1 program mol2ps;
2 (*
3 mol2ps/mol2svg
4 Norbert Haider, University of Vienna, 2005-2014
5 norbert.haider@univie.ac.at
7 with code contributions by
8 Michael Palmer, University of Waterloo
10 This software is published under the terms of the GNU General Public
11 License (GPL, see below). For a detailed description of this license,
12 see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
14 This program reads chemical structure files in MDL molfile format
15 and generates high-quality postscript output of the 2D structures.
16 Starting with version 0.2, the program processes also reaction files
17 in MDL rxn and rdf format. Starting with version 0.2a, SVG (scalable
18 vectors graphics) is supported as an alternative output format. Starting
19 from version 0.3, SVG support is enabled by default. To make use of this
20 SVG support, just rename (or copy/hard-link) the mol2ps executable into
21 "mol2svg" (for Windows: "mol2svg.exe").
23 The resulting postscript graphics can then be printed or converted
24 into various bitmap formats, using the well-known Ghostscript software.
26 For a more detailed description, please visit
27 http://merian.pch.univie.ac.at/~nhaider/cheminf/mol2ps.html
29 To a large extent, code of the GPL program, checkmol/matchmol, is
30 reused, for more information please visit the checkmol/matchmol
31 homepage at
32 http://merian.pch.univie.ac.at/~nhaider/cheminf/cmmm.html
36 Compile with fpc (Free Pascal, see http://www.freepascal.org), using
37 the -Sd or -S2 option (Delphi mode; IMPORTANT!)
39 example for compilation (with optimization) and installation:
41 fpc -S2 -O3 mol2ps.pas
43 as "root", do the following:
45 cp mol2ps /usr/local/bin/
46 ln /usr/local/bin/mol2ps /usr/local/bin/mol2svg
47 ln /usr/local/bin/mol2ps /usr/local/bin/mol2eps
49 Note: do NOT use symbolic links ("ln -s mol2ps mol2svg"), as this will not work!
52 Version history
54 v0.1   basic functionality;
56 v0.1a  slight adjustments of H positioning
58 v0.1b  further adjustments of H positioning; print H if bond
59        is marked "up" or "down" (new option --hydrogenonstereo)
61 v0.1c  added bond type 'C' for complex bonds (a dashed line),
62        bug fix in printPS2DdoubleN()
64 v0.1d  added support for colored atom labels: new option
65        --color=/path/to/color.conf (a simple ascii file with
66        4 columns, containing the element symbol and RGB values
67        as integers from 0 to 255, space-separated); added support
68        for isotopes and radicals; fixed crash when 2 atoms have
69        identical XYZ coordinates in combination with certain
70        bond types
72 v0.1e  minor change in representation of isothiocyanates etc.
73        (now shows C for carbon); added missing interpretation for
74        "--autoscale=" option
76 v0.1f  minor bug fix in printPSdouble(), printPStriple(), printPSchars,
77        write_PS_bonds_and_boxes; added rudimentary support for brackets
78        around (sub)structures; added some debug output; ; added some
79        debug output; merging of some more CSEARCH-related functionality
81 v0.2   added support for reactions (MDL rxn and rdf file formats)
83 v0.2a  minor bug fixes; added rudimentary support for SVG (scalable
84        vector graphics) output (just rename the mol2ps executable into
85        mol2svg; disabled by default); added some support for Sgroups
87 v0.2b  minor bug fixes; added support for deprecated "A   nnn" atom aliases;
88        refined SVG output of labels
90 v0.3   changed SVG output to a more compact format; SVG support is no
91        longer a compile-time option, but included by default; minor bug
92        fixes; added SVG comments which enable re-adjustment of width,
93        height and viewbox dimensions
95 v0.3a  added --showmaps parameter: displays atom-atom mapping numbers in
96        red color (useful only for reactions with atom-atom mapping)
98 v0.4   added EPS output option; use buffered output in order to include
99        correct %%BoundingBox and SVG viewbox dimensions (based on a code
100        contribution by Michael Palmer, University of Waterloo); added new
101        command-line options (--output=, --bgcolor=, --scaling=)
103 v0.4a  fixed a minor color problem in PS mode; fixed a "comma vs. decimal
104        point" issue in all format() calls (i.e., now forcing decimal point
105        as decimal separator, independently of locale settings)
107 v0.4b  minor change in center_mol (relevant for FlaME-generated rxnfiles);
109 ===============================================================================
111 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
112 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
113 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
114 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
116 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
117 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
119 GNU General Public License for more details.
121 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
122 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
123 Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
124 ===============================================================================
125 *)
127 //{$DEFINE debug}               // uncomment this to enable the -D option
128 {$DEFINE csearch_extensions}  // v0.1c (complex bond encoded by MDL "stereo" = 4)
129 //{$DEFINE clean_marvin_r}      // converts all atoms of type "R#" into "R"
132 {$NOTES OFF}
135 uses
139 const
140   version       = '0.4b';
141   max_atoms     = 1024;
142   max_bonds     = 1024;
143   max_ringsize  = 128;
144   max_rings     = 1024;
145   max_neighbors = 20;    // was 16 in v0.1x
146   max_brackets  = 64;    // v0.1f
147   max_sgroups   = 512;   // v0.2a
148   TAB           = #26;
149   max_rgbentries = 128;  // v0.1d
151   rs_sar        = 2001;  // ring search mode: SAR = set of all rings
152   rs_ssr        = 2002;  //                   SSR = set of small rings
154   btopo_any        = 0;  // bond topology
155   btopo_ring       = 1;  //
156   btopo_chain      = 2;  //
157   btopo_always_any = 3;  // even in "strict mode"
158   btopo_excess_rc  = 4;  // bond in query and candidate must have same ring count
159   btopo_exact_rc   = 5;  // bond in candidate must be included in _more_ rings than
160                          // the matching bond in the query ==> specific search for
161                          // annulated systems
163   bstereo_any      = 0;  // any E/Z isomer (for double bonds)
164   bstereo_xyz      = 1;  // E/Z match is checked by using XYZ coordinates of the atoms
165   bstereo_up       = 11; // flags for single bonds
166   bstereo_down     = 16; //
168   //================constants
169   blfactor       = 75;  // relative bond length
170   PX             = 1.25;
172   dir_right      = 1;
173   dir_rightup    = 2;
174   dir_up         = 3;
175   dir_leftup     = 4;
176   dir_left       = 5;
177   dir_leftdown   = 6;
178   dir_down       = 7;
179   dir_rightdown  = 8;
180   dirtolerance   = 5;  // degrees
182   defaultfontname  = 'Helvetica';
183   defaultfontsize1 = 14;
184   defaultfontsize2 = 9;
185   defaultlinewidth = 1.0;
186   rgbfilename : string = 'color.conf';
187   max_recursion_depth  = 500000;
189   pmMol2PS     = 2001;
190   pmMol2SVG   = 2002;
191   svg_factor  = 0.21;  // was 0.24 initially
192   dd          = 1; // decimal digits for SVG XY coordinates
194 type
195   str2  = string[2];
196   str3  = string[3];
197   str4  = string[4];
198   str5  = string[5];
199   str8  = string[8];
200   str80 = string[80];
201   atom_rec  = record
202                 element : str2;
203                 atype : str3;
204                 x : single;
205                 y : single;
206                 z : single;
207                 x_orig : single;
208                 y_orig : single;
209                 z_orig : single;
210                 formal_charge : integer;
211                 real_charge : single;
212                 Hexp : smallint;  // explicit H count
213                 Htot : smallint;  // total H count
214                 neighbor_count : integer;
215                 ring_count : integer;
216                 arom : boolean;
217                 stereo_care : boolean;
218 	        heavy : boolean;
219 		metal : boolean;
220                 nvalences : integer;
221                 tag : boolean;
222                 hidden : boolean;
223                 nucleon_number : integer;
224                 radical_type : integer;
225                 sg : boolean; // v0.2a
226                 alias : str80;   // v0.2b
227                 a_just : smallint;  // v0.2b;  0: left, 1: right, 2: center
228                 map_id : integer;  // v0.3a
229              end;
230   bond_rec  = record
231                 a1 : integer;
232                 a2 : integer;
233                 btype : char;
234                 bsubtype : char;
235                 a_handle : integer;
236                 ring_count : integer;
237                 arom : boolean;
238                 topo : shortint;   // see MDL file description
239                 stereo : shortint;
240                 mdl_stereo : shortint; // new in v0.c
241                 drawn : boolean;
242                 hidden : boolean;
243                 sg : boolean; // v0.2a
244               end;
245   rgb_record = record
246                   element : str2;
247                   r : integer;
248                   g : integer;
249                   b : integer;
250                end;
251   ringpath_type = array[1..max_ringsize] of integer;
253   atomlist      = array[1..max_atoms] of atom_rec;
254   bondlist      = array[1..max_bonds] of bond_rec;
255   ringlist      = array[1..max_rings] of ringpath_type;
256   neighbor_rec  = array[1..max_neighbors] of integer;
257   molbuftype    = array[1..(max_atoms+max_bonds+8192)] of string;
259   ringprop_rec  = record
260                     size     : integer;
261                     arom     : boolean;
262                     envelope : boolean;
263                   end;
265   ringprop_type = array[1..max_rings] of ringprop_rec;
266   p_3d          = record
267                     x : double;
268                     y : double;
269                     z : double;
270                   end;
272   bracket_rec   = record  // v0.1f
273                     id : integer;
274                     x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 : single;
275                     brtype : integer;
276                     brlabel : string;
277                   end;
279   bracket_type  = array[1..max_brackets] of bracket_rec;  // v0.1f
281   sgroup_rec    = record  // v0.2a, for all sgroups other than brackets (SRU)
282                     id : integer;
283                     sgtype : string;
284                     anchor : integer;
285                     justification : char;
286                     sglabel : string;
287                     x : single;
288                     y : single;
289                   end;
291   sgroup_type   = array[1..max_sgroups] of sgroup_rec;  // v0.2a
292   attr_arr      = array[1..80] of byte;  // v0.2b
294 var
295   progmode      : integer;
296   progname      : string;
297   li            : longint;
298   ln            : longint;
300   rxn_mode      : boolean;  // v0.2
301   n_reactants   : integer;  // v0.2
302   n_products    : integer;  // v0.2
303   x_shift       : single;   // v0.2
304   x_padding     : single;   // v0.2
305   y_margin      : single;   // v0.2
306   x_min         : single;   // v0.2
307   x_max         : single;   // v0.2
308   x_dummy       : single;   // v0.2
309   arrow_length  : single;   // v0.2
310   i             : integer;
312   opt_stdin     : boolean;
313   opt_debug     : boolean;
314   opt_metalrings: boolean;
315   opt_rs        : integer;
317   opt_autoscale   : boolean;
318   opt_autorotate    : boolean;
319   opt_autorotate3Donly : boolean;
320   opt_stripH      : boolean;
321   opt_Honhetero   : boolean;
322   opt_Honmethyl   : boolean;
323   opt_Honstereo   : boolean;
324   opt_showmolname : boolean;
325   opt_atomnum     : boolean;
326   opt_bondnum     : boolean;
327   opt_color       : boolean;
328   opt_sgroups     : boolean;  // v0.2a
329   opt_maps        : boolean;  // v0.3a
330   opt_bgcolor     : boolean;
331   opt_eps         : boolean;
333   filetype : string;
334   molfile : text;
335   molfilename : string;
336   molname : string;
337   //molcomment  : string;
338   n_atoms : integer;
339   n_bonds : integer;
340   n_rings : integer;    // the number of rings we determined ourselves
341   n_heavyatoms : integer;
342   n_heavybonds : integer;
343   n_brackets   : integer;  // v0.1f
344   n_sgroups    : integer;  // v0.2a
346   atom : ^atomlist;
347   bond : ^bondlist;
348   ring : ^ringlist;
349   ringprop : ^ringprop_type;
350   bracket  : ^bracket_type;  // v0.1f
351   sgroup  : ^sgroup_type;  // v0.2a
353   atomtype : str4;
354   newatomtype : str3;
356   molbuf : ^molbuftype;
357   molbufindex : integer;
359   mol_in_queue : boolean;
360   mol_count    : longint;
361   rxn_count    : longint;  // v0.2
363   ringsearch_mode : integer;
364   max_vringsize   : integer;  // for SSR ring search
366   rfile : text;
367   rfile_is_open : boolean;
368   mol_OK        : boolean;
369   n_ar          : integer;
370   prev_n_ar     : integer;
372   maxY : double;
373   xoffset, yoffset : single;
374   std_bondlength : double;
375   db_spacingfactor : double;
376   std_blCCsingle : double;
377   std_blCCdouble : double;
378   std_blCCarom   : double;
379   fontname  : string;
380   fontsize1 : integer;
381   fontsize2 : integer;
382   zorder    : array[1..max_atoms] of integer;
383   xrot, yrot, zrot : double;
384   linewidth : double;
385   sf_mol    : double;
386   lblmargin : single;
387   rgbtable : array[1..max_rgbentries] of rgb_record;
388   rgbfile : text;
389   recursion_level : longint;
390   //recursion_depth : longint;
391   svg_yoffset : integer;
392   svg_mode    : integer;  // v0.2c; 1 = full (use a <line> tag for each bond), 2 = compact (use <path>)
393   svg_max_x, svg_max_y, svg_min_y : single;  // v0.2c; needed for adjustment of width and height parameters
394   ytrans : integer;  // v0.2c
395   max_ytrans : integer; // v0.2c
396   outbuffer : TStringList;  // v0.4
397   global_scaling : single; // v0.4
398   bgcolor : rgb_record;  // v0.4
399   bgrgbstr : string;     // v0.4
400   bboxleft, bboxright, bboxbottom, bboxtop      : integer;
401   dotscale, bboxmargin    : single;
402   bbleft_int, bbright_int, bbtop_int, bbbottom_int : integer;  // v0.4
403   ymargin : integer;  // v0.4
404   fsettings : TFormatSettings;  // v0.4a
406 //================= auxiliary functions & procedures
408 procedure init_globals;
409 var
410   i : integer;
411 begin
412   opt_debug       := false;
413   opt_stdin       := false;
414   opt_metalrings  := false;
415   opt_stripH      := true;
416   opt_Honhetero   := true;
417   opt_Honmethyl   := true;
418   opt_Honstereo   := true;
419   opt_autoscale   := true;
420   opt_autorotate  := true;
421   opt_autorotate3dOnly := false;
422   opt_showmolname := false;
423   opt_atomnum     := false;
424   opt_bondnum     :=false;
425   opt_color       := false;
426   opt_sgroups     := true;  // v0.2a
427   opt_maps        := false; // v0.3a
428   opt_bgcolor     := false; // v0.4
429   std_blCCsingle  := 1.541;
430   std_blCCdouble  := 1.337;
431   std_blCCarom    := 1.394;
432   std_bondlength  := std_blCCdouble;
433   db_spacingfactor:= 0.18;
434   fontname  := 'Helvetica';
435   fontsize1 := defaultfontsize1;
436   fontsize2 := defaultfontsize2;
437   linewidth := defaultlinewidth;
438   xrot      := 0;
439   yrot      := 0;
440   zrot      := 0;
441   sf_mol    := 1.0;
442   lblmargin := 0.8;
443   opt_rs          := rs_sar;
444   ringsearch_mode := rs_sar;
445   rfile_is_open   := false;
446   try
447     getmem(molbuf,sizeof(molbuftype));
448   except
449     on e:Eoutofmemory do
450       begin
451         writeln('Not enough memory');
452         halt(4);
453       end;
454   end;
455   for i := 1 to max_rgbentries do
456     begin
457       rgbtable[i].element := '';
458       rgbtable[i].r := 0; rgbtable[i].g := 0; rgbtable[i].b := 0;
459     end;
460   n_brackets   := 0;       // v0.1f
461   n_sgroups    := 0;       // v0.2a
462   rxn_mode     := false;   // v0.2
463   ln           := 0;       // v0.2
464   x_padding    := 1.8;     // v0.2
465   y_margin     := 1.0;     // v0.2
466   arrow_length := 4.0;     // v0.2
467   svg_yoffset  := 300;     // v0.2a    maybe this needs some dynamic adjustment
468   svg_mode     := 1;       // v0.2c    use "full" as default, "compact" only for really flat molecules
469   svg_max_x    := -10000;  // v0.2c
470   svg_max_y    := -10000;  // v0.2c
471   svg_min_y    := 10000;   // v0.2c
472   max_ytrans   := 0;       // v0.2c
473   global_scaling := 1.0;   // v0.4
474   bgcolor.r    := 255;
475   bgcolor.g    := 255;
476   bgcolor.b    := 255;
477   // far out starting values for bounding box, will be updated when drawing
478   bboxleft        := 2000;
479   bboxright       := 0;
480   bboxtop         := 0;
481   bboxbottom      := 2000;
482   bboxmargin      := 2.0;
483   dotscale        := 0.24;  // to keep the scaling of bbox and dot in sync
484   fsettings.decimalseparator := '.';  // v0.4a force decimal point for floating point numbers
485 end;
get_stringwidthnull487 function get_stringwidth(const fs:integer; const tstr:string):double;
488 // returns a relative string width for proportional fonts (as a very crude value)
489 var
490   res, cw : double;
491   i,l : integer;
492   c : char;
493 begin
494   res := 0;
495   l := length(tstr);
496   if (l > 0) then
497     begin
498       for i := 1 to l do
499         begin
500           cw := 1.0;
501           c := tstr[i];
502           if (pos(c,'iIl1.,:;!()[]')>0) then cw := 0.4;
503           if (pos(c,'mMwW')>0) then cw := 1.7;
504           res := res + cw;
505         end;
506     end;
507   res := res * fs;  // fs = font size
508   get_stringwidth := res;
509 end;
511 procedure writeout(const fmt: string; const args: array of const);
512 begin
513   outbuffer.append(format(fmt, args,fsettings));
514 end;
516 procedure writeouts(const stuff: string);
517 begin
518   outbuffer.append(stuff)
519 end;
522 procedure updatebb(const x: integer; const y: integer);
523 begin
524   if x < bboxleft then bboxleft := x;
525   if x > bboxright then bboxright := x;
526   if y < bboxbottom then bboxbottom := y;
527   if y > bboxtop then bboxtop := y;
528 end;
530 procedure calc_PSboundingbox;
531 begin
532   bbleft_int   := round(global_scaling*dotscale*bboxleft)   - round(bboxmargin*defaultfontsize1);
533   bbbottom_int := round(global_scaling*dotscale*bboxbottom) - round(0.75*bboxmargin*defaultfontsize1);
534   bbright_int  := round(global_scaling*dotscale*bboxright)  + round(bboxmargin*defaultfontsize1);
535   bbtop_int    := round(global_scaling*dotscale*bboxtop)    + round(0.75*bboxmargin*defaultfontsize1);
536 end;
538 procedure write_PSboundingbox;
539 begin
540   writeln('%%BoundingBox: ',bbleft_int,' ',bbbottom_int,' ',bbright_int,' ',bbtop_int);
541 end;
543 procedure write_PSbg;
544 begin
545   writeln;
546   writeln('% use a background as specified by the --bgcolor option');
547   writeln(bgrgbstr,' setrgbcolor');
548   writeln('newpath ',bbleft_int,' ',bbbottom_int,' moveto');
549   writeln(bbright_int,' ',bbbottom_int,' lineto');
550   writeln(bbright_int,' ',bbtop_int,' lineto');
551   writeln(bbleft_int,' ',bbtop_int,' lineto');
552   writeln(bbleft_int,' ',bbbottom_int,' lineto');
553   writeln('closepath fill');
554   writeln('0 0 0 setrgbcolor');
555 end;
557 procedure debugoutput(dstr:string);
558 begin
559   if opt_debug then
560     begin
561       if (progmode = pmMol2PS)  then writeouts('%% '+dstr);  // v0.1b; added "%" (Postscript comment line)
562       if (progmode = pmMol2SVG) then writeouts('<!-- '+dstr+' -->');
563     end;
564 end;
567 procedure left_trim(var trimstr:string);
568 begin
569   while (length(trimstr)>0) and ((trimstr[1]=' ') or (trimstr[1]=TAB)) do delete(trimstr,1,1);
570 end;
left_intnull573 function left_int(var trimstr:string):integer;
574 var
575   numstr : string;
576   auxstr : string;
577   auxint, code : integer;
578 begin
579   numstr := '-+0123456789';
580   auxstr := '';
581   auxint := 0;
582   while (length(trimstr)>0) and ((trimstr[1]=' ') or (trimstr[1]=TAB)) do
583     delete(trimstr,1,1);
584   while (length(trimstr)>0) and (pos(trimstr[1],numstr)>0) do
585     begin
586       auxstr := auxstr + trimstr[1];
587       delete(trimstr,1,1);
588     end;
589   val(auxstr,auxint,code);
590   if (code <> 0) then auxint := 0;
591   left_int := auxint;
592 end;
left_floatnull595 function left_float(var trimstr:string):single;  // v0.1f
596 var
597   numstr : string;
598   auxstr : string;
599   auxfloat : single;
600   code : integer;
601 begin
602   numstr := '-+0123456789.';
603   auxstr := '';
604   auxfloat := 0;
605   while (length(trimstr)>0) and ((trimstr[1]=' ') or (trimstr[1]=TAB)) do
606     delete(trimstr,1,1);
607   while (length(trimstr)>0) and (pos(trimstr[1],numstr)>0) do
608     begin
609       auxstr := auxstr + trimstr[1];
610       delete(trimstr,1,1);
611     end;
612   val(auxstr,auxfloat,code);
613   if (code <> 0) then auxfloat := 0;
614   left_float := auxfloat;
615 end;
618 //============================= geometry functions ==========================
dist3dnull620 function dist3d(p1,p2:p_3d):double;
621 var
622   res : double;
623 begin
624   res    := sqrt(sqr(p1.x-p2.x) + sqr(p1.y-p2.y) + sqr(p1.z-p2.z));
625   dist3d := res;
626 end;
subtract_3dnull629 function subtract_3d(p1,p2:p_3d):p_3d;
630 var
631   p : p_3d;
632 begin
633   p.x := p1.x - p2.x;
634   p.y := p1.y - p2.y;
635   p.z := p1.z - p2.z;
636   subtract_3d := p;
637 end;
add_3dnull640 function add_3d(p1,p2:p_3d):p_3d;
641 var
642   p : p_3d;
643 begin
644   p.x := p1.x + p2.x;
645   p.y := p1.y + p2.y;
646   p.z := p1.z + p2.z;
647   add_3d := p;
648 end;
651 procedure vec2origin(var p1,p2:p_3d);
652 var
653   p : p_3d;
654 begin
655   p := subtract_3d(p2,p1);
656   p2 := p;
657   p1.x := 0; p1.y := 0; p1.z := 0;
658 end;
scalar_prodnull661 function scalar_prod(p1,p2,p3:p_3d):double;
662 var
663   p : p_3d;
664   res : double;
665 begin
666   p := subtract_3d(p2,p1);
667   p2 := p;
668   p := subtract_3d(p3,p1);
669   p3 := p;
670   p1.x := 0; p1.y := 0; p1.z := 0;
671   res := p2.x*p3.x + p2.y*p3.y + p2.z*p3.z;
672   scalar_prod := res;
673 end;
cross_prodnull676 function cross_prod(p1,p2,p3:p_3d):p_3d;
677 var
678   p : p_3d;
679   orig_p1 : p_3d;
680 begin
681   orig_p1 := p1;
682   p := subtract_3d(p2,p1);
683   p2 := p;
684   p := subtract_3d(p3,p1);
685   p3 := p;
686   p.x := p2.y*p3.z - p2.z*p3.y;
687   p.y := p2.z*p3.x - p2.x*p3.z;
688   p.z := p2.x*p3.y - p2.y*p3.x;
689   cross_prod := add_3d(orig_p1,p);
690 end;
angle_3dnull693 function angle_3d(p1,p2,p3:p_3d):double;
694 var
695   lp1,lp2,lp3 : p_3d;
696   p : p_3d;
697   res : double;
698   magn_1, magn_2 : double;
699   cos_phi : double;
700 begin
701   res := 0;
702   lp1 := p1; lp2 := p2; lp3 := p3;
703   p := subtract_3d(lp2,lp1);
704   lp2 := p;
705   p := subtract_3d(lp3,lp1);
706   lp3 := p;
707   lp1.x := 0; lp1.y := 0; lp1.z := 0;
708   magn_1 := dist3d(lp1,lp2);
709   magn_2 := dist3d(lp1,lp3);
710   if (magn_1 * magn_2 = 0) then
711     begin   // emergency exit
712       angle_3d := pi;
713       exit;
714     end;
715   cos_phi := scalar_prod(lp1,lp2,lp3) / (magn_1 * magn_2);
716   if cos_phi < -1 then cos_phi := -1;
717   if cos_phi > 1  then cos_phi := 1;
718   res := arccos(cos_phi);
719   angle_3d := res;
720 end;
angle_2d_XYnull723 function angle_2d_XY(p1,p2,p3:p_3d):double;
724 var   // p1 is the corner
725   lp1,lp2,lp3 : p_3d;
726   p : p_3d;
727   res : double;
728   magn_1, magn_2 : double;
729   cos_phi : double;
730 begin
731   res := 0;
732   lp1 := p1; lp2 := p2; lp3 := p3;
733   lp1.z := 0; lp2.z := 0; lp3.z := 0;  // quick and (very) dirty
734   p := subtract_3d(lp2,lp1);
735   lp2 := p;
736   p := subtract_3d(lp3,lp1);
737   lp3 := p;
738   lp1.x := 0; lp1.y := 0; lp1.z := 0;
739   magn_1 := dist3d(lp1,lp2);
740   magn_2 := dist3d(lp1,lp3);
741   if (magn_1 * magn_2 = 0) then
742     begin   // emergency exit
743       angle_2d_XY := pi;
744       exit;
745     end;
746   cos_phi := scalar_prod(lp1,lp2,lp3) / (magn_1 * magn_2);
747   if cos_phi < -1 then cos_phi := -1;
748   if cos_phi > 1  then cos_phi := 1;
749   res := arccos(cos_phi);
750   angle_2d_XY := res;
751 end;
angle_2d_XZnull754 function angle_2d_XZ(p1,p2,p3:p_3d):double;
755 var   // p1 is the corner
756   lp1,lp2,lp3 : p_3d;
757   p : p_3d;
758   res : double;
759   magn_1, magn_2 : double;
760   cos_phi : double;
761 begin
762   res := 0;
763   lp1 := p1; lp2 := p2; lp3 := p3;
764   lp1.y := 0; lp2.y := 0; lp3.y := 0;  // quick and (very) dirty
765   p := subtract_3d(lp2,lp1);
766   lp2 := p;
767   p := subtract_3d(lp3,lp1);
768   lp3 := p;
769   lp1.x := 0; lp1.y := 0; lp1.z := 0;
770   magn_1 := dist3d(lp1,lp2);
771   magn_2 := dist3d(lp1,lp3);
772   if (magn_1 * magn_2 = 0) then
773     begin   // emergency exit
774       angle_2d_XZ := pi;
775       exit;
776     end;
777   cos_phi := scalar_prod(lp1,lp2,lp3) / (magn_1 * magn_2);
778   if cos_phi < -1 then cos_phi := -1;
779   if cos_phi > 1  then cos_phi := 1;
780   res := arccos(cos_phi);
781   angle_2d_XZ := res;
782 end;
angle_2d_YZnull785 function angle_2d_YZ(p1,p2,p3:p_3d):double;
786 var   // p1 is the corner
787   lp1,lp2,lp3 : p_3d;
788   p : p_3d;
789   res : double;
790   magn_1, magn_2 : double;
791   cos_phi : double;
792 begin
793   res := 0;
794   lp1 := p1; lp2 := p2; lp3 := p3;
795   lp1.x := 0; lp2.x := 0; lp3.x := 0;  // quick and (very) dirty
796   p := subtract_3d(lp2,lp1);
797   lp2 := p;
798   p := subtract_3d(lp3,lp1);
799   lp3 := p;
800   lp1.x := 0; lp1.y := 0; lp1.z := 0;
801   magn_1 := dist3d(lp1,lp2);
802   magn_2 := dist3d(lp1,lp3);
803   if (magn_1 * magn_2 = 0) then
804     begin   // emergency exit
805       angle_2d_YZ := pi;
806       exit;
807     end;
808   cos_phi := scalar_prod(lp1,lp2,lp3) / (magn_1 * magn_2);
809   if cos_phi < -1 then cos_phi := -1;
810   if cos_phi > 1  then cos_phi := 1;
811   res := arccos(cos_phi);
812   angle_2d_YZ := res;
813 end;
ctorsionnull816 function ctorsion(p1,p2,p3,p4:p_3d):double;
817 // calculates "pseudo-torsion" defined by atoms 3 and 4, being both
818 // attached to atom 2, with respect to axis of atoms 1 and 2
819 var
820   lp1,lp2,lp3,lp4 : p_3d;
821   //d1 : p_3d;
822   c1,c2 : p_3d;
823   res : double;
824   c1xc2, c2xc1 : p_3d;
825   dist1,dist2 : double;
826   sign : double;
827 begin
828   // copy everything into local variables
829   lp1 := p1; lp2 := p2; lp3 := p3; lp4 := p4;
830   // get the cross product vectors
831   c1 := cross_prod(lp2,lp1,lp3);
832   c2 := cross_prod(lp2,lp1,lp4);
833   res := angle_3d(p2,c1,c2);
834   //now check if it is clockwise or anticlockwise:
835   //first, make the cross products of the two cross products c1 and c2 (both ways)
836   c1xc2 := cross_prod(lp2,c1,c2);
837   c2xc1 := cross_prod(lp2,c2,c1);
838   //next, get the distances from these points to our refernce point lp1
839   dist1 := dist3d(lp1,c1xc2);
840   dist2 := dist3d(lp1,c2xc1);
841   if (dist1 <= dist2) then sign := 1 else sign := -1;
842   ctorsion := sign*res;
843 end;
845 //====================== end of geometry functions ==========================
847 procedure show_usage;
848 var
849   appname : string;
850   outputstr, outputext : string;
851 begin
852   if (progmode = pmMol2PS) then
853     begin
854       appname := 'mol2ps';
855       outputstr := 'Postscript';
856       outputext := 'ps';
857     end else
858     begin
859       appname := 'mol2ps';
860       appname := 'mol2svg';
861       outputstr := 'SVG';
862       outputext := 'svg';
863     end;
864   writeln;
865   writeln(appname,' version ',version,'    N. Haider 2014');
866   writeln('Usage: ',appname,' [options] <inputfile>');
867   writeln(' where <inputfile> is the file containing the molecular structure');
868   writeln(' (supported formats: MDL *.mol or *.sdf, Alchemy *.mol, Sybyl *.mol2)');
869   writeln(' if <inputfile> is "-" (without quotes), the program reads from standard input');
870   writeln;
871   writeln('valid options are:');
872   writeln('  -R (reaction mode, for MDL rxn and rdf files)');
873   writeln('  --font=<Helvetica|Times>, default: Helvetica');
874   writeln('  --fontsize=<any number in points>, default: 14');
875   writeln('  --fontsizesmall=<any number in points>, default: 9 (for subscripts)');
876   writeln('  --linewidth=<n.n>, default: 1.0 (linewidth in points; use 1 decimal)');
877   writeln('  --rotate=<auto|auto3Donly|n,n,n>, default: auto (n,n,n specifies the');
878   writeln('    angles to rotate the molecule around the X, Y, and Z axis (in degrees)');
879   writeln('  --autoscale=<on|off>, default: on (scales the molecule to fit the natural');
880   writeln('    C-C bond length)');
881   writeln('  --striphydrogen=<on|off>, default: on (strips all explicit H atoms)');
882   writeln('  --hydrogenonhetero=<on|off>, default: on (adds H to all hetero atoms)');
883   writeln('  --hydrogenonmethyl=<on|off>, default: on (adds H to all methyl C atoms)');
884   writeln('  --hydrogenonstereo=<on|off>, default: on (shows H if bond is "up" or "down")');
885   writeln('  --showmolname=<on|off>, default: off (prints name above the structure)');
886   writeln('  --atomnumbers=<on|off>, default: off (prints atom numbers)');
887   writeln('  --bondnumbers=<on|off>, default: off (prints bond numbers)');
888   writeln('  --sgroups=<on|off>, default: on (uses Sgroup abbreviations if present)');
889   writeln('  --showmaps=<on|off>, default: off (prints atom-atom mapping numbers)');
890   writeln('  --color=</path/to/color.conf>, default: no colors for atom labels');
891   writeln('  --bgcolor=<white|gray|n,n,n> where n,n,n are the RGB values (0-255)');
892   writeln('  --scaling=<n.n>, default: 1.0 (any scaling factor from 0.1 to 10.0)');
893   writeln('  --output=<ps|eps|svg>, default depends on prog name (mol2ps, mol2eps, mol2svg)');
894   writeln;
895   writeln(outputstr,' output will be written to standard output. To write it to a');
896   writeln('file, enter something like the following:');
897   writeln(appname,' [options] mymolecule.mol > mymolecule.',outputext);
898   writeln;
899 end;
902 procedure parse_args;
903 var
904   p : integer;
905   parstr : string;
906   tmpstr : string;
907   valstr : string;
908   xvalstr, yvalstr, zvalstr : string;
909   tmpint, code : integer;
910   tmpdbl : double;
911   int1, int2, int3 : integer;
912 begin
913   tmpstr := '';
914   for p := 1 to paramcount do
915     begin
916       parstr := paramstr(p);
917       if (p < paramcount) then
918         begin
919           if (pos('-R',parstr)>0) then rxn_mode := true;
920           if (pos('--',parstr)=1) then
921             begin
922               tmpstr := paramstr(p);
923               left_trim(tmpstr);
924               tmpstr := lowercase(tmpstr);
925               if (pos('--font=',tmpstr)=0) and
926                  (pos('--fontsize=',tmpstr)=0) and
927                  (pos('--fontsizesmall=',tmpstr)=0) and
928                  (pos('--linewidth=',tmpstr)=0) and
929                  (pos('--rotate=',tmpstr)=0) and
930                  (pos('--autoscale=',tmpstr)=0) and
931                  (pos('--striphydrogen=',tmpstr)=0) and
932                  (pos('--hydrogenonhetero=',tmpstr)=0) and
933                  (pos('--hydrogenonmethyl=',tmpstr)=0) and
934                  (pos('--atomnumbers=',tmpstr)=0) and
935                  (pos('--bondnumbers=',tmpstr)=0) and
936                  (pos('--showmolname=',tmpstr)=0) and
937                  (pos('--sgroups=',tmpstr)=0) and
938                  (pos('--showmaps=',tmpstr)=0) and
939                  (pos('--scaling=',tmpstr)=0) and
940                  (pos('--output=',tmpstr)=0) and
941                  (pos('--bgcolor=',tmpstr)=0) and
942                  (pos('--color=',tmpstr)=0) then
943                  begin
944                    show_usage;
945                    halt(1);
946                  end;
947               if pos('--font=',tmpstr)>0 then
948                 begin
949                   if pos('=helvetica',tmpstr)>0 then
950                     begin
951                       fontname     := 'Helvetica';
952                     end else
953                     begin
954                       if pos('=times',tmpstr)>0 then
955                         begin
956                           if progmode = pmMol2PS then fontname     := 'Times Roman';
957                           if progmode = pmMol2SVG then fontname     := 'Times';
958                         end else fontname := defaultfontname;
959                     end;
960                 end;
961               if pos('--fontsize=',tmpstr)>0 then
962                 begin
963                   valstr := tmpstr;
964                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
965                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
966                   val(valstr,tmpint,code);
967                   if (code = 0) then
968                     begin
969                       if (tmpint >= 6) and (tmpint <= 64) then
970                         begin
971                           fontsize1 := tmpint;
972                         end;
973                     end;
974                 end;
975               if pos('--fontsizesmall=',tmpstr)>0 then
976                 begin
977                   valstr := tmpstr;
978                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
979                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
980                   val(valstr,tmpint,code);
981                   if (code = 0) then
982                     begin
983                       if (tmpint >= 6) and (tmpint <= 64) then
984                         begin
985                           fontsize2 := tmpint;
986                         end;
987                     end;
988                 end;
989               if pos('--linewidth=',tmpstr)>0 then
990                 begin
991                   valstr := tmpstr;
992                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
993                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
994                   val(valstr,tmpdbl,code);
995                   if (code = 0) then
996                     begin
997                       if (tmpdbl >= 0.1) and (tmpdbl <= 10) then
998                         begin
999                           linewidth := tmpdbl;
1000                         end;
1001                     end;
1002                 end;
1003               if pos('--rotate=',tmpstr)>0 then
1004                 begin
1005                   opt_autorotate := false;
1006                   opt_autorotate3Donly := false;
1007                   valstr := tmpstr;
1008                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1009                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1010                   if (valstr = 'auto') or (valstr = 'auto3Donly') then
1011                     begin
1012                       if (valstr = 'auto') then opt_autorotate := true;
1013                       if (valstr = 'auto3Donly') then opt_autorotate3Donly := true;
1014                     end else
1015                     begin
1016                       opt_autorotate := false;
1017                       opt_autorotate3Donly := false;
1018                       xvalstr := ''; yvalstr := ''; zvalstr := '';
1019                       while (length(valstr)>0) and (valstr[1] <> ',') do
1020                         begin
1021                           xvalstr := xvalstr + valstr[1];
1022                           delete(valstr,1,1);
1023                         end;
1024                       while (length(valstr)>0) and (valstr[1] = ',') do delete(valstr,1,1);
1025                       while (length(valstr)>0) and (valstr[1] <> ',') do
1026                         begin
1027                           yvalstr := yvalstr + valstr[1];
1028                           delete(valstr,1,1);
1029                         end;
1030                       while (length(valstr)>0) and (valstr[1] = ',') do delete(valstr,1,1);
1031                       while (length(valstr)>0) and (valstr[1] <> ',') do
1032                         begin
1033                           zvalstr := zvalstr + valstr[1];
1034                           delete(valstr,1,1);
1035                         end;
1036                       val(xvalstr,tmpdbl,code);
1037                       if (code = 0) then
1038                         begin
1039                           xrot := degtorad(tmpdbl);
1040                         end else xrot := 0;
1041                       val(yvalstr,tmpdbl,code);
1042                       if (code = 0) then
1043                         begin
1044                           yrot := degtorad(tmpdbl);
1045                         end else yrot := 0;
1046                       val(zvalstr,tmpdbl,code);
1047                       if (code = 0) then
1048                         begin
1049                           zrot := degtorad(tmpdbl);
1050                         end else zrot := 0;
1051                     end;
1052                 end;             // rotate=
1053               if pos('--autoscale=',tmpstr)>0 then
1054                 begin
1055                   valstr := tmpstr;
1056                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1057                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1058                   if (valstr = 'on')  then opt_autoscale := true;
1059                   if (valstr = 'off') then opt_autoscale := false;
1060                 end;
1061               if pos('--striphydrogen=',tmpstr)>0 then
1062                 begin
1063                   valstr := tmpstr;
1064                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1065                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1066                   if (valstr = 'on') then opt_stripH := true;
1067                   if (valstr = 'off') then opt_stripH := false;
1068                 end;
1069               if pos('--hydrogenonhetero=',tmpstr)>0 then
1070                 begin
1071                   valstr := tmpstr;
1072                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1073                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1074                   if (valstr = 'on') then opt_Honhetero := true;
1075                   if (valstr = 'off') then opt_Honhetero := false;
1076                 end;
1077               if pos('--hydrogenonmethyl=',tmpstr)>0 then
1078                 begin
1079                   valstr := tmpstr;
1080                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1081                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1082                   if (valstr = 'on') then opt_Honmethyl := true;
1083                   if (valstr = 'off') then opt_Honmethyl := false;
1084                 end;
1085               if pos('--hydrogenonstereo=',tmpstr)>0 then
1086                 begin
1087                   valstr := tmpstr;
1088                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1089                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1090                   if (valstr = 'on') then opt_Honstereo := true;
1091                   if (valstr = 'off') then opt_Honstereo := false;
1092                 end;
1093               if pos('--showmolname=',tmpstr)>0 then
1094                 begin
1095                   valstr := tmpstr;
1096                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1097                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1098                   if (valstr = 'on') then opt_showmolname := true;
1099                   if (valstr = 'off') then opt_showmolname := false;
1100                 end;
1101               if pos('--atomnumbers=',tmpstr)>0 then
1102                 begin
1103                   valstr := tmpstr;
1104                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1105                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1106                   if (valstr = 'on') then opt_atomnum := true;
1107                   if (valstr = 'off') then opt_atomnum := false;
1108                 end;
1109               if pos('--bondnumbers=',tmpstr)>0 then
1110                 begin
1111                   valstr := tmpstr;
1112                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1113                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1114                   if (valstr = 'on') then opt_bondnum := true;
1115                   if (valstr = 'off') then opt_bondnum := false;
1116                 end;
1117               if pos('--color=',tmpstr)>0 then
1118                 begin
1119                   valstr := tmpstr;
1120                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1121                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1122                   rgbfilename := valstr;
1123                   opt_color := true;
1124                 end;
1125               if pos('--sgroups=',tmpstr)>0 then   // v0.2a
1126                 begin
1127                   valstr := tmpstr;
1128                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1129                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1130                   if (valstr = 'on') then opt_sgroups := true;
1131                   if (valstr = 'off') then opt_sgroups := false;
1132                 end;
1133               if pos('--showmaps=',tmpstr)>0 then   // v0.3a
1134                 begin
1135                   valstr := tmpstr;
1136                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1137                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1138                   if (valstr = 'on') then opt_maps := true;
1139                   if (valstr = 'off') then opt_maps := false;
1140                 end;
1141               if pos('--scaling=',tmpstr)>0 then
1142                 begin
1143                   valstr := tmpstr;
1144                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1145                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1146                   val(valstr,tmpdbl,code);
1147                   if (code = 0) then
1148                     begin
1149                       if (tmpdbl >= 0.1) and (tmpdbl <= 10) then
1150                         begin
1151                           global_scaling := tmpdbl;
1152                         end;
1153                     end;
1154                 end;
1155               if pos('--bgcolor=',tmpstr)>0 then
1156                 begin
1157                   valstr := tmpstr;
1158                   delete(valstr,1,pos('=',tmpstr));
1159                   trimleft(valstr); trimright(valstr);
1160                   if (valstr = 'white') or (valstr = 'gray') then
1161                     begin
1162                       opt_bgcolor := true;
1163                       if (valstr = 'white') then
1164                         begin
1165                           bgcolor.r := 255;
1166                           bgcolor.g := 255;
1167                           bgcolor.b := 255;
1168                         end;
1169                       if (valstr = 'gray') then
1170                         begin
1171                           bgcolor.r := 224;
1172                           bgcolor.g := 224;
1173                           bgcolor.b := 224;
1174                         end;
1175                     end else
1176                     begin
1177                       xvalstr := ''; yvalstr := ''; zvalstr := '';
1178                       while (length(valstr)>0) and (valstr[1] <> ',') do
1179                         begin
1180                           xvalstr := xvalstr + valstr[1];
1181                           delete(valstr,1,1);
1182                         end;
1183                       while (length(valstr)>0) and (valstr[1] = ',') do delete(valstr,1,1);
1184                       while (length(valstr)>0) and (valstr[1] <> ',') do
1185                         begin
1186                           yvalstr := yvalstr + valstr[1];
1187                           delete(valstr,1,1);
1188                         end;
1189                       while (length(valstr)>0) and (valstr[1] = ',') do delete(valstr,1,1);
1190                       while (length(valstr)>0) and (valstr[1] <> ',') do
1191                         begin
1192                           zvalstr := zvalstr + valstr[1];
1193                           delete(valstr,1,1);
1194                         end;
1195                       val(xvalstr,int1,code);
1196                       if (code <> 0) then int1 := -1;
1197                       val(yvalstr,int2,code);
1198                       if (code <> 0) then int2 := -1;
1199                       val(zvalstr,int3,code);
1200                       if (code <> 0) then int3 := -1;
1201                       if ((int1 >= 0) and (int1 <= 255) and
1202                           (int2 >= 0) and (int2 <= 255) and
1203                           (int3 >= 0) and (int3 <= 255)) then
1204                         begin
1205                           opt_bgcolor := true;
1206                           bgcolor.r := int1;
1207                           bgcolor.g := int2;
1208                           bgcolor.b := int3;
1209                         end;
1210                     end;
1211                 end;             // bgcolor=
1212               if pos('--output=',tmpstr)>0 then
1213                 begin
1214                   if pos('=ps',tmpstr)>0 then
1215                     begin
1216                       progmode := pmMol2PS;
1217                       opt_eps := false;
1218                     end else
1219                     begin
1220                       if pos('=eps',tmpstr)>0 then
1221                         begin
1222                           progmode := pmMol2PS;
1223                           opt_eps := true;
1224                         end else progmode := pmMol2SVG;
1225                     end;
1226                 end;
1227               // some more options still to come...
