Has AtC perform time integration for the atoms in the group on which it operates.  This does not include boundary atoms.
702         \section restrictions
703         AtC must be created before any fixes doing time integration.  It must be on for coupling methods which impose constraints on velocities during the first verlet step, e.g. control momentum glc_velocity.
704         \section default
705         on for coupling methods, off for post-processors
706         off
707        */
708       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"internal_atom_integrate")==0) {
709         argIdx++;
710         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"off")==0) {
711           integrateInternalAtoms_ = false;
712           match = true;
713         }
714         else {
715           integrateInternalAtoms_ = true;
716           match = true;
717         }
718       }
720       /*! \page man_internal_element_set fix_modify AtC internal_element_set
721         \section syntax
722         fix_modify AtC internal_element_set <element-set-name>
723         - <element-set-name> = name of element set defining internal region, or off
724         \section examples
725         <TT> fix_modify AtC internal_element_set myElementSet </TT>
726         <TT> fix_modify AtC internal_element_set off </TT>
727         \section description
728         Enables AtC to base the region for internal atoms to be an element set.
729         If no ghost atoms are used, all the AtC atoms must be constrained to remain
730         in this element set by the user, e.g., with walls.  If boundary atoms are
731         used in conjunction with Eulerian atom maps
732         AtC will partition all atoms of a boundary or internal type to be of type internal
733         if they are in the internal region or to be of type boundary otherwise.
734         \section restrictions
735         If boundary atoms are used in conjunction with Eulerian atom maps, the Eulerian
736         reset frequency must be an integer multiple of the Lammps reneighbor frequency
737         \section related
738         see \ref atom_element_map_type and \ref boundary
739         \section default
740         off
741        */
742       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"internal_element_set")==0) {
743         argIdx++;
744         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"off")==0) {
745           internalElementSet_ = "";
746           match = true;
747         }
748         else {
749           internalElementSet_ = string(arg[argIdx]);
750           const set<int> & elementSet((feEngine_->fe_mesh())->elementset(internalElementSet_)); // check it exists and is not trivial
751           if (elementSet.size()==0) throw ATC_Error("internal_element_set - element set " + internalElementSet_ + " has no elements");
752           match = true;
753         }
754       }
756     /*! \page man_atom_weight fix_modify AtC atom_weight
757       \section syntax
758       fix_modify AtC atom_weight <method> <arguments>
759         - <method> = \n
760           value: atoms in specified group assigned constant value given \n
761           lattice: volume per atom for specified lattice type (e.g. fcc) and parameter \n
762           element: element volume divided among atoms within element \n
763           region: volume per atom determined based on the atom count in the MD regions and their volumes. Note: meaningful only if atoms completely fill all the regions. \n
764           group: volume per atom determined based on the atom count in a group and its volume\n
765           read_in: list of values for atoms are read-in from specified file \n
766       \section examples
767        <TT> fix_modify atc atom_weight constant myatoms 11.8 </TT> \n
768        <TT> fix_modify atc atom_weight lattice </TT> \n
769        <TT> fix_modify atc atom_weight read-in atm_wt_file.txt </TT> \n
770       \section description
771        Command for assigning the value of atomic weights used for atomic integration in
772        atom-continuum coupled simulations.
773       \section restrictions
774       Use of lattice option requires a lattice type and parameter is already specified.
775       \section related
776       \section default
777       lattice
778     */
779       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"atom_weight")==0) {
780         argIdx++;
781         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"constant")==0) {
782           argIdx++;
783           atomWeightType_ = USER;
784           int groupbit = -1;
785           if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"all")==0) {
786           }
787           else {
788             groupbit = lammpsInterface_->group_bit(arg[argIdx]);
789           }
790           argIdx++;
791           double value = atof(arg[argIdx]);
792           Valpha_[groupbit] = value;
793           match = true;
794         }
795         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"lattice")==0) {
796           atomWeightType_ = LATTICE;
797           match = true;
798         }
799         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"element")==0) {
800           atomWeightType_ = ELEMENT;
801           match = true;
802         }
803         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"region")==0) {
804           atomWeightType_ = REGION;
805           match = true;
806         }
807         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"group")==0) {
808           atomWeightType_ = GROUP;
809           match = true;
810         }
811         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"multiscale")==0) {
812           atomWeightType_ = MULTISCALE;
813           match = true;
814         }
815         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"node")==0) {
816           atomWeightType_ = NODE;
817           match = true;
818         }
819         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"node_element")==0) {
820           atomWeightType_ = NODE_ELEMENT;
821           match = true;
822         }
823         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"read_in")==0) {
824           atomWeightType_ = READ_IN;
825           argIdx++;
826           atomicWeightsFile_ = arg[argIdx];
827           match = true;
828         }
829         if (match) {
830           needReset_ = true;
831         }
832       }
834     /*! \page man_decomposition fix_modify AtC decomposition
835       \section syntax
836       fix_modify AtC decomposition <type>
837         - <type> = \n
838           replicated_memory: nodal information replicated on each processor \n
839           distributed_memory: only owned nodal information on processor  \n
840       \section examples
841        <TT> fix_modify atc decomposition distributed_memory </TT> \n
842       \section description
843        Command for assigning the distribution of work and memory for parallel runs.
844       \section restrictions
845       replicated_memory is appropriate for simulations were the number of nodes << number of atoms
846       \section related
847       \section default
848       replicated_memory
849     */
850       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"decomposition")==0) {
851         argIdx++;
852         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"replicated_memory")==0) {
853           domainDecomposition_ = REPLICATED_MEMORY;
854           match = true;
855         }
856         else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"distributed_memory")==0) {
857           domainDecomposition_ = DISTRIBUTED_MEMORY;
858           match = true;
859         }
860       }
862     /*! \page man_write_atom_weights fix_modify AtC write_atom_weights
863       \section syntax
864       fix_modify AtC write_atom_weights <filename> <frequency>
865         - <filename> = name of file that atomic weights are written to \n
866         - <frequency> = how often writes will occur \n
867       \section examples
868        <TT> fix_modify atc write_atom_weights atm_wt_file.txt 10 </TT> \n
869       \section description
870        Command for writing the values of atomic weights to a specified file.
871       \section restrictions
872       \section related
873       \section default
874     */
875       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"write_atom_weights")==0) {
876         argIdx++;
877         atomicWeightsFile_ = arg[argIdx];
878         argIdx++;
879         atomicWeightsWriteFrequency_ = atoi(arg[argIdx]);
880         atomicWeightsWriteFlag_ = true;
881         match = true;
882       }
885       /*! \page man_reset_time fix_modify AtC reset_time
886       \section syntax
887       fix_modify AtC reset_time <value>
888       \section examples
889        <TT> fix_modify atc reset_time 0.0 </TT> \n
890       \section description
891       Resets the simulation time counter.
892       \section restrictions
893       \section related
894       \section default
895       */
896       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"reset_time")==0) {
897         argIdx++;
898         set_time();
899         if (narg > argIdx) {
900           double time = atof(arg[argIdx]);
901           set_time(time);
902         }
903         match = true;
904       }
906       /*! \page man_reset_time fix_modify AtC kernel_bandwidth
907       \section syntax
908       fix_modify AtC kernel_bandwidth <value>
909       \section examples
910        <TT> fix_modify atc reset_time 8 </TT> \n
911       \section description
912       Sets a maximum parallel bandwidth for the kernel functions during parallel communication.  If the command is not issued, the default will be to assume the bandwidth of the kernel matrix corresponds to the number of sampling locations.
