2c     Computes explicit nuclear 2nd derivatives of the XC energy
4c     BGJ - 8/98
6c     $Id$
8C> \ingroup hess
9C> @{
11C> \file xc_d2expl.F
12C> Explicit 2nd derivatives wrt nuclear coordinates of the DFT
13C> functional
15C> \brief Computes explicit nuclear 2nd derivatives of the XC energy
17C> The explicit 2nd derivatives of the XC energy with respect to the
18C> nuclear coordinates are defined as
19C> \f{eqnarray*}{
20C>   \frac{\mathrm{d}^2E_{xc}}{\mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}y} &=& \sum_{ij}\int
21C>   \frac{\mathrm{d}^2f_{xc}}{\mathrm{d}p_i\mathrm{d}p_j}
22C>   \frac{\mathrm{d}p_i}{\mathrm{d}x}\frac{\mathrm{d}p_j}{\mathrm{d}y}
23C>   \mathrm{d}r
24C> + \sum_i\int\frac{\mathrm{d}f_{xc}}{\mathrm{d}p_i}
25C>   \frac{\mathrm{d}^2p_i}{\mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}y}
26C>   \mathrm{d}r
27C> \f}
28C> where \f$p \in \{\rho_\alpha,\rho_\beta,\gamma_{\alpha\alpha},
29C> \gamma_{\alpha\beta},\gamma_{\beta\beta}\}\f$ and the indeces
30C> \f$i\f$ and \f$j\f$ run over this set.
32c     d2Exc             /    d2fxc    dp(i) dp(j)          / dfxc  d2p(i)
33c     ----- =  sum sum  | ----------- ----- -----  +  sum  | ----- ------
34c     dx dy     i   j  /  dp(i) dp(j)  dx    dy        i  /  dp(i) dx dy
36c     where "p" represents a density parameter in the set
37c     { ra, rb, gaa, gab, gbb }, and the i, j indices run over this set
39c     First step: separable part of 2nd derivative contribution
41      Subroutine xc_d2expl(tol_rho, scr,
42     &     Amat, Amat2, Acof2, Cmat, Cmat2, Ccof2, Mmat, Mmat2, Mcof2,
43     &     F, Pmat, ff, s,
44     &     chi, delchi, heschi, d3chi,
45     &     curatoms, ncuratoms, ipol, nq, nbf, max_at_bf, GRAD, basis,
46     &     natoms, iniz, ifin, drho, ddelrho, dttau,
47     &     delrho, g_dens, hess, ibf,
48     &     rchi_atom, rdelchi_atom, rdens_atom, cetobfr, kske)
50      implicit none
51#include "dft2drv.fh"
52#include "stdio.fh"
53#include "util.fh"
54#include "global.fh"
56      logical kske !< [Input] .True. if the functional is a meta-GGA
57      integer basis !< [Input] The basis set handle
58      integer max_at_bf !< [Input] The maximum number of basis functions
59                        !< on any atom
60      integer ipol  !< [Input] The number of spin channels
61      integer nq    !< [Input] The number of grid points
62      integer nbf    !< [Input] The number of basis functions
63      integer natoms !< [Input] The number of atoms
64      integer ncuratoms !< [Input] The number of currently "active"
65                        !< atoms
66      integer curatoms(natoms) !< [Input] The mapping array for
67                               !< currently active atoms
68      double precision tol_rho !< [Input] The tolerance on the density
69      logical GRAD !< [Input] .True. if the functional is a GGA
71c     Explicit first derivatives of density wrt current nuclei [input]
73      double precision drho(nq,ipol,3,ncuratoms) !< [Input] Derivative
74      !< of rho wrt nuclear coordinates
75      double precision ddelrho(nq,3,ipol,3,ncuratoms) !< [Input]
76      !< Derivative of the density gradient wrt nuclear coordinates
77      double precision dttau(nq,ipol,3,ncuratoms) !< [Input] Derivative
78      !< of the kinetic energy density wrt nuclear coordinates
80c     Space for separable coefficients of first derivatives of density
82      double precision Acof2(nq,ipol,3) !< [Scratch] Derivative rho
