1!!------- Analyze or visualize hole-electron distribution, transition dipole moment and transition density
2!ROHF,RODFT are assumed to be impossible to be ground state
3!itype=1 is normal mode
4!itype=2 is specifically used to calculate delta_r
5!itype=3 is specifically used to generate NTOs
6!itype=4 is specifically used to Calculate inter-fragment charger transfer
7subroutine hetransdipdens(itype)
8use defvar
9use util
10use function
11implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
12integer :: itype,idomag=0
13logical,allocatable :: skippair(:)
14integer,allocatable :: excdir(:) !excdir=1 means ->, =2 means <-
15integer,allocatable :: orbleft(:),orbright(:) !denote the actual MO at the left/right side in the excitation data (1:nbasis=alpha/spatial, nbasis+1:2*nbasis=beta)
16real*8,allocatable :: exccoeff(:),exccoeffbackup(:) !Coefficient of an orbital pair transition. exccoeffbackup is used to backup, because users can modify the coefficients
17real*8,allocatable :: holegrid(:,:,:),elegrid(:,:,:),holeeleovlp(:,:,:),transdens(:,:,:),holecross(:,:,:),elecross(:,:,:),Cele(:,:,:),Chole(:,:,:),magtrdens(:,:,:,:)
18real*8,allocatable :: dipcontri(:,:) !(1/2/3,iexc) contribution of orbital pairs "iexc" to transition dipole moment in X/Y/Z
19character c200tmp*200,c80tmp*80,transmodestr*200,leftstr*80,rightstr*80,strtmp1*10,strtmp2*10,strtmp3*10,selectyn
20character,save :: excitfilename*200=" "
21integer walltime1,walltime2
22real*8 time_end,time_endtmp,orbval(nmo),wfnderv(3,nmo)
23real*8,allocatable :: tmparr1(:),tmparr2(:) !Arrays for temporary use
24real*8,allocatable :: tdmata(:,:),tdmatb(:,:) !Transition density matrix in basis function representation of alpha/total and beta electrons
25real*8,allocatable :: bastrdip(:,:) !Contribution from each basis function to transition dipole moment, the first index 1/2/3=X/Y/Z
26real*8,allocatable :: trdipmatbas(:,:,:),trdipmatatm(:,:,:) !Transition dipole moment matrix in basis function / atom representation, the first index 1/2/3=X/Y/Z
27real*8,allocatable :: bastrpopa(:),bastrpopb(:) !Transition population of each basis function
28!Store dipole moment integral between all GTFs, the matrix is symmetry hence stored as 1D-array to save memory. The first index is 1/2/3=X/Y/Z
29real*8,allocatable :: GTFdipint(:,:)
30!Store information of another excitation
31integer,allocatable :: orbleft2(:),orbright2(:),excdir2(:)
32real*8,allocatable :: exccoeff2(:)
34real*8,allocatable :: cubx(:),cuby(:),cubz(:)
35! real*8 eigvecmat(nbasis,nbasis),eigvalarr(nbasis)
37if (.not.allocated(CObasa)) then
38    write(*,*) "Error: The input file does not contain basis function information!"
39    write(*,*) "Please read manual to make clear which kinds of input file could be used!"
40    write(*,*) "Press ENTER to exit"
41    read(*,*)
42    return
43end if
45if (excitfilename==" ") then
46    write(*,"(a)") " Input the path of the Gaussian/ORCA output file or plain text file containing excitation data, e.g. c:\a.out"
47    do while(.true.)
48        read(*,"(a)") excitfilename
49        inquire(file=excitfilename,exist=alive)
50        if (alive) exit
51        write(*,*) "Cannot find this file, input again"
52    end do
54    write(*,"(' Loading ',a)") trim(excitfilename)
55end if
57call loclabel(10,"Gaussian",igauout,1,50)
58call loclabel(10,"O   R   C   A",iORCAout,1,50)
60if (igauout==1) then !Gaussian output file
61    write(*,*) "Analyzing the file..."
62    call loclabel(10,"Excitation energies and oscillator strengths:")
63    read(10,*)
64    nstates=0 !The number of transition modes
65    do while(.true.)
66        call loclabel(10,"Excited State",ifound,0)
67        if (ifound==1) then
68            nstates=nstates+1
69            read(10,*)
70        else
71            exit
72        end if
73    end do
74    write(*,"(' There are',i5,' transition modes, analyze which one?  e.g. 2')") nstates
75    do while(.true.)
76        read(*,*) iexcitmode
77        if (iexcitmode>0.and.iexcitmode<=nstates) exit
78        write(*,*) "Error: The index exceeded valid range, input again"
79    end do
80    call loclabel(10,"Excitation energies and oscillator strengths:")
81    do itmp=1,iexcitmode !Move to the iexcitmode field
82        call loclabel(10,"Excited State",ifound,0)
83        read(10,*)
84    end do
85    backspace(10)
86    read(10,"(a)") transmodestr
87    iexcmulti=1 !Multiplicity of the excited state
88    if (index(transmodestr,"Triplet")/=0) iexcmulti=3
89    do i=10,70
90        if (transmodestr(i:i+1)=="eV") exit
91    end do
92    read(transmodestr(i-10:i-1),*) excenergy
93else if (iORCAout==1) then !ORCA output file
94    write(*,*) "Analyzing the file..."
95    call loclabel(10,"Number of roots to be determined",ifound)
96    if (ifound==0) then
97        write(*,*) "Error: It seems that this is not a output file of CIS/TDA/TD task"
98        write(*,*) "Press Enter to exit"
99        read(*,*)
100        return
101    end if
102    read(10,"(50x,i7)") nstates
103    write(*,"(' There are',i5,' transition modes, analyze which one?  e.g. 2')") nstates
104    do while(.true.)
105        read(*,*) iexcitmode
106        if (iexcitmode>0.and.iexcitmode<=nstates) exit
107        write(*,*) "Error: The index exceeded valid range, input again"
108    end do
109    iexcmulti=1 !Multiplicity of the excited state
110    if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
111        call loclabel(10,"Generation of triplets")
112        read(10,"(a)") c80tmp
113        if (index(c80tmp," on ")/=0) then
114            write(*,*) "Load which kind of excited states?"
115            write(*,*) "1: Singlet   3: Triplet"
116            read(*,*) iexcmulti
117        end if
118    end if
119    write(*,*) "Loading data, please wait..."
120    call loclabel(10,"the weight of the individual excitations are printed")
121    if (iexcmulti==3) then !When triplets=on, ORCA calculate both singlet and triplet excited state, now move to the latter
122        read(10,*)
123        call loclabel(10,"the weight of the individual excitations are printed",ifound,0)
124    end if
125    do itmp=1,iexcitmode !Move to the iexcitmode field
126        call loclabel(10,"STATE",ifound,0)
127        read(10,*)
128    end do
129    backspace(10)
130    read(10,"(a)") transmodestr
131    do i=10,70
132        if (transmodestr(i:i+1)=="eV") exit
133    end do
134    read(transmodestr(i-10:i-1),*) excenergy
136    rewind(10)
137    read(10,*) iexcmulti,excenergy !The first line should be multiplicity of excited state and excitation energy
138end if
139write(*,"(' Multiplicity of this excited state is',i4)") iexcmulti
140write(*,"(' Excitation energy is',f12.7,' eV')") excenergy
142!Count how many orbital pairs are involved in this transition mode
144do while(.true.)
145    read(10,"(a)",iostat=ierror) c80tmp
146    if ((index(c80tmp,'<-')==0.and.index(c80tmp,'->')==0).or.ierror/=0) exit
147    nexcitorb=nexcitorb+1
148end do
150if (igauout==1.or.iORCAout==1) then !Rewind to head of the entry
151    call loclabel(10,trim(transmodestr))
152    read(10,*)
154    rewind(10)
155    read(10,*)
156end if
157write(*,"(a,i8,a)") " There are",nexcitorb," orbital pairs in this transition mode"
159!Load transition detail. Notice that for unrestricted case, A and B are separately recorded in input file, &
160!however after loading, they are combined as single index, namely if orbital index is larger than nbasis, then it is B, else A
161if (iORCAout==1) then
162    !Worthnotingly, in at least ORCA 4.0, de-excitation is not separately outputted as <-, but combined into ->
163    !Here we still determine <-, because hopefully Neese may change the convention of ORCA output in the future...
164    do itmp=1,nexcitorb
165        read(10,"(a)") c80tmp
166        excdir(itmp)=-1
167        if (index(c80tmp,'->')/=0) excdir(itmp)=1 !means ->
168        if (index(c80tmp,'<-')/=0) excdir(itmp)=2 !means <-
169        if (excdir(itmp)==-1) then
170            write(*,"(a)") " Error: This output file does not correspond to a CIS or TD or TDA task, configuration information cannot be found!"
171            write(*,*) "Press Enter to exit"
172            read(*,*)
173            return
174        end if
175        do isign=1,80 !Find position of <- or ->
176            if (c80tmp(isign:isign)=='-'.or.c80tmp(isign:isign)=='<') exit
177        end do
178        !Process left side of <- or ->
179        read(c80tmp(:isign-1),"(a)") leftstr
180        read(leftstr(:len_trim(leftstr)-1),*) orbleft(itmp)
181        orbleft(itmp)=orbleft(itmp)+1 !ORCA counts orbital from 0 rather than 1!!!
182        if (index(leftstr,'b')/=0) orbleft(itmp)=orbleft(itmp)+nbasis
183        !Process right side of <- or ->
184        read(c80tmp(isign+2:),*) rightstr
185        read(rightstr(:len_trim(rightstr)-1),*) orbright(itmp)
186        orbright(itmp)=orbright(itmp)+1
187        if (index(rightstr,'b')/=0) orbright(itmp)=orbright(itmp)+nbasis
188        iTDA=index(c80tmp,'c=')
189        if (iTDA/=0) then !CIS, TDA task, configuration coefficients are presented
190            read(c80tmp(iTDA+2:iTDA+13),*) exccoeff(itmp)
191        else !TD task, configuration coefficients are not presented. Contribution of i->a and i<-a are summed up and outputted as i->a
192            if (itmp==1) then
193                write(*,"(a)") " Warning: For TD task, ORCA does not print configuration coefficients but only print corresponding contributions of each orbital pair, &
194                in this case Multiwfn determines configuration coefficients simply as square root of contribution values. However, this treatment is &
195                evidently inappropriate and the result is nonsense when de-excitation is significant (In this situation you have to use TDA-DFT instead)"
196                write(*,*) "If you really want to proceed, press ENTER to continue"
197                read(*,*)
198            end if
199            read(c80tmp(23:32),*) tmpval
200            if (tmpval<0) excdir(itmp)=2 !Negative contribution is assumed to be de-excitation (of course this is not strict since -> and <- have been combined together)
201            exccoeff(itmp)=dsqrt(abs(tmpval))
202        end if
203        !Although for closed-shell ground state, ORCA still outputs coefficients as normalization to 100%, &
204        !However, in order to follow the Gaussian convention, we change the coefficient as normalization to 50%
205        if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) exccoeff(itmp)=exccoeff(itmp)/dsqrt(2D0)
206    end do
207else !Gaussian output file or plain text file
208    do itmp=1,nexcitorb
209        read(10,"(a)") c80tmp
210        excdir(itmp)=1 !means ->
211        if (index(c80tmp,'<-')/=0) excdir(itmp)=2 !means <-
212        do isign=1,80 !Find position of <- or ->
213            if (c80tmp(isign:isign)=='-'.or.c80tmp(isign:isign)=='<') exit
214        end do
215        !Process left side of <- or ->
216        read(c80tmp(:isign-1),"(a)") leftstr
217        ilefttype=0 !close
218        if (index(leftstr,'A')/=0) ilefttype=1 !Alpha
219        if (index(leftstr,'B')/=0) ilefttype=2 !Beta
220        if (ilefttype==0) then
221            read(leftstr,*) orbleft(itmp)
222        else
223            read(leftstr(:len_trim(leftstr)-1),*) orbleft(itmp)
224            if (ilefttype==2) orbleft(itmp)=orbleft(itmp)+nbasis
225        end if
226        !Process right side of <- or ->
227        read(c80tmp(isign+2:),"(a)") rightstr
228        irighttype=0 !close
229        if (index(rightstr,'A')/=0) irighttype=1 !Alpha
230        if (index(rightstr,'B')/=0) irighttype=2 !Beta
231        if (irighttype==0) then
232            read(rightstr,*) orbright(itmp),exccoeff(itmp)
233        else
234            do isplit=1,80
235                if (rightstr(isplit:isplit)=='A'.or.rightstr(isplit:isplit)=='B') exit
236            end do
237            read(rightstr(:isplit-1),*) orbright(itmp)
238            read(rightstr(isplit+1:),*) exccoeff(itmp)
239            if (irighttype==2) orbright(itmp)=orbright(itmp)+nbasis
240        end if
241    end do
242end if
244!Test sum of square of the coefficients
247do itmp=1,nexcitorb
248    if (excdir(itmp)==1) sumsqrexc=sumsqrexc+exccoeff(itmp)**2
249    if (excdir(itmp)==2) sumsqrdeexc=sumsqrdeexc-exccoeff(itmp)**2
250end do
252write(*,"(' The sum of square of excitation coefficients:',f10.6)") sumsqrexc
253write(*,"(' The negative of the sum of square of de-excitation coefficients:',f10.6)") sumsqrdeexc
254write(*,"(' The sum of above two values',f10.6)") sumsqrall
2591 do while(.true.)
260    if (itype==1) then
261        write(*,*)
262        if (idomag==0) write(*,*) "-1 Toggle calculating transit. magnetic dip. density in option 1, current: No"
263        if (idomag==1) write(*,*) "-1 Toggle calculating transit. magnetic dip. density in option 1, current: Yes"
264        write(*,*) "0 Return"
265        write(*,"(a)") " 1 Visualize and analyze hole, electron and transition density and so on"
266        write(*,*) "2 Show contribution of MO pairs to transition dipole moment"
267        write(*,*) "3 Show contribution of each MO to hole and electron distribution"
268        write(*,*) "4 Generate and export transition density matrix"
269        write(*,*) "5 Decompose transition dipole moment to basis function and atom contributions"
270        write(*,*) "6 Calculate Mulliken atomic transition charges"
271        !Note: 7 is not utilized
272        write(*,*) "10 Modify or check excitation coefficients"
273        read(*,*) isel
274    else if (itype==2) then
275        call calcdelta_r(nexcitorb,orbleft,orbright,excdir,exccoeff)
276        return
277    else if (itype==3) then
278        call NTO(nexcitorb,orbleft,orbright,excdir,exccoeff)
279        return
280    else if (itype==4) then
281        call excfragCT(nexcitorb,orbleft,orbright,excdir,exccoeff)
282        return
283    end if
285    if (isel==-1) then
286        if (idomag==0) then
287            idomag=1
288        else if (idomag==1) then
289            idomag=0
290        end if
291    else if (isel==0) then
292        return
293    else if (isel==1) then
294        exit
295    !Show contribution of MO pairs to transition dipole moment
296    else if (isel==2) then
297        write(*,"(a)") " Input the threshold for printing, e.g. 0.01 means the orbital pairs having contribution &
298        to any component of transition dipole moment >= 0.01 will be shown"
299        read(*,*) printthres
300        write(*,"(a)") " Input the threshold for calculating contribution, e.g. 0.005 means the configurations with &
301        absolute value of coefficient smaller than 0.005 will be ignored. The smaller the value, the higher the computational cost"
302        read(*,*) calcthres
303        write(*,*) "Generating dipole moment integral matrix..."
304        nsize=nprims*(nprims+1)/2
305        allocate(GTFdipint(3,nsize))
306        call genGTFDmat(GTFdipint,nsize)
307        allocate(dipcontri(3,nexcitorb))
308        dipcontri=0
309        fac=1
310        if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) fac=2
311        write(*,*) "Calculating contribution to transition dipole moment, please wait..."