913       \section restrictions
914       Only is used if kernel functions are being used.
915       \section related
916       \section default
917       Number of sample locations.
918       */
919       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"kernel_bandwidth")==0) {
920         argIdx++;
921         accumulantBandwidth_ = atoi(arg[argIdx]);
922         match = true;
923       }
925       /*! \page man_reset_atomic_reference_positions fix_modify AtC reset_atomic_reference_positions
926       \section syntax
927       fix_modify AtC reset_atomic_reference_positions
928       \section examples
929        <TT> fix_modify atc reset_atomic_reference_positions
930       \section description
931       Resets the atomic positions ATC uses to perform point to field operations.
932       In can be used to use perfect lattice sites in ATC but a thermalized or
933       deformed lattice in LAMMPS.
934       \section restrictions
935       \section related
936       \section default
937       Default is off
938       */
939       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"reset_atomic_reference_positions")==0) {
940         argIdx++;
941         xRefFile_ = arg[argIdx];
942         readXref_ = true;
943         match = true;
944       }
946       /*! \page man_set fix_modify AtC set
947         \section syntax
948         fix_modify AtC set reference_potential_energy <value_or_filename(optional)>
949         - value (double) : optional user specified zero point for PE in native LAMMPS energy units \n
950         - filename (string) : optional user specified string for file of nodal PE values to be read-in
951         \section examples
952         <TT> fix_modify AtC set reference_potential_energy </TT> \n
953         <TT> fix_modify AtC set reference_potential_energy -0.05 </TT> \n
954         <TT> fix_modify AtC set reference_potential_energy myPEvalues </TT> \n
955         \section description
956         Used to set various quantities for the post-processing algorithms.
957         It sets the zero point for the potential energy density using
958         the value provided for all nodes, or from the current
959         configuration of the lattice if no value is provided, or
960         values provided within the specified filename.
961         \section restrictions
962         Must be used with the hardy/field type of AtC fix
963         ( see \ref man_fix_atc )
964         \section related
965         \section default
966         Defaults to lammps zero point i.e. isolated atoms
967       */
968       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"set")==0) {
969         argIdx++;
970         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"reference_potential_energy")==0) {
971           argIdx++;
972           setRefPE_ = true;
973           if (narg > argIdx) {
974             string a(arg[argIdx]);
975             if (is_dbl(a)) {
976               double value = atof(arg[argIdx]);
977               refPEvalue_ = value;
978               setRefPEvalue_ = true;
979             }
980             else {
981               nodalRefPEfile_ = arg[argIdx];
982               readRefPE_ = true;
983             }
984           }
985           match = true;
986         }
987       } // end "set"
991       /*! \page man_atom_element_map fix_modify AtC atom_element_map
992       \section syntax
993       fix_modify AtC atom_element_map  <eulerian|lagrangian> <frequency> \n
994       - frequency (int) : frequency of updating atom-to-continuum maps based on the
995       current configuration - only for eulerian
996       \section examples
997       <TT> fix_modify atc atom_element_map eulerian 100 </TT>
998       \section description
999       Changes frame of reference from eulerian to lagrangian and sets the
1000       frequency for which the map from atoms to elements is reformed and
1001       all the attendant data is recalculated.
1002       \section restrictions
1003       Cannot change map type after initialization.
1004       \section related
1005       \section default
1006       lagrangian
1007       */
1008       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"atom_element_map")==0) {
1009         argIdx++;
1010         if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"eulerian")==0) {
1011           atomToElementMapType_ = EULERIAN;
1012           argIdx++;
1013           atomToElementMapFrequency_ = atoi(arg[argIdx]);
1014         }
1015         else {
1016           atomToElementMapType_ = LAGRANGIAN;
1017           atomToElementMapFrequency_ = 0;
1018         }
1019         match = true;
1020         needReset_ = true;
1021       }
1023       /*! \page man_read_restart fix_modify AtC read_restart
1024       \section syntax
1025       fix_modify AtC read_restart [file_name]  \n
1026       \section examples
1027       <TT> fix_modify AtC read_restart ATC_state </TT> \n
1028       \section description
1029       Reads the current state of the fields from a named text-based restart
1030       file.
1031       \section restrictions
1032       The restart file only contains fields and their time derivatives.
1033       The reference positions of the atoms and the commands that initialize
1034       the fix are not saved e.g. an identical mesh containing the same atoms
1035       will have to be recreated.
1036       \section related
1037       see write_restart \ref man_write_restart
1038       \section default
1039       none
1040       */
1041       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"read_restart")==0) {
1042         argIdx++;
1043         restartFileName_  = arg[argIdx];
1044         useRestart_ = true;
1045         match = true;
1046       }
1048       /*! \page man_write_restart fix_modify AtC write_restart
1049       \section syntax
1050       fix_modify AtC write_restart [file_name]  \n
1051       \section examples
1052       <TT> fix_modify AtC write_restart restart.mydata </TT> \n
1053       \section description
1054       Dumps the current state of the fields to a named text-based restart file.
1055       This done when the command is invoked and not repeated, unlike the
1056       similar lammps command.
1057       \section restrictions
1058       The restart file only contains fields and their time derivatives.
1059       The reference positions of the atoms and the commands that initialize
1060       the fix are not saved e.g. an identical mesh containing the same atoms
1061       will have to be recreated.
1062       \section related
1063       see read_restart \ref man_read_restart
1064       \section default
1065       none
1066       */
1067       else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"write_restart")==0) {
1068         argIdx++;
1069         string restartFileName(arg[argIdx]);
1070         RESTART_LIST data;
1071         write_restart_data(restartFileName,data);
1072         match = true;
1073       }
1075     } // end else
1077     return match; // return to FixATC
1079   }
1081   //--------------------------------------------------
1082   // helper function for parser
1083   // handles : "displacement x"  and "temperature" by indexing argIdx
1084   // for fluxes : only normal fluxes can be prescribed
1085   //--------------------------------------------------
parse_field(char ** args,int & argIdx,FieldName & thisField,int & thisIndex)1086   void ATC_Method::parse_field(/*const*/ char ** args, int & argIdx,
1087                            FieldName & thisField, int & thisIndex)
1088   {
1089     string thisName = args[argIdx++];
1090     if (args[argIdx] == NULL) {
1091       throw ATC_Error("Need to give field '"+thisName+"' more args");
1092     }
1093     thisField = string_to_field(thisName);
1094     map<FieldName,int>::const_iterator iter = fieldSizes_.find(thisField);
1095     if (iter == fieldSizes_.end()) {
1096       throw ATC_Error("Bad field name: "+thisName);
1097     }
1098     string thisDim = args[argIdx];
1099     thisIndex = 0;
1100     if (string_to_index(thisDim,thisIndex)) {
1101       if ( !( thisIndex < fieldSizes_[thisField]) ) {
1102         throw ATC_Error("Bad field dimension "+thisDim);