83      double precision Ccof2(nq,3,ipol,3) !< [Scratch] Derivative grad
84      double precision Mcof2(nq,ipol,3) !< [Scratch] Derivative tau
86c     Spin density gradients
88      double precision delrho(nq,3,ipol) !< [Input] Density gradient
90      integer g_dens(ipol) !< [Input] GA handle for density matrices
92c     Hessian matrix (updated)
94      double precision hess(3,natoms,3,natoms) !< [In/Output] Hessian
96      double precision scr(nq,15) !< [Scratch] matrix
97      double precision rchi_atom(natoms) !< [Input] Screening parameters
98      double precision rdelchi_atom(natoms) !< [Input] Screening
99                                            !< parameters
100      double precision rdens_atom(natoms,natoms,ipol) !< [Input]
101      !< Screening parameters
102      integer cetobfr(2,natoms) !< [Input] First and last basis
103      !< function of the atoms
105      double precision Pmat(max_at_bf*max_at_bf) !< [Scratch] vector
106      double precision F(max_at_bf*max_at_bf)    !< [Scratch] vector
107      double precision ff(nq,3,*) !< [Scratch] arrays
108      double precision s(nq,max_at_bf) !< [Scratch] arrays
110c     Sampling Matrices for the XC Functional Derivatives
112      double precision Amat(nq,ipol) !< [Input] Derivative of functional
113      !< wrt rho
114      double precision Cmat(nq,3,ipol) !< [Input] Derivative of the
115      !< functional wrt the norm of the electron density gradient.
116      !< The call to `transform_Cmat` changes the contents to
117      !< \f$\gamma_{\alpha\alpha}\cdot\frac{\partial \rho_\alpha}{\partial x}
118      !< \ldots \gamma_{\beta\beta}\cdot\frac{\partial \rho_\beta}{\partial z}\f$
119      double precision Mmat(nq,ipol) !< [Input] Derivative of functional
120      !< wrt kinetic energy density
122      double precision Amat2(nq,NCOL_AMAT2) !< [Input] 2nd derivative
123      !< of functional wrt rho
124      double precision Cmat2(nq,NCOL_CMAT2) !< [Input] 2nd derivative
125      !< of functional wrt gamma
126      double precision Mmat2(nq,NCOL_MMAT2) !< [Input] 2nd derivative
127      !< of functional wrt kinetic energy density
129c     Sampling Matrices for [Products of] Basis Functions & Gradients
131      integer iniz(natoms) !< [Input] Start something
132      integer ifin(natoms) !< [Input] End something
134c     Basis Functions & Derivatives
136      double precision chi(nq,nbf) !< [Input] Basis function values
137      double precision delchi(nq,3,nbf) !< [Input] Basis function
138                                        !< derivative values
139      double precision heschi(nq,6,nbf) !< [Input] Basis function
140                                        !< 2nd derivative values
141      double precision d3chi(nq,10,nbf) !< [Input] Basis function
142                                        !< 3rd derivative values
144      integer ibf(nbf) !< [Input] Some mapping table
146c     local declarations
148      logical oprint
149      double precision A_MAX, C_MAX, AC_MAX, FUNC_MAXI, FUNC_MAXJ
150      double precision FUNC_MAX, DELFUNC_MAX, tol_rho_tmp
151      integer iatcur, jatcur
152      integer iat, inizia, ifinia, nbfia, nnia, ifirst, ilast, idim
153      integer jat, inizja, ifinja, nbfja, nnja, jfirst, jlast, jdim
154      integer ii, mu, nu, icount
155      integer n
156      double precision aaa, fdchix, fdchiy, fdchiz,
157     &                 ccc1, ccc2, ccc3
158      double precision T(3,3),t6(6)
159      integer idir, jdir