313!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(dipcontri) PRIVATE(iGTF,jGTF,ides,iexcitorb,imo,jmo) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
314        do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
315            if (abs(exccoeff(iexcitorb))<calcthres) cycle
316!             write(*,*) iexcitorb,nexcitorb
317            imo=orbleft(iexcitorb)
318            jmo=orbright(iexcitorb)
319            do iGTF=1,nprims
320                do jGTF=1,nprims
321                    if (iGTF>=jGTF) then
322                        ides=iGTF*(iGTF-1)/2+jGTF
323                    else
324                        ides=jGTF*(jGTF-1)/2+iGTF
325                    end if
326                    dipcontri(:,iexcitorb)=dipcontri(:,iexcitorb)+co(imo,iGTF)*co(jmo,jGTF)*GTFdipint(:,ides)
327                end do
328            end do
329            dipcontri(:,iexcitorb)=dipcontri(:,iexcitorb)*exccoeff(iexcitorb)*fac
330        end do
332        deallocate(GTFdipint)
333        xdipsum=sum(dipcontri(1,:))
334        ydipsum=sum(dipcontri(2,:))
335        zdipsum=sum(dipcontri(3,:))
336        ishownpair=0
337        write(*,*) "   #Pair                  Coefficient   Transition dipole X/Y/Z (au)"
338        do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
339            if ( any(abs(dipcontri(:,iexcitorb))>printthres) ) then
340                ishownpair=ishownpair+1
341                imo=orbleft(iexcitorb)
342                jmo=orbright(iexcitorb)
343                strtmp1=" ->"
344                if (excdir(iexcitorb)==2) strtmp1=" <-"
345                if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
346                    write(*,"(i8,i7,a,i7,f12.6,3f11.6)") iexcitorb,imo,trim(strtmp1),jmo,exccoeff(iexcitorb),dipcontri(:,iexcitorb)
347                else
348                    strtmp2="A"
349                    strtmp3="A"
350                    if (imo>nbasis) then
351                        imo=imo-nbasis
352                        strtmp2="B"
353                    end if
354                    if (jmo>nbasis) then
355                        jmo=jmo-nbasis
356                        strtmp3="B"
357                    end if
358                    write(*,"(i8,i6,a,a,i6,a,f12.6,3f11.6)") iexcitorb,imo,trim(strtmp2),trim(strtmp1),jmo,trim(strtmp3),exccoeff(iexcitorb),&
359                    dipcontri(:,iexcitorb)
360                end if
361            end if
362        end do
363        if (printthres==0) then
364            write(*,"(' Sum:                                ',3f11.6)") xdipsum,ydipsum,zdipsum
365        else
366            write(*,"(' Sum (including the ones not shown): ',3f11.6)") xdipsum,ydipsum,zdipsum
367!             write(*,"(i8,' orbital pairs are shown above')") ishownpair
368        end if
369        oscillstr=2D0/3D0*excenergy/au2eV*(xdipsum**2+ydipsum**2+zdipsum**2)
370        write(*,"(' Norm of total transition dipole moment:',f11.6,' a.u.')") dsqrt(xdipsum**2+ydipsum**2+zdipsum**2)
371        write(*,"(' Oscillator strength:',f12.7)") oscillstr
372        if ((naelec==nbelec).and.iexcmulti==3) write(*,"(a)") " Note: Since the spin multiplicity between the ground state and excited state is different, &
373        the transition dipole moment and thus oscillator strength should be exactly zero in principle"
375        write(*,*)
376        write(*,*) "If output all orbital pairs to transdip.txt in current folder? (y/n)"
377        read(*,*) c80tmp
378        if (c80tmp(1:1)=='y'.or.c80tmp(1:1)=='Y') then
379            open(10,file="transdip.txt",status="replace")
380            write(10,*) "   #Pair                  Coefficient   Transition dipole X/Y/Z (au)"
381            do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
382                imo=orbleft(iexcitorb)
383                jmo=orbright(iexcitorb)
384                strtmp1=" ->"
385                if (excdir(iexcitorb)==2) strtmp1=" <-"
386                if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
387                    write(10,"(i8,i7,a,i7,f12.6,3f11.6)") iexcitorb,imo,trim(strtmp1),jmo,exccoeff(iexcitorb),dipcontri(:,iexcitorb)
388                else
389                    strtmp2="A"
390                    strtmp3="A"
391                    if (imo>nbasis) then
392                        imo=imo-nbasis
393                        strtmp2="B"
394                    end if
395                    if (jmo>nbasis) then
396                        jmo=jmo-nbasis
397                        strtmp3="B"
398                    end if
399                    write(10,"(i8,i6,a,a,i6,a,f12.6,3f11.6)") iexcitorb,imo,trim(strtmp2),trim(strtmp1),jmo,trim(strtmp3),exccoeff(iexcitorb),dipcontri(:,iexcitorb)
400                end if
401            end do
402            write(10,"(' Sum:                                ',3f11.6)") xdipsum,ydipsum,zdipsum
403            write(10,"(' Norm of transition dipole moment:',f12.7,' a.u.')") dsqrt(xdipsum**2+ydipsum**2+zdipsum**2)
404            write(10,"(' Oscillator strength:',f12.7)") oscillstr
405            close(10)
406            write(*,*) "Done! Output finished"
407        end if
408        deallocate(dipcontri)
410    !Show contribution of each MO to hole and electron distribution
411    else if (isel==3) then
412        write(*,*) "Input printing criterion"
413        write(*,*) "e.g. 0.005 means only the MOs having contribution >=0.005 will be printed"
414        read(*,*) printcrit
415        allocate(tmparr1(nmo),tmparr2(nmo))
416        tmparr1=0 !Record contribution of each MO to hole
417        tmparr2=0 !Record contribution of each MO to electron
418        do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb !Cycle each excitation pair
419            imo=orbleft(iexcitorb)
420            jmo=orbright(iexcitorb)
421            excwei=exccoeff(iexcitorb)**2
422            if (excdir(iexcitorb)==1) then ! ->
423                tmparr1(imo)=tmparr1(imo)+excwei
424                tmparr2(jmo)=tmparr2(jmo)+excwei
425            else ! <-
426                tmparr1(imo)=tmparr1(imo)-excwei
427                tmparr2(jmo)=tmparr2(jmo)-excwei
428            end if
429        end do
430        if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then !Ground state is close-shell
431            tmparr1=tmparr1*2
432            tmparr2=tmparr2*2
433            do imo=1,nmo
434                if (tmparr1(imo)>=printcrit.or.tmparr2(imo)>=printcrit) &
435                write(*,"(' MO',i8,', Occ:',f10.5,'    Hole:',f9.5,'     Electron:',f9.5)") imo,MOocc(imo),tmparr1(imo),tmparr2(imo)
436            end do
437        else !Ground state is open-shell
438            do imo=1,nmo
439                if (tmparr1(imo)>=printcrit.or.tmparr2(imo)>=printcrit) then
440                    if (imo<=nbasis) then
441                        write(*,"(' MO',i7,'A, Occ:',f10.5,'    Hole:',f9.5,'     Electron:',f9.5)") imo,MOocc(imo),tmparr1(imo),tmparr2(imo)
442                    else
443                        write(*,"(' MO',i7,'B, Occ:',f10.5,'    Hole:',f9.5,'     Electron:',f9.5)") imo-nbasis,MOocc(imo),tmparr1(imo),tmparr2(imo)
444                    end if
445                end if
446            end do
447        end if
448        write(*,"(' Sum of hole:',f9.5,'    Sum of electron:',f9.5)") sum(tmparr1),sum(tmparr2)
449        deallocate(tmparr1,tmparr2)
451    !==4: Generating transition density matrix (TDM)
452    !==5: Decompose transition electric/magnetic dipole moment as basis function and atom contributions
453    !==6: Calculate Mulliken atomic transition charges
454    else if (isel==4.or.isel==5.or.isel==6) then
455        if (isel==5) then
456            write(*,*) "Decompose which type of transition dipole moment?"
457            write(*,*) "1: Electric      2: Magnetic"
458            read(*,*) idecomptype
459        end if
460        !There are two ways to construct TDM for TD method, see eqs. 22~24 in JCP,66,3460 for detail.
461        !The first one is correct for transition electric dipole moment, excitation and de-excitation are not distinguished
462        if (isel==4.or.(isel==5.and.idecomptype==1).or.isel==6) iTDMtype=1
463        !The second one is correct for transition velocity/magnetic dipole moment, excitation and de-excitation are considered individually
464        if (isel==5.and.idecomptype==2) iTDMtype=2
465        write(*,*) "Generating transition density matrix..."
466        if (.not.allocated(tdmata)) allocate(tdmata(nbasis,nbasis))
467        if ((wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4).and.(.not.allocated(tdmatb))) allocate(tdmatb(nbasis,nbasis))
468        iprog=0
470!$OMP parallel do shared(tdmata,tdmatb,iprog) private(ibas,jbas,iexcitorb,imo,jmo,tmpval,tmpval2) num_threads(nthreads) SCHEDULE(DYNAMIC)
471        do ibas=1,nbasis
472            do jbas=1,nbasis
473                tmpval=0
474                tmpval2=0
475                if (iTDMtype==1) then
476                    do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
477                        imo=orbleft(iexcitorb)
478                        jmo=orbright(iexcitorb)
479                        if (MOtype(imo)==0.or.MOtype(imo)==1) then !Close-shell or alpha part of open-shell
480                            tmpval=tmpval+exccoeff(iexcitorb)*cobasa(ibas,imo)*cobasa(jbas,jmo)
481                        else !Beta part of open-shell
482                            tmpval2=tmpval2+exccoeff(iexcitorb)*cobasb(ibas,imo-nbasis)*cobasb(jbas,jmo-nbasis)
483                        end if
484                    end do
485                else if (iTDMtype==2) then
486                    do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
487                        imo=orbleft(iexcitorb)
488                        jmo=orbright(iexcitorb)
489                        if (MOtype(imo)==0.or.MOtype(imo)==1) then !Close-shell or alpha part of open-shell
490                            if (excdir(iexcitorb)==1) tmpval=tmpval+exccoeff(iexcitorb)*cobasa(ibas,imo)*cobasa(jbas,jmo)
491                            if (excdir(iexcitorb)==2) tmpval=tmpval-exccoeff(iexcitorb)*cobasa(ibas,imo)*cobasa(jbas,jmo)
492                        else !Beta part of open-shell
493                            if (excdir(iexcitorb)==1) tmpval2=tmpval2+exccoeff(iexcitorb)*cobasb(ibas,imo-nbasis)*cobasb(jbas,jmo-nbasis)
494                            if (excdir(iexcitorb)==2) tmpval2=tmpval2-exccoeff(iexcitorb)*cobasb(ibas,imo-nbasis)*cobasb(jbas,jmo-nbasis)
495                        end if
496                    end do
497                end if
498                tdmata(ibas,jbas)=tmpval
499                if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) tdmatb(ibas,jbas)=tmpval2
500            end do
502            iprog=iprog+1
503            if (nbasis>800) write(*,"(' Progress:',i6,'  /',i6)") iprog,nbasis
505        end do
508        if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) tdmata=tdmata*2 !Close-shell, should double the TDM
510        !! Below codes are used to check transition properties based on transition density matrix and corresponding integral matrix
512        !set igenDbas/igenMagbas in settings.ini, because the Cartesian integral matrix generated when loading has already been converted to pure case)
513        !Check transition eletric dipole moment. The result is correct when iTDMtype==1, see above
514!         if (.not.allocated(Dbas)) then
515!             allocate(Dbas(3,nbasis,nbasis))
516!             call genDbas
517!         end if
518!         Teledipx=sum(tdmata*Dbas(1,:,:))
519!         Teledipy=sum(tdmata*Dbas(2,:,:))
520!         Teledipz=sum(tdmata*Dbas(3,:,:))
521!         write(*,"(' Transition electric dipole moment:',3f12.6)") Teledipx,Teledipy,Teledipz
522!         !Check transition velocity dipole moment. The result is correct when iTDMtype==2, see above
523!         if (.not.allocated(Velbas)) then
524!             allocate(Velbas(3,nbasis,nbasis))
525!             call genvelbas
526!         end if
527!         Tvdipx=sum(tdmata*Velbas(1,:,:))
528!         Tvdipy=sum(tdmata*Velbas(2,:,:))
529!         Tvdipz=sum(tdmata*Velbas(3,:,:))
530!         write(*,"(' Transition velocity dipole moment:',3f12.6)") Tvdipx,Tvdipy,Tvdipz
531!         !Check transition magnetic dipole moment. The result is correct when iTDMtype==2, see above
532!         if (.not.allocated(Magbas)) then
533!             allocate(Magbas(3,nbasis,nbasis))
534!             call genMagbas
535!         end if
536!         call showmatgau(tdmata,"tdmata matrix",1)
537!         Tmagdipx=sum(tdmata*Magbas(1,:,:))
538!         Tmagdipy=sum(tdmata*Magbas(2,:,:))
539!         Tmagdipz=sum(tdmata*Magbas(3,:,:))
540!         write(*,"(' Transition magnetic dipole moment:',3f12.6)") Tmagdipx,Tmagdipy,Tmagdipz
541!         !Below formula is absolutely correct, however the printed result is not correct here because
542!         !we cannot obtain correct transition electric and magnetic dipole moments based on the same TDM.
543!         !If we directly use the value outputted by Gaussian, you will find the result is in line with the rotatory strength printed by Gaussian
544!         !Four points:
545!         !1) The negative sign: Because we ignored the negative sign when evaluating magnetic integrals
546!         !2) Diveded by two: Necessary by definition
547!         !3) 2.54174619D-018: convert electric dipole moment from a.u. to cgs, see gabedit build-in converter
548!         !4) 1.85480184D-020: convert magnetic dipole moment from a.u. to cgs, see gabedit build-in converter
549!         Rlen=-(Teledipx*Tmagdipx+Teledipy*Tmagdipy+Teledipz*Tmagdipz)/2D0*2.54174619D-018*1.85480184D-020 *1D40
550!         write(*,"(' Rotatory strength in length representation:',f14.8,' 10^-40 cgs')") Rlen
551!         cycle
553        if (isel==4) then !Export transition density matrix
554            write(*,*) "If symmetrizing the transition density matrix? (y/n)"
555            read(*,*) c80tmp
556            if (c80tmp(1:1)=='y'.or.c80tmp(1:1)=='Y') then
557                do ibas=1,nbasis
558                    do jbas=ibas,nbasis
559                        tdmata(ibas,jbas)=(tdmata(ibas,jbas)+tdmata(jbas,ibas))/dsqrt(2D0)
560                        tdmata(jbas,ibas)=tdmata(ibas,jbas)
561                        if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) then
562                            tdmatb(ibas,jbas)=(tdmatb(ibas,jbas)+tdmatb(jbas,ibas))/dsqrt(2D0)
563                            tdmatb(jbas,ibas)=tdmatb(ibas,jbas)
564                        end if
565                    end do
566                end do
567            end if
568            !Diagonalize transition density matrix, only for test purpose
569!             call diagsymat(tdmata,eigvecmat,eigvalarr,istat)
570!             call diaggemat(tdmata,eigvecmat,eigvalarr,istat)
571!             write(*,"(f12.6)") eigvalarr(:)
572!             write(*,*) sum(eigvalarr),sum(eigvalarr,eigvalarr>0),sum(eigvalarr,eigvalarr<0)
573            if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
574                open(10,file="tdmat.txt",status="replace")
575                call showmatgau(tdmata,"Transition density matrix",0,"f14.8",10)
576                close(10)
577                write(*,"(a)") " Done! The transition density matrix has been outputted to tdmat.txt in current folder"
578                write(*,"(a)") " Hint: You can use function 2 of main function 18 to plot the transition density matrix by using this file as input file"
579            else
580                open(10,file="tdmata.txt",status="replace")
581                call showmatgau(tdmata,"Alpha transition density matrix",0,"f14.8",10)
582                close(10)
583                open(10,file="tdmatb.txt",status="replace")
584                call showmatgau(tdmatb,"Beta transition density matrix",0,"f14.8",10)
585                close(10)
586                write(*,"(a)") " Done! The alpha and beta transition density matrix has been outputted to tdmata.txt and tdmatb.txt in current folder, respectively"
587                write(*,"(a)") " Hint: You can use function 2 of main function 18 to plot the transition density matrix by using these files as input file"
588            end if
590        else if (isel==5) then !Decompose transition electric/magnetic dipole moment as basis function and atom contributions
591            if (idecomptype==1.and.(.not.allocated(Dbas))) then
592                write(*,"(a)") " ERROR: Electric dipole moment integral matrix is not presented. You should set parameter ""igenDbas"" in settings.ini to 1, &
593                so that the matrix will be generated when loading wavefunction file"
594            else if (idecomptype==2.and.(.not.allocated(Magbas))) then
595                write(*,"(a)") " ERROR: Magnetic dipole moment integral matrix is not presented. You should set parameter ""igenMagbas"" in settings.ini to 1, &
596                so that the matrix will be generated when loading wavefunction file"
597            else
598                allocate(trdipmatbas(3,nbasis,nbasis),bastrdip(3,nbasis),trdipmatatm(3,ncenter,ncenter))
599                if (idecomptype==1) then
600                    if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) then
601                        write(*,*) "Analyze alpha or beta part?   1=Alpha  2=Beta"
602                        read(*,*) iseltmp
603                        if (iseltmp==1) then
604                            trdipmatbas(1,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Dbas(1,:,:)
605                            trdipmatbas(2,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Dbas(2,:,:)
606                            trdipmatbas(3,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Dbas(3,:,:)
607                        else
608                            trdipmatbas(1,:,:)=tdmatb(:,:)*Dbas(1,:,:)
609                            trdipmatbas(2,:,:)=tdmatb(:,:)*Dbas(2,:,:)
610                            trdipmatbas(3,:,:)=tdmatb(:,:)*Dbas(3,:,:)
611                        end if
612                    else !Close-shell
613                        trdipmatbas(1,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Dbas(1,:,:)
614                        trdipmatbas(2,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Dbas(2,:,:)
615                        trdipmatbas(3,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Dbas(3,:,:)
616                    end if
617                else if (idecomptype==2) then
618                    if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) then
619                        write(*,*) "Analyze alpha or beta part?   1=Alpha  2=Beta"
620                        read(*,*) iseltmp
621                        if (iseltmp==1) then
622                            trdipmatbas(1,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Magbas(1,:,:)
623                            trdipmatbas(2,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Magbas(2,:,:)
624                            trdipmatbas(3,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Magbas(3,:,:)
625                        else
626                            trdipmatbas(1,:,:)=tdmatb(:,:)*Magbas(1,:,:)
627                            trdipmatbas(2,:,:)=tdmatb(:,:)*Magbas(2,:,:)
628                            trdipmatbas(3,:,:)=tdmatb(:,:)*Magbas(3,:,:)
629                        end if
630                    else !Close-shell
631                        trdipmatbas(1,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Magbas(1,:,:)
632                        trdipmatbas(2,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Magbas(2,:,:)
633                        trdipmatbas(3,:,:)=tdmata(:,:)*Magbas(3,:,:)
634                    end if
635                end if
636                open(10,file="trdipcontri.txt",status="replace")
637                ides=10
638                write(ides,"(a)") " Contribution from basis functions to transition dipole moment (X,Y,Z, in a.u.) derived by Mulliken partition:"
639                bastrdip=0
640                do ibas=1,nbasis !Note that trdipmatbas is not strictly a symmetry matrix, so we get average value for off-diagonal elements
641                    do jbas=1,nbasis
642                        if (ibas==jbas) then
643                            bastrdip(:,ibas)=bastrdip(:,ibas)+trdipmatbas(:,ibas,jbas)
644                        else
645                            bastrdip(:,ibas)=bastrdip(:,ibas)+(trdipmatbas(:,ibas,jbas)+trdipmatbas(:,jbas,ibas))/2
646                        end if
647                    end do
648                    write(ides,"(i5,'#  Shell:',i5,' Cen:',i5,'(',a2,') Type:',a,3f11.5)") &
649                    ibas,basshell(ibas),bascen(ibas),a(bascen(ibas))%name,GTFtype2name(bastype(ibas)),bastrdip(:,ibas)
650                end do
651                write(ides,*)
652                write(ides,"(a)") " Contribution from atoms to transition dipole moment (X,Y,Z, in a.u.) derived by Mulliken partition:"
653                do iatm=1,ncenter
654                    write(ides,"(i5,'(',a2,') :',3f12.5)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,&
655                    sum(bastrdip(1,basstart(iatm):basend(iatm))),sum(bastrdip(2,basstart(iatm):basend(iatm))),sum(bastrdip(3,basstart(iatm):basend(iatm)))
656                end do
657                write(ides,*)
658                write(ides,"(a,3f12.6,a)") " Transition dipole moment in X/Y/Z",sum(bastrdip(1,:)),sum(bastrdip(2,:)),sum(bastrdip(3,:))," a.u."