1228             end;
1229           {$IFDEF debug}
1230           if (parstr = '-D') then opt_debug := true;  // v0.1f
1231           {$ENDIF}
1232         end else
1233         begin
1234           if (pos('-',parstr)=1) then
1235             begin
1236               if (length(parstr)>1) and (rxn_mode = false) then
1237                 begin
1238                   show_usage;
1239                   halt(1);
1240                 end else
1241                 begin
1242                   opt_stdin := true;
1243                 end;
1244             end else
1245               begin
1246                 opt_stdin := false;
1247                 molfilename := parstr;
1248               end;
1249         end;
1250     end;
1251 end;
1254 //============== input-related functions & procedures =====================
get_filetypenull1256 function get_filetype(f:string):string;
1257 var
1258   rline : string;
1259   auxstr : string;
1260   i : integer;
1261   mdl1 : boolean;
1262   ri : integer;
1263   sepcount : integer;
1264 begin
1265   auxstr := 'unknown';
1266   i := li; mdl1 := false;
1267   ri := li -1;
1268   sepcount := 0;
1269   while (ri < molbufindex) and (sepcount < 1) do
1270     begin
1271       inc(ri);
1272       rline := molbuf^[ri];
1273       if (pos('$$$$',rline)>0) then inc(sepcount);
1274       if (i = li) and (copy(rline,7,5)='ATOMS')
1275                  and (copy(rline,20,5)='BONDS')
1276                  and (copy(rline,33,7)='CHARGES') then
1277         begin
1278           auxstr := 'alchemy';
1279         end;
1280       if (i = li+3) // and (copy(rline,31,3)='999')
1281                  and (copy(rline,35,5)='V2000')      then mdl1 := true;
1282       if (i = li+1) and (copy(rline,3,6)='-ISIS-')      then mdl1 := true;
1283       if (i = li+1) and (copy(rline,3,8)='WLViewer')    then mdl1 := true;
1284       if (i = li+1) and (copy(rline,3,8)='CheckMol')    then mdl1 := true;
1285       if (i = li+1) and (copy(rline,3,8)='CATALYST') then
1286         begin
1287           mdl1 := true;
1288           auxstr := 'mdl';
1289         end;
1290       if (pos('M  END',rline)=1) or mdl1 then
1291         begin
1292           auxstr := 'mdl';
1293         end;
1294       if pos('@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE',rline)>0 then
1295         begin
1296           auxstr := 'sybyl';
1297         end;
1298       inc(i);
1299     end;
1300   // try to identify non-conformant SD-files
1301   if (auxstr = 'unknown') and (sepcount > 0) then auxstr := 'mdl';
1302   get_filetype := auxstr;
1303 end;
1306 procedure zap_molecule;
1307 begin
1308   try
1309     if atom <> nil then
1310       begin
1311         freemem(atom,n_atoms*sizeof(atom_rec));
1312         atom := nil;
1313       end;
1314     if bond <> nil then
1315       begin
1316         freemem(bond,n_bonds*sizeof(bond_rec));
1317         bond := nil;
1318       end;
1319     if ring <> nil then
1320       begin
1321         freemem(ring,sizeof(ringlist));
1322         ring := nil;
1323       end;
1324     if ringprop <> nil then
1325       begin
1326         freemem(ringprop,sizeof(ringprop_type));
1327         ringprop := nil;
1328       end;
1329     if bracket <> nil then  // v0.1f
1330       begin
1331         freemem(bracket,sizeof(bracket_type));
1332         bracket := nil;
1333       end;
1334     if sgroup <> nil then  // v0.2a
1335       begin
1336         freemem(sgroup,sizeof(sgroup_type));
1337         sgroup := nil;
1338       end;
1339   except
1340     on e:Einvalidpointer do begin end;
1341   end;
1342   n_atoms := 0;
1343   n_bonds := 0;
1344   n_rings := 0;
1345   n_brackets := 0; // v0.1f
1346   n_sgroups  := 0; // v0.2a
1347 end;
is_heavyatomnull1350 function is_heavyatom(id:integer):boolean;
1351 var
1352   r  : boolean;
1353   el : str2;
1354 begin
1355   r  := true;
1356   el := atom^[id].element;
1357   if (el = 'H ') or (el = 'DU') or (el = 'LP') then r := false;
1358   if (el = 'H ') and (atom^[id].nucleon_number > 1) then r:= true;
1359   is_heavyatom := r;
1360 end;
is_metalnull1363 function is_metal(id:integer):boolean;
1364 var
1365   r  : boolean;
1366   el : str2;
1367 begin
1368   r  := false;
1369   el := atom^[id].element;
1370   if (el = 'LI') or (el = 'NA') or (el = 'K ') or (el = 'RB') or (el = 'CS') or
1371      (el = 'BE') or (el = 'MG') or (el = 'CA') or (el = 'SR') or (el = 'BA') or
1372      (el = 'TI') or (el = 'ZR') or (el = 'CR') or (el = 'MO') or (el = 'MN') or
1373      (el = 'FE') or (el = 'CO') or (el = 'NI') or (el = 'PD') or (el = 'PT') or
1374      (el = 'SN') or (el = 'CU') or (el = 'AG') or (el = 'AU') or (el = 'ZN') or
1375      (el = 'CD') or (el = 'HG') or (el = 'AL') or (el = 'SN') or (el = 'PB') or
1376      (el = 'SB') or (el = 'BI')                                   // etc. etc.
1377     then r := true;
1378   is_metal := r;
1379 end;
get_nvalencesnull1382 function get_nvalences(a_el:str2):integer;
1383 // preliminary version; should be extended to element/atomtype
1384 var
1385   res : integer;
1386 begin
1387   res := 1;
1388   if a_el = 'H ' then res := 1;
1389   if a_el = 'D ' then res := 1;
1390   if a_el = 'C ' then res := 4;
1391   if a_el = 'N ' then res := 3;
1392   if a_el = 'O ' then res := 2;
1393   if a_el = 'S ' then res := 2;
1394   if a_el = 'SE' then res := 2;
1395   if a_el = 'TE' then res := 2;
1396   if a_el = 'P ' then res := 3;
1397   if a_el = 'F ' then res := 1;
1398   if a_el = 'CL' then res := 1;
1399   if a_el = 'BR' then res := 1;
1400   if a_el = 'I ' then res := 1;
1401   if a_el = 'B ' then res := 3;
1402   if a_el = 'LI' then res := 1;
1403   if a_el = 'NA' then res := 1;
1404   if a_el = 'K ' then res := 1;
1405   if a_el = 'CA' then res := 2;
1406   if a_el = 'SR' then res := 2;
1407   if a_el = 'MG' then res := 2;
1408   if a_el = 'FE' then res := 3;
1409   if a_el = 'MN' then res := 2;
1410   if a_el = 'HG' then res := 2;
1411   if a_el = 'SI' then res := 4;
1412   if a_el = 'SN' then res := 4;
1413   if a_el = 'ZN' then res := 2;
1414   if a_el = 'CU' then res := 2;
1415   if a_el = 'A ' then res := 4;
1416   if a_el = 'Q ' then res := 4;
1417   get_nvalences := res;
1418 end;
convert_typenull1421 function convert_type(oldtype : str4):str3;
1422 var
1423   i : integer;
1424   newtype : str3;
1425 begin
1426   newtype := copy(oldtype,1,3);
1427   for i := 1 to 3 do newtype[i] := upcase(newtype[i]);
1428   if newtype[1] = '~' then newtype := 'VAL';
1429   If newtype[1] = '*' then newtype := 'STR';
1430   convert_type := newtype;
1431 end;
convert_sybtypenull1434 function convert_sybtype(oldtype : str5):str3;
1435 var
1436   newtype : str3;
1437 begin
1438 //  NewType := Copy(OldType,1,3);
1439 //  For i := 1 To 3 Do NewType[i] := UpCase(NewType[i]);
1440 //  If NewType[1] = '~' Then NewType := 'VAL';
1441 //  If NewType[1] = '*' Then NewType := 'STR';
1442   newtype := 'DU ';
1443   if oldtype = 'H    ' then newtype := 'H  ';
1444   if oldtype = 'C.ar ' then newtype := 'CAR';
1445   if oldtype = 'C.2  ' then newtype := 'C2 ';
1446   if oldtype = 'C.3  ' then newtype := 'C3 ';
1447   if oldtype = 'C.1  ' then newtype := 'C1 ';
1448   if oldtype = 'O.2  ' then newtype := 'O2 ';
1449   if oldtype = 'O.3  ' then newtype := 'O3 ';
1450   if oldtype = 'O.co2' then newtype := 'O2 ';
1451   if oldtype = 'O.spc' then newtype := 'O3 ';
1452   if oldtype = 'O.t3p' then newtype := 'O3 ';
1453   if oldtype = 'N.1  ' then newtype := 'N1 ';
1454   if oldtype = 'N.2  ' then newtype := 'N2 ';
1455   if oldtype = 'N.3  ' then newtype := 'N3 ';
1456   if oldtype = 'N.pl3' then newtype := 'NPL';
1457   if oldtype = 'N.4  ' then newtype := 'N3+';
1458   if oldtype = 'N.am ' then newtype := 'NAM';
1459   if oldtype = 'N.ar ' then newtype := 'NAR';
1460   if oldtype = 'F    ' then newtype := 'F  ';
1461   if oldtype = 'Cl   ' then newtype := 'CL ';
1462   if oldtype = 'Br   ' then newtype := 'BR ';
1463   if oldtype = 'I    ' then newtype := 'I  ';
1464   if oldtype = 'Al   ' then newtype := 'AL ';
1465   if oldtype = 'ANY  ' then newtype := 'A  ';
1466   if oldtype = 'Ca   ' then newtype := 'CA ';
1467   if oldtype = 'Du   ' then newtype := 'DU ';
1468   if oldtype = 'Du.C ' then newtype := 'DU ';
1469   if oldtype = 'H.spc' then newtype := 'H  ';
1470   if oldtype = 'H.t3p' then newtype := 'H  ';
1471   if oldtype = 'HAL  ' then newtype := 'Cl ';
1472   if oldtype = 'HET  ' then newtype := 'Q  ';
1473   if oldtype = 'HEV  ' then newtype := 'DU ';
1474   if oldtype = 'K    ' then newtype := 'K  ';
1475   if oldtype = 'Li   ' then newtype := 'LI ';
1476   if oldtype = 'LP   ' then newtype := 'LP ';
1477   if oldtype = 'Na   ' then newtype := 'NA ';
1478   if oldtype = 'P.3  ' then newtype := 'P3 ';
1479   if oldtype = 'S.2  ' then newtype := 'S2 ';
1480   if oldtype = 'S.3  ' then newtype := 'S3 ';
1481   if oldtype = 'S.o  ' then newtype := 'SO ';
1482   if oldtype = 'S.o2 ' then newtype := 'SO2';
1483   if oldtype = 'Si   ' then newtype := 'SI ';
1484   if oldtype = 'P.4  ' then newtype := 'P4 ';
1485   convert_sybtype := newtype;
1486 end;
convert_MDLtypenull1489 function convert_MDLtype(oldtype : str3):str3;
1490 var
1491   newtype : str3;
1492 begin
1493 //  NewType := Copy(OldType,1,3);
1494 //  For i := 1 To 3 Do NewType[i] := UpCase(NewType[i]);
1495 //  If NewType[1] = '~' Then NewType := 'VAL';
1496 //  If NewType[1] = '*' Then NewType := 'STR';
1497   newtype := 'DU ';
1498   if oldtype = 'H  ' then newtype := 'H  ';
1499   if oldtype = 'C  ' then newtype := 'C3 ';
1500   if oldtype = 'O  ' then newtype := 'O2 ';
1501   if oldtype = 'N  ' then newtype := 'N3 ';
1502   if oldtype = 'F  ' then newtype := 'F  ';
1503   if oldtype = 'Cl ' then newtype := 'CL ';
1504   if oldtype = 'Br ' then newtype := 'BR ';
1505   if oldtype = 'I  ' then newtype := 'I  ';
1506   if oldtype = 'Al ' then newtype := 'AL ';
1507   if oldtype = 'ANY' then newtype := 'A  ';
1508   if oldtype = 'Ca ' then newtype := 'CA ';
1509   if oldtype = 'Du ' then newtype := 'DU ';
1510   if oldtype = 'K  ' then newtype := 'K  ';
1511   if oldtype = 'Li ' then newtype := 'LI ';
1512   if oldtype = 'LP ' then newtype := 'LP ';
1513   if oldtype = 'Na ' then newtype := 'NA ';
1514   if oldtype = 'P  ' then newtype := 'P3 ';
1515   if oldtype = 'S  ' then newtype := 'S3 ';
1516   if oldtype = 'Si ' then newtype := 'SI ';
1517   if oldtype = 'P  ' then newtype := 'P4 ';
1518   if oldtype = 'A  ' then newtype := 'A  ';
1519   if oldtype = 'Q  ' then newtype := 'Q  ';
1520   convert_MDLtype := NewType;
1521 end;
get_elementnull1524 function get_element(oldtype:str4):str2;
1525 var
1526   elemstr : string;
1527 begin
1528   if oldtype = 'H   ' then elemstr := 'H ';
1529   if oldtype = 'CAR ' then elemstr := 'C ';
1530   if oldtype = 'C2  ' then elemstr := 'C ';
1531   if oldtype = 'C3  ' then elemstr := 'C ';
1532   if oldtype = 'C1  ' then elemstr := 'C ';
1533   if oldtype = 'O2  ' then elemstr := 'O ';
1534   if oldtype = 'O3  ' then elemstr := 'O ';
1535   if oldtype = 'O2  ' then elemstr := 'O ';
1536   if oldtype = 'O3  ' then elemstr := 'O ';
1537   if oldtype = 'O3  ' then elemstr := 'O ';
1538   if oldtype = 'N1  ' then elemstr := 'N ';
1539   if oldtype = 'N2  ' then elemstr := 'N ';
1540   if oldtype = 'N3  ' then elemstr := 'N ';
1541   if oldtype = 'NPL ' then elemstr := 'N ';
1542   if oldtype = 'N3+ ' then elemstr := 'N ';
1543   if oldtype = 'NAM ' then elemstr := 'N ';
1544   if oldtype = 'NAR ' then elemstr := 'N ';
1545   if oldtype = 'F   ' then elemstr := 'F ';
1546   if oldtype = 'CL  ' then elemstr := 'CL';
1547   if oldtype = 'BR  ' then elemstr := 'BR';
1548   if oldtype = 'I   ' then elemstr := 'I ';
1549   if oldtype = 'AL  ' then elemstr := 'AL';
1550   if oldtype = 'DU  ' then elemstr := 'DU';
1551   if oldtype = 'CA  ' then elemstr := 'CA';
1552   if oldtype = 'DU  ' then elemstr := 'DU';
1553   if oldtype = 'Cl  ' then elemstr := 'CL';
1554   if oldtype = 'K   ' then elemstr := 'K ';
1555   if oldtype = 'LI  ' then elemstr := 'LI';
1556   if oldtype = 'LP  ' then elemstr := 'LP';
1557   if oldtype = 'NA  ' then elemstr := 'NA';
1558   if oldtype = 'P3  ' then elemstr := 'P ';
1559   if oldtype = 'S2  ' then elemstr := 'S ';
1560   if oldtype = 'S3  ' then elemstr := 'S ';
1561   if oldtype = 'SO  ' then elemstr := 'S ';
1562   if oldtype = 'SO2 ' then elemstr := 'S ';
1563   if oldtype = 'SI  ' then elemstr := 'SI';
1564   if oldtype = 'P4  ' then elemstr := 'P ';
1565   if oldtype = 'A   ' then elemstr := 'A ';
1566   if oldtype = 'Q   ' then elemstr := 'Q ';
1567   get_element := elemstr;
1568 end;
get_sybelementnull1571 function get_sybelement(oldtype:str5):str2;
1572 var
1573   i : integer;
1574   elemstr : str2;
1575 begin
1576   if pos('.',oldtype)<2 then
1577     begin
1578       elemstr := copy(oldtype,1,2);
1579     end else
1580     begin
1581       elemstr := copy(oldtype,1,pos('.',oldtype)-1);
1582       if length(elemstr)<2 then elemstr := elemstr+' ';
1583     end;
1584   for i := 1 to 2 do elemstr[i] := upcase(elemstr[i]);
1585   get_sybelement := elemstr;
1586 end;
get_MDLelementnull1589 function get_MDLelement(oldtype:str3):str2;
1590 var
1591   i : integer;
1592   elemstr : str2;
1593 begin
1594   elemstr := copy(oldtype,1,2);
1595   for i := 1 to 2 do elemstr[i] := upcase(elemstr[i]);
1596   if elemstr[1] = '~' then elemstr := '??';
1597   if elemstr[1] = '*' then elemstr := '??';
1598   {$IFDEF clean_marvin_r}
1599   if elemstr = 'R#' then elemstr := 'R ';
1600   {$ENDIF}
1601   get_MDLelement := elemstr;
1602 end;
1605 procedure read_molfile(mfilename:string);  // reads ALCHEMY mol files
1606 var
1607   n, code : integer;
1608   rline, tmpstr : string;
1609   xstr, ystr, zstr, chgstr : string;
1610   xval, yval, zval, chgval : single;
1611   a1str, a2str, elemstr : string;
1612   a1val, a2val : integer;
1613   ri : integer;
1614 begin
1615   if n_atoms > 0 then zap_molecule;
1616   ri := li;
1617   rline := molbuf^[ri];
1618   tmpstr := copy(rline,1,5);
1619   val(tmpstr,n_atoms,code);
1620   tmpstr := copy(rline,14,5);
1621   val(tmpstr,n_bonds,code);
1622   molname := copy(rline,42,length(rline)-42);
1623   try
1624     getmem(atom,n_atoms*sizeof(atom_rec));
1625     getmem(bond,n_bonds*sizeof(bond_rec));
1626     getmem(ring,sizeof(ringlist));
1627     getmem(ringprop,sizeof(ringprop_type));
1628     getmem(bracket,sizeof(bracket_type));  // v0.1f
1629     getmem(sgroup,sizeof(sgroup_type));  // v0.2a
1630   except
1631     on e:Eoutofmemory do
1632       begin
1633         writeln('Not enough memory');
1634         halt(4);
1635       end;
1636   end;
1637   n_heavyatoms := 0;
1638   n_heavybonds := 0;
1639   for n := 1 to n_atoms do
1640     begin
1641       with atom^[n] do
1642         begin
1643           x := 0; y := 0; z := 0;
1644           formal_charge  := 0;
1645           real_charge    := 0;
1646           Hexp           := 0;
1647           Htot           := 0;
1648           neighbor_count := 0;
1649           ring_count     := 0;
1650           arom           := FALSE;
1651           stereo_care    := FALSE;
1652           map_id         := 0;
1653         end;
1654       inc(ri);
1655       rline := molbuf^[ri];
1656       atomtype := copy(rline,7,4);
1657       atomtype := upcase(atomtype);
1658       elemstr  := get_element(atomtype);
1659       newatomtype := convert_type(atomtype);
1660       xstr := copy(rline,14,7);
1661       ystr := copy(rline,23,7);
1662       zstr := copy(rline,32,7);
1663       chgstr := copy(rline,43,7);
1664       val(xstr,xval,code);
1665       val(ystr,yval,code);
1666       val(zstr,zval,code);
1667       val(chgstr,chgval,code);
1668       with atom^[n] do
1669         begin
1670           element := elemstr;
1671           atype := newatomtype;
1672           x := xval; y := yval; z := zval; real_charge := chgval;
1673           x_orig := xval; y_orig := yval; z_orig := zval;
1674         end;
1675       if is_heavyatom(n) then inc(n_heavyatoms);
1676     end;
1677   for n := 1 to n_bonds do
1678     begin
1679       inc(ri);
1680       rline := molbuf^[ri];
1681       a1str := copy(rline,9,3);
1682       a2str := copy(rline,15,3);
1683       val(a1str,a1val,code);
1684       if code <> 0 then beep;
1685       val(a2str,a2val,code);
1686       if code <> 0 then beep;
1687       with bond^[n] do
1688         begin
1689           a1 := a1val; a2 := a2val; btype := rline[20];
1690           ring_count := 0; arom := false; topo := btopo_any; stereo := bstereo_any;
1691           bsubtype := 'N';
1692           a_handle := 0;
1693         end;
1694       if is_heavyatom(a1val) and is_heavyatom(a2val) then inc(n_heavybonds);
1695     end;
1696   fillchar(ring^,sizeof(ringlist),0);
1697   for n := 1 to max_rings do
1698     begin
1699       ringprop^[n].size     := 0;
1700       ringprop^[n].arom     := false;
1701       ringprop^[n].envelope := false;
1702     end;
1703   li := ri + 1;
1704 end;
1707 procedure read_mol2file(mfilename:string);  // reads SYBYL mol2 files
1708 var
1709   n, code : integer;
1710   sybatomtype : string[5];
1711   tmpstr, rline : string;
1712   xstr, ystr, zstr, chgstr : string;
1713   xval, yval, zval, chgval : single;
1714   a1str, a2str, elemstr : string;
1715   a1val, a2val : integer;
1716   ri : integer;
1717 begin
1718   if n_atoms > 0 then zap_molecule;
1719   rline := '';
1720   ri := li -1;
1721   while (ri < molbufindex) and (pos('@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE',rline)=0) do
1722     begin
1723       inc(ri);
1724       rline := molbuf^[ri];
1725     end;
1726   if ri < molbufindex then
1727     begin
1728       inc(ri);
1729       molname := molbuf^[ri];
1730     end;
1731   if ri < molbufindex then
1732     begin
1733       inc(ri);
1734       rline := molbuf^[ri];
1735     end;
1736   tmpstr := copy(rline,1,5);
1737   val(tmpstr,n_atoms,code);
1738   tmpstr := copy(rline,7,5);
1739   val(tmpstr,n_bonds,code);
1740   try
1741     getmem(atom,n_atoms*sizeof(atom_rec));
1742     getmem(bond,n_bonds*sizeof(bond_rec));
1743     getmem(ring,sizeof(ringlist));
1744     getmem(ringprop,sizeof(ringprop_type));
1745     getmem(bracket,sizeof(bracket_type));  // v0.1f
1746     getmem(sgroup,sizeof(sgroup_type));  // v0.2a
1747   except
1748     on e:Eoutofmemory do
1749       begin
1750         writeln('Not enough memory');
1751         halt(4);
1752       end;
1753   end;
1754   n_heavyatoms := 0;
1755   n_heavybonds := 0;
1756   while ((ri < molbufindex) and (pos('@<TRIPOS>ATOM',rline)=0)) do
1757     begin
1758       inc(ri);
1759       rline := molbuf^[ri];
1760     end;
1761   for n := 1 to n_atoms do
1762   begin
1763     with atom^[n] do
1764       begin
1765         x := 0; y := 0; z := 0;
1766         formal_charge  := 0;
1767         real_charge    := 0;
1768         Hexp           := 0;
1769         Htot           := 0;
1770         neighbor_count := 0;
1771         ring_count     := 0;
1772         arom           := FALSE;
1773         stereo_care    := false;
1774         map_id         := 0;
1775       end;
1776     if (ri < molbufindex) then
1777       begin
1778         inc(ri);
1779         rline := molbuf^[ri];
1780       end;
1781     sybatomtype := copy(rline,48,5);
1782     elemstr     := get_sybelement(sybatomtype);
1783     newatomtype := convert_sybtype(sybatomtype);
1784     xstr := copy(rline,18,9);
1785     ystr := copy(rline,28,9);
1786     zstr := copy(rline,38,9);
1787     chgstr := copy(rline,70,9);
1788     val(xstr,xval,code);
1789     val(ystr,yval,code);
1790     val(zstr,zval,code);
1791     val(chgstr,chgval,code);
1792     with atom^[n] do
1793       begin
1794         element := elemstr;
1795         atype := newatomtype;
1796         x := xval; y := yval; z := zval; real_charge := chgval;
1797         x_orig := xval; y_orig := yval; z_orig := zval;
1798       end;
1799     if is_heavyatom(n) then inc(n_heavyatoms);
1800   end;
1801   while ((ri < molbufindex) and (pos('@<TRIPOS>BOND',rline)=0)) do
1802     begin
1803       inc(ri);
1804       rline := molbuf^[ri];
1805     end;
1806   for n := 1 to n_bonds do
1807   begin
1808     if (ri < molbufindex) then
1809       begin
1810         inc(ri);
1811         rline := molbuf^[ri];
1812       end;
1813     a1str := copy(rline,9,3);
1814     a2str := copy(rline,14,3);
1815     val(a1str,a1val,code);
1816     if code <> 0 then writeln(rline, #7);
1817     val(a2str,a2val,code);
1818     if code <> 0 then writeln(rline,#7);
1819     with bond^[n] do
1820       begin
1821         a1 := a1val; a2 := a2val;
1822         if rline[18] = '1' then btype := 'S';
1823         if rline[18] = '2' then btype := 'D';
1824         if rline[18] = '3' then btype := 'T';
1825         if rline[18] = 'a' then btype := 'A';
1826         ring_count := 0; arom := false; topo := btopo_any; stereo := bstereo_any;
1827         bsubtype := 'N';
1828         a_handle := 0;
1829       end;
1830     if is_heavyatom(a1val) and is_heavyatom(a2val) then inc(n_heavybonds);
1831   end;
1832   fillchar(ring^,sizeof(ringlist),0);
1833   for n := 1 to max_rings do
1834     begin
1835       ringprop^[n].size     := 0;
1836       ringprop^[n].arom     := false;
1837       ringprop^[n].envelope := false;
1838     end;
1839   li := ri + 1;
1840 end;
get_bracket_indexnull1843 function get_bracket_index(id:integer):integer;
1844 var
1845   i, r : integer;
1846 begin
1847   r := 0;
1848   if (n_brackets > 0) then
1849     begin
1850       for i := 1 to n_brackets do
1851         begin
1852           if bracket^[i].id = id then r := i;
1853         end;
1854     end;
1855   get_bracket_index := r;
1856 end;
get_sgroup_indexnull1859 function get_sgroup_index(id:integer):integer;
1860 var
1861   i, r : integer;
1862 begin
1863   r := 0;
1864   if (n_sgroups > 0) then
1865     begin
1866       for i := 1 to n_sgroups do
1867         begin
1868           if sgroup^[i].id = id then r := i;
1869         end;
1870     end;
1871   get_sgroup_index := r;
1872 end;
1874 procedure read_alias(astring,line2:string);    // v0.2b
1875 var
1876   a_id : integer;
1877   a_alias : string;
1878   a_j : integer;
1879   // typical example:
1880   // A   39
1881   // Atto647N
1882   // always 2 lines, the first one with "A   nnn" where nnn is the atom number,
1883   // the second line contains the alias;
1884   // the usual markups apply: \S = superscript, \s = subscript, \n = normal
1885 begin
1886   // MDL specs:
1887   // A   nnn              // nnn = atom number
1888   // xxx                  // xxx = the alias text
1889   // mol2ps extension:
1890   // A   nnnjjj           // nnn = atom number  jjj = justification ( 0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = center
1891   // xxx                  // xxx = the alias text
1892   if (pos('A  ',astring)>0) then
1893     begin
1894       delete(astring,1,3);
1895       left_trim(astring);
1896       a_id := left_int(astring);  // atom number (MDL standard
1897       a_j  := left_int(astring);  // justification (mol2ps extension)
1898       {$IFDEF debug}
1899       if (a_id = 0) then debugoutput('strange... label for atom 0');
1900       {$ENDIF}
1901       if (length(line2) <= 80) then a_alias := line2 else a_alias := copy(line2,1,80);
1902       if (a_id > 0) and (a_id <= n_atoms) then
1903         begin
1904           {$IFDEF debug}
1905           debugoutput('adding alias '+a_alias+' to atom '+inttostr(a_id));
1906           {$ENDIF}
1907           atom^[a_id].alias := a_alias;
1908           atom^[a_id].a_just := 0;  // default
1909           if (a_j = 1) or (a_j = 2) then atom^[a_id].a_just := a_j;
1910         end;
1911     end;
1912 end;
1916 procedure read_charges(chgstring:string);
1917 var
1918   a_id, a_chg : integer;
1919   n_chrg : integer;
1920   // typical example: a molecule with 2 cations + 1 anion
1921   // M  CHG  3   8   1  10   1  11  -1
1922 begin
1923   if (pos('M  CHG',chgstring)>0) then
1924     begin
1925       delete(chgstring,1,6);
1926       left_trim(chgstring);
1927       n_chrg := left_int(chgstring);  // this assignment must be kept also in non-debug mode!
1928       {$IFDEF debug}
1929       if (n_chrg = 0) then debugoutput('strange... M  CHG present, but no charges found');
1930       {$ENDIF}
1931       while (length(chgstring) > 0) do
1932         begin
1933           a_id  := left_int(chgstring);
1934           a_chg := left_int(chgstring);
1935           if (a_id <> 0) and (a_chg <> 0) then atom^[a_id].formal_charge := a_chg;
1936         end;
1937     end;
1938 end;
1941 procedure read_isotopes(isotopestring:string);
1942 var
1943   a_id, a_nucleon_number : integer;
1944   n_isotopes : integer;
1945   // typical example: a molecule with 3 isotopes
1946   // M  ISO  3   8   15  10   13  11  17
1947 begin
1948   if (pos('M  ISO',isotopestring) > 0) then
1949     begin
1950       delete(isotopestring,1,6);
1951       left_trim(isotopestring);
1952       n_isotopes := left_int(isotopestring);  // this assignment must be kept also in non-debug mode!
1953       {$IFDEF debug}
1954       if (n_isotopes = 0) then debugoutput('strange... M  ISO with nucleon_numer = 0');
1955       {$ENDIF}
1956       while (length(isotopestring) > 0) do
1957         begin
1958           a_id  := left_int(isotopestring);
1959           a_nucleon_number := left_int(isotopestring);
1960           if (a_id <> 0) and (a_nucleon_number > 0) then
1961             begin
1962               atom^[a_id].nucleon_number := a_nucleon_number;
1963               if (atom^[a_id].element = 'H ') and (a_nucleon_number > 1) then
1964                 begin
1965                   //keep_DT := false;
1966                   //if opt_iso then
1967                     begin
1968                       atom^[a_id].heavy := true;
1969                       inc(n_heavyatoms);
1970                     end;
1971                   atom^[a_id].atype := 'DU ';
1972                 end;
1973             end;
1974         end;
1975     end;
1976 end;
1979 procedure read_radicals(radstring:string);
1980 var
1981   a_id, a_rad : integer;
1982   n_rads : integer;
1983   // typical example: a molecule with a radical
1984   // M  RAD  1   8   2
1985 begin
1986   if (pos('M  RAD',radstring) > 0) then
1987     begin
1988       delete(radstring,1,6);
1989       left_trim(radstring);
1990       n_rads := left_int(radstring);  // this assignment must be kept also in non-debug mode!
1991       {$IFDEF debug}
1992       if (n_rads = 0) then debugoutput('strange... M  RAD present, but no radicals found');
1993       {$ENDIF}
1994       while (length(radstring) > 0) do
1995         begin
1996           a_id  := left_int(radstring);
1997           a_rad := left_int(radstring);
1998           if (a_id <> 0) and (a_rad <> 0) then atom^[a_id].radical_type := a_rad;
1999         end;
2000     end;
2001 end;
2004 procedure read_brackets(sgroupstring:string);
2005 var
2006   br_id : integer;
2007   br_index : integer;
2008   n_tmp : integer;
2009   xtmp, ytmp : single;
2010   k : integer;
2011 begin
2012   if (pos('M  SDI',sgroupstring) > 0) then
2013     begin
2014       delete(sgroupstring,1,6);
2015       left_trim(sgroupstring);
2016       br_id := left_int(sgroupstring);  // this assignment must be kept also in non-debug mode!
2017       n_tmp := left_int(sgroupstring);  // this assignment must be kept also in non-debug mode!
2018       {$IFDEF debug}
2019       {$ENDIF}
2020       br_index := get_bracket_index(br_id);
2021       if (br_index > 0) and (br_index <= n_brackets) then
2022         begin
2023           k := 1;
2024           if (bracket^[br_index].x1 = 0) and (bracket^[br_index].y1 = 0) and
2025              (bracket^[br_index].x2 = 0) and (bracket^[br_index].y2 = 0) then k := 1;
2026           if (bracket^[br_index].x1 <> 0) or (bracket^[br_index].y1 <> 0) or
2027              (bracket^[br_index].x2 <> 0) or (bracket^[br_index].y2 <> 0) then k := 3;
2028           while (length(sgroupstring) > 0) do
2029             begin
2030               xtmp  := left_float(sgroupstring);
2031               ytmp  := left_float(sgroupstring);
2032               with bracket^[br_index] do
2033                 begin
2034                   if k = 1 then
2035                     begin
2036                       x1 := xtmp;
2037                       y1 := ytmp;
2038                     end;
2039                   if k = 2 then
2040                     begin
2041                       x2 := xtmp;
2042                       y2 := ytmp;
2043                     end;
2044                   if k = 3 then
2045                     begin
2046                       x3 := xtmp;
2047                       y3 := ytmp;
2048                     end;
2049                   if k = 4 then
2050                     begin
2051                       x4 := xtmp;
2052                       y4 := ytmp;
2053                     end;
2054                 end;
2055               inc(k);
2056             end;  // while
2057         end;
2058     end;
2059 end;
2062 procedure read_sgroups(sgroupstring:string);
2063 var
2064   i, n_sg, sg_id, sg_index : integer;
2065   n_tmp, a, a1, a2, b : integer;
2066   xtmp, ytmp : single;
2067   sg_type : string;
2068   tmpstr : string;
2069 begin
2070   if (pos('M  STY',sgroupstring) > 0) then
2071     begin
2072       delete(sgroupstring,1,6);
2073       left_trim(sgroupstring);
2074       n_sg := left_int(sgroupstring);  // this assignment must be kept also in non-debug mode!
2075       for i := 1 to n_sg do
2076         begin
2077           sg_id := left_int(sgroupstring);
2078           left_trim(sgroupstring);
2079           if length(sgroupstring) >= 3 then
2080             begin
2081               sg_type := copy(sgroupstring,1,3);
2082               delete(sgroupstring,1,3);
2083               if ((sg_type = 'SUP') or (sg_type = 'DAT')) and (n_sgroups < max_sgroups) then
2084                 begin
2085                   inc(n_sgroups);
2086                   sgroup^[n_sgroups].id := sg_id;
2087                   sgroup^[n_sgroups].sgtype := sg_type;
2088                 end;
2089               if (sg_type = 'SRU') and (n_brackets < max_brackets) then
2090                 begin
2091                   inc(n_brackets);
2092                   bracket^[n_brackets].id := sg_id;
2093                   bracket^[n_brackets].x1 := 0;
2094                   bracket^[n_brackets].y1 := 0;
2095                   bracket^[n_brackets].x2 := 0;
2096                   bracket^[n_brackets].y2 := 0;
2097                   bracket^[n_brackets].x3 := 0;
2098                   bracket^[n_brackets].y3 := 0;
2099                   bracket^[n_brackets].x4 := 0;
2100                   bracket^[n_brackets].y4 := 0;
2101                   //bracket^[n_brackets].brtype := what??;
2102                 end;
2103             end;
2104         end;
2106     end;
2107   if (pos('M  SMT',sgroupstring) > 0) then
2108     begin
2109       delete(sgroupstring,1,6);
2110       left_trim(sgroupstring);
2111       sg_id := left_int(sgroupstring);  // this assignment must be kept also in non-debug mode!
2112       left_trim(sgroupstring);
2113       sg_index := get_sgroup_index(sg_id);
2114       if (sg_index > 0) then sgroup^[sg_index].sglabel := sgroupstring;
2115       sg_index := get_bracket_index(sg_id);
2116       if (sg_index > 0) then bracket^[sg_index].brlabel := sgroupstring;
2117     end;
2118   if (pos('M  SDD',sgroupstring) > 0) then
2119     begin
2120       tmpstr := copy(sgroupstring,8,3);
2121       sg_id := left_int(tmpstr);
2122       sg_index := get_sgroup_index(sg_id);
2123       if (sg_index > 0) then
2124         begin
2125           tmpstr := copy(sgroupstring,12,10);
2126           xtmp := left_float(tmpstr);
2127           tmpstr := copy(sgroupstring,22,10);
2128           ytmp := left_float(tmpstr);
2129           sgroup^[sg_index].x := xtmp;
2130           sgroup^[sg_index].y := ytmp;
2131           sgroup^[sg_index].justification := 'L';  // preliminary (maybe "centered" would look better
2132           //with sgroup^[sg_index] do writeln('% ',sg_index,':  x = ',x:1:5,', y = ',y:1:5,' label = ',sglabel);
2133         end;
2134     end;
2135   if (pos('M  SED',sgroupstring) > 0) then
2136     begin
2137       delete(sgroupstring,1,6);
2138       left_trim(sgroupstring);
2139       sg_id := left_int(sgroupstring);  // this assignment must be kept also in non-debug mode!
