1      Subroutine grid_atom_type_info
5      implicit none
6#include "errquit.fh"
8#include "inp.fh"
9#include "util.fh"
10#include "global.fh"
11#include "stdio.fh"
12#include "cdft.fh"
13#include "geom.fh"
14#include "mafdecls.fh"
16      double precision BSrad(105)
17      double precision ictr_coord(3), ictr_chg
18      double precision autoang, angtoau, EPS
19      parameter (autoang = 0.529177249d0, angtoau = 1.d0/autoang)
20      parameter (EPS = 1.d-20)
21      integer itype, ictr, iaz, i_atomic_number, icenter, jcenter
23      integer lcoord, icoord, lcharge, icharge, ltags, itags,iptr
24      logical same_atom, same_bq, isbq
26      character*16 element
27      character*16 tag
28      character*2 symbol
30      logical lnewtype
31      logical atom_tag_check
32      logical oprint, oprint_grid
34      external atom_tag_check
37c     Table of Bragg-Slater Atomic Radii (Angstroms)
39c     Bragg-Slater radii: J.C. Slater, Symmetry and Energy Bands in Crystals,
40c                         Dover, N.Y. 1972, page 55.
41c                         The radii of noble gas atoms are set to be equal
42c                         to the radii of the corresponding halogen atoms.
43c                         The radius of At is set to be equal to the radius of
44c                         Po.
45c                         The radius of Fr is set to be equal to the radius of
46c                         Cs.
48c                  H    He   Li   Be    B    C    N    O    F   Ne
49      Data BSrad/0.35,0.35,1.45,1.05,0.85,0.70,0.65,0.60,0.50,0.50,
50c                  Na   Mg   Al   Si    P    S   Cl   Ar    K   Ca
51     &           1.80,1.50,1.25,1.10,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,2.20,1.80,
52c                  Sc   Ti    V   Cr   Mn   Fe   Co   Ni   Cu   Zn
53     &           1.60,1.40,1.35,1.40,1.40,1.40,1.35,1.35,1.35,1.35,
54c                  Ga   Ge   As   Se   Br   Kr   Rb   Sr    Y   Zr
55     &           1.30,1.25,1.15,1.15,1.15,1.15,2.35,2.00,1.80,1.55,
56c                  Nb   Mo   Tc   Ru   Rh   Pd   Ag   Cd   In   Sn
57     &           1.45,1.45,1.35,1.30,1.35,1.40,1.60,1.55,1.55,1.45,
58c                  Sb   Te    I   Xe   Cs   Ba   La   Ce   Pr   Nd
59     &           1.45,1.40,1.40,1.40,2.60,2.15,1.95,1.85,1.85,1.85,
60c                  Pm   Sm   Eu   Gd   Tb   Dy   Ho   Er   Tm   Yb
61     &           1.85,1.85,1.85,1.80,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,
62c                  Lu   Hf   Ta    W   Re   Os   Ir   Pt   Au   Hg
63     &           1.75,1.55,1.45,1.35,1.35,1.30,1.35,1.35,1.35,1.50,
64c                  Tl   Pb   Bi   Po   At   Rn   Fr   Ra   Ac   Th
65     &           1.90,1.80,1.60,1.90,1.90,1.90,2.60,2.15,1.95,1.80,
66c                  Pa    U   Np   Pu   Am   Cm   Bk   Cf   Es   Fm
67     &           1.80,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,
68c                  Md   No   Lr  Unq  Unp
69     &           1.75,1.75,1.75,1.55,1.55/
71c     Set print options.
73      oprint = util_print('quadrature', print_high)
74      oprint_grid = util_print('griddebug', print_debug)
76c     allocate space for atomic coordinates and charges
78      if (.not. Ma_Push_Get(MT_Dbl,ncenters*3,'coordinates',lcoord,
79     &   icoord))call errquit(
80     G     'grid_atom_type_info: failed to alloc coordinates',0, MA_ERR)
81      if (.not. Ma_Push_Get(MT_Dbl,ncenters,'charges',lcharge,
82     &   icharge))call errquit(
83     G     'grid_atom_type_info: failed to alloc charges',0, MA_ERR)
84      if (.not. Ma_Push_Get(MT_Byte, ncenters*16, 'center tags',
85     &   ltags, itags))call errquit(
86     G     'grid_atom_type_info: failed to alloc center tags',0,
87     M     MA_ERR)
89c     Get ncenter tags, coordinates, and charges from the geometry object.