161c     The following parameter definitions must be consistent with
162c     those in routine xc_eval_basis, or this routine will not work
164      integer iixx,iixy,iixz,
165     &             iiyy,iiyz,
166     &                  iizz
168      parameter ( iixx=1,iixy=2,iixz=3,
169     &                   iiyy=4,iiyz=5,
170     &                          iizz=6 )
172      integer iixxx,iixxy,iixxz,
173     &              iixyy,iixyz,
174     &                    iixzz,
175     &                          iiyyy,iiyyz,
176     &                                iiyzz,
177     &                                      iizzz
179      parameter ( iixxx=1,iixxy=2,iixxz=3,
180     &                    iixyy=4,iixyz=5,
181     &                            iixzz=6,
182     &                                    iiyyy=7,iiyyz=8,
183     &                                            iiyzz=9,
184     &                                                    iizzz=10 )
186      double precision duefac
187      double precision dabsmax
188      external dabsmax
190c     d2Exc             /    d2fxc    dp(i) dp(j)          / dfxc  d2p(i)
191c     ----- =  sum sum  | ----------- ----- -----  +  sum  | ----- ------
192c     dx dy     i   j  /  dp(i) dp(j)  dx    dy        i  /  dp(i) dx dy
194c     where "p" represents a density parameter in the set
195c     { ra, rb, gaa, gab, gbb }, and the i, j indices run over this set
197c     First step: separable part of 2nd derivative contribution
199      oprint= util_print('xc_hessian',print_debug)
200      do 10 iat = 1, natoms
201         iatcur = curatoms(iat)
202         if (iatcur.eq.0) goto 10
204c     Form Acof2, Ccof2 for iatcur
206         call dcopy(nq*ipol*3,drho(1,1,1,iatcur),1,Acof2,1)
207         if (grad) then
208            call dcopy(nq*ipol*9,ddelrho(1,1,1,1,iatcur),1,Ccof2,1)
209         endif
210         if (kske) then
211            call dcopy(nq*ipol*3,dttau(1,1,1,iatcur),1,Mcof2,1)
212         end if
214         call xc_cpks_coeff(Acof2, Ccof2, Mcof2,
215     &        Amat2, Cmat2, Cmat, Mmat2,
216     &        delrho,3, ipol, nq, grad, kske, .false.)
218         do 20 jat = 1, iat
219            jatcur = curatoms(jat)
220            if (jatcur.eq.0) goto 20
222            call dfill(9,0.d0,T,1)
223            if (ipol.eq.1) then
224               if (.not.GRAD) then
225                  do jdir = 1, 3
226                     do idir = 1, 3
227                     T(idir,jdir) = T(idir,jdir) +
228     &                    ddot(nq,Acof2(1,1,idir),1,
229     .                    drho(1,1,jdir,jatcur),1)
230                     enddo
231                  enddo
232               else
233                  do jdir = 1, 3
234                     do idir = 1, 3
235                        do n = 1, nq
236                           T(idir,jdir) = T(idir,jdir)
237     &                  + Acof2(n,1,idir)*drho(n,1,jdir,jatcur)
238     &                  + Ccof2(n,1,1,idir)*ddelrho(n,1,1,jdir,jatcur)
239     &                  + Ccof2(n,2,1,idir)*ddelrho(n,2,1,jdir,jatcur)
240     &                  + Ccof2(n,3,1,idir)*ddelrho(n,3,1,jdir,jatcur)
241                        enddo
242                     enddo
243                  enddo
244               endif
245            else
246               do jdir = 1, 3
247                  do idir = 1, 3
248                     T(idir,jdir) = T(idir,jdir) +
249     &                    ddot(nq,Acof2(1,1,idir),1,
250     .                    drho(1,1,jdir,jatcur),1) +