1103       }
1104       argIdx++;
1105     }
1106   }
1108   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1109   // this sets the peratom output
update_peratom_output()1111   void ATC_Method::update_peratom_output()
1112   {
1113     perAtomArray_ = perAtomOutput_;
1114     // copy values
1115     for (int i = 0; i < lammpsInterface_->nlocal(); i++) {
1116       for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
1117         perAtomOutput_[i][j] = xref_[i][j];
1118       }
1119       for (int j = nsd_; j < sizePerAtomCols_; j++) {
1120         perAtomOutput_[i][j] = 0;
1121       }
1122     }
1123     int indx = nsd_;
1124     if (atomVolume_->nRows() > 0) { // kernel Hardy does not compute these
1125       const DIAG_MAT & myAtomicWeights(atomVolume_->quantity());
1126       for (int i = 0; i < nLocal_; i++) {
1127         double wg = myAtomicWeights(i,i);
1128         if (wg > 0) {
1129           int ii = internalToAtom_(i);
1130           perAtomOutput_[ii][indx] = 1./wg;
1131         }
1132       }
1133     }
1134   }
adjust_xref_pbc()1136   void ATC_Method::adjust_xref_pbc()
1137   {
1139     int nlocal = lammpsInterface_->nlocal();
1140     int xperiodic = lammpsInterface_->xperiodic();
1141     int yperiodic = lammpsInterface_->yperiodic();
1142     int zperiodic = lammpsInterface_->zperiodic();
1143     double **x = lammpsInterface_->xatom();
1144     double boxxlo,boxxhi;
1145     double boxylo,boxyhi;
1146     double boxzlo,boxzhi;
1148     lammpsInterface_->box_bounds(boxxlo,boxxhi,
1149                                  boxylo,boxyhi,
1150                                  boxzlo,boxzhi);
1151 //  bool changed = false;
1152     for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
1153       if (xperiodic) {
1154         if (x[i][0] < boxxlo) {
1155           xref_[i][0] += Xprd_;
1156 //        changed = true;
1157         }
1158         if (x[i][0] >= boxxhi) {
1159           xref_[i][0] -= Xprd_;
1160 //        changed = true;
1161         }
1162       }
1164       if (yperiodic) {
1165         if (x[i][1] < boxylo) {
1166           xref_[i][1] += Yprd_;
1167 //        changed = true;
1168         }
1169         if (x[i][1] >= boxyhi) {
1170           xref_[i][1] -= Yprd_;
1171 //        changed = true;
1172         }
1173       }
1175       if (zperiodic) {
1176         if (x[i][2] < boxzlo) {
1177           xref_[i][2] += Zprd_;
1178 //        changed = true;
1179         }
1180         if (x[i][2] >= boxzhi) {
1181           xref_[i][2] -= Zprd_;
1182 //        changed = true;
1183         }
1184       }
1185     }
1187     // propagate reset if needed
1188     if (atomToElementMapType_ == LAGRANGIAN) {
1189       if (atomCoarseGrainingPositions_) {
1190         atomCoarseGrainingPositions_->force_reset();
1191       }
1192     }
1193     else if (atomReferencePositions_) {
1194       atomReferencePositions_->force_reset();
1195     }
1197   }
1198   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
initialize()1199   void ATC_Method::initialize()
1200   {
1201     feEngine_->partition_mesh();
1202     // initialized_ is set to true by derived class initialize()
1203     // localStep_ is a counter within a run or minimize
1204     localStep_ = 0;
1205     // STEP 1)  get basic information data from Lammps/fix
1206     // 1a)  group ids for all internal atoms
1207     groupbit_ = lammpsInterface_->group_bit(groupTag_);
1209     // 1b) group ids for ghost atoms
1210     groupbitGhost_ = 0;
1211     if (!groupTagGhost_.empty()) {
1212       groupbitGhost_ = lammpsInterface_->group_bit(groupTagGhost_);
1213     }
1215     // 1c) periodicity and box bounds/lengths
1216     if (!initialized_) {
1218       lammpsInterface_->box_periodicity(periodicity[0],
1219                                             periodicity[1],
1220                                             periodicity[2]);
1221       lammpsInterface_->box_bounds(box_bounds[0][0],box_bounds[1][0],
1222                                        box_bounds[0][1],box_bounds[1][1],
1223                                        box_bounds[0][2],box_bounds[1][2]);
1224       for (int k = 0; k < nsd_; k++) {
1225         box_length[k] = box_bounds[1][k] - box_bounds[0][k];
1226       }
1228       lammpsInterface_->set_reference_box();
1230       // get periodicity data from lammps for parallel exchange to adjust for periodicity
1231       Xprd_ = lammpsInterface_->domain_xprd();
1232       Yprd_ = lammpsInterface_->domain_yprd();
1233       Zprd_ = lammpsInterface_->domain_zprd();
1234 //    box_length[0] = Xprd_;
1235 //    box_length[1] = Yprd_;
1236 //    box_length[2] = Zprd_;
1237       XY_ = lammpsInterface_->domain_xy();
1238       XZ_ = lammpsInterface_->domain_xz();
1239       YZ_ = lammpsInterface_->domain_yz();
1240     }
1242     // STEP 2 computational geometry
1243     // 2a) get basic information from continuum/FE
1244     this->set_continuum_data();
1246     // STEP 2b) set up data structures for computational geometry
1247     if (this->reset_methods()) {
1248       // clear memory manager
1249       interscaleManager_.clear_temporary_data();
1250       atomVolume_ = NULL;
1252       // reference positions and energy
1253       if (!initialized_) {
1254         double **x = lammpsInterface_->xatom();
1255         for (int i = 0; i < lammpsInterface_->nmax(); i++) {
1256           for (int j = 0; j < nsd_; j++) {
1257             xref_[i][j] = x[i][j];
1258           }
1259         }
1261         // re-write non-ghosts' xref with values from a file
1262         if (readXref_) {
1263           bool success = read_atomic_ref_positions(xRefFile_.c_str());
1264           if (!success)
1265             throw ATC_Error("Error reading atomic reference positions");
1266           readXref_ = false;
1267         }
1269         // set up maps from lammps to atc indexing
1270         reset_nlocal();
1271       }
1273       this->set_computational_geometry();
1274     }
1276     // 2c) basic data regarding atomic system, e.g. atom coordinates
1277     if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1278       reset_coordinates();
1279     }
1281     // STEP 3) set up variables which will be integrated in time
1282     this->construct_time_integration_data();
1284     // STEP 4) instantiate all the various specific algorithms and methods
1285     this->construct_methods();
1287     // STEP 5) construct dependency-managed data
1288     // 5b) all other transfer operators
1289     // needs to be done before every run in case options have changed or the atoms have been changed by the user
1291     if (this->reset_methods()) {
1292       // construct all the needed data structures
1293       this->construct_transfers();
1295       // allocate all space needed for lammps arrays
1296       interscaleManager_.grow_arrays(lammpsInterface_->nmax());
1297     }
1298     // reset all computes invoked flags and lammps data
1299     interscaleManager_.lammps_force_reset();
1301     // STEP 6) initialize data
1302     // 6b) size quantities which use pack_comm
1303     interscaleManager_.size_comm_quantities();
1305     // 6c) set coarse-graining functions and atomic weights
1306     if (!initialized_) {
1307       // FE_Engine allocates all required memory
1308       // assume initial atomic position is the reference position for now
1310       // \int_\Omega N_I dV : static if the mesh is
1311       NodeVolumes_.reset(nNodes_,nNodes_);
1312       invNodeVolumes_.reset(nNodes_,nNodes_);
1313       feEngine_->compute_lumped_mass_matrix(NodeVolumes_);
1314       invNodeVolumes_.set_quantity() = NodeVolumes_.inv();
1315     }
1316     atomVolume_->set_reset();
1318     // 6d) reference values
1319     this->set_reference_potential_energy();
1321     // 6e) atomic output for 0th step
1322     update_peratom_output();
1324     // clear need for resets
1325     needReset_ = false;
1327   }
1328   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
set_continuum_data()1329   void ATC_Method::set_continuum_data()
1330   {
1331     // initialize finite element engine and get basic properties