659                close(10)
660                write(*,*) "Done! The result has been outputted to trdipcontri.txt in current folder"
662                write(*,*)
663                write(*,"(a)") " Would you also like to output atom-atom contribution matrix to AAtrdip.txt in current folder? (y/n)"
664                read(*,*) selectyn
665                if (selectyn=='y') then
666                    do iatm=1,ncenter
667                        do jatm=1,ncenter
668                            trdipmatatm(1,iatm,jatm)=sum( trdipmatbas(1,basstart(iatm):basend(iatm),basstart(jatm):basend(jatm)) )
669                            trdipmatatm(2,iatm,jatm)=sum( trdipmatbas(2,basstart(iatm):basend(iatm),basstart(jatm):basend(jatm)) )
670                            trdipmatatm(3,iatm,jatm)=sum( trdipmatbas(3,basstart(iatm):basend(iatm),basstart(jatm):basend(jatm)) )
671                            !Use the first slot to record sum of square
672                            trdipmatatm(1,iatm,jatm)=trdipmatatm(1,iatm,jatm)**2+trdipmatatm(2,iatm,jatm)**2+trdipmatatm(3,iatm,jatm)**2
673                        end do
674                    end do
675                    open(10,file="AAtrdip.txt",status="replace")
676                    call showmatgau(trdipmatatm(1,:,:),"Atom-Atom contribution matrix",0,"f14.8",10)
677                    close(10)
678                    write(*,"(a)") " Done! The matrix has been outputted to AAtrdip.txt in current folder"
679                    write(*,"(a)") " This file can be plotted as colored matrix via subfunction 2 of main function 18"
680                end if
681                deallocate(trdipmatbas,bastrdip,trdipmatatm)
682            end if
684        else if (isel==6) then !Calculate Mulliken atomic transition charges
685            allocate(bastrpopa(nbasis))
686            bastrpopa=0
687            if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) then
688                allocate(bastrpopb(nbasis))
689                bastrpopb=0
690                open(10,file="atmtrchga.chg",status="replace")
691                open(11,file="atmtrchgb.chg",status="replace")
692            else
693                open(10,file="atmtrchg.chg",status="replace")
694            end if
695            do ibas=1,nbasis !Note that tdmat is not strictly a symmetry matrix, so we get average value for off-diagonal elements
696                do jbas=1,nbasis
697                    if (ibas==jbas) then
698                        bastrpopa(ibas)=bastrpopa(ibas)+tdmata(ibas,jbas)*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
699                        if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) bastrpopb(ibas)=bastrpopb(ibas)+tdmatb(ibas,jbas)*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
700                    else
701                        bastrpopa(ibas)=bastrpopa(ibas)+(tdmata(ibas,jbas)+tdmata(jbas,ibas))*Sbas(ibas,jbas)/2
702                        if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) bastrpopb(ibas)=bastrpopb(ibas)+(tdmatb(ibas,jbas)+tdmatb(jbas,ibas))*Sbas(ibas,jbas)/2
703                    end if
704                end do
705            end do
706            do iatm=1,ncenter
707                write(10,"(1x,a,4f12.6)") a(iatm)%name,a(iatm)%x*b2a,a(iatm)%y*b2a,a(iatm)%z*b2a,-sum(bastrpopa(basstart(iatm):basend(iatm)))
708                if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) write(11,"(1x,a,4f12.6)") a(iatm)%name,a(iatm)%x*b2a,a(iatm)%y*b2a,a(iatm)%z*b2a,-sum(bastrpopb(basstart(iatm):basend(iatm)))
709            end do
710            close(10)
711            if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) then
712                close(11)
713                write(*,"(a)") " Done! Mulliken atomic transition charges for alpha and beta electrons have been outputted to atmtrchga.chg and atmtrchgb.chg in current folder, respectively"
714            else
715                write(*,"(a)") " Done! Mulliken atomic transition charges have been outputted to atmtrchg.chg in current folder"
716            end if
717            deallocate(bastrpopa)
718            if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) deallocate(bastrpopb)
719        end if
720        deallocate(tdmata)
721        if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) deallocate(tdmatb)
723    !Modify or check excitation coefficients
724    else if (isel==10) then
725        write(*,"(' Note: There are',i7,' orbital pairs')") nexcitorb
726        do while(.true.)
727            sumsqrexc=0
728            sumsqrdeexc=0
729            do itmp=1,nexcitorb
730                if (excdir(itmp)==1) sumsqrexc=sumsqrexc+exccoeff(itmp)**2
731                if (excdir(itmp)==2) sumsqrdeexc=sumsqrdeexc-exccoeff(itmp)**2
732            end do
733            write(*,*)
734            write(*,"(' Sum of current coeff.^2 of excitation and de-excitation:',2f11.6)") sumsqrexc,sumsqrdeexc
735            nzerocoeff=count(exccoeff==0)
736            if (nzerocoeff>0) write(*,"(' The number of pairs having zero coefficient:',i7)") nzerocoeff
737!             if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
738!                 write(*,"(' The MO index ranges from',i7,' to',i7,', the first',i7,' are occupied')") 1,nmo,nint(naelec)
739!             else
740!                 write(*,"(' The alpha MO index ranges from',i7,' to',i7,', the first',i7,' are occupied')") 1,nbasis,nint(naelec)
741!                 write(*,"(' The beta MO index ranges from ',i7,' to',i7,', the first',i7,' are occupied')") 1,nbasis,nint(nbelec)
742!             end if
743            write(*,*)
744            write(*,*) "-2 Print coefficient (and contribution) of some orbital pairs"
745            write(*,*) "-1 Reset coefficient of all orbital pairs"
746            write(*,*) "0 Return"
747            write(*,*) "1 Set coefficient of an orbital pair"
748            write(*,*) "2 Set coefficient for specific range of orbital pairs"
749            write(*,*) "3 Clean all coefficients but for a specific orbital pair"
750            read(*,*) isel
751            if (isel==-2) then
752                write(*,*) "Input the threshold for printing, e.g. 0.01"
753                write(*,"(a)") " Note: The orbital pairs whose absolute value of coefficient >= this value will be printed. &
754                If input 0, all pairs will be printed."
755                read(*,*) printthres
756                ntmp=0
757                do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
758                    if (abs(exccoeff(iexcitorb))<printthres) cycle
759                    imo=orbleft(iexcitorb)
760                    jmo=orbright(iexcitorb)
761                    strtmp1=" ->"
762                    contrisign=1
763                    if (excdir(iexcitorb)==2) then
764                        strtmp1=" <-"
765                        contrisign=-1
766                    end if
767                    if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
768                        write(*,"(i8,i7,a,i7,'   Coeff.:',f10.4,'   Contri.:',f10.4,'%')") iexcitorb,imo,trim(strtmp1),&
769                        jmo,exccoeff(iexcitorb),contrisign*exccoeff(iexcitorb)**2/0.5D0*100
770                    else
771                        strtmp2="A"
772                        strtmp3="A"
773                        if (imo>nbasis) then
774                            imo=imo-nbasis
775                            strtmp2="B"
776                        end if
777                        if (jmo>nbasis) then
778                            jmo=jmo-nbasis
779                            strtmp3="B"
780                        end if
781                        write(*,"(i8,i6,a,a,i6,a,'   Coeff.:',f10.4,'   Contri.:',f10.4,'%')") iexcitorb,imo,trim(strtmp2),trim(strtmp1),&
782                        jmo,trim(strtmp3),exccoeff(iexcitorb),contrisign*exccoeff(iexcitorb)**2*100
783                    end if
784                    ntmp=ntmp+1
785                end do
786                write(*,"(' There are',i8,' orbital pairs met the criterion you defined')") ntmp
787            else if (isel==-1) then
788                exccoeff=exccoeffbackup
789                write(*,*) "All coefficents have been reset"
790            else if (isel==0) then
791                exit
792            else if (isel==1.or.isel==3) then
793                if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
794                    write(*,*) "Input the index of the MOs orginally occupied and unoccupied, e.g. 12,26"
795                    read(*,*) iMO,jMO
796                else
797                    write(*,*) "Input the index of the MOs orginally occupied and unoccupied"
798                    write(*,*) "e.g. 12A,46A    or    23B,39B"
799                    read(*,*) strtmp1,strtmp2
800                    read(strtmp1(1:len_trim(strtmp1)-1),*) iMO
801                    read(strtmp2(1:len_trim(strtmp2)-1),*) jMO
802                    if (index(strtmp1,'B')/=0) then
803                        iMO=iMO+nbasis
804                        jMO=jMO+nbasis
805                    end if
806                end if
807                idir=1
808                if (any(excdir==2)) then
809                    write(*,*) "Which is the type of the orbital pair?"
810                    if (isel==1) write(*,*) "1: Excitation (namely ->)  2: De-excitation (namely <-)"
811                    if (isel==3) write(*,*) "1: Excitation (namely ->)  2: De-excitation (namely <-)  3: Both"
812                    read(*,*) idir
813                end if
814                if (isel==1) then !Set coefficient for an orbital pair
815                    do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
816                        if (orbleft(iexcitorb)==iMO.and.orbright(iexcitorb)==jMO.and.excdir(iexcitorb)==idir) then
817                            ipair=iexcitorb
818                            exit
819                        end if
820                    end do
821                    if (iexcitorb==nexcitorb+1) then
822                        write(*,*) "Warning: Cannot find corresponding orbital pair!"
823                    else
824                        write(*,"(' Original value is',f11.7,', now input the new value, e.g. 0.0143')") exccoeff(ipair)
825                        read(*,*) exccoeff(ipair)
826                    end if
827                else if (isel==3) then !Clean all coefficients but conserve one
828                    ipair1=0
829                    ipair2=0
830                    do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
831                        if (orbleft(iexcitorb)==iMO.and.orbright(iexcitorb)==jMO) then
832                            if ( excdir(iexcitorb)==1.and.(idir==1.or.idir==3) ) then
833                                ipair1=iexcitorb
834                                tmp1=exccoeff(ipair1)
835                            else if ( excdir(iexcitorb)==2.and.(idir==2.or.idir==3) ) then
836                                ipair2=iexcitorb
837                                tmp2=exccoeff(ipair2)
838                            end if
839                        end if
840                    end do
841                    if ((idir==1.and.ipair1==0).or.(idir2==2.and.ipair2==0).or.(idir==3.and.ipair1==0.and.ipair2==0)) then
842                        write(*,*) "Error: Cannot find corresponding orbital pair!"
843                    else
844                        exccoeff=0
845                        if (idir==1.or.(idir==3.and.ipair1/=0)) exccoeff(ipair1)=tmp1
846                        if (idir==2.or.(idir==3.and.ipair2/=0)) exccoeff(ipair2)=tmp2
847                        write(*,*) "Done!"
848                    end if
849                end if
850            else if (isel==2) then
851                if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
852                    write(*,*) "Input the index range of the MOs orginally occupied, e.g. 14,17"
853                else
854                    write(*,*) "Input the index range of the MOs orginally occupied"
855                    write(*,*) "e.g. 12A,14A    or    22B,28B"
856                end if
857                write(*,*) "Note: Simply input 0 can select all orginally occupied MOs"
858                read(*,"(a)") c80tmp
859                if (c80tmp(1:1)=='0') then
860                    istart=1
861                    iend=nmo
862                else
863                    if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
864                        read(c80tmp,*) istart,iend
865                    else
866                        read(c80tmp,*) strtmp1,strtmp2
867                        read(strtmp1(1:len_trim(strtmp1)-1),*) istart
868                        read(strtmp2(1:len_trim(strtmp2)-1),*) iend
869                        if (index(strtmp1,'B')/=0) then
870                            istart=istart+nbasis
871                            iend=iend+nbasis
872                        end if
873                    end if
874                end if
876                if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
877                    write(*,*) "Input the index range of the MOs orginally unoccupied, e.g. 72,93"
878                else
879                    write(*,*) "Input the index range of the MOs orginally unoccupied"
880                    write(*,*) "e.g. 72A,84A    or    62B,98B"
881                end if
882                write(*,*) "Note: Simply input 0 can select all orginally unoccupied MOs"
883                read(*,"(a)") c80tmp
884                if (c80tmp(1:1)=='0') then
885                    jstart=1
886                    jend=nmo
887                else
888                    if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
889                        read(c80tmp,*) jstart,jend
890                    else
891                        read(c80tmp,*) strtmp1,strtmp2
892                        read(strtmp1(1:len_trim(strtmp1)-1),*) jstart
893                        read(strtmp2(1:len_trim(strtmp2)-1),*) jend
894                        if (index(strtmp1,'B')/=0) then
895                            jstart=jstart+nbasis
896                            jend=jend+nbasis
897                        end if
898                    end if
899                end if
900                idir=1
901                if (any(excdir==2)) then
902                    write(*,*) "Which is the type of these orbital pairs?"