91      if (.not. geom_cart_get(geom, ncenters, Byte_MB(itags),
92     &                        Dbl_MB(icoord), Dbl_MB(icharge)))
93     &     call errquit('gridatom_type_info: geom_cart_get failed',geom,
94     &       GEOM_ERR)
96c     generate number of atom types and atom type array iatype(icenter)
98      ntypes = 0
99      do icenter = 1, ncenters
101c        is this a new type of atom?
103         lnewtype = .true.
104         isbq = geom_isbq(geom,icenter)
105         do jcenter = 1, icenter - 1
106            same_atom = Dbl_MB(icharge + icenter - 1) .eq.
107     &         Dbl_MB(icharge + jcenter - 1)
108            same_bq = geom_isbq(geom,jcenter) .and. isbq
109            same_atom = same_atom .or. same_bq
110            if (same_atom .and.
111     &          atom_tag_check(Byte_MB(itags + (icenter - 1)*16),
112     &                         Byte_MB(itags + (jcenter - 1)*16))
113     &         )then   ! same atom type
114               lnewtype = .false.
115               iatype(icenter) = iatype(jcenter)
116               goto 100
117            endif
118         enddo
119  100    continue
120         if (lnewtype)then
121            ntypes = ntypes + 1
122            iatype(icenter) = ntypes
123         endif
124      enddo
125      if (ntypes.gt.dft_ntags_bsmx)then
126        write(LuOut,*) 'grid_atom_type_info:  Too many types of atoms.'
127        call errquit(' grid_atom_type_info: raise dft_ntags_bsmx',2,
128     &       GEOM_ERR)
129      end if
131c     set up type-indexed znuc array; znuc_atom_type
133      do itype = 1, ntypes
134         do icenter = 1, ncenters
135            if (iatype(icenter) .eq. itype)then
137c              center icenter is of type itype; assign charge
139               znuc_atom_type(itype) = Dbl_MB(icharge + icenter - 1)
140               goto 110 ! next type
141            endif
142         enddo
143  110    continue
144      enddo
146c     Define the atomic Bragg-Slater radii for each atom type.
148      do 50 itype = 1, ntypes
150c        find an atom of this kind in the complete list
152         do ictr = 1, ncenters
153            if (iatype(ictr).eq.itype) then
154               iaz = ictr
155               if (.not. geom_cent_get(geom, ictr, tag,
156     &            ictr_coord, ictr_chg))call errquit
157     &            ('grid_atom_type_info: geom_cent_get failed', 0,
158     &       GEOM_ERR)
159               goto 40
160            endif
161         enddo
162   40    continue
164         if (abs(znuc_atom_type(itype)).lt.EPS) then ! uncharged ghost atom;
166c           identify atom label following "bq" or "x" (we already know this
167c           cannot be element Xeon).
169            iptr=3
170c hack for nbo
171            if(tag(3:4).eq.'gh') iptr=5
173c           Dummy centers (i.e. X, XH, X1, whatever) by convention
174c           cannot have charges or basis sets. They are purely
175c           mathematical constructs to specify complex Z-matrices.
176c           Hence they should always have i_atomic_number .eq. 0
177c           no matter what follows the X.