1332     if (!initialized_) {
1333       feEngine_->initialize();
1334       if (nsd_!=feEngine_->nsd()) {
1335         throw ATC_Error("Spatial dimensions inconsistent between LAMMPS and ATC");
1336       }
1337       nNodes_ = feEngine_->num_nodes();
1338     }
1339   }
1341   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
set_computational_geometry()1342   void ATC_Method::set_computational_geometry()
1343   {
1344     // set positions used for coarse-graining operators
1349     if (!initialized_) {
1350       if (atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) {
1351         FundamentalAtomQuantity * atomPositionsAll = interscaleManager_.fundamental_atom_quantity(LammpsInterface::ATOM_POSITION,ALL);
1352         ClonedAtomQuantity<double> * myAtomPositions =
1353           new ClonedAtomQuantity<double>(this,atomPositionsAll,INTERNAL);
1354         atomCoarseGrainingPositions_ = myAtomPositions;
1355         interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_quantity(myAtomPositions,
1356                                                  "AtomicCoarseGrainingPositions");
1358         if (trackDisplacement_) {
1359           XrefWrapper * myAtomReferencePositions = new XrefWrapper(this);
1360           atomReferencePositions_ = myAtomReferencePositions;
1361           interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_quantity(myAtomReferencePositions,
1362                                                    "AtomicReferencePositions");
1363           atomReferencePositions_->set_memory_type(PERSISTENT);
1364         }
1366         if (groupbitGhost_) {
1367           myAtomPositions = new ClonedAtomQuantity<double>(this,atomPositionsAll,GHOST);
1368           atomGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_ = myAtomPositions;
1369           interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_quantity(myAtomPositions,
1370                                                    "AtomicGhostCoarseGrainingPositions");
1371         }
1372         if(needProcGhost_){
1373           FundamentalAtomQuantity * atomPositionsAll = interscaleManager_.fundamental_atom_quantity(LammpsInterface::ATOM_POSITION,PROC_GHOST);
1374           ClonedAtomQuantity<double> * myAtomPositions =
1375             new ClonedAtomQuantity<double>(this,atomPositionsAll,PROC_GHOST);
1376           atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_ = myAtomPositions;
1377           interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_quantity(myAtomPositions,
1378                                                    "AtomicProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions");
1379         }
1380       }
1381       else {
1382         XrefWrapper * myAtomPositions = new XrefWrapper(this);
1383         atomCoarseGrainingPositions_ = myAtomPositions;
1384         interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_quantity(myAtomPositions,
1385                                                  "AtomicCoarseGrainingPositions");
1386         atomReferencePositions_ = atomCoarseGrainingPositions_;
1388         if (groupbitGhost_) {
1389           myAtomPositions = new XrefWrapper(this,GHOST);
1390           atomGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_ = myAtomPositions;
1391           interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_quantity(myAtomPositions,
1392                                                    "AtomicGhostCoarseGrainingPositions");
1393         }
1394         if (needProcGhost_) {
1395           XrefWrapper * myAtomPositions = new XrefWrapper(this);
1396           atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_ = myAtomPositions;
1397           interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_quantity(myAtomPositions,
1398                                                    "AtomicProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions");
1399         }
1400       }
1401       atomCoarseGrainingPositions_->set_memory_type(PERSISTENT);
1402       if (atomGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_) atomGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_->set_memory_type(PERSISTENT);
1403       if (atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_) atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_->set_memory_type(PERSISTENT);
1404     }
1406     // Add in atom to element map if using shape functions
1407     if (needsAtomToElementMap_) {
1408       atomElement_ = new AtomToElementMap(this);
1409       interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_int_quantity(atomElement_,"AtomElement");
1410     }
1411   }
1413   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
construct_methods()1414   void ATC_Method::construct_methods()
1415   {
1417     if (this->reset_methods()) {
1418       if (atomTimeIntegrator_) delete atomTimeIntegrator_;
1419       if (integrateInternalAtoms_) {
1420         atomTimeIntegrator_ = new AtomTimeIntegratorType(this,INTERNAL);
1421       }
1422       else {
1423         atomTimeIntegrator_ = new AtomTimeIntegrator();
1424       }
1426       // set up integration schemes for ghosts
1427       ghostManager_.construct_methods();
1428     }
1429   }
1431   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
construct_transfers()1432   void ATC_Method::construct_transfers()
1433   {
1434     this->construct_interpolant();
1436     this->construct_molecule_transfers();
1438     atomTimeIntegrator_->construct_transfers();
1439     ghostManager_.construct_transfers();
1443   }
1444   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
create_atom_volume()1445   PerAtomDiagonalMatrix<double> * ATC_Method::create_atom_volume()
1446   {
1447     if (atomVolume_) {
1448       return atomVolume_;
1449     }
1450     else {
1451       // set variables to compute atomic weights
1452       DENS_MAN * nodalVolume(NULL);
1453       switch (atomWeightType_) {
1454       case USER:
1455         atomVolume_ = new AtomVolumeUser(this,Valpha_);
1456         break;
1457       case LATTICE:
1458         atomVolume_ = new AtomVolumeLattice(this);
1459         break;
1460       case ELEMENT:
1461         atomVolume_ = new AtomVolumeElement(this);
1462         break;
1463       case REGION:
1464         atomVolume_ = new AtomVolumeRegion(this);
1465         break;
1466       case GROUP:
1467         atomVolume_ = new AtomVolumeGroup(this,Valpha_);
1468         break;
1469       case MULTISCALE:
1470         if (!shpFcn_) {
1471           throw ATC_Error("ATC_Method::create_atom_volume - Multiscale algorithm requires an interpolant");
1472         }
1473         nodalVolume = new NodalAtomVolume(this,shpFcn_);
1474         interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(nodalVolume,"NodalAtomVolume");
1475         atomVolume_ = new FtaShapeFunctionProlongationDiagonalMatrix(this,nodalVolume,shpFcn_);
1476         break;
1477       case NODE:
1478         if (!shpFcn_) {
1479           throw ATC_Error("ATC_Method::create_atom_volume - Node algorithm requires an interpolant");
1480         }
1481         nodalVolume = new NodalVolume(this,shpFcn_);
1482         interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(nodalVolume,"NodalVolume");
1483         atomVolume_ = new FtaShapeFunctionProlongationDiagonalMatrix(this,nodalVolume,shpFcn_);
1484         break;
1485       case NODE_ELEMENT:
1486         if (!shpFcn_) {
1487           throw ATC_Error("ATC_Method::create_atom_volume - Node-Element algorithm requires an interpolant");
1488         }
1489         nodalVolume = new NodalAtomVolumeElement(this,shpFcn_);
1490         interscaleManager_.add_dense_matrix(nodalVolume,"NodalAtomVolumeElement");
1491         atomVolume_ = new FtaShapeFunctionProlongationDiagonalMatrix(this,nodalVolume,shpFcn_);
1492         break;
1493       case READ_IN:
1494         atomVolume_ = new AtomVolumeFile(this,atomicWeightsFile_);
1495         break;
1496       }
1497       if (atomVolume_) {
1498         interscaleManager_.add_per_atom_diagonal_matrix(atomVolume_,"AtomVolume");
1499       }
1500       else {
1501         throw ATC_Error("ATC_Method::create_atom_volume - bad option for atom volume algorithm");