903                    write(*,*) "1: Excitation (namely ->)  2: De-excitation (namely <-)  3: Any"
904                    read(*,*) idir
905                end if
906                write(*,*) "Set the coefficients to which value?  e.g. 0.00148"
907                read(*,*) tmpval
908                iset=0
909                do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
910                    if (orbleft(iexcitorb)>=istart.and.orbleft(iexcitorb)<=iend.and.orbright(iexcitorb)>=jstart.and.orbright(iexcitorb)<=jend) then
911                        if (idir==3.or.excdir(iexcitorb)==idir) then
912                            exccoeff(iexcitorb)=tmpval
913                            iset=iset+1
914                        end if
915                    end if
916                end do
917                write(*,"(' Coefficient of',i7,' orbital pairs are set to',f12.7)") iset,tmpval
918            end if
919        end do
920    end if
921end do
924!Below we will calculate grid data
925!Set up grid first
927call setgrid(0,igridsel)
928if (allocated(holegrid)) deallocate(holegrid,elegrid,holeeleovlp,transdens,holecross,elecross)
935if (idomag==1) then !Will also calculate transition magnetic dipole moment density
936    if (allocated(magtrdens)) deallocate(magtrdens)
937    allocate(magtrdens(nx,ny,nz,3))
938    magtrdens=0D0
939end if
940write(*,"(a)") " Note: During the calculation of cross term of electron, the orbital pairs whose absolute value of coefficient <0.01 will be ignored to save time"
943do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
944    if (abs(exccoeff(iexcitorb))<0.01D0) skippair(iexcitorb)=.true.
945end do
946write(*,*) "Calculating grid data..."
947call walltime(walltime1)
948CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
951!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(ifinish,holegrid,elegrid,transdens,holecross,elecross,magtrdens) &
952!$OMP PRIVATE(i,j,k,tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,orbval,wfnderv,imo,jmo,excwei,iexcitorb,jexcitorb,ileft,jleft,iright,jright,tmpleft,tmpright,idir,jdir,tmpval) &
953!$OMP schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
954do k=1,nz
955    tmpz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
956    do j=1,ny
957        tmpy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
958        do i=1,nx
959            tmpx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
960            if (idomag==1) then !Study transition magnetic dipole moment density requests orbital 1st-derivative
961                call orbderv(2,1,nmo,tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,orbval,wfnderv)
962            else
963                call orbderv(1,1,nmo,tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,orbval)
964            end if
965            !Calculate local term of hole and electron
966            do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
967                imo=orbleft(iexcitorb)
968                jmo=orbright(iexcitorb)
969                excwei=exccoeff(iexcitorb)**2
970                if (excdir(iexcitorb)==1) then ! ->
971                    holegrid(i,j,k)=holegrid(i,j,k)+excwei*orbval(imo)**2
972                    elegrid(i,j,k)=elegrid(i,j,k)+excwei*orbval(jmo)**2
973                else ! <-
974                    holegrid(i,j,k)=holegrid(i,j,k)-excwei*orbval(imo)**2
975                    elegrid(i,j,k)=elegrid(i,j,k)-excwei*orbval(jmo)**2
976!                     holegrid(i,j,k)=holegrid(i,j,k)+excwei*orbval(jmo)**2
977!                     elegrid(i,j,k)=elegrid(i,j,k)+excwei*orbval(imo)**2
978                end if
979                transdens(i,j,k)=transdens(i,j,k)+exccoeff(iexcitorb)*orbval(imo)*orbval(jmo)
980                if (idomag==1) then
981                    if (excdir(iexcitorb)==1) then
982                        magtrdens(i,j,k,1)=magtrdens(i,j,k,1)+exccoeff(iexcitorb)*orbval(imo)*(tmpy*wfnderv(3,jmo)-tmpz*wfnderv(2,jmo))
983                        magtrdens(i,j,k,2)=magtrdens(i,j,k,2)+exccoeff(iexcitorb)*orbval(imo)*(tmpz*wfnderv(1,jmo)-tmpx*wfnderv(3,jmo))
984                        magtrdens(i,j,k,3)=magtrdens(i,j,k,3)+exccoeff(iexcitorb)*orbval(imo)*(tmpx*wfnderv(2,jmo)-tmpy*wfnderv(1,jmo))
985                    else !The de-excitation has important influence on the transition magnetic dipole moment density, so must be considered explicitly
986                        magtrdens(i,j,k,1)=magtrdens(i,j,k,1)-exccoeff(iexcitorb)*orbval(imo)*(tmpy*wfnderv(3,jmo)-tmpz*wfnderv(2,jmo))
987                        magtrdens(i,j,k,2)=magtrdens(i,j,k,2)-exccoeff(iexcitorb)*orbval(imo)*(tmpz*wfnderv(1,jmo)-tmpx*wfnderv(3,jmo))
988                        magtrdens(i,j,k,3)=magtrdens(i,j,k,3)-exccoeff(iexcitorb)*orbval(imo)*(tmpx*wfnderv(2,jmo)-tmpy*wfnderv(1,jmo))
989                    end if
990                end if
991            end do
992            !Calculate cross term of hole and electron
993            do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
994                !Below cases are skipped:
995                !i->l,i->l and i->l,i<-l and i<-l,i<-l, since ileft==jleft.and.iright==jright
996                !i->l,j->m, since ileft/=jleft.and.iright/=jright
997                !i->l,i<-m and i<-l,j->l, since excdir(iexcitorb)/=excdir(jexcitorb)
998                !**If i->l,i<-l should be taken into account is unsolved
999                ! Currently only take below cases into account:
1000                ! Cross term of hole (do <i|j>):     i->l,j->l substract i<-l,j<-l
1001                ! Cross term of electron (do <l|m>): i->l,i->m substract i<-l,i<-m
1002                if (skippair(iexcitorb) .eqv. .true.) cycle
1003                ileft=orbleft(iexcitorb)
1004                iright=orbright(iexcitorb)
1005                tmpleft=exccoeff(iexcitorb)*orbval(ileft) !Use temporary variable to save the time for locating element
1006                tmpright=exccoeff(iexcitorb)*orbval(iright)
1007                idir=excdir(iexcitorb)
1008                do jexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
1009                    if (skippair(jexcitorb) .eqv. .true.) cycle
1010                    jleft=orbleft(jexcitorb)
1011                    jright=orbright(jexcitorb)
1012                    jdir=excdir(jexcitorb)
1013                    if (idir/=jdir) cycle
1014                    if (ileft==jleft) then !do <l|m>
1015                        if (iright==jright) cycle
1016                        tmpval=tmpright*exccoeff(jexcitorb)*orbval(jright) !Originally virtual orbital
1017                        if (idir==1) then !->
1018                            elecross(i,j,k)=elecross(i,j,k)+tmpval
1019                        else !<-
1020                            elecross(i,j,k)=elecross(i,j,k)-tmpval
1021                        end if
1022                    else if (iright==jright) then !do <i|j>
1023                        tmpval=tmpleft*exccoeff(jexcitorb)*orbval(jleft) !Originally occupied orbital
1024                        if (idir==1) then !->
1025                            holecross(i,j,k)=holecross(i,j,k)+tmpval
1026                        else !<-
1027                            holecross(i,j,k)=holecross(i,j,k)-tmpval
1028                        end if
1029                    end if
1030                end do
1031            end do
1032        end do
1033    end do
1034    ifinish=ifinish+1
1035    write(*,"(' Finished:',i5,'/',i5)") ifinish,nz
1036end do
1039if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then !For close-shell wavefunction, the weights are normalized to 0.5 (or say the orbitals are doubly occupied), so correct it
1040    holegrid=holegrid*2
1041    elegrid=elegrid*2
1042    transdens=transdens*2
1043    holecross=holecross*2
1044    elecross=elecross*2
1045    if (idomag==1) magtrdens=magtrdens*2
1046end if
1047!Combine local term and cross term of hole to holegrid, that of electron to elegrid. Then local term will be holegrid-holecross and elegrid-elecross
1050! holeeleovlp=holegrid*elegrid*min(abs(holegrid),abs(elegrid)) / max(abs(holegrid),abs(elegrid))
1051! holeeleovlp=holegrid*elegrid
1054CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
1055call walltime(walltime2)
1056write(*,"(' Totally took up CPU time',f12.2,'s, wall clock time',i10,'s',/)") time_end-time_begin,walltime2-walltime1
1058!Check normalization
1076do k=1,nz
1077    tmpz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
1078    do j=1,ny
1079        tmpy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
1080        do i=1,nx
1081            tmpx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
1082            rnormhole=rnormhole+holegrid(i,j,k)
1083            rnormele=rnormele+elegrid(i,j,k)
1084            rnormovlp=rnormovlp+holeeleovlp(i,j,k)
1085            rinttransdens=rinttransdens+transdens(i,j,k)
1086            rtransdipx=rtransdipx-tmpx*transdens(i,j,k)
1087            rtransdipy=rtransdipy-tmpy*transdens(i,j,k)
1088            rtransdipz=rtransdipz-tmpz*transdens(i,j,k)
1089            centholex=centholex+holegrid(i,j,k)*tmpx
1090            centholey=centholey+holegrid(i,j,k)*tmpy
1091            centholez=centholez+holegrid(i,j,k)*tmpz
1092            centelex=centelex+elegrid(i,j,k)*tmpx
1093            centeley=centeley+elegrid(i,j,k)*tmpy
1094            centelez=centelez+elegrid(i,j,k)*tmpz
1095            if (idomag==1) then
1096                rtransmagx=rtransmagx+magtrdens(i,j,k,1)
1097                rtransmagy=rtransmagy+magtrdens(i,j,k,2)
1098                rtransmagz=rtransmagz+magtrdens(i,j,k,3)
1099            end if
1100        end do
1101    end do
1102end do
1119write(*,"(' Integral of hole:',f12.6)") rnormhole
1120write(*,"(' Integral of electron:',f12.6)") rnormele
1121write(*,"(' Integral of transition density:',f12.6)") rinttransdens
1122write(*,"(' Transition dipole moment in X/Y/Z:',3f11.6,' a.u.')") rtransdipx,rtransdipy,rtransdipz
1123if (idomag==1) write(*,"(' Transition magnetic dipole moment in X/Y/Z:',3f10.6,' a.u.')") rtransmagx,rtransmagy,rtransmagz
1124write(*,"(' Integral of overlap of hole-electron distribution:',f12.7)") rnormovlp
1125write(*,"(' Centroid of hole in X/Y/Z:    ',3f12.6,' Angstrom')") centholex*b2a,centholey*b2a,centholez*b2a
1126write(*,"(' Centroid of electron in X/Y/Z:',3f12.6,' Angstrom')") centelex*b2a,centeley*b2a,centelez*b2a
1127write(*,"(' Distance between centroid of hole and electron in X/Y/Z:')")
1132write(*,"(3f12.6,' Angstrom   Norm:',f12.6' Angstrom')") disx*b2a,disy*b2a,disz*b2a,disnorm*b2a
1133!Of course, if relaxed density it used, we cannot evaluate the variation of dipole moment here exactly
1134write(*,"(' Variation of dipole moment with respect to ground state in X/Y/Z:')")
1135avgtransval=(rnormele+rnormhole)/2D0 !Ideal value is 1.0
1139write(*,"(3f12.6,' a.u.   Norm:',f12.6' a.u.')") dipvarx,dipvary,dipvarz,dsqrt(dipvarx**2+dipvary**2+dipvarz**2)
1147do k=1,nz
1148    tmpz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
1149    do j=1,ny
1150        tmpy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
1151        do i=1,nx
1152            tmpx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
1153            sigxele=sigxele+elegrid(i,j,k)*(tmpx-centelex)**2
1154            sigyele=sigyele+elegrid(i,j,k)*(tmpy-centeley)**2
1155            sigzele=sigzele+elegrid(i,j,k)*(tmpz-centelez)**2
1156            sigxhole=sigxhole+holegrid(i,j,k)*(tmpx-centholex)**2
1157            sigyhole=sigyhole+holegrid(i,j,k)*(tmpy-centholey)**2
1158            sigzhole=sigzhole+holegrid(i,j,k)*(tmpz-centholez)**2
1159        end do
1160    end do
1161end do
1170write(*,"(' RMSD of electron in x,y,z:',3f8.3,'   Total:',f8.3,' Angstrom')") sigxele*b2a,sigyele*b2a,sigzele*b2a,signormele*b2a
1171write(*,"(' RMSD of hole in x,y,z:    ',3f8.3,'   Total:',f8.3,' Angstrom')") sigxhole*b2a,sigyhole*b2a,sigzhole*b2a,signormhole*b2a
1173write(*,"(' Difference between RMSD of hole and electron:',f8.3,' Angstrom')") delta_sigCT*b2a
1178write(*,"(' H index in x,y,z:',3f8.3,'   Norm:',f8.3,' Angstrom')") Hx*b2a,Hy*b2a,Hz*b2a,Hnorm*b2a
1183write(*,"(' t index in x,y,z:',3f8.3,'   Norm:',f8.3,' Angstrom')") tx*b2a,ty*b2a,tz*b2a,tnorm*b2a
1185!---- Calculate ghost state diagnostic index proposed by Adamo (DOI: 10.1002/jcc.24862)
1186ghostp2=1/disnorm !in a.u.
1187!Definition 1 (the original paper definition). The original paper doesn't clearly mention how to deal with de-excitation, so I treat it as usual
1190do itmp=1,nexcitorb
1191    ghostp1=ghostp1+exccoeff(itmp)/sumC*(-MOene(orbleft(itmp))-MOene(orbright(itmp)))
1192end do
1194write(*,"(' Ghost-hunter index (defin. 1):',f8.3,' eV, 1st/2nd terms:',2f9.3,' eV')") ghostidx*au2eV,ghostp1*au2eV,ghostp2*au2eV
1195!Definition 2 (defined by Tian Lu, more reasonable)
1197do itmp=1,nexcitorb
1198    if (excdir(itmp)==2) cycle !Skip de-excitation
1199    sumCsqr=sumCsqr+exccoeff(itmp)**2
1200end do
1202do itmp=1,nexcitorb
1203    if (excdir(itmp)==2) cycle !Skip de-excitation
1204    ghostp1=ghostp1+exccoeff(itmp)**2/sumCsqr*(-MOene(orbleft(itmp))-MOene(orbright(itmp)))
1205end do
1207write(*,"(' Ghost-hunter index (defin. 2):',f8.3,' eV, 1st/2nd terms:',2f9.3,' eV')") ghostidx*au2eV,ghostp1*au2eV,ghostp2*au2eV
1208write(*,"(' Excitation energy of this state:',f10.3,' eV')") excenergy
1209if (excenergy<ghostidx*au2eV) write(*,*) "Warning: Probably this is a ghost state"
1211if (allocated(Cele)) deallocate(Cele,Chole)
1213do i=1,nx
1214    do j=1,ny
1215        do k=1,nz
1216            rnowx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
1217            rnowy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
1218            rnowz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
1219            Cele(i,j,k)=exp( -(rnowx-centelex)**2/(2*sigxele**2) -(rnowy-centeley)**2/(2*sigyele**2) -(rnowz-centelez)**2/(2*sigzele**2))
1220            Chole(i,j,k)=exp( -(rnowx-centholex)**2/(2*sigxhole**2) -(rnowy-centholey)**2/(2*sigyhole**2) -(rnowz-centholez)**2/(2*sigzhole**2))
1221        end do
1222    end do
1223end do
1227do while(.true.)
