1!!-------- RDG analysis for MD, use promolecular approximation
2subroutine RDG_MD
3use defvar
4use util
5use function
6implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
7!The first index of avggrad and the first two indices of avghess correspond to components of gradient and Hessian, respectively
8real*8,allocatable :: avgdens(:,:,:),avggrad(:,:,:,:),avghess(:,:,:,:,:)
9real*8 denstmp,gradtmp(3),hesstmp(3,3),eigvecmat(3,3),eigval(3)
10real*8,allocatable :: avgRDG(:,:,:),thermflu(:,:,:),avgsl2r(:,:,:) !Final result
11real*8,allocatable :: scatterx(:),scattery(:)
12integer walltime1,walltime2
13real*8 time_end,time_endtmp
15write(*,*) "Input the range of the frames to be analyzed, e.g. 150,400"
16write(*,*) "Note: The index of frame starts from 1"
17read(*,*) ifpsstart,ifpsend
18call setgrid(0,igridsel)
21write(*,"(' Totally',i8,' frames, from frame',i8,' to',i8,' will be processed')") nfps,ifpsstart,ifpsend
23!Generate averaged density, averaged gradient and averaged Hessian
28call walltime(walltime1)
29CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
32write(*,*) "Now calculate averaged density, density gradient and density Hessian"
33do ifps=1,ifpsend
34    call readxyz(filename,1,0)
35    if (ifps<ifpsstart) cycle
36    write(*,"(' Processing frame',i8,' ...')") ifps
37    !fragatm must be defined for each frame, because each frame may have different content, and calchessmat_prodens will use it
38    nfragatmnum=ncenter
39    if (allocated(fragatm)) deallocate(fragatm)
40    allocate(fragatm(nfragatmnum))
41    do itmp=1,nfragatmnum
42        fragatm(itmp)=itmp
43    end do
45!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(avgdens,avggrad,avghess) PRIVATE(i,j,k,tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,denstmp,gradtmp,hesstmp) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
46    do k=1,nz
47        tmpz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
48        do j=1,ny
49            tmpy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
50            do i=1,nx
51                tmpx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
52                call calchessmat_prodens(tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,denstmp,gradtmp,hesstmp)
53                avgdens(i,j,k)=avgdens(i,j,k)+denstmp
54                avggrad(:,i,j,k)=avggrad(:,i,j,k)+gradtmp
55                avghess(:,:,i,j,k)=avghess(:,:,i,j,k)+hesstmp
56            end do
57        end do
58    end do
60end do
66!Use averaged density, averaged gradient and averaged Hessian to compute averaged RDG and averaged Sign(lambda2)*rho
68write(*,*) "Calculating averaged RDG and averaged Sign(lambda2)*rho..."
70do k=1,nz
71    tmpz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
72    do j=1,ny
73        tmpy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
74        do i=1,nx
75            tmpx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
77            avggradnormtmp=dsqrt(sum(avggrad(:,i,j,k)**2))
78            if (RDGprodens_maxrho/=0D0.and.avgdens(i,j,k)>=RDGprodens_maxrho) then
79                avgRDG(i,j,k)=100D0
80            else if (avggradnormtmp==0D0.or.avgdens(i,j,k)==0D0) then
81                avgRDG(i,j,k)=999D0
82            else
83                avgRDG(i,j,k)=0.161620459673995D0*avggradnormtmp/avgdens(i,j,k)**(4D0/3D0) !0.161620459673995D0=1/(2*(3*pi**2)**(1/3))
84            end if
86            call diagmat(avghess(:,:,i,j,k),eigvecmat,eigval,100,1D-6)
87            call sort(eigval)
88            if (eigval(2)/=0D0) then
89                avgsl2r(i,j,k)=avgdens(i,j,k)*eigval(2)/abs(eigval(2)) !At nuclei of single atom system, Hessian returned may be zero matrix
90            else
91                avgsl2r(i,j,k)=-avgdens(i,j,k) !Around nuclei, eigval(2)/abs(eigval(2)) always be negative
92            end if
94        end do
95    end do
96end do
97CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
98call walltime(walltime2)
99write(*,"(' Calculation totally took up CPU time',f12.2,'s, wall clock time',i10,'s')") time_end-time_begin,walltime2-walltime1
101deallocate(avghess) !avghess will not be used further, so release its memory
104do k=1,nz
105    do j=1,ny
106        do i=1,nx
107            scatterx(ii)=avgsl2r(i,j,k)
108            scattery(ii)=avgRDG(i,j,k)
109            ii=ii+1
110        end do
111    end do
112end do
113!Default axis range of scatter plot
116if (RDGprodens_maxrho==0.0D0) xmin=-2.0D0
117if (RDGprodens_maxrho==0.0D0) xmax=2.0D0
122do while (.true.)
123    write(*,*) "0 Return"
124    write(*,*) "1 Draw scatter graph between averaged RDG and Sign(lambda2)*rho"
125    write(*,*) "2 Save the scatter graph to file"
126    write(*,*) "3 Change range of X-axis of the scatter graph"
127    write(*,*) "4 Change range of Y-axis of the scatter graph"
128    write(*,*) "5 Export scatter points to output.txt"
129    write(*,*) "6 Export averaged RDG and Sign(lambda2)*rho to cube files in current folder"
130    write(*,*) "7 Compute and export thermal fluctuation index to cube file in current folder"
131    write(*,*) "8 Show isosurface of averaged RDG"
132    read(*,*) isel
134    if (isel==0) then
135        exit
136    else if (isel==1) then
137        write(*,*) "Drawing graph, please wait..."
138    else if (isel==2) then
139        isavepic=1
140        isavepic=0
141        write(*,"(a,a,a)") " Graph have been saved to ",trim(graphformat)," file with ""DISLIN"" prefix in current directory"
142    else if (isel==3) then
143        write(*,*) "Input lower limit and upper limit of X axis e.g. 0,1.5"
144        read(*,*) xmin,xmax
145    else if (isel==4) then
146        write(*,*) "Input lower limit and upper limit of Y axis e.g. 0,1.5"
147        read(*,*) ymin,ymax
148    else if (isel==5) then
149        open(10,file="output.txt",status="replace")
150        write(*,*) "Outputting output.txt in current folder..."
151        write(10,"(3f11.6,2E16.8)") ((( (orgx+(i-1)*dx),(orgy+(j-1)*dy),(orgz+(k-1)*dz),avgRDG(i,j,k),avgsl2r(i,j,k),i=1,nx),j=1,ny),k=1,nz)
152        close(10)
153        write(*,"(a)") " Finished, column 1/2/3/4/5 = X/Y/Z/averaged RDG/averaged Sign(lambda2)*rho, unit is Bohr"
154    else if (isel==6) then
155        write(*,*) "Outputting averaged reduced density gradient to avgRDG.cub in current folder"
156        open(10,file="avgRDG.cub",status="replace")
157        call outcube(avgRDG,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
158        close(10)
159        write(*,*) "Done!"
160        write(*,*)
161        write(*,*) "Outputting averaged Sign(lambda2)*rho to avgsl2r.cub in current folder"
162        open(10,file="avgsl2r.cub",status="replace")
163        call outcube(avgsl2r,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
164        close(10)
165        write(*,*) "Done!"
166    else if (isel==7) then
167        call walltime(walltime1)
168        CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
169        write(*,*) "Calculating thermal fluctuation index..."
170        if (allocated(thermflu)) deallocate(thermflu)
171        allocate(thermflu(nx,ny,nz))
172        thermflu=0D0
173        open(10,file=filename,access="sequential",status="old")
174        !Calculate fluctuation square term of density and temporarily store it to thermflu array
175        do ifps=1,ifpsend
176            call readxyz(filename,1,0)
177            if (ifps<ifpsstart) cycle
178            write(*,"(' Processing frame',i8,' ...')") ifps
180!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(thermflu) PRIVATE(i,j,k,tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,denstmp) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
181            do k=1,nz
182                tmpz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
183                do j=1,ny
184                    tmpy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
185                    do i=1,nx
186                        tmpx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
187                        call calchessmat_prodens(tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,denstmp)
188                        thermflu(i,j,k)=thermflu(i,j,k)+(denstmp-avgdens(i,j,k))**2
189                    end do
190                end do
191            end do
193        end do
194        close(10)
195        thermflu=dsqrt(thermflu/nfps)/avgdens
196        CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
197        call walltime(walltime2)
198        write(*,"(' Totally took up CPU time',f12.2,'s, wall clock time',i10,'s',/)") time_end-time_begin,walltime2-walltime1
199        write(*,*) "Outputting thermal fluctuation index to thermflu.cub in current folder"
200        open(10,file="thermflu.cub",status="replace")
201        call outcube(thermflu,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
202        close(10)
203        write(*,*) "Done!"
204    else if (isel==8) then
205        write(*,*) "Please wait..."
206         sur_value=0.3D0
207         if (allocated(cubmat)) deallocate(cubmat)
208         allocate(cubmat(nx,ny,nz))
209         cubmat=avgRDG
210        deallocate(cubmat)
211    end if
212    write(*,*)
213end do
215end subroutine
218!!----- Calculate atomic and bond dipole moments in Hilbert space
219!For derivation, see Ideas of Quantum Chemistry, p634
220subroutine atmbonddip
221use defvar
222use util
223implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
224real*8 xdipmat(nbasis,nbasis),ydipmat(nbasis,nbasis),zdipmat(nbasis,nbasis),Ptottmp(nbasis,nbasis)
225character c80tmp*80
226!!!!Beware that the dipole moment integral has taken the negative sign of electron charge into account!
227if (igenDbas==0) then !Haven't calculated dipole moment integral matrix, so reload the input file and calculate it
228    Ptottmp=Ptot !Backup Ptot, which may have already been modified by users (via modifying occ), otherwise it will be flushed when loading
229    igenDbas=1
230    write(*,*) "Reloading input file and meantime generating dipole moment integral matrix..."
231    call dealloall
232    call readinfile(firstfilename,1)
233    Ptot=Ptottmp
234end if
239! call showmatgau(xdipmat,"dip x",0,"f14.8",6)
240! call showmatgau(ydipmat,"dip y",0,"f14.8",6)
241! call showmatgau(zdipmat,"dip z",0,"f14.8",6)
243!Calculate total dipole moment
247write(*,"(' Molecular nuclear dipole moment (a.u.):')")
248write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xnucdip,ynucdip,znucdip,dsqrt(xnucdip**2+ynucdip**2+znucdip**2)
252write(*,"(' Molecular electron dipole moment (a.u.):')")
253write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xeledip,yeledip,zeledip,dsqrt(xeledip**2+yeledip**2+zeledip**2)
257write(*,"(' Molecular dipole moment (a.u.):')")
258write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xmoldip,ymoldip,zmoldip,dsqrt(xmoldip**2+ymoldip**2+zmoldip**2)
260do while(.true.)
261    write(*,*)
262    write(*,*) "         ----- Atomic and bond dipole moments in Hilbert space -----"
263    write(*,*) "0 Return"
264    write(*,*) "1 Output atomic dipole moment of specific atom"
265    write(*,*) "2 Output bond dipole moment of specific atom pair"
266    write(*,*) "3 Output atomic overall dipole moment of specific atom (Mulliken partition)"
267    write(*,*) "10 Export entire dipole moment matrix"
268    read(*,*) isel
269    if (isel==0) then
270        exit
271    else if (isel==1) then
272        do while(.true.)
273            write(*,*) "Input the atom index, e.g. 5"
274            write(*,*) "Note: Input 0 can return, input -1 can output result for all atoms"
275            read(*,*) isel2
276            if (isel2==0) then
277                exit
278            else if (isel2==-1) then
279                iatmstart=1
280                iatmend=ncenter
281            else
282                if (isel2>ncenter) then
283                    write(*,*) "Atom index exceeded valid range! Input again"
284                    cycle
285                end if
286                iatmstart=isel2
287                iatmend=isel2
288            end if
289            do iatm=iatmstart,iatmend
290                write(*,"(' Result of atom',i8,' (',a2,')')") iatm,a(iatm)%name
291                istart=basstart(iatm)
292                iend=basend(iatm)
293                atmelepop=sum(Ptot(istart:iend,istart:iend)*Sbas(istart:iend,istart:iend))
294                xatmelediptot=sum(Ptot(istart:iend,istart:iend)*xdipmat(istart:iend,istart:iend))
295                yatmelediptot=sum(Ptot(istart:iend,istart:iend)*ydipmat(istart:iend,istart:iend))
296                zatmelediptot=sum(Ptot(istart:iend,istart:iend)*zdipmat(istart:iend,istart:iend))
297                xatmeledip=xatmelediptot+atmelepop*a(iatm)%x
298                yatmeledip=yatmelediptot+atmelepop*a(iatm)%y
299                zatmeledip=zatmelediptot+atmelepop*a(iatm)%z
300                xatmnucdip=a(iatm)%charge*a(iatm)%x
301                yatmnucdip=a(iatm)%charge*a(iatm)%y
302                zatmnucdip=a(iatm)%charge*a(iatm)%z
303                xatmdiptot=xatmnucdip+xatmelediptot
304                yatmdiptot=yatmnucdip+yatmelediptot
305                zatmdiptot=zatmnucdip+zatmelediptot
306                write(*,"(' Atomic local population number:',f12.6)") atmelepop
307                write(*,"(' Atomic dipole moment (a.u.):')")
308                write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xatmeledip,yatmeledip,zatmeledip,dsqrt(xatmeledip**2+yatmeledip**2+zatmeledip**2)
309                write(*,"(' Contribution to system dipole moment due to nuclear charge (a.u.):')")
310                write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xatmnucdip,yatmnucdip,zatmnucdip,dsqrt(xatmnucdip**2+yatmnucdip**2+zatmnucdip**2)
311                write(*,"(' Contribution to system dipole moment due to electron (a.u.):')")
312                write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xatmelediptot,yatmelediptot,zatmelediptot,dsqrt(xatmelediptot**2+yatmelediptot**2+zatmelediptot**2)
313                write(*,"(' Contribution to system dipole moment (a.u.):')")
314                write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xatmdiptot,yatmdiptot,zatmdiptot,dsqrt(xatmdiptot**2+yatmdiptot**2+zatmdiptot**2)
315                write(*,*)
316            end do
317        end do
318    else if (isel==2) then
319        do while(.true.)
320            write(*,*) "Input the index of two atoms, e.g. 5,8"
321            write(*,*) "Note: Input q can return. Input b can output result for all bonds"
322            read(*,"(a)") c80tmp
323            if (index(c80tmp,'q')/=0) then
324                exit
325            else if (index(c80tmp,'b')/=0) then
326                write(*,*) "Notice that the bonds are determined according to distance criterion"
327                write(*,*)
328                bondcritval=1.15D0
329            else
330                read(c80tmp,*) iatomsel1,iatomsel2
331                if (iatomsel1>ncenter.or.iatomsel2>ncenter) then
332                    write(*,*) "Atom index exceeded valid range! Input again"
333                    cycle
334                end if
335                if (iatomsel1>iatomsel2) then
336                    itmp=iatomsel2
337                    iatomsel2=iatomsel1
338                    iatomsel1=itmp
339                end if
340            end if
341            do iatm=1,ncenter
342                do jatm=iatm+1,ncenter
343                    bonddist=dsqrt((a(iatm)%x-a(jatm)%x)**2+(a(iatm)%y-a(jatm)%y)**2+(a(iatm)%z-a(jatm)%z)**2)
344                    if (index(c80tmp,'b')/=0) then
345                        if (bonddist>( covr(a(iatm)%index)+covr(a(jatm)%index) )*bondcritval) cycle
346                    else
347                        if (iatm/=iatomsel1.or.jatm/=iatomsel2) cycle
348                    end if
349                    xcen=(a(iatm)%x+a(jatm)%x)/2D0
350                    ycen=(a(iatm)%y+a(jatm)%y)/2D0
351                    zcen=(a(iatm)%z+a(jatm)%z)/2D0
352                    write(*,"(' Result between atom',i7,' (',a2,')  and atom',i7,' (',a2,'), distance:',f10.5,' Ang')") iatm,a(iatm)%name,jatm,a(jatm)%name,bonddist*b2a
353                    istart=basstart(iatm)
354                    iend=basend(iatm)
355                    jstart=basstart(jatm)
356                    jend=basend(jatm)
357                    bondpop=2*sum(Ptot(istart:iend,jstart:jend)*Sbas(istart:iend,jstart:jend)) !The matrix is symmetical, so multiplied by 2
358                    xbonddiptot=2*sum(Ptot(istart:iend,jstart:jend)*xdipmat(istart:iend,jstart:jend))
359                    ybonddiptot=2*sum(Ptot(istart:iend,jstart:jend)*ydipmat(istart:iend,jstart:jend))
360                    zbonddiptot=2*sum(Ptot(istart:iend,jstart:jend)*zdipmat(istart:iend,jstart:jend))
361                    xbonddip=xbonddiptot+bondpop*xcen
362                    ybonddip=ybonddiptot+bondpop*ycen
363                    zbonddip=zbonddiptot+bondpop*zcen
364                    write(*,"(' Bond population number (Overlap population):',f12.6)") bondpop
365                    write(*,"(' Bond dipole moment (a.u.):')")
366                    write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xbonddip,ybonddip,zbonddip,dsqrt(xbonddip**2+ybonddip**2+zbonddip**2)
367                    write(*,"(' Contribution to system dipole moment (a.u.):')")
368                    write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xbonddiptot,ybonddiptot,zbonddiptot,dsqrt(xbonddiptot**2+ybonddiptot**2+zbonddiptot**2)
369                    write(*,*)
370                end do
371            end do
372        end do
373    else if (isel==3) then
374        do while(.true.)
375            write(*,*) "Input the atom index, e.g. 5"
376            write(*,*) "Note: Input 0 can return, input -1 can output result for all atoms"
377            read(*,*) isel2
378            if (isel2==0) then
379                exit
380            else if (isel2==-1) then
381                iatmstart=1
382                iatmend=ncenter
383            else
384                if (isel2>ncenter) then
385                    write(*,*) "Atom index exceeded valid range! Input again"
386                    cycle
387                end if
388                iatmstart=isel2
389                iatmend=isel2
390            end if
391            do iatm=iatmstart,iatmend
392                write(*,"(' Result of atom',i8,' (',a2,')')") iatm,a(iatm)%name
393                atmelepop=0D0
394                xatmelediptot=0D0
395                yatmelediptot=0D0
396                zatmelediptot=0D0
397                istart=basstart(iatm)
398                iend=basend(iatm)
399                do jatm=1,ncenter
400                    jstart=basstart(jatm)
401                    jend=basend(jatm)
402                    atmelepop=atmelepop+sum(Ptot(istart:iend,jstart:jend)*Sbas(istart:iend,jstart:jend))
403                    xatmelediptot=xatmelediptot+sum(Ptot(istart:iend,jstart:jend)*xdipmat(istart:iend,jstart:jend))
404                    yatmelediptot=yatmelediptot+sum(Ptot(istart:iend,jstart:jend)*ydipmat(istart:iend,jstart:jend))
405                    zatmelediptot=zatmelediptot+sum(Ptot(istart:iend,jstart:jend)*zdipmat(istart:iend,jstart:jend))
406                end do
407                xatmeledip=xatmelediptot+atmelepop*a(iatm)%x
408                yatmeledip=yatmelediptot+atmelepop*a(iatm)%y
409                zatmeledip=zatmelediptot+atmelepop*a(iatm)%z
410                xatmnucdip=a(iatm)%charge*a(iatm)%x
411                yatmnucdip=a(iatm)%charge*a(iatm)%y
412                zatmnucdip=a(iatm)%charge*a(iatm)%z
413                xatmdiptot=xatmnucdip+xatmelediptot
414                yatmdiptot=yatmnucdip+yatmelediptot
415                zatmdiptot=zatmnucdip+zatmelediptot
416                write(*,"(' Atomic Mulliken population number:',f12.6)") atmelepop
417                write(*,"(' Atomic overall dipole moment (a.u.):')")
418                write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xatmeledip,yatmeledip,zatmeledip,dsqrt(xatmeledip**2+yatmeledip**2+zatmeledip**2)
419                write(*,"(' Contribution to system dipole moment due to nuclear charge (a.u.):')")
420                write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xatmnucdip,yatmnucdip,zatmnucdip,dsqrt(xatmnucdip**2+yatmnucdip**2+zatmnucdip**2)
421                write(*,"(' Contribution to system dipole moment due to electron (a.u.):')")
422                write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xatmelediptot,yatmelediptot,zatmelediptot,dsqrt(xatmelediptot**2+yatmelediptot**2+zatmelediptot**2)
423                write(*,"(' Contribution to system dipole moment (a.u.):')")
424                write(*,"('  X=',f12.6,'  Y=',f12.6,'  Z=',f12.6,'  Norm=',f12.6)") xatmdiptot,yatmdiptot,zatmdiptot,dsqrt(xatmdiptot**2+yatmdiptot**2+zatmdiptot**2)
425                write(*,*)
426            end do
427        end do
428    else if (isel==10) then
429        open(10,file="dipmatx.txt",status="replace")
430        call showmatgau(Ptot*xdipmat,"",1,"f14.8",10)
431        close(10)
432        open(10,file="dipmaty.txt",status="replace")
433        call showmatgau(Ptot*ydipmat,"",1,"f14.8",10)
434        close(10)
435        open(10,file="dipmatz.txt",status="replace")
436        call showmatgau(Ptot*zdipmat,"",1,"f14.8",10)
437        close(10)
438        write(*,"(a)") " X, Y and Z components of electron dipole moment matrix have been outputted to dipmatx, dipmaty and dipmatz.txt in current folder, respectively"
439    end if
440end do
441end subroutine
444!!------------ Generate cube file for multiple orbitals
445subroutine genmultiorbcube
446use defvar
447use util
448implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
449integer orbsellist(nmo)
450integer tmparr(nmo+1)
451character c1000tmp*1000,cubname*20
452real*8,allocatable :: orbcubmat(:,:,:,:)
453write(*,"(a)") " Input orbital index. e.g. 1,3-6,8,10-11 denotes 1,3,4,5,6,8,10,11"
454write(*,*) "Input q can return"
455read(*,"(a)") c1000tmp
456if (index(c1000tmp,'q')/=0) return
457call str2arr(c1000tmp,norbsel,orbsellist)
458if ( any(orbsellist(1:norbsel)<1) .or. any(orbsellist(1:norbsel)>nmo) ) then
459    write(*,*) "Error: The orbitals you selected exceeded valid range!"
460    return
461end if
462call setgrid(0,itmp)
463if (allocated(cubmat)) deallocate(cubmat)
466write(*,*) "1 Output the grid data of these orbitals as separate cube files"
467write(*,*) "2 Output the grid data of these orbitals as a single cube file"
468read(*,*) ioutmode
470if (ioutmode==1) then
471    do iorbidx=1,norbsel
472        iorb=orbsellist(iorbidx)
473        write(cubname,"('orb',i6.6,'.cub')") iorb
474        write(*,"(' Calculating and exporting orbital',i6)") iorb
475        call savecubmat(4,1,iorb)
476        open(10,file=cubname,status="replace")
477        call outcube(cubmat,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
478        close(10)
479        write(*,"(' Orbital',i7,' has been exported to ',a,' in current folder',/)") iorb,trim(cubname)
480    end do
482else if (ioutmode==2) then
483    allocate(orbcubmat(nx,ny,nz,norbsel))
484    do iorbidx=1,norbsel
485        iorb=orbsellist(iorbidx)
486        write(*,"(a,i6,a)") " Calculating grid data for orbital",iorb,"..."
487        call savecubmat(4,1,iorb)
488        orbcubmat(:,:,:,iorbidx)=cubmat(:,:,:)
489    end do
490    where (abs(orbcubmat)<=1D-99) orbcubmat=0D0 !Diminish too small value, otherwise the symbol "E" cannot be shown by 1PE13.5 format e.g. 9.39376-116,
491    write(*,*)
492    write(*,*) "Exporting cube file, please wait..."