2140       left_trim(sgroupstring);
2141       sg_index := get_sgroup_index(sg_id);
2142       if (sg_index > 0) then sgroup^[sg_index].sglabel := sgroupstring;
2143       //with sgroup^[sg_index] do writeln('% ',sg_index,':  x = ',x:1:5,', y = ',y:1:5,' label = ',sglabel);
2144     end;
2145   if (pos('M  SAL',sgroupstring) > 0) then
2146     begin
2147       delete(sgroupstring,1,6);
2148       left_trim(sgroupstring);
2149       sg_id := left_int(sgroupstring);
2150       n_tmp := left_int(sgroupstring);
2151       sg_index := get_sgroup_index(sg_id);
2152       if (sg_index > 0) and (sgroup^[sg_index].sgtype = 'SUP') then
2153         begin
2154           for i := 1 to n_tmp do
2155             begin
2156               a := left_int(sgroupstring);
2157               if (a > 0) and (a <= n_atoms) then atom^[a].sg := true;
2158             end;
2159         end;
2160     end;
2161   if (pos('M  SBV',sgroupstring) > 0) then
2162     begin
2163       delete(sgroupstring,1,6);
2164       left_trim(sgroupstring);
2165       sg_id := left_int(sgroupstring);
2166       sg_index := get_sgroup_index(sg_id);
2167       b := left_int(sgroupstring);
2168       if (b > 0) and (b <= n_bonds) then
2169         begin
2170           a1 := bond^[b].a1;
2171           a2 := bond^[b].a2;
2172           if (atom^[a1].sg = true) then sgroup^[sg_index].anchor := a1;  // one of these two atoms should
2173           if (atom^[a2].sg = true) then sgroup^[sg_index].anchor := a2;  // be _not_ in the Sgroup
2174           xtmp := left_float(sgroupstring);
2175           ytmp := left_float(sgroupstring);
2176           if (xtmp <= 0) then sgroup^[sg_index].justification := 'L' else
2177                               sgroup^[sg_index].justification := 'R';
2178         end;
2179     end;
2180 end;
2183 procedure read_MDLmolfile(mfilename:string);  // reads MDL mol files
2184 var
2185   n, code : integer;
2186   rline, tmpstr : string;
2187   xstr, ystr, zstr, chgstr : string;
2188   xval, yval, zval, chgval : single;
2189   a1str, a2str, elemstr : string;
2190   a1val, a2val : integer;
2191   ri, rc, bt,bs : integer;
2192   sepcount : integer;
2193   i : integer;              // new in mol2ps
2194   clearcharges : boolean;   // new in mol2ps
2195   mstr : string;            // v0.3a
2196   mval : integer;           // v0.3a
2197 begin
2198   clearcharges := true;     // new in mol2ps
2199   if n_atoms > 0 then zap_molecule;
2200   rline := '';
2201   ri := li;
2202   molname := molbuf^[ri];            // line 1
2203   if ri < molbufindex then inc(ri);  // line 2
2204   rline   := molbuf^[ri];
2205   if ri < molbufindex then inc(ri);  // line 3
2206   rline   := molbuf^[ri];
2207   //molcomment := rline;
2208   if ri < molbufindex then inc(ri);  // line 4
2209   rline := molbuf^[ri];
2210   tmpstr := copy(rline,1,3);
2211   val(tmpstr,n_atoms,code);
2212   tmpstr := copy(rline,4,3);
2213   val(tmpstr,n_bonds,code);
2214   try
2215     getmem(atom,n_atoms*sizeof(atom_rec));
2216     getmem(bond,n_bonds*sizeof(bond_rec));
2217     getmem(ring,sizeof(ringlist));
2218     getmem(ringprop,sizeof(ringprop_type));
2219     getmem(bracket,sizeof(bracket_type));  // v0.1f
2220     getmem(sgroup,sizeof(sgroup_type));  // v0.2a
2221   except
2222     on e:Eoutofmemory do
2223       begin
2224         writeln('Not enough memory');
2225         close(molfile);
2226         halt(4);
2227         exit;
2228       end;
2229   end;
2230   n_heavyatoms := 0;
2231   n_heavybonds := 0;
2232   for n := 1 to n_atoms do
2233     begin
2234       with atom^[n] do
2235         begin
2236           x := 0; y := 0; z := 0;
2237           formal_charge  := 0;
2238           real_charge    := 0;
2239           Hexp           := 0;
2240           Htot           := 0;
2241           neighbor_count := 0;
2242           ring_count     := 0;
2243           arom           := FALSE;
2244           stereo_care    := false;
2245           metal          := false;
2246           heavy          := false;
2247           tag            := false;
2248           nucleon_number := 0;
2249           radical_type   := 0;
2250           sg             := false;
2251           alias          := '';  // v0.2b
2252           a_just         := 0;   // v0.2b
2253           map_id         := 0;   // v0.3a
2254         end;
2255       if ri < molbufindex then
2256         begin
2257           inc(ri);  // v0.2b
2258           rline := molbuf^[ri];
2259           atomtype := copy(rline,32,3);
2260           elemstr  := get_MDLelement(atomtype);
2261           newatomtype := convert_MDLtype(atomtype);
2262           xstr := copy(rline,2,9);
2263           ystr := copy(rline,12,9);
2264           zstr := copy(rline,22,9);
2265           chgstr := copy(rline,37,3);  // new in mol2ps v0.1
2266           mstr := copy(rline,61,3);    // v0.3a
2267           val(xstr,xval,code);
2268           val(ystr,yval,code);
2269           val(zstr,zval,code);
2270           val(chgstr,chgval,code);
2271           val(mstr,mval,code);
2272           if (chgval <> 0) then
2273             begin
2274               if (chgval >= 1) and (chgval <= 7) then
2275                 chgval := 4 - chgval else chgval := 0;
2276             end;                        // end
2277           with atom^[n] do
2278             begin
2279               element := elemstr;
2280               atype := newatomtype;
2281               x := xval; y := yval; z := zval; formal_charge := round(chgval); real_charge := 0;
2282               x_orig := xval; y_orig := yval; z_orig := zval;
2283               // read aromaticity flag from CheckMol-tweaked MDL molfile
2284               if (length(rline) > 37) and (rline[38] = '0') then
2285                 begin
2286                   arom := true;
2287                 end;
2288               if (length(rline) > 47) and (rline[48] = '1') then stereo_care := true;
2289               if (is_heavyatom(n)) then
2290                 begin
2291                   inc(n_heavyatoms);
2292                   heavy := true;
2293                   if is_metal(n) then metal := true;
2294                 end;
2295               nvalences := get_nvalences(element);  // v0.3m
2296               map_id := mval;  // v0.3a
2297             end;
2298        end;
2299     end;
2300   for n := 1 to n_bonds do
2301     begin
2302       if ri < molbufindex then
2303         begin
2304           inc(ri);  // v0.2b
2305           rline := molbuf^[ri];
2306           a1str := copy(rline,1,3);
2307           a2str := copy(rline,4,3);
2308           val(a1str,a1val,code);
2309           if code <> 0 then beep;
2310           val(a2str,a2val,code);
2311           if code <> 0 then beep;
2312           with bond^[n] do
2313             begin
2314               a1 := a1val; a2 := a2val;
2315               if rline[9] = '1' then btype := 'S';  // single
2316               if rline[9] = '2' then btype := 'D';  // double
2317               if rline[9] = '3' then btype := 'T';  // triple
2318               if rline[9] = '4' then btype := 'A';  // aromatic
2319               if rline[9] = '5' then btype := 'l';  // single or double
2320               if rline[9] = '6' then btype := 's';  // single or aromatic
2321               if rline[9] = '7' then btype := 'd';  // double or aromatic
2322               if rline[9] = '8' then btype := 'a';  // any
2323               bsubtype := 'N';   // mol2ps
2324               a_handle := 0;     // mol2ps
2325               arom := false;
2326               // read aromaticity flag from CheckMol-tweaked MDL molfile
2327               if (btype = 'A') or (rline[8] = '0') then
2328                 begin
2329                   arom := true;
2330                 end;
2331               tmpstr := copy(rline,13,3);  // read ring_count from tweaked molfile
2332               val(tmpstr,rc,code);
2333               tmpstr := copy(rline,16,3);  // read bond topology;
2334               val(tmpstr,bt,code);         // extended features are encoded by leading zero
2335               if ((code <> 0) or (bt < 0) or (bt > 5)) then topo := btopo_any else
2336                 begin
2337                   if (tmpstr[2] = '0') then topo := bt + 3 else topo := bt;
2338                 end;
2339               // stereo property from MDL "stereo care" flag in atom block
2340               stereo := bstereo_any;
2341               if (btype ='D') then
2342                 begin
2343                   if (atom^[a1].stereo_care and atom^[a2].stereo_care) then
2344                     begin                      // this is the MDL-conformant encoding,
2345                       stereo := bstereo_xyz;   // for an alternative see below
2346                     end else
2347                     begin
2348                       tmpstr := copy(rline,10,3);  // read bond stereo specification;
2349                       val(tmpstr,bs,code);         // this extended feature is encoded by a leading zero
2350                       if ((code <> 0) or (bs <= 0) or (bs > 2)) then stereo := bstereo_any
2351                         else stereo := bstereo_xyz;
2352                       if (tmpstr[2] = '0') then stereo := bstereo_xyz;
2353                     end;
2354                 end;
2355               //if stereo <> bstereo_any then ez_search := true;
2356               if (btype ='S') and (length(rline)>11) and (rline[12]='1') then stereo := bstereo_up;
2357               if (btype ='S') and (length(rline)>11) and (rline[12]='6') then stereo := bstereo_down;
2358               tmpstr := copy(rline,10,3);  // new in v0.1c: save original bond stereo specification;
2359               val(tmpstr,bs,code);         // v0.1c
2360               mdl_stereo := bs;            // v0.1c
2361               {$IFDEF csearch_extensions}
2362               if ((btype = 'S') and (mdl_stereo = 4)) then btype := 'C';  // v0.1c  complex bonds
2363               {$ENDIF}
2364               sg := false;
2365             end;
2366           if is_heavyatom(a1val) and is_heavyatom(a2val) then inc(n_heavybonds);
2367       end;
2368     end;
2369   fillchar(bracket^,sizeof(bracket_type),0);  // v0.1f
2370   n_brackets := 0;  // v0.1f
2371   fillchar(sgroup^,sizeof(sgroup_type),0);  // v0.2a
2372   n_sgroups := 0;  // v0.2a
2373   sepcount := 0;
2374   while (ri < molbufindex) and (sepcount < 1) do
2375     begin
2376       inc(ri);
2377       rline := molbuf^[ri];
2378       if (pos('M  CHG',rline) > 0) then
2379         begin
2380           if clearcharges then  // "M  CHG" supersedes all "old-style" charge values
2381             begin
2382               for i := 1 to n_atoms do atom^[i].formal_charge := 0;
2383             end;
2384           read_charges(rline);
2385           clearcharges := false;  // subsequent "M  CHG" lines must not clear previous values
2386         end;
2387       if (pos('A  ',rline) = 1) then   // v0.2b
2388         begin
2389           tmpstr := '';
2390           if ri < molbufindex then inc(ri);  // line 2
2391           tmpstr := molbuf^[ri];
2392           read_alias(rline,tmpstr);
2393         end;
2394       if (pos('M  ISO',rline) > 0) then read_isotopes(rline);
2395       if (pos('M  RAD',rline) > 0) then read_radicals(rline);
2396       if (pos('M  SDI',rline) > 0) then read_brackets(rline);
2397       if (pos('M  STY',rline) > 0)
2398         or (pos('M  SAL',rline) > 0)
2399         or (pos('M  SMT',rline) > 0)
2400         or (pos('M  SBV',rline) > 0)
2401         or (pos('M  SDD',rline) > 0)
2402         or (pos('M  SED',rline) > 0)  then read_sgroups(rline);
2403       if (pos('$$$$',rline)>0) then
2404         begin
2405           inc(sepcount);
2406           if (molbufindex > (ri + 2)) then mol_in_queue := true;  // we assume this is an SDF file
2407         end;
2408     end;
2409   fillchar(ring^,sizeof(ringlist),0);
2410   for n := 1 to max_rings do
2411     begin
2412       ringprop^[n].size     := 0;
2413       ringprop^[n].arom     := false;
2414       ringprop^[n].envelope := false;
2415     end;
2416   li := ri + 1;
2417 end;
2419 //============= chemical processing functions & procedures ============
nvalencesnull2421 function nvalences(a_el:str2):integer;
2422 // preliminary version; should be extended to element/atomtype
2423 var
2424   res : integer;
2425 begin
2426   res := 1;
2427   if a_el = 'H ' then res := 1;
2428   if a_el = 'C ' then res := 4;
2429   if a_el = 'N ' then res := 3;
2430   if a_el = 'O ' then res := 2;
2431   if a_el = 'S ' then res := 2;
2432   if a_el = 'SE' then res := 2;
2433   if a_el = 'TE' then res := 2;
2434   if a_el = 'P ' then res := 3;
2435   if a_el = 'F ' then res := 1;
2436   if a_el = 'CL' then res := 1;
2437   if a_el = 'BR' then res := 1;
2438   if a_el = 'I ' then res := 1;
2439   if a_el = 'B ' then res := 3;
2440   if a_el = 'LI' then res := 1;
2441   if a_el = 'NA' then res := 1;
2442   if a_el = 'K ' then res := 1;
2443   if a_el = 'CA' then res := 2;
2444   if a_el = 'SR' then res := 2;
2445   if a_el = 'MG' then res := 2;
2446   if a_el = 'FE' then res := 3;
2447   if a_el = 'MN' then res := 2;
2448   if a_el = 'HG' then res := 2;
2449   if a_el = 'SI' then res := 4;
2450   if a_el = 'SN' then res := 4;
2451   if a_el = 'ZN' then res := 2;
2452   if a_el = 'CU' then res := 2;
2453   if a_el = 'A ' then res := 4;
2454   if a_el = 'Q ' then res := 4;
2455   nvalences := res;
2456 end;
is_electronegnull2459 function is_electroneg(a_el:str2):boolean;
2460 var
2461   res : boolean;
2462 begin
2463   res := false;;
2464   if a_el = 'N ' then res := true;
2465   if a_el = 'P ' then res := true;
2466   if a_el = 'O ' then res := true;
2467   if a_el = 'S ' then res := true;
2468   if a_el = 'SE' then res := true;
2469   if a_el = 'TE' then res := true;
2470   if a_el = 'F ' then res := true;
2471   if a_el = 'CL' then res := true;
2472   if a_el = 'BR' then res := true;
2473   if a_el = 'I ' then res := true;
2474   if a_el = 'SI' then res := true;  // v0.f
2475   is_electroneg := res;
2476 end;
2479 procedure count_neighbors;
2480 // counts heavy-atom neighbors and explicit hydrogens
2481 var
2482   i : integer;
2483 begin
2484   if (n_atoms < 1) or (n_bonds < 1) then exit;
2485   for i := 1 to n_bonds do
2486     begin
2487       if is_heavyatom(bond^[i].a1) then inc(atom^[(bond^[i].a2)].neighbor_count);
2488       if is_heavyatom(bond^[i].a2) then inc(atom^[(bond^[i].a1)].neighbor_count);
2489       if (atom^[(bond^[i].a1)].element = 'H ') then inc(atom^[(bond^[i].a2)].Hexp);
2490       if (atom^[(bond^[i].a2)].element = 'H ') then inc(atom^[(bond^[i].a1)].Hexp);
2491       // plausibility check
2492       if (atom^[(bond^[i].a1)].neighbor_count > max_neighbors) or
2493          (atom^[(bond^[i].a2)].neighbor_count > max_neighbors) then
2494          begin
2495            mol_OK := false;
2496            //writeln('invalid molecule!');
2497          end;
2498     end;
2499 end;
get_neighborsnull2502 function get_neighbors(id:integer):neighbor_rec;
2503 var
2504   i : integer;
2505   nb_tmp : neighbor_rec;
2506   nb_count : integer;
2507 begin
2508   fillchar(nb_tmp,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
2509   nb_count := 0;
2510   for i := 1 to n_bonds do
2511     begin
2512       if ((bond^[i].a1 = id) and (nb_count < max_neighbors)) and (is_heavyatom(bond^[i].a2)) then
2513         begin
2514           inc(nb_count);
2515           nb_tmp[nb_count] := bond^[i].a2;
2516         end;
2517       if ((bond^[i].a2 = id) and (nb_count < max_neighbors)) and (is_heavyatom(bond^[i].a1)) then
2518         begin
2519           inc(nb_count);
2520           nb_tmp[nb_count] := bond^[i].a1;
2521         end;
2522     end;
2523   get_neighbors := nb_tmp;
2524 end;
get_nextneighborsnull2527 function get_nextneighbors(id:integer;prev_id:integer):neighbor_rec;
2528 var
2529   i : integer;
2530   nb_tmp : neighbor_rec;
2531   nb_count : integer;
2532 begin
2533   // gets all neighbors except prev_id (usually the atom where we came from
2534   fillchar(nb_tmp,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
2535   nb_count := 0;
2536   for i := 1 to n_bonds do
2537     begin
2538       if ((bond^[i].a1 = id) and (bond^[i].a2 <> prev_id) and (nb_count < max_neighbors))
2539         and (is_heavyatom(bond^[i].a2)) then
2540         begin
2541           inc(nb_count);
2542           nb_tmp[nb_count] := bond^[i].a2;
2543         end;
2544       if ((bond^[i].a2 = id) and (bond^[i].a1 <> prev_id) and (nb_count < max_neighbors))
2545         and (is_heavyatom(bond^[i].a1)) then
2546         begin
2547           inc(nb_count);
2548           nb_tmp[nb_count] := bond^[i].a1;
2549         end;
2550     end;
2551   get_nextneighbors := nb_tmp;
2552 end;
get_allneighborsnull2555 function get_allneighbors(id:integer):neighbor_rec;  // v0.1f
2556 var
2557   i : integer;
2558   nb_tmp : neighbor_rec;
2559   nb_count : integer;
2560 begin
2561   fillchar(nb_tmp,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
2562   nb_count := 0;
2563   for i := 1 to n_bonds do
2564     begin
2565       if ((bond^[i].a1 = id) and (nb_count < max_neighbors)) then
2566         begin
2567           inc(nb_count);
2568           nb_tmp[nb_count] := bond^[i].a2;
2569         end;
2570       if ((bond^[i].a2 = id) and (nb_count < max_neighbors)) then
2571         begin
2572           inc(nb_count);
2573           nb_tmp[nb_count] := bond^[i].a1;
2574         end;
2575     end;
2576   get_allneighbors := nb_tmp;
2577 end;
path_posnull2580 function path_pos(id:integer;a_path:ringpath_type):integer;
2581 var
2582   i, pp : integer;
2583 begin
2584   pp := 0;
2585   for i := max_ringsize downto 1 do
2586     begin
2587       if (a_path[i] = id) then pp := i;
2588     end;
2589   path_pos := pp;
2590 end;
path_lengthnull2593 function path_length(a_path:ringpath_type):integer;
2594 begin
2595   if (a_path[max_ringsize] <> 0) and (path_pos(0,a_path)=0) then path_length := max_ringsize else
2596     begin
2597       path_length := path_pos(0,a_path)-1;
2598     end;
2599 end;
get_bondnull2602 function get_bond(ba1,ba2:integer):integer;
2603 var
2604   i, b_id : integer;
2605 begin
2606   b_id := 0;
2607   if n_bonds > 0 then begin
2608     for i := 1 to n_bonds do
2609       begin
2610         if ((bond^[i].a1 = ba1) and (bond^[i].a2 = ba2)) or
2611            ((bond^[i].a1 = ba2) and (bond^[i].a2 = ba1)) then
2612            b_id := i;
2613       end;
2614   end;
2615   get_bond := b_id;
2616 end;
2619 procedure order_ringpath(var r_path:ringpath_type);
2620 // order should be: array starts with atom of lowest number, followed by neighbor atom with lower number
2621 var
2622   i, pl : integer;
2623   a_ref, a_left, a_right, a_tmp : integer;
2624 begin
2625   pl := path_length(r_path);
2626   if (pl < 3) then exit;
2627   a_ref := n_atoms;  // start with highest possible value for an atom number
2628   for i := 1 to pl do
2629     begin
2630       if r_path[i] < a_ref then a_ref := r_path[i];  // find the minimum value ==> reference atom
2631     end;
2632   if a_ref < 1 then exit;  // just to be sure
2633   if path_pos(a_ref,r_path) < pl then a_right := r_path[(path_pos(a_ref,r_path)+1)] else a_right := r_path[1];
2634   if path_pos(a_ref,r_path) > 1 then a_left := r_path[(path_pos(a_ref,r_path)-1)] else a_left := r_path[pl];
2635   if a_right = a_left then exit;  // should never happen
2636   if a_right < a_left then
2637     begin  // correct ring numbering direction, only shift of the reference atom to the left end required
2638       while path_pos(a_ref,r_path) > 1 do
2639         begin
2640           a_tmp := r_path[1];
2641           for i := 1 to (pl - 1) do r_path[i] := r_path[(i+1)];
2642           r_path[pl] := a_tmp;
2643         end;
2644     end else
2645     begin  // wrong ring numbering direction, two steps required
2646       while path_pos(a_ref,r_path) < pl do
2647         begin  // step one: create "mirrored" ring path with reference atom at right end
2648           a_tmp := r_path[pl];
2649           for i := pl downto 2 do r_path[i] := r_path[(i-1)];
2650           r_path[1] := a_tmp;
2651         end;
2652       for i := 1 to (pl div 2) do
2653         begin  // one more mirroring
2654           a_tmp := r_path[i];
2655           r_path[i] := r_path[(pl+1)-i];
2656           r_path[(pl+1)-i] := a_tmp;
2657         end;
2658     end;
2659 end;
ringcomparenull2662 function ringcompare(rp1,rp2:ringpath_type):integer;
2663 var
2664   i, j, rc, rs1, rs2 : integer;
2665   n_common, max_cra : integer;
2666 begin
2667   rc := 0;
2668   n_common := 0;
2669   rs1 := path_length(rp1);
2670   rs2 := path_length(rp2);
2671   if rs1 < rs2 then max_cra := rs1 else max_cra := rs2;
2672   for i := 1 to rs1 do
2673     for j := 1 to rs2 do
2674       if rp1[i] = rp2[j] then inc(n_common);
2675   if (rs1 = rs2) and (n_common = max_cra) then rc := 0 else
2676     begin
2677       if n_common = 0 then inc(rc,8);
2678       if n_common < max_cra then inc(rc,4) else
2679         begin
2680           if rs1 < rs2 then inc(rc,1) else inc(rc,2);
2681         end;
2682     end;
2683   ringcompare := rc;
2684 end;
rc_identicalnull2687 function rc_identical(rc_int:integer):boolean;
2688 begin
2689   if rc_int = 0 then rc_identical := true else rc_identical := false;
2690 end;
rc_1in2null2693 function rc_1in2(rc_int:integer):boolean;
2694 begin
2695   if odd(rc_int) then rc_1in2 := true else rc_1in2 := false;
2696 end;
rc_2in1null2699 function rc_2in1(rc_int:integer):boolean;
2700 begin
2701   rc_int := rc_int div 2;
2702   if odd(rc_int) then rc_2in1 := true else rc_2in1 := false;
2703 end;
rc_differentnull2706 function rc_different(rc_int:integer):boolean;
2707 begin
2708   rc_int := rc_int div 4;
2709   if odd(rc_int) then rc_different := true else rc_different := false;
2710 end;
rc_independentnull2713 function rc_independent(rc_int:integer):boolean;
2714 begin
2715   rc_int := rc_int div 8;
2716   if odd(rc_int) then rc_independent := true else rc_independent := false;
2717 end;
is_newringnull2720 function is_newring(n_path:ringpath_type):boolean;
2721 var
2722   i, j : integer;
2723   nr, same_ring : boolean;
2724   tmp_path : ringpath_type;
2725   rc_result : integer;
2726   found_ring : boolean;
2727   pl : integer;
2728 begin
2729   nr := true;
2730   pl := path_length(n_path);
2731   if n_rings > 0 then
2732     begin
2733       case ringsearch_mode of
2734         rs_sar  : begin
2735                     found_ring := false;
2736                     i := 0;
2737                     while ((i < n_rings) and (not found_ring)) do
2738                       begin
2739                         inc(i);
2740                         if (pl = ringprop^[i].size) then  // compare only rings of same size
2741                           begin
2742                             same_ring := true;
2743                             for j := 1 to max_ringsize do
2744                               begin
2745                                 if (ring^[i,j] <> n_path[j]) then same_ring := false;
2746                               end;
2747                             if same_ring then
2748                               begin
2749                                 nr := false;
2750                                 found_ring := true;
2751                               end;
2752                           end;
2753                       end;  // while
2754                   end;
2755         rs_ssr  : begin
2756                     for i := 1 to n_rings do
2757                       begin
2758                         for j := 1 to max_ringsize do tmp_path[j] := ring^[i,j];
2759                         rc_result := ringcompare(n_path,tmp_path);
2760                         if rc_identical(rc_result) then nr := false;
2761                         if rc_1in2(rc_result) then
2762                           begin
2763                             // exchange existing ring by smaller one
2764                             for j := 1 to max_ringsize do ring^[i,j] := n_path[j];
2765                             // update ring property record
2766                             ringprop^[i].size := pl;
2767                             nr := false;
2768                             {$IFDEF debug}
2769                             debugoutput('replacing ring '+inttostr(i)+' by smaller one (ringsize: '+inttostr(path_length(n_path))+')');
2770                             {$ENDIF}
2771                           end;
2772                         if rc_2in1(rc_result) then
2773                           begin
2774                             // new ring contains existing one, but is larger ==> discard
2775                             nr := false;
2776                           end;
2777                       end;
2778                   end;
2779       end;  // case
2780     end;
2781   is_newring := nr;
2782 end;
2785 procedure add_ring(n_path:ringpath_type);
2786 // store rings in an ordered way (with ascending ring size)
2787 var
2788   i, j, k, s, pl : integer;
2789 begin
2790   pl := path_length(n_path);
2791   if pl < 1 then exit;
2792   if n_rings < max_rings then
2793     begin
2794       inc(n_rings);
2795       j := 0;
2796       if (n_rings > 1) then
2797         begin
2798           for i := 1 to (n_rings - 1) do
2799             begin
2800               s := ringprop^[i].size;
2801               if (pl >= s) then j := i;
2802             end;
2803         end;
2804       inc(j);  // the next position is ours
2805       if (j < n_rings) then
2806         begin  // push up the remaining rings by one position
2807           for k := n_rings downto (j+1) do
2808             begin
2809               ringprop^[k].size := ringprop^[(k-1)].size;
2810               for i := 1 to max_ringsize do
2811                 begin
2812                   ring^[k,i] := ring^[(k-1),i];
2813                 end;
2814             end;
2815         end;
2816       ringprop^[j].size := pl;
2817       for i := 1 to max_ringsize do
2818         begin
2819           ring^[j,i] := n_path[i];
2820         end;
2821     end else
2822     begin
2823       {$IFDEF debug}
2824       debugoutput('max_rings exceeded!');
2825       {$ENDIF}
2826     end;
2827 end;
is_ringpathnull2830 function is_ringpath(s_path:ringpath_type):boolean;
2831 var
2832   i, j : integer;
2833   nb : neighbor_rec;
2834   rp, new_atom : boolean;
2835   a_last, pl : integer;
2836   l_path : ringpath_type;
2837 begin
2838   rp := false;
2839   new_atom := false;
2840   fillchar(nb,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
2841   fillchar(l_path,sizeof(ringpath_type),0);
2842   pl := path_length(s_path);
2843   if pl < 1 then
2844     begin
2845       {$IFDEF debug}
2846       debugoutput('Oops! Got zero-length s_path!');
2847       {$ENDIF}
2848       exit;
2849     end;
2850   for i := 1 to pl do
2851     begin
2852       l_path[i] := s_path[i];
2853     end;
2854   // check if the last atom is a metal and stop if opt_metalrings is not set (v0.3)
2855   if (opt_metalrings = false) then
2856     begin
2857       if atom^[l_path[pl]].metal then
2858         begin
2859           {$IFDEF debug}
2860           debugoutput('skipping metal in ring search');
2861           {$ENDIF}
2862           is_ringpath := false;
2863           exit;
2864         end;
2865     end;
2866   // check if ring is already closed
2867   if (pl > 2) and (l_path[pl] = l_path[1]) then
2868     begin
2869       l_path[pl] := 0;  // remove last entry (redundant!)
2870       order_ringpath(l_path);
2871       if is_newring(l_path) then
2872         begin
2873           if (n_rings < max_rings) then add_ring(l_path) else
2874             begin
2875               {$IFDEF debug}
2876               debugoutput('maximum number of rings exceeded!');
2877               {$ENDIF}
2878               is_ringpath := false;
2879               exit;
2880             end;
2881         end;
2882       rp := true;
2883       is_ringpath := true;
2884       exit;
2885     end;
2886   // any other case: ring is not (yet) closed
2887   a_last := l_path[pl];
2888   nb := get_neighbors(a_last);
2889   if atom^[a_last].neighbor_count > 1 then
2890     begin
2891       if ((rp = false) and (n_rings < max_rings)) then   // added in v0.2: check if max_rings is reached
2892         begin  // if ring is not closed, continue searching
2893           for i := 1 to atom^[a_last].neighbor_count do
2894             begin
2895               new_atom := true;
2896               for j := 2 to pl do if nb[i] = l_path[j] then
2897                 begin      // v0.3k
2898                   new_atom := false;
2899                   break;   // v0.3k
2900                 end;
2901               // added in v0.1a: check if max_rings not yet reached
2902               // added in v0.2:  limit ring size to max_vringsize instead of max_ringsize
2903               if (new_atom) and (pl < max_vringsize) and (n_rings < max_rings) then
2904                 begin
2905                   l_path[(pl+1)] := nb[i];
2906                   if (pl < max_ringsize-1) then l_path[pl+2] := 0;  // just to be sure
2907                   inc(recursion_level);                             //
2908                   if (recursion_level > max_recursion_depth) then
2909                     begin
2910                       n_rings := max_rings;
2911                       is_ringpath := false;
2912                       exit;
2913                     end;                                            //
2914                   if is_ringpath(l_path) then rp := true;
2915                 end;
2916             end;
2917         end;
2918     end;
2919   is_ringpath := rp;
2920 end;
is_ringbondnull2923 function is_ringbond(b_id:integer):boolean;
2924 var
2925   i : integer;
2926   ra1, ra2 : integer;
2927   nb : neighbor_rec;
2928   search_path : ringpath_type;
2929   rb : boolean;
2930 begin
2931   rb := false;
2932   recursion_level := 0;
2933   ra1 := bond^[b_id].a1;
2934   ra2 := bond^[b_id].a2;
2935   fillchar(nb,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
2936   fillchar(search_path,sizeof(ringpath_type),0);
2937   nb := get_neighbors(ra2);
2938   if (atom^[ra2].neighbor_count > 1) and (atom^[ra1].neighbor_count > 1) then
2939     begin
2940       search_path[1] := ra1;
2941       search_path[2] := ra2;
2942       for i := 1 to atom^[ra2].neighbor_count do
2943         begin
2944           if (nb[i] <> ra1) and (atom^[nb[i]].heavy) then
2945             begin
2946               search_path[3] := nb[i];
2947               if is_ringpath(search_path) then rb := true;
2948             end;
2949         end;
2950     end;
2951   is_ringbond := rb;
2952 end;
2955 procedure chk_ringbonds;
2956 var
2957   i : integer;
2958   a1rc, a2rc : integer;
2959 begin
2960   if n_bonds < 1 then exit;
2961   for i := 1 to n_bonds do
2962     begin
2963       a1rc := atom^[(bond^[i].a1)].ring_count;
2964       a2rc := atom^[(bond^[i].a2)].ring_count;
2965       if ((n_rings = 0) or ((a1rc < n_rings) and (a2rc < n_rings) )) then
2966         begin
2967           if is_ringbond(i) then
2968             begin
2969               //inc(bond^[i].ring_count);
2970             end;
2971         end;
2972     end;
2973 end;
is_oxo_Cnull2976 function is_oxo_C(id:integer):boolean;
2977 var
2978   i  : integer;
2979   r  : boolean;
2980   nb : neighbor_rec;
2981 begin
2982   r := false;
2983   fillchar(nb,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
2984   if (id < 1) or (id > n_atoms) then exit;
2985   nb := get_neighbors(id);
2986   if (atom^[id].element = 'C ') and (atom^[id].neighbor_count > 0) then
2987     begin
2988       for i := 1 to atom^[id].neighbor_count do
2989         begin
2990           if (bond^[get_bond(id,nb[i])].btype = 'D') and
2991              ((atom^[(nb[i])].element = 'O ') { or
2992               (atom^[(nb[i])].element = 'S ')  or
2993               (atom^[(nb[i])].element = 'SE') } ) then     // no N, amidines are different...
2994              r := true;
2995         end;
2996     end;
2997   is_oxo_C := r;
2998 end;
is_thioxo_Cnull3001 function is_thioxo_C(id:integer):boolean;
3002 var
3003   i  : integer;
3004   r  : boolean;
3005   nb : neighbor_rec;
3006 begin
3007   r := false;
3008   fillchar(nb,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
3009   if (id < 1) or (id > n_atoms) then exit;
3010   nb := get_neighbors(id);
3011   if (atom^[id].element = 'C ') and (atom^[id].neighbor_count > 0) then
3012     begin
3013       for i := 1 to atom^[id].neighbor_count do
3014         begin
3015           if (bond^[get_bond(id,nb[i])].btype = 'D') and
3016              ((atom^[(nb[i])].element = 'S ')  or
3017               (atom^[(nb[i])].element = 'SE')) then     // no N, amidines are different...
3018              r := true;
3019         end;
3020     end;
3021   is_thioxo_C := r;
3022 end;
is_exocyclic_imino_Cnull3025 function is_exocyclic_imino_C(id,r_id:integer):boolean;
3026 var
3027   i,j  : integer;
3028   r    : boolean;
3029   nb   : neighbor_rec;
3030   testring : ringpath_type;
3031   ring_size : integer;
3032 begin
3033   r := false;
3034   fillchar(nb,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
3035   if (id < 1) or (id > n_atoms) then exit;
3036   nb := get_neighbors(id);
3037   fillchar(testring,sizeof(ringpath_type),0);
3038   for j := 1 to max_ringsize do if ring^[r_id,j] > 0 then testring[j] := ring^[r_id,j];
3039   ring_size := path_length(testring);
3040   if (atom^[id].element = 'C ') and (atom^[id].neighbor_count > 0) then
3041     begin
3042       for i := 1 to atom^[id].neighbor_count do
3043         begin
3044           if (bond^[get_bond(id,nb[i])].btype = 'D') and
3045              (atom^[(nb[i])].element = 'N ') then
3046                begin
3047                  r := true;
3048                  for j := 1 to ring_size do
3049                    if nb[i] = ring^[r_id,j] then r := false;
3050                end;
3051         end;
3052     end;
3053   is_exocyclic_imino_C := r;
3054 end;
find_exocyclic_methylene_Cnull3057 function find_exocyclic_methylene_C(id,r_id:integer):integer;
3058 var                    // renamed and rewritten in v0.3j
3059   i,j  : integer;
3060   r    : integer;
3061   nb   : neighbor_rec;
3062   testring : ringpath_type;
3063   ring_size : integer;
3064 begin
3065   r := 0;
3066   fillchar(nb,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
3067   if (id < 1) or (id > n_atoms) then
3068     begin
3069       find_exocyclic_methylene_C := 0;
3070       exit;
3071     end;
3072   nb := get_neighbors(id);
3073   fillchar(testring,sizeof(ringpath_type),0);
3074   for j := 1 to max_ringsize do if ring^[r_id,j] > 0 then testring[j] := ring^[r_id,j];
3075   ring_size := path_length(testring);
3076   if (atom^[id].element = 'C ') and (atom^[id].neighbor_count > 0) then
3077     begin
3078       for i := 1 to atom^[id].neighbor_count do
3079         begin
3080           if (bond^[get_bond(id,nb[i])].btype = 'D') and
3081              (atom^[(nb[i])].element = 'C ') then
3082                begin
3083                  r := nb[i];
3084                  for j := 1 to ring_size do
3085                    if nb[i] = ring^[r_id,j] then r := 0;
3086                end;
3087         end;
3088     end;
3089   find_exocyclic_methylene_C := r;
3090 end;
is_methylCnull3093 function is_methylC(a1:integer): boolean;
3094 var
3095   res : boolean;
3096   nb : neighbor_rec;
3097   a2, b : integer;
3098 begin
3099   res := false;
3100   if (atom^[a1].atype = 'C3 ') and (atom^[a1].neighbor_count = 1) then
3101     begin
3102       nb := get_neighbors(a1);
3103       a2 := nb[1];
3104       b := get_bond(a1,a2);
3105       if bond^[b].btype = 'S' then res := true;
3106     end;
3107   is_methylC := res;
3108 end;
is_diazoniumnull3111 function is_diazonium(a_view,a_ref:integer):boolean;
3112 var
3113   r  : boolean;
3114   nb : neighbor_rec;
3115   bond_count : integer;
3116   chg_count : integer;
3117   n1, n2 : integer;
3118 begin
3119   r := false;
3120   bond_count := 0;
3121   chg_count := 0;
3122   n1 := 0; n2 := 0;
3123   if (is_heavyatom(a_view)) and (bond^[get_bond(a_view,a_ref)].btype = 'S') then
3124     begin
3125       if (atom^[a_ref].element = 'N ') and (atom^[a_ref].neighbor_count = 2) then
3126         begin
3127           n1 := a_ref;
3128           chg_count := atom^[n1].formal_charge;
3129           fillchar(nb,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
3130           nb := get_nextneighbors(n1,a_view);
3131           if (atom^[(nb[1])].element = 'N ') then
3132             begin
3133               n2 := nb[1];
3134               chg_count := chg_count + atom^[n2].formal_charge;
3135               if (bond^[get_bond(n1,n2)].btype = 'S') then inc(bond_count);
3136               if (bond^[get_bond(n1,n2)].btype = 'D') then inc(bond_count,2);
3137               if (bond^[get_bond(n1,n2)].btype = 'T') then inc(bond_count,3);
3138             end;
3139           if (n1 > 0) and (n2 > 0) and (atom^[n2].neighbor_count = 1) and
3140              (bond_count >= 2) and (chg_count > 0) then r := true
3141         end;
3142     end;
3143   is_diazonium := r;
3144 end;
3147 procedure update_Htotal;
3148 var
3149   i, j, b_id : integer;
3150   nb : neighbor_rec;
3151   single_count, double_count, triple_count, arom_count : integer;
3152   total_bonds : integer;
3153   Htotal : integer;
3154   nval   : integer;   // new in v0.3
3155   diazon : boolean;       // new in v0.3j
3156   nb2    : neighbor_rec;  // new in v0.3j
3157   a1, a2, a3 : integer;   // new in v0.3j
3158 begin
3159   if n_atoms < 1 then exit;
3160   diazon := false;
3161   fillchar(nb,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
3162   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
3163     begin
3164       single_count := 0;
3165       double_count := 0;
3166       triple_count := 0;
3167       arom_count   := 0;
3168       total_bonds  := 0;
3169       Htotal    := 0;
3170       nb := get_neighbors(i);
3171       if atom^[i].neighbor_count > 0 then
3172         begin  // count single, double, triple, and aromatic bonds to all neighbor atoms
3173           for j := 1 to atom^[i].neighbor_count do
3174             begin
3175               b_id := get_bond(i,nb[j]);
3176               if b_id > 0 then
3177                 begin
3178                   if bond^[b_id].btype = 'S' then inc(single_count);
3179                   if bond^[b_id].btype = 'D' then inc(double_count);
3180                   if bond^[b_id].btype = 'T' then inc(triple_count);
3181                   if bond^[b_id].btype = 'A' then inc(arom_count);
3182                   if bond^[b_id].btype = 'a' then inc(single_count);  // v0.2b, treat "any" as "single"
3183                 end;
3184             end;
3185           //check for diazonium salts
3186           a1 := i; a2 := nb[1];
3187           if (atom^[a1].element = 'N ') and (atom^[a2].element = 'N ') then
3188             begin
3189               if (atom^[a2].neighbor_count = 2) then
3190                 begin
3191                   nb2 := get_nextneighbors(a2,a1);
3192                   a3 := nb2[1];
3193                   if (atom^[a3].element = 'C ') and is_diazonium(a3,a2) then diazon := true;
3194                 end;
3195             end;
3196         end;
3197       total_bonds := single_count + 2*double_count + 3*triple_count + trunc(1.5*arom_count);
3198       // calculate number of total hydrogens per atom
3199       //nval := nvalences(atom^[i].element);    // new in v0.3
3200       nval := atom^[i].nvalences;    // new in v0.3m
3201       if (atom^[i].element = 'P ') then
3202         begin
3203           if ((total_bonds - atom^[i].formal_charge) > 3) then nval := 5;  // refined in v0.3n
3204         end;                                  //
3205       if (atom^[i].element = 'S ') then       // v0.3h
3206         begin
3207           if (total_bonds > 2) and (atom^[i].formal_charge < 1) then nval := 4;  // updated in v0.3j
3208           if total_bonds > 4 then nval := 6;  // this will need some refinement...
3209         end;                                  //
3210       Htotal := nval - total_bonds + atom^[i].formal_charge;
3211       if (atom^[i].radical_type = 1) or (atom^[i].radical_type = 3) then Htotal := Htotal - 2; // v0.3p
3212       if (atom^[i].radical_type = 2) then Htotal := Htotal - 1; // v0.3p
3213       if diazon then Htotal := 0;      // v0.3j
3214       if Htotal < 0 then Htotal := 0;  // e.g., N in nitro group
3215       atom^[i].Htot := Htotal;
3216       if atom^[i].Hexp > atom^[i].Htot then atom^[i].Htot := atom^[i].Hexp;  // v0.3n; just to be sure...
3217       if is_metal(i) then atom^[i].Htot := atom^[i].Hexp;   // v0.2b  (accept only explicit H on metals)
3218     end;
3219 end;
3222 procedure update_atypes;
3223 var
3224   i, j, b_id : integer;
3225   nb : neighbor_rec;
3226   single_count, double_count, triple_count, arom_count, acyl_count : integer;
3227   C_count, O_count : integer;
3228   total_bonds : integer;
3229   NdO_count : integer;
3230   NdC_count : integer;
3231   Htotal : integer;
3232 begin
3233   if n_atoms < 1 then exit;
3234   fillchar(nb,sizeof(neighbor_rec),0);
3235   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
3236     begin
3237       single_count := 0;
3238       double_count := 0;
3239       triple_count := 0;
3240       arom_count   := 0;
3241       total_bonds  := 0;
3242       acyl_count   := 0;
3243       C_count      := 0;
3244       O_count      := 0;
3245       NdO_count := 0;
3246       NdC_count := 0;
3247       Htotal    := 0;
3248       nb := get_neighbors(i);
3249       if atom^[i].neighbor_count > 0 then
3250         begin  // count single, double, triple, and aromatic bonds to all neighbor atoms
3251           for j := 1 to atom^[i].neighbor_count do
3252             begin
3253               if (is_oxo_C(nb[j])) or (is_thioxo_C(nb[j])) then inc(acyl_count);
3254               if atom^[(nb[j])].element = 'C ' then inc(C_count);
3255               if atom^[(nb[j])].element = 'O ' then inc(O_count);
3256               b_id := get_bond(i,nb[j]);
3257               if b_id > 0 then
3258                 begin
3259                   if bond^[b_id].btype = 'S' then inc(single_count);
3260                   if bond^[b_id].btype = 'D' then inc(double_count);
3261                   if bond^[b_id].btype = 'T' then inc(triple_count);
3262                   if bond^[b_id].btype = 'A' then inc(arom_count);
3263                   if ((atom^[i].element = 'N ') and (atom^[(nb[j])].element = 'O ')) or
3264                      ((atom^[i].element = 'O ') and (atom^[(nb[j])].element = 'N ')) then
3265                      begin
3266                        // check if it is an N-oxide drawn with a double bond ==> should be N3
3267                        if bond^[b_id].btype = 'D' then inc(NdO_count);
3268                      end;
3269                   if ((atom^[i].element = 'N ') and (atom^[(nb[j])].element = 'C ')) or
3270                      ((atom^[i].element = 'C ') and (atom^[(nb[j])].element = 'N ')) then
3271                      begin
3272                        if bond^[b_id].btype = 'D' then inc(NdC_count);
3273                      end;
3274                 end;
3275             end;
3276           total_bonds := single_count + 2*double_count + 3*triple_count + trunc(1.5*arom_count);
3277           // calculate number of total hydrogens per atom
3278           Htotal := nvalences(atom^[i].element) - total_bonds + atom^[i].formal_charge;
3279           if Htotal < 0 then Htotal := 0;  // e.g., N in nitro group
3280           atom^[i].Htot := Htotal;
3281           // refine atom types, based on bond types
3282           if atom^[i].element = 'C ' then
3283             begin
3284               if (arom_count > 1) then atom^[i].atype := 'CAR';
3285               if (triple_count = 1) or (double_count = 2) then atom^[i].atype := 'C1 ';
3286               if (double_count = 1) then atom^[i].atype := 'C2 ';
3287               if (triple_count = 0) and (double_count = 0) and (arom_count < 2) then atom^[i].atype := 'C3 ';
3288             end;
3289           if atom^[i].element = 'O ' then
3290             begin
3291               if (double_count = 1) then atom^[i].atype := 'O2 ';
3292               if (double_count = 0) then atom^[i].atype := 'O3 ';
3293             end;
3294           if atom^[i].element = 'N ' then
3295             begin
3296               if total_bonds > 3 then
3297                 begin
3298                   if O_count = 0 then
3299                     begin
3300                       if (single_count > 3) or
3301                         ((single_count = 2) and (double_count = 1) and (C_count >=2)) then
3302                         atom^[i].formal_charge := 1;
3303                     end else  // could be an N-oxide -> should be found elsewhere
3304                     begin
3305                       // left empty, so far....
3306                     end;
3307                 end;
3308               if (triple_count = 1) or (double_count = 2) then atom^[i].atype := 'N1 ';
3309               if (double_count = 1) then
3310                 begin
3311                   //if NdC_count > 0 then atom^[i].atype := 'N2 ';
3312                   if (NdC_count = 0) and (NdO_count > 0) and
3313                      (C_count >= 2) then atom^[i].atype := 'N3 '  // N-oxide is N3 except in hetarene etc.
