1C $Id$
3*                                                                      *
4c:tex-% this is part of the API Standard Integral routines.
6c:tex-this routine computes the scalar and spin-orbit ECP integrals. The
7c:tex-ECPs are defined by
9c:tex-U^{AREP} = U^{AREP}_L + \sum_{l=0}^{L-1} U^{AREP}_\ell
10c:tex-\sum_{m=-\ell}^\ell | \ell m \rangle \langle \ell m | \\
11c:tex-U^{so} = \sum_{\ell=1}^L \frac1{\ell} \frac{2}{2\ell+1}
12C:tex-\Delta U^{so}_\ell
13c:tex-\sum_{m=-\ell}^\ell \sum_{m'=-\ell}^\ell | \ell m \rangle
14c:tex-\langle \ell m | -i\hat\ell | \ell m' \rangle \langle \ell m' |
16c:tex-Note that the spin-orbit operator is over $-i\ell$ and that the
17c:tex-scalar product with $\sigma$ not {\bf s} should be taken.
18c:tex-Note also that the integrals come out in the order z,y,x.
22c:tex-{\it Syntax:}
24      subroutine ecp_integral (
25     &    xyz_A,zeta_A,coef_A,n_prim_A,n_cont_A,l_A,i_c_A,
26     &    xyz_B,zeta_B,coef_B,n_prim_B,n_cont_B,l_B,i_c_B,
27     &    xyz_C,zeta_C,coef_C,n_prim_C,n_colc_C,
28     &    ind_z,ind_c,n_zeta_C,n_coef_C,
29     &    l_C,i_cent_C,n_C,l_ecp_max,
30     &    sphcart,csco,lcsco,
31     &    ecp_ints,n_int,n_blk,
32     &    DryRun,scr,lscr,ibug)
34*                                                                      *
35*   Calculate scalar and spin-orbit ecp integrals.                     *
36*                                                                      *
37*   Argument (status) - description                                    *
38*                                                                      *
39*   xyz_A (inp) - coordinates of centre A                              *
40*   zeta_A (inp) - exponents of primitive gaussians on centre A        *
41*   coef_A (inp) - contraction coefficients on centre A                *
42*   n_prim_A (inp) - number of primitive gaussians on centre A         *
43*   n_cont_A (inp) - number of contracted functions on centre A        *
44*   l_A (inp) - angular momentum of functions on centre A              *
45*   i_c_A (inp) index of centre A in centre list                       *
46*   xyz_B (inp) - coordinates of centre B                              *
47*   zeta_B (inp) - exponents of primitive gaussians on centre B        *
48*   coef_B (inp) - contraction coefficients on centre B                *
49*   n_prim_B (inp) - number of primitive gaussians on centre B         *
50*   n_cont_B (inp) - number of contracted functions on centre B        *
51*   l_B (inp) - angular momentum of functions on centre B              *
52*   i_c_B (inp) index of centre B in centre list                       *
53*   xyz_C (inp) - coordinates of ECP centres C                         *
54*   zeta_C (inp) - array of exponents of primitive gaussians on all    *
55*                  centres C. These are stored in an array of single   *
56*                  dimension, i.e. packed.                             *
57*   coef_C (inp) - array of contraction coefficients on all centres C  *
58*   n_prim_C (inp) - array of number of primitive gaussians for each   *
59*                    power of r, l value and ECP centre. The highest   *
60*                    l value is for the local part, thus the second    *
61*                    dimension is l_ecp_max+2 (or 0:l_ecp_max+1)       *
62*   n_colc_C (inp) - array of number of coefficients for each l value  *
63*                    and ECP centre. This is n_prim_C summed over the  *
64*                    first dimension.                                  *
65*   ind_z (inp) - array of addresses of first exponent for each l      *
66*                 value and ECP centre.                                *
