1c $Id$
3C> \ingroup nwdft
4C> @{
6C> \file xc_getv.F
7C> Calculate exchange-correlation energy
9C> \brief Calculate the exchange-correlation energy and Fock matrix
10C> contributions
12C> This driver routine solves for the XC energy and potential (Vxc) via
13C> numerical quadrature methods. The results are obtained either by
14C> direct numerical integration or by means of a LSQ fit of the Vxc to
15C> a set of Gaussian functions. This fitted function can be used to
16C> evaluate Vxc via a summation of a series of 3-center overlap
17C> integrals (3OIs). The algorithms are formulated in terms of matrix
18C> products. See subsequent subroutines for further explanation.
20      Subroutine xc_getv(rtdb, Exc, ecoul,nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv,
21     &                   g_dens, g_vxc, IOLGC, g_wght, g_xyz,g_nq,
22     &                   wght_GA, rho_n, rdens_atom,
23     &                   cetobfr, natoms)
25      implicit none
26#include "errquit.fh"
28      integer nExc      !< [Input] The number of energy terms
29                        !< - nExc=1: Exc(1) = exchange + correlation
30                        !< - nExc=2: Exc(1) = exchange,
31                        !<           Exc(2) = correlation
32      integer iVxc_opt  !< [Input] If 1 then do density fitting for
33                        !< exchange
34      integer g_xcinv   !< [Work] GA for the inversion of the fitting
35                        !< matrix
36      integer g_dens(2) !< [Input] The density matrices, if ipol=1
37                        !< g_dens(1)=\f$D^\alpha+D^\beta\f$, else
38                        !< g_dens(1)=\f$D^\alpha\f$ and
39                        !< g_dens(2)=\f$D^\beta\f$.
40      integer g_vxc(4)  !< [Output] DFT Fock matrix contributions, if
41                        !< ipol=1 g_vxc(1)=\f$F^\alpha+F^\beta\f$, else
42                        !< g_vxc(1)=\f$F^\alpha\f$ and
43                        !< g_vxc(2)=\f$F^\beta\f$.
44      integer g_wght    !< [Work] The grid point weights if wght_GA
45      integer g_xyz     !< [Work] The grid point coordinates if wght_GA
46      integer g_nq      !< [Unused]
47      integer natoms    !< [Input] The number of atoms
48      logical IOLGC     !< [Input] .TRUE. do not use disk for exchange
49                        !< fitting, .FALSE. store data on disk
50      logical wght_GA   !< [Input] .TRUE. store grid points in GA,
51                        !< .FALSE. store grid points on file
52      integer rtdb      !< [Input] The RTDB handle
54#include "mafdecls.fh"
55#include "rtdb.fh"
56#include "bas.fh"
57#include "global.fh"
58#include "tcgmsg.fh"
59#include "cdft.fh"
60#include "oep.fh"
61#include "dftpara.fh"
62#include "util.fh"
63#include "sym.fh"
64#include "stdio.fh"
65#include "case.fh"
66#include "dftps.fh"
68      integer cetobfr(2,natoms) !< [Unused]
69      double precision rho_n    !< [Output] The number of electrons
70                                !< obtained by integrating the density
71      double precision rdens_atom(ipol*natoms*natoms) !< [Unused]
72      double precision jfac(4),kfac(4)
73      integer g_jk(4), g_d(4)
74      logical havehfxc
76      integer  ga_create_atom_blocked
77cc AJL/Begin/FDE
78c      logical xc_gotxc
79c      external ga_create_atom_blocked,xc_gotxc
80      external ga_create_atom_blocked
81cc AJL/End
83c--> XC Energy
85      double precision Exc(2) !< [Output] The energy terms
86                              !< - nExc=1: Exc(1) = exchange +
87                              !<   correlation
88                              !< - nExc=2: Exc(1) = exchange,
89                              !<           Exc(2) = correlation
90      double precision ecoul  !< [Output] The Coulomb energy
92c This driver routine solves for the XC energy and potential (Vxc) via
93c numerical quadrature methods. The results are obtained either by direct
94c numerical integration or by means of a LSQ fit of the Vxc to a set of
95c Gaussian functions. This fitted function can be used to evaluate Vxc
96c via a summation of a series of 3-center overlap integrals (3OIs). The
97c algorithms are formulated in terms of matrix products. See subsequent
98c subroutines for further explanation.