3314                   else atom^[i].atype := 'N2 ';                   // fallback
3315                 end;
3316               if (arom_count > 1) then atom^[i].atype := 'NAR';
3317               if (triple_count = 0) and (double_count = 0) then
3318                 begin
3319                   if (atom^[i].formal_charge = 0) then
3320                     begin
3321                       if (acyl_count = 0) then atom^[i].atype := 'N3 ';
3322                       if (acyl_count > 0) then atom^[i].atype := 'NAM';
3323                     end;
3324                   if (atom^[i].formal_charge = 1) then atom^[i].atype := 'N3+';
3325                 end;
3326             end;
3327           if atom^[i].element = 'P ' then
3328             begin
3329               if (single_count > 4) then atom^[i].atype := 'P4 ';
3330               if (single_count <= 4) and (double_count = 0) then atom^[i].atype := 'P3 ';
3331               if (double_count = 2) then atom^[i].atype := 'P3D';
3332             end;
3333           if atom^[i].element = 'S ' then
3334             begin
3335               if (double_count = 1) and (single_count = 0) then atom^[i].atype := 'S2 ';
3336               if (double_count = 0) then atom^[i].atype := 'S3 ';
3337               if (double_count = 1) and (single_count > 0) then atom^[i].atype := 'SO ';
3338               if (double_count = 2) and (single_count > 0) then atom^[i].atype := 'SO2';
3339             end;
3340           // further atom types should go here
3341         end;
3342     end;
3343 end;
3346 procedure chk_arom;
3347 var
3348   i, j, pi_count, ring_size : integer;
3349   testring : ringpath_type;
3350   a_ref, a_prev, a_next : integer;
3351   b_bk, b_fw, b_exo : integer;
3352   bt_bk, bt_fw : char;
3353   ar_bk, ar_fw, ar_exo : boolean;  // new in v0.3
3354   conj_intr, ko, aromatic : boolean;
3355   n_db, n_sb, n_ar : integer;
3356   cumul : boolean;
3357   exo_mC : integer;
3358 begin
3359   if n_rings < 1 then exit;
3360   // first, do a very quick check for benzene, pyridine, etc.
3361   for i := 1 to n_rings do
3362     begin
3363       ring_size := ringprop^[i].size;
3364       if (ring_size = 6) then
3365         begin
3366           fillchar(testring,sizeof(ringpath_type),0);
3367           for j := 1 to ring_size do testring[j] := ring^[i,j];
3368           cumul := false;
3369           n_sb := 0;
3370           n_db := 0;
3371           n_ar := 0;
3372           a_prev := testring[ring_size];
3373           for j := 1 to ring_size do
3374             begin
3375               a_ref := testring[j];
3376               if (j < ring_size) then a_next := testring[(j+1)] else a_next := testring[1];
3377               b_bk  := get_bond(a_prev,a_ref);
3378               b_fw  := get_bond(a_ref,a_next);
3379               bt_bk := bond^[b_bk].btype;
3380               bt_fw := bond^[b_fw].btype;
3381               if (bt_fw = 'S') then inc(n_sb);
3382               if (bt_fw = 'D') then inc(n_db);
3383               if (bt_fw = 'A') then inc(n_ar);
3384               if (bt_fw <> 'A') and (bt_bk = bt_fw) then cumul := true;
3385               a_prev := a_ref;
3386             end;
3387           if (n_ar = 6) or ((n_sb = 3) and (n_db = 3) and (cumul = false)) then
3388             begin   // this ring is aromatic
3389               a_prev := testring[ring_size];
3390               for j := 1 to ring_size do
3391                 begin
3392                   a_ref := testring[j];
3393                   b_bk  := get_bond(a_prev,a_ref);
3394                   bond^[b_bk].arom := true;
3395                   a_prev := a_ref;
3396                 end;
3397               ringprop^[i].arom := true;
3398             end;
3399         end;
3400     end;
3401   for i := 1 to n_rings do
3402     begin
3403       if (ringprop^[i].arom = false) then
3404         begin   // do the hard work only for those rings which are not yet flagged aromatic
3405           fillchar(testring,sizeof(ringpath_type),0);
3406           for j := 1 to max_ringsize do if ring^[i,j] > 0 then testring[j] := ring^[i,j];
3407           ring_size := path_length(testring);
3408           {$IFDEF debug}
3409           if (ring_size <> ringprop^[i].size) then
3410             begin
3411               debugoutput('Oops! Ring size mismatch in chk_arom');
3412             end;
3413           {$ENDIF}
3414           pi_count  := 0;
3415           conj_intr := false;
3416           ko        := false;
3417           a_prev    := testring[ring_size];
3418           for j := 1 to ring_size do
3419             begin
3420               a_ref := testring[j];
3421               if (j < ring_size) then a_next := testring[(j+1)] else a_next := testring[1];
3422               b_bk  := get_bond(a_prev,a_ref);
3423               b_fw  := get_bond(a_ref,a_next);
3424               bt_bk := bond^[b_bk].btype;
3425               bt_fw := bond^[b_fw].btype;
3426               ar_bk := bond^[b_bk].arom;
3427               ar_fw := bond^[b_fw].arom;
3428               if ((bt_bk = 'S') and (bt_fw = 'S') and (ar_bk = false) and (ar_fw = false)) then
3429                 begin
3430                   // first, assume the worst case (interrupted conjugation)
3431                   conj_intr := true;
3432                   // conjugation can be restored by hetero atoms
3433                   if (atom^[a_ref].atype = 'O3 ') or (atom^[a_ref].atype = 'S3 ') or
3434                      (atom^[a_ref].element = 'N ') or (atom^[a_ref].element = 'SE') then
3435                      begin
3436                        conj_intr := false;
3437                        inc(pi_count,2);  // lone pair adds for 2 pi electrons
3438                      end;
3439                   // conjugation can be restored by a formal charge at a methylene group
3440                   if (atom^[a_ref].element = 'C ') and (atom^[a_ref].formal_charge <> 0) then
3441                     begin
3442                       conj_intr := false;
3443                       pi_count  := pi_count - atom^[a_ref].formal_charge;  // neg. charge increases pi_count!
3444                     end;
3445                   // conjugation can be restored by carbonyl groups etc.
3446                   if (is_oxo_C(a_ref)) or (is_thioxo_C(a_ref)) or (is_exocyclic_imino_C(a_ref,i)) then
3447                     begin
3448                       conj_intr := false;
3449                     end;
3450                   // conjugation can be restored by exocyclic C=C double bond,
3451                   // adds 2 pi electrons to 5-membered rings, not to 7-membered rings (CAUTION!)
3452                   // apply only to non-aromatic exocyclic C=C bonds
3453                   exo_mC := find_exocyclic_methylene_C(a_ref,i);  // v0.3j
3454                   if ((exo_mC > 0) and odd(ring_size)) then       // v0.3j
3455                     begin
3456                       b_exo  := get_bond(a_ref,exo_mC);           // v0.3j
3457                       ar_exo := bond^[b_exo].arom;
3458                       if ((ring_size - 1) mod 4 = 0) then  // 5-membered rings and related
3459                         begin
3460                           conj_intr := false;
3461                           inc(pi_count,2);
3462                         end else                           // 7-membered rings and related
3463                         begin
3464                           if not ar_exo then conj_intr := false;
3465                         end;
3466                     end;
3467                   // if conjugation is still interrupted ==> knock-out
3468                   if conj_intr then ko := true;
3469                 end else
3470                 begin
3471                   if ((bt_bk = 'S') and (bt_fw = 'S') and (ar_bk = true) and (ar_fw = true)) then
3472                     begin
3473                       if (atom^[a_ref].atype = 'O3 ') or (atom^[a_ref].atype = 'S3 ') or
3474                          (atom^[a_ref].element = 'N ') or (atom^[a_ref].element = 'SE') then
3475                          begin
3476                            inc(pi_count,2);  // lone pair adds for 2 pi electrons
3477                          end;
3478                       if (atom^[a_ref].element = 'C ') and (atom^[a_ref].formal_charge <> 0) then
3479                         begin
3480                           pi_count  := pi_count - atom^[a_ref].formal_charge;  // neg. charge increases pi_count!
3481                         end;
3482                       exo_mC := find_exocyclic_methylene_C(a_ref,i);  // v0.3j
3483                       if ((exo_mC > 0) and odd(ring_size)) then       // v0.3j
3484                         begin
3485                           b_exo := get_bond(a_ref,exo_mC);            // v0.3j
3486                           ar_exo := bond^[b_exo].arom;
3487                           if ((ring_size - 1) mod 4 = 0) then  // 5-membered rings and related
3488                             begin
3489                               inc(pi_count,2);
3490                             end;
3491                         end;
3492                     end else    // any other case: increase pi count by one electron
3493                   inc(pi_count);
3494                 end;
3495               // last command:
3496               a_prev := a_ref;
3497             end;  // for j := 1 to ring_size
3498           // now we can draw our conclusion
3499           if not ((ko) or (odd(pi_count))) then
3500             begin  // apply Hueckel's rule
3501               if (abs(ring_size - pi_count) < 2) and ((pi_count - 2) mod 4 = 0) then
3502                 begin
3503                   // this ring is aromatic
3504                   ringprop^[i].arom := true;
3505                   // now mark _all_ bonds in the ring as aromatic
3506                   a_prev := testring[ring_size];
3507                   for j := 1 to ring_size do
3508                     begin
3509                       a_ref := testring[j];
3510                       bond^[get_bond(a_prev,a_ref)].arom := true;
3511                       a_prev := a_ref;
3512                      end;
3513                 end;
3514             end;
3516         end;
3517     end;  // (for i := 1 to n_rings)
3518   // finally, mark all involved atoms as aromatic
3519   for i := 1 to n_bonds do
3520     begin
3521       if bond^[i].arom then
3522         begin
3523           atom^[(bond^[i].a1)].arom := true;
3524           atom^[(bond^[i].a2)].arom := true;
3525         end;
3526     end;
3527   // update aromaticity information in ringprop
3528   for i := 1 to n_rings do
3529     begin
3530       testring := ring^[i];
3531       ring_size := path_length(testring);
3532       aromatic := true;
3533       a_prev := testring[ring_size];
3534       for j := 1 to ring_size do
3535         begin
3536           a_ref := testring[j];
3537           if (not bond^[get_bond(a_prev,a_ref)].arom) then aromatic := false;
3538           a_prev := a_ref;
3539         end;
3540       if aromatic then ringprop^[i].arom := true else ringprop^[i].arom := false;
3541     end;
3542 end;
3545 procedure readinputfile(molfilename:string);
3546 var
3547   rline : string;
3548 begin
3549   molbufindex := 0;
3550   if not opt_stdin then
3551     begin
3552       if not rfile_is_open then
3553         begin
3554           assign(rfile,molfilename);
3555           reset(rfile);
3556           rfile_is_open := true;
3557         end;
3558       rline := '';
3559       mol_in_queue := false;
3560       while (not eof(rfile)) and (pos('$$$$',rline) = 0) do
3561         begin
3562           readln(rfile,rline);
3563           //mol_in_queue := false;
3564           if molbufindex < (max_atoms+max_bonds+64) then
3565             begin
3566               inc(molbufindex);
3567               molbuf^[molbufindex] := rline;
3568             end else
3569             begin
3570               writeln('Not enough memory for molfile! ',molbufindex);
3571               close(rfile);
3572               halt(1);
3573             end;
3574           if pos('$$$$',rline) > 0 then mol_in_queue := true;
3575         end;
3576       if eof(rfile) then
3577         begin
3578           close(rfile);
3579           rfile_is_open := false;
3580           mol_in_queue := false;
3581         end;
3582     end else              // read from standard input
3583     begin
3584       rline := '';
3585       mol_in_queue := false;
3586       while (not eof) and (pos('$$$$',rline) = 0) do
3587         begin
3588           readln(rline);
3589           if molbufindex < (max_atoms+max_bonds+64) then
3590             begin
3591               inc(molbufindex);
3592               molbuf^[molbufindex] := rline;
3593             end else
3594             begin
3595               writeln('Not enough memory!');
3596               halt(1);
3597             end;
3598           if pos('$$$$',rline) > 0 then mol_in_queue := true;
3599         end;
3600     end;
3601 end;
3604 procedure open_rfile(molfilename:string);
3605 begin
3606   if not opt_stdin then
3607     begin
3608       if not rfile_is_open then
3609         begin
3610           assign(rfile,molfilename);
3611           reset(rfile);
3612           rfile_is_open := true;
3613         end;
3614       if eof(rfile) then
3615         begin
3616           close(rfile);
3617           rfile_is_open := false;
3618         end;
3619     end else
3620     begin
3621       if not rfile_is_open then
3622         begin
3623           assign(rfile,'');
3624           reset(rfile);
3625           //rfile_is_open := true;
3626         end;
3627       if eof(rfile) then
3628         begin
3629           close(rfile);
3630           rfile_is_open := false;
3631         end;
3632     end;
3633 end;
3636 function read_rxnheader:boolean;
3637 var
3638   rline : string;
3639   is_OK : boolean;
3640   n_reactants_str : string;
3641   n_products_str : string;
3642 begin
3643   is_OK := true;
3644   n_reactants_str := '';
3645   n_products_str := '';
3646   readln(rfile,rline); inc(ln);
3647   if (pos('$RDFILE',rline)=1) then  // this is an RDF file
3648     begin
3649       while not eof(rfile) and (pos('$RFMT',rline)=0) do
3650         begin
3651           readln(rfile,rline);
3652           inc(ln);
3653         end
3654     end;
3655   while not eof(rfile) and (pos('$RXN',rline)=0) do
3656     begin
3657       readln(rfile,rline); inc(ln);  // this should be "$RXN"
3658     end;
3659   if (pos('$RXN',rline)=1) then
3660     begin
3661       readln(rfile,rline); inc(ln);
3662       readln(rfile,rline); inc(ln);
3663       readln(rfile,rline); inc(ln);
3664       readln(rfile,rline); inc(ln);
3665       n_reactants_str := copy(rline,1,3);
3666       n_products_str := copy(rline,4,3);
3667       n_reactants := strtoint(n_reactants_str);
3668       n_products := strtoint(n_products_str);
3669       //writeln('number of reactants: ',n_reactants,' number of products: ',n_products);
3670     end else is_OK := false;
3671   read_rxnheader := is_OK;
3672 end;
3675 procedure read_rxnmol;  // v0.2
3676 var
3677   rline : string;
3678 begin
3679   rline := '';
3680   molbufindex := 0;
3681   while not eof(rfile) and (pos('$MOL',rline)=0) do
3682     begin
3683       readln(rfile,rline);
3684       inc(ln);
3685     end;
3686   while not eof(rfile) and (pos('M  END',rline)=0) do
3687     begin
3688       readln(rfile,rline); inc(ln);
3689       if molbufindex < (max_atoms+max_bonds+64) then
3690         begin
3691           inc(molbufindex);
3692           molbuf^[molbufindex] := rline;
3693         end else
3694         begin
3695           writeln('Not enough memory for molfile! ',molbufindex);
3696           close(rfile);
3697           halt(1);
3698         end;
3699     end;
3700   li := 1;
3701   read_MDLmolfile('');
3702 end;
3705 procedure skip_data;
3706 var
3707   rline : string;
3708 begin
3709   rline := '';
3710   while not eof(rfile) and (pos('$RFMT',rline)=0) do
3711     begin
3712       readln(rfile,rline);
3713       inc(ln);
3714     end;
3715 end;
3718 procedure clear_rings;
3719 var
3720   i : integer;
3721 begin
3722   n_rings := 0;
3723   fillchar(ring^, sizeof(ringlist),0);
3724   for i := 1 to max_rings do
3725     begin
3726       ringprop^[i].size     := 0;
3727       ringprop^[i].arom     := false;
3728       ringprop^[i].envelope := false;
3729     end;
3730   if n_atoms > 0 then
3731     begin
3732       for i := 1 to n_atoms do atom^[i].ring_count := 0;
3733     end;
3734   if n_bonds > 0 then
3735     begin
3736       for i := 1 to n_bonds do bond^[i].ring_count := 0;
3737     end;
3738 end;
3741 function ring_lastpos(s:ringpath_type):integer;
3742 var
3743   i, rc, rlp : integer;
3744 begin
3745   rlp := 0;
3746   if n_rings > 0 then
3747     begin
3748       for i := 1 to n_rings do
3749         begin
3750           rc := ringcompare(s, ring^[i]);
3751           if rc_identical(rc) then rlp := i;
3752         end;
3753     end;
3754   ring_lastpos := rlp;
3755 end;
3758 procedure remove_redundant_rings;
3759 var
3760   i, j, k, rlp : integer;
3761   tmp_path : ringpath_type;
3762 begin
3763   if n_rings < 2 then exit;
3764   for i := 1 to (n_rings - 1) do
3765     begin
3766       tmp_path := ring^[i];
3767       rlp := ring_lastpos(tmp_path);
3768       while rlp > i do
3769         begin
3770           for j := rlp to (n_rings - 1) do
3771             begin
3772               ring^[j] := ring^[(j+1)];
3773               ringprop^[j].size := ringprop^[(j+1)].size;
3774               ringprop^[j].arom := ringprop^[(j+1)].arom;
3775               ringprop^[j].envelope := ringprop^[(j+1)].envelope;
3776             end;
3777           for k := 1 to max_ringsize do ring^[n_rings,k] := 0;
3778           dec(n_rings);
3779           rlp := ring_lastpos(tmp_path);
3780         end;
3781     end;
3782 end;
3785 function count_aromatic_rings:integer;
3786 var
3787   i, n : integer;
3788 begin
3789   n := 0;
3790     if n_rings > 0 then
3791       begin
3792         for i := 1 to n_rings do
3793           if ringprop^[i].arom then inc(n);
3794       end;
3795   count_aromatic_rings := n;
3796 end;
3799 procedure chk_envelopes;
3800 // checks if a ring completely contains one or more other rings
3801 var
3802   a,i,j,k,l,pl,pli : integer;
3803   found_atom, found_all_atoms, found_ring : boolean;
3804 begin
3805   if n_rings < 2 then exit;
3806   for i := 2 to n_rings do
3807     begin
3808       found_ring := false;
3809       j := 0;
3810       pli := ringprop^[i].size;
3811       while ((j < (i-1)) and (found_ring = false)) do
3812         begin
3813           inc(j);
3814           found_all_atoms := true;
3815           pl := ringprop^[j].size;
3816           for k := 1 to pl do
3817             begin
3818               found_atom := false;
3819               a := ring^[j,k];
3820               for l := 1 to pli do
3821                 begin
3822                   if ring^[i,l] = a then found_atom := true;
3823                 end;
3824               if found_atom = false then found_all_atoms := false;
3825             end;
3826           if found_all_atoms then found_ring := true;
3827         end;
3828       if found_ring then ringprop^[i].envelope := true;
3829     end;
3830 end;
3833 procedure update_ringcount;
3834 var
3835   i, j, a1, a2, b, pl : integer;
3836 begin
3837   if n_rings > 0 then
3838     begin
3839       chk_envelopes;
3840       for i := 1 to n_rings do
3841         begin
3842           if (ringprop^[i].envelope = false) then
3843             begin
3844               pl := ringprop^[i].size;  // path_length(ring^[i]);
3845               a2 := ring^[i,pl];
3846               for j := 1 to pl do
3847                 begin
3848                   a1 := ring^[i,j];
3849                   inc(atom^[a1].ring_count);
3850                   b := get_bond(a1,a2);
3851                   inc(bond^[b].ring_count);
3852                   a2 := a1;
3853                 end;
3854             end;
3855         end;
3856     end;
3857 end;
3859 //==================================molecule adjustment routines====
3861 procedure scale_mol;
3862 var
3863   i, a1, a2 : integer;
3864   a1el, a2el : str2;
3865   bt : char;
3866   ar : boolean;
3867   sum_CCsingle   : double;
3868   sum_CCdouble   : double;
3869   sum_CCarom     : double;
3870   sum_XY         : double;
3871   n_CCsingle     : integer;
3872   n_CCdouble     : integer;
3873   n_CCarom       : integer;
3874   n_XY           : integer;
3875   a1p, a2p       : p_3d;
3876   a1a2dist       : double;
3877   sf1, sf2, sfa  : double;
3878 begin
3879   if n_bonds < 1 then exit;
3880   sum_CCsingle   := 0;
3881   sum_CCdouble   := 0;
3882   sum_CCarom     := 0;
3883   sum_XY         := 0;
3884   n_CCsingle     := 0;
3885   n_CCdouble     := 0;
3886   n_CCarom       := 0;
3887   n_XY           := 0;
3888   for i := 1 to n_bonds do
3889     begin
3890       ar := bond^[i].arom;
3891       bt := bond^[i].btype;
3892       a1 := bond^[i].a1;
3893       a2 := bond^[i].a2;
3894       a1el := atom^[a1].element;
3895       a2el := atom^[a2].element;
3896       a1p.x := atom^[a1].x;
3897       a1p.y := atom^[a1].y;
3898       a1p.z := atom^[a1].z;
3899       a2p.x := atom^[a2].x;
3900       a2p.y := atom^[a2].y;
3901       a2p.z := atom^[a2].z;
3902       a1a2dist := dist3d(a1p,a2p);
3903       sum_XY := sum_XY + a1a2dist;
3904       inc(n_XY);
3905       if ((a1el = 'C ') and (a2el = 'C ')) then
3906         begin
3907           if (not ar) then
3908             begin
3909               if ((bt = 'S')) then
3910                 begin
3911                   inc(n_CCsingle);
3912                   sum_CCsingle := sum_CCsingle + a1a2dist;
3913                 end;
3914               if ((bt = 'D')) then
3915                 begin
3916                   inc(n_CCdouble);
3917                   sum_CCdouble := sum_CCdouble + a1a2dist;
3918                 end;
3919             end else
3920             begin
3921               inc(n_CCarom);
3922               sum_CCarom := sum_CCarom + a1a2dist;
3923             end;
3924         end;
3925     end;
3926   sf1 := 1; sf2 := 1; sfa := 1; sf_mol := 1;
3927   if (n_CCsingle > 0) then sf1 := std_blCCsingle / (sum_CCsingle / n_CCsingle);
3928   if (n_CCdouble > 0) then sf2 := std_blCCdouble / (sum_CCdouble / n_CCdouble);
3929   if (n_CCarom   > 0) then sfa := std_blCCarom   / (sum_CCarom   / n_CCarom);
3930   if (n_CCsingle > 0) then
3931     begin
3932       if (n_CCdouble > 0) then
3933         begin
3934           if (n_CCarom > 0) then sf_mol := ((sf1 + sf2 + sfa) / 3) else sf_mol := ((sf1 + sf2) / 2);
3935         end else
3936         begin
3937           if (n_CCarom > 0) then sf_mol := ((sf1 + sfa) / 2) else sf_mol := sf1;
3938         end;
3939     end else
3940     begin
3941       if (n_CCdouble > 0) then
3942         begin
3943           if (n_CCarom > 0) then sf_mol := ((sf2 + sfa) / 2) else sf_mol := sf2;
3944         end else sf_mol := sfa;
3945     end;
3946   if ((n_CCsingle + n_CCdouble + n_CCarom) = 0) then
3947     begin
3948       sf_mol := std_bondlength / (sum_XY / n_XY);
3949       //writeln('% emergency scaling: ',sf_mol:1:4);
3950     end;
3951   if (sf_mol <> 1) then
3952     begin
3953       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
3954         begin
3955           atom^[i].x := atom^[i].x * sf_mol;
3956           atom^[i].y := atom^[i].y * sf_mol;
3957           atom^[i].z := atom^[i].z * sf_mol;
3958         end;
3959       if n_brackets > 0 then
3960         begin
3961           for i := 1 to n_atoms do
3962             begin
3963               with bracket^[i] do
3964                 begin
3965                   x1 := x1 * sf_mol;
3966                   y1 := y1 * sf_mol;
3967                   x2 := x2 * sf_mol;
3968                   y2 := y2 * sf_mol;
3969                   x3 := x3 * sf_mol;
3970                   y3 := y3 * sf_mol;
3971                   x4 := x4 * sf_mol;
3972                   y4 := y4 * sf_mol;
3973                 end;
3974             end;
3975         end;
3976       if n_sgroups > 0 then
3977         begin
3978           for i := 1 to n_sgroups do
3979             begin
3980               with sgroup^[i] do
3981                 begin
3982                   x := x * sf_mol;
3983                   y := y * sf_mol;
3984                 end;
3985             end;
3986         end;
3988     end;
3989   //if (n_CCsingle > 0 ) then writeln('% avg. C-C single bond length: ',(sum_CCsingle / n_CCsingle):1:4);
3990   //if (n_CCdouble > 0 ) then writeln('% avg. C=C double bond length: ',(sum_CCdouble / n_CCdouble):1:4);
3991   //if (n_CCarom   > 0 ) then writeln('% avg. C=C arom.  bond length: ',(sum_CCarom / n_CCarom):1:4);
3992   //writeln('% molecule scaled by ',sf_mol:1:5);
3993 end;
3996 procedure center_mol;
3997 var
3998   i : integer;
3999   xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax : single;
4000   xcenter, ycenter, zcenter, xcurr : single;
4001   halfheight : single;
4002   al, lstr : string;
4003   ap : integer;
4004   just : char;
4005   lw : double;
4006 begin
4007   if n_atoms = 0 then exit;
4008   xmax := -1000; xmin := 1000;
4009   ymax := -1000; ymin := 1000;
4010   zmax := -1000; zmin := 1000;
4011   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
4012     begin
4013       if atom^[i].x > xmax then xmax := atom^[i].x;
4014       if atom^[i].x < xmin then xmin := atom^[i].x;
4015       if atom^[i].y > ymax then ymax := atom^[i].y;
4016       if atom^[i].y < ymin then ymin := atom^[i].y;
4017       if atom^[i].z > zmax then zmax := atom^[i].z;
4018       if atom^[i].z < zmin then zmin := atom^[i].z;
4020       // check also for left parts of alias labels (the right parts
4021       // will be checked elsewhere)   v0.4
4022       if atom^[i].alias <> '' then
4023         begin
4024           xcurr := atom^[i].x;
4025           al := atom^[i].alias;
4026           case atom^[i].a_just of
4027             0 : just := 'L';
4028             1 : just := 'R';
4029             2 : just := 'C';
4030           end;
4031           while (pos('\S',al)>0) do delete(al,pos('\S',al),2);
4032           while (pos('\s',al)>0) do delete(al,pos('\s',al),2);
4033           while (pos('\n',al)>0) do delete(al,pos('\n',al),2);
4034           ap := pos('^',al);
4035           if (ap = 0) then
4036             begin
4037               if (just = 'R') then ap := length(al)-1;
4038               if (just = 'C') then ap := length(al) div 2;
4039             end;
4040           if (ap > 1) then
4041             begin
4042               lstr := copy(al,1,(ap-1));
4043               lw := 0.0375*get_stringwidth(fontsize1,lstr);
4044               if (xcurr - lw) < xmin then xmin := (xcurr - lw);
4045             end;
4046         end;
4047     end;
4048   xcenter := (xmax + xmin) / 2;
4049   ycenter := (ymax + ymin) / 2;
4050   zcenter := (zmax + zmin) / 2;
4051   if rxn_mode then   // v0.2
4052     begin
4053       //xcenter := 0;   // removed in v0.4b
4054       halfheight := (ymax - ymin) / 2;
4055       if ((ycenter - (ycenter - 1.05*halfheight)) > (yoffset - y_margin)) then
4056         begin
4057           ycenter := ycenter - (1.05*halfheight - (yoffset - y_margin));
4058         end;
4059     end;
4060   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
4061     begin
4062       atom^[i].x := atom^[i].x - xcenter;  // v0.2
4063       atom^[i].y := atom^[i].y - ycenter;
4064       atom^[i].z := atom^[i].z - zcenter;
4065     end;
4066   if n_brackets > 0 then  // v0.1f
4067     begin
4068       for i := 1 to n_brackets do
4069         begin
4070           with bracket^[i] do
4071             begin
4072               x1 := x1 - xcenter;
4073               y1 := y1 - ycenter;
4074               x2 := x2 - xcenter;
4075               y2 := y2 - ycenter;
4076               x3 := x3 - xcenter;
4077               y3 := y3 - ycenter;
4078               x4 := x4 - xcenter;
4079               y4 := y4 - ycenter;
4080             end;
4081         end;
4082     end;
4083   if n_sgroups > 0 then  // v0.1f
4084     begin
4085       for i := 1 to n_sgroups do
4086         begin
4087           with sgroup^[i] do
4088             begin
4089               x := x - xcenter;
4090               y := y - ycenter;
4091             end;
4092         end;
4093     end;
4094   if not rxn_mode then
4095     begin
4096       xoffset := abs(xcenter-xmin) + 1.75;  // may require some adjustment
4097       yoffset := abs(ycenter-ymin) + 1.2;  // may require some adjustment
4098       maxY := 2 * yoffset;
4099     end;
4100 end;
4103 function get_pivotscore(r:integer):integer;
4104 var
4105   j : integer;
4106   a1, a2, b, rc, nrc, maxrc, rs : integer;
4107   ar : boolean;
4108   res : integer;
4109 begin
4110   res := 0;
4111   if (n_rings >= r) then
4112     begin
4113       rs := ringprop^[r].size;
4114       ar := ringprop^[r].arom;
4115       a2 := ring^[r,rs];
4116       maxrc := 1;
4117       nrc := 0;
4118       for j := 1 to rs do
4119         begin
4120           a1 := ring^[r,j];
4121           b := get_bond(a1,a2);
4122           rc := bond^[b].ring_count;
4123           if rc > maxrc then maxrc := rc;
4124           if rc > 1 then inc(nrc);
4125           a2 := a1;
4126         end;
4127       if ar then res := res + 1000;
4128       res := res + maxrc * 10 + nrc * 100;
4129       res := res + (max_ringsize - (6 - rs));
4130     end;
4131   get_pivotscore := res;
4132 end;
4135 function find_pivotring:integer;
4136 var
4137   i : integer;
4138   p, pscore : integer;
4139   res : integer;
4140 begin
4141   res := 0;
4142   pscore := 0;
4143   if (n_rings > 0) then
4144     begin
4145       for i := 1 to n_rings do
4146         begin
4147           if (not ringprop^[i].envelope) then
4148             begin
4149               p := get_pivotscore(i);
4150               //writeln('% pivotscore for ring ',i,': ',p);
4151               if p > pscore then
4152                 begin
4153                   pscore := p;
4154                   res := i;
4155                 end;
4156             end;
4157         end;
4158     end;
4159   find_pivotring := res;
4160 end;
4163 procedure rotxz(theta:double);
4164 var
4165   i : integer;
4166   cost, sint : double;
4167   ax, az : double;
4168 begin
4169   cost := cos(theta);
4170   sint := sin(theta);
4171   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
4172     begin
4173       ax := atom^[i].x;
4174       az := atom^[i].z;
4175       atom^[i].x := cost*ax - sint*az;
4176       atom^[i].z := cost*az + sint*ax;
4177     end;
4178 end;
4181 procedure rotxy(theta:double);
4182 var
4183   i : integer;
4184   cost, sint : double;
4185   ax, ay : double;
4186 begin
4187   cost := cos(theta);
4188   sint := sin(theta);
4189   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
4190     begin
4191       ax := atom^[i].x;
4192       ay := atom^[i].y;
4193       atom^[i].x := cost*ax - sint*ay;
4194       atom^[i].y := cost*ay + sint*ax;
4195     end;
4196 end;
4199 procedure rotzy(theta:double);
4200 var
4201   i : integer;
4202   cost, sint : double;
4203   az, ay : double;
4204 begin
4205   cost := cos(theta);
4206   sint := sin(theta);
4207   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
4208     begin
4209       az := atom^[i].z;
4210       ay := atom^[i].y;
4211       atom^[i].z := cost*az - sint*ay;
4212       atom^[i].y := cost*ay + sint*az;
4213     end;
4214 end;
4217 function find_pivotbond(r:integer):integer;
4218 var
4219   j : integer;
4220   a1, a2, b, rc, maxrc, rs : integer;
4221   res : integer;
4222 begin
4223   res := 0;
4224   if (n_rings >= r) then
4225     begin
4226       rs := ringprop^[r].size;
4227       a2 := ring^[r,rs];
4228       maxrc := 1;
4229       for j := 1 to rs do
4230         begin
4231           a1 := ring^[r,j];
4232           b := get_bond(a1,a2);
4233           rc := bond^[b].ring_count;
4234           if rc > maxrc then
4235             begin
4236               maxrc := rc;
4237               res := b;
4238             end;
4239           a2 := a1;
4240         end;
4241     end;
4242   find_pivotbond := res;
4243 end;
4246 procedure rotate_mol;
4247 var
4248   pr, pb : integer;
4249   acorner, a1, a2 : integer;
4250   rs, a1pos, a2pos : integer;
4251   acp, a1p, a2p, pp, refp, viewp : p_3d;
4252   ppnorm, origin, dummy : p_3d;
4253   xyangle, xzangle, yzangle : double;
4254 begin
4255   if n_brackets > 0 then exit;  // avoid any rotation when brackets are present;  v0.1f
4256   if (n_sgroups > 0) and (opt_sgroups = true) then exit;  // v0.2a
4257   if (n_rings < 1) then
4258     begin
4259       // whatever...
4260     end else
4261     begin
4262       pr := find_pivotring;
4263       if (pr > 0) and (pr <= n_rings) then
4264         begin
4265           rs := ringprop^[pr].size;
4266           a1pos := 1 + round(rs/3);
4267           a2pos := (rs + 1) - round(rs/3);
4268           acorner := ring^[pr,1];
4269           a1 := ring^[pr,a1pos];
4270           a2 := ring^[pr,a2pos];
4271           origin.x := 0; origin.y := 0; origin.z := 0;
4272           acp.x := atom^[acorner].x; acp.y := atom^[acorner].y; acp.z := atom^[acorner].z;
4273           a1p.x := atom^[a1].x; a1p.y := atom^[a1].y; a1p.z := atom^[a1].z;
4274           a2p.x := atom^[a2].x; a2p.y := atom^[a2].y; a2p.z := atom^[a2].z;
4275           pp := cross_prod(acp,a1p,a2p);   // normal vector
4276           if (pp.z < acp.z) then pp := cross_prod(acp,a2p,a1p);
4277           ppnorm := pp;
4278           dummy := acp;
4279           vec2origin(dummy,ppnorm);
4280           //====now get the angles
4281           // XZ (rotate around Y axis
4282           refp.x := 0; refp.y := 0; refp.z := 2;
4283           viewp.x := 0; viewp.y := 2; viewp.z := 0;
4284           xzangle := ctorsion(viewp,origin,refp,ppnorm);
4285           // YZ (rotate around X axis
4286           viewp.x := 2; viewp.y := 0; viewp.z := 0;
4287           yzangle := ctorsion(viewp,origin,refp,ppnorm);
4288           if (abs(xzangle) > 0) then
4289             begin
4290               rotxz(xzangle);
4291               yrot := xzangle;
4292             end;
4293           if (abs(yzangle) > 0) then
4294             begin
4295               rotzy(yzangle);
4296               xrot := yzangle;
4297             end;
4298           pb := 0;
4299           pb := find_pivotbond(pr);
4300           if (pb > 0) then
4301             begin
4302               a1 := bond^[pb].a1;
4303               a2 := bond^[pb].a2;
4304               a1p.x := atom^[a1].x; a1p.y := atom^[a1].y; a1p.z := atom^[a1].z;
4305               a2p.x := atom^[a2].x; a2p.y := atom^[a2].y; a2p.z := atom^[a2].z;
4306               refp.x := a1p.x; refp.y := (a1p.y + 2); refp.z := a1p.z;
4307               viewp.x := a1p.x; viewp.y := a1p.y; viewp.z := (a1p.z + 2);
4308               if (a2p.y < a1p.y) then refp.y := (a1p.y - 2);
4309               xyangle := ctorsion(viewp,a1p,refp,a2p);
4310                if (abs(xyangle) > 0) then
4311                 begin
4312                   rotxy(-xyangle);
4313                   zrot := xyangle;
4314                 end;
4315             end;
4316         end;
4317     end;
4318 end;
4321 function is_3dfile:boolean;
4322 var
4323   i : integer;
4324   res : boolean;
4325 begin
4326   res := false;
4327   if (n_atoms > 0) then
4328     begin
4329       for i := 1 to n_atoms do if (atom^[i].z <> 0) then res := true;
4330     end;
4331   is_3dfile := res;
4332 end;
4335 procedure adjust_mol;
4336 begin
4337   if opt_autoscale then scale_mol;
4338   if opt_autorotate or (opt_autorotate3Donly and is_3dfile) then rotate_mol else
4339     begin
4340       if (xrot <> 0) then rotzy(xrot);
4341       if (yrot <> 0) then rotxz(yrot);
4342       if (zrot <> 0) then rotxy(zrot);
4343     end;
4344   center_mol;
4345 end;
4348 function in_ring(r,a1,a2,a3:integer):boolean;
4349 var
4350   j : integer;
4351   res : boolean;
4352   complete : boolean;
4353   missing : boolean;
4354 begin
4355   res := false;
4356   if n_rings >= r then
4357     begin
4358       complete := true;
4359       missing := true;
4360       for j := 1 to max_ringsize do
4361         begin
4362           if ring^[r,j] = a1 then missing := false;
4363         end;
4364       if missing then complete := false;
4365       missing := true;
4366       for j := 1 to max_ringsize do
4367         begin
4368           if ring^[r,j] = a2 then missing := false;
4369         end;
4370       if missing then complete := false;
4371       missing := true;
4372       for j := 1 to max_ringsize do
4373         begin
4374           if ring^[r,j] = a3 then missing := false;
4375         end;
4376       if missing then complete := false;
4377       if complete then res := true;
4378     end;
4379   in_ring := res;
4380 end;
4383 function is_kekulering(r:integer):boolean;
4384 var
4385   i : integer;
4386   res : boolean;
4387   a1, a2 : integer;
4388   bt : char;
4389   b, rs : integer;
4390   ns, nd, na : integer;
4391 begin
4392   res := false;
4393   if n_rings >= r then
4394     begin
4395       rs := ringprop^[r].size;
4396       a1 := ring^[r,rs];
4397       ns := 0; nd := 0; na := 0;
4398       for i := 1 to rs do
4399         begin
4400           a2 := ring^[r,i];
4401           b := get_bond(a1,a2);
4402           bt := bond^[b].btype;
4403           if bt = 'D' then inc(nd);
4404           if bt = 'S' then inc(ns);
4405           if bt = 'A' then inc(na);
4406           a1 := a2;
4407         end;
4408       if na = rs then res := true;
4409       if (ns > 0) and (nd > 0) and (ns = nd) then res := true;
4410     end;
4411   if not ringprop^[r].arom then res := false;
4412   is_kekulering := res;
4413 end;
4416 function get_ringscore(a1,a2,a3:integer):integer;
4417 var
4418   i : integer;
4419   res : integer;
4420   atoms_in_ring : boolean;
4421   atoms_in_aromring : boolean;
4422   atoms_in_kekulering : boolean;
4423   rsize : integer;
4424 begin
4425   res := 0;
4426   if (n_rings > 0) then
4427     begin
4428       atoms_in_ring := false;
4429       atoms_in_aromring := false;
4430       atoms_in_kekulering := false;
4431       rsize := max_ringsize;
4432       for i := 1 to n_rings do
4433         begin
4434           if in_ring(i,a1,a2,a3) then
4435             begin
4436               atoms_in_ring := true;
4437               if ringprop^[i].arom then atoms_in_aromring := true;
4438               if ringprop^[i].size < rsize then rsize := ringprop^[i].size;
4439               if is_kekulering(i) then atoms_in_kekulering := true;
4440             end;
4441         end;
4442       if atoms_in_ring then res := res + 10;
4443       if atoms_in_aromring then res := res + 1000;
4444       if atoms_in_kekulering then res := res + 1;
4445       case rsize of
4446         6 : res := res + 100;
4447         5 : res := res + 90;
4448         7 : res := res + 80;
4449         8 : res := res + 70;
4450         9 : res := res + 60;
4451        10 : res := res + 50;
4452       end;
4453     end;
4454   get_ringscore := res;
4455 end;
4458 procedure refine_bonds;
4459 var
4460   i, j : integer;
4461   ba1, ba2 : integer;
4462   nb1, nb2 : neighbor_rec;
4463   nb_bond : integer;
4464   cand1, cand2 : integer;
4465   rs1, rs2 : integer;
4466 begin
4467   if n_bonds < 1 then exit;
4468   for i := 1 to n_bonds do
4469     begin
4470       if ((bond^[i].btype = 'D') or (bond^[i].btype = 'A')) then
4471         begin
4472           ba1 := bond^[i].a1;
4473           ba2 := bond^[i].a2;
4474           if (atom^[ba1].neighbor_count = 1) and (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count > 1) then
4475             begin
4476               nb2 := get_nextneighbors(ba2,ba1);
4477               bond^[i].bsubtype := 'A';
4478               bond^[i].a_handle := nb2[1];
4479               if (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count >= 2) then
4480                 begin
4481                   for j := 1 to atom^[ba2].neighbor_count do
4482                     begin
4483                       nb_bond := get_bond(ba2,nb2[j]);
4484                       if (bond^[nb_bond].btype = 'D') then    //  ==> allene, sulfate etc.!
4485                         begin
4486                           bond^[i].bsubtype := 'N';
4487                           bond^[i].a_handle := 0;
4488                         end;
4489                       end;
4490                 end;
4491               if (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count >= 3) then
4492                 begin
4493                   bond^[i].bsubtype := 'N';
4494                 end;
4495             end;
4496           if (atom^[ba1].neighbor_count > 1) and (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count = 1) then
4497             begin
4498               nb1 := get_nextneighbors(ba1,ba2);
4499               bond^[i].bsubtype := 'A';
4500               bond^[i].a_handle := nb1[1];
4501               if (atom^[ba1].neighbor_count >= 2) then
4502                 begin
4503                   for j := 1 to atom^[ba1].neighbor_count do
4504                     begin
4505                       nb_bond := get_bond(ba1,nb1[j]);
4506                       if (bond^[nb_bond].btype = 'D') then    //  ==> allene, sulfate etc.!
4507                         begin
4508                           bond^[i].bsubtype := 'N';
4509                           bond^[i].a_handle := 0;
4510                         end;
4511                       end;
4512                 end;
4513               if (atom^[ba1].neighbor_count >= 3) then
4514                 begin
4515                   bond^[i].bsubtype := 'N';
4516                 end;
4517             end;
4518           if (atom^[ba1].neighbor_count = 2) and (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count = 2) then
4519             begin
4520               nb1 := get_nextneighbors(ba1,ba2);
4521               nb2 := get_nextneighbors(ba2,ba1);
4522               bond^[i].bsubtype := 'A';
4523               cand1 := nb1[1];
4524               cand2 := nb2[1];
4525               if is_heavyatom(cand1) then bond^[i].a_handle := cand1 else
4526               bond^[i].a_handle := cand2;  // some more refinement still missing....