251     &                    ddot(nq,Acof2(1,2,idir),1,
252     .                    drho(1,2,jdir,jatcur),1)
253                  enddo
254               enddo
255               if (GRAD) then
256                  do jdir = 1, 3
257                     do idir = 1, 3
258                        do n = 1, nq
259                           T(idir,jdir) = T(idir,jdir)
260     &                  + Ccof2(n,1,1,idir)*ddelrho(n,1,1,jdir,jatcur)
261     &                  + Ccof2(n,2,1,idir)*ddelrho(n,2,1,jdir,jatcur)
262     &                  + Ccof2(n,3,1,idir)*ddelrho(n,3,1,jdir,jatcur)
263     &                  + Ccof2(n,1,2,idir)*ddelrho(n,1,2,jdir,jatcur)
264     &                  + Ccof2(n,2,2,idir)*ddelrho(n,2,2,jdir,jatcur)
265     &                  + Ccof2(n,3,2,idir)*ddelrho(n,3,2,jdir,jatcur)
266                        enddo
267                     enddo
268                  enddo
269               endif
270            endif
272c           Update Hessian block(s)
274            do jdir = 1,3
275               do idir = 1,3
276                  hess(idir,iat,jdir,jat) = hess(idir,iat,jdir,jat)
277     &                                    + T(idir,jdir)
278                  if (iat.ne.jat) then
279                     hess(jdir,jat,idir,iat) = hess(jdir,jat,idir,iat)
280     &                                       + T(idir,jdir)
281                  endif
282               enddo
283            enddo
285 20      continue
286 10   continue
288c     Second step: remaining terms involving functional first derivatives
289c                  and density parameter second derivatives
291c     We now need Cmat in the delrho form
293      if (GRAD) call transform_Cmat(delrho, Cmat, ipol, nq)
295      A_MAX = dabsmax(nq*ipol,Amat)
296      C_MAX = dabsmax(nq*3*ipol,Cmat)
297      AC_MAX = max(A_MAX,C_MAX)
299#if 0
300      write(6,*) ' xc_d2expl: AMAT '
301      call output(amat, 1, nq, 1, ipol, nq, ipol, 1)
302      if (GRAD) then
303         write(6,*) ' xc_d2expl: CMAT '
304         call output(cmat, 1, nq, 1, 3*ipol, nq, 3*ipol, 1)
305      endif
306      write(6,*) ' xc_d2expl: chi '
307      call output(chi, 1, nq, 1, nbf, nq, nbf, 1)
308      if (GRAD) then
309         write(6,*) ' xc_d2expl: delchi '
310         call output(delchi, 1, nq, 1, 3*nbf, nq, 3*nbf, 1)
311      endif
314c     Screening is accomplished by:  p(r) <= |Xi(r)|*|Xj(r)|*|Dij|
315c     Xi(r) is screened on desired accuracy/max(|Xj(r)|)*max(|Dij|)
316c     Dij is screened on desired accuracy/max(|Xi(r)|)*max(|Xj(r)|)
318      FUNC_MAX = dabsmax(natoms,rchi_atom)
319      DELFUNC_MAX = dabsmax(natoms,rdelchi_atom)
321      do 230 iat = 1, natoms
322         inizia = iniz(iat)
323         if (inizia.eq.0)goto 230
324         iatcur = curatoms(iat)
325         ifinia = ifin(iat)
326         ifirst = cetobfr(1,iat)
327         ilast = cetobfr(2,iat)
328         nbfia = ilast-ifirst+1
329         nnia = ifinia-inizia+1
331c        screening parameters
333         FUNC_MAXI = max(rchi_atom(iat),rdelchi_atom(iat))
335#if 0
336         if (ipol.gt.1)then
337            P_MAXJ_A = dabsmax(natoms,rdens_atom(1,iat,1))
338            P_MAXJ_B = dabsmax(natoms,rdens_atom(1,iat,2))
339            P_MAXJ = MAX(P_MAXJ_A, P_MAXJ_B)
340         else
341            P_MAXJ = dabsmax(natoms,rdens_atom(1,iat,1))
342         endif
343         if (FUNC_MAXI*FUNC_MAXJ*P_MAXJ.lt.tol_rho) goto 225
344c     !!! Cutoff temporarily commented out !!!