1228    write(*,*)
1229    write(*,*) "0 Return"
1230    write(*,*) "1 Show isosurface of hole distribution"
1231    write(*,*) "2 Show isosurface of electron distribution"
1232    write(*,*) "3 Show isosurface of hole and electron distribution simultaneously"
1233    write(*,*) "4 Show isosurface of overlap of hole-electron"
1234    write(*,*) "5 Show isosurface of transition density"
1235    write(*,*) "6 Show isosurface of transition dipole moment density"
1236    write(*,*) "7 Show isosurface of charge density difference"
1237    write(*,*) "8 Show isosurface of Cele and Chole functions simultaneously"
1238    if (idomag==1) write(*,*) "9 Show isosurface of transition magnetic dipole moment density"
1239    write(*,*) "10 Output cube file of hole distribution to current folder"
1240    write(*,*) "11 Output cube file of electron distribution to current folder"
1241    write(*,*) "12 Output cube file of overlap of hole-electron to current folder"
1242    write(*,*) "13 Output cube file of transition density to current folder"
1243    write(*,*) "14 Output cube file of transition dipole moment density to current folder"
1244    write(*,*) "15 Output cube file of charge density difference to current folder"
1245    write(*,*) "16 Output cube file of Cele and Chole functions to current folder"
1246    write(*,*) "17 Output cube file of transition magnetic dipole moment density"
1247    write(*,*) "18 Calculate hole-electron Coulomb attractive energy"
1248    read(*,*) isel
1249    if (isel==0) then
1250        goto 1
1251    else if (isel==1.or.isel==2.or.isel==4.or.isel==5.or.isel==6.or.isel==7.or.isel==9) then
1252         if (allocated(cubmat)) deallocate(cubmat)
1253         allocate(cubmat(nx,ny,nz))
1254         if (isel==1) then
1255             write(*,*) "Select the type of hole distribution to be shown. 1 is commonly used"
1256             write(*,*) "1 Total (local term + cross term)"
1257             write(*,*) "2 Local term only"
1258             write(*,*) "3 Cross term only"
1259             read(*,*) isel2
1260             if (isel2==1) then
1261                 cubmat=holegrid
1262             else if (isel2==2) then
1263                 cubmat=holegrid-holecross
1264             else if (isel2==3) then
1265                 cubmat=holecross
1266             end if
1267             sur_value=0.002D0
1268         else if (isel==2) then
1269             write(*,*) "Select the type of electron distribution to be shown. 1 is commonly used"
1270             write(*,*) "1 Total (local term + cross term)"
1271             write(*,*) "2 Local term only"
1272             write(*,*) "3 Cross term only"
1273             read(*,*) isel2
1274             if (isel2==1) then
1275                 cubmat=elegrid
1276             else if (isel2==2) then
1277                 cubmat=elegrid-elecross
1278             else if (isel2==3) then
1279                 cubmat=elecross
1280             end if
1281             sur_value=0.002D0
1282         else if (isel==4) then
1283             cubmat=holeeleovlp
1284             sur_value=0.002D0
1285         else if (isel==5) then
1286             cubmat=transdens
1287            isosur1style=4
1288             sur_value=0.001D0
1289        else if (isel==6) then
1290            write(*,*) "Select the component of transition dipole moment density"
1291            write(*,*) "1: X component  2: Y component  3: Z component"
1292             read(*,*) ifac
1293            isosur1style=4
1294             sur_value=0.001D0
1295             do k=1,nz
1296                tmpz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
1297                do j=1,ny
1298                    tmpy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
1299                    do i=1,nx
1300                        tmpx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
1301                        if (ifac==1) cubmat(i,j,k)=-tmpx*transdens(i,j,k)
1302                        if (ifac==2) cubmat(i,j,k)=-tmpy*transdens(i,j,k)
1303                        if (ifac==3) cubmat(i,j,k)=-tmpz*transdens(i,j,k)
1304                    end do
1305                end do
1306            end do
1307         else if (isel==7) then
1308             cubmat=elegrid-holegrid
1309             sur_value=0.002D0
1310         else if (isel==9) then
1311            write(*,*) "Select the component of transition magnetic dipole moment density"
1312            write(*,*) "1: X component  2: Y component  3: Z component"
1313             read(*,*) ifac
1314            isosur1style=4
1315             sur_value=0.007D0
1316            if (ifac==1) cubmat=magtrdens(:,:,:,1)
1317            if (ifac==2) cubmat=magtrdens(:,:,:,2)
1318            if (ifac==3) cubmat=magtrdens(:,:,:,3)
1319         end if
1320        deallocate(cubmat)
1321    else if (isel==3.or.isel==8) then
1322        if (isel==3) write(*,"(a)") " Note: Blue and green isosurfaces represent hole and electron distributions, respectively"
1323        if (isel==8) write(*,"(a)") " Note: Blue and green isosurfaces represent Chole and Cele functions, respectively"
1324        sur_value=0.002D0
1325        isosursec=1
1326        clrRcub2sameold=clrRcub2same !Backup previous color setting
1327        clrGcub2sameold=clrGcub2same
1328        clrBcub2sameold=clrBcub2same
1329        clrRcub2samemeshptold=clrRcub2samemeshpt
1330        clrGcub2samemeshptold=clrGcub2samemeshpt
1331        clrBcub2samemeshptold=clrBcub2samemeshpt
1332        clrRcub2same=0.3D0
1333        clrGcub2same=0.45D0
1334        clrBcub2same=0.9D0
1335        clrRcub2samemeshpt=0.3D0
1336        clrGcub2samemeshpt=0.45D0
1337        clrBcub2samemeshpt=0.9D0
1338        if (allocated(cubmat)) deallocate(cubmat)
1339        if (allocated(cubmattmp)) deallocate(cubmattmp)
1340        allocate(cubmat(nx,ny,nz),cubmattmp(nx,ny,nz))
1341        if (isel==3) then
1342            cubmat=elegrid
1343            cubmattmp=holegrid
1344        else if (isel==8) then
1345            cubmat=Cele
1346            cubmattmp=Chole
1347        end if
1348        isosur1style=4
1349        isosur2style=4
1350        deallocate(cubmat,cubmattmp)
1351        clrRcub2same=clrRcub2sameold !Recover previous color setting
1352        clrGcub2same=clrGcub2sameold
1353        clrBcub2same=clrBcub2sameold
1354        clrRcub2samemeshpt=clrRcub2samemeshptold
1355        clrGcub2samemeshpt=clrGcub2samemeshptold
1356        clrBcub2samemeshpt=clrBcub2samemeshptold
1357    else if (isel==10) then
1358         write(*,*) "Select the type of hole distribution to be exported. 1 is commonly used"
1359         write(*,*) "1 Total (local term + cross term)"
1360         write(*,*) "2 Local term only"
1361         write(*,*) "3 Cross term only"
1362         read(*,*) isel2
1363        write(*,*) "Outputting hole distribution to hole.cub in current folder"
1364        open(10,file="hole.cub",status="replace")
1365        if (isel2==1) call outcube(holegrid,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1366        if (isel2==2) call outcube(holegrid-holecross,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1367        if (isel2==3) call outcube(holecross,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1368        close(10)
1369        write(*,*) "Done!"
1370    else if (isel==11) then
1371         write(*,*) "Select the type of electron distribution to be exported. 1 is commonly used"
1372         write(*,*) "1 Total (local term + cross term)"
1373         write(*,*) "2 Local term only"
1374         write(*,*) "3 Cross term only"
1375         read(*,*) isel2
1376        write(*,*) "Outputting electron distribution to electron.cub in current folder"
1377        open(10,file="electron.cub",status="replace")
1378        if (isel2==1) call outcube(elegrid,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1379        if (isel2==2) call outcube(elegrid-elecross,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1380        if (isel2==3) call outcube(elecross,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1381        close(10)
1382        write(*,*) "Done!"
1383    else if (isel==12) then
1384        write(*,"(a)") " Outputting overlap of hole-electron to holeeleovlp.cub in current folder"
1385        open(10,file="holeeleovlp.cub",status="replace")
1386        call outcube(holeeleovlp,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1387        close(10)
1388        write(*,*) "Done!"
1389    else if (isel==13) then
1390        write(*,"(a)") " Outputting transition density to transdens.cub in current folder"
1391        open(10,file="transdens.cub",status="replace")
1392        call outcube(transdens,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1393        close(10)
1394        write(*,*) "Done!"
1395     else if (isel==14) then
1396        write(*,*) "Select the component of transition dipole moment density"
1397        write(*,*) "1: X component  2: Y component  3: Z component"
1398         read(*,*) ifac
1399         if (allocated(cubmat)) deallocate(cubmat)
1400         allocate(cubmat(nx,ny,nz))
1401         do k=1,nz
1402            tmpz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
1403            do j=1,ny
1404                tmpy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
1405                do i=1,nx
1406                    tmpx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
1407                    if (ifac==1) cubmat(i,j,k)=-tmpx*transdens(i,j,k)
1408                    if (ifac==2) cubmat(i,j,k)=-tmpy*transdens(i,j,k)
1409                    if (ifac==3) cubmat(i,j,k)=-tmpz*transdens(i,j,k)
1410                end do
1411            end do
1412        end do
1413        write(*,*) "Outputting to transdipdens.cub in current folder"
1414        open(10,file="transdipdens.cub",status="replace")
1415        call outcube(cubmat,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1416        close(10)
1417        write(*,*) "Done!"
1418        deallocate(cubmat)
1419    else if (isel==15) then
1420        write(*,*) "Outputting charge density difference to CDD.cub in current folder"
1421        open(10,file="CDD.cub",status="replace")
1422        call outcube(elegrid-holegrid,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1423        close(10)
1424        write(*,*) "Done!"
1425    else if (isel==16) then
1426        open(10,file="Cele.cub",status="replace")
1427        call outcube(Cele,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1428        close(10)
1429        write(*,"('Cele function has been outputted to ""Cele.cub"" in current folder')")
1430        open(10,file="Chole.cub",status="replace")
1431        call outcube(Chole,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1432        close(10)
1433        write(*,"('Chole function has been outputted to ""Chole.cub"" in current folder')")
1434     else if (isel==17) then
1435        write(*,*) "Select the component of transition magnetic dipole moment density"
1436        write(*,*) "1: X component  2: Y component  3: Z component"
1437         read(*,*) ifac
1438        write(*,*) "Outputting to magtrdipdens.cub in current folder"
1439        open(10,file="magtrdipdens.cub",status="replace")
1440        if (ifac==1) call outcube(magtrdens(:,:,:,1),nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1441        if (ifac==2) call outcube(magtrdens(:,:,:,2),nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1442        if (ifac==3) call outcube(magtrdens(:,:,:,3),nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
1443        close(10)
1444        write(*,*) "Done!"
1445     else if (isel==18) then
1446        call walltime(iwalltime1)
1447        CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
1448        write(*,*) "Calculating, please wait..."
1449        allocate(cubx(nx),cuby(ny),cubz(nz))
1450        do i=1,nx
1451            cubx(i)=orgx+(i-1)*dx
1452        end do
1453        do i=1,ny
1454            cuby(i)=orgy+(i-1)*dy
1455        end do
1456        do i=1,nz
1457            cubz(i)=orgz+(i-1)*dz
1458        end do
1459         coulene=0
1460        do i=1,nx
1461            do j=1,ny
1462                do k=1,nz
1463                    if (Cele(i,j,k)<1D-6) cycle !Typically leads to error at 0.001 magnitude
1465!$OMP parallel shared(coulene) private(ii,jj,kk,distx2,disty2,distz2,dist,coulenetmp) num_threads(nthreads)
1466                    coulenetmp=0
1467!$OMP do schedule(DYNAMIC)
1468                    do ii=1,nx
1469                        distx2=(cubx(i)-cubx(ii))**2
1470                        do jj=1,ny
1471                            disty2=(cuby(j)-cuby(jj))**2
1472                            do kk=1,nz
1473                                if (i==ii.and.j==jj.and.k==kk) cycle
1474                                distz2=(cubz(k)-cubz(kk))**2
1475                                dist=dsqrt(distx2+disty2+distz2)
1476                                coulenetmp=coulenetmp+Cele(i,j,k)*Chole(ii,jj,kk)/dist
1477                            end do
1478                        end do
1479                    end do
1480!$OMP END DO
1482                    coulene=coulene+coulenetmp
1485                end do
1486            end do
1487            write(*,"(' Finished:',i4,' /',i4)") i,nx
1488        end do
1489        dvol=dx*dy*dz
1490        coulene=-coulene*dvol*dvol
1491        CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
1492        call walltime(iwalltime2)
1493        write(*,"(' Calculation took up CPU time',f12.2,'s, wall clock time',i10,'s')") time_end-time_begin,iwalltime2-iwalltime1
1494        write(*,*)
1495        write(*,"(' Coulomb attractive energy:',f12.6,' a.u.  (',f12.6,' eV )')") coulene,coulene*au2eV
1496        deallocate(cubx,cuby,cubz)
1497    end if
1498end do
1499end subroutine
1504!!--- Calculate delta_r index, see J. Chem. Theory Comput., 9, 3118 (2013)
1505!excitation and de-excitation cofficients are summed together, according to Eq.9 of the original paper
1506subroutine calcdelta_r(nexcitorb,orbleft,orbright,excdir,exccoeff)
1507use defvar
1508implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1509integer nexcitorb,orbleft(nexcitorb),orbright(nexcitorb),excdir(nexcitorb)
1510real*8 exccoeff(nexcitorb)
1511real*8,allocatable :: exccoefftot(:) !Store the coefficient combined from excitation and de-excitation of the same pair
1512real*8,allocatable :: orbcenx(:),orbceny(:),orbcenz(:) !Store centroid of MOs
1513real*8,allocatable :: GTFdipint(:,:)
1514character strtmp1,strtmp2,selectyn
1515write(*,*) "Calculating, please wait..."