67*   ind_c (inp) - array of addresses of first coefficient for each l   *
68*                 value and ECP centre.                                *
69*   n_zeta_C (inp) - total number of ECP exponents.                    *
70*   n_coef_C (inp) - total number of ECP coefficients.                 *
71*   l_C (inp) - maximum angular momentum of projectors on centres C    *
72*   i_cent_C (inp) - indices of ECP centres C                          *
73*   n_C (inp) - number of ECP centres C                                *
74*   l_ecp_max (inp) - maximum angular momentum of any projector on any *
75*                     ECP centre.                                      *
76*   sphcart - 0 for cartesian integrals, 1 for spherical integrals     *
77*   ecp_ints (out) - integrals over ECPs                               *
78*   n_int (inp) - number of ECP integrals. Should be equal to          *
79*                 NCA*NCB*[(La+1)*(La+2)/2]*[(Lb+1)*(Lb+2)/2]          *
80*   n_blk (inp) - 1 for scalar only, 3 for s-o only, 4 for both        *
81*                 s-o integrals come out in the order z,y,x.           *
82*   DryRun (inp) - logical for dry run. If true, routine only returns  *
83*                  maximum scratch space needed, if false, integrals   *
84*                  are returned.                                       *
85*   scr (scr) - scratch array for work space                           *
86*   lscr (i/o) - length of scratch array. Value returned if DryRun is  *
87*                true, used as dimension if false.                     *
88*   ibug - debug flag. 0 for no debug, 1 for address printing, 2 for   *
89*          array printing, 3 for both.                                 *
90*                                                                      *
91*   Written by K. G. Dyall                                             *
92*                                                                      *
94      implicit none
95#include "stdio.fh"
96#include "ecp_consts.fh"
97#include "util.fh"
98#include "errquit.fh"
99      integer i,j,l,n,
100     &    n_prim_A,n_cont_A,l_A,i_c_A,
101     &    n_prim_B,n_cont_B,l_B,i_c_B,
102     &    n_zeta_C,n_coef_C,n_C,i_c_C,l_ecp_max,
103     &    n_int,n_blk,sphcart,lscr,ibug
104      integer n_prim_C(0:4,-1:l_ecp_max,n_C*2),
105     &    n_colc_C(-1:l_ecp_max,n_C*2),
106     &    ind_z(-1:l_ecp_max,n_C*2),ind_c(-1:l_ecp_max,n_C*2),
107     &    l_C(n_C),i_cent_C(n_C)
108      integer i_scr,i_coef,i_zeta,memscr,mem,
109     &    max_type0,max_type1,max_type2,n_intt,n_all_a,n_all_b,
110     &    n_cart_a,n_cart_b,n_cart_ab,n_cont_ab
111      integer lcsco
112      logical DryRun,debug_gen,debug_addresses,debug_arrays
113      double precision
114     &    xyz_A(3),zeta_A(n_prim_A),coef_A(n_prim_A,n_cont_A),
115     &    xyz_B(3),zeta_B(n_prim_B),coef_B(n_prim_B,n_cont_B),
116     &    xyz_C(3,n_C),zeta_C(n_zeta_C),coef_C(n_zeta_C),
117     &    scr(lscr),ecp_ints(n_int*n_blk)
118      double precision
119     &    X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,R_AC,X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC,R_BC,
120     &    tol
121      double precision csco(lcsco)
122      data tol/1.0d-16/
124      if ((n_blk .ne. 1) .and. (n_blk .ne. 3) .and. (n_blk .ne. 4))
125     &    call errquit('Illegal value of n_blk in ecp_integral',99,
126     &       INT_ERR)
128      debug_gen = ibug .gt. 0
129      debug_addresses = mod(ibug,2) .eq. 1
130      debug_arrays = mod(ibug,10)/2 .eq. 1
131      if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) ibug
133      if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,'(//A,/)') 'Entering ecp_integral ...'