493    open(10,file="orbital.cub",status="replace")
494    write(10,"(' Generated by Multiwfn')")
495    write(10,"(' Totally ',i12,' grid points')") nx*ny*nz
496    write(10,"(i5,3f12.6)") -ncenter,orgx,orgy,orgz
497    write(10,"(i5,3f12.6)") nx,dx,0.0,0.0
498    write(10,"(i5,3f12.6)") ny,0.0,dy,0.0
499    write(10,"(i5,3f12.6)") nz,0.0,0.0,dz
500    do i=1,ncenter
501        write(10,"(i5,4f12.6)") a(i)%index,a(i)%charge,a(i)%x,a(i)%y,a(i)%z
502    end do
503    tmparr(1)=norbsel
504    tmparr(2:norbsel+1)=orbsellist(1:norbsel)
505    write(10,"(10i5)") tmparr(1:norbsel+1)
506    do ix=1,nx
507        do iy=1,ny
508            write(10,"(6(1PE13.5))",advance="no") ((orbcubmat(ix,iy,iz,iorbidx),iorbidx=1,norbsel),iz=1,nz)
509            write(10,*)
510        end do
511    end do
512    close(10)
513    write(*,*) "The grid data of the orbitals have been stored to orbital.cub in current folder"
514    deallocate(orbcubmat)
515end if
518end subroutine
523!!---------- Generate grid data of iso-chemical shielding surfaces (ICSS) or related quantities
524subroutine ICSS
525use defvar
526use util
527implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
528character c200tmp*200,gauinpfile*200,gauoutfile*200,selectyn,suffix*4
529character,allocatable :: gauinpcontent(:)*79
530!Set grid for calculating NICS
531call setgrid(0,itmp)
533write(*,"(' The number of Bq per batch:',i10)") numbqper
536!Generate Gaussian input file
538write(*,*) "If skip generating Gaussian input file of NMR task? (y/n)"
539read(*,*) selectyn
540if (selectyn=='n'.or.selectyn=='N') then
541    write(*,*) "Input the path of template Gaussian input file, e.g. c:\ltwd.gjf"
542    do while(.true.)
543        read(*,"(a)") gauinpfile
544        inquire(file=gauinpfile,exist=alive)
545        if (alive) exit
546        write(*,*) "Cannot find corresponding files, input again"
547    end do
548    open(10,file=gauinpfile,status="old")
549    numgauline=totlinenum(10,2)
550    allocate(gauinpcontent(numgauline))
551    numblank=0
552    iendcoord=numgauline !Which line is the last line recording coordinates
553    do i=1,numgauline
554        read(10,"(a)") gauinpcontent(i)
555        if (gauinpcontent(i)==" ") then
556            numblank=numblank+1
557            if (numblank==3) iendcoord=i-1
558        end if
559        if (index(gauinpcontent(i),'#')/=0) then
560            gauinpcontent(i)=trim(gauinpcontent(i))//" NMR"
561            if (index(gauinpcontent(i),'conn')==0) gauinpcontent(i)=trim(gauinpcontent(i))//" geom=connectivity"
562        end if
563!         write(*,"(a)") gauinpcontent(i)
564    end do
565    close(10)
567    gauinpfile="NICS"
568    do ifile=1,nfile
569        write(c200tmp,"(a,i4.4,a)") trim(gauinpfile),ifile,".gjf"
570        open(10,file=c200tmp,status="replace")
571        write(*,"(a,a,a)") " Outputting ",trim(c200tmp)," to current folder..."
572        !Write head part
573        do i=1,iendcoord
574            if (ifile>1.and.index(gauinpcontent(i),'#')/=0) then
575                write(10,"(a)") trim(gauinpcontent(i))//" guess=read"
576            else
577                write(10,"(a)") gauinpcontent(i)
578            end if
579        end do
580        !Write Bq information
581        itmp=0
582        do i=1,nx
583            do j=1,ny
584                do k=1,nz
585                    itmp=itmp+1
586                    rnowx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
587                    rnowy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
588                    rnowz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
589                    if (itmp<=(ifile-1)*numbqper) cycle
590                    if (itmp>ifile*numbqper) exit
591                    write(10,"('Bq ',3f12.6)") rnowx*b2a,rnowy*b2a,rnowz*b2a
592                end do
593            end do
594        end do
595        write(10,*)
596        !Write connectivity explicitly
597        if (ifile/=nfile) then
598            do i=1,NICSnptlim
599                write(10,"(i7)") i
600            end do
601        else if (ifile==nfile) then
602            do i=1,npttot-(ifile-1)*numbqper+ncenter
603                write(10,"(i7)") i
604            end do
605        end if
606        !Write remaining part
607        do i=iendcoord+1,numgauline
608            write(10,"(a)") gauinpcontent(i)
609        end do
610        close(10)
611    end do
612end if
613write(*,*) "Now please run these input files by Gaussian"
615!Load NICS from Gaussian output file
616if (allocated(cubmat)) deallocate(cubmat)
618write(*,*) "Input the path of Gaussian output file of NMR task"
619write(*,"(a)") " Assume that you input ""c:\ltwd\NICS"", then c:\ltwd\NICS0001.out, c:\ltwd\NICS0002.out, c:\ltwd\NICS0003.out... will be loaded"
621do while(.true.)
622    read(*,"(a)") gauoutfile
623    inquire(file=trim(gauoutfile)//"0001"//suffix,exist=alive)
624    if (alive) exit
625    if (.not.alive) then
626        suffix=".log"
627        inquire(file=trim(gauoutfile)//"0001"//suffix,exist=alive)
628    end if
629    if (alive) exit
630    write(*,*) "Cannot find corresponding files, input again"
631end do
632100 write(*,*) "Load which term?"
633write(*,*) "1: Isotropic  2: Anisotropy  3: XX component  4: YY component  5: ZZ component"
634read(*,*) iload
635do ifile=1,nfile
636    write(c200tmp,"(a,i4.4,a)") trim(gauoutfile),ifile,suffix
637    open(10,file=c200tmp,status="old")
638    write(*,"(' Loading ',a,'...')") trim(c200tmp)
639    call loclabel(10,"GIAO Magnetic shielding tensor")
640    read(10,*)
641    !Detect format. The NMR output format changes since G09 D.01 to leave more space for atomic index
642    read(10,"(a80)") c200tmp
643    backspace(10)
644    iformat=1
645    if (c200tmp(25:25)=='=') iformat=2 !Since G09 D.01
647    do i=1,ncenter !Skip atom's result
648        read(10,*)
649        read(10,*)
650        read(10,*)
651        read(10,*)
652        read(10,*)
653    end do
654    itmp=0
655    do i=1,nx
656        do j=1,ny
657            do k=1,nz
658                itmp=itmp+1
659                if (itmp<=(ifile-1)*numbqper) cycle
660                if (itmp>ifile*numbqper) exit
661                if (iload==1.or.iload==2) then
662!                     read(10,"(a80)") c200tmp
663!                     write(*,"(a80)") c200tmp
664!                     backspace(10)
665                    if (iformat==1) then
666                        if (iload==1) read(10,"(22x,f10.4)") cubmat(i,j,k)
667                        if (iload==2) read(10,"(48x,f10.4)") cubmat(i,j,k)
668                    else if (iformat==2) then
669                        if (iload==1) read(10,"(26x,f10.4)") cubmat(i,j,k)
670                        if (iload==2) read(10,"(52x,f10.4)") cubmat(i,j,k)
671                    end if
672                    read(10,*)
673                    read(10,*)
674                    read(10,*)
675                    read(10,*)
676                else
677                    read(10,*)
678                    if (iload==3) then
679                        read(10,"(8x,f10.4)") cubmat(i,j,k)
680                        read(10,*)
681                        read(10,*)
682                    else if (iload==4) then
683                        read(10,*)
684                        read(10,"(24x,f10.4)") cubmat(i,j,k)
685                        read(10,*)
686                    else if (iload==5) then
687                        read(10,*)
688                        read(10,*)
689                        read(10,"(42x,f10.4)") cubmat(i,j,k)
690                    end if
691                    read(10,*)
692                end if
693            end do
694        end do
695    end do
696    close(10)
697end do
698write(*,*) "Loading finished!"
699do while(.true.)
700    write(*,*)
701    write(*,*) "-1 Load another property"
702    write(*,*) "0 Return to main menu"
703    if (iload==1) write(*,*) "1 Visualize iso-chemical shielding surface"
704    if (iload==2) write(*,*) "1 Visualize aniso-chemical shielding surface"
705    if (iload==3) write(*,*) "1 Visualize XX-chemical shielding surface"
706    if (iload==4) write(*,*) "1 Visualize YY-chemical shielding surface"
707    if (iload==5) write(*,*) "1 Visualize ZZ-chemical shielding surface"
708    if (iload==1) write(*,*) "2 Export the grid data to ICSS.cub current folder"
709    if (iload==2) write(*,*) "2 Export the grid data to AICSS.cub current folder"
710    if (iload==3) write(*,*) "2 Export the grid data to ICSSXX.cub current folder"
711    if (iload==4) write(*,*) "2 Export the grid data to ICSSYY.cub current folder"
712    if (iload==5) write(*,*) "2 Export the grid data to ICSSZZ.cub current folder"
713    read(*,*) isel
714    if (isel==-1) then
715        goto 100
716    else if (isel==0) then
717        exit
718    else if (isel==1) then
719    else if (isel==2) then
720        if (iload==1) open(10,file="ICSS.cub",status="replace")
721        if (iload==2) open(10,file="AICSS.cub",status="replace")
722        if (iload==3) open(10,file="ICSSXX.cub",status="replace")
723        if (iload==4) open(10,file="ICSSYY.cub",status="replace")
724        if (iload==5) open(10,file="ICSSZZ.cub",status="replace")
725        call outcube(cubmat,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
726        close(10)
727        write(*,"(a)") " The cube file has been exported to current folder"
728    end if
729end do
730end subroutine
734!!----- Plot radial distribution function for a real space function
735subroutine plotraddis
736use defvar
737use function
738implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
739real*8,allocatable :: potx(:),poty(:),potz(:),potw(:),radval(:),radpos(:),intradval(:),sphavgval(:)
745rhigh=5D0/b2a !5 Angstrom
748do while(.true.)
749    write(*,*)
750    write(*,*) "  ====== Plot radial distribution function for a real space function ======"
751    write(*,*) "-1 Exit"
752    write(*,*) "0 Calculate radial distribution function and its integration curve"
753    write(*,"(a,i4)") " 1 Select real space function, current:",ifunc
754    write(*,"(a,3f10.4,' Ang')") " 2 Set sphere center, current",cenx*b2a,ceny*b2a,cenz*b2a
755    write(*,"(a,2f9.4,' Ang')") " 3 Set lower and upper limit of radial distance, current:",rlow*b2a,rhigh*b2a
756    write(*,"(a,i6)") " 4 Set the number of integration point in each shell, current:",nsphpt
757    write(*,"(a,i6)") " 5 Set the number of radial points, current:",nradpt
758    read(*,*) isel
759    if (isel==-1) then
760        return
761    else if (isel==1) then
762        call selfunc_interface(ifunc)
763    else if (isel==2) then
764        write(*,*) "Input sphere center (Angstrom), e.g. 0.0,1.2,-0.4"
765        read(*,*) cenx,ceny,cenz
766        cenx=cenx/b2a !Convert to Bohr
767        ceny=ceny/b2a
768        cenz=cenz/b2a
769    else if (isel==3) then
770        write(*,*) "Input lower and upper limit (Angstrom), e.g. 0.0,8.0"
771        read(*,*) rlow,rhigh
772        rlow=rlow/b2a !Convert to Bohr
773        rhigh=rhigh/b2a
774    else if (isel==4) then
775        write(*,"(a)") " Input the number of integration point in each shell, the value must be one of &
776        110/170/230/266/302/434/590/770/974/1454/1730/2030/2354/2702/3074/3470/3890/4334/4802/5294/5810"
777        read(*,*) nsphpt
778    else if (isel==5) then
779        write(*,*) "Input the number of radial points, e.g. 800"
780        read(*,*) nradpt
781    else if (isel==0) then
782        allocate(potx(nsphpt),poty(nsphpt),potz(nsphpt),potw(nsphpt))
783        allocate(radval(nradpt),radpos(nradpt),intradval(nradpt),sphavgval(nradpt)) !radval records RDF, radpot records r position, intradval records integration of RDF
784        call Lebedevgen(nsphpt,potx,poty,potz,potw)
785        radval=0D0
786        radstp=(rhigh-rlow)/(nradpt-1)
787        ifinish=0
788        iprogstp=20
789        iprogcrit=iprogstp
790        write(*,*) "Calculating..."
792!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(radval,radpos,ifinish,iprogcrit) PRIVATE(irad,radnow,isph,rnowx,rnowy,rnowz,tmpval) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
793        do irad=1,nradpt
794            radnow=rlow+(irad-1)*radstp
795            radpos(irad)=radnow
796            tmpval=0
797            do isph=1,nsphpt
798                rnowx=potx(isph)*radnow+cenx
799                rnowy=poty(isph)*radnow+ceny
800                rnowz=potz(isph)*radnow+cenz
801                tmpval=tmpval+calcfuncall(ifunc,rnowx,rnowy,rnowz)*potw(isph)
802            end do
803            radval(irad)=4*pi*tmpval*radnow**2 !Multiplied by 4*pi is because the Lebedev integration routine produces unity rather than 4*pi
804            sphavgval(irad)=tmpval !Spherically average function
805            ifinish=ifinish+1
806            if (ifinish==iprogcrit) then
807                write(*,"(' Finished:',i6,'  /',i6)") ifinish,nradpt
808                iprogcrit=iprogcrit+iprogstp
809            end if
810        end do
813        !Calculate integration of RDF
814        intradval(1)=0D0
815        do irad=2,nradpt
816            intradval(irad)=intradval(irad-1)+radval(irad-1)*radstp
817        end do
818        write(*,"(a,f22.10)") " Integrating the RDF in the specified range is",intradval(nradpt)
819        valrange=maxval(radval)-minval(radval)
820        valrangeint=maxval(intradval)-minval(intradval)
821        ilenunit1D=2
822        do while(.true.)
823            write(*,*)
824            if (ilenunit1D==1) write(*,*) "-1 Switch the length unit for plotting, current: Bohr"
825            if (ilenunit1D==2) write(*,*) "-1 Switch the length unit for plotting, current: Angstrom"
826            write(*,*) "0 Return"
827            write(*,*) "1 Plot the radial distribution function"
828            write(*,*) "2 Plot integration curve of the RDF"
829            write(*,*) "3 Save the radial distribution function map in current folder"
830            write(*,*) "4 Save integration curve of the RDF map in current folder"
831            write(*,*) "5 Export the radial distribution function to RDF.txt in current folder"
832            write(*,*) "6 Export integration curve of the RDF to intRDF.txt in current folder"
833            write(*,*) "7 Export the spherically averaged function"
834            read(*,*) isel
835            if (isel==-1) then
836                if (ilenunit1D==1) then
837                    ilenunit1D=2
838                else if (ilenunit1D==2) then
839                    ilenunit1D=1
840                end if
841            else if (isel==0) then
842                deallocate(potx,poty,potz,potw,radval,radpos,intradval,sphavgval)
843                exit
844            else if (isel==1.or.isel==3) then
845                ylow=minval(radval)-0.1D0*valrange
846                yhigh=maxval(radval)+0.1D0*valrange
847                if (isel==1) then
848                else
849                    write(*,"(a,a,a)") " Graph have been saved to ",trim(graphformat)," file with ""DISLIN"" prefix in current directory"
850                end if
851            else if (isel==2.or.isel==4) then
852                ylow=minval(intradval)-0.1D0*valrangeint
853                yhigh=maxval(intradval)+0.1D0*valrangeint
854                if (isel==2) then
855                else if (isel==4) then
856                    write(*,"(a,a,a)") " Graph have been saved to ",trim(graphformat)," file with ""DISLIN"" prefix in current directory"
857                end if
858            else if (isel==5) then
859                open(10,file="RDF.txt",status="replace")
860                do irad=1,nradpt
861                    write(10,"(i7,f12.4,f22.10)") irad,radpos(irad)*b2a,radval(irad)
862                end do
863                close(10)
864                write(*,*) "The result has been output to RDF.txt in current folder"
865                write(*,*) "The second column is radial distance (Angstrom), the third column is value"
866            else if (isel==6) then
867                open(10,file="intRDF.txt",status="replace")
868                do irad=1,nradpt
869                    write(10,"(i7,f12.4,f22.10)") irad,radpos(irad)*b2a,intradval(irad)
870                end do
871                close(10)
872                write(*,*) "The result has been output to intRDF.txt in current folder"
873                write(*,*) "The second column is radial distance (Angstrom), the third column is value"
874            else if (isel==7) then
875                open(10,file="sphavgval.txt",status="replace")
876                do irad=1,nradpt
877                    write(10,"(i7,f12.6,f18.7)") irad,radpos(irad),sphavgval(irad)
878                end do
879                close(10)
880                write(*,*) "The result has been output to sphavgval.txt in current folder"
881                write(*,*) "The second column is radial distance (Bohr), the third column is value"
882            end if
883        end do
885    end if
886end do
887end subroutine
891!!--------- Analyze correspondence between orbitals in two wavefunctions
892subroutine orbcorres
893use defvar
894use function
895use util
896implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
897real*8,allocatable :: convmat(:,:) !(i,j) is the coefficient of j MO of the second wavefunction in i MO of current wavefunction
898real*8,allocatable :: MOvalgrd(:,:),MOvalgrd2(:,:) !MOvalgrd(j,n),MOvalgrd2(j,n) means the the value of the nth MO of the first/second wavefunction at the jth grid
899real*8,allocatable :: comparr(:),beckeweigrid(:)
900integer,allocatable :: comparridx(:)
901character filename2*200,c80tmp*80
902type(content),allocatable :: gridatm(:),gridatmorg(:)
903if (iautointgrid==1) then
904    sphpotold=sphpot
905    radpotold=radpot
906    sphpot=230
907    radpot=50
908end if
911do isep=nmo,1,-1
912    if (MOtype(isep)==1) exit
913end do
914if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) write(*,"(' Note: The orbitals from',i6,' to',i6,' are alpha; from',i6,' to',i6,' are beta')") 1,isep,isep+1,nmo
915write(*,"(a)") " Input the range of the orbitals of present wavefunction to be considered, e.g. 2,9. &
916If press ENTER directly, all orbitals will be taken into account"
917read(*,"(a)") c80tmp
918if (c80tmp==" ") then
919    istart1=1
920    iend1=nmo
922    read(c80tmp,*) istart1,iend1
923end if
926write(*,*) "Input filename of the second wavefunction, e.g. c:\ltwd.fch"
927do while(.true.)
928    read(*,"(a)") filename2
929    inquire(file=filename2,exist=alive)
930    if (alive) exit
931    write(*,*) "Cannot find the file, input again"
932end do
933call dealloall
934call readinfile(filename2,1) !Get some knowledge about the second wavefunction
935nmo2=nmo !The number of MOs in the wfn2
937do isep=nmo2,1,-1
938    if (MOtype(isep)==1) exit
939end do
941if (iwfntype2==1.or.iwfntype2==4) write(*,"(' Note: The orbitals from',i6,' to',i6,' are alpha; from',i6,' to',i6,' are beta')") 1,isep,isep+1,nmo
942write(*,"(a)") " Input the range of the orbitals of the second wavefunction to be considered, e.g. 2,9. &
943If press ENTER directly, all orbitals will be taken into account"
944read(*,"(a)") c80tmp
945if (c80tmp==" ") then
946    istart2=1
947    iend2=nmo2
949    read(c80tmp,*) istart2,iend2
950end if
952call dealloall
953call readinfile(firstfilename,1)
957write(*,"(' Radial points:',i5,'    Angular points:',i5,'   Total:',i10,' per center')") radpot,sphpot,radpot*sphpot
958write(*,*) "Calculating, please wait..."
959call gen1cintgrid(gridatmorg,iradcut)
961call walltime(iwalltime1)
962CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
964do iatm=1,ncenter
965    write(*,"(' Progress: ',i5,' /',i5)") iatm,ncenter
966    gridatm%x=gridatmorg%x+a(iatm)%x !Move quadrature point to actual position in molecule
967    gridatm%y=gridatmorg%y+a(iatm)%y
968    gridatm%z=gridatmorg%z+a(iatm)%z
970    !Calculate value of all MOs of the first and second wavefunction at all grids
971    call dealloall
972    call readinfile(filename2,1) !Load wfn2
974!$OMP parallel do shared(MOvalgrd2) private(ipt) num_threads(nthreads) schedule(dynamic)
975    do ipt=1+iradcut*sphpot,radpot*sphpot
976        call orbderv(1,istart2,iend2,gridatm(ipt)%x,gridatm(ipt)%y,gridatm(ipt)%z,MOvalgrd2(ipt,:))
977    end do
978!$OMP end parallel do
979    call dealloall
980    call readinfile(firstfilename,1) !Retrieve to wfn1
982!$OMP parallel do shared(MOvalgrd) private(ipt) num_threads(nthreads) schedule(dynamic)
983    do ipt=1+iradcut*sphpot,radpot*sphpot
984        call orbderv(1,istart1,iend1,gridatm(ipt)%x,gridatm(ipt)%y,gridatm(ipt)%z,MOvalgrd(ipt,:))
985    end do
986!$OMP end parallel do
988    !Calculate Becke weight at all grids
989    call gen1cbeckewei(iatm,iradcut,gridatm,beckeweigrid)
992!$OMP parallel do shared(convmat) private(imo,jmo,tmpval,ipt) num_threads(nthreads) schedule(dynamic)
993    do imo=istart1,iend1
994        do jmo=istart2,iend2
995            tmpval=0D0
996            do ipt=1+iradcut*sphpot,radpot*sphpot
997                tmpval=tmpval+beckeweigrid(ipt)*gridatmorg(ipt)%value*MOvalgrd(ipt,imo)*MOvalgrd2(ipt,jmo)
998            end do
999            convmat(imo,jmo)=convmat(imo,jmo)+tmpval
1000        end do
1001    end do
1002!$OMP end parallel do
1003end do
1004CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
1005call walltime(iwalltime2)
1006write(*,"(' Calculation took up CPU time',f12.2,'s, wall clock time',i10,'s',/)") time_end-time_begin,iwalltime2-iwalltime1
1008! call showmatgau(convmat,"convmat",0,"f12.3")
1012! write(*,*) "The sum of composition of each orbital of current wavefunction"
1013if ((wfntype==0.or.wfntype==2).and.(iwfntype2==0.or.iwfntype2==2)) then !Both of the two wavefunctions are R or RO types
1014    do imo=istart1,iend1 !Check normalization
1015        totcomp=sum(convmat(imo,:)**2)*100D0
1016    !     write(*,"(i6,':',f12.5,' %')") imo,totcomp
1017        if (abs(totcomp-100D0)>devmax) then
1018            devmax=abs(totcomp-100D0)
1019            idevmax=imo
1020        end if
1021    end do
1022end if
1023write(*,"(' The maximum deviation to normalization condition is',f8.3,' % (Orbital',i6,')')") devmax,idevmax
1024write(*,"(a)") " Note: The first column below is the index of the orbitals in present wavefunction, the largest five contributions from &
1025the orbitals in the second wavefunction are shown at right side. If the dominative index is inconsistent to the first column, the row will be marked by asterisk"
1028do imo=istart1,iend1
1029    !Sort the composition array from small to large
1030    comparr(:)=convmat(imo,:)
1031    do itmp=1,nmo2
1032        comparridx(itmp)=itmp
1033    end do
1034    do i=istart2,iend2
1035        do j=i+1,iend2
1036            if (abs(comparr(i))>abs(comparr(j))) then
1037                temp=comparr(i)
1038                comparr(i)=comparr(j)
1039                comparr(j)=temp
1040                itemp=comparridx(i)
1041                comparridx(i)=comparridx(j)
1042                comparridx(j)=itemp
1043            end if
1044        end do
1045    end do
1046    if (comparridx(iend2)/=imo) then
1047        write(*,"('*',i5,':  ')",advance="no") imo
1048    else
1049        write(*,"(' ',i5,':  ')",advance="no") imo
1050    end if
1051    do i=iend2,iend2-4,-1
1052        write(*,"(i5,'(',f6.2,'%)')",advance="no") comparridx(i),comparr(i)**2*100D0
1053    end do
1054    write(*,*)
1055end do
1058do while(.true.)