4527             end;
4528           if (atom^[ba1].neighbor_count = 2) and (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count = 3) then
4529             begin
4530               nb1 := get_nextneighbors(ba1,ba2);
4531               bond^[i].bsubtype := 'A';
4532               bond^[i].a_handle := nb1[1];
4533             end;
4534           if (atom^[ba1].neighbor_count = 3) and (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count = 2) then
4535             begin
4536               nb2 := get_nextneighbors(ba2,ba1);
4537               bond^[i].bsubtype := 'A';
4538               bond^[i].a_handle := nb2[1];
4539             end;
4540           if (atom^[ba1].neighbor_count = 3) and (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count = 3) then
4541             begin
4542               nb1 := get_nextneighbors(ba1,ba2);
4543               cand1 := nb1[1];
4544               cand2 := nb1[2];
4545               rs1 := get_ringscore(cand1,ba1,ba2);
4546               rs2 := get_ringscore(cand2,ba1,ba2);
4547               bond^[i].a_handle := cand1;   // default
4548               if (rs1 <> rs2) then
4549                 begin
4550                   bond^[i].bsubtype := 'A';
4551                   if rs1 > rs2 then bond^[i].a_handle := cand1 else
4552                     bond^[i].a_handle := cand2;
4553                 end else
4554                 begin
4555                   nb2 := get_nextneighbors(ba2,ba1);
4556                   cand1 := nb2[1];
4557                   cand2 := nb2[2];
4558                   rs1 := get_ringscore(cand1,ba1,ba2);
4559                   rs2 := get_ringscore(cand2,ba1,ba2);
4560                   bond^[i].a_handle := cand1;   // default
4561                   if (rs1 <> rs2) then
4562                     begin
4563                       bond^[i].bsubtype := 'A';
4564                       if rs1 > rs2 then bond^[i].a_handle := cand1 else
4565                         bond^[i].a_handle := cand2;
4566                     end else
4567                     begin
4568                       if (rs1 > 0) then
4569                         begin
4570                           bond^[i].bsubtype := 'A';
4571                           bond^[i].a_handle := cand1;
4572                         end;
4573                     end;
4574                 end;
4575             end;
4576           if (opt_stripH = false) then    // v0.1f
4577             begin
4578               if ((atom^[ba1].neighbor_count + atom^[ba1].Hexp = 1) or
4579                 (atom^[ba1].neighbor_count + atom^[ba1].Hexp >= 3)) and
4580                 ((atom^[ba2].neighbor_count + atom^[ba2].Hexp = 1) or
4581                 (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count + atom^[ba2].Hexp >= 3)) then
4582                 begin
4583                   if (bond^[i].ring_count = 0) then bond^[i].bsubtype := 'N';
4584                 end;
4585             end;
4586         end;  // end check of double bonds
4587       if ((bond^[i].btype = 'S') and (bond^[i].stereo = bstereo_up)) then
4588           bond^[i].bsubtype := 'W';
4589       if ((bond^[i].btype = 'S') and (bond^[i].stereo = bstereo_down)) then
4590           bond^[i].bsubtype := 'H';
4591     end;
4592   for i := 1 to n_bonds do  // 2nd run
4593     begin
4594       if ((bond^[i].btype = 'D') and (bond^[i].a_handle = 0)) then
4595         begin
4596           ba1 := bond^[i].a1;
4597           ba2 := bond^[i].a2;
4598           if ((atom^[ba1].neighbor_count = 1) and (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count = 2)) then
4599             begin
4600               nb2 := get_nextneighbors(ba2,ba1);
4601               nb_bond := get_bond(ba2,nb2[1]);
4602               if (bond^[nb_bond].btype = 'D') then    //  ==> allene etc.!
4603                 begin
4604                   if (bond^[nb_bond].a_handle > 0) then bond^[i].a_handle := bond^[nb_bond].a_handle;
4605                   bond^[i].bsubtype := bond^[nb_bond].bsubtype;
4606                 end;
4607             end;
4608           if ((atom^[ba1].neighbor_count = 2) and (atom^[ba2].neighbor_count = 1)) then
4609             begin
4610               nb1 := get_nextneighbors(ba1,ba2);
4611               nb_bond := get_bond(ba1,nb1[1]);
4612               if (bond^[nb_bond].btype = 'D') then    //  ==> allene etc.!
4613                 begin
4614                   if (bond^[nb_bond].a_handle > 0) then bond^[i].a_handle := bond^[nb_bond].a_handle;
4615                   bond^[i].bsubtype := bond^[nb_bond].bsubtype;
4616                 end;
4617             end;
4618         end;
4619     end;
4620 end;
4623 procedure chk_hidden;
4624 var
4625   i, j : integer;
4626   a1, a2, b : integer;
4627   el1, el2 : str2;
4628   nb : neighbor_rec;
4629   n_db : integer;
4630 begin
4631   if n_atoms > 0 then
4632     begin
4633       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
4634         begin
4635           el1   := atom^[i].element;
4636           nb    := get_neighbors(i);
4637           a1    := i;
4638           n_db  := 0;
4639           for j := 1 to atom^[i].neighbor_count do
4640             begin
4641               a2 := nb[j];
4642               b := get_bond(a1,a2);
4643               if (bond^[b].btype = 'D') then inc(n_db);
4644             end;
4645           if (atom^[i].alias <> '') then atom^[i].hidden := false;  // v0.2b
4646           if (el1 = 'C ') then atom^[i].hidden := true else atom^[i].hidden := false;
4647           if (el1 = 'C ') and (atom^[i].neighbor_count = 2) and (n_db = 2) then atom^[i].hidden := false;
4648           if (el1 = 'H ') and opt_stripH then atom^[i].hidden := true;
4649           if (opt_Honmethyl and is_methylC(i) and opt_stripH) then atom^[i].hidden := false;
4650           //if atom^[i].formal_charge <> 0 then atom^[i].hidden := false;  // v0.1d
4651           if atom^[i].nucleon_number > 0 then atom^[i].hidden := false;
4652           atom^[i].tag := false;   // reset atom tags;  v0.1f
4653         end;
4654     end;
4655   if n_bonds > 0 then
4656     begin
4657       for i := 1 to n_bonds do
4658         begin
4659           a1 := bond^[i].a1;
4660           a2 := bond^[i].a2;
4661           el1 := atom^[a1].element;
4662           el2 := atom^[a2].element;
4663           bond^[i].hidden := false;
4664           if (el1 = 'H ') or (el2 = 'H ') then
4665             begin
4666               if opt_stripH then bond^[i].hidden := true;
4667               if (el1 = 'H ') and (el2 = 'H ') then bond^[i].hidden := false;
4668               if opt_Honstereo then
4669                 begin
4670                   if (bond^[i].stereo = bstereo_up) or (bond^[i].stereo = bstereo_down) then
4671                     begin
4672                       bond^[i].hidden := false;
4673                       if (el1 = 'H ') then
4674                         begin
4675                           atom^[a1].hidden := false;
4676                           if is_methylC(a2) then atom^[a2].hidden := true;
4677                         end;
4678                       if (el2 = 'H ') then
4679                         begin
4680                           atom^[a2].hidden := false;
4681                           if is_methylC(a1) then atom^[a1].hidden := true;
4682                         end;
4683                     end;
4684                 end;
4685               if (el1 = 'H ') and (atom^[a1].nucleon_number > 0) then
4686                 begin
4687                   bond^[i].hidden := false;
4688                   atom^[a2].tag := true;   // v0.1f; mark Deuterium or Tritium-bearing atoms
4689                 end;
4690               if (el2 = 'H ') and (atom^[a2].nucleon_number > 0) then
4691                 begin
4692                   bond^[i].hidden := false;
4693                   atom^[a1].tag := true;   // v0.1f
4694                 end;
4695             end;
4696         end;
4697     end;
4698 end;
4700 //==============================Postscript and SVG output routines======
4702 procedure printBBdef;
4703 begin
4704   writeln('/bb {');
4705   //writeln('1.0 setgray');
4706   writeln(bgrgbstr,' setrgbcolor');
4707   writeln('CFont');
4708   writeln('newpath X dot Y dot moveto');
4709   writeln('anchor stringwidth pop 2 div ',lblmargin:1:1,' add neg 0 rmoveto');
4710   writeln('0 fs1 2.5 div ',lblmargin:1:1,' add neg rmoveto');
4711   writeln('0 fs1 2.5 div 2 mul ',2*lblmargin:1:1,' add rlineto');
4712   writeln('anchor stringwidth pop ',2*lblmargin:1:1,' add 0 rlineto');
4713   writeln('0 fs1 2.5 div 2 mul ',2*lblmargin:1:1,' add neg rlineto');
4714   writeln('closepath fill');
4715   //writeln('0.0 setgray');
4716   writeln('0 0 0 setrgbcolor');
4717   writeln('X dot Y dot moveto');
4718   writeln('} bind def');
4719   writeln;
4720 end;
4723 procedure printBBXdef;
4724 begin
4725   writeln('/bbx {');
4726   //writeln('1.0 setgray');
4727   writeln(bgrgbstr,' setrgbcolor');
4728   writeln('CFont');
4729   writeln('newpath X dot Y dot moveto');
4730   writeln('anchor stringwidth pop 2 div ',lblmargin:1:1,' add neg 0 rmoveto');
4731   writeln('0 fs1 2.5 div neg rmoveto');         // bottom left
4732   writeln('0 fs1 2.5 div 2 mul rlineto');       // top left
4733   writeln('anchor stringwidth pop ',2*lblmargin:1:1,' add 0 rlineto');  // top right, big box
4734   // extra box for "+" or "-" sign
4735   writeln('0 fs1 6 div rlineto');               // top/top left
4736   writeln('fs1 2 div 0 rlineto');               // top/top right
4737   writeln('0 fs1 2 div neg rlineto');           // top/bottom right
4738   writeln('fs1 2 div neg 0 rlineto');           // compensates for the extra upshift
4739   writeln('0 fs1 2 div neg rlineto');           // back on track
4740   writeln('closepath fill');
4741   //writeln('0.0 setgray');
4742   writeln('0 0 0 setrgbcolor');
4743   writeln('X dot Y dot moveto');
4744   writeln('} bind def');
4745   writeln;
4746 end;
4749 procedure write_PS_init;
4750 begin
4751   bgrgbstr := format('%1.2f %1.2f %1.2f',[(bgcolor.r/255),(bgcolor.g/255),(bgcolor.b/255)],fsettings);
4752   calc_PSboundingbox;
4753   if opt_eps then
4754     begin
4755       writeln('%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0');
4756       write_PSboundingbox;
4757     end else writeln('%!PS-Adobe-2.0');
4758   writeln('%%Creator: mol2ps ',version,',  Norbert Haider, University of Vienna, 2014');
4759   if not opt_stdin then
4760     writeln('%%Title: ',molfilename) else
4761     writeln('%%Title: reading from standard input');
4762   writeln('% the following settings were used:');
4763   writeln('% font: ',fontname,' ',fontsize1,' pt (',fontsize2,' pt for subscripts)');
4764   writeln('% line width: ',linewidth:1:1);
4765   if opt_autorotate or (opt_autorotate3Donly and is_3dfile) then
4766     begin
4767       writeln('% automatic rotation: ');
4768       writeln('%      ',radtodeg(xrot):1:2,'� around X axis');
4769       writeln('%      ',radtodeg(yrot):1:2,'� around Y axis');
4770       writeln('%      ',radtodeg(zrot):1:2,'� around Z axis');
4771     end else
4772     begin
4773       if (xrot <> 0) or (yrot <> 0) or (zrot <> 0) then
4774         begin
4775           writeln('% user-specified rotation: ');
4776           if (xrot <> 0) then writeln('%      ',radtodeg(xrot):1:2,'� around X axis');
4777           if (yrot <> 0) then writeln('%      ',radtodeg(yrot):1:2,'� around Y axis');
4778           if (zrot <> 0) then writeln('%      ',radtodeg(zrot):1:2,'� around Z axis');
4779         end;
4780     end;
4781   write('% automatic scaling: ');
4782   if opt_autoscale then writeln('on') else writeln('off');
4783   if (sf_mol <> 1.0) then writeln('% molecule scaled by ',sf_mol:1:5);
4784   write('% stripping of explicit hydrogens: ');
4785   if opt_stripH then writeln('on') else writeln('off');
4786   write('% hydrogen on hetero atoms: ');
4787   if opt_Honhetero then writeln('on') else writeln('off');
4788   write('% print molecule name above structure: ');
4789   if opt_showmolname then writeln('on') else writeln('off');
4790   if opt_bgcolor then write_PSbg;
4791   writeln;
4792   writeln('% for manual (re-)scaling, please edit the following line:');
4793   writeln('  ',global_scaling:1:2,' ',global_scaling:1:2,' scale');
4794   writeln;
4795   writeln('gsave');
4796   writeln('/dot {.24 mul} def');
4797   writeln('0 0 0 setrgbcolor');  // v0.4a
4798   writeln(linewidth:1:1,' setlinewidth');
4799   writeln('1 setlinecap');
4800   writeln('1 setlinejoin');
4801   writeln('/fs1 ',fontsize1,' def');
4802   writeln('/fs2 ',fontsize2,' def');
4803   writeln('/fs3 ',round((fontsize1+fontsize2)/2),' def');
4804   writeln('/CFont { /',fontname,' findfont fs1 scalefont setfont } def');
4805   writeln('/CFontSub { /',fontname,' findfont fs2 scalefont setfont } def');
4806   writeln('/CFontChg { /Courier-Bold findfont fs3 scalefont setfont } def');
4807   if (opt_atomnum or opt_bondnum or opt_maps) then
4808     begin
4809       writeln('/fs4 ',round(fontsize1 / 2.5),' def');
4810       writeln('/CFontNum { /',fontname,' findfont fs4 scalefont setfont } def');
4811     end;
4812   writeln('/Minus { (-) show } def');  // with Courier we don't need '--'
4813   writeln('/Rad1 { (:) show } def');
4814   //writeln('/Rad2 { (.) show } def');
4815   writeln('/Rad2 { (\267) show } def');
4816   writeln('/Rad3 { /Helvetica-Bold findfont fs3 1.4 div scalefont setfont (^^) show } def');
4817   writeln;
4818   printBBdef;
4819   printBBXdef;
4820 end;
4822 procedure write_SVG_init;
4823 var
4824   ymaxtotal   : double;
4825   ymintotal   : double;
4826   ydiff       : double;
4827   ydiffscaled : double;
4828   xmaxscaled  : double;
4829   ymaxscaled  : double;
4830   yminscaled  : double;
4831   rgbhex      : string;
4832 begin
4833   rgbhex := '#' + inttohex(bgcolor.r,2) + inttohex(bgcolor.g,2) + inttohex(bgcolor.b,2);
4835   ymaxtotal      := svg_max_y + ymargin + max_ytrans;
4836   ymintotal      := svg_min_y - 25 + max_ytrans;
4837   ydiff          := (svg_max_y + 25) - (svg_min_y -25);
4838   ydiffscaled    := ydiff * global_scaling;
4839   xmaxscaled     := (svg_max_x + 20) * global_scaling;
4840   ymaxscaled     := ymaxtotal * global_scaling;
4841   yminscaled     := ymintotal * global_scaling;
4842   //  $svgline[1] = "<svg width=\"$xmaxscaled\" height=\"$ydiffscaled\" viewbox=\"0 $ymintotal $xmaxval $ydiff\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">";
4844   // the width and height values are placeholders; correct values will be determined during
4845   // plotting and will be appended at the end of the output, so they can be applied to the
4846   // final SVG file by a wrapper script
4847   writeln('<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?>');
4848   writeln('<svg width="',xmaxscaled:1:0,'" height="',ydiffscaled:1:0,'" viewbox="0 ',ymintotal:1:0,' ',(svg_max_x + 20):1:0,' ',ydiff:1:0,'" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">');
4849   writeln('<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[ circle { stroke: ',rgbhex,'; fill: ',rgbhex,'; }');
4850   writeln('text { font-family: ',fontname,'; font-size: ',fontsize1,'px; } line { stroke: #000000; stroke-width: ',linewidth:1:1,'; } ]]> </style>');
4851   writeln('<g>');
4852   writeln;
4853   if opt_bgcolor then
4854     begin
4855       writeln('<rect x="0" y="',ymintotal:1:0,'" width="',(svg_max_x + 20):1:0,'" height="',ydiff:1:0,'" style="fill: ',rgbhex,'; stroke-width:0"/>');
4856       writeln;
4857     end;
4858   if opt_showmolname and (molname <> '') then
4859     begin
4860       writeln(format('<text style="font-size: %dpx" x="5" y="%1.1f">%s</text>',[fontsize2,(ymintotal+fontsize2),molname],fsettings));
4861     end;
4862 end;
4864 procedure chk_svg_max_xy(svg_x, svg_y : single);  // v0.2c
4865 // update the global variables svg_max_x, svg_ax_y and svg_min_y by comparison with the actual values
4866 begin
4867   if (svg_x > svg_max_x) then svg_max_x := svg_x;
4868   if (svg_y > svg_max_y) then svg_max_y := svg_y;
4869   if (svg_y < svg_min_y) then svg_min_y := svg_y;
4870 end;
4873 procedure printPSsingle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : single);
4874 var
4875   outXint, outYint, outXint2, outYint2 : integer;
4876 begin
4877   outXint := round((X1+xoffset)*blfactor);
4878   outYint := round((Y1+yoffset)*blfactor);
4879   updatebb(outXint, outYint);
4880   outXint2 := round((X2+xoffset)*blfactor);
4881   outYint2 := round((Y2+yoffset)*blfactor);
4882   updatebb(outXint2, outYint2);
4883   writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto %d dot %d dot lineto', [outXint, outYint, outXint2, outYint2]);
4884 end;
4886 procedure printSVGsingle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : single);
4887 var
4888   outX, outY : single;
4889   bstr : string;  // v0.4
4890 begin
4891   outX := (X1+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
4892   outY := (Y1+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
4893   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
4894   if (svg_mode = 1) then
4895     bstr := format('<line x1="%1.1f" y1="%1.1f" ',[outX,outY],fsettings);
4896   if (svg_mode = 2) then
4897     bstr := format('M %1.1f %1.1f ',[outX,outY],fsettings);
4898   outX := (X2+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
4899   outY := (Y2+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
4900   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
4901   if (svg_mode = 1) then bstr := bstr + format('x2="%1.1f" y2="%1.1f" />',[outX,outY],fsettings);
4902   if (svg_mode = 2) then bstr := bstr + format('L %1.1f %1.1f ',[outX,outY],fsettings);
4903   writeouts(bstr);
4904 end;
4906 procedure printPSdouble(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : single);
4907 var
4908   origX1, origY1, origX2, origY2 : single;
4909   r, deltaX, deltaY : double;
4910 begin
4911   origX1 := X1;
4912   origY1 := Y1;
4913   origX2 := X2;
4914   origY2 := Y2;
4915   r := sqrt(sqr(origX1-origX2)+sqr(origY1-origY2));
4916   if (r = 0) then   // added check in v0.1f
4917     begin
4918       //nothing to draw, atoms are superimposed
4919       {$IFDEF debug}
4920       debugoutput('atoms have identical XY coordinates, skipping bond');
4921       {$ENDIF}
4922       exit;
4923     end;
4924   deltaX := ((PX-1)/2)*(origY2-origY1)/r;
4925   deltaY := ((PX-1)/2)*(origX2-origX1)/r;
4926   X1 := origX1-deltaX;
4927   Y1 := origY1+deltaY;
4928   X2 := origX2-deltaX;
4929   Y2 := origY2+deltaY;
4930   printPSsingle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
4931   X1 := origX1+deltaX;
4932   Y1 := origY1-deltaY;
4933   X2 := origX2+deltaX;
4934   Y2 := origY2-deltaY;
4935   printPSsingle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
4936 end;
4938 procedure printSVGdouble(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : single);
4939 var
4940   origX1, origY1, origX2, origY2 : single;
4941   r, deltaX, deltaY : double;
4942 begin
4943   origX1 := X1;
4944   origY1 := Y1;
4945   origX2 := X2;
4946   origY2 := Y2;
4947   r := sqrt(sqr(origX1-origX2)+sqr(origY1-origY2));
4948   if (r = 0) then   // added check in v0.1f
4949     begin
4950       //nothing to draw, atoms are superimposed
4951       {$IFDEF debug}
4952       debugoutput('atoms have identical XY coordinates, skipping bond');
4953       {$ENDIF}
4954       exit;
4955     end;
4956   deltaX := ((PX-1)/2)*(origY2-origY1)/r;
4957   deltaY := ((PX-1)/2)*(origX2-origX1)/r;
4958   X1 := origX1-deltaX;
4959   Y1 := origY1+deltaY;
4960   X2 := origX2-deltaX;
4961   Y2 := origY2+deltaY;
4962   printSVGsingle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
4963   X1 := origX1+deltaX;
4964   Y1 := origY1-deltaY;
4965   X2 := origX2+deltaX;
4966   Y2 := origY2-deltaY;
4967   printSVGsingle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
4968 end;
4970 procedure printPStriple(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : single);
4971 var
4972   origX1, origY1, origX2, origY2 : single;
4973   r, deltaX, deltaY : double;
4974 begin
4975   origX1 := X1;
4976   origY1 := Y1;
4977   origX2 := X2;
4978   origY2 := Y2;
4979   r := sqrt(sqr(origX1-origX2)+sqr(origY1-origY2));
4980   if (r = 0) then   // added check in v0.1f
4981     begin
4982       //nothing to draw, atoms are superimposed
4983       {$IFDEF debug}
4984       debugoutput('atoms have identical XY coordinates, skipping bond');
4985       {$ENDIF}
4986       exit;
4987     end;
4988   deltaX := (PX-2)*(origY2-origY1)/r;
4989   deltaY := (PX-2)*(origX2-origX1)/r;
4990   printPSsingle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
4991   X1 := origX1-deltaX;
4992   Y1 := origY1+deltaY;
4993   X2 := origX2-deltaX;
4994   Y2 := origY2+deltaY;
4995   printPSsingle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
4996   X1 := origX1+deltaX;
4997   Y1 := origY1-deltaY;
4998   X2 := origX2+deltaX;
4999   Y2 := origY2-deltaY;
5000   printPSsingle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
5001 end;
new_p3null5004 function new_p3(fixp,dirp:p_3d; dist:double):p_3d;
5005 var
5006   ini_dist : double;
5007   scalingfactor : double;
5008   diffx, diffy, diffz : double;
5009   resp : p_3d;
5010 begin
5011   ini_dist := dist3d(fixp,dirp);
5012   if (ini_dist = 0) then
5013     begin
5014       new_p3 := fixp;
5015       exit;
5016     end;
5017   scalingfactor := dist/ini_dist;
5018   diffx := dirp.x - fixp.x;
5019   diffy := dirp.y - fixp.y;
5020   diffz := dirp.z - fixp.z;
5021   resp.x := fixp.x + diffx*scalingfactor;
5022   resp.y := fixp.y + diffy*scalingfactor;
5023   resp.z := fixp.z + diffz*scalingfactor;
5024   new_p3 := resp;
5025 end;
5028 procedure printPS2DdoubleN(a1p,a2p:p_3d);
5029 var
5030   tmp1, tmp2, test1, test2, a_dir, diffp, ahp : p_3d;
5031   spacing : double;
5032   diffx, diffy : double;
5033 begin
5034   {$IFDEF debug}
5035   debugoutput('entering printPS2DdoubleN');
5036   {$ENDIF}
5037   tmp1.x := (a1p.x + a2p.x) / 2;
5038   tmp1.y := (a1p.y + a2p.y) / 2;
5039   tmp1.z := (a1p.z + a2p.z) / 2;
5040   diffx := tmp1.x - a1p.x;
5041   diffy := tmp1.y - a1p.y;
5042   ahp.x := tmp1.x - diffy;  // fixed in v0.1c
5043   ahp.y := tmp1.y + diffx;
5044   ahp.z := tmp1.z;
5045   tmp1  := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5046   test1 := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,tmp1);
5047   test2 := cross_prod(a1p,tmp1,a2p);
5048   if (dist3d(ahp,test1) < dist3d(ahp,test1)) then
5049     a_dir := test1 else a_dir := test2;
5050   spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor;
5051   tmp1 := new_p3(a1p,a_dir,0.5*spacing);
5052   diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,a1p);
5053   tmp2 := add_3d(a2p,diffp);
5054   printPSsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5055   tmp1  := subtract_3d(a1p,diffp);
5056   tmp2  := subtract_3d(a2p,diffp);
5057   printPSsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5058 end;
5060 procedure printSVG2DdoubleN(a1p,a2p:p_3d);
5061 var
5062   tmp1, tmp2, test1, test2, a_dir, diffp, ahp : p_3d;
5063   spacing : double;
5064   diffx, diffy : double;
5065 begin
5066   {$IFDEF debug}
5067   debugoutput('entering printSVG2DdoubleN');
5068   {$ENDIF}
5069   tmp1.x := (a1p.x + a2p.x) / 2;
5070   tmp1.y := (a1p.y + a2p.y) / 2;
5071   tmp1.z := (a1p.z + a2p.z) / 2;
5072   diffx := tmp1.x - a1p.x;
5073   diffy := tmp1.y - a1p.y;
5074   ahp.x := tmp1.x - diffy;
5075   ahp.y := tmp1.y + diffx;
5076   ahp.z := tmp1.z;
5077   tmp1  := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5078   test1 := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,tmp1);
5079   test2 := cross_prod(a1p,tmp1,a2p);
5080   if (dist3d(ahp,test1) < dist3d(ahp,test1)) then
5081     a_dir := test1 else a_dir := test2;
5082   spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor;
5083   tmp1 := new_p3(a1p,a_dir,0.5*spacing);
5084   diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,a1p);
5085   tmp2 := add_3d(a2p,diffp);
5086   printSVGsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5087   tmp1  := subtract_3d(a1p,diffp);
5088   tmp2  := subtract_3d(a2p,diffp);
5089   printSVGsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5090 end;
5092 procedure printPS2Dtriple(a1p,a2p:p_3d);
5093 var
5094   la1p, la2p, tmp1, tmp2, test1, a_dir, diffp, ahp : p_3d;
5095   spacing : double;
5096 begin
5097   {$IFDEF debug}
5098   debugoutput('entering printPS2triple');
5099   {$ENDIF}
5100   la1p := a1p; la2p := a2p;
5101   la1p.z := 0; la2p.z := 0;  // make it flat
5102   ahp.x := a1p.x;
5103   ahp.y := a1p.y;
5104   ahp.z := 2;
5105   test1 := cross_prod(la1p,la2p,ahp);
5106   a_dir := test1;  // else a_dir := test2;
5107   spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor;
5108   tmp1 := new_p3(la1p,a_dir,spacing);
5109   diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,la1p);
5110   tmp2 := add_3d(la2p,diffp);
5111   printPSsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5112   tmp1  := subtract_3d(la1p,diffp);
5113   tmp2  := subtract_3d(la2p,diffp);
5114   printPSsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5115   printPSsingle(la1p.x,la1p.y,la2p.x,la2p.y);
5116 end;
5118 procedure printSVG2Dtriple(a1p,a2p:p_3d);
5119 var
5120   la1p, la2p, tmp1, tmp2, test1, a_dir, diffp, ahp : p_3d;
5121   spacing : double;
5122 begin
5123   {$IFDEF debug}
5124   debugoutput('entering printSVG2Dtriple');
5125   {$ENDIF}
5126   la1p := a1p; la2p := a2p;
5127   la1p.z := 0; la2p.z := 0;  // make it flat
5128   ahp.x := a1p.x;
5129   ahp.y := a1p.y;
5130   ahp.z := 2;
5131   test1 := cross_prod(la1p,la2p,ahp);
5132   a_dir := test1;  // else a_dir := test2;
5133   spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor;
5134   tmp1 := new_p3(la1p,a_dir,spacing);
5135   diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,la1p);
5136   tmp2 := add_3d(la2p,diffp);
5137   printSVGsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5138   tmp1  := subtract_3d(la1p,diffp);
5139   tmp2  := subtract_3d(la2p,diffp);
5140   printSVGsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5141   printSVGsingle(la1p.x,la1p.y,la2p.x,la2p.y);
5142 end;
5144 procedure printPS3DdoubleN(a1p,a2p,ahp:p_3d);
5145 var
5146   tmp1, tmp2, test1, test2, a_dir, diffp : p_3d;
5147   spacing : double;
5148   angle : double;
5149   angle_deg : double;
5150 begin
5151   {$IFDEF debug}
5152   debugoutput('entering printPS3DdoubleN');
5153   {$ENDIF}
5154   angle := angle_3d(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5155   angle_deg := radtodeg(angle);
5156   if (abs(angle_deg) < 5) or (abs(angle_deg) > 175) then  // unusable handle
5157     begin
5158       printPS2DdoubleN(a1p,a2p);
5159     end else
5160     begin
5161       tmp1  := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5162       test1 := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,tmp1);
5163       test2 := cross_prod(a1p,tmp1,a2p);
5164       if (dist3d(ahp,test1) < dist3d(ahp,test1)) then
5165         a_dir := test1 else a_dir := test2;
5166       spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor;
5167       tmp1 := new_p3(a1p,a_dir,0.5*spacing);
5168       diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,a1p);
5169       tmp2 := add_3d(a2p,diffp);
5170       printPSsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5171       tmp1  := subtract_3d(a1p,diffp);
5172       tmp2  := subtract_3d(a2p,diffp);
5173       printPSsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5174     end;
5175 end;
5177 procedure printSVG3DdoubleN(a1p,a2p,ahp:p_3d);
5178 var
5179   tmp1, tmp2, test1, test2, a_dir, diffp : p_3d;
5180   spacing : double;
5181   angle : double;
5182   angle_deg : double;
5183 begin
5184   {$IFDEF debug}
5185   debugoutput('entering printSVG3DdoubleN');
5186   {$ENDIF}
5187   angle := angle_3d(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5188   angle_deg := radtodeg(angle);
5189   if (abs(angle_deg) < 5) or (abs(angle_deg) > 175) then  // unusable handle
5190     begin
5191       printSVG2DdoubleN(a1p,a2p);
5192     end else
5193     begin
5194       tmp1  := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5195       test1 := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,tmp1);
5196       test2 := cross_prod(a1p,tmp1,a2p);
5197       if (dist3d(ahp,test1) < dist3d(ahp,test1)) then
5198         a_dir := test1 else a_dir := test2;
5199       spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor;
5200       tmp1 := new_p3(a1p,a_dir,0.5*spacing);
5201       diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,a1p);
5202       tmp2 := add_3d(a2p,diffp);
5203       printSVGsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5204       tmp1  := subtract_3d(a1p,diffp);
5205       tmp2  := subtract_3d(a2p,diffp);
5206       printSVGsingle(tmp1.x,tmp1.y,tmp2.x,tmp2.y);
5207     end;
5208 end;
5210 procedure printPS3DdoubleA(a1p,a2p,ahp:p_3d);
5211 var
5212   tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, test1, test2, a_dir, diffp : p_3d;
5213   spacing : double;
5214   angle : double;
5215   angle_deg : double;
5216 begin
5217   {$IFDEF debug}
5218   debugoutput('entering printPS3DdoubleA');
5219   {$ENDIF}
5220   angle := angle_3d(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5221   angle_deg := radtodeg(angle);
5222   if (abs(angle_deg) < 5) or (abs(angle_deg) > 175) then  // unusable handle
5223     begin
5224       printPSdouble(a1p.x,a1p.y,a2p.x,a2p.y);
5225     end else
5226     begin
5227       tmp1  := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5228       test1 := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,tmp1);
5229       test2 := cross_prod(a1p,tmp1,a2p);
5230       if (dist3d(ahp,test1) < dist3d(ahp,test1)) then
5231         a_dir := test1 else a_dir := test2;
5232       spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor;
5233       tmp1 := new_p3(a1p,a_dir,spacing);
5234       diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,a1p);
5235       tmp2 := add_3d(a2p,diffp);
5236       tmp3 := new_p3(tmp1,tmp2,0.4*spacing);
5237       tmp4 := new_p3(tmp2,tmp1,0.4*spacing);
5238       printPSsingle(tmp3.x,tmp3.y,tmp4.x,tmp4.y);
5239       printPSsingle(a1p.x,a1p.y,a2p.x,a2p.y);
5240     end;
5241 end;
5243 procedure printSVG3DdoubleA(a1p,a2p,ahp:p_3d);
5244 var
5245   tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, test1, test2, a_dir, diffp : p_3d;
5246   spacing : double;
5247   angle : double;
5248   angle_deg : double;
5249 begin
5250   {$IFDEF debug}
5251   debugoutput('entering printPS3DdoubleA');
5252   {$ENDIF}
5253   angle := angle_3d(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5254   angle_deg := radtodeg(angle);
5255   if (abs(angle_deg) < 5) or (abs(angle_deg) > 175) then  // unusable handle
5256     begin
5257       printSVGdouble(a1p.x,a1p.y,a2p.x,a2p.y);
5258     end else
5259     begin
5260       tmp1  := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5261       test1 := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,tmp1);
5262       test2 := cross_prod(a1p,tmp1,a2p);
5263       if (dist3d(ahp,test1) < dist3d(ahp,test1)) then
5264         a_dir := test1 else a_dir := test2;
5265       spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor;
5266       tmp1 := new_p3(a1p,a_dir,spacing);
5267       diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,a1p);
5268       tmp2 := add_3d(a2p,diffp);
5269       tmp3 := new_p3(tmp1,tmp2,0.4*spacing);
5270       tmp4 := new_p3(tmp2,tmp1,0.4*spacing);
5271       printSVGsingle(tmp3.x,tmp3.y,tmp4.x,tmp4.y);
5272       printSVGsingle(a1p.x,a1p.y,a2p.x,a2p.y);
5273     end;
5274 end;
5276 procedure printPS3Darom(a1p,a2p,ahp:p_3d);
5277 var
5278   tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, test1, test2, a_dir, diffp : p_3d;
5279   spacing : double;
5280   angle : double;
5281   angle_deg : double;
5282 begin
5283   {$IFDEF debug}
5284   debugoutput('entering printPS3Darom');
5285   {$ENDIF}
5286   angle := angle_3d(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5287   angle_deg := radtodeg(angle);
5288   if (abs(angle_deg) < 5) or (abs(angle_deg) > 175) then  // unusable handle
5289     begin
5290       printPSdouble(a1p.x,a1p.y,a2p.x,a2p.y);
5291     end else
5292     begin
5293       tmp1  := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5294       test1 := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,tmp1);
5295       test2 := cross_prod(a1p,tmp1,a2p);
5296       if (dist3d(ahp,test1) < dist3d(ahp,test1)) then
5297         a_dir := test1 else a_dir := test2;
5298       spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor;
5299       tmp1 := new_p3(a1p,a_dir,spacing);
5300       diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,a1p);
5301       tmp2 := add_3d(a2p,diffp);
5302       // shortening of bond
5303       tmp3 := new_p3(tmp1,tmp2,0.7*spacing);
5304       tmp4 := new_p3(tmp2,tmp1,0.7*spacing);
5305       writeouts(' stroke [3 3] 1 setdash 0.3 setgray ');
5306       printPSsingle(tmp3.x,tmp3.y,tmp4.x,tmp4.y);
5307       writeouts(' stroke [] 0 setdash 0.0 setgray ');
5308       printPSsingle(a1p.x,a1p.y,a2p.x,a2p.y);
5309     end;
5310 end;
5312 procedure printSVG3Darom(a1p,a2p,ahp:p_3d);
5313 var
5314   tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, test1, test2, a_dir, diffp : p_3d;
5315   spacing : double;
5316   angle : double;
5317   angle_deg : double;
5318   outx,outy : single;
5319   bstr : string;
5320 begin
5321   {$IFDEF debug}
5322   debugoutput('entering printSVG3Darom');
5323   {$ENDIF}
5324   angle := angle_3d(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5325   angle_deg := radtodeg(angle);
5326   if (abs(angle_deg) < 5) or (abs(angle_deg) > 175) then  // unusable handle
5327     begin
5328       printSVGdouble(a1p.x,a1p.y,a2p.x,a2p.y);
5329     end else
5330     begin
5331       tmp1  := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5332       test1 := cross_prod(a1p,a2p,tmp1);
5333       test2 := cross_prod(a1p,tmp1,a2p);
5334       if (dist3d(ahp,test1) < dist3d(ahp,test1)) then
5335         a_dir := test1 else a_dir := test2;
5336       spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor;
5337       tmp1 := new_p3(a1p,a_dir,spacing);
5338       diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,a1p);
5339       tmp2 := add_3d(a2p,diffp);
5340       // shortening of bond
5341       tmp3 := new_p3(tmp1,tmp2,0.7*spacing);
5342       tmp4 := new_p3(tmp2,tmp1,0.7*spacing);
5343       // the dotted line first
5344       outX := (tmp3.x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5345       outY := (tmp3.y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5346       chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5347       bstr := format('<line stroke-dasharray="3,3" x1="%1.1f" y1="%1.1f" ',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5348       outX := (tmp4.x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5349       outY := (tmp4.y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5350       chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5351       bstr := bstr + format('x2="%1.1f" y2="%1.1f" />',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5352       writeouts(bstr);
5353       // the solid line next
5354       outX := (a1p.x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5355       outY := (a1p.y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5356       chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5357       bstr := format('<line x1="%1.1f" y1="%1.1f" ',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5358       outX := (a2p.x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5359       outY := (a2p.y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5360       chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5361       bstr := bstr + format('x2="%1.1f" y2="%1.1f" />',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5362       writeouts(bstr);
5363     end;
5364 end;
5366 procedure printPS2Dwedge(a1p,a2p:p_3d);
5367 var
5368   la1p, la2p, tmp1, tmp2, test1, a_dir, diffp, ahp : p_3d;
5369   spacing : double;
5370   outxint, outyint : integer;
5371 begin
5372   {$IFDEF debug}
5373   debugoutput('entering printPS2Dwedge');
5374   {$ENDIF}
5375   la1p := a1p; la2p := a2p;
5376   la1p.z := 0; la2p.z := 0;  // make it flat
5377   ahp.x := a1p.x;
5378   ahp.y := a1p.y;
5379   ahp.z := 2;
5380   test1 := cross_prod(la1p,la2p,ahp);
5381   a_dir := test1;
5382   spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor * 0.6;
5383   tmp1 := new_p3(la1p,a_dir,spacing);
5384   diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,la1p);
5385   tmp1 := add_3d(la2p,diffp);
5386   tmp2  := subtract_3d(la2p,diffp);
5387   outXint := round((la1p.x+xoffset)*blfactor);
5388   outYint := round((la1p.y+yoffset)*blfactor);
5389   updatebb(outXint, outYint);
5390   writeouts('stroke');
5391   writeouts('0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit');
5392   writeouts('newpath');
5393   writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto', [outxint, outyint]);
5394   outXint := round((tmp1.x+xoffset)*blfactor);
5395   outYint := round((tmp1.y+yoffset)*blfactor);
5396   updatebb(outXint, outYint);
5397   writeout('%d dot %d dot lineto', [outxint, outyint]);
5398   outXint := round((tmp2.x+xoffset)*blfactor);
5399   outYint := round((tmp2.y+yoffset)*blfactor);
5400   updatebb(outXint, outYint);
5401   writeout('%d dot %d dot lineto', [outxint, outyint]);
5402   outXint := round((la1p.x+xoffset)*blfactor);
5403   outYint := round((la1p.y+yoffset)*blfactor);
5404   updatebb(outXint, outYint);
5405   writeout('%d dot %d dot lineto', [outxint, outyint]);
5406   writeouts('closepath fill 1 setlinejoin');
5407   writeouts('stroke');
5408 end;
5410 procedure printSVG2Dwedge(a1p,a2p:p_3d);
5411 var
5412   la1p, la2p, tmp1, tmp2, test1, a_dir, diffp, ahp : p_3d;
5413   spacing : double;
5414   outx, outy : double;
5415   bstr : string;
5416 begin
5417   {$IFDEF debug}
5418   debugoutput('entering printSVG2Dwedge');
5419   {$ENDIF}
5420   la1p := a1p; la2p := a2p;
5421   la1p.z := 0; la2p.z := 0;  // make it flat
5422   ahp.x := a1p.x;
5423   ahp.y := a1p.y;
5424   ahp.z := 2;
5425   test1 := cross_prod(la1p,la2p,ahp);
5426   a_dir := test1;
5427   spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor * 0.6;
5428   tmp1 := new_p3(la1p,a_dir,spacing);
5429   diffp := subtract_3d(tmp1,la1p);
5430   tmp1 := add_3d(la2p,diffp);
5431   tmp2  := subtract_3d(la2p,diffp);
5432   outX := (la1p.x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5433   outY := (la1p.y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5434   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5435   bstr := format('<polygon points="%1.1f,%1.1f ',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5436   outX := (tmp1.x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5437   outY := (tmp1.y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5438   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5439   bstr := bstr + format('%1.1f,%1.1f ',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5440   outX := (tmp2.x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5441   outY := (tmp2.y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5442   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5443   bstr := bstr + format('%1.1f,%1.1f ',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5444   outX := (la1p.x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5445   outY := (la1p.y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5446   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5447   bstr := bstr + format('%1.1f,%1.1f"',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5448   writeouts(bstr);
5449   writeouts('style="fill:#000000; stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1; stroke-linejoin:round"/> ');
5450 end;
5452 procedure printPS2Dhatch(a1p,a2p:p_3d);
5453 var
5454   la1p, la2p, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, test1, test2, test3, test4 : p_3d;
5455   diffp, ahp, w1, w2 : p_3d;
5456   spacing : double;
5457   i, nstrips : integer;
5458   dist2d, step : double;
5459 begin
5460   {$IFDEF debug}
5461   debugoutput('entering printPS22Dhatch');
5462   {$ENDIF}
5463   la1p := a1p; la2p := a2p;
5464   la1p.z := 0; la2p.z := 0;  // make it flat
5465   ahp.x := a1p.x;
5466   ahp.y := a1p.y;
5467   ahp.z := 2;
5468   test1 := cross_prod(la1p,la2p,ahp);
5469   test2 := cross_prod(la1p,ahp,la2p);
5470   spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor * 0.6;
5471   tmp1 := new_p3(la1p,test1,spacing*0.3);
5472   tmp2 := new_p3(la1p,test2,spacing*0.3);
5473   diffp := subtract_3d(la2p,la1p);
5474   test3 := add_3d(test1,diffp);
5475   test4 := add_3d(test2,diffp);
5476   tmp3 := new_p3(la2p,test3,spacing*1.1);
5477   tmp4 := new_p3(la2p,test4,spacing*1.1);
5478   dist2d := dist3d(la1p,la2p);
5479   nstrips := 6;
5480   if dist2d < 0.8 * std_blCCsingle then nstrips := 5;
5481   if dist2d < 0.6 * std_blCCsingle then nstrips := 4;
5482   if dist2d < 0.4 * std_blCCsingle then nstrips := 3;
5483   if dist2d < 0.2 * std_blCCsingle then nstrips := 2;
5484   step := dist2d / nstrips;
5485   for i := 1 to nstrips do
5486     begin
5487       w1 := new_p3(tmp1,tmp3,(i*step - step*0.4));
5488       w2 := new_p3(tmp2,tmp4,(i*step - step*0.4));
5489       printPSsingle(w1.x,w1.y,w2.x,w2.y);
5490     end;
5491 end;
5493 procedure printSVG2Dhatch(a1p,a2p:p_3d);
5494 var
5495   la1p, la2p, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, test1, test2, test3, test4 : p_3d;
5496   diffp, ahp, w1, w2 : p_3d;
5497   spacing : double;
5498   i, nstrips : integer;
5499   dist2d, step : double;
5500 begin  // must be always processed in svg_mode 1
5501   {$IFDEF debug}
5502   debugoutput('entering printSVG2Dhatch');
5503   {$ENDIF}
5504   la1p := a1p; la2p := a2p;
5505   la1p.z := 0; la2p.z := 0;  // make it flat
5506   ahp.x := a1p.x;
5507   ahp.y := a1p.y;
5508   ahp.z := 2;
5509   test1 := cross_prod(la1p,la2p,ahp);
5510   test2 := cross_prod(la1p,ahp,la2p);
5511   spacing := std_bondlength * db_spacingfactor * 0.6;
5512   tmp1 := new_p3(la1p,test1,spacing*0.3);
5513   tmp2 := new_p3(la1p,test2,spacing*0.3);
5514   diffp := subtract_3d(la2p,la1p);
5515   test3 := add_3d(test1,diffp);
5516   test4 := add_3d(test2,diffp);
5517   tmp3 := new_p3(la2p,test3,spacing*1.1);
5518   tmp4 := new_p3(la2p,test4,spacing*1.1);
5519   dist2d := dist3d(la1p,la2p);
5520   nstrips := 6;
5521   if dist2d < 0.8 * std_blCCsingle then nstrips := 5;
5522   if dist2d < 0.6 * std_blCCsingle then nstrips := 4;
5523   if dist2d < 0.4 * std_blCCsingle then nstrips := 3;
5524   if dist2d < 0.2 * std_blCCsingle then nstrips := 2;
5525   step := dist2d / nstrips;
5526   for i := 1 to nstrips do
5527     begin
5528       w1 := new_p3(tmp1,tmp3,(i*step - step*0.4));
5529       w2 := new_p3(tmp2,tmp4,(i*step - step*0.4));
5530       printSVGsingle(w1.x,w1.y,w2.x,w2.y);
5531     end;
5532 end;
5534 procedure printPScomplex(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : single);  // v0.1c
5535 var
5536   outXint, outYint, outXint2, outYint2 : integer;
5537 begin
5538   outXint := round((X1+xoffset)*blfactor);
5539   outYint := round((Y1+yoffset)*blfactor);
5540   updatebb(outXint, outYint);
5541   writeouts(' stroke [3 3] 1 setdash 0.7 setgray ');
5542   outXint2 := round((X2+xoffset)*blfactor);
5543   outYint2 := round((Y2+yoffset)*blfactor);
5544   updatebb(outXint2, outYint2);
5545   writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto %d dot %d dot lineto', [outXint, outYint, outXint2, outYint2]);
5546   writeouts(' stroke [] 0 setdash 0.0 setgray ');
5547 end;
5549 procedure printSVGcomplex(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : single);  // v0.1c
5550 var
5551   outX, outY : single;
5552   bstr : string;
5553 begin
5554   outX := (X1+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5555   outY := (Y1+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5556   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5557   bstr := format('<line stroke="#777777" stroke-width="%1.1f" stroke-dasharray="2,2" x1="%1.1f" y1="%1.1f" ',[linewidth,outx,outy],fsettings);
5558   outX := (X2+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5559   outY := (Y2+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5560   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5561   bstr := bstr + format('x2="%1.1f" y2="%1.1f" />',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5562   writeouts(bstr);
5563 end;
5565 procedure printPSarrow(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : single);   // v0.2
5566 var
5567   origbitX1, origbitY1, origbitX2, origbitY2 : single;
5568   r, topX, topY, coarsedeltaX, coarsedeltaY, finedeltaX, finedeltaY,
5569   deltaX, deltaY, leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY : single;
5570   outXint, outYint : integer;
5571 begin
5572   origbitX1 := X1;