100c              XC Energy and Potential Index Key, Vxc(pq,i)
102c              Value of     |     Definition of index "i"
103c            ipol     nExc  |    1        2        3       4
104c           --------------------------------------------------
105c              1        1   |   Vxc
106c              2        1   |   Vxc^up   Vxc^dw
107c              1        2   |   Vxc
108c              2        2   |   Vxc^up   Vxc^dw
110c           nTcols = ipol
112cc AJL/Begin/FDE
113c      integer me,nTrows,nTcols
114      integer me
115c      integer lTmat,iTmat,g_truevxc(2)
116c AJL: These parameters are unused?
117c      double precision zero,one,onem
118      logical oprint_intermediate_xc, oprint_time
119cc AJL/Unused
120c     ,     oprint_oep
121c      parameter(zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,onem=-1.d0)
122cc AJL/End
123      double precision tol2e
124      integer g_tmp(2)
126c     timings
128      double precision time1_2e,time2_2e
129cc AJL/Begin/FDE
130c      double precision time1_xc,time2_xc
131cc AJL/End
135c Compute the matrix elements for the XC potential and energy.
137      oprint_intermediate_xc = util_print('intermediate XC matrix',
138     $     print_debug)
139      oprint_time = util_print('dft timings', print_high)
140cc AJL/Unused
141c      oprint_oep = util_print('oep', print_high)
142      Exc(1)=0.d0
143      Exc(2)=0.d0
144cc AJL/Begin/FDE
145c      iTmat=0
146cc AJL/End
148      me=ga_nodeid()
149      havehfxc=abs(xfac(1)).gt.1d-8
151      if (oprint_intermediate_xc)then
152c         write(luout,*)' rtdb, Exc, nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv: ',
153c     &               rtdb, Exc, nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv
154c         write(luout,*)'g_dens(1),g_vxc(1),IOLGC,g_wght,g_xyz,wght_GA:',
155c     &               g_dens(1),g_vxc(1),IOLGC,g_wght,g_xyz,wght_GA
156         write(luout,*)' Fock XC matrix entering xc_getv: '
157         call ga_print(g_vxc(1))
158         if(ipol.eq.2)call ga_print(g_vxc(2))
159c         call ga_print(g_dens(1))
160c         if(ipol.eq.2)call ga_print(g_dens(2))
161      endif
163      if(oprint_time)
164     &      time1_2e=util_cpusec()   ! start 2e build time
165      if (havehfxc .or. (.not. CDFIT))then
167c        Compute the exact exchange potential (as in Hartree-Fock calculations).
169         tol2e=10.d0**(-itol2e)
170         call ga_sync
171         if (odftps) call pstat_on(ps_f2e)
172         if (oprint_time)call dft_tstamp(' Before call to fock_2e. ')
173         if (ipol.eq.1) then
174            if (.not. CDFIT) then
175              if (.not.cam_exch) then  ! for regular calculations
177c               set up prefactors
178                kfac(1) = -0.5d0*xfac(1)
179                jfac(1) = 0.0d0
180                jfac(2) = 1.0d0
181                kfac(2) = 0.0d0
183c               get some work space
184                g_vxc(2) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom,ao_bas_han,'jk')
186c               calculate the exchange and coulomb parts
187                call ga_zero(g_vxc(2))
188                g_dens(2)=g_dens(1)
189                call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 2, jfac, kfac,
190     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens, g_vxc, .false.)