1059    write(*,*) "Input the orbital index to print detail compositions and coefficients, e.g. 5"
1060    write(*,*) "input -1 can output all overlap integrals between the chosen orbitals"
1061    write(*,*) "Input 0 can exit"
1062    read(*,*) imo
1063    if (imo==0) then
1064        exit
1065    else if (imo==-1) then
1066        open(10,file="convmat.txt",status="replace")
1067        do i=istart1,iend1
1068            do j=istart2,iend2
1069                write(10,"(2i7,f12.6)") i,j,convmat(i,j)
1070            end do
1071        end do
1072        close(10)
1073        write(*,*) "The overlap integrals have been outputted to convmat.txt in current folder"
1074        write(*,"(a,/)") " The first and second columns correspond to the orbital indices in present and in the second wavefunctions"
1075    else if (imo<istart1.or.imo>iend1) then
1076        write(*,"(a,i6,a,i6)") "Error: Exceed valid range! The value should within",istart1," and",iend1
1077    else
1078        tmpval=0D0
1079        do jmo=istart2,iend2
1080            tmpval=tmpval+convmat(imo,jmo)**2*100D0
1081            write(*,"(i6,'   Contribution:',f10.3,' %    Coefficient:',f12.6)") jmo,convmat(imo,jmo)**2*100D0,convmat(imo,jmo)
1082        end do
1083        write(*,"(' Total:',f10.3,' %')") tmpval
1084        write(*,*)
1085    end if
1086end do
1088if (iautointgrid==1) then
1089    radpot=radpotold
1090    sphpot=sphpotold
1091end if
1092end subroutine
1098!!-------- Parse the output of (hyper)polarizability task of Gaussian to make it more understandable
1099subroutine parseGauPolar
1100use defvar
1101use util
1102implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1103real*8 dipole(3),poltens(3,3),hypoltens(3,3,3) !hypoltens2(3,3,3,3)
1104real*8 eigvecmat(3,3),eigval(3),freqval(100000)
1105character c200tmp*200,sepchar,c210tmp*210
1106character*20 :: form,formau="(a,f16.6)",formother="(a,1PE16.6)"
1107integer :: irdfreq=0,ides=6,iunit=1
1110write(*,*) "Note: This function only works for ""polar"" tasks of Gaussian 09 with #P"
1111do while(.true.)
1112    write(*,"(a,/)") " Select the type of your Gaussian task by option 1~6. 2,4,6 only give polarizability (alpha), &
1113    the others also give hyperpolarizability (beta). -1 can be chosen only if CPHF=RdFreq or polar=DCSHG is used"
1114    if (iunit==1) write(*,*) "-3 Set the unit in the output, current: a.u."
1115    if (iunit==2) write(*,*) "-3 Set the unit in the output, current: SI"
1116    if (iunit==3) write(*,*) "-3 Set the unit in the output, current: esu"
1117    if (ides==6) write(*,*) "-2 Set the output destination, current: Output to screen"
1118    if (ides==11) write(*,*) "-2 Set the output destination, current: polar.txt in current folder"
1119    if (irdfreq==1) write(*,*) "-1 Toggle if load frequency-dependent result for option 1, current: Yes"
1120    if (irdfreq==0) write(*,*) "-1 Toggle if load frequency-dependent result for option 1, current: No"
1121    write(*,*) "0 Return"
1122    write(*,*) "1 ""Polar"" + analytic 3-order deriv. (HF/DFT/Semi-empirical)"
1123    write(*,*) "2 ""Polar"" + analytic 2-order deriv. (MP2...)"
1124    write(*,*) "3 ""Polar=Cubic"" + analytic 2-order deriv."
1125    write(*,*) "4 ""Polar"" + analytic 1-order deriv. (CISD,QCISD,CCSD,MP3,MP4(SDQ)...)"
1126    write(*,*) "5 ""Polar=DoubleNumer"" or ""Polar=EnOnly"" + analytic 1-order deriv."
1127    write(*,*) "6 ""Polar"" + energy only (CCSD(T),QCISD(T),MP4(SDTQ),MP5...)"
1128    read(*,*) isel
1129    if (isel==-1) then
1130        if (irdfreq==1) then
1131            irdfreq=0
1132        else
1133            irdfreq=1
1134        end if
1135    else if (isel==-2) then
1136        write(*,*) "6: Output to screen"
1137        write(*,*) "11: Output to polar.txt in current folder"
1138        read(*,*) ides
1139    else if (isel==-3) then
1140        write(*,*) "1: Atomic unit"
1141        write(*,*) "2: SI unit (C^2*m^2/J for alpha, C^3*m^3/J for beta)"
1142        write(*,*) "3: esu"
1143        read(*,*) iunit
1144    else if (isel==0) then
1145        return
1146    else
1147        exit
1148    end if
1149end do
1150if (irdfreq==1.and.isel>=2) then
1151    write(*,*) "ERROR: Frequency-dependent values are only available for HF/DFT/semi-empirical!"
1152    return
1153end if
1156if (ides==11) open(ides,file="polar.txt",status="replace")
1158if (iunit==1) then
1159    write(ides,*) "Note: All units shown below are in a.u."
1160    form=formau
1161else if (iunit==2) then
1162    write(ides,*) "Note: All units shown below are in SI unit (C^2*m^2/J for alpha, C^3*m^3/J for beta)"
1163    form=formother
1164else if (iunit==3) then
1165    write(ides,*) "Note: All units shown below are in esu unit"
1166    form=formother
1167end if
1171! Dipole moment part (miu)
1172call loclabel(10,"Dipole moment (field-independent basis, Debye)",ifound)
1173if (ifound==1) then
1174    read(10,*)
1175    read(10,*) c200tmp,xtmp,c200tmp,ytmp,c200tmp,ztmp
1176    dipole(1)=xtmp/au2debye !Convert to a.u.
1177    dipole(2)=ytmp/au2debye
1178    dipole(3)=ztmp/au2debye
1179    if (iunit==2) dipole=dipole*8.47835D-30
1180    if (iunit==3) dipole=dipole*2.54175D-18
1181    dipnorm=dsqrt(sum(dipole**2))
1182    write(ides,*) "Dipole moment:"
1183    if (iunit==1) then
1184        write(ides,"(' X,Y,Z=',3f12.6,'   Norm=',f12.6)") dipole(:),dipnorm
1185    else
1186        write(ides,"(' X,Y,Z=',3(1PE15.6),'   Norm=',1PE15.6)") dipole(:),dipnorm
1187    end if
1188    write(ides,*)
1189end if
1191!Selecting the result at which frequency will be loaded
1192if (irdfreq==1) then
1193    nfreqval=0
1194    rewind(10)
1195    do while(.true.)
1196        call loclabel(10,"-- Alpha(-w,w) frequency",ifound,0) !Not rewind
1197        if (ifound==1) then
1198            read(10,"(46x,f12.6)") tmpval
1199            if ( any(freqval(1:nfreqval)==tmpval) ) exit !The output in stage 2 and stage 3 are identical, so determine if has entered stage 3
1200            nfreqval=nfreqval+1
1201            freqval(nfreqval)=tmpval
1202        else
1203            exit
1204        end if
1205    end do
1206    write(*,*) "Load which one? Input the index"
1207    do i=1,nfreqval
1208        if (freqval(i)>0) write(*,"(i8,'   w=',f12.6,' (',f12.2,'nm )')") i,freqval(i),1240.7011D0/(freqval(i)*au2eV)
1209        if (freqval(i)==0) write(*,"(i8,'   w=',f12.6,' (     Static    )')") i,freqval(i)
1210    end do
1211    read(*,*) ifreq
1212    if (freqval(ifreq)>0) write(*,"(' Note: All Alpha and Beta below correspond to w=',f12.6,' (',f12.2,'nm )',/)") freqval(ifreq),1240.7011D0/(freqval(ifreq)*au2eV)
1213    if (freqval(ifreq)==0) write(*,"(' Note: All Alpha and Beta below correspond to w=',f12.6,' ( Static )',/)") freqval(ifreq)
1214    rewind(10) !Move to the beginning
1215end if
1218!!!! Polarizability part (Alpha)
1219if (isel==1.or.isel==4.or.isel==5) then
1220    if (isel==1) then
1221        if (irdfreq==0) then
1222            call loclabel(10,"SCF Polarizability",ifound)
1223        else if (irdfreq==1) then
1224            do i=1,ifreq
1225                call loclabel(10,"SCF Polarizability",ifound,0) !Not rewind
1226                read(10,*)
1227            end do
1228            backspace(10)
1229        end if
1230    else if (isel==4.or.isel==5) then
1231        call loclabel(10,"Isotropic polarizability",ifound)
1232    end if
1233    call skiplines(10,2)
1234    read(10,*) rnouse,poltens(1,1)
1235    read(10,*) rnouse,poltens(2,1),poltens(2,2)
1236    read(10,*) rnouse,poltens(3,1),poltens(3,2),poltens(3,3)
1237else if (isel==2.or.isel==3) then
1238    call loclabel(10,"Exact polarizability")
1239    read(10,"(23x,6f8.3)") poltens(1,1),poltens(2,1),poltens(2,2),poltens(3,1),poltens(3,2),poltens(3,3)
1240else if (isel==6) then !Find result from archive part
1241    sepchar="\"
1242    if (isys==1) sepchar="|"
1243    do while(.true.)
1244        read(10,"(1x,a70)") c210tmp(1:70) !Combine two lines
1245        read(10,"(1x,a70)") c210tmp(71:140)
1246        read(10,"(1x,a70)") c210tmp(141:210)
1247        if (index(c210tmp(1:140),sepchar//"Polar=")/=0) exit
1248        backspace(10)
1249        backspace(10)
1250    end do
1251    do istart=1,204
1252        if (c210tmp(istart:istart+6)==sepchar//"Polar=") exit
1253    end do
1254    do iend=istart+1,210
1255        if (c210tmp(iend:iend)=="|".or.c200tmp(iend:iend)=="\") exit
1256    end do
1257    if (istart <= 204) then
1258        c210tmp(1:istart+6)=" " !Clean other information so that the data can be read in free format
1259    else
1260        c210tmp(1:210)=" " !Clean other information so that the data can be read in free format
1261        !0 is usually stderr
1262        write(0,*) "Wrong input! Please double check your Gaussian polar output!"
1263    endif
1264    c210tmp(iend:)=" "
1265    read(c210tmp,*) poltens(1,1),poltens(2,1),poltens(2,2),poltens(3,1),poltens(3,2),poltens(3,3)
1266end if
1270!Convert to other unit
1271if (iunit==2) poltens=poltens*1.6488D-41
1272if (iunit==3) poltens=poltens*1.4819D-25
1273if (irdfreq==0) write(ides,*) "Static polarizability:"
1274if (irdfreq==1) write(ides,*) "Frequency-dependent polarizability:"
1275write(ides,form) " XX=",poltens(1,1)
1276write(ides,form) " XY=",poltens(1,2)
1277write(ides,form) " YY=",poltens(2,2)
1278write(ides,form) " XZ=",poltens(1,3)
1279write(ides,form) " YZ=",poltens(2,3)
1280write(ides,form) " ZZ=",poltens(3,3)
1282write(ides,form) ' Isotropic average polarizability:',alphaiso
1283term1=(poltens(1,1)-poltens(2,2))**2 + (poltens(1,1)-poltens(3,3))**2 + (poltens(2,2)-poltens(3,3))**2
1286write(ides,form) ' Polarizability anisotropy (definition 1):',alphaani1
1288write(ides,form) ' Polarizability anisotropy (definition 2):',alphaani2
1289call diagmat(poltens,eigvecmat,eigval,300,1D-10)
1290call sortr8(eigval)
1291if (iunit==1) then
1292    write(ides,"(a,3f13.5)") ' Eigenvalues of polarizability tensor:',eigval
1294    write(ides,"(a,3(1PE13.5))") ' Eigenvalues of polarizability tensor:',eigval
1295end if
1297write(ides,form) ' Polarizability anisotropy (definition 3):',alphaani3
1301!!!! First hyperpolarizability part (Beta)
1302if (isel==1.or.isel==3.or.isel==5) then
1303    if (irdfreq==0) then
1304        if (isel==1) then
1305            call loclabel(10,"SCF Static Hyperpolarizability",ifound)
1306        else if (isel==3) then
1307            call loclabel(10,"Final packed hyperpolarizability",ifound)
1308        else if (isel==5) then
1309            call loclabel(10,"Static Hyperpolarizability",ifound)
1310        end if
1311        call skiplines(10,3)
1312        read(10,*) rnouse,hypoltens(1,1,1) !XXX
1313        call skiplines(10,2)
1314        read(10,*) rnouse,hypoltens(1,1,2) !XXY
1315        read(10,*) rnouse,hypoltens(1,2,2),hypoltens(2,2,2) !XYY,YYY
1316        call skiplines(10,2)
1317        read(10,*) rnouse,hypoltens(1,1,3) !XXZ
1318        read(10,*) rnouse,hypoltens(1,2,3),hypoltens(2,2,3) !XYZ,YYZ
1319        read(10,*) rnouse,hypoltens(1,3,3),hypoltens(2,3,3),hypoltens(3,3,3) !XZZ,YZZ,ZZZ
1320        !XYX=YXX    =XXY
1321        hypoltens(1,2,1)=hypoltens(1,1,2)
1322        hypoltens(2,1,1)=hypoltens(1,1,2)
1323        !YXY=YYX    =XYY
1324        hypoltens(2,1,2)=hypoltens(1,2,2)
1325        hypoltens(2,2,1)=hypoltens(1,2,2)
1326        !ZXX=XZX    =XXZ
1327        hypoltens(3,1,1)=hypoltens(1,1,3)
1328        hypoltens(1,3,1)=hypoltens(1,1,3)
1329        !XZY=YXZ=ZYX=YXZ=YZX   =XYZ
1330        hypoltens(1,3,2)=hypoltens(1,2,3)
1331        hypoltens(2,1,3)=hypoltens(1,2,3)
1332        hypoltens(3,2,1)=hypoltens(1,2,3)
1333        hypoltens(2,1,3)=hypoltens(1,2,3)
1334        hypoltens(2,3,1)=hypoltens(1,2,3)
1335        !ZYY=YZY    =YYZ
1336        hypoltens(3,2,2)=hypoltens(2,2,3)
1337        hypoltens(2,3,2)=hypoltens(2,2,3)
1338        !ZXZ,ZZX    =XZZ
1339        hypoltens(3,1,3)=hypoltens(1,3,3)
1340        hypoltens(3,3,1)=hypoltens(1,3,3)
1341        !ZYZ=ZZY    =YZZ
1342        hypoltens(3,2,3)=hypoltens(2,3,3)
1343        hypoltens(3,3,2)=hypoltens(2,3,3)
1344        write(ides,"(a,/)") " Note: It is well known that the sign of hyperpolarizability of Gaussian 09 should be multiplied by -1, the outputs below have already been corrected"
1345        hypoltens=-hypoltens
1346        !Convert to other unit
1347        if (iunit==2) hypoltens=hypoltens*3.20636D-53
1348        if (iunit==3) hypoltens=hypoltens*8.63922D-33
1349        write(ides,*) "Static first hyperpolarizability:"
1350        write(ides,form) " XXX=",hypoltens(1,1,1)
1351        write(ides,form) " XXY=",hypoltens(1,1,2)
1352        write(ides,form) " XYY=",hypoltens(1,2,2)
1353        write(ides,form) " YYY=",hypoltens(2,2,2)
1354        write(ides,form) " XXZ=",hypoltens(1,1,3)
1355        write(ides,form) " XYZ=",hypoltens(1,2,3)
1356        write(ides,form) " YYZ=",hypoltens(2,2,3)
1357        write(ides,form) " XZZ=",hypoltens(1,3,3)
1358        write(ides,form) " YZZ=",hypoltens(2,3,3)
1359        write(ides,form) " ZZZ=",hypoltens(3,3,3)
1360        write(ides,*)
1361        betaX=hypoltens(1,1,1)+hypoltens(1,2,2)+hypoltens(1,3,3)
1362        betaY=hypoltens(2,2,2)+hypoltens(2,1,1)+hypoltens(2,3,3)
1363        betaZ=hypoltens(3,3,3)+hypoltens(3,2,2)+hypoltens(3,1,1)
1364        if (iunit==1) then
1365            write(ides,"(' Beta_X=',f15.5,'  Beta_Y=',f15.5,'  Beta_Z=',f15.5)") betaX,betaY,betaZ
1366        else
1367            write(ides,"(' Beta_X=',1PE15.5,'  Beta_Y=',1PE15.5,'  Beta_Z=',1PE15.5)") betaX,betaY,betaZ
1368        end if
1369        write(ides,form) " Magnitude of first hyperpolarizability:",dsqrt(betaX**2+betaY**2+betaZ**2)
1370        betaprj=(betaX*dipole(1)+betaY*dipole(2)+betaZ*dipole(3))/dipnorm
1371        write(ides,form) " Projection of beta on dipole moment:",betaprj
1372        write(ides,form) " Beta ||     :",betaprj/5D0*3D0
1373        write(ides,form) " Beta ||(z)  :",betaZ/5D0*3D0
1374        write(ides,form) " Beta _|_(z) :",betaZ/5D0
1376        !---For easier inspection in special use
1377!         write(*,*)
1378!         write(*,*) "============="
1379!         write(ides,form) ' Isotropic average polarizability:',alphaiso
1380!         write(ides,form) ' Polarizability anisotropy (definition 2):',alphaani2
1381!         write(ides,form) " Magnitude of first hyperpolarizability:",dsqrt(betaX**2+betaY**2+betaZ**2)
1382!         write(ides,form) " Beta ||     :",betaprj/5D0*3D0
1383!         read(*,*)
1385    else if (irdfreq==1) then !Frequency-dependent hyperpolarizability, only available for HF/DFT/semi-empirical
1386        write(*,*) "Loading which type of hyperpolarizability?"
1387        write(*,*) "1: Beta(-w;w,0)   2: Beta(-2w;w,w)"
1388        write(*,*) "Note: Option 2 is meaningless if ""DCSHG"" keyword was not used"
1389        read(*,*) ibeta
1390        rewind(10)
1392        if (ibeta==1) then !Beta(-w;w,0) case
1393            call loclabel(10,"-- Beta(-w,w,0) frequency",ifound)
1394            do i=1,ifreq
1395                call loclabel(10,"-- Beta(-w,w,0) frequency",ifound,0)
1396                read(10,*)
1397            end do
1398            read(10,*)
1399            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(1,1,1)
1400            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,1,1)
1401            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,2,1)
1402            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,1,1)
1403            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,2,1)
1404            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,3,1)
1405            hypoltens(1,2,1)=hypoltens(2,1,1)
1406            hypoltens(1,3,1)=hypoltens(3,1,1)
1407            hypoltens(2,3,1)=hypoltens(3,2,1)
1408            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(1,1,2)
1409            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,1,2)
1410            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,2,2)
1411            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,1,2)
1412            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,2,2)
1413            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,3,2)
1414            hypoltens(1,2,2)=hypoltens(2,1,2)
1415            hypoltens(1,3,2)=hypoltens(3,1,2)
1416            hypoltens(2,3,2)=hypoltens(3,2,2)
1417            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(1,1,3)
1418            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,1,3)
1419            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,2,3)
1420            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,1,3)
1421            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,2,3)
1422            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,3,3)
1423            hypoltens(1,2,3)=hypoltens(2,1,3)
1424            hypoltens(1,3,3)=hypoltens(3,1,3)
1425            hypoltens(2,3,3)=hypoltens(3,2,3)
1426            write(ides,"(a,/)") " Note: It is well known that the sign of hyperpolarizability of Gaussian 09 should be multiplied by -1, the outputs below have already been corrected"
1427            hypoltens=-hypoltens
1428            !Convert to other unit
1429            if (iunit==2) hypoltens=hypoltens*3.20636D-53
1430            if (iunit==3) hypoltens=hypoltens*8.63922D-33
1431            write(ides,*) "Frequency-dependent first hyperpolarizability Beta(-w;w,0)"
1432            write(ides,form) " XXX=     ",hypoltens(1,1,1)
1433            write(ides,form) " XYX= YXX=",hypoltens(1,2,1)
1434            write(ides,form) " YYX=     ",hypoltens(2,2,1)
1435            write(ides,form) " XZX= ZXX=",hypoltens(1,3,1)
1436            write(ides,form) " YZX= ZYX=",hypoltens(2,3,1)
1437            write(ides,form) " ZZX=     ",hypoltens(3,3,1)
1438            write(ides,form) " XXY=     ",hypoltens(1,1,2)
1439            write(ides,form) " XYY= YXY=",hypoltens(1,2,2)
1440            write(ides,form) " YYY=     ",hypoltens(2,2,2)
1441            write(ides,form) " XZY= ZXY=",hypoltens(1,3,2)
1442            write(ides,form) " YZY= ZYY=",hypoltens(2,3,2)
1443            write(ides,form) " ZZY=     ",hypoltens(3,3,2)
1444            write(ides,form) " XXZ=     ",hypoltens(1,1,3)
1445            write(ides,form) " XYZ= YXZ=",hypoltens(1,2,3)
1446            write(ides,form) " YYZ=     ",hypoltens(2,2,3)
1447            write(ides,form) " XZZ= ZXZ=",hypoltens(1,3,3)
1448            write(ides,form) " YZZ= ZYZ=",hypoltens(2,3,3)
1449            write(ides,form) " ZZZ=     ",hypoltens(3,3,3)
1450            write(ides,*)
1452        else if (ibeta==2) then !used DCSHG, parsing Beta(-2w;w,w)
1453            call loclabel(10,"-- Beta(w,w,-2w) frequency",ifound)
1454            do i=1,ifreq
1455                call loclabel(10,"-- Beta(w,w,-2w) frequency",ifound,0)
1456                read(10,*)
1457            end do
1458            read(10,*)
1459            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(1,1,1)
1460            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(1,1,2)
1461            hypoltens(1,2,1)=hypoltens(1,1,2)
1462            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(1,2,2)
1463            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(1,1,3)
1464            hypoltens(1,3,1)=hypoltens(1,1,3)
1465            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(1,2,3)
1466            hypoltens(1,3,2)=hypoltens(1,2,3)
1467            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(1,3,3)
1468            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,1,1)
1469            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,2,1)
1470            hypoltens(2,1,2)=hypoltens(2,2,1)
1471            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,2,2)
1472            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,1,3)
1473            hypoltens(2,3,1)=hypoltens(2,1,3)
1474            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,2,3)
1475            hypoltens(2,3,2)=hypoltens(2,2,3)
1476            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(2,3,3)
1477            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,1,1)
1478            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,1,2)
1479            hypoltens(3,2,1)=hypoltens(3,1,2)
1480            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,2,2)
1481            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,1,3)
1482            hypoltens(3,3,1)=hypoltens(3,1,3)
1483            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,2,3)
1484            hypoltens(3,3,2)=hypoltens(3,2,3)
1485            read(10,*) c200tmp,hypoltens(3,3,3)
1486            write(ides,"(a,/)") " Note: It is well known that the sign of hyperpolarizability of Gaussian 09 should be multiplied by -1, the outputs below have already been corrected"
1487            hypoltens=-hypoltens
1488            !Convert to other unit
1489            if (iunit==2) hypoltens=hypoltens*3.20636D-53
1490            if (iunit==3) hypoltens=hypoltens*8.63922D-33
1491            if (ibeta==2) write(ides,*) "Frequency-dependent first hyperpolarizability Beta(-2w;w,w)"
1492            write(ides,form) " XXX=     ",hypoltens(1,1,1)
1493            write(ides,form) " YXX=     ",hypoltens(2,1,1)
1494            write(ides,form) " ZXX=     ",hypoltens(3,1,1)
1495            write(ides,form) " XYX= XXY=",hypoltens(1,2,1)
1496            write(ides,form) " YYX= YXY=",hypoltens(2,2,1)
1497            write(ides,form) " ZYX= ZXY=",hypoltens(3,2,1)
1498            write(ides,form) " XYY=     ",hypoltens(1,2,2)
1499            write(ides,form) " YYY=     ",hypoltens(2,2,2)
1500            write(ides,form) " ZYY=     ",hypoltens(3,2,2)
1501            write(ides,form) " XZX= XXZ=",hypoltens(1,3,1)
1502            write(ides,form) " YZX= YXZ=",hypoltens(2,3,1)
1503            write(ides,form) " ZZX= ZXZ=",hypoltens(3,3,1)
1504            write(ides,form) " XZY= XYZ=",hypoltens(1,3,2)
1505            write(ides,form) " YZY= YYZ=",hypoltens(2,3,2)
1506            write(ides,form) " ZZY= ZYZ=",hypoltens(3,3,2)
1507            write(ides,form) " XZZ=     ",hypoltens(1,3,3)
1508            write(ides,form) " YZZ=     ",hypoltens(2,3,3)
1509            write(ides,form) " ZZZ=     ",hypoltens(3,3,3)
1510            write(ides,*)
1511        end if
1513        betaX=0
1514        betaY=0
1515        betaZ=0
1516        do j=1,3
1517            betaX=betaX+(hypoltens(1,j,j)+hypoltens(j,j,1)+hypoltens(j,1,j))/3
1518            betaY=betaY+(hypoltens(2,j,j)+hypoltens(j,j,2)+hypoltens(j,2,j))/3
1519            betaZ=betaZ+(hypoltens(3,j,j)+hypoltens(j,j,3)+hypoltens(j,3,j))/3
1520        end do
1521        if (iunit==1) then
1522            write(ides,"(' Beta_X=',f15.5,'  Beta_Y=',f15.5,'  Beta_Z=',f15.5)") betaX,betaY,betaZ
1523        else
1524            write(ides,"(' Beta_X=',1PE15.5,'  Beta_Y=',1PE15.5,'  Beta_Z=',1PE15.5)") betaX,betaY,betaZ
1525        end if
1526        write(ides,form) " Magnitude of first hyperpolarizability:",dsqrt(betaX**2+betaY**2+betaZ**2)
1527        betaprj=(betaX*dipole(1)+betaY*dipole(2)+betaZ*dipole(3))/dipnorm
1528        write(ides,form) " Projection of beta on dipole moment:",betaprj
1529        write(ides,form) " Beta ||     :",betaprj*3D0/5D0
1530        write(ides,form) " Beta ||(z)  :",betaZ*3D0/5D0
1531        beta_per=0
1532        do j=1,3
1533            beta_per=beta_per+(2*hypoltens(3,j,j)+2*hypoltens(j,j,3)-3*hypoltens(j,3,j))/5
1534        end do
1535        write(ides,form) " Beta _|_(z) :",beta_per
1536        write(*,*)
1537    end if
1538end if
1541if (ides==11) close(ides)
1542end subroutine
1546!!--------- Sum-over-states (SOS) calculation for (hyper)polarizability
1547!Programmed based on the formulae in Sasagane et al. J. Chem. Phys., 99, 3738 (1993)
1548subroutine SOS
1549use defvar
1550use util
1551implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1552character transmodestr*80,c80tmp*80,c200tmp*80
1553character :: dirlab(3)=(/ "X","Y","Z" /)
1554real*8,allocatable :: trandip(:,:,:) !Transition dipole moment between i and j in X,Y,Z. 0 corresponds to ground state
1555real*8,allocatable :: excene(:) !Excitation energy
1556real*8 :: alpha(3,3),beta(3,3,3),gamma(3,3,3,3),delta(3,3,3,3,3)
1557real*8 eigval(3),eigvecmat(3,3),tmpw(5)
1558real*8,allocatable :: freqlist(:,:) !Store the frequency to be calculated for beta and gamma
1559integer tmpdir(5),arrb(6,3),arrg(24,4),arrd(120,5),dir1,dir2,dir3,dir4,dir5
1561write(*,*) "Loading data..."