5573   origbitY1 := Y1;
5574   origbitX2 := X2;
5575   origbitY2 := Y2;
5576   writeout('%1.1f setlinewidth',[2*linewidth]);
5577   printPSsingle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2);
5578   writeouts('stroke');
5579   writeout('%1.1f setlinewidth',[linewidth]);
5580   r := sqrt(sqr(origbitX1-origbitX2)+sqr(origbitY1-origbitY2));
5581   coarsedeltaX := 0.4*PX*(origbitY2-origbitY1)/(2*r);
5582   coarsedeltaY := 0.4*PX*(origbitX2-origbitX1)/(2*r);
5583   finedeltaX := 3*coarsedeltaY;
5584   finedeltaY := 3*coarsedeltaX;
5585   deltaX := (coarsedeltaX - finedeltaX);
5586   deltaY := (coarsedeltaY + finedeltaY);
5587   leftX := origbitX2 + deltaX;
5588   leftY := origbitY2 - deltaY;
5589   deltaX := (coarsedeltaX + finedeltaX);
5590   deltaY := (coarsedeltaY - finedeltaY);
5591   rightX := origbitX2 - deltaX;
5592   rightY := origbitY2 + deltaY;
5593   topX := origbitX2 + 0.1*PX*(origbitX2-origbitX1)/r;
5594   topY := origbitY2 + 0.1*PX*(origbitY2-origbitY1)/r;
5595   outXint := round((topX+xoffset)*blfactor);
5596   outYint := round((topY+yoffset)*blfactor);
5597   writeouts('0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit');
5598   writeouts('newpath');
5599   writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
5600   outXint := round((leftX+xoffset)*blfactor);
5601   outYint := round((leftY+yoffset)*blfactor);
5602   writeout('%d dot %d dot lineto',[outXint,outYint]);
5603   outXint := round((rightX+xoffset)*blfactor);
5604   outYint := round((rightY+yoffset)*blfactor);
5605   writeout('%d dot %d dot lineto',[outXint,outYint]);
5606   outXint := round((topX+xoffset)*blfactor);
5607   outYint := round((topY+yoffset)*blfactor);
5608   writeout('%d dot %d dot lineto',[outXint,outYint]);
5609   writeouts('closepath fill 1 setlinejoin');
5610 end;
5612 procedure printSVGarrow(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : single);   // v0.2
5613 var
5614   origbitX1, origbitY1, origbitX2, origbitY2 : single;
5615   r, topX, topY, coarsedeltaX, coarsedeltaY, finedeltaX, finedeltaY,
5616   deltaX, deltaY, leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY : single;
5617   outX, outY : single;
5618   bstr : string;
5619 begin
5620   origbitX1 := X1;
5621   origbitY1 := Y1;
5622   origbitX2 := X2;
5623   origbitY2 := Y2;
5624   outX := (X1+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5625   outY := (Y1+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5626   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5627   bstr := format('<line style="stroke-width: %1.1f;" x1="%1.1f" y1="%1.1f" ',[(2*linewidth),outx,outy],fsettings);
5628   outX := (X2+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5629   outY := (Y2+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5630   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5631   bstr := bstr + format('x2="%1.1f" y2="%1.1f" />',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5632   writeouts(bstr);
5633   r := sqrt(sqr(origbitX1-origbitX2)+sqr(origbitY1-origbitY2));
5634   coarsedeltaX := 0.4*PX*(origbitY2-origbitY1)/(2*r);
5635   coarsedeltaY := 0.4*PX*(origbitX2-origbitX1)/(2*r);
5636   finedeltaX := 3*coarsedeltaY;
5637   finedeltaY := 3*coarsedeltaX;
5638   deltaX := (coarsedeltaX - finedeltaX);
5639   deltaY := (coarsedeltaY + finedeltaY);
5640   leftX := origbitX2 + deltaX;
5641   leftY := origbitY2 - deltaY;
5642   deltaX := (coarsedeltaX + finedeltaX);
5643   deltaY := (coarsedeltaY - finedeltaY);
5644   rightX := origbitX2 - deltaX;
5645   rightY := origbitY2 + deltaY;
5646   topX := origbitX2 + 0.1*PX*(origbitX2-origbitX1)/r;
5647   topY := origbitY2 + 0.1*PX*(origbitY2-origbitY1)/r;
5648   outX := (topX+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5649   outY := (topY+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5650   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5651   bstr := format('<polygon points="%1.1f,%1.1f ',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5652   outX := (leftX+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5653   outY := (leftY+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5654   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5655   bstr := bstr + format('%1.1f,%1.1f ',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5656   outX := (rightX+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5657   outY := (rightY+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5658   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5659   bstr := bstr + format('%1.1f,%1.1f ',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5660   outX := (topX+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5661   outY := (topY+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5662   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5663   bstr := bstr + format('%1.1f,%1.1f" ',[outx,outy],fsettings);
5664   bstr := bstr + 'style="fill:#000000; stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1"/> ';
5665   writeouts(bstr);
5666 end;
5668 procedure print_PS_squarebracket(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 : single;brlabel:string);  // v0.1f
5669 var
5670   xmax, ymin, xtmp : single;
5671   width : single;
5672   outXint, outYint : integer;
5673 begin
5674   width := 0.2;
5675   xmax := -9999;
5676   if x1 > xmax then xmax := x1; if x2 > xmax then xmax := x2;
5677   if x3 > xmax then xmax := x3; if x4 > xmax then xmax := x4;
5678   ymin := 9999;
5679   if y1 < ymin then ymin := y1; if y2 < ymin then ymin := y2;
5680   if y3 < ymin then ymin := y3; if y4 < ymin then ymin := y4;
5681   printPSsingle(x1,y1,x2,y2);
5682   if x3 > x1 then xtmp := x1 + width else xtmp := x1 - width;
5683   printPSsingle(x1,y1,xtmp,y1);
5684   if x4 > x2 then xtmp := x2 + width else xtmp := x2 - width;
5685   printPSsingle(x2,y2,xtmp,y2);
5686   printPSsingle(x3,y3,x4,y4);
5687   if x3 > x1 then xtmp := x3 - width else xtmp := x3 + width;
5688   printPSsingle(x3,y3,xtmp,y3);
5689   if x4 > x2 then xtmp := x4 - width else xtmp := x4 + width;
5690   printPSsingle(x4,y4,xtmp,y4);
5691   outXint := round((xmax+width+xoffset)*blfactor);
5692   outYint := round((ymin+yoffset)*blfactor);
5693   writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto ',[outXint,outYint]);
5694   updatebb(outXint, outYint);
5695   writeouts('CFontSub');
5696   writeouts('('+brlabel+') show');
5697   outXint := outXint + round(2.0*get_stringwidth(fontsize2,brlabel));
5698   updatebb(outXint, outYint);
5699 end;
5701 procedure print_SVG_squarebracket(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 : single;brlabel:string);  // v0.1f
5702 var
5703   xmax, ymin, xtmp : single;
5704   width : single;
5705   outX, outY : single;
5706   bstr : string;
5707 begin   // must be always processed in svg_mode = 1
5708   width := 0.2;
5709   xmax := -9999;
5710   if x1 > xmax then xmax := x1; if x2 > xmax then xmax := x2;
5711   if x3 > xmax then xmax := x3; if x4 > xmax then xmax := x4;
5712   ymin := 9999;
5713   if y1 < ymin then ymin := y1; if y2 < ymin then ymin := y2;
5714   if y3 < ymin then ymin := y3; if y4 < ymin then ymin := y4;
5715   printSVGsingle(x1,y1,x2,y2);
5716   if x3 > x1 then xtmp := x1 + width else xtmp := x1 - width;
5717   printSVGsingle(x1,y1,xtmp,y1);
5718   if x4 > x2 then xtmp := x2 + width else xtmp := x2 - width;
5719   printSVGsingle(x2,y2,xtmp,y2);
5720   printSVGsingle(x3,y3,x4,y4);
5721   if x3 > x1 then xtmp := x3 - width else xtmp := x3 + width;
5722   printSVGsingle(x3,y3,xtmp,y3);
5723   if x4 > x2 then xtmp := x4 - width else xtmp := x4 + width;
5724   printSVGsingle(x4,y4,xtmp,y4);
5725   outX := (xmax+width+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
5726   outY := (ymin+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
5727   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);  //
5728   bstr := format('<text style="font-size: %dpx" text-anchor="start" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">%s</text>',[fontsize2,outx,outy,brlabel],fsettings);
5729   writeouts(bstr);
5730   outX := outX + 0.6*get_stringwidth(fontsize2,brlabel);
5731   chk_svg_max_xy(outX,outY);
5732 end;
5734 procedure print_PS_bond(i:integer);
5735 var
5736   a1, a2, ah : integer;
5737   a1x, a1y, a1z, a2x, a2y, a2z, ahx, ahy, ahz : single;
5738   a1p, a2p, ahp : p_3d;
5739   bt, bst : char;
5740 begin
5741   if (n_bonds = 0) or (i > n_bonds) then exit;
5742   a1  := bond^[i].a1;
5743   a2  := bond^[i].a2;
5744   ah  := bond^[i].a_handle;
5745   bt  := bond^[i].btype;
5746   bst := bond^[i].bsubtype;
5747   a1x := atom^[a1].x;
5748   a1y := atom^[a1].y;
5749   a1z := atom^[a1].z;
5750   a2x := atom^[a2].x;
5751   a2y := atom^[a2].y;
5752   a2z := atom^[a2].z;
5753   a1p.x := a1x; a1p.y := a1y; a1p.z := a1z;
5754   a2p.x := a2x; a2p.y := a2y; a2p.z := a2z;
5755   if (bond^[i].hidden = false) then
5756     begin
5757       {$IFDEF debug}
5758       debugoutput('printing bond '+inttostr(i)+', atom 1: '+inttostr(a1)+', atom 2: '+inttostr(a2));
5759       {$ENDIF}
5760       if (ah = 0) then
5761         begin
5762           if bt = 'S' then
5763             begin
5764               if bst = 'N' then printPSsingle(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y);
5765               if bst = 'W' then printPS2Dwedge(a1p,a2p);
5766               if bst = 'H' then printPS2Dhatch(a1p,a2p);
5767             end;
5768           if bt = 'D' then printPS2DdoubleN(a1p,a2p);
5769           if bt = 'T' then printPS2Dtriple(a1p,a2p);
5770           if bt = 'A' then printPSsingle(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y);
5771           if bt = 'C' then printPScomplex(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y);
5772           if bt = 'a' then printPScomplex(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y);  // v0.2b
5773         end else
5774         begin
5775           ahx := atom^[ah].x;
5776           ahy := atom^[ah].y;
5777           ahz := atom^[ah].z;
5778           ahp.x := ahx; ahp.y := ahy; ahp.z := ahz;
5779           if (bt = 'D') and (bst = 'N') then printPS3DdoubleN(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5780           if (bt = 'D') and (bst = 'A') then printPS3DdoubleA(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5781           if (bt = 'A') then printPS3Darom(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5782         end;
5783       //writeln('stroke');
5784     end;
5785 end;
5787 procedure print_SVG_bond(i:integer);
5788 var
5789   a1, a2, ah : integer;
5790   a1x, a1y, a1z, a2x, a2y, a2z, ahx, ahy, ahz : single;
5791   a1p, a2p, ahp : p_3d;
5792   bt, bst : char;
5793 begin
5794   if (n_bonds = 0) or (i > n_bonds) then exit;
5795   a1  := bond^[i].a1;
5796   a2  := bond^[i].a2;
5797   ah  := bond^[i].a_handle;
5798   bt  := bond^[i].btype;
5799   bst := bond^[i].bsubtype;
5800   a1x := atom^[a1].x;
5801   a1y := atom^[a1].y;
5802   a1z := atom^[a1].z;
5803   a2x := atom^[a2].x;
5804   a2y := atom^[a2].y;
5805   a2z := atom^[a2].z;
5806   a1p.x := a1x; a1p.y := a1y; a1p.z := a1z;
5807   a2p.x := a2x; a2p.y := a2y; a2p.z := a2z;
5808   if (bond^[i].hidden = false) then
5809     begin
5810       {$IFDEF debug}
5811       debugoutput('printing bond '+inttostr(i)+', atom 1: '+inttostr(a1)+', atom 2: '+inttostr(a2));
5812       {$ENDIF}
5813       if (ah = 0) then
5814         begin
5815           if bt = 'S' then
5816             begin
5817               if bst = 'N' then printSVGsingle(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y);
5818               if bst = 'W' then printSVG2Dwedge(a1p,a2p);
5819               if bst = 'H' then printSVG2Dhatch(a1p,a2p);
5820             end;
5821           if bt = 'D' then printSVG2DdoubleN(a1p,a2p);
5822           if bt = 'T' then printSVG2Dtriple(a1p,a2p);
5823           if bt = 'A' then printSVGsingle(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y);
5824           if bt = 'C' then printSVGcomplex(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y);
5825           if bt = 'a' then printSVGcomplex(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y);  // v0.2b
5826         end else
5827         begin
5828           ahx := atom^[ah].x;
5829           ahy := atom^[ah].y;
5830           ahz := atom^[ah].z;
5831           ahp.x := ahx; ahp.y := ahy; ahp.z := ahz;
5832           if (bt = 'D') and (bst = 'N') then printSVG3DdoubleN(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5833           if (bt = 'D') and (bst = 'A') then printSVG3DdoubleA(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5834           if (bt = 'A') then printSVG3Darom(a1p,a2p,ahp);
5835         end;
5836     end;
5837 end;
5839 procedure print_SVG_bond_special(i:integer);
5840 var
5841   a1, a2, ah : integer;
5842   a1x, a1y, a1z, a2x, a2y, a2z, ahx, ahy, ahz : single;
5843   a1p, a2p, ahp : p_3d;
5844   bt, bst : char;
5845 begin
5846   if (n_bonds = 0) or (i > n_bonds) then exit;
5847   a1  := bond^[i].a1;
5848   a2  := bond^[i].a2;
5849   ah  := bond^[i].a_handle;
5850   bt  := bond^[i].btype;
5851   bst := bond^[i].bsubtype;
5852   a1x := atom^[a1].x;
5853   a1y := atom^[a1].y;
5854   a1z := atom^[a1].z;
5855   a2x := atom^[a2].x;
5856   a2y := atom^[a2].y;
5857   a2z := atom^[a2].z;
5858   a1p.x := a1x; a1p.y := a1y; a1p.z := a1z;
5859   a2p.x := a2x; a2p.y := a2y; a2p.z := a2z;
5860   if (bond^[i].hidden = false) then
5861     begin
5862       {$IFDEF debug}
5863       debugoutput('printing special bond '+inttostr(i)+', atom 1: '+inttostr(a1)+', atom 2: '+inttostr(a2)+bt+bst);
5864       {$ENDIF}
5865       if (ah = 0) then
5866         begin
5867           if bt = 'S' then
5868             begin
5869               if bst = 'W' then begin printSVG2Dwedge(a1p,a2p); bond^[i].drawn := true; end;
5870             end;
5871           if bt = 'C' then begin printSVGcomplex(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y); bond^[i].drawn := true; end;
5872           if bt = 'a' then begin printSVGcomplex(a1x,a1y,a2x,a2y); bond^[i].drawn := true; end;
5873         end else
5874         begin
5875           ahx := atom^[ah].x;
5876           ahy := atom^[ah].y;
5877           ahz := atom^[ah].z;
5878           ahp.x := ahx; ahp.y := ahy; ahp.z := ahz;
5879           if (bt = 'A') then begin printSVG3Darom(a1p,a2p,ahp); bond^[i].drawn := true; end;
5880         end;
5881     end;
5882 end;
5885 procedure printBB(x,y : integer; anchor, chgstr : string);
5886 begin
5887   if (anchor = '') then exit;
5888   writeouts('stroke');
5889   writeout('/X {%d} def',[x]);
5890   writeout('/Y {%d} def',[y]);
5891   writeouts('/anchor ('+anchor+') def');
5892   if (chgstr = '') then writeouts('bb') else writeouts ('bbx');
5893 end;
5896 procedure printSVGBB(x,y : single; anchor, chgstr : string);
5897 var
5898   r : single;
5899 begin
5900   r := fontsize1 * 0.45;
5901   if (anchor = '') then exit;
5903   (* example for a rectangle in SVG
5904   <rect x="20" y="20" width="250" height="250"
5905   style="fill:blue;stroke:pink;stroke-width:5;
5906   fill-opacity:0.1;stroke-opacity:0.9"/>
5907   *)
5909   // for now, use a circle
5910   writeout('<circle cx="%1.1f" cy="%1.1f" r="%1.1f" />',[x,y,r]);
5911   chk_svg_max_xy((x+3*r),(y+3*r));   // add a sefety margin
5912 end;
findHposnull5914 function findHpos(a1:integer):integer;
5915 const
5916   HPright = 1;
5917   HPleft  = 2;
5918   HPup    = 3;
5919   HPdown  = 4;
5920 var
5921   i, a2 : integer;
5922   res : integer;
5923   nb : neighbor_rec;
5924   occupied : array[1..8] of boolean;
5925   a1p, a2p, refp : p_3d;
5926   angle, angledeg : double;
5927   n_occ : integer;
5928 begin
5929   res := HPright;
5930   fillchar(occupied,sizeof(occupied),false);
5931   a1p.x := atom^[a1].x;
5932   a1p.y := atom^[a1].y;
5933   a1p.z := atom^[a1].z;
5934   refp.x := a1p.x + 2;
5935   refp.y := a1p.y;
5936   refp.z := a1p.z;
5937   nb := get_neighbors(a1);
5938   for i := 1 to atom^[a1].neighbor_count do
5939     begin
5940       a2 := nb[i];
5941       if is_heavyatom(a2) then
5942         begin
5943           a2p.x := atom^[a2].x;
5944           a2p.y := atom^[a2].y;
5945           a2p.z := atom^[a2].z;
5946           angle := angle_2d_XY(a1p,refp,a2p);
5947           angledeg := radtodeg(angle);
5948           if abs(angledeg) <= 4*dirtolerance then occupied[dir_right] := true else
5949             begin
5950               if abs(angledeg) < (90-4*dirtolerance) then
5951                 begin
5952                   if a2p.y > a1p.y then occupied[dir_rightup] := true else
5953                                         occupied[dir_rightdown] := true;
5954                 end else
5955                 begin
5956                   if abs(angledeg) <= (90+4*dirtolerance) then
5957                     begin
5958                       if a2p.y > a1p.y then occupied[dir_up] := true else
5959                                             occupied[dir_down] := true;
5960                     end else
5961                     begin
5962                       if abs(angledeg) < (180-4*dirtolerance) then
5963                         begin
5964                           if a2p.y > a1p.y then occupied[dir_leftup] := true else
5965                                                 occupied[dir_leftdown] := true;
5966                         end else
5967                         begin
5968                           occupied[dir_left] := true;
5969                         end;
5970                     end;
5971                 end;
5972             end;
5973         end;
5974     end;
5975   // and now the assignment....
5976   n_occ := 0;
5977   for i := 1 to 8 do if occupied[i] then inc(n_occ);
5978   if n_occ = 1 then
5979     begin
5980       if occupied[dir_rightup] or
5981          occupied[dir_right] or
5982          occupied[dir_rightdown] then res := HPleft else res := HPright;
5983     end;
5984   if n_occ > 1 then
5985     begin
5986        if (occupied[dir_right] and
5987           (occupied[dir_leftup] or occupied[dir_left] or occupied[dir_leftdown])) then
5988           begin
5989             if (not occupied[dir_up]) and (not occupied[dir_rightup]) and
5990                (not occupied[dir_leftup]) then res := HPup;
5991             if (not occupied[dir_down]) and (not occupied[dir_rightdown]) and
5992                (not occupied[dir_leftdown]) then res := HPdown;
5993             if (n_occ > 2) and (not occupied[dir_left]) then res := HPleft;
5994           end;
5995        if (occupied[dir_left] and
5996           (occupied[dir_rightup] or occupied[dir_right] or occupied[dir_rightdown])) then
5997           begin
5998             if (not occupied[dir_up]) and (not occupied[dir_rightup]) and
5999                (not occupied[dir_leftup]) then res := HPup;
6000             if (not occupied[dir_down]) and (not occupied[dir_rightdown]) and
6001                (not occupied[dir_leftdown]) then res := HPdown;
6002             if (n_occ > 2) and (not occupied[dir_right]) then res := HPright;
6003           end;
6004        if (not occupied[dir_up]) and (occupied[dir_rightdown] or occupied[dir_right] or occupied[dir_down]) and
6005           (occupied[dir_leftdown] or occupied[dir_left] or occupied[dir_down]) then res := HPup;
6006        if (not occupied[dir_down]) and (occupied[dir_rightup] or occupied[dir_right] or occupied[dir_up]) and
6007           (occupied[dir_leftup] or occupied[dir_left] or occupied[dir_up]) then res := HPdown;
6008       if (not occupied[dir_leftup]) and
6009          (not occupied[dir_left]) and
6010          (not occupied[dir_leftdown]) then res := HPleft;
6011       if (not occupied[dir_rightup]) and
6012          (not occupied[dir_right]) and
6013          (not occupied[dir_rightdown]) then res := HPright;
6014     end;
6015   findHpos := res;
6016 end;
lookuprgbnull6019 function lookuprgb(elstr:str2):string;
6020 var
6021   i : integer;
6022   rval, gval, bval : single;
6023   tmpstr : string;
6024   valstr : string;
6025 begin
6026   tmpstr := '0 0 0';
6027   for i := 1 to max_rgbentries do
6028     begin
6029       if (elstr = rgbtable[i].element) then
6030         begin
6031           rval := rgbtable[i].r / 255;
6032           gval := rgbtable[i].g / 255;
6033           bval := rgbtable[i].b / 255;
6034           str(rval:1:2,valstr);
6035           tmpstr := valstr + ' ';
6036           str(gval:1:2,valstr);
6037           tmpstr := tmpstr + valstr + ' ';
6038           str(bval:1:2,valstr);
6039           tmpstr := tmpstr + valstr;
6040         end;
6041     end;
6042   lookuprgb := tmpstr;
6043 end;
lookuprgbhexnull6046 function lookuprgbhex(elstr:str2):string;
6047 var
6048   i : integer;
6049   rval, gval, bval : integer;
6050   tmpstr : string;
6051 begin
6052   tmpstr := '000000';
6053   for i := 1 to max_rgbentries do
6054     begin
6055       if (elstr = rgbtable[i].element) then
6056         begin
6057           rval := rgbtable[i].r;
6058           gval := rgbtable[i].g;
6059           bval := rgbtable[i].b;
6060           tmpstr := inttohex(rval,2) + inttohex(gval,2) + inttohex(bval,2);
6061         end;
6062     end;
6063   lookuprgbhex := tmpstr;
6064 end;
6066 procedure printPSchars;
6067 const
6068   HPright = 1;
6069   HPleft  = 2;
6070   HPup    = 3;
6071   HPdown  = 4;
6072 var
6073   i, j : integer;
6074   instr : string[20];
6075   checkstr1, checkstr2 : string[64];
6076   check1len, check2len : integer;
6077   outXint, outYint : integer;
6078   strlen : integer;
6079   outstr : str4;
6080   outchar, anchor : char;
6081   charX, charY : integer;
6082   el : str2;
6083   tmpstr : string;
6084   Hpos : integer;
6085   Hstr : string;
6086   rstr, lstr : string;
6087   chg : integer;
6088   chgstr : string;
6089   rad : integer;
6090   iso : integer;
6091   isostr : string;
6092   lblstr : string;
6093   extrashift : double;
6094   rgbstr : string;
6095   a1, a2 : integer;
6096   sg : boolean;  // v0.2a
6097   alias : string;  // v0.2b
6098 begin
6099   writeouts('stroke');
6100   writeouts('CFont');
6101   for i := 1 to n_atoms Do
6102     begin
6103       sg := false;
6104       if opt_sgroups then sg := atom^[i].sg;  // v0.2a
6105       alias := atom^[i].alias;   // v0.2b
6106       outstr := '    ';
6107       Hstr := '';
6108       rstr := '';
6109       lstr := '';
6110       chg := 0;
6111       chgstr := '';
6112       isostr := '';
6113       el := atom^[i].element;
6114       tmpstr := lowercase(el);
6115       tmpstr[1] := upcase(tmpstr[1]);
6116       instr := tmpstr;
6117       if (instr[2] = ' ') then delete(instr,2,1);
6118       if opt_color then
6119         begin
6120           rgbstr := lookuprgb(instr);
6121           if (el = 'H ') then
6122             begin
6123               if (atom^[i].nucleon_number = 2) then rgbstr := lookuprgb('D');
6124               if (atom^[i].nucleon_number = 3) then rgbstr := lookuprgb('T');
6125             end;
6126         end;
6127       lblstr := instr;
6128       {$IFDEF debug}
6129       debugoutput('atom '+inttostr(i)+': Hexp = '+inttostr(atom^[i].Hexp)+' Htot = '+ inttostr(atom^[i].Htot));  // v0.1f
6130       {$ENDIF}
6131       charX := round((atom^[i].x+xoffset)*blfactor);
6132       charY := round((atom^[i].y+yoffset)*blfactor);
6133       outXint := charX;
6134       outYint := charY - round(fontsize1*1.5);  // was: 20
6135       updatebb(outXint, outYint);
6136       strlen := length(instr);
6137       Hpos := HPright;  // default
6138       if (opt_Honhetero and is_electroneg(uppercase(el))) or
6139          (opt_Honhetero and is_metal(i)) or   // v0.2b
6140          (opt_Honmethyl and is_methylC(i)) then
6141         begin
6142           if (atom^[i].Hexp > 0) and (opt_stripH = false) then Hstr := '' else
6143             begin
6144               if (atom^[i].Htot > 0) then Hstr := 'H';
6145               if (atom^[i].Htot > 1) then Hstr := Hstr + inttostr (atom^[i].Htot);
6146               if (atom^[i].tag and (atom^[i].Hexp = atom^[i].Htot)) then Hstr := '';  // v0.1f; avoids duplicate H labels for D and T
6147             end;
6148         end;
6149       Hpos := findHpos(i);
6150       if (atom^[i].neighbor_count = 0) and (Hstr <> '') then
6151         begin
6152           if is_electroneg(uppercase(el)) and (el <> 'N ') and (el <> 'P ') then Hpos := HPleft;
6153         end;
6154       if Hpos = HPright then rstr := Hstr else lstr := Hstr;
6155       chg := atom^[i].formal_charge;
6156       rad := atom^[i].radical_type;
6157       iso := atom^[i].nucleon_number;
6158       if (chg <> 0) then
6159         begin
6160           if (abs(chg) > 1) then chgstr := inttostr(chg);
6161           if (chg < 0) then chgstr := chgstr + '-' else chgstr := chgstr + '+';
6162         end else chgstr := '';
6163       if (rad = 1) then chgstr := chgstr + ':';
6164       if (rad = 2) then chgstr := chgstr + '.';
6165       if (rad = 3) then chgstr := chgstr + '=';
6166       extrashift := 1;
6167       if ((chgstr = '+') and (Hpos = HPup) and (atom^[i].Htot > 1)) then extrashift := 1.4;
6168       //if ((chgstr = '-') and (Hpos = HPup) and (atom^[i].Htot > 1)) then extrashift := 1.2;
6169       if ((chgstr = '-') and (Hpos = HPup) and (atom^[i].Htot > 1)) then extrashift := 1.4;
6170       if (iso > 0) then isostr := inttostr(iso);
6172       // check for eclipsed atoms;  v0.1f
6173       for j := 1 to n_atoms do
6174         begin
6175           if (j <> i) and (atom^[i].x = atom^[j].x) and (atom^[i].y = atom^[j].y) then
6176             begin
6177               atom^[j].hidden := true;
6178             end;
6179         end;
6181       if (alias <> '') then   // v0.2b
6182         begin
6183           instr := '  ';
6184           Hstr := '';
6185           chgstr := '';
6186           isostr := '';
6187         end;
6189       if (atom^[i].hidden = false) and (sg = false) and (alias = '') then
6190         begin
6191           anchor := instr[1];  // what about selenophene?
6192           outstr := instr;
6193           writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
6194           writeouts('('+outstr+') stringwidth pop');
6195           writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
6196           updatebb(outXint, outYint);
6197           writeouts('CFont');
6198           if opt_color then writeouts(rgbstr+' setrgbcolor');
6199           // place isotope label here
6200           if (isostr <> '') then
6201             begin
6202               writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,(charY+(charY-outYint))]);
6203               writeouts('('+outstr+') stringwidth pop');
6204               writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
6205               writeouts('CFontSub');
6206               writeouts('('+isostr+') stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto');
6207               writeouts('('+isostr+') show');
6208               writeouts('CFont');
6209             end;
6210           //return to initial position
6211           writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
6212           writeouts('('+outstr+') stringwidth pop');
6213           writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
6214           updatebb(outXint, outYint);
6215           for j := 1 to strlen do
6216             begin
6217               outchar := instr[(j)];
6218               if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6219                 begin
6220                   writeouts('0 fs1 1.4 div neg dot rmoveto CFontSub');
6221                   writeouts('('+outchar+') show');
6222                   writeouts('0 fs1 1.4 div dot rmoveto CFont');
6223                 end else
6224                 begin
6225                   outstr := outchar;
6226                   writeouts('('+outstr+') show');
6227                 end;
6228             end;
6229           strlen := length(rstr);
6230           if strlen > 0 then
6231             begin
6232               for j := 1 to strlen do
6233                 begin
6234                   outchar := rstr[(j)];
6235                   if pos(outchar,'0123456789+-') > 0 then
6236                     begin
6237                       if pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0 then
6238                         begin
6239                           writeouts('0 fs2 neg dot rmoveto CFontSub');
6240                           writeouts('('+outchar+') show');
6241                           writeouts('0 fs2 dot rmoveto CFont');
6242                         end;
6243                     end else
6244                     begin
6245                       outstr := outchar;
6246                       writeouts('('+outstr+') show');
6247                     end;
6248                 end;
6249             end;
6250           // and now the charges
6251           strlen := length(chgstr);
6252           if strlen > 0 then
6253             begin
6254               for j := 1 to strlen do
6255                 begin
6256                   outchar := chgstr[(j)];
6257                   if pos(outchar,'0123456789+-:.=') > 0 then
6258                     begin
6259                       if pos(outchar,'0123456789+') > 0 then
6260                         begin
6261                           writeouts('CFont 0 fs1 1.8 mul dot rmoveto');
6262                           if outchar <> '+' then writeouts('CFontSub') else
6263                             writeouts('CFontChg');
6264                           writeouts('('+outchar+') show');
6265                           writeouts('CFont');
6266                           writeouts('0 fs1 1.8 mul neg dot rmoveto');
6267                         end;
6268                       if (outchar='-') then
6269                         begin
6270                           writeouts('CFont 0 fs1 1.8 mul dot rmoveto');
6271                           writeouts('CFontChg Minus');
6272                           writeouts('CFont');
6273                           writeouts('0 fs1 1.8 mul neg dot rmoveto');
6274                         end;
6275                       if (outchar=':') then
6276                         begin
6277                           writeouts('CFont 0 fs1 1.8 mul dot rmoveto');
6278                           writeouts('CFontChg Rad1');
6279                           writeouts('CFont');
6280                           writeouts('0 fs1 1.8 mul neg dot rmoveto');
6281                         end;
6282                       if (outchar='.') then
6283                         begin
6284                           writeouts('CFont 0 fs1 1.8 mul dot rmoveto');
6285                           writeouts('CFontChg Rad2');
6286                           writeouts('CFont');
6287                           writeouts('0 fs1 1.8 mul neg dot rmoveto');
6288                         end;
6289                       if (outchar='=') then
6290                         begin
6291                           writeouts('CFont 0 fs1 1.8 mul dot rmoveto');
6292                           writeouts('CFontChg Rad3');
6293                           writeouts('CFont');
6294                           writeouts('0 fs1 1.8 mul neg dot rmoveto');
6295                         end;
6296                     end;
6297                 end;
6298             end;
6299         end;
6300       if (atom^[i].hidden and (atom^[i].element <> 'H ')) or (alias <> '') then   // v0.1f, v0.2b
6301         begin
6302           lstr := '';
6303           rstr := '';
6304         end;
6305       if ((lstr <> '') and (Hpos = HPleft)) and (sg = false) then  // right-justified
6306         begin
6307           instr := lstr;
6308           strlen := length(lstr);
6309           anchor := instr[(strlen)];
6310           outstr := anchor;
6311           writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
6312           writeouts('('+lblstr+') stringwidth pop');
6313           writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
6314           updatebb(outXint, outYint);
6315           checkstr1 := '';
6316           checkstr2 := '';
6317           check1len := 0;
6318           check2len := 0;
6319           for j := 1 to strlen Do
6320             begin
6321               outchar := instr[(j)];
6322               if pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0 then
6323                 begin
6324                   checkstr2 := checkstr2 + outchar;
6325                   inc(check2len);
6326                 end else
6327                 begin
6328                   outstr := outchar;
6329                   checkstr1 := checkstr1 + outstr;
6330                   inc(check1len);
6331                 end;
6332             end;
6333           if (check2len > 0) then
6334             begin
6335               writeouts('CFontSub');
6336               writeouts('('+checkstr2+') stringwidth pop');
6337               writeouts('neg 0 rmoveto');
6338             end;
6339           if (check1len > 0) then
6340             begin
6341               writeouts('CFont');
6342               writeouts('('+checkstr1+') stringwidth pop');
6343               writeouts('neg 0 rmoveto');
6344             end;
6345           if (isostr <> '') then
6346             begin
6347               writeouts('CFontSub');
6348               writeouts('('+isostr+') stringwidth pop');
6349               writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
6350               writeouts('CFont');
6351             end;
6352           for j := 1 to strlen do
6353             begin
6354               outchar := instr[(j)];
6355               if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6356                 begin
6357                   writeouts('0 fs2 neg dot rmoveto CFontSub');
6358                   writeouts('('+outchar+') show');
6359                   writeouts('0 fs2 dot rmoveto CFontSub');
6360                 end else
6361                 begin
6362                   outstr := outchar;
6363                   writeouts('('+outstr+') show');
6364                 end;
6365             end;
6366         end;
6367       if ((lstr <> '') and (Hpos = HPup)) and (sg = false) then
6368         begin
6369           anchor := el[1];
6370           outstr := anchor;
6371           writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
6372           writeouts('('+outstr+') stringwidth pop');
6373           writeout('2 div neg %d rmoveto',[round(fontsize1*0.8*extrashift)]);
6374           updatebb(outXint, outYint);
6375           instr := lstr;
6376           strlen := length(lstr);
6377           if (strlen > 0) then
6378             begin
6379               for j := 1 to strlen do
6380                 begin
6381                   outchar := lstr[(j)];
6382                   if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6383                     begin
6384                       if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6385                         begin
6386                           writeouts('0 fs2 neg dot rmoveto CFontSub');
6387                           writeouts('('+outchar+') show');
6388                           writeouts('0 fs2 dot rmoveto CFontSub');
6389                         end;
6390                     end else
6391                     begin
6392                       outstr := outchar;
6393                       writeouts('('+outstr+') show');
6394                     end;
6395                 end;
6396             end;
6397         end;
6398       if ((lstr <> '') and (Hpos = HPdown)) and (sg = false) then
6399         begin
6400           anchor := el[1];
6401           outstr := anchor;
6402           writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
6403           writeouts('('+outstr+') stringwidth pop');
6404           writeout('2 div neg %d neg rmoveto',[round(fontsize1*0.85)]);
6405           updatebb(outXint, outYint);
6406           instr := lstr;
6407           strlen := length(lstr);
6408           if (strlen > 0) then
6409             begin
6410               for j := 1 to strlen Do
6411                 begin
6412                   outchar := lstr[(j)];
6413                   if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6414                     begin
6415                       if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6416                         begin
6417                           writeouts('0 fs2 neg dot rmoveto CFontSub');
6418                           writeouts('('+outchar+') show');
6419                           writeouts('0 fs2 dot rmoveto CFontSub');
6420                         end;
6421                     end else
6422                     begin
6423                       outstr := outchar;
6424                       writeouts('('+outstr+') show');
6425                     end;
6426                 end;
6427             end;
6428         end;
6429     end;
6430   if opt_atomnum then
6431     begin
6432       writeouts('CFontNum');
6433       writeouts('0.7 setgray');
6434       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
6435         begin
6436           sg := false;
6437           if opt_sgroups then sg := atom^[i].sg;  // v0.2a
6438           el := atom^[i].element;
6439           if ((not ((el = 'H ') and opt_stripH)) or (atom^[i].hidden = false)) and (sg = false) then
6440             begin
6441               charX := round((atom^[i].x+xoffset)*blfactor);
6442               charY := round((atom^[i].y+yoffset)*blfactor);
6443               outXint := charX;
6444               //outYint := charY - round(fontsize1*0.5);  // was: 20
6445               outYint := charY;
6446               updatebb(outXint, outYint);
6447               outstr := inttostr(i);
6448               writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
6449               writeouts('('+outstr+') show');
6450             end;
6451         end;
6452       //writeln('0.0 setgray');
6453       writeouts('0.0 setgray');
6454     end;
6455   if (opt_bondnum and (n_bonds > 0)) then
6456     begin
6457       writeouts('CFontNum');
6458       writeouts('0.7 setgray');
6459       for i := 1 to n_bonds do
6460         begin
6461           sg := false;
6462           if opt_sgroups then sg := bond^[i].sg;  // v0.2a
6463           if (not bond^[i].hidden) and (sg = false) then
6464             begin
6465               a1 := bond^[i].a1;
6466               a2 := bond^[i].a2;
6467               charX := round(((atom^[a1].x + atom^[a2].x)/2 +xoffset)*blfactor);
6468               charY := round(((atom^[a1].y + atom^[a2].y)/2 +yoffset)*blfactor);
6469               outXint := charX;
6470               outYint := charY - round(fontsize1*0.5);  // was: 20
6471               updatebb(outXint, outYint);
6472               outstr := inttostr(i);
6473               writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
6474               writeouts('('+outstr+') stringwidth pop');
6475               writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
6476               writeouts('('+outstr+') show');
6477             end;
6478         end;
6479       writeouts('0.0 setgray');
6480     end;
6481   if opt_maps then  // v0.3a
6482     begin
6483       writeouts('CFontSub');
6484       writeouts('1.0 0 0.2 setrgbcolor');
6485       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
6486         begin
6487           if (atom^[i].map_id <> 0) then
6488             begin
6489               charX := round((atom^[i].x+xoffset)*blfactor  + 1.5*fontsize1);
6490               charY := round((atom^[i].y+yoffset)*blfactor);
6491               outXint := charX;
6492               //outYint := charY - round(fontsize1*0.5);  // was: 20
6493               outYint := charY;
6494               updatebb(outXint, outYint);
6495               outstr := '.' + inttostr(atom^[i].map_id) + '.';
6496               writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
6497               writeouts('('+outstr+') show');
6498             end;
6499         end;
6500       writeouts('0 0 0 setrgbcolor');
6501     end;
6502 end;
6504 procedure printSVGchars;
6505 const
6506   HPright = 1;
6507   HPleft  = 2;
6508   HPup    = 3;
6509   HPdown  = 4;
6510   kerning1 : string = ' dx="-5"';
6511 var
6512   i, j, k : integer;
6513   instr : string[20];
6514   checkstr1, checkstr2 : string[64];
6515   check1len, check2len : integer;
6516   outX, outY : single;
6517   strlen : integer;
6518   outstr : str4;
6519   outchar, anchor : char;
6520   charX, charY : single;
6521   el : str2;
6522   tmpstr : string;
6523   Hpos : integer;
6524   Hstr : string;
6525   rstr, lstr : string;
6526   chg : integer;
6527   chgstr : string;
6528   rad : integer;
6529   iso : integer;
6530   isostr : string;
6531   lblstr : string;
6532   extrashift : double;
6533   rgbstr : string;
6534   a1, a2 : integer;
6535   dysub : single;
6536   dysuper : single;
6537   sg : boolean;
6538   ylevel, prev_ylevel, delta_y : single;
6539   fs4 : integer;
6540   colstr : string;
6541   alias : string;  // v0.2b
6542   strwidth : single;  // v0.2c
6543   bstr : string;
6544   kernstr : string;
6545 begin
6546   dysub := (fontsize2*0.5);
6547   dysuper := -(fontsize2*0.7);
6548   for i := 1 to n_atoms Do
6549     begin
6550       ylevel := 0;
6551       sg := false;
6552       if opt_sgroups then sg := atom^[i].sg;
6553       alias := atom^[i].alias;   // v0.2b
6554       outstr := '    ';
6555       Hstr := '';
6556       rstr := '';
6557       lstr := '';
6558       chg := 0;
6559       chgstr := '';
6560       isostr := '';
6561       el := atom^[i].element;
6562       tmpstr := lowercase(el);
6563       tmpstr[1] := upcase(tmpstr[1]);
6564       instr := tmpstr;
6565       if (instr[2] = ' ') then delete(instr,2,1);
6566       colstr := '';
6567       if opt_color then
6568         begin
6569           rgbstr := lookuprgbhex(instr);
6570           if (el = 'H ') then
6571             begin
6572               if (atom^[i].nucleon_number = 2) then rgbstr := lookuprgbhex('D');
6573               if (atom^[i].nucleon_number = 3) then rgbstr := lookuprgbhex('T');
6574             end;
6575           colstr := ' fill="#'+rgbstr+'"';
6576         end;
6577       lblstr := instr;
6578       {$IFDEF debug}
6579       debugoutput('atom '+inttostr(i)+': Hexp = '+inttostr(atom^[i].Hexp)+' Htot = '+ inttostr(atom^[i].Htot));  // v0.1f
6580       {$ENDIF}
6581       charX := (atom^[i].x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
6582       charY := (atom^[i].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
6583       outX := charX  - (fontsize1*0.35);
6584       outY := charY + (fontsize1*0.4);
6585       strlen := length(instr);
6586       Hpos := HPright;  // default
6587       if (opt_Honhetero and is_electroneg(uppercase(el))) or
6588          (opt_Honhetero and is_metal(i)) or   // v0.2b
6589          (opt_Honmethyl and is_methylC(i)) then
6590         begin
6591           if (atom^[i].Hexp > 0) and (opt_stripH = false) then Hstr := '' else
6592             begin
6593               if (atom^[i].Htot > 0) then Hstr := 'H';
6594               if (atom^[i].Htot > 1) then Hstr := Hstr + inttostr (atom^[i].Htot);
6595               if (atom^[i].tag and (atom^[i].Hexp = atom^[i].Htot)) then Hstr := '';  // v0.1f; avoids duplicate H labels for D and T
6596             end;
6597         end;
6598       Hpos := findHpos(i);
6599       if (atom^[i].neighbor_count = 0) and (Hstr <> '') then
6600         begin
6601           if is_electroneg(uppercase(el)) and (el <> 'N ') and (el <> 'P ') then Hpos := HPleft;
6602         end;
6603       if Hpos = HPright then rstr := Hstr else lstr := Hstr;
6604       chg := atom^[i].formal_charge;
6605       rad := atom^[i].radical_type;
6606       iso := atom^[i].nucleon_number;
6607       if (chg <> 0) then
6608         begin
6609           if (abs(chg) > 1) then chgstr := inttostr(chg);
6610           if (chg < 0) then chgstr := chgstr + '-' else chgstr := chgstr + '+';
6611         end else chgstr := '';
6612       if (rad = 1) then chgstr := chgstr + ':';
6613       if (rad = 2) then chgstr := chgstr + '.';
6614       if (rad = 3) then chgstr := chgstr + '=';
6615       extrashift := 1;
6616       if ((chgstr = '+') and (Hpos = HPup) and (atom^[i].Htot > 1)) then extrashift := 1.4;
6617       if ((chgstr = '-') and (Hpos = HPup) and (atom^[i].Htot > 1)) then extrashift := 1.4;
6618       if (iso > 0) then isostr := inttostr(iso) else isostr := '';
6620       // check for eclipsed atoms;  v0.1f
6621       for j := 1 to n_atoms do
6622         begin
6623           if (j <> i) and (atom^[i].x = atom^[j].x) and (atom^[i].y = atom^[j].y) then
6624             begin
6625               atom^[j].hidden := true;
6626             end;
6627         end;
6629       if (alias <> '') then   // v0.2b
6630         begin
6631           instr := '  ';
6632           Hstr := '';
6633           chgstr := '';
6634           isostr := '';
6635         end;
6637       if (atom^[i].hidden = false) and (sg = false) and (alias = '') then
6638         begin
6639           bstr := '';
6640           anchor := instr[1];  // what about selenophene?