346         do 220 jat = 1, iat
347            inizja = iniz(jat)
348            if (inizja.eq.0)goto 220
349            jatcur = curatoms(jat)
350            if (iatcur .eq. 0 .and. jatcur .eq. 0) goto 220
351            ifinja = ifin(jat)
352            jfirst = cetobfr(1,jat)
353            jlast = cetobfr(2,jat)
354            nbfja = jlast-jfirst+1
355            nnja = ifinja-inizja+1
357c           screening parameters
359            FUNC_MAXJ = max(rchi_atom(jat),rdelchi_atom(jat))
360#if 0
361            if (ipol.eq.1)then
362               P_MAXIJ = rdens_atom(iat,jat,1)
363            else
364               P_MAXIJ = max(rdens_atom(iat,jat,1),
365     &                       rdens_atom(iat,jat,2))
366            endif
367            if (FUNC_MAXI*FUNC_MAXJ*P_MAXIJ.lt.tol_rho) goto 215
368c     !!! Cutoff temporarily commented out !!!
370            tol_rho_tmp = tol_rho/(FUNC_MAXI*FUNC_MAXJ)
372            do 210 ii = 1, ipol
374c              screening parameters
376#if 0
377               P_MAXIJ = rdens_atom(iat,jat,ii)
378               if (FUNC_MAXI*FUNC_MAXJ*P_MAXIJ.lt.tol_rho)goto 210
379c     !!! Cutoff temporarily commented out !!!
382               call get_atom_block(g_dens(ii), basis,
383     &                             iat, jat, Pmat, idim, jdim)
385               call gat_mat(F, Pmat, nbfia, nbfja, nnia, nnja,ifirst,
386     &                      jfirst, ibf(inizia), ibf(inizja))
388c     Three terms to compute
390c     First term:    Xiat(r)*hessXjat(r)*Diat,jat -> hess(jat,jat)
391c             GC: delXiat(r)*hessXjat(r)*Diat,jat -> hess(jat,jat)
392c             GC:    Xiat(r)*  d3Xjat(r)*Diat,jat -> hess(jat,jat)
394               if (jatcur .ne. 0) then
395                  call dfill(9,0.d0,T,1)
396                  call dgemm('n','n',nq,nnja,nnia,1d0,
397     A                 chi(1,inizia),nq,F,nnia,0d0,s,nq)
398                  if (grad)
399     G                 call dgemm('n','n',nq*3,nnja,nnia,1d0,
400     A                 delchi(1,1,inizia),nq*3,F,nnia,0d0,ff,nq*3)
401                  t6(1)=0d0
402                  t6(2)=0d0
403                  t6(3)=0d0
404                  t6(4)=0d0
405                  t6(5)=0d0
406                  t6(6)=0d0
407                  do mu=inizja,ifinja
408                     if (GRAD) then
409                        do n = 1, nq
410                           ff(n,1,1) =
411     S                          Amat(n,ii)*s(n,mu-inizja+1)
412     &                          + Cmat(n,1,ii)*ff(n,1,mu-inizja+1)
413     &                          + Cmat(n,2,ii)*ff(n,2,mu-inizja+1)
414     &                          + Cmat(n,3,ii)*ff(n,3,mu-inizja+1)
415                        enddo
416                     else
417                        do n = 1, nq
418                           ff(n,1,1) = Amat(n,ii)*
419     *                          s(n,mu-inizja+1)
420                        enddo
421                     endif
422                     call dgemv('t',nq, 6, 1d0,heschi(1,1,mu),nq,
423     Y                    ff(1,1,1),1,1d0,t6,1)
424                  enddo
425                  T(1,1) = T(1,1)+t6(1)
426                  T(1,2) = T(1,2)+t6(2)
427                  T(1,3) = T(1,3)+t6(3)
428                  T(2,2) = T(2,2)+t6(4)
429                  T(2,3) = T(2,3)+t6(5)
430                  T(3,3) = T(3,3)+t6(6)
431                  if (GRAD) then
432                     do mu = inizja, ifinja
433                        do n = 1, nq