1563call loclabel(10,"Gaussian",igauout)
1565if (igauout==1) then !Load excitation energies and <0|r|n>
1566    write(*,*) "This is a Gaussian output file"
1567    call loclabel(10,"Excitation energies and oscillator strengths:")
1568    read(10,*)
1569    nstates=0 !The number of transition modes
1570    do while(.true.)
1571        call loclabel(10,"Excited State",ifound,0)
1572        if (ifound==1) then
1573            nstates=nstates+1
1574            read(10,*)
1575        else
1576            exit
1577        end if
1578    end do
1579    allocate(trandip(0:nstates,0:nstates,3),excene(0:nstates))
1580    trandip=0
1581    excene=0
1582    call loclabel(10,"Ground to excited state transition electric dipole moments")
1583    read(10,*)
1584    read(10,*)
1585    do istat=1,nstates
1586        read(10,*) inouse,trandip(0,istat,:) !Transition dipole moment from ground state (0) to excited "istate"
1587    end do
1588    call loclabel(10,"Excitation Energies [eV] at current iteration:",ifound)
1589    if (ifound==1) then !Read the excitation energies shown in the last step of iteration process will be more accurate, but #P must be used
1590        ncyc=1
1591        do while(.true.) !Find the position of the last iteration
1592            call loclabel(10,"Excitation Energies [eV] at current iteration:",ifound,0)
1593            if (ifound==0) exit
1594            read(10,*)
1595            ncyc=ncyc+1
1596        end do
1597        rewind(10)
1598        do icyc=1,ncyc
1599            call loclabel(10,"Excitation Energies [eV] at current iteration:",ifound,0)
1600        end do
1601        read(10,*)
1602        do istat=1,nstates
1603            read(10,"(14x)",advance="no")
1604            read(10,*) excene(istat)
1605        end do
1606    else !Read excitation energies from normal output
1607        call loclabel(10,"Excitation energies and oscillator strengths:")
1608        do istat=1,nstates
1609            call loclabel(10,"Excited State",ifound,0)
1610            read(10,"(a)") transmodestr
1611            do i=10,70
1612                if (transmodestr(i:i+1)=="eV") exit
1613            end do
1614            read(transmodestr(i-10:i-1),*) excene(istat) !Read as eV
1615        end do
1616    end if
1617    call loclabel(10,"Dipole moment (field-independent basis, Debye)")
1618    read(10,*)
1619    read(10,*) c80tmp,xtmp,c80tmp,ytmp,c80tmp,ztmp
1620    trandip(0,0,1)=xtmp/au2debye
1621    trandip(0,0,2)=ytmp/au2debye
1622    trandip(0,0,3)=ztmp/au2debye
1623    ionlyalpha=1
1624else !Load excitation energies and all <m|r|n> from plain text file
1625    ionlyalpha=0
1626    read(10,*) nstates
1627    if (nstates<0) ionlyalpha=1 !Only calculate polarizability, not hyperpolarizability, so will not read transition dipole moments among excited states
1628    nstates=abs(nstates)
1629    allocate(trandip(0:nstates,0:nstates,3),excene(0:nstates))
1630    do i=1,nstates !Read as eV
1631        read(10,*) inouse,excene(i)
1632    end do
1633    do i=0,nstates !i-i corresponds to dipole moment of corresponding state
1634        do j=i,nstates
1635            read(10,*) inouse,inouse,trandip(i,j,:)
1636        end do
1637        if (ionlyalpha==1) exit
1638    end do
1639end if
1643!Transition dipole moments are loaded as upper trigonal matrix, now we convert it as symmetry matrix
1644do i=0,nstates
1645    do j=i+1,nstates
1646        trandip(j,i,:)=trandip(i,j,:)
1647    end do
1648end do
1650!! Output some information
1651! write(*,*) "  State#      Exc.ene.(a.u.)     Transition dipole moment in X,Y,Z (a.u.)"
1652! do istat=1,nstates
1653!     write(*,"(i8,f20.6,3f15.6)") istat,excene(istat),trandip(0,istat,:)
1654! end do
1655do istat=1,nstates
1656    write(*,"(' State',i6,'   Excitation energy:',f12.5,' a.u.',f14.6,' eV')") istat,excene(istat),excene(istat)*au2eV
1657end do
1658write(*,"(' There are',i6,' excited states')") nstates
1659write(*,"(' Dipole moment of ground state:'3f12.5,' a.u.')") trandip(0,0,:)
1660write(*,*) "NOTE: All units used in this function is a.u."
1661!Gaussian output file is impossible to provide <m|r|n>, even if alltransitiondensities is used for CIS, it doesn't output <m|r|m>
1662do while(.true.)
1664write(*,*) "0 Return"
1665write(*,*) "1 Calculate polarizability (alpha)"
1666if (ionlyalpha==0) write(*,*) "2 Calculate first hyperpolarizability (beta)"
1667if (ionlyalpha==0) write(*,*) "3 Calculate second hyperpolarizability (gamma)"
1668if (ionlyalpha==0) write(*,*) "4 Calculate third hyperpolarizability (delta)"
1669write(*,*) "5 Show the variation of alpha w.r.t. the number of states in consideration"
1670if (ionlyalpha==0) write(*,*) "6 Show the variation of beta w.r.t. the number of states in consideration"
1671if (ionlyalpha==0) write(*,*) "7 Show the variation of gamma w.r.t. the number of states in consideration"
1672write(*,*) "15 Calculate alpha in a range of frequencies"
1673if (ionlyalpha==0) write(*,*) "16 Calculate beta in a range of frequencies"
1674if (ionlyalpha==0) write(*,*) "17 Calculate gamma in a range of frequencies"
1675read(*,*) isel
1677if (isel==0) then
1678    return
1679else if (isel==1.or.isel==5.or.isel==15) then ! Calculate polarizability
1680    if (isel==1.or.isel==5) then
1681        write(*,*) "Input frequency of external field w for alpha(-w;w)"
1682        write(*,*) "e.g. 0.25"
1683        write(*,*) "Note: Negative value means using nm as unit, e.g. -693.5"
1684        read(*,*) freqbeg
1685        if (freqbeg<0) freqbeg=1240.7011D0/au2eV/abs(freqbeg)
1686        freqend=freqbeg
1687        freqstep=1
1688        if (freqbeg/=0) then
1689            wavlen=1240.7011D0/(freqbeg*au2eV)
1690            write(*,"(' Wavelength of w:',f12.3,' nm',/)") wavlen
1691        end if
1692    else if (isel==15) then
1693        write(*,*) "Input lower and upper limits as well as stepsize of w for alpha(-w;w)"
1694        write(*,*) "e.g. 0.2,0.5,0.01"
1695        read(*,*) freqbeg,freqend,freqstep
1696    end if
1698    if (isel==1) then
1699        istart=nstates
1700        iend=nstates
1701    else if (isel==5) then
1702        istart=1
1703        iend=nstates
1704        open(10,file="alpha_n.txt",status="replace")
1705    else if (isel==15) then
1706        istart=nstates
1707        iend=nstates
1708        open(10,file="alpha_w.txt",status="replace")
1709    end if
1711    write(*,*) "Please wait..."
1712    do numstat=istart,iend
1713    do freq=freqbeg,freqend,freqstep
1714        do idir=1,3
1715            do jdir=1,3
1716                tmpval=0
1717                do istat=1,numstat
1718                    tmpval1=trandip(0,istat,idir)*trandip(istat,0,jdir)/(excene(istat)-freq)
1719                    tmpval2=trandip(0,istat,jdir)*trandip(istat,0,idir)/(excene(istat)+freq)
1720                    tmpval=tmpval+tmpval1+tmpval2
1721                end do
1722                alpha(idir,jdir)=tmpval
1723            end do
1724        end do
1725        alphaiso=(alpha(1,1)+alpha(2,2)+alpha(3,3))/3D0
1726        term1=(alpha(1,1)-alpha(2,2))**2 + (alpha(1,1)-alpha(3,3))**2 + (alpha(2,2)-alpha(3,3))**2
1727        term2=6*(alpha(1,2)**2+alpha(1,3)**2+alpha(2,3)**2)
1728        alphaani1=dsqrt((term1+term2)/2D0)
1729        call diagmat(alpha,eigvecmat,eigval,300,1D-10)
1730        call sortr8(eigval)
1731        alphaani2=eigval(3)-(eigval(1)+eigval(2))/2D0
1733        if (isel==1) then
1734            write(*,*) "Polarizability tensor:"
1735            write(*,*) "             1              2              3"
1736            do idir=1,3
1737                write(*,"(i3,3f15.6)") idir,alpha(idir,:)
1738            end do
1739            write(*,"(' Isotropic average polarizability:',f15.6)") alphaiso
1740            write(*,"(' Polarizability anisotropy (definition 1):',f15.6)") alphaani1
1741            write(*,"(' Eigenvalues:',3f15.6)") eigval(:)
1742            write(*,"(' Polarizability anisotropy (definition 2):',f15.6)") alphaani2
1743        else if (isel==5) then
1744            write(10,"(i6,9f15.6)") numstat,alphaiso,alphaani1,alphaani2,alpha(1,1),alpha(2,2),alpha(3,3),alpha(1,2),alpha(1,3),alpha(2,3)
1745        else if (isel==15) then
1746            write(10,"(f12.6,9(1PE14.5))") freq,alphaiso,alphaani1,alphaani2,alpha(1,1),alpha(2,2),alpha(3,3),alpha(1,2),alpha(1,3),alpha(2,3)
1747        end if
1748    end do
1749    end do
1750    if (isel==5.or.isel==15) then
1751        close(10)
1752        if (isel==5) write(*,*) "Done! The result has been outputted to alpha_n.txt in current folder"
1753        if (isel==15) write(*,*) "Done! The result has been outputted to alpha_w.txt in current folder"
1754        write(*,*) "The correspondence between columns and information in this file is as follows"
1755        if (isel==5) write(*,*) "Column 1:  The number of states in consideration"
1756        if (isel==15)  write(*,*) "Column 1:  Frequency of external field"
1757        write(*,*) "Column 2:  Isotropic average polarizability"
1758        write(*,*) "Column 3:  Polarizability anisotropy (definition 1)"
1759        write(*,*) "Column 4:  Polarizability anisotropy (definition 2)"
1760        write(*,*) "Column 5:  XX"
1761        write(*,*) "Column 6:  YY"
1762        write(*,*) "Column 7:  ZZ"
1763        write(*,*) "Column 8:  XY"
1764        write(*,*) "Column 9:  XZ"
1765        write(*,*) "Column 10: YZ"
1766    end if
1768! Calculate first hyperpolarizability
1769else if (isel==2.or.isel==6.or.isel==16) then
1770    if (allocated(freqlist)) deallocate(freqlist)
1771    if (isel==2.or.isel==6) then
1772        nfreq=1
1773        allocate(freqlist(1,2))
1774        write(*,*) "Input frequency of external field w1 and w2 for beta(-(w1+w2);w1,w2)"
1775        write(*,*) "e.g. 0.25,0.13"
1776        write(*,*) "Note: Negative values mean using nm as unit, e.g. -693,0"
1777        read(*,*) freqlist(1,:)
1778        where(freqlist<0) freqlist=1240.7011D0/au2eV/abs(freqlist)
1779        if (freqlist(1,1)/=0) then
1780            wavlen1=1240.7011D0/(freqlist(1,1)*au2eV)
1781            write(*,"(' Wavelength of w1:',f12.3,' nm')") wavlen1
1782        end if
1783        if (freqlist(1,2)/=0) then
1784            wavlen2=1240.7011D0/(freqlist(1,2)*au2eV)
1785            write(*,"(' Wavelength of w2:',f12.3,' nm')") wavlen2
1786        end if
1787        write(*,*)
1788    else if (isel==16) then
1789        write(*,*) "Input the file recording frequency list, e.g. C:\freqlist.txt"
1790        write(*,"(a)") " The file should contain two columns, corresponding to frequency of w1 and w2 in a.u., respectively"
1791        do while(.true.)
1792            read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
1793            inquire(file=c200tmp,exist=alive)
1794            if (alive) exit
1795            write(*,*) "Cannot find the file, input again"
1796        end do
1797        open(10,file=c200tmp,status="old")
1798        nfreq=totlinenum(10,1)
1799        allocate(freqlist(nfreq,2))
1800        do ifreq=1,nfreq
1801            read(10,*) freqlist(ifreq,:)
1802        end do
1803        close(10)
1804        write(*,*) "The frequencies loaded:"
1805        do ifreq=1,nfreq
1806            write(*,"(' #',i5,'  w1=',f10.5,' a.u.',f10.3,' nm   w2=',f10.5' a.u.',f10.3,' nm')") &
1807            ifreq,freqlist(ifreq,1),1240.7011D0/(freqlist(ifreq,1)*au2eV),freqlist(ifreq,2),1240.7011D0/(freqlist(ifreq,2)*au2eV)
1808        end do
1809        write(*,*)
1810    end if
1812    if (isel==2) then
1813        istart=nstates
1814        iend=nstates
1815    else if (isel==6) then
1816        istart=1
1817        iend=nstates
1818        open(10,file="beta_n.txt",status="replace")
1819    else if (isel==16) then
1820        istart=nstates
1821        iend=nstates
1822        open(10,file="beta_w.txt",status="replace")
1823    end if
1825    write(*,*) "Please wait..."
1826    call fullarrange(arrb,6,3) !Generate full arrangement matrix (3!=6 :3) for beta, each row corresponds to one permutation, e.g. 231
1827    do numstat=istart,iend
1828    do ifreq=1,nfreq
1829        freq1=freqlist(ifreq,1)
1830        freq2=freqlist(ifreq,2)
1831        freqtot=freq1+freq2
1832        tmpw(1:3)=(/ -freqtot,freq1,freq2 /)
1833        do idir=1,3
1834            do jdir=1,3
1835                do kdir=1,3
1837                    tmpval=0
1838                    tmpdir(1:3)=(/ idir,jdir,kdir /)
1839                    do iper=1,6 !Do permutation, arrb(1,:)=1,2,3
1840                        dir1=tmpdir(arrb(iper,1))
1841                        dir2=tmpdir(arrb(iper,2))
1842                        dir3=tmpdir(arrb(iper,3))
1843                        w0=tmpw(arrb(iper,1))
1844                        w2=tmpw(arrb(iper,3))
1845                        do istat=1,numstat
1846                            do jstat=1,numstat
1847                                cen=trandip(istat,jstat,dir2)
1848                                if (istat==jstat) cen=cen-trandip(0,0,dir2)
1849                                tmpval=tmpval+trandip(0,istat,dir1)*cen*trandip(jstat,0,dir3)/(excene(istat)+w0)/(excene(jstat)-w2)
1850                            end do
1851                        end do
1852                    end do
1853                    beta(idir,jdir,kdir)=tmpval
1855                    !Below is the code manually considering each permutation, for teaching purpose, but foolish
1856!                     tmpval=0
1857!                     do istat=1,numstat
1858!                         do jstat=1,numstat
1859!                             ! Consider six permutations, i=-freqtot, j=freq1, k=freq2,  the denominator is (+1th),(-3th)
1860!                             ! 1_3
1861!                             ! ijk; -freqtot,-freq2
1862!                             ! ikj; -freqtot,-freq1
1863!                             ! jik; +freq1  ,-freq2
1864!                             ! jki; +freq1  ,+freqtot
1865!                             ! kij; +freq2  ,-freq1
1866!                             ! kji; +freq2  ,+freqtot
1867!                             t1c=trandip(istat,jstat,jdir)
1868!                             t2c=trandip(istat,jstat,kdir)
1869!                             t3c=trandip(istat,jstat,idir)
1870!                             t4c=trandip(istat,jstat,kdir)
1871!                             t5c=trandip(istat,jstat,idir)
1872!                             t6c=trandip(istat,jstat,jdir)
1873!                             if (istat==jstat) then
1874!                                 t1c=t1c-trandip(0,0,jdir)
1875!                                 t2c=t2c-trandip(0,0,kdir)
1876!                                 t3c=t3c-trandip(0,0,idir)
1877!                                 t4c=t4c-trandip(0,0,kdir)
1878!                                 t5c=t5c-trandip(0,0,idir)
1879!                                 t6c=t6c-trandip(0,0,jdir)
1880!                             end if
1881!                             t1=trandip(0,istat,idir)*t1c*trandip(jstat,0,kdir) /(excene(istat)-freqtot)/(excene(jstat)-freq2)
1882!                             t2=trandip(0,istat,idir)*t2c*trandip(jstat,0,jdir) /(excene(istat)-freqtot)/(excene(jstat)-freq1)
1883!                             t3=trandip(0,istat,jdir)*t3c*trandip(jstat,0,kdir) /(excene(istat)+freq1)  /(excene(jstat)-freq2)
1884!                             t4=trandip(0,istat,jdir)*t4c*trandip(jstat,0,idir) /(excene(istat)+freq1)  /(excene(jstat)+freqtot)
1885!                             t5=trandip(0,istat,kdir)*t5c*trandip(jstat,0,jdir) /(excene(istat)+freq2)  /(excene(jstat)-freq1)
1886!                             t6=trandip(0,istat,kdir)*t6c*trandip(jstat,0,idir) /(excene(istat)+freq2)  /(excene(jstat)+freqtot)
1887!                             tmpval=tmpval+t1+t2+t3+t4+t5+t6
1888!                         end do
1889!                     end do
1890!                     beta(idir,jdir,kdir)=tmpval
1891                end do
1892            end do
1893        end do
1895        betaX=0
1896        betaY=0
1897        betaZ=0
1898        do j=1,3
1899            betaX=betaX+(beta(1,j,j)+beta(j,j,1)+beta(j,1,j))/3
1900            betaY=betaY+(beta(2,j,j)+beta(j,j,2)+beta(j,2,j))/3
1901            betaZ=betaZ+(beta(3,j,j)+beta(j,j,3)+beta(j,3,j))/3
1902        end do
1903        betatot=dsqrt(betaX**2+betaY**2+betaZ**2)
1904        dipx=trandip(0,0,1)
1905        dipy=trandip(0,0,2)
1906        dipz=trandip(0,0,3)
1907        dipnorm=dsqrt(dipx**2+dipy**2+dipz**2)
1908        betaprj=(betaX*dipx+betaY*dipy+betaZ*dipz)/dipnorm
1909        beta_per=0
1910        do j=1,3
1911            beta_per=beta_per+(2*beta(3,j,j)+2*beta(j,j,3)-3*beta(j,3,j))/5
1912        end do
1914        if (isel==2) then
1915            write(*,*) "First hyperpolarizability tensor:"
1916            do jdir=1,3
1917                do kdir=1,3
1918                    do idir=1,3
1919                        write(*,"(2x,3a,'=',f17.5,2x)",advance="no") dirlab(idir),dirlab(jdir),dirlab(kdir),beta(idir,jdir,kdir)
1920                        if (idir==3) write(*,*)
1921                    end do
1922                end do
1923            end do
1924            write(*,"(/,' Beta_X:',f17.5,'  Beta_Y:',f17.5,'  Beta_Z:',f17.5)") betaX,betaY,betaZ
1925            write(*,"(a,f17.5)") " Magnitude of beta:",betatot
1926            write(*,"(a,f17.5)") " Projection of beta on dipole moment:",betaprj
1927            write(*,"(a,f17.5)") " Beta ||     :",betaprj*3D0/5D0
1928            write(*,"(a,f17.5)") " Beta ||(z)  :",betaZ*3D0/5D0
1929            write(*,"(a,f17.5)") " Beta _|_(z) :",beta_per
1930        else if (isel==6) then
1931            write(10,"(i6,8(1PE14.5))") numstat,betaX,betaY,betaZ,betatot,betaprj,betaprj*3D0/5D0,betaZ*3D0/5D0,beta_per
1932        else if (isel==16) then
1933            write(10,"(2f12.6,8(1PE14.5))") freq1,freq2,betaX,betaY,betaZ,betatot,betaprj,betaprj*3D0/5D0,betaZ*3D0/5D0,beta_per
1934        end if
1935    end do
1936    end do
1938    if (isel==6.or.isel==16) then
1939        close(10)
1940        if (isel==6) then
1941            write(*,*) "Done! The result has been outputted to beta_n.txt in current folder"
1942            write(*,*) "The correspondence between columns and information in this file is as follows"
1943            write(*,*) "Column 1:  The number of states in consideration"
1944            write(*,*) "Column 2:  Beta_X"
1945            write(*,*) "Column 3:  Beta_Y"
1946            write(*,*) "Column 4:  Beta_Z"
1947            write(*,*) "Column 5:  Magnitude of hyperpolarizability"
1948            write(*,*) "Column 6:  Hyperpolarizability component along dipole moment direction"
1949            write(*,*) "Column 7:  Beta ||"
1950            write(*,*) "Column 8:  Beta ||(z)"
1951            write(*,*) "Column 9:  Beta _|_(z)"
1952        else if (isel==16) then
1953            write(*,*) "Done! The result has been outputted to beta_w.txt in current folder"
1954            write(*,*) "The correspondence between columns and information in this file is as follows"
1955            write(*,*) "Column 1:  Frequency of the first external field (w1)"
1956            write(*,*) "Column 2:  Frequency of the second external field (w2)"
1957            write(*,*) "Column 3:  Beta_X"
1958            write(*,*) "Column 4:  Beta_Y"
1959            write(*,*) "Column 5:  Beta_Z"
1960            write(*,*) "Column 6:  Magnitude of hyperpolarizability"
1961            write(*,*) "Column 7:  Hyperpolarizability component along dipole moment direction"
1962            write(*,*) "Column 8:  Beta ||"
1963            write(*,*) "Column 9:  Beta ||(z)"
1964            write(*,*) "Column 10: Beta _|_(z)"
1965        end if
1966    end if
1968! Calculate second hyperpolarizability (gamma)
1969else if (isel==3.or.isel==7.or.isel==17) then
1970    if (allocated(freqlist)) deallocate(freqlist)
1971    if (isel==3.or.isel==7) then
1972        nfreq=1
1973        allocate(freqlist(1,3))
1974        write(*,*) "Input frequency of external fields w1, w2, w3 for gamma(-(w1+w2+w3);w1,w2,w3)"
1975        write(*,*) "e.g. 0.13,0.13,0"
1976        write(*,*) "Note: Negative values mean using nm as unit, e.g. -693,0,0"
1977        read(*,*) freqlist(1,:)
1978        where(freqlist<0) freqlist=1240.7011D0/au2eV/abs(freqlist)
1979        do i=1,3
1980            if (freqlist(1,i)/=0) then
1981                wavlen=1240.7011D0/(freqlist(1,i)*au2eV)
1982                write(*,"(' Wavelength of w',i1,':',f12.3,' nm')") i,wavlen
1983            end if
1984        end do
1985        write(*,*)
1986    else if (isel==17) then
1987        write(*,*) "Input the file recording frequency list, e.g. C:\freqlist.txt"
1988        write(*,"(a)") " The file should contain three columns, corresponding to frequency of w1, w2 and w3 in a.u., respectively"
1989        do while(.true.)
