1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Jack Poulson
3    All rights reserved.
5    This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License,
6    which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at
7    http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
8 */
9 #pragma once
13 #include ELEM_AXPY_INC
14 #include ELEM_SCALE_INC
18 #include ELEM_SIGN_INC
20 #include ELEM_ZEROS_INC
22 namespace elem {
24 // W = | A -C |, where A is m x m, B is n x n, and both are assumed to have
25 //     | 0 -B |  all of their eigenvalues in the open right-half plane.
26 //
27 // The solution, X, to the equation
28 //   A X + X B = C
29 // is returned, as well as the number of Newton iterations for computing sgn(W).
30 //
31 // See Chapter 2 of Nicholas J. Higham's "Functions of Matrices"
33 template<typename F>
34 inline void
Sylvester(Int m,Matrix<F> & W,Matrix<F> & X,SignCtrl<Base<F>> signCtrl=SignCtrl<Base<F>> ())35 Sylvester
36 ( Int m, Matrix<F>& W, Matrix<F>& X,
37   SignCtrl<Base<F>> signCtrl=SignCtrl<Base<F>>() )
38 {
39     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("Sylvester"))
40     Sign( W, signCtrl );
41     Matrix<F> WTL, WTR,
42               WBL, WBR;
43     PartitionDownDiagonal
44     ( W, WTL, WTR,
45          WBL, WBR, m );
46     // WTL and WBR should be the positive and negative identity, WBL should be
47     // zero, and WTR should be -2 X
48     X = WTR;
49     Scale( -F(1)/F(2), X );
51     // TODO: Think of how to probe for checks on other quadrants.
52     /*
53     typedef Base<F> Real;
54     UpdateDiagonal( WTL, F(-1) );
55     const Real errorWTL = FrobeniusNorm( WTL );
56     const Int n = W.Height() - m;
57     UpdateDiagonal( WBR, F(1) );
58     const Real errorWBR = FrobeniusNorm( WBR );
59     const Real errorWBL = FrobeniusNorm( WBL );
60     */
61 }
63 template<typename F>
64 inline void
Sylvester(Int m,DistMatrix<F> & W,DistMatrix<F> & X,SignCtrl<Base<F>> signCtrl=SignCtrl<Base<F>> ())65 Sylvester
66 ( Int m, DistMatrix<F>& W, DistMatrix<F>& X,
67   SignCtrl<Base<F>> signCtrl=SignCtrl<Base<F>>() )
68 {
69     DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("Sylvester"))
70     const Grid& g = W.Grid();
71     Sign( W, signCtrl );
72     DistMatrix<F> WTL(g), WTR(g),
73                   WBL(g), WBR(g);
74     PartitionDownDiagonal
75     ( W, WTL, WTR,
76          WBL, WBR, m );
77     // WTL and WBR should be the positive and negative identity, WBL should be
78     // zero, and WTR should be -2 X
79     X = WTR;
80     Scale( -F(1)/F(2), X );
82     // TODO: Think of how to probe for checks on other quadrants.
83     //       Add UpdateDiagonal routine to avoid explicit identity Axpy?
84     /*
85     typedef Base<F> Real;
86     UpdateDiagonal( WTL, F(-1) );
87     const Real errorWTL = FrobeniusNorm( WTL );
88     const Int n = W.Height() - m;
89     UpdateDiagonal( WBR, F(1) );
90     const Real errorWBR = FrobeniusNorm( WBR );
91     const Real errorWBL = FrobeniusNorm( WBL );
92     */
93 }
95 template<typename F>
96 inline void
Sylvester(const Matrix<F> & A,const Matrix<F> & B,const Matrix<F> & C,Matrix<F> & X,SignCtrl<Base<F>> signCtrl=SignCtrl<Base<F>> ())97 Sylvester
98 ( const Matrix<F>& A, const Matrix<F>& B, const Matrix<F>& C, Matrix<F>& X,
99   SignCtrl<Base<F>> signCtrl=SignCtrl<Base<F>>() )
100 {
101     DEBUG_ONLY(
102         CallStackEntry cse("Sylvester");
103         if( A.Height() != A.Width() )
104             LogicError("A must be square");
105         if( B.Height() != B.Width() )
106             LogicError("B must be square");
107         if( C.Height() != A.Height() || C.Width() != B.Height() )
108             LogicError("C must conform with A and B");
109     )
110     const Int m = C.Height();
111     const Int n = C.Width();
112     Matrix<F> W, WTL, WTR,
113                  WBL, WBR;
114     Zeros( W, m+n, m+n );
115     PartitionDownDiagonal
116     ( W, WTL, WTR,
117          WBL, WBR, m );
118     WTL = A;
119     WBR = B; Scale( F(-1), WBR );
120     WTR = C; Scale( F(-1), WTR );
121     Sylvester( m, W, X, signCtrl );
122 }
124 template<typename F>
125 inline void
Sylvester(const DistMatrix<F> & A,const DistMatrix<F> & B,const DistMatrix<F> & C,DistMatrix<F> & X,SignCtrl<Base<F>> signCtrl=SignCtrl<Base<F>> ())126 Sylvester
127 ( const DistMatrix<F>& A, const DistMatrix<F>& B, const DistMatrix<F>& C,
128   DistMatrix<F>& X, SignCtrl<Base<F>> signCtrl=SignCtrl<Base<F>>() )
129 {
130     DEBUG_ONLY(
131         CallStackEntry cse("Sylvester");
132         if( A.Height() != A.Width() )
133             LogicError("A must be square");
134         if( B.Height() != B.Width() )
135             LogicError("B must be square");
136         if( C.Height() != A.Height() || C.Width() != B.Height() )
137             LogicError("C must conform with A and B");
138         if( A.Grid() != B.Grid() || B.Grid() != C.Grid() )
139             LogicError("A, B, and C must have the same grid");
140     )
141     const Int m = C.Height();
142     const Int n = C.Width();
143     const Grid& g = A.Grid();
144     DistMatrix<F> W(g), WTL(g), WTR(g),
145                         WBL(g), WBR(g);
146     Zeros( W, m+n, m+n );
147     PartitionDownDiagonal
148     ( W, WTL, WTR,
149          WBL, WBR, m );
150     WTL = A;
151     WBR = B; Scale( F(-1), WBR );
152     WTR = C; Scale( F(-1), WTR );
153     Sylvester( m, W, X, signCtrl );
154 }
156 } // namespace elem
158 #endif // ifndef ELEM_SYLVESTER_HPP