1502       }
1504       return atomVolume_;
1505     }
1506   }
1507   //--------------------------------------------------------
init_integrate()1508   void ATC_Method::init_integrate()
1509   {
1510     atomTimeIntegrator_->init_integrate_velocity(dt());
1511     ghostManager_.init_integrate_velocity(dt());
1512     // account for other fixes doing time integration
1513     interscaleManager_.fundamental_force_reset(LammpsInterface::ATOM_VELOCITY);
1515     atomTimeIntegrator_->init_integrate_position(dt());
1516     ghostManager_.init_integrate_position(dt());
1517     // account for other fixes doing time integration
1518     interscaleManager_.fundamental_force_reset(LammpsInterface::ATOM_POSITION);
1519   }
1520   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
post_init_integrate()1521   void ATC_Method::post_init_integrate()
1522   {
1523     ghostManager_.post_init_integrate();
1524   }
1525   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
pre_exchange()1526   void ATC_Method::pre_exchange()
1527   {
1528     adjust_xref_pbc();
1529     // call interscale manager to sync atc per-atom data with lammps array ahead of parallel communication
1530     interscaleManager_.prepare_exchange();
1532     // change types based on moving from internal region to ghost region
1533     if ((atomToElementMapType_ == EULERIAN) && (step() % atomToElementMapFrequency_ == 0)) {
1534       ghostManager_.pre_exchange();
1535     }
1536   }
1537   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
setup_pre_exchange()1538   void ATC_Method::setup_pre_exchange()
1539   {
1540     adjust_xref_pbc();
1541     // call interscale manager to sync atc per-atom data with lammps array ahead of parallel communication
1542     interscaleManager_.prepare_exchange();
1543   }
1544   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
pre_neighbor()1545   void ATC_Method::pre_neighbor()
1546   {
1547     // reset quantities arising from atom exchange
1548     reset_nlocal();
1550     interscaleManager_.post_exchange();
1552     // forward_comm should go here
1553   }
1554   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
min_post_force()1555   void ATC_Method::min_post_force()
1556   {
1557     post_force();
1558   }
1559   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
post_force()1560   void ATC_Method::post_force()
1561   {
1562     // this resets allow for the possibility of other fixes modifying positions and velocities, e.g. walls, but reduces efficiency
1563     interscaleManager_.lammps_force_reset();
1564   }
1565   //--------------------------------------------------------
final_integrate()1566   void ATC_Method::final_integrate()
1567   {
1568     atomTimeIntegrator_->final_integrate(dt());
1569     ghostManager_.final_integrate(dt());
1570     // account for other fixes doing time integration
1571     interscaleManager_.fundamental_force_reset(LammpsInterface::ATOM_VELOCITY);
1572   }
1573   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
post_final_integrate()1574   void ATC_Method::post_final_integrate()
1575   {
1576     if (atomicWeightsWriteFlag_ && (step() % atomicWeightsWriteFrequency_ == 0)) {
1577       write_atomic_weights(atomicWeightsFile_,atomVolume_->quantity());
1578     }
1579   }
1580   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
end_of_step()1581   void ATC_Method::end_of_step()
1582   {
1583     localStep_ += 1;
1584   }
1585   //--------------------------------------------------------------
finish()1586   void ATC_Method::finish()
1587   {
1588     // FE Engine
1589     if (feEngine_) feEngine_->finish();
1590     feEngine_->departition_mesh();
1591   }
1593   //--------------------------------------------------------------
1594   /** method to add new fields to the included list */
1595   //--------------------------------------------------------------
add_fields(map<FieldName,int> & newFieldSizes)1596   void ATC_Method::add_fields(map<FieldName,int> & newFieldSizes)
1597   {
1598     map<FieldName,int>::const_iterator field;
1599     for (field = newFieldSizes.begin(); field!=newFieldSizes.end(); field++) {
1600       FieldName thisField = field->first;
1601       int thisSize = field->second;
1602       if (fieldSizes_.find(thisField)==fieldSizes_.end()) {
1603           fieldSizes_[thisField] = thisSize;
1604       }
1605     }
1606   }
1608 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
set_reference_potential_energy(void)1609   void ATC_Method::set_reference_potential_energy(void)
1610   {
1611     if (setRefPE_) {
1612       if (setRefPEvalue_) {
1613         nodalRefPotentialEnergy_->set_quantity() = refPEvalue_;
1614         setRefPEvalue_ = false;
1615       }
1616       else if (readRefPE_) {
1617         if (LammpsInterface::instance()->rank_zero()) {
1618           stringstream ss;
1619           ss << "reading reference potential energy from " << nodalRefPEfile_;
1620           LammpsInterface::instance()->print_msg(ss.str());
1621         }
1622         (nodalRefPotentialEnergy_->set_quantity()).from_file(nodalRefPEfile_);
1623         readRefPE_ = false;
1624       }
1625       else {
1626         hasRefPE_ = false;
1627         SPAR_MAN * referenceAccumulant = interscaleManager_.sparse_matrix("ReferenceAccumulant");
1628         if (referenceAccumulant) {
1629           referenceAccumulant->set_quantity() = accumulant_->quantity();
1630         }
1631         DIAG_MAN * referenceAccumulantInverseVolumes = interscaleManager_.diagonal_matrix("ReferenceAccumulantInverseVolumes");
1632         if (referenceAccumulantInverseVolumes) {
1633           referenceAccumulantInverseVolumes->set_quantity() = accumulantInverseVolumes_->quantity();
1634         }
1635         PAQ * atomicRefPe = interscaleManager_.per_atom_quantity("AtomicReferencePotential");
1636         if (!atomicRefPe) {
1637           throw ATC_Error("ATC_Method::set_reference_potential_energy - atomic reference PE object was not created during construct_transfers");
1638         }
1639         PAQ* pe = interscaleManager_.per_atom_quantity("AtomicPotentialEnergy");
1640         if (!pe) {
1641           throw ATC_Error("ATC_Method::set_reference_potential_energy - atomic PE object was not created during construct_transfers");
1642         }
1643         atomicRefPe->set_quantity() = pe->quantity();
1644         atomicRefPe->fix_quantity();
1645       }
1646       setRefPE_ = false;
1647       hasRefPE_ = true;
1648     }
1649   }
1650 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1653   //=================================================================
1654   // memory management and processor information exchange
1655   //=================================================================
1658   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1659   // number of doubles
1660   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
doubles_per_atom() const1661   int ATC_Method::doubles_per_atom() const
1662   {
1664     int doubles = 4;
1665     doubles += interscaleManager_.memory_usage();
1666     return doubles;
1667   }
1669   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1670   // memory usage of local atom-based arrays
1671   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
memory_usage()1672   int ATC_Method::memory_usage()
1673   {
1674     int bytes = doubles_per_atom();
1675     bytes *= lammpsInterface_->nmax() * sizeof(double);
1676     return bytes;
1677   }
1679   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1680   // allocate local atom-based arrays
1681   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
grow_arrays(int nmax)1682   void ATC_Method::grow_arrays(int nmax)
1683   {
1684     xref_ =
1685       lammpsInterface_->grow_2d_double_array(xref_,nmax,3,"fix_atc:xref");
1687     perAtomOutput_ =
1688       lammpsInterface_->grow_2d_double_array(perAtomOutput_,nmax,sizePerAtomCols_,"fix_atc:perAtomOutput");
1689     interscaleManager_.grow_arrays(nmax);
1690   }
1692   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1693   // copy values within local atom-based arrays