6641           outstr := instr;
6642           strwidth := length(rstr)*fontsize1*1.1;
6643           //chk_svg_max_xy((outX+0.1*get_stringwidth(fontsize1,rstr)),outY);
6644           chk_svg_max_xy((outX+strwidth),outY);
6645           bstr := format('<text x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[outx,outy],fsettings);
6647           for j := 1 to strlen do
6648             begin
6649               prev_ylevel := ylevel;
6650               outchar := instr[(j)];
6651               if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6652                 begin
6653                   ylevel := dysub;
6654                   delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6655                   if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6656                     bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,delta_y,outchar],fsettings)
6657                   else
6658                     bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d">%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,outchar],fsettings);
6659                 end else
6660                 begin
6661                   outstr := outchar;
6662                   ylevel := 0;
6663                   delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6664                   if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6665                     bstr := bstr + format('<tspan%s dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[colstr,delta_y,outchar],fsettings)
6666                   else
6667                     bstr := bstr + format('<tspan%s>%s</tspan>',[colstr,outstr],fsettings);
6668                 end;
6669             end;
6670           strlen := length(rstr);
6671           if strlen > 0 then
6672             begin
6673               for j := 1 to strlen do
6674                 begin
6675                   prev_ylevel := ylevel;
6676                   outchar := rstr[(j)];
6677                   if pos(outchar,'0123456789+-') > 0 then
6678                     begin
6679                       if pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0 then
6680                         begin
6681                           ylevel := dysub;
6682                           delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6683                           if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6684                             bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,delta_y,outchar],fsettings)
6685                           else
6686                             bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d">%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,outchar],fsettings);
6687                         end;
6688                     end else
6689                     begin
6690                       outstr := outchar;
6691                       ylevel := 0;
6692                       delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6693                       if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6694                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[delta_y,outstr],fsettings)
6695                       else
6696                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan>%s</tspan>',[outstr],fsettings)
6697                     end;
6698                 end;
6699             end;
6700           // and now the charges
6701           strlen := length(chgstr);
6702           prev_ylevel := ylevel;
6703           if strlen > 0 then
6704             begin
6705               for j := 1 to strlen do
6706                 begin
6707                   outchar := chgstr[(j)];
6708                   prev_ylevel := ylevel;
6709                   if pos(outchar,'0123456789+-:.=') > 0 then
6710                     begin
6711                       if pos(outchar,'0123456789+') > 0 then
6712                         begin
6713                           ylevel := dysuper;
6714                           delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6715                           if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6716                             bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,delta_y,outchar],fsettings)
6717                           else
6718                             bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d">%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,outchar],fsettings)
6719                         end;
6720                       if (outchar='-') then
6721                         begin
6722                           ylevel := dysuper;
6723                           delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6724                           if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6725                             bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[delta_y,outchar],fsettings)
6726                           else
6727                             bstr := bstr + format('<tspan>%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings);
6728                         end;
6729                       if (outchar=':') then
6730                         begin
6731                           ylevel := -1;
6732                           delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6733                           if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6734                             bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-weight="bold" dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[delta_y,outchar],fsettings)
6735                           else
6736                             bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-weight="bold">%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings);
6737                         end;
6738                       if (outchar='.') then
6739                         begin
6740                           ylevel := dysuper;
6741                           delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6742                           if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6743                             bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="%1.1f">&#8226;</tspan>',[delta_y],fsettings)
6744                           else
6745                             bstr := bstr + '<tspan>&#8226;</tspan>';
6746                         end;
6747                       if (outchar='=') then
6748                         begin
6749                           ylevel := dysuper;
6750                           delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6751                           if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6752                             bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="%1.1f">^^</tspan>',[delta_y],fsettings)
6753                           else
6754                             bstr := bstr + '<tspan>^^</tspan>';
6755                         end;
6756                     end;
6757                 end;
6758             end;
6759           writeouts(bstr); bstr := '';
6760           writeouts('</text>');
6761         end;
6762       if (atom^[i].hidden and (atom^[i].element <> 'H ')) or (alias <> '') then   // v0.1f, v0.2b
6763         begin
6764           lstr := '';
6765           rstr := '';
6766         end;
6768       if (((lstr <> '') and (Hpos = HPleft)) or (isostr <> '')) and (sg = false) then  // right-justified
6769         begin
6770           bstr := '';
6771           ylevel := 0;
6772           instr := lstr;
6773           strlen := length(lstr);
6774           anchor := instr[(strlen)];
6775           outstr := anchor;
6776           bstr := format('<text text-anchor="end" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[outx,outy],fsettings);
6778           if ((lstr <> '') and (Hpos = HPleft)) then
6779             begin
6780               checkstr1 := '';
6781               checkstr2 := '';
6782               check1len := 0;
6783               check2len := 0;
6784               for j := 1 to strlen do
6785                 begin
6786                   prev_ylevel := ylevel;
6787                   outchar := instr[(j)];
6788                   if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6789                     begin
6790                       ylevel := dysub;
6791                       delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6792                       if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6793                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,delta_y,outchar],fsettings)
6794                       else
6795                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d">%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,outchar],fsettings);
6796                     end else
6797                     begin
6798                       ylevel := 0;
6799                       delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6800                       if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
6801                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[delta_y,outchar],fsettings)
6802                       else
6803                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan>%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings);
6804                     end;
6805                 end;
6806             end;  // lstr <> ''
6807           if (isostr <> '') then
6808             begin
6809               prev_ylevel := ylevel;
6810               ylevel := dysuper;
6811               delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
6812               if (abs(delta_y) > abs(dysuper)) then kernstr := format(' dx="-%d"',[(fontsize2 div 2)],fsettings) else kernstr := '';
6813               //bstr := bstr + format('<text text-anchor="end" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[outx,outy],fsettings);
6814               bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f"%s>%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,delta_y,kernstr,isostr],fsettings);
6815               ylevel := dysuper;
6816             end;
6817           bstr := bstr + '</text>';
6818           writeouts(bstr); bstr := '';
6819         end;
6821       if ((lstr <> '') and (Hpos = HPup)) and (sg = false) then
6822         begin
6823           anchor := el[1];
6824           outstr := anchor;
6825           writeout('<text x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[outx,(outy-fontsize1*0.85*extrashift)]);
6826           instr := lstr;
6827           strlen := length(lstr);
6828           bstr := '';
6829           if (strlen > 0) then
6830             begin
6831               for j := 1 to strlen do
6832                 begin
6833                   outchar := lstr[(j)];
6834                   if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6835                     begin
6836                       if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6837                         begin
6838                           bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,dysub,outchar],fsettings);
6839                         end;
6840                     end else
6841                     begin
6842                       outstr := outchar;
6843                       bstr := bstr + format('<tspan>%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings);
6844                     end;
6845                 end;
6846             end;
6847           bstr := bstr + '</text>';
6848           writeouts(bstr); bstr := '';
6849         end;
6851       if ((lstr <> '') and (Hpos = HPdown)) and (sg = false) then
6852         begin
6853           anchor := el[1];
6854           outstr := anchor;
6855           writeout('<text x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[outx,(outY+fontsize1*0.85)]);
6856           instr := lstr;
6857           strlen := length(lstr);
6858           bstr := '';
6859           if (strlen > 0) then
6860             begin
6861               for j := 1 to strlen do
6862                 begin
6863                   outchar := lstr[(j)];
6864                   if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6865                     begin
6866                       if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then
6867                         begin
6868                           bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f">%s</tspan>',[fontsize2,dysub,outchar],fsettings);
6869                         end;
6870                     end else
6871                     begin
6872                       outstr := outchar;
6873                       bstr := bstr + format('<tspan>%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings);
6874                     end;
6875                 end;
6876             end;
6877           bstr := bstr + '</text>';
6878           writeouts(bstr); bstr := '';
6879         end;
6880     end;
6881   if opt_atomnum then
6882     begin
6883       fs4 := round(fontsize1 / 2.5);
6884       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
6885         begin
6886           el := atom^[i].element;
6887           if (not ((el = 'H ') and opt_stripH)) or (atom^[i].hidden = false) then
6888             begin
6889               charX := (atom^[i].x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
6890               charY := (atom^[i].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
6891               outX := charX;
6892               outY := charY;
6893               outstr := inttostr(i);
6894               strwidth := length(outstr)*fs4*1.1;
6895               chk_svg_max_xy((outX+strwidth),outY);
6896               writeout('<text style="fill:#999999; font-size:%d;" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">%s</text>',[fs4,outx,outy,outstr]);
6897             end;
6898         end;
6899     end;
6900   if (opt_bondnum and (n_bonds > 0)) then
6901     begin
6902       fs4 := round(fontsize1 / 2.5);
6903       for i := 1 to n_bonds do
6904         begin
6905           if (not bond^[i].hidden) then
6906             begin
6907               a1 := bond^[i].a1;
6908               a2 := bond^[i].a2;
6909               charX := ((atom^[a1].x + atom^[a2].x)/2 +xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
6910               charY := ((atom^[a1].y + atom^[a2].y)/2 +yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
6911               outX := charX;
6912               outY := charY + fs4*0.4;  // was: 20
6913               outstr := inttostr(i);
6914               writeout('<text style="fill:#999999; font-size:%d;" text-anchor="middle" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">%s</text>',[fs4,outx,outy,outstr]);
6915             end;
6916         end;
6917     end;
6918   if opt_maps then  // v0.3a
6919     begin
6920       fs4 := round(fontsize1 / 1.25);
6921       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
6922         begin
6923           if (atom^[i].map_id <> 0) then
6924             begin
6925               charX := (atom^[i].x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor + 0.125*fontsize1;
6926               charY := (atom^[i].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
6927               outX := charX;
6928               outY := charY;
6929               outstr := '.' + inttostr(atom^[i].map_id) + '.';
6930               strwidth := length(outstr)*fs4*1.1;
6931               chk_svg_max_xy((outX+strwidth),outY);
6932               writeout('<text fill="#ff0033" style="font-size:%dpx"  font-weight="bold" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">%s</text>',[fs4,outx,outy,outstr]);
6933             end;
6934         end;
6935     end;
6936 end;
popchar1null6938 function popchar1(var instr:string):string;  // v0.2b
6939 var
6940   i : integer;
6941   outstr : string;
6942   codechar : char;
6943 begin
6944   outstr := '';
6945   if (length(instr) > 0) then
6946     begin
6947       codechar := ' ';
6948       if (instr[1] = '\') then
6949         begin
6950           delete(instr,1,1);
6951           if (length(instr) > 0) then
6952             begin
6953               if (instr[1] = 'n') then
6954                 begin
6955                   codechar := '=';
6956                   delete(instr,1,1);
6957                 end;
6958               if (instr[1] = 'S') then
6959                 begin
6960                   codechar := '+';
6961                   delete(instr,1,1);
6962                 end;
6963               if (instr[1] = 's') then
6964                 begin
6965                   codechar := '-';
6966                   delete(instr,1,1);
6967                 end;
6968             end;
6969         end;
6970       outstr := codechar + instr[1];
6971       delete(instr,1,1);
6972     end;
6973   popchar1 := outstr;
6974 end;
6976 procedure printPSlabel_autosub(x:single;y:single;outstr:string;just:char);
6977 var
6978   i,j,p : integer;
6979   charX,charY : integer;
6980   outXint,outYint : integer;
6981   instr : string;
6982   strlen : integer;
6983   nstr, tstr : string;
6984   outchar : char;
6985   smode : smallint;  // v0.2b 1 = superscript, 0 = normal, -1 = autosub (digits only) -2 = sub
6986   tmpstr, tmpstr_out, tmpstr_n, tmpstr_s : string;  // v0.2b
6987   attr : attr_arr;
6988   trimstr_n, trimstr_s, anchorstr_n, anchorstr_s, purestr : string;
6989   anchorpos : integer;
6990   n_mode : boolean;
6991   sub_mode : boolean;
6992   sup_mode : boolean;
6993   b : byte;
6994   trstr : string;
6995 begin
6996   if (outstr = '') then exit;
6997   smode := -1;
6998   tmpstr := outstr;  // v0.2b
6999   tmpstr_out := '';
7000   tmpstr_n := '';
7001   tmpstr_s := '';
7002   charX := round((x+xoffset)*blfactor);
7003   charY := round((y+yoffset)*blfactor);
7004   outXint := charX;
7005   outYint := charY - round(fontsize1*1.5);  // was: 20  / 0.8
7006   writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
7007   updatebb(outXint, outYint);
7008   // new label processing
7009   fillchar(attr,sizeof(attr),0);
7010   anchorpos := 0;
7011   purestr := '';
7012   trimstr_n := '';
7013   trimstr_s := '';
7014   tmpstr := outstr;
7015   n_mode := false;
7016   sub_mode := false;
7017   sup_mode := false;
7018   while (length(tmpstr) > 0) do
7019     begin
7020       p := length(purestr);
7021       if (tmpstr[1] = '^') then
7022         begin
7023           delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7024           if (anchorpos = 0) then anchorpos := p + 1;  // accept only the first ^
7025         end;
7026       if (tmpstr[1] = '\') then
7027         begin
7028           delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7029           if (tmpstr[1] = 'n') then
7030             begin
7031               delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7032               n_mode := (not n_mode);
7033             end;
7034           if (tmpstr[1] = 's') then
7035             begin
7036               delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7037               sub_mode := (not sub_mode);
7038             end;
7039           if (tmpstr[1] = 'S') then
7040             begin
7041               delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7042               sup_mode := (not sup_mode);
7043             end;
7044         end;
7045       purestr := purestr + tmpstr[1];
7046       delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7047       p := length(purestr);
7048       if n_mode then
7049         attr[p] := 0
7050       else
7051         begin
7052           if sup_mode then
7053             attr[p] := 3
7054           else
7055             begin
7056               if sub_mode then
7057                 attr[p] := 1
7058               else
7059                 begin
7060                   outchar := purestr[p];
7061                   if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then attr[p] := 1 else attr[p] := 0;
7062                 end;
7063             end;
7064         end;
7065     end;
7066   // now we have the pure string together with the attributes in attr[]
7067   if (anchorpos > length(purestr)) then purestr := purestr + ' ';  // like ISIS/Draw
7068   if (anchorpos = 0) then
7069     begin
7070       if (just = 'L') then anchorpos := 1;
7071       if (just = 'R') then anchorpos := length(purestr);
7072       if (just = 'C') then anchorpos := length(purestr) + 1;  // sic!
7073     end;
7074   // now assemble the two trim strings for normal and small font
7075   if (anchorpos > 1) then
7076     begin
7077       trimstr_n := '';
7078       trimstr_s := '';
7079       for i := 1 to (anchorpos - 1) do
7080         begin
7081           if odd(attr[i]) then trimstr_s := trimstr_s + purestr[i] else
7082                                trimstr_n := trimstr_n + purestr[i];
7083         end;
7084       end;
7085   if (purestr = '') then exit;  // just to be sure
7087   {$IFDEF debug}
7088   debugoutput('anchor position: '+inttostr(anchorpos));  // v0.2b
7089   debugoutput('trim string (n): '+trimstr_n);  // v0.2b
7090   debugoutput('trim string (s): '+trimstr_s);  // v0.2b
7091   {$ENDIF}
7093   // and now the (relative) positioning
7094   if (just = 'C') then
7095     begin
7096       if (length(trimstr_n) > 0) then
7097         begin
7098           (*
7099           writeln('CFont');
7100           writeln('(',trimstr_n,') stringwidth pop');
7101           writeln('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7102           *)
7103           writeouts('CFont');
7104           writeouts('('+trimstr_n+') stringwidth pop');
7105           writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7106           updateBB(outXint+round(1.0*get_stringwidth(fontsize1,trimstr_n)),outYint);
7107         end;
7108       if (length(trimstr_s) > 0) then
7109         begin
7110           (*
7111           writeln('CFontSub');
7112           writeln('(',trimstr_s,') stringwidth pop');
7113           writeln('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7114           *)
7115           writeouts('CFontSub');
7116           writeouts('('+trimstr_s+') stringwidth pop');
7117           writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7118           updateBB(outXint+round(1.0*get_stringwidth(fontsize2,trimstr_s)),outYint);
7119         end;
7120     end else
7121     begin
7122       // first, handle the anchor character
7123       p := anchorpos;
7124       outchar := purestr[p];
7125       if (odd(attr[p])) then
7126         begin   // small font
7127           (*
7128           writeln('CFontSub');
7129           writeln('(',outchar,') stringwidth pop');
7130           writeln('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7131           *)
7132           writeouts('CFontSub');
7133           writeouts('('+outchar+') stringwidth pop');
7134           writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7135         end else
7136         begin   // normal font
7137           (*
7138           writeln('CFont');
7139           writeln('(',outchar,') stringwidth pop');
7140           writeln('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7141           *)
7142           writeouts('CFont');
7143           writeouts('('+outchar+') stringwidth pop');
7144           writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7145         end;
7146       if (length(trimstr_n) > 0) then
7147         begin
7148           (*
7149           writeln('CFont');
7150           writeln('(',trimstr_n,') stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto');
7151           *)
7152           writeouts('CFont');
7153           writeouts('('+trimstr_n+') stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto');
7154           updateBB(outXint-round(2.0*get_stringwidth(fontsize1,trimstr_n)),outYint);
7155         end;
7156       if (length(trimstr_s) > 0) then
7157         begin
7158           (*
7159           writeln('CFontSub');
7160           writeln('(',trimstr_s,') stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto');
7161           *)
7162           writeouts('CFontSub');
7163           writeouts('('+trimstr_s+') stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto');
7164           updateBB(outXint-round(2.0*get_stringwidth(fontsize2,trimstr_s)),outYint);
7165         end;
7166     end;
7167   updateBB(outXint+round(2.0*get_stringwidth(fontsize1,purestr)),outYint);
7168   // now positioning is finished and we can print the string character by character
7169   for i := 1 to length(purestr) do
7170     begin
7171       outchar := purestr[i];
7172       trstr := outchar;  // if necessary, do some translations here
7173       b := attr[i];
7174       if odd(b) then
7175         begin
7176           if (b = 1) then   // subscript
7177             begin
7178               (*
7179               writeln('0 fs1 1.4 div neg dot rmoveto CFontSub');
7180               writeln('(',trstr,') show');
7181               writeln('0 fs1 1.4 div dot rmoveto CFont');
7182               *)
7183               writeouts('0 fs1 1.4 div neg dot rmoveto CFontSub');
7184               writeouts('('+trstr+') show');
7185               writeouts('0 fs1 1.4 div dot rmoveto CFont');
7186             end;
7187           if (b = 3) then   // subscript
7188             begin
7189               (*
7190               writeln('0 fs1 0.6 div dot rmoveto CFontSub');
7191               writeln('(',trstr,') show');
7192               writeln('0 fs1 0.6 div neg dot rmoveto CFont');
7193               *)
7194               writeouts('0 fs1 0.6 div dot rmoveto CFontSub');
7195               writeouts('('+trstr+') show');
7196               writeouts('0 fs1 0.6 div neg dot rmoveto CFont');
7197             end;
7198         end else
7199         begin
7200           writeouts('CFont ('+trstr+') show');
7201         end;
7202     end;   // for i
7203   //if opt_color then writeln('0 0 0 setrgbcolor');
7204 end;
7206 procedure printSVGlabel_autosub(x:single;y:single;outstr:string;just:char);
7207 var
7208   i, j, p : integer;
7209   charX,charY : single;
7210   outX,outY : single;
7211   outchar : char;
7212   dysub : single;
7213   ylevel, prev_ylevel, delta_y : single;
7214   smode : smallint;  // v0.2b 1 = superscript, 0 = normal, -1 = autosub (digits only) -2 = sub
7215   tmpstr, tmpstr_out, tmpstr_n, tmpstr_s : string;  // v0.2b
7216   attr : attr_arr;
7217   trimstr_n, trimstr_s, anchorstr_n, anchorstr_s, purestr : string;
7218   anchorpos : integer;
7219   n_mode : boolean;
7220   sub_mode : boolean;
7221   sup_mode : boolean;
7222   b, prev_b : byte;
7223   trstr : string;
7224   cwf : single;  // character width factor
7225   strwidth : single;  // v0.2c
7226   bstr : string;  // v0.4
7227 begin
7228   if (outstr = '') then exit;
7229   smode := -1;
7230   tmpstr := outstr;  // v0.2b
7231   tmpstr_out := '';
7232   tmpstr_n := '';
7233   tmpstr_s := '';
7234   dysub := (fontsize2*0.7);
7235   charX := (x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
7236   charY := (y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
7237   cwf := 0.35;  // default character width
7239   // new label processing, v0.2b
7240   fillchar(attr,sizeof(attr),0);
7241   anchorpos := 0;
7242   purestr := '';
7243   trimstr_n := '';
7244   trimstr_s := '';
7245   tmpstr := outstr;
7246   n_mode := false;
7247   sub_mode := false;
7248   sup_mode := false;
7249   while (length(tmpstr) > 0) do
7250     begin
7251       p := length(purestr);
7252       if (tmpstr[1] = '^') then
7253         begin
7254           delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7255           if (anchorpos = 0) then anchorpos := p + 1;  // accept only the first ^
7256         end;
7257       if (tmpstr[1] = '\') then
7258         begin
7259           delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7260           if (tmpstr[1] = 'n') then
7261             begin
7262               delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7263               n_mode := (not n_mode);
7264             end;
7265           if (tmpstr[1] = 's') then
7266             begin
7267               delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7268               sub_mode := (not sub_mode);
7269             end;
7270           if (tmpstr[1] = 'S') then
7271             begin
7272               delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7273               sup_mode := (not sup_mode);
7274             end;
7275         end;
7276       purestr := purestr + tmpstr[1];
7277       delete(tmpstr,1,1);
7278       p := length(purestr);
7279       if n_mode then
7280         attr[p] := 0
7281       else
7282         begin
7283           if sup_mode then
7284             attr[p] := 3
7285           else
7286             begin
7287               if sub_mode then
7288                 attr[p] := 1
7289               else
7290                 begin
7291                   outchar := purestr[p];
7292                   if (pos(outchar,'0123456789') > 0) then attr[p] := 1 else attr[p] := 0;
7293                 end;
7294             end;
7295         end;
7296     end;
7297   // now we have the pure string together with the attributes in attr[]
7298   if (anchorpos > length(purestr)) then purestr := purestr + ' ';  // like ISIS/Draw
7299   if (anchorpos = 0) then
7300     begin
7301       if (just = 'L') then anchorpos := 1;
7302       if (just = 'R') then anchorpos := length(purestr);
7303       if (just = 'C') then anchorpos := 1;  // sic!
7304     end;
7305   if (purestr = '') then exit;  // just to be sure
7306   {$IFDEF debug}
7307   debugoutput('anchor position: '+inttostr(anchorpos));
7308   {$ENDIF}
7310   // and now the (relative) positioning
7311   tmpstr := '';
7312   if (anchorpos > 1) then tmpstr := ' text-anchor="end" ';
7313   if (just = 'C') then
7314     begin
7315       outX := charX;
7316       outY := charY + (fontsize1*0.38);
7317       strwidth := length(purestr)*0.5*fontsize1*1.1;
7318       //chk_svg_max_xy((outX+strwidth),outY);
7319       chk_svg_max_xy((outX+0.6*0.5*get_stringwidth(fontsize1,purestr)),outY);
7320       writeout('<text text-anchor="middle" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[outx,outy]);
7321     end else
7322     begin
7323       // first, handle the anchor character
7324       p := anchorpos;
7325       outchar := purestr[p];
7326       if (pos(outchar,'MW') > 0) then cwf := 0.45;
7327       if (outchar = '1') then cwf := 0.25;
7328       if (pos(outchar,'iIl.:,;!') > 0) then cwf := 0.15;
7329       if (odd(attr[p])) then
7330         begin   // small font
7331           outX := charX  - (fontsize2*cwf);
7332           outY := charY + (fontsize1*0.38);  // sic! (fontsize1)
7333           writeout('<text font-size="%d" %s x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[fontsize2,tmpstr,outx,outy]);
7334         end else
7335         begin   // normal font
7336           outX := charX  - (fontsize1*cwf);
7337           outY := charY + (fontsize1*0.38);
7338           writeout('<text %s x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[tmpstr,outx,outy]);
7339         end;
7340       if (just = 'L') then
7341         begin
7342           strwidth := length(purestr)*fontsize1*1.1;
7343           //chk_svg_max_xy((outX+strwidth),outY);
7344           chk_svg_max_xy((outX+0.6*get_stringwidth(fontsize1,copy(purestr,anchorpos,(length(purestr)-anchorpos)))),outY);
7345         end;
7346     end;
7348   // now positioning is finished and we can print the string character by character;
7349   ylevel := 0;
7350   // first, print any character left of the anchor (if any)
7351   if (anchorpos > 1) then
7352     begin
7353       bstr := '';
7354       prev_b := 255;
7355       for i := 1 to (anchorpos - 1) do
7356         begin
7357           prev_ylevel := ylevel;
7358           outchar := purestr[i];
7359           trstr := outchar;  // if necessary, do some translations here
7360           b := attr[i];
7361           if (b <> prev_b) and (prev_b <> 255) then
7362             bstr := bstr + '</tspan>';
7363           if odd(b) then
7364             begin
7365               if (b = 1) then   // subscript
7366                 begin
7367                   ylevel := dysub;
7368                   delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
7369                   if (b = prev_b) then
7370                     bstr := bstr + trstr
7371                   else
7372                     begin
7373                       if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
7374                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f">%s',[fontsize2,delta_y,trstr],fsettings)
7375                       else
7376                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d">%s',[fontsize2,trstr],fsettings);
7377                     end;
7378                 end;
7379               if (b = 3) then   // superscript
7380                 begin
7381                   ylevel := -1.0*dysub;    // may need adjustment!
7382                   delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
7383                   if (b = prev_b) then write(trstr) else
7384                     begin
7385                       if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
7386                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f">%s',[fontsize2,delta_y,trstr],fsettings)
7387                       else
7388                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d">%s',[fontsize2,trstr],fsettings);
7389                     end;
7390                 end;
7391             end else
7392             begin
7393               ylevel := 0;
7394               delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
7395               if (b = prev_b) then
7396                 bstr := bstr + trstr
7397               else
7398                 begin
7399                   if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
7400                     bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="%1.1f">%s',[delta_y,trstr],fsettings)
7401                   else
7402                     bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d">%s',[fontsize1,trstr],fsettings);
7403                 end;
7404             end;
7405           prev_b := b;
7406         end;  // for
7407       // now, re-establish the original anchor position with left-justified alignment
7408       outchar := purestr[p];
7409       if (pos(outchar,'MW') > 0) then cwf := 0.45;
7410       if (outchar = '1') then cwf := 0.25;
7411       if (pos(outchar,'iIl.:,;!') > 0) then cwf := 0.15;
7412       tmpstr := ' text-anchor="start" ';
7413       writeouts(bstr+'</tspan></text>'); bstr := '';   // finish the <text> tag of the left part of the label
7414       if (odd(attr[p])) then
7415         begin   // small font
7416           outX := charX  - (fontsize2*cwf);
7417           outY := charY + (fontsize1*0.38);  // sic! (fontsize1)
7418           writeout('<text font-size="%d" %s x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[fontsize2,tmpstr,outx,outy]);
7419         end else
7420         begin   // normal font
7421           outX := charX  - (fontsize1*cwf);
7422           outY := charY + (fontsize1*0.38);
7423           writeout('<text %s x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[tmpstr,outx,outy]);
7424         end;
7425     end;
7426   // now print anything starting from the anchor to the right
7427   prev_b := 255;
7428   ylevel := 0;
7429   bstr := '';
7430   for i := anchorpos to length(purestr) do
7431     begin
7432       prev_ylevel := ylevel;
7433       outchar := purestr[i];
7434       trstr := outchar;  // if necessary, do some translations here
7435       b := attr[i];
7436       if (b <> prev_b) and (prev_b <> 255) then
7437         bstr := bstr + '</tspan>';
7438       if odd(b) then
7439         begin
7440           if (b = 1) then   // subscript
7441             begin
7442               ylevel := dysub;
7443               delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
7444               if (b = prev_b) then
7445                 bstr := bstr + trstr
7446               else
7447                 begin
7448                   if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
7449                     bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f">%s',[fontsize2,delta_y,trstr],fsettings)
7450                   else
7451                     bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d">%s',[fontsize2,trstr],fsettings);
7452                 end;
7453             end;
7454           if (b = 3) then   // superscript
7455             begin
7456               ylevel := -1.0*dysub;    // may need adjustment!
