1 //
2 // r12int_eval.h
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2004 Edward Valeev
5 //
6 // Author: Edward Valeev <edward.valeev@chemistry.gatech.edu>
7 // Maintainer: EV
8 //
9 // This file is part of the SC Toolkit.
10 //
11 // The SC Toolkit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
13 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
14 // any later version.
15 //
16 // The SC Toolkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 // GNU Library General Public License for more details.
20 //
21 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
22 // along with the SC Toolkit; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
23 // the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
24 //
25 // The U.S. Government is granted a limited license as per AL 91-7.
26 //
28 #ifdef __GNUG__
29 #pragma interface
30 #endif
32 #ifndef _chemistry_qc_mbptr12_r12inteval_h
33 #define _chemistry_qc_mbptr12_r12inteval_h
35 #include <util/ref/ref.h>
36 #include <chemistry/qc/mbptr12/vxb_eval_info.h>
37 #include <chemistry/qc/mbptr12/linearr12.h>
38 #include <chemistry/qc/mbptr12/r12_amps.h>
40 namespace sc {
42   /** R12IntEval is the top-level class which computes intermediates occuring in linear R12 theories.
43       This class is used by all Wavefunction classes that implement linear R12 methods.
44   */
46 class R12IntEval : virtual public SavableState {
48   bool evaluated_;
50   // Calculation information (number of basis functions, R12 approximation, etc.)
51   Ref<R12IntEvalInfo> r12info_;
53   // Note that intermediate B is symmetric but is stored as a full matrix to simplify the code
54   // that computes asymmetric form of B
55   RefSCMatrix Vaa_, Vab_, Xaa_, Xab_, Baa_, Bab_, Aaa_, Aab_, T2aa_, T2ab_;
56   RefSCMatrix Ac_aa_, Ac_ab_;
57   RefSCMatrix Raa_, Rab_;    // Not sure if I'll compute and keep these explicitly later
58   Ref<R12Amplitudes> Amps_;  // Amplitudes of various R12-contributed terms in pair functions
59   RefSCVector emp2pair_aa_, emp2pair_ab_;
60   RefSCDimension dim_ij_aa_, dim_ij_ab_, dim_ij_s_, dim_ij_t_;
61   RefSCDimension dim_ab_aa_, dim_ab_ab_;
63   bool gbc_;
64   bool ebc_;
65   LinearR12::ABSMethod abs_method_;
66   LinearR12::StandardApproximation stdapprox_;
67   bool spinadapted_;
68   bool include_mp1_;
69   /// should I follow Klopper-Samson approach in the intermediates formulation for the EBC-free method?
70   bool follow_ks_ebcfree_;
71   int debug_;
73   // Map to TwoBodyMOIntsTransform objects that have been computed previously
74   typedef std::map<std::string, Ref<TwoBodyMOIntsTransform> > TformMap;
75   TformMap tform_map_;
76   // Returns pointer to the appropriate transform.
77   // If the transform is not found then throw runtime_error
78   Ref<TwoBodyMOIntsTransform> get_tform_(const std::string&);
80   /// Fock-weighted occupied space |i_f> = f_i^R |R>, where R is a function in RI-BS
81   Ref<MOIndexSpace> focc_space_;
82   /// Form Fock-weighted occupied space
83   void form_focc_space_();
84   /// Fock-weighted active occupied space |i_f> = f_i^R |R>, where R is a function in RI-BS
85   Ref<MOIndexSpace> factocc_space_;
86   /// Form Fock-weighted active occupied space
87   void form_factocc_space_();
88   /// Space of canonical virtual MOs
89   Ref<MOIndexSpace> canonvir_space_;
90   /// Form space of auxiliary virtuals
91   void form_canonvir_space_();
93   /// Initialize standard transforms
94   void init_tforms_();
95   /// Set intermediates to zero + add the "diagonal" contributions
96   void init_intermeds_();
97   /// Compute r^2 contribution to X
98   void r2_contrib_to_X_orig_();
99   /// Compute r^2 contribution to X using compute_r2_()
100   void r2_contrib_to_X_new_();
101   /// Compute <space1 space1|r_{12}^2|space1 space2> matrix
102   RefSCMatrix compute_r2_(const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& space1, const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& space2);
103   /** Compute the Fock matrix between 2 spaces. scale_J and scale_K are used to scale Coulomb
104       and exchange contributions */
105   RefSCMatrix fock_(const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& occ_space, const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& bra_space,
106                     const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& ket_space, double scale_J = 1.0, double scale_K = 1.0);
107   /// Compute the coulomb matrix between 2 spaces
108   RefSCMatrix coulomb_(const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& occ_space, const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& bra_space,
109                        const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& ket_space);
110   /// Compute the exchange matrix between 2 spaces
111   RefSCMatrix exchange_(const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& occ_space, const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& bra_space,
112                         const Ref<MOIndexSpace>& ket_space);
114   /// Checkpoint the top-level molecular energy
115   void checkpoint_() const;
117   /** Compute the number tasks which have access to the integrals.