1694   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
copy_arrays(int i,int j)1695   void ATC_Method::copy_arrays(int i, int j)
1696   {
1697     xref_[j][0] = xref_[i][0];
1698     xref_[j][1] = xref_[i][1];
1699     xref_[j][2] = xref_[i][2];
1701     for (int ii = 0 ; ii < sizePerAtomCols_ ; ii++ ) {
1702       perAtomOutput_[j][ii] = perAtomOutput_[i][ii];
1703     }
1704     interscaleManager_.copy_arrays(i,j);
1705   }
1707   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1708   // pack values in local atom-based arrays for exchange with another proc
1709   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
pack_exchange(int i,double * buf)1710   int ATC_Method::pack_exchange(int i, double *buf)
1711   {
1712     buf[0] = xref_[i][0];
1713     buf[1] = xref_[i][1];
1714     buf[2] = xref_[i][2];
1716     int j = 4;
1717     for (int ii = 0 ; ii < sizePerAtomCols_ ; ii++ ) {
1718       buf[j++] = perAtomOutput_[i][ii];
1719     }
1720     int interscaleSizeComm = interscaleManager_.pack_exchange(i,&buf[j]);
1721     return sizeComm_ + interscaleSizeComm;
1722   }
1724   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1725   // unpack values in local atom-based arrays from exchange with another proc
1726   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
unpack_exchange(int nlocal,double * buf)1727   int ATC_Method::unpack_exchange(int nlocal, double *buf)
1728   {
1729     xref_[nlocal][0] = buf[0];
1730     xref_[nlocal][1] = buf[1];
1731     xref_[nlocal][2] = buf[2];
1733     int j = 4;
1734     for (int ii = 0 ; ii < sizePerAtomCols_ ; ii++ ) {
1735       perAtomOutput_[nlocal][ii] = buf[j++];
1736     }
1737     int interscaleSizeComm = interscaleManager_.unpack_exchange(nlocal,&buf[j]);
1738     return sizeComm_ + interscaleSizeComm;
1739   }
1741   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1742   // pack values in local atom-based arrays from exchange with another proc
1743   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
pack_comm(int n,int * list,double * buf,int pbc_flag,int * pbc)1744   int ATC_Method::pack_comm(int n, int *list, double *buf,
1745                             int pbc_flag, int *pbc)
1746   {
1747     int i,j,m;
1748     double dx = 0,dy = 0,dz = 0;
1750     int * num_bond = lammpsInterface_->num_bond();
1751     int ** bond_atom = lammpsInterface_->bond_atom();
1753     m = 0;
1754     if (pbc_flag == 0) {
1755       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1756         j = list[i];
1757         buf[m++] = xref_[j][0];
1758         buf[m++] = xref_[j][1];
1759         buf[m++] = xref_[j][2];
1761         if (num_bond) {
1762           buf[m++] = num_bond[j];
1763           for (int ii = 0; ii < lammpsInterface_->bond_per_atom(); ii++) {
1764             buf[m++] = bond_atom[j][ii];
1765           }
1766         }
1767       }
1768     }
1769     else {
1770       if (lammpsInterface_->domain_triclinic() == 0) {
1771         dx = pbc[0]*Xprd_;
1772         dy = pbc[1]*Yprd_;
1773         dz = pbc[2]*Zprd_;
1774       }
1775       else {
1776         dx = pbc[0]*Xprd_ + pbc[5]*XY_ + pbc[4]*XZ_;
1777         dy = pbc[1]*Yprd_ + pbc[3]*YZ_;
1778         dz = pbc[2]*Zprd_;
1779       }
1780       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1781         j = list[i];
1782         buf[m++] = xref_[j][0] + dx;
1783         buf[m++] = xref_[j][1] + dy;
1784         buf[m++] = xref_[j][2] + dz;
1786         if (num_bond) {
1787           buf[m++] = num_bond[j];
1788           for (int ii = 0; ii < lammpsInterface_->bond_per_atom(); ii++) {
1789             buf[m++] = bond_atom[j][ii];
1790           }
1791         }
1793       }
1794     }
1796     int mySize = 3;
1797     if (num_bond)
1798       mySize += 1 + lammpsInterface_->bond_per_atom();
1799     return mySize;
1800   }
1802   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1803   // unpack values in local atom-based arrays from exchange with another proc
1804   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
unpack_comm(int n,int first,double * buf)1805   void ATC_Method::unpack_comm(int n, int first, double *buf)
1806   {
1807     int i,m,last;
1809     int * num_bond = lammpsInterface_->num_bond();
1810     int ** bond_atom = lammpsInterface_->bond_atom();
1812     m = 0;
1813     last = first + n;
1814     for (i = first; i < last; i++) {
1815       xref_[i][0] = buf[m++];
1816       xref_[i][1] = buf[m++];
1817       xref_[i][2] = buf[m++];
1819       if (num_bond) {
1820         num_bond[i] = static_cast<int>(buf[m++]);
1821         for (int ii = 0; ii < lammpsInterface_->bond_per_atom(); ii++) {
1822           bond_atom[i][ii] = static_cast<int>(buf[m++]);
1823         }
1824       }
1826     }
1827   }
1829   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1830   //
1831   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
reset_nlocal()1832   void ATC_Method::reset_nlocal()
1833   {
1834     nLocalTotal_ = lammpsInterface_->nlocal();
1835     const int * mask = lammpsInterface_->atom_mask();
1836     nLocal_ = 0;
1837     nLocalGhost_ = 0;
1839     for (int i = 0; i < nLocalTotal_; ++i) {
1840       if (mask[i] & groupbit_) nLocal_++;
1841       if (mask[i] & groupbitGhost_) nLocalGhost_++;
1842     }
1844     // set up internal & ghost maps
1846     if (nLocal_>0) {
1847       // set map
1848       internalToAtom_.resize(nLocal_);
1849       int j = 0;
1850       // construct internalToAtom map
1851       //  : internal index -> local lammps atom index
1852       for (int i = 0; i < nLocalTotal_; ++i) {
1853         if (mask[i] & groupbit_) internalToAtom_(j++) = i;
1854       }
1856       stringstream ss;
1857       ss << "Nlocal = " << nLocal_ << " but only found " << j << "atoms";
1858       if (j!=nLocal_) throw ATC_Error(ss.str());
1859 #endif
1860       // construct reverse map
1861       atomToInternal_.clear();
1862       for (int i = 0; i < nLocal_; ++i) {
1863         atomToInternal_[internalToAtom_(i)] = i;
1864       }
1865     }
1866     if (nLocalGhost_>0) {
1867       // set map
1868       ghostToAtom_.resize(nLocalGhost_);
1869       int j = 0;
1870       for (int i = 0; i < nLocalTotal_; ++i) {
1871         if (mask[i] & groupbitGhost_) ghostToAtom_(j++) = i;
1872       }
1873     }
1875     //WIP_JAT this should not be needed at all, but a memory problem with sparse matrices requires them to be reset (possibly related to note in SparseMatrix-inl.h::_delete())
1876     interscaleManager_.reset_nlocal();
1878   }
1880   //-------------------------------------------------------------------
reset_coordinates()1881   void ATC_Method::reset_coordinates()
1882   {
1883     // update coarse graining positions for internal and ghost atoms
1884     atomCoarseGrainingPositions_->unfix_quantity();
1885     atomCoarseGrainingPositions_->quantity();
1886     atomCoarseGrainingPositions_->fix_quantity();
1887     if (atomGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_) {
1888       atomGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_->unfix_quantity();
1889       atomGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_->quantity();
1890       atomGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_->fix_quantity();
1891     }
1892      if (atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_) {
1893       atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_->unfix_quantity();
1894       atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_->quantity();
1895       atomProcGhostCoarseGrainingPositions_->fix_quantity();
1896     }
1897   }
1899   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1900   //
1901   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
write_atomic_weights(const string filename,const DIAG_MAT & atomicVolumeMatrix)1902   void ATC_Method::write_atomic_weights(const string filename, const DIAG_MAT & atomicVolumeMatrix)
1903   {
1904     int nlocal = lammpsInterface_->nlocal();
1905     int nlocalmax;
1906     LammpsInterface::instance()->int_allmax(&nlocal,&nlocalmax);
1907     int natoms = int(lammpsInterface_->natoms());
1908     ofstream out;