7457               delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
7458               if (b = prev_b) then
7459                 bstr := bstr + trstr
7460               else
7461                 begin
7462                   if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
7463                     bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d" dy="%1.1f">%s',[fontsize2,delta_y,trstr],fsettings)
7464                   else
7465                     bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d">%s',[fontsize2,trstr],fsettings);
7466                 end;
7467             end;
7468         end else
7469         begin
7470           ylevel := 0;
7471           delta_y := ylevel - prev_ylevel;
7472           if (b = prev_b) then
7473             bstr := bstr + trstr
7474           else
7475             begin
7476               if (abs(delta_y) > 0.1) then
7477                 bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="%1.1f">%s',[delta_y,outchar],fsettings)
7478               else
7479                 bstr := bstr + format('<tspan font-size="%d">%s',[fontsize1,outchar],fsettings);
7480             end;
7481         end;
7482       prev_b := b;
7483     end;  // for
7484   writeouts(bstr+'</tspan></text>'); bstr := '';
7485 end;
7487 procedure printPSlabel_small(x:single;y:single;outstr:string;just:char);
7488 var
7489   j : integer;
7490   charX,charY : integer;
7491   outXint,outYint : integer;
7492   instr : string;
7493   strlen : integer;
7494   outchar : char;
7495 begin
7496   charX := round((x+xoffset)*blfactor);
7497   charY := round((y+yoffset)*blfactor);
7498   outXint := charX;
7499   outYint := charY - round(fontsize2*1.5);  // was: 20  / 0.8
7500   (*
7501   writeln((outXint),' dot ',(outYint),' dot moveto');
7502   writeln('CFontSub 0.6 0.6 0.6 setrgbcolor');
7503   *)
7504   updatebb(outXint, outYint);
7505   writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
7506   writeouts('CFontSub 0.6 0.6 0.6 setrgbcolor');
7507   if (just = 'L') then
7508     begin
7509       outchar := outstr[1];
7510       (*
7511       writeln('(',outchar,') stringwidth pop');
7512       writeln('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7513       *)
7514       writeouts('('+outchar+') stringwidth pop');
7515       writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7516     end;
7517   if (just = 'R') then
7518     begin
7519       outchar := outstr[length(outstr)];
7520       (*
7521       writeln('(',outchar,') stringwidth pop');
7522       writeln('2 div 0 rmoveto');
7523       writeln('CFontSub (',outstr,') stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto');
7524       *)
7525       writeouts('('+outchar+') stringwidth pop');
7526       writeouts('2 div 0 rmoveto');
7527       writeouts('CFontSub ('+outstr+') stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto');
7528     end;
7529   if (just = 'C') then
7530     begin
7531       outchar := outstr[length(outstr)];
7532       (*
7533       writeln('(',outchar,') stringwidth pop');
7534       writeln('2 div 0 rmoveto');
7535       writeln('CFontSub (',outstr,') stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7536       *)
7537       writeouts('('+outchar+') stringwidth pop');
7538       writeouts('2 div 0 rmoveto');
7539       writeouts('CFontSub ('+outstr+') stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7540     end;
7541   instr := outstr;
7542   strlen := length(instr);
7543   for j := 1 to strlen do
7544     begin
7545       outchar := instr[(j)];
7546       outstr := outchar;
7547       writeouts('('+outstr+') show');
7548     end;
7549   writeouts('0 0 0 setrgbcolor');
7550 end;
7552 procedure printSVGlabel_small(x:single;y:single;outstr:string;just:char);
7553 var
7554   charX,charY : single;
7555   outX,outY : single;
7556   dysub : single;
7557   strwidth : single;  // v0.2c
7558 begin
7559   dysub := (fontsize2*0.7);
7560   charX := (x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
7561   charY := round((y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset);
7562   if (just = 'L') then
7563     begin
7564       outX := charX  - (fontsize1*0.35);
7565       outY := charY + (fontsize1*0.38);
7566       strwidth := length(outstr)*fontsize2*1.1;
7567       chk_svg_max_xy((outX+strwidth),outY);
7568       writeout('<text fill="#999999" font-size="%d" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[fontsize2,outx,outy]);
7569     end;
7570   if (just = 'R') then
7571     begin
7572       outX := charX  + (fontsize1*0.35);
7573       outY := charY + (fontsize1*0.38);
7574       writeout('<text fill="#999999" font-size="%d" text-anchor="end" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[fontsize2,outx,outy]);
7575     end;
7576   if (just = 'C') then
7577     begin
7578       outX := charX;
7579       outY := charY + (fontsize1*0.38);
7580       strwidth := length(outstr)*0.5*fontsize2*1.1;
7581       chk_svg_max_xy((outX+strwidth),outY);
7582       writeout('<text fill="#999999" font-size="%d" text-anchor="middle" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[fontsize2,outx,outy]);
7583     end;
7584   writeout('<tspan>%s</tspan>',[outstr]);
7585   writeouts('</text>');
7586 end;
7588 procedure printPSsgroups;
7589 var
7590   i,a : integer;
7591   px,py : single;
7592 begin
7593   if (n_sgroups > 0) then
7594     begin
7595       for i := 1 to n_sgroups do
7596         begin
7597           with sgroup^[i] do
7598             begin
7599               if (sgtype = 'SUP') and (length(sglabel) > 0) then
7600                 begin
7601                   a := anchor;
7602                   px := atom^[a].x;
7603                   py := atom^[a].y;
7604                   printPSlabel_autosub(px,py,sglabel,justification);
7605                 end;
7606               if (sgtype = 'DAT') and (length(sglabel) > 0) then
7607                 begin
7608                   px := x;
7609                   py := y;
7610                   printPSlabel_small(px,py,sglabel,'C');
7611                 end;
7612             end;
7613         end;
7614     end;
7615 end;
7617 procedure printSVGsgroups;
7618 var
7619   i,a : integer;
7620   px,py : single;
7621 begin
7622   if (n_sgroups > 0) then
7623     begin
7624       for i := 1 to n_sgroups do
7625         begin
7626           with sgroup^[i] do
7627             begin
7628               if (sgtype = 'SUP') and (length(sglabel) > 0) then
7629                 begin
7630                   a := anchor;
7631                   px := atom^[a].x;
7632                   py := atom^[a].y;
7633                   printSVGlabel_autosub(px,py,sglabel,justification);
7634                 end;
7635               if (sgtype = 'DAT') and (length(sglabel) > 0) then
7636                 begin
7637                   px := x;
7638                   py := y;
7639                   //printSVGlabel_autosub(px,py,sglabel,justification);
7640                   printSVGlabel_small(px,py,sglabel,'C');
7641                 end;
7642             end;
7643         end;
7644     end;
7645 end;
7647 procedure printPSaliases;
7648 var
7649   i,a : integer;
7650   px,py : single;
7651   alias : string;
7652   just  : char;
7653 begin
7654   if (n_atoms > 0) then
7655     begin
7656       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
7657         begin
7658           alias := atom^[i].alias;
7659           just := 'L';
7660           if (atom^[i].a_just = 1) then just := 'R';
7661           if (atom^[i].a_just = 2) then just := 'C';
7662           if (alias <> '') then
7663             begin
7664               px := atom^[i].x;
7665               py := atom^[i].y;
7666               printPSlabel_autosub(px,py,alias,just);
7667             end;
7668         end;
7669     end;
7670 end;
7672 procedure printSVGaliases;
7673 var
7674   i,a : integer;
7675   px,py : single;
7676   alias : string;
7677   just  : char;
7678 begin
7679   if (n_atoms > 0) then
7680     begin
7681       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
7682         begin
7683           alias := atom^[i].alias;
7684           just := 'L';
7685           if (atom^[i].a_just = 1) then just := 'R';
7686           if (atom^[i].a_just = 2) then just := 'C';
7687           if (alias <> '') then
7688             begin
7689               px := atom^[i].x;
7690               py := atom^[i].y;
7691               printSVGlabel_autosub(px,py,alias,just);
7692             end;
7693         end;
7694     end;
7695 end;
7697 procedure write_PS_atomlabels;
7698 begin
7699   printPSchars;
7700   printPSaliases;  // v0.2b
7701   if opt_sgroups then printPSsgroups;
7702 end;
7704 procedure write_SVG_atomlabels;
7705 begin
7706   printSVGchars; // example: <text fill="#FF0000" font-size="',fontsize2,'" font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle" x="214.20763486057" y="214.97172994938">O</text>
7707   printSVGaliases;  // v0.2b
7708   if opt_sgroups then printSVGsgroups;
7709 end;
7711 procedure findzorder;
7712 var
7713   i, j, m, n : integer;
7714   az, minaz : double;
7715 begin
7716   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
7717     begin
7718       zorder[i] := 0;
7719       atom^[i].tag := false;
7720     end;
7721   n := 0;
7722   for j := 1 to n_atoms do
7723     begin
7724       minaz := 10000;
7725       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
7726         begin
7727           az := atom^[i].z;
7728           if (az <= minaz) and (atom^[i].tag = false) then
7729             begin
7730               minaz := az;
7731               m := i;
7732             end;
7733         end;  // now we have the minimal Z
7734       inc(n);
7735       zorder[n] := m;
7736       atom^[m].tag := true;
7737     end;
7738 end;
7740 procedure printchargedcarbons;
7741 const
7742   cpright = 1;
7743   cpleft  = 2;
7744   cpup    = 3;
7745   cpdown  = 4;
7746 var
7747   i, j : integer;
7748   chg : integer;
7749   rad : integer;
7750   chgstr, outstr : string;
7751   outchar : char;
7752   cpos : integer;
7753   charx, chary : integer;
7754   outXint, outYint : integer;
7755   sg : boolean;  // v0.2a
7756 begin
7757   if opt_color then writeln('1 0 0 setrgbcolor');
7758   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
7759     begin
7760       chg := 0;
7761       chgstr := '';
7762       sg := false;
7763       if opt_sgroups then sg := atom^[i].sg;  // v0.2a
7764       if (sg = false) and (atom^[i].element = 'C ') and
7765          (atom^[i].hidden = true) and
7766          ((atom^[i].formal_charge <> 0) or (atom^[i].radical_type > 0)) then
7767         begin
7768           chg := atom^[i].formal_charge;
7769           rad := atom^[i].radical_type;
7770           if (abs(chg) > 1) then chgstr := inttostr(abs(chg));
7771           if (chg < 0) then chgstr := chgstr + '_';
7772           if (chg > 0) then chgstr := chgstr + '+';
7773           if (rad = 1) then chgstr := chgstr + ':';
7774           if (rad = 2) then chgstr := chgstr + '.';
7775           if (rad = 3) then chgstr := chgstr + '=';
7776           cpos := findHpos(i);
7777           writeouts('CFontChg');
7778           charX := round((atom^[i].x+xoffset)*blfactor);
7779           charY := round((atom^[i].y+yoffset)*blfactor);
7780           outXint := charX;
7781           outYint := charY - round(fontsize1*0.8);  // was: 20
7782           updatebb(outXint, outYint);
7783           outstr := chgstr;
7784           writeout('%d dot %d dot moveto',[outXint,outYint]);
7785           writeouts('CFontChg ('+outstr+') stringwidth pop');
7786           writeouts('2 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7787           case cpos of
7788             cpright : begin
7789                         writeouts('('+outstr+') stringwidth pop 1.1 div 0 rmoveto');
7790                       end;
7791             cpleft  : begin
7792                         writeouts('('+outstr+') stringwidth pop 1.1 div neg 0 rmoveto');
7793                       end;
7794             cpup    : begin
7795                         writeout(' 0 %d rmoveto',[round(fontsize1*0.4)]);
7796                       end;
7797             cpdown  : begin
7798                         writeout(' 0 %d neg rmoveto',[round(fontsize1*0.4)]);
7799                       end;
7800           end;  // case
7801           for j := 1 to length(outstr) do
7802             begin
7803               outchar := outstr[j];
7804               if (pos(outchar,'+_:.=') > 0) then writeouts('CFontChg') else writeouts('CFontSub');
7805               if outchar = '_' then writeouts('Minus') else
7806                 if outchar = ':' then writeouts('Rad1') else
7807                   if outchar = '.' then writeouts('Rad2') else
7808                     if outchar = '=' then writeouts('Rad3') else writeouts('('+outchar+') show');
7809             end;
7810         end;
7811     end;
7812   if opt_color then writeouts('0 0 0 setrgbcolor');
7813 end;
7815 procedure printchargedcarbons_SVG;
7816 const
7817   cpright = 1;
7818   cpleft  = 2;
7819   cpup    = 3;
7820   cpdown  = 4;
7821 var
7822   i, j : integer;
7823   chg : integer;
7824   rad : integer;
7825   chgstr, outstr : string;
7826   outchar : char;
7827   cpos : integer;
7828   charx, chary : single;
7829   outX, outY : single;
7830   bstr : string;
7831   chgfs : single;
7832 begin
7833   chgfs := (fontsize1+fontsize2)/2;
7834   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
7835     begin
7836       chg := 0;
7837       chgstr := '';
7838       if (atom^[i].element = 'C ') and
7839          (atom^[i].hidden = true) and
7840          ((atom^[i].formal_charge <> 0) or (atom^[i].radical_type > 0)) then
7841         begin
7842           chg := atom^[i].formal_charge;
7843           rad := atom^[i].radical_type;
7844           if (abs(chg) > 1) then chgstr := inttostr(abs(chg));
7845           if (chg < 0) then chgstr := chgstr + '_';
7846           if (chg > 0) then chgstr := chgstr + '+';
7847           if (rad = 1) then chgstr := chgstr + ':';
7848           if (rad = 2) then chgstr := chgstr + '.';
7849           if (rad = 3) then chgstr := chgstr + '=';
7850           cpos := findHpos(i);
7851           charX := (atom^[i].x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor;
7852           charY := (atom^[i].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
7853           outX := charX;
7854           outY := charY + fontsize1*0.2;  // was: 20
7855           outstr := chgstr;
7856           case cpos of
7857             cpright : begin
7858                         bstr := '';
7859                         writeout('<text style="font-size: %1.1fpx" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[chgfs,(outx+3),outy]);
7860                         for j := 1 to length(outstr) do
7861                           begin
7862                             outchar := outstr[j];
7863                             if (outchar = '_') then
7864                               bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="-5">%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings)
7865                             else
7866                               if (outchar = '.') then
7867                                 bstr := bstr + '<tspan dy="0">&#8226;</tspan>' else
7868                                   if (outchar = '=') then
7869                                     bstr := bstr + '<tspan dy="0">^^</tspan>' else
7870                                     if (outchar = ':') then
7871                                       bstr := bstr + '<tspan font-weight="bold" dy="0">:</tspan>' else
7872                                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="0">%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings);
7873                           end;
7874                         writeouts(bstr);
7875                         bstr := '';
7876                       end;
7877             cpleft  : begin
7878                         bstr := '';
7879                         writeout('<text style="font-size: %1.1fpx" text-anchor="end" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[chgfs,(outx-3),outy]);
7880                         for j := 1 to length(outstr) do
7881                           begin
7882                             outchar := outstr[j];
7883                             if (outchar = '_') then
7884                               bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="-5">%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings)
7885                             else
7886                               if (outchar = '.') then
7887                                 bstr := bstr + '<tspan dy="0">&#8226;</tspan>' else
7888                                   if (outchar = '=') then
7889                                     bstr := bstr + '<tspan dy="0">^^</tspan>' else
7890                                     if (outchar = ':') then
7891                                       bstr := bstr + '<tspan font-weight="bold" dy="0">:</tspan>' else
7892                                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="0">%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings);
7893                           end;
7894                         writeouts(bstr);
7895                         bstr := '';
7896                       end;
7897             cpup    : begin
7898                         bstr := '';
7899                         writeout('<text style="font-size: %1.1fpx" text-anchor="middle" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[chgfs,outx,(outy-5)]);
7900                         for j := 1 to length(outstr) do
7901                           begin
7902                             outchar := outstr[j];
7903                             if (outchar = '_') then
7904                               bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="-5">%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings)
7905                             else
7906                               if (outchar = '.') then
7907                                 bstr := bstr + '<tspan dy="0">&#8226;</tspan>' else
7908                                   if (outchar = '=') then
7909                                     bstr := bstr + '<tspan dy="0">^^</tspan>' else
7910                                     if (outchar = ':') then
7911                                       bstr := bstr + '<tspan font-weight="bold" dy="0">:</tspan>' else
7912                                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="0">%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings);
7913                           end;
7914                         writeouts(bstr);
7915                         bstr := '';
7916                       end;
7917             cpdown  : begin
7918                         bstr := '';
7919                         writeout('<text style="font-size: %1.1fpx" text-anchor="middle" x="%1.1f" y="%1.1f">',[chgfs,outx,(outy+5)]);
7920                         for j := 1 to length(outstr) do
7921                           begin
7922                             outchar := outstr[j];
7923                             if (outchar = '_') then
7924                               bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="-5">%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings)
7925                             else
7926                               if (outchar = '.') then
7927                                 bstr := bstr + '<tspan dy="0">&#8226;</tspan>' else
7928                                   if (outchar = '=') then
7929                                     bstr := bstr + '<tspan dy="0">^^</tspan>' else
7930                                     if (outchar = ':') then
7931                                       bstr := bstr + '<tspan font-weight="bold" dy="0">:</tspan>' else
7932                                         bstr := bstr + format('<tspan dy="0">%s</tspan>',[outchar],fsettings);
7933                           end;
7934                         writeouts(bstr);
7935                         bstr := '';
7936                       end;
7937           end;  // case
7938           writeouts('</text>');
7939         end;
7940     end;  // for
7941 end;
7943 procedure write_PS_bonds_and_boxes;
7944 var
7945   i, j, a, b : integer;
7946   nb : neighbor_rec;
7947   nnb : integer;
7948   el : str2;
7949   anchor, chgstr : string;
7950   bbx, bby : integer;
7951   tmpstr : string;
7952   sga, sgb : boolean;  // v0.2a
7953 begin
7954   chk_hidden;
7955   if (n_bonds > 0) then
7956     begin
7957       for i := 1 to n_bonds do bond^[i].drawn := false;
7958     end;
7959   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
7960     begin
7961       a := zorder[i];
7962       if (opt_stripH = true) then    // v0.1f
7963         begin
7964           nb := get_neighbors(a);
7965           nnb := atom^[a].neighbor_count;
7966         end else
7967         begin
7968           nb := get_allneighbors(a);
7969           nnb := atom^[a].neighbor_count + atom^[a].Hexp;
7970         end;
7971       el := atom^[a].element;
7972       sga := false;
7973       if opt_sgroups then sga := atom^[a].sg;
7974       anchor := el;
7975       if anchor[2] = ' ' then delete(anchor,2,1) else    // v0.1f
7976         begin
7977           tmpstr := anchor;
7978           tmpstr := lowercase(tmpstr);
7979           tmpstr[1] := upcase(tmpstr[1]);
7980           anchor := copy(tmpstr,1,2);
7981         end;
7982       if (atom^[a].formal_charge) <> 0 then chgstr := '+' else chgstr := '';
7983       if (nnb > 0) then
7984         begin
7985           for j := 1 to nnb do
7986             begin
7987               b := get_bond(a,nb[j]);
7988               sgb := false;
7989               if opt_sgroups then sgb := bond^[b].sg;
7990               if (bond^[b].drawn = false) and (sgb = false) then
7991                 begin
7992                   print_PS_bond(b);
7993                   bond^[b].drawn := true;
7994                 end;
7995             end;
7996         end;
7997       if (atom^[a].hidden = false) and ((atom^[a].sg = false) or (opt_sgroups = false)) or (atom^[a].alias <> '') then // v0.2b
7998         begin
7999           bbX := round((atom^[a].x+xoffset)*blfactor);
8000           bbY := round((atom^[a].y+yoffset)*blfactor);
8001           if (atom^[a].alias <> '') then
8002             begin
8003               anchor := 'M'; chgstr := '';
8004             end;
8005           printBB(bbX, bbY, anchor, chgstr);
8006         end;
8007       if opt_sgroups and (n_sgroups > 0) then
8008         begin
8009           for j := 1 to n_sgroups do
8010             begin
8011               if (sgroup^[j].anchor = a) then
8012                 begin
8013                   bbX := round((atom^[a].x+xoffset)*blfactor);
8014                   bbY := round((atom^[a].y+yoffset)*blfactor);
8015                   printBB(bbX, bbY, anchor, chgstr);
8016                 end;
8017             end;
8018         end;
8019     end;
8020   printchargedcarbons;
8021 end;
8023 procedure write_SVG_bonds_and_boxes;
8024 var
8025   i, j, a, b : integer;
8026   nb : neighbor_rec;
8027   nnb : integer;
8028   el : str2;
8029   anchor, chgstr : string;
8030   bbx, bby : single;
8031   tmpstr : string;
8032   sga, sgb : boolean;
8033 begin
8034   chk_hidden;
8035   if (n_bonds > 0) then
8036     begin
8037       for i := 1 to n_bonds do bond^[i].drawn := false;
8038     end;
8039   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
8040     begin
8041       a := zorder[i];
8042       if (opt_stripH = true) then    // v0.1f
8043         begin
8044           nb := get_neighbors(a);
8045           nnb := atom^[a].neighbor_count;
8046         end else
8047         begin
8048           nb := get_allneighbors(a);
8049           nnb := atom^[a].neighbor_count + atom^[a].Hexp;
8050         end;
8051       el := atom^[a].element;
8052       sga := false;
8053       if opt_sgroups then sga := atom^[a].sg;
8054       anchor := el;
8055       if anchor[2] = ' ' then delete(anchor,2,1) else    // v0.1f
8056         begin
8057           tmpstr := anchor;
8058           tmpstr := lowercase(tmpstr);
8059           tmpstr[1] := upcase(tmpstr[1]);
8060           anchor := copy(tmpstr,1,2);
8061         end;
8062       if (atom^[a].formal_charge) <> 0 then chgstr := '+' else chgstr := '';
8063       if (nnb > 0) then
8064         begin
8065           for j := 1 to nnb do
8066             begin
8067               b := get_bond(a,nb[j]);
8068               sgb := false;
8069               if opt_sgroups then sgb := bond^[b].sg;
8070               if (bond^[b].drawn = false) and (sgb = false) then
8071                 begin
8072                   print_SVG_bond(b);
8073                   bond^[b].drawn := true;
8074                 end;
8075             end;
8076         end;
8077       if (atom^[a].hidden = false) and ((atom^[a].sg = false) or (opt_sgroups = false)) then
8078         begin
8079           bbX := ((atom^[a].x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor);
8080           bbY := ((atom^[a].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset);
8081           printSVGBB(bbX, bbY, anchor, chgstr);
8082         end;
8083       if opt_sgroups and (n_sgroups > 0) then
8084         begin
8085           for j := 1 to n_sgroups do
8086             begin
8087               if (sgroup^[j].anchor = a) then
8088                 begin
8089                   bbX := ((atom^[a].x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor);
8090                   bbY := ((atom^[a].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset);
8091                   printSVGBB(bbX, bbY, anchor, chgstr);
8092                 end;
8093             end;
8094         end;
8095     end;
8096   printchargedcarbons_SVG;
8097 end;
8099 procedure write_SVG_bonds_and_boxes_compact;
8100 var
8101   i, j, a, b : integer;
8102   nb : neighbor_rec;
8103   nnb : integer;
8104   el : str2;
8105   anchor, chgstr : string;
8106   bbx, bby : single;
8107   tmpstr : string;
8108   sga, sgb : boolean;
8109   n_drawn : integer;
8110 begin
8111   {$IFDEF debug}
8112   debugoutput('entering compact mode');
8113   {$ENDIF}
8114   chk_hidden;
8115   if (n_bonds > 0) then
8116     begin
8117       for i := 1 to n_bonds do
8118         begin
8119           bond^[i].drawn := false;
8120           // draw all bonds with non-path-compatible bond type (wedge etc.)
8121           print_SVG_bond_special(i);
8122         end;
8123     end;
8124   n_drawn := 0;
8125   // write <path> opening tag
8126   writeout('<path stroke="#000000" stroke-width="%1.1f" d="',[linewidth]);
8127   for i := 1 to n_atoms do   // first round: bonds only
8128     begin
8129       a := zorder[i];
8130       if (opt_stripH = true) then    // v0.1f
8131         begin
8132           nb := get_neighbors(a);
8133           nnb := atom^[a].neighbor_count;
8134         end else
8135         begin
8136           nb := get_allneighbors(a);
8137           nnb := atom^[a].neighbor_count + atom^[a].Hexp;
8138         end;
8139       el := atom^[a].element;
8140       sga := false;
8141       if opt_sgroups then sga := atom^[a].sg;
8142       anchor := el;
8143       if anchor[2] = ' ' then delete(anchor,2,1) else    // v0.1f
8144         begin
8145           tmpstr := anchor;
8146           tmpstr := lowercase(tmpstr);
8147           tmpstr[1] := upcase(tmpstr[1]);
8148           anchor := copy(tmpstr,1,2);
8149         end;
8150       if (atom^[a].formal_charge) <> 0 then chgstr := '+' else chgstr := '';
8151       if (nnb > 0) then
8152         begin
8153           for j := 1 to nnb do
8154             begin
8155               b := get_bond(a,nb[j]);
8156               sgb := false;
8157               if opt_sgroups then sgb := bond^[b].sg;
8158               if (bond^[b].drawn = false) and (sgb = false) then
8159                 begin
8160                   print_SVG_bond(b);
8161                   bond^[b].drawn := true;
8162                   inc(n_drawn);
8163                   if (n_drawn > 3) then
8164                     begin
8165                       n_drawn := 0;
8166                     end;
8167                 end;
8168             end;
8169         end;
8170       if (atom^[a].hidden = false) and ((atom^[a].sg = false) or (opt_sgroups = false)) then
8171         begin
8172           bbX := ((atom^[a].x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor);
8173           bbY := ((atom^[a].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset);
8174           //printSVGBB(bbX, bbY, anchor, chgstr);
8175         end;
8176       if opt_sgroups and (n_sgroups > 0) then
8177         begin
8178           for j := 1 to n_sgroups do
8179             begin
8180               if (sgroup^[j].anchor = a) then
8181                 begin
8182                   bbX := ((atom^[a].x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor);
8183                   bbY := ((atom^[a].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset);
8184                   //printSVGBB(bbX, bbY, anchor, chgstr);
8185                 end;
8186             end;
8187         end;
8188     end;  // end first round
8189   // write <path> closing tag
8190   writeouts('" />');
8191   for i := 1 to n_atoms do   // sexcond round: atom boxes
8192     begin
8193       a := zorder[i];
8194       if (opt_stripH = true) then    // v0.1f
8195         begin
8196           nb := get_neighbors(a);
8197           nnb := atom^[a].neighbor_count;
8198         end else
8199         begin
8200           nb := get_allneighbors(a);
8201           nnb := atom^[a].neighbor_count + atom^[a].Hexp;
8202         end;
8203       el := atom^[a].element;
8204       sga := false;
8205       if opt_sgroups then sga := atom^[a].sg;
8206       anchor := el;
8207       if anchor[2] = ' ' then delete(anchor,2,1) else    // v0.1f
8208         begin
8209           tmpstr := anchor;
8210           tmpstr := lowercase(tmpstr);
8211           tmpstr[1] := upcase(tmpstr[1]);
8212           anchor := copy(tmpstr,1,2);
8213         end;
8214       if (atom^[a].formal_charge) <> 0 then chgstr := '+' else chgstr := '';
8215       if (nnb > 0) then
8216         begin
8217           for j := 1 to nnb do
8218             begin
8219               b := get_bond(a,nb[j]);
8220               sgb := false;
8221               if opt_sgroups then sgb := bond^[b].sg;
8222               if (bond^[b].drawn = false) and (sgb = false) then
8223                 begin
8224                   //print_SVG_bond(b);
8225                   bond^[b].drawn := true;
8226                 end;
8227             end;
8228         end;
8229       if (atom^[a].hidden = false) and ((atom^[a].sg = false) or (opt_sgroups = false)) then
8230         begin
8231           bbX := round((atom^[a].x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor);
8232           bbY := round((atom^[a].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset);
8233           printSVGBB(bbX, bbY, anchor, chgstr);
8234         end;
8235       if opt_sgroups and (n_sgroups > 0) then
8236         begin
8237           for j := 1 to n_sgroups do
8238             begin
8239               if (sgroup^[j].anchor = a) then
8240                 begin
8241                   bbX := round((atom^[a].x+xoffset)*blfactor*svg_factor);
8242                   bbY := round((atom^[a].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset);
8243                   printSVGBB(bbX, bbY, anchor, chgstr);
8244                 end;
8245             end;
8246         end;
8247     end;  // end second round
8248   printchargedcarbons_SVG;
8249 end;
8251 procedure write_PS_brackets;  // v0.1f
8252 var
8253   i : integer;
8254   x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 : single;
8255   xmax, ymin : single;
8256   brtype : integer;
8257   brlabel : string;
8258 begin
8259   if (bracket = nil) or (n_brackets < 1) then exit;
8260   for i := 1 to n_brackets do
8261     begin
8262       brtype  := bracket^[i].brtype;
8263       brlabel := bracket^[i].brlabel;
8264       x1 := bracket^[i].x1; y1 := bracket^[i].y1;
8265       x2 := bracket^[i].x2; y2 := bracket^[i].y2;
8266       x3 := bracket^[i].x3; y3 := bracket^[i].y3;
8267       x4 := bracket^[i].x4; y4 := bracket^[i].y4;
8268       xmax := -9999;
8269       if x1 > xmax then xmax := x1; if x2 > xmax then xmax := x2;
8270       if x3 > xmax then xmax := x3; if x4 > xmax then xmax := x4;
8271       ymin := 9999;
8272       if y1 < ymin then ymin := y1; if y2 < ymin then ymin := y2;
8273       if y3 < ymin then ymin := y3; if y4 < ymin then ymin := y4;
8274       print_PS_squarebracket(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,brlabel);
8275     end;
8276   writeouts('stroke');
8277 end;
8279 procedure write_SVG_brackets;  // v0.1f
8280 var
8281   i : integer;
8282   x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 : single;
8283   xmax, ymin : single;
8284   brtype : integer;
8285   brlabel : string;
8286 begin
8287   if (bracket = nil) or (n_brackets < 1) then exit;
8288   for i := 1 to n_brackets do
8289     begin
8290       brtype  := bracket^[i].brtype;
8291       brlabel := bracket^[i].brlabel;
8292       x1 := bracket^[i].x1; y1 := bracket^[i].y1;
8293       x2 := bracket^[i].x2; y2 := bracket^[i].y2;
8294       x3 := bracket^[i].x3; y3 := bracket^[i].y3;
8295       x4 := bracket^[i].x4; y4 := bracket^[i].y4;
8296       xmax := -9999;
8297       if x1 > xmax then xmax := x1; if x2 > xmax then xmax := x2;
8298       if x3 > xmax then xmax := x3; if x4 > xmax then xmax := x4;
8299       ymin := 9999;
8300       if y1 < ymin then ymin := y1; if y2 < ymin then ymin := y2;
8301       if y3 < ymin then ymin := y3; if y4 < ymin then ymin := y4;
8302       print_SVG_squarebracket(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,brlabel);
8303     end;
8304 end;
8306 procedure write_XY_comment;
8307 var
8308   i : integer;
8309   molX, molY : integer;
8310   //molZ : integer;
8311   auxstr : string;
8312   el : str2;
8313   tmpstr : string;
8314   visible : boolean;
8315 begin
8316   if n_atoms < 1 then exit;
8317   writeln('% appendix: actual & original XY coordinates ("dots", Angstroms)');
8318   for i := 1 to n_atoms do
8319     begin
8320       el := atom^[i].element;
8321       visible := false;
8322       if (not ((el = 'H ') and opt_stripH)) or (atom^[i].hidden = false) then visible := true;
8323       molX := round((atom^[i].x+xoffset)*blfactor);
8324       molY := round((atom^[i].y+yoffset)*blfactor);
8325       //molZ := round((atom^[i].z)*blfactor);
8326       write('%   atom ');
8327       auxstr := '';
8328       str(i,auxstr);
8329       while (length(auxstr)<3) do auxstr := ' ' + auxstr;
8330       write(auxstr,': ');
8331       str(molX,auxstr);
8332       while (length(auxstr)<4) do auxstr := ' ' + auxstr;
8333       write(auxstr,' ');
8334       str(molY,auxstr);
8335       while (length(auxstr)<4) do auxstr := ' ' + auxstr;
8336       write(auxstr,'   ');
8337       if (length(el)=1) then el := el + ' ';
8338       tmpstr := el;
8339       tmpstr := lowercase(el);
8340       tmpstr[1] := upcase(tmpstr[1]);
8341       el := tmpstr;
8342       write(el);
8343       if visible then write('  ') else write('/ ');
8344       str(atom^[i].x_orig:1:4,auxstr);
8345       while (length(auxstr)<8) do auxstr := ' ' + auxstr;
8346       write(auxstr,' ');
8347       str(atom^[i].y_orig:1:4,auxstr);
8348       while (length(auxstr)<8) do auxstr := ' ' + auxstr;
8349       write(auxstr,' ');
8350       writeln;
8351     end;
8352 end;
8355 procedure write_PS;
8356 var
8357   i : integer;
8358   ha_el : str2;
8359 begin
8360   if (n_heavyatoms = 1) then
8361     begin
8362       ha_el := '  ';
8363       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
8364         begin
8365           if is_heavyatom(i) then ha_el := atom^[i].element;
8366         end;
8367       if (ha_el = 'C ') then opt_stripH := false;  // methane
8368     end;
8369   if (n_heavyatoms = 0) then opt_stripH := false;
8370   findzorder;
8371   write_PS_bonds_and_boxes;
8372   write_PS_atomlabels;
8373   if opt_color then writeouts('0 0 0 setrgbcolor');
8374   if n_brackets > 0 then write_PS_brackets;
8375   if opt_showmolname and (molname <> '') then
8376     begin
8377       //writeout('100 dot %d dot moveto (%s) show',[round(maxY*blfactor),molname]);
8378       writeout('CFont 0 fs1 %d dot %d dot moveto (%s) show', [bboxleft-round(bboxmargin*fontsize1),bboxtop+blfactor,molname]);
8379       updatebb(bboxleft, bboxtop+blfactor);
8380     end;
8381   if not rxn_mode then
8382     begin
8383       //here comes the entire PS output when not in reaction mode
8384       write_PS_init;  // new position, including the BB definition
8385       writeln(outbuffer.text);
8386       outbuffer.clear;
8387       if not opt_eps then writeln('showpage');
8388       writeln;
8389       {$IFDEF csearch_extensions}
8390       if progmode = pmMol2PS then write_XY_comment;
8391       {$ENDIF}
8392       {$IFDEF debug}
8393       debugoutput('number of brackets: '+inttostr(n_brackets)+' number of Sgroups: '+inttostr(n_sgroups));
8394       {$ENDIF}
8395       writeln('% ----------------------end of image------------------------');
8396     end;
8397 end;
get_yminnull8399 function get_ymin:single;
8400 var
8401   i : integer;
8402   r, ytmp : single;
8403 begin
8404   r := 10000;
8405   if (n_atoms > 0) then
8406     begin
8407       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
8408         begin
8409           ytmp := (atom^[i].y+yoffset)*blfactor*-svg_factor + svg_yoffset;
8410           if ytmp < r then r := ytmp;
8411         end;
8412     end;
8413   get_ymin := r;
8414 end;
8416 procedure write_SVG_dimensions;
8417 begin
8418   writeln('<!-- found XY values for adjusting width, height and viewbox: -->');
8419   writeln('<!-- max_X:  ',round(svg_max_x)+20,'  -->');  // add a little safety margin of 20
8420   writeln('<!-- max_Y:  ',round(svg_max_y)+25,'  -->');  // add a little safety margin of 20
8421   writeln('<!-- min_Y:  ',round(svg_min_y)-25,'  -->');  // add a little safety margin of 20
8422   writeln('<!-- yshift: ',max_ytrans,'  -->');
8423 end;
8426 procedure write_SVG;
8427 var
8428   i : integer;
8429   ha_el : str2;
8430   ymin, outY : single;
8431   //ytrans : integer;    // moved to the global variables, v0.2c
8432   //ymargin : integer;
8433   is_flat : boolean;
8434 begin
8435   ytrans := 0;  // v0.2c
8436   if opt_showmolname then ymargin := 100 else ymargin := 30;
8437   if (n_heavyatoms = 1) then
8438     begin
8439       ha_el := '  ';
8440       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
8441         begin
8442           if is_heavyatom(i) then ha_el := atom^[i].element;
8443         end;
8444       if (ha_el = 'C ') then opt_stripH := false;  // methane
8445     end;
8446   if (n_heavyatoms = 0) then opt_stripH := false;
8447   findzorder;
8448   ymin := get_ymin;
8449   if (ymin < 0) then
8450     begin
8451       ytrans := round(abs(ymin)+ymargin);
8452       writeout('<g transform="translate(0,%d)">',[ytrans]);
8453     end else
8454     begin
8455       if (rxn_mode = false) and (ymin > ymargin) then
8456         begin
8457           ytrans := -round(ymin-ymargin);
8458           writeout('<g transform="translate(0,%d)">',[ytrans]);
8459         end else writeouts('<g>');
8460     end;
8461   if (abs(ytrans) > abs(max_ytrans)) then max_ytrans := ytrans;  // v0.2c
8462   // check if we can use "compact" mode for really flat molecules;  v0.2c
8463   if (n_atoms > 0) then
8464     begin
8465       is_flat := true;
8466       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
8467         begin
8468           if (atom^[i].z <> 0) then is_flat := false;
8469         end;
8470       if (n_bonds > 0) then
8471         begin
8472           for i := 1 to n_bonds do
8473             begin
8474               // we have to worry only about "down" bonds, as their atom labels could be crossed
8475               // by a bond at a higher X level
8476               if (bond^[i].stereo = bstereo_down) then is_flat := false;
8477             end;
8478         end;
8479       if is_flat then svg_mode := 2;
8480     end;
8481   {$IFDEF debug}
8482   debugoutput('svg mode = '+inttostr(svg_mode));
8483   {$ENDIF}
8484   if (svg_mode = 1) then write_SVG_bonds_and_boxes;
8485   if (svg_mode = 2) then write_SVG_bonds_and_boxes_compact;
8486   svg_mode := 1;  // rest mode for brackets
8487   write_SVG_atomlabels;
8488   if n_brackets > 0 then write_SVG_brackets;
8489   writeouts('</g>');
8490   if not rxn_mode then
8491     begin
8492       writeouts('</g>');
8493       writeouts('</svg>');
8494       // here comes the SVG header with the corrected dimensions
8495       write_SVG_init;
8496       // here comes the content of the output buffer
8497       writeln(outbuffer.text);
8498       outbuffer.clear;
8499       // here comes the list of original  dimensions (for post-processing)
8500       write_SVG_dimensions;
8501     end;
8502 end;
8504 procedure loadrgbtable(rgbfilename:string);
8505 var
8506   i, pp : integer;
8507   rline : string;
8508   elstr : string;
8509   rval, gval, bval : integer;
8510 begin
8511   assign(rgbfile,rgbfilename);
8512   reset(rgbfile);
8513   i := 0;
8514   while not eof(rgbfile) do
8515     begin
8516       readln(rgbfile,rline);
8517       trimleft(rline); trimright(rline);
8518       pp := pos('#',rline);
8519       if (pp > 0) then rline := copy(rline,1,(pp-1));
8520       if (rline <> '') and (i < max_rgbentries) then
8521         begin
8522           inc(i);
8523           elstr := '';
8524           while (length(rline)>0) and (rline[1] <> ' ') and (rline[1] <> TAB) do
8525             begin
8526               elstr := elstr + rline[1];
8527               delete(rline,1,1);
8528             end;
8529           if (length(elstr) > 2) then elstr := copy(elstr,1,2);
8530           rgbtable[i].element := elstr;
8531           rval := left_int(rline);
8532           gval := left_int(rline);
8533           bval := left_int(rline);
8534           if (rval < 0) or (gval < 0) or (bval < 0) or
8535              (rval > 255) or (gval > 255) or (bval > 255) then
8536             begin
8537               rval := 0; gval := 0; bval := 0;
8538             end;
8539           rgbtable[i].r := rval;
8540           rgbtable[i].g := gval;
8541           rgbtable[i].b := bval;
8542         end;
8543     end;
8544   close(rgbfile);
8545 end;
8548 procedure chk_sgbonds;
8549 var
8550   i : integer;
8551   a1, a2 : integer;
8552 begin
8553   if (n_bonds > 0) then
8554     begin
8555       for i := 1 to n_bonds do
8556         begin
8557           a1 := bond^[i].a1;
8558           a2 := bond^[i].a2;
8559           if (atom^[a1].sg = true) and (atom^[a2].sg = true) then bond^[i].sg := true else bond^[i].sg := false;
8560         end;
8561     end;
8562 end;
8565 procedure process_mol;
8566 begin
8567   chk_ringbonds;
8568   if ringsearch_mode = rs_ssr then remove_redundant_rings;
8569   if n_rings = max_rings then
8570     begin
8571       ringsearch_mode := rs_ssr;
8572       clear_rings;
8573       max_vringsize := 10;
8574       chk_ringbonds;
8575       remove_redundant_rings;
8576     end;
8577   update_ringcount;
8578   update_atypes;
8579   update_Htotal;
8580   chk_arom;
8581   if (ringsearch_mode = rs_ssr) then
8582     begin
8583       repeat
8584         prev_n_ar := count_aromatic_rings;
8585         chk_arom;
8586         n_ar := count_aromatic_rings;
8587       until ((prev_n_ar - n_ar) = 0);
8588     end;
8589   if not rxn_mode then adjust_mol;  // v0.2
8590   refine_bonds;
8591   if opt_sgroups then chk_sgbonds;  // v0.2a
8592   if (progmode = pmMol2PS)  then write_PS;
8593   if (progmode = pmMol2SVG) then write_SVG;
8594   zap_molecule;
8595   molbufindex := 0;
8596 end;
8599 procedure get_xminmax(var xmin,xmax:single);
8600 var
8601   i : integer;
8602   tmin, tmax, xcurr : single;
8603   al : string;
8604   lstr, rstr : string;
8605   just : char;
8606   ap : integer;
8607   lw,rw : double;
8608 begin
8609   tmin := 1000;
8610   tmax := -1000;
8611   if n_atoms > 0 then
8612     begin
8613       for i := 1 to n_atoms do
8614         begin
8615           if atom^[i].x < tmin then tmin := atom^[i].x;
8616           if atom^[i].x > tmax then tmax := atom^[i].x;
8617           // check also for left parts of alias labels (the right parts
8618           // will be checked elsewhere)   v0.4
8619           if atom^[i].alias <> '' then
8620             begin
8621               xcurr := atom^[i].x;
8622               al := atom^[i].alias;
8623               case atom^[i].a_just of
8624                 0 : just := 'L';
8625                 1 : just := 'R';
8626                 2 : just := 'C';
8627               end;
8628               while (pos('\S',al)>0) do delete(al,pos('\S',al),2);
8629               while (pos('\s',al)>0) do delete(al,pos('\s',al),2);
8630               while (pos('\n',al)>0) do delete(al,pos('\n',al),2);
8631               ap := pos('^',al);
8632               if (ap = 0) then
8633                 begin
8634                   if (just = 'L') then ap := 1;
8635                   if (just = 'R') then ap := length(al)-1;
8636                   if (just = 'C') then ap := length(al) div 2;
8637                 end;
8638               if (ap > 1) then
8639                 begin
8640                   lstr := copy(al,1,(ap-1));
8641                   lw := 0.375*get_stringwidth(fontsize1,lstr);
8642                   if (xcurr - lw) < tmin then tmin := (xcurr - lw);
8643                 end;
8644               if (ap < (length(al)-1)) then
8645                 begin
8646                   rstr := copy(al,(ap+1),(length(al)-ap));
8647                   rw := 0.375*get_stringwidth(fontsize1,rstr);
8648                   if (xcurr + rw) > tmax then tmax := (xcurr + rw);
8649                 end;
8650             end;
8651         end;
8652     end;
8653   xmin := tmin;
8654   xmax := tmax;
8655 end;
8658 procedure shift_x(xshift:single);
8659 var
8660   i : integer;
8661 begin
8662   if n_atoms > 0 then
8663     begin
8664       for i := 1 to n_atoms do atom^[i].x := atom^[i].x + xshift;
8665     end;
8666 end;
8668 begin  // main routine
8669   //prevent unwanted re-setting of DefaultFormatsettings
8670   //Application.UpdateFormatSettings := False;
8671   //Now it is safe to set this for the lifetime of this program
8672   //DefaultFormatSetttings.DecimalSeparator := '.';
8673   progname := extractfilename(paramstr(0));
8674   progmode := pmMol2PS;
8675   if (pos('MOL2PS',upcase(progname))>0) or (pos('MOL2EPS',upcase(progname))>0) then
8676     begin
8677       progmode := pmMol2PS;
8678       if (pos('MOL2PS',upcase(progname))>0) then opt_eps := false else opt_eps := true;
8679     end else
8680     begin
8681       if pos('MOL2SVG',upcase(progname))>0 then progmode := pmMol2SVG else
8682         begin
8683           writeln('THOU SHALLST NOT RENAME ME!');
8684           halt(9);
8685         end;
8686     end;
8687   if (paramcount = 0) then
8688     begin
8689       show_usage;
8690       halt(1);
8691     end;
8692   init_globals;
8693   outbuffer := tstringlist.create;  // v0.4
8694   parse_args;
8695   if ringsearch_mode = rs_sar then max_vringsize := max_ringsize else
8696                                    max_vringsize := 10;
8697   left_trim(molfilename);
8698   if ((molfilename = '') and (not opt_stdin)) then
8699     begin
8700       show_usage;
8701       halt(2);
8702     end;
8703   if ((not fileexists(molfilename)) and (not opt_stdin)) then
8704     begin
8705       if ((length(molfilename) > 1) and (molfilename[1] = '-')) then
8706         begin
8707           show_usage;
8708         end else writeln('file ',molfilename,' not found!');
8709       halt(2);
8710     end;
8711   if opt_color then
8712     begin
8713       if (fileexists(rgbfilename)) then loadrgbtable(rgbfilename)
8714         else opt_color := false;
8715     end;
8716   mol_count := 0;
8717   rxn_count := 0;
8718   li := 1;
8720   if (rxn_mode = false) then
8721     begin
8722       repeat
8723         begin
8724           ringsearch_mode := opt_rs;
8725           if ringsearch_mode = rs_sar then max_vringsize := max_ringsize else
8726                                            max_vringsize := 10;
8727           readinputfile(molfilename);
8728           li := 1;
8729           filetype := get_filetype(molfilename);
8730           if (filetype <> 'unknown') then
8731             begin
8732               mol_OK := true;
8733               if filetype = 'alchemy' then read_molfile(molfilename);
8734               if filetype = 'sybyl'   then read_mol2file(molfilename);
8735               if filetype = 'mdl'     then read_MDLmolfile(molfilename);
8736               inc(mol_count);
8737               count_neighbors;
8738               if (not mol_OK) or (n_atoms < 1) then
8739                 if (progmode = pmMol2PS) then
8740                   writeout('%% %d:no valid structure found',[mol_count])
8741                 else
8742                   writeout('<!-- %d:no valid structure found -->',[mol_count])
8743               else
8744                 process_mol;
8745             end
8746           else
8747             if (progmode = pmMol2PS) then
8748               writeout('%% %d:unknown file format',[mol_count])
8749             else
8750               writeout('<!-- %d:unknown file format -->',[mol_count]);
8751           outbuffer.clear;
8752         end;
8753       until (mol_in_queue = false);
8754     end else    // reaction mode starts here
8755       begin
8756         open_rfile(molfilename);
8757         filetype := 'mdl';
8758         opt_showmolname := false;
8759         while not eof(rfile) do
8760           begin
8761             n_reactants := 0;
8762             n_products  := 0;
8763             if read_rxnheader = true then
8764               begin
8765                 inc(rxn_count);
8766                 x_shift := 0;
8767                 xoffset := 1.5;  // may require some adjustment
8768                 yoffset := 4.0; // may require some adjustment
8769                 maxY := 2 * yoffset;
8770                 if (n_reactants > 0) then
8771                   begin
8772                     for i := 1 to n_reactants do
8773                       begin
8774                         zap_molecule;
8775                         read_rxnmol;
8776                         inc(mol_count);
8777                         count_neighbors;
8778                         ringsearch_mode := opt_rs;
8779                         if ringsearch_mode = rs_sar then max_vringsize := max_ringsize else
8780                                                          max_vringsize := 10;
8781                         if opt_autoscale then scale_mol;
8782                         center_mol;
8783                         get_xminmax(x_min,x_max);
8784                         if (i > 0) then shift_x((x_shift - x_min + x_padding));  // v0.4b (was > 1)
8785                         get_xminmax(x_dummy,x_shift);
8786                         if (progmode = pmMol2PS) then
8787                           begin
8788                             (*
8789                             writeln;
8790                             writeln('% reaction ',rxn_count,' reactant ',i);
8791                             *)
8792                             writeouts('');
8793                             writeout('%% reaction %d reactant %d',[rxn_count,i]);
8794                           end
8795                         else
8796                           writeout('<!-- reaction %d reactant %d -->',[rxn_count,i]);
8797                         process_mol;
8798                       end;
8799                   end;
8800                 if (progmode = pmMol2PS) then
8801                   begin
8802                     writeout('%% reaction %d arrow',[rxn_count]);
8803                     printPSarrow((x_shift + x_padding),0,(x_shift + x_padding + arrow_length),0)
8804                   end
8805                 else
8806                   begin
8807                     writeout('<!-- reaction %d arrow -->',[rxn_count]);
8808                     printSVGarrow((x_shift + x_padding),0,(x_shift + x_padding + arrow_length),0)
8809                   end;
8810                 x_shift := x_shift + x_padding + arrow_length;
8811                 if (n_products > 0) then
8812                   begin
8813                     for i := 1 to n_products do
8814                       begin
8815                         zap_molecule;
8816                         read_rxnmol;
8817                         inc(mol_count);
8818                         count_neighbors;
8819                         ringsearch_mode := opt_rs;
8820                         if ringsearch_mode = rs_sar then max_vringsize := max_ringsize else
8821                                                          max_vringsize := 10;
8822                         if opt_autoscale then scale_mol;
8823                         center_mol;
8824                         get_xminmax(x_min,x_max);
8825                         shift_x((x_shift - x_min + x_padding));
8826                         get_xminmax(x_dummy,x_shift);
8827                         if (progmode = pmMol2PS) then
8828                           begin
8829                             (*
8830                             writeln;
8831                             writeln('% reaction ',rxn_count,' product ',i);
8832                             *)
8833                             writeouts('');
8834                             writeout('%% reaction %d product %d',[rxn_count,i]);
8835                           end
8836                         else
8837                           writeout('<!-- reaction %d product %d -->',[rxn_count,i]);
8838                         process_mol;
8839                       end;
8840                   end;
8841                 if (progmode = pmMol2PS) then
8842                   begin
8843                     write_PS_init;
8844                     writeln(outbuffer.text);
8845                     outbuffer.clear;
8846                     if not opt_eps then writeln('showpage');
8847                     writeln('% ----------------------end of image------------------------');
8848                   end;
8849                 if (progmode = pmMol2SVG) then
8850                   begin
8851                     writeouts('</g>');
8852                     writeouts('</svg>');
8853                     // here comes the SVG header with the corrected dimensions
8854                     write_SVG_init;
8855                     // here comes the content of the output buffer
8856                     writeln(outbuffer.text);
8857                     outbuffer.clear;
8858                     // here comes the list of original  dimensions (for post-processing)
8859                     write_SVG_dimensions;
8860                   end;
8861                 {$IFDEF debug}
8862                 debugoutput('number of brackets: '+inttostr(n_brackets)+' number of Sgroups: '+inttostr(n_sgroups));
8863                 {$ENDIF}
8864                 skip_data;
8865                 outbuffer.clear;  // v0.4
8866               end;  // if rxn_header = true
8867           end;  // while ...
8868       end;
8869   if rfile_is_open then close(rfile);
8870 end.