118       map_to_twi is a vector<int> each element of which will hold the
119       number of tasks with access to the integrals of lower rank than that task
120       (or -1 if the task doesn't have access to the integrals) */
121   const int tasks_with_ints_(const Ref<R12IntsAcc> ints_acc, vector<int>& map_to_twi);
123   /** Compute contribution to V, X, and B of the following form:
124       0.5 * \bar{g}_{ij}^{pq} * \bar{r}_{pq}^{kl}, where p and q span mospace.
125       tform_name is the name of the transform to be used to get the integrals.
126       mospace is either space2() or space4() of that transform
127   */
128   void contrib_to_VXB_a_symm_(const std::string& tform_name);
130   /** Compute contribution to V, X, and B of the following form:
131       \bar{g}_{ij}^{am} * \bar{r}_{am}^{kl}, where m and a span space1 and space2, respectively.
132       tform_name is the name of the transform to be used to get the integrals.
133       mospace1 and mospace2 are space2() and space4() of that transform, respectively
134   */
135   void contrib_to_VXB_a_asymm_(const std::string& tform_name);
137   /// Compute OBS contribution to V, X, and B (these contributions are independent of the method)
138   void obs_contrib_to_VXB_gebc_vbseqobs_();
140   /// Compute 1-ABS contribution to V, X, and B (these contributions are independent of the method)
141   void abs1_contrib_to_VXB_gebc_();
143   /// Equiv to the sum of above, except for this doesn't assume that VBS is the same as OBS
144   void contrib_to_VXB_gebc_vbsneqobs_();
146   /// Compute A using the "simple" formula obtained using direct substitution alpha'->a'
147   void compute_A_simple_();
149   /// Compute A using the standard commutator approach
150   void compute_A_via_commutator_();
152   /// Compute MP2 T2
153   void compute_T2_();
155   /// Compute R "intermediate" (r12 integrals in occ-pair/vir-pair basis)
156   void compute_R_();
158   /// Compute A*T2 contribution to V (needed if EBC is not assumed)
159   void AT2_contrib_to_V_();
161   /// Compute -2*A*R contribution to B (needed if EBC is not assumed)
162   void AR_contrib_to_B_();
164   /** Compute the first (r<sub>kl</sub>^<sup>AB</sup> f<sub>A</sub><sup>m</sup> r<sub>mB</sub>^<sup>ij</sup>)
165       contribution to B that vanishes under GBC */
166   void compute_B_gbc_1_();
168   /** Compute the second (r<sub>kl</sub>^<sup>AB</sup> r<sub>AB</sub>^<sup>Kj</sup> f<sub>K</sub><sup>i</sup>)
169       contribution to B that vanishes under GBC */
170   void compute_B_gbc_2_();
172   /// Compute dual-basis MP2 energy (contribution from doubles to MP2 energy)
173   void compute_dualEmp2_();
175   /// Compute dual-basis MP1 energy (contribution from singles to HF energy)
176   void compute_dualEmp1_();
178   /// This function computes T2 amplitudes
179   void compute_T2_vbsneqobs_();
181   /** New general function to compute <ij|r<sub>12</sub>|pq> integrals. ipjq_tform
182       is the source of the integrals.*/
183   void compute_R_vbsneqobs_(const Ref<TwoBodyMOIntsTransform>& ipjq_tform,
184                             RefSCMatrix& Raa, RefSCMatrix& Rab);
186   /** Initialize amplitude objects */
187   void compute_amps_();
189   /** Sum contributions to SCMatrix A from all nodes and broadcast so
190       every node has the correct SCMatrix. If to_all_tasks is false, then
191       collect all contributions to task 0 and zero out the matrix on other tasks,
192       otherwise distribute the sum to every task. If to_average is true then
193       each result is scaled by the inverse of the number of tasks. */
194   void globally_sum_scmatrix_(RefSCMatrix& A, bool to_all_tasks = false, bool to_average = false);
196   /** Sum contributions to SCVector A from all nodes and broadcast so
197       every node has the correct SCVector. If to_all_tasks is false, then