434                           ccc1 = Cmat(n,1,ii)*s(n,mu-inizja+1)
435                           ccc2 = Cmat(n,2,ii)*s(n,mu-inizja+1)
436                           ccc3 = Cmat(n,3,ii)*s(n,mu-inizja+1)
437                           T(1,1) = T(1,1) + d3chi(n,iixxx,mu)*ccc1
438     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixxy,mu)*ccc2
439     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixxz,mu)*ccc3
440                           T(1,2) = T(1,2) + d3chi(n,iixxy,mu)*ccc1
441     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixyy,mu)*ccc2
442     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixyz,mu)*ccc3
443                           T(1,3) = T(1,3) + d3chi(n,iixxz,mu)*ccc1
444     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixyz,mu)*ccc2
445     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixzz,mu)*ccc3
446                           T(2,2) = T(2,2) + d3chi(n,iixyy,mu)*ccc1
447     &                                     + d3chi(n,iiyyy,mu)*ccc2
448     &                                     + d3chi(n,iiyyz,mu)*ccc3
449                           T(2,3) = T(2,3) + d3chi(n,iixyz,mu)*ccc1
450     &                                     + d3chi(n,iiyyz,mu)*ccc2
451     &                                     + d3chi(n,iiyzz,mu)*ccc3
452                           T(3,3) = T(3,3) + d3chi(n,iixzz,mu)*ccc1
453     &                                     + d3chi(n,iiyzz,mu)*ccc2
454     &                                     + d3chi(n,iizzz,mu)*ccc3
455                        enddo
456                     enddo
457                  endif
459                  duefac=1d0
460                  if (iat.ne.jat) duefac=2d0
462                  T(2,1) = T(1,2)
463                  T(3,1) = T(1,3)
464                  T(3,2) = T(2,3)
465                  do jdir = 1,3
466                     do idir = 1,3
467                        hess(idir,jat,jdir,jat) =
468     &                  hess(idir,jat,jdir,jat) + T(idir,jdir)*duefac
469                     enddo
470                  enddo
471               endif
473c     Second term: hessXiat(r)*   Xjat(r)*Diat,jat -> hess(iat,iat)
474c              GC: hessXiat(r)*delXjat(r)*Diat,jat -> hess(iat,iat)
475c              GC:   d3Xiat(r)*   Xjat(r)*Diat,jat -> hess(iat,iat)
477               if (iatcur .ne. 0) then
478                  call dfill(9,0.d0,T,1)
479                  call dgemm('n','t',nq,nnia,nnja,1d0,
480     A                 chi(1,inizja),nq,F,nnia,0d0,s,nq)
481                  if (grad)
482     G                 call dgemm('n','t',nq*3,nnia,nnja,1d0,
483     A                 delchi(1,1,inizja),nq*3,F,nnia,0d0,ff,nq*3)
484                  t6(1)=0d0
485                  t6(2)=0d0
486                  t6(3)=0d0
487                  t6(4)=0d0
488                  t6(5)=0d0
489                  t6(6)=0d0
490                  do nu=inizia,ifinia
491                     if (GRAD) then
492                        do n = 1, nq
493                           ff(n,1,1) =
494     S                          Amat(n,ii)*s(n,nu-inizia+1)
495     &                             + Cmat(n,1,ii)*ff(n,1,nu-inizia+1)
496     &                             + Cmat(n,2,ii)*ff(n,2,nu-inizia+1)
497     &                             + Cmat(n,3,ii)*ff(n,3,nu-inizia+1)
498                        enddo
499                     else
500                        do n = 1, nq
501                           ff(n,1,1) =
502     A                          Amat(n,ii)*s(n,nu-inizia+1)
503                        enddo