191                Exc(1) = Exc(1)+0.5d0*ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_vxc(1))
192                ecoul = 0.5d0*ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_vxc(2))
193                call ga_dadd(1d0,g_vxc(1),1d0,g_vxc(2),g_vxc(1))
194                if (.not. ga_destroy(g_vxc(2))) call errquit
195     $             ('xc_getv: ga corrupt?',0, GA_ERR)
196              else  ! CAM calculations
198c               get some work space
199                g_tmp(1)=ga_create_atom_blocked(geom,ao_bas_han,'work')
200                call ga_zero(g_tmp(1))
202                g_tmp(2)=ga_create_atom_blocked(geom,ao_bas_han,'work')
203                call ga_zero(g_tmp(2))
205c               set up prefactors for exchange
206                kfac(1) = -0.5d0*xfac(1)
207                jfac(1) = 0.0d0
208                kfac(2) = 0.0d0
209                jfac(2) = 0.0d0
210                g_dens(2)=g_dens(1)
211                call case_setflags(.true.)
212                call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 2, jfac, kfac,
213     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens, g_tmp, .false.)
214                Exc(1) = Exc(1)+0.5d0*ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_tmp(1))
215                call ga_dadd(1d0,g_vxc(1),1d0,g_tmp(1),g_vxc(1))
216                call case_setflags(.false.)
218c               calculate the full Coulomb
219                call ga_zero(g_tmp(1))
220                call ga_zero(g_tmp(2))
222c               set up prefactors for coulomb
223                kfac(1) = 0.0d0
224                jfac(1) = 1.0d0
225                kfac(2) = 0.0d0
226                jfac(2) = 0.0d0
227                g_dens(2)=g_dens(1)
228                call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 2, jfac, kfac,
229     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens, g_tmp, .false.)
230                ecoul = 0.5d0*ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_tmp(1))
231                call ga_dadd(1d0,g_vxc(1),1d0,g_tmp(1),g_vxc(1))
233c               destroy work space
234                if (.not. ga_destroy(g_tmp(1))) call errquit
235     $             ('xc_getv: ga corrupt?',0, GA_ERR)
236                if (.not. ga_destroy(g_tmp(2))) call errquit
237     $             ('xc_getv: ga corrupt?',0, GA_ERR)
238              end if
239            else  ! with CDFIT
241c             set up prefactors
242              kfac(1) = -0.5d0*xfac(1)
243              jfac(1) = 0.0d0
245c             calculate the non-CAM exchange
246              if (cam_exch) call case_setflags(.true.)
247                call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 1, jfac, kfac,
248     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens(1), g_vxc(1), .false.)
249              if (cam_exch)  call case_setflags(.false.) ! turn off attenuation
250              Exc(1) = Exc(1)+0.5d0*ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_vxc(1))
251            endif
252         else  ! spin-polarized calculations
253            if (CDFIT) then
254              jfac(1)=0.d0
255              jfac(2)=0.d0
256              kfac(1)=-1.0d0*xfac(1)
257              kfac(2)=-1.0d0*xfac(1)
258              if (cam_exch) call case_setflags(.true.)
259              call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 2, jfac, kfac,
260     &              tol2e, oskel, g_dens, g_vxc, .false.)
261              if (cam_exch) call case_setflags(.false.) ! turn off attenuation
262              Exc(1) = Exc(1)+0.5d0*(ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_vxc(1)) +
263     &              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_vxc(2)))
264            else
265              if (.not.cam_exch) then ! for regular calculations
266               jfac(1) = 1.0d0
267               jfac(2) = 0.0d0
268               jfac(3) = 1.0d0
269               jfac(4) = 0.0d0
270               kfac(1) = 0.0d0
271               kfac(2) = 1.0d0
272               kfac(3) = 0.0d0
273               kfac(4) = 1.0d0
274               g_jk(1) = g_vxc(1) ! This assignment is assumed
275               g_jk(2) = g_vxc(2)
276               g_jk(3) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han, 'jk')
277               g_jk(4) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han, 'jk')
278               call ga_zero(g_jk(3))
279               call ga_zero(g_jk(4))
280               g_d(1)  = g_dens(1)
281               g_d(2)  = g_dens(1)
282               g_d(3)  = g_dens(2)
283               g_d(4)  = g_dens(2)
284               call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 4, jfac, kfac,
285     &              tol2e, oskel, g_d(1), g_jk(1), .false.)