179            if(tag(1:1).eq.'X'.or.tag(1:1).eq.'x') iptr=2
180            if (.not. geom_tag_to_element(tag(iptr:), symbol,
181     &           element, i_atomic_number)) then
182               if (inp_compare(.false.,tag(1:2),'bq')) then
183                  if(bqdontcare) then
184                     i_atomic_number = 1
185                  else
186                     i_atomic_number = 0
187                  endif
188               elseif (inp_compare(.false.,tag(1:1),'X')) then
189                  i_atomic_number = 0
190               else
191                  call errquit(
192     &            'grid_atom_type_info: non-bq center with zero charge',
193     &             0, INPUT_ERR)
194     &
195               endif
196            else
197               if (inp_compare(.false.,tag(1:1),'X')) then
198                  i_atomic_number = 0
199               endif
200            endif
203            if (i_atomic_number.eq.0)then
204               bsrad_atom_type(itype) = EPS
205            else
206               bsrad_atom_type(itype) = BSrad(i_atomic_number)*ANGTOAU
207            endif
208         else    ! center is charged
210c           no quadrature grids on charged ghost atoms
212            if (.not. geom_tag_to_element(tag, symbol,
213     &         element, i_atomic_number)) then
214               if (symbol .ne. 'bq') call errquit
215     &            ('grid_atom_type_info: center is neither atom nor bq',
216     &              0, INPUT_ERR)
217            endif
219            if (i_atomic_number.ne.0)then ! not ghost atom
220               ityp2ctr(itype)=ictr
222               bsrad_atom_type(itype) = BSrad(i_atomic_number)*ANGTOAU
223               if (bsrad_atom_type(itype).lt.EPS)then ! no radius found for atom
224                  write(LuOut,*)' index ',
225     &               int(abs(znuc_atom_type(itype)) + EPS)
226                  write(LuOut,*)' BSR ',
227     &               BSrad(int(abs(znuc_atom_type(itype)) + EPS))
228                  write(LuOut,*)' grid_atom_type_info: ',
229     &               ' Undefined atomic radius '
230                  write(LuOut,*)' for atom type', itype
231                  call errquit('Exiting in grid_atom_type_info.',1,
232     &                UNKNOWN_ERR)
233               endif
234            else ! atomic number zero; charged ghost atom
235               bsrad_atom_type(itype) = EPS
236            endif
237         endif
238   50 continue
240c     Build logical vector to tag centers as point charge centers or
241c     real centers with basis functions
243      do 55 ictr = 1, ncenters
244         itype = iatype(ictr)
245         if (bsrad_atom_type(itype).le.EPS)then
246            iatype_pt_chg(ictr) = .true.
247         else
248            iatype_pt_chg(ictr) = .false.
249         endif
250   55 continue
251      if (.not. MA_Pop_Stack(ltags))
252     &   call errquit('grid_atom_type_info: pop stack failed.',0,
253     &       MA_ERR)
254      if (.not. MA_Pop_Stack(lcharge))
255     &   call errquit('grid_atom_type_info: pop stack failed.',0,
256     &       MA_ERR)
257      if (.not. MA_Pop_Stack(lcoord))
258     &   call errquit('grid_atom_type_info: pop stack failed.',0,
259     &       MA_ERR)
261c     debug writes
263      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0.and.oprint_grid)then
264         write(LuOut,*)' iatype(ncenters) ',
265     &              (iatype(ictr),ictr = 1, ncenters)
266         write(LuOut,*)' iatype_pt_chg(ncenters) ',
267     &              (iatype_pt_chg(ictr),ictr = 1, ncenters)
268         write(LuOut,*)' bsrad_atom_type(ntypes) ',
269     &              (bsrad_atom_type(itype),itype = 1, ntypes)
270         write(LuOut,*)' znuc_atom_type(ntypes) ',
271     &              (znuc_atom_type(itype),itype = 1, ntypes)
272      endif
273      return
274      end
276      logical function atom_tag_check(atom_tag_i, atom_tag_j)
278      implicit none
280      character*16 atom_tag_i, atom_tag_j
281c      write(*,*)' atom_tag_i = ', atom_tag_i
282c      write(*,*)' atom_tag_j = ', atom_tag_j
283      if (atom_tag_i .eq. atom_tag_j)then
284         atom_tag_check = .true.
285      else
286         atom_tag_check = .false.