134      if (debug_addresses) then
135        write(LuOut,*)' lscr in ecp_integral:',lscr
136        write (LuOut,*) 'n_prim_A,n_cont_A,l_A',n_prim_A,n_cont_A,l_A
137        write (LuOut,*) 'n_prim_B,n_cont_B,l_B',n_prim_B,n_cont_B,l_B
138        write (LuOut,*) 'l_ecp_max,n_c',l_ecp_max,n_c
139      end if
140      n_cart_a = (l_a+1)*(l_a+2)/2
141      n_cart_b = (l_b+1)*(l_b+2)/2
142      n_cart_ab = n_cart_a*n_cart_b
143      n_cont_ab = n_cont_a*n_cont_b
144      n_all_a = n_cart_a*n_cont_a
145      n_all_b = n_cart_b*n_cont_b
146      n_intt = n_cart_ab*n_cont_ab
147      if (debug_addresses) write (LuOut,*)
148     &    'n_cart_a,n_cart_b,n_cart_ab,n_cont_ab',
149     &    n_cart_a,n_cart_b,n_cart_ab,n_cont_ab
150      if (sphcart .ne. 0) call errquit(
151     &    'Do your own spherical transformation, lazy bum!',99,
152     &       BASIS_ERR)
153      if (n_int .lt. n_intt) then
154        write (LuOut,*) 'n_int  =',n_int
155        write (LuOut,*) 'n_intt =',n_intt
156        call errquit (
157     &      'Mismatch of integral count in ecp_integrals',99,
158     &       BASIS_ERR)
159      end if
160      i_scr = n_intt*n_blk+1
161      memscr = lscr-i_scr+1
162      if (DryRun) then
163        max_type0 = 0
164        max_type1 = 0
165        max_type2 = 0
166      else
167        call dcopy (n_intt*n_blk,zero,0,ecp_ints,1)
168        if (debug_addresses) write (LuOut,*) 'memscr =',memscr
169        if (memscr .lt. 0) call errquit (
170     &      'Insufficient scratch memory in ecp_integral',99, MEM_ERR)
171      end if
172      if (debug_addresses) write (LuOut,*) 'i_scr',i_scr
173      if (debug_arrays) then
174        call ecp_matpr(xyz_A,1,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,'Centre A coordinates',
175     &      'E',78,4)
176        call ecp_matpr(xyz_B,1,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,'Centre B coordinates',
177     &      'E',78,4)
178        call ecp_matpr(xyz_C,1,3,1,n_C,1,3,1,n_C,'ECP coordinate array',
179     &      'E',78,4)
180        call ecp_matpr(zeta_A,1,n_prim_A,1,1,1,n_prim_A,1,1,
181     &      'A exponents','E',78,4)
182        call ecp_matpr(coef_A,1,n_prim_A,1,n_cont_A,1,n_prim_A,
183     &      1,n_cont_A,'A coefficients','E',78,4)
184        call ecp_matpr(zeta_B,1,n_prim_B,1,1,1,n_prim_B,1,1,
185     &      'B exponents','E',78,4)
186        call ecp_matpr(coef_B,1,n_prim_B,1,n_cont_B,1,n_prim_B,
187     &      1,n_cont_B,'B coefficients','E',78,4)
188        call ecp_matpr(zeta_C,1,n_zeta_C,1,1,1,n_zeta_C,1,1,
189     &      'ECP exponents','E',78,4)
190        call ecp_matpr(coef_C,1,n_zeta_C,1,1,1,n_zeta_C,1,1,
191     &      'ECP coefficients','E',78,4)
192      end if
193      if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'Number of ECP centers =',n_C
195*   Loop over ECP centres
197      do i = 1,n_C
198        l = l_C(i)
199        i_c_C = i_cent_C(i)
200        if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'ECP center',i
201        if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) '   Maximum angular momentum',l
203*     Set up relative cartesian coordinates
205        X_AC = xyz_C(1,i)-xyz_A(1)
206        Y_AC = xyz_C(2,i)-xyz_A(2)
207        Z_AC = xyz_C(3,i)-xyz_A(3)
208        R_AC = sqrt(X_AC**2+Y_AC**2+Z_AC**2)
209        X_BC = xyz_C(1,i)-xyz_B(1)
210        Y_BC = xyz_C(2,i)-xyz_B(2)
211        Z_BC = xyz_C(3,i)-xyz_B(3)
212        R_BC = sqrt(X_BC**2+Y_BC**2+Z_BC**2)
213        if (debug_arrays) then
214          write (LuOut,'(3x,A,3F10.6)') 'Relative coords of center A:',
215     &        X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC
216          write (LuOut,'(3x,A,3F10.6)') 'Relative coords of center B:',
217     &        X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC
218          write (LuOut,'(3x,A,3F10.6)') 'Distance to centers A and B:',
219     &        R_AC,R_BC
220        end if
222*     Evaluate integrals
224        if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'starting integrals'
225C        if (debug_arrays) then
226C          write (LuOut,*) 'Parameters of ECP'