504                     endif
505                     call dgemv('t',nq, 6, 1d0,heschi(1,1,nu),nq,
506     Y                    ff(1,1,1),1,1d0,t6,1)
507                  enddo
508                  T(1,1) = T(1,1)+t6(1)
509                  T(1,2) = T(1,2)+t6(2)
510                  T(1,3) = T(1,3)+t6(3)
511                  T(2,2) = T(2,2)+t6(4)
512                  T(2,3) = T(2,3)+t6(5)
513                  T(3,3) = T(3,3)+t6(6)
514                  if (GRAD) then
515                     do nu = inizia, ifinia
517                        do n = 1, nq
518                           ccc1 = Cmat(n,1,ii)*s(n,nu-inizia+1)
519                           ccc2 = Cmat(n,2,ii)*s(n,nu-inizia+1)
520                           ccc3 = Cmat(n,3,ii)*s(n,nu-inizia+1)
521                           T(1,1) = T(1,1) + d3chi(n,iixxx,nu)*ccc1
522     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixxy,nu)*ccc2
523     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixxz,nu)*ccc3
524                           T(1,2) = T(1,2) + d3chi(n,iixxy,nu)*ccc1
525     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixyy,nu)*ccc2
526     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixyz,nu)*ccc3
527                           T(1,3) = T(1,3) + d3chi(n,iixxz,nu)*ccc1
528     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixyz,nu)*ccc2
529     &                                     + d3chi(n,iixzz,nu)*ccc3
530                           T(2,2) = T(2,2) + d3chi(n,iixyy,nu)*ccc1
531     &                                     + d3chi(n,iiyyy,nu)*ccc2
532     &                                     + d3chi(n,iiyyz,nu)*ccc3
533                           T(2,3) = T(2,3) + d3chi(n,iixyz,nu)*ccc1
534     &                                     + d3chi(n,iiyyz,nu)*ccc2
535     &                                     + d3chi(n,iiyzz,nu)*ccc3
536                           T(3,3) = T(3,3) + d3chi(n,iixzz,nu)*ccc1
537     &                                     + d3chi(n,iiyzz,nu)*ccc2
538     &                                     + d3chi(n,iizzz,nu)*ccc3
539                        enddo
540                     enddo
541                  endif
543                  duefac=1d0
544                  if (iat.ne.jat) duefac=2d0
546                  T(2,1) = T(1,2)
547                  T(3,1) = T(1,3)
548                  T(3,2) = T(2,3)
549                  do jdir = 1,3
550                     do idir = 1,3
551                        hess(idir,iat,jdir,iat) =
552     &                  hess(idir,iat,jdir,iat) + T(idir,jdir)*duefac
553                     enddo
554                  enddo
555               endif
557c     Third term: delXiat(r)*del(T)Xjat(r)*Diat,jat -> hess(iat,jat)
559               if (jatcur .ne. 0 .and. iatcur .ne. 0) then
560                  call dfill(9,0.d0,T,1)
561                  icount = 0
562                  call dgemm('n','n',nq*3,nnja,nnia,1d0,
563     A                 delchi(1,1,inizia),nq*3,F,nnia,0d0,ff,nq*3)
564                  do mu = inizja, ifinja
565                     do n = 1, nq
566                        fdchix = Amat(n,ii)*ff(n,1,mu-inizja+1)
567                        fdchiy = Amat(n,ii)*ff(n,2,mu-inizja+1)
568                        fdchiz = Amat(n,ii)*ff(n,3,mu-inizja+1)
569                        T(1,1) = T(1,1) + fdchix*delchi(n,1,mu)
570                        T(1,2) = T(1,2) + fdchix*delchi(n,2,mu)
571                        T(1,3) = T(1,3) + fdchix*delchi(n,3,mu)
572                        T(2,1) = T(2,1) + fdchiy*delchi(n,1,mu)