1990            read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
1991            inquire(file=c200tmp,exist=alive)
1992            if (alive) exit
1993            write(*,*) "Cannot find the file, input again"
1994        end do
1995        open(10,file=c200tmp,status="old")
1996        nfreq=totlinenum(10,1)
1997        allocate(freqlist(nfreq,3))
1998        do ifreq=1,nfreq
1999            read(10,*) freqlist(ifreq,:)
2000        end do
2001        close(10)
2002        write(*,*) "The frequencies loaded:"
2003        do ifreq=1,nfreq
2004            write(*,"(' #',i5,'   w1=',f10.5,' a.u.    w2=',f10.5,' a.u.    w3=',f10.5,' a.u.')") ifreq,freqlist(ifreq,:)
2005        end do
2006        write(*,*)
2007    end if
2009    if (isel==3.or.isel==17) then
2010        write(*,"(' Consider how many states? Should be <=',i6)") nstates
2011        read(*,*) istart
2012        iend=istart
2013        nstatstep=1
2014    else if (isel==7) then
2015        write(*,*) "Input upper limit and stepsize of the number of states"
2016        write(*,*) "e.g. 150,2"
2017        read(*,*) iend,nstatstep
2018        istart=1
2019        if (iend>nstates) iend=nstates
2020    end if
2021    if (isel==7) open(10,file="gamma_n.txt",status="replace")
2022    if (isel==17) open(10,file="gamma_w.txt",status="replace")
2024    write(*,*) "Please wait..."
2025    call walltime(iwalltime1)
2026    call fullarrange(arrg,24,4) !Generate full arrangement matrix (4!=24 :4) for gamma, each row corresponds to one permutation, e.g. 2341
2027!     do i=1,24
2028!         write(*,"(i4,4i1)") arrg(i,:)
2029!     end do
2030    iprog=0
2031    do numstat=istart,iend,nstatstep
2032    iprog=iprog+nstatstep
2033    if (isel==7) write(*,"(' Finished:',i5,' /',i5)") iprog,iend-istart+1
2034    do ifreq=1,nfreq
2035        freq1=freqlist(ifreq,1)
2036        freq2=freqlist(ifreq,2)
2037        freq3=freqlist(ifreq,3)
2038        freqtot=freq1+freq2+freq3
2039        tmpw(1:4)=(/ -freqtot,freq1,freq2,freq3 /)
2041        do idir=1,3 !Cycle direction component
2042            do jdir=1,3
2043                do kdir=1,3
2044                    do ldir=1,3
2046                        gamma1=0
2047                        gamma2=0
2048                        tmpdir(1:4)=(/ idir,jdir,kdir,ldir /)
2049                        do iper=1,24 !Do permutation, arrg(1,:)=1,2,3,4
2050                            dir1=tmpdir(arrg(iper,1))
2051                            dir2=tmpdir(arrg(iper,2))
2052                            dir3=tmpdir(arrg(iper,3))
2053                            dir4=tmpdir(arrg(iper,4))
2054                            w0=tmpw(arrg(iper,1))
2055                            w1=tmpw(arrg(iper,2))
2056                            w2=tmpw(arrg(iper,3))
2057                            w3=tmpw(arrg(iper,4))
2059!$OMP PARALLEL SHARED(gamma1,gamma2) PRIVATE(istat,jstat,kstat,t1c,t2c,p1,p2,g1t,g2t) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
2060                            g1t=0
2061                            g2t=0
2062!$OMP DO schedule(dynamic)
2063                            do istat=1,numstat
2064                                do jstat=1,numstat
2065                                    !Gamma 1
2066                                    do kstat=1,numstat
2067                                        t1c=trandip(istat,jstat,dir2)
2068                                        if (istat==jstat) t1c=t1c-trandip(0,0,dir2)
2069                                        t2c=trandip(jstat,kstat,dir3)
2070                                        if (jstat==kstat) t2c=t2c-trandip(0,0,dir3)
2071                                        p1=trandip(0,istat,dir1)*t1c*t2c*trandip(kstat,0,dir4)
2072                                        p2=(excene(istat)+w0)*(excene(jstat)-w2-w3)*(excene(kstat)-w3)
2073                                        g1t=g1t+p1/p2
2074                                    end do
2075                                    !Gamma 2
2076                                    p1=trandip(0,istat,dir1)*trandip(istat,0,dir2)*trandip(0,jstat,dir3)*trandip(jstat,0,dir4)
2077                                    p2=(excene(istat)+w0)*(excene(istat)-w1)*(excene(jstat)-w3) !(excene(jstat)-w3) can also be (excene(jstat)+w2), they are equivalent
2078                                    g2t=g2t+p1/p2
2079                                end do
2080                            end do
2081!$OMP END DO
2083                            gamma1=gamma1+g1t
2084                            gamma2=gamma2+g2t
2087                        end do
2088                        gamma(idir,jdir,kdir,ldir)=gamma1-gamma2
2090                    end do
2091                end do
2092            end do
2093        end do
2095        gammaX=0
2096        gammaY=0
2097        gammaZ=0
2098        do i=1,3
2099            gammaX=gammaX+gamma(1,i,i,1)+gamma(1,i,1,i)+gamma(1,1,i,i)
2100            gammaY=gammaY+gamma(2,i,i,2)+gamma(2,i,2,i)+gamma(2,2,i,i)
2101            gammaZ=gammaZ+gamma(3,i,i,3)+gamma(3,i,3,i)+gamma(3,3,i,i)
2102        end do
2103        gammaX=gammaX/15
2104        gammaY=gammaY/15
2105        gammaZ=gammaZ/15
2106        gammatot=dsqrt(gammaX**2+gammaY**2+gammaZ**2)
2107        gammaavg1=gammaX+gammaY+gammaZ
2108        gammaavg2=( gamma(1,1,1,1)+gamma(2,2,2,2)+gamma(3,3,3,3) + gamma(1,1,2,2)+gamma(1,1,3,3)+gamma(2,2,3,3) + gamma(2,2,1,1)+gamma(3,3,1,1)+gamma(3,3,2,2) )/5
2110        if (isel==3) then
2111            write(*,*) "Second hyperpolarizability tensor:"
2112            do jdir=1,3
2113                do kdir=1,3
2114                    do ldir=1,3
2115                        do idir=1,3
2116                            write(*,"(2x,4a,'=',1PE14.5,2x)",advance="no") dirlab(idir),dirlab(jdir),dirlab(kdir),dirlab(ldir),gamma(idir,jdir,kdir,ldir)
2117                            if (idir==3) write(*,*)
2118                        end do
2119                    end do
2120                end do
2121            end do
2122            write(*,"(/,' Gamma_X:',1PE14.5,'  Gamma_Y:',1PE14.5,'  Gamma_Z:',1PE14.5)") gammaX,gammaY,gammaZ
2123            write(*,"(a,1PE14.5)") " Magnitude of gamma:",gammatot
2124            write(*,"(a,1PE14.5)") " Average of gamma (definition 1):",gammaavg1
2125            write(*,"(a,1PE14.5)") " Average of gamma (definition 2):",gammaavg2
2126            write(*,*)
2127        else if (isel==7) then
2128            write(10,"(i6,6(1PE14.5))") numstat,gammaX,gammaY,gammaZ,gammatot,gammaavg1,gammaavg2
2129        else if (isel==17) then
2130            write(10,"(3f12.6,6(1PE14.5))") freq1,freq2,freq3,gammaX,gammaY,gammaZ,gammatot,gammaavg1,gammaavg2
2131        end if
2132    end do !end cycle freqlist
2133    end do !end cycle the number of states
2135    call walltime(iwalltime2)
2136    write(*,"(' Calculation took up wall clock time',i10,'s')") iwalltime2-iwalltime1
2137    if (isel==7.or.isel==17) then
2138        close(10)
2139        if (isel==7) then
2140            write(*,*) "Done! The result has been outputted to gamma_n.txt in current folder"
2141            write(*,*) "The correspondence between columns and information in this file is as follows"
2142            write(*,*) "Column 1:  The number of states in consideration"
2143            write(*,*) "Column 2:  Gamma_X"
2144            write(*,*) "Column 3:  Gamma_Y"
2145            write(*,*) "Column 4:  Gamma_Z"
2146            write(*,*) "Column 5:  Magnitude of gamma"
2147            write(*,*) "Column 6:  Average of gamma (definition 1)"
2148            write(*,*) "Column 7:  Average of gamma (definition 2)"
2149        else if (isel==17) then
2150            write(*,*) "Done! The result has been outputted to gamma_w.txt in current folder"
2151            write(*,*) "The correspondence between columns and information in this file is as follows"
2152            write(*,*) "Column 1:  Frequency of the first external field (w1)"
2153            write(*,*) "Column 2:  Frequency of the second external field (w2)"
2154            write(*,*) "Column 3:  Frequency of the third external field (w3)"
2155            write(*,*) "Column 4:  Gamma_X"
2156            write(*,*) "Column 5:  Gamma_Y"
2157            write(*,*) "Column 6:  Gamma_Z"
2158            write(*,*) "Column 7:  Magnitude of gamma"
2159            write(*,*) "Column 8:  Average of gamma (definition 1)"
2160            write(*,*) "Column 9:  Average of gamma (definition 2)"
2161        end if
2162    end if
2164! Calculate third hyperpolarizability
2165else if (isel==4) then
2166    write(*,*) "Input w1,w2,w3,w4 for delta(-(w1+w2+w3+w4);w1,w2,w3,w4)"
2167    write(*,*) "e.g. 0.13,0.13,0,-0.13"
2168    write(*,*) "Note: Negative values mean using nm as unit, e.g. -693,0,0"
2169    read(*,*) freq1,freq2,freq3,freq4
2170    if (freq1<0) freq1=1240.7011D0/au2eV/abs(freq1)
2171    if (freq2<0) freq2=1240.7011D0/au2eV/abs(freq2)
2172    if (freq3<0) freq3=1240.7011D0/au2eV/abs(freq3)
2173    if (freq4<0) freq4=1240.7011D0/au2eV/abs(freq4)
2174    freqtot=freq1+freq2+freq3+freq4
2175    tmpw(1:5)=(/ -freqtot,freq1,freq2,freq3,freq4 /)
2176    if (freq1/=0) then
2177        wavlen1=1240.7011D0/(freq1*au2eV)
2178        write(*,"(' Wavelength of w1:',f12.3,' nm')") wavlen1
2179    end if
2180    if (freq2/=0) then
2181        wavlen2=1240.7011D0/(freq2*au2eV)
2182        write(*,"(' Wavelength of w2:',f12.3,' nm')") wavlen2
2183    end if
2184    if (freq3/=0) then
2185        wavlen3=1240.7011D0/(freq3*au2eV)
2186        write(*,"(' Wavelength of w3:',f12.3,' nm')") wavlen3
2187    end if
2188    if (freq4/=0) then
2189        wavlen4=1240.7011D0/(freq4*au2eV)
2190        write(*,"(' Wavelength of w4:',f12.3,' nm')") wavlen4
2191    end if
2192    write(*,*)
2193    write(*,"(' Consider how many states? Should <=',i6)") nstates
2194    read(*,*) numstat
2196    write(*,*) "Please wait patiently..."
2197    call walltime(iwalltime1)
2198    call fullarrange(arrd,120,5) !Generate full arrangement matrix (4!=24 :4) for gamma, each row corresponds to one permutation, e.g. 2341
2199    iprog=0
2200    do idir=1,3 !Cycle direction component
2201        do jdir=1,3
2202            do kdir=1,3
2203                do ldir=1,3
2204                    iprog=iprog+1
2205                    write(*,"(' Finished:',i4,' /',i4)") iprog,81
2206                    do mdir=1,3
2208                        delta1=0
2209                        delta2=0
2210                        delta3=0
2211                        tmpdir(1:5)=(/ idir,jdir,kdir,ldir,mdir /)
2212                        do iper=1,120 !Do permutation, arrd(1,:)=1,2,3,4,5
2213                            dir1=tmpdir(arrd(iper,1))
2214                            dir2=tmpdir(arrd(iper,2))
2215                            dir3=tmpdir(arrd(iper,3))
2216                            dir4=tmpdir(arrd(iper,4))
2217                            dir5=tmpdir(arrd(iper,5))
2218                            w0=tmpw(arrd(iper,1))
2219                            w1=tmpw(arrd(iper,2))
2220                            w2=tmpw(arrd(iper,3))
2221                            w3=tmpw(arrd(iper,4))
2222                            w4=tmpw(arrd(iper,5))
2224!$OMP PARALLEL SHARED(delta1,delta2,delta3) PRIVATE(istat,jstat,kstat,lstat,t1c,t2c,t3c,p1,p2,p3,p4,d1t,d2t,d3t) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
2225                            d1t=0
2226                            d2t=0
2227                            d3t=0
2228!$OMP DO schedule(dynamic)
2229                            do istat=1,numstat
2230                                do jstat=1,numstat
2231                                    do kstat=1,numstat
2232                                        !Delta 1
2233                                        do lstat=1,numstat
2234                                            t1c=trandip(istat,jstat,dir2)
2235                                            if (istat==jstat) t1c=t1c-trandip(0,0,dir2)
2236                                            t2c=trandip(jstat,kstat,dir3)
2237                                            if (jstat==kstat) t2c=t2c-trandip(0,0,dir3)
2238                                            t3c=trandip(kstat,lstat,dir4)
2239                                            if (kstat==lstat) t3c=t3c-trandip(0,0,dir4)
2240                                            p1=trandip(0,istat,dir1)*t1c*t2c*t3c*trandip(lstat,0,dir5)
2241                                            p2=(excene(istat)+w0)*(excene(jstat)+w0+w1)*(excene(kstat)-w3-w4)*(excene(lstat)-w4)
2242                                            d1t=d1t+p1/p2
2243                                        end do
2244                                        !Delta 2
2245                                        t3c=trandip(jstat,kstat,dir4)
2246                                        if (jstat==kstat) t3c=t3c-trandip(0,0,dir4)
2247                                        p1=trandip(0,istat,dir1)*trandip(istat,0,dir2)*trandip(0,jstat,dir3)*t3c*trandip(kstat,0,dir5)
2248                                        p2=(excene(jstat)+w2)*(excene(kstat)-w4)
2249                                        p3=1/(excene(istat)+w0)+1/(excene(istat)-w1)
2250                                        p4=1/(excene(jstat)-w3-w4)+1/(excene(kstat)+w2+w3)
2251                                        d2t=d2t+p1/p2*p3*p4
2252                                        !Delta 3, p1 is identical to delta 2 counterpart
2253                                        p2=(excene(istat)+w0)*(excene(istat)-w1)
2254                                        p3=1/(excene(jstat)-w3-w4)/(excene(kstat)-w4)
2255                                        p4=1/(excene(jstat)+w2)/(excene(kstat)+w2+w3)
2256                                        d3t=d3t+p1/p2*(p3+p4)
2257                                    end do
2258                                end do
2259                            end do
2260!$OMP END DO
2262                            delta1=delta1+d1t
2263                            delta2=delta2+d2t
2264                            delta3=delta3+d3t
2267                        end do
2268                        delta(idir,jdir,kdir,ldir,mdir)=delta1-delta2/2-delta3/2
2270                    end do
2271                end do
2272            end do
2273        end do
2274    end do
2276    write(*,*)
2277    write(*,*) "Third hyperpolarizability tensor:"
2278    do jdir=1,3
2279        do kdir=1,3
2280            do ldir=1,3
2281                do mdir=1,3
2282                    do idir=1,3
2283                        write(*,"(2x,5a,'=',1PE14.5,2x)",advance="no") &
2284                        dirlab(idir),dirlab(jdir),dirlab(kdir),dirlab(ldir),dirlab(mdir),delta(idir,jdir,kdir,ldir,mdir)
2285                        if (idir==3) write(*,*)
2286                    end do
2287                end do
2288            end do
2289        end do
2290    end do
2291    call walltime(iwalltime2)
2292    write(*,"(' Calculation took up wall clock time',i10,'s')") iwalltime2-iwalltime1
2294end if
2295end do
2296end subroutine
2299!!---------- Calculate average bond length between two elements and average coordinate number
2300subroutine atmavgdist
2301use defvar
2302use util
2303implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2304character elesel1*2,elesel2*2,selectyn
2305if (all(a%name==a(1)%name)) then !Only contain one kind of atom
2306    elesel1=a(1)%name
2307    elesel2=a(1)%name
2309    write(*,*) "Input two elements for which their average bond length will be calculated"
2310    write(*,*) "For example, B,Al"
2311    read(*,*) elesel1,elesel2
2312    call lc2uc(elesel1(1:1))
2313    call uc2lc(elesel1(2:2))
2314    call lc2uc(elesel2(1:1))
2315    call uc2lc(elesel2(2:2))
2316end if
2317write(*,*) "Input distance cutoff in Angstrom, e.g. 3.2"
2318read(*,*) discrit
2321call gendistmat
2326do iatm=1,ncenter
2327    do jatm=iatm+1,ncenter
2328        if ((a(iatm)%name==elesel1.and.a(jatm)%name==elesel2).or.(a(jatm)%name==elesel1.and.a(iatm)%name==elesel2)) then
2329            dist=distmat(iatm,jatm)
2330            if (dist<=discrit) then
2331                iwithin=iwithin+1
2332                write(*,"(i6,'#   ',i6,'(',a')   --',i6,'(',a,')    Length:',f12.6,' Angstrom')") iwithin,iatm,a(iatm)%name,jatm,a(jatm)%name,dist*b2a
2333                avgdist=avgdist+dist
2334                if ((iatm==1.and.jatm==iatm+1).or.dist>distmax) then
2335                    distmax=dist
2336                    idistmax1=iatm
2337                    idistmax2=jatm
2338                end if
2339                if ((iatm==1.and.jatm==iatm+1).or.dist<distmin) then
2340                    distmin=dist
2341                    idistmin1=iatm
2342                    idistmin2=jatm
2343                end if
2344            end if
2345        end if
2346    end do
2347end do
2348if (iwithin>0) then
2349    avgdist=avgdist/iwithin
2350    write(*,"(' Average bond length between ',a,1x,a,' is',f12.6,' Angstrom')") elesel1,elesel2,avgdist*b2a
2351    write(*,"(' Minimum length is',f12.6,' Angstrom, between',i6,'(',a,') and',i6,'(',a,')')") distmin*b2a,idistmin1,elesel1,idistmin2,elesel2
2352    write(*,"(' Maximum length is',f12.6,' Angstrom, between',i6,'(',a,') and',i6,'(',a,')')") distmax*b2a,idistmax1,elesel1,idistmax2,elesel2
2354    write(*,*) "No bond that satisfied your criterion is found"
2355    return
2356end if
2358write(*,*) "If also calculate average coordinate number? (y/n)"
2359read(*,*) selectyn
2360if (selectyn=='y'.or.selectyn=='Y') then
2361    ncoordtot=0
2362    ntmp=0
2363    do iatm=1,ncenter
2364        if (a(iatm)%name/=elesel1) cycle
2365        ncoord=0
2366        do jatm=1,ncenter
2367            if (iatm==jatm.or.a(jatm)%name/=elesel2) cycle
2368            if (distmat(iatm,jatm)<=discrit) ncoord=ncoord+1
2369        end do
2370        write(*,"(' The coordinate number of',i6,'(',a,') due to ',a,' - ',a,' bond:',i5)") iatm,elesel1,elesel1,elesel2,ncoord
2371        ncoordtot=ncoordtot+ncoord
2372        ntmp=ntmp+1
2373    end do
2374    write(*,"(/,' The average coordinate number of ',a,' due to ',a,' - ',a,' bond:',f10.5)") elesel1,elesel1,elesel2,dfloat(ncoordtot)/ntmp
2375end if
2376end subroutine
2380!!!------- Calculate electric/magnetic/velocity... integral between orbitals
2381subroutine outorbint
2382use defvar
2383use util
2384implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2385real*8,allocatable :: GTFint(:),GTFvecint(:,:)
2386real*8 vecint(3),vecinttmp(3),intval
2387write(*,*) "Output which kind of integral between orbitals?"
2388write(*,*) "1: Electric dipole moment  2: Magnetic dipole moment  3: Velocity"
2389write(*,*) "4: Kinetic energy   5: Overlap"
2390read(*,*) itype
2391if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==1.or.wfntype==2) then
2392    write(*,*) "Output the integrals between which orbitals?"
2393    if (wfntype==0.or.wfntype==1.or.wfntype==2) then
2394        write(*,*) "1 Between all occupied orbitals"
2395        write(*,*) "2 Between all occupied and all unoccupied orbitals"
2396    end if
2397    write(*,*) "3 Between all orbitals"
2398    write(*,*) "4 Between the same orbitals"
2399    write(*,*) "5 Between specific range of orbitals"
2400    write(*,*) "6 Between two orbitals"
2401    read(*,*) irange
2402end if
2403if (irange==5) then
2404    write(*,*) "Input orbital range of the first index, e.g. 25,30"
2405    read(*,*) ibeg,iend
2406    write(*,*) "Input orbital range of the second index, e.g. 25,30"
2407    read(*,*) jbeg,jend
2408else if (irange==6) then
2409100    write(*,*) "Input index for the two orbitals, e.g. 144,340"
2410    write(*,*) "Input 0,0 can exit"
2411    read(*,*) iMOsel,jMOsel
2412    if (iMOsel==0.and.jMOsel==0) return
2413end if
2415call walltime(iwalltime1)
2418if (itype==1.or.itype==2.or.itype==3) then
2419    allocate(GTFvecint(3,nsize))
2421    allocate(GTFint(nsize))
2422end if
2423if (itype==1) then
2424    call genGTFDmat(GTFvecint,nsize)
2425else if (itype==2) then
2426    call genGTFMmat(GTFvecint,nsize) !Notice that this only generate lower triangular matrix, (i,j)=-(j,i)
2427else if (itype==3) then
2428    call genGTFVelmat(GTFvecint,nsize)
2429else if (itype==4) then
2430    call genGTFTmat(GTFint,nsize)
2431else if (itype==5) then
2432    call genGTFSmat(GTFint,nsize)
2433end if
2435if (irange/=6) open(10,file="orbint.txt",status="replace")
2436do imo=1,nmo
2437    do jmo=1,nmo
2438        if (irange==1) then
2439            if (MOocc(imo)==0D0.or.MOocc(jmo)==0D0) cycle
2440        else if (irange==2) then
2441            if (MOocc(imo)==0D0.or.MOocc(jmo)/=0D0) cycle
2442        else if (irange==4) then
2443            if (imo/=jmo) cycle
2444        else if (irange==5) then
2445            if (imo<ibeg.or.imo>iend.or.jmo<jbeg.or.jmo>jend) cycle
2446        else if (irange==6) then
2447            if (imo/=iMOsel.or.jmo/=jMOsel) cycle
2448        end if
2450        if (itype==1.or.itype==2.or.itype==3) then !Vector integral
2451            vecint=0D0
2453!$OMP PARALLEL SHARED(vecint) PRIVATE(iGTF,jGTF,ides,vecinttmp) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
2454            vecinttmp=0D0
2455!$OMP DO schedule(dynamic)
2456            do iGTF=1,nprims
2457                do jGTF=1,nprims
2458                    if (iGTF>=jGTF) then
2459                        ides=iGTF*(iGTF-1)/2+jGTF
2460                    else
2461                        ides=jGTF*(jGTF-1)/2+iGTF
2462                    end if
2463                    if ((itype==2.or.itype==3).and.iGTF>jGTF) then !Magnetic and velocity operators are Hermitean, so inverse sign
2464                        vecinttmp=vecinttmp-co(imo,iGTF)*co(jmo,jGTF)*GTFvecint(:,ides)
2465                    else
2466                        vecinttmp=vecinttmp+co(imo,iGTF)*co(jmo,jGTF)*GTFvecint(:,ides)
2467                    end if
2468                end do
2469            end do
2470!$OMP END DO
2472            vecint=vecint+vecinttmp
2475            if (irange==6) then
2476                write(*,"(' Result:',3f18.10)") vecint(:)
2477            else
2478                write(10,"(2i8,4x,3f18.10)") imo,jmo,vecint(:)
2479            end if
2480        else !Scalar integral
2481            intval=0D0
2482            do iGTF=1,nprims
2483                do jGTF=1,nprims
2484                    if (iGTF>=jGTF) then
2485                        ides=iGTF*(iGTF-1)/2+jGTF
2486                    else
2487                        ides=jGTF*(jGTF-1)/2+iGTF
2488                    end if
2489                    intval=intval+co(imo,iGTF)*co(jmo,jGTF)*GTFint(ides)
2490                end do
2491            end do
2492            if (irange==6) then
2493                write(*,"(' Result:',f18.10)") intval
2494            else
2495                write(10,"(2i8,4x,f18.10)") imo,jmo,intval
2496            end if
2497        end if
2498    end do
2499    if (irange/=6) write(*,"(' Finished',i7,' /',i7)") imo,nmo
2500end do
2501if (irange==6) then
2502    if (allocated(GTFvecint)) deallocate(GTFvecint)
2503    if (allocated(GTFint)) deallocate(GTFint)
2504    write(*,*)
2505    goto 100
2507    close(10)
2508    call walltime(iwalltime2)
2509    write(*,"(' Done! Calculation took up wall clock time',i10,'s',/)") iwalltime2-iwalltime1
2510    write(*,*) "The integrals has been outputted to orbint.txt in current folder"
2511    if (itype==1.or.itype==2.or.itype==3) then
2512        write(*,"(a)") " The first and the second columns correspond to orbital indices. The last three columns correspond to the integral in X/Y/Z (a.u.)"