1519do itmp=1,nexcitorb
1520    if (excdir(itmp)==1) then !->, find corresponding <- pair and sum its coefficient to here
1521        do jtmp=1,nexcitorb
1522            if (excdir(jtmp)==2.and.orbleft(itmp)==orbleft(jtmp).and.orbright(itmp)==orbright(jtmp)) exccoefftot(itmp)=exccoefftot(itmp)+exccoeff(jtmp)
1523        end do
1524    end if
1525    coeffsumsqr=coeffsumsqr+exccoefftot(itmp)**2
1526end do
1527!Calculate dipole moment integral matrix
1530call genGTFDmat(GTFdipint,nsize)
1531!Calculate centroid of MOs
1537!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(orbcenx,orbceny,orbcenz) PRIVATE(iGTF,jGTF,ides,imo) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
1538do imo=1,nmo
1539    do iGTF=1,nprims
1540        do jGTF=1,nprims
1541            if (iGTF>=jGTF) then
1542                ides=iGTF*(iGTF-1)/2+jGTF
1543            else
1544                ides=jGTF*(jGTF-1)/2+iGTF
1545            end if
1546            orbcenx(imo)=orbcenx(imo)+co(imo,iGTF)*co(imo,jGTF)*GTFdipint(1,ides)
1547            orbceny(imo)=orbceny(imo)+co(imo,iGTF)*co(imo,jGTF)*GTFdipint(2,ides)
1548            orbcenz(imo)=orbcenz(imo)+co(imo,iGTF)*co(imo,jGTF)*GTFdipint(3,ides)
1549        end do
1550    end do
1551end do
1555do itmp=1,nexcitorb
1556    if (excdir(itmp)==2) cycle
1557    imo=orbleft(itmp)
1558    jmo=orbright(itmp)
1559    delta_r=delta_r+exccoefftot(itmp)**2/coeffsumsqr *dsqrt((orbcenx(imo)-orbcenx(jmo))**2+(orbceny(imo)-orbceny(jmo))**2+(orbcenz(imo)-orbcenz(jmo))**2)
1560end do
1561write(*,"(' Delta_r=',f12.6,' Bohr,',f12.6,' Angstrom')") delta_r,delta_r*b2a
1563write(*,*) "If print orbital pair contribution to delta_r? (y/n)"
1564read(*,*) selectyn
1565if (selectyn=='y'.or.selectyn=='Y') then
1566    write(*,*) "Input threshold for printing e.g. 0.05"
1567    write(*,"(a)") " Note: If input -1, then all contributions will be exported to delta_r.txt in curren folder"
1568    read(*,*) printthres
1569    iout=6
1570    if (printthres==-1) then
1571        iout=10
1572        open(10,file="delta_r.txt",status="replace")
1573    end if
1574    write(iout,"(a)") " Note: The transition coefficients shown below have combined both excitation and de-excitation parts"
1575    write(iout,"(' Sum of square of transition coefficient:',f12.6)") coeffsumsqr
1576    write(iout,*) "   #Pair     Orbitals      Coefficient     Contribution (Bohr and Angstrom)"
1577    do itmp=1,nexcitorb
1578        if (excdir(itmp)==2) cycle
1579        imo=orbleft(itmp)
1580        jmo=orbright(itmp)
1581        contrival=exccoefftot(itmp)**2/coeffsumsqr *dsqrt((orbcenx(imo)-orbcenx(jmo))**2+(orbceny(imo)-orbceny(jmo))**2+(orbcenz(imo)-orbcenz(jmo))**2)
1582        if (contrival<printthres) cycle
1583        if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
1584            write(iout,"(i8,2i7,f16.7,3x,2f16.7)") itmp,imo,jmo,exccoefftot(itmp),contrival,contrival*b2a
1585        else
1586            strtmp1="A"
1587            strtmp2="A"
1588            if (imo>nbasis) then
1589                imo=imo-nbasis
1590                strtmp1="B"
1591            end if
1592            if (jmo>nbasis) then
1593                jmo=jmo-nbasis
1594                strtmp2="B"
1595            end if
1596            write(iout,"(i8,i6,a,i6,a,f16.7,3x,2f16.7)") itmp,imo,strtmp1,jmo,strtmp2,exccoefftot(itmp),contrival,contrival*b2a
1597        end if
1598    end do
1599    if (printthres==-1) then
1600        close(10)
1601        write(*,*) "Done, outputting finished"
1602    end if
1603end if
1606end subroutine
1611!!---- Generate NTOs, original paper of NTO: J. Chem. Phys., 118, 4775 (2003)
1612!The NTO eigenvalues for unrestricted wavefunction is 1/2 of the ones outputted by Gaussian, &
1613!which is incorrect (i.e. the sum is 2.0 rather than 1.0), the result must be Gaussian used incorrect factor
1614subroutine NTO(nexcitorb,orbleft,orbright,excdir,exccoeff)
1615use defvar
1616use util
1617implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1618real*8,allocatable :: T_MO(:,:),TT(:,:),NTOvec(:,:),NTOval(:)
1619integer nexcitorb,orbleft(nexcitorb),orbright(nexcitorb),excdir(nexcitorb)
1620real*8 exccoeff(nexcitorb),tmparr(nbasis)
1621character c200tmp*200
1624if (allocated(CObasb)) then
1625    NTOvalcoeff=1
1626    write(*,*) "Result of Alpha part:"
1627end if
1628!*** Alpha part or restricted case
1633do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
1634    iocc=orbleft(iexcitorb)
1635    ivir=orbright(iexcitorb)-nocc
1636    if (iocc>nbasis) cycle !Here we only process alpha part, index of Beta orbitals are higher than nbasis
1637    !Ignoring de-excitation, this treatment makes the result identical to that ouputted by Gaussian
1638    if (excdir(iexcitorb)==1) T_MO(iocc,ivir)=T_MO(iocc,ivir)+exccoeff(iexcitorb)
1639end do
1640!Occupied part
1643call diagsymat(TT,NTOvec,NTOval,ierror)
1645MOene(1:nocc)=NTOval !By default, the diagsymat gives result from low to high
1647if (nocc>10) then
1648    write(*,*) "The highest 10 eigenvalues of occupied NTOs:"
1649    write(*,"(5f12.6)") MOene(nocc-9:nocc)
1651    write(*,*) "Eigenvalues of occupied NTOs:"
1652    write(*,"(5f12.6)") MOene(1:nocc)
1653end if
1655!Virtual part
1658call diagsymat(TT,NTOvec,NTOval,ierror)
1662do itmp=1,int(nvir/2D0) !Exchange array, so that the sequence will be high->low rather than the default low->high
1663    i=nocc+itmp
1664    j=nbasis+1-itmp
1665    tmpval=MOene(i)
1666    MOene(i)=MOene(j)
1667    MOene(j)=tmpval
1668    tmparr=CObasa(:,i)
1669    CObasa(:,i)=CObasa(:,j)
1670    CObasa(:,j)=tmparr
1671end do
1673if (nvir>10) then
1674    write(*,*) "The highest 10 eigenvalues of virtual NTOs:"
1675    write(*,"(5f12.6)") MOene(nocc+1:nocc+10)
1677    write(*,*) "Eigenvalues of virtual NTOs:"
1678    write(*,"(5f12.6)") MOene(nocc+1:nbasis)
1679end if
1682!*** Beta part
1683if (allocated(CObasb)) then
1684    write(*,*)
1685    write(*,*) "Result of Beta part:"
1686    nocc=nint(nbelec)
1687    nvir=nbasis-nocc
1688    allocate(T_MO(nocc,nvir))
1689    T_MO=0
1690    do iexcitorb=1,nexcitorb
1691        iocc=orbleft(iexcitorb)
1692        ivir=orbright(iexcitorb)-nocc
1693        if (iocc>nbasis) then !Only process transition of Beta orbitals
1694            iocc=iocc-nbasis
1695            ivir=ivir-nbasis
1696            if (excdir(iexcitorb)==1) T_MO(iocc,ivir)=T_MO(iocc,ivir)+exccoeff(iexcitorb)
1697        end if
1698    end do
1699    !Occupied part
1700    allocate(TT(nocc,nocc),NTOvec(nocc,nocc),NTOval(nocc))
1701    TT=matmul(T_MO,transpose(T_MO))
1702    call diagsymat(TT,NTOvec,NTOval,ierror)
1703    NTOval=NTOval*NTOvalcoeff
1704    MOene(nbasis+1:nbasis+nocc)=NTOval !By default, the diagsymat gives result from low to high
1705    CObasb(:,1:nocc)=matmul(CObasb(:,1:nocc),NTOvec)
1706    if (nocc>10) then
1707        write(*,*) "The highest 10 eigenvalues of occupied NTOs:"
1708        write(*,"(5f12.6)") MOene(nbasis+nocc-9:nbasis+nocc)
1709    else
1710        write(*,*) "Eigenvalues of occupied NTOs:"
1711        write(*,"(5f12.6)") MOene(nbasis+1:nbasis+nocc)
1712    end if
1713    deallocate(TT,NTOvec,NTOval)
1714    !Virtual part
1715    allocate(TT(nvir,nvir),NTOvec(nvir,nvir),NTOval(nvir))
1716    TT=matmul(transpose(T_MO),T_MO)
1717    call diagsymat(TT,NTOvec,NTOval,ierror)
1718    NTOval=NTOval*NTOvalcoeff
1719    MOene(nbasis+nocc+1:nbasis+nbasis)=NTOval
1720    CObasb(:,nocc+1:nbasis)=matmul(CObasb(:,nocc+1:nbasis),NTOvec)
1721    do itmp=1,int(nvir/2D0) !Exchange array, so that the sequence will be high->low rather than the default low->high
1722        i=nocc+itmp
1723        j=nbasis+1-itmp
1724        tmpval=MOene(nbasis+i)
1725        MOene(nbasis+i)=MOene(nbasis+j)
1726        MOene(nbasis+j)=tmpval
1727        tmparr=CObasb(:,i)
1728        CObasb(:,i)=CObasb(:,j)
1729        CObasb(:,j)=tmparr
1730    end do
1731    write(*,*)
1732    if (nvir>10) then
1733        write(*,*) "The highest 10 eigenvalues of virtual NTOs:"
1734        write(*,"(5f12.6)") MOene(nbasis+nocc+1:nbasis+nocc+10)
1735    else
1736        write(*,*) "Eigenvalues of virtual NTOs:"
1737        write(*,"(5f12.6)") MOene(nbasis+nocc+1:nbasis+nbasis)
1738    end if
1739    deallocate(TT,NTOvec,NTOval,T_MO)
1740end if
1742write(*,*) "0 Return"
1743write(*,*) "1 Output NTO orbitals to .molden file"
1744write(*,*) "2 Output NTO orbitals to .fch file"
1745read(*,*) iselNTO
1746if (iselNTO==1) then
1747    write(*,*) "Input the file path to output, e.g. C:\S1.molden"
1748    read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
1749    call outmolden(c200tmp,10)
1750    write(*,*) "Now you can load the newly generated .molden file to visualize NTOs"
1751else if (iselNTO==2) then
1752    write(*,*) "Input the file path to output, e.g. C:\S1.fch"
1753    read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
1754    call outfch(c200tmp,10)
1755    write(*,*) "Now you can load the newly generated .fch file to visualize NTOs"
1756end if
1758write(*,*) "Reloading the initial file to recover status..."
1759call dealloall
1760call readinfile(firstfilename,1)
1761write(*,*) "Loading finished!"
1763end subroutine
1768!!---------- Calculate all transition dipole moments between all excited states
1769!Note that this function cannot borrow the code in hetransdipdens for loading data, because this function &
1770!need transition information of all states as well as excitation energies
1771subroutine exctransdip
1772use defvar
1773use util
1774use function
1775implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1776integer itype
1777!The last index in each arrays is the state index
1778integer,allocatable :: excdir(:,:) !excdir=1 means ->, =2 means <-
1779integer,allocatable :: orbleft(:,:),orbright(:,:) !denote the actual MO (have already considered alpha/beta problem) at the left/right side in the excitation data
1780real*8,allocatable :: exccoeff(:,:) !Coefficient of an orbital pair transition
1781real*8,allocatable :: excenergy(:) !Excitation energies
1782integer,allocatable :: excmulti(:) !Multiplicity of the states
1783integer,allocatable :: nexcitorb(:) !The number of MO pairs in the states
1784character c80tmp*80,transmodestr*200,leftstr*80,rightstr*80
1785character,save :: excitfilename*200=" "
1786real*8,allocatable :: GTFdipint(:,:) !Dipole moment integral between GTFs, use compressed index. The first index is x,y,z
1787real*8,allocatable :: MOdipint(:,:,:) !Dipole moment integral between all MOs. The first index is x,y,z
1788real*8,allocatable :: tdvecmat(:,:,:)
1789real*8 tdvec(3),grounddip(3),tmpvec(3)
1791! excitfilename="c:\gtest\acetic_acid.out"
1792if (excitfilename==" ") then
1793    write(*,*) "Input the path of the Gaussian/ORCA output file or plain text file"
1794    write(*,*) "e.g. c:\lovelive\sunshine\yosoro.out"
1795    do while(.true.)
1796        read(*,"(a)") excitfilename
1797        inquire(file=excitfilename,exist=alive)
1798        if (alive) exit
1799        write(*,*) "Cannot find this file, input again"
1800    end do
1802    write(*,"(' Loading ',a)") trim(excitfilename)
1803end if
1805call loclabel(10,"Gaussian",igauout,maxline=50)
1806call loclabel(10,"O   R   C   A",iORCAout,maxline=50)
1809!Determine the number of excited states, so that proper size of arrays can be allocated
1811if (igauout==1) then !Gaussian output file
1812    write(*,*) "This is a Gaussian output file"
1813    call loclabel(10,"Excitation energies and oscillator strengths:")
1814    do while(.true.)
1815        call loclabel(10,"Excited State",ifound,0)
1816        if (ifound==1) then
1817            nstates=nstates+1
1818            read(10,*)
1819        else
1820            exit
1821        end if
1822    end do
1823else if (iORCAout==1) then !ORCA output file
1824    write(*,*) "This is an ORCA output file"
1825    call loclabel(10,"Number of roots to be determined",ifound)
1826    read(10,"(50x,i7)") nstates
1827else !Plain text file
1828    do while(.true.)
1829        call loclabel(10,"Excited State",ifound,0)
1830        if (ifound==1) then
1831            read(10,*)
1832            nstates=nstates+1
1833        else
1834            exit
1835        end if
1836    end do
1837end if
1838write(*,"(' There are',i5,' transitions, loading...')") nstates
1843!Load excitation energy, multiplicity, the number of MO pairs of each excited state
1844if (igauout==1) then !Gaussian output file
1845    call loclabel(10,"Excitation energies and oscillator strengths:")
1846    do iexc=1,nstates
1847        call loclabel(10,"Excited State",ifound,0)
1848        read(10,"(a)") transmodestr
1849        excmulti(iexc)=0 !Multiplicity of the excited state
1850        if (index(transmodestr,"Singlet")/=0) excmulti(iexc)=1
1851        if (index(transmodestr,"Triplet")/=0) excmulti(iexc)=3
1852        do i=10,70
1853            if (transmodestr(i:i+1)=="eV") exit
1854        end do
1855        read(transmodestr(i-10:i-1),*) excenergy(iexc)
1856        !Count how many orbital pairs are involved in this transition mode
1857        do while(.true.)
1858            read(10,"(a)",iostat=ierror) c80tmp
1859            if (index(c80tmp,'<-')==0.and.index(c80tmp,'->')==0) exit
1860            nexcitorb(iexc)=nexcitorb(iexc)+1
1861        end do
1862    end do
1863else if (iORCAout==1) then !ORCA output file
1864    excmulti=1 !Multiplicity of all excited states are assumed to be singlet
1865    if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) then
1866        call loclabel(10,"Generation of triplets")
1867        read(10,"(a)") c80tmp
1868        if (index(c80tmp," on ")/=0) then
1869            write(*,*) "Load which kind of excited states?"
1870            write(*,*) "1: Singlet   3: Triplet"
1871            read(*,*) iexcmulti
1872            excmulti=iexcmulti
1873        end if
1874    end if
1875    call loclabel(10,"the weight of the individual excitations are printed")
1876    if (iexcmulti==3) then !When triplets=on, ORCA calculate both singlet and triplet excited state, now move to the latter
1877        read(10,*)
1878        call loclabel(10,"the weight of the individual excitations are printed",ifound,0)
1879    end if
1880    do iexc=1,nstates
1881        call loclabel(10,"STATE",ifound,0)
1882        read(10,"(a)") transmodestr
1883        do i=10,70
1884            if (transmodestr(i:i+1)=="eV") exit
1885        end do
1886        read(transmodestr(i-10:i-1),*) excenergy(iexc)
1887        !Count how many orbital pairs are involved in this transition mode
1888        do while(.true.)
1889            read(10,"(a)",iostat=ierror) c80tmp
1890            if (index(c80tmp,'<-')==0.and.index(c80tmp,'->')==0) exit
1891            nexcitorb(iexc)=nexcitorb(iexc)+1
1892        end do
1893    end do
1895    rewind(10)
1896    do iexc=1,nstates
1897        call loclabel(10,"Excited State",ifound,0)
1898        read(10,*) c80tmp,c80tmp,inouse,excmulti(iexc),excenergy(iexc)
1899        !Count how many orbital pairs are involved in this transition mode
1900        do while(.true.)
1901            read(10,"(a)",iostat=ierror) c80tmp
1902            if ((index(c80tmp,'<-')==0.and.index(c80tmp,'->')==0).or.ierror/=0) exit
1903            nexcitorb(iexc)=nexcitorb(iexc)+1
1904        end do
1905    end do
1906end if
1911!Load MO transition coefficients and direction
1912if (igauout==1) then
1913    call loclabel(10,"Excitation energies and oscillator strengths:")
1914else if (iORCAout==1) then
1915    call loclabel(10,"the weight of the individual excitations are printed")
1916    if (iexcmulti==3) then !When triplets=on, ORCA calculate both singlet and triplet excited state, now move to the latter
1917        read(10,*)
1918        call loclabel(10,"the weight of the individual excitations are printed",ifound,0)
1919    end if
1921    rewind(10)
1922end if
1923!Notice that for unrestricted case, A and B are separately recorded in input file, &
1924!however after loading, they are combined as single index, namely if orbital index is larger than nbasis, then it is B, else A
1925if (iORCAout==1) then !ORCA output file
1926    !Worthnotingly, in at least ORCA 4.0, de-excitation is not separately outputted as <-, but combined into ->
1927    !Here we still determine <-, because hopefully Neese may change the convention of ORCA output in the future...
1928    do iexc=1,nstates
1929        call loclabel(10,"STATE",ifound,0)
1930        read(10,*)
1931        do itmp=1,nexcitorb(iexc)
1932            read(10,"(a)") c80tmp
1933            excdir(itmp,iexc)=-1
1934            if (index(c80tmp,'->')/=0) excdir(itmp,iexc)=1 !means ->
1935            if (index(c80tmp,'<-')/=0) excdir(itmp,iexc)=2 !means <-
1936!              write(*,*) trim(c80tmp)
1937            do isign=1,80 !Find position of <- or ->
1938                if (c80tmp(isign:isign)=='-'.or.c80tmp(isign:isign)=='<') exit
1939            end do
1940            !Process left side of <- or ->
1941            read(c80tmp(:isign-1),"(a)") leftstr
1942            read(leftstr(:len_trim(leftstr)-1),*) orbleft(itmp,iexc)
1943            orbleft(itmp,iexc)=orbleft(itmp,iexc)+1 !ORCA counts orbital from 0 rather than 1!!!