198       collect all contributions to task 0 and zero out the matrix on other tasks,
199       otherwise distribute the sum to every task. If to_average is true then
200       each result is scaled by the inverse of the number of tasks. */
201   void globally_sum_scvector_(RefSCVector& A, bool to_all_tasks = false, bool to_average = false);
203   /** Sum contributions to the intermediates from all nodes and broadcast so
204       every node has the correct matrices. If to_all_tasks is false, then
205       collect all contributions to task 0 and zero out the matrix on other tasks,
206       otherwise distribute the sum to every task. */
207   void globally_sum_intermeds_(bool to_all_tasks = false);
209 public:
210   R12IntEval(StateIn&);
211   /** Constructs R12IntEval. If follow_ks_ebcfree is true then follow formalism of Klopper and Samson
212       to compute EBC-free MP2-R12 energy. */
213   R12IntEval(const Ref<R12IntEvalInfo>& info, bool gbc = true, bool ebc = true,
214              LinearR12::ABSMethod abs_method = LinearR12::ABS_CABSPlus,
215              LinearR12::StandardApproximation stdapprox = LinearR12::StdApprox_Ap,
216              bool follow_ks_ebcfree = false);
217   ~R12IntEval();
219   void save_data_state(StateOut&);
220   virtual void obsolete();
222   void include_mp1(bool include_mp1);
223   void set_debug(int debug);
224   void set_dynamic(bool dynamic);
225   void set_print_percent(double print_percent);
226   void set_memory(size_t nbytes);
gbc()228   const bool gbc() const { return gbc_; }
ebc()229   const bool ebc() const { return ebc_; }
stdapprox()230   const LinearR12::StandardApproximation stdapprox() const { return stdapprox_; }
follow_ks_ebcfree()231   bool follow_ks_ebcfree() const { return follow_ks_ebcfree_; }
233   Ref<R12IntEvalInfo> r12info() const;
234   RefSCDimension dim_oo_aa() const;
235   RefSCDimension dim_oo_ab() const;
236   RefSCDimension dim_oo_s() const;
237   RefSCDimension dim_oo_t() const;
238   RefSCDimension dim_vv_aa() const;
239   RefSCDimension dim_vv_ab() const;
241   /// This function causes the intermediate matrices to be computed.
242   virtual void compute();
244   /// Returns alpha-alpha block of the V intermediate matrix.
245   RefSCMatrix V_aa();
246   /// Returns alpha-alpha block of the X intermediate matrix.
247   RefSCMatrix X_aa();
248   /// Returns alpha-alpha block of the B intermediate matrix.
249   RefSymmSCMatrix B_aa();
250   /// Returns alpha-alpha block of the A intermediate matrix. Returns 0 if EBC is assumed.
251   RefSCMatrix A_aa();
252   /// Returns alpha-alpha block of the A intermediate matrix. Returns 0 if EBC is assumed.
253   RefSCMatrix Ac_aa();
254   /// Returns alpha-alpha block of the MP2 T2 matrix. Returns 0 if EBC is assumed.
255   RefSCMatrix T2_aa();
256   /// Returns alpha-beta block of the V intermediate matrix.
257   RefSCMatrix V_ab();
258   /// Returns alpha-beta block of the X intermediate matrix.
259   RefSCMatrix X_ab();
260   /// Returns alpha-beta block of the B intermediate matrix.
261   RefSymmSCMatrix B_ab();
262   /// Returns alpha-beta block of the A intermediate matrix. Returns 0 if EBC is assumed
263   RefSCMatrix A_ab();
264   /// Returns alpha-beta block of the A intermediate matrix. Returns 0 if EBC is assumed
265   RefSCMatrix Ac_ab();
266   /// Returns alpha-beta block of the MP2 T2 matrix. Returns 0 if EBC is assumed
267   RefSCMatrix T2_ab();
268   /// Returns alpha-alpha MP2 pair energies.
269   RefSCVector emp2_aa();
270   /// Returns alpha-beta MP2 pair energies.
271   RefSCVector emp2_ab();
272   /// Returns amplitudes of pair correlation functions
273   Ref<R12Amplitudes> amps();
275   RefDiagSCMatrix evals() const;
276 };
278 }
280 #endif
282 // Local Variables:
283 // mode: c++
284 // c-file-style: "CLJ"
285 // End: