1program multiwfn
2use defvar
3use util
4use function
5use topo
6implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
7character nowdate*20,nowtime*20,inpstring*80,c200tmp*200,c200tmp2*200,c2000tmp*2000,outcubfile*200,selectyn,lovername*80,settingpath*200
8real*8 :: inx,iny,inz,tmpvec(3)
9integer :: iprintfunc=1 !The default function whose gradient and Hessian will be outputted at a point by main function 1
10integer,allocatable :: tmparrint(:)
11integer walltime1,walltime2
12real*8,allocatable :: d1add(:,:),d1min(:,:),d2add(:,:),d2min(:,:),d1addtmp(:,:),d1mintmp(:,:),d2addtmp(:,:),d2mintmp(:,:) !Store temporary data for drawing gradient map
13real*8,allocatable :: planemat_cust(:,:) !For storing temporary data of doing custom map
14real*8,allocatable :: planemat_bk(:,:) !Used to backup plane data
15real*8,allocatable :: tmpmat(:,:),tmparr(:)
17call getarg(1,filename)
18call getarg(2,cmdarg2)
1911 call loadsetting
20if (isys==1) write(*,*) "Multiwfn -- A Multifunctional Wavefunction Analyzer (for Windows 64bit)"
21if (isys==2) write(*,*) "Multiwfn -- A Multifunctional Wavefunction Analyzer (for Linux 64bit)"
22if (isys==3) write(*,*) "Multiwfn -- A Multifunctional Wavefunction Analyzer (for MacOS)"
23write(*,*) "Version 3.5(dev), release date: 2018-Jan-10"
24write(*,"(a)") " Project leader: Tian Lu (Beijing Kein Research Center for Natural Sciences)"
25write(*,*) "Citation of Multiwfn: Tian Lu, Feiwu Chen, J. Comput. Chem. 33, 580-592 (2012)"
26write(*,*) "Multiwfn official website: http://sobereva.com/multiwfn"
27write(*,*) "Multiwfn English forum: http://sobereva.com/wfnbbs"
28write(*,*) "Multiwfn Chinese forum: http://bbs.keinsci.com"
30!if (isys==1) call KMP_SET_STACKSIZE_S(ompstacksize) !For Linux/MacOS version, it seems the only way to set stacksize of each thread is to define KMP_STACKSIZE environment variable
32call date_and_time(nowdate,nowtime)
33write(*,"(' ( The number of threads:',i3,'   Current date: ',a,'-',a,'-',a,'   Time: ',a,':',a,':',a,' )')") &
37if (trim(filename)=="") then !Haven't defined filename variable
38    call mylover(lovername)
39    write(*,"(a,a,a)") " Input file path, for example E:\",trim(lovername),".wfn"
40    write(*,*) "(Supported: .wfn/.wfx/.fch/.molden/.31/.chg/.pdb/.xyz/.mol/.cub/.grd, etc.)"
41    write(*,"(a)") " Hint: Press ENTER button directly can select file in a GUI window. To reload the file last time used, simply input the letter ""o"". &
42    Input such as ?miku.fch can open the miku.fch in the same folder as the file last time used."
43    do while(.true.)
44        read(*,"(a)") filename
45        if (filename=='o') then
46            write(*,"(' The file last time used: ',a)") trim(lastfile)
47            filename=lastfile
48        end if
49        ltmp=len_trim(filename)
50        !Remove the first and the last " or  'symbol, because directly dragging file into the window will result in " or ' symbol, which is unrecognized by Multwifn
51        if (filename(1:1)=='"'.or.filename(1:1)=="'") filename(1:1)=" "
52        if (filename(ltmp:ltmp)=='"'.or.filename(ltmp:ltmp)=="'") filename(ltmp:ltmp)=" "
53        filename=adjustl(filename)
54        if (filename(1:1)=='?') then
55            do itmp=len_trim(lastfile),1,-1
56                if (isys==1.and.lastfile(itmp:itmp)=='\') exit
57                if ((isys==2.or.isys==3).and.lastfile(itmp:itmp)=='/') exit
58            end do
59            filename=lastfile(1:itmp)//trim(filename(2:))
60        end if
61        inquire(file=filename,exist=alive)
62        if (alive.eqv..true.) exit
63        write(*,"('""',a,'"" ',a)") trim(filename),"cannot be found, input again"
64    end do
65    !Write current opened file to "lastfile" in settings.ini
66    inquire(file="settings.ini",exist=alive)
67    if (alive .eqv. .true.) then
68        settingpath="settings.ini"
69    else if (alive .eqv. .false.) then
70        call getenv("Multiwfnpath",c200tmp)
71        if (isys==1) then
72            settingpath=trim(c200tmp)//"\settings.ini"
73        else if (isys==2.or.isys==3) then
74            settingpath=trim(c200tmp)//"/settings.ini"
75        end if
76    end if
77    inquire(file=settingpath,exist=alive)
78    if (alive) then
79        open(20,file=settingpath,status="old")
80        call loclabel(20,"lastfile")
81        write(20,"(a)") "lastfile= "//trim(filename)
82        close(20)
83    end if
85    inquire(file=filename,exist=alive)
86    if (alive.eqv..false.) then
87        write(*,*) "File not found, exit program..."
88        read(*,*)
89        stop
90    end if
91end if
92call readinfile(filename,0)
93write(*,"(/,3a)") " Loaded ",trim(filename)," successfully!"
95!!-- Backup various information of first loaded (meanwhile unmodified) molecule
109!!-- Initialize fragment
110nfragatmnum=ncenter !Default fragment is the whole molecule
113forall (i=1:nfragatmnum) fragatm(i)=i
114forall (i=1:nfragatmnum) fragatmbackup(i)=i
117!!-- Call some routines only once
118if (ncenter>5000) write(*,"(a)") " Warning: There are very large number of many atoms, please wait very patiently for generating distance matrix..."
119call gendistmat !Generate distance matrix
120!Convert prebuild radii from Angstrom to Bohr. But some radii such as radii_hugo will remain unchanged since it is recorded as Bohr
121if (ifirstMultiwfn==1) then
122    vdwr=vdwr/b2a
123    vdwr_tianlu=vdwr_tianlu/b2a
124    covr=covr/b2a
125    covr_Suresh=covr_Suresh/b2a
126    covr_pyy=covr_pyy/b2a
127    covr_tianlu=covr_tianlu/b2a
128end if
129!Only get into dislin level 1 to get width and height of screen in pixels, don't do any other things
130!-- Show related molecular information
131if (ifiletype/=0.and.ifiletype/=8) then
132    call showformula
133    totmass=sum(atmwei(a%index))
134    write(*,"(' Molecule weight:',f16.5)") totmass
135end if
137! call sys1eprop !Show some system 1e properties, only works when Cartesian basis functions are presented
140!!!--------------------- Now everything start ---------------------!!!
141!!!--------------------- Now everything start ---------------------!!!
142!!!--------------------- Now everything start ---------------------!!!
143do while(.true.) !Main loop
14510 write(*,*)
146if (allocated(cubmat)) write(*,*) "Note: A set of grid data presents in memory"
147write(*,*) "                   ------------ Main function menu ------------"
148! write(*,*) "-11 Load a new file"
149! write(*,*) "-10 Exit program"
150if (ifiletype/=7.and.ifiletype/=8) write(*,*) "0 Show molecular structure and view orbitals"
151if (ifiletype==7.or.ifiletype==8) write(*,*) "0 Show molecular structure and view isosurface"
152write(*,*) "1 Output all properties at a point"
153write(*,*) "2 Topology analysis"
154write(*,*) "3 Output and plot specific property in a line"
155write(*,*) "4 Output and plot specific property in a plane"
156write(*,*) "5 Output and plot specific property within a spatial region (calc. grid data)"
157write(*,*) "6 Check & modify wavefunction"
158write(*,*) "7 Population analysis and atomic charges"
159write(*,*) "8 Orbital composition analysis"
160write(*,*) "9 Bond order analysis"
161write(*,*) "10 Plot Total/Partial/Overlap population density-of-states (DOS)"
162write(*,*) "11 Plot IR/Raman/UV-Vis/ECD/VCD spectrum"
163write(*,*) "12 Quantitative analysis of molecular surface"
164if (allocated(cubmat)) write(*,*) "13 Process grid data"
165if (.not.allocated(cubmat)) write(*,*) "13 Process grid data (No grid data is presented currently)"
166write(*,*) "14 Adaptive natural density partitioning (AdNDP) analysis"
167write(*,*) "15 Fuzzy atomic space analysis"
168write(*,*) "16 Charge decomposition analysis (CDA) and extended CDA (ECDA)"
169write(*,*) "17 Basin analysis"
170write(*,*) "18 Electron excitation analysis"
171write(*,*) "100 Other functions (Part1)"
172write(*,*) "200 Other functions (Part2)"
173! write(*,*) "1000 Set some parameters"
174read(*,*) infuncsel1
176if (infuncsel1==-10) then !Exit program
177    stop
178else if (infuncsel1==-11) then !Load a new file
179    call dealloall
180    filename=""
181    deallocate(a_org,b_org,CO_org,MOocc_org,fragatm,fragatmbackup)
182    ifirstMultiwfn=0
183    goto 11
184end if
186!!! Every actual thing start from now on...
189!1!!------------------- Show system structure and view isosurface of MOs or the grid data read from cube file
190if (infuncsel1==0) then !
191    if (.not.(allocated(a).or.allocated(cubmat))) then
192        write(*,*) "Error: Data needed by this function is not presented! Check your input flie!"
193        write(*,*) "Press ENTER to continue"
194        read(*,*)
195        cycle
196    end if
197    if (ncenter>0) write(*,*) "Nucleus list:"
198    do i=1,ncenter
199        write(*,"(i5,'(',a2,')',' --> Charge:',f10.6,'  x,y,z(Bohr):',3f11.6)") i,a(i)%name,a(i)%charge,a(i)%x,a(i)%y,a(i)%z
200    end do
201    if (allocated(CObasa).and.imodwfn==0) then !fch and occupation number hasn't been modified
202        if (wfntype==0) then
203            write(*,"(' Note: Orbital',i6,' is HOMO, energy:',f12.6,' a.u.',f12.6,' eV')") nint(nelec/2),MOene(nint(nelec/2)),MOene(nint(nelec/2))*au2eV
204            if (nint(nelec/2)+1<=nmo) then
205                write(*,"('       Orbital',i6,' is LUMO, energy:',f12.6' a.u.',f12.6,' eV')") nint(nelec/2)+1,MOene(nint(nelec/2)+1),MOene(nint(nelec/2)+1)*au2eV
206                gapene=MOene(nint(nelec/2)+1)-MOene(nint(nelec/2))
207                write(*,"('       LUMO/HOMO gap:',f12.6,' a.u.',f12.6,' eV',f14.6,' kJ/mol')") gapene,gapene*au2eV,gapene*au2kJ
208            end if
209        else if (wfntype==1) then
210            write(*,"(' Range of alpha orbitals:',i5,' -',i5,'      Range of Beta orbitals:',i5,' -',i5)") 1,nbasis,nbasis+1,nmo
211            write(*,"(' Note: Orbital',i6,' is HOMO of alpha spin, orbital',i6,' is HOMO of beta spin')") nint(naelec),nbasis+nint(nbelec)
212            if (nbasis>=nint(naelec)+1) then
213                gapenea=MOene(nint(naelec)+1)-MOene(nint(naelec))
214                write(*,"('       LUMO/HOMO gap of alpha orbitals:',f12.6,' a.u.',f12.6,' eV')") gapenea,gapenea*au2eV
215                gapeneb=MOene(nbasis+nint(nbelec)+1)-MOene(nbasis+nint(nbelec))
216                write(*,"('       LUMO/HOMO gap of beta orbitals: ',f12.6,' a.u.',f12.6,' eV')") gapeneb,gapeneb*au2eV
217            end if
218        else if (wfntype==2) then
219            write(*,"(' Index of SOMO orbitals:',7i6)") (i,i=nint(nbelec+1),nint(naelec))
220        end if
221    end if
222    if (ifiletype==7.or.ifiletype==8) then !cube file
223    else
224    end if
227!1!!------------------- Output properties at a point
228else if (infuncsel1==1) then
229    do while(.true.)
230        write(*,"(a)") " Input x,y,z, divided by space or comma, e.g. 3.3,2.0,-0.3"
231        write(*,"(a)") " or input e.g. ""a5"" to use nuclear position of atom 5"
232        write(*,"(a)") "    input e.g. ""o8"" to select orbital 8, whose wavefunction value will be shown"
233        write(*,"(a)") "    input e.g. ""f3"" to select function 3, whose gradient and Hessian will be shown, input ""allf"" can print all available functions"
234        write(*,"(a)") "    input ""d"" to decompose a property at a point to orbital contributions"
235        write(*,"(a)") "    input ""q"" to return"
236        read(*,"(a)") inpstring
237        inpstring=adjustl(inpstring)
238        if (inpstring(1:1)=='q') then
239            exit
240        else if (inpstring(1:4)=='allf') then
241            write(*,*) "1 Electron density (Analytical Hessian)"
242            write(*,*) "3 Laplacian of electron density"
243            write(*,*) "4 Value of orbital wavefunction"
244            if (ELFLOL_type==0) write(*,*) "9 Electron localization function(ELF)"
245            if (ELFLOL_type==1) write(*,*) "9 Electron localization function(ELF) defined by Tsirelson"
246            if (ELFLOL_type==2) write(*,*) "9 Electron localization function(ELF) defined by Lu, Tian"
247            if (ELFLOL_type==0) write(*,*) "10 Localized orbital locator(LOL)"
248            if (ELFLOL_type==1) write(*,*) "10 Localized orbital locator(LOL) defined by Tsirelson"
249            if (ELFLOL_type==2) write(*,*) "10 Localized orbital locator(LOL) defined by Lu, Tian"
250            write(*,*) "12 Total electrostatic potential"
251            write(*,*) "100 User-defined real space function"
252        else if (inpstring(1:1)=='f') then
253            read(inpstring(2:),*) iprintfunc
254            write(*,"(' Real space function',i5,' is selected')") iprintfunc
255        else if (inpstring(1:1)=='a') then
256            read(inpstring(2:),*) iatm
257            if (iatm>0.and.iatm<=ncenter) then
258                write(*,*) "Note: Unless otherwise specified, all units are in a.u."
259                write(*,"(' Atom',i6,'  X,Y,Z(Bohr):',3f14.8)") iatm,a(iatm)%x,a(iatm)%y,a(iatm)%z
260                call showptprop(a(iatm)%x,a(iatm)%y,a(iatm)%z,iprintfunc,6)
261            else
262                write(*,*) "The index exceeds valid range"
263            end if
264        else if (inpstring(1:1)=='o') then
265            read(inpstring(2:),*) iorbseltmp
266            if (iorbseltmp>0.and.iorbseltmp<=nmo) then
267                iorbsel=iorbseltmp
268            else
269                write(*,*) "The index exceeds valid range"
270            end if
271        else if (inpstring(1:1)=='d') then
272            write(*,*) "Input x,y,z of the point, e.g. 3.3,2.0,-0.3"
273            read(*,*) inx,iny,inz
274            write(*,*) "You inputted coordinate is in which unit?  1:Bohr  2:Angstrom"
275            read(*,*) iunit
276            if (iunit==2) then
277                inx=inx/b2a
278                iny=iny/b2a
279                inz=inz/b2a
280            end if
281            call decompptprop(inx,iny,inz)
282        else
283            read(inpstring,*) inx,iny,inz
284            write(*,*) "You inputted coordinate is in which unit?  1:Bohr  2:Angstrom"
285            read(*,*) iunit
286            if (iunit==2) then
287                inx=inx/b2a
288                iny=iny/b2a
289                inz=inz/b2a
290            end if
291            write(*,*) "Note: Unless otherwise specified, all units are in a.u."
292            call showptprop(inx,iny,inz,iprintfunc,6)
293        end if
294        write(*,*)
295    end do
298!2!!------------------- Topology analysis
299else if (infuncsel1==2) then
300    call delvirorb(1) !Don't need virtual orbitals, delete them for faster calculation
301    call topomain
308!3!------------------- Draw property in a line
311else if (infuncsel1==3) then
312    ncustommap=0 !Clean custom operation setting that possibly defined by other modules
313    if (allocated(custommapname)) deallocate(custommapname)
314    if (allocated(customop)) deallocate(customop)
315    write(*,*) "-10 Return to main menu"
316    write(*,*) "-2 Obtain deformation property"
317    write(*,*) "-1 Obtain promolecule property"
318    write(*,*) "0 Set custom operation"
319300 call selfunc_interface(infuncsel2)
321    if (infuncsel2==0.or.infuncsel2==-1.or.infuncsel2==-2) then
322        if (infuncsel2==0) call customplotsetup
323        if (infuncsel2==-1) then
324            ipromol=1
325        else
326            ipromol=0
327        end if
328        if (infuncsel2==-1.or.infuncsel2==-2) call setPromol
329        write(*,*) "-10 Return to main menu"
330        goto 300
331    else if (infuncsel2==-10) then
332        cycle
333    else if (infuncsel2==111) then
334        write(*,*) "Input indices of two atoms, e.g. 1,4, or input an atom and zero, e.g. 5,0"
335        read(*,*) iatmbecke1,iatmbecke2
336    end if
338301    write(*,"(a,f8.4,a)") " 0 Set extension distance for mode 1, current:",aug1D," Bohr"
339    write(*,*) "1 Input index of two nuclei to define a line"
340    write(*,*) "2 Input coordinate of two points to define a line"
341    read(*,*) infuncsel3
343    if (infuncsel3==0) then
344        write(*,*) "Input augment distance (in Bohr, e.g. 2.5)"
345        read(*,*) aug1D
346        goto 301
347    else if (infuncsel3==1) then
348        do while(.true.)
349            write(*,*) "Input two number to select two nuclei (e.g. 1,3)"
350            read(*,*) iselatm1,iselatm2
351            if (iselatm1/=iselatm2.and.min(iselatm1,iselatm2)>=1.and.max(iselatm1,iselatm2)<=ncenter) exit
352            write(*,*) "Invalid input"
353        end do
354        write(*,"(' Nucleus',i5,'  Charge:',f6.2,'  X,Y,Z:',3f12.6)") iselatm1,a(iselatm1)%charge,a(iselatm1)%x,a(iselatm1)%y,a(iselatm1)%z
355        write(*,"(' Nucleus',i5,'  Charge:',f6.2,'  X,Y,Z:',3f12.6)") iselatm2,a(iselatm2)%charge,a(iselatm2)%x,a(iselatm2)%y,a(iselatm2)%z
356        torgx=a(iselatm1)%x
357        torgy=a(iselatm1)%y
358        torgz=a(iselatm1)%z
359        tendx=a(iselatm2)%x
360        tendy=a(iselatm2)%y
361        tendz=a(iselatm2)%z
362        ratio=dsqrt((tendx-torgx)**2+(tendy-torgy)**2+(tendz-torgz)**2)/aug1D
363        orgx1D=torgx-(tendx-torgx)/ratio
364        orgy1D=torgy-(tendy-torgy)/ratio
365        orgz1D=torgz-(tendz-torgz)/ratio
366        endx1D=tendx+(tendx-torgx)/ratio
367        endy1D=tendy+(tendy-torgy)/ratio
368        endz1D=tendz+(tendz-torgz)/ratio
369        totdist=dsqrt((endx1D-orgx1D)**2+(endy1D-orgy1D)**2+(endz1D-orgz1D)**2)
370        atomr1=aug1D
371        atomr2=totdist-aug1D
372    else if (infuncsel3==2) then
373        write(*,*) "Input x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 to define two points (in Bohr)"
374        write(*,*) "e.g. 0,0,3.2,-1,-0.26,2.8"
375        read(*,*) x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2
376        orgx1D=x1
377        orgy1D=y1
378        orgz1D=z1
379        endx1D=x2
380        endy1D=y2
381        endz1D=z2
382        atomr1=0D0
383        atomr2=0D0
384    end if
385    npointcurve=num1Dpoints  !The number of data to plot
386    if (infuncsel2==12) then
387        npointcurve=num1Dpoints/6 !Calculate ESP is time consuming, so decrease the number of points
388        write(*,*) "Please wait..."
389    end if
390    if (infuncsel2/=12.and.expcutoff<0) write(*,"(' Note: All exponential functions exp(x) with x<',f8.3,' is be ignored ')") expcutoff
392    if (allocated(curvex)) deallocate(curvex)
393    if (allocated(curvey)) deallocate(curvey)
394    allocate(curvex(npointcurve))
395    allocate(curvey(npointcurve))
396    if (allocated(curveytmp)) deallocate(curveytmp)
397    if (ncustommap/=0) allocate(curveytmp(npointcurve))
398    transx=(endx1D-orgx1D)/npointcurve
399    transy=(endy1D-orgy1D)/npointcurve
400    transz=(endz1D-orgz1D)/npointcurve
401    transr=dsqrt(transx**2+transy**2+transz**2)
403    write(*,*)
404    write(*,"(' Original point in X,Y,Z:    ',3f10.5)") orgx1D,orgy1D,orgz1D !Output grid information
405    write(*,"(' End point in X,Y,Z:         ',3f10.5)") endx1D,endy1D,endz1D
406    write(*,"(' Translation vector in X,Y,Z:',3f10.5,'   Norm:',f10.5)") transx,transy,transz,transr
407    write(*,"(' Number of points:',i10)") npointcurve
409    icustom=0
410    curvey=0D0
411    if (ipromol==1) goto 311
412310    continue
414!$OMP parallel do shared(curvex,curvey) private(i,rnowx,rnowy,rnowz) num_threads(nthreads)
415    do i=1,npointcurve  !Calculate data for line plot
416        rnowx=orgx1D+i*transx
417        rnowy=orgy1D+i*transy
418        rnowz=orgz1D+i*transz
419        curvex(i)=i*transr
420        if (infuncsel2==111) then
421            curvey(i)=beckewei(rnowx,rnowy,rnowz,iatmbecke1,iatmbecke2)
422        else
423            curvey(i)=calcfuncall(infuncsel2,rnowx,rnowy,rnowz)
424        end if
425    end do
426!$OMP end parallel do
428311    if (ncustommap/=0) then !Calculate data for custom map
429        if (icustom==0) then
430            curveytmp=curvey
431        else if (icustom/=0) then
432            if (customop(icustom)=='+') curveytmp=curveytmp+curvey
433            if (customop(icustom)=='-') curveytmp=curveytmp-curvey
434            if (customop(icustom)=='x'.or.customop(icustom)=='*') curveytmp=curveytmp*curvey
435            if (customop(icustom)=='/') curveytmp=curveytmp/curvey
436        end if
437        if (icustom/=ncustommap) then
438            icustom=icustom+1
439            filename=custommapname(icustom)
440            call dealloall
441            write(*,"(' Loading:  ',a)") trim(filename)
442            call readinfile(filename,1)
443            !Generate temporary fragatm
444            deallocate(fragatm)
445            nfragatmnum=ncenter
446            allocate(fragatm(nfragatmnum))
447            do iatm=1,ncenter
448                fragatm(iatm)=iatm
449            end do
450            !Input the MO index for current file. Since the MO index may be not the same as the first loaded one
451            if (infuncsel2==4) then
452                write(*,"(' Input the index of the orbital to be calculated for ',a,'   e.g. 3')") trim(filename)
453                read(*,*) iorbsel
454            end if
455            goto 310
456        else
457            curvey=curveytmp
458            call dealloall
459            write(*,"(' Reloading:  ',a)") trim(firstfilename)
460            call readinfile(firstfilename,1)
461            !Recovery user-defined fragatm from the backup
462            deallocate(fragatm)
463            nfragatmnum=nfragatmnumbackup
464            allocate(fragatm(nfragatmnum))
465            fragatm=fragatmbackup
466        end if
467    end if
469    write(*,"(' Minimal/Maximum value:',2D16.8)") minval(curvey),maxval(curvey)
470    write(*,"(' Summing up all values:',D18.8,'  Integration value:',D18.8)") sum(curvey),sum(curvey)*transr
471    exty=(maxval(curvey)-minval(curvey))/10
472    if (exty<maxval(abs(curvey))/100) exty=maxval(abs(curvey))/10 !Sometimes the difference between maximal and minimal values are too small, so do special treatment
473    curveymin=minval(curvey)-exty
474    curveymax=maxval(curvey)+exty
475    steplabx=maxval(curvex)/10
476    steplaby=exty
477    i=-1
479    do while(.true.)
480        if (isilent==0.and.i==-1) then
481            if (atomr1==atomr2) then
482            else !Draw the two atom positions
483            end if
484        end if
485        write(*,*)
486        write(*,*) "-1 Show the graph again"
487        write(*,*) "0 Return to main menu"
488        write(*,*) "1 Save the graph to a file in current folder"
489        write(*,*) "2 Export the data to line.txt in current folder"
490        write(*,"(a,1PE14.6,a,1PE14.6)") " 3 Change range of Y axis, current: from",curveymin," to",curveymax
491        if (icurve_vertlinex==0) write(*,*) "4 Draw a vertical line with specific X"
492        if (icurve_vertlinex==1) write(*,*) "4 Delete the vertical line"
493        write(*,"(' 5 Change the ratio of X and Y length, current:',f10.5)") curvexyratio
494        write(*,"(' 6 Find the positions of local minimum and maximum')")
495        write(*,"(' 7 Find the positions where function value equals to specified value')")
496        if (ilog10y==0) write(*,*) "8 Use logarithmic scaling of Y axis"
497        if (ilog10y==1) write(*,*) "8 Use linear scaling of Y axis"
498        write(*,*) "9 Change the line color"
499        if (ilog10y==0) write(*,"(a,f8.3,1PE14.5)") " 10 Set stepsize in X and Y axes, current:",steplabx,steplaby
500        if (ilog10y==1) write(*,"(a,f8.3)") " 10 Set the stepsize in X axis, current:",steplabx
501        if (ilenunit1D==1) write(*,*) "11 Change length unit of the graph to Angstrom"
502        if (ilenunit1D==2) write(*,*) "11 Change length unit of the graph to Bohr"
503        write(*,"(a,i3)") " 12 Set width of curve line, current:",icurvethick
505        read(*,*) i
506        if (i==-1) then
507            cycle
508        else if (i==0) then
509            exit
510        else if (i==1) then
511            write(*,"(a,a,a)") " Graph have been saved to ",trim(graphformat)," file with ""DISLIN"" prefix in current directory"
512        else if (i==2) then
513            open(14,file="line.txt",status="replace")
514            do i=1,npointcurve  !Output result to file
515                rnowx=orgx1D+i*transx
516                rnowy=orgy1D+i*transy
517                rnowz=orgz1D+i*transz
518                curvex(i)=i*transr
519                write(14,"(4f12.6,1PE18.10)") rnowx*b2a,rnowy*b2a,rnowz*b2a,curvex(i)*b2a,curvey(i)
520            end do
521            close (14)
522            write(*,*) "Results have been saved to line.txt in current folder"
523            write(*,"(a)") " Unit is Angstrom. The first three columns are actual coordinates, the fourth column &
524            is X position in the curve graph, the fifth column is function value"
525        else if (i==3) then
526            if (ilog10y==0) write(*,*) "Input minimum and maximum value of Y axis  e.g. -0.1,2"
527            if (ilog10y==1)    write(*,*) "Input minimum and maximum value of Y axis  e.g. -1,5 means from 10^-1 to 10^5"
528            read(*,*) curveymin,curveymax
529        else if (i==4.and.icurve_vertlinex==0) then
530            write(*,*) "Input X (in Bohr) e.g. 1.78"
531            read(*,*) curve_vertlinex
532            icurve_vertlinex=1
533        else if (i==4.and.icurve_vertlinex==1) then
534            icurve_vertlinex=0
535        else if (i==5) then
536            write(*,*) "Input a value"
537            read(*,*) curvexyratio
538        else if (i==6) then
539            numlocmin=0
540            numlocmax=0
541            do ipoint=2,npointcurve-1
542                gradold=curvey(ipoint)-curvey(ipoint-1)
543                gradnew=curvey(ipoint+1)-curvey(ipoint)
544                if (gradold*gradnew<0D0) then
545                    if (gradold>gradnew) then
546                        numlocmax=numlocmax+1
547                        write(*,"(' Local maximum X (Bohr):',f12.6,'  Value:',D18.8)") curvex(ipoint),curvey(ipoint)
548                    else if (gradold<gradnew) then
549                        numlocmin=numlocmin+1
550                        write(*,"(' Local minimum X (Bohr):',f12.6,'  Value:',D18.8)") curvex(ipoint),curvey(ipoint)
551                    end if
552                end if
553            end do
554            write(*,"(' Totally found',i5,' local minimum,',i5,' local maximum')") numlocmin,numlocmax
555        else if (i==7) then
556            write(*,*) "Input a value"
557            read(*,*) specvalue
558            numfind=0
559            do ipoint=1,npointcurve-1
560                if ( (specvalue>curvey(ipoint).and.specvalue<curvey(ipoint+1)) .or.&
561                 (specvalue<curvey(ipoint).and.specvalue>curvey(ipoint+1)) ) then
562                    !Use linear interpolation to evaluate the X position
563                    tmpratio=abs(specvalue-curvey(ipoint))/abs(curvey(ipoint+1)-curvey(ipoint))
564                    specvaluex=curvex(ipoint)+tmpratio*transr
565                    numfind=numfind+1
566                    write(*,"(' #',i5,' X (Bohr):',f12.6)") numfind,specvaluex
567                end if
568            end do
569            if (numfind==0) write(*,*) "Found nothing"
570        else if (i==8) then
571            if (ilog10y==1) then
572                ilog10y=0
573                !Recover default limit
574                curveymin=minval(curvey)-(maxval(curvey)-minval(curvey))/10
575                curveymax=maxval(curvey)+(maxval(curvey)-minval(curvey))/10
576            else if (ilog10y==0) then
577                ilog10y=1
578                write(*,*) "Input minimum and maximum value of Y axis  e.g. -1,5 means from 10^-1 to 10^5"
579                read(*,*) curveymin,curveymax
580            end if
581        else if (i==9) then
582            write(*,*) "Use which color?"
583            write(*,*) "1/2/3/4/5 = Red/Green/Blue/White/Black"
584            write(*,*) "6/7/8/9/10 = Gray/Cyan/Yellow/Orange/Magenta"
585            write(*,*) "11/12/13/14 = Crimson/Dark green/Purple/Brown"
586            read(*,*) iclrcurve
587        else if (i==10) then
588            if (ilog10y==0) then
589                write(*,*) "Input the step size between the labels in X and Y axes, respectively"
590                write(*,*) "e.g. 1.5,20"
591                read(*,*) steplabx,steplaby
592            else if (ilog10y==1) then
593                write(*,*) "Input the step size between the labels in X axis, e.g. 1.5"
594                read(*,*) steplabx
595            end if
596        else if (i==11) then
597            if (ilenunit1D==1) then
598                ilenunit1D=2 !Angstrom
599            else if (ilenunit1D==2) then
600                ilenunit1D=1 !Bohr
601            end if
602        else if (i==12) then
603            write(*,*) "Input line width, e.g. 5"
604            read(*,*) icurvethick
605        end if
606    end do
612!4!----------------------- Draw plane graph
615else if (infuncsel1==4) then
616    ncustommap=0 !Clean custom operation setting that possibly defined by other modules
617    if (allocated(custommapname)) deallocate(custommapname)
618    if (allocated(customop)) deallocate(customop)
619    if (allocated(tmparrint)) deallocate(tmparrint)
620    write(*,*) "-10 Return to main menu"
621    write(*,*) "-2 Obtain of deformation property"
622    write(*,*) "-1 Obtain of promolecule property"
623    write(*,*) "0 Set custom operation"
624400    call funclist
625    read(*,*) infuncsel2
626    if (infuncsel2==4) then !4=MO value, 111=becke weighting function
627        write(*,"(a,i10)") " Input the orbital index that you want to plot, should between 1 and",nmo
628        write(*,"(a)") " If you want to plot contour map for two orbitals at the same time, input two indices and separate them by comma, e.g. 8,10"
629        read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
630        if (index(c200tmp,',')/=0) then !Inputted two orbitals
631            read(c200tmp,*) iorbsel,iorbsel2
632        else
633            read(c200tmp,*) iorbsel
634        end if
635    else if (infuncsel2==20) then !Input length scale to evaluate EDR(r;d)
636        write(*,*) "The EDR(r;d) computing code was contributed by Arshad Mehmood"
637        write(*,"(a,/)") " References: J. Chem. Phys., 141, 144104 (2014); J. Chem. Theory Comput., 12, 79 (2016); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56, 6878 (2017)"
638        write(*,*) " Input length scale d (Bohr)   e.g. 0.85"
639        read(*,*) dedr
640    else if (infuncsel2==21) then !Input parameters to evaluate D(r)
641        write(*,*) "The D(r) computing code was contributed by Arshad Mehmood"
642        write(*,"(a,/)") " References: J. Chem. Theory Comput., 12, 3185 (2016); Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 18305 (2015)"
643        write(*,*) "1 Manually input total number, start and increment in EDR exponents"
644        write(*,*) "2 Use default values   i.e. 20,2.50,1.50"
645        read(*,*) edrmaxpara
646        if (edrmaxpara==1) then
647            write(*,*) "Please input in order: exponents start increment   e.g. 20,2.5,1.5"
648            write(*,*) "Note: Max. allowed exponents are 50 and min. allowed increment is 1.01"
649            read(*,*) nedr,edrastart,edrainc
650            if (nedr<1) then
651                write(*,*) "Error: Bad Number of EDR exponents. Should be between 1 to 50"
652                write(*,*) "Press ENTER to exit"
653                read(*,*)
654                stop
655            else if (nedr>50) then
656                write(*,*) "Error: Bad Number of EDR exponents. Should be between 1 to 50"
657                write(*,*) "Press ENTER to exit"
658                read(*,*)
659                stop
660            end if
661            if (edrainc<1.01d0) then
662                write(*,*) "Error: Bad increment in EDR exponents. Should not be less than 1.01"
663                write(*,*) "Press ENTER to exit"
664                read(*,*)
665                stop
666            end if
667        else if (edrmaxpara==2) then
668            nedr=20
669            edrastart=2.5d0
670            edrainc=1.5d0
671        end if
672        write(*,*) "The following EDR exponents will be used in calculation:"
673        wrtstart=edrastart
674        do wrtnumedr=1,nedr
675            wrtexpo(wrtnumedr)=wrtstart
676            wrtstart=wrtstart/edrainc
677            write(*,"(E13.5)") wrtexpo(wrtnumedr)
678        end do
679        write(*,*)
680    else if (infuncsel2==111) then !Calculate Becke weighting function
681        write(*,*) "Input indices of two atoms to calculate Becke overlap weight, e.g. 1,4"
682        write(*,*) "or input index of an atom and zero to calculate Becke atomic weight, e.g. 5,0"
683        read(*,*) iatmbecke1,iatmbecke2
684    else if (infuncsel2==112) then !Calculate Hirshfeld weighting function
685        write(*,*) "Input index of the atoms you are interested in, e.g. 2,3,7-10"
686        read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
687        call str2arr(c2000tmp,ntmp)
688        allocate(tmparrint(ntmp))
689        call str2arr(c2000tmp,ntmp,tmparrint)
690        write(*,"(a)") " How to generate the atomic densities that used in the calculation of Hirshfeld weight?"
691        write(*,*) "1 Based on atomic .wfn files"
692        write(*,*) "2 Based on built-in atomic densities (see Appendix 3 of the manual for detail)"
693        read(*,*) iHirshdenstype
694        if (iHirshdenstype==1) call setpromol
695    else if (infuncsel2==500.or.infuncsel2==510.or.infuncsel2==511.or.infuncsel2==512) then !Calculate rho(A)*ln[rho(A)/rho0(A)], or rho(A), or rho0(A)
696        call setpromol
697        allocate(tmparrint(1))
698        write(*,*) "Input index of the atom you are interested in, e.g. 4"
699        read(*,*) tmparrint
700    else if (infuncsel2==501.or.infuncsel2==502.or.infuncsel2==503) then !sum[rhoA*ln(rhoA/rho0A), sum[(rhoA-rho0A)/rhoA], difference between relative entropy and deformation density
701        call setpromol
702    end if
704    inucespplot=0
705    if (infuncsel2==8) inucespplot=1 !For deal with plotting nucesp property, special treatment is needed
706    imarkrefpos=0
707    if (infuncsel2==17.or.infuncsel2==19.or.(infuncsel2==100.and.iuserfunc==24)) imarkrefpos=1 !Only for correlation hole/factor, source function, linear response kernel... reference point will be marked on contour map
709    if (infuncsel2==0.or.infuncsel2==-1.or.infuncsel2==-2) then
710        if (infuncsel2==0) call customplotsetup
711        if (infuncsel2==-1) then
712            ipromol=1
713        else
714            ipromol=0
715        end if
716        if (infuncsel2==-1.or.infuncsel2==-2) call setPromol
717        write(*,*) "-10 Return to main menu"
718        goto 400
719    else if (infuncsel2==-10) then
720        cycle
721    end if
723    if (iorbsel2/=0) then
724        idrawtype=2 !Only contour line map is available when another orbital is needed to be plotted together
725    else if (iorbsel2==0) then
726        write(*,*) " -10 Return to main menu"
727        write(*,*) "Draw which type of map?"
728        write(*,*) "1 Color-filled map"
729        write(*,*) "2 Contour line map"
730        write(*,*) "3 Relief map"
731        write(*,*) "4 Shaded surface map"
732        write(*,*) "5 Shaded surface map with projection"
733        write(*,*) "6 Gradient lines map with/without contour lines"
734        write(*,*) "7 Vector field map with/without contour lines"
735        read(*,*) idrawtype
736    end if
738    if (idrawtype==1.or.idrawtype==2.or.idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then  !Initialize contour line setting
739        if (idrawtype==2.or.idrawtype==6) idrawcontour=1
740        if (idrawtype==1.or.idrawtype==7) idrawcontour=0
741        if (idrawtype/=1) iatom_on_contour=1
742        ilabel_on_contour=0
743        ctrval=0.0D0
744        if (infuncsel2==9.or.infuncsel2==10) then  !A special contour setting suitable for ELF and LOL
745            lastctrval=21
746            do i=1,21
747                ctrval(i)=(i-1)*0.05D0
748            end do
749        else  !General contour setting for other real space functions
750            lastctrval=62
751            ctrval(1)=1D-3
752            do i=0,9 !set the value of contour line
753                ctrval(3*i+2)=2*1D-3*10**i
754                ctrval(3*i+3)=4*1D-3*10**i
755                ctrval(3*i+4)=8*1D-3*10**i
756            end do
757            ctrval(32:62)=-ctrval(1:31)
758        end if
759    else if (idrawtype==-10) then
760        cycle
761    end if
763    write(*,*) " -10 Return to main menu"
764    write(*,*) "How many grids in the two dimensions respectively?"
765    if (idrawtype==1.or.idrawtype==2.or.idrawtype==6) then
766        if (infuncsel2==12.or.(infuncsel2==100.and.iuserfunc==60).or.iuserfunc==39.or.iuserfunc==101.or.iuserfunc==102) then
767            write(*,*) "(100,100 is recommended)" !Because calculating ESP is very time consuming, so use lower grid
768        else
769            write(*,*) "(200,200 is recommended)"
770        end if
771    else if (idrawtype==3.or.idrawtype==4.or.idrawtype==5) then
772        write(*,*) "(100,100 is recommended)"
773    else if (idrawtype==7) then
774        write(*,*) "(80,80 is recommended)"
775    end if
776    write(*,*) "Hint: You can press ENTER button directly to use recommended value"
777    read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
778    if (c200tmp==' ') then !Press enter directly
779        if (idrawtype==1.or.idrawtype==2.or.idrawtype==6) then
780            if (infuncsel2==12.or.(infuncsel2==100.and.iuserfunc==60).or.iuserfunc==39.or.iuserfunc==101.or.iuserfunc==102) then
781                ngridnum1=100
782                ngridnum2=100
783            else
784                ngridnum1=200
785                ngridnum2=200
786            end if
787        else if (idrawtype==3.or.idrawtype==4.or.idrawtype==5) then
788            ngridnum1=100
789            ngridnum2=100
790        else if (idrawtype==7) then
791            ngridnum1=80
792            ngridnum2=80
793        end if
794    else if (c200tmp=='-10') then
795        cycle
796    else
797        read(c200tmp,*) ngridnum1,ngridnum2
798    end if
800    if (allocated(planemat)) deallocate(planemat)
801    if (allocated(planemattmp)) deallocate(planemattmp)
802    allocate(planemat(ngridnum1,ngridnum2),planemattmp(ngridnum1,ngridnum2)) !planemattmp is used in many cases below
803    if (ncustommap/=0) then
804        if (allocated(planemat_cust)) deallocate(planemat_cust)
805        if (allocated(d1addtmp)) deallocate(d1addtmp)
806        if (allocated(d1mintmp)) deallocate(d1mintmp)
807        if (allocated(d2addtmp)) deallocate(d2addtmp)
808        if (allocated(d2mintmp)) deallocate(d2mintmp)
809        allocate(planemat_cust(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
810        allocate(d1addtmp(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
811        allocate(d1mintmp(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
812        allocate(d2addtmp(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
813        allocate(d2mintmp(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
814    end if
815    if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then !Draw gradient lines
816        if (allocated(d1add)) deallocate(d1add)
817        if (allocated(d1min)) deallocate(d1min)
818        if (allocated(d2add)) deallocate(d2add)
819        if (allocated(d2min)) deallocate(d2min)
820        if (allocated(gradd1)) deallocate(gradd1)
821        if (allocated(gradd2)) deallocate(gradd2)
822        allocate(d1add(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
823        allocate(d1min(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
824        allocate(d2add(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
825        allocate(d2min(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
826        allocate(gradd1(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
827        allocate(gradd2(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
828    end if
830    write(*,*) " -10 Return to main menu"
831401 write(*,*) "Define the plane to be plotted"
832    write(*,*) "1:XY 2:XZ 3:YZ 4:Define by three atoms 5:Define by three points"
833    write(*,*) "6:Input origin and translation vector (For expert user)"
834    write(*,*) "7:Parallel to a bond and meantime normal to a plane defined by three atoms"
835    write(*,"(a,f8.4,a)") " 0:Set extension distance for plane type 1~5, current:",aug2D," Bohr"
836    read(*,*) plesel
837    aug2D2=aug2D !If don't draw gradient line map, needn't make the augment in the two dimension different
838    orgx2D=0D0
839    orgy2D=0D0
840    orgz2D=0D0
841    v1x=0D0
842    v1y=0D0
843    v1z=0D0
844    v2x=0D0
845    v2y=0D0
846    v2z=0D0
847    if (plesel==-10) then
848        cycle
849    else if (plesel==0) then
850        write(*,*) "Input extension distance in Bohr, e.g. 4.5"
851        read(*,*) aug2D
852        goto 401
853    else if (plesel==-1) then
854        write(*,*) "Input rotation angle of the plotting plane in degree, e.g. 30.5"
855        read(*,*) rot2Dple
856        goto 401
857    else if (plesel==1) then
858        write(*,*) "Input Z value in Bohr"
859        write(*,*) "Note: If the unit is in Angstrom, add ""a"" suffix, e.g. -1.6a"
860        read(*,*) c200tmp
861        if (index(c200tmp,'a')/=0) then
862            read(c200tmp(1:len_trim(c200tmp)-1),*) orgz2D
863            orgz2D=orgz2D/b2a
864        else
865            read(c200tmp,*) orgz2D
866        end if
867        if (ncenter==0) then
868            orgx2D=orgx
869            orgy2D=orgy
870            v1x=(endx-orgx)/(ngridnum1-1)
871            v2y=(endy-orgy)/(ngridnum2-1)
872        else
873            !Adjust aug2D/aug2D2 to make the length in two direction same
874            !Because of bug in stream() of dislin 9.5D, if the two length unequal, some region won't be shown
875            if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then
876                sup=(maxval(a%x)-minval(a%x))-(maxval(a%y)-minval(a%y))
877                if (sup>0) aug2D2=aug2D+sup/2
878                if (sup<0) aug2D=aug2D-sup/2
879            end if
880            orgx2D=minval(a%x)-aug2D
881            orgy2D=minval(a%y)-aug2D2
882            v1x=(maxval(a%x)+aug2D-orgx2D)/ngridnum1
883            v2y=(maxval(a%y)+aug2D2-orgy2D)/ngridnum2
884        end if
885    else if (plesel==2) then
886        write(*,*) "Input Y value in Bohr"
887        write(*,*) "Note: If the unit is in Angstrom, add ""a"" suffix, e.g. -1.6a"
888        read(*,*) c200tmp
889        if (index(c200tmp,'a')/=0) then
890            read(c200tmp(1:len_trim(c200tmp)-1),*) orgy2D
891            orgy2D=orgy2D/b2a
892        else
893            read(c200tmp,*) orgy2D
894        end if
895        if (ncenter==0) then
896            orgx2D=orgx
897            orgz2D=orgz
898            v1x=(endx-orgx)/(ngridnum1-1)
899            v2z=(endz-orgz)/(ngridnum2-1)
900        else
901            if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then !adjust aug2D/aug2D2
902                sup=(maxval(a%x)-minval(a%x))-(maxval(a%z)-minval(a%z))
903                if (sup>0) aug2D2=aug2D+sup/2
904                if (sup<0) aug2D=aug2D-sup/2
905            end if
906            orgx2D=minval(a%x)-aug2D
907            orgz2D=minval(a%z)-aug2D2
908            v1x=(maxval(a%x)+aug2D-orgx2D)/ngridnum1
909            v2z=(maxval(a%z)+aug2D2-orgz2D)/ngridnum2
910        end if
911    else if (plesel==3) then
912        write(*,*) "Input X value in Bohr"
913        write(*,*) "Note: If the unit is in Angstrom, add ""a"" suffix, e.g. -1.6a"
914        read(*,*) c200tmp
915        if (index(c200tmp,'a')/=0) then
916            read(c200tmp(1:len_trim(c200tmp)-1),*) orgx2D
917            orgx2D=orgx2D/b2a
918        else
919            read(c200tmp,*) orgx2D
920        end if
921        if (ncenter==0) then
922            orgy2D=orgy
923            orgz2D=orgz
924            v1y=(endy-orgy)/(ngridnum1-1)
925            v2z=(endz-orgz)/(ngridnum2-1)
926        else
927            if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then !adjust aug2D/aug2D2
928                sup=(maxval(a%y)-minval(a%y))-(maxval(a%z)-minval(a%z))
929                if (sup>0) aug2D2=aug2D+sup/2
930                if (sup<0) aug2D=aug2D-sup/2
931            end if
932            orgy2D=minval(a%y)-aug2D
933            orgz2D=minval(a%z)-aug2D2
934            v1y=(maxval(a%y)+aug2D-orgy2D)/ngridnum1
935            v2z=(maxval(a%z)+aug2D2-orgz2D)/ngridnum2
936        end if
937    else if (plesel==4.or.plesel==5) then
938410        if (plesel==4) then
939            write(*,*) "Input the number of three atoms (e.g. 3,6,7)"
940            read(*,*) i1,i2,i3
941            if (i1==i2.or.i1==i3.or.i2==i3.or.min(i1,i2,i3)<1.or.max(i1,i2,i3)>ncenter) then
942                if (min(i1,i2,i3)<1.or.max(i1,i2,i3)>ncenter) write(*,*) "Atom indices are out of valid range, please input again"
943                if (i1==i2.or.i1==i3.or.i2==i3) write(*,*) "Atom indices are duplicated, please input again"
944                goto 410
945            end if
946            a1x=a(i1)%x
947            a1y=a(i1)%y
948            a1z=a(i1)%z
949            a2x=a(i2)%x
950            a2y=a(i2)%y
951            a2z=a(i2)%z
952            a3x=a(i3)%x
953            a3y=a(i3)%y
954            a3z=a(i3)%z
955        else if (plesel==5) then
956            write(*,*) "Input x,y,z of point 1 (in Bohr, e.g. 1.2,1.3,0.0)"
957            read(*,*) a1x,a1y,a1z
958            write(*,*) "Input x,y,z of point 2 (in Bohr)"
959            read(*,*) a2x,a2y,a2z
960            write(*,*) "Input x,y,z of point 3 (in Bohr)"
961            read(*,*) a3x,a3y,a3z
962        end if
963        v1x=a1x-a2x
964        v1y=a1y-a2y
965        v1z=a1z-a2z
966        v2x=a3x-a2x
967        v2y=a3y-a2y
968        v2z=a3z-a2z
969        rnorm1=dsqrt(v1x**2+v1y**2+v1z**2) !Norm of vector 1
970        rnorm2=dsqrt(v2x**2+v2y**2+v2z**2)
971        if (abs(v1x*v2x+v1y*v2y+v1z*v2z)/(rnorm1*rnorm2)>0.999) then
972            if (plesel==4) write(*,*) "The three atoms should not lie in the same line!"
973            if (plesel==5) write(*,*) "The three points should not lie in the same line!"
974            goto 410
975        end if
976        rangle=acos( abs(v1x*v2x+v1y*v2y+v1z*v2z)/(rnorm1*rnorm2) )
977        if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then !adjust aug2D/aug2D2
978            sup=rnorm1-rnorm2*cos(pi/2-rangle)
979            if (sup>0) aug2D2=aug2D+sup/2
980            if (sup<0) aug2D=aug2D-sup/2
981        end if
982        dist1=rnorm1+2*aug2D !Total length in direction 1
983        dist2=rnorm2*cos(pi/2-rangle)+2*aug2D2 !Total length in direction 2
984!        write(*,*) "angle",acos(cos(pi/2-rangle))/pi*180
985        d1=dist1/ngridnum1  !Transitional step length in direction 1
986        d2=dist2/ngridnum2
987        v1x=v1x*d1/rnorm1  !Make the norm of v1 equal to expected step lengh (d1)
988        v1y=v1y*d1/rnorm1
989        v1z=v1z*d1/rnorm1
990        schmit=(v1x*v2x+v1y*v2y+v1z*v2z)/(v1x**2+v1y**2+v1z**2) !Use schmit method to make v2 ortho to v1
991        v2x=v2x-schmit*v1x
992        v2y=v2y-schmit*v1y
993        v2z=v2z-schmit*v1z
994        rnorm2=dsqrt(v2x**2+v2y**2+v2z**2)
995        v2x=v2x*d2/rnorm2   !Make the norm of v2 equal to expected step lengh (d2)
996        v2y=v2y*d2/rnorm2
997        v2z=v2z*d2/rnorm2
998!         write(*,*) "test ortho",v1x*v2x+v1y*v2y+v1z*v2z
999        orgx2D=a2x-aug2D/d1*v1x-aug2D2/d2*v2x  !aug2D/d1*v1x=aug2D*(v1x/d1), v1x/d1 correspond the x component of unit vector in v1x direction
1000        orgy2D=a2y-aug2D/d1*v1y-aug2D2/d2*v2y
1001        orgz2D=a2z-aug2D/d1*v1z-aug2D2/d2*v2z
1002    else if (plesel==6) then
1003        write(*,*) "Input origin of x,y,z in Bohr, e.g. 3.5,-1,0.2"
1004        read(*,*) orgx2D,orgy2D,orgz2D
1005        write(*,*) "Input x,y,z of transitional vector 1 in Bohr, e.g. 0.08,0.03,0"
1006        read(*,*) v1x,v1y,v1z
1007        write(*,*) "Input x,y,z of transitional vector 2 in Bohr, should be orthogonal to vector 1"
1008        read(*,*) v2x,v2y,v2z
1009        d1=dsqrt(v1x**2+v1y**2+v1z**2)
1010        d2=dsqrt(v2x**2+v2y**2+v2z**2)
1011        dist1=d1*ngridnum1
1012        dist2=d2*ngridnum2
1013        a1x=orgx2D !Although a1x...a3z is no use for generate data, but these are critical for plotting atom label (subroutine drawplane)
1014        a1y=orgy2D
1015        a1z=orgz2D
1016        a2x=orgx2D+ngridnum1*v1x
1017        a2y=orgy2D+ngridnum1*v1y
1018        a2z=orgz2D+ngridnum1*v1z
1019        a3x=orgx2D+ngridnum2*v2x
1020        a3y=orgy2D+ngridnum2*v2y
1021        a3z=orgz2D+ngridnum2*v2z
1022    else if (plesel==7) then
1023        write(*,*) "Input two atoms to define the bond, e.g. 4,5"
1024        read(*,*) iatm1,iatm2
1025        write(*,*) "Input three atoms to define a plane, e.g. 1,4,7"
1026        read(*,*) jatm1,jatm2,jatm3
1027        write(*,*) "Input length of X-axis in Bohr e.g. 10"
1028        read(*,*) dist1
1029        write(*,*) "Input length of Y-axis in Bohr e.g. 8"
1030        read(*,*) dist2
1031        v1x=a(iatm2)%x-a(iatm1)%x
1032        v1y=a(iatm2)%y-a(iatm1)%y
1033        v1z=a(iatm2)%z-a(iatm1)%z
1034        call pointABCD(a(jatm1)%x,a(jatm1)%y,a(jatm1)%z,a(jatm2)%x,a(jatm2)%y,a(jatm2)%z,a(jatm3)%x,a(jatm3)%y,a(jatm3)%z,v2x,v2y,v2z,tmpD)
1035        schmit=(v1x*v2x+v1y*v2y+v1z*v2z)/(v1x**2+v1y**2+v1z**2) !Use schmit method to make v2 ortho to v1
1036        v2x=v2x-schmit*v1x
1037        v2y=v2y-schmit*v1y
1038        v2z=v2z-schmit*v1z
1039        d1=dist1/(ngridnum1-1)
1040        d2=dist2/(ngridnum2-1)
1041        rnorm1=dsqrt(v1x**2+v1y**2+v1z**2)
1042        v1x=v1x/rnorm1*d1
1043        v1y=v1y/rnorm1*d1
1044        v1z=v1z/rnorm1*d1
1045        rnorm2=dsqrt(v2x**2+v2y**2+v2z**2)
1046        v2x=v2x/rnorm2*d2
1047        v2y=v2y/rnorm2*d2
1048        v2z=v2z/rnorm2*d2
1049        orgx2D=(a(iatm1)%x+a(iatm2)%x)/2 - v1x*ngridnum1/2 - v2x*ngridnum2/2
1050        orgy2D=(a(iatm1)%y+a(iatm2)%y)/2 - v1y*ngridnum1/2 - v2y*ngridnum2/2
1051        orgz2D=(a(iatm1)%z+a(iatm2)%z)/2 - v1z*ngridnum1/2 - v2z*ngridnum2/2
1052        a1x=orgx2D !Although a1x...a3z is no use for generate data, but these are critical for plotting atom label (subroutine drawplane)
1053        a1y=orgy2D
1054        a1z=orgz2D
1055        a2x=orgx2D+ngridnum1*v1x
1056        a2y=orgy2D+ngridnum1*v1y
1057        a2z=orgz2D+ngridnum1*v1z
1058        a3x=orgx2D+ngridnum2*v2x
1059        a3y=orgy2D+ngridnum2*v2y
1060        a3z=orgz2D+ngridnum2*v2z
1061    end if
1063    write(*,*)
1064    write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of origin of the plane: ',3f10.5,' Bohr')") orgx2D,orgy2D,orgz2D
1065    endx2D=orgx2D+v1x*(ngridnum1-1)+v2x*(ngridnum2-1)
1066    endy2D=orgy2D+v1y*(ngridnum1-1)+v2y*(ngridnum2-1)
1067    endz2D=orgz2D+v1z*(ngridnum1-1)+v2z*(ngridnum2-1)
1068    write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of end of the plane:    ',3f10.5,' Bohr')") endx2D,endy2D,endz2D
1069    write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of translation vector 1:',3f10.5,' Bohr')") v1x,v1y,v1z
1070    write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of translation vector 2:',3f10.5,' Bohr')") v2x,v2y,v2z
1071    write(*,*)
1072    rnorm1=dsqrt(v1x**2+v1y**2+v1z**2) !The final length of vector 1
1073    rnorm2=dsqrt(v2x**2+v2y**2+v2z**2) !The final length of vector 2
1074    diff=1D-5
1075    diffv1x=diff*v1x/rnorm1 !The infinitesimal in each direction for gradient plot
1076    diffv1y=diff*v1y/rnorm1
1077    diffv1z=diff*v1z/rnorm1
1078    diffv2x=diff*v2x/rnorm2
1079    diffv2y=diff*v2y/rnorm2
1080    diffv2z=diff*v2z/rnorm2
1082    !Don't directly use Multiwfn to calculate the plane data, but load from external file
1083    if (iplaneextdata==1) then
1084        open(10,file="planept.txt",status="replace")
1085        open(11,file="cubegenpt.txt",status="replace")
1086        write(10,*) ngridnum1*ngridnum2
1087        do ipt=1,ngridnum1
1088            do jpt=1,ngridnum2
1089                rnowx=orgx2D+(ipt-1)*v1x+(jpt-1)*v2x
1090                rnowy=orgy2D+(ipt-1)*v1y+(jpt-1)*v2y
1091                rnowz=orgz2D+(ipt-1)*v1z+(jpt-1)*v2z
1092                write(10,"(3f16.8)") rnowx,rnowy,rnowz
1093                write(11,"(3f16.8)") rnowx*b2a,rnowy*b2a,rnowz*b2a
1094            end do
1095        end do
1096        close(10)
1097        close(11)
1098        write(*,"(a)") " The coordinate of all points needed to be calculated have been outputted to plane.txt in current folder, the unit is in Bohr"
1099        write(*,"(a)") " cubegenpt.txt is also outputted, which is similar to plane.txt, but the unit is in Angstrom, &
1100        and there is no first line (the number of points). It can be directly utilized by cubegen"
1101        write(*,"(a)") " For example ""cubegen 0 potential CNT.fch result.cub -5 h < cubegenpt.txt"""
1102        write(*,*)
1103        write(*,"(a)") " Now input the path of the file containing function values, e.g. c:\t.txt, whose format should be identical to plane.txt, but with function value in the fourth column"
1104        write(*,"(a)") " Note: If the suffix is .cub, then the file will be recognized and loaded as output file of cubegen"
1105        do while(.true.)
1106            read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
1107            inquire(file=c200tmp,exist=alive)
1108            if (alive) exit
1109            write(*,*) "File cannot be found, input again"
1110        end do
1111        open(10,file=c200tmp,status="old")
1112        if (index(c200tmp,".cub")/=0) then !cubegen output
1113            do iskip=1,6+ncenter
1114                read(10,*)
1115            end do
1116        else
1117            read(10,*)
1118        end if
1119        do ipt=1,ngridnum1
1120            do jpt=1,ngridnum2
1121                read(10,*) rnouse,rnouse,rnouse,planemat(ipt,jpt)
1122            end do
1123        end do
1124        close(10)
1125        goto 430
1126    end if
1128    !!! Start calculation of plane data now!
1129    if (infuncsel2/=4) call delvirorb(1) !Delete high-lying virtual orbitals for faster calculation, but don't do this for analyzing MO
1130    write(*,*) "Please wait..."
1131    if (infuncsel2/=12.and.expcutoff<0) write(*,"(' Note: All exponential functions exp(x) with x<',f8.3,' will be ignored ')") expcutoff
1132    CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
1133    call walltime(walltime1)
1134    icustom=0
1135    planemat=0D0 !For promolecular property, first clean up planemat, if not planemat may not clean
1136    if (ipromol==1) goto 421 ! To obtain promolecule property, pass the first loaded molecule
1137    !Note: If the task refers to plotting ESP map, the function of drawing gradient line will be disabled
1139420    if (infuncsel2==12.and.idrawtype/=6.and.idrawtype/=7) then
1140        call planeesp(max(ngridnum1,ngridnum2)) !Special treatment to calculate ESP
1141    else if (infuncsel2==112) then !Calculate atomic Hirshfeld weighting function
1142        call genhirshplanewei(tmparrint,size(tmparrint),iHirshdenstype)
1143        ncustommap=0
1144    else if (infuncsel2==500.or.infuncsel2==510.or.infuncsel2==511.or.infuncsel2==512) then
1145    !500: Calculate rho(A)*ln[rho(A)/rho0(A)], 510: Calculate rho(A), 511: Calculate rho0(A), 512: other
1146        call genhirshplanewei(tmparrint,size(tmparrint),1)
1147        ncustommap=0
1148        do i=1,ngridnum1 !Now planemat is Hirshfeld weight of iatmentropy, and planemattmp is its density in free-state
1149            do j=1,ngridnum2
1150                rnowx=orgx2D+(i-1)*v1x+(j-1)*v2x
1151                rnowy=orgy2D+(i-1)*v1y+(j-1)*v2y
1152                rnowz=orgz2D+(i-1)*v1z+(j-1)*v2z
1153                rhoA=planemat(i,j)*fdens(rnowx,rnowy,rnowz)
1154                if (infuncsel2==500) planemat(i,j)=rhoA*log(rhoA/planemattmp(i,j))
1155                if (infuncsel2==510) planemat(i,j)=rhoA
1156                if (infuncsel2==511) planemat(i,j)=planemattmp(i,j)
1157                if (infuncsel2==512) planemat(i,j)=log(rhoA/planemattmp(i,j))
1158            end do
1159        end do
1160    else if (infuncsel2==501) then !Calculate sum{rho(A)*ln[rho(A)/rho0(A)]}
1161        call genentroplane(1)
1162        ncustommap=0
1163    else if (infuncsel2==502) then !Calculate sum(x), where x=[rho(A)-rho0(A)]/rho(A)
1164        call genentroplane(2)
1165        ncustommap=0
1166    else if (infuncsel2==503) then !Calculate difference between total relative Shannon entropy and deformation density
1167        call genentroplane(3)
1168        ncustommap=0
1169    else
1171!$OMP PARALLEL DO private(i,j,rnowx,rnowy,rnowz) shared(planemat,d1add,d1min,d2add,d2min) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
1172        do i=1,ngridnum1
1173            do j=1,ngridnum2
1174                rnowx=orgx2D+(i-1)*v1x+(j-1)*v2x
1175                rnowy=orgy2D+(i-1)*v1y+(j-1)*v2y
1176                rnowz=orgz2D+(i-1)*v1z+(j-1)*v2z
1177                if (infuncsel2==111) then
1178                    planemat(i,j)=beckewei(rnowx,rnowy,rnowz,iatmbecke1,iatmbecke2)
1179                else
1180                    planemat(i,j)=calcfuncall(infuncsel2,rnowx,rnowy,rnowz)
1181                    if (infuncsel2==4.and.iorbsel2/=0) planemattmp(i,j)=fmo(rnowx,rnowy,rnowz,iorbsel2) !Calculate another orbital together
1182                end if
1183                if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then !Generate two vector to plot vector field line graph
1184                    d1add(i,j)=calcfuncall(infuncsel2,rnowx+diffv1x,rnowy+diffv1y,rnowz+diffv1z)
1185                    d1min(i,j)=calcfuncall(infuncsel2,rnowx-diffv1x,rnowy-diffv1y,rnowz-diffv1z)
1186                    d2add(i,j)=calcfuncall(infuncsel2,rnowx+diffv2x,rnowy+diffv2y,rnowz+diffv2z)
1187                    d2min(i,j)=calcfuncall(infuncsel2,rnowx-diffv2x,rnowy-diffv2y,rnowz-diffv2z)
1188                end if
1189            end do
1190        end do
1192    end if
1194421    if (ncustommap/=0) then !Calculate data for custom map
1195        if (icustom==0) then !The first time
1196            planemat_cust=planemat
1197            if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then
1198                d1addtmp=d1add
1199                d1mintmp=d1min
1200                d2addtmp=d2add
1201                d2mintmp=d2min
1202            end if
1203        else if (icustom/=0) then
1204            if (customop(icustom)=='+') then
1205                planemat_cust=planemat_cust+planemat
1206                if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then
1207                    d1addtmp=d1addtmp+d1add
1208                    d1mintmp=d1mintmp+d1min
1209                    d2addtmp=d2addtmp+d2add
1210                    d2mintmp=d2mintmp+d2min
1211                end if
1212            else if (customop(icustom)=='-') then
1213                planemat_cust=planemat_cust-planemat
1214                if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then
1215                    d1addtmp=d1addtmp-d1add
1216                    d1mintmp=d1mintmp-d1min
1217                    d2addtmp=d2addtmp-d2add
1218                    d2mintmp=d2mintmp-d2min
1219                end if
1220            else if (customop(icustom)=='x'.or.customop(icustom)=='*') then
1221                planemat_cust=planemat_cust*planemat
1222                if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then
1223                    d1addtmp=d1addtmp*d1add
1224                    d1mintmp=d1mintmp*d1min
1225                    d2addtmp=d2addtmp*d2add
1226                    d2mintmp=d2mintmp*d2min
1227                end if
1228            else if (customop(icustom)=='/') then
1229                planemat_cust=planemat_cust/planemat
1230                if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then
1231                    d1addtmp=d1addtmp/d1add
1232                    d1mintmp=d1mintmp/d1min
1233                    d2addtmp=d2addtmp/d2add
1234                    d2mintmp=d2mintmp/d2min
1235                end if
1236            end if
1237        end if
1238        if (icustom/=ncustommap) then !Not the final time
1239            icustom=icustom+1
1240            filename=custommapname(icustom)
1241            call dealloall
1242            write(*,"(' Loading:  ',a)") trim(filename)
1243            call readinfile(filename,1)
1244            if (infuncsel2/=4) call delvirorb(0)
1245            !Generate temporary fragatm
1246            deallocate(fragatm)
1247            nfragatmnum=ncenter
1248            allocate(fragatm(nfragatmnum))
1249            do iatm=1,ncenter
1250                fragatm(iatm)=iatm
1251            end do
1252            !Input the MO index for current file. Since the MO index may be not the same as the first loaded one
1253            if (infuncsel2==4) then
1254                write(*,"(' Input the index of the orbital to be calculated for ',a,'   e.g. 3')") trim(filename)
1255                read(*,*) iorbsel
1256            end if
1257            goto 420
1258        else !The final time, reload the first loaded system
1259            planemat=planemat_cust
1260            if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then
1261                d1add=d1addtmp
1262                d1min=d1mintmp
1263                d2add=d2addtmp
1264                d2min=d2mintmp
1265            end if
1266            call dealloall
1267            write(*,"(' Reloading:  ',a)") trim(firstfilename)
1268            call readinfile(firstfilename,1)
1269            !Recovery user-defined fragatm from the backup
1270            deallocate(fragatm)
1271            nfragatmnum=nfragatmnumbackup
1272            allocate(fragatm(nfragatmnum))
1273            fragatm=fragatmbackup
1274        end if
1275    end if
1277    if (idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then !Finish the finite differential to yield gradient
1278        gradd1=(d1add-d1min)/2/diff
1279        gradd2=(d2add-d2min)/2/diff
1280    end if
1281    CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
1282    call walltime(walltime2)
1284!     open(14,file="data(h2o-O1).txt",status="old") !read data from external file, normal user don't play with this
1285!     do i=1,ngridnum1
1286!         do j=1,ngridnum2
1287!             read(14,*) rabbish,rabbish,rabbish,planemat(i,j)
1288!         end do
1289!     end do
1290!     close(14)
1292430    if (isys==1) write(*,"(' Calculation took up CPU time',f12.2,'s, wall clock time',i8,'s')") time_end-time_begin,walltime2-walltime1
1293    write(*,*) "The minimum of data:",minval(planemat)
1294    write(*,*) "The maximum of data:",maxval(planemat)
1295    !! Set default lower and upper of Z for plot
1296    surcolorzmin=-3
1297    surcolorzmax=3
1298    if (infuncsel2==1) then
1299        drawlowlim=0.0D0
1300        drawuplim=0.65D0
1301    else if (infuncsel2==2) then
1302        drawlowlim=0.0D0
1303        drawuplim=0.65D0
1304    else if (infuncsel2==3) then
1305        drawlowlim=-8.0D0
1306        drawuplim=15.0D0
1307    else if (infuncsel2==4) then
1308        drawlowlim=-0.8D0
1309        drawuplim=0.8D0
1310    else if (infuncsel2==5) then
1311        drawlowlim=-0.1D0
1312        drawuplim=0.1D0
1313    else if (infuncsel2==8.and.ifiletype/=4) then !Nuclear ESP
1314        drawlowlim=0.0D0
1315        drawuplim=50D0
1316        surcolorzmin=0
1317        surcolorzmax=50
1318    else if (infuncsel2==8.and.ifiletype==4) then !Atomic charge ESP
1319        drawlowlim=-0.4D0
1320        drawuplim=0.4D0
1321    else if (infuncsel2==9) then
1322        drawlowlim=0.0D0
1323        drawuplim=1.0D0
1324    else if (infuncsel2==10) then
1325        drawlowlim=0.0D0
1326        drawuplim=0.8D0
1327    else if (infuncsel2==11) then
1328        drawlowlim=0.0D0
1329        drawuplim=0.1D0
1330    else if (infuncsel2==12) then
1331        drawlowlim=-0.1D0
1332        drawuplim=0.1D0
1333    else if (infuncsel2==13.or.infuncsel2==14) then
1334        drawlowlim=0D0
1335        drawuplim=1D0
1336    else if (infuncsel2==15.or.infuncsel2==16) then
1337        drawlowlim=-0.65D0
1338        drawuplim=0.65D0
1339    else if (infuncsel2==17) then
1340        drawlowlim=-0.5D0
1341        drawuplim=0.1D0
1342    else if (infuncsel2==18) then
1343        drawlowlim=0D0
1344        drawuplim=2D0
1345    else if (infuncsel2==111.or.infuncsel2==112) then !Becke/Hirshfeld weight
1346        drawlowlim=0D0
1347        drawuplim=1D0
1348    else if (infuncsel2==100.and.iuserfunc==20) then !DORI
1349        drawlowlim=0D0
1350        drawuplim=1D0
1351    else ! Include infuncsel2==100
1352        drawlowlim=0.0D0
1353        drawuplim=5.0D0
1354    end if
1355    !Set up range of X and Y axes
1356    if (plesel==1) then
1357        axlow1=orgx2D
1358        axhigh1=endx2D
1359        axlow2=orgy2D
1360        axhigh2=endy2D
1361    else if (plesel==2) then
1362        axlow1=orgx2D
1363        axhigh1=endx2D
1364        axlow2=orgz2D
1365        axhigh2=endz2D
1366    else if (plesel==3) then
1367        axlow1=orgy2D
1368        axhigh1=endy2D
1369        axlow2=orgz2D
1370        axhigh2=endz2D
1371    else if (plesel==4.or.plesel==5.or.plesel==6.or.plesel==7) then
1372        axlow1=0D0
1373        axhigh1=dist1-d1
1374        axlow2=0D0
1375        axhigh2=dist2-d2
1376    end if
1377    !Step size between labels
1378    planestpx=(axhigh1-axlow1)/7
1379    planestpy=(axhigh2-axlow2)/7
1380    planestpz=(drawuplim-drawlowlim)/10
1382    XVU=150.0D0 !Reinitialize view
1383    YVU=30.0D0
1384    ZVU=7.0D0 !More suitable than 6.0D0 for drawing plane
1385    i=-1
1387    idrawintbasple=0 !Refresh (3,-1) information
1388    nple3n1path=0
1389    cp2ple3n1path=0
1390    iatmcontri=0 !=0 means haven't define atomic contribution
1391    if (allocated(ple3n1path)) deallocate(ple3n1path)
1393    do while(.true.)
1394    !! We have calculated planemat or x/y grad, now use the data to draw graph
1395    !! Because the max cycle is ngridnum1/2 - 1, so the upper coordinate likes dist1-d1 rather than dist1
1396        if ((i==-1.and.isilent==0).or.isavepic==1) then
1397            if (idrawtype==3.or.idrawtype==4.or.idrawtype==5) then !Draw 3D plane, first use drawplaneGUI to setup GUI, which then invokes drawplane
1398            else
1399            end if
1400            if (isavepic==1) write(*,"(a,a,a)") " Graph have been saved to ",trim(graphformat)," file with ""DISLIN"" prefix in current directory"
1401            isavepic=0
1402        end if
1404        !! After show the plot once, ask user what to do next. 0 and negative options are general options
1405        write(*,*)
1406!         write(*,*) "-11 Translate content of the graph" !For my personal use
1407!         write(*,*) "-10 Multiply data by the data in a plane text file"
1408        if (iatmcontri==0) write(*,*) "-9 Only plot the data around certain atoms"
1409        if (iatmcontri==1) write(*,*) "-9 Recovery original plane data"
1410        if (ilenunit2D==1) write(*,*) "-8 Change length unit of the graph to Angstrom"
1411        if (ilenunit2D==2) write(*,*) "-8 Change length unit of the graph to Bohr"
1412        write(*,*) "-7 Multiply data by a factor"
1413        write(*,*) "-6 Export calculated plane data to plane.txt in current folder"
1414        write(*,*) "-5 Return to main menu"
1415        write(*,*) "-4 Switch ON/OFF of reversing ticks"
1416        write(*,"(a,i3)") " -3 Set the number of ticks between the labels, current:",iticks
1417        if (idrawtype==1.or.idrawtype==4.or.idrawtype==5) then
1418            write(*,"(a,2f7.3,f10.5)") " -2 Set stepsize in X,Y,Z axes, current:",planestpx,planestpy,planestpz
1419        else
1420            write(*,"(a,2f7.3)") " -2 Set stepsize in X and Y axes, current:",planestpx,planestpy
1421        end if
1422        write(*,*) "-1 Show the graph again"
1423        write(*,*) "0 Save the graph to a file"
1425        if (idrawtype==1) then !Color-filled map
1426            if (abs(drawlowlim)<1000000.and.abs(drawuplim)<1000000) then
1427                write(*,"(a,2f15.7)") " 1 Set lower&upper limit of color scale, current:",drawlowlim,drawuplim
1428            else
1429                write(*,"(a,2(1PE15.6))") " 1 Set lower&upper limit of color scale, current:",drawlowlim,drawuplim
1430            end if
1431            if (idrawcontour==1) write(*,*) "2 Disable showing contour lines"
1432            if (idrawcontour==0) write(*,*) "2 Enable showing contour lines"
1433            write(*,*) "3 Change contour line setting"
1434            if (iatom_on_contour==0) write(*,*) "4 Enable showing atom labels and reference point"
1435            if (iatom_on_contour==1) write(*,*) "4 Disable showing atom labels and reference point"
1436            if (idrawplanevdwctr==0.and.iorbsel2==0.and.allocated(b)) write(*,*) "15 Draw a contour line of vdW surface (electron density=0.001)" !meaningless if custom operation is performed
1437            if (idrawplanevdwctr==1) write(*,*) "15 Don't draw a contour line of vdW surface"
1438            if (idrawplanevdwctr==1) write(*,*) "16 Set label size, style and color of the contour line of vdW surface" !When iorbsel2/=0, that means plot another orbital, cubmattmp will be pre-occupied
1439            if (iatom_on_contour==1) write(*,"(a,f7.3)") " 17 Set the distance criterion for showing atom labels, current:",disshowlabel
1440            if (iatmlabtype==1) write(*,*) "18 Change style of atomic labels: Only plot element symbol"
1441            if (iatmlabtype==2) write(*,*) "18 Change style of atomic labels: Only plot atomic index"
1442            if (iatmlabtype==3) write(*,*) "18 Change style of atomic labels: Plot both element symbol and atomic index"
1443        else if (idrawtype==2.or.idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then !contour map, gradient line, vector field with/without contour
1444            if (iatom_on_contour==0) write(*,*) "1 Enable showing atom labels and reference point"
1445            if (iatom_on_contour==1) write(*,*) "1 Disable showing atom labels and reference point"
1446            if (ilabel_on_contour==0) write(*,*) "2 Enable showing isovalue on contour lines"
1447            if (ilabel_on_contour==1) write(*,*) "2 Disable showing isovalue on contour lines"
1448            write(*,*) "3 Change contour line setting"
1449            if (numcp>0.or.numpath>0) write(*,*) "4 Set marks of critical points and paths"
1450            if (idrawcontour==1) write(*,*) "5 Disable showing contour lines"
1451            if (idrawcontour==0) write(*,*) "5 Enable showing contour lines"
1452            if (numcp>0.and.idrawintbasple==0) write(*,*) "6 Generate and show interbasin paths"
1453            if (numcp>0.and.idrawintbasple==1) write(*,*) "6 Delete interbasin paths"
1454            if (numcp>0.and.idrawintbasple==0) write(*,*) "7 Set stepsize and maximal iteration for interbasin path generation"
1456            if (idrawtype==6) then
1457                if (igrad_arrow==0) write(*,*) "10 Show arrows"
1458                if (igrad_arrow==1) write(*,*) "10 Don't show arrows"
1459                write(*,"(a,f8.4)") " 11 Set integration step for gradient line, current:",gradplotstep
1460                write(*,"(a,f8.4)") " 12 Set interstice between gradient line, current:",gradplotdis
1461                write(*,"(a,f8.4)") " 13 Set test value for drawing a new gradient line, current:",gradplottest
1462                write(*,*) "14 Set color and line width for gradient lines"
1463            else if (idrawtype==7) then
1464                write(*,"(a,f8.4)") " 10 Set upper limit of absolute value for scaling, current:",cutgradvec
1465                if (icolorvecfield==0) write(*,*) "11 Map color to arrows"
1466                if (icolorvecfield==1) write(*,*) "11 Don't Map color to arrows"
1467                if (icolorvecfield==0) write(*,*) "12 Set color for arrow heads" !If color map was set, the color set by user themselves is nulified
1468                if (iinvgradvec==0) write(*,*) "13 Invert gradient vectors"
1469                if (iinvgradvec==1) write(*,*) "13 Don't invert gradient vectors"
1470            end if
1471            if (idrawplanevdwctr==0.and.iorbsel2==0.and.allocated(b)) write(*,*) "15 Draw a contour line of vdW surface (electron density=0.001)" !meaningless if custom operation is performed
1472            if (idrawplanevdwctr==1) write(*,*) "15 Don't draw a contour line of vdW surface"
1473            if (idrawplanevdwctr==1) write(*,*) "16 Set label size, style and color of the contour line of vdW surface"
1474            if (iatom_on_contour==1) write(*,"(a,f7.3)") " 17 Set the distance criterion for showing atom labels, current:",disshowlabel
1475            if (iatmlabtype==1) write(*,*) "18 Change style of atomic labels: Only plot element symbol"
1476            if (iatmlabtype==2) write(*,*) "18 Change style of atomic labels: Only plot atomic index"
1477            if (iatmlabtype==3) write(*,*) "18 Change style of atomic labels: Plot both element symbol and atomic index"
1478        else if (idrawtype==4.or.idrawtype==5) then !Colored relief map with/without projected color-filled map
1479            write(*,*) "1 Set color scale range for filling color"
1480            write(*,"(a,a)") " 2 Toggle drawing mesh on the surface, current: ",drawsurmesh
1481        else if (idrawtype==3) then
1482            continue
1483        end if
1485        read(*,*) i
1487        !Below are general options
1488        if (i==-11) then
1489            write(*,*) "Input translate extent in X and Y of the plot, respectively in Bohr"
1490            write(*,*) "e.g. 0.8,-0.2"
1491            read(*,*) transd1,transd2
1492            orgxnew=orgx2D-transd1*v1x/rnorm1-transd2*v2x/rnorm2
1493            orgynew=orgy2D-transd1*v1y/rnorm1-transd2*v2y/rnorm2
1494            orgznew=orgz2D-transd1*v1z/rnorm1-transd2*v2z/rnorm2
1495            write(*,"(a)") " In next time of plot, you should use mode 6 to define the plotting plane with below parameters (in Bohr):"
1496            write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of origin of the plane: ',3f10.5)") orgxnew,orgynew,orgznew
1497            write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of translation vector 1:',3f10.5)") v1x,v1y,v1z
1498            write(*,"(' X/Y/Z of translation vector 2:',3f10.5)") v2x,v2y,v2z
1499        else if (i==-10) then !Load plane data in another plain text file and operate to current plane data, the plane settings must be identical
1500            write(*,*) "Input file name, e.g. C:\plane.txt"
1501            read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
1502            write(*,*) "How many columns? (4 or 6. The data in the last column will be loaded)"
1503            read(*,*) ncol
1504            open(10,file=c200tmp,status="old")
1505                do i=0,ngridnum1-1
1506                    do j=0,ngridnum2-1
1507                        if (ncol==4) then
1508                            read(10,*) tmpv,tmpv,tmpv,planemattmp(i+1,j+1)
1509                        else
1510                            read(10,*) tmpv,tmpv,tmpv,tmpv,tmpv,planemattmp(i+1,j+1)
1511                        end if
1512                    end do
1513                end do
1514            close(10)
1515            write(*,*) "Which operation? +,-,x,/"
1516            read(*,*) c200tmp(1:1)
1517            if (c200tmp(1:1)=="+") then
1518                planemat=planemat+planemattmp
1519            else if (c200tmp(1:1)=="-") then
1520                planemat=planemat-planemattmp
1521            else if (c200tmp(1:1)=="x") then
1522                planemat=planemat*planemattmp
1523            else if (c200tmp(1:1)=="/") then
1524                planemat=planemat/planemattmp
1525            end if
1526            write(*,*) "Done!"
1527        else if (i==-9) then
1528            if (iatmcontri==0) then
1529                allocate(planemat_bk(ngridnum1,ngridnum2))
1530                planemat_bk=planemat
1531                if (allocated(tmparrint)) deallocate(tmparrint)
1532                write(*,*) "Input index of the atoms you are interested in, e.g. 2,3,7-10"
1533                read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
1534                call str2arr(c2000tmp,ntmp)
1535                allocate(tmparrint(ntmp))
1536                call str2arr(c2000tmp,ntmp,tmparrint)
1537                write(*,*) "Updating plane data, please wait..."
1538                do i=1,ngridnum1 !First calculate promolecular density and store it to planemat
1539                    do j=1,ngridnum2
1540                        rnowx=orgx2D+(i-1)*v1x+(j-1)*v2x
1541                        rnowy=orgy2D+(i-1)*v1y+(j-1)*v2y
1542                        rnowz=orgz2D+(i-1)*v1z+(j-1)*v2z
1543                        densall=0
1544                        densfrag=0
1545                        do iatm=1,ncenter
1546                            tmpval=calcatmdens(iatm,rnowx,rnowy,rnowz,0)
1547                            densall=densall+tmpval
1548                            if (any(tmparrint==iatm)) densfrag=densfrag+tmpval
1549                        end do
1550                        planemat(i,j)=planemat(i,j)*densfrag/densall
1551                    end do
1552                end do
1553                write(*,*) "Done! The data have been updated, you can replot it"
1554                deallocate(tmparrint)
1555                iatmcontri=1
1556            else !Recovery the backed up data
1557                planemat=planemat_bk
1558                deallocate(planemat_bk)
1559                iatmcontri=0
1560            end if
1561        else if (i==-8) then
1562            if (ilenunit2D==1) then
1563                ilenunit2D=2
1564            else if (ilenunit2D==2) then
1565                ilenunit2D=1
1566            end if
1567        else if (i==-7) then
1568            write(*,*) "Input a value, e.g. 0.3"
1569            read(*,*) scaleval
1570            planemat=planemat*scaleval
1571            write(*,*) "Done!"
1572        else if (i==-6) then
1573            open(10,file="plane.txt",status="replace")
1574            do i=0,ngridnum1-1
1575                do j=0,ngridnum2-1
1576                    rnowx=orgx2D+i*v1x+j*v2x
1577                    rnowy=orgy2D+i*v1y+j*v2y
1578                    rnowz=orgz2D+i*v1z+j*v2z
1579!                     if (planemat(i+1,j+1)<0.00098.or.planemat(i+1,j+1)>0.00103) cycle
1580                    if (plesel==4.or.plesel==5.or.plesel==6.or.plesel==7) then
1581                        write(10,"(5f10.5,1PE18.10)") rnowx*b2a,rnowy*b2a,rnowz*b2a,i*d1*b2a,j*d2*b2a,planemat(i+1,j+1)
1582                    else !Plane is vertical, the coordinate in a direction is zero
1583                        write(10,"(3f10.5,1PE18.10)") rnowx*b2a,rnowy*b2a,rnowz*b2a,planemat(i+1,j+1)
1584                    end if
1585                end do
1586            end do
1587            close(10)
1588            if (plesel==4.or.plesel==5.or.plesel==6.or.plesel==7) then
1589                write(*,"(a)") " The column 1,2,3 correspond to actual coordinates respectively"
1590                write(*,"(a)") " The column 4,5,6 correspond to X,Y coordinates in the graph and function value respectively"
1591            else
1592                write(*,"(a)") " The column 1,2,3,4 correspond to X,Y,Z and function value respectively"
1593            end if
1594            write(*,"(a)") "Result has been ouputted to plane.txt in current folder, length unit is in Angstrom"
1595            if (idrawtype/=3.and.idrawtype/=4.and.idrawtype/=5) then
1596                if ( numcp>0.or.(numpath>0.and.imarkpath==1).or.(nple3n1path>0.and.idrawintbasple==1) ) then
1597                    write(*,"(/,a)") " If also output critical points and topology/basin paths to plain text files in current folder? (y/n)"
1598                    read(*,*) selectyn
1599                    if (selectyn=='y'.or.selectyn=='Y') then
1600                        iplaneoutall=1 !Global variable, which tells drawplane routine to export topology data
1601                        iplaneoutall=0
1602                        if (numcp>0) write(*,"(a)") " Critical points have been outputted to planeCP.txt in current folder. The third column is type: 1=(3,-3), 2=(3,-1), 3=(3,+1), 4=(3,+3)"
1603                        if (numpath>0.and.imarkpath==1) write(*,*) "Topology paths have been outputted to planepath.txt in current folder"
1604                        if (nple3n1path>0.and.idrawintbasple==1) write(*,*) "Interbasin paths have been outputted to planeinterbasin.txt in current folder"
1605                        write(*,"(a)") " The first two columns correspond to X,Y coordinates in the graph, the unit is in Angstrom"
1606                    end if
1607                end if
1608            end if
1609        else if (i==-5) then
1610            deallocate(planemat,planemattmp)
1611            if (allocated(planemat_bk)) deallocate(planemat_bk)
1612            idrawplanevdwctr=0
1613            iorbsel2=0
1614            exit
1615        else if (i==-4) then
1616            if (itickreverse==0) then
1617                itickreverse=1
1618            else
1619                itickreverse=0
1620            end if
1621        else if (i==-3) then
1622            write(*,*) "How many ticks between labels do you want?"
1623            read(*,*) iticks
1624            iticks=iticks+1
1625        else if (i==-2) then
1626            if (idrawtype==1.or.idrawtype==4.or.idrawtype==5) then
1627                write(*,"(a)") " Input the stepsize between the labels in X,Y,Z axes, e.g. 1.5,2.0,0.1"
1628                read(*,*) planestpx,planestpy,planestpz
1629            else
1630                write(*,"(a)") " Input the stepsize between the labels in X and Y axes, e.g. 1.5,2.0"
1631                read(*,*) planestpx,planestpy
1632            end if
1633        else if (i==-1) then
1634            cycle
1635        else if (i==0) then
1636            isavepic=1
1637        end if
1639        !Shared options for idrawtype 1,2,6,7 are given first
1640        if (idrawtype==1.or.idrawtype==2.or.idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then
1641            if (i==15) then
1642                if (idrawplanevdwctr==0) then
1643                    idrawplanevdwctr=1
1644                    write(*,*) "Please wait..."
1646!$OMP PARALLEL DO private(ipt,jpt,rnowx,rnowy,rnowz) shared(planemattmp) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
1647                    do ipt=0,ngridnum1-1
1648                        do jpt=0,ngridnum2-1
1649                            rnowx=orgx2D+ipt*v1x+jpt*v2x
1650                            rnowy=orgy2D+ipt*v1y+jpt*v2y
1651                            rnowz=orgz2D+ipt*v1z+jpt*v2z
1652                            planemattmp(ipt+1,jpt+1)=fdens(rnowx,rnowy,rnowz)
1653                        end do
1654                    end do
1656                    write(*,*) "Done, now you can replot the graph to check effect"
1657                else if (idrawplanevdwctr==1) then
1658                    idrawplanevdwctr=0
1659                end if
1660            else if (i==16) then
1661                write(*,*) "Input the size of the label, e.g. 30"
1662                write(*,*) "Note: If you input 0, then the label will not be shown"
1663                read(*,*) ivdwctrlabsize
1664                write(*,*) "Select color of the contour line:"
1665                write(*,*) "1/2/3/4/5 = Red/Green/Blue/White/Black"
1666                write(*,*) "6/7/8/9/10 = Gray/Cyan/Yellow/Orange/Magenta"
1667                write(*,*) "11/12/13/14 = Crimson/Dark green/Purple/Brown"
1668                read(*,*) ivdwclrindctr
1669                write(*,*) "Input the width of the contour line, e.g. 10"
1670                read(*,*) iwidthvdwctr
1671                write(*,*) "Input length of line segment and interstice"
1672                write(*,*) "e.g. 1,0 means solid line; 1,10 means DOT; 10,15 means DASH"
1673                write(*,*) "     10,25 means DASH with larger interstice"
1674                read(*,*) vdwctrstyle
1675                write(*,*) "Done, now you can replot the graph to check effect"
1676            else if (i==17) then
1677                write(*,"(a)") " Note: If the distance between an atom nucleus/critical point and the plane of interest is less than this criterion, &
1678                the atom/critical point will be labelled on the graph"
1679                write(*,*) "Input the criterion value in Bohr, e.g. 0.5"
1680                read(*,*) disshowlabel
1681                write(*,"(a)") " If also show the labels of the atoms that beyond this criterion as light face type? (y/n)"
1682                read(*,*) selectyn
1683                if (selectyn=='y'.or.selectyn=='Y') then
1684                    iatom_on_contour_far=1
1685                else
1686                    iatom_on_contour_far=0
1687                end if
1688            else if (i==18) then
1689                write(*,*) "1: Only plot element symbol"
1690                write(*,*) "2: Only plot atomic index"
1691                write(*,*) "3: Plot both element symbol and atomic index"
1692                write(*,*) "Note that the default value can be set by ""iatmlabtype"" in settings.ini"
1693                read(*,*) iatmlabtype
1694            end if
1696            !Options only for idrawtype 1=====================
1697            if (idrawtype==1) then
1698                if (i==1) then
1699                    write(*,*) "Input lower & upper limit of Z (e.g. -0.3,0.3)"
1700                    read(*,*) drawlowlim,drawuplim
1701                else if (i==2) then
1702                    if (idrawcontour==1) then
1703                        idrawcontour=0
1704                    else if (idrawcontour==0) then
1705                        idrawcontour=1
1706                    end if
1707                else if (i==3) then  !! Change isovalues of contour line
1708                    call setctr
1709                else if (i==4) then
1710                    if (iatom_on_contour==1) then
1711                        iatom_on_contour=0
1712                    else if (iatom_on_contour==0) then
1713                        iatom_on_contour=1
1714                        write(*,*) "Use which color for labelling atoms?"
1715                        write(*,*) "1/2/3/4/5 = Red/Green/Blue/White/Black"
1716                        write(*,*) "6/7/8/9/10 = Gray/Cyan/Yellow/Orange/Magenta"
1717                        write(*,*) "11/12/13/14 = Crimson/Dark green/Purple/Brown"
1718                        read(*,*) iclrindatmlab
1719                    end if
1720                end if
1721            !Options only for idrawtype 2,6,7========================
1722            else if (idrawtype==2.or.idrawtype==6.or.idrawtype==7) then
1723                !General option for idrawtype 2,6,7
1724                if (i==1) then
1725                    if (iatom_on_contour==1) then
1726                        iatom_on_contour=0
1727                    else if (iatom_on_contour==0) then
1728                        iatom_on_contour=1
1729                        write(*,*) "Use which color?"
1730                        write(*,*) "1/2/3/4/5 = Red/Green/Blue/White/Black"
1731                        write(*,*) "6/7/8/9/10 = Gray/Cyan/Yellow/Orange/Magenta"
1732                        write(*,*) "11/12/13/14 = Crimson/Dark green/Purple/Brown"
1733                        read(*,*) iclrindatmlab
1734                    end if
1735                else if (i==2) then
1736                    if (ilabel_on_contour==1) then
1737                        ilabel_on_contour=0
1738                    else if (ilabel_on_contour==0) then
1739                        ilabel_on_contour=1
1740                        write(*,*) "Input label size   e.g. 30"
1741                        read(*,*) ictrlabsize
1742                        write(*,"(a)") " Hint: The number of digits after the decimal point of label on contour lines can be set by ""numdigctr"" in settings.ini"
1743                    end if
1744                else if (i==3) then  !! Change isovalues of contour line
1745                    call setctr
1746                else if (i==4) then
1747                    call settopomark
1748                else if (i==5) then
1749                    if (idrawcontour==1) then
1750                        idrawcontour=0
1751                    else if (idrawcontour==0) then
1752                        idrawcontour=1
1753                    end if
1754                else if (i==6) then !Generate paths from (3,-1)
1755                    if (idrawintbasple==0) then
1756                        do icp=1,numcp
1757                            if (CPtype(icp)==2) then
1758                                cpx=CPpos(1,icp)
1759                                cpy=CPpos(2,icp)
1760                                cpz=CPpos(3,icp)
1761                                if (plesel==1) then
1762                                    if (abs(cpz-orgz2D) > disshowlabel) cycle
1763                                else if (plesel==2) then
1764                                    if (abs(cpy-orgy2D) > disshowlabel) cycle
1765                                else if (plesel==3) then
1766                                    if (abs(cpx-orgx2D) > disshowlabel) cycle
1767                                else if (plesel==4.or.plesel==5.or.plesel==6.or.plesel==7) then
1768                                    call pointprjple(a1x,a1y,a1z,a2x,a2y,a2z,a3x,a3y,a3z,cpx,cpy,cpz,prjx,prjy,prjz)
1769                                    if ( (cpx-prjx)**2+(cpy-prjy)**2+(cpz-prjz)**2 > disshowlabel**2) cycle
1770                                end if
1771                                nple3n1path=nple3n1path+1
1772                                cp2ple3n1path(icp)=nple3n1path !Default is zero, means this CP is not on the given plane and has no corresponding interbasin path
1773                            end if
1774                        end do
1775                        if (nple3n1path>0) then
1776                            idrawintbasple=1
1777                            write(*,"(' Found',i8,' (3,-1) CPs in the plane')") nple3n1path
1778                            allocate(ple3n1path(3,n3n1plept,2,nple3n1path))
1779                            write(*,*) "Generating interbasin paths from (3,-1) CPs, Please wait..."
1781!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(numcp) PRIVATE(icp) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
1782                            do icp=1,numcp
1783                                if (cp2ple3n1path(icp)/=0) call gen3n1plepath(ifunctopo,icp,cp2ple3n1path(icp))
1784        !                         write(*,"('Finished the in-plane path generation from (3,-1)',i8)") icp
1785                            end do
1787                        else
1788                            write(*,*) "No (3,-1) CP is closed to the plane"
1789                        end if
1790                    else if (idrawintbasple==1) then
1791                        idrawintbasple=0
1792                        nple3n1path=0
1793                        cp2ple3n1path=0
1794                        if (allocated(ple3n1path)) deallocate(ple3n1path)
1795                    end if
1796                else if (i==7) then
1797                    write(*,*) "Input stepsize (Bohr) and maximal iterations"
1798                    write(*,"(a,f8.5,',',i6)") " Note: Current values:",ple3n1pathstpsiz,n3n1plept
1799                    read(*,*) ple3n1pathstpsiz,n3n1plept
1800                end if
1802                !Option only for idrawtype 6
1803                if (idrawtype==6) then
1804                    if (i==10) then
1805                        if (igrad_arrow==1) then
1806                            igrad_arrow=0
1807                        else if (igrad_arrow==0) then
1808                            igrad_arrow=1
1809                        end if
1810                    else if (i==11) then
1811                        write(*,*) "Input a value, default value is 0.002D0"
1812                        read(*,*) gradplotstep
1813                    else if (i==12) then
1814                        write(*,"(a,f8.4)") "Input a value, should be larger than",gradplotstep
1815                        read(*,*) gradplotdis
1816                    else if (i==13) then
1817                        write(*,*) "Input a value, default value is 0.2"
1818                        read(*,*) gradplottest
1819                    else if (i==14) then
1820                        write(*,*) "Use which color?"
1821                        write(*,*) "1/2/3/4/5 = Red/Green/Blue/White/Black"
1822                        write(*,*) "6/7/8/9/10 = Gray/Cyan/Yellow/Orange/Magenta"
1823                        write(*,*) "11/12/13/14 = Crimson/Dark green/Purple/Brown"
1824                        read(*,*) iclrindgradline
1825                        write(*,*) "Input line width, e.g. 5  (default value is 1)"
1826                        read(*,*) iwidthgradline
1827                    end if
1828                !Individual option for idrawtype 7
1829                else if (idrawtype==7) then
1830                    if (i==10) then
1831                        write(*,*) "Input a value"
1832                        read(*,*) cutgradvec
1833                    else if (i==11) then
1834                        if (icolorvecfield==1) then
1835                            icolorvecfield=0
1836                        else if (icolorvecfield==0) then
1837                            icolorvecfield=1
1838                        end if
1839                    else if (i==12) then
1840                        write(*,*) "Input color index, e.g. 1 =black, 50 =blue, 150 =green, 250 =red"
1841                        read(*,*) vecclrind
1842                    else if (i==13) then
1843                        if (iinvgradvec==1) then
1844                            iinvgradvec=0
1845                        else if (iinvgradvec==0) then
1846                            iinvgradvec=1
1847                        end if
1848                    end if
1849                end if
1850            end if
1852        !Options for idrawtype 4,5=================
1853        else if (idrawtype==4.or.idrawtype==5) then
1854            if (i==1) then
1855                write(*,*) "Input lower & upper limits of color scale for shading surface, e.g. -0.1,0.3"
1856                write(*,"(a,f14.6,a,f14.6)") " Present value: from",surcolorzmin," to",surcolorzmax
1857                read(*,*) surcolorzmin,surcolorzmax
1858                if (idrawtype==5) then
1859                    write(*,*) "Input lower & upper limits of color scale for projected map, e.g. -0.1,0.3"
1860                    write(*,"(a,f14.6,a,f14.6)") " Present value: from",drawlowlim," to",drawuplim
1861                    read(*,*) drawlowlim,drawuplim
1862                end if
1863            else if (i==2) then
1864                if (drawsurmesh=="ON ") then
1865                    drawsurmesh="OFF"
1866                else
1867                    drawsurmesh="ON"
1868                end if
1869            end if
1870        else if (idrawtype==3) then !No options for map type 3 currently
1871            continue
1872        end if
1873    end    do
1879!5!------------------- Calculate, show and output grid file
1883else if (infuncsel1==5) then
1884    ncustommap=0 !Clean custom operation setting that possibly defined by other modules
1885    if (allocated(custommapname)) deallocate(custommapname)
1886    if (allocated(customop)) deallocate(customop)
1887    write(*,*) "-10 Return to main menu"
1888    write(*,*) "-2 Obtain of deformation property"
1889    write(*,*) "-1 Obtain of promolecule property"
1890    write(*,*) "0 Set custom operation"
1891500    call selfunc_interface(infuncsel2)
1893    if (infuncsel2==0.or.infuncsel2==-1.or.infuncsel2==-2) then
1894        if (infuncsel2==0) call customplotsetup
1895        if (infuncsel2==-1) then
1896            ipromol=1
1897        else
1898            ipromol=0
1899        end if
1900        if (infuncsel2==-1.or.infuncsel2==-2) call setPromol
1901        write(*,*) "-10 Return to main menu"
1902        goto 500
1903    else if (infuncsel2==-10) then
1904        cycle
1905    else if (infuncsel2==111) then !Calculate Becke weighting function
1906        write(*,*) "Input indices of two atoms to calculate Becke overlap weight, e.g. 1,4"
1907        write(*,*) "or input index of an atom and zero to calculate Becke atomic weight, e.g. 5,0"
1908        read(*,*) iatmbecke1,iatmbecke2
1909    else if (infuncsel2==112) then !Calculate Hirshfeld weighting function
1910        if (allocated(tmparrint)) deallocate(tmparrint)
1911        write(*,*) "Input index of the atoms you are interested in, e.g. 2,3,7-10"
1912        read(*,"(a)") c2000tmp
1913        call str2arr(c2000tmp,ntmp)
1914        allocate(tmparrint(ntmp))
1915        call str2arr(c2000tmp,ntmp,tmparrint)
1916        write(*,"(a)") " How to generate the atomic densities that used in the calculation of Hirshfeld weight?"
1917        write(*,*) "1 Based on atomic .wfn files"
1918        write(*,*) "2 Based on built-in atomic densities (see Appendix 3 of the manual for detail)"
1919        read(*,*) iHirshdenstype
1920        if (iHirshdenstype==1) call setpromol
1921    end if
1923    call setgrid(1,igridsel)
1925    if (igridsel==100) then !Calculate value on a set of points loaded from external file
1926        if (allocated(extpttmp)) deallocate(extpttmp)
1927        if (ncustommap/=0) allocate(extpttmp(numextpt)) !!! temp file for difference cube
1928        if (infuncsel2/=4) call delvirorb(1) !Delete high-lying virtual orbitals for faster calculation
1929        icustom=0
1930        extpt(:,4)=0D0
1931        call walltime(walltime1)
1932        CALL CPU_TIME(time_begin)
1933        if (ipromol==1) goto 509 !Calculate promolecular property, so skip the first time calculation (namely for the whole system)
1934    508 continue
1936!$OMP PARALLEL DO SHARED(extpt) PRIVATE(iextpt) schedule(dynamic) NUM_THREADS(nthreads)
1937        do iextpt=1,numextpt !Calculate function value
1938            extpt(iextpt,4)=calcfuncall(infuncsel2,extpt(iextpt,1),extpt(iextpt,2),extpt(iextpt,3))
1939        end do
1941    509    if (ncustommap/=0) then !cycling will stop when all the file have been dealed
1942            if (icustom==0) then
1943        !Note: For promolecular property, x,y,z hasn't been saved in extpt at first time, while after calculation of atoms, extpt already has %x,%y,%z
1944                extpttmp(:)=extpt(:,4) !first time
1945            else if (icustom/=0) then !not first time
1946                if (customop(icustom)=='+') extpttmp(:)=extpttmp(:)+extpt(:,4)
1947                if (customop(icustom)=='-') extpttmp(:)=extpttmp(:)-extpt(:,4)
1948                if (customop(icustom)=='x'.or.customop(icustom)=='*') extpttmp(:)=extpttmp(:)*extpt(:,4)
1949                if (customop(icustom)=='/') extpttmp(:)=extpttmp(:)/extpt(:,4)
1950            end if
1951            if (icustom/=ncustommap) then
1952                icustom=icustom+1
1953                filename=custommapname(icustom)
1954                call dealloall
1955                write(*,"(' Loading:  ',a)") trim(filename)
1956                call readinfile(filename,1)
1957                if (infuncsel2/=4) call delvirorb(0)
1958                !Generate temporary fragatm
1959                deallocate(fragatm)
1960                nfragatmnum=ncenter
1961                allocate(fragatm(nfragatmnum))
1962                do iatm=1,ncenter
1963                    fragatm(iatm)=iatm
1964                end do
1965                !Input the MO index for current file. Since the MO index may be not the same as the first loaded one
1966                if (infuncsel2==4) then
1967                    write(*,"(' Input the index of the orbital to be calculated for ',a,'   e.g. 3')") trim(filename)
1968                    read(*,*) iorbsel
1969                end if
1970                goto 508
1971            else if (icustom==ncustommap) then !last time
1972                extpt(:,4)=extpttmp(:)
1973                call dealloall
1974                write(*,"(' Reloading:  ',a)") trim(firstfilename)
1975                call readinfile(firstfilename,1)
1976                !Recovery user-defined fragatm from the backup
1977                deallocate(fragatm)
1978                nfragatmnum=nfragatmnumbackup
1979                allocate(fragatm(nfragatmnum))
1980                fragatm=fragatmbackup
1981            end if
1982        end if
1983        CALL CPU_TIME(time_end)
1984        call walltime(walltime2)
1985        if (isys==1) write(*,"(' Calculation is finished, took up CPU time',f10.2,'s, wall clock time',i9,'s')") time_end-time_begin,walltime2-walltime1
1986        write(*,"(a)") " Output the points with function values to which file? e.g. c:\ltwd.txt"
1987        read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
1988        open(10,file=c200tmp,status="replace")
1989        write(10,"(i10)") numextpt
1990        do iextpt=1,numextpt
1991            write(10,"(3f13.7,E20.10)") extpt(iextpt,1:3),extpt(iextpt,4)
1992        end do
1993        close(10)
1994        write(*,"(a)") " Done! In this file the first line is the number of points, Column 1~4 correspond to X,Y,Z coordinates and function values, respectively. All units are in a.u."
1996    else !Calculate grid data
1997        if (allocated(cubmat)) deallocate(cubmat)
1998        allocate(cubmat(nx,ny,nz))
1999        if (allocated(cubmattmp)) deallocate(cubmattmp)
2000        if (ncustommap/=0) allocate(cubmattmp(nx,ny,nz)) !!! temp file for difference cube
2001        if (infuncsel2/=4) call delvirorb(1) !Delete high-lying virtual orbitals for faster calculation
2002        !!!!! Calculate grid data
2003        if (infuncsel2==111) then !Becke's weight
2004            do k=1,nz
2005                tmpz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
2006                do j=1,ny
2007                    tmpy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
2008                    do i=1,nx
2009                        tmpx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
2010                        cubmat(i,j,k)=beckewei(tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,iatmbecke1,iatmbecke2)
2011                    end do
2012                end do
2013            end do
2014        else if (infuncsel2==112) then !Hirshfeld weight
2015            ncustommap=0
2016            call genhirshcubewei(tmparrint,size(tmparrint),iHirshdenstype)
2017        else if (infuncsel2==120) then !Calculate and output three components of Steric force to plain text file
2018            open(20,file="stericforce.txt",status="replace")
2019            do k=1,nz
2020                write(*,"(' Finished:',i5,'  /',i5)") k,nz
2021                tmpz=orgz+(k-1)*dz
2022                do j=1,ny
2023                    tmpy=orgy+(j-1)*dy
2024                    do i=1,nx
2025                        tmpx=orgx+(i-1)*dx
2026                        call stericderv(tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,tmpvec)
2027                        write(20,"(7f12.6)") (orgx+(i-1)*dx)*b2a,(orgy+(j-1)*dy)*b2a,(orgz+(k-1)*dz)*b2a,-tmpvec, dsqrt(sum(tmpvec**2))
2028                    end do
2029                end do
2030            end do
2031            close(20)
2032            write(*,*) "Done, the results have been outputted to stericforce.txt in current folder"
2033            write(*,"(a)") " Columns 1,2,3 correspond to X,Y,Z coordinates, 4,5,6 correspond to steric force component in X,Y,Z. The last column denotes magnitude of steric force"
2034            write(*,*)
2035            read(*,*)
2036        else !Common cases
2037            cubmat=0D0
2038            icustom=0
2039            if (ipromol==1) goto 511 !Calculate promolecular property, so skip the first time calculation (namely for the whole system)
2040        510    call savecubmat(infuncsel2,0,iorbsel) !Save data to cubmat matrix
2041        511    if (ncustommap/=0) then !Calculate data for custom cube, cycling stop when all the file have been dealed
2042                if (icustom==0) then
2043                !Note: For promolecular property, x,y,z hasn't been saved in cubmat at first time, while after calculation of atoms, cubmat already has %x,%y,%z
2044                    cubmattmp=cubmat !first time
2045                else if (icustom/=0) then !not first time
2046                    if (customop(icustom)=='+') cubmattmp=cubmattmp+cubmat
2047                    if (customop(icustom)=='-') cubmattmp=cubmattmp-cubmat
2048                    if (customop(icustom)=='x'.or.customop(icustom)=='*') cubmattmp=cubmattmp*cubmat
2049                    if (customop(icustom)=='/') cubmattmp=cubmattmp/cubmat
2050                end if
2051                if (icustom/=ncustommap) then
2052                    icustom=icustom+1
2053                    filename=custommapname(icustom)
2054                    call dealloall
2055                    write(*,"(' Loading:  ',a)") trim(filename)
2056                    call readinfile(filename,1)
2057                    if (infuncsel2/=4) call delvirorb(0)
2058                    !Generate temporary fragatm
2059                    deallocate(fragatm)
2060                    nfragatmnum=ncenter
2061                    allocate(fragatm(nfragatmnum))
2062                    do iatm=1,ncenter
2063                        fragatm(iatm)=iatm
2064                    end do
2065                    !Input the MO index for current file. Since the MO index may be not the same as the first loaded one
2066                    if (infuncsel2==4) then
2067                        write(*,"(' Input the index of the orbital to be calculated for ',a,'   e.g. 3')") trim(filename)
2068                        read(*,*) iorbsel
2069                    end if
2070                    goto 510
2071                else if (icustom==ncustommap) then !last time
2072                    cubmat=cubmattmp
2073                    call dealloall
2074                    write(*,"(' Reloading:  ',a)") trim(firstfilename)
2075                    call readinfile(firstfilename,1)
2076                    !Recovery user-defined fragatm from the backup
2077                    deallocate(fragatm)
2078                    nfragatmnum=nfragatmnumbackup
2079                    allocate(fragatm(nfragatmnum))
2080                    fragatm=fragatmbackup
2081                end if
2082            end if
2083        end if
2085        !! Output result
2086        outcubfile="griddata.cub" !General name
2087        if (infuncsel2==1) then
2088            outcubfile="density.cub"
2089            dipx=0
2090            dipy=0
2091            dipz=0
2092            do k=1,nz
2093                do j=1,ny
2094                    do i=1,nx
2095                        dipx=dipx-cubmat(i,j,k)*(orgx+(i-1)*dx)
2096                        dipy=dipy-cubmat(i,j,k)*(orgy+(j-1)*dy)
2097                        dipz=dipz-cubmat(i,j,k)*(orgz+(k-1)*dz)
2098                    end do
2099                end do
2100            end do
2101            dipx=sum(a%charge*a%x)+dipx*dx*dy*dz
2102            dipy=sum(a%charge*a%y)+dipy*dx*dy*dz
2103            dipz=sum(a%charge*a%z)+dipz*dx*dy*dz
2104            write(*,*)
2105            write(*,*) "System dipole moment in a.u. (e/Bohr) and Debye, respectively:"
2106            write(*,"(' X component is',2f12.6)") dipx,dipx*8.47835281D-30*2.99792458D+29
2107            write(*,"(' Y component is',2f12.6)") dipy,dipy*8.47835281D-30*2.99792458D+29
2108            write(*,"(' Z component is',2f12.6)") dipz,dipz*8.47835281D-30*2.99792458D+29
2109            write(*,"(' Total magnitude is   ',2f12.6)") dsqrt(dipx**2+dipy**2+dipz**2),dsqrt(dipx**2+dipy**2+dipz**2)*8.47835281D-30*2.99792458D+29
2110            write(*,*)
2111        else if (infuncsel2==2) then
2112            outcubfile="gradient.cub"
2113        else if (infuncsel2==3) then
2114            outcubfile="laplacian.cub"
2115        else if (infuncsel2==4) then
2116            outcubfile="MOvalue.cub"
2117        else if (infuncsel2==5) then
2118            outcubfile="spindensity.cub"
2119        else if (infuncsel2==6) then
2120            outcubfile="K(r).cub"
2121        else if (infuncsel2==7) then
2122            outcubfile="G(r).cub"
2123        else if (infuncsel2==8) then
2124            outcubfile="nucleiesp.cub"
2125        else if (infuncsel2==9) then
2126            outcubfile="ELF.cub"
2127            sur_value=0.7
2128        else if (infuncsel2==10) then
2129            outcubfile="LOL.cub"
2130            sur_value=0.5
2131        else if (infuncsel2==11) then
2132            outcubfile="infoentro.cub"
2133        else if (infuncsel2==12) then
2134            outcubfile="totesp.cub"
2135        else if (infuncsel2==13) then
2136            sur_value=0.5
2137            outcubfile="RDG.cub"
2138        else if (infuncsel2==14) then
2139            sur_value=0.4
2140            outcubfile="RDGprodens.cub"
2141        else if (infuncsel2==15) then
2142            outcubfile="signlambda2rho.cub"
2143        else if (infuncsel2==16) then
2144            outcubfile="signlambda2rhoprodens.cub"
2145        else if (infuncsel2==17) then
2146            outcubfile="fermihole.cub"
2147        else if (infuncsel2==18) then
2148            outcubfile="avglocion.cub"
2149        else if (infuncsel2==19) then
2150            outcubfile="srcfunc.cub"
2151        else if (infuncsel2==20) then
2152            outcubfile="EDR.cub"
2153        else if (infuncsel2==21) then
2154            outcubfile="EDRDmax.cub"
2155        else if (infuncsel2==100) then
2156            outcubfile="userfunc.cub"
2157        else if (infuncsel2==111) then
2158            outcubfile="Becke.cub"
2159        else if (infuncsel2==112) then
2160            outcubfile="Hirshfeld.cub"
2161        end if
2163        temp=minval(cubmat)
2164        call findvalincub(cubmat,temp,i,j,k)
2165        write(*,"(' The minimum is',D16.8,' at',3f10.5,' (Bohr)')") temp,orgx+(i-1)*dx,orgy+(j-1)*dy,orgz+(k-1)*dz
2166        temp=maxval(cubmat)
2167        call findvalincub(cubmat,temp,i,j,k)
2168        write(*,"(' The maximum is',D16.8,' at',3f10.5,' (Bohr)')") temp,orgx+(i-1)*dx,orgy+(j-1)*dy,orgz+(k-1)*dz
2169        write(*,"(' Summing up all value and multiply differential element:')")
2170        write(*,*) sum(cubmat)*dx*dy*dz
2171        write(*,"(' Summing up positive value and multiply differential element:')")
2172        write(*,*) sum(cubmat,mask=cubmat>0)*dx*dy*dz
2173        write(*,"(' Summing up negative value and multiply differential element:')")
2174        write(*,*) sum(cubmat,mask=cubmat<0)*dx*dy*dz
2176        !Reinitialize plot parameter
2177        bondcrit=1.15D0
2178        textheigh=38.0D0
2179        ratioatmsphere=1.0D0
2180        bondradius=0.2D0
2181        ishowatmlab=1
2182        ishowaxis=1
2183        idrawmol=1
2184        isosurshowboth=1
2185        ishowdatarange=0
2187        do while(.true.)
2188            write(*,*)
2189            write(*,*) "-1 Show isosurface graph"
2190            write(*,*) "0 Return to main menu"
2191            write(*,*) "1 Save graph of isosurface to file in current folder"
2192            write(*,*) "2 Export data to Gaussian cube file in current folder"
2193            write(*,*) "3 Export data to formatted text file in current folder"
2194            write(*,"(a,f10.5)") " 4 Set the value of isosurface to be shown, current:",sur_value
2195            write(*,*) "5 Multiply all grid data by a factor"
2196            write(*,*) "6 Divide all grid data by a factor"
2197            write(*,*) "7 Add a value to all grid data"
2198            write(*,*) "8 Substract a value from all grid data"
2199            read(*,*) i
2201            if (i==-1) then
2202            else if (i==0) then
2203                exit
2204            else if (i==1) then
2205                idrawisosur=1
2206                isavepic=1
2207                isavepic=0
2208                write(*,*) "Graph has been saved to current folder with ""DISLIN"" prefix"
2209            else if (i==2) then
2210                open(10,file=outcubfile,status="replace")
2211                call outcube(cubmat,nx,ny,nz,orgx,orgy,orgz,dx,dy,dz,10)
2212                close(10)
2213                write(*,"(' New grid file has been outputted to: ',a35)") adjustl(outcubfile)
2214            else if (i==3) then
2215                open(10,file="output.txt",status="replace")
2216                write(*,*) "Outputting output.txt in current directory..."
2217                do i=1,nx
2218                    do j=1,ny
2219                        do k=1,nz
2220                            write(10,"(3f12.6,2x,1PD15.8)") (orgx+(i-1)*dx)*b2a,(orgy+(j-1)*dy)*b2a,(orgz+(k-1)*dz)*b2a,cubmat(i,j,k)
2221                        end do
2222                    end do
2223                end do
2224                close(10)
2225                write(*,*) "Output finished, column 1/2/3/4 correspond to X/Y/Z/Value, unit is Angstrom"
2226            else if (i==4) then
2227                 write(*,*) "Input the value of isosurface"
2228                read(*,*) sur_value
2229            else if (i==5) then
2230                write(*,*) "Input a value"
2231                read(*,*) tmpval
2232                cubmat=cubmat*tmpval
2233            else if (i==6) then
2234                write(*,*) "Input a value"
2235                read(*,*) tmpval
2236                cubmat=cubmat/tmpval
2237            else if (i==7) then
2238                write(*,*) "Input a value"
2239                read(*,*) tmpval
2240                cubmat=cubmat+tmpval
2241            else if (i==8) then
2242                write(*,*) "Input a value"
2243                read(*,*) tmpval
2244                cubmat=cubmat-tmpval
2245            end if
2246        end do
2247    end if
2250!6!!------------------- Check & Modify wavefunction or show GTF/Orbital information
2251else if (infuncsel1==6) then
2252    call modwfn
2256!7!!------------------- Population analysis
2257else if (infuncsel1==7) then
2258    call popana
2262!8!!------------------- Orbital composition analysis
2263else if (infuncsel1==8) then
2264    call compana
2268!9!!------------------- Bond order analysis
2269else if (infuncsel1==9) then
2270    call bondana
2274!10!!------------------- Plot DOS
2275else if (infuncsel1==10) then
2276    if (ifiletype/=0.or.ifiletype/=1.or.ifiletype/=9) then
2277        call plotdos
2278    else
2279        write(*,"(a,/)") " Error: This function is only available for input file containing basis function information &
2280        (e.g. .fch/.molden/.gms) and plain text file with energy levels!"
2281    end if
2285!11!!------------------- Plot spectrums
2286else if (infuncsel1==11) then
2287    call plotspectrum
2291!12!!------------------- Molecular surface analysis
2292else if (infuncsel1==12) then
2293    call surfana
2297!13!!------------------- Process grid data
2298else if (infuncsel1==13) then
2299    if (.not.allocated(cubmat)) then
2300        write(*,"(a)") " Error: Grid data was not loaded or generated! If you want to load a grid data now, input its path, e.g. C:\nico.cub, else input 0 to exit"
2301        do while(.true.)
2302            read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2303            if (c200tmp(1:1)=='0') then
2304                exit
2305            else
2306                inquire(file=c200tmp,exist=alive)
2307                if (alive) then
2308                    inamelen=len_trim(c200tmp)
2309                    !Only load grid data, do not pertube other variables
2310                    if (c200tmp(inamelen-2:inamelen)=="grd") then
2311                        call readgrd(c200tmp,1,1)
2312                    else if (c200tmp(inamelen-2:inamelen)=="cub".or.c200tmp(inamelen-3:inamelen)=="cube") then
2313                        call readcube(c200tmp,1,1)
2314                    else
2315                        write(*,*) "Error: Unknown file type, input again"
2316                        cycle
2317                    end if
2318                    call procgriddata
2319                    exit
2320                else
2321                    write(*,*) "Cannot find the file, input again"
2322                end if
2323            end if
2324        end do
2325    else
2326        call procgriddata
2327    end if
2331!14!!------------------- Adaptive natural density partitioning (AdNDP)
2332else if (infuncsel1==14) then
2333    call AdNDP
2337!15!!------------------- Integrate fuzzy atomic space
2338else if (infuncsel1==15) then
2339    call intatomspace(0)
2340else if (infuncsel1==-15) then
2341    call fuzzySBL
2344!16!!------------------- Charge decomposition analysis
2345else if (infuncsel1==16) then
2346    write(*,*) "Citation of original GCDA and CDA used in Multiwfn, respectively:"
2347    write(*,"(a)") " GCDA: Meng Xiao, Tian Lu, Generalized Charge Decomposition Analysis (GCDA) Method, J. Adv. Phys. Chem., 4, 111-124 (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JAPC.2015.44013"
2348    write(*,"(a)") " CDA: Stefan Dapprich, Gernot Frenking, J. Phys. Chem., 99, 9352-9362 (1995)"
2349    write(*,*)
2350    call CDA
2354!17!!------------------- Basin integration
2355else if (infuncsel1==17) then
2356    call basinana
2360!18!!------------------- Electron excitation analysis
2361else if (infuncsel1==18) then
2362    do while(.true.)
2363        write(*,*) "            ------------ Electron excitation analyses ------------ "
2364        write(*,*) "0 Return"
2365        write(*,"(a)") " 1 Analyze and visualize hole-electron distribution, transition dipole moment and transition density"
2366        write(*,*) "2 Plot transition density matrix as color-filled map"
2367        write(*,*) "3 Analyze charge-transfer based on density difference grid data (JCTC,7,2498)"
2368        write(*,*) "4 Calculate delta_r index to measure charge-transfer length (JCTC,9,3118)"
2369        write(*,*) "5 Calculate transition dipole moments between all excited states"
2370        write(*,*) "6 Generate natural transition orbitals (NTOs)"
2371        write(*,*) "7 Calculate ghost-hunter index (JCC,38,2151)"
2372        write(*,*) "8 Calculate interfragment charge transfer in electronic excitation"
2374        read(*,*) isel
2375        if (isel==0) then
2376            goto 10
2377        else if (isel==1) then
2378            call hetransdipdens(1)
2379        else if (isel==2) then
2380            call plottransdensmat
2381        else if (isel==3) then
2382            if (allocated(cubmat)) then
2383                call CTanalyze
2384            else
2385                write(*,"(a,/)") " Error: Grid data of electron density difference must be calculated by main function 5 or loaded from external file first!"
2386            end if
2387        else if (isel==4) then
2388            call hetransdipdens(2) !Finally call calcdelta_r
2389        else if (isel==5) then
2390            call exctransdip
2391        else if (isel==6) then
2392            call hetransdipdens(3)
2393        else if (isel==7) then
2394            write(*,"(a)") " Note: To calculate the ghost-hunter index proposed in JCC, 38, 2151 (2017), you should use option 1 of function 1 &
2395            to calculate hole-electron distribution, then the index will be automatically printed, followed by its two terms. See Section 3.21.7 of the manual for more details"
2396            write(*,*) "Press ENTER to contineu"
2397            read(*,*)
2398!             write(*,"(a)") " PS: The index calculated in this way is somewhat different to the original paper, &
2399!             in which the 1/D_CT term is calculated based on expensive relaxed density. If you really want to reproduce it, you can use function 3 &
2400!             to calculate the 1/D_CT term corresponding to relaxed density, and then manually calculate ghost-hunter index"
2401        else if (isel==8) then
2402            call hetransdipdens(4)
2403        end if
2404    end do
2408!100!!------------------- Misc and some not important functions, Part 1
2409else if (infuncsel1==100) then
2410    do while(.true.)
2411        write(*,*) "              ------------ Other functions (Part 1) ------------ "
2412        write(*,*) "0 Return"
2413        write(*,*) "1 Draw scatter graph between two functions and generate their cube files"
2414        write(*,*) "2 Export .pdb/.xyz/.wfn/.wfx/.molden/.fch/.47 files or input file of QC codes"
2415        write(*,*) "3 Calculate molecular van der Waals Volume"
2416        write(*,*) "4 Integrate a function in whole space"
2417        write(*,*) "5 Show overlap integral between alpha and beta orbitals"
2418        write(*,*) "6 Monitor SCF convergence process of Gaussian"
2419        write(*,*) "7 Generate Gaussian input file with initial guess from converged wavefunction"
2420        write(*,*) "8 Generate Gaussian input file with initial guess from fragment wavefunctions"
2421        write(*,*) "9 Evaluate coordination number for all atoms"
2422        write(*,*) "11 Calculate overlap and centroid distance between two orbitals"
2423        write(*,*) "13 Calculate HOMA and Bird aromaticity index"
2424        write(*,*) "14 Calculate LOLIPOP (LOL Integrated Pi Over Plane)"
2425        write(*,*) "15 Calculate intermolecular orbital overlap"
2426!         write(*,*) "16 Calculate intermolecular tranfer integral by direct coupling method"
2427         write(*,*) "18 Yoshizawa's electron transport route analysis"
2428         write(*,*) "19 Generate promolecular .wfn file from fragment wavefunctions"
2429         write(*,*) "20 Calculate Hellmann-Feynman forces"
2430         write(*,*) "21 Calculate properties based on geometry information for specific atoms"
2431         write(*,*) "22 Detect pi orbitals and set occupation numbers"
2432         write(*,*) "23 Fit function distribution to atomic value"
2433         write(*,*) "24 Obtain NICS_ZZ for non-planar system"
2434         write(*,*) "25 Calculate area and perimeter for a ring"
2436        read(*,*) infuncsel2
2437        if (infuncsel2==0) then
2438            goto 10
2439        else if (infuncsel2==1) then
2440            call funcvsfunc
2441        else if (infuncsel2==2) then
2442            write(*,*) "1 Output current structure to .pdb file"
2443            write(*,*) "2 Output current structure to .xyz file"
2444            write(*,*) "4 Output current wavefunction as .wfx file"
2445            write(*,*) "5 Output current wavefunction as .wfn file"
2446            write(*,*) "6 Output current wavefunction as Molden input file (.molden)"
2447            write(*,*) "7 Output current wavefunction as .fch file"
2448            write(*,*) "8 Output current wavefunction as .47 file"
2449            write(*,*) "10 Output current structure to Gaussian input file"
2450            write(*,*) "11 Output current structure to GAMESS-US input file"
2451            write(*,*) "12 Output current structure to ORCA input file"
2452            write(*,*) "13 Output current structure to NWChem input file"
2453            write(*,*) "14 Output current structure to MOPAC input file"
2454            write(*,*) "15 Output current structure to PSI input file"
2455            write(*,*) "16 Output current structure to MRCC input file"
2456            write(*,*) "17 Output current structure to CFOUR input file"
2457            write(*,*) "18 Output current structure to Molpro input file"
2458            write(*,*) "19 Output current structure to Dalton input file"
2459            write(*,*) "20 Output current structure to Molcas input file"
2460            read(*,*) itmp
2461            if (itmp==1) then
2462                write(*,*) "Input the path for pdb file, e.g. c:\ltwd.pdb"
2463                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2464                call outpdb(c200tmp,10)
2465            else if (itmp==2) then
2466                write(*,*) "Input the path for xyz file, e.g. c:\ltwd.xyz"
2467                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2468                call outxyz(c200tmp,10)
2469            else if (itmp==4) then
2470                if (.not.allocated(b)) then
2471                    write(*,*) "Error: The input file you used does not contain GTF information!"
2472                else
2473                    write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.wfx"
2474                    read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2475                    call outwfx(c200tmp,1,10)
2476                    write(*,*) "Done!"
2477                end if
2478            else if (itmp==5) then
2479                if (.not.allocated(b)) then
2480                    write(*,*) "Error: The input file you used does not contain GTF information!"
2481                else
2482                    write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.wfn"
2483                    read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2484                    call outwfn(c200tmp,1,1,10)
2485                    write(*,*) "Done!"
2486                end if
2487            else if (itmp==6) then
2488                if (.not.allocated(CObasa)) then
2489                    write(*,*) "Error: This function works only when input file contains basis function information"
2490                else
2491                    write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.molden"
2492                    read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2493                    write(*,*) "Exporting, please wait..."
2494                    call outmolden(c200tmp,10)
2495                end if
2496            else if (itmp==7) then
2497                if (.not.allocated(CObasa)) then
2498                    write(*,*) "Error: This function works only when input file contains basis function information"
2499                else
2500                    write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.fch"
2501                    read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2502                    write(*,*) "Exporting, please wait..."
2503                    call outfch(c200tmp,10)
2504                end if
2505            else if (itmp==8) then
2506                if (.not.allocated(CObasa)) then
2507                    write(*,*) "Error: This function works only when input file contains basis function information"
2508                else
2509                    write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.47"
2510                    read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2511                    write(*,*) "Exporting, please wait..."
2512                    call out47(c200tmp,10)
2513                end if
2514            else if (itmp==10) then
2515                write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.gjf"
2516                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2517                call outgjf(c200tmp,10)
2518            else if (itmp==11) then
2519                write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.inp"
2520                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2521                call outGAMESSinp(c200tmp,10)
2522            else if (itmp==12) then
2523                write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.inp"
2524                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2525                call outORCAinp(c200tmp,10)
2526            else if (itmp==13) then
2527                write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.nw"
2528                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2529                call outNWCheminp(c200tmp,10)
2530            else if (itmp==14) then
2531                write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.mop"
2532                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2533                call outMOPACinp(c200tmp,10)
2534            else if (itmp==15) then
2535                write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.inp"
2536                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2537                call outPSIinp(c200tmp,10)
2538            else if (itmp==16) then
2539                c200tmp="MINP"
2540                call outMRCCinp(c200tmp,10)
2541            else if (itmp==17) then
2542                c200tmp="ZMAT"
2543                call outCFOURinp(c200tmp,10)
2544            else if (itmp==18) then
2545                write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.inp"
2546                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2547                call outmolproinp(c200tmp,10)
2548            else if (itmp==19) then
2549                c200tmp=" "
2550                write(*,"(a)") " Input path of .dal file, e.g. c:\DFT.dal (directly press ENTER if you don't need it)"
2551                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2552                write(*,*) "Input path of .mol file, e.g. c:\ltwd.mol"
2553                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp2
2554                call outDaltoninp(c200tmp,c200tmp2,10)
2555            else if (itmp==20) then
2556                write(*,*) "Input the path, e.g. c:\ltwd.inp"
2557                read(*,"(a)") c200tmp
2558                call outmolcasinp(c200tmp,10)
2559            end if
2560        else if (infuncsel2==3) then
2561            if (MCvolmethod==1) then
2562                write(*,*) "100*2^i points will be used to evaluate the volume by Monte Carlo method"
2563                write(*,*) "The volume is defined as superposition of vdW sphere of atoms"
2564                write(*,*)
2565                do while(.true.)
2566                    write(*,*) "Please input i, generally 10 is recommended, big system requires bigger i"
2567                    write(*,*) "Input 0 can return"
2568                    read(*,*) pointexp
2569                    if (pointexp==0) exit
2570                    call calcvolume(1,pointexp,0D0,1D0)
2571                end do
2572            else if (MCvolmethod==2) then
2573                write(*,*) "100*2^i points will be used to evaluate the volume by Monte Carlo method."
2574                write(*,"(a)") " The volume is defined as the region encompassed by the isosurface of density equals to x, &
2575                The box used in Monte Carlo procedure will be enlarged by k multiples vdW radius in each side."
2576                write(*,"(a)") " Hint: For evaluating the volume encompassed by 0.001 isosurface of density for small molecule, &
2577                            we suggest you input 9,0.001,1.7"
2578                write(*,*)
2579                do while(.true.)
2580                    write(*,*) "Please input i,x,k (Input 0,0,0 can return)"
2581                    read(*,*) pointexp,tmpisoval,enlarbox
2582                    if (pointexp==0.and.tmpisoval==0.and.enlarbox==0) exit
2583                    call calcvolume(2,pointexp,tmpisoval,enlarbox)
2584                end do
2585            end if
2586        else if (infuncsel2==4) then
2587            if (ispecial/=1) then
2588                call selfunc_interface(ifunc)
2589                call intfunc(ifunc)
2590            else if (ispecial==1) then
2591                call intfunc(1)
2592            end if
2593        else if (infuncsel2==-4) then
2594            call intdiff(1)
2595        else if (infuncsel2==-5) then
2596            call intdiff(2)
2597        else if (infuncsel2==5) then
2598            call aboverlap
2599        else if (infuncsel2==6) then
2600            call monitorscf
2601        else if (infuncsel2==7) then
2602            call gengauguess
2603        else if (infuncsel2==8) then
2604            call fragguess
2605        else if (infuncsel2==9) then
2606            call coordnum
2607        else if (infuncsel2==11) then
2608            call ovlpdistorb
2609        else if (infuncsel2==13) then
2610            call HOMA_Bird
2611        else if (infuncsel2==14) then
2612            call LOLIPOP
2613        else if (infuncsel2==15) then
2614            call intmolovlp
2615        else if (infuncsel2==16) then
2616            call intmoltransint
2617        else if (infuncsel2==18) then
2618            call Yoshieletrans
2619        else if (infuncsel2==19) then
2620            call genpromolwfn
2621        else if (infuncsel2==20) then
2622            call hellmann_feynman
2623        else if (infuncsel2==21) then
2624            call calcgeomprop
2625        else if (infuncsel2==22) then
2626            call procpiorb
2627        else if (infuncsel2==23) then
2628            call fitfunc
2629        else if (infuncsel2==24) then
2630            call utilNICS_ZZ
2631        else if (infuncsel2==25) then
2632            call calcringsize
2633        end if
2634        write(*,*)
2635    end do
2639!200!!------------------- Misc and not important functions, Part 2
2640else if (infuncsel1==200) then
2641    do while(.true.)
2642        write(*,*) "              ------------ Other functions (Part 2) ------------ "
2643        write(*,*) "0 Return"
2644        write(*,*) "1 Weak interaction analysis for fluctuation environment by RDG method"
2645        write(*,*) "2 Calculate atomic and bond dipole moments in Hilbert space"
2646        write(*,*) "3 Generate cube file for multiple orbital wavefunctions"
2647        write(*,*) "4 Generate iso-chemical shielding surfaces (ICSS) and related quantities"
2648        write(*,*) "5 Plot radial distribution function for a real space function"
2649        write(*,*) "6 Analyze correspondence between orbitals in two wavefunctions"
2650         write(*,*) "7 Parse output of (hyper)polarizability task of Gaussian"
2651        write(*,*) "8 Calculate (hyper)polarizability by sum-over-states (SOS) method"
2652        write(*,*) "9 Calculate average bond length and average coordinate number"
2653        write(*,*) "10 Output various kinds of integral between orbitals"
2654        write(*,*) "11 Calculate center, the first and second moments of a real space function"
2655        write(*,*) "12 Calculate energy index (EI) or bond polarity index (BPI)"
2656        write(*,*) "13 Pipek-Mezey orbital localization"
2657        write(*,*) "14 Perform integration within isosurfaces of a real space function"
2658        write(*,*) "15 Calculate electron correlation index (PCCP, 18, 24015)"
2659        write(*,*) "16 Generate natural orbitals based on the density matrix in .fch/.fchk file"
2660!         write(*,*) "20 Calculate electronic coupling matrix element by FCD or GMH method"
2661        read(*,*) infuncsel2
2662        if (infuncsel2==0) then
2663            goto 10
2664        else if (infuncsel2==1) then
2665            call RDG_MD
2666        else if (infuncsel2==2) then
2667            call atmbonddip
2668        else if (infuncsel2==3) then
2669            call genmultiorbcube
2670        else if (infuncsel2==4) then
2671            call ICSS
2672        else if (infuncsel2==5) then
2673            call plotraddis
2674        else if (infuncsel2==6) then
2675            call orbcorres
2676        else if (infuncsel2==7) then
2677            call parseGauPolar
2678        else if (infuncsel2==8) then
2679            call SOS
2680        else if (infuncsel2==9) then
2681            call atmavgdist
2682        else if (infuncsel2==10) then
2683            call outorbint
2684        else if (infuncsel2==11) then
2685            call funcmoment
2686        else if (infuncsel2==12) then
2687            call calcEIBPI
2688        else if (infuncsel2==13) then
2689            call pipek_mezey
2690        else if (infuncsel2==14) then
2691            call intisosurface
2692        else if (infuncsel2==15) then
2693            call elecorridx
2694        else if (infuncsel2==16) then
2695            call fch_gennatorb
2696!         else if (infuncsel2==20) then
2697!             call FCD
2698        end if
2699        write(*,*)
2700    end do
2703else if (infuncsel1==98) then
2704    call sphatmraddens
2708!1000!!------------------- Special functions
2709else if (infuncsel1==1000) then
27101000 write(*,*)
2711    write(*,*) "0 Return to main menu"
2712    write(*,"(a,3f12.6)") " 1 Set reference point, current(Bohr):",refx,refy,refz
2713    write(*,"(a,i6)") " 2 Set iuserfunc, current:",iuserfunc
2714    write(*,"(a,i6)") " 3 Set iskipnuc, current:",iskipnuc
2715    if (pleA==0D0.and.pleB==0D0.and.pleC==0D0.and.pleD==0D0) then
2716        write(*,"(a)") " 4 Set the plane for user-defined function 38 (Not defined)"
2717    else
2718        write(*,"(a)") " 4 Set the plane for user-defined function 38 (Defined)"
2719    end if
2720    write(*,"(a,1PD18.8)") " 5 Set global temporary variable, current:",globaltmp
2721    write(*,"(a,i3)") " 10 Set the number of threads, current:", getNThreads()
2722    write(*,*) "90 Calculate nuclear attractive energy between a fragment and an orbital"
2723    write(*,*) "97 Generate natural orbitals based on density matrix outputted by MRCC program"
2724    write(*,*) "98 Generate natural orbitals based on density matrix in .fch/.fchk"
2725    write(*,*) "99 Show EDF information (if any)"
2726    write(*,*) "100 Check the sanity of present wavefunction"
2727    read(*,*) i
2728    if (i==1) then
2729        write(*,*) "Input x,y,z in Bohr, e.g. 3.0,0.0,1.3"
2730        read(*,*) refx,refy,refz
2731        write(*,*) "Done!"
2732    else if (i==2) then
2733        write(*,*) "Input an integer, e.g. 24"
2734        read(*,*) iuserfunc
2735        write(*,*) "Done!"
2736    else if (i==3) then
2737        write(*,*) "Input the index of the nucleus, e.g. 24"
2738        read(*,*) iskipnuc
2739        write(*,*) "Done!"
2740    else if (i==4) then
2741        write(*,*) "1 Input index of three atoms to define the plane"
2742        write(*,*) "2 Input XYZ coordinate of three points to define the plane"
2743        read(*,*) iseldef
2744        if (iseldef==1) then
2745            write(*,*) "Input three indices, e.g. 2,4,5"
2746            read(*,*) i1,i2,i3
2747            call pointABCD(a(i1)%x,a(i1)%y,a(i1)%z,a(i2)%x,a(i2)%y,a(i2)%z,a(i3)%x,a(i3)%y,a(i3)%z,pleA,pleB,pleC,pleD)
2748        else if (iseldef==2) then
2749            write(*,*) "Input coordinate for point 1 (in Bohr), e.g. 1.0,-0.2,0.3"
2750            read(*,*) xtmp1,ytmp1,ztmp1
2751            write(*,*) "Input coordinate for point 2 (in Bohr), e.g. 2.0,-0.3,0.1"
2752            read(*,*) xtmp2,ytmp2,ztmp2
2753            write(*,*) "Input coordinate for point 3 (in Bohr), e.g. 1.3,-1.2,0.33"
2754            read(*,*) xtmp3,ytmp3,ztmp3
2755            call pointABCD(xtmp1,ytmp1,ztmp1,xtmp2,ytmp2,ztmp2,xtmp3,ytmp3,ztmp3,pleA,pleB,pleC,pleD)
2756        end if
2757        tmpval=dsqrt(pleA**2+pleB**2+pleC**2)
2758        write(*,"(' The unit vector normal to the plane is:',3f10.5)") pleA/tmpval,pleB/tmpval,pleC/tmpval
2759        goto 1000
2760    else if (i==5) then
2761        write(*,*) "Input the value"
2762        read(*,*) globaltmp
2763    else if (i==10) then
2764        write(*,*) "Input an integer, e.g. 8"
2765        read(*,*) iniNThreads
2766        write(*,*) "Done!"
2767    else if (i==90) then
2768        call attene_orb_fragnuc
2769    else if (i==97) then
2770        call MRCC_gennatorb
2771    else if (i==98) then
2772        call fch_gennatorb
2773    else if (i==99) then
2774        if (.not.allocated(b_EDF)) then
2775            write(*,*) "EDF field was not loaded"
2776        else
2777            write(*,"( ' The number of inner-core electrons represented by EDF:',i6)") nEDFelec
2778            write(*,*) "Information of EDF primitives:"
2779            write(*,*) "Column 1: Index"
2780            write(*,*) "Column 2: Atom"
2781            write(*,*) "Column 3: Function type"
2782            write(*,*) "Column 4: Exponent"
2783            write(*,*) "Column 5: Coefficient"
2784            do iEDFprim=1,nEDFprims
2785                write(*,"(3i6,2f20.8)") iEDFprim,b_EDF(iEDFprim)%center,b_EDF(iEDFprim)%functype,b_EDF(iEDFprim)%exp,CO_EDF(iEDFprim)
2786            end do
2787        end if
2788    else if (i==100) then
2789        call wfnsanity
2790    end if
2792end if
2794end do !End main cycle
2802!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Below routines are contained in and closely related to main program !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2809!!!--------------------------  Set content of custom plot
2810subroutine customplotsetup
2811integer i
2812write(*,*) "How many files to deal with? (Excluding the file that has been loaded)"
2813read(*,*) ncustommap
2814if (allocated(custommapname)) deallocate(custommapname)
2815if (allocated(customop)) deallocate(customop)
2818write(*,*) "The avaliable operator: +,-,*,/"  !* can also be intputted as x
2819write(*,*) "e.g. -,sob.wfn means minus the property of sob.wfn from the first file"
2820do i=1,ncustommap
2821    write(*,"('Input the operator and filename of',i5)") i
2822    do while(.true.)
2823        read(*,"(a1,1x,a)") customop(i),custommapname(i)
2824        inquire(file=custommapname(i),exist=alive)
2825        if (alive.eqv..true.) then
2826            exit
2827        else
2828            write(*,*) "File not found, input again"
2829        end if
2830    end do
2831end do
2832end subroutine
2835!!!----------------------Set contour line
2836subroutine setctr
2837implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2838character outfilename*80,selectyn*1
2839do while(.true.)
2840    if (j/=6) then !If last operation is not saving file
2841        write(*,*) "Current isovalue line:"
2842        do j=1,lastctrval  !The lastest contour line serial
2843            write(*,"(i3,':',f19.8,'   ')",advance='no') j,ctrval(j)
2844            if (mod(j,3)==0) write(*,*)
2845        end do
2846        if (mod(lastctrval,3)/=0) write(*,*)
2847    end if
2848    if (lastctrval==0) write(*,*) "None"
2849    if (allocated(boldlinelist)) write(*,*) "Bolded line index:",boldlinelist
2850    write(*,*) "1 Save setting and return"
2851    write(*,*) "2 Replace a value of contour line by inputting"
2852    write(*,*) "3 Add a new contour line"
2853    write(*,*) "4 Delete a contour line"
2854    write(*,*) "5 Delete a range of contour lines"
2855    write(*,*) "6 Save contour setting to external file"
2856    write(*,*) "7 Load contour setting from external file"
2857    write(*,*) "8 Generate contour value by arithmetic progression"
2858    write(*,*) "9 Generate contour value by geometric series"
2859    if (.not.allocated(boldlinelist)) write(*,*) "10 Enable some contour lines bold style"
2860    if (allocated(boldlinelist)) write(*,*) "10 Disable some contour lines bold style"
2861    write(*,*) "11 Set color for positive contour lines"
2862    write(*,*) "12 Set line style and width for positive contour lines"
2863    write(*,*) "13 Set color for negative contour lines"
2864    write(*,*) "14 Set line style and width for negative contour lines"
2865    write(*,*) "15 Set line style and width suitable for publication"
2866    read(*,*) j
2867    if (j==1) then
2868        exit
2869    else if (j==2) then
2870        write(*,*) "Replace which value of contour line by what value?"
2871        write(*,*) "(e.g. Input 4,0.015 to replace the fourth value of contour line by 0.015)"
2872        read(*,*) j,selfctrval
2873        if (j>=1.and.j<=lastctrval) then
2874            ctrval(j)=selfctrval
2875        else
2876            write(*,*) "The number exceed valid range"
2877        end if
2878    else if (j==3) then
2879        if (lastctrval<size(ctrval)) then
2880            write(*,*) "Input the value of contour line you want to add"
2881            read(*,*) selfctrval
2882            lastctrval=lastctrval+1
2883            ctrval(lastctrval)=selfctrval
2884        else
2885            write(*,"(a,i8)") " Error: The number of contour line couldn't exceed",size(ctrval)
2886        end if
2887    else if (j==4) then
2888        write(*,*) "Delete which contour line? Input a number"
2889        read(*,*) j
2890        if (j>=1.and.j<=lastctrval) then
2891            lastctrval=lastctrval-1
2892            ctrval(j:lastctrval)=ctrval(j+1:lastctrval+1)
2893        else
2894            write(*,*) "The number exceed valid range"
2895        end if
2896    else if (j==5) then
2897        write(*,*) "Delete the range of contour line number (e.g. 3,10)"
2898        write(*,*) "Note: You can also input 0,0 to delete all"
2899        read(*,*) j1,j2
2900        if (j1==0.and.j2==0) then
2901            lastctrval=0
2902        else if (j2>j1.and.j1>=1.and.j2<=lastctrval) then
2903            lastctrval=lastctrval-(j2-j1+1)
2904            ctrval(j1:lastctrval)=ctrval(j2+1:lastctrval+(j2-j1+1))
2905        else
2906            write(*,*) "Invalid input, input excced current range"
2907        end if
2908    else if (j==6) then
2909        write(*,*) "Input the filename for outputting current setting  e.g. c:\ltwd.txt"
2910        read(*,*) outfilename
2911        open(10,file=outfilename)
2912        write(10,"(f19.8)") (ctrval(i),i=1,lastctrval)
2913        close(10)
2914        write(*,"(a,a)") " Contour setting has been saved to ",trim(outfilename)
2915        write(*,*)
2916    else if (j==7) then
2917        write(*,*) "Input filename, e.g. C:\ctr.txt"
2918        do while(.true.)
2919            read(*,"(a)") extctrsetting
2920            inquire(file=extctrsetting,exist=alive)
2921            if (alive .eqv. .true.) exit
2922            write(*,*) "File not found, input again"
2923        end do
2924        open(10,file=extctrsetting,access="sequential",status="old")
2925        ierror=0
2926        lastctrval=0
2927        do i=1,size(ctrval)
2928            read(10,*,iostat=ierror) temp
2929            if (ierror/=0) exit
2930            ctrval(i)=temp
2931            lastctrval=i
2932        end do
2933        close(10)
2934    else if (j==8.or.j==9) then
2935        write(*,*) "Input start value, step and total number"
2936        if (j==8) write(*,*) "e.g. 0.4,0.1,10 generate 0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7 ... 1.3"
2937        if (j==9) write(*,*) "e.g. 2,3,10 generate 2,6,18,54 ... 39366"
2938        read(*,*) ctrgenstrval,ctrgenstep,igennum
2939        write(*,*) "If remove existed contour lines? (y/n)"
2940        read(*,*) selectyn
2941        if (selectyn=='y'.or.selectyn=='Y') then
2942            lastctrval=0
2943        else if (selectyn=='n'.or.selectyn=='N') then !Append to existed contour lines
2944            if (lastctrval+igennum>size(ctrval)) then
2945                igennum=size(ctrval)-lastctrval
2946                write(*,*) "Warning: The total number of coutour lines exceeded the upper limit!"
2947            end if
2948        end if
2949        do jj=1,igennum
2950            if (j==8) ctrval(lastctrval+jj)=ctrgenstrval+ctrgenstep*(jj-1)
2951            if (j==9) ctrval(lastctrval+jj)=ctrgenstrval*ctrgenstep**(jj-1)
2952        end do
2953        lastctrval=lastctrval+igennum
2954    else if (j==10) then
2955        if (allocated(boldlinelist)) then !Disable bold line
2956            deallocate(boldlinelist)
2957            write(*,*) "No line is bolded now, you can select this function again to set bolded lines"
2958        else
2959            write(*,*) "Set how many lines bold?"
2960            read(*,*) numboldline
2961            allocate(boldlinelist(numboldline))
2962            do itmp=1,numboldline
2963                write(*,"(' Input the index of bolded line',i4)") itmp
2964                read(*,*) boldlinelist(itmp)
2965            end do
2966        end if
2967    else if (j==11) then
2968        write(*,*) "Use which color?"
2969        write(*,*) "1/2/3/4/5 = Red/Green/Blue/White/Black"
2970        write(*,*) "6/7/8/9/10 = Gray/Cyan/Yellow/Orange/Magenta"
2971        write(*,*) "11/12/13/14 = Crimson/Dark green/Purple/Brown"
2972        read(*,*) iclrindctrpos
2973    else if (j==12) then
2974        write(*,*) "Input length of line segment and interstice"
2975        write(*,*) "e.g. 1,0 means solid line; 1,10 means DOT; 10,10 means DASH"
2976        write(*,*) "     10,15 means DASH with larger interstice"
2977        write(*,*) "Note: 1,0 and 10,15 are default for positive and negative lines, respectively"
2978        read(*,*) ctrposstyle(1),ctrposstyle(2)
2979        write(*,*) "Input line width, e.g. 2"
2980        read(*,*) iwidthposctr
2981    else if (j==13) then
2982        write(*,*) "Use which color?"
2983        write(*,*) "1/2/3/4/5 = Red/Green/Blue/White/Black"
2984        write(*,*) "6/7/8/9/10 = Gray/Cyan/Yellow/Orange/Magenta"
2985        write(*,*) "11/12/13/14 = Crimson/Dark green/Purple/Brown"
2986        read(*,*) iclrindctrneg
2987    else if (j==14) then
2988        write(*,*) "Input length of line segment and interstice"
2989        write(*,*) "e.g. 1,0 means solid line; 1,10 means DOT; 10,10 means DASH"
2990        write(*,*) "     10,15 means DASH with larger interstice"
2991        write(*,*) "Note: 1,0 and 10,15 are default for positive and negative lines, respectively"
2992        read(*,*) ctrnegstyle(1),ctrnegstyle(2)
2993        write(*,*) "Input line width, e.g. 2"
2994        read(*,*) iwidthnegctr
2995    else if (j==15) then
2996        iclrindctrpos=11
2997        iclrindctrneg=3
2998        ctrposstyle(1)=1
2999        ctrposstyle(2)=0
3000        iwidthposctr=6
3001        ctrnegstyle(1)=10
3002        ctrnegstyle(2)=15
3003        iwidthnegctr=6
3004        write(*,"(a)") " Done. The saved picture with current line setting is suitable for publication purpose"
3005    end if
3006end do
3007end subroutine
3010!!------------------ Set marker of CPs and paths on contour/gradient map
3011subroutine settopomark
3012implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3013do while(.true.)
3014    write(*,*) "0 Return"
3015    if (imark3n3==0) write(*,*) "1 Show (3,-3) CPs"
3016    if (imark3n3==1) write(*,*) "1 Don't show (3,-3) CPs"
3017    if (imark3n1==0) write(*,*) "2 Show (3,-1) CPs"
3018    if (imark3n1==1) write(*,*) "2 Don't show (3,-1) CPs"
3019    if (imark3p1==0) write(*,*) "3 Show (3,+1) CPs"
3020    if (imark3p1==1) write(*,*) "3 Don't show (3,+1) CPs"
3021    if (imark3p3==0) write(*,*) "4 Show (3,+3) CPs"
3022    if (imark3p3==1) write(*,*) "4 Don't show (3,+3) CPs"
3023    if (imarkpath==0) write(*,*) "5 Show paths"
3024    if (imarkpath==1) write(*,*) "5 Don't show paths"
3025    write(*,*) "10 Set size of markers of CPs"
3026    write(*,*) "11 Set thickness of paths"
3027    write(*,*) "12 Set color of paths"
3028    write(*,*) "13 Set thickness of the interbasin paths derived from (3,-1)"
3029    write(*,*) "14 Set color of the interbasin paths derived from (3,-1)"
3030    read(*,*) isel
3032    if (isel==0) then
3033        exit
3034    else if (isel==1) then
3035        if (imark3n3==1) then
3036            imark3n3=0
3037        else
3038            imark3n3=1
3039        end if
3040    else if (isel==2) then
3041        if (imark3n1==1) then
3042            imark3n1=0
3043        else
3044            imark3n1=1
3045        end if
3046    else if (isel==3) then
3047        if (imark3p1==1) then
3048            imark3p1=0
3049        else
3050            imark3p1=1
3051        end if
3052    else if (isel==4) then
3053        if (imark3p3==1) then
3054            imark3p3=0
3055        else
3056            imark3p3=1
3057        end if
3058    else if (isel==5) then
3059        if (imarkpath==1) then
3060            imarkpath=0
3061        else
3062            imarkpath=1
3063        end if
3064    else if (isel==10) then
3065        write(*,*) "Input a value, e.g. 30"
3066        read(*,*) sizemarkcp
3067    else if (isel==11) then
3068        write(*,*) "Input a value, e.g. 5"
3069        read(*,*) sizemarkpath
3070    else if (isel==12) then
3071        write(*,*) "Input R,G,B value, between 0.0 to 1.0. e.g. 0.5,"
3072        write(*,*) "Note: 0,0,0 corresponds to black, 1,1,1 corresponds to white"
3073        read(*,*) clrRpath,clrGpath,clrBpath
3074    else if (isel==13) then
3075        write(*,*) "Input a value, e.g. 5"
3076        read(*,*) sizemark3n1path
3077    else if (isel==14) then
3078        write(*,*) "Input R,G,B value, between 0.0 to 1.0. e.g. 0.5,"
3079        write(*,*) "Note: 0,0,0 corresponds to black, 1,1,1 corresponds to white"
3080        read(*,*) clrR3n1path,clrG3n1path,clrB3n1path
3081    end if
3082end do
3083end subroutine
3088end program