1944            if (index(leftstr,'b')/=0) orbleft(itmp,iexc)=orbleft(itmp,iexc)+nbasis
1945            !Process right side of <- or ->
1946            read(c80tmp(isign+2:),*) rightstr
1947            read(rightstr(:len_trim(rightstr)-1),*) orbright(itmp,iexc)
1948            orbright(itmp,iexc)=orbright(itmp,iexc)+1
1949            if (index(rightstr,'b')/=0) orbright(itmp,iexc)=orbright(itmp,iexc)+nbasis
1950            iTDA=index(c80tmp,'c=')
1951            if (iTDA/=0) then !CIS, TDA task, configuration coefficients are presented
1952                read(c80tmp(iTDA+2:iTDA+13),*) exccoeff(itmp,iexc)
1953            else !TD task, configuration coefficients are not presented. Contribution of i->a and i<-a are summed up and outputted as i->a
1954                if (iexc==1.and.itmp==1) then
1955                    write(*,"(a)") " Warning: For TD task, ORCA does not print configuration coefficients but only print corresponding contributions of each orbital pair, &
1956                    in this case Multiwfn determines configuration coefficients simply as square root of contribution values. However, this treatment is &
1957                    evidently inappropriate and the result is nonsense when de-excitation is significant (In this situation you have to use TDA-DFT instead)"
1958                    write(*,*) "If you really want to proceed, press ENTER to continue"
1959                    read(*,*)
1960                end if
1961                read(c80tmp(23:32),*) tmpval
1962                if (tmpval<0) excdir(itmp,iexc)=2 !Negative contribution is assumed to be de-excitation (of course this is not strict since -> and <- have been combined together)
1963                exccoeff(itmp,iexc)=dsqrt(abs(tmpval))
1964            end if
1965            !Although for closed-shell ground state, ORCA still outputs coefficients as normalization to 100%, &
1966            !However, in order to follow the Gaussian convention, we change the coefficient as normalization to 50%
1967            if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) exccoeff(itmp,iexc)=exccoeff(itmp,iexc)/dsqrt(2D0)
1968        end do
1969    end do
1970else !Gaussian output or plain text file
1971    do iexc=1,nstates
1972        call loclabel(10,"Excited State",ifound,0)
1973        read(10,*)
1974        do itmp=1,nexcitorb(iexc)
1975            read(10,"(a)") c80tmp
1976            excdir(itmp,iexc)=1 !means ->
1977            if (index(c80tmp,'<-')/=0) excdir(itmp,iexc)=2 !means <-
1978            do isign=1,80 !Find position of <- or ->
1979                if (c80tmp(isign:isign)=='-'.or.c80tmp(isign:isign)=='<') exit
1980            end do
1981            !Process left side of <- or ->
1982            read(c80tmp(:isign-1),"(a)") leftstr
1983            ilefttype=0 !close
1984            if (index(leftstr,'A')/=0) ilefttype=1 !Alpha
1985            if (index(leftstr,'B')/=0) ilefttype=2 !Beta
1986            if (ilefttype==0) then
1987                read(leftstr,*) orbleft(itmp,iexc)
1988            else
1989                read(leftstr(:len_trim(leftstr)-1),*) orbleft(itmp,iexc)
1990                if (ilefttype==2) orbleft(itmp,iexc)=orbleft(itmp,iexc)+nbasis
1991            end if
1992            !Process right side of <- or ->
1993            read(c80tmp(isign+2:),"(a)") rightstr
1994            irighttype=0 !close
1995            if (index(rightstr,'A')/=0) irighttype=1 !Alpha
1996            if (index(rightstr,'B')/=0) irighttype=2 !Beta
1997            if (irighttype==0) then
1998                read(rightstr,*) orbright(itmp,iexc),exccoeff(itmp,iexc)
1999            else
2000                do isplit=1,80
2001                    if (rightstr(isplit:isplit)=='A'.or.rightstr(isplit:isplit)=='B') exit
2002                end do
2003                read(rightstr(:isplit-1),*) orbright(itmp,iexc)
2004                read(rightstr(isplit+1:),*) exccoeff(itmp,iexc)
2005                if (irighttype==2) orbright(itmp,iexc)=orbright(itmp,iexc)+nbasis
2006            end if
2007        end do
2008    end do
2009end if
2012!Test sum of square of the coefficients
2013write(*,*) "Summary:"
2014write(*,*) "Exc.state#     Exc.energy(eV)     Multi.   N_pairs    Sum coeff.^2"
2015do iexc=1,nstates
2016    sumsqrexc=0
2017    sumsqrdeexc=0
2018    do itmp=1,nexcitorb(iexc)
2019        if (excdir(itmp,iexc)==1) sumsqrexc=sumsqrexc+exccoeff(itmp,iexc)**2
2020        if (excdir(itmp,iexc)==2) sumsqrdeexc=sumsqrdeexc-exccoeff(itmp,iexc)**2
2021    end do
2022    sumsqrall=sumsqrexc+sumsqrdeexc
2023    write(*,"(i8,f18.5,4x,i8,i11,f16.6)") iexc,excenergy(iexc),excmulti(iexc),nexcitorb(iexc),sumsqrall
2024end do
2026write(*,*) "Please select the destination of the output:"
2027write(*,*) "1 Output transition dipole moments to screen"
2028write(*,*) "2 Output transition dipole moments to transdipmom.txt in current folder"
2029write(*,*) "3 Generate input file of SOS module of Multiwfn as SOS.txt in current folder"
2030read(*,*) isel
2032write(*,*) "Stage 1: Calculating dipole moment integrals between all GTFs..."
2035call genGTFDmat(GTFdipint,nsize)
2037call walltime(iwalltime1)
2038write(*,*) "Stage 2: Calculating dipole moment integrals between all MOs..."
2040!MOdipint will record dipole moment integrals between all MOs, including all occ+vir alpha and occ+vir beta ones
2043!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(MOdipint,MOdipintb,iprog) PRIVATE(imo,jmo,iGTF,jGTF,ides,tmpvec) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
2044do imo=1,nmo
2045    do jmo=imo,nmo
2046        tmpvec=0
2047        do iGTF=1,nprims
2048            do jGTF=1,nprims
2049                if (iGTF>=jGTF) then
2050                    ides=iGTF*(iGTF-1)/2+jGTF
2051                else
2052                    ides=jGTF*(jGTF-1)/2+iGTF
2053                end if
2054                tmpvec=tmpvec+co(imo,iGTF)*co(jmo,jGTF)*GTFdipint(:,ides)
2055            end do
2056        end do
2057        MOdipint(:,imo,jmo)=tmpvec
2058    end do
2059    if (nprims>300) then
2061        iprog=iprog+1
2062        write(*,"(' Finished:',i6,'  /',i6)") iprog,nmo
2064    end if
2065end do
2067!Fill lower triangle part
2068do imo=1,nmo
2069    do jmo=imo+1,nmo
2070        MOdipint(:,jmo,imo)=MOdipint(:,imo,jmo)
2071    end do
2072end do
2073call walltime(iwalltime2)
2074write(*,"(' (Stage 2 took up wall clock time',i10,'s)')") iwalltime2-iwalltime1
2076if (isel==1) then
2077    iout=6
2078else if (isel==2) then
2079    iout=10
2080    open(iout,file="transdipmom.txt",status="replace")
2081else if (isel==3) then
2082    iout=10
2083    open(iout,file="SOS.txt",status="replace")
2084end if
2086if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) fac=2
2088do imo=1,nmo
2089    grounddip=grounddip+MOocc(imo)*MOdipint(:,imo,imo)
2090end do
2092!Output index, excitation energies and transition dipole moment between ground state and excited states, the format is in line with SOS module
2093if (isel==3) then
2094    write(iout,*) nstates
2095    do i=1,nstates
2096        write(iout,"(i6,f12.6)") i,excenergy(i)
2097    end do
2098    do iexc=0,nstates
2099        if (iexc==0) then
2100            write(iout,"(2i6,3(1PE15.6))") 0,iexc,grounddip
2101        else
2102            tdvec=0
2103            do ipair=1,nexcitorb(iexc)
2104                imo=orbleft(ipair,iexc)
2105                lmo=orbright(ipair,iexc)
2106                wei=exccoeff(ipair,iexc)
2107                tdvec=tdvec+wei*MOdipint(:,imo,lmo)
2108            end do
2109            write(iout,"(2i6,3(1PE15.6))") 0,iexc,tdvec*fac
2110        end if
2111    end do
2112end if
2114write(*,*) "Stage 3: Calculating transition dipole moment between excited states..."
2115call walltime(iwalltime1)
2118!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(tdvecmat,iprog) PRIVATE(iexc,jexc,tdvec,imo,lmo,jmo,kmo,wei) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
2119do iexc=1,nstates
2120    do jexc=iexc,nstates
2121        tdvec=0
2122        do ipair=1,nexcitorb(iexc)
2123            imo=orbleft(ipair,iexc)
2124            lmo=orbright(ipair,iexc)
2125            do jpair=1,nexcitorb(jexc)
2126                jmo=orbleft(jpair,jexc)
2127                kmo=orbright(jpair,jexc)
2128                wei=exccoeff(ipair,iexc)*exccoeff(jpair,jexc)
2129                if (excdir(ipair,iexc)==excdir(jpair,jexc)) then !If don't apply this condition, for TD may be evidently deviate to actual result
2130                    if (excdir(ipair,iexc)==1) then ! -> case
2131                        if (imo==jmo.and.lmo/=kmo) then
2132                            tdvec=tdvec+wei*MOdipint(:,lmo,kmo)
2133                        else if (imo/=jmo.and.lmo==kmo) then
2134                            tdvec=tdvec-wei*MOdipint(:,imo,jmo)
2135                        else if (imo==jmo.and.lmo==kmo) then
2136                            tdvec=tdvec+wei*(grounddip-MOdipint(:,imo,imo)+MOdipint(:,lmo,lmo))
2137                        end if
2138!                     else ! <- case. Frankly speaking, I don't know how to exactly deal with this circumstance.&
2139                    !So I simply ignore them and I found this is the best way currently. The error must be very small, since de-excitation coefficients are often quite small
2140!                         if (imo==jmo.and.lmo/=kmo) then
2141!                             tdvec=tdvec-wei*MOdipint(:,lmo,kmo)
2142!                         else if (imo/=jmo.and.lmo==kmo) then
2143!                             tdvec=tdvec+wei*MOdipint(:,imo,jmo)
2144!                         else if (imo==jmo.and.lmo==kmo) then
2145!                             tdvec=tdvec+wei*(grounddip+MOdipint(:,imo,imo)-MOdipint(:,lmo,lmo))
2146!                         end if
2147                    end if
2148                end if
2149            end do
2150        end do
2151        tdvecmat(:,iexc,jexc)=tdvec*fac
2152    end do
2154    if (nprims>300) then
2156        iprog=iprog+1
2157        write(*,"(' Finished:',i6,'  /',i6)") iprog,nstates
2159    end if
2160end do
2162call walltime(iwalltime2)
2163write(*,"(' (Stage 3 took up wall clock time',i10,'s)',/)") iwalltime2-iwalltime1
2165if (isel==1.or.isel==2) then
2166    write(iout,"(' Ground state dipole moment in X,Y,Z:',3f12.6,' a,u,',/)") grounddip
2167    write(iout,"(' Transition dipole moment between excited states (a.u.):')")
2168    write(iout,*) "    i     j         X             Y             Z        Diff.(eV)   Oscil.str"
2169end if
2171do iexc=1,nstates
2172    do jexc=iexc,nstates
2173        if (isel==1.or.isel==2) then
2174            enediff=abs(excenergy(jexc)-excenergy(iexc))
2175            oscillstr=2D0/3D0*enediff/au2eV*sum(tdvecmat(:,iexc,jexc)**2)
2176            write(iout,"(2i6,3f14.7,2f12.5)") iexc,jexc,tdvecmat(:,iexc,jexc),enediff,oscillstr
2177        else if (isel==3) then
2178            write(iout,"(2i6,3(1PE15.6))") iexc,jexc,tdvecmat(:,iexc,jexc)
2179        end if
2180    end do
2181end do
2183if (isel==2) then
2184    close(iout)
2185    write(*,*) "Done! The result has been outputted to transdipmom.txt in current folder"
2186else if (isel==3) then
2187    close(iout)
2188    write(*,*) "Done! The result has been outputted to SOS.txt in current folder"
2189end if
2191end subroutine
2196!!!------------- Analyze charge transfer
2197!See J. Chem. Theory Comput., 7, 2498
2198subroutine CTanalyze
2199use defvar
2200implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
2201real*8,allocatable :: Cpos(:,:,:),Cneg(:,:,:),tmpmat(:,:,:)
2210do i=1,nx
2211    do j=1,ny
2212        do k=1,nz
2213            if (cubmat(i,j,k)>0) then
2214                sumpos=sumpos+cubmat(i,j,k)
2215                Rxpos=Rxpos+cubmat(i,j,k)*(orgx+(i-1)*dx)
2216                Rypos=Rypos+cubmat(i,j,k)*(orgy+(j-1)*dy)
2217                Rzpos=Rzpos+cubmat(i,j,k)*(orgz+(k-1)*dz)
2218            else
2219                sumneg=sumneg+cubmat(i,j,k)
2220                Rxneg=Rxneg+cubmat(i,j,k)*(orgx+(i-1)*dx)
2221                Ryneg=Ryneg+cubmat(i,j,k)*(orgy+(j-1)*dy)
2222                Rzneg=Rzneg+cubmat(i,j,k)*(orgz+(k-1)*dz)
2223            end if
2224        end do
2225    end do
2226end do
2240write(*,"(' Transferred charge (positive and negative parts):',2f8.3)") sumpos,sumneg
2241write(*,"(' Barycenter of positive part in x,y,z (Angstrom):',3f8.3)") Rxpos*b2a,Rypos*b2a,Rzpos*b2a
2242write(*,"(' Barycenter of negative part in x,y,z (Angstrom):',3f8.3)") Rxneg*b2a,Ryneg*b2a,Rzneg*b2a
2243write(*,"(' Distance of CT in x,y,z (Angstrom):',3f8.3,' Norm:',f8.3)") disx*b2a,disy*b2a,disz*b2a,disnorm*b2a
2248write(*,"(' Dipole moment variation (a.u.) :',3f8.3,' Norm:',f8.3)") dipx,dipy,dipz,dipnorm
2249write(*,"(' Dipole moment variation (Debye):',3f8.3,' Norm:',f8.3)") dipx*au2debye,dipy*au2debye,dipz*au2debye,dipnorm*au2debye
2257do i=1,nx
2258    do j=1,ny
2259        do k=1,nz
2260            if (cubmat(i,j,k)>0) then
2261                sigxpos=sigxpos+cubmat(i,j,k)*((orgx+(i-1)*dx)-Rxpos)**2
2262                sigypos=sigypos+cubmat(i,j,k)*((orgy+(j-1)*dy)-Rypos)**2
2263                sigzpos=sigzpos+cubmat(i,j,k)*((orgz+(k-1)*dz)-Rzpos)**2
2264            else
2265                sigxneg=sigxneg+cubmat(i,j,k)*((orgx+(i-1)*dx)-Rxneg)**2
2266                sigyneg=sigyneg+cubmat(i,j,k)*((orgy+(j-1)*dy)-Ryneg)**2
2267                sigzneg=sigzneg+cubmat(i,j,k)*((orgz+(k-1)*dz)-Rzneg)**2
2268            end if
2269        end do
2270    end do
2271end do
2280write(*,"(' RMSD of positive part in x,y,z (Angstrom):',3f8.3,' Tot:',f7.3)") sigxpos*b2a,sigypos*b2a,sigzpos*b2a,signormpos*b2a
2281write(*,"(' RMSD of negative part in x,y,z (Angstrom):',3f8.3,' Tot:',f7.3)") sigxneg*b2a,sigyneg*b2a,sigzneg*b2a,signormneg*b2a
2283write(*,"(' Difference between RMSD of positive and negative parts (Angstrom):',f8.3)") delta_sigCT*b2a
2288write(*,"(' H index in x,y,z (Angstrom):',3f8.3,' Norm:',f8.3)") Hx*b2a,Hy*b2a,Hz*b2a,Hnorm*b2a
2293write(*,"(' t index in x,y,z (Angstrom):',3f8.3,' Norm:',f8.3)") tx*b2a,ty*b2a,tz*b2a,tnorm*b2a
2296do i=1,nx
2297    do j=1,ny
2298        do k=1,nz
2299            rnowx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
2300            rnowy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
2301            rnowz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
2302            Cpos(i,j,k)=exp( -(rnowx-Rxpos)**2/(2*sigxpos**2) -(rnowy-Rypos)**2/(2*sigypos**2) -(rnowz-Rzpos)**2/(2*sigzpos**2))
2303            Cneg(i,j,k)=exp( -(rnowx-Rxneg)**2/(2*sigxneg**2) -(rnowy-Ryneg)**2/(2*sigyneg**2) -(rnowz-Rzneg)**2/(2*sigzneg**2))
2304        end do
2305    end do
2306end do
2310write(*,"(' Overlap integral between C+ and C-:',f12.6)") sum(dsqrt(Cpos/sumpos)*dsqrt(Cneg/sumneg))*dvol
2313do while(.true.)