286               ecoul = 0.5d0*( ! Alpha coulomb energy
287     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_jk(1)) +
288     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_jk(3)))
289               ecoul = ecoul + 0.5d0*( ! Beta coulomb energy
290     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_jk(1)) +
291     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_jk(3)))
292               exc(1) = exc(1) - xfac(1)*0.5d0*( ! All exchange energy
293     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_jk(2)) +
294     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_jk(4)))
295               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_jk(1), 1.0d0, g_jk(3), g_jk(1))
296               call ga_copy(g_jk(1), g_jk(3))
297               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_jk(1), -xfac(1), g_jk(2),
298     $              g_jk(1))
299               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_jk(3), -xfac(1), g_jk(4),
300     $              g_jk(2))
301               if (.not. ga_destroy(g_jk(3))) call errquit
302     $              ('xc_getv: ga corrupt?',0, GA_ERR)
303               if (.not. ga_destroy(g_jk(4))) call errquit
304     $              ('xc_getv: ga corrupt?',1, GA_ERR)
305              else
307c              Allocate some scratch space
308               g_tmp(1)=ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han,'tmp1')
309               g_tmp(2)=ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han,'tmp2')
311c              Calculate Coulomb
312               jfac(1) = 1.0d0
313               jfac(2) = 1.0d0
314               kfac(1) = 0.0d0
315               kfac(2) = 0.0d0
316               call ga_zero(g_tmp(1))
317               call ga_zero(g_tmp(2))
318               call case_setflags(.false.)
319               call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 2, jfac, kfac,
320     &              tol2e, oskel, g_dens, g_tmp, .false.)
322c              Accumulate contribution
323               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_vxc(1), 1.0d0, g_tmp(1), g_vxc(1))
324               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_vxc(2), 1.0d0, g_tmp(2), g_vxc(2))
325               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_vxc(1), 1.0d0, g_vxc(2), g_vxc(1))
326               call ga_copy(g_vxc(1), g_vxc(2))
327               ecoul = 0.5d0*( ! Alpha coulomb energy
328     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_tmp(1)) +
329     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_tmp(2)))
330               ecoul = ecoul + 0.5d0*( ! Beta coulomb energy
331     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_tmp(1)) +
332     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_tmp(2)))
334c              Calculate Exchange
335               jfac(1) = 0.0d0
336               jfac(2) = 0.0d0
337               kfac(1) =-1.0d0*xfac(1)
338               kfac(2) =-1.0d0*xfac(1)
339               call ga_zero(g_tmp(1))
340               call ga_zero(g_tmp(2))
341               call case_setflags(.true.) ! turn on attenuation
342               call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 2, jfac, kfac,
343     &              tol2e, oskel, g_dens, g_tmp, .false.)
344               call case_setflags(.false.) ! turn off attenuation
346c              Accumulate contribution
347               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_vxc(1), 1.0d0, g_tmp(1), g_vxc(1))
348               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_vxc(2), 1.0d0, g_tmp(2), g_vxc(2))
349               exc(1) = exc(1) + 0.5d0*( ! Exchange energy
350     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_tmp(1)) +
351     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_tmp(2)))
353c              Deallocate scratch
354               if (.not. ga_destroy(g_tmp(1))) call errquit
355     $              ('xc_getv: ga corrupt?',0, GA_ERR)
356               if (.not. ga_destroy(g_tmp(2))) call errquit
357     $              ('xc_getv: ga corrupt?',1, GA_ERR)
359              end if
360            endif
361         endif
362         if (odftps) call pstat_off(ps_f2e)