573                        T(2,2) = T(2,2) + fdchiy*delchi(n,2,mu)
574                        T(2,3) = T(2,3) + fdchiy*delchi(n,3,mu)
575                        T(3,1) = T(3,1) + fdchiz*delchi(n,1,mu)
576                        T(3,2) = T(3,2) + fdchiz*delchi(n,2,mu)
577                        T(3,3) = T(3,3) + fdchiz*delchi(n,3,mu)
578                     enddo
579                  enddo
580                  if (GRAD) then
581                     do mu = inizja, ifinja
582                        call dfill(nq*6,0.d0,scr,1)
583                        do nu = inizia, ifinia
584                           icount = icount+1
585                           aaa = F(icount)
586                           if (abs(aaa).gt.tol_rho_tmp)then
587                              call daxpy(nq*6,aaa,heschi(1,1,nu),1,
588     &                             scr,1)
589                           endif
590                        enddo
591                        do n = 1,nq
592                           s(n,1) = Cmat(n,1,ii)*scr(n,iixx)
593     &                            + Cmat(n,2,ii)*scr(n,iixy)
594     &                            + Cmat(n,3,ii)*scr(n,iixz)
595                           s(n,2) = Cmat(n,1,ii)*scr(n,iixy)
596     &                            + Cmat(n,2,ii)*scr(n,iiyy)
597     &                            + Cmat(n,3,ii)*scr(n,iiyz)
598                           s(n,3) = Cmat(n,1,ii)*scr(n,iixz)
599     &                            + Cmat(n,2,ii)*scr(n,iiyz)
600     &                            + Cmat(n,3,ii)*scr(n,iizz)
601                        enddo
602                        call dgemm('t','n',3,3,nq,1d0,
603     A                       s,nq,delchi(1,1,mu),nq,1d0,T,3)
604                        do n = 1, nq
605                           s(n,1) = Cmat(n,1,ii)*heschi(n,iixx,mu)
606     &                            + Cmat(n,2,ii)*heschi(n,iixy,mu)
607     &                            + Cmat(n,3,ii)*heschi(n,iixz,mu)
608                           s(n,2) = Cmat(n,1,ii)*heschi(n,iixy,mu)
609     &                            + Cmat(n,2,ii)*heschi(n,iiyy,mu)
610     &                            + Cmat(n,3,ii)*heschi(n,iiyz,mu)
611                           s(n,3) = Cmat(n,1,ii)*heschi(n,iixz,mu)
612     &                            + Cmat(n,2,ii)*heschi(n,iiyz,mu)
613     &                            + Cmat(n,3,ii)*heschi(n,iizz,mu)
614                        enddo
615                        call dgemm('t','n',3,3,nq,1d0,
616     A                       ff(1,1,mu-inizja+1),nq,s,nq,1d0,T,3)
617                     enddo
618                  endif
620c     This term always comes with a factor of 2 in front
622                  duefac=2d0
624                  do jdir = 1,3
625                     do idir = 1,3
626                        hess(idir,iat,jdir,jat) =
627     &                  hess(idir,iat,jdir,jat) + T(idir,jdir)*duefac
628                        if (iat.ne.jat) then
629                           hess(jdir,jat,idir,iat) =
630     &                     hess(jdir,jat,idir,iat) + T(idir,jdir)*duefac
631                        endif
632                     enddo
633                  enddo
634               endif
635  210       continue
636  220    continue
637  230 continue
638      if(oprint.and.ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
639         write(luout,*) ' xc_d2expl: hess '
640         call output(hess,1,3*natoms,1,3*natoms,3*natoms,3*natoms,1)
641      endif
643      return
644      end
645C> @}