227C          call ecp_matpi (n_prim_C,0,4,-1,l_ecp_max,0,2,0,l_C,
228C     &        'n_prim_C',81,15)
229C          call ecp_matpi (ind_C,-1,l_ecp_max,1,2*n_C,0,l_C,1,2*n_C,
230C     &        'ind_C',81,15)
231C          call ecp_matpi (n_colc_C,-1,l_ecp_max,1,2*n_C,0,l_C,1,2*n_C,
232C     &        'n_colc_C',81,15)
233C          call ecp_matpr (zeta_C,1,n_zeta_C,1,1,i_zeta,i_zeta+n-1,1,1,
234C     &        'zeta_C','E',81,5)
235C          call ecp_matpr (coef_C,1,n_zeta_C,1,1,i_zeta,i_zeta+n-1,1,1,
236C     &        'coef_C','E',81,5)
237C        end if
238        if (.not.DryRun) call dcopy (n_intt*n_blk,zero,0,scr,1)
239        i_zeta = ind_z(-1,i)
240        i_coef = ind_c(-1,i)
241        if ((i_c_A .eq. i_c_C) .and. (i_c_B .eq. i_c_C)) then
243*       One-centre case, A = B = C
245          if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'One-centre case'
246          if ((n_colc_C(-1,i) .gt. 0)) then
247            if ((n_blk .ne. 3))
248     &          call ecp_local0 (mem,DryRun,
249     &          l_B,n_prim_B,n_cont_B,coef_B,zeta_B,n_cart_b,
250     &          l_A,n_prim_A,n_cont_A,coef_A,zeta_A,n_cart_a,
251     &          n_prim_C(0,-1,i),n_colc_C(-1,i),
252     &          zeta_c(i_zeta),coef_c(i_coef),0,4,
253     &          tol,sphcart,scr(i_scr),memscr,
254     &          csco,lcsco,
255     &          scr,ibug/10)
256            if (debug_arrays .and. .not.DryRun)
257     &          call ecp_matpr (scr,1,n_all_b,1,n_all_a,1,n_all_b,
258     &          1,n_all_a,'Local ECP integrals','E',78,4)
259            if (DryRun) max_type0 = max(mem,max_type0)
260          end if
261          call ecp_int0 (mem,DryRun,
262     &        l_B,n_prim_B,n_cont_B,coef_B,zeta_B,n_cart_b,
263     &        l_A,n_prim_A,n_cont_A,coef_A,zeta_A,n_cart_a,
264     &        l_C(i),n_prim_C(0,-1,i),n_colc_C(-1,i),ind_z(-1,i),
265     &        ind_c(-1,i),n_zeta_C,n_coef_C,l_ecp_max,n_C,
266     &        zeta_C,coef_C,0,4,tol,sphcart,
267     &        scr(i_scr),memscr,csco,lcsco,
268     &        scr,n_blk,ibug/10)
269          if (DryRun) max_type0 = max(mem,max_type0)
270        else if (i_c_A .eq. i_c_C) then
272*       Two-centre case with A = C
274          if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'Two-centre case A=C'
275          if ((n_colc_C(-1,i) .gt. 0)) then
276            if ((n_blk .ne. 3))
277     &          call ecp_local1 (mem,DryRun,
278     &          R_BC,X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC,l_B,n_prim_B,n_cont_B,coef_B,zeta_B,
279     &          R_AC,X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,l_A,n_prim_A,n_cont_A,coef_A,zeta_A,
280     &          n_prim_C(0,-1,i),n_colc_C(-1,i),
281     &          zeta_c(i_zeta),coef_c(i_coef),0,4,
282     &          tol,sphcart,scr(i_scr),memscr,
283     &          csco,lcsco,
284     &          scr,n_intt,.false.,ibug/10)
285            if (debug_arrays .and. .not.DryRun)
286     &          call ecp_matpr (scr,1,n_all_b,1,n_all_a,1,n_all_b,
287     &          1,n_all_a,'Local ECP integrals','E',78,4)
288            if (DryRun) max_type1 = max(mem,max_type1)
289          end if
290          call ecp_int1 (mem,DryRun,
291     &        R_BC,X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC,l_B,n_prim_B,n_cont_B,coef_B,zeta_B,
292     &        R_AC,X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,l_A,n_prim_A,n_cont_A,coef_A,zeta_A,
293     &        l_C(i),n_prim_C(0,-1,i),n_colc_C(-1,i),ind_z(-1,i),
294     &        ind_c(-1,i),n_zeta_C,n_coef_C,l_ecp_max,n_C,
295     &        zeta_C,coef_C,0,4,tol,sphcart,scr(i_scr),memscr,
296     &        csco,lcsco,
297     &        scr,n_intt,n_blk,.false.,ibug/10)
298          if (DryRun) max_type1 = max(mem,max_type1)
299        else if (i_c_B .eq. i_c_C) then
301*       Two-centre case with B = C
303          if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'Two-centre case B=C'
304          if ((n_colc_C(-1,i) .gt. 0)) then
305            if ((n_blk .ne. 3))
306     &          call ecp_local1 (mem,DryRun,
307     &          R_AC,X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,l_A,n_prim_A,n_cont_A,coef_A,zeta_A,