2513    else
2514        write(*,"(a)") " The first and the second columns correspond to orbital indices. The last column corresponds to the integral value (a.u.)"
2515    end if
2516end if
2517end subroutine
2521!!----------- Calculate center, first and second moments of a real space function
2522subroutine funcmoment
2523use defvar
2524use util
2525use function
2526implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2527real*8 intval,moment1(3),moment2(3,3),moment2nuc(3,3),funcval(radpot*sphpot),beckeweigrid(radpot*sphpot),eigvecmat(3,3),eigval(3)
2528type(content) gridatm(radpot*sphpot),gridatmorg(radpot*sphpot)
2529character selectyn
2534do while(.true.)
2535    write(*,*) "0 Return"
2536    write(*,*) "1 Calculate the first and second moments of the function"
2537    write(*,*) "2 Calculate the center and integral of the function"
2538    write(*,"(a,i5)") " 3 Select the function to be studied, current:",ifunc
2539    write(*,"(a,3f11.5,' Ang')") " 4 Set the center for option 1, current:",cenx*b2a,ceny*b2a,cenz*b2a
2540    read(*,*) isel
2542    if (isel==0) then
2543        return
2544    else if (isel==3) then
2545        call selfunc_interface(ifunc)
2546        cycle
2547    else if (isel==4) then
2548        write(*,*) "Input X,Y,Z of the center in Angstrom, e.g. 2.0,0,1.5"
2549        read(*,*) cenx,ceny,cenz
2550        cenx=cenx/b2a !To Bohr
2551        ceny=ceny/b2a
2552        cenz=cenz/b2a
2553        cycle
2554    end if
2556    write(*,"(' Radial points:',i5,'    Angular points:',i5,'   Total:',i10,' per center')") radpot,sphpot,radpot*sphpot
2557    call gen1cintgrid(gridatmorg,iradcut)
2559    call walltime(iwalltime1)
2560    CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
2562    intval=0
2563    moment1=0
2564    moment2=0
2565    realcenx=0
2566    realceny=0
2567    realcenz=0
2568    do iatm=1,ncenter
2569        write(*,"(' Processing center',i6,'(',a2,')   /',i6)") iatm,a(iatm)%name,ncenter
2570        gridatm%x=gridatmorg%x+a(iatm)%x !Move quadrature point to actual position in molecule
2571        gridatm%y=gridatmorg%y+a(iatm)%y
2572        gridatm%z=gridatmorg%z+a(iatm)%z
2574!$OMP parallel do shared(funcval) private(i) num_threads(nthreads)
2575        do i=1+iradcut*sphpot,radpot*sphpot
2576            funcval(i)=calcfuncall(ifunc,gridatm(i)%x,gridatm(i)%y,gridatm(i)%z)
2577        end do
2578!$OMP end parallel do
2579        call gen1cbeckewei(iatm,iradcut,gridatm,beckeweigrid)
2580        do i=1+iradcut*sphpot,radpot*sphpot
2581            tmpval=funcval(i)*gridatmorg(i)%value*beckeweigrid(i)
2582            xtmp=gridatm(i)%x-cenx
2583            ytmp=gridatm(i)%y-ceny
2584            ztmp=gridatm(i)%z-cenz
2585            intval=intval+tmpval
2586            moment1(1)=moment1(1)+xtmp*tmpval
2587            moment1(2)=moment1(2)+ytmp*tmpval
2588            moment1(3)=moment1(3)+ztmp*tmpval
2589            moment2(1,1)=moment2(1,1)+xtmp*xtmp*tmpval
2590            moment2(2,2)=moment2(2,2)+ytmp*ytmp*tmpval
2591            moment2(3,3)=moment2(3,3)+ztmp*ztmp*tmpval
2592            moment2(1,2)=moment2(1,2)+xtmp*ytmp*tmpval
2593            moment2(2,3)=moment2(2,3)+ytmp*ztmp*tmpval
2594            moment2(1,3)=moment2(1,3)+xtmp*ztmp*tmpval
2595            realcenx=realcenx+gridatm(i)%x*tmpval
2596            realceny=realceny+gridatm(i)%y*tmpval
2597            realcenz=realcenz+gridatm(i)%z*tmpval
2598        end do
2599    end do
2600    CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
2601    call walltime(iwalltime2)
2602    write(*,"(' Calculation took up CPU time',f12.2,'s, wall clock time',i10,'s',/)") time_end-time_begin,iwalltime2-iwalltime1
2604    if (isel==1) then
2605        moment2(3,1)=moment2(1,3)
2606        moment2(2,1)=moment2(1,2)
2607        moment2(3,2)=moment2(2,3)
2608        write(*,*) "Note: All units below are in a.u."
2609        write(*,"(/,' Integral:',1PE16.8,/)") intval
2610        write(*,"(' The first moment:')")
2611        write(*,"(' X= ',1PE16.8,'   Y= ',1PE16.8,'   Z= ',1PE16.8)") moment1
2612        write(*,"(' Norm= ',1PE16.8,/)") sum(moment1**2)
2613        write(*,"(' The second moment:')")
2614        write(*,"(' XX=',1PE16.8,'   XY=',1PE16.8,'   XZ=',1PE16.8)") moment2(1,:)
2615        write(*,"(' YX=',1PE16.8,'   YY=',1PE16.8,'   YZ=',1PE16.8)") moment2(2,:)
2616        write(*,"(' ZX=',1PE16.8,'   ZY=',1PE16.8,'   ZZ=',1PE16.8)") moment2(3,:)
2618        call diagmat(moment2,eigvecmat,eigval,300,1D-10)
2619        call sortr8(eigval)
2620        write(*,"(a,3(1PE16.8))") ' Eigenvalues:',eigval
2621        write(*,"(' Anisotropy:',1PE16.8,/)") eigval(3)-(eigval(1)+eigval(2))/2D0
2622        write(*,"(' Radius of gyration:',1PE16.8,/)") dsqrt((moment2(1,1)+moment2(2,2)+moment2(3,3))/intval)
2624        if (ifunc==1) then
2625            moment2nuc=0
2626            do iatm=1,ncenter
2627                xtmp=a(iatm)%x-cenx
2628                ytmp=a(iatm)%y-ceny
2629                ztmp=a(iatm)%z-cenz
2630                tmpval=a(iatm)%charge
2631                moment2nuc(1,1)=moment2nuc(1,1)+xtmp*xtmp*tmpval
2632                moment2nuc(2,2)=moment2nuc(2,2)+ytmp*ytmp*tmpval
2633                moment2nuc(3,3)=moment2nuc(3,3)+ztmp*ztmp*tmpval
2634                moment2nuc(1,2)=moment2nuc(1,2)+xtmp*ytmp*tmpval
2635                moment2nuc(2,3)=moment2nuc(2,3)+ytmp*ztmp*tmpval
2636                moment2nuc(1,3)=moment2nuc(1,3)+xtmp*ztmp*tmpval
2637            end do
2638            moment2nuc(3,1)=moment2nuc(1,3)
2639            moment2nuc(2,1)=moment2nuc(1,2)
2640            moment2nuc(3,2)=moment2nuc(2,3)
2641            write(*,*)
2642            write(*,"(' The quadrupole moment of nuclear charges:')")
2643            write(*,"(' XX=',f16.8,'   XY=',f16.8,'   XZ=',f16.8)") moment2nuc(1,:)
2644            write(*,"(' YX=',f16.8,'   YY=',f16.8,'   YZ=',f16.8)") moment2nuc(2,:)
2645            write(*,"(' ZX=',f16.8,'   ZY=',f16.8,'   ZZ=',f16.8)") moment2nuc(3,:)
2646            write(*,*)
2647            write(*,"(' The quadrupole moment of the system:')")
2648            write(*,"(' XX=',f16.8,'   XY=',f16.8,'   XZ=',f16.8)") moment2nuc(1,:)-moment2(1,:)
2649            write(*,"(' YX=',f16.8,'   YY=',f16.8,'   YZ=',f16.8)") moment2nuc(2,:)-moment2(2,:)
2650            write(*,"(' ZX=',f16.8,'   ZY=',f16.8,'   ZZ=',f16.8)") moment2nuc(3,:)-moment2(3,:)
2651        end if
2653    else if (isel==2) then
2654        write(*,"(' Integral:',1PE16.8,/)") intval
2655        realcenx=realcenx/intval
2656        realceny=realceny/intval
2657        realcenz=realcenz/intval
2658        write(*,"(' The center of the function:')")
2659        write(*,"(' X=',f16.8,' Y=',f16.8,' Z=',f16.8,' Angstrom',/)") realcenx*b2a,realceny*b2a,realcenz*b2a
2660        write(*,*) "Use this center for succeeding calculations? (y/n)"
2661        read(*,*) selectyn
2662        if (selectyn=='y') then
2663            cenx=realcenx
2664            ceny=realceny
2665            cenz=realcenz
2666        end if
2667    end if
2668end do
2669end subroutine
2673!!----------- Calculate energy index (EI) or bond polarity index (BPI)
2674!!J. Phys. Chem., 94, 5602-5607 and J. Phys. Chem.,96, 157-164
2675subroutine calcEIBPI
2676use defvar
2677implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2678if (wfntype==3.or.wfntype==4) then
2679    write(*,*) "Error: Post-HF wavefunction is not supported yet!"
2680    return
2681end if
2683do i=1,ncenter
2684    if (int(a(i)%charge)/=a(i)%index) cycle !For the atom used ECP, skip it
2685    if (a(i)%index>2.and.a(i)%index<=10) ninnerele=ninnerele+2
2686    if (a(i)%index>10.and.a(i)%index<=18) ninnerele=ninnerele+10
2687    if (a(i)%index>18.and.a(i)%index<=36) ninnerele=ninnerele+18
2688    if (a(i)%index>36.and.a(i)%index<=54) ninnerele=ninnerele+36
2689    if (a(i)%index>54.and.a(i)%index<=86) ninnerele=ninnerele+54
2690    if (a(i)%index>86) ninnerele=ninnerele+86
2691end do
2692write(*,"(' The number of inner electrons is assumed to be',i5,/)") ninnerele
2693do while(.true.)
2694    write(*,*) "Calculate EI index for which atom? e.g. 5"
2695    write(*,*) "Input 0 can exit"
2696    read(*,*) iatm
2697    if (iatm==0) exit
2698    val1=0D0
2699    val2=0D0
2700    do imo=ninnerele/2+1,nbasis
2701        if (MOocc(imo)==0D0) exit
2702        compos=0
2703        do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
2704            compos=compos+CObasa(ibas,imo)**2
2705            do jbas=1,nbasis
2706                if (jbas==ibas) cycle
2707                compos=compos+CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,imo)*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
2708            end do
2709        end do
2710!         write(*,"(i5,3f12.6)") imo,MOocc(imo),MOene(imo),compos
2711        val1=val1+MOocc(imo)*MOene(imo)*compos
2712        val2=val2+MOocc(imo)*compos
2713    end do
2714    if (wfntype==1) then !beta part
2715        do imo=nbasis+ninnerele/2+1,nmo
2716            if (MOocc(imo)==0D0) exit
2717            compos=0
2718            do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
2719                compos=compos+CObasb(ibas,imo-nbasis)**2
2720                do jbas=1,nbasis
2721                    if (jbas==ibas) cycle
2722                    compos=compos+CObasb(ibas,imo-nbasis)*CObasb(jbas,imo-nbasis)*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
2723                end do
2724            end do
2725!             write(*,"(i5,3f12.6)") imo,MOocc(imo),MOene(imo),compos
2726            val1=val1+MOocc(imo)*MOene(imo)*compos
2727            val2=val2+MOocc(imo)*compos
2728        end do
2729    end if
2730    write(*,"(' The numerator:  ',f12.6,' a.u.')") val1
2731    write(*,"(' The denominator:',f12.6,' a.u.')") val2 !Corresponding to Mulliken occupation number of this atom in valence MOs
2732    write(*,"(' The EI index:   ',f12.6,' a.u.',/)") val1/val2
2733end do
2734end subroutine
2738!!--------- Calculate electronic coupling matrix element by FCD method
2739!FCDtest.fch :1-16,17-31,32-47
2740subroutine FCD
2741use defvar
2742use util
2743implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2744integer :: itranstype=1   !1=hole transfer, 2=electron transfer
2745integer :: iFCDorbtype=1   !For UHF, 1=alpha  2=beta
2746integer :: imethod=1  !1=FCD   2=GMH
2747integer,allocatable :: donor(:),bridge(:),acceptor(:),donorMO(:),bridgeMO(:),acceptorMO(:)
2748real*8 :: compthresFCD=0.89D0,miu1(3),miu2(3),miu12(3)
2749real*8 :: MOcomp(nbasis,3) !Composition of donor,bridge,acceptor in each MO
2750character c2000tmp*2000,c80tmp*80
2751if (wfntype/=0) then
2752    write(*,*) "Error: This module is only applicable to RHF/RKS wavefunction"
2753    return
2754end if
2762!For debug, GTG base stack example
2769do i=1,16
2770    donor(i)=i
2771    if (i/=16) bridge(i)=i+16
2772    acceptor(i)=i+31
2773end do
2777!For debug, GG base stack example
2778! ndonoratm=16
2779! nbridgeatm=0
2780! nacceptoratm=16
2781! allocate(donor(ndonoratm))
2782! allocate(bridge(nbridgeatm))
2783! allocate(acceptor(nacceptoratm))
2784! do i=1,16
2785!     donor(i)=i
2786!     acceptor(i)=i+16
2787! end do
2788! ndonorMO=1
2789! nbridgeMO=0
2790! nacceptorMO=1
2792write(*,*) "Citation of FCD method: J. Chem. Phys., 117, 5607 (2002)"
2793130 do while(.true.)
2794    write(*,*)
2795    write(*,*) "       ========== Fragment charge difference method (FCD) =========="
2796    if (itranstype==1) write(*,*) "-1 Show information of some highest occupied MOs"
2797    if (itranstype==2) write(*,*) "-1 Show information of some lowest unoccupied MOs"
2798    write(*,*) "0 Start calculation"
2799    write(*,"(a,i4)") " 1 Define donor fragment, number of atoms:",ndonoratm
2800    write(*,"(a,i4)") " 2 Define bridge fragment (if any), number of atoms:",nbridgeatm
2801    write(*,"(a,i4)") " 3 Define acceptor fragment, number of atoms:",nacceptoratm
2802    write(*,"(a,f5.1,a)") " 4 Set composition threshold for determining attribution, current:",compthresFCD*100,"%"
2803    write(*,"(a,3i2)") " 5 The number of MOs attributed to donor, bridge and acceptor, current:",ndonorMO,nbridgeMO,nacceptorMO
2804    if (itranstype==1) write(*,*) "6 Switch type of electron transfer, current: Hole transfer"
2805    if (itranstype==2) write(*,*) "6 Switch type of electron transfer, current: Electron transfer"
2806!     if (wfntype==1.and.iFCDorbtype==1) write(*,*) "7 Switch molecular orbital type, current: Alpha"
2807!     if (wfntype==1.and.iFCDorbtype==2) write(*,*) "7 Switch molecular orbital type, current: Beta"
2808    if (imethod==1) write(*,*) "8 Switch method between FCD and GMH, current: FCD"
2809    if (imethod==2) write(*,*) "8 Switch method between FCD and GMH, current: GMH"
2810    read(*,*) isel
2811    if (isel==-1) then
2812        if (itranstype==1) write(*,*) "Show how many highest occupied MOs? e.g. 30"
2813        if (itranstype==2) write(*,*) "Show how many lowest unoccupied MOs? e.g. 30"
2814        write(*,*) "If press ENTER directly, 50 MOs will be shown"
2815        read(*,"(a)") c80tmp
2816        if (c80tmp==" ") then
2817            nshowMO=50
2818        else
2819            read(c80tmp,*) nshowMO
2820        end if
2821        exit
2822    else if (isel==0) then
2823        if (ndonoratm==0.or.nacceptoratm==0) then
2824            write(*,*) "Error: You should define donor and acceptor first!"
2825            cycle
2826        end if
2827        exit
2828    else if (isel==1) then
2829        write(*,*) "Input the atom indices constituting the donor"
2830        write(*,*) "e.g. 1,3-5,9"
2831        read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
2832        if (allocated(donor)) deallocate(donor)
2833        call str2arr(c2000tmp,ndonoratm)
2834        allocate(donor(ndonoratm))
2835        call str2arr(c2000tmp,ndonoratm,donor)
2836        write(*,*) "Done!"
2837    else if (isel==2) then
2838        write(*,*) "Input the atom indices constituting the bridge"
2839        write(*,*) "e.g. 1,3-5,9"
2840        write(*,*) "(If directly press ENTER then bridge will not be defined)"
2841        read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
2842        if (c2000tmp==" ") then
2843            nbridgeatm=0
2844            cycle
2845        end if
2846        if (allocated(bridge)) deallocate(bridge)
2847        call str2arr(c2000tmp,nbridgeatm)
2848        allocate(bridge(nbridgeatm))
2849        call str2arr(c2000tmp,nbridgeatm,bridge)
2850        write(*,*) "Done!"
2851    else if (isel==3) then
2852        write(*,*) "Input the atom indices constituting the acceptor"
2853        write(*,*) "e.g. 1,3-5,9"
2854        read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
2855        if (allocated(acceptor)) deallocate(acceptor)
2856        call str2arr(c2000tmp,nacceptoratm)
2857        allocate(acceptor(nacceptoratm))
2858        call str2arr(c2000tmp,nacceptoratm,acceptor)
2859        write(*,*) "Done!"
2860    else if (isel==4) then
2861        write(*,*) "Input composition threshold (%), e.g. 89"
2862        read(*,*) compthresFCD
2863        compthresFCD=compthresFCD/100
2864    else if (isel==5) then
2865        write(*,*) "Input the number of MOs attributed to donor, bridge and acceptor, respectively"
2866        write(*,*) "e.g. 2,2,1"
2867        read(*,*) ndonorMO,nbridgeMO,nacceptorMO
2868    else if (isel==6) then
2869        if (itranstype==1) then
2870            itranstype=2
2871        else if (itranstype==2) then
2872            itranstype=1
2873        end if
2874    else if (isel==7) then
2875        if (iFCDorbtype==1) then
2876            iFCDorbtype=2
2877        else if (iFCDorbtype==2) then
2878            iFCDorbtype=1
2879        end if
2880    else if (isel==8) then
2881        if (imethod==1) then
2882            if (igenDbas==0) then !Haven't calculated dipole moment integral matrix
2883                write(*,"(a)") " Warning: To use GMH method, you should set ""igenDbas"" in settings.ini to 1, &
2884                and then restart Multiwfn, so that dipole moment integral matrix could be generated when loading file"
2885                write(*,"(a)") " Alternatively, now you can press ENTER to reload input file and meantime generate dipole moment integral matrix"
2886                read(*,*)
2887                call dealloall
2888                write(*,*) "Reloading input file..."