287      endif
288      return
289      end
291cc AJL/Begin/FDE
293      Subroutine grid_atom_type_info_fde
297      implicit none
298#include "errquit.fh"
300#include "inp.fh"
301#include "util.fh"
302#include "global.fh"
303#include "stdio.fh"
304#include "cdft.fh"
305#include "geom.fh"
306#include "mafdecls.fh"
308      double precision BSrad(105)
309      double precision ictr_coord(3), ictr_chg
310      double precision autoang, angtoau, EPS
311      parameter (autoang = 0.529177249d0, angtoau = 1.d0/autoang)
312      parameter (EPS = 1.d-20)
313      integer itype, ictr, iaz, i_atomic_number, icenter, jcenter
315      integer lcoord, icoord, lcharge, icharge, ltags, itags,iptr
316      logical same_atom, same_bq, isbq
318      character*16 element
319      character*16 tag
320      character*2 symbol
322      logical lnewtype
323      logical atom_tag_check
324      logical oprint, oprint_grid
325c AJL/Begin
326      integer ncenters_fde
327      integer ntypes_fde
328c AJL/End
330      External atom_tag_check
333c     Table of Bragg-Slater Atomic Radii (Angstroms)
335c     Bragg-Slater radii: J.C. Slater, Symmetry and Energy Bands in
337c                         Dover, N.Y. 1972, page 55.
338c                         The radii of noble gas atoms are set to be equal
339c                         to the radii of the corresponding halogen atoms.
340c                         The radius of At is set to be equal to the radius of
341c                         Po.
342c                         The radius of Fr is set to be equal to the radius of
343c                         Cs.
345c                  H    He   Li   Be    B    C    N    O    F   Ne
346      Data BSrad/0.35,0.35,1.45,1.05,0.85,0.70,0.65,0.60,0.50,0.50,
347c                  Na   Mg   Al   Si    P    S   Cl   Ar    K   Ca
348     &           1.80,1.50,1.25,1.10,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,2.20,1.80,
349c                  Sc   Ti    V   Cr   Mn   Fe   Co   Ni   Cu   Zn
350     &           1.60,1.40,1.35,1.40,1.40,1.40,1.35,1.35,1.35,1.35,
351c                  Ga   Ge   As   Se   Br   Kr   Rb   Sr    Y   Zr
352     &           1.30,1.25,1.15,1.15,1.15,1.15,2.35,2.00,1.80,1.55,
353c                  Nb   Mo   Tc   Ru   Rh   Pd   Ag   Cd   In   Sn
354     &           1.45,1.45,1.35,1.30,1.35,1.40,1.60,1.55,1.55,1.45,
355c                  Sb   Te    I   Xe   Cs   Ba   La   Ce   Pr   Nd
356     &           1.45,1.40,1.40,1.40,2.60,2.15,1.95,1.85,1.85,1.85,
357c                  Pm   Sm   Eu   Gd   Tb   Dy   Ho   Er   Tm   Yb
358     &           1.85,1.85,1.85,1.80,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,
359c                  Lu   Hf   Ta    W   Re   Os   Ir   Pt   Au   Hg
360     &           1.75,1.55,1.45,1.35,1.35,1.30,1.35,1.35,1.35,1.50,
361c                  Tl   Pb   Bi   Po   At   Rn   Fr   Ra   Ac   Th
362     &           1.90,1.80,1.60,1.90,1.90,1.90,2.60,2.15,1.95,1.80,
363c                  Pa    U   Np   Pu   Am   Cm   Bk   Cf   Es   Fm
364     &           1.80,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,1.75,
365c                  Md   No   Lr  Unq  Unp
366     &           1.75,1.75,1.75,1.55,1.55/
368c     Set print options.