308     &          R_BC,X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC,l_B,n_prim_B,n_cont_B,coef_B,zeta_B,
309     &          n_prim_C(0,-1,i),n_colc_C(-1,i),
310     &          zeta_c(i_zeta),coef_c(i_coef),0,4,
311     &          tol,sphcart,scr(i_scr),memscr,
312     &          csco,lcsco,
313     &          scr,n_intt,.true.,ibug/10)
314            if (debug_arrays .and..not.DryRun)
315     &          call ecp_matpr (scr,1,n_all_b,1,n_all_a,1,n_all_b,
316     &          1,n_all_a,'Local ECP integrals','E',78,4)
317            if (DryRun) max_type1 = max(mem,max_type1)
318          end if
319          call ecp_int1 (mem,DryRun,
320     &        R_AC,X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,l_A,n_prim_A,n_cont_A,coef_A,zeta_A,
321     &        R_BC,X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC,l_B,n_prim_B,n_cont_B,coef_B,zeta_B,
322     &        l_C(i),n_prim_C(0,-1,i),n_colc_C(-1,i),ind_z(-1,i),
323     &        ind_c(-1,i),n_zeta_C,n_coef_C,l_ecp_max,n_C,
324     &        zeta_C,coef_C,0,4,tol,sphcart,scr(i_scr),memscr,
325     &        csco,lcsco,
326     &        scr,n_intt,n_blk,.true.,ibug/10)
327          if (DryRun) max_type1 = max(mem,max_type1)
328        else
330*     Three-centre case
332          if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'Three-centre case'
333          if ((n_colc_C(-1,i) .gt. 0))then
334            if ((n_blk .ne. 3))
335     &          call ecp_local2 (mem,DryRun,
336     &          R_BC,X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC,l_B,n_prim_B,n_cont_B,coef_B,zeta_B,
337     &          R_AC,X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,l_A,n_prim_A,n_cont_A,coef_A,zeta_A,
338     &          n_prim_C(0,-1,i),n_colc_C(-1,i),
339     &          zeta_C(i_zeta),coef_C(i_coef),0,4,
340     &          tol,sphcart,scr(i_scr),memscr,
341     &          csco,lcsco,
342     &          scr,n_intt,ibug/10)
343            if (debug_arrays .and..not.DryRun)
344     &          call ecp_matpr (scr,1,n_all_b,1,n_all_a,1,n_all_b,
345     &          1,n_all_a,'Local ECP integrals','E',78,4)
346            if (DryRun) max_type2 = max(mem,max_type2)
347          end if
348          call ecp_int2 (mem,DryRun,
349     &        R_BC,X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC,l_B,n_prim_B,n_cont_B,coef_B,zeta_B,
350     &        R_AC,X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,l_A,n_prim_A,n_cont_A,coef_A,zeta_A,
351     &        l_c(i),n_prim_C(0,-1,i),n_colc_C(-1,i),ind_z(-1,i),
352     &        ind_c(-1,i),n_zeta_C,n_coef_C,l_ecp_max,n_C,
353     &        zeta_C,coef_C,0,4,tol,sphcart,scr(i_scr),memscr,
354     &        csco,lcsco,
355     &        scr,n_intt,n_blk,ibug/10)
356          if (DryRun) max_type2 = max(mem,max_type2)
357        end if
359*     Add integrals from this centre to the total.
361        if (.not.DryRun) then
362          call daxpy (n_intt*n_blk,one,scr,1,ecp_ints,1)
363          if (debug_arrays) then
364            n = 1
365            do j = 1,n_blk
366              call ecp_matpr (scr(n),1,n_all_b,1,n_all_a,1,n_all_b,
367     &            1,n_all_a,'Non-local ECP integrals','E',78,4)
368              n = n+n_intt
369            end do
370          end if
371        end if
372      end do
373      if (DryRun) then
374        lscr = max(max_type0,max_type1,max_type2)+n_intt*n_blk
375        if (debug_addresses) then
376          write (LuOut,*) 'max_type0',max_type0
377          write (LuOut,*) 'max_type1',max_type1
378          write (LuOut,*) 'max_type2',max_type2
379          write (LuOut,*) 'n_intt',n_intt
380          write (LuOut,*) 'lscr',lscr
381        end if
382      else if (debug_arrays) then
383        n = 1
384        do j = 1,n_blk
385          call ecp_matpr (ecp_ints(n),1,n_all_b,1,n_all_a,
386     &        1,n_all_b,1,n_all_a,'Final ECP integrals','E',78,4)
387          n = n+n_intt
388        end do
389      end if
390      if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'Exiting ecp_integral'
392      return
393      end