363         if (oprint_time)call dft_tstamp('  After call to fock_2e. ')
364         call ga_sync
365      endif
366      if(oprint_time)
367     &      time2_2e=util_cpusec()   ! end 2e build time
369c     print fock_2e build time
371      if(oprint_time) then
372       if (me.eq.0) then
373         write(luout,"(4x,'Fock_2e Build Time:',F13.1,'s')")
374     &              time2_2e-time1_2e
375       endif
376      end if
378c     Get the DFT exchange-correlation contribution
380cc AJl/Begin/FDE
381c  I have moved this to a new subroutine so the XC evaluation can be
382c  called multiple times, as is needed for the FDE evaluation of the
383c  non-additive XC energy
385c      if(util_print('dft timings', print_high))
386c     &      time1_xc=util_cpusec()   ! start xc build time
387c      if (xc_gotxc()) then
388c         if(xcfit) then
389c            nTrows = nbf_xc
390c            nTcols = ipol
391c            if (.not.ma_push_get(MT_Dbl,nTrows*nTcols,'Tmat',lTmat,
392c     &           iTmat))call errquit('xc_getv: cannot allocate Tmat',0,
393c     &       MA_ERR)
394c            call dfill(nTrows*nTcols,0.D0,dbl_mb(iTmat),1)
395c         endif
397c         if(havehfxc.or.(.not.cdfit)) then
398c               if(.not.ga_duplicate(g_vxc(1),g_truevxc(1),'g vxc 1'))
399c     .         call errquit('xcgetv: gaduplicate failed',1, GA_ERR)
400c               call ga_zero(g_truevxc(1))
401c               if(ipol.eq.2) then
402c                  if(.not.ga_duplicate(g_vxc(2),g_truevxc(2),'gv21'))
403c     .         call errquit('xcgetv: gaduplicate failed',1, GA_ERR)
404c                  call ga_zero(g_truevxc(2))
405c               endif
406c         else
407c               g_truevxc(1)=g_vxc(1)
408c               g_truevxc(2)=g_vxc(2)
409c         endif
411c         call grid_quadv0(rtdb, g_dens, g_truevxc,
412c     &                    nexc,rho_n,  Exc, dbl_mb(itmat))
414c         if(havehfxc.or.(.not.cdfit)) then
415c             call ga_dadd(1d0,g_vxc(1),1d0,g_truevxc(1),g_vxc(1))
416c             if (.not. ga_destroy(g_truevxc(1))) call errquit(
417c     &           ' xc_getv: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
418c             if(ipol.eq.2) then
419c                 call ga_dadd(1d0,g_vxc(2),1d0,g_truevxc(2),g_vxc(2))
420c                 if (.not. ga_destroy(g_truevxc(2))) call errquit(
421c     &               ' xc_getv: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
422c             endif
423c         endif
424c         if(util_print('dft timings', print_high))
425c     &         time2_xc=util_cpusec()   ! end xc build time
427cc        print fock_xc build time
428c         if(util_print('dft timings', print_high)) then
429c          if (me.eq.0) then
430c           write(*,"(4x,'Fock_xc Build Time:',F13.1,'s')")
431c     &                 time2_xc-time1_xc
432c          endif
433c         end if
435cc        In case we are performing an xc fit calculation
436c         if(xcfit) then
438cc     symmetrize the "T" vector
440c            if (oskel)then
441c               call sym_vec_symmetrize(
442c     .              geom,xc_bas_han,Dbl_MB(iTmat))
443c               if (ipol.gt.1)then
444c                  call sym_vec_symmetrize(geom, xc_bas_han,
445c     &                    Dbl_MB(iTmat+nbf_xc))
446c               endif
447c            endif
448c            call xc_fitv(rtdb,Dbl_MB(iTmat), nTrows, nTcols,
449c     &           g_vxc, g_xcinv, IOLGC)
450c            if (.not.ma_pop_stack(lTmat))
451c     &           call errquit('xc_getv: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR)
453c         endif
454c      endif
456      if (odftps) call pstat_on(ps_getvxc)
457      call xc_getvxc(rtdb, Exc, nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv,
458     &                   g_dens, g_vxc, IOLGC, rho_n, 0, 0)
459      if (odftps) call pstat_off(ps_getvxc)
460c last two inputs -------------------------------->.fde_option., g_dens_fde
462cc AJL/End
464      if (oprint_intermediate_xc)then
465         write(luout,*)' Fock XC matrix leaving xc_getv: '
466         call util_flush(6)
467         call ga_print(g_vxc(1))
468         if(ipol.eq.2)call ga_print(g_vxc(2))
469         call util_flush(6)
470      endif
472      return
473      end
475C> @}