2314    write(*,*)
2315    write(*,*) "0 Return"
2316    write(*,*) "1 Show isosurface of C+ and C- functions simultaneously"
2317    write(*,*) "2 Export C+ and C- functions to cube file in current folder"
2318    read(*,*) isel
2320    if (isel==0) then
2321        return
2322    else if (isel==1) then
2323        isosursec=1
2324        clrRcub1sameold=clrRcub1same !Backup previous color setting
2325        clrGcub1sameold=clrGcub1same
2326        clrBcub1sameold=clrBcub1same
2327        clrRcub2oppoold=clrRcub2oppo
2328        clrGcub2oppoold=clrGcub2oppo
2329        clrBcub2oppoold=clrBcub2oppo
2330        clrRcub2samemeshptold=clrRcub2samemeshpt
2331        clrGcub2samemeshptold=clrGcub2samemeshpt
2332        clrBcub2samemeshptold=clrBcub2samemeshpt
2333        clrRcub2oppomeshptold=clrRcub2oppomeshpt
2334        clrGcub2oppomeshptold=clrGcub2oppomeshpt
2335        clrBcub2oppomeshptold=clrBcub2oppomeshpt
2336        clrRcub1same=0.3D0 !Set color to that Cpos is green, Cneg is blue. (Cpos/Cneg function is positive/negative everywhere due to sumpos and sumneg)
2337        clrGcub1same=0.75D0
2338        clrBcub1same=0.3D0
2339        clrRcub2oppo=0.3D0
2340        clrGcub2oppo=0.45D0
2341        clrBcub2oppo=0.9D0
2342        clrRcub2samemeshpt=0.3D0
2343        clrGcub2samemeshpt=0.75D0
2344        clrBcub2samemeshpt=0.3D0
2345        clrRcub2oppomeshpt=0.3D0
2346        clrGcub2oppomeshpt=0.45D0
2347        clrBcub2oppomeshpt=0.9D0
2348        if (allocated(cubmattmp)) deallocate(cubmattmp)
2349        allocate(cubmattmp(nx,ny,nz))
2350        tmpmat=cubmat
2351        cubmat=Cpos
2352        cubmattmp=Cneg
2353        !Since drawisosurgui is mainly designed for plotting one isosurface, while here we use it to draw both cubmat and cubmattmp, so disable change of style to avoid troubles
2354        cubmat=tmpmat !Recover original data, namely density difference between two states
2355        deallocate(cubmattmp)
2356        clrRcub1same=clrRcub1sameold !Recover previous color setting
2357        clrGcub1same=clrGcub1sameold
2358        clrBcub1same=clrBcub1sameold
2359        clrRcub2oppo=clrRcub2oppoold
2360        clrGcub2oppo=clrGcub2oppoold
2361        clrBcub2oppo=clrBcub2oppoold
2362        clrRcub2samemeshpt=clrRcub2samemeshptold
2363        clrGcub2samemeshpt=clrGcub2samemeshptold
2364        clrBcub2samemeshpt=clrBcub2samemeshptold
2365        clrRcub2oppomeshpt=clrRcub2oppomeshptold
2366        clrGcub2oppomeshpt=clrGcub2oppomeshptold
2367        clrBcub2oppomeshpt=clrBcub2oppomeshptold
2368    else if (isel==2) then
2369        open(10,file="Cpos.cub",status="replace")
2370        call outcube(Cpos,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
2371        close(10)
2372        write(*,"('C+ function has been outputted to ""Cpos.cub"" in current folder')")
2373        open(10,file="Cneg.cub",status="replace")
2374        call outcube(Cneg,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
2375        close(10)
2376        write(*,"('C- function has been outputted to ""Cneg.cub"" in current folder')")
2377    end if
2378end do
2379end subroutine
2386!----------- Plot transition density matrix as color-filled map -----------
2388subroutine plottransdensmat
2389use defvar
2390use util
2391implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2392character tdmatfilename*200
2393real*8 tdmatbas(nbasis,nbasis),tdmatatmtmp(ncenter,ncenter),tdmatatm(ncenter,ncenter)
2394real*8,allocatable :: tdmatatmnoh(:,:)
2395!Load density transition matrix in basis expansion
2397write(*,"(a)") " Input the path of the Gaussian output file or plain text file containing transition density matrix, e.g. c:\a.out"
2398do while(.true.)
2399    read(*,"(a)") tdmatfilename
2400    inquire(file=tdmatfilename,exist=alive)
2401    if (alive) exit
2402    write(*,*) "Error: Cannot find the file, please input again"
2403end do
2406if (index(tdmatfilename,"AAtrdip.txt")/=0) then !Directly load and use atom-atom matrix (commonly generated by option 5 of hole-electron module)
2407    write(*,*) "Loading atom-atom contribution matrix..."
2408    call readmatgau(10,tdmatatm,0,"f14.8",6,5,1)
2409else !Load basis-basis matrix and then condense to atom-atom matrix
2410    call loclabel(10,"Gaussian",igauout,maxline=100)
2411    rewind(10)
2412    if (igauout==1) then !Gaussian output file
2413        write(*,*) "This is a Gaussian output file"
2414        call loclabel(10,"Alpha Density Matrix:",ifound)
2415        if (ifound==1) then !Open-shell
2416            write(*,*) "Use which type of transition density matrix?"
2417            write(*,*) "1=Alpha    2=Beta"
2418            read(*,*) iTDMtype
2419            write(*,*) "Loading transition density matrix..."
2420            if (iTDMtype==1) then
2421                call readmatgau(10,tdmatbas,1,"f10.5",21,5,1)
2422            else if  (iTDMtype==2) then
2423                call loclabel(10,"Beta Density Matrix:",ifound)
2424                call readmatgau(10,tdmatbas,1,"f10.5",21,5,1)
2425            end if
2426        else !Close-shell
2427            call loclabel(10,"Density Matrix:",ifound)
2428            if (ifound==0) call loclabel(10,"DENSITY MATRIX.",ifound)
2429            if (ifound==0) then
2430                write(*,"(a,/)") "Error: Cannot found transition density matrix information from the Gaussian output file, please check if iop(6/8=3) has been specified"
2431                return
2432            end if
2433            write(*,*) "Loading transition density matrix..."
2434            call readmatgau(10,tdmatbas,1,"f10.5",21,5,1)
2435        end if
2436    else !Plain text file with transition density matrix in basis function
2437        write(*,*) "Loading transition density matrix..."
2438        call readmatgau(10,tdmatbas,0,"f14.8",6,5,1)
2439    end if
2440    !Use tdmatbas to construct tdmatatm
2441    tdmatatm=0D0
2442    do iatm=1,ncenter
2443        do jatm=1,ncenter
2444            do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
2445                do jbas=basstart(jatm),basend(jatm)
2446                    tdmatatm(iatm,jatm)=tdmatatm(iatm,jatm)+tdmatbas(ibas,jbas)**2
2447    !                 tdmatatm(iatm,jatm)=tdmatatm(iatm,jatm)+tdmatbas(ibas,jbas)
2448    !                 tdmatatm(iatm,jatm)=tdmatatm(iatm,jatm)+abs(tdmatbas(ibas,jbas))
2449                end do
2450            end do
2451        end do
2452    end do
2453end if
2457!Contract tdmatatm to tdmatatmnoh, tdmatatmtmp is used as a intermediate
2458!tdmatatmnoh is the tdmatatm without hydrogens
2460write(*,"(' The number of non-hydrogen atoms:',i10)") ncenreal
2463do iatm=1,ncenter
2464    if (a(iatm)%index/=1) then
2465        itmp=itmp+1
2466        tdmatatmtmp(:,itmp)=tdmatatmtmp(:,iatm)
2467        tdmatatmtmp(itmp,:)=tdmatatmtmp(iatm,:)
2468    end if
2469end do
2478! clrlimlow=minval(tdmatbas)
2479! clrlimhigh=maxval(tdmatbas)
2480! write(*,*) clrlimlow,clrlimhigh
2481facnorm=1D0 !Normalization factor, default is 1, namely don't do normalization
2483do while(.true.)
2484    write(*,*)
2485    write(*,*) "0 Return"
2486    write(*,*) "1 Show transition density matrix map"
2487    write(*,*) "2 Save transition density matrix map to a graphical file in current folder"
2488    write(*,*) "3 Export data to plain text file"
2489    if (ifhydrogen==0) write(*,*) "4 Switch if take hydrogens into account, current: No"
2490    if (ifhydrogen==1) write(*,*) "4 Switch if take hydrogens into account, current: Yes"
2491    write(*,"(a,f7.4,a,f7.4)") " 5 Change lower and upper limit of color scale, current:",clrlimlow," to",clrlimhigh
2492    write(*,"(a,i3)") " 6 Set the number of interpolation steps between grid, current:",ninterpo
2493    write(*,"(a,i3)") " 7 Set stepsize between labels, current:",nstepsize
2494    if (ifnormsum==0) write(*,*) "8 Switch if normalized the sum of all elements to unity, current: No"
2495    if (ifnormsum==1) write(*,*) "8 Switch if normalized the sum of all elements to unity, current: Yes"
2496    read(*,*) isel
2498    if (isel==0) then
2499        return
2500    else if (isel==1.or.isel==2) then
2501        if (isel==2) isavepic=1
2502        if (ifhydrogen==1) then
2503            nspc=(ncenter-1)/nlabstep
2504        else if (ifhydrogen==0) then
2505            nspc=(ncenreal-1)/nlabstep
2506        end if
2507        if (isel==2) then
2508            isavepic=0
2509            write(*,*) "Done, the picture has been saved to current folder with ""DISLIN"" prefix"
2510        end if
2511    else if (isel==3) then
2512        open(10,file="tdmat.txt",status="replace")
2513        if (ifhydrogen==0) then
2514            do iatm=1,ncenreal
2515                do jatm=1,ncenreal
2516                    write(10,"(2i8,f12.6)") iatm,jatm,tdmatatmnoh(iatm,jatm)/facnorm
2517                end do
2518            end do
2519        else if (ifhydrogen==1) then
2520            do iatm=1,ncenter
2521                do jatm=1,ncenter
2522                    write(10,"(2i8,f12.6)") iatm,jatm,tdmatatm(iatm,jatm)/facnorm
2523                end do
2524            end do
2525        end if
2526        close(10)
2527        write(*,*) "Done, the data have been exported to tdmat.txt in current folder"
2528    else if (isel==4) then
2529        if (ifhydrogen==0) then
2530            ifhydrogen=1
2531            clrlimlow=minval(tdmatatm)
2532            clrlimhigh=maxval(tdmatatm)
2533        else if (ifhydrogen==1) then
2534            ifhydrogen=0
2535            clrlimlow=minval(tdmatatmnoh)
2536            clrlimhigh=maxval(tdmatatmnoh)
2537        end if
2538    else if (isel==5) then
2539        write(*,*) "Input lower and upper limits, e.g. 0,1.5"
2540        read(*,*) clrlimlow,clrlimhigh
2541    else if (isel==6) then
2542        write(*,*) "Please input a number"
2543        write(*,"(a)") " Note: Larger value gives rise to more smooth graph, 1 means don't do interpolation"
2544        read(*,*) ninterpo
2545    else if (isel==7) then
2546        write(*,*) "Please input a number, e.g. 5"
2547        read(*,*) nstepsize
2548    else if (isel==8) then
2549        if (ifnormsum==0) then
2550            ifnormsum=1
2551            facnorm=sum(tdmatatm(:,:)) !The sum of all elements
2552            write(*,*) "The normalization factor is", facnorm
2553        else if (ifnormsum==1) then
2554            ifnormsum=0
2555            facnorm=1D0
2556        end if
2557    end if
2558end do
2559end subroutine
2566!---------- Calculate interfragment charger transfer in electronic excitation ----------
2568subroutine excfragCT(nexcitorb,orbleft,orbright,excdir,exccoeff)
2569use defvar
2570use util
2571implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2572integer nexcitorb,orbleft(nexcitorb),orbright(nexcitorb),excdir(nexcitorb)
2573real*8 exccoeff(nexcitorb),CTmat(ncenter,ncenter),CTmattmp(ncenter,ncenter),atmcomp(ncenter,nmo)
2574character c2000tmp*2000
2577if (alive) then !Load atomic contribution from orbcomp.txt, which may be outputted by option -4 of Hirshfeld/Becke composition analysis
2578    write(*,"(a)") " orbcomp.txt was found in current folder, now load atomic contribution to all orbitals from this file..."
2579    open(10,file="orbcomp.txt",status="old")
2580    do imo=1,nmo
2581        read(10,*)
2582        do iatm=1,ncenter
2583            read(10,*) inouse,atmcomp(iatm,imo)
2584        end do
2585    end do
2586    close(10)
2587    atmcomp=atmcomp/100
2589    write(*,*) "Calculating atomic contribution to all orbitals by SCPA method..."
2590    do imo=1,nmo
2591        if (MOtype(imo)==0.or.MOtype(imo)==1) then !Close-shell or alpha part of open-shell
2592            sumsqr=sum(cobasa(:,imo)**2)
2593            do iatm=1,ncenter
2594                atmcomp(iatm,imo)=sum(cobasa(basstart(iatm):basend(iatm),imo)**2)/sumsqr
2595            end do
2596        else !Beta part of open-shell
2597            iimo=imo-nbasis
2598            sumsqr=sum(cobasb(:,iimo)**2)
2599            do iatm=1,ncenter
2600                atmcomp(iatm,imo)=sum(cobasb(basstart(iatm):basend(iatm),iimo)**2)/sumsqr
2601            end do
2602        end if
2603    end do
2604end if
2606write(*,*) "Constructing inter-atomic CT matrix..."
2609if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==3) fac=2 !Since for closed-shell case, program only print one-half part
2610do iexc=1,nexcitorb
2611    imo=orbleft(iexc)
2612    jmo=orbright(iexc)
2613    !Calculate transferred electron from iatm(row) to jatm(column)
2614    do iatm=1,ncenter
2615        do jatm=1,ncenter
2616            CTmattmp(iatm,jatm)=atmcomp(iatm,imo)*atmcomp(jatm,jmo)
2617        end do
2618    end do
2619    if (excdir(iexc)/=1) CTmattmp=-CTmattmp
2620    CTmat=CTmat+CTmattmp*fac*exccoeff(iexc)**2
2621end do
2622write(*,*) "Preparation is finished!"
2624do while(.true.)
2625    write(*,*)
2626    write(*,*) "Input atom list for fragment 1, e.g. 3,5-8,15-20"
2627    write(*,*) "Note: Input 0 can exit"
2628    read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
2629    if (c2000tmp(1:1)=="0") return
2630    call str2arr(c2000tmp,nterm1)
2631    if (allocated(frag1)) deallocate(frag1)
2632    allocate(frag1(nterm1))
2633    call str2arr(c2000tmp,nterm1,frag1)
2634    write(*,*) "Input atom list for fragment 2, e.g. 1,2,4,9-14"
2635    read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
2636    call str2arr(c2000tmp,nterm2)
2637    if (allocated(frag2)) deallocate(frag2)
2638    allocate(frag2(nterm2))
2639    call str2arr(c2000tmp,nterm2,frag2)
2641    CTval1=0
2642    CTval2=0
2643    varpop1=0
2644    varpop2=0
2645    do idx=1,nterm1
2646        iatm=frag1(idx)
2647        do jdx=1,nterm2
2648            jatm=frag2(jdx)
2649            CTval1=CTval1+CTmat(iatm,jatm)
2650            CTval2=CTval2+CTmat(jatm,iatm)
2651        end do
2652        varpop1=varpop1+sum(CTmat(:,iatm))-sum(CTmat(iatm,:))
2653    end do
2654    do jdx=1,nterm2
2655        jatm=frag2(jdx)
2656        varpop2=varpop2+sum(CTmat(:,jatm))-sum(CTmat(jatm,:))
2657    end do
2658    write(*,"(a,f10.5)") " Electron transferred from fragment 1 to 2:",CTval1
2659    write(*,"(a,f10.5)") " Electron transferred from fragment 2 to 1:",CTval2
2660    write(*,"(a,f10.5)") " Electron net transferred from fragment 1 to 2:",CTval1-CTval2
2661    write(*,"(a,f10.5)") " Variation of electron population of fragment 1:",varpop1
2662    write(*,"(a,f10.5)") " Variation of electron population of fragment 2:",varpop2
2663end do
2665end subroutine