2889                igenDbas=1
2890                call readinfile(firstfilename,1)
2891            end if
2892            imethod=2
2893        else if (imethod==2) then
2894            imethod=1
2895        end if
2896    end if
2897end do
2901write(*,"(' HOMO is',i6)") iHOMO
2902write(*,"(' LUMO is',i6)") iLUMO
2904!Determine attribution of complex MOs
2905if (isel==-1) then
2906    write(*,*) "    MO   Energy(eV)    Donor(%)   Bridge(%)  Acceptor(%)"
2907    icount=0
2909    allocate(donorMO(ndonorMO),bridgeMO(nbridgeMO),acceptorMO(nacceptorMO))
2910end if
2915if (itranstype==1) then !hole transfer, use HOMO and below MOs
2916    iMOstart=iHOMO
2917    iMOend=1
2918    iMOstep=-1
2919else !electron transfer, use LUMO and above MOs
2920    iMOstart=iLUMO
2921    iMOend=nmo
2922    iMOstep=1
2923end if
2924do imo=iMOstart,iMOend,iMOstep
2925    compdonor=0
2926    do iatmidx=1,ndonoratm
2927        iatm=donor(iatmidx)
2928        do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
2929            do jbas=1,nbasis
2930                compdonor=compdonor+CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,imo)*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
2931            end do
2932        end do
2933    end do
2934    compbridge=0
2935    do iatmidx=1,nbridgeatm
2936        iatm=bridge(iatmidx)
2937        do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
2938            do jbas=1,nbasis
2939                compbridge=compbridge+CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,imo)*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
2940            end do
2941        end do
2942    end do
2943    compacceptor=0
2944    do iatmidx=1,nacceptoratm
2945        iatm=acceptor(iatmidx)
2946        do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
2947            do jbas=1,nbasis
2948                compacceptor=compacceptor+CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,imo)*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
2949            end do
2950        end do
2951    end do
2952    MOcomp(imo,1)=compdonor
2953    MOcomp(imo,2)=compbridge
2954    MOcomp(imo,3)=compacceptor
2955    if (isel==-1) then !Examine composition of some MOs
2956        write(*,"(i8,f10.3,3f12.2)") imo,MOene(imo)*au2eV,MOcomp(imo,:)*100
2957        icount=icount+1
2958        if (icount==nshowMO) exit !Show up to "nshowMO" MOs
2959        cycle
2960    end if
2961    if (idonor<=ndonorMO.and.compdonor>compthresFCD) then
2962        donorMO(idonor)=imo
2963        idonor=idonor+1
2964        write(*,"(' MO',i4,' (',f9.3,'eV) is attributed to donor with composition of',f5.1'%')") imo,MOene(imo)*au2eV,compdonor*100
2965    else if (iacceptor<=nacceptorMO.and.compacceptor>compthresFCD) then
2966        acceptorMO(iacceptor)=imo
2967        iacceptor=iacceptor+1
2968        write(*,"(' MO',i4,' (',f9.3,'eV) is attributed to acceptor with composition of',f5.1'%')") imo,MOene(imo)*au2eV,compacceptor*100
2969    else if (ibridge<=nbridgeMO.and.compbridge>compthresFCD) then
2970        bridgeMO(ibridge)=imo
2971        ibridge=ibridge+1
2972        write(*,"(' MO',i4,' (',f9.3,'eV) is attributed to bridge with composition of',f5.1'%')") imo,MOene(imo)*au2eV,compbridge*100
2973    end if
2974    if (idonor>ndonorMO.and.ibridge>nbridgeMO.and.iacceptor>nacceptorMO) exit
2975end do
2977if (isel==-1) goto 130
2980write(*,"(' Donor atoms:')")
2981write(*,"(15i5)") donor
2982if (nbridgeatm>0.and.nbridgeMO>0) then
2983    write(*,"(' Bridge atoms:')")
2984    write(*,"(15i5)") bridge
2985end if
2986write(*,"(' Acceptor atoms:')")
2987write(*,"(15i5)") acceptor
2991write(*,*) "             ======== Results between donor and acceptor ========"
2995do idx=1,ndonorMO
2996    imo=donorMO(idx)
2997    E1=MOene(imo)
2998    q1D=MOcomp(imo,1)
2999    q1A=MOcomp(imo,3)
3000    dq1=q1D-q1A
3001    do jdx=1,nacceptorMO
3002        jmo=acceptorMO(jdx)
3003        E2=MOene(jmo)
3004        enediff=abs(E2-E1) !Always take positive energy difference
3005        q2D=MOcomp(jmo,1)
3006        q2A=MOcomp(jmo,3)
3007        dq2=q2D-q2A
3008        q12_1=0
3009        write(*,"('                 **** MO',i4,' (donor) --- MO',i4,' (acceptor) ****')") imo,jmo
3010        write(*,"(' MO energy difference:',f12.4,' eV')") enediff*au2eV
3011        if (imethod==1) then
3012            do iatmidx=1,ndonoratm
3013                iatm=donor(iatmidx)
3014                do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
3015                    do jbas=1,nbasis
3016                        q12_1=q12_1+( CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,imo) )*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
3017                    end do
3018                end do
3019            end do
3020            q12_1=q12_1/2
3021            q12_2=0
3022            do iatmidx=1,nacceptoratm
3023                iatm=acceptor(iatmidx)
3024                do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
3025                    do jbas=1,nbasis
3026                        q12_2=q12_2+( CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,imo) )*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
3027                    end do
3028                end do
3029            end do
3030            q12_2=q12_2/2
3031            dq12=q12_1-q12_2
3032            H_DA=enediff*abs(dq12)/dsqrt((dq1-dq2)**2+4*dq12**2)
3033            write(*,"(' q1(donor):',f10.6,'   q1(acceptor):',f10.6,'   delta_q1:',f10.6)") q1D,q1A,dq1
3034            write(*,"(' q2(donor):',f10.6,'   q2(acceptor):',f10.6,'   delta_q2:',f10.6)") q2D,q2A,dq2
3035            write(*,"(' delta_q1 - delta_q2:',f10.6)") dq1-dq2
3036            write(*,"(' q12(donor):',f10.6,'  q12(acceptor):',f10.6,'  delta_q12:',f10.6)") q12_1,q12_2,dq12
3037        else if (imethod==2) then
3038            miu1=0
3039            miu2=0
3040            miu12=0
3041            do ibas=1,nbasis !Note that Dbas has already taken the negative sign of electron charge into account
3042                do jbas=1,nbasis
3043                    miu1(:)=miu1(:)+CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,imo)*Dbas(:,ibas,jbas)
3044                    miu2(:)=miu2(:)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)*Dbas(:,ibas,jbas)
3045                    miu12(:)=miu12(:)+( CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,imo) )*Dbas(:,ibas,jbas)
3046                end do
3047            end do
3048            miu12=miu12/2
3049            valmiu1=dsqrt(sum(miu1**2))
3050            valmiu2=dsqrt(sum(miu2**2))
3051            valmiu12=dsqrt(sum(miu12**2))
3052            write(*,"(' miu1 (X/Y/Z): ',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu1,valmiu1
3053            write(*,"(' miu2 (X/Y/Z): ',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu2,valmiu2
3054            write(*,"(' miu1-miu2 (X/Y/Z):',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu1-miu2,dsqrt(sum((miu1-miu2)**2))
3055            write(*,"(' miu12 (X/Y/Z):    ',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu12,valmiu12
3056            H_DA=enediff*valmiu12/dsqrt(sum((miu1-miu2)**2)+4*valmiu12**2)
3057        end if
3058        write(*,"(' H_DA:',f14.8,' eV')") H_DA*au2eV
3059        write(*,*)
3060        rmsH_DA=rmsH_DA+H_DA**2
3061        avgE_DA=avgE_DA+enediff
3062    end do
3063end do
3066write(*,"(' Average MO energy difference E_DA:',f14.8,'eV')") avgE_DA*au2eV
3067write(*,"(' Root mean square H_DA:',f14.8,'eV')") rmsH_DA*au2eV
3069if (nbridgeatm>0.and.nbridgeMO>0) then
3070    write(*,*)
3071    write(*,*)
3072    write(*,*) "             ======== Results between donor and bridge ========"
3073    write(*,*)
3074    rmsH_DB=0
3075    avgE_DB=0
3076    do idx=1,ndonorMO
3077        imo=donorMO(idx)
3078        E1=MOene(imo)
3079        q1D=MOcomp(imo,1)
3080        q1B=MOcomp(imo,2)
3081        dq1=q1D-q1B
3082        do jdx=1,nbridgeMO
3083            jmo=bridgeMO(jdx)
3084            E2=MOene(jmo)
3085            enediff=abs(E2-E1)  !Always take positive energy difference
3086            q2D=MOcomp(jmo,1)
3087            q2B=MOcomp(jmo,2)
3088            dq2=q2D-q2B
3089            q12_1=0
3090            write(*,"('                 **** MO',i4,' (donor) --- MO',i4,' (bridge) ****')") imo,jmo
3091            write(*,"(' MO energy difference:',f12.4,' eV')") enediff*au2eV
3092            if (imethod==1) then
3093                do iatmidx=1,ndonoratm
3094                    iatm=donor(iatmidx)
3095                    do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
3096                        do jbas=1,nbasis
3097                            q12_1=q12_1+( CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,imo) )*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
3098                        end do
3099                    end do
3100                end do
3101                q12_1=q12_1/2
3102                q12_2=0
3103                do iatmidx=1,nbridgeatm
3104                    iatm=bridge(iatmidx)
3105                    do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
3106                        do jbas=1,nbasis
3107                            q12_2=q12_2+( CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,imo) )*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
3108                        end do
3109                    end do
3110                end do
3111                q12_2=q12_2/2
3112                dq12=q12_1-q12_2
3113                H_DB=enediff*abs(dq12)/dsqrt((dq1-dq2)**2+4*dq12**2)
3114                write(*,"(' q1(donor):',f10.6,'   q1(bridge):',f10.6,'   delta_q1:',f10.6)") q1D,q1B,dq1
3115                write(*,"(' q2(donor):',f10.6,'   q2(bridge):',f10.6,'   delta_q2:',f10.6)") q2D,q2B,dq2
3116                write(*,"(' delta_q1 - delta_q2:',f10.6)") dq1-dq2
3117                write(*,"(' q12(donor):',f10.6,'  q12(bridge):',f10.6,'  delta_q12:',f10.6)") q12_1,q12_2,dq12
3118            else if (imethod==2) then
3119                miu1=0
3120                miu2=0
3121                miu12=0
3122                do ibas=1,nbasis !Note that Dbas has already taken the negative sign of electron charge into account
3123                    do jbas=1,nbasis
3124                        miu1(:)=miu1(:)+CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,imo)*Dbas(:,ibas,jbas)
3125                        miu2(:)=miu2(:)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)*Dbas(:,ibas,jbas)
3126                        miu12(:)=miu12(:)+( CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,imo) )*Dbas(:,ibas,jbas)
3127                    end do
3128                end do
3129                miu12=miu12/2
3130                valmiu1=dsqrt(sum(miu1**2))
3131                valmiu2=dsqrt(sum(miu2**2))
3132                valmiu12=dsqrt(sum(miu12**2))
3133                write(*,"(' miu1 (X/Y/Z): ',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu1,valmiu1
3134                write(*,"(' miu2 (X/Y/Z): ',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu2,valmiu2
3135                write(*,"(' miu1-miu2 (X/Y/Z):',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu1-miu2,dsqrt(sum((miu1-miu2)**2))
3136                write(*,"(' miu12 (X/Y/Z):    ',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu12,valmiu12
3137                H_DB=enediff*valmiu12/dsqrt(sum((miu1-miu2)**2)+4*valmiu12**2)
3138            end if
3139            write(*,"(' H_DB:',f14.8,' eV')") H_DB*au2eV
3140            write(*,*)
3141            rmsH_DB=rmsH_DB+H_DB**2
3142            avgE_DB=avgE_DB+enediff
3143        end do
3144    end do
3145    rmsH_DB=dsqrt(rmsH_DB/ndonorMO/nbridgeMO)
3146    avgE_DB=avgE_DB/(ndonorMO*nbridgeMO)
3147    write(*,"(' Average MO energy difference E_DB:',f14.8,'eV')") avgE_DB*au2eV
3148    write(*,"(' Root mean square H_DB:',f14.8,'eV')") rmsH_DB*au2eV
3150    write(*,*)
3151    write(*,*)
3152    write(*,*) "             ======== Results between bridge and acceptor ========"
3153    write(*,*)
3154    rmsH_BA=0
3155    avgE_BA=0
3156    do idx=1,nbridgeMO
3157        imo=bridgeMO(idx)
3158        E1=MOene(imo)
3159        q1B=MOcomp(imo,2)
3160        q1A=MOcomp(imo,3)
3161        dq1=q1B-q1A
3162        do jdx=1,nacceptorMO
3163            jmo=acceptorMO(jdx)
3164            E2=MOene(jmo)
3165            enediff=abs(E2-E1)   !Always take positive energy difference
3166            q2B=MOcomp(jmo,2)
3167            q2A=MOcomp(jmo,3)
3168            dq2=q2B-q2A
3169            q12_1=0
3170            write(*,"('                 **** MO',i4,' (bridge) --- MO',i4,' (acceptor) ****')") imo,jmo
3171            write(*,"(' MO energy difference:',f12.4,' eV')") enediff*au2eV
3172            if (imethod==1) then
3173                do iatmidx=1,nbridgeatm
3174                    iatm=bridge(iatmidx)
3175                    do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
3176                        do jbas=1,nbasis
3177                            q12_1=q12_1+( CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,imo) )*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
3178                        end do
3179                    end do
3180                end do
3181                q12_1=q12_1/2
3182                q12_2=0
3183                do iatmidx=1,nacceptoratm
3184                    iatm=acceptor(iatmidx)
3185                    do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
3186                        do jbas=1,nbasis
3187                            q12_2=q12_2+( CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,imo) )*Sbas(ibas,jbas)
3188                        end do
3189                    end do
3190                end do
3191                q12_2=q12_2/2
3192                dq12=q12_1-q12_2
3193                H_BA=enediff*abs(dq12)/dsqrt((dq1-dq2)**2+4*dq12**2)
3194                write(*,"(' q1(bridge):',f10.6,'   q1(acceptor):',f10.6,'   delta_q1:',f10.6)") q1D,q1A,dq1
3195                write(*,"(' q2(bridge):',f10.6,'   q2(acceptor):',f10.6,'   delta_q2:',f10.6)") q2D,q2A,dq2
3196                write(*,"(' delta_q1 - delta_q2:',f10.6)") dq1-dq2
3197                write(*,"(' q12(bridge):',f10.6,'  q12(acceptor):',f10.6,'  delta_q12:',f10.6)") q12_1,q12_2,dq12
3198            else if (imethod==2) then
3199                miu1=0
3200                miu2=0
3201                miu12=0
3202                do ibas=1,nbasis !Note that Dbas has already taken the negative sign of electron charge into account
3203                    do jbas=1,nbasis
3204                        miu1(:)=miu1(:)+CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,imo)*Dbas(:,ibas,jbas)
3205                        miu2(:)=miu2(:)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)*Dbas(:,ibas,jbas)
3206                        miu12(:)=miu12(:)+( CObasa(ibas,imo)*CObasa(jbas,jmo)+CObasa(ibas,jmo)*CObasa(jbas,imo) )*Dbas(:,ibas,jbas)
3207                    end do
3208                end do
3209                miu12=miu12/2
3210                valmiu1=dsqrt(sum(miu1**2))
3211                valmiu2=dsqrt(sum(miu2**2))
3212                valmiu12=dsqrt(sum(miu12**2))
3213                write(*,"(' miu1 (X/Y/Z): ',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu1,valmiu1
3214                write(*,"(' miu2 (X/Y/Z): ',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu2,valmiu2
3215                write(*,"(' miu1-miu2 (X/Y/Z):',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu1-miu2,dsqrt(sum((miu1-miu2)**2))
3216                write(*,"(' miu12 (X/Y/Z):    ',3f11.6,'   Norm:',f11.6,' a.u.')") miu12,valmiu12
3217                H_BA=enediff*valmiu12/dsqrt(sum((miu1-miu2)**2)+4*valmiu12**2)
3218            end if
3219            write(*,"(' H_BA:',f14.8,' eV')") H_BA*au2eV
3220            write(*,*)
3221            rmsH_BA=rmsH_BA+H_BA**2
3222            avgE_BA=avgE_BA+enediff
3223        end do
3224    end do
3225    rmsH_BA=dsqrt(rmsH_BA/nbridgeMO/nacceptorMO)
3226    avgE_BA=avgE_BA/(nbridgeMO*nacceptorMO)
3227    write(*,"(' Average MO energy difference E_BA:',f14.8,'eV')") avgE_BA*au2eV
3228    write(*,"(' Root mean square H_BA:',f14.8,'eV')") rmsH_BA*au2eV
3229    write(*,*)
3230!     write(*,*) "                       ======== Final result ========"
3231!     write(*,*)
3232!     H_SE=rmsH_DB*rmsH_BA/(avgE_DA-avgE_DB/2)
3233!     write(*,"(' H_SE (Superexchange):   ',f14.8,'eV')") H_SE
3234!     H_DBA=rmsH_DA+H_SE
3235!     write(*,"(' H_DBA (H_DA via bridge):',f14.8,'eV')") H_DBA
3236end if
3240goto 130
3241end subroutine
3245!---------- Perform Pipek-Mezey orbital localization
3246!The algorithm can be found in J. Comput. Chem., 14, 736 (1993)
3247!Performing E2 analysis based on LMO oribtal is not appropriate, the non-diagonal elements of Fock matrix are almost zero, &
3248!this phenonmenon can also be seen in NLMO Fock matrix ($NBO FNLMO $END). This is because we don't allow mixure between occupied and unoccupied MOs
3250!The final wavefunction can be exported as .fch, I don't select .molden because it doesn't record atomic charge, this will be problematic when ECP is used
3251subroutine pipek_mezey
3252use defvar
3253use util
3254implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3255integer :: maxcyc=80,ireload=1,idoene=0,domark(4)
3256real*8 :: arrayi(nbasis),arrayj(nbasis),crit=1D-4,tmpbasarr(nbasis),tmpprimarr(nprims)
3257real*8,pointer :: Cmat(:,:)
3258real*8,allocatable :: FmatA(:,:),FmatB(:,:),FLMOA(:,:),FLMOB(:,:)
3259character c200tmp*200,typestr*4
3260if (wfntype==2.or.wfntype==3.or.wfntype==4) then
3261    write(*,*) "Error: This function only works for restricted or unrestricted SCF wavefunction!"
3262    write(*,*) "Press ENTER to return"
3263    read(*,*)
3264    return
3265end if
3266if (.not.allocated(CObasa)) then
3267    write(*,*) "Error: Basis function information was not provided by your input file!"
3268    write(*,*) "Press ENTER to return"
3269    read(*,*)
3270    return
3271end if
3273do while(.true.)
3274    if (idoene==1) write(*,*) "-4 If calculate and print orbital energies, current: Yes"
3275    if (idoene==0) write(*,*) "-4 If calculate and print orbital energies, current: No"
3276    if (ireload==1) write(*,*) "-3 If finally reload newly generated .fch file, current: Yes"
3277    if (ireload==0) write(*,*) "-3 If finally reload newly generated .fch file, current: No"
3278    write(*,"(a,f12.8)") " -2 Set criterion of convergence, current:",crit
3279    write(*,"(a,i4)") " -1 Set maximum cycles, current:",maxcyc
3280    write(*,*) "0 Return"
3281    write(*,*) "1 Localizing occupied orbitals only"
3282    write(*,*) "2 Localizing both occupied and unoccupied orbitals separately"
3283    read(*,*) isel
3284    if (isel==0) then
3285        return
3286    else if (isel==-1) then
3287        write(*,*) "Input maximum cycles, e.g. 30"
3288        read(*,*) maxcyc
3289    else if (isel==-2) then
3290        write(*,*) "Input criterion of convergence, e.g. 0.0001"
3291        read(*,*) crit
3292    else if (isel==-3) then
3293        if (ireload==1) then
3294            ireload=0
3295        else if (ireload==0) then
3296            ireload=1
3297        end if
3298    else if (isel==-4) then
3299        if (idoene==1) then
3300            idoene=0
3301        else if (idoene==0) then
3302            write(*,"(a)") " Input the file recording Fock matrix in original basis functions in lower triangular form, e.g. C:\fock.txt"
3303            read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
3304            inquire(file=c200tmp,exist=alive)
3305            if (alive.eqv. .false.) then
3306                write(*,*) "Error: Unable to find this file!"
3307                cycle
3308            end if
3309            open(10,file=c200tmp,status="old")
3310            if (.not.allocated(FmatA)) allocate(FmatA(nbasis,nbasis))
3311            read(10,*) ((FmatA(i,j),j=1,i),i=1,nbasis)
3312            do i=1,nbasis !Fill upper triangular part
3313                 do j=i+1,nbasis
3314                     FmatA(i,j)=FmatA(j,i)
3315                 end do
3316            end do
3317            if (wfntype==1) then
3318                if (.not.allocated(FmatB)) allocate(FmatB(nbasis,nbasis))
3319                read(10,*) ((FmatB(i,j),j=1,i),i=1,nbasis)
3320                do i=1,nbasis
3321                     do j=i+1,nbasis
3322                         FmatB(i,j)=FmatB(j,i)
3323                     end do
3324                end do
3325            end if
3326            close(10)
3327            write(*,*) "Fock matrix loaded successfully!"
3328            write(*,*)
3329            idoene=1
3330        end if
3331    else if (isel==1.or.isel==2) then
3332        exit
3333    end if
3334end do
3336call walltime(iwalltime1)
3337CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
3340if (wfntype==0) then
3341    domark(1)=1
3342    if (isel==2) domark(2)=1
3343else if (wfntype==1) then
3344    domark(1)=1
3345    domark(3)=1
3346    if (isel==2) domark=1
3347end if
3350do itime=1,4
3351    if (domark(itime)==0) cycle
3352    if (itime<=2) then
3353        Cmat=>CObasa
3354    else
3355        Cmat=>CObasb
3356    end if
3357    if (itime==1) then
3358        nmobeg=1
3359        nmoend=naelec
3360    else if (itime==2) then
3361        nmobeg=naelec+1
3362        nmoend=nbasis
3363    else if (itime==3) then
3364        nmobeg=1
3365        nmoend=nbelec
3366    else if (itime==4) then
3367        nmobeg=nbelec+1
3368        nmoend=nbasis
3369    end if
3371    if (wfntype==0) then
3372        if (itime==1) write(*,"(/,a)") " Localizing occupied orbitals..."
3373        if (itime==2) write(*,"(/,a)") " Localizing unoccupied orbitals..."
3374    else if (wfntype==1) then
3375        if (itime==1) write(*,"(/,a)") " Localizing alpha occupied orbitals..."
3376        if (itime==2) write(*,"(/,a)") " Localizing alpha unoccupied orbitals..."
3377        if (itime==3) write(*,"(/,a)") " Localizing beta occupied orbitals..."
3378        if (itime==4) write(*,"(/,a)") " Localizing beta unoccupied orbitals..."
3379    end if
3381    Pvalold=0
3382    do icyc=1,maxcyc
3383        do imo=nmobeg,nmoend-1
3384            do jmo=imo+1,nmoend
3385                Aval=0
3386                Bval=0
3388!$OMP parallel shared(Aval,Bval) private(Avalpriv,Bvalpriv,Qij,Qii,Qjj) num_threads(nthreads)
3389                Avalpriv=0
3390                Bvalpriv=0
3391!$OMP do schedule(DYNAMIC)
3392                do iatm=1,ncenter
3393                    Qij=Qval(Cmat,imo,jmo,iatm)
3394                    Qii=Qval(Cmat,imo,imo,iatm)
3395                    Qjj=Qval(Cmat,jmo,jmo,iatm)
3396                    Avalpriv=Avalpriv+( Qij**2-(Qii-Qjj)**2/4D0 )
3397                    Bvalpriv=Bvalpriv+( Qij*(Qii-Qjj) )
3398                end do
3399!$OMP END DO
3401                Aval=Aval+Avalpriv
3402                Bval=Bval+Bvalpriv
3405                if (Aval==0.and.Bval==0) cycle
3406                gamma=sign(1D0,Bval)*acos(-Aval/dsqrt(Aval**2+Bval**2))/4D0
3407                arrayi=cos(gamma)*Cmat(:,imo)+sin(gamma)*Cmat(:,jmo)
3408                arrayj=-sin(gamma)*Cmat(:,imo)+cos(gamma)*Cmat(:,jmo)
3409                Cmat(:,imo)=arrayi
3410                Cmat(:,jmo)=arrayj
3411    !             write(*,*) imo,jmo,gamma,Aval,Bval
3412    !             read(*,*)
3413            end do
3414        end do
3415        Pval=0
3416        do imo=nmobeg,nmoend
3417            do iatm=1,ncenter
3418                Pval=Pval+Qval(Cmat,imo,imo,iatm)**2
3419            end do
3420        end do
3421        deltaPval=Pval-Pvalold
3422        write(*,"(' Cycle:',i5,'  P:',f16.8,'  Delta P:',f16.8)") icyc,Pval,deltaPval
3423        if (abs(deltaPval)<crit) exit
3424        Pvalold=Pval
3425    end do
3426    if (icyc==maxcyc+1) then
3427        write(*,*) "Warning: Convergence failed!"
3428    else
3429        write(*,"(a)") " Successfully converged!"
3430    end if
3431end do
3433CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
3434call walltime(iwalltime2)
3435write(*,"(/,' Calculation took up CPU time',f12.2,'s, wall clock time',i10,'s')") time_end-time_begin,iwalltime2-iwalltime1
3437!Print orbital energies, sort orbital according to energies and do E2 analysis
3438if (idoene==1) then
3439    !Do Alpha part or closed-shell orbitals
3440    allocate(FLMOA(nbasis,nbasis))
3441    FLMOA=matmul(matmul(transpose(CObasa),FmatA),CObasa)
3442    if (isel==1) nmoend=naelec
3443    if (isel==2) nmoend=nbasis
3444    do iorb=1,nmoend
3445        MOene(iorb)=FLMOA(iorb,iorb)
3446    end do
3447    do iorb=1,nmoend
3448        do jorb=iorb+1,nmoend
3449            if (MOene(iorb)>MOene(jorb)) then
3450                tmpbasarr=CObasa(:,iorb)
3451                CObasa(:,iorb)=CObasa(:,jorb)
3452                CObasa(:,jorb)=tmpbasarr
3453                tmpprimarr=CO(iorb,:)
3454                CO(iorb,:)=CO(jorb,:)
3455                CO(jorb,:)=tmpprimarr
3456                tmpene=MOene(iorb)
3457                MOene(iorb)=MOene(jorb)
3458                MOene(jorb)=tmpene
3459            end if
3460        end do
3461    end do
3462    !Do beta part
3463    if (wfntype==1) then
3464        allocate(FLMOB(nbasis,nbasis))
3465        FLMOB=matmul(matmul(transpose(CObasb),FmatB),CObasb)
3466        if (isel==1) nmoend=nbelec
3467        if (isel==2) nmoend=nbasis
3468        do iorb=1,nmoend
3469            MOene(nbasis+iorb)=FLMOB(iorb,iorb)
3470        end do
3471        do iorb=1,nmoend
3472            do jorb=iorb+1,nmoend
3473                if (MOene(nbasis+iorb)>MOene(nbasis+jorb)) then
3474                    tmpbasarr=CObasb(:,iorb)
3475                    CObasb(:,iorb)=CObasb(:,jorb)
3476                    CObasb(:,jorb)=tmpbasarr
3477                    tmpprimarr=CO(nbasis+iorb,:)
3478                    CO(nbasis+iorb,:)=CO(nbasis+jorb,:)
3479                    CO(nbasis+jorb,:)=tmpprimarr
3480                    tmpene=MOene(nbasis+iorb)
3481                    MOene(nbasis+iorb)=MOene(nbasis+jorb)
3482                    MOene(nbasis+jorb)=tmpene
3483                end if
3484            end do
3485        end do
3486    end if
3487    !Print energies, those not localized are not printed
3488    write(*,*) "Energies of localized orbitals:"
3489    do iorb=1,nmo
3490        if (isel==1) then
3491            if (wfntype==0) then
3492                if (iorb>nint(naelec)) cycle
3493            else if (wfntype==1) then
3494                if (MOtype(iorb)==1.and.iorb>nint(naelec)) cycle
3495                if (MOtype(iorb)==2.and.iorb>nbasis+nint(nbelec)) cycle
3496            end if
3497        end if
3498        if (MOtype(iorb)==0) typestr="A+B"
3499        if (MOtype(iorb)==1) typestr="A"
3500        if (MOtype(iorb)==2) typestr="B"
3501        write(*,"(i6,'   Energy (a.u.):',f16.8,'    Type: ',a,'  Occ:',f4.1)") iorb,MOene(iorb),typestr,MOocc(iorb)
3502    end do
3503    if (isel==1) write(*,*) "Energies of unoccupied orbitals are not updated since they were not localized"
3505    !Second-order perturbation analysis between occupied and virtual orbitals (like NBO E2), this only works when both of them have been localized
3506    !This part is commented since it don't print any useful result, because it is easy to proved that Fock element between occupied and virtual LMOs are exactly zero
3507!     if (isel==1) then
3508!         write(*,*) " Note: E(2) analysis is skipped since virtual orbitals were not localized"
3509!     else if (isel==2) then
3510!         write(*,*) "Second-order perturbation theory analysis of interaction energy:"
3511!         !Regenerated Fock matrix in LMO, since they have been sorted
3512!         FLMOA=matmul(matmul(transpose(CObasa),FmatA),CObasa)
3513!         call showmatgau(FLMOA)
3514!         read(*,*)
3515!         coeff=2
3516!         do iocc=1,naelec
3517!             do ivir=naelec+1,nbasis
3518!                 E2val=-coeff* FLMOA(iocc,ivir)**2/(MOene(ivir)-MOene(iocc))
3519!                 qCT=coeff* ( FLMOA(iocc,ivir)/(MOene(ivir)-MOene(iocc)) )**2
3520!                 if (abs(E2val*au2kcal)>0.2D0) then
3521!                     write(*,"(' Donor:',i5,'  -  Acceptor:',i5,'   E(2):',f7.2,' kcal/mol   q_CT:',f10.5)") iocc,ivir,E2val*au2kcal,qCT
3522!                     write(*,"(3f16.10)") FLMOA(iocc,ivir),MOene(ivir)-MOene(iocc)
3523!                 end if
3524!             end do
3525!         end do
3526!     end if
3527end if
3530call outfch("new.fch",10)
3531write(*,*) "The localized orbitals have been exported as new.fch in current folder"
3532if (ireload==1) then
3533    call dealloall
3534    write(*,*) "Loading new.fch..."