370      oprint = util_print('quadrature', print_high)
371      oprint_grid = util_print('griddebug', print_debug)
373c Get the number of FDE centers
375      if (.not. geom_ncent(geom_fde, ncenters_fde))
376     &        call errquit('grid_atom_type_info_fde:
377     &                      geom_ncent failed',73, GEOM_ERR)
379c     allocate space for atomic coordinates and charges
381      if (.not. Ma_Push_Get(MT_Dbl,ncenters_fde*3,'coordinates',lcoord,
382     &   icoord))call errquit(
383     .     'grid_atom_type_info: failed to alloc coordinates',0, MA_ERR)
384      if (.not. Ma_Push_Get(MT_Dbl,ncenters_fde,'charges',lcharge,
385     &   icharge))call errquit(
386     '     'grid_atom_type_info: failed to alloc charges',0, MA_ERR)
387      if (.not. Ma_Push_Get(MT_Byte, ncenters_fde*16, 'center tags',
388     &   ltags, itags))call errquit(
389     .     'grid_atom_type_info: failed to alloc center tags',0, MA_ERR)
391c     Get ncenter tags, coordinates, and charges from the geometry object.
393      if (.not. geom_cart_get(geom_fde, ncenters_fde, Byte_MB(itags),
394     &                        Dbl_MB(icoord), Dbl_MB(icharge)))
395     & call errquit('gridatom_type_info: geom_cart_get failed',geom_fde,
396     &               GEOM_ERR)
398c     generate number of atom types and atom type array iatype(icenter)
400      ntypes_fde = 0
401      do icenter = 1, ncenters_fde
403c        is this a new type of atom?
405         lnewtype = .true.
406         isbq = geom_isbq(geom_fde,icenter)
407         do jcenter = 1, icenter - 1
408            same_atom = Dbl_MB(icharge + icenter - 1) .eq.
409     &         Dbl_MB(icharge + jcenter - 1)
410            same_bq = geom_isbq(geom_fde,jcenter) .and. isbq
411            same_atom = same_atom .or. same_bq
412            if (same_atom .and.
413     &          atom_tag_check(Byte_MB(itags + (icenter - 1)*16),
414     &                         Byte_MB(itags + (jcenter - 1)*16))
415     &         )then   ! same atom type
416               lnewtype = .false.
417               iatype_fde(icenter) = iatype_fde(jcenter)
418               goto 100
419            endif
420         enddo
421  100    continue
422         if (lnewtype)then
423            ntypes_fde = ntypes_fde + 1
424            iatype_fde(icenter) = ntypes_fde
425         endif
426      enddo
427      if (ntypes_fde.gt.dft_ntags_bsmx)then
428      write(LuOut,*) 'grid_atom_type_info_fde: Too many types of atoms.'
429        call errquit(' grid_atom_type_info_fde: raise dft_ntags_bsmx',2,
430     &       GEOM_ERR)
431      end if
433c     set up type-indexed znuc array; znuc_atom_type
435      do itype = 1, ntypes_fde
436         do icenter = 1, ncenters_fde
437            if (iatype_fde(icenter) .eq. itype)then
439c              center icenter is of type itype; assign charge
441               znuc_atom_type_fde(itype) = Dbl_MB(icharge + icenter - 1)
442               goto 110 ! next type
443            endif
444         enddo
445  110    continue
446      enddo
448c     Define the atomic Bragg-Slater radii for each atom type.
450      do 50 itype = 1, ntypes_fde
452c        find an atom of this kind in the complete list
454         do ictr = 1, ncenters_fde
455            if (iatype_fde(ictr).eq.itype) then
456               iaz = ictr
457               if (.not. geom_cent_get(geom_fde, ictr, tag,
458     &            ictr_coord, ictr_chg))call errquit
459     &            ('grid_atom_type_info_fde: geom_cent_get failed', 0,
460     &       GEOM_ERR)
461               goto 40
462            endif
463         enddo
464   40    continue
466         if (abs(znuc_atom_type_fde(itype)).lt.EPS) then ! uncharged ghost atom;
468c           identify atom label following "bq" or "x" (we already know this
469c           cannot be element Xeon).
471            iptr=3
472c hack for nbo
473            if(tag(3:4).eq.'gh') iptr=5
475c           Dummy centers (i.e. X, XH, X1, whatever) by convention
476c           cannot have charges or basis sets. They are purely
477c           mathematical constructs to specify complex Z-matrices.
478c           Hence they should always have i_atomic_number .eq. 0
479c           no matter what follows the X.