1909     const char* fname = &filename[0];
1911     // create tag to local id map for this processor
1912     map <int,int> id2tag;
1913     map <int,int>::const_iterator itr;
1914     int * atom_tag = lammpsInterface_->atom_tag();
1915     for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
1916       id2tag[i] = atom_tag[i];
1917     }
1919     int comm_rank = LammpsInterface::instance()->comm_rank();
1920     int nprocs;
1921     LammpsInterface::instance()->int_allmax(&comm_rank,&nprocs);
1922     nprocs += 1;
1924     if (comm_rank == 0) {
1925       out.open(fname);
1926       // print header lines
1927       out << "Atomic Weights for LAMMPS/atc analysis\n";
1928       out << " \n";
1929       out << natoms << " Atoms in system\n";
1930       out << " \n";
1931       // print atomic weights from proc 0
1932       for(int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
1933         out << id2tag[i] << "  " << atomicVolumeMatrix(i,i) << "\n";
1934       }
1935     }
1937     if (nprocs > 1) {
1938       int max_size,send_size;
1939       send_size = nlocal;
1940       LammpsInterface::instance()->int_allmax(&send_size,&max_size);
1942       if (comm_rank == 0) {
1943         int intbuf[max_size];
1944         double buf[max_size];
1945         for (int iproc = 1; iproc < nprocs; iproc++) {
1946           LammpsInterface::instance()->int_recv(intbuf,max_size,iproc);
1947           LammpsInterface::instance()->recv(buf,max_size,iproc);
1948           for (int i = 0; i < max_size; i++) {
1949             out << intbuf[i] << "  " << buf[i] << "\n";
1950           }
1951         }
1952       } else {
1953         int intbuf[send_size];
1954         double buf[send_size];
1955         for (int i = 0; i < send_size; i++) {
1956           intbuf[i] = id2tag[i];
1957           buf[i] = atomicVolumeMatrix(i,i);
1958         }
1959         LammpsInterface::instance()->int_send(intbuf,send_size);
1960         LammpsInterface::instance()->send(buf,send_size);
1961       }
1962     }
1964     if (comm_rank == 0) {
1965       out.close();
1966     }
1967   }
1969   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1970   //
1971   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
compute_consistent_md_mass_matrix(const SPAR_MAT & shapeFunctionMatrix,SPAR_MAT & mdMassMatrix) const1972   void ATC_Method::compute_consistent_md_mass_matrix(const SPAR_MAT & shapeFunctionMatrix,
1973                                                        SPAR_MAT & mdMassMatrix) const
1974   {
1976     int nCols = shapeFunctionMatrix.nCols();
1977     DENS_MAT massMatrixLocal(nCols,nCols);
1978     DENS_MAT denseMdMassMatrix(nCols,nCols);
1979     if (nLocal_>0)
1980       massMatrixLocal = shapeFunctionMatrix.transMat(shapeFunctionMatrix);
1982     lammpsInterface_->allsum(massMatrixLocal.ptr(),
1983                              denseMdMassMatrix.ptr(),
1984                              denseMdMassMatrix.size());
1985     mdMassMatrix.reset(denseMdMassMatrix,1.e-10);
1986   }
1988   //=================================================================
1989   // Interscale operators
1990   //=================================================================
1991   // in the spirit of the current design of ATC: atoms local, nodes global
nodal_influence(const int groupbit,set<int> & nset,set<int> & aset,double tol)1996   bool ATC_Method::nodal_influence(const int groupbit,
1997                               set<int> & nset, set<int> & aset, double tol)
1998   {
1999     int nghost = nodal_influence(groupbit,nset,aset,true,tol);
2000     int local_nghost = nghost;
2001     lammpsInterface_->int_allsum(&local_nghost,&nghost);
2002     if (nghost == 0) {
2003        nodal_influence(groupbit,nset,aset,false,tol);
2004     }
2005     return (nghost > 0);
2006   }
nodal_influence(const int groupbit,set<int> & nset,set<int> & aset,bool ghost,double tol)2007   int ATC_Method::nodal_influence(const int groupbit,
2008         set<int> & nset, set<int> & aset, bool ghost, double tol)
2009   {
2010     Array<int> & amap = (ghost) ? ghostToAtom_ : internalToAtom_;
2011     int natoms = (ghost) ? nLocalGhost_ : nLocal_;
2012     DENS_MAT influence(nNodes_,1);
2013     DENS_MAT atomInfluence(natoms,1);
2014     const int *mask = lammpsInterface_->atom_mask();
2015     for (int i = 0; i < natoms; i++) {
2016       if (mask[amap(i)] & groupbit) {
2017          atomInfluence(i,0) = 1;
2018          aset.insert(i);
2019       }
2020     }
2021     // relies on shape functions
2022     if (ghost) {
2023       restrict_volumetric_quantity(atomInfluence,influence,(interscaleManager_.per_atom_sparse_matrix("InterpolantGhost"))->quantity());
2024     }
2025     else {
2026     restrict_volumetric_quantity(atomInfluence,influence);
2027     }
2029     DENS_MAT localInfluence = influence;
2030     lammpsInterface_->allsum(localInfluence.ptr(),
2031                              influence.ptr(),
2032                              influence.size());
2034     for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
2035       if (fabs(influence(i,0)) > tol)  { nset.insert(i);  }
2036     }
2037     return aset.size();
2038   }
2041   //--------------------------------------------------------
restrict_volumetric_quantity(const MATRIX & atomData,MATRIX & nodeData,const SPAR_MAT & shpFcn)2042   void ATC_Method::restrict_volumetric_quantity(const MATRIX & atomData,
2043                                                 MATRIX & nodeData,
2044                                                 const SPAR_MAT & shpFcn)
2045   {
2046     // computes nodeData = N*DeltaVAtom*atomData where N are the shape functions
2047     DENS_MAT workNodeArray(nodeData.nRows(),nodeData.nCols());
2048     //DENS_MAT workNodeArray;
2051     if (atomData.nRows() > 0) { // or shpFcn_???
2052       workNodeArray = shpFcn.transMat(atomData);
2053     }
2054     int count = nodeData.nRows()*nodeData.nCols();
2055     lammpsInterface_->allsum(workNodeArray.ptr(),nodeData.ptr(),count);
2056     return;
2057   }
2060   //--------------------------------------------------------
restrict_volumetric_quantity(const MATRIX & atomData,MATRIX & nodeData)2061   void ATC_Method::restrict_volumetric_quantity(const MATRIX & atomData,
2062                                                 MATRIX & nodeData)
2063   {
2064     restrict_volumetric_quantity(atomData,nodeData,shpFcn_->quantity());
2065     return;
2066   }
2069   //--------------------------------------------------------
prolong(const MATRIX & nodeData,MATRIX & atomData)2070   void ATC_Method::prolong(const MATRIX & nodeData,
2071                              MATRIX & atomData)
2072   {
2073     // computes the finite element interpolation at atoms atomData = N*nodeData
2074     if (nLocal_>0) {
2075       atomData = (shpFcn_->quantity())*nodeData;
2076     }
2077     return;
2078   }
2080   //========================================================
2081   // FE functions
2082   //========================================================
2084   //--------------------------------------------------------
output()2085   void ATC_Method::output()
2086   {
2087 //  if (lammpsInterface_->comm_rank() == 0) {
2088       compute_nodeset_output();
2089       compute_faceset_output();
2090       compute_elementset_output();
2091 //  }
2092   }
2093   //--------------------------------------------------------
compute_nodeset_output(void)2094   void ATC_Method::compute_nodeset_output(void)
2095   {
2096     map< pair <string, FieldName>, NodesetOperationType >::const_iterator iter;
2097     for (iter = nsetData_.begin(); iter != nsetData_.end();iter++){
2098       pair <string, FieldName> id = iter->first;
2099       string nsetName = id.first;
2100       FieldName field = id.second;
2101       double sum = 0.0;
2102       const set<int> nset = feEngine_->fe_mesh()->nodeset(nsetName);
2103       const DENS_MAT & thisField = (fields_.find(field)->second).quantity();
2104       set< int >::const_iterator itr;
2105       for (itr = nset.begin(); itr != nset.end();itr++){
2106         int node = *itr;
2107         sum += thisField(node,0);
2108       }