3535    call readfch("new.fch",1)
3536    write(*,"(a)") " Loading finished, now you can use main function 0 to visualize them as isosurface"
3537end if
3538end subroutine
3540!------ Calculate Q value used in Pipek-Mezey localization
3541real*8 function Qval(Cmat,imo,jmo,iatm)
3542use defvar
3543implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3544real*8 Cmat(nbasis,nbasis)
3546do ibas=basstart(iatm),basend(iatm)
3547    Qval=Qval+sum( (Cmat(:,imo)*Cmat(ibas,jmo)+Cmat(ibas,imo)*Cmat(:,jmo)) *Sbas(ibas,:) )
3548end do
3550end function
3556!!------------ Integrate any real space function within isosurface of a real space function
3557!I use the same data structure as basin analysis to illustrate definition of isosurfaces
3558subroutine intisosurface
3559use defvar
3560use util
3561use function
3562use basinintmod !Use its vec26 array
3563implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3564integer :: ifunciso=13,ifuncint=1
3565integer,allocatable :: mergelist(:),grididx(:,:,:),dogrid(:,:)
3566character :: defdomain*20="<0.5",c1000tmp*1000
3568if (allocated(gridxyz)) deallocate(gridxyz)
3569if (allocated(domainsize)) deallocate(domainsize)
3570if (allocated(domaingrid)) deallocate(domaingrid)
3571do while(.true.)
3572    write(*,*)
3573    if (allocated(cubmat)) write(*,*) "-1 Directly use the grid data in memory to yield domains"
3574    write(*,*) "0 Return"
3575    write(*,*) "1 Calculate grid data and yield domains"
3576    write(*,"(a,i5)") " 2 Select real space function to be calculated, current:",ifunciso
3577    write(*,"(a,a)") " 3 Set criterion for defining domain, current: ",trim(defdomain)
3578    read(*,*) isel
3579    if (isel==0) then
3580        return
3581    else if (isel==1.or.isel==-1) then
3582        exit
3583    else if (isel==2) then
3584        call selfunc_interface(ifunciso)
3585    else if (isel==3) then
3586        write(*,*) "Input the definition, e.g. <0.05"
3587        write(*,*) "Note: The first character must be < or >"
3588        read(*,"(a)") defdomain
3589    end if
3590end do
3592!Set grid and generate grid data
3593if (isel==1) then
3594    call setgridfixspc
3595    dvol=dx*dy*dz
3596    if (allocated(cubmat)) deallocate(cubmat)
3597    allocate(cubmat(nx,ny,nz))
3598    call savecubmat(ifunciso,0,iorbsel)
3599end if
3601!Count the number of grids satisfying the criterion
3602read(defdomain(2:),*) valiso
3603if (defdomain(1:1)=='<') then
3604    ngrid=count(cubmat<valiso)
3605else if (defdomain(1:1)=='>') then
3606    ngrid=count(cubmat>valiso)
3608    write(*,*) "Error: Parsing of the domain definition failed!"
3609    return
3610end if
3611write(*,"(/,' The number of grids satisfied the criterion:',i10)") ngrid
3613!Clustering grids that satisfied criterion to domain
3614!The idea is very clever: I assign each grid with a different index, and frequently perform iteration, in each cycle all grids (that meets isovalue criterion) &&
3615!are run over, and index of each grid is set to that of one of the nearest 26 grids as long as its index is larger than current grid. Finally, &
3616!grids in each domian will have identical indices
3617write(*,*) "Clustering domains..."
3618call walltime(iwalltime1)
3619CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
3620!dogrid: XYZ index of useful grids
3621!gridxyz: XYZ coordinate of useful grids
3622!grididx: currently records initial index of all gris
3624grididx=-1 !Irrelevant grids have very small value
3626do iz=1,nz
3627    do iy=1,ny
3628        do ix=1,nx
3629            if ((defdomain(1:1)=='<'.and.cubmat(ix,iy,iz)<valiso).or.(defdomain(1:1)=='>'.and.cubmat(ix,iy,iz)>valiso)) then
3630                idx=idx+1
3631                dogrid(idx,1)=ix
3632                dogrid(idx,2)=iy
3633                dogrid(idx,3)=iz
3634                grididx(ix,iy,iz)=idx
3635                gridxyz(idx,1)=orgx+(ix-1)*dx
3636                gridxyz(idx,2)=orgy+(iy-1)*dy
3637                gridxyz(idx,3)=orgz+(iz-1)*dz
3638            end if
3639        end do
3640    end do
3641end do
3643call setupmovevec
3645do while(.true.)
3646    iupdate=0
3647    icyc=icyc+1
3648!     write(*,*) icyc
3649    do itmp=1,ngrid
3650        ix=dogrid(itmp,1)
3651        iy=dogrid(itmp,2)
3652        iz=dogrid(itmp,3)
3653        do imove=1,26
3654            ixtmp=ix+vec26x(imove)
3655            iytmp=iy+vec26y(imove)
3656            iztmp=iz+vec26z(imove)
3657            if (ixtmp<1.or.ixtmp>nx.or.iytmp<1.or.iytmp>ny.or.iztmp<1.or.iztmp>nz) then
3658                write(*,"(a)") " Error: Some domains may be truncated! You should enlarge extension size or completely re-defined grid to avoid this circumstance!"
3659                write(*,*) "Press Enter to exit"
3660                read(*,*)
3661                return
3662            end if
3663            if (grididx(ix,iy,iz)<grididx(ixtmp,iytmp,iztmp)) then
3664                grididx(ix,iy,iz)=grididx(ixtmp,iytmp,iztmp)
3665                iupdate=1
3666                exit
3667            end if
3668        end do
3669    end do
3670    if (iupdate==0) exit
3671end do
3672!     do itmp=1,ngrid
3673!         ix=dogrid(itmp,1)
3674!         iy=dogrid(itmp,2)
3675!         iz=dogrid(itmp,3)
3676!         write(*,*) itmp,grididx(ix,iy,iz)
3677!     end do
3678!     read(*,*)
3681do while(.true.)
3682    ndomain=ndomain+1
3683    mintmp=1000000
3684    do itmp=1,ngrid
3685        idxtmp=grididx(dogrid(itmp,1),dogrid(itmp,2),dogrid(itmp,3))
3686        if (idxtmp<ndomain) cycle
3687        if (idxtmp<mintmp) mintmp=idxtmp
3688    end do
3689    do itmp=1,ngrid
3690        idxtmp=grididx(dogrid(itmp,1),dogrid(itmp,2),dogrid(itmp,3))
3691        if (idxtmp==mintmp) then
3692            grididx(dogrid(itmp,1),dogrid(itmp,2),dogrid(itmp,3))=ndomain
3693            ndone=ndone+1
3694        end if
3695    end do
3696    if (ndone==ngrid) exit
3697!     write(*,*) ndomain,ndone
3698end do
3699!Generate domainsize and domaingrid (grid index that contained in each domain)
3701do idom=1,ndomain
3702    j=0
3703    do itmp=1,ngrid
3704        if (grididx(dogrid(itmp,1),dogrid(itmp,2),dogrid(itmp,3))==idom) then
3705            j=j+1
3706            domaingrid(idom,j)=itmp
3707        end if
3708    end do
3709    domainsize(idom)=j
3710end do
3712write(*,*) "Clustering domains finished!"
3713CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
3714call walltime(iwalltime2)
3715write(*,"(' Clustering took up CPU time',f12.2,'s, wall clock time',i10,'s')") time_end-time_begin,iwalltime2-iwalltime1
3717do idom=1,ndomain
3718    write(*,"(' Domain:',i6,'     Grids:',i8)") idom,domainsize(idom)
3719end do
3721do while(.true.)
3722    write(*,*)
3723    write(*,*) "-1 Merge specific domains"
3724    write(*,*) "0 Exit"
3725    write(*,*) "1 Perform integration for a domain"
3726    write(*,*) "2 Perform integration for all domains"
3727    write(*,*) "3 Visualize domains"
3728    write(*,"(a,i5)") " 4 Select the real space function to be integrated, current:",ifuncint
3729    write(*,*) "5 Calculate q_bind index for a domain"
3730    read(*,*) isel2
3731    if (isel2==0) then
3732        return
3733    else if (isel2==-1) then
3734        if (ndomain<2) then
3735            write(*,*) "Error: At least two domains must be presented!"
3736            cycle
3737        end if
3738        write(*,*) "Input indices of the domains you want to merge, e.g. 4,5,8-10"
3739        read(*,"(a)") c1000tmp
3740        call str2arr(c1000tmp,nmerge) !Find how many terms
3741        allocate(mergelist(nmerge))
3742        call str2arr(c1000tmp,nmerge,mergelist)
3743        call sorti4(mergelist)
3744        idom=mergelist(1)
3745        do jdx=nmerge,2,-1
3746            jdom=mergelist(jdx)
3747            nsizei=domainsize(idom)
3748            nsizej=domainsize(jdom)
3749            domainsize(idom)=nsizei+nsizej
3750            domaingrid(idom,nsizei+1:nsizei+nsizej)=domaingrid(jdom,1:nsizej)
3751            ndomain=ndomain-1
3752            domainsize(jdom:ndomain)=domainsize(jdom+1:ndomain+1)
3753            domaingrid(jdom:ndomain,:)=domaingrid(jdom+1:ndomain+1,:)
3754        end do
3755        deallocate(mergelist)
3756        write(*,"(a,i6)") " Done! The domains you selected have been merged as domain",idom
3757        write(*,*) "Size of current domains:"
3758        do idom=1,ndomain
3759            write(*,"(' Domain:',i6,'     Grids:',i8)") idom,domainsize(idom)
3760        end do
3761    else if (isel2==1) then
3762        write(*,*) "Input the index of the domain to be integrated, e.g. 3"
3763        read(*,*) intdom
3764        if (intdom<1.or.intdom>ndomain) then
3765            write(*,"(a)") " Error: The index of the domain to be integrated is incorrect"
3766            cycle
3767        end if
3768        valint=0
3769        volint=0
3770        valmin=1D100
3771        valmax=-1D100
3772        do igrd=1,domainsize(intdom)
3773            idx=domaingrid(intdom,igrd)
3774            tmpval=calcfuncall(ifuncint,gridxyz(idx,1),gridxyz(idx,2),gridxyz(idx,3))
3775            valint=valint+tmpval
3776            volint=volint+1
3777            if (tmpval<valmin) valmin=tmpval
3778            if (tmpval>valmax) valmax=tmpval
3779        end do
3780        avgval=valint/domainsize(intdom)
3781        valint=valint*dvol
3782        volint=volint*dvol
3783        write(*,"(' Integration result:',E20.10,' a.u.')") valint
3784        write(*,"(' Volume:',f12.6,' Bohr^3  (',f12.6,' Angstrom^3 )')") volint,volint*b2a**3
3785        write(*,"(' Average:',E20.10)") avgval
3786        write(*,"(' Maximum:',E20.10,'   Minimum:',E20.10)") valmax,valmin
3787    else if (isel2==2) then
3788        write(*,*) "Domain    Integral (a.u.)     Volume (Bohr^3)      Average"
3789        valinttot=0
3790        volinttot=0
3791        do intdom=1,ndomain
3792            valint=0
3793            volint=0
3794            do igrd=1,domainsize(intdom)
3795                idx=domaingrid(intdom,igrd)
3796                valint=valint+calcfuncall(ifuncint,gridxyz(idx,1),gridxyz(idx,2),gridxyz(idx,3))
3797                volint=volint+1
3798            end do
3799            avgval=valint/domainsize(intdom)
3800            valint=valint*dvol
3801            volint=volint*dvol
3802            write(*,"(i6,E20.10,f17.6,E20.10)") intdom,valint,volint,avgval
3803            valinttot=valinttot+valint
3804            volinttot=volinttot+volint
3805        end do
3806        write(*,"(' Integration result of all domains:',E20.10,' a.u.')") valinttot
3807        write(*,"(' Volume of all domains:',f13.6,' Bohr^3  ',f13.6,' Angstrom^3')") volinttot,volinttot*b2a**3
3808    else if (isel2==3) then
3809        idrawdomain=1
3810        aug3Dold=aug3D
3811        if (aug3D<3) aug3D=3 !Often we set extension distance to zero, e.g. RDG, in this case the molecule will be truncated, therefore here temporarily augment it
3812        aug3D=aug3Dold
3813        idrawdomain=0
3814    else if (isel2==4) then
3815        call selfunc_interface(ifuncint)
3816    else if (isel2==5) then
3817        write(*,*) "Input the index of the domain to be integrated, e.g. 3"
3818        read(*,*) intdom
3819        if (intdom<1.or.intdom>ndomain) then
3820            write(*,"(a)") " Error: The index of the domain to be integrated is incorrect"
3821            cycle
3822        end if
3823        qatt=0
3824        qrep=0
3825        expfac=4D0/3D0
3826        volneg=0
3827        volpos=0
3828        do igrd=1,domainsize(intdom)
3829            idx=domaingrid(intdom,igrd)
3830            call signlambda2rho_RDG(gridxyz(idx,1),gridxyz(idx,2),gridxyz(idx,3),sl2r,RDG,rho)
3831            if (sl2r<0) then
3832                qatt=qatt+rho**expfac
3833                volneg=volneg+1
3834            else
3835                qrep=qrep+rho**expfac
3836                volpos=volpos+1
3837            end if
3838        end do
3839        qatt=qatt*dvol
3840        qrep=qrep*dvol
3841        qbind=-(qatt-qrep)
3842        volneg=volneg*dvol
3843        volpos=volpos*dvol
3844        write(*,"(' q_att: 'f16.8,' a.u.')") qatt
3845        write(*,"(' q_rep: 'f16.8,' a.u.')") qrep
3846        write(*,"(' q_bind:'f16.8,' a.u.')") qbind
3847        write(*,"(' Volume (lambda2<0):',f13.6,' Bohr^3  ',f13.6,' Angstrom^3')") volneg
3848        write(*,"(' Volume (lambda2>0):',f13.6,' Bohr^3  ',f13.6,' Angstrom^3')") volpos
3849        write(*,"(' Volume (Total):    ',f13.6,' Bohr^3  ',f13.6,' Angstrom^3')") volneg+volpos
3850    end if
3851end do
3852end subroutine
3855!------ Calculate electron correlation index proposed by Matito et al.
3856subroutine elecorridx
3857use defvar
3858real*8 occ(nmo),I_ND,I_D,I_T
3859write(*,*) "Citation: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 24015 (2016)"
3862if (wfntype==3) then
3863    occ=MOocc/2
3864    where(occ>1) occ=1 !Remove unphysical occupation number larger than unity
3865    where(occ<0) occ=0 !Remove unphysical negative occupation number
3866    do i=1,nmo
3867        I_D=I_D+ dsqrt(occ(i)*(1-occ(i))) - 2*occ(i)*(1-occ(i))
3868    end do
3869    I_D=I_D/4
3870    do i=1,nmo
3871        I_ND=I_ND+ occ(i)*(1-occ(i))
3872    end do
3873    I_ND=I_ND/2
3874    !Above we only consider half part, another part is identical to that, so double the result
3875    I_D=I_D*2
3876    I_ND=I_ND*2
3877else if (wfntype==4) then
3878    occ=MOocc
3879    where(occ>1) occ=1
3880    where(occ<0) occ=0
3881    do i=1,nmo
3882        I_D=I_D+ dsqrt(occ(i)*(1-occ(i))) - 2*occ(i)*(1-occ(i))
3883    end do
3884    I_D=I_D/4
3885    do i=1,nmo
3886        I_ND=I_ND+ occ(i)*(1-occ(i))
3887    end do
3888    I_ND=I_ND/2
3889end if
3891write(*,"(' Nondynamic correlation index:',f12.8)") I_ND
3892write(*,"(' Dynamic correlation index:   ',f12.8)") I_D
3893write(*,"(' Total correlation index:     ',f12.8)") I_T
3894end subroutine
3898!!------ Generate natural orbitals based on the density matrix in .fch/.fchk file
3899subroutine fch_gennatorb
3900use util
3901use defvar
3902implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3903real*8,allocatable :: tmparr(:),Pspin(:,:)
3904real*8 Xmat(nbasis,nbasis)
3905character selectyn,denstype*10,locstr*40
3906if (ifiletype/=1) then
3907    write(*,*) "Error: .fch/.fchk should be used as input file for this function"
3908    write(*,*) "Press ENTER to return"
3909    read(*,*)
3910    return
3911end if
3912write(*,*) "Input type of density, e.g. SCF, MP2, CI, CC, MP4..."
3913write(*,*) "e.g. If the .fch was produced under MP2, you may input ""SCF"" or ""MP2"""
3914read(*,"(a)") denstype
3915write(locstr,"('Total ',a,' Density')") trim(denstype)
3917call loclabel(10,trim(locstr),ifoundDM)
3918if (ifoundDM==0) then
3919    write(*,"(' Error: Unable to find ""',a,'"" from the input file')") trim(locstr)
3920    write(*,*) "Press ENTER to return"
3921    read(*,*)
3922    return
3923end if
3925if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==2.or.wfntype==4) then
3926    write(*,*) "Select natural orbitals you want to obtain"
3927    write(*,*) "1 Spatial natural orbitals (diagonalization of total density matrix)"
3928    write(*,*) "2 Alpha and beta natural orbitals (diagonalization of respective DM)"
3929    write(*,*) "3 Spin natural orbitals (diagonalization of spin density matrix)"
3930    read(*,*) iNOtype
3931end if
3933write(*,*) "Loading density matrix..."
3934!Load total density matrix
3936call loclabel(10,trim(locstr))
3938read(10,"(5(1PE16.8))") ((Ptot(i,j),j=1,i),i=1,nbasis)
3940do i=1,nbasis
3941    Ptot(i,i)=Ptot(i,i)/2D0
3942end do
3943!Load spin density matrix
3944if (iNOtype>1) then
3945    allocate(Pspin(nbasis,nbasis))
3946    Pspin=0
3947    read(10,*)
3948    read(10,"(5(1PE16.8))") ((Pspin(i,j),j=1,i),i=1,nbasis)
3949    Pspin=Pspin+transpose(Pspin)
3950    do i=1,nbasis
3951        Pspin(i,i)=Pspin(i,i)/2D0
3952    end do
3953    Palpha=(Ptot+Pspin)/2D0
3954    Pbeta=(Ptot-Pspin)/2D0
3955end if
3957write(*,*) "Density matrix was loaded from .fch/.fchk file"
3959!To produce natural orbitals, we need to convert P to orthogonalized basis and then diagonalize it
3962if (iNOtype==1.or.iNOtype==3) then
3963    if (iNOtype==1) write(*,*) "Generating NOs, please wait..."
3964    if (iNOtype==3) write(*,*) "Generating SNOs, please wait..."
3965    call symmorthomat(nbasis,Sbas,Xmat,0)    !Xmat=S^0.5
3966    if (iNOtype==1) call diagsymat(matmul(matmul(transpose(Xmat),Ptot),Xmat),CObasa,MOocc,ierror) !CObasa now is NOs in orthogonalized basis
3967    if (iNOtype==3) call diagsymat(matmul(matmul(transpose(Xmat),Pspin),Xmat),CObasa,MOocc,ierror) !CObasa now is SNOs in orthogonalized basis
3968    MOene=0
3969    call symmorthomat(nbasis,Sbas,Xmat,1)  !Xmat=S^-0.5
3970    CObasa=matmul(Xmat,CObasa) !Convert CObasa to original basis
3971    !Sort NOs according to occupation number
3972    do i=1,nbasis
3973        do j=i+1,nbasis
3974            if (MOocc(i)<MOocc(j)) then
3975                tmpocc=MOocc(i)
3976                MOocc(i)=MOocc(j)
3977                MOocc(j)=tmpocc
3978                tmparr=CObasa(:,i)
3979                CObasa(:,i)=CObasa(:,j)
3980                CObasa(:,j)=tmparr
3981            end if
3982        end do
3983    end do
3984    if (wfntype==1.or.wfntype==4) then !Then wfntype will be 3, deallocate useless arrays and resize arrays
3985        deallocate(CObasb,Palpha,Pbeta,MOene,tmparr)
3986        allocate(MOene(nbasis))
3987        MOene=0
3988        allocate(tmparr(nmo))
3989        tmparr=MOocc
3990        deallocate(MOocc)
3991        allocate(MOocc(nbasis))
3992        MOocc=tmparr(1:nbasis)
3993        nmo=nbasis
3994    end if
3995    write(*,*) "Occupation numbers:"
3996    write(*,"(6f12.6)") MOocc
3997    wfntype=3
3999    write(*,*) "Generating alpha and beta NOs, please wait..."
4000    call symmorthomat(nbasis,Sbas,Xmat,0)!Xmat=S^0.5
4001    call diagsymat(matmul(matmul(transpose(Xmat),Palpha),Xmat),CObasa,MOocc(1:nbasis),ierror)
4002    call symmorthomat(nbasis,Sbas,Xmat,1)  !Xmat=S^-0.5
4003    CObasa=matmul(Xmat,CObasa) !Convert CObasa to original basis, as what we did in HF calculation
4004    MOene(1:nbasis)=0
4005    do i=1,nbasis
4006        do j=i+1,nbasis
4007            if (MOocc(i)<MOocc(j)) then
4008                tmpocc=MOocc(i)
4009                MOocc(i)=MOocc(j)
4010                MOocc(j)=tmpocc
4011                tmparr=CObasa(:,i)
4012                CObasa(:,i)=CObasa(:,j)
4013                CObasa(:,j)=tmparr
4014            end if
4015        end do
4016    end do
4017    write(*,*) "Occupation numbers of Alpha NOs:"
4018    write(*,"(6f12.6)") MOocc(1:nbasis)
4019    write(*,*)
4020    call symmorthomat(nbasis,Sbas,Xmat,0)    !Xmat=S^0.5
4021    call diagsymat(matmul(matmul(transpose(Xmat),Pbeta),Xmat),CObasb,MOocc(nbasis+1:nmo),ierror)
4022    call symmorthomat(nbasis,Sbas,Xmat,1)  !Xmat=S^-0.5
4023    CObasb=matmul(Xmat,CObasb)
4024    MOene(nbasis+1:nmo)=0
4025    do i=1,nbasis
4026        ii=i+nbasis
4027        do j=i+1,nbasis
4028            jj=j+nbasis
4029            if (MOocc(ii)<MOocc(jj)) then
4030                tmpocc=MOocc(ii)
4031                MOocc(ii)=MOocc(jj)
4032                MOocc(jj)=tmpocc
4033                tmparr=CObasb(:,i)
4034                CObasb(:,i)=CObasb(:,j)
4035                CObasb(:,j)=tmparr
4036            end if
4037        end do
4038    end do
4039    write(*,*) "Occupation numbers of Beta NOs:"
4040    write(*,"(6f12.6)") MOocc(nbasis+1:nmo)
4041    wfntype=4
4042end if
4043write(*,*) "Done! Basis function information now correspond to natural orbitals"
4045write(*,"(/,a)") " If next you intend to analyze real space functions based on the NOs, you should export .molden file &
4046and then reload it, so that GTF information will also correspond to NOs"
4047write(*,*) "Would you like to do this immediately? (y/n)"
4048read(*,*) selectyn
4049if (selectyn=='y') then
4050    call outmolden("new.molden",10)
4051    write(*,*) "The NOs have been exported to NO.molden in current folder"
4052    call dealloall
4053    write(*,*) "Loading NO.molden..."
4054    call readmolden("new.molden",1)
4055    write(*,"(a)") " Loading finished, now you can use main function 0 to visualize NOs as isosurfaces"
4056end if
4057end subroutine