481            if(tag(1:1).eq.'X'.or.tag(1:1).eq.'x') iptr=2
482            if (.not. geom_tag_to_element(tag(iptr:), symbol,
483     &           element, i_atomic_number)) then
484               if (inp_compare(.false.,tag(1:2),'bq')) then
485                  if(bqdontcare) then
486                     i_atomic_number = 1
487                  else
488                     i_atomic_number = 0
489                  endif
490               elseif (inp_compare(.false.,tag(1:1),'X')) then
491                  i_atomic_number = 0
492               else
493                  call errquit('grid_atom_type_info_fde:
494     &            non-bq center with zero charge', 0, INPUT_ERR)
495               endif
496            else
497               if (inp_compare(.false.,tag(1:1),'X')) then
498                  i_atomic_number = 0
499               endif
500            endif
503            if (i_atomic_number.eq.0)then
504               bsrad_atom_type_fde(itype) = EPS
505            else
506               bsrad_atom_type_fde(itype) =
507     &                        BSrad(i_atomic_number)*ANGTOAU
508            endif
509         else    ! center is charged
511c           no quadrature grids on charged ghost atoms
513            if (.not. geom_tag_to_element(tag, symbol,
514     &         element, i_atomic_number)) then
515               if (symbol .ne. 'bq') call errquit
516     &            ('grid_atom_type_info_fde: center is neither atom nor
517     &              bq', 0, INPUT_ERR)
518            endif
520            if (i_atomic_number.ne.0)then ! not ghost atom
521c               ityp2ctr(itype)=ictr
523               bsrad_atom_type_fde(itype) =
524     &                               BSrad(i_atomic_number)*ANGTOAU
525               if (bsrad_atom_type_fde(itype).lt.EPS)then ! no radius found for atom
526                  write(LuOut,*)' index ',
527     &               int(abs(znuc_atom_type_fde(itype)) + EPS)
528                  write(LuOut,*)' BSR ',
529     &               BSrad(int(abs(znuc_atom_type_fde(itype)) + EPS))
530                  write(LuOut,*)' grid_atom_type_info_fde: ',
531     &               ' Undefined atomic radius '
532                  write(LuOut,*)' for atom type', itype
533                  call errquit('Exiting in grid_atom_type_info_fde.',1,
534     &                UNKNOWN_ERR)
535               endif
536            else ! atomic number zero; charged ghost atom
537               bsrad_atom_type_fde(itype) = EPS
538            endif
539         endif
540   50 continue
542c     Build logical vector to tag centers as point charge centers or
543c     real centers with basis functions
545      do 55 ictr = 1, ncenters_fde
546         itype = iatype_fde(ictr)
547         if (bsrad_atom_type_fde(itype).le.EPS)then
548            iatype_pt_chg_fde(ictr) = .true.
549         else
550            iatype_pt_chg_fde(ictr) = .false.
551         endif
552   55 continue
554      if (.not. MA_Pop_Stack(ltags))
555     &   call errquit('grid_atom_type_info_fde: pop stack failed.',0,
556     &       MA_ERR)
557      if (.not. MA_Pop_Stack(lcharge))
558     &   call errquit('grid_atom_type_info_fde: pop stack failed.',0,
559     &       MA_ERR)
560      if (.not. MA_Pop_Stack(lcoord))
561     &   call errquit('grid_atom_type_info_fde: pop stack failed.',0,
562     &       MA_ERR)
564c     debug writes
566      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0.and.oprint_grid)then
567         write(LuOut,*)' iatype_fde(ncenters_fde) ',
568     &              (iatype(ictr),ictr = 1, ncenters_fde)
569         write(LuOut,*)' iatype_pt_chg_fde(ncenters_fde) ',
570     &              (iatype_pt_chg(ictr),ictr = 1, ncenters_fde)
571         write(LuOut,*)' bsrad_atom_type_fde(ntypes_fde) ',
572     &              (bsrad_atom_type(itype),itype = 1, ntypes_fde)
573         write(LuOut,*)' znuc_atom_type_fde(ntypes_fde) ',
574     &              (znuc_atom_type(itype),itype = 1, ntypes_fde)
575      endif
576      return
577      end
579cc AJL/END