2109       string name = nsetName + "_" + field_to_string(field);
2110       if (iter->second == NODESET_AVERAGE) {
2111         sum /= nset.size();
2112         name = "average_"+name;
2113       }
2114       feEngine_->add_global(name, sum);
2115     }
2116   }
2117   //--------------------------------------------------------
compute_faceset_output(void)2118   void ATC_Method::compute_faceset_output(void)
2119   {
2120     map < pair<string,string>, FacesetIntegralType >::const_iterator iter;
2121     DENS_MAT values;
2122     for (iter = fsetData_.begin(); iter !=  fsetData_.end(); iter++) {
2123       string bndyName  = (iter->first).first;
2124       string fieldName = (iter->first).second;
2125       const set< PAIR > & faceSet = (feEngine_->fe_mesh())->faceset(bndyName);
2126       ATOMIC_DATA::iterator data_iter = filteredData_.find(fieldName);
2127       if (data_iter == filteredData_.end()) {
2128         string msg = "Specified fieldName "+fieldName+
2129           " not found in filteredData_ while attempting surface integration";
2130         throw ATC_Error(msg);
2131       }
2132       const DENS_MAT & data =  ((data_iter->second).quantity());
2133       string stem = bndyName + "_" + fieldName + "_";
2134       bool tf = false;
2135       if (iter->second == CONTOUR_INTEGRAL) {
2136         stem = "contour_"+stem;
2137         tf = true;
2138       }
2139       feEngine_->field_surface_flux(data,faceSet,values,tf);
2140       for (int i = 0; i < values.nRows() ; ++i ) {
2141         string name = stem + to_string(i+1);
2142         feEngine_->add_global(name, values(i,0));
2143       }
2144     }
2145   }
2146   //--------------------------------------------------------
compute_elementset_output(void)2147   void ATC_Method::compute_elementset_output(void)
2148   {
2149     map< pair <string, FieldName>, ElementsetOperationType >::const_iterator iter;
2150     for (iter = esetData_.begin(); iter != esetData_.end();iter++){
2151       pair <string, FieldName> id = iter->first;
2152       string esetName = id.first;
2153       FieldName field = id.second;
2154       const ESET eset = feEngine_->fe_mesh()->elementset(esetName);
2155       const DENS_MAT & thisField = (fields_.find(field)->second).quantity();
2156       DENS_VEC total = feEngine_->integrate(thisField,eset);
2157       string name = esetName + "_" + field_to_string(field);
2158       if (iter->second == ELEMENTSET_AVERAGE) {
2159         DENS_MAT ones(nNodes_,0); ones = 1;
2160         DENS_VEC V = feEngine_->integrate(ones,eset);
2161         total /= V[0];
2162         name = "average_"+name;
2163       }
2164       if (total.size() == 1) {
2165         feEngine_->add_global(name, total[0]);
2166       }
2167       else {
2168         for (int i = 0; i < total.size(); i++) {
2169           feEngine_->add_global(name+to_string(i), total[i]);
2170         }
2171       }
2172     }
2173   }
2176   //=================================================================
2177   //
2178   //=================================================================
2179   //--------------------------------------------------------
read_atomic_ref_positions(const char * filename)2180   bool ATC_Method::read_atomic_ref_positions(const char * filename)
2181   {
2182     int nlocal = lammpsInterface_->nlocal();
2183     ifstream in;
2184     const int lineSize = 256;
2185     char line[lineSize];
2187     // create tag to local id map for this processor
2188     map <int,int> tag2id;
2189     map <int,int>::const_iterator itr;
2190     int * atom_tag = lammpsInterface_->atom_tag();
2191     for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
2192       tag2id[atom_tag[i]] = i;
2193     }
2195     // get number of atoms
2196     int natoms = 0;
2197     if (LammpsInterface::instance()->rank_zero()) {
2198       in.open(filename);
2199       string msg;
2200       string name = filename;
2201       msg = "no "+name+" reference file found";
2202       if (! in.good()) throw ATC_Error(msg);
2203       in.getline(line,lineSize); // header
2204       in.getline(line,lineSize); // blank line
2205       in >> natoms;
2206       in.close();
2207       stringstream ss;
2208       ss << "found " << natoms << " atoms in reference file";
2209       LammpsInterface::instance()->print_msg(ss.str());
2210     }
2211     LammpsInterface::instance()->int_broadcast(&natoms);
2213     // read atoms and assign
2214     if (LammpsInterface::instance()->rank_zero()) {
2215       in.open(filename);
2216       while(in.good()) {
2217         in.getline(line,lineSize);
2218         string str(line);
2219         int pos = str.find("Atoms");
2220         if (pos > -1) {
2221           in.getline(line,lineSize); // blank line
2222           break;
2223         }
2224       }
2225     }
2226     int nread = 0,type = -1, tag = -1, count = 0;
2227     double x[3]={0,0,0};
2228     while (nread < natoms) {
2229       if (LammpsInterface::instance()->rank_zero()) {
2230          in.getline(line,lineSize);
2231          stringstream ss (line,stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
2232          ss >> tag >> type >> x[0] >> x[1] >> x[2];
2233          nread++;
2234       }
2235       LammpsInterface::instance()->int_broadcast(&nread);
2236       LammpsInterface::instance()->int_broadcast(&tag);
2237       LammpsInterface::instance()->broadcast(x,3);
2238       itr = tag2id.find(tag);
2239       if (itr != tag2id.end()) {
2240         int iatom = itr->second;
2241         xref_[iatom][0] = x[0];
2242         xref_[iatom][1] = x[1];
2243         xref_[iatom][2] = x[2];
2244         count++;
2245       }
2246     }
2247     if (LammpsInterface::instance()->rank_zero()) {
2248       in.close();
2249       stringstream ss;
2250       ss << "read  " << natoms << " reference positions";
2251       LammpsInterface::instance()->print_msg(ss.str());
2252     }
2253     if (count != nlocal)
2254        throw ATC_Error("reset "+to_string(count)+" atoms vs "+to_string(nlocal));
2257     return true;
2258   }
2260 //--------------------------------------------------------
remap_ghost_ref_positions(void)2261   void ATC_Method::remap_ghost_ref_positions(void)
2262   {
2264     int nlocal = lammpsInterface_->nlocal();
2265     int nghost = lammpsInterface_->nghost();
2267     double box_bounds[2][3];
2268     lammpsInterface_->box_bounds(box_bounds[0][0],box_bounds[1][0],
2269                                     box_bounds[0][1],box_bounds[1][1],
2270                                     box_bounds[0][2],box_bounds[1][2]);
2271     double xlo = box_bounds[0][0], xhi = box_bounds[1][0];
2272     double ylo = box_bounds[0][1], yhi = box_bounds[1][1];
2273     double zlo = box_bounds[0][2], zhi = box_bounds[1][2];
2275     double box_length[3];
2276     for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
2277       box_length[k] = box_bounds[1][k] - box_bounds[0][k];
2278     }
2279     double Lx = box_length[0], Ly = box_length[1], Lz = box_length[2];
2281     // create tag to local id map for this processor
2282     map <int,int> tag2id;
2283     map <int,int>::const_iterator itr;
2284     int * atom_tag = lammpsInterface_->atom_tag();
2285     for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
2286       tag2id[atom_tag[i]] = i;
2287     }
2289     // loop over ghosts
2290     double ** x = lammpsInterface_->xatom();
2291     for (int j = nlocal; j < nlocal + nghost; j++) {
2292       int tag = atom_tag[j];
2293       int i = tag2id[tag];
2294       //itr = tag2id.find(tag);
2295       //if (itr != tag2id.end())
2296       double* xj = x[j];
2297       double* Xj = xref_[j];
2298       //double Xj[3];
2299       double* Xi = xref_[i];
2300       // the assumption is that xref_[j] has been shuffled
2301       // so make an image of xref_[i] that is close to x[j]
2302       if (xj[0] <= xlo) Xj[0] = Xi[0] -Lx;
2303       if (xj[0] >= xhi) Xj[0] = Xi[0] +Lx;
2304       if (xj[1] <= ylo) Xj[1] = Xi[1] -Ly;
2305       if (xj[1] >= yhi) Xj[1] = Xi[1] +Ly;
2306       if (xj[2] <= zlo) Xj[2] = Xi[2] -Lz;
2307       if (xj[2] >= zhi) Xj[2] = Xi[2] +Lz;
2308     }
2309   }
2310 };